



单词测试题及答案一、单词拼写(每题2分,共20分)1. 请写出“图书馆”的英文单词。

2. “计算机”的英文单词是什么?3. “博物馆”用英文怎么表达?4. “学校”的英文单词怎么写?5. “医院”的英文单词是什么?6. “银行”的英文单词如何拼写?7. “公园”的英文单词是什么?8. “超市”的英文单词怎么写?9. “电影院”用英文怎么表达?10. “餐厅”的英文单词如何拼写?答案:1. library2. computer3. museum4. school5. hospital6. bank7. park8. supermarket9. cinema10. restaurant二、单词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. I went to the _______ yesterday to borrow some books.2. We use a _______ for doing calculations and tasks.3. The _______ has many historical artifacts on display.4. I study at _______ every day.5. If you are sick, you should go to the _______.6. I deposited some money in the _______ this morning.7. We had a picnic in the _______ last weekend.8. I bought some groceries at the _______.9. We watched a movie at the _______ last night.10. We had lunch at the _______ near our office.答案:1. library2. computer3. museum4. school5. hospital6. bank7. park8. supermarket9. cinema10. restaurant三、单词同义词替换(每题2分,共20分)1. library - book repository2. computer - electronic calculator3. museum - exhibition hall4. school - educational institution5. hospital - medical center6. bank - financial institution7. park - green space8. supermarket - grocery store9. cinema - movie theater10. restaurant - dining establishment答案:1. library - book repository2. computer - electronic calculator3. museum - exhibition hall4. school - educational institution5. hospital - medical center6. bank - financial institution7. park - green space8. supermarket - grocery store9. cinema - movie theater10. restaurant - dining establishment四、单词反义词填空(每题2分,共20分)1. library - ( )2. computer - ( )3. museum - ( )4. school - ( )5. hospital - ( )6. bank - ( )7. park - ( )8. supermarket - ( )9. cinema - ( )10. restaurant - ( )答案:1. library - bookstore2. computer - abacus3. museum - playground4. school - vacation5. hospital - health6. bank - withdrawal7. park - desert8. supermarket - convenience store9. cinema - home theater10. restaurant - kitchen结束语:通过以上单词测试题及答案,希望能够帮助同学们更好地掌握和运用这些基本词汇。



73. likelihood A. 可能 B. 喜爱 C. 相似 D. 健康 74. lure A. 诱惑 B. 治疗 C. 平息 D. 燃烧 75. mediate A. 威胁 B. 调节 C. 合作 D. 旋律 76. moisture A. 谦逊 B. 流动 C. 潮湿 D. 温和 77. necessity A. 消极 B. 必要 C. 关键 D. 偶然 78. obstacle A. 顽固 B. 障碍 C. 含糊 D. 奇迹 79. oversee A. 监督 B. 华侨 C. 海员 D. 偷看 80. patriotic A. 怜悯的 B. 学舌的 C. 忍耐的 D. 爱国的 81. pillow A. 鸽子 B. 家伙 C. 枕头 D. 柱子 82. powder A. 猪肉 B. 粉末 C. 懦夫 D. 沉思 83. proclaim A. 宣告 B. 预言 C. 证实 D. 感叹 84. qualification A. 简化 B. 资格 C. 伪造 D. 属性
37. stupid A. 快的 B. 用心的 C. 固执的 D. 傻的 38. temporary A. 试验性的 B. 瞬间的 C. 终点的 D. 临时的 39. truly A. 深深地 B. 真正地 C. 深情的 D. 务实的 40. violent A. 违反的 B. 猛烈的 C. 有毒的 D. 颤动的 41. absurd A. 荒谬 B. 吸收 C. 抽象 D. 节略 42. adventure A. 企业 B. 进展 C. 广告 D. 冒险 43. ankle A. 脚踝 B. 天使 C. 角度 D. 叔叔 44. assurance A. 助理 B. 资产 C. 保证 D. 轻信 45. banner A. 禁令 B. 旗帜 C. 绷带 D. 徽章 46. blank A. 空白 B. 凄凉 C. 漆黑 D. 坦率 47. breach A. 违背 B. 分支 C. 砖瓦 D. 堵塞 48. cabin A. 橱柜 B. 船舱 C. 电缆 D. 鸟笼



英语词汇量测试试题及答案Level 11.sure A.治疗 B.确信的 C.纯粹的 D.诱惑力 E.不理解2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气 C.皮革 D.羽毛 E.不理解3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门 C.地板 D.粗野的人 E.不理解4.housework A.建房 B.工地 C.家务活 D.家庭作业 E.不理解5.bread A.面包 B.面条 C.水果 D.甜点 E.不理解6.sugar A.糖 B.醋 C.雪茄烟 D.饥饿 E.不理解7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里 C.此外 D.依然 E.不理解8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客 C.邮递员 D.负责人 E.不理解9.unit A.点 B.直到…才 C.单位 D.套装 E.不理解10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视 C.点燃 D.可耻的 E.不理解Level 211.financial A.最终的 B.财政的 C.结束 D.有限的 E.不理解12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的 C.不流动的 D.留鸟 E.不理解13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色 C.冷却器 D.压路机 E.不理解14.ambition A.环境 B.救护车 C.雄心 D.歧义的 E.不理解15.hydrogen A.氦 B.氧 C.氢 D.氯 E.不理解16.pine A.松树 B.葡萄酒 C.矿坑 D.进餐 E.不理解17.surplus A.此外 B.超级的 C.惊喜的 D.剩余 E.不理解18.fireman A.失业者 B.消防员 C.狙击手 D.纵火犯 E.不理解19.outset A.摆放 B.外接装置 C.开始 D.安置 E.不理解20.confusion A.迷惑 B.传播 C.灌输 D.大量 E.不理解Level 321.reliance A.义务 B.信赖 C.宽慰 D.遗迹 E.不理解22.collide A.碰撞 B.巧合 C.滑行 D.滑翔 E.不理解23.sniff A.僵直的 B.东西 C.全体员工 D.嗅…味道 E.不理解24.shaft A.工艺 B.草稿 C.箭杆 D.气味 E.不理解25.cordial A.走廊 B.珊瑚 C.心脏的 D.真挚的 E.不理解26.foul A.灵魂 B.污*的 C.折叠 D.高尚的 E.不理解27.idiot A.笨蛋 B.习语 C.闲混 D.偶像 E.不理解28.inertia A.内部的 B.无活力 C.妨碍 D.间隔 E.不理解29.stall A.安装 B.闲逛 C.凳子 D.畜栏 E.不理解30.prone A.有倾向的 B.促动 C.宣布 D.敏捷的 E.不理解31.shabby A.阴暗的 B.松弛的 C.褴褛的 D.贪婪的 E.不理解32.exotic A.异国风味的 B.色情的 C.神经病的 D.外因的 E.不理解33.cumulative A.刺激性 B.同化 C.清晰的 D.累积的 E.不理解34.corpse A.庄稼 B.汇编 C.尸体 D.兵团 E.不理解35.bishop A.平台 B.主教 C.鱼竿 D.商店 E.不理解Level 436.explicit A.剥削的 B.驱逐的 C.明确的 D.附加的 E.不理解37.dynamite A.动力的 B.炸药 C.氢弹 D.王朝 E.不理解38.idealist A.理想主义者 B.现实主义者 C.唯物论者 D.虚无主义者 E.不理解39.benevolent A.青少年 B.低下的 C.无知的 D.慈善的 E.不理解40.downfall A.落后 B.垮台 C.谷底 D.市中心 E.不理解41.extinct A.卓越的 B.不同的 C.明显的 D.灭绝的 E.不理解42.reptile A.两栖动物 B.爬行动物 C.哺乳动物 D.脊椎动物 E.不理解43.canteen A.食堂 B.瓦罐 C.糖果 D.腌制 E.不理解44.hiker A.劫机犯 B.绑架者 C.徒步旅行者 D.登山者 E.不理解45.fragile A.易碎的 B.易怒的 C.坦诚的 D.狂乱的 E.不理解46.indefensible A.固若金汤的 B.不可原谅的 C.攻无不克的 D.胸怀坦荡的 E.不理解47.lime A.石灰 B.四肢 C.羔羊 D.羊肉 E.不理解48.adventurous A.广告的 B.新兴的 C.喜欢冒险的 D.原创的 E.不理解49.drumstick A.鼓槌 B.指挥棒 C.支架 D.杠杆 E.不理解50.sway A.席卷 B.摇晃 C.膨胀 D.打旋 E.不理解51.respectful A.受人尊敬的 B.表示尊敬的 C.各自的 D.回顾的E.不理解52.alphabetical A.按年代顺序 B.断代的 C.逆序的 D.按字母顺序 E.不理解53.scalar A.标量 B.矢量 C.位图 D.矢量图 E.不理解54.ruthless A.违法的 B.残忍的 C.虚幻的 D.混乱的 E.不理解55.paraphrase A.释义 B.比较 C.空头 D.跳伞 E.不理解Level 556.ballast A.爆炸 B.虚夸 C.导火索 D.压舱物 E.不理解57.corroborate A.搭配 B.合作 C.证实 D.详细说明 E.不理解58.scatterbrain A.失忆的人 B.脑残的人 C.脑力激荡 D.注意力不集中的人 E.不理解59.halter A.缰绳 B.制动装置 C.离合器 D.马蹄铁 E.不理解60.heinous A.不合理的 B.令人发指的 C.可笑的 D.荒谬的 E.不理解61.rearmament A.援军 B.解除武装 C.重置装备 D.后备力量 E.不理解62.trek A.艰辛的路程 B.轨道 C.踪迹 D.路线 E.不理解63.rasp A.竖琴 B.匆忙 C.粗锉刀 D.皮疹 E.不理解64.barrister A.律师 B.障碍 C.美发师 D.炮药桶 E.不理解65.testator A.测试人员 B.见证人 C.品酒师 D.立遗嘱的人 E.不理解66.sappendicitis A.糖尿病 B.阑尾炎 C.附录 D.肺炎 E.不理解67.quixotic A.顽固的 B.不实际的 C.愚忠的 D.势利的 E.不理解68.maniac A.疯狂的 B.冷静的 C.残忍的 D.忧郁的 E.不理解69.transposition A.运输 B.位置互换 C.传播 D.传染 E.不理解70.stamina A.疯狂 B.绝望 C.苦难 D.耐力 E.不理解71.woe A.誓言 B.悲哀 C.愤怒 D.哭泣 E.不理解72.prod A.调查 B.序言 C.有倾向的 D.戳、刺 E.不理解73.arrears A.贫欠款 B.后方 C.空地 D.面积 E.不理解74.forefront A.最前方 B.额头 C.前足 D.前景 E.不理解75.malign A.雄性的 B.高大的 C.有害的 D.无知的 E.不理解Level 676.tauten A.淘气 B.拉紧 C.唆使 D.奚落 E.不理解77.athletics A.抽象艺术 B.神学 C.美学 D.体育运动 E.不理解78.volubility A.自愿 B.环绕 C.喋喋不休 D.旋转 E.不理解79.fosse A.苔藓 B.护城河 C.浮渣 D.总的 E.不理解80.decorticate A.装饰 B.煎药 C.漂泊 D.剥皮 E.不理解81.permissive A.纵容的 B.迷失的 C.思念的 D.长久的 E.不理解82.crochet A.蟋蟀 B.蚂蚱 C.钩针编制 D.螳螂 E.不理解83.purblind A.漩涡的 B.愚钝的 C.流动的 D.默默的 E.不理解84.remonstrance A.* B.回忆 C.传奇 D.汇款 E.不理解85.decrepit A.堕落的 B.收到 C.欺骗 D.破旧的 E.不理解86.outmaneuver A.失控 B.以计谋胜过 C.操作失误 D.退出 E.不理解87.tepefy A.使微热 B.为…典型 C.磁化 D.使钝化 E.不理解88.apocrypha A.佛典 B.箴言 C.伪经 D.咒语 E.不理解89.ringlet A.耳环 B.卷发 C.耳坠 D.耳垂儿 E.不理解90.disinclined A.不屈的 B.执着的 C.虚伪的 D.不情愿的 E.不理解hermost A.恒温的 B.最下面的 C.热固性 D.冷血的 E.不理解92.sibilant A.姐妹的 B.四肢的 C.齐名的 D.发滋滋声的 E.不理解93.sheathe A.讲…差入鞘 B.犀牛皮 C.坚固的 D.坏死的 E.不理解94.eugenic A.优生的 B.遗传的 C.引起过敏的 D.卤素的 E.不理解95.lien A.外星的 B.扣押权 C.亚麻布 D.逗留 E.不理解96.invective A.无礼 B.忤逆 C.刺激 D.咒骂 E.不理解97.liberated A.手工的 B.危险的 C.放纵的 D.上方的 E.不理解98.precipitation A.沉淀物 B.预期 C.预防 D.占据 E.不理解99.innovation A.原始的 B.主动的 C.革新的 D.刺激性的 E.不理解100.wrack A.残骸 B.没用的人 C.愤怒的 D.海藻 E.不理解答案Keys:001—010 B D A C A A A D C B011—020 B A D C C A D B C A021—030 B A D C D B A B D A 031—040 C A D C B C B A D B 041—050 D B A C A B A C A B 051—060 B D A A A D C D A B 061—070 C A C A D B B A B D 071—080 B D A A C B D C B D 081—090 A C B A D B A C B D 091—100 B D A A B D C A C D。



词汇量测试First 10001. see: They saw it.  a. 切 b. 等待等待 c. 看 d. 开始开始2. time: They have a lot of time .  a. 钱 b. 食物食物 c. 时间时间 d. 朋友朋友3. period: It was a difficult period .  a. 问题  b. 时间时间 c. 要做的事情要做的事情 d. 书4. 4. figure: Is this the right figure ? a. 答案答案 b. 地方地方 c. 时间时间 d. 号码号码5. poor: We are poor . a. 贫穷的贫穷的 b. 感到幸福的感到幸福的 c. 很感兴趣的很感兴趣的 d. 不喜欢努力工作的不喜欢努力工作的6. drive: He drives fast. a. 游泳游泳 b. 学习学习 c. 扔球扔球 d. 开车开车7. jump: She tried to jump . a. 漂浮漂浮 b. 跳 c. 停车停车 d. 跑8. shoe: Where is your shoe ? a. 父或母父或母 b. 钱包钱包 c. 钢笔钢笔 d. 鞋子鞋子 9. standard: Her standards are very high. a. 后跟后跟 b. 分数分数 c. 要价要价 d. 标准标准 10. basis: I don't understand the basis . a. 原因原因 b. 话 c. 路标路标 d. 中心议题中心议题 Second 1000 1. maintain: Can they maintain it? a. 维持维持 b. 扩大扩大 c. 改善改善 d. 得到得到2. stone: He sat on a stone . a. 石头石头 b. 凳子凳子 c. 垫子垫子 d. 树枝树枝3. upset: I am upset . a. 疲倦的疲倦的 b. 著名的著名的 c. 富足的富足的 d. 不高兴的不高兴的4. drawer: The drawer was empty. a. 抽屉抽屉 b. 车库车库 c. 冰箱冰箱 d. 鸟笼鸟笼5. patience: He has no patience.a. 没有耐心没有耐心b. 很忙很忙c. 没有信心没有信心d. 不公正不公正6. nil: His mark for that question wasnil.a. 很差的很差的b. 什么也没有的什么也没有的c. 很好的很好的d. 中等的中等的7. pub: They went to the pub.a. 酒吧酒吧b. 银行银行c. 商场商场d. 游泳池游泳池8. circle: Make a circle.a. 素描素描b. 空白空白c. 圆圈圆圈d. 大洞大洞9. microphone: Please use the microphone.a. 微波炉微波炉b. 麦克风麦克风c. 显微镜显微镜d. 手机手机10. pro: He'sHe's a a pro.a. 间谍间谍b. 傻瓜傻瓜c. 记者记者d. 职业运动员职业运动员Third 10001. soldier: He is a soldier.a. 商人商人b. 学生学生c. 金属工艺制造者金属工艺制造者d. 士兵士兵2. restore: It has been restored.a. 重复重复b. 重新分配重新分配c. 降价降价d. 复原复原3. jug: He was holding a jug.a. 罐子罐子b. 聊天聊天c. 贝雷帽贝雷帽d. 枪4. scrub: HeHe is is scrubbing it.a. 抓b. 修理修理c. 刷洗刷洗d. 作素描作素描5. dinosaur: The children were pretending tobe dinosaurs.a. 海盗海盗b. 仙女仙女c. 龙d. 恐龙恐龙6. strap: He broke the strap.a. 诺言诺言b. 盖子盖子c. 盘子盘子d. 带子带子7. pave: It was paved.a. 堵塞堵塞b. 分开分开c. 镶金边镶金边d. 铺路铺路8. dash: They dashed over it.a. 猛冲猛冲b. 磨蹭磨蹭c. 争吵争吵d. 瞥见瞥见9. rove: He couldn't stop roving.a. 喝醉喝醉b. 漂泊漂泊c. 哼曲子哼曲子d. 努力工作努力工作10 lonesome: He felt lonesome . a. 不领情的不领情的 b. 疲倦的疲倦的 c. 孤独的孤独的 d. 精力充沛的精力充沛的Fourth 10001. compound: They made a new compound . a. 协议协议 b. 复合物复合物 c. 公司公司 d. 预言预言2. latter: I agree with the latter . a. 牧师牧师 b.理由理由c. 后者后者d. 答案答案3. candid: Please Please be be candid . a. 小心的小心的 b. 表示同情的表示同情的 c. 公平的公平的 d. 直率的直率的4. tummy: Look Look at at at my my tummy . a. 围巾围巾 b. 肚子肚子 c. 松鼠松鼠 d. 拇指拇指5. quiz: We made a quiz . a. 箭筒箭筒 b. 错误错误 c. 竞赛竞赛 d. 鸟巢鸟巢6. input: We need more input . a. 输入输入 b. 工人工人 c. 填料填料 d. 钱7. crab: Do you like crabs ? a. 蟹 b. 薄脆饼干薄脆饼干 c. 又紧又硬的领子又紧又硬的领子 d. 蟋蟀蟋蟀8. vocabulary: You will need more vocabulary . a. 词汇词汇 b. 技巧技巧 c. 钱 d. 枪9. remedy: We found a good remedy . a. 矫正问题的方法矫正问题的方法 b. 餐馆餐馆 c. 食谱食谱 d. 等式等式10. allege: They alleged it . . a. 辩解辩解 b. 剽窃剽窃 c. 证明证明 d. 反抗反抗Fifth 10001. deficit: The company had a large deficit . a. 出现赤子出现赤子 b. 贬值贬值 c. 有这笔大开销的计划有这笔大开销的计划 d. 在银行里有很多存款在银行里有很多存款2. weep: He wept .a. 毕业毕业b. 哭c. 死d. 担心担心3. nun: We saw a nun . a. 蠕虫蠕虫 b. 事故事故 c. 修女修女 d. 天空中无法解释的亮光天空中无法解释的亮光4. haunt: The house is haunted.a. 充满了装饰物充满了装饰物b. 已被出租已被出租c. 空的空的d. 闹鬼闹鬼5. compost: We need some compost.a. 大力支持大力支持b. 扶持扶持c. 混凝土混凝土d. 堆肥堆肥6. cube: I need one more cube.a. 大头针大头针b. 立方体立方体c. 缸子缸子d. 卡片卡片7. miniature: It is a miniature.a. 微型画微型画b. 显微镜显微镜c. 微生物微生物d. 在书法中把字母连在一起细小的连线在书法中把字母连在一起细小的连线 8. peel: ShallShall I I peel it?a. 浸泡浸泡b. 削皮削皮c. 烫洗烫洗d. 切成薄片切成薄片9. fracture: They found a fracture.a. 裂口裂口b. 碎片碎片c. 夹克衫夹克衫d. 稀有的宝石稀有的宝石10. bacterium: They didn't find a singlebacterium.a. 细菌细菌b. 开有红色或橘黄色花的植物开有红色或橘黄色花的植物c. 骆驼骆驼d. 赃物赃物Sixth 10001. devious: Your plans are devious.a. 诡计多端的诡计多端的b. 成熟的成熟的c. 考虑不周详的考虑不周详的d. 过于昂贵的过于昂贵的2. premier: The premier spoke for an hour.a. 律师律师b. 讲师讲师c. 冒险家冒险家d. 总理总理3. butler: They have a butler.a. 男管家男管家b. 锯c. 家庭教师家庭教师d. 地窖地窖4. accessory: They gave us some accessoriesa. 签证签证b. 官方命令官方命令c. 选择选择d. 额外的零件额外的零件5. threshold: They raised the threshold.a. 旗子旗子b. 门槛门槛c. 天花板天花板d. 利息利息6. thesis: She has completed her thesis.a. 论文论文b. 归纳证词归纳证词c. 试用期试用期d. 延期治疗延期治疗7. strangle: He strangled her.a. 掐死掐死b. 宠坏宠坏c. 绑架绑架d. 赞美赞美8. cavalier: He treated her in acavalier manner.a. 慢待的慢待的b. 礼貌的礼貌的c. 尴尬的尴尬的d. 兄长的兄长的9. malign: His malign influence is still felt. a. 邪恶的邪恶的 b. 好的好的 c. 非常重要的非常重要的 d. 秘密的秘密的10. veer: The The car car veered . a. 改变方向或路线改变方向或路线 b. 剧烈晃动剧烈晃动 c. 发生逆火引起爆鸣发生逆火引起爆鸣 d. 打滑打滑Seventh 1000 1. olive: We bought olives . a. 橄榄橄榄 b. 康乃馨康乃馨 c. 男人的游泳衣男人的游泳衣 d. 清除杂草的工具清除杂草的工具2. quilt: They made a quilt . a. 遗嘱遗嘱 b. 合同合同 c. 被子被子 d. 羽毛笔羽毛笔3. stealth: They did it by stealth . a. 花费大量的钱花费大量的钱 b. 逼迫逼迫 c. 悄悄的或秘密的行动悄悄的或秘密的行动 d. 没有注意到所遇到的问题没有注意到所遇到的问题4. shudder: The The boy boy shuddered . a. 低语低语 b. 差点摔倒差点摔倒 c. 发抖发抖 d. 大声叫喊大声叫喊5. bristle: The bristles are too hard. a. 问题问题 b. 短而硬的毛发短而硬的毛发 c. 折叠床折叠床 d. 鞋底鞋底6. bloc: They have joined this bloc . a. 乐队乐队 b. 小偷帮小偷帮 c. 侦察员侦察员 d. 集团集团7. demography: This book is aboutdemography . a. 土地使用模式研究土地使用模式研究 b. 用图片表示数字事实的研究 c. 水文学水文学 d. 人口学人口学8. gimmick: That's a good gimmick . a. 高空作业时所站的东西高空作业时所站的东西 b. 钱包钱包 c. 引人注意的行为或事物 d. 花招花招9. azalea: This azalea is very pretty. a. 杜鹃花杜鹃花 b. 由天然棉所制成的很轻的材料由天然棉所制成的很轻的材料 c. 莎丽莎丽 d. 扇贝扇贝10. yoghurt: This yoghurt is disgusting. a. 淤泥淤泥 b. 伤口伤口 c. 酸奶酸奶 d. 榅桲榅桲Eighth 10001. erratic: He was erratic . a. 完美的完美的 b. 很坏的很坏的 c. 很有礼貌的很有礼貌的 d. 不可靠的不可靠的2. palette: He lost his palette . a. 装鱼的篮子装鱼的篮子 b. 胃口胃口 c. 年轻的女伴年轻的女伴 d. 调色板调色板3. null: His influence was null..a. 具有好的结果具有好的结果b. 毫无帮助的毫无帮助的c. 没有效果的没有效果的d. 持久的持久的4. kindergarten: This is a goodkindergarten.a. 消遣消遣b. 幼儿园幼儿园c. 背包背包d. 图书馆图书馆5. eclipse: There was an eclipse.a. 飓风飓风b. 泼溅泼溅c. 大屠杀大屠杀d. 日食日食6.6. marrow: This is the marrow.a. 吉祥物吉祥物b. 骨髓骨髓c. 操纵杆操纵杆d. 增加工资增加工资7. locust: There were hundreds of locusts.a. 飞蝗飞蝗b. 志愿者志愿者c. 素食者素食者d. 颜色鲜艳的野花颜色鲜艳的野花8. authentic: It is authentic.a. 真的真的b. 非常吵闹的c. 老的老的d. 干旱的干旱的9. cabaret: We saw the cabaret.a. 壁画壁画b. 卡巴莱卡巴莱c. 蟑螂蟑螂d. 美人鱼美人鱼10. mumble: He started to mumble.a. 集中精力集中精力b. 颤抖颤抖c. 远远地落后于其他人远远地落后于其他人d. 咕哝咕哝Ninth 10001. hallmark: Does it have a hallmark?a. 表明什么时候之前应该被使用的印记表明什么时候之前应该被使用的印记 b. 纯度印记纯度印记c. 表明经过皇室同意的标记表明经过皇室同意的标记d. 禁止复制的标记禁止复制的标记2. puritan: He is a puritan.a. 喜欢被人注意的人喜欢被人注意的人b. 具有严格道德标准的人具有严格道德标准的人c. 吉普赛人吉普赛人d. 守财奴守财奴3. monologue: Now he has a monologue.a. 单眼镜单眼镜b. 独白独白c. 专制专制d. 把字母有趣地连在一起的图画把字母有趣地连在一起的图画4. weir: We looked at the weir.a. 行为古怪的人行为古怪的人b. 红树属植物红树属植物c. 通过吹来演奏的古老金属乐器通过吹来演奏的古老金属乐器d. 拦河坝拦河坝5. whim: He had lots of whims.a. 古老的金币古老的金币b. 母马母马c. 没有任何动机的奇异想法没有任何动机的奇异想法d. 疼痛的红肿块疼痛的红肿块6. perturb: I was perturbed.a. 被迫同意的被迫同意的b. 烦恼的烦恼的c. 困惑的困惑的d. 湿透的湿透的7. regent: They chose a regent.a. 不负责人的人不负责人的人b. 暂时主持会议的人c. 摄政者摄政者d. 代表代表8. octopus: They saw an octopus.a. 猫头鹰猫头鹰b. 潜水艇潜水艇c. 直升飞机直升飞机d. 章鱼章鱼9. fen: The story is set in thefens.a. 沼泽沼泽b. 山地山地c. 贫民窟贫民窟d. 很久以前很久以前10. lintel: He painted the lintel.a. 过梁过梁b. 渡船渡船c. 长有伸展树枝和绿色果实的美丽的树长有伸展树枝和绿色果实的美丽的树 d. 戏院中显示场景的板子戏院中显示场景的板子Tenth 10001. awe: They looked at the mountain withawe.a. 担心担心b. 兴趣兴趣c. 惊奇惊奇d. 尊重尊重2. peasantry: He did a lot for thepeasantry. a. 当地人当地人b. 寺庙寺庙c. 商人俱乐部商人俱乐部d. 农民农民3. egalitarian: This organization is veryegalitarian.a. 保密的保密的b. 保守的保守的c. 诉讼的诉讼的d. 平等主义的平等主义的4. mystique: He has lost his mystique.a. 体格体格b. 神秘性神秘性c. 情人情人d. 胡子胡子 5. upbeat: I'm feeling really upbeat about it.a. 苦恼的苦恼的b. 乐观的乐观的c. 受伤害的受伤害的d. 迷惑的迷惑的6. cranny: We found it in thecranny!a. 旧杂物义卖旧杂物义卖b. 小洞小洞c. 阁楼阁楼d. 大箱子大箱子7. pigtail: Does she have a pigtail?a. 辫子辫子b. 长的衣、袍、裙等拖在地上的部分长的衣、袍、裙等拖在地上的部分 c. 开有一串下垂浅粉色花的植物开有一串下垂浅粉色花的植物d. 情人情人8. crowbar: He used a crowbar.a. 撬棍撬棍b. 化名化名c. 锥子锥子d. 轻的金属拐杖轻的金属拐杖9. ruck: He got hurt in theruck.a. 骨盆骨盆b. 打架打架c. (运动员或竞赛者等的)散乱一群(运动员或竞赛者等的)散乱一群 d. 在雪地上奔跑在雪地上奔跑10. lectern: He stood at the lectern.a. 讲台讲台b. 圣餐桌圣餐桌c. 酒吧酒吧d. 边缘边缘Eleventh 10001. excrete: ThisThis waswas excreted recently.a. 排泄排泄b. 澄清澄清c. 调查调查d. 被列入不合法的事情之中被列入不合法的事情之中2. mussel: They bought mussels.a. 玻璃弹球玻璃弹球b. 贻贝贻贝c. 榅桲榅桲d. 纸巾纸巾3. yoga: She has started yoga.a. 粗绳结的饰物粗绳结的饰物b. 瑜伽瑜伽c. 羽毛球羽毛球d. 东方国家的一种舞蹈东方国家的一种舞蹈4. counterclaim: They made a counterclaim.a. 在法律案件中一方所提出的诉求和另一方的诉求相同另一方的诉求相同b. 要求商店收回有瑕疵的东西要求商店收回有瑕疵的东西c. 两个公司之间交换工作的合同两个公司之间交换工作的合同d. 被子被子5. puma: They saw a puma.a. 由坯建成的小房子由坯建成的小房子b. 来自炎热而干旱国家的树来自炎热而干旱国家的树c. 飓风飓风d. 美洲狮美洲狮6. pallor: His pallor caused them concern.a. 非正常的高温非正常的高温b. 对一切都毫无兴趣对一切都毫无兴趣c. 一帮朋友一帮朋友d. 苍白的皮肤苍白的皮肤7. aperitif: She had an aperitif.a. 躺椅躺椅b. 家庭教师家庭教师c. 带有很高羽毛的大帽子带有很高羽毛的大帽子d. 开胃酒开胃酒8. hutch: Please clean the hutch.a. 隔板隔板b. 行李箱行李箱c. 轮毂轮毂d. 兔笼兔笼9. emir: We saw the emir.a. 尾巴上长有两个长长卷曲羽毛的鸟尾巴上长有两个长长卷曲羽毛的鸟 b. 奶妈奶妈c. 埃米尔(对穆斯林统治者的尊称)埃米尔(对穆斯林统治者的尊称) d. (爱斯基摩人用坚硬雪快砌成的临时栖身用的)拱型圆顶小屋时栖身用的)拱型圆顶小屋10. hessian: She bought some hessian.a. 光泽油亮略呈粉红色的鱼光泽油亮略呈粉红色的鱼b. 大麻大麻c. 一种结实的粗麻布一种结实的粗麻布d. 用来给食物调味的味道浓烈的根状物用来给食物调味的味道浓烈的根状物 Twelfth 10001. haze: We looked through the haze.a. 舷窗舷窗b. 薄雾薄雾c. 窗帘窗帘d. 花名册花名册2. spleen: His spleen was damaged.a. 膝盖骨膝盖骨b. 脾脏脾脏c. 下水管下水管d. 自尊自尊3. soliloquy: That was an excellent soliloquy!a. 六个人唱的歌曲六个人唱的歌曲b. 修饰词或描述性词语修饰词或描述性词语c. 带有灯光和音乐的娱乐带有灯光和音乐的娱乐d. 独白独白4. reptile: She looked at the reptile.a. 手稿手稿b. 爬行动物爬行动物c. 挨家兜售货物的人挨家兜售货物的人d. 水粉画水粉画5. alum: This contains alum.a. 取自一种普通植物的有毒物质取自一种普通植物的有毒物质b. 一种由人造棉所制成的柔软材料一种由人造棉所制成的柔软材料c. 鼻烟鼻烟d. 白矾白矾6. refectory: We met in the refectory.a. 食堂食堂b. 签署法律文件的办公室签署法律文件的办公室c. 宿舍宿舍d. 温室温室7. caffeine: This contains a lot of caffeine . a. 一种让人瞌睡的物质一种让人瞌睡的物质 b. 由坚韧树叶织成的线状物由坚韧树叶织成的线状物 c. 错误的观点错误的观点 d. 咖啡因咖啡因8. impale: He nearly got impaled . a. 控告控告 b. 监禁监禁 c. 被尖物刺中被尖物刺中 d. 陷入争论之中陷入争论之中9. coven: She is the leader of a coven . a. 合唱队合唱队 b. 集体企业集体企业 c. 秘密组织秘密组织 d. 过着严格宗教生活的一群生活在教堂的女人的女人10. trill: He practised the trill . a. 颤音颤音 b. 小提琴小提琴 c. 投球投球 d. (跳芭蕾舞者的)单足旋转单足旋转Thirteenth 10001. ubiquitous: Many weeds are ubiquitous . a. 很难铲除的很难铲除的 b.长有又长又壮根的长有又长又壮根的 c. 在大部分国家都能够被发现的在大部分国家都能够被发现的 d. 在冬天枯竭的在冬天枯竭的2. talon: Just look at those talons ! a. 山顶山顶 b. 爪 c. 盔甲盔甲 d. 傻瓜傻瓜3. rouble: He had a lot of roubles . a. 红宝石红宝石 b. 亲戚亲戚 c. 卢布卢布 d. 心中的道德或者其他难题心中的道德或者其他难题4. jovial: He was very jovial . a. 社会地位低下的社会地位低下的 b. 总爱批评人的总爱批评人的c. 很幽默的很幽默的d. 很友好的很友好的5. communiqué: I saw their communiqué. a. 对一个机构的批评报告对一个机构的批评报告 b. 属于社区成员的花园属于社区成员的花园 c. 用于做广告的印刷材料用于做广告的印刷材料 d. 官方通告官方通告6. plankton: We saw a lot of plankton . a. 毒性传播很快的杂草毒性传播很快的杂草 b. 生活在水中的很小的植物或动物生活在水中的很小的植物或动物 c. 坚硬木质的树木坚硬木质的树木 d. 容易导致土地滑坡的灰色泥土7. skylark: We watched a skylark . a. 飞行表演飞行表演 b. 人造卫星人造卫星 c. 表演魔术的人表演魔术的人 d. 一边鸣叫一边飞得很高的小鸟一边鸣叫一边飞得很高的小鸟8. 8. beagle: He owns two beagles . a. 车顶能够收起来的跑得很快的车车顶能够收起来的跑得很快的车 b. 能够快速射中很多人的枪能够快速射中很多人的枪 c. 长有长长耳朵的小狗长有长长耳朵的小狗 d. 建在度假胜地的房子建在度假胜地的房子9. atoll: The atoll was beautiful. a. 环状珊瑚岛环状珊瑚岛 b. 用细线织成图画的艺术品用细线织成图画的艺术品 c. 女人晚上所佩带的镶嵌有宝石的小皇冠皇冠d. 河水流过大石间的缝隙河水流过大石间的缝隙10. didactic: The story is very didactic . a. 说教的说教的 b. 难以置信的难以置信的 c. 令人兴奋的令人兴奋的 d. 令读者琢磨不透的令读者琢磨不透的Fourteenth 10001. canonical: These are canonical examples. a. 打破常规的打破常规的 b. 取自一本宗教书的取自一本宗教书的 c. 合乎原则并被广泛接受的合乎原则并被广泛接受的最近发现的最近发现的在脚下脚下 在顶部顶部 在这边在这边 在那边在那边长有坚硬脚的动物长有坚硬脚的动物生长几年的一种植物生长几年的一种植物开出的花总是面向太阳的植物开出的花总是面向太阳的植物 有袋类动物有袋类动物预示未来的好事情预示未来的好事情 和预料的很吻合和预料的很吻合具有一种和其它东西搭配在一起很漂亮的色彩漂亮的色彩发出一种清脆而动听的声音发出一种清脆而动听的声音难以预料的难以预料的 令人愉快的令人愉快的 急促的急促的 粗鲁的粗鲁的善谈的善谈的 灵活的灵活的 尴尬的尴尬的 坚决的坚决的一种字典一种字典 一种化合物一种化合物一种特殊的说话方式一种特殊的说话方式 皮下注射皮下注射止痛的药止痛的药血液中的红色的成分血液中的红色的成分 略显红色的白金属略显红色的白金属 鲸家族中的一员鲸家族中的一员特殊的法律特殊的法律 装备有武器的船只装备有武器的船只山脉山脉国王的长子国王的长子清澈的清澈的 含泪的含泪的 深棕色的深棕色的美丽的美丽的。







第一部分:词汇选择题1. 选择与“happy”意义相反的词汇。

a) sadb) angryc) excitedd) cheerful2. 下列单词中,哪一个是动物的名称?a) carb) bookc) dogd) computer3. 选择下列单词中拼写错误的一项。

a) beautifullb) intelligentc) deliciousd) professional4. 下列与“big”意义相近的词汇是:a) smallb) tallc) longd) heavy5. 选择一个与“eat”相关的动词。

a) sleepb) dancec) speakd) drink第二部分:词汇释义题阅读以下句子,选择最符合句意的选项。

1. I have a severe headache, I need to take a/an ______.a) napb) medicinec) umbrellad) pen2. The film was so ______ that I couldn't stop crying.a) boringb) excitingc) funnyd) sad3. Sarah is a ______ student, she always helps her classmates.a) kindb) lazyc) noisyd) mean4. Jack is very ______ about playing the piano.a) talentedb) dangerousc) shyd) tired5. The room was ______, so I couldn't see anything.a) darkb) brightc) noisyd) clean第三部分:句子配对题请根据句子的意思,从下面选项中选择一个最相关的句子。



1.写write2.问ask3.树tree4.听listen5.课桌desk6.我的my7.说speak 8.地图map 9.凉爽cool10.唱sing 11.钢笔pen 12.寒冷cold13.书book 14.手hand 15.鞋shoe16.教师teacher 17. 在…里面in 18.鸟bird19.书包bag 20.头head 21.冬天winter 22.配对match 23.耳朵ear 24.肉meat25.指point 26.食物food 27.鸡蛋egg28.椅子chair 29.温暖的warm 30.帽子cap31.朋友friend 32.大米rice 33.夏天summer 34.爸爸father/dad 35.苹果apple 36.画画draw 37.数字number 38.不no 39.花flower 40.教室classroom 41.梨pear 42.猫cat43.窗户window 44.和and 45.跑run46.儿子son 47.香蕉banana 48.春天spring 49.女儿daughter 50.跳舞dance 51.做饭cook 52.女孩girl 53.热的hot 54.游泳swim 55.男孩boy 56.蛋糕cake 57.手臂arm58.妈妈mother/mum 59.大衣coat 60.脚foot/feet 61.检查check 62.鱼fish 63. 腿leg64.在…上面on. 65.头发hair 66.眼睛eye67.床bed 68.鼻子nose 69.在…下面under 70.打字type 71. 秋天autumn 72.嘴mouth 73.散步walk 74.一one 75.二two76.三three 77.四four 78.五five79.六six 80.七seven 81.八eight82.九nine 83.十ten 84.十一eleven 85.十twelve 86.十三thirteen 87.十四fourteen 88.十五fifteen 89.十六sixteen 90.二十twenty 91.二十一twenty-one 92.三十thirty 93.百hundred 94.千thousand 95. 早上morning 96.下午afternoon 94.傍晚evening 98.夜晚night 99.中国China 100.汉语Chinese1.认识meet2.第一first3.英语English4.课class5.班级class6.学生student7.小姐Ms 8.十二twelve 9….岁year10.十三thirteen11.也too 12.从…来from 13.关闭close 14.打开open 15.匹配march16.写write 17.练习practise 18.城市city19.英格兰England 20.英国的English 21.十四fourteen 22.十一eleven 23.黑板blackboard 24.二十九twenty nine 25.五十fifty 26.父;母parent 27.能够can28.篮球basketball 29.钢琴piano 30.网球tennis 31.乒乓球table tennis 32.骑riding 33.马horse34.欢迎welcome 35.国际的international 36.工厂factory 37.宾馆hotel 38.大学university 39.医院hospital 40.办公室office 41.医生doctor 42.工人worker 43.经理manager 44.秘书secretary 45.在in46.照片photo 47.家庭family 48.她的her49.四十六forty-six 50.电脑computer 51.字典dictionary 52.图书馆library 53.图片picture 54.电视watch TV 55正确的right 56.十五fifteen 57.十六sixteen 58.十七seventeen 59.十八eighteen 60.十九eighteen 61.三十thirty 62.六十sixty 63.七十seventy 64.八十eighty 65.九十ninety 66.饭堂The dining hall 67.体育馆stadium 68.科学science 69.实验室lab70.在…前面in front of 71.在…旁边next to 72.在…后面behind 73.一些some 74.任何(一个)any 75.一one76.建筑物building 77.许多many 78.人们people79.姨aunt 80.祖父grandfather 81.祖父grandfather 82.祖母grandmother 83.祖父母grandparents 84.叔叔uncle85.姐;妹sister 86.有have 87.拥有own88.奶奶grandma 89.爷爷grandpa 90.电子邮件email 91.他(宾格)He 92.制造make 93.健康的healthy 94.橘子orange 95.喝drink 96.水果fruit97.蔬菜vegetable 98.牛肉beef 99.胡萝卜carrot 100.鸡肉chicken1.果汁.fruit juice2.甜瓜melon3.牛奶milk4.洋葱onion5.猪肉pork6.土豆potato7.西红柿tomato 8.最喜欢的favorite 9.面条noodle10.糖果candy 11.可乐coke 12.汉堡包hamburger 13.冰激凌ice cream 14.不健康的unhealthy 15.冰箱refrigerator 16.聚会party 17.生日birthday 18.最近的recently 25.愿意would 26.电影movie 27.体育馆stadium 28.比赛match 29.明星star 30.队伍team31.晚上night 32.周五Friday 33.周一Monday 34.周六Saturday 35.周日Sunday 36.周四Thursday 37.周二Tuesday 38.周三Wednesday 39.和…一起together 40.伟大的great 41.主意idea 42.让let43.让我们…let’s 44.当…时候when 45.邀请invited.46.进行go on 47.询问ask 48.魔术magic49.表演show 50.白天daytime 51.地点place52.价格price 53.剧院theatre 54.时刻moment 55.游泳swimming 56.去go 57.来.come58.今天today 59.计划plan 60.操场playground 61.停留stay 62.游戏game 63.谈论talk64.关于about 65.怎么样?what about 66.时间time 67….点钟clock 68.一半half 69.超过…more than 70.美术art 71.化学chemical 72.历史history73.在at 74.开始start 75.起床get up76.吃eat 77.早饭breakfast 78.房子house79.休息break 80.午饭lunch 81.或者or82.回家go home 83.正餐dinner 84.完成finish85.公园park 86.家务劳动housework 87.不同的different 88.习惯habit 89.总是always 90.卡片card91.礼物gift 92.通常usually 93.经常often94.从不never 95.得到get 96.发送send97.好的good 98.票ticket 99.双;对pair 100.一双a pair of1.软运动鞋The trainers2.牛仔裤(复)Jeans3.T恤T-shirt4.音乐会concert5.盒子. box6.丝绸silk7.衬衫Shirt 8.杂志magazine 9.小说novel10.光盘CD 11.挑选choose 12.大量large13.许多many14.大量;许多large15.衣服clothes 16.音乐music 17.歌手singer 18.通过through 19.在电视上on TV 20.它的its 21.认为think22.想出think out23.旅行trip 24.动物园zoo 25.老虎tiger 26.骆驼Camel27.大象elephant 28.狮子lion29.长颈鹿giraffe 30.袋鼠kangaroo 31.猴子monkey 32.熊猫Panda33.蛇snake34.狼Wolf35.北极熊The polar bear 36. 导游guide37.千Thousands of 38.访问visit 39.每一个everyone 40.动物Animal 41.斑马zebra42.更多more43.澳大利亚Australia44.澳大利亚的Australian45.北极arctic46.欧洲Europe47.欧洲的European 48.亚洲Asia49.亚洲的Asian 50.在这里Here 51.竹子. bamboo 52.非洲Africa 53.非洲的Africa.54.美国America 55.美国America's的56.大洋洲Oceania 57.大洋洲的Oceania 58.沙漠desert 59.森f orest 60.热带雨林tropical rainforest 61.草grass 62.草原grassland63.印度India64.叶子leaves 65.世界world66.电脑computer 67.键盘keyboard 68.显示器monitor 69.老鼠mouse70.打印print71.打印机printer 72.连接connect 73.把…开启turn on 74.接通through75.最后last76.首先first 77.文件file 78.使用use79.点击click80.其次secondly 81.保存save82.方框box83.然后then84.再一次again 85.在线的online86.旅行travel 87.下载download 88.网络Internet 89.孙女granddaughter90.有时Sometimes 91.检查check92.火车train 93.时刻表schedule 94.笔记本电脑laptop95.周末weekend 96.网站website 97.伦敦London98.信息message 99.种类kind100.科目subject1.新闻news2.背景background3.以前ago4.飞行员pilot5.儿子son6.轨道7.到达arrive 8.高度high 9.飞行fly10.持续continued 11.陆地land 12.安全地safely 13.第三third 14.人people 15.空军air force 16.项目project 17.休息rest 18.丈夫husband19.日期day 20.中间middle 21.结束end22.花费(金钱)spend 23.希望hope 24.希望hope25.在度假on holiday 26.买东西go shopping27.明天tomorrow 28.外婆(口)grandmother 29.和…一起玩play with 30.意义idea31.翻译v translate 32.翻译n translate 33.正确的true 34.将…配对match 35.数字number 36.重复repeat 37.语法grammar 38.语音speech 39.文章passage 40.标点符号41.拼写spelling 42.学期term 43.建议advice 44.写下write down 45.错误mistake 46.笔记本notebook 47.其他other 48.收音机video 49.报纸newspaper 50.信息message 51.笔友penfriend 52.每个every 53.不同的人different people 54.互相each other 55.好极了(口)great 56.管弦乐队orchestra 57.发送send 58.语言language 59.提高grow 60.主要的main 61.看look 62.猜测guess 63.请,就please 64.你自己yourself 65.过得快乐have a good time 66.害羞的shy67.谈话talk 68.深的deep 69.呼吸breathing 70.微笑smile 71.记住remember 72.忘记forget73.一张 a piece of 74.放置take 75.数number 76.总是always 77.口音accent 78.祝愿wish 79.借borrow 80.组group 81.分数mark 82.俱乐部club 83.创办founded 84.一起together 85.听见hear 86.经历experence 87.曾经yet 88.竞争competition 89.机场airport 90.客舱cabin 91.乘务员steward 92.机长captain 93.国家country 94.起飞get off 95.以前before 96.问题problem 97.绝妙的excellent 98.奖品prize 99.认为think 100.听起来sound1.梦想dream2.某人somebody3.种类kind4.西方的western5.成为现实become true6.在国外in foreign7.极好的excellent 8.任何地方any place 9.中国城Chinese city10.意大利人Italian 11 美味的delicious 12.比萨饼pizza13.三明治sandwich 14.超过more than 15.卖sell16.卖光sold out 17.音乐家musician 18.匕首dagger19.座位seat 20.在…旁边next to21.品尝taste22.仅仅only 23.还also 24.石头stone25.爬climb 26.烤鸭rock duck 27.宫殿palace29.娱乐entertainment 30.名字name 31.地球earth32.火星mars 33.已经has 34.刚刚just35.模型model 36.车站bus stop 37.太空站space station 38.感到恐慌fell panic 39.最新的the latest40.几个的a few 41.月month 42.发现find43.最近recent 44.航天飞机shuttle 45.展示show46.多于more than 47.行星planets 48.太阳系solar system 49.也also 50.没有一个no one 51.环境environment 52.空气air 53.生长growth 54.部分part55.星系system 56.十亿billion 57.宇宙place58.光线light 59.在…之外beside 60.孤单的lonely 61.入口entrance 62.花费spend 63.更喜爱prefer 64.日记diary 65.甚至even 66.木星Jupiter 67.秘密secret 68.真正的true 69.两次twice 70.探测detection 71.不载人的do not manned 72.学习study 73.教teach 74.校长headteacher 75.从…以来from 76.与…相处get with 77.筹集raise 78.听说hear 79.贫穷的pool 80.计划plan 81.仍然too82.筹集raise 83.参加join 84.描述description 85.扔throw 86.退学drop out of school 87.重要的important 88.生病的ill 89.照顾look after 90.支付pay 91.乡下country 92.培训train 93.电cable 94.听说hear 95.也许also 96.幸运地luckily 97.指着point 98.任务misson 99.组织organization 100. 健康health1.情况condition2.标志symbol3.海龟turtles4.起因cause5.喂养feeding6.设计design7.珠宝jewelry 8.例如for example 9.提供provide10.困难difficult11.干净的Clean 12.污染pollution13.茶馆teahouse 14.主要的The main 15.兴趣interest16.提议Offer 17.同意Agree18.几乎almost19.不可能的Impossible 20.低语whisper 21.特别的special22.发生happen 23.观众audience 24.顾客customer25.王朝dynasty 26.失去lost 27.大师master28.第二十twentieth 29.男服务员men waiter 30.民间的civil31.杂技表演acrobatics performances 32.让人感到快make people happy33.表演performances34.装满的full of 35.银三silver 36.云cloud37.阵雨showers 38.摄氏温度Celsius temperature 39.度数degrees 40.冰冻的frozen 41.多雪的snowy42.开玩笑play a joke 43.湿润的moist 44.可能的able45.刮大风的scraping Gale of 46.或许may 47.阳光充足的sunny48.凉爽的cool 49.干燥的drying 50.多云的cloudy51.相机camera 52.游泳衣swimming suit 53.西北northwest54.伞umbrella 55.令人愉快的pleasant 56.东南. Southeast57.有时sometimes 58.秋天(Am E)autumn 59.和…比较compare…with 60.可能的may 61.有暴风雨的storm 62.照耀shines63.依靠relies on 64.最好的best 65.火车优惠卡train offers card 66.真诚的sincere 67.国际象棋chess 68.棋盘board 69.筷子chopsticks 70.钱包wallet 71.肥皂soap 72.聊天chat 73.行动action 74.悬挂hanging 75.等待wait for 76.立刻immediately 77.接受accept 78.包装packaging 79.幸运的lucky 80.打扫卫生clean 81.打破break 82.任何事情any things 83.收到received 84风俗习惯customs 85.问候greetings 86.噪音noise 87.婚礼wedding 88.逗留stay 89.少量的 a small number of 90.大约som 91.倾倒dumping 92.移动的move 93.大声地loudly94.扔threw 95.肩膀shoulder 96.抓住seize97.身体body 98.吸烟smoking 99. passport护照100.垃圾spam 101.人行横道crosswalks 102.垃圾箱trash 103.快乐的happy 104.毛皮fur 105.村民villagers106.鞠躬bow1.收集collect2.整理tidy3.收拾tidy up4.娃娃doll5.扇子fan6.邮票stamp7.零乱的untidy 8.最小的least 9.占用take up10.总是all the time 11.对…感兴趣Interested in 12.采访interview13.如同like 14.山地自行车mountain bike 15.排球volleyball16.驾驶帆船driving sailing 17.有创造力has creativity of 18.懒惰的lazy of 19.有用的useful of 20.发展development 21.技能skills22.营地camp 23.并且and 24.活动activities25.比如such as 26.讨论会Seminar 27.职业的occupational of 28.想象imagine 29.高中high school 30. 十几岁teenage aged 31.十几岁的青少年teenage aged of youth 32.出版come out33.效果effect 34.结果results 35.快乐happy 36.成功success 37.应该should 38.友谊friendship 39.拥有has40.等一下hold the line 41.现在Now 42.如果if43.是否if 44.是否whether45.个人的46.同班同学classmates 47. 事实上in fact 48. 公共的public 49. .两个two50. 亲戚relatives 51. 亲近的close 52. 关closed53. 外国人foreigners 54. 觉得55. 随便说casual56. .礼物gift 57. 初中junior high school 58. 小学primary 59. 遥远的distant 60. 孤独的lonely 61. 害怕的afraid 62害怕做afraid of doing sth63.和…交朋友and SB Cross friends64.任何人anyone 65. 大笑laugh 66. 焦虑anxiety 67. 担心worry 68. .通常的usually of 69. 在那时in that moment 70. .通过by 71. 触摸touch 72. 明亮的bright of 73. 一天天地day by day to 74. 事件event 75. .相信believe 76. 开始began 77. 小心carefully 78. 赢win 79. 新闻播报员news reproter 80. .报道reported 81. 新闻记者journalists 82. .成绩results 83. 每个人everyone 84. 提及mentioned 85. 不客气bluntly 86. 准备prepared 87. 得分scored 88. 憎恨hate 89. 嘘h ush 90. .向下看down see 91. .解释explained 92. 声音sound 93. 似乎Seems to be 94. 要…to SB 95. 听众the audience 96. 关闭close 97. 周刊weekly 98. 文章Article 99. 麦克风microphone 100. 玻璃glass1.听起来sound2.检查check3.按press4.按钮button5.介绍n. instruction6.录像video7.录像机video camera 8.复制copy 9.内存memory 10.打开turn on 11.爱尔兰Irish 12.借出lend 13.录音机recorder 14.第二second 15.录音重放playback 16.赶快come on 17.女士lady 18.先生gentleman 19.咬bite 20.挽救某人的生命save one’s life 21.盘子dish 22.出现appear 23.隐藏hid 24.凉爽的cool 25.胸膛chest 26.伤害hurt 27.错误的wrong 28.药物medicine 29.提出suggest 30.关上turn off 31.文本text 32.手机电子贺卡mobycard 33.机会chance 34.能够able 35.能,会be able to 36.打败beat 37.羞耻shame 38.憾事pity 39.拒绝refuse 40.警告warn 41.一起all together 42.独奏solo 43.在…结束时at the end of 44.宁可rather 45.最终的final 46.练习practice 47.惩罚punish 48.如此such 49.考试exam 50.真理truth 51.证明prove 52.诚实的honest 53.在…上面onto 54.拿走take off 55.可怕的terrible 56.至少at least 57.零用钱pocket money 58.毕竟after all 59.帮助某人做某事help sb with sth 60.明白realise 61.病毒virus 62.修理mend 63.赶快hurry up 64.不诚实的dishonest 65.架子shelf 66.偷steal 67.钥匙key 68.精力充沛的energetic 69.未付款的unpaid 70.广播air 71.付钱的paid 72.在…之中among 73.醒着的awake 74.困乏的sleepy 75.太;也too 76.烦恼的worried 77.打击fight 78.海盗pirate 79.航行sail 80.船ship 81.今晚tonight 82.表演act 83.角色character 84.可信的believable 85.丢失的lost 86.脸face 87.面对面face to face 88.行动action 89.战斗fighting 90.玩play 91.场景scene 92.浪漫的romantic 93.有趣的funny 94.虽然although 95.意见opinion 96.某人来看in one’s opinion 97.除了…之外except 98.建议advise 99.我们自己ourselves 100.意见;评论comment1.充足plenty2.许多plenty of3.赢家winner4.休息off5.几乎不herdly6.交通traffic7.通过cross 8.所有的whole 9.电话phone 10.我自己myself 11.石头rock 12.士兵soldier13.范围area 14.醒来wake 15.叫醒wake up16.帐篷tent 17.缆车cable 18.顶部top19.小路path 20.瀑布waterfall 21.植物plant22.拔pull 23.庆祝celebrate 24.劳动labour25.季节season 26.假期vacation 27.当…时候while28.劳动节Labour Day 29.一…就…as soon as 30.结局ending31.开始beginning 32.遍布all over 33.依靠depend34.倒数count down 35.聚会get together 36.决定resolution37.名单list 38.一栏 a list of 39.帮…克服困难help out40.保证promise 41.零zero 42.母亲节Mather’s Day43.目的是so that 44.避免avoid 45.勇敢的brave46.借口excuse 47.想法thought 48.自己on one’s own49.发生come up 50.重写rewrite 51.打赌bet52.军队army 53.加拿大Canada 54.加拿大人Canadian55.医学的medical 56.治疗v. treat 57.治疗n. treatment 58.博士Dr(=doctor) 59.献身于give one’s life to 60.前线front61.受伤的injured 62.战争war 63.第一次世界大战First World War64.发明invent 65.工具tool 66.地方的local67.动手术v. operate 68.手术n. operation 69.尽管… in spite of70.最后in the end 71.照顾take care of 72.完美的perfect73.登(机、船…)board 74.登机门flight 75.傻里傻气的silly 76.户外的outdoor 77.如此…以至…so…that 78.商业business79.空的empty 80.胃stomach 81.燃烧burn82.足够的enough 83.一切everything 84.大学college85.上大学go to college 86.生活的living 87.简单的simple88.适当的properly 89.一点也不…not..at all 90.送别…see off91.设法做到manage 92.闹钟alarm 93.响ring94.话题topic 95.介绍n. introduction 96.属于belong97.招收recruit 98.分享share 99.程度extent 100.从某种程度上讲to some extent。



儿童英语词汇量测试一、基础词汇(动物类)1. cat(猫)- 发音:[kæt]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:The cat is sleeping.2. dog(狗)- 发音:[dɒg]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:I have a dog.3. bird(鸟)- 发音:[bɜːd]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:The bird can fly.二、颜色类。

1. red(红色)- 发音:[red]- 词性:形容词(adj.)- 例句:The apple is red.2. blue(蓝色)- 发音:[bluː]- 词性:形容词(adj.)- 例句:The sky is blue.3. green(绿色)- 发音:[ɡriːn]- 词性:形容词(adj.)- 例句:The tree is green.三、食物类。

1. apple(苹果)- 发音:[ˈæpl]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:I like to eat an apple.2. banana(香蕉)- 发音:[bəˈnɑːnə]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:A banana is yellow.3. cake(蛋糕)- 发音:[keɪk]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:We have a cake for the party.四、家庭成员类。

1. father(父亲)- 发音:[ˈfɑːðə(r)]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:My father is a kind man.2. mother(母亲)- 发音:[ˈmʌðə(r)]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:Mother loves me very much. 3. sister(姐妹)- 发音:[ˈsɪstə(r)]- 词性:名词(n.)- 例句:My sister is a student.。




1. apple.- 音标:[ˈæpl]- 词性:名词(n.)- 释义:苹果。

2. big.- 音标:[bɪɡ]- 词性:形容词(adj.)- 释义:大的。

3. run.- 音标:[rʌn]- 词性:动词(v.)- 释义:跑。

4. happy.- 音标:[ˈhæpi]- 词性:形容词(adj.)- 释义:快乐的。

5. book.- 音标:[bʊk]- 词性:名词(n.)- 释义:书。

6. red.- 音标:[red]- 词性:形容词(adj.)- 释义:红色的。

7. cat.- 音标:[kæt]- 词性:名词(n.)- 释义:猫。

8. jump.- 音标:[dʒʌmp]- 词性:动词(v.)- 释义:跳。

二、拓展词汇(初中阶段人教版可能涉及)1. library.- 音标:[ˈlaɪbrəri]- 词性:名词(n.)- 释义:图书馆。

- 音标:[ˈsaɪəns]- 词性:名词(n.)- 释义:科学。

3. interesting.- 音标:[ˈɪntrəstɪŋ] - 词性:形容词(adj.)- 释义:有趣的。

4. subject.- 音标:[ˈsʌbdʒekt]- 词性:名词(n.)- 释义:学科;主题。

5. difficult.- 音标:[ˈdɪfɪkəlt] - 词性:形容词(adj.)- 释义:困难的。

6. music.- 音标:[ˈmjuːzɪk]- 词性:名词(n.)- 释义:音乐。

- 音标:[frend]- 词性:名词(n.)- 释义:朋友。

8. beautiful.- 音标:[ˈbjuːtɪfl] - 词性:形容词(adj.)- 释义:美丽的。




1. “apple” [ˈæpl] (n.) 这个单词的中文意思是什么?A. 香蕉。

B. 苹果。

C. 橙子。

2. “book” [bʊk] (n.) “I have a ______.”在这个句子中,book最恰当的含义是?A. 预订。

B. 书本。

C. 树干。

3. “big” [bɪɡ] (adj.) 以下哪个单词是它的反义词?A. small [smɔːl] (adj.)B. tall [tɔːl] (adj.)C. long [lɒŋ] (adj.)4. “run” [rʌn] (v.) 它的现在分词形式是什么?A. ran.B. running.C. runned.5. “happy” [ˈhæpi] (adj.) 下列哪个单词与它的意思最相近?A. sad [sæd] (adj.)B. glad [ɡlæd] (adj.)C. angry [ˈæŋɡri] (adj.)6. “teacher” [ˈtiːtʃə(r)] (n.) 这个单词是指?A. 学生。

B. 老师。

C. 教室。

7. “cat” [kæt] (n.) 猫的复数形式是?A. cat.B. cats.C. caties.8. “red” [red] (adj.) 它对应的颜色是什么?A. 红色。

B. 蓝色。

C. 绿色。

9. “under” [ˈʌndə(r)] (prep.) 在句子“The ball is ______ the table.”中,under的意思是?A. 在……上面。

B. 在……下面。

C. 在……旁边。

10. “desk” [desk] (n.) 这是一种什么家具?A. 椅子。

B. 书桌。

C. 床。



英语高频词汇测试一、词汇测试(一)1. able.- 发音:[ˈeɪbl]- 词性:形容词。

- 词义:能够的,有能力的。

例如:He is able to speak English fluently.(他能够流利地说英语。

)2. about.- 发音:[əˈbaʊt]- 词性:介词、副词。

- 词义:关于;大约。

作为介词,如:This book is about history.(这本书是关于历史的。

)作为副词,如:It's about six o'clock.(大约六点钟了。

)3. above.- 发音:[əˈbʌv]- 词性:介词、副词、形容词。

- 词义:在……上面;在上面;上面的。

例如:The picture is above the desk.(这幅画在桌子上方。

)The sky above was blue.(上面的天空是蓝色的。

)4. accept.- 发音:[əkˈsept]- 词性:动词。

- 词义:接受。

例如:She accepted his invitation.(她接受了他的邀请。

)5. across.- 发音:[əˈkrɒs]- 词性:介词、副词。

- 词义:横过,穿过;在对面。

例如:He walked across the street.(他穿过街道。

)The bank is just across from the supermarket.(银行就在超市的对面。

)二、词汇测试(二)1. act.- 发音:[ækt]- 词性:动词、名词。

- 词义:行动,表演;行为。

例如:He acted bravely in the accident.(他在事故中表现勇敢。

)His act made everyone laugh.(他的行为让每个人都笑了。

)2. active.- 发音:[ˈæktɪv]- 词性:形容词。

- 词义:积极的,活跃的。

例如:She is an active girl.(她是一个积极的女孩。



单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________1单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________2单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________3单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________4单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________5单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________6单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________7单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________8单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________9单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________10单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________11单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________12单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________13单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________14单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________15单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________16单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________17单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________18单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________19单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________20单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________21单词测试班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_________22。



测试词汇量的试题及答案一、选择题1. The word "fluctuate" means:A) To remain steadyB) To move back and forthC) To increase rapidlyD) To change regularly答案:D2. In the sentence "He is an adept at playing the piano," the word "adept" means:A) BeginnerB) SkilledC) IndifferentD) Uninterested答案:B3. The term "altruism" refers to:A) SelfishnessB) GenerosityC) GreedD) Vanity答案:B4. If someone is described as "indolent," they are consideredto be:A) HardworkingB) LazyC) EnergeticD) Ambitious答案:B5. "Ephemeral" is a word that describes something that:A) Lasts a long timeB) Is eternalC) Lasts only a short timeD) Is immortal答案:C二、填空题6. The opposite of "optimistic" is __________.答案:pessimistic7. A person who is "meticulous" is known for being very__________.答案:careful8. The word "conundrum" is often used to describe a difficult __________.答案:problem9. If you are "indignant" about something, it means you are very __________.答案:angry10. "Serendipity" refers to the occurrence of fortunate events by __________.答案:chance三、匹配题11. Match the following words with their definitions.A. AmbiguousB. AnarchyC. CatalystD. DelineateE. Equanimityi) A state of lawlessness and disorderii) To outline or describe in detailiii) A substance that speeds up a reactioniv) A state of calmness and composurev) Unclear or open to more than one interpretation答案:A - vB - iC - iiiD - iiE - iv四、同义词替换题12. Replace the word "innovative" with a synonym in the sentence: "The company is known for its innovative approach to technology."答案:creative13. Find a synonym for "meticulous" in the sentence: "The scientist was meticulous in her research."答案:thorough14. Replace "eloquent" with a synonym in the sentence: "The speaker was eloquent and persuasive."答案:articulate15. Find a synonym for "tenacious" in the sentence: "The athlete was tenacious in her pursuit of victory."答案:determined五、反义词匹配题16. Match the following words with their antonyms.A. AvariceB. FrugalityC. GenerosityD. IndolenceE. Prodigalityi) Wastefulnessii) Stinginessiii) Lazinessiv) Liberalityv) Greed答案:A - vB - iiC - ivD - iiiE - i六、完形填空题17. Despite the __________ weather, the hikers continued their journey.A) inclementB) clementC) sereneD) tranquil答案:A18. The __________ of the old building was evident in its peeling paint and sagging roof.A) antiquityB) modernityC) noveltyD) obsolescence答案:D19. She approached the task with a __________ that was admirable.A) diligenceB) lethargyC) reluctanceD) enthusiasm答案:D20. The __________ of the forest was broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves.A) silenceB) noiseC) clamorD) din答案:A七、翻译题21. Translate the following sentence from English to Chinese: "The tranquility of the countryside is a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of the city."答案:乡村的宁静是城市喧嚣忙碌生活的一个受欢迎的变化。



5分钟单词测试1. love -爱2. family -家庭3. friends -朋友4. school -学校5. teacher -老师6. student -学生7. class -班级8. study -学习9. homework -作业10. exam -考试11. book -书12. pen -笔13. paper -纸14. computer -电脑15. internet -互联网16. sport -运动17. health -健康18. food -食物19. water -水20. drink -饮料21. music -音乐22. movie -电影23. game -游戏24. exercise -锻炼25. swim -游泳26. run -跑步27. walk -走路28. dance -跳舞29. dream -梦想30. goal -目标31. hope -希望32. believe -相信33. trust -信任34. happy -快乐35. sad -悲伤36. angry -生气37. excited -兴奋38. afraid -害怕39. brave -勇敢40. kind -善良41. helpful -乐于助人42. patient -有耐心43. friendly -友好44. quiet -安静45. loud -大声46. smart -聪明47. intelligent -聪明48. creative -创造性49. talented -有才能50. hardworking -勤奋51. lazy -懒惰52. careless -粗心53. strict -严格54. funny -有趣55. interesting -有趣56. boring -无聊57. quiet -安静58. noisy -吵闹59. lazy -懒惰60. active -活跃61. relaxed -放松62. tense -紧张63. calm -平静64. excited -兴奋65. frightened -害怕66. surprise -惊喜67. disappointment -失望68. success -成功69. failure -失败70. progress -进步71. improvement -改进72. challenge -挑战73. difficulty -困难74. problem -问题75. solution -解决方法76. skill -技能77. talent -天才78. opportunity -机会79. choice -选择80. decision -决定81. responsibility -责任82. permission -许可83. advice -建议84. help -帮助85. support -支持86. encouragement -鼓励87. praise -表扬88. criticism -批评89. complaint -抱怨90. apologize -道歉91. forgive -原谅92. respect -尊重93. gratitude -感激94. hope -希望95. expectation -期望96. wish -愿望97. dream -梦想98. goal -目标99. ambition -野心100. success -成功。



1-5年级单词分类测试题1. stationary学习用品book brush ruler pencilpen crayon eraser backpacknotebook stapler disk whiteout folder sticker dictionary scissors CD playerpaper pencil case glue stick书毛笔尺子铅笔钢笔蜡笔橡皮书包笔记本订书器磁盘涂改液文件夹贴画字典剪刀激光唱机纸铅笔盒胶棒book brush ruler pencilpen crayon eraser backpacknotebook stapler disk whiteout folder sticker dictionary scissors CD playerpaper pencil case glue stick书毛笔尺子铅笔钢笔蜡笔橡皮书包笔记本订书器磁盘涂改液文件夹贴画字典剪刀激光唱机纸铅笔盒胶棒2. Body 身体eye hand ear mouth nose face leg arm head hairneck foot feet toe knee眼睛手耳朵嘴鼻子脸腿胳膊头头发脖子脚脚(复数)脚趾膝盖2. Body 身体eye hand ear mouth nose face leg arm head hairneck foot feet toe knee眼睛手耳朵嘴鼻子脸腿胳膊头头发脖子脚脚(复数)脚趾膝盖cat rabbit dog monkey tigerpig lion panda elephant ratox horse sheep goatzebra kangaroo snake turtle goldfish bird chicken duck rooster parrot猫兔子狗猴子老虎猪狮子熊猫大象鼠牛马绵羊山羊斑马袋鼠蛇乌龟金鱼鸟小鸡鸭子公鸡鹦鹉3. a nimalcat rabbit dog monkey tigerpig lion panda elephant ratox horse sheep goatzebra kangaroo snake turtle goldfish bird chicken duck rooster parrot猫兔子狗猴子老虎猪狮子熊猫大象鼠牛马绵羊山羊斑马袋鼠蛇乌龟金鱼鸟小鸡鸭子公鸡鹦鹉red yellow purple browngreen pink orange whiteblond golden blue black红色黄色紫色棕色绿色粉色橘色白色金黄色金色蓝色黑色4. coloursred yellow purple browngreen pink orange whiteblond golden blue black红色黄色紫色棕色绿色粉色橘色白色金黄色金色蓝色黑色one two three four five sixseven eight nine ten eleventwelve thirteen fourteen fifteensixteen seventeen eighteen nineteentwenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousandfirst second third fifth eighth ninth口诀:123要牢记,8去t, 9去e, ve要用f 替,如果以y来结尾把它换成i 和e 最后th 加上去。



Vocabulary Size Test词汇量测试Please select the correct definition of the target word. 请选出以下单词的正确释义。

First 10001. see: They saw it.a. cutb. waited forc. looked atd. Started2. time: They have a lot of time.a. moneyb. foodc. hoursd. friends3. period: It was a difficult period.a. questionb. timec. thing to dod. book4. figure: Is this the right figure?a. answerb. placec. timed. number5. poor: We are poor.a. have no moneyb. feel happyc. are very interestedd. do not like to work hard6. drive: He drives fast.a. swimsb. learnsc. throws ballsd. uses a car 7. jump: She tried to jump.a. lie on top of the waterb. get off the ground suddenlyc. stop the car at the edge of the roadd. move very fast8. shoe: Where is your shoe?a. the person who looks after youb. the thing you keep your money inc. the thing you use for writingd. the thing you wear on your foot9. standard: Her standards are very high.a. the bits at the back under her shoesb. the marks she gets in schoolc. the money she asks ford. the levels she reaches in everything10. basis: I don't understand the basis.a. reasonb. wordsc. road signsd. main partSecond 10001. maintain: Can they maintain it?a. keep it as it isb. make it largerc. get a better one than itd. get it2. stone: He sat on a stone.a. hard thingb. kind of chairc. soft thing on the floord. part of a tree3. upset: I am upset.a. tiredb. famousc. richd. unhappy4. drawer: The drawer was empty.a. sliding boxb. place where cars are keptc. cupboard to keep things coldd. animal house5. patience: He has no patience.a. will not wait happilyb. has no free timec. has no faithd. does not know what is fair6. nil: His mark for that question was nil.a. very badb. nothingc. very goodd. in the middle7. pub: They went to the pub.a. place where people drink and talkb. place that looks after moneyc. large building with many shopsd. building for swimming8. circle: Make a circle.a. rough pictureb. space with nothing in itc. round shaped. large hole9. microphone: Please use the microphone.a. machine for making food hotb. machine that makes sounds louderc. machine that makes things lookbiggerd. small telephone that can be carriedaround10. pro: He's a pro.a. someone who is employed to find outimportant secretsb. a stupid personc. someone who writes for a newspaperd. someone who is paid for playingsport etc Third 10001. soldier: He is a soldier.a. person in a businessb. studentc. person who uses metald. person in the army2. restore: It has been restored.a. said againb. given to a different personc. given a lower priced. made like new again3. jug: He was holding a jug.a. a container for pouring liquidsb. an informal discussionc. a soft capd. a weapon that explodes4. scrub: He is scrubbing it.a. cutting shallow lines into itb. repairing itc. rubbing it hard to clean itd. drawing simple pictures of it5. dinosaur: The children were pretending tobe dinosaurs.a. robbers who work at seab. very small creatures with humanform but with wingsc. large creatures with wings thatbreathe fired. animals that lived an extremely longtime ago6. strap: He broke the strap.a. promiseb. top coverc. shallow dish for foodd. strip of material for holding thingstogether7. pave: It was paved.a. prevented from going throughb. dividedc. given gold edgesd. covered with a hard surface8. dash: They dashed over it.a. moved quicklyb. moved slowlyc. foughtd. looked quickly9. rove: He couldn't stop roving.a. getting drunkb. traveling aroundc. making a musical sound throughclosed lipsd. working hard10. lonesome: He felt lonesome.a. ungratefulb. very tiredc. lonelyd. full of energyFourth 10001. compound: They made a new compound.a. agreementb. thing made of two or more partsc. group of people forming a businessd. guess based on past experience2. latter: I agree with the latter.a. man from the churchb. reason givenc. last oned. answer3. candid: Please be candid.a. be carefulb. show sympathyc. show fairness to both sidesd. say what you really think4. tummy: Look at my tummy.a. cloth to cover the headb. stomachc. small furry animald. thumb5. quiz: We made a quiz.a. thing to hold arrowsb. serious mistakec. set of questionsd. box for birds to make nests in 6. input: We need more input.a. information, power, etc. put intosomethingb. workersc. artificial filling for a hole in woodd. money7. crab: Do you like crabs?a. sea creatures that walk sidewaysb. very thin small cakesc. tight, hard collarsd. large black insects that sing at night8. vocabulary: You will need more vocabulary.a. wordsb. skillc. moneyd. guns9. remedy: We found a good remedy.a. way to fix a problemb. place to eat in publicc. way to prepare foodd. rule about numbers10. allege: They alleged it.a. claimed it without proofb. stole the ideas for it from someoneelsec. provided facts to prove itd. argued against the facts thatsupported itFifth 10001. deficit: The company had a large deficit.a. spent a lot more money than it earnedb. went down a lot in valuec. had a plan for its spending that used alot of moneyd. had a lot of money stored in the bank2. weep: He wept.a. finished his courseb. criedc. diedd. worried3. nun: We saw a nun.a. long thin creature that lives in theearthb. terrible accidentc. woman following a strict religiouslifed. unexplained bright light in the sky4. haunt: The house is haunted.a. full of ornamentsb. rentedc. emptyd. full of ghosts5. compost: We need some compost.a. strong supportb. help to feel betterc. hard stuff made of stones and sandstuck togetherd. rotted plant material6. cube: I need one more cube.a. sharp thing used for joining thingsb. solid square blockc. tall cup with no saucerd. piece of stiff paper folded in half7. miniature: It is a miniature.a. a very small thing of its kindb. an instrument for looking at very smallobjectsc. a very small living creatured. a small line to join letters in handwriting8. peel: Shall I peel it?a. let it sit in water for a long timeb. take the skin off itc. make it whited. cut it into thin pieces9. fracture: They found a fracture.a. breakb. small piecec. short coatd. rare jewel 10. bacterium: They didn't find a single bacterium.a. small living thing causing diseaseb. plant with red or orange flowersc. animal that carries water in lumps onits backd. thing that has been stolen and sold toa shopSixth 10001. devious: Your plans are devious.a. trickyb. well-developedc. not well thought outd. more expensive than necessary2. premier: The premier spoke for an hour.a. person who works in a law courtb. university teacherc. adventurerd. head of the government3. butler: They have a butler.a. man servantb. machine for cutting up treesc. private teacherd. cool dark room under the house4. accessory: They gave us someaccessories.a. papers giving us the right to enter acountryb. official ordersc. ideas to choose betweend. extra pieces5. threshold: They raised the threshold.a. flagb. point or line where something changesc. roof inside a buildingd. cost of borrowing money6. thesis: She has completed her thesis.a. long written report of study carried outfor a university degreeb. talk given by a judge at the end of a trialc. first year of employment after becominga teacherd. extended course of hospital treatment7. strangle: He strangled her.a. killed her by pressing her throatb. gave her all the things she wantedc. took her away by forced. admired her greatly8. cavalier: He treated her in a cavalier manner.a. without careb. politelyc. awkwardlyd. as a brother would9. malign: His malign influence is still felt.a. evilb. goodc. very importantd. secret10. veer: The car veered.a. went suddenly in another directionb. moved shakilyc. made a very loud noised. slid sideways without the wheels turning Seventh 10001. olive: We bought olives.a. oily fruitb. scented pink or red flowersc. men's clothes for swimmingd. tools for digging up weeds2. quilt: They made a quilt.a. statement about who should get theirproperty when they dieb. firm agreementc. thick warm cover for a bedd. feather pen3. stealth: They did it by stealth.a. spending a large amount of moneyb. hurting someone so much that theyagreed to their demandsc. moving secretly with extreme care andquietnessd. taking no notice of problems they met 4. shudder: The boy shuddered.a. spoke with a low voiceb. almost fellc. shookd. called out loudly5. bristle: The bristles are too hard.a. questionsb. short stiff hairsc. folding bedsd. bottoms of the shoes6. bloc: They have joined this bloc.a. musical groupb. band of thievesc. small group of soldiers who are sentahead of othersd. group of countries with a commonpurpose7. demography: This book is aboutdemography.a. the study of patterns of land useb. the study of the use of pictures toshow facts about numbersc. the study of the movement of waterd. the study of population8. gimmick: That's a good gimmick.a. thing for standing on to work high abovethe groundb. small thing with pockets for holdingmoneyc. attention-getting action or thingd. clever plan or trick9. azalea: This azalea is very pretty.a. small tree with many flowers growing ingroupsb. light material made from natural threadsc. long piece of material worn by womenin Indiad. sea shell shaped like a fan10. yoghurt: This yoghurt is disgusting.a. dark grey mud found at the bottom ofriversb. unhealthy, open sorec. thick, soured milk, often with sugar andflavouringd. large purple fruit with soft fleshEighth 10001. erratic: He was erratic.a. without faultb. very badc. very polited. unsteady2. palette: He lost his palette.a. basket for carrying fishb. wish to eat foodc. young female companiond. artist's board for mixing paints3. null: His influence was null.a. had good resultsb. was unhelpfulc. had no effectd. was long-lasting4. kindergarten: This is a goodkindergarten.a. activity that allows you to forget yourworriesb. place of learning for children too youngfor schoolc. strong, deep bag carried on the backd. place where you may borrow books5. eclipse: There was an eclipse.a. a strong windb. a loud noise of something hitting thewaterc. the killing of a large number of peopled. the sun hidden by a planet6. marrow: This is the marrow.a. symbol that brings good luck to a teamb. soft centre of a bonec. control for guiding a planed. increase in salary7. locust: There were hundreds of locusts.a. insects with wingsb. unpaid helpersc. people who do not eat meatd. brightly coloured wild flowers 8. authentic: It is authentic.a. realb. very noisyc. oldd. like a desert9. cabaret: We saw the cabaret.a. painting covering a whole wallb. song and dance performancec. small crawling insectd. person who is half fish, half woman10. mumble: He started to mumble.a. think deeplyb. shake uncontrollablyc. stay further behind the othersd. speak in an unclear wayNinth 10001. hallmark: Does it have a hallmark?a. stamp to show when it should be used byb. stamp to show the qualityc. mark to show it is approved by the royalfamilyd. mark or stain to prevent copying2. puritan: He is a puritan.a. person who likes attentionb. person with strict moralsc. person with a moving homed. person who keeps money and hatesspending it3. monologue: Now he has a monologue.a. single piece of glass to hold over hiseye to help him to see betterb. long turn at talking without beinginterruptedc. position with all the powerd. picture made by joining letterstogether in interesting ways4. weir: We looked at the weir.a. person who behaves strangelyb. wet and muddy place with waterplantsc. old metal musical instrument playedby blowingd. thing built across a river to controlthe water5. whim: He had lots of whims.a. old gold coinsb. female horsesc. strange ideas with no motived. sore red lumps6. perturb: I was perturbed.a. made to agreeb. worriedc. very puzzledd. very wet7. regent: They chose a regent.a. an irresponsible personb. a person to run a meeting for a shorttimec. a ruler acting in place of the king orqueend. a person to represent them8. octopus: They saw an octopus.a. a large bird that hunts at nightb. a ship that can go under waterc. a machine that flies by means ofturning bladesd. a sea creature with eight legs9. fen: The story is set in the fens.a. a piece of low flat land partly covered bywaterb. a piece of high, hilly land with few treesc. a block of poor-quality houses in a cityd. a time long ago10. lintel: He painted the lintel.a. beam across the top of a door or windowb. small boat used for getting to land froma big boatc. beautiful tree with spreading branchesand green fruitd. board which shows the scene in a theatre Tenth 10001. awe: They looked at the mountain with awe.a. worryb. interestc. wonderd. respect 2. peasantry: He did a lot for the peasantry.a. local peopleb. place of worshipc. businessmen's clubd. poor farmers3. egalitarian: This organization is veryegalitarian.a. does not provide much informationabout itself to the publicb. dislikes changec. frequently asks a court of law for ajudgementd. treats everyone who works for it as ifthey are equal4. mystique: He has lost his mystique.a. his healthy bodyb. the secret way he makes other peoplethink he has special power or skillc. the woman who has been his loverwhile he is married to someone elsed. the hair on his top lip5. upbeat: I'm feeling really upbeat about it.a. upsetb. goodc. hurtd. confused6. cranny: We found it in the cranny!a. sale of unwanted objectsb. narrow openingc. space for storing things under theroof of a housed. large wooden box7. pigtail: Does she have a pigtail?a. a long rope of hair made by twistingbits togetherb. a lot of cloth hanging behind a dressc. a plant with pale pink flowers thathang down in short bunchesd. a lover8. crowbar: He used a crowbar.a. heavy iron pole with a curved endb. false namec. sharp tool for making holes in leatherd. light metal walking stick9. ruck: He got hurt in the ruck.a. hollow between the stomach and thetop of the legb. noisy street fightc. group of players gathered round theball in some ball gamesd. race across a field of snow10. lectern: He stood at the lectern.a. desk made to hold a book at a goodheight for readingb. table or block used for churchsacrificesc. place where you buy drinksd. very edgeEleventh 10001. excrete: This was excreted recently.a. pushed or sent outb. made clearc. discovered by a science experimentd. put on a list of illegal things2. mussel: They bought mussels.a. small glass balls for playing a gameb. shellfishc. large purple fruitsd. pieces of soft paper to keep theclothes clean when eating3. yoga: She has started yoga.a. handwork done by knotting threadb. a form of exercise for the body and mindc. a game where a cork stuck with feathersis hit between two playersd. a type of dance from eastern countries4. counterclaim: They made a counterclaim.a. a demand made by one side in a lawcase to match the other side's demandb. a request for a shop to take backthings with faultsc. an agreement between twocompanies to exchange workd. a top cover for a bed 5. puma: They saw a puma.a. small house made of mud bricksb. tree from hot, dry countriesc. very strong wind that sucks upanything in its pathd. large wild cat6. pallor: His pallor caused them concern.a. his unusually high temperatureb. his lack of interest in anythingc. his group of friendsd. the paleness of his skin7. aperitif: She had an aperitif.a. a long chair for lying on with just oneplace to rest an armb. a private singing teacherc. a large hat with tall feathersd. a drink taken before a meal8. hutch: Please clean the hutch.a. thing with metal bars to keep dirt outof water pipesb. space in the back of a car used forbags etcc. round metal thing in the middle of abicycle wheeld. cage for small animals9. emir: We saw the emir.a. bird with two long curved tailfeathersb. woman who cares for other people'schildren in Eastern countriesc. Middle Eastern chief with power inhis own landd. house made from blocks of ice10. hessian: She bought some hessian.a. oily pinkish fishb. stuff that produces a happy state of mindc. coarse clothd. strong-tasting root for flavouring foodTwelfth 10001. haze: We looked through the haze.a. small round window in a shipb. unclear airc. cover for a window made of strips ofwood or plasticd. list of names2. spleen: His spleen was damaged.a. knee boneb. organ found near the stomachc. pipe taking waste water from a housed. respect for himself3. soliloquy: That was an excellent soliloquy!a. song for six peopleb. short clever saying with a deepmeaningc. entertainment using lights and musicd. speech in the theatre by a characterwho is alone4. reptile: She looked at the reptile.a. old hand-written bookb. animal with cold blood and a hardoutsidec. person who sells things by knockingon doorsd. picture made by sticking many smallpieces of different colours together5. alum: This contains alum.a. a poisonous substance from acommon plantb. a soft material made of artificialthreadsc. a tobacco powder once put in thenosed. a chemical compound usuallyinvolving aluminium6. refectory: We met in the refectory.a. room for eatingb. office where legal papers can be signedc. room for several people to sleep ind. room with glass walls for growing plants 7. caffeine: This contains a lot of caffeine.a. a substance that makes you sleepyb. threads from very tough leavesc. ideas that are not correctd. a substance that makes you excited8. impale: He nearly got impaled.a. charged with a serious offenceb. put in prisonc. stuck through with a sharp instrumentd. involved in a dispute9. coven: She is the leader of a coven.a. a small singing groupb. a business that is owned by the workersc. a secret societyd. a group of church women who follow astrict religious life10. trill: He practised the trill.a. ornament in a piece of musicb. type of stringed instrumentc. way of throwing a balld. dance step of turning round very faston the toesThirteenth 10001. ubiquitous: Many weeds are ubiquitous.a. are difficult to get rid ofb. have long, strong rootsc. are found in most countriesd. die away in the winter2. talon: Just look at those talons!a. high points of mountainsb. sharp hooks on the feet of a hunting birdc. heavy metal coats to protect againstweaponsd. people who make fools of themselveswithout realizing it3. rouble: He had a lot of roubles.a. very precious red stonesb. distant members of his familyc. Russian moneyd. moral or other difficulties in the mind4. jovial: He was very jovial.a. low on the social scaleb. likely to criticize othersc. full of fund. friendly5. communiqué: I saw their communiqué.a. critical report about an organizationb. garden owned by many members of acommunityc. printed material used for advertisingd. official announcement6. plankton: We saw a lot of plankton.a. poisonous weeds that spread veryquicklyb. very small plants or animals found inwaterc. trees producing hard woodd. grey clay that often causes land to slip7. skylark: We watched a skylark.a. show with aeroplanes flying in patternsb. man-made object going round the earthc. person who does funny tricksd. small bird that flies high as it sings8. beagle: He owns two beagles.a. fast cars with roofs that fold downb. large guns that can shoot manypeople quicklyc. small dogs with long earsd. houses built at holiday places9. atoll: The atoll was beautiful.a. low island made of coral round asea-water lakeb. work of art created by weavingpictures from fine threadc. small crown with many preciousjewels worn in the evening by womend. place where a river flows through anarrow place full of large rocks10. didactic: The story is very didactic.a. tries hard to teach somethingb. is very difficult to believec. deals with exciting actionsd. is written in a way which makes thereader unsure of the meaning Fourteenth 10001. canonical: These are canonical examples.a. examples which break the usual rulesb. examples taken from a religious bookc. regular and widely accepted examplesd. examples discovered very recently2. atop: He was atop the hill.a. at the bottom ofb. at the top ofc. on this side ofd. on the far side of3. marsupial: It is a marsupial.a. an animal with hard feetb. a plant that grows for several yearsc. a plant with flowers that turn to facethe sund. an animal with a pocket for babies4. augur: It augured well.a. promised good things for the futureb. agreed well with what was expectedc. had a colour that looked good withsomething elsed. rang with a clear, beautiful sound5. bawdy: It was very bawdy.a. unpredictableb. enjoyablec. rushedd. rude6. gauche: He was gauche.a. talkativeb. flexiblec. awkwardd. determined7. thesaurus: She used a thesaurus.a. a kind of dictionaryb. a chemical compoundc. a special way of speakingd. an injection just under the skin8. erythrocyte: It is an erythrocyte.a. a medicine to reduce painb. a red part of the bloodc. a reddish white metald. a member of the whale family9. cordillera: They were stopped by the cordillera.a. a special lawb. an armed shipc. a line of mountainsd. the eldest son of the king10. limpid: He looked into her limpid eyes.a. clearb. tearfulc. deep brownd. beautifulThe EndThank you for your time!11。



词汇量测试量表Level 11.sure A.治疗 B.确信的C.纯粹的D.诱惑力E.不认识2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气C.皮革D.羽毛E.不认识3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门C.地板D.粗野的人E.不认识4.housework A.建房 B.工地C.家务活D.家庭作业E.不认识5.bread A.面包 B.面条C.水果D.甜点E.不认识6.sugar A.糖 B.醋C.雪茄烟D.饥饿E.不认识7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里C.此外D.依然E.不认识8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客C.邮递员D.负责人E.不认识9.unit A.点 B.直到…才C.单位D.套装E.不认识10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视C.点燃D.可耻的E.不认识Level 211.financial A.最终的 B.财政的C.结束D.有限的E.不认识12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的C.不流动的D.留鸟E.不认识13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色C.冷却器D.压路机E.不认识14.ambition A.环境 B.救护车C.雄心D.歧义的E.不认识15.hydrogen A.氦 B.氧C.氢D.氯E.不认识16.pine A.松树 B.葡萄酒C.矿坑D.进餐E.不认识17.surplus A.此外 B.超级的C.惊喜的D.剩余E.不认识18.fireman A.失业者 B.消防员C.狙击手D.纵火犯E.不认识19.outset A.摆放 B.外接装置C.开始D.安置E.不认识20.confusion A.迷惑 B.传播C.灌输D.大量E.不认识Level 321.reliance A.义务 B.信赖C.宽慰D.遗迹E.不认识22.collide A.碰撞 B.巧合C.滑行D.滑翔E.不认识23.sniff A.僵直的 B.东西C.全体员工D.嗅…味道E.不认识24.shaft A.工艺 B.草稿C.箭杆D.气味E.不认识25.cordial A.走廊 B.珊瑚C.心脏的D.真挚的E.不认识26.foul A.灵魂 B.污秽的C.折叠D.高尚的E.不认识27.idiot A.笨蛋 B.习语C.闲混D.偶像E.不认识28.inertia A.内部的 B.无活力C.妨碍D.间隔E.不认识29.stall A.安装 B.闲逛C.凳子D.畜栏E.不认识30.prone A.有倾向的 B.促进C.宣布D.敏捷的E.不认识31.shabby A.阴暗的 B.松弛的C.褴褛的D.贪婪的E.不认识32.exotic A.异国风味的 B.色情的C.神经病的D.外因的E.不认识33.cumulative A.刺激性 B.同化C.清晰的D.累积的E.不认识34.corpse A.庄稼 B.汇编C.尸体D.兵团E.不认识35.bishop A.平台 B.主教C.鱼竿D.商店E.不认识Level 436.explicit A.剥削的 B.驱逐的C.明确的D.附加的E.不认识37.dynamite A.动力的 B.炸药C.氢弹D.王朝E.不认识38.idealist A.理想主义者 B.现实主义者C.唯物论者D.虚无主义者E.不认识39.benevolent A.青少年 B.低下的C.无知的D.慈善的E.不认识40.downfall A.落后 B.垮台C.谷底D.市中心E.不认识41.extinct A.卓越的 B.不同的C.明显的D.灭绝的E.不认识42.reptile A.两栖动物 B.爬行动物C.哺乳动物D.脊椎动物E.不认识43.canteen A.食堂 B.瓦罐C.糖果D.腌制E.不认识44.hiker A.劫机犯 B.绑架者C.徒步旅行者D.登山者E.不认识45.fragile A.易碎的 B.易怒的C.坦诚的D.狂乱的E.不认识46.indefensible A.固若金汤的 B.不可原谅的C.攻无不克的D.胸怀坦荡的E.不47.lime A.石灰 B.四肢C.羔羊D.羊肉E.不认识48.adventurous A.广告的 B.新兴的C.喜欢冒险的D.原创的E.不认识49.drumstick A.鼓槌 B.指挥棒C.支架D.杠杆E.不认识50.sway A.席卷 B.摇晃C.膨胀D.打旋E.不认识51.respectful A.受人尊敬的 B.表示尊敬的C.各自的D.回顾的E.不认识52.alphabetical A.按年代顺序 B.断代的C.逆序的D.按字母顺序E.不认识53.scalar A.标量 B.矢量C.位图D.矢量图E.不认识54.ruthless A.违法的 B.残忍的C.虚幻的D.混乱的E.不认识55.paraphrase A.释义 B.比较C.空头D.跳伞E.不认识Level 556.ballast A.爆炸 B.虚夸C.导火索D.压舱物E.不认识57.corroborate A.搭配 B.合作C.证实D.详细说明E.不认识58.scatterbrain A.失忆的人 B.脑残的人C.脑力激荡D.注意力不集中的人E.59.halter A.缰绳 B.制动装置C.离合器D.马蹄铁E.不认识60.heinous A.不合理的 B.令人发指的C.可笑的D.荒谬的E.不认识61.rearmament A.援军 B.解除武装C.重置装备D.后备力量E.不认识62.trek A.艰辛的路程 B.轨道C.踪迹D.路线E.不认识63.rasp A.竖琴 B.匆忙C.粗锉刀D.皮疹E.不认识64.barrister A.律师 B.障碍C.美发师D.炮药桶E.不认识65.testator A.测试人员 B.见证人C.品酒师D.立遗嘱的人E.不认识66.sappendicitis A.糖尿病 B.阑尾炎C.附录D.肺炎E.不认识67.quixotic A.顽固的 B.不实际的C.愚忠的D.势利的E.不认识68.maniac A.疯狂的 B.冷静的C.残忍的D.忧郁的E.不认识69.transposition A.运输 B.位置互换C.传播D.传染E.不认识70.stamina A.疯狂 B.绝望C.苦难D.耐力E.不认识71.woe A.誓言 B.悲哀C.愤怒D.哭泣E.不认识72.prod A.调查 B.序言C.有倾向的D.戳、刺E.不认识73.arrears A.贫欠款 B.后方C.空地D.面积E.不认识74.forefront A.最前方 B.额头C.前足D.前景E.不认识75.malign A.雄性的 B.高大的C.有害的D.无知的E.不认识Level 676.tauten A.淘气 B.拉紧C.唆使D.奚落E.不认识77.athletics A.抽象艺术 B.神学C.美学D.体育运动E.不认识78.volubility A.自愿 B.环绕C.喋喋不休D.旋转E.不认识79.fosse A.苔藓 B.护城河C.浮渣D.总的E.不认识80.decorticate A.装饰 B.煎药C.漂泊D.剥皮E.不认识81.permissive A.纵容的 B.迷失的C.思念的D.长久的E.不认识82.crochet A.蟋蟀 B.蚂蚱C.钩针编制D.螳螂E.不认识83.purblind A.漩涡的 B.愚钝的C.流动的D.默默的E.不认识84.remonstrance A.抗议 B.回忆C.传奇D.汇款E.不认识85.decrepit A.堕落的 B.收到C.欺骗D.破旧的E.不认识86.outmaneuver A.失控 B.以计谋胜过C.操作失误D.退出E.不认识87.tepefy A.使微热 B.为…典型C.磁化D.使钝化E.不认识88.apocrypha A.佛典 B.箴言C.伪经D.咒语E.不认识89.ringlet A.耳环 B.卷发C.耳坠D.耳垂儿E.不认识90.disinclined A.不屈的 B.执着的C.虚伪的D.不情愿的E.不认识hermost A.恒温的 B.最下面的C.热固性D.冷血的E.不认识92.sibilant A.姐妹的 B.四肢的C.齐名的D.发滋滋声的E.不认识93.sheathe A.讲…差入鞘 B.犀牛皮C.坚固的D.坏死的E.不认识94.eugenic A.优生的 B.遗传的C.引起过敏的D.卤素的E.不认识95.lien A.外星的 B.扣押权C.亚麻布D.逗留E.不认识96.invective A.无礼 B.忤逆C.刺激D.咒骂E.不认识97.liberated A.手工的 B.危险的C.放纵的D.上方的E.不认识98.precipitation A.沉淀物 B.预期C.预防D.占据E.不认识99.innovation A.原始的 B.主动的C.革新的D.刺激性的E.不认识100.wrack A.残骸 B.没用的人C.愤怒的D.海藻E.不认识词汇量测试共100道题,分为6个级别词汇量的计算方法:Level 1答对的题目数×180 + Level 2答对的题目数×280 + Level 3答对的题目数×173 + Level 4答对的题目数×170 + Level 5答对的题目数×192 + Le vel 6答对的题目数×192=?(注:为了确保测试结果真实对得起自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真实词汇量无关系)答案Keys:001—010 B D A C A A A D C B011—020 B A D C C A D B C A021—030 B A D C D B A B D A031—040 C A D C B C B A D B041—050 D B A C A B A C A B051—060 B D A A A D C D A B061—070 C A C A D B B A B D071—080 B D A A C B D C B D081—090 A C B A D B A C B D091—100 B D A A B D C A C D【您的真是词汇量就在这个测试结果上下200—300左右浮动当发现英语专业的学生词汇量逊色于某些非英语专业的学生时,无需惊讶……】常见考试的词汇要求(仅供参考):中考1500—1600高考3000—3500CET4 4000—4500CET6/考研5500—6000TEM4 6000—7000 SAT 10000+ TEM8 10000—12000 GMAT 12000+IELTS/TOFEL 8000—15000+GRE 20000+。




1. He is a very ______ person, always ready to help others.A. kindB. strictC. lazyD. naughty.解析:根据“always ready to help others(总是乐意帮助他人)”可知,这是形容一个人善良的品质,kind表示“善良的”,strict是“严格的”,lazy是“懒惰的”,naughty是“淘气的”,所以答案是A。

2. I'm so ______ that I can't eat any more.A. fullB. hungryC. thirstyD. tired.解析:根据“can't eat any more(不能再吃了)”,这表明是很饱的状态,full表示“满的;饱的”,hungry是“饥饿的”,thirsty是“口渴的”,tired是“疲倦的”,所以答案是A。

3. There are ______ days in a week.A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight.解析:常识可知,一周有七天,所以答案是C。

4. My favorite ______ is spring. I love the flowers and warm weather.A. seasonB. colorC. animalD. book.解析:根据“spring(春天)”可知这是在说季节,season表示“季节”,color是“颜色”,animal是“动物”,book是“书”,所以答案是A。

5. She ______ to school by bike every day.A. goB. goesC. wentD. going.解析:every day表明是一般现在时,主语she是第三人称单数,动词要用第三人称单数形式,go的第三人称单数形式是goes,所以答案是B。

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