

CNHTC· 大同齿轮公司·产品介绍

CNHTC· 大同齿轮公司·产品介绍





大齿公司的产品生产包括中国重汽主销的大齿公司的产品生产包括中国重汽主销的290290马力以上车型匹配的各款马力以上车型匹配的各款马力以上车型匹配的各款HW HW HW变变速箱,同时也继续生产原大齿公司的速箱,同时也继续生产原大齿公司的DC DC DC系列的变速箱。






After obtaining enough samples, remove the bag from the steel cup, press the excessive air out from the plastic bag and secure it tightly. Add necessary markings (date, bale, crop, name, number) and store it properly. [cool place with non-fluctuating temperature]
Tests have shown that Hay Core Sampler’s cutting tip stays sharp for about 500 full depth core samples taken from dense round hay bale. You can also use drill to sharpen the cutting tip but use special care when sharpening the tip with the help of drill.
Cleaning and Storage After use clean the hay core sampler with a damp cloth and rub it dry. Store in dry place, preferably inside where the temperature stays above 32°F / 0°C and doesn’t fluctuate much.
Do not wear any loose clothing when using Hay Core Sampler. Be aware that the cutting tip is very sharp, especially when using the cleaning rod. Use the rubber tip cover to protect the user and the tip when not using the item.











目录1.11.1 12. 1.234 3.5 4.设备外观及接口说明 ..............................................................................................................7 4.1 74.2 84.3 88 5.10115.1 116.5.212136.1 136.214 6.2.1 14 6.2.2 14 6.2.3 18 6.2.4 206.2.5 21 2222 6.4.1 24 6.4.2 25 6.4.3 26 6.4.4 26 6.4.5 28 6.4.6 286.4.7 296.4.83132 附录二:系统提示及处理措施 ............................................................................................................3638 设备开机不启动 ............................................................................................................................38 3839 刷卡提示“无此卡号” ................................................................................................................39 终端设备频繁重启 ........................................................................................................................ 40 如何删除终端数据 ........................................................................................................................ 40 通过网络不能传输数据 ................................................................................................................4041 U 盘操作不成功 ............................................................................................................................41 4242 repair 方式软件升级 .....................................................................................................................421. 前言本终端设备使用电子支付手段及介质,如非接触式ID卡、MF1卡及其兼容卡、CPU卡、RFID-UIM卡、RFID-SIM 卡等代替小额现金、代金券进行支付,适用于各类小额消费场所,如餐厅、售卖点、会所的电子收费。



轴承型号 序号 新代号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 HW18710T-718改型 HW18710T-717 11*18 K96*104*29.75 K96*104*32.75 K385248 K50703 K909725 P--06 31315X3 SKF4395 32216 33212X3 6317X3N AXK91113 RN6/67/HC 7516E 80*140*35.25 60*110*38 旧代号 主动锥后 主动锥前 二轴后 副轴前后 输出轴轴承 行星架推力 前副箱高档齿轮 行星架前轴向挡圈 行星架后轴向挡圈 销子 外形尺寸 安装部位
一轴后 主箱中间轴前 主箱中间轴后 副箱主轴 副箱驱动齿轮 倒档中间轴 副箱中间轴前 副箱中间轴后 离合器
陕齿(法士特FAST)富勒12档(12JS160T)变速箱轴承(拉式) 3
轴承型号 序号 新代号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6212-ZNB 6309N/C3 NCL308NV/C3 JS220-1707109 6018N 14287 NJ308EV/C3 NUP311EN 42308EK 192311E 50118 旧代号 150212K 370309Y 102308 d*D*B(T) 60*110*22 45*100*25 40*90*23 71.6*121*75 90*140*24 27.61*47.62*32 40*90*23 55*120*29 一轴后 主箱中间轴前 主箱中间轴后 副箱主轴 副箱驱动齿轮 倒档中间轴 副箱中间轴前 副箱中间轴后 离合器 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 外型尺寸 安装部位 每车用量
重汽豪沃HW90710091065变速箱用轴承规范 6



HART 手 持 式 操 作 通 信 器使用说明书目录一、使用说明 (2)二、连接 (2)三、主菜单 (3)四、在线调试状态 (4)1、过程变量 (4)2、附加信息 (5)3、量程修改 (5)4、环路测试 (6)5、线性化 (7)6、压力微调 (9)7、其它 (9)五、装箱清单项 (10)1一、按键操作说明:光标移动键:光标在各项菜单中的上、下、左、右的移动。











三、主菜单按下面板中“电源 开/关”按键, 单点通讯将出现HART 手操器主菜单。

如右 轮询通讯图1所示:“单点通讯”在“零号地址码”可使用,若仪表的地址码不为“零号”,则应用“轮询通讯”方式通讯。

菜单中的“ ▋” 为需要选择的 图1 主菜单选项。




1、过程变量 如右图3所示。

本选项可以查看仪表的“PV ”(压力)、“I ”(电流)、“PER ”(百分数值)、“T ”(环境温度)、“LRV ”(零位)、“URV ”( 量程)、“LSL ”(最大测量范围低限)、“USL ”(最大测量范围高限)。








HW50系列取力器概述HW50取力器编号规则H W 5 0 (-01)变形号额定输出扭矩的1/10取力器品牌HW50取力器主要性能参数额定输出扭矩500Nm;额定输入转速2600rpm;结构形式:气操纵(单向气缸);输出旋向与发动机旋向:相同;取力器速比:0.74;安装位置:左上角;总速比:HW18709:0.92HW14710/ HW18710 /HW15710/HW19710:0.86HW20716:0.88;HW19710C/HW15710C:0.64工作气压:0.5—0.8Mpa;取力方式:变速器副轴取力;工作温度:小于110?,允许短时间内达到120?。






HW50取力器使用说明书中国重型汽车集团有限公司变速箱部前言中国重汽集团公司HW系列变速器是具有世界先进水平的大功率、多挡位变速器,HW50系列取力器是为配套该系列变速器而开发的新型取力器,该取力器从变速器主箱右副轴取力,适用于匹配HW 系列变速器的各类专用车辆,如自卸车、汽车起重机、油罐车、洒水车、散装水泥车等。





HW50系列取力器概述HW50取力器编号规则H W 5 0 (-01)变形号额定输出扭矩的1/10取力器品牌HW50取力器主要性能参数额定输出扭矩500Nm;额定输入转速2600rpm;结构形式:气操纵(单向气缸);输出旋向与发动机旋向:相同;取力器速比:0.74;安装位置:左上角;总速比:HW18709:0.92HW14710/ HW18710 /HW15710/HW19710:0.86HW20716:0.88;HW19710C/HW15710C:0.64工作气压:0.5—0.8Mpa;取力方式:变速器副轴取力;工作温度:小于110°,允许短时间内达到120°。






目录第一章用户手册简介............................................................................................ 第二章产品概述....................................................................................................2.1产品简介 .........................................................................................................2.2特点.............................................................................................................2.3交换机语音..................................................................................................... 第三章技术要求......................................................................................................3.1技术要求 .........................................................................................................3.1.1容量 ..........................................................................................................3.1.2接口类型 ..................................................................................................3.1.3外设接口 ................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



合勤交换机使用手册合勤科技交换机使用手册速查版本 1.0目录1. 硬件连接、常规设置与维护 (3)1.1 硬件安装 (3)1.2 硬件介绍 (3)1.3 常规设置 (5)2. 常规维护 (10)3. 高级设定 (12)3.1 VLAN设定 (12)3.2 STP(生成树协议)设置 (22)3.3 Access Control List (访问控制列表) (26)3.4 ES-3124_ACL功能完成IP与MAC的绑定 (30)3.5 ES-3124_Link Aggregation设置 (34)3.6 IGMP Snooping(组播侦听) (36)3.7 Static MAC Forwarding(静态MAC地址转发) (37)3. 8 Filtering (过滤器) (37)3. 9 Broadcast Storm Control (广播风暴控制) (37)3.10 Mirroring (端口镜像) (38)3.11 DHCP Relay (39)1. 硬件连接、常规设置与维护本章节介绍硬件连接方法,常规设置和基本维护方法,能够帮助您快速安全的将交换机接入网络。

1.1 硬件安装1.1.1 独立式安装:您可以将随机配备的绝缘脚垫安装到交换机底部,并将交换机置放到安全、干燥、清洁的环境中。

图-11.1.2 机架式安装(1)将随机配备的安装部件牢固的固定在交换机两侧。


如下图所示:注释: 合勤科技交换机系列,ES-2024A/ ES-3124/ ES-3148/ GS-2024/ ES-1528/ ES-1552/ GS-1524/ GS-1548都是标准的19英寸长度设计。

图-31.2 硬件介绍合勤交换机前面板的设计大体相似, 左侧是10/100/1000Mbps以太网接口,或者SFP光口。



第 6 章 运行状态及显示 .................................................. 6-1 6.1 指示灯及按键定义 ................................................. 6-1 6.2 LCD 显示页面 ..................................................... 6-1 6.3 工作状态指示 ..................................................... 6-2 6.3.1 标准型...................................................... 6-2 6.3.2 专业型...................................................... 6-4
1.3 与电池相关操作的安全防范
1. 如果皮肤、衣物上沾染了电池的酸液,请立即用肥皂和清水清洗。如果酸液 溅入眼睛请立即用冷水冲洗至少 20 分钟并及时就诊。
2. 不要在电池或引擎附近吸烟或制造明火。 3. 不要将金属工具放置于电池上,产生的火花或短路可引发爆炸。 4. 当操作铅酸蓄电池时不要佩戴戒指、手镯、项链、手表等金属饰品,与蓄电
z 具备智能型无人值守功能,在出现直流电压过高或过低、市电掉电等关断输出 后,直流电压或市电恢复正常,电源自动恢复输出,尤其适用于无人值守的通 讯基站;
压。一般红色线接电池组的正极,黑色线接电池组的负极。 务请注意按规定的“+”和“—”极性接入直流母线。 ◆ 安装电池组时,一定要按电池安装说明规定的连接方法和 顺序连接,接线一定要锁紧。禁止将电池的正、负极短路, 禁止同时接触电池的任两接线柱或连接导线的裸露端,否 则可能会导致电池损坏或发生人身伤害。 ◆ 请注意:即使断开市电,逆变电源的内部仍可能有危及人 身安全的高电压。









二、具体操作规范1. HW19710(C)、HW15710(C)和HW13710(C)系列变速器HW19710(C)、HW15710(C)、HW13710(C)系列变速器是由主箱、副箱两段式结构组成,主箱有5个档,副箱有2个档,一共组成10(5 × 2)个前进档和2个倒档,主传动结构如右图所示,HW13710(C)除外。



输入扭矩从1200Nm~ 2300Nm
变速器挡位数 10挡
直接挡 HW13710 HW15710 HW19710
HW13710C 可选择铁壳/ 铝壳; HW15710C 可匹配 HW19710C HW50/HW 70整体式/直 HW19712C 联式取力器。
一、HW变速器简介 HW变速器主要技术参数
1 2 3 4 HW13710 14.1 10.65 7.81 5.82 HW13710C 10.52 7.83 5.85 4.35 HW15710 14.28 10.62 7.87 5.87 HW19710 HW15710C 10.73 7.98 5.91 4.38 HW19710C HW19712 15.01 11.67 9.03 7.14 HW19712C 11.8 9.17 7.1 5.61 型号 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4.32 3.27 2.47 1.81 1.35 1 3.25 2.42 1.8 1.34 1 0.75 4.38 3.27 2.43 1.8 1.34 1 3.29 2.45 1.82 1.35 1 0.75 12 R1 12.67 9.47 13.91 10.45 最大扭矩 最高转速 加油量 rpm L R2 Nm 2.91 1350 2600 13 2.18 1500 2600 13 1500 2600 12 3.18 1900 2600 12 1500 2600 12 2.39 1900 2600 12 3.16 1900 2600 14 2.48 1900 2600 14
HW13710 、HW15710、HW19710和HW19712变速器是由主箱、 副箱两段式结构组成, HW13710 、HW15710和HW19710主箱有5个 挡,副箱有2个挡;HW19712变速器主箱有6个挡,副箱有2个挡; HW13710 、HW15710、HW19710和HW19712主变速器为手操纵,副



信息, 对于用户由于未遵守下列条款而造成的 人身安全和财产损失, 本公司仪器将不承担任 何责任。
仪器接地 不可在爆炸性气体 环境使用仪器
为防止电击危险,请连接好电源地线。 不可在易燃易爆气体、 蒸汽或多灰尘的环境下 使用仪器。 在此类环境使用任何电子设备, 都 是对人身安全的冒险。 非专业维护人员不可打开仪器外壳, 以试图维 修仪器。 仪器在关机后一段时间内仍存在未释 放干净的电荷,这可能对人身造成电击危险。
8.SCPI 命令参考................................................................................ 26
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 命令串解析 ............................................................................................................................. 26 命令和参数 ............................................................................................................................. 27 命令参考 ................................................................................................................................. 29 DISPLAY 显示子系统 ............................................................................................................... 29 FUNCTION 子系统 .................................................................................................................... 30 COMPARATOR 子系统 .............................................................................................................. 31 TRIGGER 子系统....................................................................................................................... 33 FETCH? 子系统 ........................................................................................................................ 34 CORRECTION 子系统 ................................................................................................................. 34 SYSTEM 子系统 ........................................................................................................................ 34 IDN? 子系统............................................................................................................................ 35 ERROR 子系统 ......................................................................................................................... 35 SAV 子系统 ............................................................................................................................. 35

安装、运行与维护手册 - 3700 型号 - 重力卸荷阀说明书

安装、运行与维护手册 - 3700 型号 - 重力卸荷阀说明书

Model 3700, API Type OH2 / ISO 13709 1st and 2nd Ed. / API 610 8/9/10/11th Ed. 安装、运行与维护手册
1Leabharlann 目录5.2 卸下联轴罩........................................................................... 33 5.3 检查转动............................................................................. 34 5.4 泵和驱动机连接....................................................................... 34
3 产品说明 ......................................................................................................................................................13 3.1 3700 的一般说明...................................................................... 13 3.2 铭牌信息............................................................................. 14
5 试车、起动、运行和关机 ............................................................................................................................. 32 5.1 启动准备............................................................................. 32

西铁城 坚韧系列 平板电脑 使用说明书

西铁城 坚韧系列 平板电脑 使用说明书

ChallengeKeeping America’s freight rail lines running efficiently, safely and securely is critical to our economy. It requires ahighly skilled workforce equipped with reliable tools and technology to get the job done. Buckeye Mountain is a strategic technology advisor to the freight rail industry that helps them deploy technology solutions, including mobile technology.When tasked with making sure their customers had a highly reliable, easy to use and extremely durable technology solution to maintain the detailed records of rail car maintenance performed – as required by industry regulations (AAR) – Buckeye Mountain began investigating the different mobile device options.SolutionToday, over 10 years later, after making their decision to recommend Toughbook mobile solutions, Buckeye Mountain has grown to become a Panasonic certified Toughbook partner for the railroad industry. With Toughbook ruggedmobile tablets and laptops, Buckeye Mountain has empowered their customers to evolve beyond manual record keeping and invoicing and transitioned them to a mobile, digital record keeping solution facilitated by Toughbook rugged mobile devices built to withstand the extreme work conditions of railyards.ResultBy equipping customers with the industry leading rugged mobility solutions on the market, Buckeye Mountain has helped increase the railroads’ cost recovery for repairs made in the railyards, which was a considerable hindrance to regulatory compliance and profitability when invoicing was managed with pen-and-paper.Buckeye Mountain helps modernize the railroad industry with Panasonic Toughbook ® Mobile DevicesCASE STUDY: TRANSPORTATIONMaintaining Critical Freight Transportation Infrastructure With Toughbook Mobile DevicesRail transport has been the backbone of American industry for generations, and what began as a disparate set of wooden-railed, horse-drawn tramroads isnow an intricate, locomotive-powered freight system covering more than 150,000 miles across the country.As modern transportation and technology evolved in tandem, the business of freight transport evolved into a highly- structured and complex industry with significant maintenance, inspection and regulation requirements. Buckeye Mountain, which specializes in railroad technology including the development, deployment and management of hardware, software and wireless solutions, is a full service provider supporting their customers specificallyin the area of rail car maintenance for over 20 years. Serving an elite group of customers including all of North America’s Class 1 railroads, Buckeye Mountain offersa wide breadth of solutions and is deeply involved in all aspects of supporting railroad mobile solutions. As a Panasonic Toughbook certified partner, Buckeye Mountain is able to deliver Toughbook rugged, mobile laptop and tablet solutions that fit the needs of those on the front lines of rail car repair and operations.Based on their deep industry experience, Buckeye Mountain knew standard mobile devices were not an option for the extreme conditions the rail technicians and crews faced. And because their customers looked to them tobe a full service provider, including maintenance of the solution, Buckeye sought a technology provider focused on providing the right solutions and support for customers; not just an off the shelf, standard device. With Toughbook mobility solutions, Buckeye Mountain has been able to help modernize their customers’ outdated pen-and-paper bookkeeping with a digital record-keeping and order processing system.Improving Regulatory Compliance AND Cost RecoveryThe railroad industry is required by AAR (American Association of Railroads) Industry Regulation to inspect and repair freight cars using shared rail lines and maintenance standards that are subject to a byzantine set of more than 3,000 job codes, which are regularly updated and revised. With mobility solutions from Panasonic, these rail car repair specialists are able to keep up-to-date with the rapidly evolving standards, but more importantly, Buckeye Mountain is able to transition customers away from the manually recorded invoicing process. Previously, due to outdated systems and device failure, Buckeye Mountain’s customers frequently lost sometimes over 50% of the repair billing records. With the use of Toughbook devices, they now have substantially better records and greater cost recovery for freight car repairs.With Toughbook mobility solutions, Buckeye Mountain has been ableto help modernize their customers’ outdated pen-and-paper bookkeeping with a digital record-keeping and order processing system.For Buckeye Mountain’s customers, work location presents additional challenges. The railyards, where Buckeye Mountain’s customers perform inspections and repairs, are often located in areas where connectivity options are limited and high interference conditions exist. Because Panasonic builds customized antennas and modules to maximize the wireless performance, Toughbook devices offer exceptional wireless connectivity and a reliabledata-entry platform to help ensure the rail crews work gets done, even in remote locations. Additionally, whether faced with a snow storm in Fargo or extreme heat in Phoenix, rail car repair technicians can count on Toughbook to withstand rugged conditions of all varieties.Buckeye Mountain’s partnership with Panasonic not only allows them to support their customers as a full service provider, but the unique relationship between Panasonic and Buckeye Mountain allows for a direct line of feedback to help improve the solutions Panasonic has become known for. Panasonic designs all mobile devices withthe customer’s need in mind, and its relationships with partners like Buckeye Mountain allow that feedback loop to improve solutions for customers today as well as inform the next generation of rugged mobility.Toughbook devices offer exceptional wireless connectivity and a reliable data-entry platform to ensure the rail crews work gets done, even in remote locations.。



©1997 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.13217B (060707)A u t o m o t i v e : For warranty information regarding this product, visit /warranty•Proper installation of this product requires the installer to have a good understanding of automotive electronics, systems and procedures.•Whelen Engineering requires the use of waterproof butt splices and/or connectors if that connector could be exposed to moisture.•Any holes, either created or utilized by this product, should be made both air- and watertight using a sealant recommended by your vehicle manufacturer.•Failure to use specified installation parts and/or hardware will void the product warranty.•If mounting this product requires drilling holes, the installer MUST be sure that no vehicle components or other vital parts could be damaged by the drilling process. Check both sides of the mounting surface before drilling begins. Also de-burr the holes and remove any metal shards or remnants. Install grommets into all wire passage holes.•If this manual states that this product may be mounted with suction cups, magnets, tape or Velcro®, clean the mounting surface with a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and water and dry thoroughly.•Do not install this product or route any wires in the deployment area of your air bag. Equipment mounted or located in the air bag deployment area will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag, or become a projectile that could cause serious personal injury or death. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for the air bag deployment area. The User/Installer assumes full responsibility to determine proper mounting location, based on providing ultimate safety to all passengers inside the vehicle.•For this product to operate at optimum efficiency, a good electrical connection to chassis ground must be made. The recommendedprocedure requires the product ground wire to be connected directly to the NEGATIVE (-) battery post (this does not include products that use cigar power cords).•If this product uses a remote device for activation or control, make sure that this device is located in an area that allows both the vehicle and the device to be operated safely in any driving condition.•Do not attempt to activate or control this device in a hazardous driving situation.•This product contains either strobe light(s), halogen light(s), high-intensity LEDs or a combination of these lights. Do not stare directly into these lights. Momentary blindness and/or eye damage could result.•Use only soap and water to clean the outer lens. Use of other chemicals could result in premature lens cracking (crazing) and discoloration. Lenses in this condition have significantly reduced effectiveness and should be replaced immediately. Inspect and operate this product regularly to confirm its proper operation and mounting condition. Do not use a pressure washer to clean this product.•It is recommended that these instructions be stored in a safe place and referred to when performing maintenance and/or reinstallation of this product.•FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT OR VEHICLE AND/OR SERIOUS INJURY TO YOU AND YOUR PASSENGERS!Warnings to InstallersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices must be properly mounted and wired in order to be effective and safe. Read and follow all of Whelen’s written instructions when installing or using this device. Emergency vehicles are often operated under high speed stressful conditions which must be accounted for when installing all emergency warning devices. Controls should be placed within convenient reach of the operator so that they can operate the system without taking their eyes off the roadway. Emergency warning devices can require high electrical voltages and/or currents. Properly protect and use caution around live electrical connections.Grounding or shorting of electrical connections can cause high current arcing, which can cause personal injury and/or vehicle damage, including fire. Many electronic devices used in emergency vehicles can create or be affected by electromagnetic interference. Therefore, after installation of any electronic device it is necessary to test all electronic equipment simultaneously to insure that they operate free of interference from other components within the vehicle. Never power emergency warning equipment from the same circuit or share the same grounding circuit with radio communication equipment. All devices should be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and securely fastened to vehicle elements of sufficient strength to withstand the forces applied to the device. Driver and/or passenger air bags (SRS) will affect the way equipment should be mounted. This device should be mounted by permanent installation and within the zones specified by the vehicle manufacturer, if any. Any device mounted in the deployment area of an air bag will damage or reduce the effectiveness of the air bag and may damage or dislodge the device. Installer must be sure that this device, its mounting hardware and electrical supply wiring does not interfere with the air bag or the SRS wiring or sensors. Mounting the unit inside the vehicle by a method other than permanent installation is not recommended as unit may become dislodged during swerving; sudden braking or collision. Failure to follow instructions can result in personal injury. Whelen assumes no liability for any loss resulting from the use of this warning device. PROPER INSTALLATION COMBINED WITH OPERATOR TRAINING IN THE PROPER USE OF EMERGENCY WARNING DEVICES IS ESSENTIAL TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF EMERGENCY PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC.Warnings to UsersWhelen’s emergency vehicle warning devices are intended to alert other operators and pedestrians to the presence and operation of emergency vehicles and personnel. However, the use of this or any other Whelen emergency warning device does not guarantee that you will have the right-of-way or that other drivers and pedestrians will properly heed an emergency warning signal. Never assume you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to proceed safely before entering an intersection, driving against traffic, responding at a high rate of speed, or walking on or around traffic lanes. Emergency vehicle warning devices should be tested on a daily basis to ensure that they operate properly. When in actual use, the operator must ensure that both visual and audible warnings are not blocked by vehicle components (i.e.: open trunks or compartment doors), people, vehicles, or other obstructions. It is the user’s responsibility to understand and obey all laws regarding emergency warning devices. The user should be familiar with all applicable laws and regulations prior to the use of any emergency vehicle warning device. Whelen’s audible warning devices are designed to project sound in a forward direction away from the vehicle occupants. However, because sustained periodic exposure to loud sounds can cause hearing loss, all audible warning devices should be installed and operated in accordance with the standards established by the National Fire Protection Association.Safety FirstThis document provides all the necessary information to allow your Whelen product to be properly and safely installed. Before beginning the installation and/or operation of your new product, the installation technician and operator must read this manual completely. Important information is contained herein that could prevent serious injury or damage.WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Methylene Chloride which is known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol A, which is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to .SL6 Power Supply Kit Retro-Fit Procedures for Edge® models:9004SL/AK 9004WB 9801, 9802,9804, 9804AK, Mini Edge®51 Winthrop RoadChester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Internet: Salese-mail:*******************CustomerServicee-mail:*******************®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.Table of ContentsRetro-Fit guidelines for models (with a ZS or 1ZS, 5ZS or ZSM Power Supply): 9004SL/AK, 9004WB, 9801, 9802, 9804, 9806, Mini Edge®..............................page3 Retro-Fit guidelines for models (with a ZSO, 1ZSO or 2ZSO Power Supply):9004SL/AK, 9004WB, 9801, 9802, 9804, 9806, Mini Edge®..............................page4 SL6 Power Supply and Adaptor Harness Information...................................................page 5 SL6 Specification Table.....................................................................................................page 5 Adaptor Cable Usage Table.............................................................................................. page 52.Locate the “2ZFO/ZF Output Harness Adaptor”shown in Fig. 2 (P/N - 46-0745715-00). This adaptor will be connected to plugs 2 & 3 of the new power supply. NOTE - Make sure that the adaptor harness is installed so that the wire colors of the adaptor plugs are lined up with the wire colors of the power supply’s plugs. 3.With the appropriate adaptor harness plugged onto the new power supply, the new power supply can now be connected to the lightbar. Connect the lightbar’s 4-position power plug to Plug 1. Now locate the harness plugs that were connected to the old power supply and connect to the adaptor harness as follows:Lightbar Plug with:Adaptor Plug with:RED WIRE to RED WIRE WHITE WIRE to WHITE WIRE BLUE WIRE to BLUE WIRE GREEN WIRE toGREEN WIRE4.The new power supply may now be mounted in the lightbar. Position the new power supply in its mounting location. This will be a tight fit and will require a small amount of effort to properly mount the new power supply. NOTE: If harness wraps are present on the old lightbar plug harnesses,it may be necessary to carefully cut and remove these wraps in order for the power supply to fit into the extrusion.5.Secure the power supply to the lightbar using the old power supply’s mounting screws. NOTE:Apply Loctite™ #242 to the threads of each mounting screw.6.Test the lightbar for proper operation. After a successful test, the lightbar may be reassembled in the reverse order in which it was disassembled.7.If the lightbar does not function properly,disconnect the lightbar from its power source, wait 10 minutes to avoid the risk of a high voltage shock and confirm that the proper plugs are connected. If the plugs connections are correct, contact your Whelen representative for further assistance.IMPORTANT NOTE!: SEE PAGE 5 FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON NEW LOW POWER ACTIVATION PROCEDURE.WARNINGThe strobe light power supply is a HIGH VOLTAGEdevice. You must wait at least 10 minutes after turning off the power to the system before starting any diag-nostic or trouble shooting procedures that may bring you into contact with any internal components.9804, 9806, 9004AK, Mini Edge®ZS, 1ZS, 5ZS OR ZSMRemoval of Existing Power Supply...1.Remove endcap and lenses until you have accessto your lightbar’s power supply. Power supply is located in the center section of your lightbar.2.Locate and remove the two screws that hold thepower supply in position and remove the power supply from the lightbar.3.Locate the three harness plugs that connect to theexisting power supply. Before disconnecting these plugs from the power supply, write down each of the the wire colors that were connected to each plug. This is important, as this will determine how these plugs are connected to the new power supply.4.Remove power supply from lightbar. Installation of new Power Supply...1.The new power supply is connected to the lightbarwithout any adaptor cables. When connecting the lightbar plugs to the new power supply, make sure that the wire colors match exactly.2.The new power supply may now be mounted in thelightbar. Position the new power supply in its mounting location. This may be a tight fit and could require a small amount of effort to properly mount the new power supply.NOTE: If harness wraps are present on the old lightbar plug harnesses, it may be necessary to carefully cut and remove these wraps in order for the power supply to fit into the extrusion.3.Secure the power supply to the lightbar using theold power supply’s mounting screws. NOTE: Apply Loctite™ #242 to the threads of each mounting screw.4.Test the lightbar for proper operation. After asuccessful test, the lightbar may be reassembled in the reverse order in which it was disassembled.5.If the lightbar does not function properly,disconnect the lightbar from its power source, wait10 minutes to avoid the risk of a high voltage shockand confirm that the proper plugs are connected. If the plugs connections are correct, contact your Whelen representative for further assistance. IMPORTANT NOTE!: SEE PAGE 5 FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON NEW LOW POWER ACTIVATION PROCEDURE.WARNINGThe strobe light power supply is a HIGH VOLTAGEdevice. You must wait at least 10 minutes after turningoff the power to the system before starting any diag-nostic or trouble shooting procedures that may bringyou into contact with any internal components.9804, 9806, 9004AK, Mini Edge®ZSO, 1ZSO or 2ZSOSPECIFICATIONSINPUT VOLTAGE- 13.5 VDC ±20%INPUT CURRENT OFF- 0 AMPSINPUT CURRENT 30 WATTS - 3 AMPS (TYP)INPUT CURRENT 60 WATTS - 6 AMPS (TYP)INPUT CURRENT 90 WATTS - 9 AMPS (TYP)FLASHRATE (CometFlash®)- 75 FPM (PER LAMP) @ 85 ms FLASHRATE (DOUBLEFLASH)- 110 FPM (PER LAMP) @ 100 ms FLASHRATE (SINGLEFLASH)- 240 FPM (PER LAMP)FLASHRATE (SEQUENTIAL)- 3 CYCLES (COMET) > 4 CYCLES (SF)INPUT CONTROL VOLTAGE - 13.5 VDC ±20%INPUT CONTROL CURRENT - 50 MA (TYP)ENERGY 60 WATT MODE - 26.5 JOULES (TOTAL) 11.5/5/5/5 JOULES ENERGY 90 WATT MODE - 36 JOULES (TOTAL) 15/7/7/7 JOULESENERGY LO POWER MODE- 10 JOULES (TOTAL) 2.5/2.5/2.5/2.5 JOULESFig. 2NOTICEWiring Change:Revision of Low PowerOperationThe Low Power Control Wire (Violet Colored) is now grounded to prevent accidental initiation of the LOW INTENSITY MODE. In order to activate the Low Power Mode:1.Cut the VIOLET wire in the Power Cable.2.Add a length (appropriate size) of 18 AWG wire.3.Connect the additional wire to a Single Pole/Single Throw momentary switch to +12 VoltDC fused@3 Amps.To restore HIGH POWER MODE, turn lightbar off for at least two seconds and then turn the lightbar on.。

海承工业产品:真合气闸树iformation 使用操作及维护指南说明书

海承工业产品:真合气闸树iformation 使用操作及维护指南说明书

INSTALLATION OPERATION & MAINTENANCEOF TRUE UNION AIR RELEASE BALL CHECK VALVES PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION PRIOR TO INSTALLING AND USING HAYWARD VALVES, STRAINERS, FILTERS, AND OTHER ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY.1. Hayward guarantees its products against defective material and workmanship only. Hayward assumes no responsibility for damage or injuriesresulting from improper installation, misapplication, or abuse of any product.2. Hayward assumes no responsibility for damage or injury resulting from chemical incompatibility between its products and the process fluids towhich they are subjected. Compatibility charts provided in Hayward literature are based on ambient temperatures of 70F and are for reference only. Customer should always test to determine application suitability.3. Consult Hayward literature to determine operating pressure and temperature limitations before installing any Hayward product. Note that themaximum recommended fluid velocity through any Hayward product is eight feet per second. Higher flow rates can result in possible damage due to the water hammer effect. Also note that maximum operating pressure is dependent upon material selection as well as operating temperature.4. Hayward products are designed primarily for use with non-compressible liquids. They should NEVER be used or tested with compressible fluidssuch as compressed air or nitrogen.5. Systems should always be depressurized and drained prior to installing or maintaining Hayward products.6. Temperature effect on piping systems should always be considered when the systems are initially designed. Piping systems must be designedand supported to prevent excess mechanical loading on Hayward equipment due to system misalignment, weight, shock, vibration, and the effects of thermal expansion and contraction.7. Because PVC and CPVC plastic products become brittle below 40F, Hayward recommends caution in their installation and use below thistemperature.8. Published operating torque requirements are based upon testing of new valves using clean water at 70F. Valve torque is affected by many factorsincluding fluid chemistry, viscosity, flow rate, and temperature. These should be considered when sizing electric or pneumatic actuators.9.Due to differential thermal expansion rates between metal and plastic, transmittal of pipe vibration, and pipe loading forces DIRECTINSTALLATION OF METAL PIPE INTO PLASTIC CONNECTIONS IS NOT RECOMMENDED. Wherever installation of plastic valves into metal piping systems is necessary, it is recommended that at least 10 pipe diameter in length of plastic pipe be installed upstream and downstream of the plastic valve to compensate for the factors mentioned above.SOCKET CONNECTION:Socket end connections are manufactured to ASTM D2467-94. Solvent cementing of socket end connections to pipe should be performed per ASTM specifications D2855-87. Cut pipe square. Chamfer and deburr pipe. Surfaces must be cleaned and free of dirt, moisture, oil and other foreign material. Remove assembly nuts and end connectors from valve body. Slide assembly nuts, with threads facing valve, onto pipe to which the end connector is to be cemented. Apply primer to inside socket surface of end connector. Never allow primer or cement to contact valve ball or end connector o-ring sealing surfaces, as leaking may result. Use a scrubbing motion. Repeat applications may be necessary to soften the surface of the socket. Next, liberally apply primer to the male end of the pipe to the length of the socket depth. Again apply to the socket, without delay apply cement to the pipe while the surface is still wet with primer. Next apply cement lightly, but uniformly to the inside of the socket. Apply a second coat of cement to the pipe, and assemble the end connector to the pipe, rotating the end connector 1/4 turn in one direction as it is slipped to full depth on to the pipe. The end connector should be held in position for approx. 30 seconds to allow the connection to “set”. After assembly wipe off excess cement. Full set time is a minimum of 30 minutes at 60 to 100 F. Full cure time should be based on the chart below.JOINT CURE SCHEDULE:The cure schedules are suggested as guides. They are based on laboratory test data, and should not be taken to be the recommendations of all cement manufacturers. Individual manufacturer’s recommendations for their particular cement should be followed._______________________________________________________________________________________________________Temperature Test Pressures for Pipe Test Pressures for Pipe Test Pressures for Pipe Test Pressures for PipeRange During Sizes 1/2 to 1-1/4 In. Sizes 1-1/2 to 3 In. Sizes 4 to 5 In. Sizes 6 to 8 In _Cure Period(B) Up to Above 180 to Up to Above 180 to Up to Above 180 to Up to Above 180 toºF(ºC) 180 PSI 370 PSI (1240 180 PSI 315 PSI 1240) 180 PSI 315 PSI (1240 180 PSI 315 PSI (1240(1240 kPa) to 2550 kPa) (1240 kPa) to 2170 kPa) (1240 kPa) to 2170 kPa) (1240 kPa) to 2170 kPa)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________60 to 100 (15 to 40) 1 h 6 h 2 h 12 h 6 h 18 h 8 h 24 h40 to 60 ( 5 to 15) 2 h 12 h 4 h 24 h 12 h 36 h 16 h 48 h20 to 40 ( -7 to 5) 6 h 36 h 12 h 72 h 36 h A 4 days A 3 days A 9 days A10 to 20) (-15 to 7) 8 h 48 h 16 h 96 h 72 h A 8 days A 4 days A 12 days AColder than 10 (-15) Extreme care should be exercised on all joints made where pipe, fittings or cement is below 10ºF.A: It is important to note that at temperatures colder than 20ºF on sizes that exceed 3 in., test results indicate that many variables exist in the actual cure rate of the joint. The data expressed in these categories represent only estimated averages. In some cases, cure will be achieved in less time, but isolated test results indicate that even longer periods of cure may be required.B: These cure schedules are based on laboratory test data obtained on Net Fit Joints (NET FIT=in a dry fit the pipe bottoms snugly in the fitting socket without meeting interference).THREADED CONNECTION:Threaded end connections are manufactured to ASTM specifications D2464-88. F437-88 and ANSI B2.1. Wrap threads of pipe with Teflon tape of 3 to 3-1/2 mil thickness. The tape should be wrapped in a clockwise direction starting at the first or second full thread. Overlap each wrap by, 1/2 the width of the tape. The wrap should be applied with sufficient tension to allow the threads of a single wrapped area to show through without cutting the tape. The wrap should continue for the full effective length of the thread. Pipe sizes 2” and greater will not benefit with more than a second wrap, due to the greater thread depth. To provide a leak proof joint, the pipe should be threaded into the end connec tion “hand tight”. Using a strap wrench only. (Never use a stillson type wrench) tighten the joint an additional 1/2 to 1-1/2 turns past hand tight. Tightening beyond thispoint may induce excessive stress that could cause failure.ORIENTATION:As in all plastic piping the maximum fluid velocity is 8 feet per second. This velocity minimizes the effects of valve closure and pump start up or shut down.Note: exhaust flow arrow when installing. The ball is designed to float. When installed as an air release valve the valve should be installed in a vertical position, with the exhaust flow direction arrow pointing up.REPAIR:EXTREME CAUTION MUST BE TAKEN WHEN WORKING ON THIS VALVE.THE PIPING SYSTEM MUST BE DEPRESSURIZED AND DRAINED. PROPER CARE MUST BE TAKEN. CONSULT M.S.D.S. (MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS) INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR SPECIFIC APPLICATION.Remove the assembly nut and end connector from the “adjust” end of the body, or the complete valve body from the piping sys tem. The front face of the seal retainer indicates which direction of rotation tightens or loosens the seal retainer, with the word “tighten” and a directional arrow, and the word “loosen” and a directional arrow. Direction of rotation may vary depending on date of manufacture.Rotate the seal retainer c ompletely in the “loosen” direction and remove it from valve body. The o-rings and seals are now accessible for replacement using a “seal” repair kit. Carefully remove the o-rings from their respective locations taking care not to scratch their sealing surfaces. Use a non-petroleum base lubricant to lubricate the o-rings, and re-assemble the valve.ABIS Rev B06VS01/19/2001ECR 423S。

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HW 197 10 AC-T