

VHF_AM TBS_350使用手册

VHF_AM TBS_350使用手册

VHF/AM BASE STATIONS MODEL Til-91-DE对空高频TBS-350使用说明TBS-350正面图:一、电源开关(打开时候要先向后拉再向上搬)二、音量调节(顺时针大、逆时针小)三、静噪调节(顺时针大、逆时针小,)四、液晶显示屏五、控制按键六、5A保险七、接话筒八、接耳机九、交流电开关十、2.5A保险十一、10A保险十二、高功率/低功率选择(25w为高功率,7w为低功率如果飞机距离较近可调为7w低功率,降低干扰)TBS-350背面图:一、接室外天线如下图(底托上有118MHz~137MHz的范围标示)二、接地线三、接电源线小键盘的使用说明:小键盘区由0~9和E、R键组成。















4~20mA 信号
FB系 列产 品分 多种 规格 、型 号, 适 用 于 不 同 工 况 环 境 。 故 在 选 型 、 安 装 时 需 注 意 以 下事项: 1. 应用环境的基本工况:工作温度、工作压力、被测介质的物理、化学特性(包括比 重、流动性、耐酸碱性、防爆要求等)。 2 . 待测 液位 的设 计要 求: 测量 范围 (即C- C距 离) ,测 量精 度, 安装 开关 量报 警点 的数 量,是否提供远传及输出信号方式。 3. 磁翻板液位计本身的参数:产品材质,安装方式,和罐体的过程连接方式及距离, 是否需要排污阀,是否提供保温夹套。 4. 在运输、安装过程中,应避免剧烈撞击,以防止内部磁性材料破损。 5. 高温环境应避免让出线裸露或和高温物体接触。 6. 本产品通过磁耦合原理工作,应避免强磁近距离干扰液位计,以防止误动作。 7 . 磁 性 开关 安装位 置如 图一 所示 , 安 装 时 须 紧 贴 管 壁 , 并 靠 近 翻 板 指 示 器 。
1 / 2 "塞头 平盖
B K - B型
刻度尺 翻板指示器
B K - A型
三线制远传电气接线图(电阻信号) 电源
两线制远传电气接线图(电流信号) 电源
H: 双 法 兰+塞 头 K: 双 法 兰+ 1 / 2″ 球 阀 B: 双 法 兰+保 护 管 W: 双 法 兰+弯 头

丹佛斯 说明书

丹佛斯 说明书

VLT 2900
3 380-415V………………....… 71 ………….............................……....… 72 ………….....................................……....… 72
………………………....…. 73
[0] 1-4 [1]-[4]
MG.29.A3.41 - VLT
LCP 007(LCP )
[0] [1] [2] [3]
006 [4]
[0] 1-4 [1]-[4]



INTUCH-CPL 008/2021
19 April 2021
Subject: Acknowledgement of the Tender Offer for all securities of Intouch Holdings Plc. for conditional voluntary tender offer and/or through trading on the Stock Exchange of Thailand or any other means
Please be informed accordingly,
Your Faithfully,
(Mr. Tee Sriumpornroj) Chief Finance Officer Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited
Singapore Telecommunications Limited (“Singtel”) refers to the announcement dated 19 April 2021 issued by Gulf Energy Development Public Company Limited (“Gulf”) relating to Gulf’s intention to (1) invest in all ordinary shares of Intouch Holdings Public Company Limited (“INTUCH”) through a conditional voluntary tender at the tender offer price of THB 65.00 per share, and (2) make a tender offer for all securities of Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited (“ADVANC”) in the case where Gulf is required to do so in accordance with the chain principle. Singtel views its stakes in INTUCH and ADVANC as strategic investments and we believe in the long term outlook of the businesses. Singtel is reviewing its strategic options to ensure that INTUCH and ADVANC shareholders get full benefit of the intrinsic value of the businesses and will, in compliance with the Corporate Disclosure Policy of the SGX-ST Listing Manual, make the relevant disclosures (if any) at the appropriate time. Singtel wishes to advise its shareholders to refrain from taking any action in respect of their shares in Singtel which may be prejudicial to their interests, and to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of Singtel. Issued by Singapore Telecommunications Limited on 19 April 2021.









1980年原西德物理学家冯·克利青(K.Von Klitzing )研究二维电子气系统的输运特性,在低温和强磁场下发现了量子霍尔效应,这是凝聚态物理领域最重要的发现之一。



[实验目的]1、了解霍尔效应原理及测量霍尔元件有关参数.2、测绘霍尔元件的s H I V -,M H I V -曲线了解霍尔电势差H V 与霍尔元件控制(工作)电流s I 、励磁电流M I 之间的关系。

3、学习利用霍尔效应测量磁感应强度B 及磁场分布。





如右图(1)所示,磁场B 位于Z 的正向,与之垂直的半导体薄片上沿X 正向通以电流s I (称为控制电流或工作电流),假设载流子为电子(N 型半导体材料),它沿着与电流s I 相反的X 负向运动。

安装使用说明书 - ULFB—1000 型 防 爆 翻 板 液 位 变 送 器 - 开封

安装使用说明书 - ULFB—1000 型 防 爆 翻 板 液 位 变 送 器 - 开封

ULFB—1000型防爆翻板液位变送器安装使用说明书开封仪表厂液位仪表分厂2002 .12ULFB—1000型防爆翻板液位变送器1.产品功能、用途和适用范围1.1产品特点本仪表基于磁性吸引效应及R/1转换技术制造,它具有以下特点:a、采用低漂移集成运放;b、本安型防爆(Ex iaⅡCT4),防爆合格证号GYB02441c,二线制4~20mA DC输出;d、电远传液位变送,输出电流与液位高度成正比;e、零位与量程调节简便;f、本仪表与本厂产品ULF一1001型翻板液位计配套使用。


1.3使用环境条件环境温度:-10~+55℃, 液体温度≤120℃;相对湿度:5%~95%;大气压力:86~106KPa。

1.4电气参数输出信号: 4~20mA DC,1~5V DC(250Ω);供电电源: 24V DC;负载电阻:在24V DC供电时,最大负载电阻为150Ω(防爆型),600Ω(非防爆型).2.产品型式和组成2.1型式变送器是采用浮力和磁耦合效应感应液位的变化,经R/I转换电路处理实现远距离指示的方式.2.2组成成套测量由变送器和翻板液位计组成。


2.4外形尺寸和安装尺寸外形尺寸与安装尺寸见图1,3 工作原理与结构特征3.1工作原理变送器由检测,变换两个主要部分,以及表壳,表盖,检测杆等组成,检测与变换电路由三芯单屏蔽电缆线连接。




PKPM计算书项目编号: No.1项目名称: 维美德西安造纸机械有限公司办公楼计算人: 王川专业负责人: 王川校核人: 王川日期: 2018-05-30长安大学建筑工程学院目录一. 设计依据 (4)二. 计算软件信息 (4)三. 结构模型概况 (4)1. 系统总信息 (4)2. 楼层信息 (10)3. 各层等效尺寸 (11)4. 层塔属性 (11)四. 工况和组合 (12)1. 工况设定 (12)2. 工况信息 (12)3. 构件内力基本组合系数 (13)五. 质量信息 (13)1. 结构质量分布 (13)2. 各层刚心、偏心率信息 (15)六. 立面规则性 (15)1. 楼层侧向剪切刚度 (15)2. [楼层剪力/层间位移]刚度 (16)3. 各楼层受剪承载力 (17)4. 楼层薄弱层调整系数 (18)5. 楼层侧向剪弯刚度 (19)七. 抗震分析及调整 (19)1. 结构周期及振型方向 (19)2. 各地震方向参与振型的有效质量系数 (21)3. 地震作用下结构剪重比及其调整 (21)4. 偶然偏心信息 (24)5. 各振型的地震力(按抗规5.2.5调整前) (24)6. 各振型的基底剪力 (25)八. 结构体系指标及二道防线调整 (26)1. 竖向构件倾覆力矩及百分比(抗规方式) (26)2. 竖向构件地震剪力及百分比 (28)3. 各层规定水平力 (30)4. 竖向构件倾覆力矩及百分比(力学方式) (30)九. 变形验算 (32)1. 普通结构楼层位移指标统计 (32)2. 大震下弹塑性层间位移角 (36)十. 抗倾覆和稳定验算 (36)1. 抗倾覆验算 (36)2. 整体稳定刚重比验算 (37)3. 二阶效应系数及内力放大 (37)十一. 超筋超限信息 (38)1. 超筋超限信息汇总 (38)十二. 指标汇总 (38)1. 指标汇总信息 (38)十三. 结构分析及设计结果简图 (39)1. 结构平面简图 (39)2. 荷载简图 (42)3. 配筋简图 (44)一. 设计依据本工程按照如下规范、规程进行设计:1. 《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB 50010-2010)2. 《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB 50010-2010)(2015年版)3. 中华人民共和国国家标准. GB50068-2010,建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准[S].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2010.4. 《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2010)5. 《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2010)(2016年版)6. 《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB50009-2012)7. 中华人民共和国国家标准. GB50009-2012, 建筑结构荷载规范[S],北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2012.8. 中华人民共和国国家标准.GB 50223-2008,建筑工程抗震设防分类标准[S],北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2008.二. 计算软件信息本工程计算软件为SATWE V4.1.0版。



使用说明书IMS-A系列伺服控制器简易调试说明时光科技有限公司目录前言 (2)概要 (3)主回路接线图 (4)控制回路接线图 (5)输入接口介绍 (6)输出接口介绍 (7)编码器信号介绍 (8)单项脉冲列信号介绍 (9)模拟量信号介绍 (9)通讯信号介绍 (10)跳线、拨码开关介绍 (10)操作面板的使用 (12)故障报警含义及解决办法 (16)系统参数一览表 (18)参数的调节与初始化 (20)前言请在产品调试之前,详细阅读调试说明书,请妥善保存随机附送的说明书并交由该机器的使用者。
















·单PG型,只有控制器自身所控电机的PG接口,无外部轴PG输入接口2、PG(Pulse Generation):在本说明书中特指用于电机控制和外部给定的脉冲发生器或编码器。































E. 27¹⁄₂" (69.9 cm) r
A. 22³⁄₈" (56.8 cm) max. recessed width B. 51" (129.5 cm) max. overall height C. 23³⁄₄" (60.3 cm) overall width D. 23" (58.4 cm) max. recessed depth E. 49¹⁄₂" (125.7 cm) recessed height
our products, we reserve the right to change materials and specifications without notice. Instructions packed with product. Specifications subject to change without notice.
A. 23¹⁄₄" (59.1 cm) min. cutout depth
B. 23" (58.4 cm) recessed oven depth
C. Oven front
D. Recessed oven
E. Cabinet
Single Oven Undercounter
(without cooktop installed above)
G DIMENSIONS Cabinet Side View Double or Single Oven A
A. 22³⁄₈" (56.8 cm) max. recessed width



理正深基坑使用说明打开理正点击小对话窗口中的增按钮,出现新增项目选用模板,如下图选择排桩支护设计项,然后确认显示如下:说甲隼畴垣宀计L4然后开始数据输入:(可根据软件提示进行填写)基坑等级和基坑侧壁重要性系数可查下图a^*i-B ±.E^.⅛更Ia 总卫丹力计■?TiS<≡K≡tMF15⅛Stt> J⅛J ∣J⅛-MSttMEiaSI≡^>il∣QLB≡tIβ⅛H⅛)io ωoKHif≡⅛)IQOT¾ET⅛B⅛)Q m柱直fi⅛)0.9DC«M£b)I.CTC 30ff⅛MUΞ¾QO扶・⅛Sħ⅞WΛ,T⅛衍"2)%严痒式3.1.3基坑支护结构设计应根据表3・L 3选用相应的侧壁安全等级及重要性系数。


土层信息内侧降水最终深度和外侧水位深度 2项数值一般是相同(无隔水的情况下),经验数值为基坑深度加深1.5米土层数根据实际填写,其他项一般不变这个表根据勘察报告填写,厚度用相关孔该层平均值,与锚固体摩擦阻力可查软件中的表,宜取小 值。


计算m 值可根据软件提供的公式计算,如图:超载4种类型坡度系数为放坡高宽比I I I用口 求m 值 '≤'基坑底面位移量估计值亦10 mmm-丄(Q2φa-φ+c) a要计算m 值的土层为:"⅝ιmnm ∣rt ι≡∣"∣Ri ι≡ιr ι∣!≡rwι「所有土层I土层参数值取值: 林水上 厂水下确定基坑底面位移量估计值经验选10mm ,也可以根据实际选小。


3上图中画红圈的不用填写预加力可选择 50-100 ,锚固体直径有150,160的(用哪个不晓得怎么选) 锚固力调整系数和材料抗力调整系数都是1.00不用改。

锐视诊断设备目录2 - 锐视诊断设备说明书

锐视诊断设备目录2 - 锐视诊断设备说明书

Diagnostic Equipment Catalog01 Instrument Heads 2Amico Diagnostic IncorporatedDiagnostic StationDirect Wall 11Direct Wall Common Configurations 12Wallboard Mounted 13Wallboard Mounted Common Configurations 14Wallboard Part Numbers 14Rail Mounted 15Rail Mounted Common Configurations 16-17Ordering Guide 17Rail Options 18Rail Accessories 18Rail Mounted with Integrated Storage 19Rail Mounted with Integrated Configurations 20Roll Stand 21Roll Stand Mounted Common Configurations 22-23Instrument HeadsOphthalmoscope 5 Coaxial 5 Coaxial Precision 5Otoscope 6 Fiber Optic Otoscope 6 Operating Otoscope 6Streak Retinoscope 7Illuminators 7 Nasal Illuminator 7 Bi-valve Nasal Speculum 7 Larynx 7 Fiber-Optic Bent 7Consumables 8 Bulbs 8 Specula 9Aneroid/SphygmomanometerWall Aneroid/Sphygmomanometer25Mobile Aneroid26Rail Mount Aneroid27Aneroid Accessories Inflation System Parts 28Blood Pressure/Cuffs Two-piece Reusable Cuffs 31One-tube Cuff Configurations 32Two-tube Cuff Configurations 32Blood Pressure Cuff Connectors 3301030402Contents01 Instrument Heads Heads 4Amico Diagnostic Incorporated 501OphthalmoscopeCoaxial Coaxial PrecisionAperture WheelThe Amico Ophthalmoscope provides superior opticsand is available in Coaxial and Coaxial Precision models.• 28 adjustable diopter lenses (+40 to -25)• 18 unique aperture and filter combinations• Sealed design keeps dust out• Anti-theft locking feature• Halogen and LED available• Three (3) year warranty • 68 single-diopter steps (+38 to -30) for precise focus• 18 unique aperture and filter combinations• Sealed design keeps dust out• Anti-theft locking feature• Halogen and LED available• Three (3) year warranty Part Number Bulb DH-W35-CH-L Halogen DH-W35-CL-L LEDPart Number Bulb DH-W35-PH-L Halogen DH-W35-PL-L LEDSmall Aperture Cobalt Blue FilterPolarization FilterRed-free FilterUnfiltered Medium Aperture Large Aperture Slit ApertureFixation Aperture For more information on Bulbs see page 8.LIFETIME Warranty on LED Bulb included with this product, when you order the LED model.LIFETIME Warranty on LED Bulb included with this product, when you order the LED model.6 Amico Diagnostic Incorporated01Otoscope• Fiber optics project light without obstruction• Swivelling lens allows instrument access• Compatible with insufflation bulb• Anti-theft locking feature• Halogen and LED available• Three (3) year warranty• Fiber optic illumination• Design allows unhindered access to ear• Swivelling lens and adjustable speculum holder • Three (3) year warranty Operating OtoscopePart Number BulbDH-W35-FH-LHalogen DH-W35-FL-L LEDPart Number DA-OS-IBPart Number Bulb DH-W35-OH Halogen DH-W35-OL LEDThe Amico Otoscope offers an ultra-clear field of view, with swivel lens and secure lock included standard.Insufflation Bulb• Otoscope insufflation bulb and tube• Compatible with fiber optic otoscope Fiber Optic Otoscope01 Streak RetinoscopeRetinoscope• Single control sleeve for vergence and rotation• Superior streak quality enables easier refractions• Sealed design keeps internal components dust free• Anti-theft locking feature• Three (3) year warranty• Three (3) year warranty • Three (3) year warranty • Three (3) year warranty • Three (3) year warrantyPart Number Bulb DH-W35-RH-L Halogen DH-W35-RL-LLEDBi-valve Nasal SpeculumLarynx Fiber-Optic BentBi-valve Nasal Speculum Illuminator, 3.5 V.Head Only.Larynx Illuminator, 3.5 V. Head Only.Bent Illuminator, 3.5 V. Head Only. IlluminatorsNasalNasal Illuminator, 3.5 V. Head Only.Part Number BulbDH-W35-NH HalogenDH-W35-NL LEDPart Number BulbDH-W35-LH HalogenDH-W35-LL LEDPart Number BulbDH-W35-BH HalogenDH-W35-BL LEDPart Number BulbDH-W35-VH HalogenDH-W35-VLLED78 Amico Diagnostic Incorporated01LEDBulbs HalogenAmico offers halogen and LED replacement bulbs to ensure you have the brightness and bulb-life to meet your needs.• LED bulbs use approximately 85.7% less power and have 1,000x the lifespan of a halogen bulb. Save money on consumables with LEDs• LED Bulbs are brighter than halogen bulbsLifetime warranty on LED bulbs when you order an LED DiagnosticStation.View of LED Bulb scopePart Number Application and Packaging DC-3100-L01LED bulb 3100 series for Fiber optic Otoscope and Illuminators, pack of 1DC-4900-L01LED bulb 4900 series for Coaxial Ophthalmoscope, pack of 1DC-1100-L01LED bulb 1100 series for Retinoscope, pack of 1Part Number Application and Packaging DC-3100-H10Halogen bulb 3100 series for Fiber optic Otoscope, pack of 10DC-4900-H10Halogen bulb 4900 series for Coaxial Ophthalmoscope, pack of 10DC-1100-H01Halogen bulb 1100 series for Retinoscope, pack of 1ConsumablesHalogen 3100LED 3100LED 1100Halogen 1100LED 4900Halogen 4900 901SpeculaFiber Optic Otoscope SpeculasOperating Otoscope SpeculasDirect WallStandard Instrument Heads Include Anti-theft LocksIntegrated Cable Management Locking Thermometer Eco-friendly Low Power ConsumptionUSB Outlets for Auxiliary DevicesIntegrated Dispenser StorageFeaturesSmart practices and facilities are always searching for new ways to eliminate headaches, cut costs, and optimize processes. Developed in collaboration with doctors and nurses, Amico’s diagnostic equipment line maximizes value, provides peace of mind and enhances practitioner workflow.A range of mounting options optimize workflow and enhance practitioner and patient experience. Mount directly to the wall, or on a wallboard to enhanceaesthetics and simplify mounting. Roll Stand mounting enables quick relocation from room to room in a busy office or handling patient overflow in a hectic emergency department. Rails facilitate easy mounting,quick reorganization of equipment, and incorporateseven more storage for the ultimate exam workflowsolution!Direct Wall Common ConfigurationsHalogenWallboard Mounted• Decorative thermofoil over wood, for easy cleaning, durability and better esthetics • Power cord concealed behind board • Custom shapes for specialty areas • Pre-drilled wallboard allows for simple installation of diagnostic station• Wide variety of colors and wood laminates to meet all design needs • Integrated cable managementAvoid installation pitfalls by using Amico Wallboards to securely fasten diagnosticequipment to your wall.Concealed Cable ManagementBlue Whale Yellow BusGreen Dinosaur Color OptionsHardrock Maple (Optional)Medium Oak (Optional)Candlelight (Optional)Light Grey (Standard)Specialty WallboardsWallboard Mounted Common Configurations Wallboard Part NumbersPart Number Color Size28.0" (71 cm)12."(3.5cm)DS-WLLBRD-LG03LG - Light Grey For Diagnostic Station with Dispenserand Aneroid35.0" (88.9 cm)12."(3.5cm)DS-WLLBRD-LG04LG - Light Grey For Diagnostic Station with DispenserAneroid and ThermometryHalogenRail Mounted• Easily adjust and relocate equipment to suit the needs of your practitioners • Equipment can be locked in place • Simple transfer from direct rail to headwall or casework rail• Improve patient-centered care and HCAHPS Scores• Facilitates terminal cleaningVertical, Horizontal, and Fairfield Rail and Mounts Easily Relocate Your EquipmentCustom Configuration with StorageFeatures and ConfigurationsHalogen * Rail not included. For rail information, see page 18.Ordering GuideOther rail mount options available.Add your code in the ordering guide.For example: DS-UF1-CHFH-DAXDiagnostic Station, Fairfield rail mounts, Halogen Bulb, Specula Dispenser, AneroidDS-UA1-CHFH-DAXA1 Horizontal Rail Mounts V1 Vertical Rail Mounts F1 Fairfield Rail MountsDo you need mounts for a different type of rail? Use the ordering guide below to determine your part number or ask your sales representative for assistance.* Rail not included. For rail information, see page 18.Halogen Did you know you can combine diagnostics and storage for a complete workflow solution? See page 19.Rail AccessoriesBasket 5" x 5" x 4"Basket 9" x 9" x 10"Basket 10" x 6" x 9"Glove/Tissue Box HolderSmall storage baskets are great for BP cuffs and miscellaneous odds and ends. Designed to sit below the horizontal rail or in the center for vertical systems.Medium is designed to accommodate small objects for nurses and doctors convenience. Designed to sit below the horizontal rail or in the center for vertical rail systems.This basket works well with small items in patient rooms can also work as a convenient waste receptacle.Versatile storage for glove boxes or tissue boxes, can be mounted onto various style rails or direct to wall.Part NumberType050504-A-BB Amico Horizontal Rail 050504-V-BB Amico Vertical Rail 050504-F-BBFairfield RailPart NumberType090910-A-BB Amico Horizontal Rail 090910-V-BB Amico Vertical Rail 090910-F-BBFairfield RailPart NumberType100609-A-BB Amico Horizontal Rail 100609-V-BB Amico Vertical Rail 100609-F-BBFairfield RailPart NumberTypeGLBOXHLD-1-A Amico Horizontal Rail GLBOXHLD-1-V Amico Vertical Rail GLBOXHLD-1-FFairfield Rail(12.7 cm x 12.7 cm x 10.2 cm)(22.9 cm x 22.9 cm x 25.4 cm)(25.4 cm x 15.2 cm x 22.9 cm)Rail OptionsAmico Horizontal Rail SystemPart NumberLengthARS-02424"ARS-03636"ARS-04848"1.99" 50.6 mm1.35" 34.4 mmcu t t o l e n g t h• Integrated mounting plate• Ease of maintenance and infection control • Available in a wide variety of lengths • Laminate insert allows for color customizationAmico Vertical Rail SystemPart Number LengthVRS-02424"VRS-03636"VRS-04848"1.00"25.4 mm0.44" 11.1mmC u t t o l e n g t h• Mounts flush to any surface• Can be used in conjunction with horizontal rails for a more efficient use of space• Ideal for inlaying in cabinets/caseworkFairfield Rail SystemPart NumberLengthLRS-02424"LRS-03636"LRS-04848"Part NumberLengthFRS-02424"FRS-03636"FRS-04848"cut t o l e n g t h1.16" 29.5 mm0.40" 10.2 mm1.16" 29.5 mm1.18"30.1 mm• Slim profile ideal for adding to existing equipment • Laminate insert allows for color customization • Available in a wide variety of lengths• Can be fitted directly to the wall surface or paired with mounting hardware• Laminate insert allows for color customization • Available in a wide variety of lengthsLight Duty Fairfield Rail SystemRail Mounted with Integrated StorageWire BasketGlove/Tissue Box HolderClear Storage Container 4' RailStethoscope HookSharps Container Holder Key Storage FeaturesGreat for storing extra cuffs andmedium/large supplies.Perfect for your swabs, tongue depressors, cotton balls, and more!Universal Sharps holder with adjustable strap fits common sizes of sharp bins.4' Fairfield Rail for quick mounting of your diagnostic station and storage.Fits most sizes of glove and tissue boxes. Spring loaded to accommodate shallow boxes.Great for storingyour stethoscope next to your aneroid.• Faster workflow • Better organization • Industry-best warranty• Superb storage • Customizable • Extendable• More patient face timeHave something you'd like to mount not shown on this page?Ask your sales rep about custom mounting!Rail Mounted with Integrated ConfigurationHalogen◆◆HalogenLED02 21Roll Stand• Modular design allows devices to be easily added and removed • Device mounts are compatible with Amico horizontal headwalls • 10 ft (3 m) hospital grade power cord • Extra large basket for storage • All casters are locking • Stable 5-leg recessed Base • Available with thermometry and aneroid • 10 ft (3 m) power cordMounts CompatibleLarge Storage BasketMount your diagnostic system on a Roll Stand for complete flexibility. Easily transport your station from room to room to suit the dynamic needs of your facility.Perfect for patient overflow!All Locking Wheels0222 Amico Diagnostic Incorporated Roll Stand Mounted Common ConfigurationsPart NumberHalogen Halogen02Roll Stand Mounted Common ConfigurationsPart NumberHalogen HalogenHalogen LEDModel Shown: DS-UR1-CHFL-DAI2303 25Wall Aneroid/Sphygmomanometer• Luminescent dial is readable in low light • Large 6" (15.2 cm) dial • Recessed dial face reduces parallax errors • Lens minimizes reflection to diminish distracting mirror effect • Thermally treated diaphragm maintains calibration • 110° gauge swivel for easy viewing • Available with latex-free blood pressure cuff and 8 ft (2.4 m) coiled tubing inflation system • No pin stop movement • Mercury-free • Lifetime calibration warrantyPart NumberAM-DB-LF2118Amico's BP Aneroid Sphygmomanometers provide an accurate pressure measurements. The clarity of the dial makes it easy to read, and features a scratch and shatter resistant lens. Available with any cuff size or fittings to match any blood pressure cuff.See page 31 for extra Cuff sizes.Huge Value!0326 Amico Diagnostic Incorporated Mobile Aneroid• Luminescent dial is readable in low light• Accurate to within 3 mmHg • Large 6" (15.2 cm) dial • Recessed dial face reduces parallax errors • Lens minimizes reflection to diminish distracting mirror effect • 110° gauge swivel for easy viewing • Mercury free and latex-free • Adjustable height from 34" to 48" (86.4 cm to 121.9 cm)• 18" (45.7 cm) diameter weighted base for added stability • Spring-loaded post helps prevent equipment damage • Aneroid face angled upwards at 20° for ease of viewingIntegrated Cuff Basket Weighted 5 Legged Recessed Base Angled Dial FaceSpring Loaded Post with Adjustable HeightPart Number AM-RX-LF2118The Mobile Aneroid enables quick and easy movementfrom room to room.See page 31 for more information on Cuffs.03 27Rail Mount Aneroid• Reduces congestion on the equipment rails• Available with a variety of rail adaptersL - Bracket Mount • Aneroid and basket mounted together on a single bracket• Reduces congestion on the equipment rails• Available with a variety of rail adapters Model Shown: AM-AL-LF2118Rail Mounts • Easy to move accessory adapters• Independent cuff basket allows proper placement for ease of access• Available with a variety of rail adaptersModel Shown: AM-AB-LF2118Model Shown: AM-VB-LF2118Mount your aneroid, cuff basket, and other diagnosticproducts using Amico’s rail system for simplifiedinstallation, enhanced workflow, and easy modificationof equipment and storage layouts.See page 20 for more information on rail-mountedconfigurations.See page 31 for information about ordering extra Cuffs.Part Number Rail MountAM-AB-LF2118Amico Horizontal AM-VB-LF2118Amico Vertical AM-FB-LF2118FairfieldPart Number Rail MountAM-AL-LF2118Amico Horizontal AM-VL-LF2118Amico Vertical AM-FL-LF2118Fairfield0328 Amico Diagnostic IncorporatedAneroid Accessories and Inflation System Parts Coil Tubing Inflation SystemAneroid GaugeCoil Tubing &Extension Lens Cover Cuff Basket Latex-free coil tubing.Expands to 8 ft (2.4 m).Inflation bulb with air release and end valve.Durable, latex-free construction.Aneroid gauge only, 300 mmHG8 ft latex-free coil tubing with 4" extension and male screw connector.Low profile cuff storage.Part Number TB-C96LF Part Number AM-INFL-BV Part Number Mount AM-A-SPHYGAmico Horizontal Rail AM-V-SPHYGAmico Vertical Rail AM-F-SPHYGFairfield Rail AM-D-SPHYG Wall Part Number Mount AM-A-CUFBSK Amico Horizontal Rail AM-V-CUFBSK Amico Vertical Rail AM-F-CUFBSK Fairfield AM-D-CUFBSK WallPart NumberAM-COILASM8-SMReplacement lens for wall aneroid.Part Number AM-LENS03Ask about our other2904 31Two-piece cuff with bulb and connector.• Durable nylon cuff covers • Comfort fit with no hard edges • Color coded for easy size identification • All components are latex-free• Arm circumference range guide indicates when larger or smaller cuff should be used• Full line of connectors allowing compatibility with any NIBP or aneroid • 3 year warrantySize Color Circumference Part Number DescriptionAmico’s blood pressure cuffs and components are made with care and quality to ensure they exceed industry standard. Our cuffs are available in all sizes and color coded for quick and easy identification.Two-piece Reusable Cuffs0432 Amico Diagnostic IncorporatedOne-tube Cuff Configurations04 33Blood Pressure Cuff ConnectorsTC-SFP-532-10Female Screw with Plastic Connector5/32" ID Tubing 10/Pkg.TC-SMP-532-10Male Screw with Plastic Connector 5/32" ID Tubing 10/Pkg.TC-QFP-532-10Female Subminiature with Plastic Connector 5/32" ID Hose 10/Pkg.TC-QMP-532-10Male Subminiature with Plastic Connector 5/32" ID Hose 10/Pkg.TC-BFM-532Female Bayonet with Metal Connector for 5/32" ID Tubing.TC-BMM-532Male Bayonet with Metal Connector for 5/32" ID Tubing.TC-BMP-532-10Male Bayonet with Plastic Connector for 5/32" ID Tubing 10/Pkg.TC-KFP-532-10Locking Luer with Plastic Connector 5/32" ID Hose 10/Pkg.TC-KFP-332-10Female Locking Luer with Plastic Connector 3/32" ID Hose 10/Pkg.TC-KMP-532-10Male Locking Luer Connector 5/32" ID Hose 10/Pkg.TC-LFP-532-10Female Slip Luer with Plastic Connector 5/32" ID Hose 10/Pkg.TC-LMP-532-10Male Slip Luer with Plastic Connector 5/32" ID Hose 10/Pkg.TC-LMP-332-10Male Slip Luer with Plastic Connector 3/32" ID Hose 10/Pkg.TC-HBP-532-10Double Ended Hose Barb Connector for 5/32" ID Hose 10/Pkg.TC-HBP-332-10Double Ended Hose Barb Connector for 3/32" ID Hose 10/Pkg.Right at your finger tips. Patient exams made easy.Represented By:ADX-CATALOG-DIAGNOSTIC-EQUIPMENT 11.21.2023Amico Accessories Inc. | 85 Fulton Way, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 2N4, Canada Toll Free Tel: 1.877.264.2697 | Tel: 905.763.7778 | Fax: 905.763.8587Email:*********************|。

AA 胷囊电池说明书

AA 胷囊电池说明书

AA Portable Power CorpAddress: 860S 19th st, Unit A, Richmond, CA, 94804 TEL: 510-525-4710 FAX: 510-525-4728 VER: DATE:Li-ion Cylindrical BatterySpecificationModel: 18500/800mAhPrepared By/Date Checked By/Date Approved By/DateCustomer confirmationDateEdition Design Reason ApprovedDateA FirstEditionTEL :510-525-4710 FAX :510-525-4728DATE:1. ScopeThis specification is applied to 18500/800mAh Manufactured by AA Portable Power Corp 2. Product Specification Table 1No. Item Rated PerformanceRemark1 Rated Capacity ≥760mAh Standard discharge (160mA)after Standard charge 2 Nominal V oltage 3.2VMean Operation V oltage During Standard Discharge After Standard Charge3V oltage at end ofDischarge 2.0V Discharge Cut-off V oltage 4 Charging V oltage 3.8±0.1V5 Max Charging V oltage 4.0V 6AC (1KHz) Impedance New CellMax.(m Ω)≤70m Ω7 Standard charge Constant Current 160mAConstant V oltage 3.8V0.01 C 5A cut-offCharge time : Approx 8.0h8 Standard dischargeConstant current 160mAend voltage2.0V9 Self-discharge ≤10%After Standard Charge, at23 ℃ ±2 ℃,stores 30 day to measure it’s capacity10 Maximum Continuous ChargeCurrent 800mA 11 Maximum Continuous Discharge Current8000mACharge: 0~45℃ 12 Operation Temperature Range Discharge: -20~60℃ 60±25%R.H. Bare Cell Less than 1 year: -20~25℃ 13Storage TemperatureRangeless than 3 months: -20~40℃60±25%R.H. at the shipment state14 Weight28g(Approx) Bare Cell15 Cell DimensionФ18.0(±0.2) *50.0(±0.3)mmInitial DimensionTEL:510-525-4710 FAX:510-525-4728DATE:3.Performance And Test Conditions3.1 Standard Test ConditionsTest should be conducted with new batteries within one week after shipment from our factory and the cellsshall not be cycled more than five times before the test. Unless otherwise defined, test and measurementshall be done under temperature of 20±5℃ and relative humidity of 45~85%. If it is judged that the testresults are not affected by such conditions, the tests may be conducted at temperature 15~30℃ and humidity25~85%RH.3.2 Measuring Instrument or Apparatus3.2.1 Dimension Measuring InstrumentThe dimension measurement shall be implemented by instruments with equal or moreprecision scale of 0.01mm.3.2.2 V oltmeterStandard class specified in the national standard or more sensitive class having inner impedance morethan 10kΩ/V3.2.3 AmmeterStandard class specified in the national standard or more sensitive class. Total externalresistance including ammeter and wire is less than 0.01Ω.3.2.4 Impedance MeterImpedance shall be measured by a sinusoidal alternating current method (1kHz LCR meter).3.3 Standard Charge\Discharge3.3.1 Standard Charge :Test procedure and its criteria are referred as follows:0.2C5A =160mACharging shall consist of charging at a 0.2C5A constant current rate until the cell reaches 3.8V. The cellshall then be charged at constant voltage of 3.8volts while tapering the charge current. Charging shallbe terminated when the charging current has tapered to 0.01C5A. Charge time: Approx 8.0h, The cellshall demonstrate no permanent degradation when charged between 0 ºC and 45 ºC.3.3.2 Standard Discharge0.2C5A =160mACells shall be discharged at a constant current of 0.2 C5A to 2.0 volts @ 20º ± 5C3.4 AppearanceThere shall be no such defect as flaw, crack, rust, leakage, which may adversely affect commercial valueof battery.3.5 Initial Performance TestTable 2Item MeasuringProcedureRequirements(1)Open-Circuit V oltage The open-circuit voltage shall be measured within 24hours after standard charge.3.35V(2) ACImpedanceResistance The Impedance shall be measured in an alternating current method (1kHz LCR meter) after standard charge at 20±5℃.≤70mΩTEL:510-525-4710 FAX:510-525-4728DATE:3.6 Temperature Dependence of Capacity (Discharge)**********************************************5A to 2.0volts. Except to be discharged at temperatures per Table 3. Cells shall be stored for 3 hours at the test temperature prior to discharging and then shall be discharged at the test temperature. The capacity of a cell at each temperature shall be compared to the capacity achieved at 23 ºC and the percentage shall be calculated. Each cell shall meet or exceed the requirements of Table 3.Table 3Discharge Temperature -10℃0°C 23℃ 60℃Discharge Capacity (0.2 C5A)50% 70% 100% 100%3.7 Cycle Life and Leakage-Proof Table 4No. Item Criteria TestConditions1 Cycle Life(160m A)Higher than 80% ofthe Initial Capacitiesof the CellsCarry out 500cycle charging/Discharging in the below condition.◆Charge: Standard Charge, per 3.3.1◆Discharge:160m A to 2.0V◆Rest Time betweenCharge/discharge: 30min.◆Temperature:20±5℃2 Leakage-ProofNo leakage(visual inspection)After full charge, store at 60±3℃60±10%RH for 1month.TEL:510-525-4710 FAX:510-525-4728DATE: 4.Safety TestItemBatteryConditionTest Method RequirementsCrushFresh,Fully chargedCrush between two flat plates. Applied force isabout 13kN(1.72Mpa) for 30min.No explosion,No fireShort CircuitFresh,Fully chargedEach test sample battery, in turn, is to be short-circuited by connecting the (+) and (-) terminalsof the battery with a Cu wire having a maximumresistance load of 0.1Ω.Tests are to be conductedat room temperature(20±2℃ ).No explosion,No fireThe Temperatureof the surface ofthe Cells are lowerthan 150℃Short CircuitFresh,Fully chargedEach test sample battery, in turn, is to be short-circuited by connecting the (+) and (-) terminalsof the battery with a Cu wire having a maximumresistance load of 0.1Ω.Tests are to be conductedat temperature(60±2℃ ).No explosion,No fireThe Temperatureof the surface ofthe Cells are lowerthan 150℃ImpactFresh,Fully chargedA 56mm diameter bar is inlayed into the bottomof a 10kg weight. And the weight is to be droppedfrom a height of 1m onto a sample battery andthen the bar will be across the center of thesample.No explosion,No fireForced DischargeFresh,Fully chargedDischarge at a current of 1C5A for 2.5h.No explosion,No fireNail Pricking (3mm)Fresh,Fully chargedPrick through the sample battery with a nailhaving a diameter of 3mm and remain 2h.No explosion,No fireDATE:TEL:510-525-4710 FAX:510-525-47285. CAUTIONS IN USETo ensure proper use of the battery please read the manual carefully before using it.. HandlingDo not expose to, dispose of the battery in fire.Do not put the battery in a charger or equipment with wrong terminals connected.Avoid shorting the batteryAvoid excessive physical shock or vibration.Do not disassemble or deform the battery.Do not immerse in water.Do not use the battery mixed with other different make, type, or model batteries.Keep out of the reach of children.. charge and dischargeBattery must be charged in appropriate charger only.Never use a modified or damaged charger.Do not leave battery in charger over 24 hours.. storageStore the battery in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area.. disposalRegulations vary for different countries. Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.6 Battery operation instruction6.1 ChargingCharging current:Cannot surpass the biggest charging current which in this specification book stipulated。

鱼翔医疗设备 Forma 全脸口罩说明书

鱼翔医疗设备 Forma 全脸口罩说明书

Forma TM full face maskThe Forma ™ Full Face Mask forms a superior seal and provides evenmore comfort with a greater range of movement through the activecontouring of its new FlexiFoam ™ Cushion. The T-Piece addsstability to the stylized Mask Base, and works in harmony with thehighly contoured Silicone Seal and Under-Chin Design to enhancesleep performance. With its ease of use and superior conforming seal,the Forma ™ sets a whole new standard.Transform your patient’s sleep experience today, with theFisher & Paykel Healthcare Forma ™ Full Face Mask.FlexiFoam ™ Cushion & T-Piece Mask BaseWith no complicated adjustments,the T-Piece provides addedstability and complements theUnder-Chin Design to allowFlexiFit™ to auto-adjust for hassle-free fitting.Full Face Delivery – Forma TMUniqUe Mask FeaTUres For GreaTer FreedoM, CoMForT and CoMPlianCeConTenTs• Complete mask with headgearassembled and ready for use• Four sizes: Small, Medium andLarge (two sizes included) andX-Large, sold separately• User-friendly Fitting GuideREORDER CODE:400470 Small400471 Medium and Large400473 X-LargeThe Forma™ Full Face Mask offers an improved seal and amore comfortable fit due to the interaction between thenew FlexiFoam™ Cushion and the Under-Chin Design.This alternative to nasal or oral delivery comes fullyassembled and ready for use.NasalDirect NasalOral。



Philips 6000 series4K Ultra Slim Smart LED TV with Ambilight 3-sidedand Pixel Plus Ultra HD 139 cm (55")4K Ultra HD LED TVQuad CoreDVB T/C/T2/T2-HD/S/S2 55PUS62724K Ultra Slim Smart LED TVwith Ambilight 3-sidedEnjoy functional elegance and smart connectivity. The Philips 6200 Series boasts 4K Ultra HD picture quality for superb detail. Better, its built-in Smart TV is easy to use - making it an excellent choice for an effortless entertainmentBeautiful attention to detail•Open frame stand creates a sensation of lightness•Ambilight changes the way you look at TV foreverPassionate about Picture Quality•4K Ultra HD is unlike any resolution you’ve ever seen before•Discover Ultra HD Picture Quality with Pixel Plus Ultra HD•Experience better contrast, color & sharpness with HDR PlusConnect to a bigger world with this Smart TV•Smart TV: a whole new world to explore•Philips app gallery brings entertainment to youThin TV - Big sound•Powerful Sound Processing for uncompromised sound clarityHighlightsNew open standA television with modern, refined lines deserves a stand that lifts it above the ordinary. That is why the designers at Philips TV created this unique, open stand to integrate beautifully with your decor.4K Ultra HDUltra HD TV has four times the resolution of a conventional Full HD TV. With over 8 million pixels and our unique Ultra Resolution Upscaling technology, you'll experience the best possible picture quality. The higher the quality of your original content, the better images and resolution you will be able to experience. Enjoy improved sharpness, increased depth perception, superior contrast, smooth natural motion, and flawless details. Pixel Plus Ultra HDExperience 4K Ultra HD sharpness with the Philips Pixel Plus Ultra HD engine. It optimizes picture quality to deliver smooth, fluid images with incredible detail and depth – Enjoy sharper 4K images with brighter whites and blacker blacks every time.High Dynamic Range PlusHigh Dynamic Range Plus is a new videostandard. It redefines in-home entertainmentthrough advances in contrast and color. Enjoya sensory experience that captures the originalrichness and liveliness, yet accurately reflectsthe content creator's intent. The end result?Brighter highlights, greater contrast, a broaderrange of colors and detail like never before.Smart TVDiscover a Smarter experience that liesbeyond traditional TV. Rent and streammovies, videos or games from online videostores. Watch catch-up TV from your favoritechannels and enjoy a growing selection ofonline apps with Smart TV.Philips TV/STA galleryPhilips app gallery is a wide-ranging collectionof online apps that you can access as soon asyour Smart TV is connected to the Internet.It’s that easy! Just switch on your TV, connectto the Internet and experience a whole newworld of entertainment online.Sound processingA gust of wind, a leaf hitting the ground, thesound of tires zooming down a windy road. Itis the little details that bring the picture to life.Philips Sound Processing brings these detailstogether with uncompromised sound clarity.Hear everything as the director intended withstudio-grade sound mixing that supportsoriginal audio content, and enhances soundwhen needed. Deep bass, clear dialogue, andamazing accuracy is just the start.Ambilight 3-sidedYou’ve created a home that’s more than just ahouse, so why not choose a TV that is warmand inviting too? Philips unique Ambilighttechnology makes your screen muchwider—and your viewing experience moreimmersive—by emitting an extra wide glowfrom three-sides of your TV screen onto thesurrounding wall. Color, vibrancy andexcitement move beyond the screen and intoyour living room to bring you a viewingexperience beyond the ordinary.Issue date 2021-02-19 Version: 11.3.112 NC: 8670 001 45908 EAN: 87 18863 01301 4© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsAmbilight•Ambilight Version: 3-sidedPicture/Display•Display: 4K Ultra HD LED•Diagonal screen size: 55 inch / 139 cm•Panel resolution: 3840x2160•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Brightness: 350 cd/m²•Picture enhancement: Pixel Plus Ultra HD, Micro Dimming, 900 PPI•Peak Luminance ratio: 65 %Smart TV Features•User Interaction: MultiRoom client, SimplyShare, Wi-Fi Miracast certified*•Interactive TV:HbbTV•Program: Pause TV, USB recording*•SmartTV apps*: Online video stores, Open internet browser, Social TV, TV on demand, Youtube•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Device connection wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Screen Format Adjustments: Advance - Shift, Basic - Fill Screen, Fit to screen, Zoom, stretch •Philips TV Remote app*: Apps, Channels, Control, NowOnTV, TV Guide, Video On Demand Sound•Output power (RMS): 20W•Sound Enhancement: Incredible Surround, Clear Sound, Auto Volume Leveler, Smart Sound Connectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 3•Number of USBs: 2•Number of component in (YPbPr): 1•Wireless connections: Wi-Fi 802.11n 2x2 integrated, Wi-Fi Direct•Other connections: Antenna IEC75, Satellite Connector, Common Interface Plus (CI+), Digital audio out (optical), Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, Audio L/ R in, Headphone out•HDMI features:Audio Return Channel •EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby, Pixel Plus link (Philips)*, One touch play Multimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV,H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,WMV9/VC1, HEVC (H.265), VP9•Subtitles Formats Support: .SMI, .SRT, .SUB, .TXT,.AAS•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WAV, WMA(v2 up to v9.2), WMA-PRO (v9 and v10)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNGSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs on HDMI1: up to 4K UHD 3840x2160 @30Hz, up to FHD 1920x 1080@60Hz•Computer inputs on HDMI2/3: up to 4K UHD3840x 2160 @60Hz•Video inputs on HDMI1: up to 4K UHD 3840x2160 @30Hz, up to FHD 1920x 1080 @60Hz•Video inputs on HDMI2/3: up to 4K UHD 3840x2160 @60HzTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/T2/T2-HD/C/S/S2•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAM•TV Program guide*: 8 day Electronic ProgramGuide•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page Hypertext•HEVC supportPower•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Standby power consumption: <0.3W•Off mode power consumption: 0.3•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer,Picture mute (for radio)•Energy Label Class: A+•Eu Energy Label power: 65 W•Annual energy consumption: 95 kW·h•Mercury content: 0 mg•Presence of lead: Yes*Dimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1360 x 893 x 160 mm•Set dimensions(W x H x D):1244.2 x 730.74 x 78.2 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):1244.2 x 785.7 x 266.33 mm•TV stand width distance: 780 mm•Product weight: 15.8 kg•Product weight (+stand): 16.6 kg•Weight incl. Packaging: 21.26 kg•VESA wall mount compatible: 300 x 200 mmAccessories•Included accessories: Remote Control, 2 x AAABatteries, Power cord, Quick start guide, Legal andsafety brochure, Table top stand*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*(Philips) only compatible with specific Philips player device.*Philips TV Remote app and related functionalities vary per TV model,operator, and country, as well as smart device model and OS. Formore details please visit: /TVRemoteapp.*Smart TV app offerings vary per TV model and country. For moredetails please visit: /smarttv.*USB recording for digital channels only, recordings may be limited bybroadcast copy protection (CI+). Country and channel restrictionsmay apply.*Compatibility depends on Wifi Miracast certification & Android 4.2or later. For more details please refer to your device documentation.*This television contains lead only in certain parts or componentswhere no technology alternatives exist in accordance with existingexemption clauses under the RoHS Directive.。



布氏杆菌活疫苗(A19)使用说明书[兽药名称]通用名:布氏杆菌病活疫苗(A19株)商品名:无英文名:Brucellosis Vaccine,Live(A19 Strain)汉语拼音:Bushiganjunbing Huoyimiao(A19 zhu)[主要成份及含量]本品含牛种布氏杆菌弱毒A19株。














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Effectrode FB-1A Fire Bottle 产品说明书

Effectrode FB-1A Fire Bottle 产品说明书

S p e c i f i c a t i o n s• Input impedance: Greater than 1MOhm• Output impedance: Less than 1KOhm• Controls: Tone and Boost• Features: Variable resonance switch• All tube: Based on NOS mil-spec subminiature triode vacuum tube operating in class-A• Gain: Continuously variable from 0dB (unity buffer) to a huge 30dB• True bypass: With ‘anti-pop’ or ‘thump’ foot-switching circuitry• Power requirements: 12VDC @ 350mA -Centre positive 2.1mm barrel connector• Dimensions: Width 4.75"; Depth 3.75"• Weight: 12oz (on Earth); 2oz (the Moon)• Construction: Solid die-cast aluminum box • Finish: Tough Ferrari-red powder coatSerial #Copyright © 2011 Effectrodeâ Audiophile Pedals 12 Broughton Crescent, Barlaston,Staffs, UK. ST12 9DBFB-1AI n t r o d u c t i o nThank you for purchasing the Fire Bottleämodel FB-1A. This unique booster pedal features an all-tube signal path, modified ‘Harvard’ style tone control and selectable input impedance specially designed to enhance the tone of magnetic guitar pickups. The FB-1A can improve clarity for a bigger, bolder tone or fatten up the sound of a single coil pickup to give it the characteristic warmth of a humbucker pickup. Gain is continuously variable from 0dB (unity) to a huge 30dB allowing the Fire Bottle to operate as an audiophile unity gain buffer, clean boost or push a tube amp into overdrive.The FB-1A is designed for flexibility, simplicity and outstanding sound quality. Audiophile grade components and silver solder are used throughout the circuit with precision metal-film resistors for low-noise and stability, polyester coupling capacitors for their ability to resolve fine signal detail and ground-plane layout. The result is an outstanding booster pedal that exhibits a level of purity and natural tone not found in solid-state germanium or silicon designs.Thank you for trusting Effectrode to be your effects company. We wish you many years of musical enjoyment from this hand-built, all-tube pedal.Phil Taylor – Designer T u b e sThe FB-1A signal path is based ona NOS mil-spec 6112 subminiaturetwin triode tube. Raytheon(meaning, “light of the Gods”)developed subminiature tubes formilitary applications in the 1950s.The 6112 tube is manufactured tomeet stringent Mil-E-1 specificationfor reliability and designed for longservice life under conditions ofsevere shock, vibration (20,000G!),high temperature and high altitude.Subminiature tubes represent thepinnacle of tube technology and offer more consistent musical performance than early germaniumtransistors.The figure above shows the equivalent circuit for a magnetic guitar pickup. The resonant frequency of the pickup is determined by the inductance L (in most stock pickups, between 1 and 10 Henries) and the capacitance C. C is the winding capacitance of the pickup coil (approximately 80 - 200pF) plus the cable capacitance (about 500 - 1000pF). Capacitance varies between different cable manufacturers and lengths, altering the resonant frequency and hence, the tone of a given pickup.C o n t r o l sBoost knob controls the level of the Fire Bottle’s tubegain stage, which is electrically identical to the vintage Fenderä amp input stages. Rotating it clockwise adds gain ranging from 0dB (unity tube buffer) to asubstantial 30dB. Electric guitar players can utilise the Fire Bottle as a tool to add "punch" to solos or push a tube amp into creamy overdrive. Additionally, acousticguitarists, bassists, NS and Chapman Stick playerscan add some subtle volume lift (3 to 6dB) and warmth for soloing. This audiophile quality boost pedal can add clarity and definition to many instruments and other audio sources. Studio engineers can take advantage of the warm and natural boost capability to augment the recording levels of various instruments and microphones.Tone knob can be used to tailor the character and body of the signal. The tone control is based on the classic 1940s Fenderä ‘Harvard’ tube amp tone circuit which controls the critical frequencies for electric guitar and is a very usable control. Additionally an internal trimpot allows further adjustment of filter ‘Q’ to balance high and low frequencies so that the FB-1A integrates into practically any amp/guitar rig.Vari-Z toggle switch alters the input characteristics of the tube gain stage. The Fire Bottle should be placed first in the signal chain to allow the input circuitry tointeract with the guitar magnetic pickup.The Vari-Z switch is designed especially to work with single coil pickups of the type installed in Stratocasteräor Telecasteräguitars. With the switch in the ‘centre’position the resonant peak is unaffected. In the ‘down’position the resonant peak drops down about 2KHz giving single coil pickups a warmer tone similar to a vintage humbucker. In the ‘up’ position the resonant peak drops even further down (around 4KHz) creating a much fuller and fatter sound.Footswitch allows selection between effectified (compressed) and non-effectified (dry) signal. Silent true bypass switching ensures there are no ‘pops’ or ‘thump’ when engaging the effect and that there is absolutely no loss of tone from your guitar to your amp when the effect is disengaged. Additionally, the tube signal path in this pedal is built to demanding audiophile specification to ensure hi-fidelity and signal integrity at all times - the benefit that your guitar tone always remains pure and intact.T h e o r y o f O p e r a t i o nThe Fire Bottle is a tool that can be used to tailor the resonant frequency, gain and tone of a magnetic pickup to alter the fundamental timbre or character of an electric guitar. The resonant frequency determines how fat or thin the sound is - a lower frequency sounds fatter and a higher frequency sounds thinner. The resonant peak determines the character of the sound. A higher peak sounds more ‘edgy’ and a lower peak sounds smoother. For example, Stratocasteräsingle coil pickups have a bright sound because of their high resonant frequency with a high peak. Les Paulähumbucker pickups have a mellower, warmer tone because the resonant frequency is lower with a more damped peak because of the increases coil resistance. The resonant frequency of most magnetic pickups in conjunction with a typical guitar cable lies between 2 to 5KHz. The human ear is most sensitive to frequencies in this region. Subjectively, boosting frequencies in the 2KHz region sound warm and mellow; at 3KHz have more presence and at 5KHz more brittle and thin. The height of the peak also alters the quality of the sound -a high peak produces a “lively” sound, whereas a low peak produces a weaker sound. The resonant peak amplitudes of most magnetic pickups range between 0 to 12 dB, being dependent on the composition of the magnetic material in the coil, external resistive load andmetal case shield.。

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一. 概述
二. 主要特点
三. 主要用途
四. 技术指标
五. 工作原理
六. 注意事项
七. 外形尺寸
八. 接线示意
九. 安装方式
一. 概述:



FB─A 安全栅取得[Exib]IIB认证。





二. 主要特点






三. 主要用途






四. 技术指标
U I Um Uo Io Co Lo Po 电源回路24≤2025030 1300.5 2.00.75 信号回路1 / ≤2025011 /
信号回路2 / ≤2025011 /
U(V): 供电电压 I(mA): 工作电流
Io(mA):最大输出电流 Po(W):最大输出功率
Co(μF):最大外部电容 Lo(mH):最大外部电感2.环境条件
安全使用温度:-10℃~ +50℃
储存温度:-10℃~ +70℃


六. 注意事项
1. 安全栅必须置于安全场所。

2. 系统调试过程中应把安全栅的全部接线断开,待一次仪表和二次仪表正常工作后再接安全栅。

3. 安全栅和一次仪表及连线组成本质安全防爆系统时,安全栅最大外部电容Co应大于导线分部电容与变送器最大外部电容之和。








9.将对应安全栅标牌上的“ 大地 ”符号接口接地。


11.产品的安装、使用和维护应同时遵守产品说明书、GB3836.15-2000“爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第15部分:危险场所电气安装(煤矿除外)”及GB50058-1992“爆炸和火灾危险环境电力装置设计规范”的有关规定。

八 接线示意
电源正――+24V 供电正――O+ 电源负――GND 供电负――O- 输出1――O1信号1――I1
(Quality Guaranty)。
