9、= = =与!= = =和= =与!= =的区别:后者称为逻辑等是运算符,其结果是2个操作数的值决定的。
⽽ = = =和!= = =运算符对操作数的⽐较时对某些位的⾼阻态z和不定值x也进⾏⽐较,两个操作数必须完全⼀致,其结果才是1,否则是0.10、⾮阻塞和阻塞赋值⽅式:⾮阻塞赋值⽅式(如a<=b)上⾯语句所赋得变量值不能⽴即被下⾯语句所⽤,(2)快结束后才能完成这次赋值操作 3在编写克综合的时序逻辑模块时这是最常⽤的赋值⽅法。
阻塞赋值(如a=b)赋值语句执⾏完后,块才结束 2 b的值在赋值语句完成后⽴即执⾏ 3在时序逻辑使⽤中,可能产⽣意想不到的结果。
分为两种a、显式连续赋值语句;连线型变量类型[连线型变量为快]连线型变量名Assign #(延时量)连线型变量名=赋值表达式;显式连续赋值语句包含了两条语句;第⼀条是对连线型变量的进⾏类型说明的说明语句;第⼆句是对这个已得到声明的连线型变量进⾏连续赋值语句。
systemverilog 逆序
systemverilog 逆序摘要:1.SystemVerilog 简介2.逆序的概念3.SystemVerilog 中的逆序操作4.逆序操作的实例5.总结正文:一、SystemVerilog 简介SystemVerilog 是一种硬件描述语言,主要用于设计和验证数字电路和模拟混合信号电路。
它是Verilog 的扩展,添加了许多新的功能和结构,以支持更复杂的设计和验证需求。
SystemVerilog 在电子设计自动化(EDA)领域广泛应用,为设计师提供了强大的工具和语言来描述和验证他们的设计。
逆序操作在SystemVerilog 中是一种基本的操作,可以方便地实现这一功能。
三、SystemVerilog 中的逆序操作在SystemVerilog 中,逆序操作可以通过关键字`reverse`实现。
四、逆序操作的实例以下是一个简单的SystemVerilog 代码示例,演示了如何使用逆序操作:```verilogmodule tb_reverse(input wire clk,input wire reset,input wire signal_in,output wire signal_out);reg signal_in_reverse;always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) beginif (reset) beginsignal_in_reverse <= 1"b0;end else beginsignal_in_reverse <= signal_in;endendassign signal_out = signal_in_reverse;endmodule```在这个例子中,我们定义了一个名为`tb_reverse`的模块,它有一个输入信号`signal_in`,一个输出信号`signal_out`。
wire [7:0] b;
initial begin
a = 3'b000;
ena = 1'b0;
ena = 1'b1;
3'b101: b=8'b00100000;
3'b110: b=8'b01000000;
3'b111: b=8'b10000000;
default: b=8'b00000000;
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module tb;
reg [2:0] a;
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module q;
reg rst;
reg [6:0]vote;
wire Q;
r <= 4'h0;//如果复位信号rst_n为低电平输出0000
else if(load)//如果load信号为高电平,可以输入信号
r <= pi;//把输入值r数组
r <= {r, 1'bx};//移位寄存器的实现,如果r输出到so,则给r已经输//出了的位置为x
so = r[3];
load <= 1'b1;
pi <= 4'b1100;
load <= 1'b0;
pi <= 4'hxxxx;
reg [3:0] pi;
wire [3:0] po;
wire so;
reg flag;
//reg biaozhi;
initial begin
Step 1: 理解ASCII码ASCII码是一种用于在计算机中表示字符的标准编码系统。
Step 2: 字符替换逻辑在我们的Verilog函数中,一种简单的方法是将输入字符的ASCII码值减去32来得到对应的大写字母的ASCII码值。
下面是一个示例函数,演示了如何在Verilog中实现这种字符替换的功能:verilogmodule to_upper_case(input [7:0] lowercase, output reg [7:0] uppercase); always @(lowercase) beginif (lowercase >= 97 && lowercase <= 122) 检查输入字符是否为小写字母uppercase = lowercase 32; 将小写字母替换为大写字母elseuppercase = lowercase; 保持其他字符不变endendmodule在这个示例函数中,我们使用了输入和输出端口来传递字符。
verilog 获取稀疏矩阵求逆算法
verilog 获取稀疏矩阵求逆算法
4.基于Verilog 的求逆算法实现
本文将介绍一种基于Verilog 的稀疏矩阵求逆算法。
对于稀疏矩阵的求逆,常用的方法有高斯消元法、LU 分解法等。
其中,LU 分解法由于具有较好的数值稳定性,在实际应用中更为广泛。
4.基于Verilog 的求逆算法实现
本文将以LU 分解法为例,介绍如何基于Verilog 实现稀疏矩阵求逆算法。
首先,需要对稀疏矩阵进行LU 分解,将矩阵分解为下三角矩阵与上三角矩阵的乘积。
本文介绍了基于Verilog 的稀疏矩阵求逆算法,通过LU 分解法与高斯消元法实现。
⾸先给出Mealy型状态机表⽰的转换器代码及其测试代码/*Mealy型状态机输出不仅与当前状态有关,还与输⼊有关*/module NRZ_to_Manchester_Mealy(output reg B_out,input B_in, clk, reset_b);parameter S_0=2'd0,S_1=2'd1,S_2=2'd2,dont_care_state=2'bx,dont_care_out=1'bx;reg[1:0] state, next_state;always@(posedge clk or negedge reset_b)if(!reset_b)state<=S_0;elsestate<=next_state;always @(state, B_in)begin//这⾥的敏感列表最好不要包含B_in,否则会有⽆效输出//Mealy型状态机输出虽然与输⼊有关,但不⼀定因输⼊⽽变化,只会//因输⼊有不同的变化B_out=0;case(state)S_0:if(B_in)beginB_out=1;next_state=S_1;endelsenext_state=S_2;S_1:next_state=S_0;S_2:beginnext_state=S_0;B_out=1;enddefault:beginnext_state=dont_care_state;B_out=dont_care_out;endendcaseendendmodule测试代码:module NRZ_to_Manchester_Mealy_tb;reg clk, reset_b;reg B_in;wire B_out;reg count;initial beginclk=0;reset_b=1;B_in=0;count=0;#20 reset_b=0;#10 reset_b=1;#10000 $finish;endinitial begin$dumpfile("dump.lxt");$dumpvars(0,NRZ_to_Manchester_Mealy_tb);endinitialforever #10 clk=!clk;always @(posedge clk)count=count+1;always @(negedge clk)if(count)B_in={$random}%2;NRZ_to_Manchester_Mealy uut(.B_out(B_out),.B_in(B_in),.clk(clk),.reset_b(reset_b));endmodule对于Moore型状态机所表⽰的转换器,输出只与状态有关,⽽与输⼊⽆关。
systemverilog 逆序
systemverilog 逆序摘要:1.什么是SystemVerilog2.SystemVerilog逆序的基本概念3.SystemVerilog逆序的语法和规则4.SystemVerilog逆序的例子和应用5.SystemVerilog逆序的重要性与实际应用场景正文:SystemVerilog是一种硬件描述语言,广泛应用于集成电路(IC)设计、验证和仿真。
1.什么是SystemVerilogSystemVerilog是一种基于Verilog的硬件描述语言,它是在1995年由Cadence Design Systems公司推出的。
2.SystemVerilog逆序的基本概念逆序(Reverse Polish Notation,RPN)是一种计算表达式的数学表示方法,与传统的波兰表示法(Polish Notation,PN)相比,RPN更加高效。
逆序表达式的基本规则如下:- 先计算括号内的表达式- 计算乘法和除法- 计算加法和减法4.SystemVerilog逆序的例子和应用下面是一个使用SystemVerilog逆序的简单例子:```integer a, b, c;a = 5;b = 3;c = a * b + a / b; // 逆序表达式```在这个例子中,我们定义了两个整数变量a和b,然后计算a与b的乘积加上a除以b的结果,存储在变量c中。
直接上源码,不解释,自己建工程运行即可看到功能!module control(cp1024hz,started,reset,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,zero1,zero2,zero3,zero4,zero5,zero6,time_out,mode,flag_pressed,sound_en,latch_en);//yesdinput cp1024hz,started,reset;input k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6;//抢答的6个按键,由cp1024hz扫描是否有按键input zero1,zero2,zero3,zero4,zero5,zero6;//6个用?的分数是否为0,并将分数为0的淘汰input time_out;//倒计时已完output flag_pressed,sound_en,latch_en,mode;//是否已按键;声音控制;模式控制;输出模式regflag_pressed,sound_en,latch_en;reg[3:0] mode;always @(posedge cp1024hz)beginif(!started)//当started=0时,对系统进行初始化,同时将mode置0;beginmode<=0;flag_pressed<=1; //利用设置这个将k1~k6屏蔽sound_en<=0;latch_en<=0;endelsebeginif(reset) //started=1已开始,reset=1新一轮抢答beginflag_pressed<=0;sound_en<=0;latch_en<=0;mode<=7; //mode置为抢答模式endelsebeginif(time_out)beginsound_en<=1;//时间完了之后,响声提示endbeginif(!flag_pressed&& k1 && !zero1)//当started=1时,按下key1 beginflag_pressed<=1;sound_en<=1;latch_en<=1; //按键之后,产生相应电平mode<=1;endelse if(started && !flag_pressed&& k2 && !zero2)beginflag_pressed<=1;sound_en<=1;latch_en<=1; //按键之后,产生相应电平mode<=2;endelse if(!flag_pressed&& k3 && !zero3)beginflag_pressed<=1;sound_en<=1;latch_en<=1; //按键之后,产生相应电平mode<=3;endelse if(!flag_pressed&& k4 && !zero4)beginflag_pressed<=1;sound_en<=1;latch_en<=1; //按键之后,产生相应电平mode<=4;endelse if(!flag_pressed&& k5 && !zero5)beginflag_pressed<=1;sound_en<=1;latch_en<=1; //按键之后,产生相应电平mode<=5;endelse if(!flag_pressed&& k6 && !zero6)beginflag_pressed<=1;sound_en<=1;latch_en<=1; //按键之后,产生相应电平mode<=6;endendendendendmodulemoduledisplay(cp1024hz,mode,setted_score,score1,score2,score3,score4,score5,score6,time_countdow n,disp);//yesdinput cp1024hz;input[3:0] mode,time_countdown;//从time_count引出input[7:0] setted_score,score1,score2,score3,score4,score5,score6;outputdisp;reg [3:0]mode_disp;reg[7:0] disp;always @(posedge cp1024hz)begincase(mode)4'b0000 :disp<=setted_score;4'b0001 :disp<=score1;4'b0010 :disp<=score2;4'b0011 :disp<=score3;4'b0100 :disp<=score4;4'b0101 :disp<=score5;4'b0110 :disp<=score6;4'b0111 :begindisp[3:0]<=time_countdown;disp[7:4]<=0;enddefault :disp<=setted_score;endcaseendendmodulemodulemode_latch_change(cp1024hz,started,flag_pressed,latch_clk,up_clk,down_clk,mode_in,mode_out);input cp1024hz,started,flag_pressed;//yesdinput latch_clk;//锁存mode的信号input up_clk,down_clk;//设置mode按键,上调和下调input[3:0]mode_in;//从control的mode输出引进outputmode_out;reg[3:0] mode_out;reg up_clk1,down_clk1,latch_clk1;always @(posedge cp1024hz)beginup_clk1<=up_clk;down_clk1<=down_clk;latch_clk1<=latch_clk;endwire up_clk2,down_clk2,latch_clk2;//对输入的信号的变化,便于cp1024hz的脉冲捕获assign up_clk2=up_clk1&(~up_clk);assign down_clk2=down_clk1&(~down_clk);assign latch_clk2=latch_clk1&(~latch_clk);always @(posedge cp1024hz)beginif(!started)//started=0,设置分数模式,mode_out=mode_in=0;beginmode_out<=0;endelse//正常工作beginif(!flag_pressed)//抢答模式beginmode_out<=mode_in;endelse if(latch_clk2)//锁存模式beginmode_out<=mode_in;endelse if(flag_pressed&& up_clk2)//查看各个分数,mode加计数beginif(mode_out>=6)beginmode_out<=0;endelsebeginmode_out<=mode_out+1;endendelse if(flag_pressed&& down_clk2)//查看各个分数,mode减计数beginif(mode_out<=0)beginmode_out<=6;endelsebeginmode_out<=mode_out-1;endendelsebegin// mode_out<=mode_in;endendendendmodulemodule restart(cp1024hz,start_clk,started);//started==0设置初始分数,started==1开始工作input cp1024hz,start_clk; //yesdoutput started;reg started;reg start_clk1;always @(posedge cp1024hz)beginstart_clk1<=start_clk;endwire start_clk2;assign start_clk2=start_clk1&(~start_clk);//变换start_clk信号,防止抖动以及便于cp1024hz扫描always @(posedge cp1024hz)//start正常工作抢答_clk翻转,started翻转,为0时设置分数,为1时beginif(start_clk2)beginstarted<=~started;endendendmodulemodule score_count(cp1024hz,started,reset,mode,time_out,right_key,wrong_key,setted_score,score1,score2,score3,score4,score5,score6,zero1,zero2,zero3,zero4,zero5,zero6);//yesdinput cp1024hz,started,reset;input time_out;//时间完了之后却没有是抢答input right_key,wrong_key;//每次抢答之后主持人用于判断抢答者回答是否正确,从而设置分数input[3:0] mode;//从control的mode输出引进input[7:0] setted_score;//mode=0时设置的厨师分数output score1,score2,score3,score4,score5,score6;//各玩家分数output zero1,zero2,zero3,zero4,zero5,zero6;//玩家分数是否为0reg zero1,zero2,zero3,zero4,zero5,zero6;reg [7:0]score1,score2,score3,score4,score5,score6;reg right1,wrong1;always @(posedge cp1024hz)beginright1<=right_key;wrong1<=wrong_key;endwire right2,wrong2;//将判断回答对错的信号变换,消除抖动以及便于扫描识别assign right2=right1&(~right_key);assign wrong2=wrong1&(~wrong_key);regtemp_flag;//用于消除多次判断回答对错,防止扣分错误always @(posedge cp1024hz)beginif(!started)//设置分数时,对各个玩家分数初始化beginscore1<=setted_score;score2<=setted_score;score3<=setted_score;score4<=setted_score;score5<=setted_score;score6<=setted_score;zero1<=0;zero2<=0;zero3<=0;zero4<=0;zero5<=0;zero6<=0;temp_flag<=0;endelse //started=1,正常工作模式beginif(reset) //reset之后初始化参数begintemp_flag<=0;endelse //进行回答判断beginif(!time_out&& !temp_flag&& wrong2)//回答错误,减1分begintemp_flag<=1;//标志位置1,防止再次按键case(mode)4'b0001 : //如果抢答为玩家1beginif(score1[3:0]==0 && score1[7:4]>=1)beginscore1[3:0]<=9;score1[7:4]<=score1[7:4]-1;endelse if(score1[3:0]==1 && score1[7:4]==0)beginscore1[7:0]<=0;zero1<=1;//玩家1的分数减少到0,淘汰endelsebeginif(score1[7:0]!=0)beginscore1[3:0]<=score1[3:0]-1;endendend4'b0010 : //如果抢答为玩家2beginif(score2[3:0]==0 && score2[7:4]>=1)beginscore2[3:0]<=9;score2[7:4]<=score2[7:4]-1;endelse if(score2[3:0]==1 && score2[7:4]==0)beginscore2[7:0]<=0;zero2<=1;endelsebeginif(score2[7:0]!=0)beginscore2[3:0]<=score2[3:0]-1;endendend4'b0011 : //如果抢答为玩家3beginif(score3[3:0]==0 && score3[7:4]>=1)beginscore3[3:0]<=9;score3[7:4]<=score3[7:4]-1;endelse if(score3[3:0]==1 && score3[7:4]==0)beginscore3[7:0]<=0;zero3<=1;endelsebeginif(score3[7:0]!=0)beginscore3[3:0]<=score3[3:0]-1;endendend4'b0100 : //如果抢答为玩家4beginif(score4[3:0]==0 && score4[7:4]>=1)beginscore4[3:0]<=9;score4[7:4]<=score4[7:4]-1;endelse if(score4[3:0]==1 && score4[7:4]==0)beginscore4[7:0]<=0;zero4<=1;endelsebeginif(score4[7:0]!=0)beginscore4[3:0]<=score4[3:0]-1;endendend4'b0101 : //如果抢答为玩家5beginif(score5[3:0]==0 && score5[7:4]>=1)beginscore5[3:0]<=9;score5[7:4]<=score5[7:4]-1;endelse if(score5[3:0]==1 && score5[7:4]==0)beginscore5[7:0]<=0;zero5<=1;endelsebeginif(score5[7:0]!=0)beginscore5[3:0]<=score5[3:0]-1;endendend4'b0110 : //如果抢答为玩家6beginif(score6[3:0]==0 && score6[7:4]>=1)beginscore6[3:0]<=9;score6[7:4]<=score6[7:4]-1;endelse if(score6[3:0]==1 && score6[7:4]==0)beginscore6[7:0]<=0;zero6<=1;endelsebeginif(score6[7:0]!=0)beginscore6[3:0]<=score6[3:0]-1;endendenddefault : ;endcaseendif(!time_out&& !temp_flag&& right2)//回答正确,相应加1分begintemp_flag<=1;case(mode)4'b0001 : //玩家1if(score1[3:0]==9)beginscore1[3:0]<=0;score1[7:4]<=score1[7:4]+1;endelsebeginscore1[3:0]<=score1[3:0]+1;end4'b0010 : //玩家2if(score2[3:0]==9)beginscore2[3:0]<=0;score2[7:4]<=score2[7:4]+1;endelsebeginscore2[3:0]<=score2[3:0]+1;end4'b0011 : //玩家3if(score3[3:0]==9)beginscore3[3:0]<=0;score3[7:4]<=score3[7:4]+1;endelsebeginscore3[3:0]<=score3[3:0]+1;end4'b0100 : //玩家4if(score4[3:0]==9)beginscore4[3:0]<=0;score4[7:4]<=score4[7:4]+1;endelsebeginscore4[3:0]<=score4[3:0]+1;end4'b0101 : //玩家5if(score5[3:0]==9)beginscore5[3:0]<=0;score5[7:4]<=score5[7:4]+1;endelsebeginscore5[3:0]<=score5[3:0]+1;end4'b0110 : //玩家6if(score6[3:0]==9)beginscore6[3:0]<=0;score6[7:4]<=score6[7:4]+1;endelsebeginscore6[3:0]<=score6[3:0]+1;enddefault : ;endcaseendendendendendmodulemodule set_score(cp1024hz,started,set_up,set_down,setted_score);//抢答前设置玩家分数yes input cp1024hz,started,set_up,set_down;outputsetted_score;reg [7:0]setted_score;regcp_up,cp_down;always @(posedge cp1024hz)begincp_up<=set_up;cp_down<=set_down;endwirecp_up_pos,cp_down_pos;assign cp_up_pos=cp_up&(~set_up);assign cp_down_pos=cp_down&(~set_down) ;//设置分数的cp,防止抖动always @(posedge cp1024hz) //设置初始分数beginif(!started) //当stared=0,设置模式,开始设置分数beginif(cp_up_pos&&(!cp_down_pos)) //加分设置beginif(setted_score[3:0]==9)beginsetted_score[3:0]<=0;if(setted_score[7:4]==9)beginsetted_score[7:4]<=0;endelsebeginsetted_score[7:4]<=setted_score[7:4]+1;endendelsebeginsetted_score[3:0]<=setted_score[3:0]+1;endendelse if((!cp_up_pos)&&cp_down_pos) //减分设置beginif(setted_score[3:0]==0)beginsetted_score[3:0]<=9;if(setted_score[7:4]==0)beginsetted_score[7:4]<=9;endelsebeginsetted_score[7:4]<=setted_score[7:4]-1;endendelsebeginsetted_score[3:0]<=setted_score[3:0]-1;endendendendendmodulemodule sound_alarm(reset,sound_en,cp1024hz,time_less_alarm,alarm);//yesd input reset,sound_en,cp1024hz;inputtime_less_alarm;output alarm;reg [9:0] temp_count;reg temp;always @(posedge cp1024hz)//(包括倒计时完,已抢答两种情况的声音提示)beginif(reset)//对中间变量进行初始化begintemp<=1;temp_count<=0;endif(sound_en==1)beginif(temp_count==1023)//sound_en==1时,响1s钟提示begintemp<=0;endelsebegintemp_count<=temp_count+1;endendendwirealarm_time;assignalarm_time=temp &sound_en;reg[9:0] temp1;regtime_left_alarm;always @(posedge cp1024hz)//时间到三秒时提示声0.5sbeginif(reset)//对中间变量进行初始化begintemp1<=1;time_left_alarm<=0;endelsebeginif(time_less_alarm==0)begintemp1<=0;time_left_alarm<=0;endelsebegin//时间少于3s时提示if(temp1<=512)begintemp1<=temp1+1;time_left_alarm<=1;endelsebegintime_left_alarm<=0;endendendendassign alarm=(time_left_alarm|alarm_time)&cp1024hz;endmodulemoduletime_count(cp1024hz,started,reset,flag_pressed,time_left,time_less_alarm,time_out);//yesd input cp1024hz,started,reset,flag_pressed;outputtime_left;output time_less_alarm;//倒计时到3s之后发出提醒信号output time_out;//倒计时完了之后发出信号reg [3:0] time_left;regtime_less_alarm;regtime_out;reg[9:0] temp_count;always @(posedge cp1024hz)beginif(!started)begintime_left<=0;endelsebeginif(reset)begintime_left<=9;time_less_alarm<=0;time_out<=0;temp_count<=0;endelsebeginif(time_left==3)//当倒计时剩3s时,发出警报begintime_less_alarm<=1;endif(time_left==0)//当倒计时完了了,发出信号begintime_out<=1;endif(flag_pressed)//已抢答,则终止倒计时,并置为初值begintime_left<=9;endelse//还未抢答,进行倒计时beginif(temp_count==1023)begintemp_count<=0;if(time_left>1)begintime_left<=time_left-1;if(time_left==4)begintime_less_alarm<=1;endendelsebegintime_out<=1;time_left<=0;endendelsebegintemp_count<=temp_count+1;endendendendendendmodule使用的连线组装的模块!如下图所示!。
前言 (IV)1范围 (1)2术语 (1)3代码标准 (1)3.1命名规范 (1)3.1.1文件命名 (1)3.1.2HDL代码命名总则 (2)3.2注释 (4)3.2.1文件头 (4)3.2.2其它注释 (5)3.3编程风格 (7)3.3.1编写代码格式要整齐 (7)3.3.2使用二到四个空格符缩排 (7)3.3.3一行一条Verilog语句 (7)3.3.4一行一个端口声明 (7)3.3.5在定义端口时,按照端口类型或端口功能定义端口顺序。
(8)3.3.7声明内部net (8)3.3.8在一个段内声明所有内部net (8)3.3.9每行长度不超过80字符....................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.3.10代码流中不同结构之间用一空行隔开 (8)3.4模块划分和重用 (10)3.4.1不能访问模块外部的net和variable (10)3.4.2不使用`include编译指令 (10)3.4.3建议模块的端口信号尽可能少。
(10)3.4.4时钟产生电路单独构成一个模块 (10)3.4.5划分时钟域 (10)3.4.6物理和逻辑边界的匹配 (10)3.4.7特定应用代码要单独划分出来 (10)3.4.8关键时序逻辑划分 (10)3.4.9数据流逻辑划分 (11)3.4.10异步逻辑划分 (11)3.4.11状态机划分 (11)3.4.12控制逻辑和存储器划分 (11)3.5逻辑设计经验 (11)3.5.1时钟域要尽可能少,所用时钟尽可能加全局BUFF (11)3.5.2异步接口信号同步化 (11)3.5.3避免寄存器的数据与时钟异步 (11)3.5.4使用无毛刺的门控时钟使能信号 (11)3.5.5直接作用信号无毛刺 (11)3.5.6初始化控制存储元件 (12)3.5.7使用同步设计 (12)3.5.8避免组合反馈环 (12)3.6常用编程技巧 (12)3.6.1条件表达式的值必须是一个单bit值 (12)3.6.2总线位顺序按高到低保持一致 (12)3.6.3不要给信号赋x值 (12)3.6.4寄存器变量只能在一个always语句中赋值 (12)3.6.5对常量使用参数而不使用文本宏 (12)3.6.6不能重复定义参数 (12)3.6.7不能重复定义文本宏 (12)3.6.8保持常量之间的联系 (12)3.6.9状态编码的参数使用 (13)3.6.10`define、`undef配合使用 (13)3.6.11用基地址+地址偏移量生成地址 (13)3.6.12使用文本宏表示寄存器字段位置和值 (13)3.6.13`ifdef的嵌套限制在三层以内 (13)3.6.14操作数的位宽必须匹配 (13)3.6.15模块调用时端口要显式引用 (14)3.6.16矢量端口和net/variable声明的位宽要匹配 (14)3.6.17避免inout类型的端口 (14)3.6.18在复杂的表达式中使用括号 (14)3.7常用综合标准 (14)3.7.1always 的敏感列表要完整 (14)3.7.2一个 always 的敏感列表中只能有一个时钟 (14)3.7.3只使用可综合的结构 (15)3.7.4组合逻辑的条件需完备 (15)3.7.5循环结构中禁用disable语句 (15)3.7.6避免无界循环 (15)3.7.7端口连接禁用表达式 (15)3.7.8禁用Verilog primitive (15)3.7.9边沿敏感结构中使用非阻塞赋值(<=) (15)3.7.10Latch使用非阻塞赋值 (15)3.7.11模块闲置的输入端不要悬空 (15)3.7.12连接模块闲置的输出端 (16)3.7.13函数中不要使用锁存器 (16)3.7.14禁用casex (16)3.7.15多周期路径的信号使用单周期使能信号 (16)3.7.16三态元件建模 (16)3.7.17避免顶层胶合逻辑 (16)3.7.18在case语句中使用default赋值语句 (16)3.7.19full_case综合命令的使用 (16)附录1 HDL编译器不支持的Verilog结构 (18)附录2 Verilog和VHDL关键词列表 (19)前言编写本标准的目的是为了统一部门内部FPGA\EPLD设计用verilog语言编程风格,提高Verilog设计源代码的可读性、可靠性和可重用性,减少维护成本,最终提高产品生产力;并且以此作为代码走查的标准。
verilog 类型转换函数
verilog casez语句
verilog casez语句Verilog中的casez语句是一种用于多路选择的条件语句,它根据输入信号的取值选择执行不同的操作。
1. 实现一个4位二进制计数器下面是一个使用casez语句实现的4位二进制计数器的示例代码:```verilogmodule binary_counter(input wire clk,input wire reset,output wire [3:0] count);reg [3:0] counter;always @(posedge clk) beginif (reset)counter <= 4'b0000;else begincasez(counter)4'b0000: counter <= 4'b0001;4'b0001: counter <= 4'b0010;4'b0010: counter <= 4'b0011;4'b0011: counter <= 4'b0100;4'b0100: counter <= 4'b0101;4'b0101: counter <= 4'b0110;4'b0110: counter <= 4'b0111;4'b0111: counter <= 4'b1000;4'b1000: counter <= 4'b1001;4'b1001: counter <= 4'b0000;default: counter <= 4'b0000;endcaseendendassign count = counter;endmodule```在这个例子中,根据计数器的当前值,使用casez语句选择下一个计数器的值。
```verilogmodule FFT(input wire clk,input wire reset,input wire start,output wire done,input wire [31:0] x_real,input wire [31:0] x_imag,output wire [31:0] y_real,output wire [31:0] y_imag);reg [31:0] x[0:999];reg [31:0] w[0:999];reg [31:0] y[0:999];reg [5:0] i;reg [5:0] j;reg [5:0] k;reg done_reg;always (posedge clk or posedge reset) beginif (reset) begindone <= 0;for (i=0; i<1000; i=i+1) beginx[i] <= 0;w[i] <= 0;y[i] <= 0;endend else if (start) begindone <= 0;i <= 0;j <= 0;k <= 0;for (i=0; i<1000; i=i+1) beginx[i] <= x_real[i2 + 1] + x_imag[i2] << 16; // real part and imag part are swapped here for convenience.w[i] <= cos(2pii/1000) - sin(2pii/1000) << 16; // assuming 32-bit fixed point numbers.endend else if (i == 999) begin // one radix-2 pass is completed. done <= 1;i <= 0;j <= j + 1;if (j == 500) begin // for a radix-5 FFT, change this to 5.j <= 250; // for a radix-4 FFT, change this to 4.endend else begin begin // one radix-2 pass is not completed yet. k <= k + 1;y[k] <= x[k] w[j + k]; // twiddle factor.x[k] <= x[k+j] + x[k+j+1]; // bit-reversed index.end endendassign y_real = y[999].real; // output the result at the last stage. For other stages, you need to index y[] accordingly.assign y_imag = y[999].imag; // output the result at the last stage. For other stages, you need to index y[] accordingly.endmodule```。
verilog z态运算逻辑
verilog z态运算逻辑摘要:I.引言A.介绍Verilog 中的Z 态运算B.阐述Z 态运算的重要性II.Z 态运算的原理A.Z 态的定义B.Z 态运算的规则1.与0 的运算2.与1 的运算3.与自身的运算4.与其他数的运算III.Z 态运算的逻辑实现A.使用OR 门和AND 门实现Z 态运算B.使用异或门实现Z 态运算C.使用其他逻辑门实现Z 态运算IV.Z 态运算的应用A.计数器设计B.寄存器设计C.其他应用场景V.结论A.总结Z 态运算的重要性B.展望Z 态运算在未来的发展正文:I.引言Verilog 是一种用于描述数字电路和模拟电路的硬件描述语言。
在Verilog 中,Z 态是一个特殊的态,它表示高阻态,即该状态下的电路不导通,类似于一个断路。
Z 态运算是指在Z 态下进行的运算。
II.Z 态运算的原理在Verilog 中,Z 态是一个特殊的态,它的值既不是0,也不是1。
Z 态运算的规则如下:A.Z 态的定义:Z 态是一个既不是0,也不是1 的特殊状态。
B.Z 态运算的规则:1.Z 与0 的运算:Z 与0 的运算结果为Z。
2.Z 与1 的运算:Z 与1 的运算结果为1。
3.Z 与自身的运算:Z 与自身的运算结果为Z。
4.Z 与其他数的运算:Z 与其他数的运算结果为其他数。
III.Z 态运算的逻辑实现在实际应用中,我们可以使用各种逻辑门来实现Z 态运算。
A.使用OR 门和AND 门实现Z 态运算:我们可以使用一个OR 门和一个AND 门来实现Z 态运算。
当输入为Z 时,OR 门的输出为Z,AND 门的输出为0。
因此,可以使用OR门和AND 门来实现Z 态运算。
B.使用异或门实现Z 态运算:我们可以使用异或门来实现Z 态运算。
当输入为Z 时,异或门的输出为1。
因此,可以使用异或门来实现Z 态运算。
C.使用其他逻辑门实现Z 态运算:除了OR 门、AND 门和异或门之外,我们还可以使用其他逻辑门来实现Z 态运算,如与门、或门、非门等。
/************************************************************************ -----------------------------------------------------------------------**** zigzag.v************ Author: Latha Pillai** Senior Applications Engineer**** Video Applications** Advanced Products Group** Xilinx, Inc.**** Copyright (c) 2001 Xilinx, Inc.** All rights reserved**** Date: April. 10, 2002**** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND**** This software has not been published by the author, and** has been disclosed to others for the purpose of enhancing** and promoting design productivity in Xilinx products.**** Therefore use, duplication or disclosure, now and in the** future should give consideration to the productivity** enhancements afforded the user of this code by the author's** efforts. Thank you for using our products !**** Disclaimer: THESE DESIGNS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTY** WHATSOEVER AND XILINX SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY** IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR AGAINST INFRINGEMENT.** Module: zigzag_decode :The zigzag module is used to read out the quanized dct input in a zigzag order. There are two different zigzag scanning modes in MPEG2. The scanning mode is chosen by the "scan_type" input. Scan_type = 0 chooses the default scanning mode which is also the mode used in MPEG1. MPEG2 has an alternate scanning mode which is chosen when scan_type = 1. The 2 scanning modes for an 8x8 block is as shown below0 1 5 6 14 15 22 282 4 7 13 16 26 29 423 8 12 17 25 30 41 439 11 18 24 31 40 44 5310 19 23 32 39 45 52 5420 22 33 38 46 51 55 6021 34 37 47 50 56 59 6135 36 48 49 57 58 62 630 4 6 20 22 36 38 521 5 7 21 23 37 39 532 8 19 24 34 40 50 543 9 18 25 35 41 51 5510 17 26 30 42 46 56 6011 16 27 31 43 47 57 6112 15 28 32 44 48 58 6213 14 29 33 45 49 59 63The scanning order requires that some of the later coeeficients be available in the beginning. For example, in alternate scanning mode, the 56th coeeficient is read in at the 13th clock. Also some of the initial coefficients are read out later in the cycle. For example, in alternate scanning mode, the 7th coefficient is read out only in the 52th clock cycle. Due to this nature, it is safer to have all the 64 coefficient available for 64 clock cycles. This is ensured by the memread_rdy signal. This signal waits for 64 clocks before reading out from zigzag_in_reg1. By this time, all the 64 coefficients would have been stored in this memory and they are held there for 64 clocks.Since the input data zigzag_in is continuous, we get a new value for the 1st coefficient at the 65th clock. Since the reading from zigzag_in_reg1 would not be complete by the 65th clock, a second memory , zigzag_in_reg2, is used to store the next set of 64 coefficients. After reading the 64 values from zigzag_in_reg1, the next 64 values are read from zigzag_in_reg2. This selection is done using the toggle_mem signal. This signal holds a '0' or '1' for 64 clocks and then switches.The values are read out from the memories depending on the value of scan_mem. Scan_mem is a register used to hold the 2 different kinds of scanning orders. Scan_type signal chooses between the 2 scanning orders.**********************************************************************///scale factor --- how many bits ?`timescale 1ns/1psmodule zigzag_decode ( CLK,RST,rdy_in,zigzag_in,scan_type,qdct_out);input CLK;input RST;input[11:0] zigzag_in; /* 11 bit output from DCT block */input rdy_in; /* ready signal , starts quantization process after DCT is done for the block */input scan_type; /* used to choose b/n intra(0) & non-intra(1)blocks */output [11:0] qdct_out; /* quantised output value *//* signals */reg[6:0] cnt64;reg memread_rdy;reg toggle_mem;reg[6:0] scan_mem;reg[11:0] zigzag_in_reg1[63:0];reg[11:0] zigzag_in_reg2[63:0];reg[11:0] zigzag_out;/*****************************************************************************//* scan_type register. This register is used to store the 2 different kinds of scan mode.Normal scan mode (0) is used for MPEG1 and MPEG2. Alternate scan mode (1) is used in MPEG2for intra coded blocks */always @ (posedge CLK)beginif (scan_type == 1'b0)begincase (cnt64)1 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 0; end2 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 1; end3 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 8; end4 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 16; end5 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 9; end6 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 2; end7 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 3; end 8 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 10; end9 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 17; end 10 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 24; end11 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 32; end 12 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 25; end13 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 18; end 14 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 11; end15 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 4; end 16 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 5; end17 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 12; end 18 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 19; end19 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 26; end 20 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 33; end21 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 40; end 22 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 48; end23 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 41; end 24 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 34; end25 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 27; end 26 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 20; end27 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 13; end 28 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 6; end29 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 7; end 30 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 14; end31 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 21; end 32 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 28; end35 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 49; end 36 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 56; end 37 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 57; end 38 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 50; end 39 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 43; end 40 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 36; end 41 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 29; end 42 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 22; end 43 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 15; end 44 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 23; end 45 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 30; end 46 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 37; end 47 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 44; end 48 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 51; end 49 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 58; end 50 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 59; end 51 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 52; end 52 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 45; end 53 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 38; end 54 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 31; end 55 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 27; end 56 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 46; end 57 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 53; end 58 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 60; end 59 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 61; end 60 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 54; end 61 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 47; end 62 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 55; end 63 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 62; end 64 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 63; end endcaseendelse if (scan_type == 1'b1)begincase (cnt64)1 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 0; end2 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 8; end3 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 16; end4 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 24; end5 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 1; end6 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 9; end7 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 2; end8 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 10; end9: begin scan_mem <= 7'd 17; end 10 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 25; end 11 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 32; end 12 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 40; end 13 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 48; end 14 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 56; end 15 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 4; end 16 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 49; end 17 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 41; end 18 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 33; end 19 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 26; end 20 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 18; end 21 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 3; end 22 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 11; end 23 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 4; end 24 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 12; end 25 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 19; end 26 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 27; end 27 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 34; end 28 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 42; end 29 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 50; end 30 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 58; end 31 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 35; end 32 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 43; end 33 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 51; end 34 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 59; end 35 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 20; end 36 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 28; end 37 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 5; end 38 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 13; end 39 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 6; end 40 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 14; end 41 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 21; end 42 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 29; end 43 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 36; end 44 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 44; end 45 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 52; end 46 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 60; end 47 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 37; end 48 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 45; end 49 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 53; end 50 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 61; end 51 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 22; end 52 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 30; end 53 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 7; end 54 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 15; end 55 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 23; end 56 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 31; end59 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 54; end 60 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 62; end61 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 39; end 62 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 47; end63 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 55; end 64 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 63; endendcaseendend/*****************************************************************************//* zigzag_in_reg1 and zigzag_in_reg2 are used to store the quantised DCT values encoded in zigzag order. Both registers use store the same DCT values. Data from reg1 is read out in the zigzag order and data from reg2 is read out in the alternate scan order */initialbeginzigzag_in_reg1[0] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[1] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[2] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[3] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[4] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[5] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[6] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[7] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[8] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[9] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[10] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[11] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[12] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[13] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[14] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[15] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[16] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[17] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[18] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[19] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[20] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[21] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[22] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[23] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[24] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[25] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[26] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[27] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[28] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[29] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[30] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[31] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[32] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[33] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[34] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[35] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[36] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[37] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[38] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[39] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[40] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[41] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[42] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[43] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[44] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[45] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[46] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[47] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[48] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[49] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[50] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[51] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[52] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[53] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[54] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[55] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[56] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[57] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[58] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[59] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[60] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[61] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[62] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[63] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[0] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[1] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[2] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[3] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[4] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[5] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[6] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[7] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[8] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[9] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[10] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[11] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[12] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[13] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[14] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[15] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[16] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[17] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[18] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[19] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[20] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[21] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[22] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[23] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[24] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[25] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[26] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[27] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[28] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[29] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[30] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[31] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[32] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[33] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[34] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[35] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[36] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[37] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[38] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[39] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[40] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[41] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[42] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[43] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[44] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[45] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[46] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[47] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[48] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[49] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[50] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[51] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[52] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[53] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[54] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[55] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[56] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[57] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[58] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[59] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[60] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[61] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[62] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[63] <= 12'b0;end/* store zigzag input in the scan order: pipe1 */always @ (posedge CLK)if (rdy_in == 1'b1 && toggle_mem == 1'b0)zigzag_in_reg1[scan_mem]<= zigzag_in;else if (rdy_in == 1'b1 && toggle_mem == 1'b1)zigzag_in_reg2[scan_mem]<= zigzag_in;/* read out quantised DCT values in the counter 64 order :pipe2*/ always @ (posedge CLK)beginif (memread_rdy == 1'b1 && toggle_mem == 1'b1)qdct_out <= zigzag_in_reg1[cnt64];else if (memread_rdy == 1'b1 && toggle_mem == 1'b0)qdct_out <= zigzag_in_reg2[cnt64];else qdct_out <= 8'b0;end/* END MEMORY SECTION *//*****************************************************************************/always @ (posedge CLK or posedge RST)beginif (RST)begincnt64 <= 7'b0;endelse if (cnt64 < 7'b1000001)begincnt64 <= cnt64 + 1;endelsebegincnt64 <= 7'b0000001;endend/*****************************************************************************//* memread_rdy goes active 64 clks after rdy_in is active. This is to make sure that all the 64 zigzag input values are stored in the memory before reading it out in the clock order or decoding the zigzag order.*/always @ (posedge CLK or posedge RST)beginif (RST)beginmemread_rdy <= 1'b0;endelse if (rdy_in == 1'b1)beginif (cnt64 == 7'b1000000)memread_rdy <= 1'b1;elsememread_rdy <= memread_rdy ;endend/*****************************************************************************//* toggle_mem switches states every 64 clock cycles. This signal is used to choose between the 2 zigzag_in_reg memories. Due to zigzag order in which data is stored in, it is moreefficient to have all the 64 data ready in the memory before reading it out. Since the input data is continuous, while reading out is done from one memory, the input data is redirected to the 2nd memory for the next 64 cycles.*/always @ (posedge CLK or posedge RST)beginif (RST)begintoggle_mem <= 1'b0;endelse if (rdy_in == 1'b1)beginif (cnt64 == 7'b1000000)toggle_mem <= ~toggle_mem;elsetoggle_mem <= toggle_mem ;endend/*****************************************************************************/ endmodule。
Verilog图像翻转源代码组内成员邹述铭3014204055李林楠3014204035丁皓南3014204031买地努尔3014204040一、将BMP图片转化为二进制数据,存入TXT`timescale 1ns/100psmodule Pic;parameter size=65554;//定义memory存储器大小,前18个存BMP文件信息头,后65536个存数据reg[23:0] ram[size-1:0],headdata,data;//单个寄存器24位(包括红绿蓝3个字节(一个字节8位)的颜色)共65536=256*256个像素点reg clk;//定义时钟integer file_id,txt_id;//定义BMP图片和txt文本的整型句柄integer m,i,j,x;initialbeginfile_id=$fopen("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/Pic.bmp","rb");//以二进制方式读取图片,将句柄存入file_id$fread(ram,file_id);//存图片的二进制数据到ram存储器中(ram中的每个单元24位)$fclose(file_id);endinitial//为整型变量赋初值beginclk=0;i=0;j=0;x=0;endalways#5 clk=~clk;//定义时钟信号周期为10nsinitialbegintxt_id=$fopen("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/Pic_bin.txt");//打开建立的空白txt文档,用来存储图片的十六进制数据for(m=0;m<=17;m=m+1)beginheaddata=ram[m];//把ram中的二进制数据按顺序存入信息头寄存器headdata(17*24个位)中$fwrite(txt_id,"%b",headdata);//把每个ram中的值转换为二进制endendalways @(posedge clk)//在每个clk时钟上升沿,输入单行像素的信息if(i<=255)//按行顺序读取单个像素信息(一行256个像素)beginfor(j=0;j<=255;j=j+1)//使用for循环顺序输入单个像素(24位)的信息,至data寄存器beginx=18+256*i+j;data=ram[x];$fwrite(txt_id,"%b",data);//将data寄存器中的数据以二进制方式存入Pic_hex.txt文本endi=i+1;//每输入完一行后,行数自加一,进行下一行的数据输入endelse//待行数大于256时,跳出循环$fclose(txt_id);endmodule二、VERILOG图像旋转`timescale 1ns/100psmodule Pic_Turn;parameter size=65554;reg[23:0] ram_turn[size-1:0],datamove,headdata;//datamove用于替换位图单像素数据,headdata用于替换信息头数据reg clk;//定义clk为时钟信号integer txtid1,txtid,p,i,j,n;initialbeginclk=0;i=0;j=0;n=0;endalways #5 clk=~clk;//设置clk时钟频率initialbegintxtid1=$fopen("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/Pic_bin.txt","rb");$fread(ram_turn,txtid1);$fclose(txtid1);txtid=$fopen("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/Pic_turn.txt");for(p=0;p<=17;p=p+1)beginheaddata=ram_turn[p];$fwrite(txtid,"%b",headdata);//将信息头数据以十六进制输入至txt文件endendalways @(posedge clk)//在每个clk上升沿时,输入单个像素的信息(256位)if(i<=255)beginfor(j=0;j<=255;j=j+1)beginn=18+256*j+255-i;datamove=ram_turn[n];$fwrite(txtid,"%b",datamove);endi=i+1;end$fclose(txtid);endmodule三、旋转后的数据文件处理成BMP位图将位图旋转后的数据转成十六进制,程序如下:`timescale 1ns/100psmodule Pic_Turn;parameter size=65554;reg[23:0] ram_turn[size-1:0],datamove,headdata;//datamove用于替换位图单像素数据,headdata用于替换信息头数据reg clk;//定义clk为时钟信号integer txtid1,txtid,p,i,j,n;initialbeginclk=0;i=0;j=0;n=0;endalways #5 clk=~clk;//设置clk时钟频率begintxtid1=$fopen("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/Pic_bin.txt","rb"); $fread(ram_turn,txtid1);$fclose(txtid1);txtid=$fopen("C:/Users/HP/Desktop/Pic_turn.txt");for(p=0;p<=17;p=p+1)beginheaddata=ram_turn[p];$fwrite(txtid,"%h",headdata);//将信息头数据以十六进制输入至txt文件endendalways @(posedge clk)//在每个clk上升沿时,输入单个像素的信息(256位)if(i<=255)beginfor(j=0;j<=255;j=j+1)beginn=18+256*j+255-i;datamove=ram_turn[n];$fwrite(txtid,"%h",datamove);i=i+1;endelse $fclose(txtid); endmodule。
module parallel(clk, rst_n, en, din, dout);input clk;input rst_n;input en;input [7:0]din;output dout;reg dout;reg [6:0]dout_1;always@(posedge clk )beginif(!rst_n)begin{dout_1,dout} <=8'b0; //通过拼接符,可减少触发器端⼝数endelse beginif(en) begin{dout_1,dout} <= din;endelse begin{dout_1,dout} <= {1'b0,dout_1};endendendendmoduletb:`timescale 1ns/1psmodule parallel_tb;reg clk;reg rst_n;reg en;reg [7:0]din;wire dout;parallel u1(.clk(clk),.rst_n(rst_n),.en(en),.din(din),.dout(dout));initial beginclk=1'b1;rst_n=1'b0;en=1'b0;#8;rst_n=1'b1;#2;en=1'b1;#10;en=1'b0;#70;en=1'b1;#10;en=1'b0;endalways #5 clk=~clk;initial begin#10;din=8'b0110_1100;#80;din=8'b11110000;#150;$stop();endendmodule串⾏转并⾏--每四位进⾏⼀次输出,并含有标志位,串转并:4bit⼀输出。
verilog z态运算逻辑
verilog z态运算逻辑(最新版)目录1.Verilog 中的状态机2.Z 态运算逻辑的定义与应用3.Z 态运算逻辑的优点4.Z 态运算逻辑的实例与实现5.总结正文一、Verilog 中的状态机Verilog 是一种硬件描述语言,常用于数字电路和模拟混合信号电路的描述。
在 Verilog 中,状态机是一种用于描述数字系统行为的基本结构,它可以在特定的时钟上升沿或下降沿触发时改变状态。
二、Z 态运算逻辑的定义与应用Z 态运算逻辑是一种在 Verilog 中用于描述状态机行为的逻辑运算符,它可以在状态机中进行状态转移和状态判断。
Z 态运算逻辑的定义为:当两个操作数都为 1 时,结果为 1;当其中一个操作数为 0 时,结果为 0;当两个操作数都为 0 时,结果为 x(即未定义)。
在 Verilog 中,Z 态运算逻辑常用于以下两种情况:1.状态转移:在状态机中,可以使用 Z 态运算逻辑来实现状态之间的转移。
例如,假设有一个 3 位的状态机,状态分别为 000、001、010、011、100、101、110 和 111,我们可以使用 Z 态运算逻辑来描述状态之间的转移关系。
2.状态判断:在状态机中,可以使用 Z 态运算逻辑来判断当前状态是否满足某个条件。
例如,假设我们需要判断一个 3 位的状态机是否处于偶数状态,我们可以使用 Z 态运算逻辑来进行判断。
三、Z 态运算逻辑的优点Z 态运算逻辑在 Verilog 中有以下优点:1.简洁:Z 态运算逻辑的语法简洁,可以减少代码量,提高描述效率。
2.易于理解:Z 态运算逻辑的逻辑表达式与实际电路中的逻辑关系相对应,易于理解和实现。
3.灵活性:Z 态运算逻辑可以根据需要进行扩展和修改,具有较高的灵活性。
verilog z态运算逻辑
verilog z态运算逻辑摘要:1.概述Verilog Z态运算逻辑的基本概念2.Z态运算逻辑的实现方法3.举例说明Z态运算逻辑在实际电路设计中的应用4.Z态运算逻辑的优势和局限性5.总结Verilog Z态运算逻辑的重要性正文:Verilog Z态运算逻辑是数字电路设计中的一种重要技术,它主要用于实现高效率的组合逻辑电路。
总之,Verilog Z态运算逻辑是一种高效、实用的组合逻辑设计方法。
verilog 非整数位宽转换
verilog 非整数位宽转换Verilog语言中的非整数位宽转换在Verilog语言中,位宽转换是一种常见的操作,它可以将信号从一种位宽转换为另一种位宽。
1. 什么是非整数位宽转换?非整数位宽转换是指在Verilog语言中将信号的位宽转换为非整数。
2. 非整数位宽转换的应用场景非整数位宽转换在一些特殊的应用场景中非常有用。
3. 非整数位宽转换的实现方法在Verilog语言中,实现非整数位宽转换可以使用一些特定的操作符和函数。
4. 非整数位宽转换的注意事项在进行非整数位宽转换时,需要注意以下几点:- 需要选择合适的位宽进行转换,以确保转换前后信号的精度不会丢失。
- 需要考虑到位宽转换可能引入的舍入误差,特别是在进行浮点数运算时。
- 需要合理设计转换的逻辑,以确保转换的效率和准确性。
5. 非整数位宽转换的实例下面是一个简单的例子,展示了如何使用Verilog语言进行非整数位宽转换:```verilogmodule non_integer_conversion(input [7:0] in, output [15:0] out);reg [15:0] temp;always @(*) begintemp = in * 0.5;out = temp;endendmodule```在上述例子中,输入信号`in`的位宽为8位,输出信号`out`的位宽为16位。
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/************************************************************************ -----------------------------------------------------------------------**** zigzag.v************ Author: Latha Pillai** Senior Applications Engineer**** Video Applications** Advanced Products Group** Xilinx, Inc.**** Copyright (c) 2001 Xilinx, Inc.** All rights reserved**** Date: April. 10, 2002**** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND**** This software has not been published by the author, and** has been disclosed to others for the purpose of enhancing** and promoting design productivity in Xilinx products.**** Therefore use, duplication or disclosure, now and in the** future should give consideration to the productivity** enhancements afforded the user of this code by the author's** efforts. Thank you for using our products !**** Disclaimer: THESE DESIGNS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTY** WHATSOEVER AND XILINX SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY** IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR AGAINST INFRINGEMENT.** Module: zigzag_decode :The zigzag module is used to read out the quanized dct input in a zigzag order. There are two different zigzag scanning modes in MPEG2. The scanning mode is chosen by the "scan_type" input. Scan_type = 0 chooses the default scanning mode which is also the mode used in MPEG1. MPEG2 has an alternate scanning mode which is chosen when scan_type = 1. The 2 scanning modes for an 8x8 block is as shown below0 1 5 6 14 15 22 282 4 7 13 16 26 29 423 8 12 17 25 30 41 439 11 18 24 31 40 44 5310 19 23 32 39 45 52 5420 22 33 38 46 51 55 6021 34 37 47 50 56 59 6135 36 48 49 57 58 62 630 4 6 20 22 36 38 521 5 7 21 23 37 39 532 8 19 24 34 40 50 543 9 18 25 35 41 51 5510 17 26 30 42 46 56 6011 16 27 31 43 47 57 6112 15 28 32 44 48 58 6213 14 29 33 45 49 59 63The scanning order requires that some of the later coeeficients be available in the beginning. For example, in alternate scanning mode, the 56th coeeficient is read in at the 13th clock. Also some of the initial coefficients are read out later in the cycle. For example, in alternate scanning mode, the 7th coefficient is read out only in the 52th clock cycle. Due to this nature, it is safer to have all the 64 coefficient available for 64 clock cycles. This is ensured by the memread_rdy signal. This signal waits for 64 clocks before reading out from zigzag_in_reg1. By this time, all the 64 coefficients would have been stored in this memory and they are held there for 64 clocks.Since the input data zigzag_in is continuous, we get a new value for the 1st coefficient at the 65th clock. Since the reading from zigzag_in_reg1 would not be complete by the 65th clock, a second memory , zigzag_in_reg2, is used to store the next set of 64 coefficients. After reading the 64 values from zigzag_in_reg1, the next 64 values are read from zigzag_in_reg2. This selection is done using the toggle_mem signal. This signal holds a '0' or '1' for 64 clocks and then switches.The values are read out from the memories depending on the value of scan_mem. Scan_mem is a register used to hold the 2 different kinds of scanning orders. Scan_type signal chooses between the 2 scanning orders.**********************************************************************///scale factor --- how many bits ?`timescale 1ns/1psmodule zigzag_decode ( CLK,RST,rdy_in,zigzag_in,scan_type,qdct_out);input CLK;input RST;input[11:0] zigzag_in; /* 11 bit output from DCT block */input rdy_in; /* ready signal , starts quantization process after DCT is done for the block */input scan_type; /* used to choose b/n intra(0) & non-intra(1)blocks */output [11:0] qdct_out; /* quantised output value *//* signals */reg[6:0] cnt64;reg memread_rdy;reg toggle_mem;reg[6:0] scan_mem;reg[11:0] zigzag_in_reg1[63:0];reg[11:0] zigzag_in_reg2[63:0];reg[11:0] zigzag_out;/*****************************************************************************//* scan_type register. This register is used to store the 2 different kinds of scan mode.Normal scan mode (0) is used for MPEG1 and MPEG2. Alternate scan mode (1) is used in MPEG2for intra coded blocks */always @ (posedge CLK)beginif (scan_type == 1'b0)begincase (cnt64)1 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 0; end2 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 1; end3 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 8; end4 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 16; end5 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 9; end6 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 2; end7 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 3; end 8 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 10; end9 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 17; end 10 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 24; end11 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 32; end 12 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 25; end13 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 18; end 14 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 11; end15 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 4; end 16 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 5; end17 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 12; end 18 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 19; end19 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 26; end 20 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 33; end21 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 40; end 22 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 48; end23 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 41; end 24 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 34; end25 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 27; end 26 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 20; end27 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 13; end 28 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 6; end29 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 7; end 30 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 14; end31 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 21; end 32 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 28; end35 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 49; end 36 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 56; end 37 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 57; end 38 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 50; end 39 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 43; end 40 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 36; end 41 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 29; end 42 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 22; end 43 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 15; end 44 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 23; end 45 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 30; end 46 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 37; end 47 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 44; end 48 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 51; end 49 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 58; end 50 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 59; end 51 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 52; end 52 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 45; end 53 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 38; end 54 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 31; end 55 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 27; end 56 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 46; end 57 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 53; end 58 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 60; end 59 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 61; end 60 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 54; end 61 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 47; end 62 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 55; end 63 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 62; end 64 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 63; end endcaseendelse if (scan_type == 1'b1)begincase (cnt64)1 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 0; end2 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 8; end3 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 16; end4 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 24; end5 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 1; end6 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 9; end7 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 2; end8 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 10; end9: begin scan_mem <= 7'd 17; end 10 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 25; end 11 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 32; end 12 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 40; end 13 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 48; end 14 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 56; end 15 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 4; end 16 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 49; end 17 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 41; end 18 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 33; end 19 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 26; end 20 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 18; end 21 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 3; end 22 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 11; end 23 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 4; end 24 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 12; end 25 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 19; end 26 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 27; end 27 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 34; end 28 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 42; end 29 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 50; end 30 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 58; end 31 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 35; end 32 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 43; end 33 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 51; end 34 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 59; end 35 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 20; end 36 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 28; end 37 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 5; end 38 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 13; end 39 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 6; end 40 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 14; end 41 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 21; end 42 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 29; end 43 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 36; end 44 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 44; end 45 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 52; end 46 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 60; end 47 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 37; end 48 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 45; end 49 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 53; end 50 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 61; end 51 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 22; end 52 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 30; end 53 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 7; end 54 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 15; end 55 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 23; end 56 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 31; end59 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 54; end 60 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 62; end61 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 39; end 62 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 47; end63 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 55; end 64 : begin scan_mem <= 7'd 63; endendcaseendend/*****************************************************************************//* zigzag_in_reg1 and zigzag_in_reg2 are used to store the quantised DCT values encoded in zigzag order. Both registers use store the same DCT values. Data from reg1 is read out in the zigzag order and data from reg2 is read out in the alternate scan order */initialbeginzigzag_in_reg1[0] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[1] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[2] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[3] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[4] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[5] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[6] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[7] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[8] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[9] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[10] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[11] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[12] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[13] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[14] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[15] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[16] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[17] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[18] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[19] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[20] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[21] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[22] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[23] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[24] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[25] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[26] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[27] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[28] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[29] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[30] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[31] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[32] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[33] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[34] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[35] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[36] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[37] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[38] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[39] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[40] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[41] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[42] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[43] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[44] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[45] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[46] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[47] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[48] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[49] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[50] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[51] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[52] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[53] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[54] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[55] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[56] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[57] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[58] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[59] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[60] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[61] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg1[62] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg1[63] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[0] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[1] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[2] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[3] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[4] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[5] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[6] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[7] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[8] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[9] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[10] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[11] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[12] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[13] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[14] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[15] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[16] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[17] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[18] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[19] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[20] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[21] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[22] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[23] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[24] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[25] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[26] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[27] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[28] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[29] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[30] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[31] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[32] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[33] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[34] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[35] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[36] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[37] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[38] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[39] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[40] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[41] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[42] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[43] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[44] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[45] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[46] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[47] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[48] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[49] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[50] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[51] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[52] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[53] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[54] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[55] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[56] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[57] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[58] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[59] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[60] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[61] <= 12'b0;zigzag_in_reg2[62] <= 12'b0; zigzag_in_reg2[63] <= 12'b0;end/* store zigzag input in the scan order: pipe1 */always @ (posedge CLK)if (rdy_in == 1'b1 && toggle_mem == 1'b0)zigzag_in_reg1[scan_mem]<= zigzag_in;else if (rdy_in == 1'b1 && toggle_mem == 1'b1)zigzag_in_reg2[scan_mem]<= zigzag_in;/* read out quantised DCT values in the counter 64 order :pipe2*/ always @ (posedge CLK)beginif (memread_rdy == 1'b1 && toggle_mem == 1'b1)qdct_out <= zigzag_in_reg1[cnt64];else if (memread_rdy == 1'b1 && toggle_mem == 1'b0)qdct_out <= zigzag_in_reg2[cnt64];else qdct_out <= 8'b0;end/* END MEMORY SECTION *//*****************************************************************************/always @ (posedge CLK or posedge RST)beginif (RST)begincnt64 <= 7'b0;endelse if (cnt64 < 7'b1000001)begincnt64 <= cnt64 + 1;endelsebegincnt64 <= 7'b0000001;endend/*****************************************************************************//* memread_rdy goes active 64 clks after rdy_in is active. This is to make sure that all the 64 zigzag input values are stored in the memory before reading it out in the clock order or decoding the zigzag order.*/always @ (posedge CLK or posedge RST)beginif (RST)beginmemread_rdy <= 1'b0;endelse if (rdy_in == 1'b1)beginif (cnt64 == 7'b1000000)memread_rdy <= 1'b1;elsememread_rdy <= memread_rdy ;endend/*****************************************************************************//* toggle_mem switches states every 64 clock cycles. This signal is used to choose between the 2 zigzag_in_reg memories. Due to zigzag order in which data is stored in, it is moreefficient to have all the 64 data ready in the memory before reading it out. Since the input data is continuous, while reading out is done from one memory, the input data is redirected to the 2nd memory for the next 64 cycles.*/always @ (posedge CLK or posedge RST)beginif (RST)begintoggle_mem <= 1'b0;endelse if (rdy_in == 1'b1)beginif (cnt64 == 7'b1000000)toggle_mem <= ~toggle_mem;elsetoggle_mem <= toggle_mem ;endend/*****************************************************************************/ endmodule。