五个孩子和沙精 读后感

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Why I choose this book
• • • • 1.It is a Fairy tales (mysterious 神秘) 2. naive (天真) 3. Desire and reality (欲望与现实) 4.tell us how to be a person
Move point
五个孩子和沙精 Five Children and It
1、Writer 2、Content 3、Reason 4、Move point 5、Feeling
• Edie, Nesbitt, was born in London in 1858, died in 1924. Her life is engaged in writing, has written many books for children. One of the famous "five children and it", "phoenix bird and carpet", and "the railway children", etc • 伊迪比· 内斯比特,1858年生于伦敦, 1924年逝世。她一生从事写作,为 儿童写了很多书。其中著名的有 《五个孩子和沙精》、《长生鸟与 地毯》及《铁路上的孩子》等。
• This book tells us to do something realistic(实事求是), should not blindly pursue(盲目追求), do not count on others(靠别人). If we want something ,we must rely on our own efforts , rather than light thinking of something for nothing(不劳而获) . what all don‘t pay, will not belong to ourselves, it will eventually disappear(消失不见) .
The main content
• Robert,Anthea, Jane, Cyril and a baby move to a new house .One day when they play in the gravel-pit(砾 石坑),they find a fairy .It is a Psammead (塞米德) that lives in there for thousands of years. It can help people achieve their aspirations - the desire to achieve a day, and when the sun goes down , everything will be recover.
Five Wishes
• • • • 1.They want to be beautiful children 2.The Children Wish to Be Rich 3.They want to have Wings 4. Robert want to Bigger than the Baker's Boy • 5. The Last Wish
• Slowly, the vicar opened the door. ‘Good Heavens!’he cried. ‘They’re children!‘.牧 师慢慢地打开门。 “天哪!”他叫道,“是些孩 子!”(gun scared,kind-hearted,goodness) • ‘ When I’m older,I‘m going to buy Mother jewels like that ,’Robert said “我长大了,我要 给妈妈买那样的首饰。”罗伯特说(lovely , warm children ,love their mom)
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• Don‘t you like giving wishes?’Anthea asked. “No, I don't,'he said . ' Go away and leave me alone! But Anthea went on. ' Listen,'she said. ' If you do what we want today,we'll never ask you for another wish. 'I'll do anything for that,'it said. ' I really don't enjoy giving wishes. It's very hard work, you know, and I get so tired • “你不喜欢帮人实现愿望吗?”安西娅问。 '' “对, 不喜欢。”它说,“走开,别打扰我!”. ' 可安西娅 接着说了下去。“听着,”她说,“如果你实现了我们今 天的愿望,我们就再也不要别的了。” “那样的话我可 以做任何事情。”它说,(Patience , insist,clever)