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1. ----Can you s________ your name? ----Yes. T-O-M, Tom.

2. ----What’s your name, p________? ----My name is Julia.

3. ----W ______ this in English? ----It’s a pen.

4. This is my E________ book.

5. Tim is n________ here(这里). He is there(那里).

二. 选择填空。

( ) 1. This is ____ case. That’ s___ eraser. A. a; an B. an; an C. a; a D. an; a ( ) 2. ----How ________ you spell pen? ----P-E-N, pen.

A. is

B. am

C. do

D. are

( ) 3. Please call Jenny ________ 536-4428. A. in B. to C. on D. at ( ) 4. ________, Sonia. Is this your dictionary?

A. Sorry

B. Yes

C. Thank you

D. No

( ) 5. ----________ you Kate? ----Yes, I ________.

A. Are; am

B. Are; is

C. Is; are

D. Is; am


1. ----这是什么?----是一把椅子。

----________ ________?

----________ ________ chair.

2. 那用英语怎么说?

What’s that ________ ________?

3. ----这是一个苹果吗?----不,不是。

----________ ________ an apple?

----________,________ ________.

4. ----你的电话号码是多少?----6678954。

----________ your telephone ________?

----It’s 6678954.

5. 失物招领箱里的书包是你的吗?

Is that your bag in the ________ _________ _______ case?

四. 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。

1. This is a book. (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ ______?

2. It is an apple. (改为否定句) It _____ _____ an apple.

3. Is it a pen?(改为陈述句) ______ ______ a pen.

4. That’s a box. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

----________ ________ a box?

----______, ________ ________.

5. I can spell that. (改为一般疑问句) ______ ______ spell that?

五. 将下列单词连成句子。(注意标点符号及字母的大、小写)

1. your, bag, this, is ________________________?

2. call, 685-6034, please, Mike, at _____________________________.

3. is, that, English, a, in, desk ______________________________.

4. that, is, what, look _____________________________?

5. that, not, her, is, baseball ______________________________.

VII. 从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答语。


( ) 1. What’s that in English? A. Thank you.

( ) 2. Is this your backpack? B. OK.

( ) 3. How do you spell that? C. Yes, it is.

( ) 4. Please call me at 6679668. D. It’s a school ID card.

( ) 5. How do you do? E. Goodbye!

( ) 6. Good afternoon! F. Good afternoon!

( ) 7. Goodbye! G. Yes, I am.

( ) 8. Sit down, please! H. P-E-N, pen.

( ) 9. This is Li Lei. I. How do you do?

( ) 10. Are you Wei Fang? J. Nice to meet you, Li Lei.


Tim, Sonia, Jim, Tina, Jenny and Ann are in the classroom. They find(发现) a pencil-box, a ruler, a pencil and a notebook on the desk. Tim asks Sonia, “Is this your pencil?” Sonia answers, “Yes, it is. Thank you.” Tim asks again, “Hi, Jim! Is this your ruler? “Jim answers, “No, it isn’t. It’s Tina’s ruler.” “Is this your notebook, Jenny?” asks Tim. “Yes, it is,” answers Jenny.” Ann, is this your pencil-box?” asks Tim. “Yes, it is. Thank you.” answers Ann.


( ) 1. Tim, Sonia, Jim, Tina, Jenny and Ann are at home.

( ) 2. They find a notebook, a pencil, a ruler and a pencil-box on the desk.

( ) 3. The pencil is Sonia’s. ( ) 4. The ruler is Tim’s.

( ) 5. The notebook is Jenny’s.

七. 书面表达。(根据汉语提示,用英语编写一段对话。)


Li Lei: __________________________

Lin Tao: __________________________

Li Lei: __________________________

Lin Tao: __________________________

Li Lei: __________________________

Lin Tao: __________________________

Li Lei: __________________________
