KET 常考口语话题

KET口语提问题库整理KET口语提问库整理IntroductionThe KET (Key English Test) is a widely recognized English language proficiency test designed for individuals who have basic communication skills in English. In the KET speaking section, candidates are required to answer questions based on various topics. This article aims to provide an organized compilation of potential questions that may be included in the KET speaking test. The questions are categorized into different topics, allowing candidates to practice and prepare effectively.1. Personal Information and Daily Routine- Can you tell me your full name?- How old are you?- Where are you from?- What do you do for a living?- What are your hobbies?- What time do you usually wake up?- Do you have any daily routines?2. Family and Relationships- Do you have any siblings?- How many people are there in your family?- Can you tell me something about your parents?- Do you live with your family?- What do you like to do with your family?3. Education and Work- What subjects did you study in high school?- Did you go to college or university?- What is your major?- Are you currently employed?- What is your job?- Do you enjoy your job?4. Leisure and Entertainment- What do you like doing in your free time?- Do you enjoy watching movies or TV shows?- What kind of music do you listen to?- Do you have any favorite sports?- Have you ever been to a concert or a live performance?5. Travel and Tourism- Have you ever been on a vacation abroad?- What is your dream travel destination?- Do you prefer traveling alone or with others?- What are some popular tourist attractions in your country?- Can you tell me about your most memorable travel experience?6. Food and Cuisine- What is your favorite food?- Do you enjoy cooking?- Have you ever tried any exotic dishes?- Do you have any dietary restrictions?- What is a traditional dish from your country?7. Transportation and Environment- How do you usually commute to work or school?- Have you ever taken a long-distance train or bus ride?- What are some environmental issues in your area?- Are you concerned about climate change?- What can individuals do to protect the environment?ConclusionThis compilation of KET speaking questions covers various topics that candidates may encounter in the test. By practicing these questions, candidates can improve their speaking skills, fluency, and confidence. It isessential to prepare well and familiarize oneself with different question types to perform well in the KET speaking test.。
ket 口语21个话题

ket 口语21个话题
KET(Key English Test)是剑桥大学外语考试部设计的英语水平考试,用于衡量欧洲共同语言参考标准中的A2到B1级别。

ket口语part2高频话题在KET口语Part 2中,存在一些高频话题,下面将对这些话题进行讨论和探究。
二、旅行和度假旅行和度假也是常见的KET口语Part 2话题之一。
三、兴趣爱好在KET口语Part 2中,还会涉及到兴趣爱好的问题。
总结:在KET口语Part 2中,高频话题包括家庭和朋友、旅行和度假、兴趣爱好等。

以下是一些可能出现的话题及样例内容:1. 个人信息话题:自我介绍、家庭、朋友等样例问题:- Can you introduce yourself briefly?- Can you describe your family members?- Who is your best friend? Can you tell me something about him/her?2. 兴趣爱好话题:运动、音乐、电影、书籍等样例问题:- What sports do you like to play/watch?- Who is your favorite singer/band? Why do you like their music?- Do you like watching movies? What kind of movies do you prefer?3. 购物话题:购物场所、物品、价格等样例问题:- Where do you usually go shopping?- What was the last thing you bought? How much did it cost?- Do you prefer shopping online or in physical stores? Why?4. 旅行话题:旅游目的地、交通方式、住宿等样例问题:- Have you ever traveled abroad? Where did you go and how did you get there?- What is your dream travel destination? Why?- What kind of accommodation do you prefer when you travel?5. 工作话题:职业、工作内容、同事等样例问题:- What do you do for a living?- Can you describe your typical workday?- How do you get along with your colleagues at work?以上仅为一些可能出现的话题及样例内容,实际考试中会有更多不同的话题和问题。
KET 常考口语技巧话题

KET 常考口语技巧话题简介本文档将介绍一些常见的KET口语考试技巧话题,以帮助准备参加KET考试的学生更好地备考。
1. 个人介绍 (Self-introduction)在个人介绍时,可以首先简要介绍自己的姓名和年龄,然后描述自己的兴趣爱好和日常生活。
以下是一些技巧:- 使用简单的句子和词汇表达自己的信息。
- 训练流利而清晰地发音。
- 给自己的介绍添加一些有趣的细节,以吸引考官的注意。
2. 家庭成员 (Family Members)在讨论家庭成员时,可以介绍自己的家庭成员和他们的职业、兴趣爱好等。
以下是一些建议:- 使用简单的句子和词汇来描述家庭成员。
- 运用一些形容词来描述家庭成员的特点。
- 提供一些有趣的信息,例如家庭成员的爱好或工作经历。
3. 喜欢的食物 (Favorite Food)在谈论喜欢的食物时,可以描述自己喜欢的食物种类、原因以及如何准备等。
以下是一些技巧:- 运用形容词来描述你喜欢的食物的味道和口感。
- 使用一些常见的烹饪动词来描述如何准备这道食物。
- 分享一些有趣的故事或经历与食物相关联。
4. 兴趣爱好 (Hobbies)谈论兴趣爱好时,可以描述自己的爱好以及从事这些爱好的原因。
以下是一些建议:- 描述你的爱好并解释它们对你的意义。
- 使用一些形容词来描述你从爱好中获得的乐趣。
- 分享一些与你的爱好相关的有趣经历或趣事。
5. 旅行 (Travel)在谈论旅行时,可以描述自己曾经去过的地方、喜欢的旅行方式以及旅行中的经历。
以下是一些技巧:- 使用简单的句子来描述你去过的地方和你的旅行计划。
- 运用一些形容词来描述旅行时的感受和印象。
- 分享一些有趣的旅行经历或故事。

2024年剑桥KET口语题库话题一Free time1. What type of music do you enjoy most?In my free time,l often listen to my favorite songs onmy smart phone/my violin lessons.2. What do you like wearing in your free timeIlike wear comfortable clothes like jeans and T-shirts inmy free time.3. Who do you spend your free time with?l usually spend my free time with my family.Forexample,we will go to the cinema and have a great timeat the weekend.4. Now please tell me something about your plans fornext weekend. Well. Next weekend,’m going to visit the zoo withmy friends.As you know,there are so many animals inthe zoo and I’m very interested in watching the tiger5.Where do you usually watch films?l usually watch films on my’s veryrelaxing. You know, can just stay in my bedroomcomfortably and don’t have to leave my home.话题二Films1. How often do you go to the cinema?lusually go to the cinema once a month.(twice amonth)2. Who do you usually watch films with?I usually watch films with my family. We all lovesscience fiction movies.I go to cinema once/twice aweek / a month and my favorite movie star would beShenteng who is a famous person in China.3. What kind of films do you like?I enjoy watching science fiction movie because they areso exciting. What’s more ,l can always have fun /learna lot from these movies.4. Where do you enjoy watching films?l enjoy watching films in a movie theatre (cinema)because the screen is really bigand sounds are great too.5. Do you enjoy watching films at home?Yes,I do.l love watching a good film on our big screenTV with my family.话题三Friends1. How often do you see your friends?I see them every day at school. (But at the weekendswe are all busy with extra classes so we don’t seeeach other then.)2. What do you like doing with your friends?I love playing our favourite toys like puzzles togetherwith them. (l also like playing games with them.)3. Did you see your friends last weekend?No,Ididn’t.l don’t often see my friends at theweekends because we’re all busy with extra lessonsand classes.4. Now please tell me something about one of your friend.My best friend’s name is Jack. I like him very muchbecause he’s so funny and friendly.What’s more,heoften helps me when I have a problem. Actually,Wemet each other at school, and became good friendssince then .话题四Home1. Who do you live with?live with my parents and my brother in a apartment2. How many bedrooms are there in your apartment?There are 3 bedrooms in my flat. My parents have one, andmy sister andI share the other one.3. Where do you watch TV at home?There is a TV in my bedroom too. Sometimes I watch itthere.4. Do you like cooking?Yes,I do. I love making simple things like omelette or friedchicken.5. Do you play computer games?YesI do. Sometime i play some computer games with myfather to get relaxed.6. Did you stay at home last week?No,I didn’t.lwent shopping on Saturday, and l went to theArt museumwith friends on Sunday.7. What’s your favourite room in your house?My favourite room is my bedroom. I love reading books ancgetting my homework done there.话题五Languages1. What languages can you learn at school?At our school, you can learn Chinese and English. Wedon’t have other language classes2. How often do you speak English?Not very often.I practice speaking English in my Englishlessons, and sometimes when Itravel,I get to speak alittle too.3. What is easy for you about learning a new language?I find speaking pretty easy, but it’s not easy to read andwrite.4. Doyou use a computer to learn a new language?Yes,I do.l use my computer to read and watch things inEnglish.Once a week l have English lessons online too.5. Do you practise speaking a new language with friends?Not really. Al my friends speak Chinese to each other.English to them.6. Is watching films a good way to learn a new language?I think so. Watching films helps me to learn about theculture ofanother country.And it is really useful to learnnew words while iam watchingthem.话题六Present1. What presents do you like to buy for your friends?For my friends Ilike to buy something interesting like toysor puzzles.For example, my best friend Ben likes Lego, lwill usually buy a box of Lego for him on his birthdayparty.2. When do you receive presents from your friends orfamily?l often receive presents on my birthday from my friendsAlso when my uncle visits me,he always brings somepresents for me too.3. How often do you buy presents?About once every three months. When one of my friendshas a birthday party and they invite me, l’Il go and get apresent for them.4.Now please tell me something about a present youreceived that you really liked.On my birthday last year, I received a present from mydad. lt was a toy car.l really liked it because it was myfavourite colour blue, and it had a remote, which I can useto control the toy car.话题七School1. What subject do you like best?My favourite subject is English.l like it because it’s veryuseful.usually wear my school uniform, and sometimesI wearsome comfortable clothes like pants and sweaters onFriday.3. Do you get a lot of homework everyday?No, not really.l can usually get all my homework donewhen I’m still at school.4. Do you like homework?Yes,I like doing homework because l think it’s importantfor my study and my grades.But sometimes too muchhomework will make me crazy.5. Now please tell me something about the homework youhave to do. Most of the time,l get some homework from school. lt’snot much, andl can usually get it done in an hour.Sometimes Ialso get a lot of homework and l have tospend two or three hours to finish it! lt is so annoying话题八Sports1. Who do you usually do sports with?also go to a badminton class after school, and l playbadminton with children from there.2. What sports do you like doing in winter?In winter I like going skiing with my family. We go to themountains near my town, and it’s a lot offun.3. When do you prefer to do sports?prefer to do sports after school because l have moretime then. In themorning l d prefer to get more sleep4. When was the last time you did sports at school?lt was last Monday in my PE class. We ran for 800 metersand then played basketball.5. Now please tell me something about the sports thatyou do at school. In my PE classI do all sorts of sports. Our PE teacherteaches us how to play basketball, tennis, and othersports too.Ienjoy playing basketball with my friendsafter school .because it is a good way to keep fit.话题九Transport1. How do you travel to school?I go to schoolin my mom’s car. She drives me to schoolevery morning, and picks me up after school.2. What do you usually do while travelling to school?l just stay in my mom’s car and listening some englishbecause it’s good for me to remember new words3. What is the best way to travel around your area?The best way would be taking the subway and buses.They are fast and cheap for many people.4. ls it the best to travel around your area by car?No, it’s not. Of course you don’t have to wait if you getaround by car, but the traffic is terrible in my town.5.Now please tell me something about a long jouney youwent on.All right, about a long journey l went on, let me think.Well, for the Summer holiday last year,I went to Japanby plane .lt was in July so it was very hot. We visitedsome famous places, and took a lot of pictures.I have tosay, We enjoyed it so much because we ate a lot of food话题十Weather1. How often does it rain where you live?Actually lt doesn’t rain too much , maybe once amonth.2. What kind of weather do you like the least?I have to sayi don’t like winter because it’s cold andwindy outside.3. What activities do you enjoy doing when the weather ishot?lenjoy going to the beach when it’s hot. You know,ltfeels nice and cool to swim in the sea.4. Do you enjoy going shopping when the weather is hot?Yes. When the weather is hot, I like shopping becausethere will be air conditioning in the shopping mall.That isso cool.5. Now please tell me something about the weather onyou last holiday. For our last holiday, we went to Japan. lt was in July so itwas very hot.We visited some famous places, and took alot of pictures.I have to say, We enjoyed it so muchbecause we ate a lot of delicious food.话题十一Plan1. Do you have a plan for this summer holiday?I plan to improve my oral English and read more books.Perhaps I can go on a trip with family in a new place.2. What are you going to do tomorrow?I'm going to have school and arrange my schedule.3. Where do you want to visit most?I'm longing to visit Paris in the future. lt's a romanticplace andlalso want to learn French.4. What are you going to do when you grow up?I'm going to be a doctor when l grow up.I think it's arespected job.A good doctor should beresponsible, patient and selfless.5.How do you celebrate the Spring Festival?l can get red packets from the elders. I go shopping withmy family. We have the reunion dinner,watch TV andset off fireworks.6.What do you want to do at Mid-autumn Day?want to watch the moon, eat mooncakes and have abig dinner with my family.。

一、引言在KET口语考试中,Part 2是一个重要的环节。
二、关于家庭的话题1. 介绍家庭成员在KET口语考试中,考生可能会遇到关于家庭成员的话题,比如“请介绍一下你的家庭成员”等。
2. 家庭生活家庭生活是一个非常丰富多彩的话题。
三、关于旅行的话题1. 最难忘的一次旅行经历在KET口语考试中,考生可能会被问到“你最难忘的一次旅行是什么时候”等问题。
2. 你希望去的地方除了谈论过去的旅行经历,考生可能还会被问到“你希望去的地方是哪里”等问题。
四、关于职业的话题1. 你的理想职业在KET口语考试中,考生可能被问到“你的理想职业是什么”等问题。
2. 你为什么选择这个职业除了谈论理想职业,考生可能还会被问到“为什么你选择这个职业”等问题。

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】1.Greeting and introduction:1. How do you do?2. How are you, today?3. It is a fine day today, isn’t it?4. How is the weather today?5. What day is it today?6. What date is it today?7. How did you get here this morning?8. What is your name?9. May I know your name?10. Can you spell your name, please?11. What is your full name?12. What is your surname?13. What is your family name?14. Do you have an English name?15. What is your English name?16. When is your birthday?17. How old are you?18. When were you born?19. Where were you born?20. Were you born in Xuzhou?21. Were you born in this city?22. Are you a local person?23. Are you native to this area?24. Where are you from?25. Where do you come from?26. Where is your birthplace?27. Where do you live?28. Do you live in this city?29. What school are you studying at?30. Which grade are you in?31. Is your home far away from your school?32. How far is your home from your school?33. How long does it take you to get to school?34. What time do you go to school?35. How do you get to school?36. Which class are you in?37. How many students are there in your class?38. How many boys/girls are there in your class?39. Do you like your school/class?40. What do you think of your school/class?41. What is your school/class like?42. What does your school/class look like?43. Is there a library at your school?44. Does your school have a Reading Club/English corner?45. What do you usually do at English corner?46. When does the first lesson start?47. When do you come home from school every day?48. What do you usually do between classes?49. How many subjects do you have?50. What are they?51. What is your favorite subject?52. Why do you like it best?53. What do you think of English?54. Is English hard or easy for you?55. Do you like learning English?56. What is your English teacher’s name?57. Why do you like English/ Math/ Chinese?58. Are you good at English?59. Do you do well in PE?60. What subject are you good at?61. Are you tired after your lessons? Are you tired when school is finished?62. What do you do after school?63. Do you read English every day?64. Do you like sports? What kind of sport do you like best? Why?65. How often do you do it?2. Daily life and abilities:66. How many people are there in your family? Who are they?67. How many family members do you have?68. Do you love your family?69. How old is your father/mother?70. What is your father’s/mother’s job?71. What does your father/mother do?72. How does your father/mother go to work?73. Do you often help your parents with housework? What do you do?74. When is your father’s/mother’s birthday?75. Do you have any brothers or sisters? (siblings)76. How often do you visit your grandparents?77. How many rooms are there in your flat/house?78. How much homework do you do every day?79. Can you finish your homework by yourself?80. Can you cook at home?81. Do you like animals?82. What animals do you like?83. Do you have a pet?84. What is the pet’s name?85. Can you describe your pet?86. Can you say something about your pet?87. What time do you get up every day?88. What time do you have breakfast/lunch/dinner?89. What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?90. What kind of food do you like best? Why?91. What is your favorite food? Why?92. Where do you usually have lunch/dinner?93. Do you like eating fruit?94. What is your favorite fruit? Why?95. What do you usually do in the evening?96. What do you do in your free time?97. What is your hobby? What do you like to do in your spare time?98. What time do you usually go to bed?99. What do you usually do on weekends?100. What did you do last weekend/ last summer holiday?101. Did you go on a holiday last year?102. Can you say something about your last weekend/ last summer holiday?103. Do you have a plan for this weekend/this summer holiday?104. What will you do this weekend/this summer holiday?105. What are you going to do tomorrow/next weekend?106. What do you usually do at Mid-autumn Festival/Halloween/Christmas? 107. What did you do last Mid-autumn Festival/ Halloween (万圣节前夕)/ Christmas (圣诞节)?108. Do you like Spring Festival? Why?109. What is your hobby?110. Why do you like doing it?111. Do you know how to use a computer?112. Do you like playing computer games?113. What about the grade you got in the recent exam?114. Do you have many friends? Who are they?115. Do you like making friends?116. Do you have a pen pal/pen friend? (笔友)117. What is his/her name?118. Who is your best friend?119. What is your best frie nd’s name?120. What does he/she look like?121. What do you usually do with your friends/ family? 122. Who is your favorite singer/ dancer/ pop star? 123. Which season do you like best? Why?124. Do you like reading books? Why?125. Do you like story books?126. Do you like telling stories?127. Do you like cartoons? Why?128. Can you make a model plane/ train?129. Can you play the piano?130. Can you play football/ basketball?131. What sort of music do you like?132. What color do you like best?133. What color is your coat/ your school bag?134. How much are your shoes?135. Where do you want to visit?136. Where do you want to go on holiday?137. Do you have a bike?138. Can you ride a bike?139. How often do you go to a park/ zoo/ cinema?3. Other:140.Tell me something about your hobbies/pet/family/house/school/your class/ your father/ your weekend/ last holiday……?141. Can you describe the weather today?142. What do you like doing in spring/ winter/ autumn/ summer? Why?143. How do you celebrate Spring Festival/ Dragon Boat Festival/ Christmas? 144. What is your difference from other students in your class?145. How many seasons are there in a year? 146. How many days are there in a week?147. How many months are there in a year? 148. How many seconds are there in a minute? 149. How many minutes are there in an hour? 150. What is thirteen and nine?151. What is thirteen minus nine?152. Have you ever been to *****?153. What do you think of it?154. Have you been to any other countries?155. Do you like traveling?156. What cities have you been to?157. Can you say something about your hometown? 158. What are you going to do when you grow up? 159. What are you going to be when you grow up?160. Which middle school do you like best? Why? 161. Which middle school do you want to go to? Why?。

ket口语考试试题及答案Part 1: Personal InformationCandidate A: Hello! My name is John. Can you tell me your full name, please?Candidate B: Of course! My name is Emily.Candidate A: Nice to meet you, Emily. How old are you?Candidate B: I am 25 years old.Candidate A: Where are you from, Emily?Candidate B: I am from London, England.Part 2: Leisure ActivitiesCandidate A: What do you like to do in your free time, Emily?Candidate B: I enjoy reading books and listening to music. They help me relax.Candidate A: Do you have any favorite books or music genres?Candidate B: Yes, I love reading mystery novels, and my favorite music genre is pop.Candidate A: Have you ever been to a live concert?Candidate B: Yes, I have. I attended a concert by my favorite band last year.Part 3: Daily RoutineCandidate A: Can you tell me about your daily routine, Emily?Candidate B: Sure! I usually wake up at 7 am, have breakfast, go to work, and come back home in the evening. After that, I relax, have dinner, and spend some time with my family before going to bed.Candidate A: Do you have any hobbies or activities that you do regularly?Candidate B: Yes, I enjoy going for a run in the park every morning and practicing yoga in the evening.Candidate A: How do you usually spend your weekends?Candidate B: On weekends, I like to catch up with friends, go to the movies, or visit new places in the city.Part 4: Future PlansCandidate A: What are your future plans, Emily?Candidate B: I plan to pursue further studies and earn a master's degree in my field of interest. I also hope to travel and explore different cultures.Candidate A: Are there any specific places you would like to visit?Candidate B: Yes, I would love to visit Japan and experience the beauty of its traditional culture.Candidate A: What do you hope to achieve in the next five years?Candidate B: In the next five years, I aim to establish my career and contribute to society through my work.That concludes our KET speaking test. Thank you, Emily, for your participation.Candidate B: Thank you for the opportunity. It was a pleasure.。

1. Greeting and introduction:1.How do you d o?2.How are you, today?3.It is a fine day today, isn’t it?4.How is the weather today?5.What day is it today?6.What date is it today?7.How did you get here this morning?8.What is your n ame?9.May I know your name?10.Can you spell your name, please?11.What is your full n ame?12.What is your s urname?13.What is your family name?14.Do you have an English name?15.What is your English n ame?16.When is your b irthday?17.H ow old are you?18.When w ere you b orn?19.W here w ere y ou b orn?20.W ere you born in Xuzhou?21.W ere you born in this city?22.A re you a local person?23.A re you native to this area?24.W here are you from?25.W here d o y ou c ome f rom?26.Where i s your birthplace?27.W here do you live?28.Do you live in this city?29.W hat school are you studying at?30.W hich grade are you in?31.I s y our h ome f ar a way f rom y our s chool?32.H ow far is your home from your school?33.H ow long does it take you to get to school?34.What time do you go to school?35.How do you get to school?36.Which class are you i n?37.H ow many students are there in your class?38.H ow many boys/girls are there in your class?39.D o you like your school/class?40.W hat do you think of your school/class?41.W hat is your school/class like?42.W hat does your school/class look like?43.Is there a library at your school?44.D oes your school have a Reading Club/English corner?45.What do you usually do at English corner?46.W hen does the first lesson start?47.W hen do you come home from school every day?48.What do you usually do between classes?49.H ow many subjects do you have?50.W hat are t hey?51.W hat is your favorite subject?52.W hy do you like it best?53.What do you think of English?54.I s English hard or easy for you?55.D o you like learning English?56.What is y our English teacher’s name?57.W hy do you like English/ Math/ Chinese?58.Are you good at English?59.Do you do well in PE?60.W hat subject are you good at?61.A re you tired after your lessons? Are you tired when school is finished?62.What do you do after school?63.D o y ou r ead E nglish e very d ay?64.D o you like sports? What kind of sport do you like best? Why?65.How often do you do it?2. Daily life and abilities:66.How many people are there in your family? Who are they?67.How many family members do you have?68.Do you love your family?69.How old is your father/mother?70.What is your father’s/mother’s job?71.What does your father/mother do?72.How does your father/mother go to work?73.Do you often help your parents with housework? What do you d o?74.When is your father’s/mother’s birthday?75.Do you have any brothers or sisters? (siblings)76.How often do you visit your grandparents?77.How many rooms are there in your flat/house?78.How much homework do you do every day?79.Can you finish your homework by yourself?80.Can you cook at home?81.Do y ou like animals?82.What animals do you like?83.Do you have a pet?84.What is the pet’s name?85.Can you describe your pet?86.Can you say something about your pet?87.What time do you get up every day?88.What time do you have breakfast/lunch/dinner?89.What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?90.What kind of food do you like best? Why?91.What i s y our f avorite f ood? Why?92.Where do you usually have lunch/dinner ?93.Do you like eating fruit?94.What is your favorite fruit? Why?95.What do you usually do in the evening?96.What do you do in your free time?97.What is your hobby? What do you like to do in your spare time?98.What time do you usually go to bed?99.What do you usually do on weekends?100.What did you do last weekend/ last summer holiday?101.Did you go on a holiday last year?102.Can you say something about your last weekend/ last summer holiday?103.Do you have a plan for this weekend/this summer holiday?104.What will you do this weekend/this summer holiday?105.What are you going to do tomorrow/next weekend?106.What do you usually do at Mid-autumn Festival/Halloween/Christmas?107.What did you do last Mid-autumn Festival/ Halloween (万圣节前夕)/ Christmas (圣诞节)?108.Do you like Spring Festival? Why?109.What is your h obby?110.Why do you like doing it?111.Do you know how to use a computer?112.Do you like playing computer games?113.What about the grade you got in the recent exam?114.Do you have many friends? Who are they?115.Do you like making friends?116.Do you have a pen pal/pen friend? ( 笔友)117.What is his/her name?118.Who is your best friend?119.What is y our best friend’s name?120.What does he/she look like?121.What do you usually do with your friends/ family? 122.Who is your favorite singer/ dancer/ pop star? 123.Which season do you like best? Why?124.Do you like reading books? Why?125.Do you like story books?126.Do you like telling stories?127.Do you l ike c artoons? Why?128.Can you make a model plane/ train?129.Can you play the piano?130.Can y ou p lay f ootball/ b asketball?131.What sort of music do you like?132.What color do you like best?133.What color is your coat/ your school bag?134.How much are your shoes?135.Where do y ou w ant to v isit?136.Where do you want to go on holiday?137.Do you h ave a bike?138.Can you ride a bike?139.How often do you go to a park/ zoo/ cinema?3. Other:140.Tell me something about your hobbies/pet/family/house/school/your class/ your f ather/ y our w eekend/ l ast holiday……?141.Can you describe the weather today?142.What do you like doing in spring/ winter/ autumn/ summer? Why? 143.How d o you celebrate S pring Festival/ Dragon Boat F estival/ Christmas? 144.What is your difference from other students in your class?145.How many seasons are there in a year?146.How many days are there in a week?147.How many months are there in a year?148.How many seconds are there in a minute?149.How many minutes are there in an hour?150.What is thirteen and n ine?151.What is thirteen minus n ine?152.Have you ever been to *****?153.What do you think of it?154.Have you been to any other countries?155.Do you like traveling?156.What cities have you been to?157.Can you say something about your hometown? 158.What are y ou g oing to do when y ou grow u p? 159.What are you going to be when you grow up? 160.Which middle school do you like best? Why? 161.Which middle school do you want to go to? Why?。

KET官方口语题库Test 11. Geeting and introduction:How do you do?How are you, today?It is a fine day today, isn’t it?How is the weather today?What day is it today?What date is it today?How did you get here this morning?What is your name?May I know your name?Can you spell your name, please?What is your full name?What is your surname?What is your family name?Do you have an English name?What is your English name?When is your birthday?How old are you?When were you born?Where were you born?Were you born in Xuzhou?Were you born in this city?Are you local people?Are you native?Where are you from?Where do you come from?Where is your birthplace?Where do you live?Do you live in this city?What school are you studying at?Which grade are you in?Is your home far away from your school?How far is your home from your school?How long does it take you to get to scholl? When do you go to school every day?How do you get to school every day?Which class are you in?How many students are there in your class? How many boys/girls are there in your class? Do you like your school/class?How do you think of your scool/class?What is your school/class like?What does your school/class look like?Is there a library at your school?Does your school have a Reading Club/English corner? What do you usually do at English corner?When does the first lesson start?When do you come home from school every day?What do you usually do between classes?How many subjects do you have? What are they?What subjects do you have?What is your favourite subject? Why do you like it best? How do you think of English, easy or difficult?Is English hard or easy for you?Do you like learning English?What is your English teacher’s name?Why do you like English/Maths/Chinese?Are you good at English?Do you do well in PE?What subject are you good at?Are you tired after lessons a day?What do you do after school?Do you read English every day?Do you like sports?What kind of sport do you like best? Why? How ofter do you do it?2. Daily life and abilities:How many people are there in your family? Who are they?How many family members do you have?Do you love your family?How old is your father/mother?What is your father’s/mother’s job?What does your father/mother do?How does your father/mother go to work?Do you often help your parents with housework? For example? When is your father’s/mother’s birthday?Do you have any brothers or sisters?How often do you visit your grandparents?How many rooms are there in your flat/house?How much homework do you do every day?Can you finish your homework by yourself?Can you cook at home?Do you like animals?What animals do you like?Do you have a pet?What is the pet’s name?Can you describe your pet?Can you say something about your pet?What time do you get up every day?What time do you have breakfast/lunch/dinner?What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?What kind of food do you like best? Why?What is your favourite food? Why?Where do you usually have lunch/dinner?Do you like eating fruit?What is your favourite fruit? Why?What do you usually do in the evening?What do you do in your free time?What is your bobby or interest in your spare time?What time do you usually go to bed?What do you usually do on weekends?What did you do last weekend/ last summer holiday?Did you go on a holiday last year?Can you say something about your last weekend/ last summer holiday?Do you have a plan of this weekend/this summer holiday? What will you do this weekend/this summer holiday?What are you going to do tomorrow/next weekend?What do you usually do at Mid-autumn Festival/Halloween/Christmas?What did you do last Mid-autumn Festival/Halloween/Christmas? Do you like Spring Festival? Why?What is your hobby? Why do you like doing it?Do you know how to use a computer?Do you like playing computer games?What about the grade you got in the recent exam?Do you have many friends? Who are they?Do you like making friends?Do you have a pen pal/pen friend? What is his/her name?Who is your best friend?What is your best fridend’s name?What does he/she look like?What do you usually do with your friends/family?Who is your favourite singer/dancer/pop star?Which season do you like best? Why?Do you like reading books? Why?Do you like story books?Do you like telling stories?Do you like cartoons? Why?Can you make a model plane/train?Can you play the piano?Can you play football/basketball?What sort of music do you like?What colour do you like best?What colour is your coat/your school bag?How much are your shoes?Where do you want to visit?Where do you want to go on holiday?Do you have a bike?Can you ride a bike?How often do you go to a park/zoo/cinema?3. others:Tell me something about your hobbies/pet/family/house/school/class/your father/your weekend/last holiday……?Can you describe the weather today?What do you like doing in spring/winter/autumn/summer? Why? How do you celebrate Spring Festival/Dragon Boat Festival/Christmas?What is your difference from other students in your class? How mang seasons are there in a year?How many days are there in a week?How mang months are there in a year?How many seconds are there in a minute?How many minutes are there in an hour?What is thirteen and nine?What is thirteen minus nine?Have you ever been to *****? What do you think of it? Have you been to any other countries?Do you like travling?What cities have you ever been to?Can you describe something about your hometown?What are you going to do when you grow up?What are you going to be when you grow up?Which middle school do you like best? Why?Which middle school do you want to go? Why?欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

ket英语口语话题范文English: English oral topics are often seen as difficult and intimidating for many learners.Chinese: 英语口语话题常常让很多学习者感到困难和害怕。
English: However, with enough practice and confidence, one can overcome this challenge and improve their English speaking skills. Chinese: 然而,通过足够的练习和自信,一个人可以克服这个挑战,提高自己的英语口语能力。
English: One effective way to enhance English speaking ability is through engaging in conversations with native speakers or language partners.Chinese: 提高英语口语能力的一种有效方式是与母语为英文的人士或语言伙伴进行对话。
English: This provides learners with the opportunity to practice speaking in a natural and authentic setting, which can greatly boost their confidence.Chinese: 这为学习者提供了在自然真实环境中练习口语的机会,可以极大地增强他们的自信心。
English: Additionally, watching English TV shows or listening to English radio programs can also help improve one's pronunciation and listening skills.Chinese: 此外,观看英文电视节目或收听英文广播节目也可以帮助提高一个人的发音和听力技能。

KET官方口语题库Test 11. Geeting and introduction:How do you do?How are you, today?It is a fine day today, isn’t it?How is the weather today?What day is it today?What date is it today?How did you get here this morning?What is your name?May I know your name?Can you spell your name, please?What is your full name?What is your surname?What is your family name?Do you have an English name?What is your English name?When is your birthday?How old are you?When were you born?Where were you born?Were you born in Xuzhou?Were you born in this city?Are you local people?Are you native?Where are you from?Where do you come from?Where is your birthplace?Where do you live?Do you live in this city?What school are you studying at?Which grade are you in?Is your home far away from your school? How far is your home from your school? How long does it take you to get to scholl? When do you go to school every day?How do you get to school every day? Which class are you in?How many students are there in your class? How many boys/girls are there in your class? Do you like your school/class?How do you think of your scool/class? What is your school/class like?What does your school/class look like?Is there a library at your school?Does your school have a Reading Club/English corner?What do you usually do at English corner?When does the first lesson start?When do you come home from school every day?What do you usually do between classes?How many subjects do you have? What are they?What subjects do you have?What is your favourite subject? Why do you like it best?How do you think of English, easy or difficult?Is English hard or easy for you?Do you like learning English?What is your English teacher’s name?Why do you like English/Maths/Chinese?Are you good at English?Do you do well in PE?What subject are you good at?Are you tired after lessons a day?What do you do after school?Do you read English every day?Do you like sports?What kind of sport do you like best? Why? How ofter do you do it?2. Daily life and abilities:How many people are there in your family? Who are they?How many family members do you have?Do you love your family?How old is your father/mother?What is your father’s/mother’s job?What does your father/mother do?How does your father/mother go to work?Do you often help your parents with housework? For example? When is your father’s/mother’s birthday?Do you have any brothers or sisters?How often do you visit your grandparents?How many rooms are there in your flat/house?How much homework do you do every day?Can you finish your homework by yourself?Can you cook at home?Do you like animals?What animals do you like?Do you have a pet?What is th e pet’s name?Can you describe your pet?Can you say something about your pet?What time do you get up every day?What time do you have breakfast/lunch/dinner?What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?What kind of food do you like best? Why?What is your favourite food? Why?Where do you usually have lunch/dinner?Do you like eating fruit?What is your favourite fruit? Why?What do you usually do in the evening?What do you do in your free time?What is your bobby or interest in your spare time?What time do you usually go to bed?What do you usually do on weekends?What did you do last weekend/ last summer holiday?Did you go on a holiday last year?Can you say something about your last weekend/ last summer holiday? Do you have a plan of this weekend/this summer holiday?What will you do this weekend/this summer holiday?What are you going to do tomorrow/next weekend?What do you usually do at Mid-autumn Festival/Halloween/Christmas? What did you do last Mid-autumn Festival/Halloween/Christmas?Do you like Spring Festival? Why?What is your hobby? Why do you like doing it?Do you know how to use a computer?Do you like playing computer games?What about the grade you got in the recent exam?Do you have many friends? Who are they?Do you like making friends?Do you have a pen pal/pen friend? What is his/her name? Who is your best friend?What is your best fridend’s name?What does he/she look like?What do you usually do with your friends/family?Who is your favourite singer/dancer/pop star?Which season do you like best? Why?Do you like reading books? Why?Do you like story books?Do you like telling stories?Do you like cartoons? Why?Can you make a model plane/train?Can you play the piano?Can you play football/basketball?What sort of music do you like?What colour do you like best?What colour is your coat/your school bag?How much are your shoes?Where do you want to visit?Where do you want to go on holiday?Do you have a bike?Can you ride a bike?How often do you go to a park/zoo/cinema?3. others:Tell me something about your hobbies/pet/family/house/school/class/ your father/your weekend/last holiday……?Can you describe the weather today?What do you like doing in spring/winter/autumn/summer? Why?How do you celebrate Spring Festival/Dragon Boat Festival/Christmas? What is your difference from other students in your class?How mang seasons are there in a year?How many days are there in a week?How mang months are there in a year?How many seconds are there in a minute?How many minutes are there in an hour?What is thirteen and nine?What is thirteen minus nine?Have you ever been to *****? What do you think of it?Have you been to any other countries?Do you like travling?What cities have you ever been to?Can you describe something about your hometown?What are you going to do when you grow up?What are you going to be when you grow up?Which middle school do you like best? Why? Which middle school do you want to go? Why?。

KET口语提问题库1. Greeting and introduction:1. How do you do?2. How are you, today?it?3. It is a fine day today, isn’t4. How is the weather today?5. What day is it today?6. What date is it today?7. How did you get here this morning?8. What is your name?9. May I know your name?10. Can you spell your name, please?11. What is your full name?12. What is your surname?13. What is your family name?14. Do you have an English name?15. What is your English name?16. When is your birthday?17. How old are you?18. When were you born?19. Where were you born?20. Were you born in ShangHai?21. Were you born in this city?22. Are you a local person?23. Are you native to this area?24. Where are you from?25. Where do you come from?26. Where is your birthplace?27. Where do you live?28. Do you live in this city?29. What school are you studying at?30. Which grade are you in?31. Is your home far away from your school?32. How far is your home from your school?33. How long does it take you to get to school?34. What time do you go to school?35. How do you get to school?36. Which class are you in?37. How many students are there in your class?38. How many boys/girls are there in your class?39. Do you like your school/class?40. What do you think of your school/class?41. What is your school/class like?42. What does your school/class look like?43. Is there a library at your school?44. Does your school have a Reading Club/English corner?45. What do you usually do at English corner?46. When does the first lesson start?47. When do you come home from school every day?48. What do you usually do between classes?49. How many subjects do you have?50. What are they?51. What is your favorite subject?52. Why do you like it best?53. What do you think of English?54. Is English hard or easy for you?55. Do you like learning English?name?56. What is your English teacher’s57. Why do you like English/ Math/ Chinese?58. Are you good at English?59. Do you do well in PE?60. What subject are you good at?61. Are you tired after your lessons? Are you tired when school is finished?62. What do you do after school?63. Do you read English every day?64. Do you like sports? What kind of sport do you like best? Why?65. How often do you do it?2. Daily life and abilities:66. How many people are there in your family? Who are they?67. How many family members do you have?68. Do you love your family?69. How old is your father/mother?job?70. What is your father’s/mother’s71. What does your father/mother do?72. How does your father/mother go to work?73. Do you often help your parents with housework? What do you do?74. When is your father’s/mother’sbirthday?75. Do you have any brothers or sisters? (siblings)76. How often do you visit your grandparents?77. How many rooms are there in your flat/house?78. How much homework do you do every day?79. Can you finish your homework by yourself?80. Can you cook at home?81. Do you like animals?82. What animals do you like?83. Do you have a pet?name?84. What is the pet’s85. Can you describe your pet?86. Can you say something about your pet?87. What time do you get up every day?88. What time do you have breakfast/lunch/dinner?89. What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?90. What kind of food do you like best? Why?91. What is your favorite food? Why?92. Where do you usually have lunch/dinner?93. Do you like eating fruit?94. What is your favorite fruit? Why?95. What do you usually do in the evening?96. What do you do in your free time?97. What is your hobby? What do you like to do in your spare time?98. What time do you usually go to bed?99. What do you usually do on weekends?100. What did you do last weekend/ last summer holiday?101. Did you go on a holiday last year?102. Can you say something about your last weekend/ last summer holiday?103. Do you have a plan for this weekend/this summer holiday?104. What will you do this weekend/this summer holiday?105. What are you going to do tomorrow/next weekend?106. What do you usually do at Mid-autumn Festival/Halloween/Christmas?107. What did you do last Mid-autumn Festival/ Halloween (万圣节前夕)/ Christmas (圣诞节)?108. Do you like Spring Festival? Why?109. What is your hobby?110. Why do you like doing it?111. Do you know how to use a computer?112. Do you like playing computer games? 113. What about the grade you got in the recent exam?114. Do you have many friends? Who are they?115. Do you like making friends?116. Do you have a pen pal/pen friend? (笔友)117. What is his/her name?118. Who is your best friend?name?119. What is your best friend’s120. What does he/she look like?121. What do you usually do with your friends/ family? 122. Who is your favorite singer/ dancer/ pop star?123. Which season do you like best? Why?124. Do you like reading books? Why?125. Do you like story books?126. Do you like telling stories?127. Do you like cartoons? Why?128. Can you make a model plane/ train?129. Can you play the piano?130. Can you play football/ basketball?131. What sort of music do you like?132. What color do you like best?133. What color is your coat/ your school bag?134. How much are your shoes?135. Where do you want to visit?136. Where do you want to go on holiday?137. Do you have a bike?138. Can you ride a bike?139. How often do you go to a park/ zoo/ cinema?3. Other:140.Tell me something about your hobbies/pet/family/house/scho ol/your class/ your father/ your weekend/ last holiday……?141. Can you describe the weather today?142. What do you like doing in spring/ winter/ autumn/ summer?Why?143. How do you celebrate Spring Festival/ Dragon Boat Festival/ Christmas?144. What is your difference from other students in your class?145. How many seasons are there in a year?146. How many days are there in a week?147. How many months are there in a year?148. How many seconds are there in a minute?149. How many minutes are there in an hour?150. What is thirteen and nine?151. What is thirteen minus nine?152. Have you ever been to *****?153. What do you think of it?154. Have you been to any other countries?155. Do you like traveling?156. What cities have you been to?157. Can you say something about your hometown? 158. What are you going to do when you grow up? 159. What are you going to be when you grow up?160. Which middle school do you like best? Why? 161. Which middle school do you want to go to? Why?。

1. 个人信息:
- 介绍自己的名字、年龄、家庭成员等。
- 描述自己的外貌特征、兴趣爱好、喜欢的事物等。
2. 日常生活:
- 描述一天的日常活动。
- 谈论喜欢做的事情,如听音乐、看电影、运动等。
- 谈论自己的学习进展和学习计划。
3. 写作:
- 描述一张照片或一幅画。
- 描述一个城市或一个国家。
- 描述过去发生的一件事。
4. 旅行:
- 谈论旅行经历。
- 描述一个旅游景点。
5. 学校和学习:
- 描述自己的学校及学校设施。
- 谈论自己喜欢的科目和老师。
- 讨论学习外语的经验和方法。
6. 个人喜好:
- 谈论喜欢的运动和运动员。
- 谈论喜欢的食物和饮料。
- 谈论喜欢的音乐和电影。

ket口语练习题目KET(Key English Test)是英语水平测试中的基础级别考试,它是由剑桥大学英语考试委员会(Cambridge English Assessment)主办的英语考试之一。
示范回答:Hi, my name is Emily. I'm 25 years old. I'm a student studying computer science at the university. In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano and reading books.题目二:家庭成员请你介绍一下你的家庭成员。
示范回答:I have a small family. My father's name is John. He is tall and has short black hair. He is very hardworking and always takes care of our family. Mymother, Mary, is a teacher. She has long brown hair and a warm smile. Sheis kind and patient. I also have a younger sister named Lucy. She is very cute with curly hair. She loves dancing and drawing.题目三:喜欢的运动请你谈论一下你喜欢的运动项目。
KET 常考口语话题

KET 常考口语话题(本部分6-14 题答案4-5 句话左右)1.W hat's your name? 2.W hat's your surname? 3.H ow do you spell it? 4.H ow old are you? 5.W here do you come from? 6.D o you study English at school? 7.D o you enjoy learning English? 8.W hat other subjects do you study? 9.W hat’s your favorite subject? 10.Do you like the city/town where you live? 11.What can you do in your city/town? 12.What’s your favorite hobby? 13.What did you do last weekend? 14.What are you going to do next weekend? (本部分问题答案7-8 句话左右) 1. Tell me something about your family.2. Tell me something about your best friend.3. Tell me something about your school.4. Tell me something about your last weekend.5. Tell me something about your favorite food.6. Tell me something about your city.7. Tell me something about your hobbies.8. Tell me something about your favorite teacher.9. Tell me something about your favorite book.10. Tell me something about your last birthday party.11. Tell me something about your hometown.12. Tell me something about a famous person.。

习惯类:How do you travel to school every day?What do you usually do after school?How much homework do you often do?When do you watch TV?Which programme do you like best?Do you watch programmers in EnglishHow often do you go shopping?What do you like buying?Who do you like going shopping with?学习情况类:Where do you come from?Do you study English at school?What other subjects do you study?What subjects do you like best? Why?What subject is the most difficult? Why?What do you like about your school?姓名类:What’s your name?What’s your surname?How do you spell that?人际关系类:Tell me something about your best friend?Tell me something about your school day.Tell me something about your house /flat .Tell me something about a famous person you like? Tell me something about a town or city you like. Tell me something about your favourite teacher. Tell me something about the food you like to eat. Tell me something about the weather you like.个人兴趣类:Which season do you best, summer or winter? What do you like doing in summer/winter?What clothes do you wear in summer /winter? How much time do you spend using a computer?How often do you chat to your friends online? Do you like computer games? What do you like doing in your free time?Who do you like spending your free time with?How much free time do you have?What sports do you like doing?What other things do you do in your free time?How often do you dance?Do you like pop music?Who is your favourite band or singer?Can you play the piano or the guitar?What do you usually do on weekends?What did you do last weekend?What time did you get up on weekends?When is your birthday?What do you usually do on your birthday?What gift did you get for your last birthday?以上就是英语趣配音分享的KET口语考试常见问题。

英语KET⼝语训练KET⼝语基本问题1、what’s your name? -- My name is Zhang Sien.2、What’s your surname(姓)? —My surname is Zhang.- How do you spell it?/Can you spell it? —It’s Z- H-A-N-G3、Where do you come from? —I come from Shanghai.Where are you from? — I am from Shanghai.4、问:Giving information about places of studies.-- I am in YuTong primary school in pudong district. I am in grade 3, class 4.5、Do you like school?(你喜欢学校吗)--- I like school very much.--- I like my classmates and my teachers verymuch.6、Why do you like school?(你为什么喜欢学校)--- Because I can learn a lot of knowledges(知识)there.7、When do you go to school? (你什么时候上学)8、What do you study?(学校学点什么)-- I study many subjects, such as English, math, Chinese, computer classes and so on.9、Of all the subjects, which one do you like best?(所有科⽬⾥⾯最喜欢哪科)- I like English best, because I’m think English is very important. And I think it is easier.(我最喜欢英语,因为我觉得英语很重要,⽽且我觉得它容易点)10、What do you usually do during the break(课间休息) in school?--- I usually play with my classmates during the break and sometimes we often draw pictures together(有时候我们常常在⼀起画画).11、What do you usually do after school?--- I usually do my homework(做作业)and sometimes I go shopping(购物) with my family.12、What are you going to do tomorrow/next weekend/next holiday?--- I am going to go swimming tomorrow/next weeken、d/nextholiday…because I like it very much.13、What do you want to be in the future? Why?- I want to be a doctor in the future. Because doctors can help sick people.14、What’s your favorite sport? When did you play it last time?(过去式,上次运动是什么时候)-- My favorite sport is swimming. Because it can make me relaxed(让我放松)and keep me healthy(让我保持健康). - And the last time I swam was last Sunday. (上次游泳是上周⽇)15、How often do you do that?(问频率,多久⼀次)--I usually go swimming once a week.(⼀周⼀次)16、what can you learn from your hobby?(从爱好中,学到了什么)--From going swimming, I know that practice is very important(练习很重要). And swimming makes me stronger. 17、what do you do at weekends?(周末⼲什么)-- well,(想不起来的话可以⽤well、let me think缓冲,切忌⽀⽀吾吾),-- It all depends,(视情况⽽定),but I usually do my homework first and then go swimming.18、How much time do you spend on your hobby?(在爱好上花了多少时间)--I will spend two hours on my hobby every week. Because practice is very important. (练习很重要)19、Did you do any sport yesterday?(回答时注意⽤动词的过去式)-- no, I didn’t. Because I should do my homework first.(我必须先做作业)20、Where did you go last week?(上周去哪⾥啦)-- Last Sunday, I went to a park to junmp rope(去了公园跳绳). It was interesting.旅游21、Did you go on holiday last holiday?-- Yes, I did.22、Where did you go? And how did you go there?-- I went to suzhou. I went there by train.23、How long did it take? And what do you think of it?(你觉得怎么样)-- It took 3 days. I think Suzhou is a beautiful city.(我觉得苏州是个美丽的城市)24、Have you ever been to other countries?(去过别的国家吗)-- No, I hav en’t25、How many people are there in your family?-- There are four people in my family. They are my father,my father,my little sister(⼩妹) and me.26、what do your parents do? Where do they work?-- My father is a teacher, he works in a school. My mother is an engineer and she works in a big company.27、what’s your parents’ hobbies?-- My father likes making coffee(我爸爱做咖啡)and my mother likes planting flowers.(我妈喜欢种花)28、How many meals do you have everyday?(⼀天吃⼏顿饭)-- I have three meals everyday(每天). They are breakfast, lunch and dinner.29、What do you usually have for a meal?--I usually have an egg, milk and bread for breakfast. (早饭吃蛋、⽜奶、⾯包)Some meat and vegetable and rice for lunch.(午饭吃⾁、菜、饭)For dinner I will eat porridge and fruits.(晚饭吃粥和⽔果)30、Why do you like it?(为什么吃某个⾷物)-- Because i t’s goo d for my health.(因为它有益健康)31、How often do you eat it?(多久吃⼀次这个⾷物)-- I often eat it everyday(每天)/ once a week(⼀周⼀次).32、How often do you go out for dinner?(eat out 出去外⾯吃)--I often eat out once a week(⼀周⼀次).33、What kind of food do you think can be called healthy food?(什么⾷物是健康的)-- Such as vegetables and fruits(蔬菜和⽔果)can be called healthy food. Because i t’sgood for my health.(因为它有益健康)34、What’s your favorite animals?(最喜欢什么动物)-- My favorite animal is panda. Because it’s very cute35、Where will you go to see animals?-- I usually see the animals in the zoo(在动物园见到).36、Where do you like shopping?(喜欢在哪⾥购物)--I like shopping in Wanda square(万达⼴场), because it’s near my home.(离我家近) 37、Did you go shopping last weekend? -- No.I didn’t. Because I have no time.(因为我没时间)38、Do you like bargaining (讨价还价)when you go shopping?-- No, I don’t like it. Because I think it’s ashamed.(难为情的)39、Who do you usually go shopping with?(和谁⼀起去逛街)-- I usually go shopping with my mother(我经常去逛街和我妈⼀起).40、Do you like on-line shopping?(你喜欢⽹上买东西吗)--Yes, I like it. Because it’s cheaper(更便宜)and it’s convenient(⽅便)for us.打招呼进去的时候注意礼貌:May I come in?Good afternoon. -- Good afternoon.Nice to meet you. --Nice to meet you, too.Glad to meet you. -- Glad to meet you, too.Hello. -Hello听不清的时候说:Sorry, I beg your pardon?希望对⽅再说⼀遍问题:Would you please to say it again?How are you doing? /How are you?----I’m doing fine. / I’m fine.很好。
ket口语 话题场景

KET(Key English Test)是由剑桥大学考试委员会(Cambridge English Language Assessment)开发的一项英语考试,旨在评估考生在基础英语交流方面的能力。
### 1. **自我介绍(Introduce Yourself):****场景描述:** 考官可能会要求考生进行简短的自我介绍,包括姓名、年龄、学校/工作等方面的基本信息。
**范例回答:**```Good morning/afternoon! My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Age] years old. I am currently a student/working at [Your School/Company]. I enjoy [Your Hobbies or Interests], and I am excited to take the KET exam today.```### 2. **日常生活(Everyday Life):****场景描述:** 考官可能会询问关于考生日常生活的问题,例如家庭、日常活动、购物等。
**范例回答:**```Do you have any brothers or sisters?Yes, I have one brother and one sister. My brother is younger than me, and my sister is older. We get along very well.What do you usually do in the evenings?I usually spend my evenings doing homework and watching TV. Sometimes, I go out with my friends or play video games.Can you tell me about a recent shopping experience?Certainly! I recently went shopping for clothes. I bought a new pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I like shopping; it's always fun to find new things.```### 3. **学校生活(School Life):****场景描述:** 考官可能会询问有关学校生活的问题,包括喜欢的科目、老师、学校活动等。
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KET 常考口语话题
(本部分6-14 题答案4-5 句话左右)
1.W hat's your name?
2.W hat's your surname?
3.H ow do you spell it?
4.H ow old are you?
5.W here do you come from?
6.D o you study English at school?
7.D o you enjoy learning English?
8.W hat other subjects do you study?
9.W hat’s your favorite subject?
10.Do you like the city/town where you live?
11.What can you do in your city/town?
12.What’s your favorite hobby?
13.What did you do last weekend?
14.What are you going to do next weekend?
(本部分问题答案7-8 句话左右)
1. Tell me something about your family.
2. Tell me something about your best friend.
3. Tell me something about your school.
4. Tell me something about your last weekend.
5. Tell me something about your favorite food.
6. Tell me something about your city.
7. Tell me something about your hobbies.
8. Tell me something about your favorite teacher.
9. Tell me something about your favorite book.
10. Tell me something about your last birthday party.
11. Tell me something about your hometown.
12. Tell me something about a famous person.。