


值。 输入:三个正整数n,x,y 输出:一个正正数,即根据对应的输入数据计算出
的元素值。 样例输入: 545 样例输出: 10
一、数据范围:1≤x,y ≤n ≤200
因为数据范围较小,所以可采用单步模拟实现,用 i、j表示当前行和列
定义一个方向变量d控制当前的前进方向 等于1时表示向左上角前进(i-1,j-1) 等于0时表示向右下角前进(i+1,j+1) 每前进一步都判断一下当前位置是否到达矩阵外部,
Var i, a: integer;
for i :=4 downto 1 do {还有4人,递推计算4次}
a:= a+2; {递推运算规律}
writeln(’The Nuห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ is’, a);
if j>n then j:=n;
end; inc(t) ;a[i,j]:=t;
until (i=x) and (j=y); {直到到达目标位置}
writeln( a[x,y] );
二、数据范围:1≤x,y ≤n ≤3000
因为数据范围增大,单步模拟对于极限数据很难在 规定时限内处理完毕,需要算法改进!!

2021高三英语人教版一轮教师用书:层级4 第1讲 书信和邮件

2021高三英语人教版一轮教师用书:层级4 第1讲 书信和邮件

第1讲 书信和邮件一、感谢信和道歉信(一)感谢信[谋篇布局][亮点句式]◎夺人眼球开头句1.I'm extremely grateful/thankful to you for your unselfish assistance during...非常感谢您在……期间给予我无私的帮助。

2.I'm writing to convey/express my gratitude for your kind/generous help during...我写信感谢您在……期间对我友好/慷慨的帮助。

3.I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance.对您给予我们及时的帮助和支持,我想借此机会表达感谢。

◎亮点出彩篇中间4.Many thanks for all the things you have done in helping us to...非常感谢您为帮助我们……所做的一切。

5.Thanks to your generous/selfless/kind help, without which I wouldn't have made such great progress.多亏您慷慨的/无私的/友好的帮助,没有您的帮助,我就不会取得这么大的进步。

◎韵味无穷结尾句6.It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.您对我如此友好和慷慨,我真是感激不尽。

7.I wish there were a better word than “thanks” to express my appreciation for your generous help.任何语言都不能表达您对我慷慨帮助的真挚谢意。



数据库名:Hr表名:bestirinfo(激励信息表)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 说明1 bestirId int 4 0 主键,自增2 bestirType varchar 50 0 激励管理类型3 BestirContext varchar 5000 0 激励管理内容4 human_id int 4 0 激励人编号5 humanName varchar 50 0 激励人名字表名:bonus序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 允许空 默认值说明1 bon_id int 4 0 是 是 否 奖金信息2 major_id char 2 0 是 职位ID3 major_name varchar 60 0 是 职位名称4 human_id varchar 30 0 是 奖励人ID5 human_name varchar 60 0 是 奖励人名字6 bonus_item varchar 60 0 是 奖励项目7 bonus_worth money 8 4 是 奖金金额9 remark text 16 0 是 备注信息10 register varchar 60 0 是 注册人11 checker varchar 60 0 是 复核人12 regist_time datetime 8 3 是 注册时间13 check_time datetime 8 3 是 复合时间14 check_status smallint 2 0 是 复合状态(0未通过,1通过) 表名:config_file_first_kind(系统管理中,一级机构)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 允许空说明1 ffk_id int 4 0 是 是 否 一级机构编号2 first_kind_name varchar 60 0 是 一级机构名字3 key_man varchar 50 0 是 机构负责人4 first_desc varchar 800 0 是 机构描述5 isdelete bit 1 0 是(1)否(0)删除6 salary_grant_man varchar 50 0 薪酬发放负责人表名:config_file_second_kind(二级机构)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位标识 主键 说明1 second_kind_id int 4 0 是 是 二级机构编号2 second_kind_name varchar 60 0 二级机构名称3 second_kind_des varchar 5000 0 二级机构描述4 isdelete bit 1 0 是(1)否(0)删除5 first_kind_id int 4 0 所属一级结构编号6 salary_grant_man varchar 50 0 薪资发放人表名:config_file_third_kind(三级结构)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位标识主键说明1 third_kind_id int 4 0 是 是 三级机构编号2 second_kind_id int 4 0 所属二级机构编号3 third_kind_name varchar 60 0 三级机构名称4 third_kind_des varchar 3000 0 三级机构描述5 third_kind_is_delete bit 1 0 是(1)否(0)删除6 salary_grant_man varchar 50 0 薪资发放人表名:config_major(职位信息表)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 说明1 major_id int 4 0 是 是 职位编号2 major_name varchar 60 0 职位名称3 major_des varchar 500 0 职位描述4 Third_kind_id int 4 所属部门表名:config_msg(系统消息表)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 说明1 msgid int 4 0 是 是 消息编号2 msgcontext varchar 5000 0 消息内容3 nsgSendManId int4 0 消息发送人4 msgSnendMan varchar 50 0 消息发送人名称5 msgRceiveMan varchar 50 0 消息接受人6 nsgRceiveId int 4 0 消息接受人编号7 sendTime datetime 8 3 消息发送时间8 isPublic bit 1 0 是否为共有消息表名:config_question_first_kind(招聘考试题目分类)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 说明1 qfk_id int 4 0 是 是 题目大类编号2 first_kind_name varchar 60 0 细目大类名字3 first_kind_des varchar 5000 0 题目大类描述表名:config_question_second_kind(招聘考试题目小类)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数标识 主键 说明位1 qsk_id int 4 0 是 是 题目小类编号2 second_kind_name varchar 60 0 题目小类名称3 first_kind_id int4 0 所属大类编号表名:engage_answer(考试结果信息表)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 说明1 ans_id int 4 0 是 是2 exam_number varchar 30 0 试卷编号3 human_id int4 0 考试人编号4 human_name varchar 60 0 考试人名字5 human_idcard varchar 30 0 身份证号6 major_id char 10 0 职位ID7 major_name char 10 0 职位名字8 test_time datetime 8 3 测试时间9 answers varchar 500 0 答案不同题目答案用|隔开10 total_point numeric 5 2 总分表名:engage_exam(试卷信息表)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 说明1 exam_number int 4 0 是 是 试卷编号2 exam_name varchar 50 0 试卷名称3 subjectIds varchar 50 0 考题编号,所有考题号码,用|隔开4 usertime int 4 0 考试用时5 margeId int 4 0 所属职位表名:engage_interview(面试信息表)序号 列名 数据类型 长度小数位标识主键说明1 ein_id smallint2 0 是 是 面试信息编号2 human_id int 4 0 面试人3 human_major_name varchar 30 0 面试职位4 native_language_degree varchar 20 0 母语程度5 foreign_language_degree varchar 20 0 外语程度6 response_speed_degree varchar 20 0 反映程度7 EQ_degree varchar 20 0 EQ程度8 IQ_degree varchar 20 0 IQ程度9 register varchar 60 0 面试人10 registe_time datetime 8 3 面试时间11 interview_comment text 16 0 面试评价12 result varchar 20 0 面试结果13 interview_number int 4 0 面试次数14 mark varchar 20 0 综合素质表名:engage_major_release(职位发布信息表)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位标识 主键 说明1 mre_id smallint2 0 是 是 主键2 first_kind_id char 2 0 职位所属一级结构3 first_kind_name varchar 60 0 所属一级机构名字4 second_kind_id char 2 0 所属二级机构编号5 second_kind_name varchar 60 0 所属二级机构名字6 third_kind_id char 2 0 三级机构编号7 third_kind_name varchar 60 0 三级机构名字10 major_id char 2 0 职位ID11 major_name varchar 60 0 职位名称12 human_amount smallint 2 0 招聘人数13 engage_type varchar 60 0 招聘类型14 deadline datetime 8 3 截至时间15 register varchar 60 0 发布人16 changer varchar 60 0 变更人17 regist_time datetime 8 3 发布时间18 change_time datetime 8 3 修改时间19 major_describe text 16 0 职位描述20 engage_required text 16 0 招聘描述表名:engage_subjects(考试题目)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数 标识 主键 说明1 sub_id int 4 0 是 是 考题编号2 first_kind_id int 4 0 一级机构编号3 first_kind_name varchar 60 0 一级机构名字4 second_kind_id int 4 0 二级机构编号5 second_kind_name varchar 60 0 二级机构名字6 register varchar 60 0 出题人7 regist_time datetime 8 3 出题时间8 context varchar 1000 0 题干部分9 key_a varchar 500 0 选项A10 key_b varchar 500 0 选项B11 key_c varchar 500 0 选项C12 key_d varchar 500 0 选项D13 key_e varchar 500 0 选项E14 correct_key varchar 10 0 正确答案表名:human_file序号 列名 数据类型 长度 标识 说明1 huf_id int 4 是 职员ID2 first_kind_id varchar 50 所属一级机构编号3 first_kind_name varchar 60 所属一级机构名字4 second_kind_id varchar 50 所属二级机构编号5 second_kind_name varchar 60 所属二级机构名字6 third_kind_id varchar 50 所属三级机构编号7 third_kind_name varchar 60 所属三级机构名字8 human_name varchar 60 员工名字9 human_address varchar 200 员工地址10 human_postcode varchar 10 员工邮编11 human_pro_designation varchar 6012 human_major_id varchar 50 职位编号13 hunma_major_name varchar 60 员工职位名称14 human_telephone varchar 20 职工电话15 human_mobilephone varchar 50 手机号码16 human_bank varchar 50 开户银行17 human_account varchar 30 银行卡号18 human_qq varchar 1519 human_email varchar 5020 human_hobby varchar 60 业余爱好21 human_speciality varchar 60 专业, 特长22 human_sex varchar 5023 human_religion varchar 50 宗教信仰24 human_party varchar 50 党籍25 human_nationality varchar 50 国籍26 human_race varchar 50 名族27 human_birthday datetime 8 生日28 human_birthplace varchar 50 出生地29 human_age smallint 2 年龄30 human_educated_degree varchar 60 教育程度31 human_educated_years smallint 2 教育年限32 human_educated_major varchar 60 所学专业varchar 30 社保号码33 human_society_security_id34 human_id_card varchar 20 身份证号35 remark varchar 5000 备注36 salary_standard_id int 4 工资标准编号37 salary_standard_name varchar 60 工资标准名称38 salary_sum money 8 基本工资39 human_histroy_records text 16 职员履历表text 16 家庭关系40 human_family_membership41 human_picture varchar 255 员工图片42 register varchar 60 登记人43 checker varchar 60 复核人44 changer varchar 60 更改人45 regist_time datetime 8 注册时间46 check_time datetime 8 (getdate())复核时间47 change_time datetime 8 (getdate())更改时间48 lastly_change_time datetime 8 (getdate())最后修改时间 49 delete_time datetime 8 (getdate())删除时间50 recovery_time datetime 8 (getdate())恢复时间51 human_file_status int 4 待删除员工 0注册员工 1待面试员工 2面试通过员工 3带笔试员工 4笔试通过员工 5待入职员工 6准入职员工 7正式员工 8完整员工 952 hu_Number varchar 5053 human_type nvarchar 50表名:major_change(职位变更)序号 列名 数据类型 长度标识主键说明1 mch_id smallint2 是 是 主键2 first_kind_id char 2 原所在一级机构3 first_kind_name varchar 60 原一级机构名称4 second_kind_id char 2 原二级机构编号5 second_kind_name varchar 60 原二级机构名字6 third_kind_id char 2 原三级机构编号7 third_kind_name varchar 60 原三级机构名字8 major_id char 2 原职位编号9 major_name varchar 60 原职位名字10 new_first_kind_id char 2 新一级机构编号11 new_first_kind_name varchar 60 新一级机构名字12 new_second_kind_id char 2 新二级机构编号13 new_second_kind_name varchar 60 新二级机构名字14 new_third_kind_id char 2 新三级机构编号15 new_third_kind_name varchar 60 新三级机构名字16 new_major_id char 2 新职位ID17 new_major_name varchar 60 新职位名字18 human_id varchar 30 员工编号19 human_name varchar 60 员工名字20 salary_standard_id varchar 30 原工资标准ID21 salary_standard_name varchar 60 原工资标准名字22 salary_sum money 8 原工资总额23 new_salary_standard_id varchar 30 新工资标准ID24 new_salary_standard_name varchar 60 新工资标准名字25 new_salary_sum money 8 新工资总额26 change_reason text 16 转职原因27 check_reason text 16 复合意见28 check_status smallint 2 复核状态29 register varchar 60 登记人30 checker varchar 60 复核人31 regist_time datetime 8 登记时间32 check_time datetime 8 复核时间表名:pay_delails序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 说明1 base_pay money 8 4 基本工资2 standard_id int 4 0 是 主键,自增3 traffic_pay money 84 交通补助4 msg_pay money 8 4 通讯补助5 direft_pay money 8 4 浮动工资6 common money 8 4 常规7 lunch_pay money 8 4 午餐步骤8 year_pay money 8 4 交通补助9 car_pay money 8 4 车补表名:salary_grant(工资发放信息)序号 列名 数据类型 长度标识主键说明1 sgr_id smallint2 是 主键自增2 salary_grant_id varchar 30 发放编号按照时间自动生成4 first_kind_id char 2 一级机构编号5 first_kind_name varchar 60 一级机构名称6 second_kind_id char 2 二级结构编号7 second_kind_name varchar 60 二级机构名称8 third_kind_id char 2 三级机构编号9 third_kind_name varchar 60 三级机构名称10 human_amount smallint 2 职工人数11 salary_standard_sum money 8 标准工资总数12 salary_paid_sum money 8 实际发放总数13 register varchar 60 登记人数14 regist_time datetime 8 登记时间15 checker varchar 60 复核人16 check_time datetime 8 复核时间17 check_status smallint 2 状态(复核1 未复核0)表名:salary_grant_details(薪资发放明细)序号 列名 数据类型 长度标识主键说明1 grd_id smallint2 是 明细主键2 salary_grant_id varchar 30 发放明细编号3 human_id varchar 30 员工ID4 human_name varchar 60 员工名称6 sale_sum money 8 个人工资总额7 deduct_sum money 8 扣除总额8 salary_standard_sum money 8 标准总额salary_paid_sum money 8 实际工资总额表名:salary_standard序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 允许空 默认值 说明1 standard_id int 4 0 是 是 否2 standard_name varchar 60 0 是 工资标准名称 3 designer varchar 60 0 是 制定人5 checker varchar 60 0 是 复核人6 changer varchar 60 0 是 修改人7 regist_time datetime 8 3 是 制定时间 8 check_time datetime 8 3 是 复核时间 9 change_time datetime 8 3 是 修改时间10 salary_sum money 8 4 是 总金额11 check_status smallint 2 0 是 状态 13 check_comment text 16 0 是 复核说明 14 remark text 16 0 是 备注表名:salary_standard_details序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 允许空 默认值 说明1 standard_id varchar 30 0 否2 standard_name varchar 60 0 是 标准名称3 item_name varchar 60 0 是 项目名称4 salary money 8 4 否 总金额5 S_id int 4 0 是 是 否表名:training序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 允许空默认值说明1 tra_id int 4 0 是 是 否 课程名称 2 trining_humanName varchar 50 0 是 培训师 3 training_item varchar 60 0 是 培训项目 4 training_time datetime 8 3 是 培训时间 5 training_hour int 4 0 是 培训周期 6 training_degree varchar 60 0 是 培训方式 7 register varchar 60 0 是 历史培训记录 8 regist_time datetime 8 3 是 历史培训时间 9 remark text 16 0 是 培训反馈表名:training_feedback序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 允许空默认值说明1 t_id int 4 0 是 否2 h_id int 4 0 否3 Satisfaction int4 0 否 此次培训满意程度等级1-5 4 interesting int 4 0 否 此次培训是否有趣等级1-5 5 Interaction int 4 0 否 培训师是否和学员有交互等级1-5 6 Instrumentation int 4 0 是 讲师仪容仪表等级1-5 7 attitude int 4 0 是 讲师授课态度等级1-5 8 Curriculum_design int 4 0 否 课程设计等级1-5 9 Remark varchar 500 0 否 备注信息 10 tfid int 4 0 否表名:training_participation序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 允许空 默认值 说明1 ptid int 4 0 是 否2 humanid int 4 0 否3 traiingid int4 0 否表名:user_notebook序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 允许空 默认值 说明1 noteId int 4 0 是 是 否2 NoteTitle varchar 50 0 是3 NoteContext varchar 5000 0 否4 userId int 4 0 否5 noteTime datetime 8 3 否表名:users序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 说明1 u_id int 4 0 是 是 登录人ID2 u_name varchar 60 0 登录人名字3 u_true_name varchar 60 0 真实名字4 u_password varchar 60 0 登录密码6 u_face varchar 60 0 用户头像7 Role_id int 角色ID表名:role(角色信息表)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 允许空 默认值 说明1 roleId int 4 0 是 是 角色ID2 role_name nvarchar 50 0 角色名称3 roleDes nvarchar 1000 0 角色描述表名:role_module序号 列名 数据类型 长度 小数位 标识 主键 允许空 默认值 说明 1 URId int 4 0 是 是 主键3 modleId int4 0 模块ID4 role_id int 4 0 角色ID表名:module(模块信息表)序号 列名 数据类型 长度 标识 主键 允许空 默认值 说明1 module_id int 4 是 是 模块主键2 module_name varchar 50 模块名称3 modle_des varchar 500 模块描述4 parent_id int 4 父模块ID。

English Exam1-4

English Exam1-4

English Exam 1 Name_______ Class _____ Mark_______一单项选择1 It’s _____useful book. I borrowed it from ____school library. A an, a N a , an C a, the2 –Who’s your English teacher? –Miss Gao. She teaches ___English well. A our B us C we3 Mrs Black is a friend of ____. A Mary’s mother’s B Mary’s mother C Mary mother’s4 –Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is?–The nearest post office? You’ll have to walk ___.A 500-metres awayB 500 meter farC 500 meters fartherD 500-meter-far away5 –Mary, what about going boating if it______ tomorrow? –Good idea.A not rainB will rainC doesn’t rain6 She is planning on driving. Let’s help her ____some good ideas.A come outB come upC catch up withD come up with7 The doctor __a ___boy yesterday. A had saved, dying B saved, dead C saved, dying8 I ___in this small village when I was a child. A use to live B used to living C used to live9 While we ____ about Mr Smith, he came in. A talked B are talking C were talking10 Would you please tell me___? A what was her name B what her name wasC what is her nameD what her name is11 –We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet.-Really? Will you please show me___it? A what to use B how to use C what can I use12 I think students shouldn’t ____to do too much homework. We’d better __them enough time to do sports and have other experiences.A be allowed; leaveB allow; leaveC be allowed; to leaveD allow; leaving13 -__is it from your home to the school? –It’s five miles. A How far B How often C How long14 –Would you like some salad? –Yes, please. It’s my favourite. I think ____is more delicious than salad. A something B anything C nothing D everything15 –How was your Children’s Day last year? –Great! We____some books to the Hope School in that village that day. A are sending B sent C will send D send二根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1 The boy has been very sad since his MP3 was ________(偷).2 The beef on the dishes ________(尝起来) very delicious.3 You can search the Internet for the two__________(工程师) information.4 The boys played_________(粗心) , and they deserved to lose.5 Sally often catches cold. She is the ________(弱) girl of the twins.三连词成句1 news exciting what is it2 do you every day what get up time usually3 tell me could you is skirt your how much4 girl is who singing the my sister is5 can’t we go out blowing it because is stronglyEnglish Exam 2 Name______Mark________一单项选择1 --Would you like to play basketball with us?–Yes, I’d love to. __-I’m afraid I have no time. A so B but C or D and2 –The blue skirt looks very nice . May I ___? –Yes, please.A try them onB try it onC take them offD take it off3 At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the___of the running water.A shoutB noiseC voiceD sound4 ___ a player, I’m looking forward ___the 2008 Olympic Games.A For, atB As, toC With; forD Of; to5 With the help of the Internet, news can_____every corner of the world.A arriveB reachC goD get6 –Have you mended your shoes, Bob? –Yes. I ___them twenty minutes ago.A have mendedB mendC mended7 This kind of food _____cool, clean and dry according to the instruction.A should be carriedB must be putC should be placedD must be kept8 It’s important__ the piano well. A of him to play B for him to play9 I want to know ____do to help my neighbor. A what I can B what can I C how I can10 I tried to call you ___ I heard from him, but you were not in.A sinceB whileC untilD as soon as11 It __ten years since we last ___in Beijing. A was, met B has been ,met C is, meet12 –Could you tell me___ tomorrow morning? -Well, it will start at 9:00 o’clock .A where the meeting will startB when will the meeting startC where the meeting starts13 We are glad to see our hometown is developing ___these years than ever before.A less quicklyB more quicklyC most quickly14 I’d like to tell you the table manners ___you should know when you visit Korea.A whichB whoC what15 She’s read the English story,____ she ? A doesn’t B isn’t C hasn’t二根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1 -When is Father’s Day, please? –It’s the _______( 三)Sunday of June.2 Sports and art activities make our school life __________(丰富多彩).3 Children should be taught how to __________(交朋友) with others.4 As a learner of English, it’s necessary for you to learn the cultures of _______(西方国家)5 I have an MP3. It’s ________(帮助) for me to learn songs.三连词成句1 flies time how2 took three days finish the work to us it more than to3 you where do has Mr Green know gone4 give please some advice us how learn to on well English5 too he young to to go is schoolEnglish Exam 3 Name________ Mark________一单项选择1 I usually go shopping ____Sunday morning. A on B in C at D for2 This box is ___ heavy for me to carry. Can you help me? A so B much C too3 –When ___you ____the bike? –Last month. A have , bought B did, buy C do, buy4 –Where can I find Jack? –He____the post office. A has been to B has gone to C went5 –How long will you stay here? –I think I will be here for ___ days.A a little moreB a few moreC more a fewD more a little6 –What happened to you this morning? –The teacher asked me for my___when I was late again. A meaning B idea C excuse D answer7 –Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in World Cup 2006?-Yes, they have better players, so I __them to win. A hope B prefer C expect D want8 –What day is it today, Wednesday or Thursday? -___. It’s Friday.A EitherB BothC NoneD Neither9 Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng said, “ ____we didn’t see the Great Wall, we felt excited when we passed over China.” A Because B If C Although D as10 --Your dress is so nice. –Thanks! It ____by my uncle as a birthday present.A boughtB was boughtC has boughtD will buy11 There is going to __ a sports meeting next week. If it ____, we’ll have to put off it.A be, will rainB have, will rainC be , rains12 –I called you this morning, but nobody answered. –I ____the flowers in my garden at that time. A watered B was watering C water13 –Do you like the red car ____is made in Tianjin? –Sure, it looks terrific.A whereB whoC whichD when14 Good manners usually help people to _____each other.A get on well withB get startedC get together15 The drink is _____delicious ____ I enjoy it very much. A too, to B so, that二词语运用1 You should look after yourself and keep ________(健康).2 What was the weather like yesterday? It was _______(雨).3 –Don’t worry about him . I’m sure that he will never give up until he ____(成功).4 I haven’t ________________(收到…..的来信) Jim for a long time.5 There are so many new words in the __________(四十九) lesson. It’s hard to understand.三连词成句1 happy are a we what life living2 watch TV your father does the morning in3 haven’t time I a for long seen him4 tell could you me is it how far from to Beijing Shanghai5 was David careless so that the mistakes didn’t he find his test paper inEnglish Exam 4 Name________ Mark__________一单项选择1 –Dick, is Nick your twin brother? –Yes, and I’m thirty minutes ____than him.A fatterB tallerC heavierD older2 She parked her car outside the window______, but the next morning she found it missing.A as usualB at leastC so farD at all3 Please take the medicine three times a day, ___it won’t work well. A and B but C or D so4 We have _____rain this spring. The trees and grass don’t grow well. A little B a little C a few5 –Scott has already returned to our town. –Really? Where ____you____him?A do, seeB have, seenC did, see6 Will you please tell us___ before you came to our city?A where do you workB where did you workC where you worked7 People like to see the films___TV instead of going to ___cinema. A the, the B /,the C the,/8 Don’t ____your hope no matter what happens. A write down B look for C give up9 As water is very important for us , we should stop people from _____the river.A pollutingB usingC fillingD crossing10 My sister __her book in the classroom when her teacher came in.A readB readsC was readingD is reading11 The boy was able to____himself when he was very young. A dress B wear C put on12 Health is very important to us, we should eat more vegetables and fruit instead of ____ rich food. A too much B much too C very much13 –Look, what a nice garden! -Yes. It _____every day.A has been cleanedB is cleanedC was cleaned14 There ___some old people talking a walking in the park. A is B are C has D of15 –I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.-Never mind. I ____here for only a few minutes. A have been B have come C have arrived 二词语运用1 The price of this computer is the _______(高) of the three.2 He likes __________(浅) blue but I like dark blue.3 I have ________(预定) three tickets to Shanghai.4 China is a ________(发展) country.5 He ________(醒来) and smiled.三连词成句1 useful what it machine is a2 picture this uncle is my two years drew the which ago3 time get what you did this up morning4 tell why please me again were you late5 wool coats made are those of。










8、伺服系统的基本组成包括______________ 、_____________________、检测装置、____________________。



4-1Mid term exam

4-1Mid term exam
A. octopi C. octopii B. octopie D. octopusses
3. What is the plural word for 'sheep'?
Answer: ____________
III. Know Your Plurals
4. When is it acceptable to use an apostrophe as part of a non-shortened plural word?
3. Nouns can also be concrete or abstract. Pick out the series of concrete nouns.
A. Yellowstone National Park, honor, bear B. truth, honesty, beauty C. Betty, mother, kindness D. bed, flower, pickle
9. AnnuA. year B. day B. a lot C. month C. some D. minute D. all
10. OmniA. little
I. Defining Prefix or Root
11. CentA. one B. ninety C. five D. a hundred
5. Which of the following is an accepted plural of 'courtmartial'?
A. None of these B. Courts-martial C. Courts-martials D. Court-martial
III. Know Your Plurals


Signature of candidate
SECTION 2 - PHYSICAL EXAMINATION To be filled by examining doctor
HEIGHT : __________________ m WEIGHT : __________________ kg
____________________________________ ____________________________________
IMMUNIZATION HISTORY (where applicable)
1. Yellow Fever 2. BCG 3. Meningitis (Quadrivalent) 4. Hepatitis B 5. Others:
1. Congenital or inherited disorder 2. Allergy 3. Mental illness 4. Fits, stroke, other neurological disease 5. Diabetes Mellitus 6. Hypertension 7. Heart or vascular disease 8. Asthma 9. Thyroid disease 10. Kidney disease 11. Cancer 12. Tuberculosis 13. Drug addiction 14. AIDS, HIV 15. History of surgery 16. Other illnesses

2021届高考英语 Unit 1 Advertising同步导学 4(1)

2021届高考英语 Unit 1 Advertising同步导学 4(1)

【步步高】(江苏专用)2021届高考英语一轮温习 Unit 1 Advertising同步导学牛津译林版必修4Ⅰ.重点单词识记1.cheat /tʃiːt/ vt.&vi.欺骗;作弊;n.骗子;讹诈行为2.skilful /′skIlfl/ adj.有技术的;熟练的3.cure /kjʊə(r)/ vt.治愈;解决;矫正,更正;n.药物,疗法;计谋4.comment /′kɒment/ n.评论,评判;vi.评论,议论5.purchase /′pɜːtʃəs/ vt.购买,采购;n.采购;购买的东西6.multiply /′mʌltIplaI/ vi.&vt.成倍增加,迅速增加;乘,乘以;繁衍7.update /ˌʌp′deIt/ vt.&n.更新;提供最新信息;使现代化8.aspect /′æspekt/ n.方面,层面9.bargain /′bɑːɡən/ n.廉价货;协议;vi.讨价还价10.target /′tɑːɡIt/ n.目标;靶子;vt.对准;以……为目标11.advertising /′ædvətaIzI/ n.做广告;广告活动;广告业→advertisement n.广告;广告宣传→advertise vt.&vi.做广告,宣传12.persuade /pə′sweId/ vt.说服,劝说;使信服→persuasion n.说服,劝说→persuasiveadj.有说服力的13.innocent /′Inəsnt/ adj.清白的,无罪的;无歹意的;纯真的→innocence n.清白,无罪;纯真14.mental /′mentl/ adj.心理的;思想的,精神的;智力的→mentally adv.精神上;智力上15.aim /eIm/ vt.&vi.以……为目标;对准;n.目的,目标→aimless adj.盲目的,没有目标的16.benefit /′benIfIt/ vt.&vi.使受益;得益于;n.益处;救济金;奖金→beneficial adj.有利的,有效的17.promote /prə′məʊt/ vt.推行,宣传;促销;增进,推动;提升,晋升→promotion n.推行;增进;提升18.intelligence /In′telIdʒəns/ n.智力,才干;情报→intelligent a dj.有才干的,伶俐的19.consult /kən′sʌlt/ v.咨询;请教;查阅;商量→consultant n.顾问20.recommend /ˌrekə′mend/ vt.推荐;建议,劝告;介绍→recommendation n.推荐;介绍21.design /dI′zaIn/ vt.&n.设计→designer n.设计者,设计师22.determine /dI′tɜːmIn/ vt.确信,查明;决定;裁决→determined adj.坚决的;有决心的→determination n.决心;坚决23.appeal /ə′piːl/ vi.有吸引力;呼吁,恳请;n.吸引力;呼吁,恳求→appealing adj.有吸引力的24.react /rI′ækt/ vi.做出反映,回应→reaction n.反映,回应25.personally /′pɜːsənəlI/ adv.个别地;就本人而言;本人,亲自→personal adj.私人的,个人的;亲自的→personality n.个性;性格26.shock /ʃɒk/ vt.使震惊,使惊愕;n.震惊,惊愕;休克→shock ing adj.令人震惊的→shocked adj.感到震惊的Ⅱ.重点短语识记1.pay for为……付费2.be meant to旨在,目的是3.fool sb.into doing sth.欺骗某人做某事4.fall for上……的当,受……的骗5.play tricks on欺骗;捉弄6.deal with涉及,关于;处置,应付7.on sale出售,上市;减价出售8.be popular with受……欢迎9.figure out弄清楚,弄懂;计算出10.appeal to吸引,引发爱好;呼吁11.care about关注,在意;关切12.get sth.across把……表达清楚13.depend on依托,信任;取决于14.die from死于15.all too soon太快,过早Ⅲ.经典原句默写与背诵1.We are so used to them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.咱们如此适应它们的存在以致于咱们都没成心识到一天究竟看了和听了多少广告。

国家开放大学 理工英语4 Unit 1—4部分 解析

国家开放大学 理工英语4 Unit 1—4部分 解析

题目1正确获得1.00分中的1.00分标记题目题干George can't remote control the costumer's mobile phone.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。

题目2正确获得1.00分中的1.00分标记题目题干The charge of the download service is low.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。

题目3正确获得1.00分中的1.00分标记题目题干The Smart Tutor app will help the costumer to speed up his phone.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。

题目4正确获得1.00分中的1.00分标记题目题干The purpose of the consumer is to set up a Google account.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“对”。

题目5正确获得1.00分中的1.00分标记题目题干The consumer can use the application without his PIN Code.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。

题目1正确获得1.00分中的1.00分标记题目IPhone has been sold well in the Chinese market.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“对”。

题目2正确获得1.00分中的1.00分标记题目题干There hadn't been any wearable devices launched before AppleWatch.选择一项:对错正确的答案是“错”。

题目3正确获得1.00分中的1.00分标记题目题干Baidu, Lenovo, Xiaomi have all announced their own smart watch.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。



英语管理4形考任务单元测试1-8The English management 4 exam unit test 1-8 is a comprehensive assessment of students' understanding and application of various management concepts and principles. The test covers a wide range of topics, including strategic management, organizational behavior, leadership, and decision-making. It requires students to demonstrate their ability to analyze and solve complex management problems, as well as their communication skills in English.One of the key requirements of the test is the ability to apply theoretical concepts to real-world management scenarios. This means that students need to have a deep understanding of the principles of management and be able to apply them to practical situations. They are expected to demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to communicate their ideas effectively in English.In addition to theoretical knowledge, the test alsoassesses students' understanding of the importance of effective communication in management. This includes the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively, as well as the ability to work effectively in teams. Students are expected to demonstrate their communication skills through written responses to case studies and essay questions, as well as through verbal communication in group discussions and presentations.Furthermore, the test evaluates students' understanding of ethical and social responsibility issues in management. This includes the ability to identify and analyze ethical dilemmas, as well as the ability to make ethical decisions in a professional context. Students are expected to demonstrate their awareness of the impact of management decisions on society and the environment, as well as their commitment to ethical behavior in their future careers.Overall, the English management 4 exam unit test 1-8 is designed to assess students' readiness for careers in management and their ability to apply management conceptsin an English-speaking professional environment. Itrequires students to demonstrate a high level ofproficiency in English, as well as a deep understanding of management principles and their practical application. It also emphasizes the importance of effective communication, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making in the field of management.。



背单词计划表一、研究意义1.1 背单词的重要性背单词是学习外语的基础,掌握足够的词汇量是提高语言能力的关键。


1.2 的背单词计划表介绍是一个专注于英语学习的评台,提供了丰富的学习资源和工具。


二、背单词计划表的特点2.1 个性化设置的背单词计划表可以根据学习者的实际情况进行个性化设置,比如学习目标、每日学习时间、掌握程度等,从而制定出最适合自己的背单词计划。

2.2 系统化学习背单词计划表按照一定的规律和学习方法,帮助学习者系统化地学习单词,让他们能够更容易地记住和掌握单词。

2.3 持续性学习背单词需要长期坚持,的背单词计划表可以帮助学习者建立起持续学习的习惯,避免出现学习间断导致词汇遗忘的情况。

三、使用背单词计划表的方法3.1 制定学习计划首先要根据自己的学习目标和实际情况,制定出一个合理的背单词计划,包括每天的学习时间安排、每次学习的单词数量等。

3.2 坚持学习学习者要坚持按照计划表的安排进行学习,不能因为一时的懈怠而放弃学习,只有持之以恒才能取得良好的学习效果。

3.3 复习整理背完单词后,要进行及时的复习和整理,巩固记忆,确保单词掌握得更牢固。

四、背单词计划表的优势4.1 高效性的背单词计划表能够帮助学习者制定出科学、合理的学习计划,提高学习的效率。

4.2 效果明显通过按照计划表的学习方法进行背单词,学习者能够明显感到自己的词汇量在不断增加,语言能力也在稳步提升。

4.3 提升自信背单词计划表能够帮助学习者坚持学习,取得明显的进步,从而增强自己的学习信心,更有动力继续学习下去。

五、注意事项5.1 合理安排时间学习者在使用背单词计划表时,要合理安排自己的学习时间,不能盲目追求数量而忽略质量。

5.2 记忆技巧背单词不仅要死记硬背,还应该掌握一些记忆技巧,更好地帮助自己记住单词。

Mid-term Exam (Chapter 1-4)-答案版

Mid-term Exam (Chapter 1-4)-答案版
Mid-term Exam (Chapter 1-4)
Chapter 1 Ten Principles of Economics
1. Rational people make decisions “at the margin” by comparing a. average costs and benefits.
a market failure caused by equality.
d. There is no market failure in this case. Answer: A
4. The term ______ refers to the size of the economic pie, and the term ______ refers to how the pie is divided. Answer: efficiency equality 5. In the short run, an increase in the money supply is likely to lead to ______ inflation and ______ unemployment. Answer: higher lower
the nation is producing an efficient combination of goods.

d. there will be a large opportunity cost if the nation tries to increase production of any good. ANS: B
3. Air pollution from burning fossil fuels causes damages to crops and public health. This is an example of



KeilμVision4使用详解zxmh6前言单片机开发中除必要的硬件外,同样离不开软件,我们写的汇编语言源程序要变为 CPU 可以执行的机器码有两种方法,一种是手工汇编,另一种是机器汇编,目前已极少使用手工汇编的方法了。

机器汇编是通过汇编软件将源程序变为机器码,用于 MCS-51 单片机的汇编软件有早期的A51,随着单片机开发技术的不断发展,从普遍使用汇编语言到逐渐使用高级语言开发,单片机的开发软件也在不断发展,Keil软件是目前最流行开发MCS-51系列单片机的软件,这从近年来各仿真机厂商纷纷宣布全面支持 Keil 即可看出。

Keil 提供了包括 C 编译器、宏汇编、连接器、库管理和一个功能强大的仿真调试器等在内的完整开发方案,通过一个集成开发环境(uVision)将这些部份组合在一起。

运行 Keil 软件需要 Pentium 或以上的 CPU, 16MB或更多 RAM、 20M 以上空闲的硬盘空间、 WIN98、 NT、 WIN2000、 WINXP 等操作系统。

掌握这一软件的使用对于使用 51 系列单片机的爱好者来说是十分必要的,如果你使用 C 语言编程,那么 Keil几乎就是你的不二之选(目前在国内你只能买到该软件、而你买的仿真机也很可能只支持该软件),即使不使用 C 语言而仅用汇编语言编程,其方便易用的集成环境、强大的软件仿真调试工具也会令你事半功倍。

我们将通过一些实例来学习 Keil软件的使用,在这一部份我们将学习如何输入源程序,建立工程、对工程进行详细的设置,以及如何将源程序变为目标代码。

图 1 所示电路图使用AT89C51 单片机作为主芯片,这种单片机性属于 MCS-51 系列,其内部有 4K的 FLASH ROM,可以反复擦写,非常适于做实验。

AT89C51的P1引脚上接8个发光二极管,P3.2~P3.4 引脚上接 4 个按钮开关,我们的第一个任务是让接在 P1 引脚上的发光二极管依次循环点亮。



Listening4-1个人测试成绩记录试卷:Listening4-1编号:Listenign4-1 试卷满分:20姓名:杨莹学号:201051197 班级:登录:2011-09-15 12:42:04 交卷:2011-09-15 13:13:43 上机地址: 老师是否已批卷:尚未批卷批卷时间:图例:Right or marked by instructor Wrong To be marked by instructor Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。

否则就听不成啦!Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choicequestions(每小题:分)Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correctanswers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice.After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose thecorrect answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage.1.A. He has learned to make sounds like a cat.B. He found food for the woman's cat.C. He has become team captain.D. He has attracted the woman's attention.Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage.2.A. The woman wants to play golf while the man wants to play Arraytennis.B. The man wants to play golf while the woman wants to play Arraytennis.C. Both the man and woman suggest playing golf.D. Both the man and woman suggest playing tennis.Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage.3.A. An exciting football match.B. A beautiful scene.C. The man's interest in her.D. The man's inviting her to a football match.Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage.4.A. He must go and buy gifts.B. He does not like the woman.C. He must prepare for a new lesson tomorrow.D. He must prepare for a makeup exam.Questions 5 to 5 are based on the following passage.5.A. The woman thinks university education is important whilethe man does not.B. The man thinks university education is important while thewoman does not.C. Both the man and woman attach importance to universityeducation.D. Both the man and woman attach importance to businessexperience.Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题: 1 分; 满分:5 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1. 1 C C2. 1 A A3. 1 B B4. 1 D D5. 1 A ASubtotal: 5 老师评语:Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。


2 析构函数(续)
析构函数的说明 1)类只有一个,若未显式定义,编译系统 自动生成默认的析构函数。 2)系统会自动调用析构函数,在 (1)对象生存期结束时(}结束); (2)使用delete释放对象时。
3 重载构造函数
与一般成员函数一样,C++运行重载构造 函数,重载的方法一样。
class A{
2 成员函数的定义(续)
class student { int age;
public: void SetAge(int a){ age = a;} };
这样定义的成员函数是一种内置函数,亦 可在类外定义内置函数,不过要在函数前 加上“inline”。
2 成员函数的定义(续)
说明: 1)类外定义时,成员函数前应缀上类名。
1 构造函数(续)
构造函数的定义 class complex{ double real; double imag; public: // 下面为构造函数 complex(double r,double i) { real=r; imag=i; } double realcomplex() { return real;} };
1 构造函数(续)
#include <iostream.h>
void main() {
complex S1;
complex S2(1.1); //使用一个缺省参数
complex S3 (1.1,2.2);
cout<<“real of A is”<<\
1 构造函数(续)
构造函数的使用说明: 1)必须和类同名,否则当作一般成员函数 2)必须无返回类型,void类型也不行 3)如果程序员未定义构造函数,编译器自 动生成一个默认的构造函数 如: complex::complex( ) { } 4)构造函数可以不带参数



Unit 4 Earthquake连词成篇A Horrible EarthquakeDirty water rose in well s and canal s before the earthquake. But no one judge d that an earthquake was coming. Suddenly, everything shook. It seemed as if the world was at an end. Millions of brick houses and a number of dam s were destroy ed. Railway track s became useless bar s. Pipe s in mine s burst and let out smelly steam. Huge crack s trap ped cyclist s everywhere.The next day, this event was the headline or main title of all newspapers. With the reporter s giving an outline of the disaster, the whole nation was shocked at the damage and the victim s’extreme suffering. People were moved when they read that the survivors comfort ed each other by saying “Congratulations! You survived!”. So they not only express ed their sympathy sincerely, but also organized together to help the victim s right away. The injure d were rescue d and the dead were buried. The frighten ed survivor s were dug out from under the ruin s and were offer ed shelter, fresh wate r and electricity. Thanks to people’s help, the loss was minimize d.词汇详解:1.horrible[ ]adj.___________________2.earthquake[ ]n.________________3.dirty[ ]adj.__________ dirt n.________________4.well [ ]n.___________adv.__________5.canal [ ]n._______________6.judge[ ]vt. & vi._______________________n._______________________judge sb.by/from sth.__________________________judging from/by___________________________e.g.A man should be judged by his deed, not his words.Judging from his accent, I know he comes from England.7.shake[ ]vi._____________(shook, shook)8.as if/though __________________e.g.It looks as if it’s going to rain.He talks as if he has been to Rome.He talks as if he were a doctor.9.at an end___________________________It looks as if the world was at an end.come to an end____________________ in the end___________________________bring/put sth. to an end______________________ at the end of_________________________bring/put an end to sth.______________________ by the end of__________________________lions of____________________ 一百万人__________________________hundreds of____________________ 300勇士__________________________thousands of___________________ 6000学生__________________________dozens of____________________ 几十个鸡蛋_________________________scores of_____________________ 数十个士兵_________________________11.brick[ ]n._______________12.a number of _____________________ the number of_______________________许多人把生命浪费在无意义的事上。

新世纪大学英语(第二版)视听说教程1(3rd Edition)unit4电子教案(答案)

新世纪大学英语(第二版)视听说教程1(3rd Edition)unit4电子教案(答案)

Lesson B Plans and dreams
Vocabulary Link
An English Video Course 1 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案 1
I need a change.
B Pair work. Tell your partner about changes you want to make in your life. He or she makes some suggestions to you. You may follow the model conversation and use the information for practice to help you.
I can’t pay my bills!
I want to be more outgoing.
You should 6. m__a_k_e more money. 7. _g_et_ a better job.
You should 8. _jo_i_n a club.
4 Unit Change Lesson A I need a change.
Vocabulary Link
I need a change.
An English Video Course 1 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案 1
A These people want to change. Complete each sentence with a verb from the box. Some verbs can be used more than once.
新世纪大学英语(第二版) 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案
An English Video Course 1 视听说教程(3rd Edition)电子教案 1

E英语教程(第二版)1教学课件B1Unit 4

E英语教程(第二版)1教学课件B1Unit 4

重音在第一 重音在第二
mountain __b_o_y_fr_ie_n_d__ ___ai_r_p_o_rt___
guitar ___p_o_l_it_e___ ___a_l_o_n_g___
重音在第一Leabharlann 个音节重音在第二 个音节yesterday __h_o_s_p_i_ta_l__ __d_an_g_e_r_o_u_s_
3 Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the situations. You may refer to the Functional language.
Situation 1
A is late for the first class in the morning. A explains the reason for his / her lateness to B, the teacher.
Situation 2
A and B have planned to go to the movies together. Just before B leaves for the movie theater, A calls B to cancel the plan.
3 Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the situations. You may refer to the Functional language.
3 Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the situations. You may refer to the Functional language.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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在MFC AppWizard-step 1选择Single Document;在MFC AppWizard 4 of 6的对话框中,单击Advanced按钮,弹出Advanced Option对话框,如图4-6所示,该对话框设置文档/视图结构和主框架窗口的一些属性。

图4-6 Advanced Option 对话框该对话框有两个标签页,一页是Document Template Strings,用于设置文档/视图结构的一些属性,该项的值将与应用程序类中定义文档模板类对象的第一个参数IDR_MAINFRAME对应,它包括以下几个文本框:(1)File extersion指定应用程序创建的文档所用的文件名的后缀。


(2)File type ID用于在Windows的注册数据库中标识应用程序的文档类型。

(3)Main frame caption主框架窗口标题,默认情况下与项目名相一致。

(4)Doc type name该文档类型名,指定与一个从CDocument派生的文档类相关的文档类型名。

(5)Filter name用作“打开文件”、“保存文件”对话框中的过滤器。

Visual Studio会自动根据输入的后缀名生成一个过滤器:Exam4_1 文件(*.txt)。

这样当在Open File对话框中选择Exam4_1 文件(*.txt)时,只有以txt 为后缀名的文件名显示在文件名列表中。

(6)File new name(short name)用于指定在new对话框中使用的文档名。



(7)File type name(long name)用于指定当应用程序作为OLE Automation 服务器进使用的文档类型名,使用默认值。

另一标签页是Windows Styles,用于设置主框架窗口的一些属性,包括窗口是否使用最大化按钮,窗口启动时是否最大化或最小化等。


单击Close按钮,关闭Advanced Options对话框。


2.定义文档类的数据成员对于一个文本编辑器,增加和删除一行字符是动态的,因此将使用MFC提供的集合类CStringList 来保存文本行信息。



在文档类的头文件CExam4_1Doc.h中加入以下粗体部分代码:程序清单4-3:定义文档类的数据成员class CExam4_1Doc : public CDocument{protected: // create from serialization onlyCExam4_1Doc();DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CEX4_1Doc)// Attributespublic:CStringList lines;int nLineNum;。


程序清单4-4:初台化文档类的数据成员BOOL CExam4_1Doc::OnNewDocument(){ if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())return FALSE;// TODO: add reinitialization code here// (SDI documents will reuse this document)nLineNum=0;POSITION pos;pos=lines.GetHeadPosition();while(pos!=NULL){((CString)lines.GetNext(pos)).Empty();}lines.RemoveAll();第4章视图与对话框return TRUE;}其中:pos指向链表当前元素。










程序清单4-5:DeleteContents()函数删除文档void CExam4_1Doc::DeleteContents(){// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base classnLineNum=0;POSITION pos;pos=lines.GetHeadPosition();while(pos!=NULL){((CString)lines.GetNext(pos)).Empty();}lines.RemoveAll();}5.编写Serialize()函数代码文档的持续化在Serialize()函数中进行。

当用户执行File 菜单中的Save、Save As或Open命令时,都会自动执行这一成员函数。


程序清单4-6:重载Serialize()函数void CExam4_1Doc::Serialize(CArchive& ar){CString s("");int nCount=0;CString item("");if (ar.IsStoring()){// 将文档对象中的数据存入文件POSITION pos;VC++6简明教程pos=lines.GetHeadPosition();//pos指向字符串链表的头部if(pos==NULL)return;while(pos!=NULL){item=lines.GetNext(pos);//读取一行,并使pos指向下一行ar<<item;//将文本行写入到ar对象item.Empty();}}else{// 将文件中的数据读入到文档对象while(1){ try{ ar>>item;//读取文本行到itemlines.AddTail(item);//将文本串加在字符串链表的尾部nCount++;}//记录行数catch(CArchiveException*e)//捕捉文件读取完毕异常{e->Delete();break;} }nLineNum=nCount;//修改字符串总行数}}6.添加视图类数据成员在CExam4_1View视图类添加三个数据成员:CFont类型指针pFont,表示当前所用的字体;int型变量lHeight表示字体的高度,int型变量cWidth表示字体的宽度。


程序清单4-7:添加视图类数据成员class CExam4_1View : public CView{protected: // create from serialization onlyCExam4_1View();DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CExam4_1View)。

// ImplementationCFont *pFont;int lHeight;int cWidth;。




程序清单4-8:初始化视图类数据成员void CExam4_1View::OnInitialUpdate(){ CView::OnInitialUpdate();// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base classCDC *pDC=GetDC();pFont=new CFont();if(!(pFont->CreateFont (0,0,0,0,FW_NORMAL,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,ANSI_CHARSET,OUT_TT_PRECIS,CLIP_TT_ALWAYS,DEFAULT_QUALITY,DEFAULT_PITCH,"courier New"))) {pFont->CreateStockObject (SYSTEM_FONT);}CFont* oldFont=pDC->SelectObject(pFont);TEXTMETRIC tm;pDC->GetTextMetrics(&tm);lHeight=tm.tmHeight +tm.tmExternalLeading;cWidth=tm.tmAveCharWidth ;pDC->SelectObject(oldFont);}OnInitialUpdate()首先调用GetDC()函数取得当前窗口的设备场境指针并存放在pDC中。
