
目录一、2020年翻译硕士MTI考研真题及考研笔记(2020年考研状元整理)二、2021年翻译硕士MTI考研复习技巧及名师指导:词汇、翻译技巧、汉百与写作三、2021年全国150所翻译硕士MTI院校考研参考书、报名人数、复试线、报录比及参考书具体内容一、2020年翻译硕士MTI考研真题及考研笔记CA TTI的“名”与“实”。
他们还反映:其实过了CA TTI,拿到翻译资格等级证书,甚至进入中国翻译协会,也不代表这个人就一定有翻译功底;翻译公司和语言服务机构经常能招到有各种CATTI证书的人,但他们就像那些拿着计算机二级证的人一样,编程一窍不通,翻译实践基本是零,到头来还要让老译审手把手地教授。

后10题左右都是常用语,比如___the count of three。
第三篇,讲labor market problem的。
nowadays,college and university students are required to work on什么groupproject,all the students get the same score,问你agree不agree,然后举例证明观点。
英语翻译基础一、英译汉:DNA FTP FAO GPS SCO GATT WSPA WIPO CAFTA UNHRC;Agent ad litem……二、汉译英:论语佛教收视率京剧脸谱温室效应电脑动画保税港区法人实体领土完整博鳌亚洲论坛空气污染指数和平共处五项原则黑社会性质的组织三、英译汉:<As China Rolls Ahead,Fear Follows>For nearly two years,China’s turbocharged economy has raced ahead with the aid of a huge government stimulus program and aggressive lending by state-run banks.But a growing number of economists now worry that China—the world’s fastest growing economy and a pillar of strength during the global financial crisis—could be stalled next year by soaring inflation,mounting government debt and asset bubbles.Two credit ratings agencies,Moody’s and Fitch Ratings,say China is still poised for growth,yet they have also recently warned about hidden risks in its banking system.Fitch even hinted at the possibility of another wave of nonperforming loans tied to the property market.In the late1990s and early this decade,the Chinese government was forced to bail out and recapitalize these same state-run banks because a soaring number of bad loans had left them nearly insolvent.Those banks are much stronger now,after a series of record public stock offerings in recent years that have raised billions of dollars from global investors.But last week,an analyst at the Royal Bank of Scotland advised clients to hedge against the risk that a flood of cash into China,coupled with soaring inflation, could result in a“day of reckoning.”A sharp slowdown in China,which is growing at an annual rate of about10percent, would be a serious blow to the global economy since China’s voracious demand for natural resources is helping to prop up growth in Asia and South America,even as the United States and the European Union struggle.And because China is a major holder of United States Treasury debt and a major destination for American investment in recent years,any slowdown would also hurt American companies.Aware of the risks,Beijing has moved recently to tame its domestic growth and rein in soaring food and housing prices by raising interest rates,tightening regulations on property sales and restricting lending.At the end of the Central Economic Work Conference,a high-level annual economic policy meeting that concluded on Sunday,Beijing promised to combat inflation andstabilize the economy.Those pledges came just days after the central bank ordered banks to set aside larger capital reserves in a bid to slow lending,the sixth time it has done so this year.And the government reported on Saturday that the consumer price index had climbed5.1percent in November,the sharpest rise in nearly three years.Analysts say more tightening measures are expected in the coming months but that the challenges are mounting.“There are so many moving pieces,”said Qu Hongbin,the chief China economist for HSBC in Hong Kong.“It wouldn’t be honest to say things aren’t complicated.”Optimists say China has been adept at steering the right economic course over the last decade,ramping up growth when needed and tamping it down when things get too hot.But this time,Beijing is not just struggling with inflation,it is also trying to restructure its economy away from dependence on exports and toward domestic consumption in the hopes of creating more balanced and sustainable growth,analysts say.China is also facing mounting international pressure to let its currency,the renminbi,rise in value.Some trading partners insist China is keeping its currency artificially low to give Chinese exporters a competitive advantage.Beijing contends that raising the value of its currency would hurt coastal factories that operate on thin profit margins,forcing them to lay off millions of workers. The most immediate challenge appears to be inflation,which some analysts say may be even more serious than the new figures suggest.Housing prices have skyrocketed. And prices for milk,vegetables and other foods have soared this year.“The money supply is too large,”said Andy Xie,an economist based in Shanghai who formerly worked at Morgan Stanley.“They increased the money supply to stimulate the economy.Now land prices have jumped20times in some places,100times in others. Inflation is broad-based.Go into a k is more expensive in Chinathan it is in the U.S.”In Shanghai,where the average monthly wage is about$350,a gallon of milk now costs about$5.50.Wages have also risen sharply this year in coastal provinces amid reports of labor shortages and worker demands for higher pay.Many analysts expect more wage increases next year.That may be good for workers,analysts say,but it will also change the dynamics of the Chinese economy and its export sector while contributing to higher inflation. Beijing is now under pressure to mop up excess liquidity after state banks went on a lending binge during the stimulus program that got under way in early2009.Analysts say a large portion of that lending was diverted to speculate in the property market. In addition to restricting lending at the big state banks,Beijing recently moved to close hundreds of underground banks and attempted to restrain local governments from borrowing to build huge infrastructure projects,some of which may be wasteful, according to analysts.Some economists say the real solution is for Beijing to privatize more industries and let the market play a bigger role.After the financial crisis hit,the state assumed more control over the economy.Now,state banks and big state-owned companies are reluctant to surrender control over industries where they have monopoly power,analysts say.“Inflation is not the most serious problem,”says Xu Xiaonian,a professor of economics at the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai.“The most fundamental problem we have to resolve is structural.We need more opening up and reform policies.Look at the state monopolies in education,health care,telecom and entertainment.We need to break those up.We need to create more jobs and make the economy more innovative.”Zhiwu Chen,a professor of finance at Yale,agrees.“The state economy and the local governments will be where the future problemsoccur,”Professor Chen said in an e-mail response to questions on Sunday.“They will be the sources of real troubles for the banks and the financial system.”Though no economist is forecasting the end to China’s decades-long bull run,many have turned more cautious.And Fitch Ratings recently released a study it conducted with the forecasting consultancy Oxford Economics that examined the effect a slowdown in China would have on the rest of the world.Fitch expects China’s economy to grow at an annual rate of8.6percent next year, down from about9.7percent this year.But the report,which was released a few weeks ago,said that if growth slowed to5percent,the economies of many other Asian nations would suffer seriously.Steel,energy and manufacturing industries around the world would also be hard hit,it said.Fitch analysts are careful not to forecast a sharp slowdown in China.But if one comes,they say,it is“most likely to stem from a combination of property crash and banking crisis.”(才思教育注:本文摘自The New York Times《纽约时报》)【才思教育·参考答案解析】差不多两年以来,动力十足的中国经济凭借一项庞大的政府刺激计划和国有银行激进的放贷举措,延续着高速增长的态势。

中国海洋大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试模拟试题科目代码: 211 科目名称:翻译硕士英语----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part I. V ocabulary and Grammar [60 minutes]Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then write your answers on the Answer Sheet.SAMPLE:1.The club will ______ new members the first week in September.A. absorbB. enrollC. registerD. subscribe2.At the party we found that shy girl ______ her mother all the time.A. adhering toB. clinging toC. coinciding withD. depending on3.The incoming climate summit attempts to ______ a new global climate treaty to seek a new global deal onclimate change.A. draw onB. draw inC. draw upD. draw down4.Sometimes patients suffering from severe pain can be helped by “drugs”that aren’t really drugs at all,______ sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements.A. but ratherB. or ratherC. other thanD. rather than5.Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ______.A. in no wayB. on the contraryC. at a lossD. of no avail参考答案:1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. DPart II. Reading Comprehension [60 minutes]Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions [30 minutes]Directions: In this section there are two reading passages, with each passage followed by FIVE multiple-choice questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best answers the question or completes the statement. Then write your answers on the Answer Sheet.SAMPLE:Family MattersThis month Sing apore passed a bill that would give legal teeth to the moral obligation to support one’s parents. Called the Maintenance of Parents Bill, it received the backing of the Singapore Government.That does not mean it hasn’t generated discussion. Several member s of the Parliament opposed the measure as un-Asian. Others who acknowledged the problem of the elderly poor believed it a disproportionate response. Still others believed it would subvert relations within the family: cynics dubbed it the “Sue Y our Son” la w.Those who say that the bill does not promote filial responsibility, of course, are right. It has nothing to do with filial responsibility. It kicks in where filial responsibility fails. The law cannot legislate filial responsibility any more than it can legislate love. All the law can do is to provide a safety net where this morality proves insufficient. Singapore needs this bill not to replace morality, but to provide incentives to shore it up.Like many other developed nations, Singapore faces the problems of an increasing proportion of people over 60 years of age. Demography is inexorable. In 1980, 7.2% of the population was in this bracket. By the end of the century that figure will grow to 11%. By 2030, the proportion is projected to be 26%. The problem is not old age per se. It is that the ratio of economically active people to economically inactive people will decline.But no amount of government exhortation or paternalism will completely eliminate the problem of old people who have insufficient means to make ends meet. Some people will fall through the holes in any safety net.Traditionally, a person’s insurance against poverty in his old age was his family. Lifts is not a revolutionary concept. Nor is it uniquely Asian. Care and support for one’s parents is a universal value shared by all civilized societies.The problem in Singapore is that the moral obligation to look after one’s parents is unenforceable. A father can be compelled by law to maintain his children. A husband can be forced to support his wife. But, until now, a son or daughter had no legal obligation to support his or her parents.In 1989, an Advisory Council was set up to look into the problems of the aged. Its report stated with a tinge of complacency that 95% of those who did not have their own income were receiving cash contributions from relations. But what about the 5% who aren’t getting relatives’ support? They have several options: (a) get a job and work until they die; (b) apply for public assistance (you have to be destitute to apply); or (c) starve quietly. None of these options is socially acceptable. And what if this 5% figure grows, as it is likely to do, as society ages?The Maintenance of Parents Bill was put forth to encourage the traditional virtues that have so far kept Asian nations from some of the breakdowns encountered in other affluent societies. This legislation will allow a person to apply to the court for maintenance from any or all of his children. The court would have the discretion to refuseto make an order if it is unjust.Those who deride the proposal for opening up the courts to family lawsuits miss the point. Only in extreme cases would any parent take his child to court. If it does indeed become law, the bill’s effect would be far more subtle.First, it will reaffirm the notion that it is each individual’s—not society’s— responsibility to look after his parents. Singapore is still conservative enough that most people will not object to this idea. It reinforces the traditional values and it doesn’t hurt a society now and then to remind itself of its core values.Second, and more important, it will make those who are inclined to shirk their responsibilities think twice. Until now, if a person asked family elders, clergymen or the Ministry of Communit y Development to help get financial support from his children, the most they could do was to mediate. But mediators have no teeth, and a child could simply ignore their pleas.But to be sued by one’s parents would be a massive loss of face. It would be a public disgrace. Few people would be so thick-skinned as to say, “Sue and be damned”. The hand of the conciliator would be immeasurably strengthened. It is far more likely that some sort of amicable settlement would be reached if the recalcitrant son or daughter knows that the alternative is a public trial.It would be nice to think Singapore doesn’t need this kind of law. But that belief ignores the clear demographic trends and the effect of affluence itself on traditional bends. Those of us who push for t he bill will consider ourselves most successful if it acts as an incentive not to have it invoked in the first place.31.The Maintenance of Parents Bill ______.A. received unanimous support in the Singapore ParliamentB. was believed to solve all the problems of the elderly poorC. was intended to substitute for traditional values in SingaporeD. was passed to make the young more responsible to the old32.By quoting the growing percentage points of the aged in the population, the author seems to imply that______.A. the country will face mounting problems of the old in futureB. the social welfare system would be under great pressureC. young people should be given more moral educationD. the old should be provided with means of livelihood33.The author seems to suggest that traditional values ______.A. play an insignificant role in solving social problemsB. are helpful to the elderly when they sue their childrenC. are very important in preserving Asian uniquenessD. are significant in helping the Bill get approved34.The author thinks that if the Bill becomes law, its effect would be ______.A. apparentB. indirectC. unnoticedD. straightforward35.At the end of the passage, the author seems to imply that success of the Bill depends upon ______.A. strict enforcementB. public supportC. government assuranceD. filial awareness参考答案:31. D 32. A33. C 34. B 35. DSection B: Short Answer Questions [30 minutes]Directions: In this section, there are two passages, each with five questions. Read the passages carefully. Then answer the questions by using the information given in each passage. Please write your answers on the Answer Sheet.SAMPLE:InterviewSo what have they taught you at college about interviews? Some courses go to town on it, others do very little. Y ou may get conflicting advice. Only one thing is certain: the key to success is preparation.There follow some useful suggestions from a teacher training course coordinator, a head of department and a headteacher. As they appear to be in complete harmony with one another despite never having met, we may take their advice seriously.Oxford Brookes University’s approach to the business of application and interview focuses on research and rehearsal. Training course coordin ator Brenda Stevens speaks of the value of getting students “to deconstruct the advertisement, see what they can offer to that school, and that situation, and then write the letter, do their CVs and criticize each other’s.” Finally, they role pl ay interviewer and interviewee.This is sterling stuff, and Brookes students spend a couple of weeks on it. “The better prepared students won’t be thrown by nerves on the day,” says Ms S t evens, “They’ll have their strategies and questions worked out.” She also says “the better the student, the worse the interviewee.” She believes the most capable students are lessable to put themselves forward. Even if this were true, says Ms Stevens, you must still make your own case.“Beware of infernality,” she advises. One aspira nt teacher, now a head of department at a smart secondary school, failed his first job interview because he took his jacket off while waiting for his appointment. It was hot and everyone in the staffroom was in shirtsleeves but at the end of the day they criticized his casual attitude, which they had deduced from the fact that he took his jacket off in the staffroom, even though he put it back on for the interview.Incidentally, men really do have to wear a suit to the interview and women really cannot wear jeans, even if men never wear the suit again and women teach most days in jeans. Panels respond instantly to these indicators. But beware: it will not please them any better if you are too smart.Find out about the people who will talk to you. In the early meetings they are likely to be heads of departments or heads of year. Often they may be concerned with pastoral matters. It makes sense to know their priorities and let them hear the things about you that they want to hear.During preliminary meetings you may be seen in groups with two or three other applicants and you must demonstrate that you know your stuff without putting your companions down. The interviewers will be watching how you work with a team. But remember the warning about informality: however friendly and co-operative the other participants are, do not give way to the idea that you are there just to be friends.Routine questions can be rehearsed, but “don’t go on too long,” advises the department head. They may well ask: “What have been your worst/best moments wh en teaching?”, or want you to “talk about some good teaching you have done.” The experts agree you should recognize your weaknesses and offer a strategy fo r overcoming them. “I know I’ve got to work on classroom management —I would h ope for some help,” perhaps. No one expects a new teacher to know it all, but they hope for an objective appraisal of capabilities.Be warned against inexpert questioning. Y ou may be asked questions in such a way that it seems impossible to present your best features. Some questions may be plain silly, asked perhaps by people on the panel who are from outside the situation. Do not be thrown, have ways of circumnavigating it, and never, ever let them see that you think they have said something foolish.Y ou will almost certainly be asked how you see the future and it is important to have a good answer prepared. Some people are put off by being asked what they expect to be doing in five or ten years’ time. On your preliminary visit, says the department head, be sure to give them a bit of an interview of your own, to see the direction the department is going and what you could contribute to it.The headteacher offers his thoughts in a nine-point plan. Iron the application form! Then it stands out from everyone el se’s, which have been folded and battered in the post. It gives an initial impression which may get yourapplication to the top of the pile. Ensure that your application is tailored to the particular school. Make the head feel you are writing directly to him or her. Put yourself at ease before you meet the interviewing panel: if you are nervous, you will talk too quickly. Before you enter the room, remember that the people are human beings too; take away the mystique of their roles. Listen. There is a danger of not hearing accurately what is being said. Make eye contact with the speakers, and with everyone in the room. Allow your warmth and humanity to be seen. A sense of humor is very important. Have a portfolio of your work that can link theory to practice. Many schools want you to show work. For a primary appointment, give examples from the range of the curriculum, not just art. (For this reason, taking pictures on your teaching practice is important.) Prepare yourself in case you are asked to give a talk. Have prompt cards ready, and don’t waffle.Y our speech must be clear and articulate, with correct grammar. This is important: they want to hear you and they want to hear how well you can communicate with children. Believe in yourself and have confidence. Some of the people asking the questions don’t know much about what you do. Be ready to help them.Thus armed, you should have no difficulty at all. Good luck and keep your jacket on!41.In Ms. Brenda Stevens’ view, what should applicants do before applying a job?42.How should interviewees handle the relationship between other participants during an interview?43.What are applicants suggested to do during an interview with regards to their weaknesses?44.What is the best way for applicants to deal with odd questions from the interviewers?45.Summarize the suggestions offered by the headteacher.参考答案:41.Applicants should understand thoroughly the situations before applying a job.42.When doing team work during an interview, applicants should always keep in mind that the point is todemonstrate their capacity rather than merely show friendship.43.Applicants are suggested to face their weaknesses squarely and offer possible solutions to overcome them.44.When asked odd questions, applicants should keep calm and try to be tactful in their answers.45.Suggestions put forward by the headteacher are mainly nine-fold: 1) iron the application form; 2) tailor theapplication letter to the particular school; 3) be at ease before the interview; 4) listen carefully; 5) make eye contact during the interview; 6) be warm and humor; 7) prepare a portfolio of your work; 8) prepare a talk in advance; and 9) be confident.Part III. Writing [60 minutes]Directions: Based on the information given below, please write an essay of about 400 words on the Answer Sheet. Y ou have 60 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay.SAMPLE:With the development of human civilization, man has created countless wonders, but at what a price!Our ecological system, on which all animals’ exist ence depends, has been seriously damaged and isstill being threatened. The earth’s temperature is getting higher, more and more forests are beingfelled, large numbers of animals are facing extinction, and deserts are expanding at an incredible rate.With this growing emergency, your university plans to hold a forum, discussing global environment. Y ou are invited to deliver a speech on Global W arming. Please explain this phenomenon as thoroughly as possible so that students in your university have a better understanding of its causes.At the same time, you are required to provide feasible measures to call on students to protect our earth from getting hotter.Suggested title for the essay is:To Cope With Global W armingY ou may use your own title if you like.Marks will be awarded both for your linguistic knowledge (i.e., grammar, vocabulary and organization) and for your ability to achieve the communicative purpose.。


2018 年上外高翻 MTI 研究生统考《汉语百科知识》考题完整版百科知识(一)选择题1.能表演“掌上舞”是古代哪位美女?(几个选项是:貂蝉,西施,赵飞燕,杨玉环)2.《史记》中“世家”是给什么人做的传?(帝王,王侯,将士,还有一个忘了。
)3.“孔雀东南飞”和___并称诗歌史上的“双壁:4.“菊月”是指哪一个月?5.“红肥绿瘦”是指什么季节?6.“司空见惯”中“司空”是指? A唐朝的一位诗人 B唐朝的一位高僧 C一个官职7.下面哪一个是武松所为?A倒拔垂杨柳 B汴京城卖刀 C醉打蒋门神8.“名花解语”是指什么?9.“程门立雪”是为了什么?A拜访 B请罪 C道谢 D拜别10.一知半解又爱炫耀的人我们通常用什么词语形容?A半截剑 B半段枪 C半面 D半瓶醋11.“七月流火”形容的是? A炎炎夏日 B夏去秋来 C春去秋来 D秋去冬来12.“汗流浃背”是为了什么?13.京剧中,性格活泼的青年女性是? A青衣 B花旦 C彩旦14. “杨柳”是? A一种植物 B两种植物 C与植物无关15“成也萧何败萧何”指的是哪位历史人物?(二)成语解释精卫填海来龙去脉初出茅庐韬光养晦斯芬克之谜2018英语专业考研备考精华资料史上最全最有效大家论坛原创基础英语英汉互译二外语言学英美文学英美文化学校真题汇总等热门必备的辅导书:基础与综合英语[基础英语] 2018英语专业考研考点精梳与精练基础英语[大家网]英语专业考研名校全真试卷基础英语 07到 10年真卷与解读下载[大家网]2018英语专业基础英语考研真题详解.圣才.2018年版[大家网]2018英语专业基础英语考研真题详解.金圣才. 2009出版[大家网]09年版.英语专业考研基础英语高分突破.吴中东.宫玉波[大家网]10年题解英语专业考研过关必备 3000词 PDF.金圣才版1[大家网]英语专业考研核心词汇.pdf.宫玉波.09版[大家网]题解英语专业考研过关必备 3000词[大家网]读者的选择阅读手册[大家网]读者的选择第 4版英文版[大家网]谈语言写作读本英汉互译:[大家网]2018英语专业英汉互译考研真题与典型题详解.圣才考研网编[大家网]星火英语专业考研名校全真试卷精解英汉互译(2018)[大家网]2018年英语专业考研名校全真题精解.英汉互译.郭棲庆.10年版重点推荐资料:点击下载!英语专业考研(最全最新!) /thread-2407892-1-1.html 基础英语汇总:各校基础英语真题资料汇总英美文学:各校英美文学真题汇总二外:英研二外资料——日语、法语、德语、俄语、西班牙语等汇总学校真题汇总:中国人民大学英语专业考研真题汇总!中国矿业大学英语专业考研资料汇总!上海外国语大学北京外语国大学资料汇总华中师范大学英语专业考研--汇总华中科技大学英语专业考研资料汇总广东外语外贸大学深圳大学的真题汇总南开大学英语专业考研真题汇总中山大学资料汇总暨南大学资料北京航空航天大学英语专业考研真题资料西安外国语大学英语专业考研真题汇总河海大学英语专业考研真题资料汇总中国海洋大学英语专业考研资料小汇武汉理工大学英语专业考研资料汇总武汉大学英语专业考研资料汇总苏州大学英语专业考研资料北京师范大学英语专业考研资料汇总西安外国语大学英语专业考研真题汇总四川大学英语专业考研真题资料汇总!2南京大学英语专业考研资料中南大学二外法语 01年到 07年真题 pdf翻译资料:全日制翻译硕士专业学位 MTI研究生入学考试指南外事翻译口译和笔译技巧.rar下载[大家网]新编当代翻译理论刘宓庆著下载[大家网]英汉翻译综合教程[大家网]西方译学理论辑要下载[大家网]英语翻译理论与实践论文集下载[大家网]外事翻译口译和笔译技巧.rar下载汉语成语典故谚语与歇后语英语翻译全国 68所院校英汉互译试卷分析英语专业考研翻译超全面的笔记~英语专业考研各大院校题型对比分析 pdf英语修辞手法经济学人文本许渊冲与翻译艺术.张智中.扫描版散文佳作 108篇汉英英汉对照报刊英语单词精华经济指标名词解释真题:基础英语汇总:各校基础英语真题资料汇总英美文学:各校英美文学真题汇总二外:英研二外资料——日语法语德语俄语西班牙语等汇总语言学方面真题:汇总中中南大学 2006年英语语言文学与文化综合知识真题四川外语学院 01-06年英语语言文学真题长安大学 2007年英语语言学真题四川外国语大学英语专业 2006年考研真题翻译真题:汇总中广外英语专业历年初试真题水平+翻译与写作武汉大学 2009综合英语汉译英真题及参考答案南京大学 2007基础英语汉译英及参考答案文本及 pdf广外 10年写作与翻译真题3上外 01-08年英汉互译真题外交学院翻译真题及答案杭州师范大学 2018年硕士生招生入学考试科目和参考书目9.天津地区院校英专考研翻译真题8.上海地区院校英专考研翻译真题7.陕西地区院校英专考研翻译真题6.江苏地区院校英专考研翻译真题5.湖北地区院校英专考研翻译真题4.广东地区院校英专考研翻译真题3.福建地区院校英专考研翻译真题[大家网]2.东北地区院校英专考研翻译真题.pdf[大家网]1.北京地区院校英专考研翻译真题.pdf[大家网]高级英语第一册第二册教材及教师用书 rar下载孙亦丽--大学英语精读学习精要--第一册第二册第三册 pdf下载【大家论坛】传播学原理 2009年版张国良全日制翻译硕士专业学位 MTI研究生入学考试指南英语专业考研名校全真试卷基础英语 07到年真卷与解读下载英语专业考研核心词汇.pdf.宫玉波.09版孙亦丽--大学英语精读学习精要--第一册第二册第三册 pdf下载高级英语第二册教材及教师用书第一册 rar下载MTI之 2018中文百科-keys(杭州小蚩尤尝鲜版)1.汉宫飞燕赵飞燕身材轻盈,有人认为是古代芭蕾的雏形。

MTI真题汇总2011史上最全MTI真题汇总-百科-应用文-翻译基础2011北师大翻译硕士MTI真题回忆版2011年外国语大学翻译硕士英语翻译基础真题回忆2011年语言大学翻译硕士真题回忆版11外经贸真题2011对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研历程回顾2011年中国石油大学英语翻译硕士真题回忆2011东北大学翻译硕士MTI真题回忆2011师大学MTI真题2011年大学MTI真题2011大学MTI考生回忆帖2011年大学翻译硕士MTI入学考试真题回忆版本2011年师大学翻译硕士(MTI)真题回忆北二外英语MTI试题2011 大学MTI考研真题2011年广外MTI真题回忆+解析+备考经验2011年上交翻译硕士MTI真题回忆2011年外国语大学翻硕MTI百科知识考研2011西外MTI复试2011年川外翻译硕士MTI真题回忆版2011大学翻译硕士初试真题2011年大学翻译硕士复试容2011大学翻译硕士初试真题2010-2011复旦大学MTI真题2011北二外MTI2011年大学翻译硕士MTI真题回忆2011年大学翻译硕士真题回忆2011年大学翻译硕士MTI真题回顾2011年师大学翻译硕士MTI考研回忆2011年西南大学翻译硕士部分真题回忆2011南开大学翻译硕士汉语写作与百科知识2011南开大学翻译硕士MTI翻译基础2011年南开大学翻译硕士MTI真题回忆2011年暨南大学翻硕真题回忆2011年师大翻译硕士MTI真题回忆版2011年东南大学翻译硕士(MTI)真题回忆及备考经验2011年华东师大MTI真题回忆及考后经验2011年大学外国语学院英语语言文学基础英语汉译英试题2011年百科知识题型统计2011年大学翻译硕士MTI考试真题回忆版2011年各高校英汉特色词语翻译!最强完整版!2011天津外国语翻译硕士(笔译方向)真题2011年海事大学翻译硕士英语真题回忆2011年师大翻译硕士MTI真题回忆厦大2011MTI初复试+复习书目翻译硕士MTI各院校真题作文汇总2010年大学翻译硕士考研试题大学2010翻译硕士试题回顾2010 第二外国语学院MTI真题2010年外国语大学翻译硕士考研试题2010年北语MTI英语笔译真题2010年北航翻译硕士考研试题北航2010年真题大学MTI试题回忆天外MTI初试及复试经验帖川大2010翻译硕士原题对外经贸易2010年翻译硕士初试对外翻译硕士真题2010贸大MTI复试2010复旦大学MTI初试复试2010年华中师大学MTI真题2010大学MTI试题2010年南开大学MTI真题大学2010MTI考研大学2010年MTI真题回忆2010年大学翻译硕士试题2010年上外翻译硕士考研复试试题大学2010年MTI真题回忆同济大学2010翻译硕士题目回忆同济大学2010翻译硕士题目回忆2010年西外MTI汉语百科与写作2010中国海洋大学MTI真题回忆2010年中南大学MTI业课回忆2010中南大学MTI英汉互译回忆2011年中南大学翻译硕士(MTI)考研试题(回忆版)2010大学MTI英语翻译基础2010大学MTI英语翻译基础2010大学汉语写作与百科知识2010年交通大学翻译硕士(MTI)年真题回忆翻译硕士2010汉语写作大作文各高校回忆集外国语大学2009年翻译专业硕士MTI笔试真题WORD下载2010各校MTI分数线MTI笔译教材方华文:20世纪中国翻译史[完整] DJVU高华丽:中外翻译简史[2009] DJVU景华:译者的隐形•翻译史论文革:西方翻译理论流派研究[2004]景华:翻译伦理•韦努蒂翻译思想研究长栓:非文学翻译理论与实践外语教育-宏薇-新编汉英翻译教程下载《大学英汉翻译教程》(第三版),对外经济贸易,王恩冕交替传译笔记:速成课程DJVU王振国:新英汉翻译教程教师用书[2007][完整] DJVU外教社翻译硕士专业(MTI)系列教材和平:笔译训练指南钱歌川-翻译的技巧-写作材料.doc钱歌川:《翻译的技巧》钱歌川《英文疑难详解》、《英文疑难详解续》郭延礼:文学经典的翻译与解读[2007][完整]金焕荣:商务英语翻译铁路工程翻译相关方面的书籍MTI--物流英语其中:英汉新闻翻译[2009][完整] DJVU英文原版翻译书籍库存翻译生态学MTI口译教材【翻译硕士】MTI教材之- 同声传译配套MP3【口译原版】James Nolan:Interpretation: Techniques and Exercises 【口译原版】Phyllis Zatlin:Thearical Translation and FilmAdaptation[2005][T]军峰:《商务英语口译》(第二版)DjVu格式基础英语资料汇总《英美散文选读》(一),对外经济贸易大学,显璟《英美散文选读》(二),对外经济贸易大学,显璟庄锡昌:西方文化史[2003][正文可检索]常磊:英美文化博览荣启:文学语言学[2005][完整]王佐良:英国散文的流变[1998]培基英译中国现代散文选MTI--希腊文学简史外研社现代大学英语学生用书1-6 教师用书1-6存军:当今流行英语缩略语[2007][完整] DJVU百科资料汇总福田:中国文化小百科(一)福田:中国文化小百科(二)福田:中国文化小百科(三)钱光培:中国文学百科知识手册丁:中国文化小百科全书(4卷)当代中国文化百科全书(英文原版)当代英国文化百科全书(英文原版)王德友:中国文化百科[缺]贾宝珍:新世纪文化百科[正文可检索]程裕祯:中国文化要略(第二版)[2003]金元浦:中国文化概论[2007][完整] DJVU现代汉语与百科知识.doc翻译硕士百科知识语文常识《中国文学与中国文化知识应试指南》,东南大学,林青松不可不知的2000个文化常识PDF/DJVUMTI考试名词翻译及汉语名词解释.doc王长华:大学语文[2009][完整] DJVUMTI--环境保护专题应用文公文写作书籍10本应用文写作奉送(备忘录+广告+会议通知+商务信函+说明书)夏晓鸣:应用文写作【2007】《公文写作》《公文写作》,对外经济贸易,白延庆文国:中文读写教程第1、2册常用词典汇总汉英中国文化词典《牛津英美文化词典》《中国翻译家辞典》正文可搜索PDF林煌天:《中国翻译词典》PDF《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第7版谭载喜主译:翻译研究词典[完整] DJVU Dictionary of Translation Studies.rar 《最新汉英特色词汇词典》(第五版)许鲁之:简明英美文化词典[2000]汪榕培:英语学习背景知识词典.pdf王斌华:口笔译高频词汇词典[2010]最新汉英特色词汇(第四版)英语搭配大辞典__英汉对照牛津英语搭配词典__英汉双解版英汉双解美国习语词典__第4版。


中国海洋大学翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试真题2012年(总分:150.00,做题时间:180分钟)ⅠEQ__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.A/P(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.IMF(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ N(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.GMO(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.ISS(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.ICRC(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.UNEP(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.TARGET(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.carbon footprint(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.Church of England(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.fine arts(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 13.multi-language vendor(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.liberal arts education(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.standard & Poor's Composite Index(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 16.《论语》(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 脸谱__________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.安乐死(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.核威慑(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.概念文化(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 21.教育公平(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 22.国际结算(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________23.经济适用房(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 24.文化软实力(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 25.行政问责制(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 26.保税物流园区(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 27.中国海关总署(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 28.黑社会性质组织(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 29.和平共处五项原则(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 30.国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010—2020)(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ Ⅱ31. The current limitations of internet learning are actually those of publishing world: who creates a quality product that offers a coherent analysis of the world we live in? The answer has to lie in a group of people, organized in some way both intellectually and technologically. In the past this has usually been through books and articles. Some of the learning successes of the internet illustrate just how this can work in practice. A classic example is Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia created on a largely voluntary basis by contributors. The underlying mechanism of Wikipedia are technological: you can author an article by following hyperlinks—and the instructions. There are intellectual mechanisms built in, looking at the quality of what is submitted. This does not mean that the articles are equally good, or equal in quality to those encyclopedias created by expert, paid authors. However, there is no doubt that the service is a useful tool, and a fascinating demonstration of the power of distributed volunteer networks.A commercial contrast—which is also free—is the very rigorous Wolfram mathematics site, which has definitions and explanations of many key mathematical concepts. For students who use them with the same academic, critical approach they should apply to any source of information, such resources are useful tools, especially when supplemented by those of national organizations such as the Library of Congress, the National Science Foundation and other internationally recognized bodies. There are, of course, commercially available library services that offer electronic versions of printed media, such as journals, for both professional and academic groups, and there is already a fundamental feature of higher and professional education. Regardless of the medium through which they learn, people have to be critical users of information, but at the same time the information has to be appealing and valuable to the learner. (From Making Minds by Pal Kelley. 2008. pp. 127-128) (分数:60.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 32. 我们这次到英国看得最多的不是教堂、雕塑、花园,而是政府出资建造的经济房。

2016年中国海洋大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. V ocabulary 2. Reading Comprehension 3. Writing 7. Cloze TextV ocabulary1.The great ballplayer and civil rights leader Jackie Robinson was the______of both physical and moral strength.A.epitomeB.episodeC.animosityD.apotheosis正确答案:A解析:本题考查名词辨析。
空前的Jackie Robinson(杰基·罗宾森)表示人,故从语义上判断,一个人不能是“插曲”“仇恨”或“鼎盛时期”,故只epitome符合。
2.Those vicious Hollywood reporters often______movie stars, forever damaging their public images.A.absolveB.applaudC.impairD.malign正确答案:D解析:本题考查动词辨析。
根据空后的forever damaging their public images(老是损害他们的公众形象)判断,那些恶毒的好莱坞记者经常中伤电影明星,故答案为malign(诽谤,中伤,污蔑)。