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Practitioners of accountancy are known as accountants. There are many professional bodies for accountants throughout the world. Many allow their members to use titles indicating their membership or qualification level. Examples are Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA or FCCA), Chartered Accountant (FCA, CA or ACA), International Accountant (FAIA or AAIA),Management Accountant (ACMA, FCMA or AICWA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified General Accountant (CGA or FCGA).
一个现代高水平的会计人才,准确的说应该是财务人才,未来的管理人才。在企业里,我 们不仅仅要会收钱(干收钱的是出纳),会记帐(干记帐的是会计),会审计(企业内部 审计-现在在中国才刚刚开始发展),我们更应该利用会计这个工具,学会管理,当然这 个需要多年的实践经验。概括起来,就是我们要逐步的会核算,懂经营,善管理。所以, 会计是一个好的起点,而不是一个终点,最终还得要上升到管理。
It is also the discipline of measuring, communicating and interpreting financial activity. Accounting is also widely referred to as the "language of business".[3]
会计专业领域涉及面广:鉴证,审计,税收,公司会计,管理会计,财务管理,破长清算, 法务会计,预算制定,商业咨询等等都是会计专业将要涉及的领域。
Accounting and financial information allows users to: See how the business is going See how aspects of the firm can be improved Control your money Plan for the future
Financial accounting is one branch of accounting and historically has involved processes by which financial information about a business is recorded, classified, summarised, interpreted, and communicated; for public companies, this information is generally publicly-accessible. By contrast management accounting information is used within an organisation and is usually confidential and accessible only to a small group, mostly decision-makers. Tax Accounting is the accounting needed to comply with jurisdictional tax regulations.
Accountancy (profession)or accounting (methodology) is the measurement, statement, or provision of assurance about financial information primarily used by managers, investors, tax authorities and other decision makers to make resource allocation decisions within companies, organizations, and public agencies. The terms derive from the use of financial accounts.
Accounting information assists managers to have the ability to control their operations Accounting also ensures that accurate and reliable information is provided Control involves ensuring events happen as planned Comparison of actual results with planned Corrective action and revision of plans 5Involves the following procedures: identifying and capturing relevant economic information recording the information systematically analysing and interpreting the information reporting appropriately to users
Accounting (Definition) is a se百度文库vice activity. Its function is to provide quantitative information primarily financial in nature, about economic entities, that is intended to be useful in making economic decisions, and in making reasoned choices among alternative courses of action. [2]
“Accounting is that discipline which measures, records, reports and interprets
financial and other information about an entity to interested parties to enable them to make appropriate decisions” Accounting is essentially a system for showing what the financial state of a business is at any one time.
incorporates decision making about the best course of action to take Planning is essential for business success and requires regular revision in order to respond to change Planning is a management activity that is supported by accounting information 4Accounting can act as a control device
选择一个专业:最重要的是兴趣,然后结合个人对未来的规划。为什么会计是一个好专业 呢?因为本科读完会计后,既可以去工作,也可以去读书。如果去工作,可以去会计师事 务所,无论是去四大还是去本土会计师事务所;可以去所有的公司企业,哪个公司企业不 需要会计呢,甚至会计的领域涉及从它的开业到破产清算;政府部门也需要会计,和政府 审计;做老师教会计也是一个不错的选择。如果继续去读书,在美国,美国众多学校开设 会计硕士博士培养人才,而且会计是商科中最好在美国找工作的专业;在澳洲,会计是最 多中国留学生读的专业,因为它好移民;在英文,会计专业常常和金融合在一起。
Purpose of Accounting 1 Accounting can act as a form of communication
You can think of accounting as a form of language between owners of a business This language is not alphabetical letters but instead it is expressed in terms of dollars Can be communicated to relevant users through graphs, reports and tables 2 Accounting can supply information for decision making
会计专业是研究企业在一定的营业周期内如何确认收入和资产的学问。会计师除了准备财 务报表以及记录企业交易行为外,更重要的是能够参与企业间的合并、质量管理、信息技 术在财务方面的应用、税务战略以及很多企业的管理决策活动。
的。会计领域为从业者提供了不断变化并富有挑战性的工作。所以很多商界成功人士最早 都是从事会计工作的,同时,很多大企业的财务总监必须具有会计的背景。在英国的企业 有70%以上的总裁是财务出身。
现在会计这行业,越来越强调学会计的要培养良好的职业判断能力,无论是在做题考试, 还是在实践实务中。还有,持续的学习能力,丰富的工作经验,丰富的人力资源,和机遇 对于一个人的成功也都是必不可少的。另外,美国一个权威职业评估机构分析得出,会计 专业人才要用以下能力:Analytical ability,Leadership,Written and oral communication skills,Attention to detail,Ability to work independently,Team skills,Work ethic,High ethical standards,Computer literacy
Decisions are made at all levels of management Suitable information will reduce the uncertainty decision makers may face Accounting can aid users of information to make accurate decisions 3Accounting can assist a manager plan their business