《推销员之死》与《伟大的盖茨比》之 美国梦分析 American Dream

双重桎梏下的“美国梦”Review on Death of a Salesman(The Young Vic Production)观小维克剧院《推销员之死》□梦珂英国导演界的超级明星玛莉安娜•伊利特在西区性别转换版《伙伴们》大获好评后,她与米兰达•克伦威尔(Miranda Cromwell)今年在小维克剧院共同执导的《推销员之死》再一次征服了伦敦的剧评人和观众。

动作用 , 也成为美国文学中一个反复出现的文学主题。
“ 国 梦 ” 内涵 与 发 展过 程 美 的
“ 国梦 ” 内涵 可 以分 为 广 义 和 狭 义 两 个 方 面 来 理 解 。从 广 义 讲 , 美 的
它指作为 “ 民主 、 自由、 平等” 的国家理想 ; 狭义讲 , 美 国梦” 从 “ 是指在美 国, 一个人只要 自己努力工作就能达到 自己的梦想 , 是一种相信 只要经过 不懈奋斗便能获得更好 生活的理想 。对 于民众 , 美 国梦” 常具体 , “ 非 指 和成功、 幸福联系在一起 的一 切具体 目标——享受高等教 育和获得较 高 的社会地位 , 有幸福的家庭 、 可爱的孩子 、 昂贵 的汽车和豪华 的住宅等 等。 从美国的社会发展来看, 似乎广义的“ 国梦” 美 实现的更加成功。 最早 的 “ 国梦 ” 于 最初 来 到这 片土 地 的 殖 民 者 的 梦 想 , 们 有 的 美 源 他 是 以 发 财致 富为 目的 的 冒 险家 , 的 是 为 逃 避 宗 教 迫 害 而 追 求 精 神 自 由 有 的 新 教徒 。来 到 这块 广袤 无 垠 、 沃 富 饶 的 土 地 后 , 险家 开 始 了拓 荒 , 肥 冒 与恶劣的 自然环境作斗争 , 消灭土著印第安人 , 稳稳地 占据了新大陆 。 第二 阶段是 自由梦和 民主梦。17 7 6年 《 独立宣 言》的提 出是 “ 国 美 梦” 的精神支持 , 它以追求 自由、 民主的理念激励着所有为 独立而战 的美 国人民, 催生 了新型的美利坚合众国。南北战争时期 , 亦是这样一种理想 号 召 美 国人 民废 除 奴 隶制 , 取 自由 。 争 接下 来 的两 个 世 纪 , 美 国 梦 ” 现 为 新 型 民族 的 强 国 梦 。 美 国在 国 “ 体 际舞台上 的声音越来越高, 开始广泛地 插手到世界事务 中。两次世界大 战 的 巨大 收 获 与 巧取 豪 夺 , 上 美 国人 民 的奋 发 图 强 , 短 时间 内成 为 世 加 短 界头号强 国, 无可匹敌。可以说 , 美国历史 深深地打 上了 “ 国梦”的烙 美


[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2017)-09--01美国梦是世世代代美国人普遍的信仰,他们相信只要通过自身的努力和不懈的奋斗便能获得更好的生活,这个从美国殖民时期就出现的美国梦,不仅激励着美国人民为了获得更好的生活而奋斗,也始终贯穿在美国文学的发展进程中。


用。《推 销 员之 死》是他 最具代表性 的作 品 ,也是 一部 最具 深远影 响 的“战后 美 国最伟 大 的剧 作 ”。米勒通 过
创作《推 销 员之 死》,表 达 了对“美 国梦”的理 解。时至今 日,该剧 所 体现 的 美 国社 会 最致 命 的矛 盾依 然存 在。 《推销 员之 死》当 中关 于美 国梦 的思考 ,关于人 类 永恒追 求 的 东西—— 人性 、道德 、思想 以及 它赋 予戏剧 的责
(二 )威利 ·洛曼及其 美 国梦 米勒 的创作接 近 现实 主义 ,他注 重人 文 关怀 以 及对 人生境 遇和精 神状 态 的剖 析 ,他 的笔 触 也更 多 地指 向在精 神上饱 受压 抑 ,或遭 到主 流社 会 排斥 的 底层人 物 。《推销员 之死》中的主人公威 利正是这样 一 个小 人物 。他是个 十分普 的美 国推销 员 ,把 自 己的一 生都执著 于他 所认 知 的 “美 国梦 ”,并 不 懈地 为之付 出 。他把 自己 的生 活建 立在 梦 想之 上 ,把幻 想当作 现实 。而他 在 生 活 陷入 困境 时 ,虽然 也 尝试 认 清 问题 ,却 由于对 心 中梦想 的强烈渴望 ,而使 自己
Aug.2OO9 Vo1.23 N0.4
从《推销 员之 死》看 阿瑟 ·米勒 对 “美 国梦 ’’的 阐释
尹 露
(中原 工 学院 信 息 商务 学 院 ,河 南 ,郑 州 ,450007)
摘 要 :作 为一位 伟 大的 美 国现 实主 义 剧作 家 ,阿 瑟 ·米 勒一 直 关 注戏 剧 的社 会 功 能 和道 德 的教 谕 作
而 获 得 成 功 的 梦 想 。 “美 国梦”吸引 了世 界 各地 的移 民 ,许 多 移 民都
是抱 着 “美 国梦”的理 想 前往 美 国 的。人 们相 信 ,在 美 国 ,只要 经 过个 人 的努 力 不 懈 地 奋 斗 ,只 要 有 勇 气 、创 意和决 心 ,便 能获 得 美好 生 活 ,而不 依 赖特 定 的社 会地位 和他人 的援助 。

[人文经纬]/美国梦0的悲剧)))5了不起的盖茨比6和5推销员之死6比较王抒飞1,冯 锐2(1.哈尔滨商业大学外语学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150028;2.河北石油职业技术学院,河北廊坊,065000)[摘 要]通过比较阿瑟#米勒的作品5推销员之死6和菲茨杰拉德的5了不起的盖茨比6,对美国梦形成的政治、经济和社会的因素及美国梦造成的悲剧进行分析,我们可以认识到美国20世纪30年代的社会特点和社会环境给人的精神带来的影响,从而启迪人们对人生价值、人类命运和社会前途予以关注与思索,以期使人类走向完善境界。
[关键词]美国梦;幻灭;社会环境[中图分类号]I06 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1671-7112(2007)03-0127-02The Comparable Study of American Dream Between /The Great Gatsby 0and /The Death of Salesman 0W A NG Shu-fei 1,FEN G Rui2(1.Harbi n U niversi ty o f C o mmerce,Forei gn Co llege,Harbi n 150028,C hina;2.Hebei Oil V ocatio nal T echnichal Co lleg e,lang fan g 065000,China)Abs tract :Through t wenty years .devel opm ent the A merican Dream has rooted in the Americans .li ves and also appears in their wri ti ngs./The Great Gats 2by 0and /The Death of Salesm an 0are two examples of the s hatter of the A merican D reams.We kno w what the United States of the 1930s and the social characteris of the social envi ronment to the people .s s piri tual and the im pact thus inspire people to the value of life,the fate of m ankind and the future of our society be concerned with the thought,with a vie w to im proving the hum an realm .Key words :American Dream;shatter;soci al envi ronment一、/美国梦0的历史渊源和主题变奏/美国梦0作为美国理想、美国神话和美国精神具有悠久的历史和丰富的内涵。

引分校历史学教授朗 - 梅勒接受 《 环 球》 杂志记者采访时如此 回答 :一般而言 ,美国梦包含几个要素 ,美 国 提供 了人人都能成功 的机会 ;成功取决于 自己的才能和努 力 ,而不是家 世 和背景 ;人人都拥有平等 的权利… … 美 国梦 的典 型代表人物是林肯 ,他做过木工 ,当过律 师 ,最后成为 美 国总统 ,他 的奋斗激励着一代又一代 的美 国人 。然而美 国社会更多 的 底层小人物整天忙 于生计 ,辛劳一生 ,一无所有 。美 国梦耀 眼的光芒背 后, 更多是 的小人物 的辛酸与不幸 。《 推销 员之死》 引言 中有这 样一句
识 到认清形势是个人成功 的必要条件 ) 。《 推 销员之 死》 揭露 了美 国梦 的另外一 面:在美 国,不是人人都能成功 ;成功不仅取决 于 自己的才 能 和努 力,更取决 于家世 和背景 ;不可能人人拥有平等 的权利 。
威 利 的 悲剧 人 生
威利 的人生悲剧 与他 没有认 清形势有很大关系 。威利 年青时 以有 名 的推销员戴 夫 ・ 辛格曼 为榜样 。十八九岁开始做推销 员,梦想着伟大 的 成功 , 一 直坚持 到 6 3 岁 。他 仍执着地 认为 自己是正确 的 ,他似 乎从来 没有想过 自己这样 执着是 否有 意义,只是一 味坚持 ,没有 思考 自己所 处 形 势。当查 利愿 意为他 提供一份 每周可 以挣五 十块 ,而且 不用跑码头 的 工作 时 , 他 拒绝 了查利 。类似 的情况还体现在 比夫 与威 利的争吵 中,比 夫说 “ 爸 ,我这样 的人不值钱 ,一 毛钱一堆 ,你 也一样 。 ” 现实确实 如 比夫所说 ,威利 就是普通美 国人 中的一员 。他善 良、讲义气 ,有人 品 , 仪表堂堂 ,招人 喜欢。然而就 是这样一个普通 的人 ,他却 树立 了一个极 其伟大的 目标 ,并为这一 目标 持之以恒地努力 。当然 ,威 利并不承认 自 己是一个 普通人 ,他反驳道 :“ 我不是一毛钱一堆 !我是威利 ・ 洛曼 ” 。 有人认为剧中威利的悲剧 原因在于 :不诚 实一在外 推销时背着妻 子 跟另外一个女人在一 起 ;嫉妒一 嫉妒查利的成功,不接受其提供的工作; 不能面对现实一幻想着 自己能像戴夫 ・ 辛格曼一样成功而放弃与本一起去 阿 拉斯加打拼的机会 ;错误 的价值 观一认 为成功基 于仪 表及名 气。 持上述观点的人可能没有 注意到这样一个 事实。霍华德父子都是 成 功的商人 ,当威利 6 3岁不 能为公 司创造 利润时 ,他被 霍华德无 情地 解 雇 了。一个深受霍华德父亲器重的推销员 ,能在霍华 德父子经营 的同一 家的公司工作三十四年的推销员 ,如果不是一个成 功的推销员 ,不 能为 公司带来利润 ,怎么会得到霍华德父亲的器重?精 明 、无情的霍华 德怎 么能够容忍一个碌碌无为的推销员在他的公 司混 日子?威利 的人 生 目标 也许定得过高 ,超出了他的能力能够达到的范围 ,加上美 国经济 大萧条 及其它的原因 ,他最终没有实现做一个像戴夫 ・ 辛格曼那样 的杰 出推销 员这一 目标。可是对于一个从事推销工作至少四十四年 ,业务能 力不错 的推销员来说 ,刚入晚年就无力支付保险金 、修车费 、房子及洗 衣机的 分期付款 ,这合理吗?要知道 ,此时威利一家人中 ,大儿子 比夫 离开家 已经 自立 1 0多年了 ,哈皮 已参 加工作 ,不需要父母 照顾 了 ,威利 的经 济负担并不重 。讲人品 ,重义气的威利 ,为了实现 自己的人生 目标 ,辛 劳一生 ,不仅宏伟 目标没有实现 ,住着环境差 、设施简单 的房 子 。还需 举债度 日,为 了获得两万元的保险金而 自杀。对于美国梦中所说的 “ 美 国提供了人人都能成功的机会 ;成 功取决 于 自己的才能和努 力。 ” 这一 点 ,威利的悲剧其实是对它的一种讽刺。 本 ・ 洛 曼 威利的哥哥 ,本 ・洛曼 ,十七 岁 到阿拉 斯加 去 找父亲 ,却误 人非

和父兄不同,威利拒绝了和哥哥同去阿拉 斯加,选择留在了高楼林立的都市来实现自己 的梦想。第一幕开启,读者被引入到一幅优美的 图画中:悠扬的笛声、树林 、青草、地平线,一切 都如梦似幻,就如同威利美丽的梦想。但现实是 残酷的,当清晨的薄雾散去,我们看到 :四 周林 立的高楼遮去家里所有的阳光;曾经紫藤丁香 盛开的小院,如今寸草不生;红色的雪弗莱是威 利过往的骄傲,如今的座驾已破烂不堪;秋千架 上纯 真优秀的儿子,如今一无所长,居无定所。 这出戏描写了威利人生中的最后两天,他徘徊 在过去和现在、幻想和现实之间,已处于崩溃的 边缘。
威利更是一名失败的父亲。大儿子比夫曾 经是他的骄傲。高中时的比夫是橄榄球明星,三 所大学愿意为他提供奖学金,前途一片光明。然 而比夫却在高考数学考试中失败。失望的比夫 并没有因此沮丧,他前往波士顿寻找父亲。他认 为他一直崇拜的父亲只要和老师谈一谈,就可 以解决一切问题,因为父亲是那么讨人喜欢,老 师一定会被他说服。没想到,却发现父亲和情妇 在一起,父亲的崇高形象顿时坍塌。比夫从此一 蹶不振,他放弃了补习班,放弃了大学,甚至是 放弃了他自己。 三十来岁了,比夫还在四处游 荡,一事无成。


1.阿瑟·米勒戏剧《推销员之死》中美国梦的体现 [J], 游航
2.简析阿瑟·米勒《推销员之死》中的美国梦 [J], 王子慕;
3.从《推销员之死》看阿瑟·米勒对"美国梦"的阐释 [J], 尹露
4.美国梦的悲剧--浅析阿瑟·米勒的《推销员之死》 [J], 孙章萍
5.亦真亦幻美国梦,孤心飘荡不归路-阿瑟·米勒《推销员之死》赏析 [J], 许俊农;朱耀武

2017年8月第38卷第4期湘南学院学报Journal of Xiangnan UniversityAug. ,2017Vol.38 No.4殊途同归的美国梦—从盖茨比和威利•洛曼之死看美国梦的幻灭陈刚(洛阳师范学院公共外语教研部,河南洛阳471934)摘要:通过对比法,分析了小说《了不起的盖茨比》和《推销员之死》中主要人物盖茨比和威利.洛曼各自美国梦幻灭的不同和相似的原因,进而得出无法解决理想与残酷现实之间的矛盾是他们的共同死因的结论,进一步揭示出 美国梦幻灭的必然性。
关键词:美国梦;盖茨比;威利洛曼;幻灭中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A —、刖目“美国梦”是美国文学中永恒的主题,也是美国 人民的传统价值观和民族精神的体现,集中代表了美 国文化的精髓。
美国文学史就是一部鲜活的“美国 梦”的变迁史,不同历史时期的美国文学作品见证了 “美国梦”从起源、形成再到演变、破灭的整个过程。
它源起于殖民主义时期,其代表人物为本杰明•弗兰 克林。
他的经典名言“自助者,天助也”道出了美国 梦的本质特征。
“美国梦”的涵义一直以来都是学术 界争论的焦点,但基本上认可从狭义和广义两个方面 来理解:从狭义上来说“美国梦”是指任何人都可以 通过奋斗达到成功;从广义上讲“美国梦”是一种关 于自由、民主、平等的国家理想。
[1]多年来,小说《了不起的盖茨比》与《推销员之 死》中美国梦的主题一直是众多国内学者热议的话 题,尤其是美国梦的幻灭和破碎,如金威的《从〈了不 起的盖茨比〉看“美国梦”的幻灭》(金威,2013)和孙 飞的《〈推销员之死〉与美国梦的破灭》(孙飞,2011)。
尽管学者们都对两部小说中“美国梦”的主 题做了反复、深入的探析,也有学者针对两部小说做 了一些对比研究,如王抒飞和冯锐的《“美国梦”的悲 剧一〈了不起的盖茨比〉和〈推销员之死〉比较 》[2],但鲜有作品针对小说中盖茨比和威利•洛曼的 “美国梦”幻灭原因的异同做一些对比研究。



所在的页码 。
收 稿 日期 :0 6 0 — 7修 订 日期 :0 6 0 — 0 20— 22 ; 2 0 — 8 2
作 者简 介 : 黄宝 琴 , 南 大 学 深 圳 旅 游 学 院 英 语 系讲 师 , 究 方 向 为英 语 语言 文 学 。 暨 研
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《 作息时刻表》 个人决心》 和《 中就能略见一斑 。 的梦 可望而不可及的夜明星。 他 想正是一个 自我奋斗的普通 中产阶级 的理想 : 通过 自 主人翁身上都有作者本人的影子 菲茨杰拉德的 身努力爬到一个较高的社会 地位并拥 有相当的经济 作品与个人生活经历紧密相联 ,他笔下的人物几乎都 能力。 遗憾的是 , 盖茨 比真正痴迷 的是 自己想象力的 能从他身上找出原型 , 有时甚至就是他 自己。 跟盖茨 比 创造物 , 并不惜用肮脏 的手段实现纯洁的梦想。 样, 菲茨杰拉德也来 自于美国中西部, 大学还没有毕 《 推销员 》 的洛曼一生都 生活 在虚幻的“ 国 业 的他应征入伍 ,并被派往美国南方 的亚拉巴马州接 中 美 梦” 之中。 他认 为只要 自己勤劳苦 干 , 就能获得成功 , 受军训。 在那里 , 他结识了一位漂亮 、 任性 、 爱慕虚荣 、 过上安逸的生活 , 赢得别人 的尊重。 在他看来, 一个人 喜好享受的阔家小姐姗尔达。虽然菲 茨杰拉德对姗尔 如果相貌出众 , 风度翩翩 , 就能左右逢源 , 成为众人羡 达一见倾心 , 但却 因为 自己的经济境况不佳 , 未能赢得 慕 的成功人 士。 的同胞兄弟本( e ) 他 B n 和那位年迈 的 姑娘 的芳心 。 之后 , 他发奋写作 , 人 间天堂》 以《 一举成 推销员戴夫 ・ 辛格曼 D v i l a) 美国梦” ae n e n S g m 是“ 的化 功挣得了大钱 , 最终抱得美人归。 与他笔下人物盖茨比 身, 是他崇拜的偶像和苦苦追求的 目 。 标 不同的是 ,菲茨杰拉德是凭借 自己的才华加努力赢得 主人翁的名字都有解读 在小说《 盖茨比》 作 的财富, 中, 而盖茨比的财富则是靠非法活动所得。 亚瑟 ・ 米勒是在 3 年代美 国经济危机的严酷现实 O 者 说 :他 ( 茨 比 ) 上 帝 之 子—— 这个 词语 如 果 有 “ 盖 是 中成长起来 的。经济的大萧条不仅险些结束了他继续 什 么 意 义 的话 , 是 它 字 面 的 意 思 ( asy听起 来 好 就 Gt b

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“美 国 梦 ”一 词 最 早 是 由 詹 姆 斯 ·特 拉 斯 洛 ·亚当斯 在他 的著 作 《美 国史 诗》中提 到 的。 他指 出 :“美 国 梦 是 ‘梦 想 的 土地 ,每 个 人 都 会 有 更 好 、更富 有 和更 充实 的 生活 ,并且 那些有 能 力或 成就 的人 总是 充满 机 会 。这是 一个 让欧洲 上 层 阶 级 无法 完全 理 解 的 梦 想 ,甚 至 我 们 国家 中 的大 部 分人对它感到厌倦和不信任 。这不仅仅是关于汽 车 和高 薪水 的 梦想 ,更 是 对 一 种社 会 良好 秩 序 的 梦 想 。在 这个 社 会 里 ,每 个男 人 和女 人 无 论 出身 贵 贱 、地 位高 下 ,都 能够 达到 其天 赋 能力 范 围 内所 允许 的最 高 成 就 ,并 得 到 他 人 的认 可 。”【3 J‘‘美 国 梦 ”这 一 概 念 常 常 和 “自由 ”、“民 主 ”、“机 会 ”、 “成功 ”以及 “无 限 可 能性 ”等 字 眼 联 系在 一 起 。 在 1776年美国《独立宣言》中,“美国梦”又有 了 更确切 的含义 ,创始者提到 :“……坚持某些真理 是 不 言 自明 的 ,所 有 人 ,生 而平 等 ,他 们被 造 物 主 赋予某些不可剥夺的权利 ,这其 中包括生命权、自 由权 和追 求 幸 福 的权 利 。”戏 剧 《推 销 员 之 死 》既 是 主人 公 威 利 ·洛曼 梦想 破 灭 的 悲剧 ,也 是 “美 国梦”的深刻体现与诠 释。该剧 自1949年在美国 首次 公演 以后 便在 戏 剧界 引起 了强 烈轰 动 。阿瑟 · 米勒通过描写威利 ·洛曼的一生把美 国普通民 众生活的悲剧性赤裸裸地展现在舞 台上 ,引起第 二次世界大战后美 国人民的共鸣。推销员威利 ·

最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 欧内斯特.海明威《雨中猫》和田纳西.威廉斯《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》中的女主人公的对比分析2 The Influence of Bob Dylan and His Works on American Social Movements3 中国大学机构名称汉英翻译策略研究4 An Analysis on Characterization in Sense and Sensibility5 广告语的特点及其翻译技巧6 从跨文化角度谈英语词汇的教与学7 爱的缺失:班吉康普森的痴人说梦—《喧哗与骚动》班吉叙述视角研究8 英语听力理解障碍及应对策略9 人文主义的悲壮颂歌——哈姆雷特与古典人文主义研究10 英语广告语中双关语的运用及翻译11 基督教在中国的发展与中国文化的融合12 浅析英语专业学生在听力理解中的策略运用13 试论英语中的歧义与翻译14 《推销员之死》中主角威利的性格分析15 《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征手法16 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved17 浅析《飘》中的女性意识18 试论提高初中英语作业的效果19 会话含义理论在英文广告中的应用20 探讨图式理论对英语专业四级阅读中的指导作用21 论英语写作中中式英语的成因及解决策略22 Effects of Chinese Culture on Promotion of Automobiles--Traditional Cultural Elements23 广播英语的语言学分析24 试析《傲慢与偏见》中的书信25 苔丝形象浅析26 从《无名的裘德》看哈代的现代性意识27 英文商务信函的语言特点和写作原则28 从《功夫熊猫》中试析中美文化的碰撞与融合29 论《飘》中思嘉丽的性格特征30 美国电影与文化霸权—以好莱坞大片《阿凡达》为例31 魔幻现实主义在《所罗门之歌》中的应用32 Cultural Connotation of Color Words in Chinese and Western Culture33 文化负载词的翻译策略34 中西方思维方式对比研究及其在广告中的体现35 论杰克.伦敦的个人经历和信仰对《野性的呼唤》主人公巴克命运的影响36 浅析《飘》中女性人物形象37 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圣诞节对大学生的影响的调查研究132 英语中的女性歧视133 英语委婉语的表达模式和应用134 浅析《红字》中的女性意识135 中英颜色词内涵对比分析——《骆驼祥子》个案分析136 论翻译的艺术137 高中生英语学习成败归因现状调查及对策138 从关联理论看科技英语的翻译139 环保宣传语翻译中的文化介入140 论企业对员工过度压力的管理141 从归化策略视角看中医药说明书的翻译142 世纪以来英汉委婉语的语义变迁143 浅谈一些英美文学作品中的猫形象144 残酷的现实与审美愉悦——论《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的崇高美145 商务英语交流中委婉语的语用功能研究146 英汉死亡委婉语的文化差异及其分类对比147 The Research of Chinese and Western Names in Cross-cultural Communication 148 跨文化交际中的中西方时间观念149 性别差异在日常英语词汇和句法中的体现150 从后现代主义视角解读《第二十二条军规》的无秩序性151 从《大卫科波菲尔》的女性人物塑造看现实主义与浪漫主义的结合152 李尔王和格勒旺布王比较研究153 《呼啸山庄》和《暮色》系列的对比研究:《呼啸山庄》再次热销引发的思考154 Study of English Borrowing from Chinese155 英汉称呼语的对比研究156 中美时间观差异对跨文化交际的影响157 梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》和道家思想在自然观上的比较158 An Analysis of Waiting for the Barbarians from the Perspective of Spatial Theory 159 The Goth ic Elements in Edgar Allan Poe’s Works160 《傲慢与偏见》中的灰姑娘情节161 论广告翻译中的跨文化因素162 从精神分析法解读《追风筝的人》的主题163 旅游资料翻译中文化因素的处理164165 论《劝导》中女性角色的地位166 《野性的呼唤》中的人性和野性167 An Analysis of Oscar Wilde’s Subversion of Traditional Fairy Tales168 《野性的呼唤》中巴克形象分析169 完美女性与准则英雄—论《永别了,武器》中的凯瑟琳170 古诗英译中意象与意境的处理171 电影《纳尼亚传奇》中的圣经意象172 走出精神的困境:论托尼.莫里森小说《爵士乐》中维奥莱特的自我救赎173 从模因论角度下谈广告语的仿译174 透过《傲慢与偏见》中四位女性的性格分析她们的不同婚姻175 英语新闻标题的前景化176 生态视角下解读《荒野的呼唤》177 金庸武侠英译中的文化传递178 中美大学生课堂讨论话语性别差异对比179 从功能对等的角度分析《红楼梦》中的习语翻译180 从中英语言中的幽默表达看中西方思维差异181 论《荆棘鸟》中的女性形象182 浅谈商务英语于商务信函中的运用183 中英称谓语的差异184 On Chinese-English Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of the Skopos Theory 185 论《冰与火之歌》中角色视点手法的运用186 课后练习在初中英语课堂教学中的作用187 对《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的性格分析188 梭罗《瓦尔登湖》中的“简单”原则189 论翻译单位190 通过姚木兰和斯嘉丽形象的对比看中西文化的异同191 论华兹华斯的自然观192 小学英语课堂教学氛围调查研究193 如何培养大学生英语阅读理解技能194 运用弗洛伊德人格理论解读《吸血鬼日记》中的吸血鬼形象195 The Travel of Freedom—An analysis of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn196 凯瑟琳.曼斯菲尔德《苍蝇》反映的人性创伤分析197 英汉双语词典中的语用信息198 中英婚姻观对比199 从婚礼仪式浅谈中西方文化的冲突和交融200 从顺应论角度看英汉称谓语的翻译。
American Dream and Idealism in Death of a Salesman《销售员之死》中的美国梦与理想主义

American Dream and Idealism in Death of a Salesman 《销售员之死》中的美国梦与理想主义Chapter! IntroductionArthur Miller’s play,Death of a Salesman, which won the Pulitzer Prize in1949, was comparable to O’Neill at his best. Death of a Salesman was that wonderof wonders,a masterpiece that came easily. The play tells through flashbacks intercut into present-day action, of the false aims,degradation,and final decline of a salesman who believes he is “vital in New England” but who,in reality,is a failure—as salesman, as father,and as husband.The drama tells how its protagonist,Willy Loman,a middle-class salesmanwhose youth is but a memory,decides to end his life in order to get the insurance money for his family. He is loved by his wife, Linda, and he has two sons, Biff and Happy,whom he has tried to raise to become men of influence and power. The whole life of Willy Loman is filled with idealism. This paper is about to analyzethat idealism is the root of his tragedy. Idealism leads to his ultimate psychological downfall. His life principles,snobbish sense of pride and ego all step from his idealism. Idealism is an addiction that makes Willy Loman9s entire life a tragedyin which he can never harmonize his dreams with reality. His idealism, in fact,isthe tragedy of his whole family. In other words,it is the idealism that forces him to commit suicide because of his failure in the real world.This paper is made up of five parts. Part one is the introduction,which gives a brief comment on the thesis. In part two, some basic notions involved in idealismare presented. Part three mainly investigates the idealism that is shown in the main characters and their tragedies caused by the idealism and Part four aims to explorethe relationship between idealism and American Dream. Finally,the conclusion is made in Part five.Chapter 2 Basic Notions Involved in IdealismIdealism is the main reason of Willy Loman’s tragedy as well as the basicconcept of the paper. So in order to have a better understanding of this play, some basic notions about idealism are quite necessary.2.1Interpretation of IdealismIdealism,the attitude that places special value on ideas and ideals asproducts of the mind,in comparison with the world as perceived through the senses. Idealism in literary is a form that emphasizes the representation of the subjective ideal with a straight feeling expression. The basic features of idealism literature are desirability, performance and unreality. Idealism literature mustsurreal reality,stand out subjective. The values of idealism literature in the new period show an essentially accordant trend with that of the social mainstream ideology. Since 1990, with further practice of social and economic reforms and the western nihilism’s impacts on the society,the values of idealism literature hence deviated from that of the societal mainstream,and more and more sharp conflicts appeared. The position of idealism is fully shown in such aspects as theiropposition of market economy values and their maintenance of the stability of values,and oneness of value tropism.In art idealism is the tendency to represent things as aesthetic sensibilitywould have them rather than as they are. In ethics it implies a view of life in whichthe predominant forces are spiritual and the aim is perfection. In philosophy theterm refers to efforts to account for all objects in nature and experience as representations of the mind and sometimes to assign to such representations ahigher order of existence. It is opposed to materialism. Plato conceived a world in which eternal ideas constituted reality,of which the ordinary world of experienceis a shadow. In modern times idealism has largely come to refer the source of ideasto man’s consciousness, wher eas in the earlier period ideas were assigned a reality outside and independent of man’s existence. Nevertheless, modern idealism generally proposes superhuman mental activity of some sort and ascribes independent reality to certain principles,such as creativity, a force for good, or an absolute truth. The subjective idealism of George Berkeley in the 18th centuryheld that the apparently objective world has its existence in the consciousness of individuals. Immanuel Kant developed a critical or transcendental idealism in which the phenomenal world, constituted by the human understanding, standsopposed to a world of things-in-themselves. Ralf Waldo Emerson is a representative of transcendental idealism. The post-Kantian German idealism of J. G. Fichte and Friedrich von Schelling,which culminated in the absolute or objective idealism of G. W. F. Hegel,began with a denial of the unknowablething-in-itself,thereby enabling these philosophers to treat all reality as the creation of mind or spirit. Forms of post-Kantian idealism were developed in Germany by Arthur Schopenhauer and Hermann Lotze and in England by Samuel Coleridge; forms of post-Hegelian idealism were developed in England and Franceby T. H. Green,Victor Cousin, and C. B. Renouvier. More recent idealists include F. H. Bradley,Bernard Bosanquet,Josiah Royce, Benedetto Croce,and theneo-Kantians such as Ernst Cassirer and Hermann Cohen.2.2The Development of IdealismIn the book named the Commentary on the background of the AmericanLiterature, the author said that the two words idealism and chance had been alwaysin the mind of American people. And American is just the country that developed with the theory. The people who first immigrated to American are Christian. They come to the new land in order to run from religious persecution. To some extent,they are the idealist who hold the view that they can be free in this new land and to be successful. Just as their English brothers,the American people is also the realidealist,they want the church to be pure again. Without doubt,the faith and exceptions of idealism from the religion have a great effect on their sons.The belief that personal beings (e.g.,God/s,angels & spirits) preceded the existence of insentient matter seems to suggest that an experiencing subject is a necessary reality. Also, the existence of an omniscient God suggests,regardless of the actual nature of matter, that all of nature is the object of at least consciousness. Materialism sees no incoherence in a scenario of there being a cosmos where no sentient subject ever develops; a wholly unknown universe where neither any subject, nor any object of a subject’s experience ever exists. Historically,Mechanistic Materialism has been the favorite viewpoint of Atheist philosophers. Still, idealistic viewpoints that have not included God, supernatural beings, or apost-mortem existence have sometimes been advanced.The theology of Christian Science includes a form of subjective idealism: itteaches that all that exists is God and God’s ideas; that the world as it appears tothe senses is a distortion of the underlying spiritual reality,a distortion that may be corrected by a reorientation (spiritualization) of thought. Such a reorientation,Christian Science teaches,results in healing, as the world of appearance adjusts to approximate more nearly to the underlying divine reality. Christian Science is consequently a form of monistic (theistic) idealism, since it teaches that there is inreality no matter: all is Spirit (God) and its manifestation. In Christian Science teaching, there is no ultimate division or dualism between Spirit and its expression (the spiritual universe including the true identity of each one of us) any more than there is between the sun and the light which shines forth from it.In 1776,the American claimed independence. The declaration ofIndependence says that everyone who lives in the American could be equal. Andthey have the right to pursuit happiness, freedom as well as wealth. Though those exceptions do not come true,the faith of idealism becomes the important part ofthe American myth and also fuels the development and social reform of American. Ralph Waldo Emerson is the leader of transcendentalism in American literature.He once focused on the necessity of idealism, he firmly believed that idealism can make bad things to good and can also make good things to bad. Though hisidealism has been gotten criticized,lots of authors are also on his side. Walt Whitman is just one of them. He welcomes idealism, respect,freedom andhard-working. His Songs of Myself to construct a idealism society withoutclass.In the 20th century, the way of live and thinking has changed a lot. Success is measured by wealth,the wealthy people is looked upon as heroes. The dream of being a rich man and going into the high class devours the soul of men. Death of aSalesman just come under the circumstance, Willy is just one of the victims in idealism.Chapter3 American Dream and IdealismA large number of critics agree with the idea that American Dream is themain reason of the protagonist Willy Loman’s tragedy. While American Dream has inspired American people to fight for their dreaming lives for centuries in the reality. It is not fair to say that the tragedy of Willy Loman all dues to theAmerican Dream. The personal idealism of Willy is the root of his tragedy. So a better understanding of the relations between American Dream and Idealism is significant.3.1The Features of American DreamAmerican Dream is a unique phenomenon in the culture of the United States. Broadly speaking,American Dream is a national idealism of democracy,equality and freedom. It is a dream that could be realized through diligence and selfdiscipline from a limited point of view.It often presented to us as the idealistic vision of a married couple with two or more children,owning a home in the suburbs and driving one or more large cars.Everyone is solvent and well-fed, the man is king of his family,God is in His heaven and all is well with the world. It has a fifties flavor to it,this originalvision- Dad in his hat,Mom in her girdled dress and pearls,and Dick and Janewith a ball and doll. Everyone knows their place and is in their places, obedient tothe Dad,loving to the Mom.The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States of America inwhich democratic ideals are perceived as a promise of prosperity for its people. Inthe American Dream, first expressed by James Truslow Adams in 1931,citizens of every rank feel that they can achieve a ’’better,richer,and happier life.11 The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the second sentence of the “Declaration of Independence” which states that ’’all men are created equal” and that they are’’endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights" including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness••’Since the early 19th century,the United States has regarded and promoteditself as a beacon of liberty and prosperity achieved through a combination of the philosophical and ethical principles propounded by its founders and implementedin their most perfect form. In tandem with this is its natural wealth and bountywithin the New World.The meaning of the ’’American Dream” has changed over the course ofAmerican history. While historically traced to the New World mystique — the availability of land and the continuing American expansion — the ethos today simply indicates the ability,through participation in the resonant society and culture of the United States,to bring prosperity to oneself. According to the dream, this includes the opportunity for one’s children to grow up and receive anAmerican education and its consequent career opportunities. It is the opportunityto make individual choices without the restrictions of class,caste, religion,race, or ethnic group.3.2The Differences between Idealism and American Dream American dream is related to idealism in some aspects. It has been blamedfor overinflated expectations. Some commentators have noted that despitedeep-stated belief in the egalitarian American Dream, the modern American wealth structure still perpetuates racial and class in equalities between generations. These commentators note that advantage and disadvantage are not always connected to individual success or failures,but often to prior position in a social group. All of those have something in common with idealism.However,as a traditional value in the United States, American Dream hasinspired a lot of American people to live and to exploit in the new land for a happy life depending on their own ability. This is just the energy for the development ofthis country as well as the people there. While idealism holds some ideas that people cannot get in the real world. Idealism always makes people hide from the reality and live in the ideal world. So American Dream and idealism has the basic difference.Just like Willy Loman in the play,it is willy’s idealism that truly destroyshim. Although American Dream has an effect on him, the primary cause of his failure and suicide is his idealism. He has many opportunities to save himself, he can choose to accept the job offered by Charley,he can choose another job for living, he can make a new start on his own. However, he cannot give up idealism which means everything to him. So his idealism is different from American Dream in some way. American Dream inspires people to keep tying for happiness, for the family. American Dream inspires people never to give up even though you face difficulties. While idealism let people live in the unrealistic world which you never get rid from it.Faced with the decline of the salesman,Willy Loman can choose anotherway for living. But he also insists on his principles,he cannot confront the reality. The idealism is full of his mind. So it is fair to say idealism is the main reason for his death. And this is just a good example to say that American Dream is different from idealism.Chapter4 Idealism and Tragedy in Death of a SalesmanWilly Loman is an idealist, he believes that everybody lives in this countryis equal. People can be rich and successful only by hardworking. He uses all his life to pursue the dream and creates a perfect world for himself. In this world,he has his own principles to be successful and is respected by others. American is a great country where people have dream can succeed. However,he never realizes that the real world has changed. His idealism is doomed to be a tragedy in the end.4.1Willy’s Dignity as one kind of his IdealismHis dignity was the characteristic that Willy Loman had which made him a loser. Willy Loman did not stop pursuing his dignity all his life. When Willy Loman was too old to travel around to sell the products successfully, he went to his boss to ask for transition to New York to work there,but his employ fired him. Willy Loman was jobless with a family to support. When his boss asked him why he could not asked his sons to give him a hand. Willy did not tell the truth; instead, he told lies to defend his dignity.Howard. Where are your sons? Why don’t your sons give you a hand?Willy. They are working on a very big deal.Howard. This is not time for false pride. Willy, you go to your sonsand tell them you are retired. You have got two great boys,haven’t you?Willy. I cannot throw myself on my sons. I am not a cripple.(汪义群78)Here we can see the old man defend his dignity even when he was in trouble.He could not acknowledge that he was old and he could not work well any longer.He even could not acknowledge that he needed to depend on his sons to make a living. It is because that he is an idealist. To receive all of those would mean thathe was a failure. It was a shame for him when he was dreaming to be successful all through his life. He could not bear to be a failure.He went to Charley,his friend,to borrow fifty dollars every week and bringthe money home to Linda,lying that the money was his salary. He just did notwant his wife to know the truth that he was fired and he had ended his career as a salesman. Charley would like to offer him a job so that Willy could solve his financial difficulties. But Willy could not allow himself to take that job because ofhis dignity and pride,since he knew that the work was offered by Charley just out of compassionate friendship to help him out of the trouble. Willy could not acceptthe job also because he could not accept that he was a failure.Charley. Now listen,Willy. I know you don’t like me,and nobody can say I am in love with you,but I’ll give you a job. Because—justfor the hell of it,put it that way. Now what do you say?Willy. I just can’t work for you. Charley.Charley. What are you jealous of me?Willy. I just can’t work for you. Don’t ask me why.(Carson 99)This conversation is another good example to show the idealism in WillyLoman. In order to live in his idealism world,he could not bear any help from anybody. This is one of his principles.4.2Escape from Reality as one kind of his Idealism4.2.1Personal AttractivenessThe most dominant idea running throughout the play is that a person must benot just liked but well-liked. To Willy,this idea is paramount. If a person iswell-liked, then the entire world opens up for him. Willy took this idea from an old salesman named David Singleman who was so loved and respected that all he hadto do was to go into a town and pick up a phone and then could place many orders. And when Dave Singleman died at the age of eighty-four, buyers and salesmen from all over the country came to his funeral. That was a time when sellingdepended on the personality of the salesmen and not on the product that he was selling.Willy Loman had deep faith in his dream that he could be rich by hard-working and well liked. He always indulged in his dream that he would be liked by everyone wherever he went. So he never doubted his dream because ofDavid until he was fired by his boss. As a salesman he never knew the truemeaning of selling things,as his friend Charley pointed out:” you named him Howard,but you can’t sell that. The only thing you got in this world is what youcan sell. And the funny thi ng is that you are a salesman and you don’t know that.”(Bronin 199).This is just an example of his idealism. He could not back to the real world which was full of cruel things he did not want to face. So he resorted to his ideal principles in order to keep living in idealism.4.2.2Self-deluded ConfidenceWilly Loman tended to idealize the people as well as the society. He pursuedhis dream with passion and spent all his life on this dream which would nevercome true. He also gave his children this kind of thinking. His older son Biff is popular in his school. So he firmly believed that this attractiveness will make his son succeed finally. He ignored the stealing things of Biff and regarded it as the step to succeed. Willy admired his father,brother and Dave Singleman. He madeup a lot of stories one after another and believed that he would be one of them in the society.Willy Loman was also a proud spirit which was shown in the play. Hethought that he was the most important person in his company. He cheated his family about his salary so that he must borrow fifty dollars from Charley but was not willing to accept the job offered by Charley. That was because he looked down upon Charley who was not a real man in his heart. In his view, the son of Charley was an idiot who never compared with his Biff. Biff would be more famous and successful.This kind of self-deluded confidence was the energy for him to survive inthis cruel world. However,the golden time of salesmen had passed in the 20th century. They must compete not only with the salesmen but also with millions of stores. In the real business world, Willy Loman was just an unimportant person. But he could keep pretending to be a successful salesman by his self-deluded confidence.So we could say that just because he could not face the reality, like he hadbeen fired and his son could not make him satisfied. He would just live in his idealism world so that he can retrospect some pride things he had made before. This is the only way he could get pride and dignity. It was known that Willy wasnot born with idealism. When he faced so much unfortunate and cruel realities, he could not understand why the tragedies happened to him. So he would only resortto idealism for help. Thirty years’ hard-working just got this cruel end,he suffereda lot and even could not get through. So he had to commit suicide to help him get away from reality. This is the peak of idealism in Willy. However,until the last moment before his death, his thought was still filled with idealism. He imaginedthat his funeral would be large. Lots of people would come from different states to attend the funeral. He also wanted to leave his insurance money to his family. Buthis dream would never come true in reality. In this cruel world,he was just a small potatoes though he thought he was famous and successful. He would never get attention even he died. It was just a perfect daydream about the insurance. The insurance would prepare different excuses to refuse to pay for the money.4.3 Self-destruction of Willy LomanIn Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman's life seemed to be slowlydeteriorating. It was clear that Willy’s predicament is of his own doing,and thathis own foolish pride and ignorance led to his downfall. Willy’s self-destruction involved the uniting of several aspects of his life and his lack of grasping reality in each, consisting of, his relationship with his wife,his relationship and manner in which he brought up his children,Biff and Happy,and lastly his inability toproductively earn a living and in doing so, failure to achieve his idealism.Willy’s relationship with his wife was clearly a cause of his collapse. Willy neglected to demonstrate honesty in his relationship with his wife. The reader was told of Willy\s past and how on business trips he would deceivingly find himself a woman to spend the night with. When Willy was no longer able to make a livinghe borrowed money from his friend,Charley, and claimed that it was money that he had made. As Willy’s condition slowly deteriorates,he set up tubing, which he planned to hook up in a fashion with intent of suicide. He neglected to tell Linda how he felt. Due to Willy’s lack of honesty with Linda, she too was not honestwith him. She was aware that Willy wass borrowing money from a friend, but didn’t say anything about it. After Willy was unable to complete a drive to New England,due to his obviously deteriorating condition,Linda avoided reality and made excuses for Willy. As Miller wrote,"Maybe it’s your glasses. You never went for your new glasses.”(李思洁88).As Linda became knowledgeable that Willy was planning to kill himself,she didn’t confront him and acted as if nothing was wrong. Clearly,if Willy was more honest with his wife, she would have returned the openness,and perhaps talked out the obstacles Willy was facing.The way by which Willy brought up his children was another factor that ledWilly to his defoliation. Willy brought up his sons with little focus on school.Self-image and pride were enforced before education. As his sons grew up, they had little foundation,and were clueless. Willy, however,was in his own fantasy world. He was unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. He believed that his sons were great men who have what it takes to be successful and beat the business world. However,he was mistaken,for in reality,his sons weren’t,and couldn’t be successful. Willy himself couldn’t cope with the outcome of his boys and often contradicted himself. At one point in the play, Willy said, "Biff is a lazy bum. Moments later in the same conversation with Linda, Willy added, "There’s one thing about Biff, he is not lazy’’(Altick 189). Even when confronted by his boys,Willy was unable to deal with the truth that his sons would not amount to very much at all. He ignored reality very well, and instead of pointing out that Biff hadn’t established himself yet, Willy told Biff,"You’re well liked. And I’m telling you,Biff,and babe you”(Batespm 78).The boys were clearly aware of their status and the status of their father,and Happy was found putting Willy\s personality in a nutshell,’’Well,let’s face it: he’s [Willy] no hot-shot selling man. Except that sometimes,you have to admit he’s a sweet personality’’(Perinks 98).Obviously Willy’s failure to bring up his children effectively, and his delusional thinking including denial of reality helped fortify his depleting condition and confusion.The single most weighted factor that edges Willy to his demise was hisinability to make a living and achieve his idealism. After being a salesman formany years,Willy just couldn’t cope with the fact that he hadn’t been successful at all. He believes that he is a terrific salesman. His imaginative thinking wouldn’t lethim accept the fact that he had become a failure instead of a wealthy bussinessman. Willy believed that to be well liked is the means to being successful. Willy also struggled through confusion and contradicts himself,’’I’ll go to Hartford,I’m very well liked in Hartford,the trouble is,Linda,people don’t seem to take to me n('汪义群36).This showed how Willy has no self-image,and therefore could not survive in the business world. His lack of grasping the obvious was truly a downfall. One critic stated,H We do not learn about Loman’s dilemmas through Loman’s eyes,because we know more about his failures than he does”(凯瑟琳休斯68). Clearly,Willy was too foolish to be able to decipher that he was a failure in the business world. Since Willy couldn’t earn a reasonable living to support his household, he relied on borrowing money from his neighbor,Charley. When Willy’s boss, Howard,relieved Willy of his position, he was completely distraught and in disarray. Charley often offers Willy a job,however he was too senseless to ever except the offer. In fact,in reply to Charley’s offer,Willy responded that he already had a job, purely out of stubbornness and foolish pride. Willy’s idealism was to become a successful businessman, this was never achieved,and as Jonathanstated, "Willy has lost at trying to live idealism"(郭继得30).Biff and Happy were both aware that Willy’s dream was to become number one,and Biff spelled it outto his father that he would take that ’’phony dream” and burn it. Willy’s failure and lack of reality were a major factor to his decline.Clearly,Willy’s destruction was due to his own doing. He failed to establishan honest relationship with his wife. Willy brought his children up based on his crooke d beliefs and his imaginative ’’cookie cutter.1 world. Willy also failed to make anything of himself,achieved the idealism and faced reality. All of the previously mentioned factors were in complete control of Willy throughout his life,however his foolish pride and stubbornness led to the wrong choices,which ultimately led to his downfall.4.4 The Choice of Willy’s TragedyWilly Loman is loyal to idealism. We can say that his life is up to theidealism. However,when his idealism face cruel realities in the real world,his tragedy is reasonable. The idealism is challenged by the reality,his rules will be broken. So death is the best solution to the dilemma. A man dominated by idealism and makes wrong choice is the real reason for his death. Idealism is doomed to his choice of tragedy.In this play,the suffering of Willy has a clear comparison with that of。

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“American Dream”
“American dream” is essence of the American aspirations, fairy tales and spirit which has a long-standing history. Puritan has put the liberalism and democracy into the “American dream” for the first time. Opening up virgin soil for almost two centuries has a determined and momentous influence on shaping the national value and spirit. At the early stage, immigrants developed the dream of freedom, equality and democracy to a high way-----adequately promoting the active and positive spirit of “American dream”. As a matter of fact, we know some great people on American history who fulfill their dreams triumphantly by countless labor and sweats. For instance, Franklin, Lincoln, they are all the typical representatives of the “American dream”--- proclaiming to every resident on the earth: Only if you are diligent enough, honesty enough, confident enough, you can achieve success on this great land where it’s full of equal opportunities.
When coming into the 1920s, the economy of American was in a high speed with enormous changes taken place in material life. However, it also brought about a series of mental confusion to people with which they were hard to deal. The “American dream” which once pushed American people ahead was shocked by itself. The torch of freedom, equality, and democracy was dimmed because of the replacement of money worshipping. Both the <Death of A Salesman > and <the Greatest Gatsby> manifested the perishing of the “American dream”.
Gatsby dedicated himself to fulfilling his dream which was the combination of wealth and love. In his heart, Daisy was pure like white snow, beautiful like a flower. Her images represented all the virtues of the select society. Five years passed away, Daisy has been a common lady who connected to the high-class community so tightly that she has already possessed vanity and degradation. However, Gatsby’s pursuit would never cease with shrugging off the reality. The writer emphasized on the fragment of the “American dream” by the forward description of Daisy’s behaviors. The illusion of the nature of the “American dream” was revealed by her selfishness and cruelness. The poor guy----Gatsby who couldn’t distinguish what is reality and what is dream. He has been living in a world he created by himself where he worshipped the whole spirits of the select society which has gone long time ago. His death was not only the destruction of his own dream, but also the whole “American dream”.
Whitley is the main character of<Death of A Salesman> who was a travel promoter and made great contributions to his company. However, since that day when he was fired, Whitley proved to us that he was a definite loser and he was the living victim of the “American dream”. He was actually a nobody from whom we can witness the contradiction of reality and imagination. Superficially, he devoted most of his life to work, but he couldn’t even afford the house loan. At the respect of education about his two son, he was a loser neither. Even at the moment when he prepared to commit suicide, he was proud of himself exchanging his life with dollars.
Both these two things happened in 1920s or 1930s. The workers couldn’t succeed by efforts unless by some illegal means in that corruptive society. The two men couldn’t adapt to the capitalistic development and eventually were repelled by the cool society.。