



1.高中英语翻译题: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.美食是人们造访上海的乐趣之一。( visit)

2.街头艺术家运用创意将鲜艳明亮的色彩带进了老社区。( bring)

3.在你生命中,如果有一个人你需要对他说对不起,那么就去向他道歉吧。( apology)4.这个游戏的独特之处在于它让孩子学会如何应对现实生活中的问题。(what )


( in order that )


1. Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai.

2. Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality

3. If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him.

4. What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life.

5. The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities.




名词,因此选择 pleasure。另一个是题目中给出的 visit ,需要谨慎处理,是用做动词还是名词。此处我们给出一个时间状语从句 when people visit Shanghai ,同时还可使用其他从句进行处理。所以答案是 Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.本题难度不大,重点是明亮的色彩的表达,可以使用bright colors, 也可以使用 bright

and vivid colors. 所以答案是 Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality

3.本题考查 there be + 定语从句从而构成条件状语从句。另外考察“道歉”用“ make apoloyg to sb. 。”所以答案是 If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him.

4.本题考察 what 引导的主语从句,以及“ be peculiar to的用法”。所以答案是 What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.本题主要考固定词组的掌握,为了使用in order that 引导出的目的状语


查 preferred school , have?knowledge/ understanding of ,?overall , accurate 等。所以答案是 The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【考点定位】翻译句子

2.高中英语翻译题: Translate tbe following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.我们打篮球的时间到了。 (time) 2.他设法把游客及时送到了机场。(manage)

3.你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会 ? (possible) 4.应该鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage)




1.It 's time for us to play basketball.

2.He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time.

3.Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening?

4.Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points.

5.Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind.

6.Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the tem porary difficult as long as we don 't lose heart.


1.考查 time 的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is time for sb to do sth 该到某

人做某事了”。为固定句型。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:It 's time for us to play basketba。ll

2.考查 manage 的用法和一般过去时。分析句子可知,本句为一般过去时,manage to do sth 设“法做某事”为固定短语。 in time 及“时”为介词短语,在句中作状语。再根据其它提示。故翻译为: He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time 。3.考查 possible 的用法和一般现在时。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时, it is possible

for sb to do sth 某人做“某事是可能的”,it 作为形式主语完成整个句子,不定式作为真正主语。再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为: Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening?

4.考查 encourage 的用法。 encourage sb. to do sth.的被动语态形式就是 sb. be encouraged to do sth.另外,此题还考查短语 according to (按照)和 strong points( 长处,特长 )。再根据其它提示。故翻译为: Young people should be encouraged to

choose their careers according to their own strong points 。

5.考查形容词短语作状语、定语从句以及find 的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为 I ,谓语为 find, find oneself done 表示“发现自己被?”,left behind是“被落在后面了”作宾语补足语。 Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about 为形容词短语作原因状语从句。 products 为先行词,在后面的定语从句中,作talk about 的

宾语。再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind 。

6.考查 although 引导的让步状语从句和时态。分析句子可知,本句为although 引导的让

步状语从句,从句为现在进行时,主句为为as long as 引导的条件状语从句。 lose

heart 灰“

心丧气”,overcome“ 克服”。再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为: Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficult as long as we don't lose hea。rt

3.高中英语翻译题: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.她五年前开始拉小提琴。 (play) 2.由于天气恶劣,航班延误了好几个小时。(owing) 3.每位设计师都希望自己的作品能经受时间的考验。(stand)




1.She began to play the violin five years ago.

2.Owing to bad weather, the flight was delayed for a couple of hours.

3.Every designer hopes that his work can stand the test of time.

4.It is a difficult problem for high school students whether they can resist the temptation of online games.

5.At the exhibition, the company 's sales manager demonstrated the new type of electronic toys

(which/that) children were looking forward to.

【解析】 1.根据“五年前”确实时态,可知用一般过去时,注意短语 play the violin 。【考点定位】考查动词时态、习语及表达能力。

2.根据提示词可知,由于译为: owing to ,此处 to 是介词。注意用被动语态,因为航班被推迟。


3.此句希望( hope)是谓语动词,后接宾语从句。时态用一般现在时。【考点定位】考查宾语从句及时态。

4.此句 it 是形式主语, whether 引导主语从句,时态一般现在时。短语:抵御诱惑

resist the temptation 。

【考点定位】考查主语从句及形式主语 it 的用法。 5.注意句子结构的安排,“孩子们翘首以盼的”应译为定语从句。时态用一般过去时。【考点定位】考查定语从句及相关短语的表达。

4.高中英语翻译题: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.今年元旦我们玩得很开心。 (enjoy) 2.舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我 18 岁生日。 (congratulate)

3.经过多年的建设,这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。 (as...as)

4.演出以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的经典音乐开始。 (familiar)

5.她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。 (No sooner)


1.We enjoyed ourselves this New Year 's Day this year.

2.My uncle sent me a card yesterday to congratulate / congratulating me on my 18th birthday.

3.After years of / years 'co nstruction, the little town is now as lively as it was before the earthquake / it used to be before the earthquake.

4.The performance began with a piece of classical music which was familiar to people in their fifties.

5.No sooner had she watched the TV program on the extinct species than she made up her mind to join the wildlife protection organization.


1.根据“今年元旦”可知,该句用一般过去时,玩得很开心用词组 enjoy oneself

2.根据“昨天”可知,该句用一般过去时, congratulate 的用法是 congratulate sth 或者

congratulate sb on sth

3.根据“经过多年的建设”可知,后面描述的是建设后的情形,即现在的情形,因此用一般 现在时, as..as..的用法是形容词或者副词放在中间。

4.根据句意可知,演出已经开始了,事情发生在过去,因此用一般过去时, familiar 的用 法是 sb be familiar with sth 或者 sth be familiar to sb

5.no sooner 的句型为 no sooner ...than, 因为 no sooner 是否定词,因此 no sooner 后面要用 部分倒装的句式。 5.高中英语翻译Directions : Translate the following sentences

words given in the brackets.

1.晚上别喝太多的咖啡,会睡不着觉的。( or)

2.事实证明,保持快乐的心态会降低得心脏病的风险。( It)

3.乐观的人不会过分怀念美好的旧时光,因为他们正忙着创造新的回忆。( create)

4.追求稳定并不是什么坏事,很多时候这样的态度在促使我们提升自我、挑战难度、攀登 高峰。( when)


new memories.

1. 2. 3. Don't drink too much coffee at night, or you won 't be able to


Optimistic people don

4. The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (and) There are many times when such an

attitude drives us to improve ourselves, challenge difficulties, and climb peaks. 【解析】


本题考查翻译,用括号所给的词将中文翻译成英文。翻译要注意句子的时态和语法的运用。1.考查祈使句。祈使句 + and/or ,前面的祈使句表示条件, or 或 and 引导的分句表示

结果这里表示转折关系,故用 or 。故答案为 Don't drink too much coffee at night,

or you won 't be able to sleep.

2.考查名词性从句。翻译时句中用it 作形式主语,真正的主语为从句 thatkeeping a happy

mind reduces the risk of heart diseases. ,从句翻译时要注意动名词作主语。故答案为It is proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases.

3.考查动词。翻译时注意短语 be busy doing 忙于做??,时态用一般现在时。故答案为Optimistic people don ' t miss the good old days too much, because they are busy creating new


4.考查定语从句。先行词为 times ,在定语从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词 when 引

导。故答案为 The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (and) There are many times when such an attitude drives us to improve ourselves, challenge

difficulties, and climb peaks.

6.高中英语翻译题: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in

the brackets.

1.一股诱人的味道唤起了我们遥远的记忆。(remind) 2.每个人应当牢记 :己所不欲,勿

施于人。 (mind)

3.他如此醉心于古文化研究,这几年一直以健康为代价坚持工作着。(So) 4.不久之后,地铁 5 号线奉贤段即将通车,这让翘首以盼的奉贤人民激动不已。 (before)


1. An inviting smell reminds us of the distant memories.

2. Everyone should bear/keep in mind that we should treat people the way (in which/that) we want to be treated.

3. So absorbed/devoted is he in/to the study of ancient cultures that he has persevered/perseveres in working at the cost of his health these years.

4. It won ' t be long before the Underground/Subway/Metro Line 5 in Fengxian is open to traffic, which excites the Fengxian people who have been looking/are

looking forward to it. 【解析】

1.固定词组: remind sb. of sth. 提醒某“人某物”,再结合所给汉语可知答案为 An inviting smell reminds us of the distant memories.

2.固定词组: bear/keep in mind 记住“”,后面是 that 引导的宾语从句,且从句中包

含 the way 作先行词的定语从句,再根据所给汉语可知答案为 Everyone should bear/keep in mind that we should treat people the way (in which/that) we want to be treated.

3.句中 so ? that引导的结果状语从句,“ so形+容词”位于句子开头,则主句用部分

倒装,再根据所给汉语可知答案为 So absorbed/devoted is he in/to the study of ancient cultures that he has persevered/perseveres in working at the cost of his health these years.

4.句中使用固定句式 It won 't be long befo--r-e“不久之后就??”,再根据所给汉语

可知答案为 It won ' t be long before the Underground/Subway/Metro Line 5 in Fengxian is open to traffic, which excites the Fengxian people who have been looking/are looking forward to it.



1. “ s形o+容词或副词”位于句首时的倒装:

副词 so 后接形容词或副词位于句首时,其后用部分倒装:

如: So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home. 天气太冷,我们只好呆在


2. “ S助o+动词 +主语”倒装:当要表示前面提出的某一肯定的情况也同样适合于后

者,通常就要用“So助+动词 +主语”这


如: You are young and so am I. 你年轻,我也年轻。

注: (1)若前面提出某一否定的情况,要表示后者也属于同样的否定情况,则应将其中的so 改为 neither 或 nor :

如: You aren't young and neither am I. 你不年轻,我也不年轻。 (2)注意该结构与表

示强调或同意的“os+主语 +特殊动词”结构的区别:如: "It was cold yesterday." "So it was." 昨天很冷“。”的“确很冷。” 7.高中英语翻译题: Translation

1.不掌握大量词汇是无法学好一门外语的。( without )

2.对于怎么解决我的问题,我的同事提出来很多建设性建议。 (as to )

3.她的演讲非常有趣,观众忍不住时不时发出笑声。( cannot help )

4.生态保护对人类的福祈和未来至关重要,也孕育着世界发展的历史性机遇。 (bring about )


1. There is no way to lean a foreign language well without mastering great amounts of vocabulary.

2. As to how to settle my problems my workmates supported many constructive advice.

3.Her speech was so amusing that the audience couldn ' t help buugrhstteinr gn oinwto a lnad


4. Ecological protection is essential to human beings well-being and future, which also brings about the historical opportunity of the world ' s development. 【解析】【分析】本题考查学生对于词汇的应用能力和语句构造能力。

1.考查固定句式和介词短语作原因状语。分析句子可知,可以使用固定句式: there is no way to do,意为“无法做某事”;提供介词 without 可以构成 without+V-ing 宾语结构

作原因状语,意为“在没有?的情况下”,再根据其它汉语提示,故翻译为: There is no way to lean a foreign language well without mastering great amounts of vocabulary. 。 2.考查固定结构和时态。分析句子可知,as to 意为“对于?”,之后接名词性短语。因此汉

语“怎么解决我的问题”,可以译为“ how to settle my problems 分”析,可得时态为过去发生的时间,用一般过去时。再根据其它汉语提示,故翻译为:As to how to

settle my problems

my workmates supported many constructive advice 。

3.考查固定结构和结果状语从句。分析句子可知,前后句为因果关系,可用“ so? tha句

t ”

式,译为“如此 ,,,以致于?”所,给动词词组 cannot help 为固定结构,之后接 +V-

ing ,译为“禁不住做某事”。结合语境表达,应为一般过去时态,再根据其它汉语提

示,故翻译为: Her speech was so amusing that the audience couldn ' t help bursting into laughter now and then.

4.考查固定结构和非限制性定语从句。分析句子可知,“对..至关重要”可用词组 is essential

to,主语为 Ecological protection ,宾语为 human beings well-being and future ,所

提供固定结构 bring about 可意为“孕育”,且后半句可以用非限制性定语从句翻译,

先行词由 Ecological protection 充当。再根据其它汉语提示,故翻译为:Ecological protection is essential to

human beings well-being and future, which also brings about the historical opportunity of the world ' s development.


第 4 小题属于难度较大题目,在词汇,句式,语法方面要求较高。词汇方面: be

essential to 对..很重要, bring about 引起,在做此题时,可以将题目一分为二:即:

1) 生态保护对

人类的福祈和未来至关重要。 2 )生态保护也孕育着世界发展的历史性机遇。分别翻译可


Ecological protection is essential to human beings well-being and future

Ecological protection also brings about the historical opportunity of the w

orld ' s development. 确立先行词为 Ecological protection ,第 2 句中作主语,用关系代词 which 引导。因此可以翻译为: Ecological protection is essential to human beings well-being and future, which also brings about the historical opportunity of the world ' s development.

8.高中英语翻译题: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


2.无论遇到什么苦难,我们希望这些鼓励案例能给你力量和决心。( confront )


能力。 (doubt)

4.和别的假期活动相比,这次考试旨在敦促学生努力学习,让其意识到“学习如逆水行舟”。 (mean)


1. Teachers consider that students ' excellence lies in diligence and perseverance.

2. No matter what difficulties you confront/ are confronted with, we hope these encouraging cases can give you power and determination.

3. Without doubt, doing summer vacation homework is helpful for us to strengthen our knowledge, find out problems and improve our self-study ability further . 4. Compared with other holiday activities, this assignment is meant to urge students to study hard so as to let them realize that learning is like sailing against the current.




1.考查固定短语。固定短语 lie...in 在于“??”。短语 diligence and perseverance 勤奋和“持之以恒”。且根据句意应用一般现在时,故译为Teachers consider that students ' excellence lies

in diligence and perseverance. 。

2.考查固定短语。固定短语 be confronted with 面对“”;本句为 no matter what 引导的让步状语从句,根据句意用一般现在时,故译为No matter what difficulties you confront/ are

confronted with, we hope these encouraging cases can give you power and determination. 。 3.考查固定短语。固定短语 without doubt 毫“无疑问”,本句为动名词短语 doing summer vacation homework 做主语,为一般现在时,故译为Without doubt, doing summer vacation

homework is helpful for us to strengthen our knowledge, find out problems and improve our selfstudy ability further . 。

4.考查固定短语。固定短语 be meant to 有“意要;旨在”;固定短语 urge sb. to do sth. 敦促“ 某人做某事”。且 Compared with 做伴随状语。故译为 Compared with other holiday activities, this assignment is meant to urge students to study hard so as to let them realize that learning is like sailing against the current. 。

9.高中英语翻译题: Translation





家的强烈反对。 (claim)


1. It was impossible to prove he was guilty based on the evidence you provided alone.

2. Although we are divided in our opinions, we still could make joint-efforts. 3. You should be very careful, because car accidents are most likely to occur at the crossroads. 4. It is claimed that introducing the wild crocodile would not pose threat to other species, but this decision cause strong objections made by animals protection experts.



1.考查形式主语和定语从句。根据句意可知本句使用it 作形式主语,真正的主语是后面

的不定式,同时运用定语从句,先行词为 evidence ,关系词在从句中作 provided 的宾

语,提示词 alone 作副词,意为“仅仅”,语境表明事情发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,故翻译为: It was impossible to prove he was guilty based on the evidence you provided alone 。 2.考查让步状语从句。根据句意可知用although 引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”, be

divided in 表示“在??上意见有分歧”,故翻译为: Although we are divided in our opinions, we still could make joint-efforts 。

3.考查原因状语从句。根据句意可知用because 引导原因状语从句,表示“因为”, be likely

to do 表示“有可能??,”occur为不及物动词,表示“发生”,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为: You should be very careful, because car accidents are most likely to occur at the crossroads。

4.考查固定句式和非谓语动词。 It is claimed that... 表示“据称、有人称”,objections 与 make 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作后置定语,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为: It is claimed that introducing the wild crocodile would not pose threat to other species, but this decision cause strong objections made by animals protection experts。

10.高中英语翻译题: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets

1.就是周三那天他带了盒饭到学校,为此大家很惊语. (it)


3.这是第一次外籍人士在中国为如此重要的代表大会参与翻译工作。( involve )



1. It was Wednesday when he brought a prepared meal to school, which surprised the others. 2. All the things we are doing now are for the service we offer for the society in the future, so these efforts are worth paying.

3. This is the first time that a foreigner is involved in the translation work

in such important representative conference in China.

4. Every time I am at a loss for what I should do next, some of my best friend will certainly be there to give me a hand.


1.考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知, when 引导时间状语从句修饰 Wednesday 并在从句中做状语, which 引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中做主语;再根据语境可知,句子陈述

的是过去的动作,故用一般过去时。综上,故译成 It was Wednesday when he brought a prepared meal to school, which surprised the others.

2.考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知, we are doing now 是定语从句修饰 all the things , we offer for the society in the future 是定语从句修饰 the service , so 是并列连词,前句是因,后句是果;再根据句意可知, be worth doing 意为“做??是值得的”;再根据语境可知,句子陈述的是事实信息,故用一般现在时。综上,故译成All

the things we are doing

now are for the service we offer for the society in the future, so these efforts are worth paying. 3.考查固定句型。分析句子结构可知, this is the first time that 是固定句型, that 后时态是现在完成时;根据句意可知, be involved in 意为“涉及到”;此句翻译时需注意几个地点状语的排列(由小及大),综上,故译成This is the first time that a foreigner has been involved

in the translation work in such important representative conference in China. 4.考查 every time 引导的时间状语从句。分析句子结构可知,every time 引导时间状语从

句, what 引导宾语从句,且在从句中做宾语;再根据句意可知,at a loss意为“不知所措”,give sb. a hand 意为“帮助某人”;再根据语境可知,句子陈述的是事实信息,故用一般现在时。综上,故译成 Every time I am at a loss for what I should do next, some of my best friend will certainly be there to give me a hand.


外国语学院2018届毕业论文文献综述(示范) 一、研究背景 近来多篇论文中出现零翻译的提法(杜争鸣,2000;邱懋如,2001;刘明东,2002;袁斌业,2002a,2002b,2002c,2002d;石琳,2003;余清萍,2003;余清萍,秦傲松,2004;肖耀田,2004),但国内学者所编三本译学词典(林煌天,1997;孙迎春,1999;方梦之,2004)均未出现零翻译这一词条,国外三本词典/术语著作(Shuttleworth & Cowie,1997;Baker,1998;Delisle,2004)亦未收入这一条目,只有国内孙迎春(2001)编著的《汉英双向翻译学语林》收进了“零翻译(音译、形译之一种)zero translation”(58页)及“zero translation零翻译(音译、形译之一种)”(268页)两个条目,同时又有贾影(2002)反对零翻译提法,并认为承认不可译有“积极作用”。但零翻译现象确实存在,如DIY(自己动手),IQ(智商),EQ(情商),这些零翻译词汇经常在汉语中出现。英语中也有类似情况,如美国《时代》周刊中报道中国特色事物时经常使用拼音,如aizi(矮子),pizi(痞子),shiganjia(实干家),yuan(缘)(王祥兵,2002),shuangying(双赢),guanxi(关系)(顾静,2005)。 这些研究成果揭示了零翻译现象的存在,引进了零翻译的概念,促进了翻译理论概念的扩大,但是从发表的论文及孙迎春(2001)的这两个条目来看,各自运用的名称虽同(也有不同,如杜争鸣称为不译),但概念的内涵及外延均有出入,因此有必要探讨当前零翻译研究的问题并提出相应研究对策。 二、研究现状及不足 1. 定义不统一、模糊不清 传统翻译理论多把零翻译归结为“音译法”、“移译法”,只看到技巧层面的意义,如秦建栋(1999)讨论“英汉词汇空缺现象刍议”列举“音译法”、“移译法”,袁斌业(2001)论及“英语本族人音译汉语词汇的语用分析”,虽然看到“音译在我国只能用来翻译名词,而在国外则可以用来翻译包括名词在内的各种词语”,但未能从中提炼出零翻译的概念,实际上这里已包含有零翻译与音译的某些区别。 国内最早使用zero translation这一术语的是杜争鸣(2000),但他称之为“不译”,并分析了直译、意译与不译三种翻译策略。他不停留于策略本身,从跨文化交际的视角分析了三种策略的社会语言学与跨文化交际涵义,并看到了不译的三层文化含义。不译背后体现译者对于翻译目的的认识,“而翻译的目的必然直接或间接地反映反映译者本人对翻译的文化含义的意识与潜意识,反映他翻译时所采取的文化姿态与立场。”即翻译观的问题。但从术语的精确性来说


2017考研英语翻译重难点解析:反译法 一个问题有时可以从不同的角度来解释说明。有些句子英语是从正面说的,汉语可以从反面来解释。 1)否定译成肯定。 Eg: I never passed the theatre but I thought of his last performance.每一次经过那家剧院,我都会想起他的最后一次演出。 Eg: Hardly a month goes by without word of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.美国公民科盲日益严重,这种调查报告几乎月月都有。(双重否定) 2)肯定译成否定。 Eg: Everyone has the right to be free from hunger.人人有不挨饿的权利。 Eg: This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.这种困境将是确定无疑的,因为能源的匮乏使农业无法以高能量消耗、投入少数农民就可能获得高产的美国耕种方式继续下去了。 Eg: The target is wrong,for in attacking the tests,critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill-informed or incompetent users.把标准化测试作为抨击目标是错误的,因为在抨击这类测试时,批评者不考虑其弊病来自人们对测试不甚了解或使用不当。 定语从句翻译法 1)合译法:把定语从句放在被修饰的词语之前,从而将英语复合句翻译成汉语单句。 Eg: Congress made public a survey of human rights in 105 countries that receive U.S. aid.国会公布了关于接受美国援助的105个国家的****情况调查报告。 2)分译法:根据定语从句的不同情况,我们可以将其翻译成并列分句、其它从句或独立句等。 Eg: Anyone who stops absorbing new knowledge is certain to lag behind.任何人如果停止吸取新知识,就肯定会落后。(译为条件状语从句) The strike would prevent the docking of ocean steamships which require assistance of tugboats.罢工会使远洋航船不能靠岸,因为他们需要拖船的帮助。(译成原因状语从句) A geological prospecting engineer who had made a spectral analysis of ores discovered a new open-cut coalmine.一位地质勘探工程师对光谱进行了分析之后,发现了新的露天煤矿。(译为时间状语结构) The delivery of public services has tended to be an area where we decorate an obsolete process with technology.公共服务的提供方式已趋陈旧,这正是我们必须采用技术加以装备的领域。(译为并列分句)



商务英语翻译试题(二) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) promote A. to encourage the popularity, sale or development B. to change or vary C. to act as judge in an argument D. to speak or write to someone (2) to address A. to speak or write to someone, or to direct information at someone. B. to offer, supply C. to stipulate D. to come up with ideas (3) to indemnify A. to pay for the damage B. to state something officially C. to suggest an idea D. to use something instead of another (4) to cancel an order A. to confirm an order B. to deliver a letter C. to recommend a candidate D. to make void or of no effect (5) ceiling A. upper limit B. cancellation C. bottom D. the lowest point (6) tide over A. to help sb. during a period of difficulty B. to spend a lot of time doing C. to tie to sth. D. to try one’s best (7) carry out A. to take away B. to perform or complete C. to give or offer something D. to suggest an idea (8) to complicate A. to finish something B. to be dissatisfied with something C. to make something more difficult to deal with D. to compare with something (9) to put on an event A. to come up with ideas B. to come on for sth. 2


翻译概述(1) 一、学科特点 翻译是一种跨越时空的语言活动,是"把一种语言已经表达出来的东西用另一种语言准确而完整地重新表达出来"(范存忠:"漫谈翻译"《翻译理论与技巧》中国对外翻译出版公司,1985,p.80), 是"从语义到文体在译入语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息"(谭载喜:《奈达论翻译》中国对外翻译出版公司,1984,p.10)。翻译虽为个体所承作,却是一种社会活动,一门综合性很强的学科。它既有很强的理论性又有丰富的实践内涵。就前者而言,翻译经过千百年来各国翻译家的共同努力,已经在语言学、文学、文化、心理学、人类学、哲学和教育学等学科的基础上初步建立了一套理论体系,并在具体实践中总结出了一套行之有效的跨文化和语言转换模式。随着科学的日益进步,这种体系和模式正处在不断地完善之中。就后者而言,翻译是人类社会活动的产物,具有很强的实践性。翻译理论与实践的关系是辨证的;翻译理论产生于翻译实践,反过来又指导实践,实践转过来又丰富翻译理论。可以说,没有社会实践就不会有翻译理论的产生;没有翻译理论作为指导,翻译实践就会难免走弯路。因此,学好翻译既要重视翻译理论的学习,又要加强翻译实践;理论联系实际,这是我们学好翻译的必由之路。 二、为什么可能有翻译 翻译是人类社会发展和进步的需要,因为人类社会要发展进步就需要在不同文化的民族之间进行沟通,而这一全过程都离不开翻译。正如Steiner和张培基所说的那样:Translating it is that openeth the window, to let in the light; that breaketh the shell, that we may eat the kernel. (Steiner) 翻译是沟通各族人民的思想,促进政治、经济、文化、科学、技术交流的重要手段,

文献综述 英文

文献综述 大学生时间管理研究——以郑州大学西亚斯国际学院为例 姓名:代永寒学号:20091211205 专业:工商管理班级:工本2班 史蒂芬?柯维的《要事第一》 “要事第一”,顾名思义是指重要的主要的事情要放在第一时间去完成。而在实际工作中我们往往是将认为急迫的紧要的事情放在第一时间完成; 本书通过四个象限来告诉我们如何区分事情的紧急性与重要性,从而告诉我们在平常的工作中应怎样去区分事情属轻属重,以及造成事情紧急性的原因,在平常工作中要注意哪些方面以避免出现紧急事件的情况。 第一象限包括四点:A危机 B 急迫的问题C最后期限迫近的项目 D 会议准备工作等。第一象限显得紧迫与重要,但我们要知道形成第一象限的紧迫与重要主要是因被延误及没有进行计划与预测及计划所致。第二象限包含准备工作、预防、价值、筹划、建立关系、真正的再创造与赋予能力。第二象限属于质量象限,属于重要但不紧迫的事情,但我们必须要去做,因只有这样才能避免出现第一象限包含的情况。第三象限包含干扰、电话;邮件、报告;某些会议;很多临近、急迫的事情及很多流行的活动。第三象限包括“紧急但不重要的事情”,而事实上它易给人造成假象,从而形成第一象限情况。第四象限包含琐事、打发时间的工作、某些电话,解闷,“逃避”行为、无关紧要的邮件及过多地看电视;第四象限属于既不紧急也不重要的事情,它是浪费象限,第四象限中的行为是堕落行为。这四个象限告诉我们如果在办事过程中不是以重要性而是以紧要性为出发点,就会出现第一第三甚至第四象限的情况,在平常的工作中,我们要加以区分,日常工作生活中往往事情越是紧迫,反而说明事情越不重要!像最近存货系统因急着想能早日上线,在运作过程中被卡住,故一心想着去解决软件中存在的问题,而忽略了与其他人员的沟通协调,存货上软件固然重要,但与公司整体运作相比就稍显其次,没合理分配其他人员手头事项,这样会导致其他问题的增多,从而会出现第一第三象限甚至于第四象限的浪费情况。 “要事第一”,告诉我们在日常的工作与生活中要从以下方面着手加以区分、


学习好资料欢迎下载 英语四级翻译难点及解题技巧 一、四级核心词组: 例如have difficulty/trouble (in) doing something(做某事有困难)已经考过三次,需要注意的是,in可以省略,后面要使用动词的动名词形式。 1)2006年6月87题:Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble (找到去历史博物馆的路). 解析:答案为(in) finding the way to the Museum of History,“历史博物馆”最好译为“the Museum of History”,专有名词注意大小写。 2)2009年6月87题:Soon after he transferred to the new school, Ali found that he had (很难跟上班里的同学)in math and English. 解析:答案为difficulty in catching up with his classmates,此题也考察了catch up with(跟上)这一四级核心词组。

Because of noise outside, Nancy had great 题:87月6年3)2010 学习好资料欢迎下载 difficulty (集中注意力在实验上). 解析:答案为(in) focusing/concentrating on her experiment,此题亦考察focus/concentrate on(集中注意力)这一四级核心词组。 二、倒装句:考过三次,需要注意的前半句与后半句时态应前后呼应。 1)大纲样题88题:Not only (他向我收费过高), but he didn't do a good repair jo b either. 解析:答案为did he charge me too much/overcharge me,本句后半句使用了一般过去时,前半句也应使用一般过去时,not only放在句首引导倒装句。“收费过多”可译为overcharge me或charge me too much.。 2)2008年6月91题:(直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill. 解析:答案为Not until he had accomplished his mission,此题


商务英语翻译测试题及 答案 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of words italicized.(15%) 1. The above quoted are the articles in great demand, which have won a high reputation in various markets. 2. The articles in this agreement must not be modified and ended

without the agreement by the both parties. 3. However, the tariff should not be greater in amount than the margin of price caused by dumping. 4. As usual, the lion’s share of the budget is for defense. 5. He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.

II. Translate the following sentences with extension.(15%) 1. There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of Hitler. 2.China, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is Asia’s new star performer. 3. John took to his studies eagerly, and proved an adept pupil.

图像科学综述 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献

附录 图像科学综述 近几年来,图像处理与识别技术得到了迅速的发展,现在人们己充分认识到图像处理和识别技术是认识世界、改造世界的重要手段。目前它己应用于许多领域,成为2l世纪信息时代的一门重要的高新科学技术。 1.图像处理与识别技术概述 图像就是用各种观测系统以不同形式和手段观测客观世界而获得的,可以直接或间接作用于人眼而产生视知觉的实体。科学研究和统计表明,人类从外界获得的信息约有75%来自于视觉系统,也就是说,人类的大部分信息都是从图像中获得的。 图像处理是人类视觉延伸的重要手段,可以便人们看到任意波长上所测得的图像。例如,借助伽马相机、x光机,人们可以看到红外和超声图像:借助CT可看到物体内部的断层图像;借助相应工具可看到立体图像和剖视图像。1964年,美国在太空探索中拍回了大量月球照片,但是由于种种环境因素的影响,这些照片是非常不清晰的,为此,美国喷射推进实验室(JPL)使用计算机对图像进行处理,使照片中的重要信息得以清晰再现。这是这门技术发展的重要里程碑。此后,图像处理技术在空间研究方面得到广泛的应用。 总体来说,图像处理技术的发展大致经历了初创期、发展期、普及期和实用化期4个阶段。初创期开始于20世纪60年代,当时的图像采用像素型光栅进行扫描显示,大多采用巾、大型机对其进行处理。在这一时期,由于图像存储成本高,处理设备造价高,因而其应用面很窄。20世纪70年代进入了发展期,开始大量采用中、小型机进行处理,图像处理也逐渐改用光栅扫描显示方式,特别是出现了CT和卫星遥感图像,对图像处理技术的发展起到了很好的促进作用。到了20世纪80年代,图像处理技术进入普及期,此时购微机已经能够担当起图形图像处理的任务。VLSL的出现更使得处理速度大大提高,其造价也进一步降低,极大地促进了图形图像系统的普及和应用。20世纪90年代是图像技术的实用化时期,图像处理的信息量巨大,对处理速度的要求极高。 21世纪的图像技术要向高质量化方面发展,主要体现在以下几点:①高分辨率、高速度,图像处理技术发展的最终目标是要实现图像的实时处理,这在移动


试卷号: ********学院20**学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14.15 专业商务英语科目商务英语翻译出卷老师 ***** 试题号一二三四总分 得分 一请将下列合成词译成汉语:(1* 15=15) 1. free-spender 2. good--to—excellent care 3. office-bearer 4 . character-building 5 Bad news travels quickly. 6 knock-out system 7 marriage lines 8 nest egg 9 off-hour hobby 10 off-the-job training 11 on-the-job training 12 on-the-spot broadcasting 13 pension insurance

14 red-hot news 15 red-letter day 二下面的句子可采用增减词法来翻译,请写出具体的增词法或具体的减词法:(2*5=10)1.Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes. 2. I could knit when I was seven. 3. The day when he was born remains unknown. 4.We live and learn. 5.Once you are in , you wouldn't be allowed to get out. 三写出下列每组分别属于何种合译:(2*5=10) 1.to and from here and there off and onup and down 2.often and often by and by men and men hours and hours 3.thick and thin within and without off and on fair or foul 4.forgive and forget now or never high and dry mend or end 5.bread and butter pick and steal odds and ends house and home 四. 按要求用所学过的翻译技巧翻译下例句子:(3*5=15) 1.我没注意到这一点.(用正译法) 2.你的工作令人满意.(用反译法) 3.我们不应该听闲话.(用正译法)


at89c52单片机简介 中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述 A T89C52 Single-chip microprocessor introduction Selection of Single-chip microprocessor 1. Development of Single-chip microprocessor The main component part of Single-chip microprocessor as a result of by such centralize to be living to obtain on the chip,In immediate future middle processor CPU。Storage RAM immediately﹑memoy read ROM﹑Interrupt system、Timer /'s counter along with I/O's rim electric circuit awaits the main microcomputer section,The lumping is living on the chip。Although the Single-chip microprocessor r is only a chip,Yet through makes up and the meritorous service be able to on sees,It had haveed the calculating machine system property,calling it for this reason act as Single-chip microprocessor r minisize calculating machine SCMS and abbreviate the Single-chip microprocessor。 1976Year the Inter corporation put out 8 MCS-48Set Single-chip microprocessor computer,After being living more than 20 years time in development that obtain continuously and wide-ranging application。1980Year that corporation put out high performance MCS -51Set Single-chip microprocessor。This type of Single-chip microprocessor meritorous service capacity、The addressing range wholly than early phase lift somewhat,Use also comparatively far more at the moment。1982Year that corporation put out the taller 16 Single-chip microprocessor MCS of performance once


英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析1 导读:本文英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析1,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 评价,疑虑和问询 1. 崭新的brand new. 他买了一台崭新的轿车 He bought a brand new car. 2. 太便宜了be dirt cheap 这块手表才花了30美元,真是太便宜了。 You bought this watch only for 30 dollars? It’s dirt cheap. 3.费事儿take a lot of doing 做鱼特别费事儿,我可不愿意洗阿,淹阿,钝阿什么的。 It takes a lot of doing to cook a fish. I wouldn’t like to spend a lot of time washing, salting, stewing and whatnots for the cooking of it. 4.知道底细have someone’s number 别跟我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你的底细。 No big talk with me, I have your number. 5.精品the choicest goods 这家商店卖的手表都是精品,而且种类还特别多。 This shop sells a wide range of watches, all of which are the choicest. 6. 了解一下情况get the lay of the land 经理说他想让我们先去海南了解一下那里的情况,然后再决定投资的事。

The manager said that he would like us to go to Hai Nan and get the lay of the land there before deciding on the investment. 7.掌上明珠the apple of someone’s eye 玲玲是她爷爷的掌上明珠 Ling Ling is the apple of her grandpa’s eye. 8.让人恶心turn one’s stomach / make one sick 听她讲话,看她和男人讲话的那股劲头儿真让我恶心。 Listening to her and seeing the way of her talking with men really turns my stomach. 9. 惹麻烦了be in a jam 小张这次可惹麻烦了,昨天他又让警察给逮着了。 Xiao Zhang’s in a jam now. He was copped out again by the police yesterday. 10.关系很好be on good terms with 据说老张和那个部长的关系特别好 It’s said that Lao Zhang is on very good terms with the minister. 11.甜头儿sugar plum 如果不尝到点甜头儿,她是不会干那种事的 She wouldn’t do that if she hadn’t got sort of sugar plum. 12.什么都敢赌can bet one’s bottom dollar 她绝对不会和他结婚的,这个我什么都敢赌。 I can bet my bottom dollar that she won’t marry him for anything. 13.美中不足a fly in the ointment 我喜欢那套房子,但美中不足的是离上班的地方太远。


《翻译》课程理论汇编(基本概念) 1.1 翻译的概念 一般地,我们将翻译定义为:将一种语言(口语或笔语形式)(译出语)转换或创造为另一种语言(译入语)。翻译是一种非常复杂的 人类高级语言活动,这种活动的整个过程是很难以图示、语言等其他方式阐释清楚的。不同领域、不同派别的学者对翻译有着不同的定义。 1.1.1 语言学家对翻译的定义 语言学家将翻译视为一种语言活动,同时认为,翻译理论属于语言学的一个部分,即研究译出语和译入语的转换关系。解释如下: (1)Catford(1965:20)认为,翻译是译出语和译入语间的文本等效转换。 (2)Nida 和Taber(1969:12)认为,翻译是译出语和译入语间意义和形式上的最紧密联系转换。 (3)Newmark(1982/1988:5)认为,翻译理论源自于比较语言学,属于语义学的一部分,而所有语义学的研究课题都与翻译理论息 息相关。 1.1.2 文化角度对翻译的定义 从文化角度来看,翻译不仅仅是语言符号的转换,同时是文化的交流,尤其是“文化间交流”。通常我们把这一术语又改称为“文化 间合作”或“跨文化交际”等。 Shuttleworth 和Cowie(1997:35)认为,与其说翻译是两种语言之间的符号转换,不如说是两种语言所代表的两种文化间的转换。 译者在处理涉及语言文化方面的译务工作时,认为任何一种语言中都饱含着其文化中的相关元素(比如:语言中的问候语、固定搭配 等),任何文本都存在于特定的文化环境中,同时,由于各语言所代表的多元文化差异很大,语言间的转化和创造性生成模式千变万化。 Nida 认为,对于一个成功的翻译工作者而言,掌握两种文化比掌握两种语言更为重要,因为语言中的词汇只有在特定的语言文化环境 中才能具有正确的、合乎文化背景的义项。 王佐良先生指出(1989),翻译不仅涉及语言问题,也涉及文化问题。译者不仅要了解外国的文化,还要深入了解自己民族的文化。 不仅如此,还要不断的将两种文化加以比较,因为真正的对等应该是在各自文化中的含义、作用、范围、感情色彩、影响等等都是相当的。 翻译者必须是一个真正意义的文化人。人们会说:他必须掌握两种语言;确实如此,但是不了解语言当中的文化,谁也无法真正掌握语言。 1.1.3 文学角度对翻译的定义 持文学观点的翻译工作者认为,翻译是对语言的艺术性创造,或是一种善于创造的艺术。一些西方学者也认为,翻译是对“原文本的 艺术性改写”。 文学翻译的任务时要把原作中包含的一定社会生活的映像完好无损地从一种语言移注到另一种语言中,在翻译过程中追求语言的艺术 美,再现原作的艺术性。用矛盾的话说,是“使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原著一样得到启发、感动和美的感受。” 语言是塑造文学形象的工具,因而文学的形象性特征必然要在语言上表现出来。文学语言的特征,诸如形象、生动、鲜明、含蓄、凝


大数据外文翻译参考文献综述 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Data Mining and Data Publishing Data mining is the extraction of vast interesting patterns or knowledge from huge amount of data. The initial idea of privacy-preserving data mining PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. Privacy-preserving data mining considers the problem of running data mining algorithms on confidential data that is not supposed to be revealed even to the party

running the algorithm. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily be tied to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task may be unknown at the time of data publishing. PPDP studies how to transform raw data into a version that is immunized against privacy attacks but that still supports effective data mining tasks. Privacy-preserving for both data mining (PPDM) and data publishing (PPDP) has become increasingly popular because it allows sharing of privacy sensitive data for analysis purposes. One well studied approach is the k-anonymity model [1] which in turn led to other models such as confidence bounding, l-diversity, t-closeness, (α,k)-anonymity, etc. In particular, all known mechanisms try to minimize information loss and such an attempt provides a loophole for attacks. The aim of this paper is to present a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explain their effects on Data Privacy. Although data mining is potentially useful, many data holders are reluctant to provide their data for data mining for the fear of violating individual privacy. In recent years, study has been made to ensure that the sensitive information of individuals cannot be identified easily. Anonymity Models, k-anonymization techniques have been the focus of intense research in the last few years. In order to ensure anonymization of data while at the same time minimizing the information


2019年英语翻译中级笔译:汉译英难点解析8 The clear heaven overhead was emptied of all its gold. Dusk spread over it, abruptly darkening the Seven Hills. 译文:天宇澄清,余晖尽敛,夜幕降临,罗马七丘顿时昏暗。 (翁显良译) 赏析:读这样的译文,是否让你想到了盛行于汉魏六朝时期的赋?一般说来,过多的美化译文很容易歪曲原文的意义和精神,而此处译 文却同原文在意义和精神上丝丝相扣,这就是见译者功力的地方了。 These alternations of mood were the despair and joy of Ethan Frome.(Edith Wharton: Ethan Frome) 译文:她这样一会儿一种情绪,叫伊坦时而灰心,时而高兴。 (吕叔湘译) 赏析:将"alternations of mood" 掰开译为"一会儿一种情绪",后面跟上叫伊坦时而如何,时而如何,自然,流畅。对比原文和译文,自能体会译者翻译手段的高超。 Is it necessary to shout ? 译文:说话就说话,非得叫唤不可吗?(吕叔湘译) 赏析:简简单单,普普通通的英文句子,一到吕叔湘先生手里, 他总能译出特色。"Is it necessary to shout"句子本很简单,换作 另一个人来译,八九不离十是类似这样的一句:"有必要大喊大叫吗" 或者更通俗一点"干吗嘲嘲嚷嚷的"也能够说是"信,达,切"了,而吕 先生却并不甘心,为了译出说话人的含蓄,委婉的口气,他将原句译成"非得叫唤不可吗"并在前面加上"说话就说话"这么一句,将说话人 不愿或不敢张扬事态,想好言好语同听话人交流的心理曲曲折折地传达 了出来。


Unit 1 1.从你的简历和应聘申请书来看,你对营销工作已有相当多的经验。 I see from your résumé and application that you’ve had quite a lot of experience in marketing already. 2.如果你处在我的位置,你希望你的雇员应具备哪些素质? If you were in my shoes, what sort of qualities you’d look for in your employees? 3.部门经理应该能够主动处理很多事情。 A department manager has to be able to do a lot of things on your own initiative. 4.作为秘书,我做过大量的文字工作,如拟写报告、作会议记录等,而且似乎我的记忆力比一般人强。As a secretary, I’ve had to do quite a lot of paper work, such as handling report writing, keeping minutes at meetings, and I seem to have a better memory than average. 5.从秘书的角度看,我认为和上司共享一个办公室更好,这样对她的上司不太有可能忘记告诉她一些重要的事情。 From the secretary’s point of view I think it’s better to share an office room with her boss so that there’s not much chance of her superior forgetting to let her know about important matters. 6.我工作过的那家公司是一家做营销和公共关系的公司,主要是为在中国投资的外国公司提供咨询。The company where I worked is a marketing and public relations company and they do consultant work for foreign companies investing in China. 7.我想在贵公司会有更多个人发展的机会,而且这里的工作对于我来说更具挑战性。 I feel that I would have more scope and opportunity for personal development in your company and that the work will be more challenging for me. 8.我主要的工作是协助经理安排访问、会议及介绍,并且替他处理信件。 What I basically do is to assist the manager by arranging visits, setting up meetings and presentations and to deal with his correspondence. 9.申请书和简历一样重要,因为申请书通常是申请者和雇主之间第一次直接的接触。 The application letter can be as important as the CV in that it often provides the first direct contact between an applicant and an employer. 10.有效的申请书能说明你对具体单位兴趣的原因,并且辨认出你最相关的技能或经历。 Effective application letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences. Unit2 1.本公司创建于1978年,现在已经成为我国主要的厨房用具出口商之一。 Our company, established in 1978, has now become one of the leading exporters of kitchen appliances in our country. 2.我们在国内有十家专业子公司,在国外有六家常驻办事处。我们在国内还建立了二十多家合资公司。 We have 10 specialist subsidiaries at home and 6 permanent offices abroad. We’ve also set up more than 20 joint ventures in the home market. 3.我们是多元化企业,主要是经营国际贸易、国际运输、劳务输出、房地产等。 We are a diversified company dealing mainly in international trade, international transportation, labor export, real estate and so on. 4.我们从事纺织品经营已经有30多年,并与当地纺织品大厂家及分销商保持密切的联系。 We have been handling textiles for more than 30 years and maintain close contact with large manufacturers and distributors in our area. 5.为了迅速发展,我们组成了多元化战略联盟,使我们能扩大到新的市场领域。 In order to grow rapidly, we’ve formed a diversifying strategic alliance which allows us to expand onto new market areas. 6.我们的目标主要是本地市场,但是我们也在研究进入欧洲市场的可能性。 We mainly target local markets, but we are looking at the possibility of entering the European market. 7.我们公司的领导体系是这样的:首先是合伙人;其次,直接在合伙人之下的是三位合作伙伴,也就是,最上层是两位合伙人和直接在合伙人之下的三个合作伙伴。在合作伙伴之下,我们有高级工程师、初级工程师、绘图员等,一直往下至办公室的勤杂工。 The system of command of our company is that we have the partners, and then we have three associates immediately below the partners, that is, two partners at the top and three associates directly below them. And then below the associate we have senior engineers, junior engineers, drafts-person and so on and so forth, down to the office boy. 8.我们是新成立的公司,只有大约五年的历史。公司共有四十名员工,分布在四个办事处中。 We’re a young company, only about five years old. There are only about 40 people in the company, split amongst four offices. 9. 谈到进口在中国畅销的美国产品,我们作为一家在中国的美国公司,感到比其他公司更有优势。 As an American company in China we find we have an advantage over other companies when it comes to importing American products that are marketable here in China.
