析 : ot m s与不定冠词 a 用, 连 其意相当 于 vr, 非常” “ ” “ ey 是“ 、很 、 十分 ” 的意思。此 处的 m s不可译为“ 。 ot 最”
1 . i o e l i s r . 3 He dd n t e bt o r f a y
No ft m a p a g ih ne o he c n s e k En ls .
误 : 把他 的 父 亲 杀死 在 街 头 。 他
正: 他路遇 其父却佯 装不见。
析 :u sm b d ed是 习语 , 为 “ 理 睬 ”“ c t o eo yda 意 不 、假 装没 有看 见 ” 。 等
… …
以后 ”而不是“ , 自从 ……以来 ” 。
l . w so l o ga oh l o . 1 a n y t ld t ep y u O o
误: 我太高兴 了而无法帮助你。
正 : 非 常 高兴 帮助 你 。 我 析 :o t 含 义 是 “ … … 而 不 能 t … o的 o 太
| | r 。 静 Ⅲ e 。 ‘ t r 艟 强 《一 。 罐 ~ 一 | ☆屯 神 ~ * **
4. i a sno n we h n tato e. ’ s c ri e rta h n I
形容词 比较级+hn ta
他 觉 得 很难 过 。
1 . hsp o l m b v e d 4 T i r be i a o e myh a . s
误: 这个问题在我脑袋上 。 正: 这个问题超 出了我的理解力。
析 :bv n ’ ha 为 “ 过 … … aoeo es ed意 超 的理 解 力 ” 。
例子 中国人最易犯的英汉翻译错误
比如,有一种小袋榨菜上印道:This preserved vegetable is made by scientific method. 其相对的中文原文是:“本榨菜用科学方法制成。
”且不说preserved vegetable 可以指任何(用各种方法)腌制的蔬菜,范围比榨菜要广得多,从语言上看这里更有两个问题:首先,一般食品不是made(制造的),而是processed(加工而成的);其次,scientific一词让人想到人工添加剂等化学成分,很可能会吓走外国顾客的。
最有意思的是该说明最后部分“开袋即食”的英译:Open it and help yourself, please! 也许,原译者觉得能想到吧“食”译成help yourself这样地道的英文而沾沾自喜呢!但根据这样的英文,顾客可以在商场里随意打开包装袋进行品尝而不付钱,因为这一句英文完全是叫人们“请随意”的口气,外国朋友很可能会认为这些榨菜是厂家请顾客品尝的样品。
其实这样的意思应译为ready to be served,即可以直接装盘上桌。
英语中的eat和中文的“吃”字用法不完全一样,英美人只有真正强调“吃”的动作时才用eat一词,如一个人整天嘴巴不停,可以说他是eating the whole day,大人催促孩子快吃饭时会说Eat your lunch, quick! 而一般情况下往往用take,have等词代替eat一词。
英汉翻译常见错误例析汇总[2]1、The enemies were killed to a man.2、The village is on the side of the mountain.3、He never calls a spade a spade .答案及解析如下------------------------------------1、误:敌人被杀得只剩下一个人了。
析:(all)to a man =all without exception 全部,一个不剩。
析:山有阴阳两面(two sides),说在一面上,其实是指在半山上。
若要指在旁边,即在山下,应该用by the side of 。
析:call a spade a spade 意为直言不讳。
打桥牌时,手上有什么牌是不直说的,明明手上是黑桃(spade),故意要说为club(梅花)、heart(红桃)或diamond (方块)。
指鹿为马是call white black.1、He is kind to a fault.2、I have a long letter in hand.3、They didn't answer to your explanation.答案及解析如下------------------------------------1、误:他对于错误毫不介意。
析:to a fault =excessively 过度、极端地。
析:have ...in hand 表示be engaged in 正在进行,正在做。
表示手中有...应该是I have a long letter in my hand.3、误:他们没用回应你的解释。
英汉翻译常见错误例析A组1、I am now under the weather.2、There are friends and friends.3、The actor has his head turned.答案及解析如下1、误:我现在身处露天之中。
析:under the weather=ill or depressed;drunk 意为受天气影响而患病;也可表达为喝醉了(多见于澳大利亚英语中)。
析:这种表达发一定是为了突出不同种类的,又如:There are shopkeepers and shopkeepers. 商人有好也有坏。
析:have one's head turned/ turn one's head 指因不当的赞扬或意外的成功,使然改变常态。
又如:His success has turned his head (=made him act foolishly)。
同样的表达法还有:The dead body turned her stomach(=made her sick)。
1、She is now in a delicate condition.2、The cavalry were well mounted.3、It is said that his days are numbered.答案及解析如下1、误:她现在处于一种微妙的状态中。
析:区别 a delicate condition 和 a delicate situation.后者表示困难的局势……2、误:骑兵们都精于骑术。
析:mount在此指供给马匹而不是骑,可参照我们熟悉的下面这个例句理解:The woman was well dressed. 她穿得很漂亮(而非她善于穿衣服)3、误:据说他的日子都计算好了。
一.要做出决定,应该考虑各种因素。 二.To make a decision, ever ything must be taken into
consideration. 三.To make a decision, you must take ever ything into
consideration. 四.这本书需要翻译成英语 五.The book is required to put into English. 六.The book is required to be put into English.
虽然不定式没有语法上的主语,但有逻辑主语。不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主 语要一致。
添加标题 添加标题
误:To succeed in a scientific research project, persistence is needed.
正:To succeed in a scientific research project, one needs to be persistent.
误:地球上任何有文化的人,如果不懂英语将被剥夺很多东西。 正:世界上任何有文化的人,如果不懂英语就算不上受过良好教育的人。 句中的deprived=underprivileged,意为所受教育少的,是系表结构,不是被动语态。
1. 茶树在这片山地上长得很好。
〔误〕Tea trees grow well in these mountain fields.〔正〕Tea grows well in these mountain fields.注:“茶树”、“果树”等在翻译成英语时常常省略tree,因为这些词本身就包含“树”的意思。
如orange(橘子树),banana (香蕉树)等。
2. 淡季生意不好做。
〔误〕It's hard to do business in light seasons.〔正〕It's hard to do business in slack seasons.注:“淡”在英语中往往不用light表示。
又如:“淡茶”(weak tea),“淡水”(fresh water)。
3. 这可是件大事啊!〔误〕This is a big thing!〔正〕This is an important matter!注:big thing是指体积大的东西,而“大事”是指“重要的事情”,它也可以用big issue来表达。
如:“大雾”的表达就是thick fog。
4. 该停机检查故障了。
〔误〕It is time that we stop the machine and find the trouble.〔正〕It is time we stopped the machine and found the trouble.注:it is time that…表示“是……的时候了”,其后的从句应采用过去时态,这是虚拟与其的要求。
常见英语翻译错误(5篇)第一篇:常见英语翻译错误第一节望文生义型错误1、Fight shy of the theoretical method of approach to the learning of English.误:从理论上讲,学英语的方法就是要战胜害羞。
析:fight shy of 是习语,意为回避,避免。
2、This failure was the making of him.误:这次失败是他造成的。
making作复数是表示素质、要素,如He has in him the makings of a scholar.3、They made an example of the boy.误:他们以这个男孩为榜样。
析:make an example of sb=punish one as an example to others,。
set an example of sb 才是树立榜样。
第二节语法关系混淆型错误1、He tried to seem angry,but his smile betrayed him.误:他试图看上去很生气,但是他的笑容背叛了他。
析:这里 him 是指 his true feelings.应该注意的是,英语中的人称代词并非都是指代人,所指内容要根据上下文而定,翻译时一定要指出其具体指代。
又如:When he was accused of theft,he turned red.其中he=his face,不可译成...他变红了。
2、He stole her a watch.误:他偷了她一块表。
英语翻译中12个典型的中国式错 误
5. 我没有英文名。 误:I haven't English name. 正:I don't have an English name. 提示:许多人讲英语犯这样的错误,从语法角度来 分析,可能是语法功底欠缺,因为have在这里是实 义动词,而并不是助动词。所以,这句话由肯定句 变成否定句要加助动词。例如:我没有钱;I don't have any money.
英语翻译中12个典型的中国式错 误
3. 用英语怎么说? 误:How to say? 正:How do you say this in English? 提示:How to say是在中国最为泛滥成灾的中国式 英语之一,这绝不是地道的英语说法。同样的句子 有:How do you spell that please?(请问这个词如 何拼写?)How do you pronounce this word? (请问 这个单词怎么读?)
英语翻译中12个典型的中国式错 误
12. ——这个春节你回家吗?——是的,我回去。 --Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival? 误:--Of course! 正:--Sure. / Certainly。 提示:以英语为母语的人使用of course的频率要比中国的学生低得多, 只有在回答一些众所周知的问题时才说of course。因为of course后面隐 含的一句话是“我当然知道啦!难道我是一个傻瓜吗?”因此,of course带有挑衅的意味。在交谈时,用sure或certainly效果会好得多。 同时,of course not也具挑衅的意味。正常情况下语气温和的说法是 certainly not。
误:He is not a fool.正:He is no fool.2.我对他们一个也不喜欢。
误:I do not like all of them(every one of them).正:I do not like any of them.(I like none of them).3.我不会做那样的蠢事。
误:I know better than do such a thing.正:I know better than to do such a thin.4.我是去读书,不是去打篮球。
误:I went to study,not play basketball.正:I went to study,not to play basketball.5.我们没有准时达到,感到很抱歉。
误:We felt sorry for coming not on time.正:We felt sorry for not coming on time.6.这个伟大胜利是来之不易的。
误:This great victory has been won not easily.正:This great victory has not been won easily.7.绝无此类事发生。
误:There is no such a thing.正:There is no such thing.8.在河两边一棵树也没有。
误:There is not a tree on both sides of the river.正:There is not a tree on each side of the river(on either side of the river).9.两种说法都不真实。
误:Both stories are not true.(None of the two stories is true.)正:Neither story is true.10.这两本小说我都不喜欢。
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
2、要冒一次险!整个生命就是一场冒险。走得最远的人,常是愿意 去做,并愿意去冒险的人。“生就像一杯没有加糖的咖啡,喝起来是苦涩的,回味起来却有 久久不会退去的余香。
中国人最易犯的汉译英错误(精选) 4、守业的最好办法就是不断的发展。 5、当爱不能完美,我宁愿选择无悔,不管来生多么美丽,我不愿失 去今生对你的记忆,我不求天长地久的美景,我只要生生世世的轮 回里有你。
第2篇第10章 英译汉常见错误例析
4. 由于缺乏背景知识造成的错误
When you are down, you are not necessarily out. 当你倒的时候,你不一定在外面。 遇到挫折,并不一定丧失成功的机会。 本句借用了拳击中的规则来表达意思,在拳 击赛上, 被击倒后如果在数十下之内站起来 还可继续比赛,并有机会取胜。 P130 例3
She is now in a delicate condition. 她正处于碰不得的状态。 她现在正怀着孕。 谈到“怀孕”时,一般不用pregnant这个词,可 以这样表达: a mother-to-be/a lady in waiting: 准妈妈 be in the family way: 怀孕 be 7 months gone: 有7个月了 wear the apron high: 围裙系得很高 carry a baby: 怀胎
2. 语法关系混淆型错误
He stole her a watch. 译文1:他偷了她一块表。 译文2:他为她偷了一块表。 释:直接宾语和间接宾语的问题。 He is the last to blame. 最后一个要责怪的是他。 怎么也不应该责怪他。
I did not marry her because I loved her. 我没有和她结婚,因为我爱她。 我并不是因为爱她才和她结婚的。
This failure was the making of him. He has in him the makings of a scholar. He tired to seem angry, but his smile betrayed him. It is said that his days are numbered I know he meant business. The enemies were killed to a man. He never calls a spade a spade . They didn't answer to your explanation. No one is so foolish as to believe that anything happens by chance.
(ought to;there be)同学错例:1)Before you leave, there are somethings I ought to tell you.(受中文"些'字意思影响,误把单数的something 当somethings)2)Before you leave,there are some things ought to tell you. (误用something;句子成分残缺,从句漏了主语 I)3)There are something that ought to tell you before you leave.4)There is something ought to tell you before you leaving.(受中文"在'影响,误用了"leaving')5)Before you leaving, there are have something ought to tell you.(there be 与 have 重复使用)6)Before you left,there were something that ought to tell you.(误用时态和be 动词)2.我很难把学习和爱好结合起来。
(combine...with...)同学错例:1)Im difficult to combine study with interest.(典型的中文翻译思维,与地道的英语表达有较大差别)2) I hardly combining study with interest.(中式英语)3)Its hardly that combine study with interest.(乱套句型)4)I hardly combine study with interest.(照字翻译)3. 我们不能让他撒了谎而不受惩处。
口语翻译中常犯的小错误1. The house is really A-1.×那间房子的门牌确实是A-1号。
2.A bull of Bashan woke the sleeping child with his noise。
3.He was a cat in the pan。
4.A cat may look at a king。
5.Is he a Jonah?×他就是叫约拿吗?√他是带来厄运的人吗?6.Jim is fond of a leap in the dark。
7.A little bird told me the news。
8.Angela is a man of a woman。
9.Nellie is a man of his word。
10.She is a nose of wax。
√她没有主见11.Is there a world of difference between Kenneth and Louie?×肯尼斯和路易是生活在不同的世界吗?√肯尼斯和路易之间有极大的不同吗?12.These commercial transactions are aboveboard。
13.We should call him Adam。
2. 东施效颦。 [误] Doingshi imitates Xishi。 [正] The ugly imitates the beautiful in such a distorted way that the ugliness of the ugly becomes worse。 注:把原文按照字面意思直译过来,恐怕 只有中国人能够理解。要想让外国人明白这个 中国成语,就要对译文进行解释性加工了。同 样,“情人眼里出西施”不是 Xishi is in the eye of the beholder,而是 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder。
• • • •
• • • •
3. 你不好好学习,还想去牛津上大学。这可真是个不切 实际的幻想哟! [误] You don't study hard, yet you want to go to Oxford. What an impractical illusion! [正] You don't study hard, yet you want to go to Oxford. What an illusion! 注:汉语中的修饰语往往用的很多,目的在于加强语 气,但这种表达习惯在翻译时必须进行处理。illusion 本 身就有 impractical 的含义,而英语中在表意已经很明确 的情况下是无需重复的。 4. 想让他答应这样的要求恐怕不大可能。 [误] I'm afraid it is impossible for him to agree to such a request。 [正] I'm afraid it is unlikely for him to agree to such a request。 注:impossible 表示“完全不可能”,所以与原文有 出入。在英语中,probable 表示的可能性最大,其次是 possible,再次是 likely。而常用的句式为 it is probable/possible/likely for sb. to do sth.,或 sb. be likely to do sth.。
A. 分词的逻辑主语问题 分词的逻辑主语必须与句中的 主语相一致,否则 便成为垂悬 分词,属于语病。如:
例1.看着窗外,他想起了自己 的童年。 误:Looking out of the window, thoughts of his childhood came to him. 正:Looking out of the window, he thought of his childhood.
例3.我们改革开放的步子要迈得 更大一些。 误:Our steps of economic reform and open policy should be bigger. 正:Take a broader approach to economic reform and opening up.
例4.热烈欢迎国内外嘉宾参加贸易洽 谈会。 误:Warmly welcome all guests of honor at home and abroad to attend to this symposium! 正:Warm welcome to all honored guests both at home and abroad to attend the Trade Talks!
说明:句中cause是没有生命的, 而win victories的主语一般是人, 二者用在一起,就把cause拟人化 了,而这种修饰方法在英文中被视 为毛病。原文虽在语法上没有错误, 但却不符合英语习惯用法,不是地 道的英语。
在用英语表达汉语原文的意思时, 时间的先与后,执行者与承受者之 间的关系,非谓语动词的逻辑主语 与主句的主语,比较句的排除与包 括,代替词和名词的性与数的一致 等等都存在着一个逻辑问题。许多 汉译英的错误都属于逻辑性错误。
• E.g. He tried to seem angry, but his smile betrayed him.
• 译文1:他试图看上去是生气的,但是他的 笑容背叛了他。
• 译文2:他假装生气的样子,可是他的笑容 暴露了他的真实情感。
• 释:him指his true feelings.英语中的人称 代词并非都是指代人。它所指的内容要根 据上下文而定。这体现了英语的简捷性, 但是翻译时一定要译出它指代的是什么。 如when he was accused of theft, he turned red
• E.g. What’s more, factory workers did not have enough money to send their children on country holidays away from home.
• 译文1:此外,工人们没有足够的钱,在全 国性的假日里让孩子们离家外出度假。
• E.g. The sun sets regularly on the Union Jack these days, but never on the English language.
• 译文1:现在太阳从英国国旗上有规律地落 下,但是英语却不是这种情况。
• 译文2:现在,英国已不是个“日不落”帝 国了,但是英语却广泛流行使用着。
• 此类错误指译文所传递的信 息不符合常识,或者前后矛 盾,也可称之为常识性错误。
• E.g. No one is so foolish as to believe that anything happens by chance.
• 译文1:谁也不会愚笨到相信世间有什么偶 然发 1. This man is the black sheep of the family.
Exercise P. 131
5. leap year 闰年 a leap-year proposal 不日常旳求婚-女方提出旳求婚 6. fall flat on sb.对某人不起作用 9. be free with sth. 大方旳,不吝啬旳 be free of/from 没有,免于… 16. behind time =late 落伍? behind the times 落伍 18. nothing to be desired 不能指望更加好了
第三篇第10章 英译汉常见错误例析
P. 123
*注意一词多义旳问题 例5 Fight shy of the theoretical method of
approach to the learning of English. 译文1:从理论上讲,学英语旳措施,就是
要战胜害羞。 译文2:学英语要防止只讲理论。 释:fight shy of 习语:回避、规避 He always fought shy of the crowd.
平衡?To balance…
You may keep the balance. 余额
The young man walked far into the woods to make water.
那个年轻人走进树林深处去取水。 那个年轻人走进树林深处去小便。 fetch water才是取水。
例7 This failure was the making of him. 译文1:这次失败是他造成旳。 译文2:这次失败是他成功旳基础。 释:make—造成,也可作:发展或发达旳过程,
成功旳原因或手段。making 用作复数“要素、 素质”. 如:He has in him the makings of a scholar. 他有学者旳素质。
Samantha wrote to her brother in care of Mr. Johnson
in care of 由...转交
At last, the gunship appeared.
can't和for nuts连用,为“根本不”
Compare the adjective "beautiful".
His bu的生意一团糟。
你。 Coward是大写人名。
She is in control now.
in control掌控,under control被掌控
He is only not a boy.
only not,简直是,几乎
She was nothing if not clever.
nothing if not非常
Nicole knows a thing or two about the town.
know a thing or two 见多识广
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can't和for nuts连用,为“根本不”
Compare the adjective "beautiful".
His business is in the black.
Samantha wrote to her brother in care of Mr. Johnson
in care of 由...转交
At last, the gunship appeared.
Ageism is not against the law in the UK at present, as sexism and racism, but ...
She was nothing if not clever.
nothing if not非常
Nicole knows a thing or two about the town.
know a thing or two 见多识广
你。 Coward是大写人名。
She is in control now.
in control掌控,under control被掌控
He is only not a boy.
only not,简直是,几乎
put two and two together 根据事实作出推 断
The young man walked far into the woods to make water.
fetch water才是取水。
See you around the campus.
His argument is all my eye.
all my eye胡说
I can't cook for nuts.
noble gas惰性气体, noble art拳击
A Coward from Shanghai is waiting for you in the drawing room.
Can you tell me where the ladies is?
We must obey the law of the land.
law of the land 当地法律, land law土地法
in the black 盈利,in the red 赤字
He has a green power hunger.
green power 金钱的力量。因为美元为绿色。
This is a bottle of noble gas.
和种族歧视一样 不属于犯罪,但...
√在现在的英国,歧视老年人 不像性别歧
Although Claire is only 5, she can put two and two together.