
附件 3资信证明第……………..号CREDIT REPORT NO…………………致:………………………………®TO:……………………………..为………………………………(招标编号/合同标号/其他业务编号)项下的…………..(业务描述)而出具的资信证明CREDIT REPORT FOR…………………………………………………(BUSINESS DESCRIPTION)UNDER………………………………(BID NO./CONTRACT NO./REFERENCE NO.)企业名称:……………………NAME:…………………….企业地址:………………….ADDRESS……………………法人代表:………………….LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE:…………………….成立日期:……………………DATE OF ESTABLISHMENT:……………………企业性质:…………………..NATURE OF ORGANIZATION:…………………..注册资本:………………….REGISTERED CAPITAL:…………………………实收资本:……………………PAID-UP CAPITAL:………………….总资产:…………………………TOTAL ASSETS:…………………经营范围:……………………….BUSINESS SCOPE:………………补充内容:…………………..ADDITION:………………………….与我行业务往来:BANKING REMARKS:□在我行开有帐户,业务情况正常,没有不良记录。

ABCS(2009)3011a 3-1(See box marked with “×” 用“×”在方框中标识)APPLICATION FOR IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT开立不可撤销跟单信用证申请书 Date 日期T h i s C r e d i t i s s u b j e c t t o U n i f o r m C u s t o m s a n d P r a c t i c e f o r D o c u m e n t a r y C r e d i t s (2007 R e v i s i o n ) I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e P u b l i c a t i o n N o .600.第 一 联银 行信贷 部门 留 存ABCS(2009)3011a 3-2(See box marked with “×” 用“×”在方框中标识)APPLICATION FOR IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT开立不可撤销跟单信用证申请书 Date 日期T h i s C r e d i t i s s u b j e c t t o U n i f o r m C u s t o m s a n d P r a c t i c e f o r D o c u m e n t a r y C r e d i t s (2007 R e v i s i o n ) I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e P u b l i c a t i o n N o .600. 第 二 联银 行信贷 部门 留 存ABCS(2009)3011a 3-3(See box marked with “×” 用“×”在方框中标识)APPLICATION FOR IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT开立不可撤销跟单信用证申请书 Date 日期T h i s C r e d i t i s s u b j e c t t o U n i f o r m C u s t o m s a n d P r a c t i c e f o r D o c u m e n t a r y C r e d i t s (2007 R e v i s i o n ) I n t e r n a t i o n a l C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e P u b l i c a t i o n N o .600. 第 三 联客户留 存ABCS(2009)3011b开证申请人承诺书我公司已依法办妥一切必要的进口手续,兹谨请贵行直接或通过贵行上级行为我公司依照本申请书所列条款开立不可撤销跟单信用证,并承诺如下:一、遵守《开立不可撤销跟单信用证申请书》和《进口开证合同》/《进口开证额度合同》的约定。
银行资信证明范本中英文对照(新版) 精品

银行资信证明范本中英文对照ACCOUNT OF CREDIT日期:2000年8月20日August 20, 2000中华人民共和国重庆工商管理局中国,重庆People’s Republic of ChinaChongqing Commercial and Industrial AdministrationChongqing, China关于:美国国际出口有限公司资信证明Re: Account of American International Export Credit编号NO.:08806867000881846228敬启者:To Whom It May Concern:兹证明美国国际出口有限公司总裁约克·J·史密斯先生在商业银行开立有数个账户。
Please be advised that Mr. York J. Smith, President of American International Export Co., Ltd. has established several accounts with Commerce Bank. The regular business account was established in September 1997 and the money market account was established in this August 1999. The total balance of deposit at our bank for both accounts is US$833, 360.00其账户信誉一贯良好。
Their accounts have always been in good standing.谢谢,Thank you.致礼Sincerely,(签名处)(Signature)(姓名)(Name)商业银行Commerce Bank(地址) (Address)。

资金证明英文版第一篇:资金证明英文版FUNDING LISTAccording to my unconditional offer of the University, and the scholarship letter,my total expenses for the duration of my course are:Tuition fee payable in 2005/2006:GBP *******(mentioned in the offer letter)Maintenance and Living expenses:GBP ********(mentioned in the offer letter)School Match scholarship:GBP*****towards tuition fees for Mres(mentioned in the scholarship letter)—————————————————————————————————————————————————TotalGBP********(CNY *****)(1:16)My funds came from savings of my parents.these amounts of money have been deposited for several years.4)********* *********You can use Insurance Contract check(Tel: Number to on the record.****************** *********Endorsements)********* ****************** ****************** *********Total : about CNY120,000Bank of China:A/C.No.******************** Date 2004-03-22 2004-04-19 2004-06-07 2004-06-07Credit**** **** ****OutlayNote Salary Bonus Transfer from Interest Bill③****Transfer to Certificates of Deposit ⑥Deposits Distribution GraphYear 2000 2001 2002-2003 Deposit Amount **** **** **** **** **** **** 2004 **** **** **** Source Salary Salary China Life Insurance Salary Salary Salary Salary Bonus Salary Total **** **** **** Total Deposits **** ****2000(TOTAL DEPOSITS ¥30,000)¥30,000SEP/16/2000—SEP/16/2005———————————————————————————————————————————————————————2001(TOTAL DEPOSITS ¥150,000)¥114,688JAN /18/ 2002-------→¥120,000Life Insurance JAN 2002—JAN/21/2005---------→TransferTransfer¥60,000JAN/24/2005—JUL/24/2005Salary of 2001¥36,000JAN/04/2002—JAN/04/2005Transfer--------------------------→ ↑¥70,000(JAN/04/2005—NOW)¥34,000Salary of 2004—————————————————————————————————————————————————2002-2003(TOTAL DEPOSITS(1.5years)¥110,000 Salary of 2002 ¥25,000JUN/07/2002 — JUN/07/2004--------→¥60,000Passbook of Savings Accounts MAR/22/2004 —NOV/17/2004---------→¥60,000NOV/17/2004 — MAY/17/2005transfer∣ ∣|¥15,000MAR/22/2004¥20,000APR/19/2004Salary of 2002-2003 ¥55,000MAY/07/2003—MAY/07/2004Transfer--------------------------→¥56,000MAY/07/2004—NOWSalary of 2002-2003¥30,000MAY/14/2003—MAY/14/2004Transfer--------------------------→ ↑¥65,000(MAY/14/2004—NOW)¥35,000Salary(2004)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________2004(TOTAL DEPOSITS(1 years)¥50,000+20,000 Salary of 2002-2003¥30,000MAY/14/2003—MAY/14/2004Transfer--------------------------→ ↑¥65,000(MAY/14/2004—NOW)¥35,000Salary(2004)¥25,000JUN/07/2002 — JUN/07/2004--------→¥60,000Passbook of Savings Accounts MAR/22/2004 —NOV/17/2004---------→¥60,000NOV/17/2004 — MAY/17/2005transfer∣ ∣|¥15,000MAR/22/2004¥20,000APR/19/2004Salary of 2004Return from a friend第二篇:资金证明样稿资金证明样稿:证明我单位工会按照工会经费拨交留成比例有**元,会费收入**元,及行政补助**元,共计**元,现暂存单位行政账户,等工会的银行账户开设后,一并划入工会账户,特此证明。

Contact Tel: 86-10-51908951
后粘贴到 word即可
Auto未ma能tically Redeposited To Draw upon Password
2640870 te: 2009/05/05 YUAN has Value 09/05/05
CD/Passbook No. 3826880011100029807
Type of Deposit TIME DEPOSIT
Currency&Accoun t
CNY 150,000.00 ****END****
Value 2009/05/05
Seal: Bank of China Shan Dong Branch DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE (022)
公司名称: 北京美英爱翻译有限公司
PCSo:mp双an击y Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD 获公取司地文址档:北京市朝阳区南磨房路 37 号 2108 室
Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City
姓名:李宏 翻译 Name: Li Hong Translator 证书名称:翻译等级证书 Certificate: CATTI CERTIFICATE 证书编号: 09692 Certificate No.: 09692 公司名称: 北京美英爱翻译有限公司

资产证明英文翻译模版(优秀范文5篇)第一篇:资产证明英文翻译模版CERTIFICATIONThis is to certify that Comrade XXX, who resides in Suite , Unit, Building , No.Street of Chengdu, has established a chrome-plating workshop with self-raised funds in our factory.XXX is the responsible person of this chrome-plating workshop and the fixed assets of this workshop belong to XXX himself, which totals RMBXXX Yuan(say in words: RMB Yuan).Chengdu Electroplating Factory(Common Seal)Date:资产证明英文翻译elite提供零二八-六六二三七五三零第二篇:工作证明及英文翻译工作证明兹证明**,男,出生于1964年6月7日,**先生从2001年至今一直在****贸易有限公司工作,担任公司法人代表以及总经理职务。
银行资信证明范本中英文对照(新版) 精品

银行资信证明范本中英文对照ACCOUNT OF CREDIT日期:2000年8月20日August 20, 2000中华人民共和国重庆工商管理局中国,重庆People’s Republic of ChinaChongqing Commercial and Industrial AdministrationChongqing, China关于:美国国际出口有限公司资信证明Re: Account of American International Export Credit编号NO.:08806867000881846228敬启者:To Whom It May Concern:兹证明美国国际出口有限公司总裁约克·J·史密斯先生在商业银行开立有数个账户。
Please be advised that Mr. York J. Smith, President of American International Export Co., Ltd. has established several accounts with Commerce Bank. The regular business account was established in September 1997 and the money market account was established in this August 1999. The total balance of deposit at our bank for both accounts is US$833, 360.00其账户信誉一贯良好。
Their accounts have always been in good standing.谢谢,Thank you.致礼Sincerely,(签名处)(Signature)(姓名)(Name)商业银行Commerce Bank(地址) (Address)。

Bank ConfirmationNo.:(Bank),Our company employs Fujian Tianlian Certified Public Accountants to examine and verify the paid-in capital (share) of our company. According to the Independent Auditing Standards for Certified Accounts of China and relevant regulations of the State Administration for Industry & Commerce, we shall request confirmation of capital contributions of the company’s investor (shareholder)paid into your bank. If the following data are in conformity with your records, please confirm by affixing your official seal at "The data are correct” at the lower end of the letter; should there be any discrepancy, please give details of the differences at “The data are of discrepancy” and provide the amount of discrepancy. Relevant request fee can be directly charged from the company’s account. The reply letter shall be sent to Fujian Certified Public Accountants.Mailing Address:Post Code: Tel.: Fax:As of , the capital contributions paid by the compa ny’s inventors (shareholders) are as follows:Official seal of Official seal of(Signature & Seal of Company or Investor) (Date)Conclusion: 1. The data are correct. 2. If the data are of discrepancy, please specifythe discrepancies.(Bank Seal ) (Date) (Bank Seal ) (Date)。

Hale Waihona Puke 2640870 te: 2009/05/05
YUAN has
Seal: Bank of China Shan Dong Branch DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE (022)
姓名:李宏 翻译
Name: Li Hong Translator
证书名称:翻译等级证书 Certificate: CATTI CERTIFICATE 证书编号: 公司名称: 09692 Certificate No.: 09692 北京美英爱翻译有限公司
Automatically Redeposited
To Draw upon Password
Automatically Redeposited To Draw upon Password 109640643 PS:双击获取文档ctrl+a,ctrl+c,然后粘贴到word即可。 1 未能直接提供word文档,抱歉。
Company Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD 公司地址:北京市朝阳区南磨房路 37 号 2108 室 Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City 联系电话:86-10-51908951 Contact Tel: 86-10-51908951

BANK OF CHINACERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITNo. 4469263Date: 2012/6/28 We hereby certify that up to 09/28/2012 (DD/MM/YYYY) Mr/Mrs/Ms DONG FANGYUAN has deposit accounts with this bank as follows:CD/Passbook No. Type of Deposit Currency&AccouV aluent3826880011100029807 TIME DEPOSIT CNY 150,000.00 2009/05/05****END****Seal: Bank of China Shan Dong BranchDEPOSIT CERTIFICA TE(022)姓名:李宏翻译Name: Li Hong Translator证书名称:翻译等级证书Certificate: CATTI CERTIFICA TE证书编号:09692 Certificate No.: 09692公司名称:北京美英爱翻译有限公司Company Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD公司地址:北京市朝阳区南磨房路37号2108室Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City联系电话:86-10-51908951 Contact Tel: 86-10-51908951Automatically Redeposited To Draw upon Password No. 109640643 BANK OF CHINA RENMINBI TIME DEPOSIT RECEIPT Teller: J1K8Date: 2009/05/05 Name: DONG FANGYUANAccount No. 4058660011100262031 Amount: CNY 150,000.00Period: 06 Interest Rate: 1.980000% Maturity: 2009/11/05Accountant: ZHU XIAOMENG Double check: Transactor:No. 109640643Customer Notes1. Deposit requires real names. Customers should check the printing information on the receipt as soon as they get the receipt.2. Please remember the password and guard against leakage. If you forget the password, you should deal with the loss procedure for password, following the relative regulation.3. The receipt should be kept in safe place. Do not destroy or loss the receipt.4. If you loss the receipt, please report to the bank for loss procedure at once with your account name, account number, amount, period, date,etc.5. The pledge and transfer are not effective without confirmation.6. The following information is needed when you want to draw before the maturity:Account Name: Certificate Name: Certificate No. Account Address: Agent Name: Certificate Name: Certificate No. Agent Address: Note:姓名:李宏 翻译 Name: Li Hong Translator证书名称:翻译等级证书Certificate: CATTI CERTIFICA TE证书编号: 09692 Certificate No.: 09692公司名称: 北京美英爱翻译有限公司Company Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD公司地址:北京市朝阳区南磨房路37号2108室Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City联系电话:86-10-51908951 Contact Tel: 86-10-51908951 BANK SIGNA TURE: JINAN BRANCH BANK OF CHINA LIMITED。

tatement for Use of the SealTo: Agricultural Bank of China Limited, Nanhai Lishui SubbranchThis is to certify that the legal representative or person in charge of our entity is _________ (name), identity document number: ___________. When handling the business with your bank, the personal signet/seal of the legal representative or person in charge can be used as his/her signature to execute and issue the power of attorney or sign all applications, contracts and other relevant legal documents concerning the business, and in such cases, the personal signet/seal of the legal representative or person in charge used shall have the same legal forces and effects as his/her signature. The Statement for Use of the Seal shall remain effective and valid permanently. If the said legal representative or person in charge is changed, the entity shall notify you in advance and issue a new Statement for Use of the Seal. All consequences and liabilities due to the late notification by our entity shall be borne by our entity.The specimen/pattern of the personal signet/seal of the legal representative or person in charge is shown as below:Legal representative or person in charge (signature):Company/entity (official seal):Issuing date: Y M DBank staff in client department witnessing the signature (signature):1。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Certificate Code: XXXXX
Identity Type: ID Card Identity Number: XXXXXXX
We hereby certify that Mr./Mrs./Ms. XXXXXX has financial assets with Agricultural Bank of China Limited as follows:
Type Account No. CCY Amount Value date Deposit Certificate XXXXXXXXXX CNY XXXX XXXX *********************It is the end********************
This certificate shall be valid from XXXXX (YYYY/MM/DD) (Issuing Date) to XXXX (YYYY/MM/DD) (expiry date)
Authorized Signature: XXXXX Agricultural Bank of China Limited Bank Business Seal of Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd. XXXXX Sub-branch (Seal)
Please read this certificate and the Statement on the back of the certificate.
Please be kindly noted that:
1.This certificate serves only the purpose of evidence of financial assets at a certain
point of time and branch at Agricultural Bank of China Limited which can neither be negotiated nor pledged, nor be used as guarantee in favor of any third party or any other purposes or as title evidence for withdrawal and transaction of the above mentioned financial assets.
2.This certificate shall become invalid if altered or duplicated. This acceptor should
retain the original certificate.
3.This issuer of this certificate will bear no responsibility or any discrepancy
between the stated sum under this certificate and actual balance due to administrative and judicial enforcement actions by any authority within its validity.
4.The sum of wealth management products in this certificate has been calculated
based on the number of shares and the initial purchase price. Therefore, the issuer of this certificate will bear no responsibility for any discrepancy between the stated sum under this certificate and actual balance due to the wealth management products that have floating value on the date of issuance of this certificate and within its validity.
The English translation in this certificate is for reference only. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English version, the Chinese version should govern.。