1. 能够用正确的语音和语调发音,流利地表达自己的观点和想法。
2. 能够运用丰富的词汇和句型进行口语表达,避免重复和简单句式。
3. 能够在真实情境中进行口语交流,包括日常生活、工作和学习等方面。
4. 能够倾听和理解他人的口语表达,提出合理的建议和意见。
1. 提高学生的口语表达能力,包括语音、语调、词汇和句型的运用。
2. 提高学生的口语交流能力,包括与他人进行实际对话和讨论。
1. 如何帮助学生克服口语表达的紧张和困难。
2. 如何让学生在真实情境中进行口语交流,提高口语表达的自然度和流利度。
1. 创设语言环境。
2. 练习语音和语调。
3. 扩展词汇和句型。
4. 进行口语交流。
Topic1、I bet you can.中文:我确信你能做到。
Topic2、Did you enjoy your flight?中文:你的飞行旅途愉快吗?Topic3、Cheer up!中文:高兴起来!振作起来!Topic4、I have nothing to do with it.中文:那与我无关。
Topic5、It's a nice day today.中文:今天天气很好。
Topic6、How is it going?中文:情况怎么样?Topic7、Please show me the menu.中文:请把菜单给我。
Topic8、I've had enough.中文:我已经吃饱了。
Topic9、I can't tell.中文:我说不准。
Topic10、Do you have a room available? 中文:你们有空房间吗?Topic11、Let's get to the point.中文:让我们言归正传。
Topic12、Don't worry about it.中文:别担心。
Topic13、Take my word for it.中文:相信我的话。
Topic14、Let's keep in touch.中文:让我们保持联系。
Topic15、It's awesome.中文:棒极了!Topic16、It doesn't make any difference. 中文:都一样。
Topic17、Keep the change.中文:不用找了。
Topic18、It's a piece of cake.中文:这很容易。
Topic19、Let me put it this way.中文:让我这么说吧。
Topic20、Just to be on the safe side.中文:为安全起见。
Topic21、Give me a call.中文:给我打电话。
1. 北京高等学校教育科技发展中心(以下简称发展中心)为报考GESE 1~9级的社会考 生每月组织1~2次考试,由经过英方严格培训、考核的中国考官对考生进行测评。 GESE 10~12级由伦敦三一学院派遣的英国考官对考生进行测评,每年组织1~2次。 2. GESE1~9级的具体考试安排请以北京教育考试院网站(或) 的网上报名通知为准。 3. 考生在办理完网上报名手续后,请按网上通知的时间自行打印《准考证》。(报名 网址:) 4. GESE10~12级的考试报名采取电话预约的方式,联系电话:82837119。参加10~12 级的考生须通过7~9级任意一级的考试, 5. 考生报名前,应认真阅读《英语口语等级考试(GESE)级别描述》,在切实了解各 级别考试要求的前提下,根据本人实际水平确定报考级别。完成报名后,不再办理变 更考试时间及改级手续。
考试成绩查询 考试成绩可自考试次月起一个月后通过北京教育考试院网站(或)查询。
证书领取 1. 经查询成绩为优秀、良好或合格的考生,可在规定时间持准考证及本人身份证原件到北京高 等学校教育科技发展中心领取证书。委托他人代领的,代领人需同时出具本人身份证件和考生的身 份证件。联系电话:82837118。
一、报考注意事项: 1. 英语口语等级考试(GESE)不接受12岁以下少儿报考,请考生使用有效身份证号报 考。 2. 考生每三个月只可选报一场考试,一场考试只能选报一个级别。 3. 考生报考前,应认真阅读考试手册中的《英语口语等级考试(GESE)级别描述》, 在切实了解各级别考试要求的前提下,根据本人实际水平确定报考级别。 4. 有关报考选级提示,详见《英语口语等级考试(GESE)报考建议》。 5. 请考生在报名时慎重选择考试时间与考试级别,报名完成后,不再办理变更考试时 间、更改考试级别的相关手续。 6. 报名注册时,为防止个人信息泄露,请不要使用过于简单的用户名和密码。 二、报名时间及方式: 报名时间:2016年5月31日(周二)开通网上报名服务器,额满为止。 报名方式:请考生登录进行网上报名。
- T: Do you have a pen?
- S1: Yes, I do.
- S2: No, I don't.
清晰、准确地讲解一般疑问句结构"Do you have...?",结合实例帮助学生理解。突出重点,强调难点,通过对比、归纳等方法帮助学生加深记忆。
一、考查知识点Pronunciation Presentation SkillsStress and intonation ; Unstressed words Giving a factual presentationLinking sounds Giving a demonstrationSense groups Discussing a problem from different viewpoints Weak consonants Holding an informal discussionConsonant + you / your Telling a love storySilent /h/ Making a sales presentation/t/ sound in not Giving a talkContracted forms Giving a guided tourPlosion Giving adviceSaying long sentences quickly Holding a formal discussion二、考试题型和形式(1)考试题型:a. 自我介绍(每位学生时间控制在1-2分钟)b. 材料朗读;(学生复习范围:新标准视听说教程1每个单元的pronunciation部分;时间1分钟)c. 话题讨论(两人一组,对话形式;时间2-3分钟)任课教师在第13周,将本考试大纲布置给学生。
英孚英语分级12级课文The English First 12th Level Coursework is a comprehensive program designed to help students achieve a high level of proficiency in the English language. This course covers a wide range of topics and skills, from advanced grammar and vocabulary to complex reading comprehension and written expression. As students progress through the program, they will be challenged to develop a deep understanding of the nuances and intricacies of the English language, preparing them for success in academic and professional settings.One of the key features of the English First 12th Level Coursework is its focus on practical application. Rather than simply memorizing rules and definitions, students are encouraged to actively engage with the language through a variety of interactive activities and real-world scenarios. This approach helps to reinforce the concepts they are learning and ensures that they are able to effectively communicate in a range of contexts.Throughout the course, students will explore a diverse array of topics, from literature and history to science and technology. They will readand analyze complex texts, engage in lively discussions, and hone their writing skills through a series of challenging assignments. This breadth of subject matter not only enhances their language proficiency but also expands their overall knowledge and critical thinking abilities.In addition to the core curriculum, the English First 12th Level Coursework also includes a strong emphasis on cultural awareness and global perspectives. Students will learn about the rich diversity of the English-speaking world, exploring the unique customs, traditions, and modes of expression that characterize different regions and communities. This understanding of cultural context is essential for effective communication and helps to prepare students for the increasingly interconnected world they will be navigating.One of the standout features of the English First 12th Level Coursework is its focus on developing advanced language skills. Students will delve into the complexities of grammar, exploring more nuanced and sophisticated structures that enable them to express themselves with greater precision and clarity. They will also expand their vocabulary, learning specialized terms and idiomatic expressions that are essential for academic and professional discourse.Perhaps most importantly, the English First 12th Level Courseworkplaces a strong emphasis on critical thinking and analytical skills. Students are challenged to engage with complex texts, extracting key ideas, evaluating arguments, and formulating their own well-reasoned perspectives. This ability to think critically and communicate effectively is a highly valued asset in today's increasingly competitive job market.As students progress through the course, they will have the opportunity to apply their language skills in a variety of practical settings. They may participate in simulated business negotiations, deliver formal presentations, or even engage in creative writing exercises. These hands-on experiences not only reinforce the concepts they have learned but also help to build their confidence and adaptability as communicators.Throughout the English First 12th Level Coursework, students will have access to a wide range of resources and support systems to help them succeed. This may include one-on-one tutoring, online learning platforms, and opportunities for peer collaboration and feedback. The instructors who guide this program are highly experienced and dedicated professionals, committed to helping students reach their full potential.One of the key benefits of the English First 12th Level Coursework is its ability to prepare students for the demands of higher educationand the global workforce. By developing a deep understanding of the English language and the ability to communicate effectively, students will be well-equipped to excel in their academic and professional pursuits. Whether they are pursuing a degree in a specialized field or seeking to advance their career, the skills and knowledge gained through this program will be invaluable.In conclusion, the English First 12th Level Coursework is a comprehensive and challenging program that is designed to help students achieve a high level of proficiency in the English language. Through a combination of rigorous academic content, practical application, and cultural awareness, this course prepares students for success in a wide range of academic and professional contexts. Whether you are a student seeking to enhance your language skills or a professional looking to take your communication abilities to the next level, the English First 12th Level Coursework is an excellent investment in your future.。
初级口语Ⅱ教案 L2
考试成绩评定:A优秀,B良好,C 及格,D不及格。
预备段考试时间:1级-5分钟, 2级-6分钟, 3级-7分钟。
总体要求:● 考生在考官帮助下,能听懂考官简明、慢速、直接的指令和要求,并做出相应的手势或动作。
● 就个人的学习、工作情况和业余活动与考官进行简单交谈。
● 使用基本句型以及熟记的短语、词组以及惯用语句描述自己或他人的行为、物品和场景。
要点提示:● 预备段考试主要以问与答的形式进行,考官善于调动考生以有限的语言能力参与到真实有趣的交流中去。
● 考官可能使用与考试级别相符的考具,如图片、实物等。
● 考生若没有听清考官的问题或指令,可以用"Can you repeat that,please?","Sorry?"或"Pardon?"等语句或词语,请求考官重复或解释。
● 1级考生可以使用一、两个单词作简短回答,并能用手势或动作完成考官所给的指令。
● 2级考生应能使用简单的完整句子对人和物进行描述,如"My brother's tall. He's got black hair."● 3级考生应能在使用完整句子的基础上,使用简单的连词,如"My brother's tall and he's got black hair."1 级交际能力● 与考官相互问候● 听懂考官的简单指令,并完成相应动作。
● 非常简短地、甚至使用单个词回答考官所提问题。
第一学期教授第一册第1 – 9课,第二学期教授第10 – 18课;第三学期教授第二册第1 –9课,第四学期教授第10 – 18课。
4.Family Album, U.S.A. 学习版,新版,湖北教育出版社,阶梯股份有限公司。
初级口语教程Lesson12Lesson 12 Text A What a Mess!Bill Lane has just touched some wet paint. MR FIELD:You mustn't touch the wet paint, Bill.BILL:I'm sorry. I won't do it again.MR FIELD:Try to be more careful in future.BILL:I shall. I wasn't as careless as John Sampson. He walked across that wet cementover there.MR FIELD:The workmen oughtn't to leave it without a no tice.BILL:The headmaster asked them not to do so.MR FIELD:Then why isn't there a notice?BILL:They went to their stores to get one. Here they come with it now!MR FIELD:But look at them! They've forgotten about the wet cement and they're walkingacross it to put up the notice!Text B A Tall and Slim Girl At five feet six inches , Rosa was taller than every other student in the sixth grade. She worried about this alt the time, in school and at home. Her mother told her to stand up straight and be proud that she was so tall and slim.Someday , her mother said , you'11 be happy that you're tall.This made Rosa happier, but she was still afraid her classmates were making fun of her behind her back. One day , all this changed when Mr Ransom, the coach from the youth club , asked Rosa to play center on their basketball team. He said that Rosa was a good ball player and her height would make her valuable as center. Now, she really was proud to be tall. She was someone special. Questions on Text B 7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell tbe story to your partner. Better Be a Stupid ManIt was a beautiful spring morning. There wasn't a cloudin the sky, and the sun was warm but not too hot . so Mr Andrews was surprised when saw an old gentleman at the bus-stop with a big, strong black umbrella i' his hand.Mr Andrews said to him, Are we going to have rain today, do you think?No , said the old gentleman , I don't think so.Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep the sun off you?No, the sun is not very hot in spring.Mr Andrews looked at the big umbrella again, and the gentleman said, I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong, so I really need a walk- ing-stick. But when I carry a walking-stick, people say, `Look at that poor old man' , and I don't like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weatber, people only say, `Look at that stupid man'.。
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EF Level 12Unit 1GEORGE: Hi Ally. We just got the new design in for the magazine ad we are placing next month. Have you seen it? ALLY: No, not yet. Do you have a copy?GEORGE: Yes, here's the first draft. Check it out. What do you think?draft:版本ALLY: Hmmm. Well I don't know. We are trying to target an older audience. Maybe we should have a picture of older people?traget: 到达,找到GEORGE: Yes, I agree. I have stock photos of some older people on hand. I'll try putting those in. How do you feel about the text?on hand: 附近,能接触到ALLY: It's ok, but we should make the company logo bigger and put it in the center.logo:主题,标志GEORGE: OK. What about the colors? Do you think it's too dark?ALLY: No, I think the colors capture the mood. We want the ad to make people feel like this is a sophisticated drink for sophisticated people, and I think this does that. When will the ad be published?GEORGE: Next month. Right before the holidays.ALLY: Good, that should stimulate our holiday sales. Are we running any other promotions?promotions: 增加GEORGE: Yes, we are sponsoring a play next month and will have a sampling booth in the theater. And we are also shooting a TV ad next month.booth: 免费试吃摊位ALLY: Great. I really hope these ads pay off . Sales have been down for the last few months.pay off:值得做这次研究GEORGE: Me, too. Well, I'll have the changes on this magazine ad ready for you by Friday and then we can send in the final proof . Is that OK?final proof:最后一个要编辑的版本ALLY: Sounds good George. Thanks for your help.Unti 2MICHELLE:Where are you taking your students on their field trip?field trip:learning trip usually done for research or schoolJUANA: If it's possible, we are going to the national forest.MICHELLE: Why do you say if possible?JUANA: Look at the sky! It's been nothing but rainy and bitter cold. I hope it doesn’t rain.MICHELLE: And if it does?JUANA: If it rains, we'll either get soaking wet or reschedule.repeats 'if it rains' to emphasize her point'soaking wet' is very wetMICHELLE: But . . . thinking about it, are you sure you want to take them there?used this way, it is an expression of reconsiderationJUANA: Why wouldn't I want to take an ecology class to a national forest?national forest: special forest lands protected by many nations.MICHELLE: When I hiked there last year, I saw lots of logging. There were still trees along the river. But up the hillside and clear onto the plateau, the trees were gone.JUANA: That's exactly what I wanted my students to see.MICHELLE:You plan to show your class mass deforestation?JUANA: As a matter of fact, no. Since you were there, most of the trees have been replanted.since…: statement used to give extra emphasis to the noMICHELLE: So what's the point?'the point' is the ideaJUANA: The point that I am trying to get across is that there is a conservation strategy at work just like the strategy in this park.'to get across' means to make understoodMICHELLE: There's a conservation strategy in this park?JUANA: The trees and bamboo are planted along the river banks.MICHELLE: And?JUANA: And it holds the soil down and prevents erosion.Unit 3JUANA: Watcha doing?means what are youMARK: Just checking out this website . . . did you hear what's happening in Toronto tonight?checking out: looking atJUANA: Wait, where are you watching the news?MARK: On my computer. Haven't you seen this? You can choose whatever story you want from the front page here. JUANA: You're kidding . . . and it plays just like a regular news clip?news clip: short news article or news story, usually on TV or radioMARK: Well, it can. It depends on your ISP, your connection speed, and your modem.ISP: Internet service providerJUANA: OK, can you try that again?She doesn't understand. She wants him to repeat using different words.MARK: Sure, the speed of the broadcast depends on your Internet service provider, how fast your Internet connection speed is, and how good your own equipment is.JUANA: Well, we're watching the news now, and it's just like watching it on TV . . . what's your setup?What type of equipment do you haveMARK: Well, I have a broadband connection, a really fast one. And my computer's not bad, it has a pretty fast processor.JUANA: OK. So I need to have broadband to see sites like this?MARK: No, you can still see these sites. They will just be slower for you if you connect using a dialup connection. dialup connection: connecting through a phone lineJUANA: OK. So what's happening in Toronto then?Unit 4DOCTOR: Please take a seat. Thanks for taking the time to fill out the questionnaire. I'm just going to need to ask you a few questions to clear up some points. It is standard practice to ensure that you're suitable to give blood. What type of questionnaires have you completed before?'Clear up' is a phrasal verb meaning 'to clarify'.ALICE: Sure. Fire away!Other expressions include 'Go Ahead!', 'I'm all ears.'DOCTOR: OK, first a bit about your medical history. You mentioned that you've had acupuncture before. Did you have this treatment, or have you had any ear, nose, body piercings, tattoos or semi-permanent make-up in the last year?All the treatments mentioned here involve needles which can carry infections.ALICE: Let me see. I visited an acupuncturist a while back. I was getting terrible migraines. But it can't have been in the last year. And piercings, tattoos - never!Note how Alice is able to answer all the doctor's questions quickly and effectively.DOCTOR: You also mentioned that you suffer from ulcerated colitis. Are you currently taking any prescribed medication?ulcerated colities: This is a chronic illness of the intestine (inflammation) and without treatment can be fatal. ALICE: I was on medication - Asacol 500mg three times a day, but I've come off it now.Alice is able to give all details of her medical history. It is important not to exclude any information. DOCTOR: OK. Good. On to infection risks and travel history. You stated in your questionnaire that you recently traveled to Cambodia.ALICE: Yes, that's right. We went backpacking in March.DOCTOR: So you haven't had any immunizations or vaccinations in the last 4 weeks?These words have a subtle difference in meaning (see map).ALICE: In the last 4 weeks - no. But in the last 8 weeks - yes. I had a hepatitis A booster.Hepatitis A booster: This is a follow-up vaccine against water-born bacteria which cause liver infection. DOCTOR: OK. So, in Cambodia did you visit any malaria infected areas?Malaria is usually associated with tropical climates where mosquitos are rampant.ALICE: Malaria's not common in Cambodia. It's too far north.DOCTOR: Well, that just about wraps it up. I’m afraid there might be a problem with your recent trip to Cambodia and the medication you were previously on. I just have to consule this special list, but apart from it I can't envisage any problems.Unit 5BUSINESS ADVISOR: Have you considered some of the risks of starting your own business?CLIENT: Yes, I have. But I think I've prepared for them quite carefully. Do you have any advice on avoiding risk? BUSINESS ADVISOR: It's important to assess potential risks at this stage and to have a strategy to protect you from problems once the business is up and running. What will you do if you need to cover unforeseen costs? Unforeseen means something unexpectedCLIENT: I have a small amount of capital in reserve, and I can always use my home to raise money as a last resort. But I'm not much of a risk-taker. How can I limit my exposure to financial problems?If you expose yourself to financial problems, it means you make yourself more vulnerable to them. BUSINESS ADVISOR: It's important to establish a good relationship with your bank. Do you have a financial advisor?CLIENT: Yes. There is a small business advisor at my bank.Most banks have a member of staff whose job it is to advise clients on setting up their own businesses. BUSINESS ADVISOR: Good. You should take the opportunity to discuss alternative sources of funding with your advisor in case you experience any difficulties.alternative: If you have alternatives, you have more than one option.CLIENT: What if my restaurant is a failure?In this context, 'failure' means 'doesn't make enough money'.BUSINESS ADVISOR: If you have done your research and planning properly, that's very unlikely. But if you do experience problems, it's vital that you inform your bank immediately. If you inform them of your situation, they are more likely to offer you a loan or extend your overdraft facility.An overdraft facility is a pre-agreed amount of money that you can borrow from your bank account. Normally, interest is charged on an overdraft.Unit 6STUDENT: Is this the right office for undergraduate matriculation?Matriculation describes the process of registering for university.REGISTRAR: Yes. Do you have the correct documentation?STUDENT: I think so. What do you need first?REGISTRAR: I'll need your matriculation forms signed by your Director of Studies or College Officer. Do you have them?This people work at the university you intend to join and help you with your studies.STUDENT: Yes. Here they are.REGISTRAR: Thanks. Do you have a letter of award, or are you paying your own fees?A letter of award can be both a scholarship or government funding.STUDENT: I'm paying my own fees. I posted the check several weeks ago, but I haven't received a receipt yet. Do you need one?REGISTRAR: Not necessarily. So, Let me check to see if your information is on the database. No, that's fine. Your fees have been credited to the University's account. Now I'll need some proof of identity. Do you have your passport?Do you need a passport to register at a university in your country?STUDENT: No, but I have my driver's licence and birth certificate. Will either of those do?“Do” here means be okayREGISTRAR: I can't accept the driver's license. Can I see your birth certificate please? That's fine. If you can check the details and then sign at the bottom?STUDENT:Yes. All the information is correct. Here you are.REGISTRAR: Excellent. Thank you. Do you have a copy of our student handbook?A student handbook is like a newsletter booklet for all students.STUDENT: No, Thanks. What do I need to do next?REGISTRAR: You'll need to collect your student card in the next office.Unit 7BEN: Well, I'm impressed. You're here early for once. Not so busy this week?What are you impressed by?CORRINA: Well, the kids are back at school, and my husband's in Europe on business. I feel like I'm on vacation. We can also say, It's like I'm on vacation.BEN: So, what are you reading?CORRINA: There's an article here about the winners of this year's Nobel Prize.There are many prizes awarded for different fields of work. The Pulitzer Prize is awarded for good journalism.BEN: Which prize has been awarded?CORRINA: They awarded the peace prize to a man who brought peace to the Middle East, although a lot of people are criticizing their decision.Have you ever criticized someone?BEN: So why all the controversy?Controversy is another way of saying disagreement or debate.CORRINA: They think it's more of a political decision rather than one that was based on what he actually achieved. BEN: Well, someone would be upset no matter what their decision. You can't satisfy all of the people, all of the time. CORRINA: You said it. You should check out the speech he made at the awards ceremony. It certainly didn't help his situation.This expression is used when we want to agree with someone.BEN: How's that?CORRINA: His thoughts were very disorganized. He said some stuff which could be interpreted wrongly.This means that his speech could be offensive or have a bad meaning to some people.BEN: Speeches are a tricky business. I've seen a lot of people make fools of themselves after they didn't adequately prepare.We use this to describe something that is difficult.Unit 8JOSH: Hi, I saw your advertisement online, and I wanted to get more information about your night school classes. "Night school" is usually a part-time course.RECEPTIONIST: Okay. What subject are you interested in?This is the same as "What subject do you want to study?".JOSH: Well, I'm working as a plant manager now, and I want to pick up more financing and project management skills."Plant" here is the same as "factory".RECEPTIONIST: Well, we have either a degree program that leads to an MBA or a certificate program. The degree program is more in-depth and requires more classes."Leads to" means "results in".JOSH: What kind of educational background do you need to apply for the degree program?RECEPTIONIST: Most of our MBA students have a bachelor's degree and at least 5 years of working experience. You can also say "work experience".JOSH: So admission to the program is automatic provided I meet those criteria?RECEPTIONIST: No, the application requires 3 letters of reference and a personal statement. We usually have over 300 applicants for only 100 openings, so there's quite a bit of competition."Personal statement" is an essay describing yourself and reasons why you want to study at a particular school.JOSH: Wow, I didn't realize that. So if I were to start this fall, when can I reasonably expect to finish the degree program?RECEPTIONIST: That's entirely up to you. Some students finish all the course work in two years. For others it takes five. What's your schedule like?This means "How much available time do you have to study?".JOSH: I could dedicate at least 20 hours a week.RECEPTIONIST: Assuming that you stick to that schedule and pass all your classes, it would probably take you just over two years.。