
好好学习,天天向上苏州大学 普通物理(一)下 课程试卷(01)卷 共6页 m e =9.1³10-31kge=1.6³10-19C 1atm=1.013³105Pa R=8.31J/mol ²kNo=6.022³1023/mol h=6.62³10-34J ²S b=2.898³10-3m ²kσ=5.67³10-8w/m 2²k 4 λC =2.426³10-12m k=1.38³10-23J/KC=3³108m/s一、填空题:(每空2分,共40分。
在每题空白处写出必要的算式)1、原在空气中的杨氏双缝干涉实验装置,现将整个装置浸入折射率为n 的透明液体中,则相邻两明条纹的间距为原间距的 倍。
2、波长为500nm 的光垂直照射在牛顿环装置上,在反射光中观察到第二级暗环半径为2.23mm ,则透镜的曲率半径R= 。
3、在照相机的镜头上镀有一层介质膜,已知膜的折射率为1.38,镜头玻璃的折射率为1.5,若用黄绿光(550nm )垂直入射,使其反射最小,则膜的最小厚度为 。
4、为了使单色光(λ=600nm )产生的干涉条纹移动50条,则迈克尔逊干涉仪的动镜移动距离为 。
5、远处的汽车两车灯分开1.4m ,将车灯视为波长为500nm 的点光源,若人眼的瞳孔为3mm ,则能分辨两车灯的最远距离为 。
6、一束由线偏振光与自然光混合而成的部分偏振光,当通过偏振片时,发现透过的最大光强是最小光强的3倍,则入射的部分偏振光中,自然光与线偏振光光强之比为 。
今在空气中测得某一电介质的起偏振角为57 ,则该电介质的折射率为 。
8、1mol 单原子分子理想气体在1atm 的恒定压强下,体积从3211024.2m v -⨯=,膨胀到3221006.3m v -⨯=,则气体的内能改变了 J 。
苏大 - 基础物理 - (上)题库 - 试卷及答案

苏大 - 基础物理 - (上)题库 - 试卷及答案苏州大学普通物理(一)上课程试卷(01)卷共6页二、计算题:(每小题10分,共60分)1、半径为R,质量为M的均匀圆盘能绕其水平轴转动,一细绳绕在圆盘的边缘,绳上挂质量为m的重物,使圆盘得以转动。
3、图示电路,开始时C1和C2均未带电,开关S倒向1对C1充电后,再把开关S拉向2,如果C1=5μF,C2=1μF,求:(1)两电容器的电压为多少?(2)开关S从1倒向2,电容器储存的电场能损失多少? 4、求均匀带电圆环轴线上离圆心距离a处的电势,设圆环半径为R,带有电量Q。
求:F=98Nr 01-1(1)飞轮的角加速度;(2)绳子下拉5m时,飞轮的角速度和飞轮获得的动能?2、一个水平面上的弹簧振子(劲度系数为k,重物质量为M),当它作振幅为A的无阻尼自由振动时,有一块质量为m的粘土,从高度为h处自由下落,在M通过平衡位OxC1C1hM置时,粘土正好落在物体M上,求系统振动周期和振幅。

具体请点击进入【历年苏州大学考研真题答案下载】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研817国际法学考试解读与真题答案详解[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学347心理学专业综合考研真题试卷(2011-2018)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学333教育综合历年考研真题试卷(2007-2018年)[东吴苏大考研网] 2015年苏州大学335出版综合素质与能力考研真题与答案[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学889英语教学论考研真题(2017-2018年,回忆版)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学808管理学考研真题试卷(2000-2015)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学884高分子材料化学考研真题与答案(2015-2018年)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学823艺术史考研真题试卷(2004-2015年)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学822新闻传播专业基础考研真题试卷(2000-2018)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学633教育学专业基础综合真题答案(2007-2018)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学832普通物理考研真题与答案(2003-2015年)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学807微观与宏观经济学考研真题试卷(1999-2017,不含06)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏大637药学基础综合(1)考研真题试卷(09-17)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏大872数据结构与操作系统考研真题答案(真题99-17,答案05-17)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学考研889英语教学论复习全析(含真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2013-2015年苏州大学612绘画基础(素描命题画)考研真题试卷[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研398法硕联考专业基础课(非法学)强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研498法硕联考综合课(非法学)强化冲刺题库(共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大878电磁学考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大842自动控制原理考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大电子技术基础考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)【历年苏州大学考研真题答案下载】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大理论力学考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大837信号系统与数字逻辑考研强化冲刺题库(共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研856物理化学(F)冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研629无机化学(F)强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研628有机化学(F)强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大602高等数学(F)考研强化冲刺题库【共两册】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研861高分子化学强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研853物理化学强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研884高分子材料化学强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研835有机化学B强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研834分析化学强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研620无机化学强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研635有机化学A强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研862材料科学基础强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大838信号与线性系统考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大832普通物理考研强化冲刺题库【共两册】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大601高等数学考研强化冲刺题库【共两册】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大831高等代数考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大618数学分析考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大432统计学考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学基础日语考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大448汉语写作与百科知识考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大357英语翻译基础考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大211翻译硕士英语考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大历史学基础考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大826社会保障学考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大658公共管理学考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研660世界史专业基础综合强化冲刺题库(共六册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研659中国史专业基础综合强化冲刺题库(共五册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研824社会研究方法强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研613社会学原理强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大戏剧与影视学考研核心考点与名校真题详解(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学出版专硕考研强化冲刺题库【共4册】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大822新闻传播专业基础考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大334新闻与传播专业综合能力考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大440新闻与传播专业基础考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大820评论写作(1)考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大625汉语言文字基础考研冲刺题库【共5册】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大445汉语国际教育基础考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大354汉语基础考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学心理学考研强化冲刺题库(共七册)【历年苏州大学考研真题答案下载】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大802中西政治思想史考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大801中西哲学史考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大654公共管理基础理论考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大652政治学原理考研强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大651哲学概论考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大633教育学专业基础综合考研冲刺题库【共六册】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大665中外音乐史考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学666生物化学(农)考研复习全析(含历年真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大842自动控制原理考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大841电子技术基础(机电)考研复习全析(含历年真题)【共两册】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大839管理信息系统与数据结构考研复习全析(含历年真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大850高等数学基础考研复习全析(含历年真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大627生物化学考研复习全析(含历年真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大862材料科学基础考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大858材料学(F)考研复习全析(共两册,含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大857细胞生物学(F)考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大631生物化学(F)考研复习全析(含历年真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大856物理化学(F)考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大629无机化学(F)考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大628有机化学(F)考研复习全析(含历年真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大602高等数学(F)考研复习全析(含历年真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大838信号与线性系统考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大601高等数学考研复习全析(含历年真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大625汉语言文字基础考研复习全析(含历年真题,共六册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大847金融学概论考研复习全析(含历年真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学432统计学考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大831高等代数考研复习全析(含真题答案,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大618数学分析考研复习全析(含真题答案,共四册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大616基础俄语考研复习全析(含真题答案,共五册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研243日语强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研241英语强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研245德语强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大241英语考研复习全析(含历年真题,共五册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大826社会保障学考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大658公共管理学考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大660世界史专业基础综合考研复习全析(含历年真题,共六册)【历年苏州大学考研真题答案下载】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大824社会研究方法考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大613社会学原理考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大437社会工作实务考研复习全析(含历年真题,共四册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大331社会工作原理考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大337设计基础考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大875设计艺术史考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大346体育综合考研强化冲刺题库(共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研《经济法》强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大817国际法学考研复习全析(含真题答案,共四册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大816环境与资源保护法学考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大815经济法学考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大813民商法学考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏大《行政法与行政诉讼法》考试重难点与历年考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大809法学理论考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大852土地资源管理考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大805行政管理学考研复习全析(含真题答案,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大804管理学基础考研复习全析(含历年真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大802中西政治思想史考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大654公共管理基础理论考研复习全析(共两册,含真题答案)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学652政治学原理考研复习全析(含真题,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学333教育综合考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学333教育综合考研复习全析(含真题答案,共八册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大637药学基础综合(1)考研复习全析[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大623生物综合考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大854电子技术基础(城市轨道)考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大818理论力学(城市轨道)考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大832普通物理考研复习全析(含历年真题答案,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大659中国史专业基础综合考研复习全析(含历年真题答案)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大872数据结构与操作系统考研复习全析(含历年真题答案,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大837信号系统与数字逻辑考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大848植物生理与生物化学考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大840理论力学(机电)考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大346体育综合考研复习全析(含历年真题答案,共五册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大656体育学专业基础综合考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学867化工原理考研复习全析(含历年真题)【历年苏州大学考研真题答案下载】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大835有机化学B考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大884高分子材料化学考研复习全析(含真题答案,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大843材料科学基础考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大861高分子化学考研复习全析(含历年真题答案,共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大853物理化学考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大834分析化学考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大635有机化学A考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大620无机化学考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大307中医综合考研复习全析(共五册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大645西医医学综合考研复习全析(共五册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大653马克思主义基本原理概论考研复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大803思想政治教育学考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大634心理学专业基础综合考研复习全析(含真题,共10册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大347心理学专业综合考研复习全析(含真题答案)(共12册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研397法硕联考专业基础(法学)强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研497法硕联考综合课(法学)强化冲刺题库(共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大中国法制史考研强化冲刺题库(张晋藩版)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研《刑法》强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研《民法》强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研《行政法与行政诉讼法》强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研《宪法》强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研《法理学》强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研808管理学强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学微观经济学考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学宏观经济学考研强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大801中西哲学史考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学651哲学概论考研复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大433税务专业基础考研复习全析(含真题与答案)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学431金融学综合考研复习全析(含历年真题答案,共六册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大398法硕联考基础课(非法学)考研复习全析(含真题答案,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大397法硕联考专业基础课(法学)考研复习全析【含真题答案,共三册】东吴苏大考研网(苏州大学考研在线咨询入口)【历年苏州大学考研真题答案下载】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大497法硕联考综合课(法学)考研复习全析(含真题答案,共四册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大498法硕联考综合课(非法学)考研复习全析(含真题答案,共四册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研《文体与翻译》复习全析(刘宓庆,含历年真题答案)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研661教育经济学强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研819教育管理学强化冲刺题库(共两册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研819教育管理学复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研661教育经济学复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研845细胞生物学强化冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研845细胞生物学复习全析(含历年真题)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研621生物化学复习全析(含历年真题,共三册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大857细胞生物学(F)考研冲刺题库[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大生物化学考研强化冲刺题库【共两册】[东吴苏大考研网] 2012-2015年苏州大学880和声写作与分析考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2012-2015年苏州大学665中外音乐史考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学考研308护理综合考试解读与真题答案[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2013年苏州大学850普通物理(生物医学工程)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2015年苏州大学859普通动物学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2005、2013-2015年苏州大学882遗传学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2015年苏州大学879普通动物学与普通生态学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2009-2010、2014-2015年苏州大学878电磁学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2015年苏州大学874药剂学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2015年苏州大学868生物教学论考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2013-2015年苏州大学860水产养殖学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2009-2015年苏州大学851社会医学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2004-2015年苏州大学845细胞生物学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2013-2015年苏州大学666生物化学(农)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2013-2015年苏州大学664动物生物化学与鱼类生理考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2006/2009-2016年苏州大学632卫生事业管理学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2005-2015年苏州大学626预防综合考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2001-2015年苏州大学621生物化学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2010-2015年苏州大学353卫生综合考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2015年苏州大学349药学综合考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2015年苏州大学340农业知识综合二考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2013年苏州大学627园林设计基础考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2013年苏州大学846中外建筑史考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011、2013年苏州大学622建筑设计基础考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2014-2015年苏州大学846设计理论考研真题【历年苏州大学考研真题答案下载】[东吴苏大考研网] 2014-2015年苏州大学622快题设计与表现考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2009-2015年苏州大学848植物生理与生物化学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2009-2015年苏州大学662植物学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2013年苏州大学663普通昆虫学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2014-2015年苏州大学877土力学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2012-2015年苏州大学873交通工程学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2009-2015年854苏州大学电子技术基础(城市轨道)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2014年苏州大学818理论力学(城市轨道)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2014-2015年苏州大学870生产计划与控制考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2004-2015年苏州大学842自动控制原理考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2008-2015年苏州大学841电子技术基础考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2000-2015年苏州大学840理论力学(机电)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2014-2015年苏州大学833钢铁冶金学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 1999-2017年苏州大学872数据结构与操作系统考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2009-2015年苏州大学839管理信息系统与数据结构考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2010-2013年苏州大学871数字电路考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2014-2015年苏州大学850专业综合(2)考研真题【高等数学基础+生物信息学基础】[东吴苏大考研网] 2004-2015年苏州大学836半导体物理考研真题(换05、08)[东吴苏大考研网] 2014-2015年苏州大学627专业综合(1)考研真题(线性代数+生物化学)[东吴苏大考研网] 2010-2015年苏州大学858材料学(F)考研真题(不含11年)[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2015年苏州大学857细胞生物学(F)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学856物理化学(F)考研真题(2001-2006、2010-2015年)[东吴苏大考研网] 2010-2015年苏州大学855普通物理(F)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2010-2015年苏州大学631生物化学(F)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2010-2015年苏州大学629无机化学(F)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2012-2015年苏州大学628有机化学(F)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2010-2015年苏州大学602高等数学(F)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2010-2011年苏州大学867化学教学论考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2009-2011年苏州大学834化学原理考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2001-2006、2010-2015年苏州大学853物理化学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2013-2015年苏州大学867化工原理考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2001-2015年苏州大学835有机化学B考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2004-2006、2013-2015年苏州大学834分析化学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2001-2015年苏州大学635有机化学A考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 1999-2018年苏州大学861高分子化学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2005-2015年苏州大学843材料结构基础考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2015年苏州大学838普通物理(光学工程)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2003-2015年苏州大学832普通物理考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2009-2015年苏州大学838信号与线性系统考研真题【历年苏州大学考研真题答案下载】[东吴苏大考研网] 2014-2015年苏州大学821材料物理化学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2010-2015年苏州大学866中学物理教学法考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2014-2015年苏州大学化学综合考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2003-2015年苏州大学601高等数学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2012年苏州大学632艺术理论考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2012-2013年苏州大学619戏剧戏曲艺术学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2009-2015年苏州大学245德语考研真题(不含13)[东吴苏大考研网] 2001-2015年苏州大学244法语考研真题(不含03、13)[东吴苏大考研网] 2003-2015年苏州大学243日语考研真题(不含13)[东吴苏大考研网] 2005-2015年苏州大学242俄语考研真题与答案【不含07、08、13】[东吴苏大考研网] 2005-2015年苏州大学241英语考研真题(不含08、13)[东吴苏大考研网] 2010-2015年苏州大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题答案[东吴苏大考研网] 2002-2004、2011年苏州大学会计学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2013-2015年苏州大学661教育学原理考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2002-2015年苏州大学634心理学专业基础综合(自命题)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2012-2015年苏州大学881知识产权法学考研真题(无13)[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2015年苏州大学434国际商务专业基础考研真题与答案[东吴苏大考研网] 1999、2007、2009-2015年苏州大学844纺织材料学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2002-2017年苏州大学431金融学综合考研真题与答案解析[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏州大学考研新闻与传播专业硕士复习全析(含真题与答案,共六册)[东吴苏大考研网] 2003-2015年苏州大学612绘画基础(色彩命题画)考研真题试卷[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研633教育学专业基础综合复习全析【含真题答案,共八册】[东吴苏大考研网] 2019苏大考研汉语国际教育硕士复习全析(共四册,含真题答案)[东吴苏大考研网] 2013-2015年苏州大学847金融学概论考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2007-2015年苏州大学617综合日语考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 1998-2015年苏州大学658公共管理学考研真题(不含1999)[东吴苏大考研网] 2000、2004、2013-2016年苏州大学660世界史专业基础综合(自命题)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2000-2017年苏州大学659中国史专业基础综合(自命题)考研真题与答案[东吴苏大考研网] 2002、2006-2015年苏州大学624药学基础综合(2)考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2006、2009-2017年苏州大学623生物综合考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2012-2015年苏州大学865影视评论写作考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2011-2015年苏州大学611影视艺术学考研真题[东吴苏大考研网] 2000-2015年苏州大学819教育管理学考研真题(不含03、04、07、08、09、11年)[东吴苏大考研网] 苏州大学311教育学专业基础综合真题与答案(2007-2017年)[东吴苏大考研网] 2000-2006,2010-2015年苏州大学856物理化学(F)考研真题。

2、波长为500nm的光垂直照射在牛顿环装置上,在反射光中观察到第二级暗环半径为2.23mm,则透镜的曲率半径R= 。
今在空气中测得某一电介质的起偏振角为57 ,则该电介质的折射率为 。
8、1mol 单原子分子理想气体在1atm 的恒定压强下,体积从3211024.2m v -⨯=,膨胀到3221006.3m v -⨯=,则气体的内能改变了 J 。
9、在一容积不变的封闭容器内理想气体分子的平均速率若提高为原来的2倍,则气体的温度为原来的 倍,压强变为原来的 倍。
10、一气缸内贮有10mol 的单原子分子理想气体,在压缩过程中外界作功209 J ,气体升高1K ,此过程中气体内能增量为 J ;外界传给气体的热量为 J 。
若把隔板撤去,气体将进行自由膨胀,达到平衡后气体的温度 (填“升高”或“降低”或“不变” );气体的熵 (填“增加”或“减小”或“不变” )12、在某惯性系中以C/2的速率运动的粒子,其动量是按非相对论性动量计算 的 倍。

Soochow University Physics(B)(7 pages) Department Grade Specialty Number Name Score一. Fill in the blanks (40)1. In figure, a block B of mass M=15.0kg hangs by a cord from a knot K of mass M k, which hangs from a ceiling by means of two other cords. The cords have negligible mass, and the magnitude of the gravitational force on the knot is negligible compared to the gravitational force on the block. What are the tensions in the three cords?, , .2. Two ships, A and B, leave port at the same time. Ship A travels northwest at 24 knots and ship B travels at 28 knots in a direction 400 west of south. (1 knot=1 nautical mile per hour=1852 meters per hour) (a) The magnitude and direction of the velocity of ship A relative B are , ;(b) After what time will the ships be 160 nautical miles apart? .3. A puck of mass m slides on a frictionless table while attached to a hanging cylinder of mass M by a cord through a hole in the table. What speed keeps the cylinder at rest ? .4. In figure, a 12kg block is released from rest on a 300 frictionless incline. Below the block is a spring that can be compressed 2.0cm by a force of 270N. The block momentarily stops when it compresses the spring by5.5cm. (a) How far does the block move down the incline from its rest position to this stopping point? ;(b)What is the speed of the block just as it touches the spring?5. The uniform solid block in figure has mass M and edge lengths a, b and c. Calculate its rotational inertia about an axis through one corner and perpendicular to the large faces. .c6. In a playground, there is a small merry-go-round of radius 1.20m and mass 180kg. Its radius of gyration(旋转)(k91.0cm. A child of mass 44.0kg runs at a speed of 3.00m/s along a path that tangent to the rim of the initially stationary merry-go-round and then jump on. Neglect friction between the bearings and the shaft of the merry-go-ground .Calculate (a) the rotational inertia of the merry-go-ground about its axis of rotation is ;(b) the magnitude of the angular momentum of the running child about the axis of rotation of the merry-go-ground is ;(c) the angular speed of the merry-go-ground and child after the child has jumped on are .7. Ethanol(乙醇) of density ρ=791kg/m 3 flows smoothly through a horizontal pipe that tapers(锥形) (as in figure) in cross-sectional area from A1=1.20*10-3m 2 to A 2=A 1/2. The pressure difference between the wide and narrow sections of pipe is 4120Pa.What is the volume flow rate Rv of the ethanol? .8. The linear density of a string is 1.6*10-4kg/m.A transverse wave on the string is described by the equation y=(0.021m)sin[(2.0m -1)x+(30s -1)t](a) the wave speed is and (b) the tension in the string is . 9. (a) What is the mean free path λ for oxygen molecules at temperature T=300K and pressure p=1.0 atm? Assume that the molecular diameter is d=290pm and the gas is ideal. (b) Assume the average speed of the oxygen molecules is v=450m/s. What is the average time t between successive collisions for any given molecule? . At what rate does the molecule collide; that is, what is the frequency f of its collisions? . 10. The molar mass M of oxygen is 0.0320kg/mol. (a) What is the average speed v avg of oxygen gas molecules at T=300K? ;(b) What is the root-mean-square speed v rms at 300K? ;(c) What is themostprobable speed V p at 300K? .二.Problems (60)1. The last stage of a rocket, which is traveling at a speed of 7600m/s, consists of two parts that are clamped together: a rocket case with a mass of 290.0kg and a payload(有效载荷) capsule(太空舱) with a mass of 150.0kg.When the clamp is released, a compressed spring causes the two parts to separate with a relative speed of 910.0m/s.What are the speeds of (a) the rocket case and (b) the payload after they have separated? Assume that all velocities are along the same line.Find the total kinetic energy of the two parts (c) before and (d) after they separate ; account for any difference.2. In figure, a ball of mass m is shot with speed v i into the barrel(桶) of a spring gun of mass M initially at rest on a frictionless surface. The ball sticks in the barrel at the point of maximum compression of the spring. Assume that the increases in thermal energy due to friction between the ball and the barrel is negligible(a)What is the speed of the spring gun after the ball stops in the barrel?(b)What fraction of the initial kinetic energy of the ball is stored in the spring?m3. A solid ball starts from rest at the upper end of the track shown in figure and rolls without slipping until it rolls off the right-hand end .If H=6.0m and h=2.0m and the track is horizontal at the right-hand end .how far horizontally from point A does the ball land on the floor?4. A uniform spring with unstretched length L and spring constant k is cut into two pieces of unstretched length L1 and L2, with L1=nL2, What are the corresponding spring constants (a) k1 and (b) k2 in terms of n and k? If a block is attached to the original spring is replaced with the piece L1 or L2, the corresponding frequency is f1 or f2. Find (c) f1 and (d) f2 in terms of f.5. One mole of an ideal monatomic gas traverses the cycle of figure. Process 1 to 2 occurs at constant volume, process 2 to 3 is adiabatic(绝热), and process 3 to 1 occurs at constant pressure.(a)Compute the heat Q, the change in internal energy ΔEint, and the work doneW, for each of the three processes and for the cycle as a whole.(b)The initial pressure at point 1 is 1.00atm. Find the pressure and the volume atpoints 2 and 3. Use 1.00atm=1.013*105Pa and R=8.314J/mol.K.6. Four moles of an ideal gas undergo a reversible isothermal expansion(等温膨胀) from volume V1 to volume V2=2V1 at temperature T=400K. Find (a) the work done by the gas and (b) the entropy change of the gas. (c) If the expansion is reversible and adiabatic instead of isothermal, what is the entropy change of the gas?Soochow University Physcis(B)Answer一.1. 104N; 134N; 147N2. 38knots, 1.5° east of north; 4.2h;3. (Mgr/m)1/24. 35cm; 1.7m/s5. M/3 (a2+b2)6. 149kgm2; 158kgm2/s; 0.746rad/s7. 2.24*10-3m3/s8. 15m/s; 0.036N9. 1.1*10-7m; 0.24ns; 4.1*109/s10. 445m/s; 483m/s; 395m/s二. Problems1. 7290m/s; 8200m/s; 1.271*1010J; 1.275*1010J/(m+M); M/(m+M)2. mvi3. 4.8m4. (n+1)k/n; (n+1)k; ((n+1)n)1/2f; (n+1)1/2f5. 3740, 3740,0; 0, -1810, 1810; -3220, -1930, -1290; 520, 0, 520;0.0246m3, 2.00atm, 0.0373m3, 1.00atm6. 9220J; 23.0J/K; 0。

Soochow University Physics(B)(7 pages) Department Grade Specialty Number Name Score一. Fill in the blanks (40)1. In figure, a block B of mass M=15.0kg hangs by a cord from a knot K of mass M k, which hangs from a ceiling by means of two other cords. The cords have negligible mass, and the magnitude of the gravitational force on the knot is negligible compared to the gravitational force on the block. What are the tensions in the three cords?, , .2. Two ships, A and B, leave port at the same time. Ship A travels northwest at 24 knots and ship B travels at 28 knots in a direction 400 west of south. (1 knot=1 nautical mile per hour=1852 meters per hour) (a) The magnitude and direction of the velocity of ship A relative B are , ;(b) After what time will the ships be 160 nautical miles apart? .3. A puck of mass m slides on a frictionless table while attached to a hanging cylinder of mass M by a cord through a hole in the table. What speed keeps the cylinder at rest ? .4. In figure, a 12kg block is released from rest on a 300 frictionless incline. Below the block is a spring that can be compressed 2.0cm by a force of 270N. The block momentarily stops when it compresses the spring by5.5cm. (a) How far does the block move down the incline from its rest position to this stopping point? ;(b)What is the speed of the block just as it touches the spring?5. The uniform solid block in figure has mass M and edge lengths a, b and c. Calculate its rotational inertia about an axis through one corner and perpendicular to the large faces. .c6. In a playground, there is a small merry-go-round of radius 1.20m and mass 180kg. Its radius of gyration(旋转)(k91.0cm. A child of mass 44.0kg runs at a speed of 3.00m/s along a path that tangent to the rim of the initially stationary merry-go-round and then jump on. Neglect friction between the bearings and the shaft of the merry-go-ground .Calculate (a) the rotational inertia of the merry-go-ground about its axis of rotation is ;(b) the magnitude of the angular momentum of the running child about the axis of rotation of the merry-go-ground is ;(c) the angular speed of the merry-go-ground and child after the child has jumped on are .7. Ethanol(乙醇) of density ρ=791kg/m 3 flows smoothly through a horizontal pipe that tapers(锥形) (as in figure) in cross-sectional area from A1=1.20*10-3m 2 to A 2=A 1/2. The pressure difference between the wide and narrow sections of pipe is 4120Pa.What is the volume flow rate Rv of the ethanol? .8. The linear density of a string is 1.6*10-4kg/m.A transverse wave on the string is described by the equation y=(0.021m)sin[(2.0m -1)x+(30s -1)t](a) the wave speed is and (b) the tension in the string is . 9. (a) What is the mean free path λ for oxygen molecules at temperature T=300K and pressure p=1.0 atm? Assume that the molecular diameter is d=290pm and the gas is ideal. (b) Assume the average speed of the oxygen molecules is v=450m/s. What is the average time t between successive collisions for any given molecule? . At what rate does the molecule collide; that is, what is the frequency f of its collisions? . 10. The molar mass M of oxygen is 0.0320kg/mol. (a) What is the average speed v avg of oxygen gas molecules at T=300K? ;(b) What is the root-mean-square speed v rms at 300K? ;(c) What is themostprobable speed V p at 300K? .二.Problems (60)1. The last stage of a rocket, which is traveling at a speed of 7600m/s, consists of two parts that are clamped together: a rocket case with a mass of 290.0kg and a payload(有效载荷) capsule(太空舱) with a mass of 150.0kg.When the clamp is released, a compressed spring causes the two parts to separate with a relative speed of 910.0m/s.What are the speeds of (a) the rocket case and (b) the payload after they have separated? Assume that all velocities are along the same line.Find the total kinetic energy of the two parts (c) before and (d) after they separate ; account for any difference.2. In figure, a ball of mass m is shot with speed v i into the barrel(桶) of a spring gun of mass M initially at rest on a frictionless surface. The ball sticks in the barrel at the point of maximum compression of the spring. Assume that the increases in thermal energy due to friction between the ball and the barrel is negligible(a)What is the speed of the spring gun after the ball stops in the barrel?(b)What fraction of the initial kinetic energy of the ball is stored in the spring?m3. A solid ball starts from rest at the upper end of the track shown in figure and rolls without slipping until it rolls off the right-hand end .If H=6.0m and h=2.0m and the track is horizontal at the right-hand end .how far horizontally from point A does the ball land on the floor?4. A uniform spring with unstretched length L and spring constant k is cut into two pieces of unstretched length L1 and L2, with L1=nL2, What are the corresponding spring constants (a) k1 and (b) k2 in terms of n and k? If a block is attached to the original spring is replaced with the piece L1 or L2, the corresponding frequency is f1 or f2. Find (c) f1 and (d) f2 in terms of f.5. One mole of an ideal monatomic gas traverses the cycle of figure. Process 1 to 2 occurs at constant volume, process 2 to 3 is adiabatic(绝热), and process 3 to 1 occurs at constant pressure.(a)Compute the heat Q, the change in internal energy ΔEint, and the work doneW, for each of the three processes and for the cycle as a whole.(b)The initial pressure at point 1 is 1.00atm. Find the pressure and the volume atpoints 2 and 3. Use 1.00atm=1.013*105Pa and R=8.314J/mol.K.6. Four moles of an ideal gas undergo a reversible isothermal expansion(等温膨胀) from volume V1 to volume V2=2V1 at temperature T=400K. Find (a) the work done by the gas and (b) the entropy change of the gas. (c) If the expansion is reversible and adiabatic instead of isothermal, what is the entropy change of the gas?Soochow University Physcis(B)Answer一.1. 104N; 134N; 147N2. 38knots, 1.5° east of north; 4.2h;3. (Mgr/m)1/24. 35cm; 1.7m/s5. M/3 (a2+b2)6. 149kgm2; 158kgm2/s; 0.746rad/s7. 2.24*10-3m3/s8. 15m/s; 0.036N9. 1.1*10-7m; 0.24ns; 4.1*109/s10. 445m/s; 483m/s; 395m/s二. Problems1. 7290m/s; 8200m/s; 1.271*1010J; 1.275*1010J/(m+M); M/(m+M)2. mvi3. 4.8m4. (n+1)k/n; (n+1)k; ((n+1)n)1/2f; (n+1)1/2f5. 3740, 3740,0; 0, -1810, 1810; -3220, -1930, -1290; 520, 0, 520;0.0246m3, 2.00atm, 0.0373m3, 1.00atm6. 9220J; 23.0J/K; 0。
普通物理(一)上05卷 题库+答案

2、一横波的波动方程为y=0.02sin2π( 100t-0.4x ) ( SI ),则振幅是,波长是,频率是,波的传播速度是。
3、一水平水管粗处的横截面积为S1=40cm2,细处为S2=10cm2,管中水的流量为Q=6000cm3/S,则水管中心轴线上1处与2处的压强差P1-P2= 。
4、相距l的正负点电荷±q组成电偶极子,电偶极矩p= 。
该电偶极子在图示的A点(r>>l)的电势U A= 。
5、点电荷+q和-q的静电场中,作出如图的二个球形闭合面S1和S2、通过S1的电场通量φ1= ,通过S2的电场通量φ2= 。
rl+qA6、点电荷q 位于原先带电Q 的导体球壳的中心,球壳的 内外半径分别为R 1和R 2,球壳内表面带电= , 球壳外表面带电= ,球壳电势U= 。
7、已知在一个面积为S 的平面闭合线圈的范围内,有一随时间变化的均匀磁场(t ),则此闭合线圈内的感应电动势ε= 。
8、半圆形闭合线圈半径为R ,载有电流I ,它放在图示的 均匀磁场B 中,它的直线部份受的磁场力大小为 弯曲部份受的磁场力大小为 ,整个闭合导线 所受磁场力为 。
9、如图所示,磁感应强度沿闭合 曲线L 的环流∮L ·d = 。
10、两根平行长直细导线分别载有电流100A 和50A , 方向如图所示,在图示A 、B 、C 三个空间内有可能 磁感应强度为零的点的区域为 。
A B C二、计算题:(每小题10分,共60分)1、一根质量为M长为L的均匀细棒,可以在竖直平面内绕为m的小球沿光滑水平平面以速度V滚来,与棒做完全非弹性碰撞,求碰撞后棒摆过的最大角度θ。

苏大-基础物理-(上)题库-试卷及答案(总75页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--苏州大学 普通物理(一)上 课程试卷(01)卷 共6页一、填空题:(每空2分,共40分。
在每题空白处写出必要的算式)1、一飞轮以角速度ω0绕轴旋转,飞轮对轴的转动惯量为I ;另一个转动惯量为2I 的静止飞轮突然被啮合到同一轴上,啮合后整个系统的角速度ω= 。
2、一飞轮以600转/分的转速旋转,转动惯量为·m 2,现加一恒定的制动力矩使飞轮在1s 内停止转动,则该恒定制动力矩的大小M= 。
3、质量为m=的质点作半径为r=1m 的匀速圆周运动,速率为v=1m/s ,当它走过21圆周时,动量增量P ∆= ,角动量增量L∆= 。
4、一水平管子的横截面积在粗处为S 1=50cm 2,细处S 2=20cm 2,管中水的流量Q=3000cm 3/s ,则粗处水的流速为v 1= ,细处水的流速为v 2= 。
水管中心轴线上1处与2处的压强差P 1-P 2= 。
5、半径为R 的均匀带电球面,带有电量Q ,球心处的电场强度E= ,电势U= 。
6、图示电路中,开关S 开启时,U AB = ,开关S 闭合后AB 中的电流I= ,开关S 闭合后A 点对地电位U AO = 。
7、电路中各已知量已注明,电路中电流I= ,ab 间电压U ab = 。
8、如图所示,磁场B方向与线圈平面垂直向内,如果通过该线圈的磁通量与时间的关系为:Φ=6t 2+7t+1,Φ的单位为10-3Wb ,t 的单位为秒。
当t=2秒时,回路的感应电动势ε= 。
126Ω3ΩbaB9、空气平板电容器内电场强度为E ,此电容放在磁感强度为B的均匀磁场内。
如图所示,有一电子以速度0v 进入电容器内,0v的方向与平板电容器的极板平行。
当磁感强度与电场强度的大小满足 关系时,电子才能保持直线运动。