
杨浦区2023 学年度第一学期高中等级考模拟质量调研高三年级化学学科试卷2023.12相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 P-31一、选择题〔此题共40 分,每题2 分,每题只有一个正确答案〕1.港珠澳大桥使用了大量的含钒高强抗震钢材。
该钢材与生铁比较错误的选项是A.抗震性好B. 耐腐蚀强C. 含碳量高D. 都导电导热2.对石油和煤的分析错误的选项是A.都是混合物B. 都含有机物C. 石油裂化和煤干馏得到不同的产品D. 石油分馏和煤干馏原理一样3.元素周期表中,铟〔In〕与铝同主族,与碘同周期。
由此推断A.In 最外层有5 个电子B. In 的原子半径小于IC. In(OH)3的碱性强于Al(OH)3D. In 属于过渡元素4.氮化碳〔C N 〕的硬度大于金刚石,则氮化碳中3 4A.只有共价键C. 可能存在N≡NB. 可能存在离子D. 存在极性分子5.工业上可用铝热反响冶炼锰、钒等难熔金属,其缘由与以下无关的是A.铝复原性较强B. 铝能形成多种合金C. 铝相对锰、钒较廉价D. 反响放出大量的热6.与氢硫酸混合后无明显现象的是A.NaOH 溶液B. 亚硫酸C. FeCl3溶液 D. 氯水7.同温同压下,热化学方程式中反响热数值最大的是选项 事实缘由A用铝制容器盛装浓硫酸常温下,铝与浓硫酸很难反响A. 2W(l)+Y(l)→2Z(g)+Q1C. 2W(g)+Y(g)→2Z(g)+Q3B. 2W(g)+Y(g)→2Z(l)+Q2D. 2W(l)+Y(l)→2Z(l)+Q48. 同温同压同体积的H 和 CO2A. 密度不同B. 质量一样C. 分子大小一样D. 分子间距不同9. 没有涉及到氧化复原反响的是A. Fe 3+和淀粉检验I -C. 制Cu(OH) 、加热检验醛基2B. 氯水和CCl 检验Br -4D. 硝酸和AgNO 溶液检验Cl -310. 向 FeCl 、CuCl 、盐酸的混合溶液中参加铁粉充分反响后,用KSCN 溶液检验无明显现象,则反响后32的溶液肯定A. 含 Cu 2+B. 含 Fe 2+C. 呈中性D. 含 Fe 2+和 Cu 2+11. 异戊烷的A. 沸点比正己烷高C. 同分异构体比C H 多5 10B. 密度比水大D. 碳碳键键长比苯的碳碳键长A. 最简式是CHB. 分子中全部原子共平面 2C. 能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色D. 是 CH =CH-CH=CH 的同系物2213. N 代表阿伏加德罗常数的值。

I.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A.Receptionist and guest. B.Manager and employee.C.Lecturer and student.D.Mechanic and customer.2. A.Keep them in the closet.B.Donate them to her university.C.Sell them to Sally at a low price.D.Give them away to a second-hand shop.3. A.It is too late to sign up for the course.B.Learning the basics is more fun.C.The woman is not ready to learn coding.D.The woman should do exercises.4. A.Alice will drive Jack to the airport.B.Alice will cook something for Jack.C.Jack will be away for quite some time.D.Jack has missed the meal at the airport.5.$84. B.$82. C.$72. D.$80.6. A.She is not good at typing on the computer.B.She shops online less often than before.C.She is incapable of writing the report.D.She is not as busy as she claims.7. A.Because she forgot which room she had stayed.B.Because she thought she had been wrongly accused.C.Because she had left her credit card in the room.D.Because she wanted to make sure what items she had broken.8. A.Excited. B.Annoyed. C.Confused. D.Relaxed.9. A.Wear something formal for the occasion.B.Bring the copies of her exam certificates.C.Behave casually during the whole process.D.Prepare a smart device for registration.10.A.He has learned to use the system by reading the manual.B.He will teach the woman the new tricks himself.C.It is not difficult to learn to use the new system.D.It is possible that the rocket project will be stopped.Section BDirections:In Section B,you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation,and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation.The passages and the conversation will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions11through13are based on the following passage.11.A.Native people. wyers in Britain.C.Non-humans.D.Children in Wales.12.A.They focus on better ways to tackle climate change.B.They forbid other creatures to use trees for food or shelter.C.They recognize the legal rights of the whole natural system.D.They protect things humans find interesting like trees and pets.13.A.Defending native cultures by law.ing laws to protect nature.C.Fighting the loss of biodiversity.ing technology to protect the environment.Questions14through16are based on the following passage.14.A.They can make us focus on the task at hand.B.They serve as proof of what we have achieved.C.They provide us with guidance to accomplish the tasks.D.They can serve as a means to drown out our anxiety.15.A.We perform the tasks on the lists quickly.B.We tend to forget about the warm-up tasks.C.The less anxious we are,the sooner we complete the tasks.D.We remember the unfinished tasks better than the finished ones.16.A.What we include in to-do lists.B.When we improve productivity.C.Why our brains love lists.D.How we connect lists with tasks.Questions17through20are based on the following conversation.17.A.She turned in a business proposal to the company.B.She informed the company of her decision to quit.C.She discussed her future plan with the man.D.She helped the man work independently in the new office.18.A.At the heart of a neighborhood.B.Near the entrance to the old company.C.At the center of a night market.D.Not far from the MRT station.19.A.A place has been rented for the business.B.The date has been set to open the business.C.Preparation work has been completed.D.A contract has been signed with business partners.20.A.Invest his savings in her drink stand.B.Treat coworkers to a drink at her stand.C.Buy drinks regularly at the stand.D.Pay full prices for the discounted drinks.II.Grammar and vocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Going Hungry in the Land of the RichThe United States is one of the world’s wealthiest countries.Despite this,many Americans struggle just to put healthy food,or any food at all,on the table every day. One might think that a food shortage(21)_________(happen)in America,but this is not the case.There is more than sufficient food for everyone,40%of(22)________ is unfortunately,wasted every day.There are many different ways food(23)________ (waste):farmers only pick the crops,deliveries aren’t made on time, supermarkets throw out extra products,customers buy more than they need,and so on. The highest level of wastage tends to happen in the richest communities.Meanwhile,people who live in poor or rural areas often have little or no access to food.These areas are called“food deserts.”They have fewer supermarkets,and the only food options that they(24)________afford are often unhealthy ones.Healthy foods(25)________________fresh fruits and vegetables may be impossible to find. Sadly,12.8%of the American population live in food deserts.What can we do to help(26)________who don’t have enough food?Shirley and Annie Zhu came up with a solution.In2017,when Hurricane Harvey destroyed over 100,000homes in their city,Houston,the sisters got involved.(27)_______helping to clear water from a flooded supermarket,they saw a huge amount of food being wasted.At the same time,thousands of people in the city didn't have enough(28) ________(eat).The girls set up Fresh Hub with10of their classmates,(29)________(hope)to do something to help.They created an app which could be used by residents to find out(30)_______fresh food was available.Then they contacted local farmers and supermarkets to ask for their extra food.To date,Fresh Hub has delivered more than 15,000pounds of food to people in need.Section BDirections:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.Each word can be used only once.Note that there is one word more than you need.A.normallyB.boostC.sustainD.gainsE.assessingF.substantiallyG.effortsH.mixedI.surprisingJ.anticipateK.assignedYour Social-Media Detoxes(脱瘾治疗)Probably Aren’t Helping YouWe’ve all heard the supposed benefits of unplugging from digital devices,even for24hours.Such breaks are said to(31)_________self-confidence,reduce social competitiveness and fears of missing out,and make room for more-enriching, in-person interactions.Yet studies exploring those effects have produced(32) ________results.So a global research team set out to systematically test the idea that social media detoxing delivers meaningful psychological(33)_________.The researchers recruited600undergraduate students in three places:the United States,the United Kingdom,and Hong Kong.All participants were randomly(34) _________to keep away from social media on either the first or the second day of a two-day experiment.On the other day,they were to interact with digital platforms as they(35)________would.Each evening they answered survey questions aimed at (36)________various aspects of well-being.Contrary to the researchers’expectations,the one-day detox made no noticeable impact on positive or negative emotions,self-confidence,or daily satisfaction.When it did have an effect,it decreased daily satisfaction and social relatedness,although the changes were not significant once the analysis was adjusted to control for gender.Just as(37) _________,people didn’t use the time freed up from looking at screens for other forms of socializing.In fact,they reported(38)________lower levels of face-to-face, phone,and email interactions on detoxing days.Even short social-media breaks can be hard to(39)_______—indeed,only half the participants in the experiment did what was required and these results suggest that they may not be worth the(40)_______.“We did not find any evidence that social media detoxing for one day had significant positive impacts on psychological well-being,”the researchers write.II.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Often,we know what makes us happy...but,despite this,often we don’t put the theory into action.Why do I(the person who tells you that taking breaks(41) ________stress and makes you more efficient)sit at my computer eating my lunch?I know this is unhelpful for me,so what on earth is going on?It all started at a time of huge pressure when I was training,and I began eating my lunch at my desk to(42) ________time.I did it over and over again until it became(43)________to my brain.My brain will choose this route by default(默认情况下),because it is the mostlearned behaviour.Something in my office(44)_________(probably my stomach rumbling(发咕咕声)will send a signal to my brain that it’s lunchtime,and I will pick up my sandwich and eat it with very little(45)________.It is a no-brainer to my brain;it’s just what it does.Habits don’t(46)________new learning from the brain;they are stored as a sequence of activities in the brain.The brain adds a routine of behaviours together so they all happen(47)________in sequence when activated by a signal(that rumbling stomach)to get us to a reward(my lunch),which(48)________strengthens that learned behaviour.Your brain uses habits to(49)________effort and save energy, and will default to these behaviours when signalled.How can we build happiness habits into our lives?Step1:What is it that you want to doDecide what you want to(50)________as small daily habits.Next,think about how and when you will do this.(51)________,consider the habits that affect happiness negatively and that you want to break.Like me,do you want to(52)________eating lunch at your desk and get outside instead?Step2:Be(53)________about your whyWhat will you gain from this new happiness habit?Why is it important to you?This helps you to want to make the effort to break your default habits.Step3:Be specificDecide when specifically you will(54)________your new habit and what you will do—for example,“I want to go for a walk to connect with nature at lunchtime.”Start as small as you can,because this is more likely to be achievable,repeatable and rewarding—three things we need to happen to shift from a(n)(55)_________new behaviour to a habit.41.A.increases B. C.suggests D.excludes42.A.kill B.spend C.save D.make43.A.habitual B.continual C.relevant D.remote44.A.context B.council C.entry D.format45.A.assistance B.appreciation C.appetite D.awareness46.A.regulate B.require prise D.consume47.A.subsequently B.collectively C.automatically D.individually48.A.in turn B.in return C.by far D.by contrast49.A.enhance B.attain C.reverse D.minimize50.A.bury B.change C.add D.delete51.A.Generally B.Alternatively C.Eventually D.Initially52.A.enjoy B.imagine C.delay D.stop53.A.crazy B.calm C.clear D.curious54.A.engage in B.call for C.appeal to D.give up55.A.hopeful B.hopeless C.effortful D.effortless Section BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in thepassage you have just read.(A)Homing pigeons combine precise internal compasses and memorized landmarks to re-trace a path back to their lofts—even four years after the previous time they made the trip,a new study shows.Testing nonhuman memory retention(保持)is challenging;in research studies,“it’s rare that there is a gap of several years between when an animal stores the information and when it is next required to retrieve it,”says University of Oxford zoologist Dora Biro.For a recent study in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biro and her colleagues compared domestic homing pigeons’paths three or four years after the birds established routes back to their loft from a farm8.6kilometers away. The study built on data from a2016experiment in which pigeons learned routes in different social contexts during several flights—on their own or with peers that did or did not know the way.Using data from GPS devices temporarily attached to the birds’backs,the researchers compared the flight paths a pack of pigeons took in2019or2020,without the birds visiting the release site in between.Some birds missed a handful of landmarks along the way,but many others took“strikingly similar”routes to those they used in2016,says Oxford zoologist and study co-author Julien Collet:“It was...as if the last time they flew there was just the day before,not four years ago.”The team found that the pigeons remembered a route just as well if they first flew it alone or with others and fared much better than those that had not made the journey in2016.The result is not surprising,says Verner Bing-man,who studies animal navigation at Bowling Green State University and was not involved with the study.But it provides new confirmation of pigeons’remarkable memory,he says:“It closes the distance a little bit between our self-centered sense of human intellectual abilities and what animals can do.”56.The underlined word“retrieve”is closest in meaning to________.A.reserveB.returnC.recoverD.record57.Which of the following conclusions may be found in the recent study in theProceedings of the Royal Society B?A.Pigeons remember specific routes home after years away.B.Pigeons remember routes better when flying with others.C.Pigeons can find their way back though taking different routes.D.Pigeons can retrace the path home through an attached GPS device.58.Which of the following is TRUE about the2016experiment?A.Oxford zoologist Julien Collet designed the experiment procedure.B.GPS devices were attached permanently to collect data about flight routes.C.The experiment was designed to eliminate pigeons that missed key landmarks.D.Pigeons were made to fly from the release site to their lofts several times.59.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.Humans need to adopt a more rigid approach to pigeons’memory.B.Humans are blinded by superiority when it comes to animal intelligence.C.Riddles about animals are too complex to be solved in the foreseeable future.D.There have been mixed responses to the findings about pigeons’memory.(B)60.Which of the following is TRUE about Intuition ?A.It is a born skill that can not be improved.B.It enables wise decisions when used properly.‘I ’ISFORINTUITION “There is a voice that doesn’t use words.Listen.”Rumi.If you have ever followed a “hunch”,gone with your gut,listened to your inner voice,or felt “I just know”,then you have accessed your intuition.We don’t have to reject logic or intellect to embrace intuition -good decisions are often the result of instinct and intellect working together.Here are 3ways to improve your intuition:●Wild writing.Every day for a week,sit quietly and write for 5minutes without thinking.Just let the words appear on the page.Then notice what you learn from your untamed thoughts.●Walking without purpose.Go for a walk (without your phone or other distractions).Take notice if you find your attention being drawn to any particular sights or sounds.ldentify what feelings,thoughts or meaning they have for you.●When faced with a decision,ask “What does my head,heart and gut say?”A-Z OF COACHING Welcome to Barefoot Coaching’s A-Z series.We aim to simplify what might otherwise be complex psychological theories and models and talk about them in a way that anybody can understand.We believe that everybody benefits from learning about and practising coaching skills -and it’s catching!Coaching spreads into other areas of our life and work and the positive effects are felt far beyond just ourselves.Each issue we will be focusing on a different element of st month we explored Happiness ,this month we will focus on Intuition .C.It is contradictory to the power of reasoning.D.It guides us to notice the little things in our life.61._________was most likely the topic for the month before last.A.Pity.B.Jazz.C.Gratitude.D.Harmony.62.What can be learned about the Taster Sessions?A.Each session lasts about3hours.B.A password is needed for booking a session.C.They run at a fixed time every day.D.They are free to regular members only.(C)In memory of Eleanor--a woman________[1]Eleanor Lowenthal–my grandmother–in desperate need of income to put her husband through graduate school,walked into the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology.There,she convinced the scientists that she was the perfect person to mount(安放)and catalog their growing ant collection.[2]At the time,a promising graduate student named E.O.Wilson was coming up in the department.Wilson,who passed away in December2021,was called the “father of biodiversity”.When Eleanor joined the department,researchers were racing to collect and catalog specimens(标本).As Wilson shifted research towards smaller, less glamorous species that nonetheless held ecological significance,he set the stage for conservation biology.Behind the scenes,technicians like my grandmother preserved the specimen that furthered Wilson’s work and continue to provide new insights and opportunities for researchers across the globe.[3]At the time,hiring a21-year-old woman who had dropped out of art school was a significant gamble.It paid Eleanor’s job as a technician required the same manual flexibility and coordination that art school had demanded.The job required her to work quickly,yet precisely.Rushing could risk ruining a rare specimen,but Eleanor could process ants as quickly as Wilson could mail them back from his expeditions to Australia and Papua New Guinea.She sometimes mounted as many as 200a day.[4]It wasn’t a coincidence that Eleanor found work in entomology.Wilson’s high-profile research on ants cracked an opening for women in previously male-dominated field of conservation,which was centered around studying big game in the first half of the20th century.[5]Even when women’s early work has been credited,the language used to describe their contributions often minimized their role in the team,not mentioning them by name.A recently discovered department report includes lines such as,“A large amount of spreading and setting insects was done by the lady assistant,”and“The collection has been remarkably free from pests…due to the continuous care of the lady assistant.”[6]The department now functions like a library(specimen can be borrowed for study or examined on site),and serves as a training center for the next generation of scientists who use the collection in ways Wilson and my grandmother probably neverimagined.[7]Eleanor didn’t realize the impact of her contribution at the time–the technician role was just a job that paid$38a week.But she’s come to appreciate the significance of her work on a project that spans centuries.“You can see how it goes from one era to another,”says Eleanor.“It’s so important to have this library for people to make connections and new discoveries.”63.The first two paragraphs write about_________.A.why Eleanor was chosen to be an assistant for WilsonB.what convinced Wilson switch to the study of antsC.how Eleanor’s and Wilson’s career paths crossedD.when technicians like Eleanor started to get hired64.Why were the lines in the report cited in the fifth paragraph?A.To prove how important women’s early work was.B.To show women’s role at the time was not fully recognized.C.To give a vivid description of the nature of women’s work.D.To teach the wisdom of writing good science reports.65.What can be learned from the last two paragraphs?A.Today’s researchers are still enjoying the benefits of Eleanor’s work.B.Eleanor is now working as a supervisor in the department.C.New scientific discoveries are the results of collective wisdom.D.Nobody’s work is as important as Eleanor’s in the department.66.Which of the following should be filled in the title“In memory of Eleanor--awoman________”A.whose struggle mirrored the social changes in the status of womenB.whose work won her fame in the then male-dominated field of conservationC.who pioneered a unique management system at the Harvard MuseumD.who worked behind the scenes with extraordinary speed,accuracy and artistry Section CDirections:Read the passage carefully.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A.There’ll still be times when old thoughts cause sadness,or you’re anxious about what’s next.B.The usefulness of nostalgia seems to vary with age.C.Today we have a much more positive attitude to nostalgia.D.You’ll get faster at finding it,and add extra layers of detail each time.E.The answer lies in connecting with your past and future selves.F.But there’s also a growing body of research into time travel“the other way”.How to Travel in TimeThe term“NOSTALGIA”(怀旧)used to describe a mental disease.The“algia”bit means“pain”,and the word was coined by a17th-century doctor treating homesick soldiers,whose symptoms included hallucinations(幻觉)and depression.(67) ______________________And it’s a great example of the benefits of a strong memory—choosing to recapture moments from the past to enjoy them all over again.As evidence,a recent report highlighted the increase in old songs being streamed on Spotify during lockdown.It seems that we found strength in musical memories of happier times.(68)______________________Because memory skills can take you into the future,too—bringing a whole new set of rewards.In another pandemic experiment,people wrote letters to their future selves,and found that they improved their mood by imagining themselves safely on the other side of COVID-19.Here are my tips for becoming a confident time traveller yourself: *To reawaken happy feelings,use all your senses—not just sight.Smell,taste, touch and sound will also help you to recreate the past in rich clarity.If you find a memory that’s particularly helpful—for reassurance,say—keep using it!(69)_________________________*When you’re procrastinating(拖延),visualise an end result.Flash forward to see the floor swept or the essay finished,and use that positive image to spur you into action.*Ahead of major challenges,imagine the full impact of success.Don’t just picture yourself getting that great job:fill your mind with the really big ways it’s going to change your life.(70)_______________________But the more you learn to control your memory, the better you’ll be at mining your past,and shaping your future,to be your best self now.IV.Summary WritingDirections:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more e your own words as far as possible.Ignoring Your Biggest RegretsRegrets,people often feel,are to be avoided.Mistakes may be unavoidable,but they should be kept to a minimum.And when they do occur,the best course of action is to ignore them as inevitable steps on our journey.That seems logical,at least until you consider that one of the criteria for mental illness is an inability to feel regret.As author Kathryn Schulz argues,“If you want to be fully functional,and fully human, and fully humane,I think you need to learn to live not without regret,but with it.”Counterintuitively,she and other experts argue feeling regret is essential for living your best life.No one is saying,of course,that getting trapped in your past mistakes is a good idea.But neither is a“no regrets and never look back”mentality.Regret forces us to engage in a reflective analysis to understand why we thought or acted the way we did and makes us try things differently in the future.If you keep telling yourself“no regrets,”then learning isn’t going to happen.Besides,hiding from regret doesn’t make it hurt less.Action does.Action,recent research shows,is the best way to make regret hurt less.So if you’re troubled by your failure to travel when you were young,science suggests you consciously plan an adventurous trip now that you’re older and wiser.Upset about a broken friendship?Act to try to repair it.Acknowledging our mistakes,rather than ignoring them,reminds us that we arevaluable and worthy despite our faults.That sort of acceptance is the basis both of real self-confidence and of true kindness.As Schulz sums up in her talk:“Regret doesn’t remind us that we did badly.It reminds us we know we can do better.”V.TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.72.两个小朋友分别得到一盒蜡笔和一本书作为奖励。

葡萄糖进行细胞呼吸首先要经历糖酵解,下列化合物不属于糖酵解产物的是A.H+B.ATPC.CO 2D.CH 3COCOOH5.若用15N 标记噬菌体并使其侵染没有标记的细菌,下列对子代噬菌体的表述正确的是A.可在衣壳中找到15NB.可在DNA 中找到15NC.可在衣壳和DNA 中找到15N①②③④H 2NO C HNR 1R 2CC NCC C OHH HHO H R 3O图1图2D.在衣壳和DNA 中均找不到15N6.人体感染腺病毒会出现咳嗽、鼻塞和咽炎等症状。

一、选择题(本题共40分,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项)1. 图1表示氨基酸脱水缩合的产物,该化合物的名称是 A. 二肽 B. 三肽 C. 多肽 D. 肽链2. 如果光喝牛奶,不吃面包,牛奶中的蛋白质会代替糖类作为能量的主要来源。
机体利用蛋白质水解产生的氨基酸供能,首先要经历的过程是A. 脱氨基作用B. 转氨基作用C. 氧化分解D. 脱水缩合3. 图2是细胞核的电镜照片,其中与核糖体形成有关的结构是A. ①B. ②C. ③D. ④4. 以葡萄糖为底物的细胞呼吸是人体获得生命活动所需能量的 主要途径。
葡萄糖进行细胞呼吸首先要经历糖酵解,下列化 合物不属于糖酵解产物的是A. H +B. A TPC. CO 2D. CH 3COCOOH5. 若用15N 标记噬菌体并使其侵染没有标记的细菌,下列对子代噬菌体的表述正确的是A. 可在衣壳中找到15NB. 可在DNA 中找到15N① ② ③ ④H 2NOC HNR 1 R 2 CC NCC COHH HHO H R 3 O 图1图2C. 可在衣壳和DNA中找到15ND. 在衣壳和DNA中均找不到15N6. 人体感染腺病毒会出现咳嗽、鼻塞和咽炎等症状。
图3是腺病毒的结构,其中标号①所示的化合物是A.DNAB. 多糖C.RNAD. 蛋白质7.纤维素是自然界最丰富的多糖,其充分利用具有重大经济价值。
为了从自然界中筛选高性能纤维素降解能力的细菌,下列每升培养基的配方合理的是A. 淀粉5克,硫酸铵2.5克,生长因子适量,水1升B. 淀粉1克,硫酸铵1.8克,氯化铵1克,生长因子适量,水1升C. 纤维素5克,葡萄糖2克,硝酸铵2克,生长因子适量,水1升D. 纤维素1克,硝酸铵0.5克,氯化铵1.2克,生长因子适量,水1升8.图4是检测酶高效性的实验装置之一。

1. 其人因一次意外而导致下丘脑受到损伤,这样可能会导致他的①甲状腺激素分泌量发生变化①体温调节发生变化①血糖含量发生变化①细胞外液渗透压发生变化①垂体合成抗利尿激素减少A. ①①①B. ①①①①①C. ①①①①D. ①①①①2. 现有3支试管甲、乙、丙,先向各试管内加入2 mL可溶性淀粉溶液,再按图中所示步骤操作,然后分别用斐林试剂检验。
下列说法中不正确的是()A.实验结果是乙、丙试管内出现砖红色沉淀B.甲和丙试管对照,说明酶的活性受温度的影响C.实验结果是甲试管内出现砖红色沉淀D.甲和乙试管对照,说明酶具有专一性3. 哺乳动物的成熟红细胞做为获取细胞膜的实验研究材料,其依据是()A.哺乳动物的成熟红细胞容易获取B.哺乳动物的成熟红细胞中没有任何物质C.哺乳动物的成熟红细胞的细胞膜在光镜下容易观察到D.哺乳动物的成熟红细胞中,没有膜结构的细胞器和细胞核4. 下面是关于脂质的叙述,其中正确的是()A.磷脂由C、H、O三种元素组成,是构成细胞膜的主要成分B.脂肪组成元素与糖类物质相比,氧比例低,氢比例较高C.脂肪只存在于动物的脂肪细胞中,而植物细胞中没有D.胆固醇也是构成细胞膜的重要成分,能有效促进动物肠道对钙磷的吸收5. 细菌被归为原核生物的原因是()A. 细胞体积小B. 单细胞C. 没有成形的细胞核D. 具有细胞膜6. 某生物体细胞含有12条染色体,在有丝分裂后期,细胞核中的DNA和染色体数目分别是()A. 12、24B. 24、24C. 12、12D. 24、127. 下列关于科学方法叙述错误的是()A.归纳法分为完全归纳法和不完全归纳法,归纳法得出的结论都是可信的B.细胞学说的提出运用的是不完全归纳法C.模型包括物理模型、概念模型、数学模型等D.画概念图是构建概念模型的一种方法,可以梳理所学知识,建立良好的知识结构8. 下列关于糖类的叙述中不正确的是()A. 纤维素是植物细胞壁的主要成分B. 糖原是人和动物细胞的储能物质C. 麦芽糖可以被水解为葡萄糖和果糖D. 人们食用的淀粉不能被细胞直接吸收9. 植物细胞的质壁分离是指()A.细胞质和细胞壁分离B.原生质层和细胞壁分离C.细胞质和液泡分离D.细胞质和细胞膜分离10. 下列有关同源染色体与四分体的叙述,正确的是()A.每个四分体包含一对同源染色体的四条染色单体B.一对同源染色体就是一个四分体C.四分体时期可能发生姐妹染色单体间的交叉互换D.X染色体和Y染色体不是同源染色体11. 基因的转录终止位点(富含A-T碱基对)上游存在富含GC碱基的对称区域,该区域为模板转录出的部分序列容易形成发夹结构,阻止RNA聚合酶的移动,其过程如下图所示。

宝山区2021学年第一学期期末 高中生命科学学科等级考质量监测试卷考生注意:1.试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟。
每小题只有一个正确答案)1.“观察蚕豆叶下表皮”实验中,低倍镜视野下观测到保卫细胞位于视野右下角,欲在高倍镜视野下进一步清晰观察该细胞,需要进行的第一步操作是A .转动转换器B .转动细准焦螺旋C .调节光圈D .移动玻片2.同位素标记法可用于研究物质的组成。
以下各组物质中,均能用15N 标记的是A .脂肪和脱氧核糖核酸B .核糖核酸和氨基酸C .葡萄糖和氨基酸D .脱氧核糖核酸和淀粉3.cAMP 是由ATP 脱去两个磷酸基团后环化而成的,是细胞内的一种信号分子,其结构组成如图1所示。
其中X 表示的物质是A .腺嘌呤B .磷酸C .腺嘌呤脱氧核苷酸D .腺嘌呤核糖核苷4.小张查阅资料得知,α—淀粉酶的最适温度是55℃。
下列改进措施中可行的是试管 实验温度 3%淀粉溶液1%α—淀粉酶溶液1min 后碘液(棕黄色)检测1 50℃ 2mL 1mL 溶液呈棕黄色2 55℃ 2mL 1mL 溶液呈棕黄色 360℃2mL1mL溶液呈棕黄色A .5min 后进行碘液检测B .将淀粉溶液体积改为4mLC .将碘液改为班氏试剂D .将α—淀粉酶溶液浓度改为2%5.双特异性抗体(BsAb )是目前肿瘤免疫治疗的一种有力的工具,其含有2种特异性抗原结合位点,能在靶细胞和效应细胞之间架起桥梁,作用原理如图2,据图分析BsAb 的功能是A .杀死肿瘤细胞B .分泌淋巴因子C .激活体液免疫D .激活细胞免疫表1:T 细胞受体 淋巴 因子 双特异 性抗体肿瘤抗原肿瘤细胞细胞裂解图2X图16.经诱变、筛选得到基因A 与基因B 突变的酵母菌突变体A 和B ,它们的蛋白质分泌过程异常,如图3所示。

杨浦区2020学年度第一学期高中等级考模拟质量调研高三年级物理学科试卷 2020年12月考生注意:1.试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟。
) 1.牛顿第一定律是A .直接通过理论推导得到的B .实验定律,可以通过实验来验证C .描述惯性大小的,又叫惯性定律D .以实验为基础,通过推理、想像总结出来的2.如图,a 、c 是通电螺线管轴线上的两点,b 、d 是通电螺线管中垂线上、关于轴线对称的两点,其中 A .a 点磁感应强度最大 B .b 、d 两点磁感应强度相同 C .b 、c 两点磁感应强度方向相同 D .a 、c 两点磁感应强度方向相反3.如图,一个物体在水平推力F 的作用下静止在粗糙斜面上,该物体受到的力的个数是A .2个或3个B .2个或4个C .3个或4个D .4个或5个4.物体做下列运动时,加速度和速度方向的关系表述正确的是 A .简谐运动中加速度与速度始终同向 B .竖直上抛运动中加速度与速度始终同向 C .匀速圆周运动中加速度方向与速度方向始终垂直D .自由落体运动中加速度与速度方向可以相同、也可以相反d5.质量为m 的砝码挂于弹簧下端,当弹簧处于原长时将砝码由静止释放,弹簧始终在弹性限度内,不计空气阻力。
重力加速度为g 。
当砝码下降到最低点时(未到地面) A .砝码在最低点时弹簧拉力大小为mg B .下降过程中砝码始终处于失重状态 C .下降到最低点时砝码的加速度大于gD .下降过程中砝码克服弹簧弹力做的功等于砝码机械能的减少量6.已知两个共点力F 1、F 2的合力F 大小为10N ,F 1的大小为6N 。

杨浦区2020学年第一学期期末质量调研初三物理练习卷(满分100分,时间90分钟)一.选择题(共20分)1.一节干电池的电压为()A. 220伏B. 24伏C. 3伏D. 1.5伏2.下列实例中,属于利用连通器原理工作的是()A.抽水机B. 密度计C. 吸尘器D. 液位计3.下列物理量中,能影响导体电阻大小的是()A. 电压B. 电流C. 长度D. 电功率4.在如图所示的实例中。
增大压强的是()A. B. C. D刀刃磨得很薄滑雪用的滑板铁轨下铺枕木书包背带加宽5.下列事例中,运用的科学研究方法相同的是( )(1)探究液体内部压强与液体密度的关系(2)测定物质密度(3)探究串联电路中电阻的规律(4)探究物质质量与体积的关系。
A. (1)与(3)B. (1)与(4)C. (2)与(4)D. (3)与(4)6.将电阻R1与R2电阻并联后,它们的总电阻等于10欧。
下列判断中正确的是()A. R1一定小于10欧B.R1可能等于10欧C. R2一定大于10欧D. R2可能为10欧7.有一个装满水的柱形容器,已知容器内水的重力是10牛,现在向容器内放入一个重为4牛的物体,溢出水的重力是1牛。
取两块相同的橡皮泥,将一块做成碗状放入甲,另一块捏成球形放入乙内,橡皮泥静止后如图所示,以下判断正确的是()A.液体密度ρ甲>ρ乙B.液体对容器底部压强p液甲<p液乙C.橡皮泥受到的浮力F甲<F乙D.容器对地面的压强p地甲>p地乙9.在图3所示的电路中,电源电压保持不变,当滑动变阻器R1的滑片P由中点向右端移动时,变大的是A.电压表V的示数B.电压表V示数与电流表A示数的比值C.电流表A的示数D.电压表V示数与电流表A示数的乘积图3 图410.完全相同的圆柱体甲、乙置于水平地面上,将圆柱体分别置于它们的上方,甲、乙上表面受到的压强相等,如图4所示。

1. 下列关于糖类化合物的叙述,正确的是()A. 葡萄糖、果糖、半乳糖都是还原糖,但元素组成不同B. 淀粉、糖原、纤维素都是由葡萄糖聚合而成的多糖C. 蔗糖、麦芽糖、乳糖都可与斐林试剂反应生成砖红色沉淀D. 淀粉和糖原都是动物细胞储存能量的多糖2. 下列关于细胞中元素和化合物的说法,不正确的是()A.生物体是一个有机体,C是构成细胞的最基本元素B.不同生物体内各种元素的含量差异较大C.Zn、Fe、Cu、Mg等微量元素在生物体内的作用不可取代D.活细胞中含量最多的有机化合物是蛋白质3. 下列关于细胞核的叙述正确的是()A.核仁的功能之一是与核糖体的形成有关B.在光学显微镜下可以看到细胞核的核膜、核仁结构C.真核细胞的核膜上有核孔,允许大分子物质自由进出细胞核D.原核细胞的拟核除没有核膜外,其他方面与真核细胞的细胞核没有差别4. 下列属于纯合子的个体是()A.EeFFB.eeFFC.eeFfD.EEFf5. 下列选项中不符合含量关系“c=a+b,且a>b”的是()A.a非必需氨基酸种类、b必需氨基酸种类、c人体蛋白质的氨基酸种类B.a各细胞器的膜面积、b细胞核的膜面积、c生物膜系统的膜面积C.a线粒体的内膜面积、b线粒体的外膜面积、c线粒体膜面积D.a叶肉细胞的自由水、b叶肉细胞的结合水、c叶肉细胞总含水量6. 下列关于特异性免疫的叙述正确的是()A.吞噬细胞可特异性地识别、吞噬外来抗原,并通过溶酶体对抗原进行加工和处理B.效应T细胞可特异性地攻击被抗原侵入的宿主细胞并使靶细胞凋亡C.浆细胞可特异性地识别抗原,并在抗原刺激下合成分泌特异性的抗体D.在细胞外液中抗体可直接消灭抗原7. 下图表示种群各特征之间的关系,图中“+”表示增加,“-”表示减少。


2024届上海市杨浦区高三上学期等级考模拟质量调研(一模)考试物理试题一、单选题:本题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分 (共7题)第(1)题一台小型发电机产生的电动势随时间变化的正弦规律图象如图甲所示.已知发电机线圈内阻为5.0 Ω,现外接一只电阻为95.0 Ω的灯泡,如图乙所示,则 ( )A.电压表的示数为220 VB.电路中的电流方向每秒钟改变50次C.灯泡实际消耗的功率为484 WD.发电机线圈内阻每秒钟产生的焦耳热为24.2 J第(2)题如图甲所示,一条小河宽度为d,两河岸P、Q平行,一小船以恒定速度v0从河岸P出发,船头总保持与河岸P垂直,河水速度v与离河岸P的距离x的关系图像如图乙所示,则小船在小河中运动的轨迹可能正确的是( )A.B.C.D.第(3)题如图所示,质量为m的小球(可视为质点)用长为l的轻质细线悬于B点,使小球在水平面内做匀速圆周运动,轨迹圆圆心为O,重力加速度为g。
下列说法正确的是( )A.细线与竖直方向夹角为时,小球运动的角速度大小为B.保持轨迹圆的圆心O到悬点B的距离不变时,细线越长,小球运动的周期越短C.保持轨迹圆的圆心O到悬点B的距离不变时,细线越长,小球运动的周期越长D.保持细线与竖直方向夹角不变时,细线越短,小球运动的角速度越大第(4)题如图所示,半径为R的圆形区域中有垂直纸面向外的匀强磁场(图中未画出),磁感应强度B,一比荷为的带正电粒子,从圆形磁场边界上的A点以的速度垂直直径MN射入磁场,恰好从N点射出,且,下列选项正确的是( )A.粒子在磁场中运动的时间为B.粒子从N点射出方向竖直向下C.若粒子改为从圆形磁场边界上的C点以相同的速度入射,一定从N点射出D.若要实现带电粒子从A点入射,从N点出射,则所加圆形磁场的最小面积为第(5)题如图所示,一定质量的理想气体,从状态变化到状态,再变化到状态,最后回到状态。
下列说法正确的是( )A.气体在状态时的温度大于在状态时的温度B.气体从状态变化到状态的过程中,内能增加C.气体从状态变化到状态的过程中,分子平均动能减小D.气体从状态变化到状态的过程中,气体吸收热量第(6)题由1、2、3、4四块平面镜组成一矩形,其中平面镜1、3长,平面镜2、4长,平面镜反射面均朝矩形内,如图所示。

光合作用CO 2 CO 2 HCO3-HCO 3- ATPADP+Pi细胞膜 青浦区2020学年第一学期高二年级期终学业质量调研测试生命科学 试卷考试须知:1.答题前,请将你的姓名及准考证号认真填写在试卷和答题纸上。
一、选择题(共40分)1.使用低倍镜10×下用目镜测微尺测量草履虫,虫体长占2格,目镜不变转换高倍镜后虫体长为8格,则高倍物镜放大倍数为( )A .20倍B .40倍C .80倍D .160倍 2.下列可用于检测脱脂牛奶是否完全脱脂的试剂是( )A .苏丹Ⅲ染液B .班氏试剂C .碘液D .双缩脲试剂3.蓝藻细胞能吸收水体中的CO 2和HCO 3‾(如图1)用于光合作用。
由图1可知蓝藻细胞吸收碳的方式( ) ①自由扩散 ②协助扩散 ③主动运输A .①②B .①③C .②③D .①②③4.取不同植物滴加相同浓度的蔗糖溶液制成临时装片结果如下。
则最可能取自盐碱地的植物是( )A. B. C. D.5.电镜下观察到肝细胞中的某双层膜细胞器如图2,不能..在此细胞器中生成的物质是( )A.丙酮酸B.二氧化碳C.水D.ATP 6.图3为光学显微镜下观察到的某植物根尖有丝分裂图像,染色体数目与该植物体细胞相比加倍的是( )7. 噪音会导致交感神经活动机能亢进。
当半夜被噪音惊醒时,人体会发生( )A .心率减慢B .血压下降C .呼吸急促D .胃肠蠕动加快图1图2图38. 将沾有5%HCl 溶液的小纸片贴于捣毁脊髓的脊蛙脚趾(未去除皮肤)后,正常情况下曲腿反射反射弧的传入神经元电位变化情况为( )A .变为外负内正的动作电位B .变为外正内负的动作电位C .仍为外负内正的静息电位D .仍为外正内负的静息电位9. 关于新冠病毒引起人体免疫的叙述正确的是( )A. 新冠病毒属于传染链中的传染源B. 巨噬细胞能够特异性识别新冠病毒 C .无症状感染者体内不发生特异性免疫D .患者康复后可检测到抗新型冠状病毒抗体10.某兴趣小组探究不同浓度的赤霉素(GA )溶液和生长素(IAA )溶液对野牛草幼苗生长的影响,结果如图4。
上海市杨浦区 2020 学年度第二学期高中等级考模拟质量调研高三年级生命科学卷

复式花序卵形果 19 株。由此推算两对基因的交换值为
A. 9%
B. 11%
C. 20%
D. 81%
20. 图 7 是单克隆抗体制备的过程示意图,据图分析该过程中未涉及的生物技术或原理是
A. 动物细胞融合技术 C. 动物细胞培养技术
31.(2 分)该类型的遗传病最可能为 A. 单基因遗传病 C. 多基因遗传病
。 B. 伴性遗传病 D. 染色体遗传病
32.(2 分)根据题干信息及所学知识,解释上述两种类型的 CMN,尽管所涉及的 DNA 区
7 / 10
(三)动物生理(12 分)
ÚÚÚÚÛÜÝÞßàáiâ4— ãä!qå-(æ¿eç1ßèéêë4ì`íšîß0q %Gïðñòóô4•õ§ö÷u°\-øù0úi4ûü*ßü#ýþ„ÿ!p*Í"o #Í$%-üRXETRCI&ª4'(Ì)*+4,-./~-0'10'20V+4q3 (Ì4'56789?:ErNSTI\-0'2;<,=4•>?@üš#A01üš#A \4B&ûü*ßü-CD#ªFG CeA * GCbtEg 11I0
受体细胞中并发生融合(如图 3 所示),形成合子,再由合子发育成子代个体。这种生殖
A. 孢子生殖
B. 出芽生殖
C. 营养繁殖
D. 有性生殖
供体 受体

下列相关叙述正确的是()A.Ca2+参与组成血红蛋白B.Mg2+参与组成类胡萝卜素C.Zn2+参与组成甲状腺素D.Na+参与维持血浆渗透压2.图1表示植物叶下表皮气孔的开闭原理,据此分析,若将表皮a放在清水中,表皮b 放在30%的蔗糖溶液中,一段时间后,表皮a、b的气孔开闭情况分别是()图1A.张开、闭合B.均张开C.闭合、张开D.均闭合3.下列生物大分子中,空间结构及功能多样性最高的是()A.蛋白质B.DNA C.甘油三酯D.纤维素4.在剧烈运动时,肌肉处于暂时相对缺氧状态,葡萄糖的消耗量剧增,但ATP的生成量没有明显增多,这是因为()A. 葡萄糖中的能量全部以热的形式散失B. 葡萄糖中的能量没有完全释放出来C. 缺氧状态下,糖酵解过程受阻D. 缺氧状态下,三羧酸循环加快5.下列在叶肉细胞中发生的生理过程,不需要...蛋白质参与的是()A.Mg2+的吸收B.O2的进出C.ATP的合成D.CO2的固定6.某生物体基因型为AaBb(两对基因独立遗传),下列能表示其体细胞中染色体情况的是()A B C D7.肠道内壁上排列着的一些特殊细胞,可以识别食物中的化学成分、酸碱度等信息,并将信息传递给中枢神经系统。
据此判断,这些细胞属于( ) A .感受器B .传入神经C .传出神经D .效应器8.图2表示体外培养胚胎干细胞使其形成不同类型细胞 的过程。
下列相关叙述正确的是( ) A .该过程发生了基因重组 B .细胞①与细胞②的遗传物质相同 C .细胞③与胚胎干细胞的分化能力相同 D .细胞①②③中的蛋白质完全不同9.血液中胆固醇水平增高是导致动脉粥样硬化和冠心病的主要危险因素。


一. 单选题(共40分。
每小题只有一个正确选项) 1.构成细胞内生命物质的主要有机成分是 A .蛋白质和核酸 B .糖类和蛋白质 C .蛋白质和脂质 D .糖类和核酸2. 如图是细胞发生的一系列变化过程,有关分析正确的是A . 过程①表示细胞生长B . 过程②表示细胞分化C . 过程②染色体数会减半D . 过程③表示细胞分裂3.在电子显微镜下,颤藻和水稻叶肉细胞中都能被观察到的结构是A .叶绿体和液泡B .内质网和核糖体C .核糖体和细胞膜D .细胞核和线粒体4.将紫色洋葱表皮细胞置于30%的蔗糖溶液中,光镜下所能看到的现象是①区域1扩大 ②区域1缩小 ③区域2紫色变浅 ④区域2紫色加深 ⑤原生质层与细胞壁逐渐分离 ⑥细胞膜、液泡膜结构清晰 A . ①③⑤B . ①④⑤C . ②④⑤D . ①④⑥5.下列关于测量蚕豆叶下表皮保卫细胞长度的实验操作,正确的是 A .要使视野的右下方物像移到视野中央,须将装片移向左上方B .从低倍镜转到高倍镜时,轻轻地转动物镜使高倍镜到位C .高倍镜放大了观察视野,增大了放大倍数1 2D.测量细胞长度时,应尽量使目镜测微尺与被测细胞平行并重叠6.剧烈运动时人体骨骼肌细胞进行呼吸作用,下列叙述中,错误..的是A.人剧烈运动时骨骼肌能同时产生乳酸和CO2B.该细胞有氧呼吸产物与酵母菌有氧呼吸的产物相同C.会使溴代麝香草酚蓝水溶液的颜色发生蓝→绿→黄的变化D.该细胞呼吸产物与乳酸菌细胞呼吸的产物相同7. 下列化学反应属于氧化分解反应的是①核酸→核苷酸②葡萄糖→丙酮酸③麦芽糖→葡萄糖④丙酮酸→二碳化合物+水A.①②B.①③C.②③D.②④8. 人体蛋白与食物蛋白的氨基酸含量比例不同,保证食物蛋白被合理利用的主要生理作用和当体内糖类物质不足时氨基酸发生的生理作用分别为①脱氨基作用②脱水缩合作用③转氨基作用④不含氮部分的氧化分解A.①④B.③②C.③①D.①③9. 给狗喂食会引起唾液分泌,但铃声刺激不会。

该俗语描述的是当地饮食中缺乏某种元素,导致当地人体内普遍缺乏()A.生长激素B.甲状腺素C.性激素D.胰岛素【答案】B7.955年,科学家通过实验证明了烟草花叶病毒的遗传物质是R N A,具体过程如图所示。
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A. 氨基酸数目
B. 氨基酸序列
C. 氨基酸种类
D. 氨基酸结构
2. 将一个细胞中所有的磷脂分子全部抽提出来,并将它在空气和水的界面上铺成单分子层。结果发现这个
单分子层的表面积相当于原细胞膜面积的 2 倍,该细胞很可能是( )
A. 酵母细胞
B. 乳酸杆菌细胞
C. 人体肝细胞
D. 分生组织细胞
C. 性激素
D. 胰岛素
7. 955 年,科学家通过实验证明了烟草花叶病毒的遗传物质是 RNA,具体过程如图所示。据图判断子代病
毒①和②的类型分别是( )
A. 1 和②均为 TMV-A
B. ①是 TMV-B;②是 TMV-A
C. ①和②均为 TMV-B
D. ①是 TMV-A;②是 TMV-B
14. 硝化细菌(能利用化学能将无机物转化为有机物)和大肠杆菌的培养基及培养条件中,主要的差别是
A. 碳源
B. 琼脂
C. 自来水
D. 光照
15. 酿酒工业采用了酵母呼吸作用的原理。酿酒过程大致如下:米饭煮熟,冷却后接种酵母;通入无菌空气;
A. 缺失 【答案】D
B. 重复
C. 倒位
D. 易位
11. 我们平时食用的香蕉通常是香芽蕉,为小果野蕉的三倍体品种。下列方法中适合用于香蕉繁殖的是
A. 用孢子繁殖
B. 通过分裂繁殖
C. 用种子繁殖
D. 用地下茎繁殖
12. 胰岛素抵抗是指因各种原因使胰岛素促进葡萄糖摄取和利用的效率下降。胰岛素抵抗的患者体内通常
胞,虚线表示酒精)( )
16. 某健康人剧烈运动后,血压高达 150/110mmHg,安静后血压恢复正常。在此恢复过程中,体内发生的
现象正确的是( )
A. 心排出量增大
B. 血管壁平滑肌舒张
C. 肾上腺素分泌增加
D. 副交感神经兴奋性减弱
17. 新冠疫情进入常态化管理阶段,专家建议市民不要用脏手揉眼睛、抠鼻子,这是因为( )
图是节瓜部分杂交实验的图解,据此判断下列描述正确的是( )
A. 基因型为 aaBB 的植株表现为正常株 B. 杂交实验一中 F1 正常株的基因型为 AaBb C. 杂交实验二中 F1 雌株的基因型为 aabb D. 杂交实验二中 F2 雌株的基因型为 aaBb 【答案】B 20. 在家鸡中,d 和 α 是引起阵发性痉挛和白化的致病基因,均为伴性遗传。现有一双杂合的公鸡和正常的 母鸡杂交,一共孵出 100 只小鸡,其中完全正常的母鸡有 5 只。则该双杂合公鸡的基因型可以表示为( )
到了积极的作用,属于控制微生物传染病的( )
A. 控制传染源
B. 切断传播途径
C. 保护易感人群
D. 开展群体免疫
19. 已知节瓜有雌株(只有雌花)、雄株(只有雄花)和正常株(雌花、雄花均有)等不同性别类型的植株。
节瓜的性别是由常染色体上的基因决定的,其遗传方式遵循基因的自由组合定律(用 A/a 和 B/b 表示)。如
杨浦区 2020 学年度第一学期高中等级考模拟质量调研 高三年级生命科学学科试卷 2020.12
1. 人胰岛素样生长因子和人胰岛素在氨基酸数目、种类、结构、序列方面高度相似,但人胰岛素分子之间 容易聚合在一起,而人胰岛素样生长因子却没有这种性质。这两种蛋白质的局部差异如图所示。据图判断, 造成这两种蛋白质性质不同的因素是( )
A. 胰岛素水平偏低
B. 空腹葡萄糖水平偏高
C. 合成糖原速度加快
D. 葡萄糖分解速度加快
13. 已知①和②两种体液的各组成成分及其含量如表所示,则体液①的取样位置应该是如图中的( )
Cl- 蛋白质
12139 4ຫໍສະໝຸດ 54②142 4.3
104 14
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
D. ④4
A. 乳糖酶具有特异性
B. 乳糖酶催化合成反应
C. 乳糖酶具有高效性
D. 乳糖酶活性容易受温度影响
6. 一些山区曾经流传这样 说法:“一代肿,二代傻,三代四代断根芽(即没有第三代或第四代)”。该
的 俗语描述的是当地饮食中缺乏某种元素,导致当地人体内普遍缺乏( )
A. 生长激素
B. 甲状腺素
3. 如图表示发生炎症反应时,嗜中性粒细胞在血管内皮细胞处聚集、并穿过血管壁进入感染组织、进而杀
灭病原微生物的过程。该过程反应了嗜中性粒细胞质膜的( )
A. 催化性 C. 半流动性 【答案】C
B. 黏连性 D. 选择透过性
4. 有人在防疫讲座上说:“早餐应摄入足量鸡蛋、牛奶,不能光喝粥。”下列论述中能支持这一观点的是 () A. 白粥中含糖类非常少,光喝粥会导致能量供应不足 B. 鸡蛋和牛奶富含蛋白质,而蛋白质是较理想的能源物质 C. 光喝粥容易产生饱感,且白粥中几乎不含人体所需的营养物质 D. 鸡蛋和牛奶中的蛋白质分解为氨基酸,可满足机体生长需求,且分解后也能供能 【答案】D 5. 乳糖不耐受是一种由于乳糖酶分泌少、不能完全消化分解母乳或牛乳中的乳糖所引起的非感染性腹泻。 如图是乳糖酶分解乳糖的示意图,它表明( )
A. 种子发育良好的一侧生长素多
B. 种子发育不良的一侧赤霉素多
C. 种子发育良好的一侧生长素少
D. 种子发育不良的一侧赤霉素
10. 慢性粒细胞白血病的病因是由于患者体内第 9 号和第 22 号染色体发生了如图所示的变化,使得 ABL 基
因表达增强,最终导致白细胞异常增殖。这种染色体的变化属于( )
8. B 淋巴细胞接受抗原刺激后,分化出浆细胞和记忆 B 细胞,这两类细胞中差异最小的是( )
A. 蛋白质组成
B. mRNA 种类
C. 细胞形态和功能
D. DNA 碱基序列
9. 在西瓜培育过程中发现,瓜膨大一侧往往种子发育良好﹐反之种子发育不良,因而长成歪瓜。对该现象
最合理的解释是( )
A. 该行为会导致人体特异性免疫能力下降
B. 新冠病毒通过接触传播,该行为会增大感染概率
C. 该行为容易使免疫第二道防线受损,增大感染概率
D. 眼泪、鼻涕中有溶菌酶,该行为会破坏溶菌酶从而增大感染概率
18. 据报道,11 月 22 日,上海浦东国际机场组织所有相关人员进行集体核酸检测。这项措施对疫情防控起