管理科学与运筹学 MS与OR 国际期刊 权威排名




世界顶级的管理学部分期刊目录Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) 管理科学季刊Rank 2: Academy of Management Review (AMR) 中国科学院管理评论Rank 3: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 管理学会期刊Rank 4: Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) 应用心理学杂志Rank 5: Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) 战略管理杂志Rank 6: Personnel Psychology (Perpsych) 人事心理学Rank 7: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP) 组织行为与人类决策过程Rank 8: Management Science (MS) 管理科学Rank 9: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB) xx职业行为Rank 10:Journal of Management (JOM) 管理学报Rank 11:Industrial and Labor Relations Review (I&LRR) 工业和劳动关系回顾Rank 12:Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP) 职业与组织心理学Rank 13:Journal of Human Resources (JHR) 人力资源杂志Rank 14:Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) xx组织行为Rank 15:Journal of Management Studies (JMS) 管理研究杂志Rank 16:Decision Sciences (DS) 决策科学Rank 17:Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) xx国际商务研究Rank 18:Human Relations (HR) 人际关系Rank 19:Industrial Relations (IR) 劳资关系Rank 20:Harvard Business Review (HBR) 哈佛商业评论Rank 21:California Management Review (CMR) xx管理评论Rank 22:Solan Management Review (SMJ) xx管理评论Rank 23:Journal of Business Venturing (JBR) 创业杂志Rank 24:Group and Organizational Management (G&OM) 集团及组织管理Rank 25:Human Resource Management (HRM) 人力资源管理Rank 26:Leadership Quarterly (LQ) 领导季刊Rank 27:Journal of Business Research (JBV) 商业研究期刊Rank 28:Monthly Labor Review (MLR) 每月劳动评论。



世界顶级的管理学部分期刊目录Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ)管理科学季刊Rank 2:Academy of Management Review (AMR)中国科学院管理评论Rank 3:Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)管理学会期刊Rank 4: Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP)应用心理学杂志Rank 5:Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)战略管理杂志Rank 6:Personnel Psychology (Perpsych)人事心理学Rank 7: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP)组织行为与人类决策过程Rank 8:Management Science (MS)管理科学Rank 9:Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB)中国职业行为Rank 10:Journal of Management (JOM) 管理学报Rank 11:Industrial and Labor Relations Review (I&LRR) 工业和劳动关系回顾Rank 12:Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP)职业与组织心理学Rank 13:Journal of Human Resources (JHR) 人力资源杂志Rank 14:Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB)中国组织行为Rank 15:Journal of Management Studies (JMS)管理研究杂志Rank 16:Decision Sciences (DS) 决策科学Rank 17:Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) 中国国际商务研究Rank 18:Human Relations (HR)人际关系Rank 19:Industrial Relations (IR) 劳资关系Rank 20:Harvard Business Review (HBR)哈佛商业评论Rank 21:California Management Review (CMR)加州管理评论Rank 22:Solan Management Review (SMJ)索兰管理评论Rank 23:Journal of Business Venturing (JBR)创业杂志Rank 24:Group and Organizational Management (G&OM) 集团及组织管理Rank 25:Human Resource Management (HRM)人力资源管理Rank 26:Leadership Quarterly (LQ) 领导季刊Rank 27:Journal of Business Research (JBV)商业研究期刊Rank 28:Monthly Labor Review (MLR)每月劳动评论。



管理科学与运筹学M S R 国际期刊权威排名Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】管理科学与运筹学(MS/OR)国际期刊最新权威排名香港大学工业工程及制造系统工程系博士生徐苏秀(男性)首先声明:这份MS/OR国际期刊排名是完全根据2011年JCR (Journal Citation Reports)的Article Influence Score(AIS)而给出的。

所以,这份榜单仅仅是转载JCR的MS/OR ranking而已。


根据JCR的官方说明,Article Influence Score作如下解释:The Article Influence determines the average influence of a journal's articles over the first five years after publication。

也就是说,一个期刊的AIS 是指这个期刊上的文章在其发表后的5年内的平均影响力。

另外,AIS比5-year impact factor更具说服力;例如,Operations Research 的5-year impact factor不见得能排进前5,但是AIS仍然是超高的,这代表Operations Research 是个极具影响力的期刊(这当然是废话)。

(具体参见JCR的官方说明:)废话不说了,MS/OR国际期刊最新权威排名:A+期刊/超一流期刊(博主按:有些期刊难说孰强孰劣)1. Management Science (AIS=2.508)众望所归的老大--MS,毫无争议。

UTdallas24排名期刊之一(博主改)2. Mathematical Programming (1.997)数学优化领域的顶级期刊,能发表的话,绝对是A+的水平。

3. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (1.895)这个期刊可以视为Management Science 的妹妹或弟弟,文章的深度与MS差不多。



1. First Tier Journals1.1. Management (泛管理领域)1.1.1. Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)1.1.2. Academy of Management Review (AMR)1.1.3. Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ)1.2. Strategy management & International Business (战略管理和国际商务)1.2.1. Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)1.2.2. Journal of International Business Studies1.3. MIS(Management Information System) (管理信息系统)1.3.1. MIS Quarterly1.3.2. Information Systems Research1.4. Operations management (运营管理)1.4.1. Management Science1.4.2. Journal of Operations Management1.5. Marketing (市场营销)1.5.1. Journal of Consumer Research1.5.2. Journal of Marketing Research1.5.3. Marketing Science1.6. Accounting (会计)1.6.1. Accounting Review1.6.2. Journal of Accounting and Economics1.6.3. Journal of Accounting Research1.7. Finance (金融和财务管理)1.7.1. Journal of Finance1.7.2. Journal of Financial Economics1.7.3. Review of Financial Studies2. Second Tier Journals2.1. Management (OS 挺好的,其他的几个主要集中在人力资源和组织行为细分领域) 2.1.1. Organizational Science2.1.2. Industrial and Labor Relations Review2.1.3. Journal of Organizational Behavior2.1.4. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes2.1.5. Industrial Relations2.1.6. International Journal of Human Resource Management2.1.7. Research in Organizational Behavior2.2.4. International Marketing Review2.2.5. Journal of Management Studies2.2.6. Research Policy2.3. MIS(Management Information System)2.3.1. Journal of MIS2.3.2. Decision Support Systems2.3.3. Information and Management2.3.4. Communications of the AIS (Association for Information Systems ) 2.3.5. Journal of the AIS2.3.6. Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) 2.4. Operations management & MS(Management Science)(管理科学) 2.4.1. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management2.4.2. Decision Sciences2.4.3. European Journal of Operational Research2.4.4. Interfaces2.4.5. Journal of Production and Operations Management Society2.4.6. Naval Research Logistics2.5. Operations management2.6. Marketing2.6.1. Journal of Marketing2.6.2. Journal of Consumer Psychology2.6.3. International Journal of Research in Marketing2.6.4. Journal of Retailing2.6.5. Marketing Letters2.6.6. Journal of Advertising2.6.7. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science2.7. Accounting2.7.1. Contemporary Accounting Research2.7.2. Accounting, Organizations, and Society2.7.3. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory2.7.4. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy2.7.5. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance2.7.6. Journal of Business, Finance, and Accounting2.7.7. Review of Accounting Studies2.8.4. Journal of Financial Markets2.8.5. Journal of Future Market2.8.6. Journal of Banking and Finance2.8.7. Financial Management3. 国内优秀经管期刊3.1. 《管理世界》(涵盖了管理和经济)3.2. 《经济研究》3.3. 《心理学报》3.4. 《南开管理评论》3.5. 《中国社会科学》3.6. 《经济管理》、《科研管理》等以上信息来源于JIJITANG,是多方沟通参考获悉的,可能不够完善,大家可留言。



运筹与管理与本领域相关SCI期刊4ORACM Journal of Experimental Algorithms AlgorithmicaAnnals of Operations ResearchAsia-Pacific Journal of Operational ResearchCentral European Journal of Operations Research Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications Computational Optimization and Applications Computers & Industrial EngineeringComputers & Operations ResearchDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscrete OptimizationDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science European Journal of Operational ResearchIIE TransactionsINFORMS Journal on ComputingInternational Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications International Transactions in Operational ResearchJournal of Discrete AlgorithmsJournal of HeuristicsJournal of the Operational Research SocietyJournal of Mathematical Modelling and AlgorithmsJournal of SchedulingLinear Algebra and its ApplicationsManagement ScienceMathematical and Computer ModellingMathematical Methods of Operations ResearchMathematical ProgrammingMathematics of Operations ResearchNaval Research LogisticsNetworksOmegaOperations ResearchOperations Research LettersOptimizationOptimization Methods and SoftwareSIAM Journal on OptimizationTransportation ScienceEI收录Journal of Algorithms and Computational TechnologyJournal of Applied Mathematics and Computing(EI 符合范围)Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(SCI难度不大)Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering(中国EI)Journal of the Operations Research Society of China(不被收录,中国刚办)Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms(不被收录,运筹优化的)The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (SCI期刊,容易中,3个月审稿) International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control (SCI)International Journal of Systems Science (SCI)International Journal of Mathematics in Operational research (EI)International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical OptimisationPacific Journal of Optimization (华人多)Optimization Methods and Software (SCI期刊,据说容易中,2个月审稿,方向对口(小木虫说慢))优化相关资料与网址收集Optimization and Operations Research:Operations Research: the science of better :/Science_of_Better/htdocs/prospect/index.aspOR directory (a bit out of date): http://www.math.tu-bs.de/mo/orlistings.htmlLP FAQs: /otc/Guide/faq/linear-programming-faq.htmlsome free software by Prof. John O. McClain:/faculty/mcclain/Software/Software.htmIFORS tutorial modules:/tutorial/benchmark for optimization software: /bench.htmlThe French OR Society /The European OR Society /The international federation of OR societies /The Canadian OR Society http://www.cors.ca/OR Society of the US /THE OR web page of Michael Trick /e-optimization /OR library of optimization instances OR-library/~mastjjb/jeb/info.htmlOperations Research Journals RSS ListOperations Research:Annals of Operations ResearchComputational Management ScienceComputers & Operations ResearchEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchINFORMS Journal on ComputingInterfacesInternational Transactions in Operational Research Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Journal of the Operational Research Society Management ScienceMathematical ProgrammingMathematical Programming Computation Mathematics of Operations ResearchNetworksOmegaOperations ResearchOR SpectrumIndustrial Engineeing and Operations Management: Computers & Industrial Engineering International Journal of Production Economics International Journal of Production Research Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Naval Research LogisticsTransportation:Transportation Research Part B: MethodologicalTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Transportation ScienceArtificial Intelligence:Advances in Engineering SoftwareApplied Soft ComputingDecision Support SystemsEngineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceExpert Systems with Applications管理科学与运筹学(MS/OR)国际期刊最新权威排名首先声明:这份MS/OR国际期刊排名是完全根据2011年JCR(Journal Citation Reports)的Article Influence Score(AIS)而给出的。




⾸先声明:这份MS/OR国际期刊排名是完全根据2011年JCR(Journal Citation Reports)的Article Influence Score(AIS)⽽给出的。

所以,这份榜单仅仅是转载JCR的MS/OR ranking⽽已。


根据JCR的官⽅说明,Article Influence Score作如下解释:The Article Influence determines the average influence of a journal's articles over the first five years after publication。


另外,AIS⽐5-year impact factor更具说服⼒;例如,Operations Research 的5-year impact factor不见得能排进前5,但是AIS仍然是超⾼的,这代表Operations Research 是个极具影响⼒的期刊(这当然是废话)。

废话不说了,MS/OR国际期刊最新权威排名:A+期刊/超⼀流期刊(博主按:有些期刊难说孰强孰劣)1. Management Science (AIS=2.508)众望所归的⽼⼤--MS,毫⽆争议。

UTdallas24排名期刊之⼀(博主改)2. Mathematical Programming (1.997)数学优化领域的顶级期刊,能发表的话,绝对是A+的⽔平。

3. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (1.895)这个期刊可以视为Management Science 的妹妹或弟弟,⽂章的深度与MS差不多。








世界顶级的管理学部分期刊目录Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) 管理科学季刊Rank 2: Academy of Management Review (AMR) 中国科学院管理评论Rank 3: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 管理学会期刊Rank 4: Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) 应用心理学杂志Rank 5: Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) 战略管理杂志Rank 6: Personnel Psychology (Perpsych) 人事心理学Rank 7: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP) 组织行为与人类决策过程Rank 8: Management Science (MS) 管理科学Rank 9: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB) 中国职业行为Rank 10:Journal of Management (JOM) 管理学报Rank 11:Industrial and Labor Relations Review (I&LRR) 工业和劳动关系回顾Rank 12:Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP) 职业与组织心理学Rank 13:Journal of Human Resources (JHR) 人力资源杂志Rank 14:Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) 中国组织行为Rank 15:Journal of Management Studies (JMS) 管理研究杂志Rank 16:Decision Sciences (DS) 决策科学Rank 17:Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) 中国国际商务研究Rank 18:Human Relations (HR) 人际关系Rank 19:Industrial Relations (IR) 劳资关系Rank 20:Harvard Business Review (HBR) 哈佛商业评论Rank 21:California Management Review (CMR) 加州管理评论Rank 22:Solan Management Review (SMJ) 索兰管理评论Rank 23:Journal of Business Venturing (JBR) 创业杂志Rank 24:Group and Organizational Management (G&OM) 集团及组织管理Rank 25:Human Resource Management (HRM) 人力资源管理Rank 26:Leadership Quarterly (LQ) 领导季刊Rank 27:Journal of Business Research (JBV) 商业研究期刊Rank 28:Monthly Labor Review (MLR)每月劳动评论。



国际知名管理学期刊及其排名国际知名管理学期刊及其排名这是一篇2005年发表在《Strategic Management Journal》上关于管理学顶级期刊排名的论文。


引用率排名如下:Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ)Rank 2: Academy of Management Review (AMR)Rank 3: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)Rank 4: Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP)Rank 5: Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)Rank 6: Personnel Psychology (Perpsych)Rank 7: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP)Rank 8: Management Science (MS)Rank 9: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB)Rank 10:Journal of Management (JOM)Rank 11:Industrial and Labor Relations Review (I&LRR)Rank 12:Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP)Rank 13:Journal of Human Resources (JHR)Rank 14:Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB)Rank 15:Journal of Management Studies (JMS)Rank 16:Decision Sciences (DS)Rank 17:Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS)Rank 18:Human Relations (HR)Rank 19:Industrial Relations (IR)Rank 20:Harvard Business Review (HBR)Rank 21:California Management Review (CMR)Rank 22:Solan Management Review (SMJ)Rank 23:Journal of Business Venturing (JBR)Rank 24:Group and Organizational Management (G&OM)Rank 25:Human Resource Management (HRM)Rank 26:Leadership Quarterly (LQ)Rank 27:Journal of Business Research (JBV)Rank 28:Monthly Labor Review (MLR)参考文献:Podsakoff, P.M., Machenzie, S.B., Bachrach,D.G., Podsakoff, N.P. (2005). The influence of Management Journals in the 1980s and 1990s. Strategic Management Journal, 26, 473-488.。



运筹与管理与本领域相关SCI期刊4ORACM Journal of Experimental AlgorithmsAlgorithmicaAnnals of Operations ResearchAsia-Pacific Journal of Operational ResearchCentral European Journal of Operations Research Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications Computational Optimization and ApplicationsComputers & Industrial EngineeringComputers & Operations ResearchDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscrete OptimizationDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science European Journal of Operational ResearchIIE TransactionsINFORMS Journal on ComputingInternational Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications International Transactions in Operational ResearchJournal of Discrete AlgorithmsJournal of HeuristicsJournal of the Operational Research SocietyJournal of Mathematical Modelling and AlgorithmsJournal of SchedulingLinear Algebra and its ApplicationsManagement ScienceMathematical and Computer ModellingMathematical Methods of Operations ResearchMathematical ProgrammingMathematics of Operations ResearchNaval Research LogisticsNetworksOmegaOperations ResearchOperations Research LettersOptimizationOptimization Methods and SoftwareSIAM Journal on OptimizationTransportation ScienceEI收录Journal of Algorithms and Computational TechnologyJournal of Applied Mathematics and Computing(EI 符合范围)Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(SCI难度不大)Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering(中国EI)Journal of the Operations Research Society of China(不被收录,中国刚办)Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms(不被收录,运筹优化的)The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (SCI期刊,容易中,3个月审稿)International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control (SCI) International Journal of Systems Science (SCI)International Journal of Mathematics in Operational research (EI)International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical OptimisationPacific Journal of Optimization (华人多)Optimization Methods and Software (SCI期刊,据说容易中,2个月审稿,方向对口(小木虫说慢))优化相关资料与网址收集Optimization and Operations Research:Operations Research: the science of better :OR directory (a bit out of date):LP FAQs:some free software by Prof. John O. McClain: IFORS tutorial modules benchmark for optimization software:The French OR Society The European OR Society The international federation of OR societies The Canadian OR Society OR Society of the US THE OR web page of Michael Trick e-optimization OR library of optimization instances OR-library Research Journals RSS ListOperations Research:Annals of Operations ResearchComputational Management ScienceComputers & Operations ResearchEuropean Journal of Operational Research INFORMS Journal on ComputingInterfacesInternational Transactions in Operational Research Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Journal of the Operational Research Society Management ScienceMathematical ProgrammingMathematical Programming Computation Mathematics of Operations ResearchNetworksOmegaOperations ResearchOR SpectrumIndustrial Engineeing and Operations Management: Computers & Industrial EngineeringInternational Journal of Production Economics International Journal of Production Research Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Naval Research LogisticsTransportation:Transportation Research Part B: MethodologicalTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Transportation ScienceArtificial Intelligence:Advances in Engineering SoftwareApplied Soft ComputingDecision Support SystemsEngineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceExpert Systems with Applications管理科学与运筹学(MS/OR)国际期刊最新权威排名首先声明:这份MS/OR国际期刊排名是完全根据2011年JCR(Journal Citation Reports)的Article Influence Score(AIS)而给出的。



世界顶级的管理学部分期刊目录Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) 管理科学季刊Rank 2: Academy of Management Review (AMR) 中国科学院管理评论Rank 3: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 管理学会期刊Rank 4: Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) 应用心理学杂志Rank 5: Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) 战略管理杂志Rank 6: Personnel Psychology (Perpsych) 人事心理学Rank 7: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP) 组织行为与人类决策过程Rank 8: Management Science (MS) 管理科学Rank 9: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB) 中国职业行为Rank 10:Journal of Management (JOM) 管理学报Rank 11:Industrial and Labor Relations Review (I&LRR) 工业和劳动关系回顾Rank 12:Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP) 职业与组织心理学Rank 13:Journal of Human Resources (JHR) 人力资源杂志Rank 14:Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) 中国组织行为Rank 15:Journal of Management Studies (JMS) 管理研究杂志Rank 16:Decision Sciences (DS) 决策科学Rank 17:Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) 中国国际商务研究Rank 18:Human Relations (HR) 人际关系Rank 19:Industrial Relations (IR) 劳资关系Rank 20:Harvard Business Review (HBR) 哈佛商业评论Rank 21:California Management Review (CMR) 加州管理评论Rank 22:Solan Management Review (SMJ) 索兰管理评论Rank 23:Journal of Business Venturing (JBR) 创业杂志Rank 24:Group and Organizational Management (G&OM) 集团及组织管理Rank 25:Human Resource Management (HRM) 人力资源管理Rank 26:Leadership Quarterly (LQ) 领导季刊Rank 27:Journal of Business Research (JBV) 商业研究期刊Rank 28:Monthly Labor Review (MLR)每月劳动评论。



管理科学与运筹学(MS/OR)国际期刊最新权威排名第一个排名按AIS(Article Influence Score)的标准:A+期刊/超一流期刊1. Management Science2. Journal of Operations Management3. Mathematical Programming4. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management5. Operations Research6. Mathematics of Operations ResearchA类期刊/一流期刊7. Transportation Science8. Transportation Research Part B9. INFORMS Journal on Computing10. Production and Operations ManagementB+期刊/权威期刊11. Transportation Research Part E12. Omega13. System and Control Letters14. Computers & Operations Research15. Computational Optimization and Applications16. European Journal of Operational Research17. OR Spectrum18. Journal of Scheduling19. Naval Research Logistics20. Reliability Engineering & System Safety21. Decision Support System22. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems23. IIE Transactions24. Journal of Global Optimization25. Optimization Letters26. Journal of Quality Technology27. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications28. Discrete Optimization29. Optimization Methods & Software30. Networks31. Optimization and Engineering32. Networks and Spatial Economics33. Technovation34. Annals of Operations Research35. International Journal of Production EconomicsB类期刊/优秀期刊36. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal37. TOP38. Operations Research Letters40. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research41. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making42. Journal of the Operational Research Society43. Safety Science44. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry45. Interfaces46. Expert Systems with Applications47. Queueing Systems48. Optimization49. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences50. IEEE Systems Journal51. Engineering Optimalization52. European Journal of Industrial Engineering53. International Journal of Systems Science54. International Journal of Production Research第二个排名按5-year IF的标准:(PS: 只给出前20名)1. Journal of Operations Management2. Transportation Research Part B3. Omega4. Technovation5. Management Science6. Decision Support System7. Transportation Research Part E8. Transportation Science9. International Journal of Production Economics10. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management11. European Journal of Operational Research12. Operations Research13. Reliability Engineering & System Safety14. Computers & Operations Research15. Mathematical Programming16. Expert Systems with Applications17. Production and Operations Management18. System and Control Letters19. OR Spectrum20. INFORMS Journal on Computing。



管理科学与⼯程国内核⼼期刊国外a刊及SCI 国内:管理科学与⼯程:管理科学学报 A+ (匿名审稿,绝对⽜刊,不⽐⼀般的SCi期刊的质量差)系统⼯程理论与实践 A (实名审稿,关系稿很多,尤其是挂编委的⽂章很多,但质量尚可)系统⼯程学报 A (匿名审稿,侧重⽅法论多写,编辑部的⽼师特好)中国管理科学 A (实名审稿,因⼤约投稿⼀年才真正外审,稿源相对同类期刊较少,但质量尚可)管理⼯程学报A- (版⾯费太⾼,稿源质量有下降的趋势)系统管理学报A-运筹与管理B+ 导师推荐,⽅向⽐较对⼝管理科学B+ (⾮主流的管科类理论模型期刊)预测B+ (版⾯费超⾼)系统⼯程B管理学报B国外A刊(1)A+journal A+期刊(排序有先后,前⾯的难发)MIS QuarterlyManagement ScienceOperations ResearchInformation Systems Research--------------------------------------------------------(2)A-journal A期刊(排序有先后,前⾯的难发)INFORMS Journal on computingManufacturing and Service Operations ManagementTransportation ScienceIIE TransactionsProduction and Operations ManagementJournal of Management Information SystemsDecision SciencesJournal of Operations Management--------------------------------------------------------(3)B+journal B+期刊(排序有先后,前⾯的难发)InterfacesNaval Research LogisticsTransportation Research Part B-MethodologicalEuropean Journal of Operational ResearchInternational Journal of Production ResearchCommunications of the ACMDecision Support SystemsEuropean Journal of Information SystemsIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringInformation and ManagementInternational Journal of Operations and Production ManagementAnnals of Operations ResearchComputers and Operations Research--------------------------------------------------------(4)B-journal B期刊(排序⽆先后)ACM Transactions on Information SystemsInternational Journal of Electronic CommerceCommunication ResearchComputers and Industrial EngineeringDatabaseIEEE Transactions Systems, Man and Cybernetics B: CybermaticsIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsIEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics A; systems and humansInformation Processing and ManagementInformation Systems JournalInformation Systems ManagementInternational Journal of Flexible Manufacturing SystemsInternational Journal of Human-Computer StudiesInternational Journal of Information ManagementInternational Journal of Logistics ManagementInternational Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics ManagementInternational Journal of Project ManagementInternational Journal of Quality and Reliability ManagementInternational Journal of Technology ManagementInternational Transactions in Operational ResearchJournal of Air Transport managementJournal of Behavioral Decision MakingJournal of Business LogisticsJournal of Engineering and Technology ManagementJournal of Global Information ManagementJournal of Information ManagementJournal of Information TechnologyJournal of Intelligent Information SystemsJournal of Intelligent ManufacturingJournal of Manufacturing SystemsJournal of Multi-Criteria Decision AnalysisJournal of Purchasing and Supply Management (formerly European Journal ofPurchasing and Supply Management)Journal of SchedulingJournal of Strategic Information SystemsJournal of Supply Chain ManagementJournal of Systems and SoftwareJournal of the Operational Research SocietyMathematical Methods of Operations Research (formerly Zeitschrift für OperationsResearch)Networks (Wiley)OR SpectrumOmegaOperations Research LettersProduction Planning and ControlProduction and Inventory Management JournalProject Management JournalQuality Management JournalSupply Chain ManagementTotal Quality Management and Business Excellence (formerly Total QualityManagement )Transport ReviewsTransportationTransportation JournalTransportation Research D-Transport and EnvironmentTransportation Research Part A , Policy and PracticeTransportation Research. Part E, The Logistics and Transportation Review相对容易的SCI刊名 ISSN号 2000年SCI收录影响因⼦ 2000年SCI总引⽤次数年载⽂量 2000年EI收录篇数Journal of Quality Technology《质量技术杂志》美国 0022-4065 1.133 776 38Journal of Product Innovation Management《产品⾰新管理杂志》美国 0737-6782 1.123 582 32 23Ergonomics《⼈机学》英国 0014-0139 0.671 2564 114 47International Journal of Production Research《国际⽣产研究杂志》英国 0020-7543 0.512 2717 225 36Journal of Manufacturing Systems《制造系统杂志》英国 0278-6125 0.507 421 35Probability in the Engineering and Information Science《⼯程与信息科学中的概率》英国 0269-9648 0.507 106 35 International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing《国际计算机集成制造杂志》英国 0951-192X 0.494 200 40 IIE Transactions《⼯业⼯程师协会汇刊》荷兰 0740-817X 0.448 1179 101 80IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management《IEEE⼯程管理汇刊》美国 0018-9391 0.421 447 37 34IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications《IEEE⼯业应⽤汇刊》美国 0093-9994 0.374 1812 178 199Journal of Engineering Design《⼯程设计杂志》英国 0954-4828 0.367 90 24Applied Ergonomics《应⽤⼈机学》英国 003-6870 0.356 552 53 18Research in Engineering Design《⼯程设计研究》德国 0934-9839 0.353 64 13 15Research Technology Management《研究技术管理》美国 0895-6308 0.320 171 41Computers & Operations Research《计算机与运筹学研究》英国 0305-0548 0.317 552 88 80International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics《国际⼯业⼈机⼯程学杂志》荷兰 0169-8141 0.314 399 135 89Issues in Science and Technology《科学与技术问题》美国 0748-5492 0.299 100 25Technovation《技术⾰新》英国 0166-4972 0.283 155 57 44Travail Humain《⼈类劳动》法国 0041-1868 0.257 98 16Journal of Engineering and Technology Management《⼯程和技术管理杂志》荷兰 0923-4748 0.231 39 14 14Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing《制造业中的⼈因素和⼈机⼯程学》美国 1045-2699 0.225 9 24 18Safety Science《安全科学》荷兰 0925-7535 0.217 138 23 36Reliability Engineering & System Safety《可靠性⼯程与系统安全》英国 0951-8320 0.214 446 112 92Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research《科学与⼯业研究杂志》印度 0022-4456 0.201 319 101Production Planning & Control《⽣产规划与管理》英国 0953-7287 0.180 112 79IIE Solutions《⼯业⼯程师协会杂志》美国 1085-1259 0.170 42 59Journal of Management in Engineering《⼯程管理杂志》美国 0742-597X 0.164 65 49 34Engineering Optimization《⼯程优选法》英国 0305-215X 0.159 134 23 32International Journal of Industrial Engineering《国际⼯业⼯程杂志》 1072-4761 0.158 22 31 43Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing《机器⼈学与计算机集成制造》英国 0736-5845 0.156 73 39 40Computers & Industrial Engineering《计算机与⼯业⼯程》荷兰 0360-8352 0.093 467 164 31Quality Progress《质量进展》美国 0033-524X 0.067 149 82 53Industrial Management & Data Systems《⼯业管理与数据系统》英国 0263-5577 0.024 14 40/blog-264246-613914.html⾸先声明:这份MS/OR国际期刊排名是完全根据2011年JCR(Journal Citation Reports)的Article Influence Score(AIS)⽽给出的。



国内外管理类学术期刊排名我认为,国内管理学权威期刊排名(管理科学与⼯程):1. 管理科学学报2. 系统⼯程理论与实践3. 系统⼯程学报4. 中国管理科学5. 管理科学6. 系统管理学报------------------- 我是华丽丽分割线 ----------------------经济管理类全球顶级学术期刊排名1. 美国经济评论(美) American economic review2. 经济学家(英) the Economist3. 计量经济学(英) Econometrica4. 政治经济学杂志(美) Journal of political economy5. 经济学季刊(美) Quarterly journal of economics6. 经济⽂献杂志(美) the Journal of economic literature7. 管理学会志(美) Academy of management journal8. ⾦融杂志(美) Journal of finance9. 哈佛商业评论(美) Harvard business review10. 管理学会评论(美) Academy of management review11. ⾦融经济学杂志(瑞⼠) Journal of financial economics12. 市场营销杂志(美) Journal of marketing13. 战略管理杂志(英) Strategic management journal14. 经济学杂志(英) Economic journal15. 经济展望杂志(美) the Journal of economic perspectives16. 经济研究评论(英) Review of economic studies17. 市场营销研究杂志(美) Journal of marketing research18. 经济学与统计学评论(美) Review of economics&statistics19. 消费者研究杂志(美) the Journal of consumer research20. 经济计量学杂志(瑞⼠) Journal of econometrics21. 经济理论杂志(美) Journal of economic theory22. 卫⽣保健资⾦筹措评论(美) Health care financing review23. 布鲁⾦斯经济活动论⽂集(美) Brookings papers on economic activity24. 货币经济学杂(荷兰) Journal of monetary economics25. 斯隆管理评论(美) Sloan management review26. 法律与经济学杂志(美) Journal of law&economics27. 商业杂志(美) Journal of business28. 卫⽣经济学杂志(荷兰) Journal of health economics29. 劳资关系评论(美) Industrial&labor relations review30. 风险分析(美) Risk analysis(据说在其中⼀些刊物上发表3篇论⽂,国外就能评为终⾝教授)。



世界顶级的管理学部分期刊目录Rank 1: Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) 管理科学季刊Rank 2: Academy of Management Review (AMR) 中国科学院管理评论Rank 3: Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) 管理学会期刊Rank 4: Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) 应用心理学杂志Rank 5: Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) 战略管理杂志Rank 6: Personnel Psychology (Perpsych) 人事心理学Rank 7: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP) 组织行为与人类决策过程Rank 8: Management Science (MS) 管理科学Rank 9: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB) 中国职业行为Rank 10:Journal of Management (JOM) 管理学报Rank 11:Industrial and Labor Relations Review (I&LRR) 工业和劳动关系回顾Rank 12:Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP) 职业与组织心理学Rank 13:Journal of Human Resources (JHR) 人力资源杂志Rank 14:Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) 中国组织行为Rank 15:Journal of Management Studies (JMS) 管理研究杂志Rank 16:Decision Sciences (DS) 决策科学Rank 17:Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) 中国国际商务研究Rank 18:Human Relations (HR) 人际关系Rank 19:Industrial Relations (IR) 劳资关系Rank 20:Harvard Business Review (HBR) 哈佛商业评论Rank 21:California Management Review (CMR) 加州管理评论Rank 22:Solan Management Review (SMJ) 索兰管理评论Rank 23:Journal of Business Venturing (JBR) 创业杂志Rank 24:Group and Organizational Management (G&OM) 集团及组织管理Rank 25:Human Resource Management (HRM) 人力资源管理Rank 26:Leadership Quarterly (LQ) 领导季刊Rank 27:Journal of Business Research (JBV) 商业研究期刊Rank 28:Monthly Labor Review (MLR)每月劳动评论。



管理科学与运筹学(MS/OR)国际期刊最新权威排名香港大学工业工程及制造系统工程系博士生徐苏秀(男性)首先声明:这份MS/OR国际期刊排名是完全根据2011年JCR(Journal Citation Reports)的Article Influence Score(AIS)而给出的。

所以,这份榜单仅仅是转载JCR的MS/OR ranking而已。


根据JCR的官方说明,Article Influence Score作如下解释:The Article Influence determines the average influence of a journal's articles over the first five years after publication。


另外,AIS比5-year impact factor更具说服力;例如,Operations Research 的5-year impact factor 不见得能排进前5,但是AIS仍然是超高的,这代表Operations Research 是个极具影响力的期刊(这当然是废话)。

(具体参见JCR的官方说明:)废话不说了,MS/OR国际期刊最新权威排名:A+期刊/超一流期刊(博主按:有些期刊难说孰强孰劣)1. Management Science (AIS=)众望所归的老大--MS,毫无争议。

UTdallas24排名期刊之一(博主改)2. Mathematical Programming数学优化领域的顶级期刊,能发表的话,绝对是A+的水平。

3. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management这个期刊可以视为Management Science 的妹妹或弟弟,文章的深度与MS差不多。

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管理科学与运筹学(MS/OR)国际期刊最新权威排名第一个排名按AIS(Article Influence Score)的标准:
1. Management Science
2. Journal of Operations Management
3. Mathematical Programming
4. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
5. Operations Research
6. Mathematics of Operations Research
7. Transportation Science
8. Transportation Research Part B
9. INFORMS Journal on Computing
10. Production and Operations Management
11. Transportation Research Part E
12. Omega
13. System and Control Letters
14. Computers & Operations Research
15. Computational Optimization and Applications
16. European Journal of Operational Research
17. OR Spectrum
18. Journal of Scheduling
19. Naval Research Logistics
20. Reliability Engineering & System Safety
21. Decision Support System
22. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
23. IIE Transactions
24. Journal of Global Optimization
25. Optimization Letters
26. Journal of Quality Technology
27. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
28. Discrete Optimization
29. Optimization Methods & Software
30. Networks
31. Optimization and Engineering
32. Networks and Spatial Economics
33. Technovation
34. Annals of Operations Research
35. International Journal of Production Economics
36. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal
37. TOP
38. Operations Research Letters
40. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
41. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making
42. Journal of the Operational Research Society
43. Safety Science
44. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
45. Interfaces
46. Expert Systems with Applications
47. Queueing Systems
48. Optimization
49. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
50. IEEE Systems Journal
51. Engineering Optimalization
52. European Journal of Industrial Engineering
53. International Journal of Systems Science
54. International Journal of Production Research
第二个排名按5-year IF的标准:
(PS: 只给出前20名)
1. Journal of Operations Management
2. Transportation Research Part B
3. Omega
4. Technovation
5. Management Science
6. Decision Support System
7. Transportation Research Part E
8. Transportation Science
9. International Journal of Production Economics
10. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
11. European Journal of Operational Research
12. Operations Research
13. Reliability Engineering & System Safety
14. Computers & Operations Research
15. Mathematical Programming
16. Expert Systems with Applications
17. Production and Operations Management
18. System and Control Letters
19. OR Spectrum
20. INFORMS Journal on Computing。
