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本课教学内容是辽师大版三年级英语下册Unit 4的第一课时,重点围绕几个动物单词展开多种教学活动,并通过学习句型 what do you seeI see…,让学生在具体情境中熟练回答。




本节课所学的动物单词有:pig、 bird、 chichen 、fish、 sheep,并要求学生熟练运用“What do you seeI see…的句型在具体情境中进行交流。为了吸引学生兴趣,我设置了一个牧场的场景,让学生听各种小动物的声音,来学习新词,并让他们模仿该动物,另外,在讲新词的过程中,利用已经学过的句型:How many 引出新句型:What do you seeI see...本节课主要采用情境创设法、全身反应法、直观演示法、交际法、游戏法相结合等多种教学方法,并展开相关趣味性活动。

四、Teaching Aims:

Knowledge Aims

1. Learn and use the sentence:What do you seeI see…

2. Learn and say the new words:pig、 bird、 chichen 、fish、 sheep

Ability Aims:

According the pictures and situation to say the words and the sentences.

Emotion Aims:

Ask students to know: animals are our good friends,so we’ll protect them.

五、The key points and difficult points :

and use the sentence:What do you seeI see…

and say the new words:pig、 bird 、chichen、 fish 、sheep

3 、sheep is singular and plural forms are identical .

六、Teaching methord:

Create contexts reactions methord and so on.

七、 Aids:

Pictures slide flash and so on

八、Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Warm_ up and revision(3′)

1. Greeting .

2. Sing “old Macdonald had a farm”and do the actions.

3. Review the numbers.


Step2 Presentatioan (20′)

had many animals friends,today we’ll go on making new friends with paste” unit4”


new word”pig” , listen ,guess ,what is it Look at the slide. “Pig” , read and spell,exercise ask:who can imitate pig(give stichers for good students),then ,please stand up,who get pig stickers Look,how many pigs Together count:one pig ,two pigs,three pigs…, export to new sentences: what do you see I see….


same methord to learn :bird chichen.


4. Learn new word”sheep” , the same methord,thenFollow the teacher to count:one

shee p ,two sheep…, tell Ss : sheep is singular and plural .


5. I have a riddle:It lives in the water ,it can swim,and no leg ,no is it(Guess

a animal) Ask Ss to the same methord to learn fish.


the words and the sentence.


the dialouge.


it answer.

the teacher to read again.

it by themselves.



Step3 Practice Play games.(7′)

Ask some students come the front to imitate animals,then ask and what do you seeI see…


Step4 Consolidation and extention(7′)

Look at the slide(a farm) ,find ,write in the report.

