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He is a doctor.

What is he?



what(什么),who(什么人、谁),whose(谁的),where(什么地方),when(什么时间),why(为什么),how(什么样,怎么), which(哪个);以及由它们扩展出来的一些疑问词组,即由两个或两个以上的单词组成疑问部分:what time时间,how old年龄,how long 多长、多久,how many多少,how much多少、价钱,这些是问时间、年龄、数量、价钱的,how soon,多久,问时间;还有what + kind of(询问种类),whose+东西,which one,which+东西,等等。

1.问“谁”用who或whom。如:Li Lei is a doctor. Who is a doctor?(对主语提问用who,对宾语提问用who,whom均可)

2.问“谁的”用whose。如:This is hisbook. Whose book is this?

3.问“地点”用where。如:The ball is under the bed.Where is the ball?

4.问“原因”用why。如:He didn’t come because he was ill. Why didn’t he come?

5.问“身体状况”用how。如:I’m fine.How are you?

6.问“方式”用how。如:He did it in that way.How did he do it?

7.问“程度”用“how+被修饰语”。如:The river is five metreswide. How wide is the river?

8.问“多少”用how much或how many。如:I have a lot of money. How much money do you have?He has been to Shanghai threetimes. How many times has he been to Shanghai?9.问“多久”用how long或how soon。如:He has stayed here for ten days. How long has he stayed here?He will be back in two hours. How soon will he be back?(how long指动作或状态发生了多久;how soon指动作或状态还有多久将会发生)

10.问“动作的发生频率”用how often。如:I watch TV twiceevery week. How often do you watch TV every week?

11.问“哪个”用which或what。如:I like this oneamong these three. Which do you like among these three?I like Englishbest. What do you like best?

12.问“什么”用what。如:There is a bookon the desk. What’s on the desk?

13.问“职业”用what。如:My father is a teacher.What’s your father?

14.问“颜色”用what colour。如:An orange is orange.What colour is an orange?

15.问“星期几”用what day。如:Today is Friday.What day is today?

16.问“几月几日”用what. . . date。如:Today is July 1st.What’s the date today?

17.问“时间”用when或what time。如:I go there in the morning. When do you go there?It is four o’clock.What time is it?(when既可对点时间提问,也可对年、月、日等时间提问;what time通常只对点时间提问)

为了便于大家理解与记忆,老师把what, who, whose, which, where, how作了详细的例句说明:

1) what引导的各种特殊疑问句。

(1)—What’s this/that in English?这个/那个用英语怎么说?

—It’s a ruler.是一把尺子。

(2)—What’s one and two?一加二等于多少?

—It’s three.等于三。

(3)—What are these/those?这些/那些是什么?

—They are apples.是苹果。

(4)—What can you see in the picture?你在图画里能看见什么?

—I can see a lot of people in it.我能看见许多人。

(5)—What’s the time?现在几点了?

—It’s five twenty.五点二十分。

(6) —What colour is the car?这辆车是什么颜色的?

—It’s red.红色的。

(7)—What is his job?他是干什么的?

—He is a worker.他是个工人。

2) who引导的特殊疑问句。

(1) —Who’s this?这是谁?

—This is Lily.这是莉莉。

(2) —Who’s the girl on the chair?坐在椅子上的那个女孩是谁?

—She’s Lucy’s sister.她是露西的妹妹。

(3) —Who’s on duty today?今天谁值日?

—Han Mei is.是韩梅。

3) whose引导的特殊疑问句。

(1) —Whose is this knife?这把刀是谁的?

—It’s his.是他的。

(2) —Whose coats are these?这些是谁的上衣?

—They are theirs.是他们的。

4) which引导的特殊疑问句。

(1) —Which food do you like?你喜欢哪种食物?

—I like eggs and meat.我喜欢蛋和肉。

(2) —Which man is your uncle?哪位男士是你叔叔?

—The one in the white car.在白色小汽车里面的那一位。

5) where引导的特殊疑问句。

(1) —Where’s Jim?吉姆在哪儿?

—He’s at home.他在家里。

(2) —Where’re Lucy’s books?露西的书在哪里?
