典范英语the lost world PPT
高三英语二轮复习读后续写 The lost gold piece 课件(36张PPT)

The key elements(要素)of a story
A story always involves
actions and feelings in different settings.
A story
characters(who) 1. Actions (what) 2. Feelings (how + why) 3. Settings (When + Where)
“I did not steal the gold piece, and I will not submit to such a search.” Barton answered firmly.
One by one, the rest of the group turned out their pockets.
After the First World War, a small group of veterans(老 兵) returned to their village in France. Most of them managed to get along quite well, but one—Barton, who had been wounded and never recovered his strength— was unable to work regularly. In time he became penniless. Yet he was too proud to accept charity from the people in the village.
9_06 失落的世界2

《典范英语》(9_06)教学参考The Lost World (II)教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。
一、教学目标(同上)二、课时安排(同上)三、课前任务本周学生应完成Chapters 6-10(P50-91)。
四、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in)在上节课的基础上进一步介绍作者和小说的写作背景(参考英文教案Teaching Notes),可以由教师单独完成,也可以请学生参考P92的作者简介,课上做简短的presentation:Arthur Conan Doyle owed a lot of writing inspiration to his mother who told him vivid stories in his early childhood. From 1876 to 1881, he studied medicine in university and also wrote short stories. After university, he worked as a ship’s doctor and practiced medicine in Plymouth. But as his practice wasn’t very successful, he started writing stories again to fill in the time while waiting for patients.随后,教师可简要概括Chapters 6-10的大意,引导学生回到故事情景:On our adventure, we continued to meet lives of new species and lots of dangers, including the allosaurus and ape-men. Though with different purposes for this expedition, the adventure let the four of us build up friendship and rely more and more on each other. Finally under the help of Stone Age people, we not only escaped from the ape-men but also made our way back home. Professor Challenger even brought back a young pterodactyl as a proof to the existence of the Lost World.2. 复述故事情节(Retelling the story)请学生独立完成复述任务。

亨利·F·梅在其著作《美国天真时代的终结》中提出 了著名的“文化革命”论点。梅认为,以清教伦理和资本 主义理性为基础的美国文化传统,自十八世纪形成之后, 历经民主革命、工业革命的推动和加固,一直未曾大动根 本,只是到了十九世纪末二十世纪初才产生激烈的变革。 一战好像一条历史鸿沟,割裂了传统的绵延和发展,成为 现代意识和新文化的起点。沟的那边站着欧·亨利和亨 利·詹姆斯,而这边则是海明威和艾略特。但是这一切的 激变并不能简单地归咎于一战。早在大战爆发之前,支撑 旧文化的三根支柱,即对传统道德、社会进步与绅士文化 的信念,已被进步主义改革所带来的政治与经济变化腐蚀 并凿空了基础。一遇上世界大战的强烈冲击,整个旧文化 轰然崩塌,留下的残垣断壁便成为新文化各阵营的狼奔豕 突之地。
自然主义和现代主义交汇的时期。这些青年作 家们融合了战后对传统的反叛精神,吸收了各 流派的艺术成就,并各自创造出自己的风格特 色:菲茨杰拉德浪漫精巧、海明威朴素遒劲、 多斯·帕索斯宏观大气。在法国的流放生涯让 他们充分养成了对形式实验和福楼拜的兴趣。 他们学习福楼拜客观冷静、无动于衷的叙述态 度,学他的作者隐退的叙述技巧,学他的简练 风格和反复修改的写作精神。他们感到传统的 文学叙述手法已无法表达现代工业社会的种种 特征,于是转向意识流、象征、电影“蒙太 奇”,有限人物视角、多重视角等创作手法来 揭示了二十世纪前三十年美国社会的动荡与变 迁。
海明威在形式上的实验还是显而易见的,除了电报式 对话的独创外,他突破了福楼拜的人物内部聚焦常为第三 人称的局限,改用第一人称的内聚焦,更缩短了人物与读 者之间的心理距离。在其主要作品中他也试验了意识流、 内心独白、闪回等多种叙述技巧。福克纳则是大刀阔斧的 运作意识流,在这方面的彻底性远远超过海明威。他在诸 多的作品中尝试多角度叙述方法和意识流,以及“神话模 式”,即有意识地使他讲述的故事与神话故事平行展开。 诗人肯明斯突破传统标点符号、大小写、句法的束缚,创 造了成为肯明斯标记的小写的第一人称单数“i”,展示 了语言更本质的活力。此外他在诗歌的排字法上标新立异, 如把“一叶落下/孤独”竖排成数字1的形状,更突出了孤 零零的孤独意象,使诗歌同时具有绘画般的视觉冲击力。
The lost world20130309

Which part of the story do you like most? Why?
1. How many people took part in the expedition?
2.Match the information about the explorers 5 分
Please describe his characteristics with some specific examples.
• 四组抽签题计分,每组必须有 • 两小组人答题,每题10分
3、记叙文的大意概括 • 故事型的记叙文概括: • 应围绕“什么人、发生了什么事、结 局如何”来写,即阐述一个故事梗概, 忌力陈细节,忌掺入个人评价。一般 应围绕What(事情)、Who(人物)、 When(时间)、Where(地点)、 Why、How、result(结果)来写概
4、Do you like the ending of the story? Why? Can you write another ending?
The Lost World is a novel released in 1912 by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle concerning an expedition to a plateau in the Amazon basin of South America where prehistoric animals (dinosaurs and other extinct creatures) still survive.
Arthur Conan Doyle is a talented writer, he wrote a lot of interesting stories. The character in his books, such as Sherlock Holmes, has become one of the most famous characters in people's minds. It's a great achievement!

英文:Has-been scientist Dr. Rick Marshall, is a man with no weapons, few skills and questionable smarts who must survive an alternate universe full of marauding dinosaurs and fantastic creatures from beyond our world. Marshall has been sucked through a space-time vortex to a place of spectacular sights known as the Land of the Lost. Coming along with him for the adventure are crack-smart research assistant Holly and a redneck souvenirist named Will. Chased by a T. rex and stalked by painfully slow reptiles known as Sleestak, Marshall, Will and Holly must rely on their only ally—a primate called Chaka—to navigate out of the hybrid dimension. Escape from this routineexpedition gone awry and they're heroes. Get stuck, and they'll be permanent refugees in the Land of the Lost.。
The Lost World

Main Characters
Malone Challenger Summerlee John journalist professor professor adventurer
a young journalist smart brave Strong self-esteem(自尊) Strong learning abilit
Birth Year Nationality Main Work
Arthur Conan Doyle
1859-1930 Britain Sherlock Homes The Lost World
阿瑟· 柯南· 道尔
1.Courage is very strong. 2.Imagination is more important than knowledge. 3.Reverence(崇敬) for academic, Respect for facts, Explore the truth.
The outline of the story
A young journalist interviewed a professor who said that he found a lost world where dinosaurs and ape man(猿人)were still living while no one believed him. In order to prove it ,people set out on a expedition(探险). And they were also involved in local war.

• The Long Winter (1940)
• Little Town on the Prairie (1941) • These Happy Golden Years (1943) • On the Way Home (1962) • The First Four Years (1971) • The Road Back (2006)
• Town on the Prairie —— the worst winter)
D enjoyed being a pioneer like the writer? Why or why not?
• What do you think home is?
Language Appreciation
• Home was where Pa’s fiddle was hung on the wall. It was wherever Pa put up a shelf for Ma’s china shepherdess. It never got broken. (opinion)
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• Little House in the Big Woods —— Ma slapped a bear
• Little House on the Prairie —— Pa hunting, Indians, cornbread
9_06 失落的世界1

《典范英语》(9_06)教学参考The Lost World (I)教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。
一、教学目标1. 语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地、绘声绘色地朗读;能够复述故事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。
2. 非语言目标:引导学生学习主人公勇敢、坦率、忠诚的精神,培养学生对探险的兴趣。
第一周读完Chapters 1-5,第二周读完Chapters 6-10。
三、课前任务本周学生应完成Chapters 1-5(P4-49)。
四、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in)教师引导学生观察书本封面,提出问题,请学生发挥想象力或者根据预习的情况作答:What is the animal on the cover?What might be the Lost World like?设计问题的目的在于增强学生对故事的兴趣和理解,拓宽学生思维和视野(相关问题可参考英文教案Teaching Notes)。
2. 了解故事背景(Understanding the story’s setting)介绍小说的写作背景和作者的相关信息(参考英文教案Teaching Notes),可以由教师单独完成,也可以请学生参考P92的作者简介,课上做简短的presentation:The Lost World, a novel released in 1912, tells a tale of four explorers each with very different characteristics and different reasons for their journey. The story is set in Edwardian England at a time when exploring was very much in vogue. The year of 1912 was just the era of daring arctic explorers such as Shackleton and Scott.Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) was a Scottish writer most famous for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are generally considered a major innovation in the field of crime fiction, and for the adventures of Professor Challenger in The Lost World. In The Lost World, he portrayed four men who are courageous, forthright, and loyal, perhaps aiming to set the examples for the young readers at the time on how they should grow up to behave.随后,教师可简要概括Chapters 1-5的大意,引导学生回到故事情景:I, as a journalist, set off to a plateau in South America together with Professor Challenger, Professor Summerlee, and Lord John. During the adventure, we gradually unveil the previously unknown world, seeing lots of animals and plants of new species, including the giant tick and the dangerous pterodactyl.(参见英文教案Teaching Notes)3. 复述故事情节(Retelling the story)请学生分组,以章为单位进行复述。
迷惘的一代 the lost generation ppt

• “现在,美国对我来说是一个应该诅咒的对象。”1917年约 翰· 多斯· 帕索斯在战壕日记里这样说。“对他们那谎话连篇 的无意义鼓噪和无价值的空谈,我不得不产生反感。”许多 从战场归来的士兵,发现美国人的生活缺乏意义因而怀念昔 日的欧洲。哈里· 克罗斯比曾经在炮火连大的战场担任救护队 的司机,他发现战后的美国竟是如此浮浅平俗:红色连锁小 店,汽车加油站,卫生间,向右行驶路际,俗艳的广告牌, 到处是蜂拥的汽车;像—具腐尸上爬满了蠕虫。弥漫着一种 清淡的空虚气氛,—种挫折感,虚幻的清醒感,一大堆无足 轻重的事和一大群可有可无的人。市民道德联盟,杯葛社团, 教育协会,基督教青年会,公理浸信教会,这一类洋洋得意 的所谓社会精神的代表。真让我打心眼里厌恶。
• 构成“迷惘的一代”群体的作家们,既有参加过 世界大战的人,也有没有亲身参战、但对前途同 样感到迷惘、同样找不到生活目标的人,司各 特· 菲茨杰拉尔德(Francis Scott Fitzgerald,1896— 1940),T.S.艾略特和托马斯· 沃尔夫(Thomas Wolfe,1900—1938)等人便属于后者。 • “迷惘的一代”作家主要有舍伍德•安德森、约翰 •多斯•帕索斯、托玛斯•沃尔夫、司各特•菲兹杰 拉尔德和欧内斯特•海明威,他们中的约翰•多斯• 帕索斯后转变为进步的左翼作家,而菲兹杰拉尔 德与海明威的创作则代表着这派作家的最高成就。
• 迷惘的一代诞生于新世纪,正赶上了巨大的时代变迁:中产 阶级兴起;改革运动纷纷出台;女性要求选举权并最终获得 胜利;弗洛伊德的潜意识理论逐渐风行;玛格丽特· 桑格控 制生育的诊所遍地开花;飞机发明了;动画片和电影明星为 大众追逐,体育英雄成为公众人物;个人所得税开始征收。 当然,还有汽车。 • 伴随着1908年T型汽车的出现,汽车——现在大多数人都买 得起——开始迅速改变美国的地理景观。突然到处都出现了 加油站,柏油路把城镇和乡村连为一体。州际高速公路四通 八达,车满为患的停车场到处点缀在各大城市,汽车车祸迅 速增加,郊区也像雨中的蘑菇一般迅速发展起来。更多的隐 蔽的社会变化受汽车出现的刺激而产生,特别对于年轻人更 是如此。汽车带来速度和方便性使年轻人能很容易地躲开父 母的监视。传统价值观崩溃,女性须面对法庭审判不贞的时 代已不再:一群年轻女性从圣荷西长途跋涉聚居到格林尼治 村去寻求性自由,而年轻男士们—呼百应。

Between 1921 and 1924, the number of Americans in Paris grew from 6,000 to 30,000. Paris was the prime city in which the “bohemian” Lost Generation chose to wander.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Dropped out of Princeton University in 1917 to fight in WWI, but the war ended before he shipped out. This Side of Paradise was a huge success, defining the “Flapper Generation.” Also wrote The Beautiful and the Damned and The Great Gatsby. Was one of the most popular and accomplished writers of the movement. Never assumed full expatriate status like the others.
What is the Lost Generation?
Literally, it is the generation of people born between 1883 and 1900. They were disillusioned by World War I. Known in Europe as the “1914 Generation” or the Génération au Feu. But…

Do you want to meet a plane crash while yourself is flying?
Can you imagine how you will survive when your plane crashed onto an island that even can’t be found in the map?
Claire Sun and Kin Micheal and Walt
Saiyid fixed it
They found the transceiver
It attackey discovered a help signal in French
Eventually it seems that everyone must live on the island, but how can they accept those all……How can they get themselves rescued?
For me,I learned you can get lost at any time and any place,you should give up your faith and fight until you make it. For you, you deserve enjoying this show,and I bet you’ll like it and gain a lot from《LOST》
permanent residents which are called “The others”by the survivors
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Sherlock Holmes
· also known for writing the fictional adventures of a second character he invented, Professor
· Arthur
Conan Doyle based his Professor Challenger character partly on Percy Fawcett, and stories of the "Lost City of Z" became the basis for his novel The Lost World.
by Ding Xuefen
· Professor Challenger, zoologist · Edward Malone, reporter · Professor Summerlee, scientist · McArdle, Edward's editor · Lord John Roxton, adventurer
Animals fea
Animals featured
My feelings
· to be a brave man · be willing to accept new things · be curious about things you don't know · protect the animals and environment · achieve ability to find the places which suit us best · have a dream to follow · to be respect to truth and science · dare to make a comment
Plot summary
A young journalist, Edward Malone sets out on a 1 9 th century expedition to explore the Amazon rainforest with George Challenger, Summerlee and Lord John Roxton. On their exploration they discover more then they could ever imagine with a world that has ape men and dinosaurs still living and flourishing in the wild. The men are shocked at their discovery and make the journey back to their civilization barely surviving their wild companions.
Ding Xuefen
Plot summary
Animals featured
My feelings
· Arthur Conan Doyle ·born in 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland · died in 1930 ·a British writer and physician · famous for his fictional stories about the detective