专题11 非谓语动词(第01期)-2020年中考真题英语分专题训练(全国通用)(教师版含解析)

专题11 非谓语动词(第01期)-2020年中考真题英语分专题训练(全国通用)(教师版含解析)
专题11 非谓语动词(第01期)-2020年中考真题英语分专题训练(全国通用)(教师版含解析)


1.【2020 ?贵州省安顺市】With the improvement in transportation, students in some small villages no longer go on ropeways ______ rivers to schools.

A. to cross

B. crossing

C. crossed


【解析】句意:随着交通的改善,一些小村庄的学生不再走索道过河上学。考查非谓语动词。to cross动词不定式形式;crossing动名词形式;crossed动词过去分词形式。根据空前的go on ropeways结合选项动词cross 可知,此处是动词不定式表目的状语,走索道过河上学go on ropeways to cross rivers to schools符合句意。故选A。

31.【2020 ?贵州铜仁市】—Look! Kangkang, that old man is crossing the crosswalk.

—Jane, let’s________ him.

A. helps

B. to help

C. helping

D. help


【解析】句意:——康康快看!那个老人正在过马路。——简,让我们去帮他。考查非谓语动词。helps 帮助,第三人称单数;to help不定式;helping动名词;help动词原形。根据“让某人做某事let sb do sth.”,故选D。

13.【2020 ?黑龙江省龙东地区】We should do what we can ________ those people when they are in trouble.

A. to help

B. helped

C. help


【解析】句意:当人们有困难的时候,我们应该尽我们所能去帮助他们。考查非谓语动词。to help动词不定式;helped动词的过去式或过去分词;help动词原形。根据题干可知此处用do what one can to do sth.表示“竭尽全力做某事”,此处用动词不定式to help作目的状语。故选A。

4.【2020 ?江苏省苏州市】The doctors and nurses managed _________ the lives of patients, though they didn’t have enough medicine.

A. save

B. saving

C. to save

D. to saving


【解析】句意:尽管医生和护士没有足够的药,他们还是设法挽救了病人的生命。考查非谓语动词。save 挽救。save动词原形;saving动名词或动词的现在分词;to save动词不定式;to saving介词to+动名词。根据题干中“managed”可知此处用manage to do sth.表示“设法做成某事”,用不定式to save作宾语。故选C。2.【2020 ?四川省成都市】—Why do many farmers put their products online these days?

—________them more easily.

A. To sell

B. Sell

C. Selling


【解析】句意:——为什么现在很多农民把他们的产品放到网上?——为了更方便的卖。考查非谓语动词。To sell动词不定式;Sell动词原形;Selling动名词/现在分词形式。分析句意可知,前文询问原因,所以此处表示“为了更方便的卖”,可用动词不定式表目的。故选A。

9.【2020 ?四川达州市】Our government tries to do everything they can _________ people live a better life.

A. to help

B. help

C. helping

D. helped


【解析】句意:我们的政府试着尽力帮助人们过上更好的生活。考查非谓语动词。A. to help动词不定式;

B. help动词原形;

C. helping动名词或现在分词;

D. helped过去式或过去分词。根据句子结构可知,Our government tries to do everything (they can) _________ people live a better life中they can做后置定语修饰everything,不影响空格处动词help的形式,故空格处应填入动词不定式作目的状语,故选A。

10.【2020 ?四川达州市】— Clara, you have ______ Journey to the West for two weeks.

— Sorry, I wanted to give it back but was made _________ Dazhou on business last week.

A. borrowed; to leave

B. kept; to leave

C. kept; leave

D. borrowed; leave


【解析】句意:——克拉拉,《西游记》这本书你已经借了两个星期了。——对不起,我想把它还给你,但上周我被迫离开达州去出差了。考查动词辨析和非谓语动词。borrow借入,瞬间性动作,keep保存,保留,持续性动作。由时间段for two weeks“两周”,可知用持续性动词,keep的过去分词为kept,故排除A和D。动词短语make sb. do sth.接不带to的不定式做宾补,变为被动语态是要加上to,即be made to do,所以第二个空用to leave,故选B。

6.【2020 ?甘孜州】He felt tired, so he stopped _____________ a rest under the tree.

A. having

B. have

C. to have


【解析】句意:他感到累了,所以他停下来在树下休息。考查非谓语动词。stop doing sth.停止做某事;stop

to do sth.停下来去做某事。根据题干中“He felt tired”可知是停下来去休息,用to have符合题意。故选C。

8.【2020 ?甘孜州】The singer was often seen to practice ____________ songs near the woods three years ago.

A. sing

B. singing

C. to sing


【解析】句意:三年前这个歌手经常被看到在树林附近练习唱歌。考查动名词。sing动词原形;singing动名词;to sing动词不定式。此处表达“练习做某事”用practice doing,此处用动名词singing作宾语。故选B。

6.【2020 ?重庆市】They hope ________the basketball match.

A. win

B. won

C. to win

D. winning


【解析】句意:他们希望赢这场篮球比赛。考查非谓语动词。win赢,动词原形;won是win的过去式或过去分词形式;to win动词不定式;winning动名词或现在分词形式。句中谓语动词是hope,意为“希望”,常用于句型hope to do sth.“希望去做某事”,因此这里应用动词不定式。故选C。

9.【2020 ?重庆市B卷】We’d better follow the seven-step hand-washing method __________ healthy.

A. to keep

B. keep

C. keeping

D. keeps


【解析】句意:为了保持健康,我们最好遵循七步洗手法。考查非谓语动词。to keep动词不定式;keep动词原形;keeping动名词;keeps动词三单。分析句子可知,此处表示目的,用于句中作目的状语,所以使用动词不定式形式。故选A。


make progress on the piano, one day, a boy 70. to a Paderewski’s concert by his mother. After they were seated, the mother saw a friend and walked up to g reet her, leaving the boy alone in 71. seat. Catching the chance to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy stood up and finally made his way through a door 72. marked “No Admittance(进入)” . Soon, the hall got dark and the concert about to begin. When the mother 73. to her seat, discovered that the child was missing. Suddently the lights focused on the piano on the stage. In surprise, the mother

work can be truly beautiful. Next time, you set out to achieve great works, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the master, whispering in your ear, “Don’t stop. Keep playing.” 解析 70. 考查一般过去时的被动语态,一天,一个小男孩被他妈妈带到 帕德雷夫斯基的音乐会。根据后文“by his mother”及上下文时态可知was taken。 71. 考查物主代词。根据上下文可知“把小男孩独自留在他的座位


集错卷 一. 选择题 1. ( ) The government should make laws to stop factories _____ letting out waste directly. A. by B. from C. up D. to 2. ( ) Pigs like to stay in dirty water or mud. Because mud can _________insect _____them. A. Keep; from B. protect; from C. keep; off D. prevent; from 3. ( ) ---May I come with you to see”Swan Lake”? -----________________. A. Yes, I’d love to B. Yes, of course C. No, thanks D. that’s all right 4. ( ) When will you and your parents ____________ for France? A. set out B. turn out C. take out D. make out 5. ( ) He tried to ___________ the words on the sign in the dark, but he couldn’t. A. give out B. make out C. pick out D. put out 6. ( ) Sorry, I can’t tell you __________ A .what his brother like B. what his brother is liked C. what is his brother like C. what his brother is like 7. ( ) We usually have lunch at school, _____________? A. haven’t we B. do we C. don’t we D. have we 8. ( ) There is still an hour. You ___________ leave so early. A. can’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t 9. ( ) With the help of the Internet, we can know what _________ people around the world are doing. A. another B. the other C. other D. the others 10. ( ) Many experts think pigs are _________ to train than or cats. A. easier B. much easy C. more easily D. too easy 11. ( )Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on __________ in their life. A. sometimes B. some time C. some times D. sometime 12. ( ) I felt ___________ when I won the first prize for the high jump in the sports meeting. A. possibly B. happily C. interesting D. excited 13. ( ) The old lady can’t see the message _________ on the mobile phone. A. clear enough B. enough clear C. clearly enough D. enough clearly 14. ( ) After the exam, we shall enter senior high school ________the autumn. A. in B. on C. of D. at 15. ( ) Drivers should be very familiar ___________the traffic signs and rules. A. to B. with C. at D. for 16. ( ) How many huge bridges have been built _________the Huangpu River? A. on B. beside C. above D. over 17. ( ) Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over. We __________ stay in our classroom. A. should B. must C. had to C. ought to 18. ( ) Don’t forget to _________your things with you when you get out of the taxi. A. bring B. carry C. take C. lift 19. ( ) It is almost known to all that the Olympic Games __________ every four years. A. hold B. is held C. holds C. are held


(英语)中考英语动词专项训练及答案 一、动词 1.—How many _______doctors are there in your hospital, David? —_______them _______over one hundred. A. woman, The number of, is B. women, A number of, are C. woman, A number of, is D. women, The number of, is 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——戴维,在你们医院有多少女医生?——有100多名。空一,根据be动词are,可知是可数名词复数,woman的复数形式为women;空二,根据over one hundred,可知此处表示数量,固定搭配the number of,……的数量,空三,主语是the number of…,谓语用第三人称单数is。故选D。 【点评】考查不规则可数名词的复数和短语辨析。注意掌握常见的不规则可数名词复数的变形,注意the number of…,……的数量,a number of...,大量的……。 2.My elder brother my wet sports shoes and made me sit by the fire. A. took off B. kicked off C. carried out D. put out 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我的哥哥脱掉了我的湿的运动鞋,让我坐在炉火旁.took off脱掉.kicked off踢开.carried out进行,执行.put out扑灭.根据题干后半句made me sit by the fire让我坐在炉火旁.可推知前半句意思为我的哥哥脱掉了我的湿的运动鞋.结合选项只有A符合题意.故选A. 【点评】考查动词短语辨析。 3.Mum, what are you cooking? It_______ so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】:妈妈,你正在做什么呢?闻起来这么香。taste“尝起来”;feel“感觉”;sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”。结合语境,故选D。 【点评】考查系动词辨析。 4.—Mm…Your pizza______ so nice.——Thanks! Would you like to try some? A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——嗯……你的比萨闻起来真香。——谢谢,要试一些吗?A. smells闻起来;B. feels感觉,摸起来;C. sounds听起来;D. tastes品尝,尝起来。食物要么闻到香味,要么尝到味道,根据语境,这里是闻到,故选A。

中考英语真题专题汇编及详细答案 (3)

情景交际 一.补全对话(共9小题) 1.(2018?广西)A:Hey,Alex.The Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing in 2022.(1)C. B:Yes,I really like watching the Winter Olympics. A:Me too.And I like the Olympics torch(火炬). B:(2)B. A:I am looking forward to it. B:(3)A. A:I love to watch team events. B:I enjoy watching the men's and women's skating.The skaters are so amazing. A:(4)E. B:I know.And they look so beautiful and cool on the ice. A:(5)D. B:OK.See you in Beijing. A.What are your favourite events? B.You can see it at the opening ceremony. C.Are you going to watch some games? D.I can't wait to see them. E.They train hard for the Olympics. 【解答】71.C 细节推理题.根据下文"Yes,I really like watching the Winter Olympics." 可知本句为一般疑问句的回答"Yes",结合选项,应说你会去看一些比赛吗?故选C.72.B 细节推理题.根据下文的关键词:"it"指代"火炬".可知需要选择内容中对应有"it " 的句子,结合选项,应说你可以在开幕式上看到它.故选B. 73.A 细节推理题.根据下句I love to watch team events.可知根据关键字找到"favourite events",结合选项,应说你最喜欢的项目是什么?故选A. 74.E 细节推理题.根据上句"The skaters are so amazing."滑冰者真是太棒了.可知结合选项,应说他们为奥运会刻苦训练.故答案为E. 75.D 细节推理题.根据上句look so beautiful and cool on the ice.",可知"迫不及待"


Chapter1词类和词类转换 1.1词的分类 n. pron. adj. num. v. adv. art. prep. conj. interj. 1.2词类转换 1.派生词(词根+词缀) 2.兼类词(词形不变,多个词性) 3.合成词(一般由两个或两个以上的词合成) Chapter2名词 2.1名词的数 1.名词复数的构成(规则变化、不规则变化) 2.惯用单数或复数的名词 如sports meet,take notes等 2.2可数名词与不可数名词 1.可数名词量的表示 基数词+可数名词,如twenty cups; 可数名词可与(a)few,many,a large/small number of,some等连用表示不定数量。 2.以复数形式出现的名词量的表示 如a pair of shoes. 3.不可数名词量的表示 如a piece of news. 2.3能兼用作可数与不可数名词的物质名词

如sheep,ice cream等. 2.4同一名词用作可数与不可数名词时的意义差别 如change(零钱、变化). 2.5名词所有格 1.名词所有格的构成 2.- ’s所有格的主要用法 3.of结构表示的所有关系 Of+名词,如the end of the term. 4.双重所有格 Of+名词所有格,如a friend of Mr.White’s =one of Mr. White’s friends. Chapter3代词 3.1人称代词 1.人称代词主格与宾格形式 2.人称代词的用法 3.it的用法

(1)it作代词代替上文中提到的无生命的事物或幼儿、动物。(2)作“这、那”解,指心目中的人。 (3)作无人称动词的主语,表示时间、天气和距离。 (4)作先行词,引导非谓语动词如动词不定式。 3.2物主代词 1.物主代词形式 物主代词分为形容词性和名词性。 2.物主代词的用法 3.3反身代词 1.反身代词形式


人教版中考英语专项训练动词短语专项练习经典 一、动词 1.Many teenagers the old and they often offer their seats to them on buses. A. depend on B. care for C. laugh at D. listen to 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:许多青少年关心老人,他们经常在公车上给这些人让座。dependon依靠;carefor关心;laughat嘲笑;listento听。结合语境,所以选B。 2.— Michael Jackson was called the king of pop, wasn't he? — Of course. He by people all over the world. A. was looked at B. was looked up to C. was looked for D. was looked down 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——Michael Jackson被称为流行音乐之王,是不是?——当然。他被全世界的人们尊敬。look at: 看一看,look up to: 尊敬,look for:寻找,look down: 瞧不起,根据语境可知答案,故选B。 【点评】考查动词短语。牢记四个动词短语的词义。 3.—Who reached the station on time? —I ! In fact, I arrived there 5 minutes earlier. A. was B. reached C. did D. do 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】问句的谓语动词为行为动词reach的过去式,故在作简短回答时,需要借助助动词did.故选C。句意是:—谁按时到达了车站?—我!实际上我提前五分钟就到了那里。 【点评】本题考查助动词的使用。 4.Thomas Edison was such a great person who never that he made so many great inventions all his life. A. took up B. thought up C. made up D. gave up 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】。句意:爱迪生是如此伟大的人物, 一生中他从来不放弃他做的这么多的发明。A. took up接收;B. thought up想出;C. made up编造;D. gave up放弃。根据语意故答案选D。 【点评】考查动词短语辨析主要考查took up thought up made up gave up四个动词短语

中考英语真题专题汇编及详细答案 (4)

书面表达 一.书面表达(共9小题) 1.(2018?广西)假如你是李华,是向阳中学九年级(1)班的一名学生,你的初中生活即将结束,请你以"My suggestions"为题写一篇80 词左右的短文,在学习、生活、校园活动、同学关系这几个方面给七年级的新生提几点建议,并提出你的希望和祝愿. 写作要求:1、内容必须包含所给的信息,可适当发挥,使行文连贯; 2、语篇完整,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范; 3、文中不能出现除题目以外的个人信息,否则一律不予评分; 4、开头已给出,不计入总词数. 【解答】My Suggestions My name is Li Hua.I'm a student in Class 1,Grade 9 in Xiangyang Middle School.Here I'd like to share some advice on how to live a meaningful and colourful school life in middle school.(高分句型)(引出话题) First,We should make a study plan to balance every subject.It's a good idea to listen to the teacher carefully in class and finish home work on time after class.Second,It's important to develop good habits in middle school.(高分句型)How about doing exercise and practice playing kinds of balls in order to keep healthy?Third,Why not take part in school activities and make more friends?Last but not least,we had better get on well with our classmates and teachers because they will help us when we are in trouble.(几点建议) I hope these suggestions will help you.If we follow the advice,we will be sure to make great progress in middle school life.(希望和祝愿) 2.(2017?南宁)在你所学的科目中,你最喜欢的科目是什么?现请你以"My Favourite Subject" 为题,根据以下写作要点,用英文写一篇80词左右的短文. 写作要点: (1)介绍你最喜欢的科目; (2)你喜欢该科目的原因; (3)谈谈你今后的学习打算. 写作要求: (1)内容必须包括所给的要点,可适当发挥,增加细节,以使行文连贯;


上海中考英语各语法点基础考点归纳 文件编码(GHTU-UITID-GGBKT-POIU-WUUI-8968)

冠词 一、固定词组 1. 有些固定词组中有the : in the middle of, go to the cinema/ movies, play the violin/ piano/ guitar, in the end, the same 2. 有些词组中不用任何冠词: by bus, play football, play chess, go to school, go to bed, at first, lose weight 3. 有些词组中加a: catch a bus, in a hurry, take a walk, 二、专有名词前 1.国家、城市等专有名词前不加the : Shanghai, in New York, in America,但是 the United Sates 要加 the 2. 由普通名词构成的专有名词前加the Great Wall, 3. 江河、海洋、山川前加the: the Yangtze River, the Pacific, the Yellow Mountains 三.一日三餐、四季、一星期七天及十二个月,next前不加任何冠词 1. for breakfast/lunch/supper 2. in spring/ summer /autumn /winter 3.on Monday /Tuesday /Wednesday /Thursday /Friday /Saturday / Sunday 4.inJanuary,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,Oct ober,November,December 四、宇宙中独一无二的事物,序数词,形容词最高级,only所修饰的名词 前用the 1. the sun, the moon, the earth 2. the eighth, the twelfth, the twentieth, the fourth 3. the biggest, the most popular 4. the only key 五、形容词加the, 表示这一类人the blind, the deaf, the old, the rich, the poor 六、单词前面用“an”还是“a”取决于单词开头的读音是否是原音 1. a: a useful dictionary, a university student, a European village, a one-eyed captain, a uniform 2. an: an hour, an honest girl, an e-mail, an important letter, an exchange student, an uncle an X-ray photograph, an MBA course,


2019中考英语专题练习-动词(含解析) 一、单选题 1.I had to walk to school because the bus broke down on the way this morning. A. threw away B. stopped working C. ran slowly 2.If you ____ someone or something from several people or things that are available (有用的), you decide which person or thing you want to have. A. punish B. push C. choose 3.—Jimmy, your toys should be in right order.—OK, I'll ________ them _________ right now. A. put, down B. put, away C. put, up D. put, on 4.—Did you see Tom at the party? —No, he by the time I got there. A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. has left 5.一Have you mended your bike,Bob? 一Yes,I______it twenty minutes ago. A. have mended B. mend C. had mended D. mended 6.-- you go to Xi'an with me tomorrow? -- I'd love to. But I have a lot of work to do. A. Must B. Need C. Can D. Do 7.There a sports meeting tomorrow. A. is going to have B. had C. is going to be D. has 8.—What is a left-luggage office?—It's a place where bags _ be left for a short time, especially at a station. A. will B. must C. can D. should 9.The manager is used to _____________the computer to check e-mails every morning. A. turn on B. turning on C. turn off D. turning off


(英语)中考英语专题汇编英语动词(一)及解析 一、动词 1.— That mountain in Guilin ________ an elephant. — So it does. It's amazing! A. looks up B. looks like C. looks for D. looks after 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:“桂林的那座山看起来像一只大象。”“是的,真令人惊奇。”look like 看起来像;look up查询;look for寻找;look after照料。根据句意故选B。 【点评】考查短语动词辨析。 2.Mum, what are you cooking? It_______ so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】:妈妈,你正在做什么呢?闻起来这么香。taste“尝起来”;feel“感觉”;sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”。结合语境,故选D。 【点评】考查系动词辨析。 3.—Three-D printing technology could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours. ——It amazing. It's my first time to get to know the news. A. looks B. smells C. sounds D. tastes 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:一一3D打印技术可以用于在24小时内建一座房子。一一听起来令人惊异。这是我第一次知道这个消息.A.看起来;B.闻起来;C.听起来;D.尝起来。这是一则有关3D打印的消息,是通过听觉感受到的。故选C。 4.- Who your pet dogs while you were out for a holiday? – My neighbor, a warm-hearted woman. A. put on B. looked after C. gave up D. turned off 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】考查动词辨析。句意:当你外出度假时,谁照顾你的宠物狗?-----我的邻居,一个热心的女人。A.穿,张贴;B.照顾;C.放弃;D.关。结合句意可知选B。

中考英语真题专题汇编及详细答案 (10)

句子翻译(汉译英) 一.填空题(共35小题) 1.(2018?内江)五月份有31天.There are 31 days in May. 【解答】某处有某物There be + 名词.天day,可数名词,要用复数形式.因为31days 是复数形式,故谓语动词要用are. 故答案为There are 31 days in May. 2.(2018?内江)明天别忘了带上你的外套.Don't forget to take your coat tomorrow.【解答】根据句意,要用祈使句,否定句要用don't 开头.忘记做某事forget to do sth.带上take,外套coat. 故答案为Don't forget to take your coat tomorrow. 3.(2018?内江)我看见Mary正在房间里安静地看书.I saw Mary reading quietly in the room.【解答】看见某人正在做某事see sb.doing sth.是固定结构,安静地quietly,副词作状语,在房间里in the room;根据句意"我看见Mary正在房间里安静地看书"可知,要用一般过去时. 故答案为I saw Mary reading quietly in the room. 4.(2018?内江)这位老人非常激动,以致于不能清晰地讲话.The old man was so excited that he could not speak clearly. 【解答】这位老人The old man,非常…以至于so…that…,that引导结果状语从句,激动excited,清晰地讲话speak clearly;根据句意"这位老人非常激动,以致于不能清晰地讲话"可知,要用一般过去时. 故答案为The old man was so excited that he could not speak clearly. 5.(2018?内江)Mike 很喜欢中国.他来中国已经5年了.Mike likes China very much.He's been in China for five years. 【解答】喜欢like,非常very much,在某地多长时间have/ has been in,五年了for five years; 根据句意"Mike 很喜欢中国.他来中国已经5年了"可知,前句用一般现在时,主语是三单,谓语动词用三单形式,后句用现在完成时. 故答案为Mike likes China very much.He's been in China for five years. 6.(2017?内江)现在操场上大约有1,000名学生.There are about 1000 students on the playground now.


上海初中语法点汇总(牛津版) 牛津七年级第一学期 Language: Module 1 Relationships Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing ?1 形容词用于人物或事物之间比较的方法 ?2 运用名词和副词来表示方位 ?3 以how开头的疑问句 4 能熟练运用by引导的介词词组表达交通方式 5 学会使用表示方位的介词 6 学会使用表示时间的介词 7 学会运用hundred,thousand和million来表示数量 Unit 2 Our animal friends ?1 用以wh- 开头的特殊疑问句进行提问 ?2 用祈使句表示命令 ?3 以how开头的疑问句 4 能运用一般过去时谈论过去发生的事情或动作 5 掌握用代词one指代之前提到过的人或物 6 掌握用prefer表示偏好的用法 7 掌握用need to表示需要的用法 Unit 3 Friends from other countries ?1介词near和far away from的用法 ?2现在完成时的用法 ?3 用以wh- 开头的特殊疑问句进行提问 4 知道over表示“超过” 5 了解不同的国名和国籍的表达方式 6 掌握用there be句型表示客观存在 7 掌握描述人物各类信息的有关名词 Module 2 My neighbourhood Unit 4 Jobs people do ?1 yes/no 问句(一般疑问句的结构) ?2 一般现在时的用法 ? 3 用以wh- 开头的特殊疑问句进行提问 ? 4 一般过去时态 5 熟练一些职业名词 6 学会用有关副词表示事情发展的先后顺序 7 熟悉work搭配不同介词的用法 8 掌握both的使用方法 Unit 5 Choosing a new flat ?1 方位介词和介词词组的用法

中考英语 专题练习动词及动词短语练习题(含答案)

中考英语专题练习动词及动词短语练习题(含答案) 1、Jone’s parents advised him ________ aloud to improve his poor pronunciation. A.not to read B.to read C.read D.reading 2、Wow! The meat in the plate produced a nice smell.It must ______ delicious. A.smell B.look C.taste D.feel 3、---As far as I know, China is getting better at making high-technology products. ---- That’s right, people around the world can hardly avoid ________ products made in China. A.buying B.to buy C.to buying D.buy 4、At first, the students discussed the questions all in English, but after a while, they ______speaking in Chinese. A.gave up B.picked up C.turned up D.ended up 5、The expert advised me ourselves our work. A.to be strict in; with B.be strict in; with C.to be strict with; in D.strict with; in 6、Tom has difficulty Chinese, so he often asks me advice. A.to understand, with B.understanding, of C.to understand, for D.understanding , for 7、Mozart had a amazing gift for art and his music is well worth ____________. A.being listened B.listen to C.listening D.listening to 8、 A.connecting, from B.connecting, to C.connects, from D.connects, to 9、—Why do you look so sleepy in class, John? —Sorry, sir.I _____ to watch a football match last night. A.kept up B.made up C.stayed up D.put up 10、My sweater is _____ China.It’s _____ wool(羊毛). A.made of; made of B.made from; made from C.made in; made from D.made in; made of 11、We are sure that scientists will ____a way to solve the difficult problem. 12、---- Don’t______, my children.Keep working on and you will be successful. ---- Thank you, Mrs Wang.We’ll try our best. A.put up B.turn off C.work out D.give up 13、 A.make B.making C.makes D.made 14、--- Spud Webb’s story proved that you can do almost anything if you never _________. ---I can’t agree with you. A.stay up B.give up C.put up D.get up


动词专项练习 一、单项选择 1. Judy ______ the Great Wall twice, and now she still ______ to go there. A.went to; wanted B.goes to; wants C.has gone to; wants D.has been to; wants 2. --- “Excuse me. Look at the sign: NO SMOKING!” ---“Sorry, I ____ it.” A.don't see B.didn't see C.haven't seen D.won't see 3. Tom has worked here ______ two years ago. A.for B.at C.in D.since 4. I ____ you for a long time. Where ____ you ____ ? A.didn't see; did; go B.didn't see; have; gone C.haven't seen; have; been D.haven't seen; have; gone 5. Peter's mother died three years ago. She ____ for three years. A.died B.was dead C.has been dead D.has dies 6. There ____ a parents’ meeting tomorrow afternoon. A.are B.will have C.is going to be D. is 7. --- “Where's Li Lei? ” ---“He ______ his sports shoes in the room. He ______ football with his friends. ” A.is putting on; is playing B.puts on; will play C.is putting on; will play D.put on; played 8. Three quarters of the world's books and newspapers ______ in English. A.are writing B.is written C.is writing D.are written 9. Our school will hold a sports meeting if it ______ tomorrow. A.isn't rain B.rains C.won't rain D.doesn't rain 10. Granny Wang told the little children that the sun ______ in the east. A.has risen B.rose C.rises D.rise

中考英语真题专题汇编及详细答案 (1)

词汇(词形变换) 一.填空题(共39小题) 1.(2018?扬州)Cells are the smallest and most basic units of living matter.(small) 【解答】根据Cells are the﹣﹣and most basic units of living matter.(small)这里and 后面用的是最高级形式,前面也应该用最高级形式. 故填smallest. 2.(2018?扬州)There is a place in my heart where all nations will live peacefully some day.(peace) 【解答】根据There is a place in my heart where all nations will live﹣﹣ some day.(peace)可知这里修饰动词用副词形式. 故填peacefully. 3.(2018?扬州)Tom is thinking about going as a cowboy for the fifth year at Halloween.(five) 【解答】根据Tom is thinking about going as a cowboy for the﹣﹣year at Halloween.(five)可知这里句子表示事物的顺序,用序数词. 故填fifth. 4.(2018?扬州)Dad brought them to our house and Mum soon had a lunch ready for them.(bring) 【解答】根据had 判断句子使用一般过去时. 故填brought. 5.(2018?扬州)The librarian was smiling at me and seemed friendly.(smile) 【解答】根据The librarian was﹣﹣at me and seemed friendly.可知这里含有be动词,后面跟现在分词,构成过去进行时. 故填smiling. 6.(2016?扬州)It's dangerous to drive on snowy days.(snow) 【解答】答案:snowy 根据该空处在句中作定语修饰名词days,故填入形容词,所给词snow为名词意为"雪",其对应的形容词为snowy意为"下雪的",故答案为:snowy 7.(2016?扬州)Jim laid out the knives and forks at the lunch table.(knife)
