第二章 交际与跨文化交际PPT

• 与跨文化交际学关系最密切的有四门学科是文化人类学、 社会心理学、社会语言学和传播学。不同学科的学者在研究跨 文化交际时所取的角度不同,研究方法上亦有差异。
• 作为一门独立的边缘学科,跨文化交际学不仅研究文化的定 义与特点、交际的定义与特征以及文化与交际的关系,同时将干 扰交际的文化因素也作为它研究的重中之重。
(1)培养人们对不同文化持积极、理解的态度。在这个过程中,我 们能够加深对自身文化的理解,从而做到客观地把握各自的文化特性。
(2)培养跨文化接触时的适应能力。设法减缓冲击、提高适应能力 是使跨文化交际得以成功进行的唯一途径,这也是跨文化研究的一项 重要内容。
(3)培养跨文化交际的技能。在美国,除了在大学里设置了相关课 程以外,社会上也有许多机构专门负责跨文化交际技能的培训和进修, 以此来适应国际化社会的需要。正是基于这一点,跨文化交际研究的 实践意义要远远大于它的理论意义。
• 相比较而言,我国的跨文化交际研究的历史很短。上世纪八十年代中 期开始,我国学者们才注意到这方面的问题,其研究初期的重点是放在外 语教学以及文化及语言的关系上。自1982年许国璋先生发表论文 《CULTURALLY-LOADED WORDS AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING》之后,学者们谈论文化差异的文章越来越多,并相继发表在 各种学术刊物上。
• 交际中,具有同一文化背景的人们可以进行有效地交流,而因为 共享有限的文化背景,来自不同文化中的人们,在交流时常常会产生 沟通的障碍。
• 这就是我们所说的跨文化交际。
• 《辞海》中“交际”词条下的释义:“敢问交际,何心也?” 朱熹注:“际,接也”。“交际”谓人以礼仪币帛相交接也。据 此意义,该词后来泛指社会各阶层成员交往中人与人的往来应酬。

2.edwarhall 《无声的语言》跨文化交际学的奠基之作。
(对时间、空间、交际的关系作了深入探讨)3.1970 年是具有重大意义的一年。
1972 年,第一届跨文化交际学国际会议,日本东京。
非社交沟通指的是内向沟通 (自我沟通) 。
) 语言与文化有着密切的关系。

The Basic Function of Culture
❖ At the core of culture is the idea that it is intended to make life easier for people by “teaching” them how to adapt to their surroundings.
Generation. ❖ Culture Is Based on Symbols. ❖ Culture Is Subject to Change. ❖ Culture Is an Integrated System. ❖ Culture Is Ethnocentric.
Culture Is Not Innate; It Is Learned.
❖ The English admire good manners, courtly behavior, and dignity, as is reflected in the “Canterbury Tales”.
❖ The Japanese learn about the importance of duty, obligation, and loyalty from “The Tale of the Forty-Seven Ronin”.
❖ "One does not make the wind blow but is blown by it."
❖ "Order is half of life."
❖ "The mouth maintains silence in order to hear the heart talk."
跨文化交际 知识点整理


1. 文化是人类所独有的,是区别人类和动物的主要标志。文 化是社会遗产,而不是生理的遗传。
2. 文化不是先天所有,而是通过后天习得的。 3. 文化中的大部分是不自觉的。 4. 文化是人们行动的指南。 5. 文化是动态的,文化的形态与一定的历史时期相联系。
主导文化:是一个民族、一个国家或一个语言群体所共享的主流文化 特征;是人们日常生活和交际中起主导作用的文化因素;是同一文化 群体共同认可和遵循的生活方式、行为规范、交际规则、思维方式和 交际观念。
• 与美国人在一起,就照美国人的方式、习俗去说话、办事; 与中国人在一起,就按中国人的习俗来做。
• 跨文化交际能力指的是跨文化交际环境中的交际能力,即 来自不同文化背景的人之间进行交际时,具有强烈的跨文 化意识,善于识别文化差异和排除文化干扰并成功地进行 交际的能力。是在跨文化交际环境中由语言交际能力、非 语言交际能力、语言规则和交际规则转化能力以及文化适 应能力所组成的综合能力。
西方社会的个人取向: 提倡个人主义,崇尚个性解放、提倡自我奋斗。
中国文化的“求稳”心态: “相安无事”、“知足常乐”、“万变不离其宗”、“以不变应万变”、“安土重 迁”、“顺其自然”。一切发展之大前提是家庭、家族、社会之稳定。
• 在特定的交际情景中,具有不同的文化背景的交际者使用 同一种语言(母语或目的语)进行的口语交际。
• 交际双方必须来自不同的文化背景。立足本专业,文化差异 主要指不同文化圈之间的差异,尤其是中国和欧美国家的文 化差异。

Unit2跨文化交际commucation across cultureUnit 2Culture and CommunicationWhat is culture?“文化”是一个广泛的概念,它的内涵很丰富。
在英语中,“culture”一词是一个难以解释的词,它最早来源于古法语cultura, 拉丁语colere和德语“kultur”,原指土地的开垦及植物的栽培;后来随着人类生存空间和生存方式的改变逐渐扩延,转而意指人的身体、精神,特别是指艺术和道德能力和天赋的培养;进而泛指人类社会在征服自然和自我发展中创造的物质财富和精神财富,包括饮食、器具、舟车、房屋、社会组织、政治制度、风俗习惯、语言、学术思想等。
More than 500 definitions up to the present(Refer to p. 40 for some of the well-known ones)First definition: E. B. Tylor (1871) in Primitive Culture: “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a mem ber of a society.”文化是一种复合的整体,它包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗以及人们作为社会成员而获得的能力与习惯Broadly speaking, it means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, andlanguage.In a narrow sense, it refers to local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, and language. Define culture from different perspectives From Intellectual PerspectiveFrom Anthropologic PerspectiveFrom Social PerspectiveFrom Psychological PerspectiveFrom Intercultural Communication PerspectiveFrom Intellectual PerspectiveAccording to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively".It refers to intellectual perspective, such as music, art, exhibition, dance, etc. When you talk about Picasso, Beethoven, etc., you are talking about culture.From Anthropologic PerspectiveCulture is "the customs, civilizations, and achievements of a particular time or people." This is an anthropologist's definition.From Social PerspectiveCulture is what a society does and thinks.Culture covers everything of a society.From Psychological PerspectiveCulture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.From Intercultural Communication PerspectiveCulture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.Culture Is LearnedWe learn culture from __parents__, ____teachers____ friends ___,_other familycommucation across culturemembers_____,_ and even strangers who are part of the culture_.Culture Is a Set of Shared InterpretationsAll communications take place by means of symbolsCulture Involves Beliefs, Values, and Normsa. BeliefsBeliefs refer to the basic understanding of a group of people about what the world is like or what is true or false.b. ValuesValues involve what a culture regarded as good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair, just or unjust, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, valuable or worthless, appropriate or inappropriate, and kind or cruel.c. NormsNorms refer to rules for appropriate behavior, which provide theexpectations people have of one another and of othersNorms in the army: SalutesNorms in different fields:Culture Affects BehaviorsCulture Involves Large Groups of PeopleThree Things Culture Doesp46-48 (self-study)Culture ranks what is importantCulture furnishes attitudesCulture dictates how to behaveCulture ranks what is importantDifferent cultures have their own value orientation and what is important in one culture may be virtually meaningless to another.Culture ranks what is important. In other words, cultures teach values or priorities.Values underlie attitudes. They also shape beliefs.Within a culture, values may be of greater or lesser importance.Culture furnishes attitudesAn attitude is learned, and it is a tendency to respond the same way to the same object or situation or idea.Attitudes can change, although change can be difficult. Attitudes are based on beliefs as well as values.Beliefs are convictions or certainties based on subjective and often personal ideas rather than on proof or facts. Belief systems or religions are powerful sources of values and attitudes in cultures.Culture dictates how to behaveBehavior comes directly from the attitudes about how significant something is --- how it is valued.Attitudes vary according to how important something is reckoned to be (value).Values drive actions.1.3 Classification of Culturecommucation across cultureOne of the most popular classification of culture:high culture: philosophy, literature, fine arts, music, religion etc.popular culture: customs and habits, rites and rituals, ways of living (housing, dressing, eating and drinking) and all interpersonal behavior.deep culture: the conception of beauty, definition of sin, notions of modesty, ordering of time, etc.Cultural iceberg: p. 44-50Conscious or subconscious?Deep culture―the out-of-awareness part of a cultureNine-tenth of an iceberg / culture is out of sight.Those that are above the “water” :what to eat and how to eat it;how to keep healthy;how to raise children;how to participate in ceremonies;how to introduce and greet people;Those that are below the “water” :what is good or bad;what is right or wrong;what is beautiful or ugly;what is clean or dirty;how is an individual related to others;Generally speaking, differences in those things that are usually outside of our consciousawareness, i.e. the so-called “ deep culture”, are more likely to cause problems in intercultural communication. The reason is that this part of culture is internalized in people’s mind and thus is hard to perceived.SummaryCulture is not anything that people in a group are born with, but something they learn either by being taught or by growing up in it.Different cultures have different ways of eating, drinking, dressing, finding shelter, marrying and dealing with death.Our own culture seems natural to us while other cultures may think itfunny, strange or even disgusting. However, this has nothing to do with right or wrong.It follows that there is no “best” culture suitable for all p eople in the world. In comparing cultures, we can hardly say which culture is definitely better than the other, for each culture can be appropriate to certain group of people living in a particular geographic and social environment.A culture should therefore be judged and interpreted in its own context. Without considering the environment in which people of a particular culture live, it would be impossible for us to really understand and appreciate what is significant and meaningful in that culture.Perhaps, if we could examine the manners of different nations with impartiality, we should find no people so rude, nor any so polite.2. Instinctive Behavior andCultural Behaviorcommucation across cultureReading : p. 41Questions:---Do you know Maslow’s theory?---Do human beings realize all these needs at the same time?---Do people all over the world share the same basic needs described by Maslow? ---Do people realize these needs in the same ways?---Is culture conscious or subconscious?2.1 Instinctive behavior―innate and universal2.2 Cultural behavior―learned and transmitted from generation to generation through the use of symbolsPeople in different cultures satisfy these needs in different ways.Examples:Different ways of eating p.43;Difference in treating visitors. p. 38 (Warm Up)Difference in ending the meals. p. 59 (Group Work)Case AnalysisCase 5 p. 60Difference in taking offersCase 7 p.62Difference in the view of giftsCase 8 p.62-63Difference in food for banquet, table mannersAnalysisIn China, it is often not polite to accept a first offer and Heping was being modest, polite and well-behaved and had every intention of accepting the beer at the second or third offer. But he did not know the North American rules which firmly say that you do not pull alcoholicbeverages on anyone. A person may not drink for religious reasons, he may be a reformed alcoholic, or he may be allergic.Whatever the reason, you do not insist on offering alcohol. So the Americans didn’t make a second offer of beer to Heping, who probably thought North Americans not hospitable. However, there are always individual differences between people from even the same culture. Probably the young Chinese nurse had known something about the American culture and was just trying to behave like an American when she was in an American family.Case 7 p.62What do you think of Keiko insisting on giving valuable gifts to her college friends?How would you feel if Keiko presented you with a gift for your help?AnalysisKeiko insists on giving valuable gifts to her college friends, because in countries like Japan, exchanging gifts is a strongly rooted social tradition. Should you receive a gift, and don’t have one to offer in return, you will probably create a crisis. If not as serious as a crisis, one who doesn’t offer a gift in return may be considered rude or impolite.Therefore, in Japan, gifts are a symbolic way to show appreciation, respect, gratitude and further relationship.commucation across cultureKeiko obviously has taken those used items from Mary, Ed and Marion as gifts, for sheprobably doesn’t know that Americans frequently do nate their used household items to church or to the community.Mary, Ed and Marion would never consider those used household items given to Keiko as gifts. No wonder they felt very uncomfortable when they received valuable gifts in return. Case 8 p.62-63Why did the girl consider the menu created by her mother a strange one?What cultural differences can you find in this case?AnalysisWhen the Chinese girl fell in love with an American boy at that time, it seems that shepreferred to celebrate Christmas in the American way, for she wanted very much to appear the same as other American girls. She did not like to see her boyfriend disappointed at the “shabby” Chinese Christmas. That’s why she cried when she found out her parents had invited the minister’s family over for the Christmas Eve dinner. She thought the menu for the Christmas meal created by her mother a strange one because there were no roast turkey and sweet potatoes but only Chinese food.How could she notice then the foods chosen by her mother were allher favorites?From this case, we can find a lot of differences between the Chinese and Western cultures in what is appropriate food for a banquet, what are good table manners, and how one should behave to be hospitable. However, one should never feel shame just because one’s culture is different from others’. As Amy’s mother told her, you must be proud to be different, and your only shame is to have shame.3.1 Definition of Communication---A behavior-affecting process in which one person (a source) intentionally encodes andtransmits a message through a channel to an intended audience (receivers) in order to induce a particular attitude or behavior.---Transmission and reception of meaning through the manipulation of symbols, language and context.---A process involving the exchange of messages and the creation of meaning.(p.58)It involves a sender who encodes a message and a receiver who decodes the message.3.3 Types of Communication(1)Interpersonal Communication (Dyad)Intrapersonal Communication (Within)Mass CommunicationGroup CommunicationPublic CommunicationBusiness CommunicationIntracultural CommunicationShared communication between members of the same cultural group /communication between people from the same culturecommucation across cultureIntercultural Communicationcommunication between people from different culturesIntercultural Communication…Requires an understand ing of …Own cultureCultures of other groupsParent/Dominant culture (e.g. based on race or ethnicity)Co-cultures (e.g. based on gender, religion, age)Intercultural Communication…Requires an understanding of …..Knowledge systemBeliefsValuesCustomsBehaviorsIntercultural / Cross-cultural CommunicationAlthough the term cross-cultural is often used as a synonym for intercultural, it traditionally implies a comparison of some phenomena across cultures.For example, if we examine communication between two Chinese or between two Americans, we are looking at intra-cultural communication.If we observe communication between a Chinese and an American, in contrast, we are looking at intercultural communication.If we compare the speech act of apology in the Chinese culture and in the American culture, for example, we are making a cross-cultural comparison.If we look at how an American or a Chinese is making an apology when communicating with each other, in contrast, we are looking at intercultural communication.Cross-Cultural CommunicationInvolves highlighting similarities and differences across cultural groups to promotecommunicationInternational CommunicationInteractions among people from different nations. Certainly, communication among people from different countries is likely to be intercultural communication, but that is not always true.3.3 Types of Communication(2)human communication (人类交际)animal communication (动物交际)human-animal communication (人类与动物的交际)human-machine communication(人机交际)machine-to-machine communication(机器交际)3.4 Media of CommunicationFace-to-FaceTelephoneBroadcast MediaVerbalNon-verbalcommucation across cultureWhich other media of communication can you identify?3.6 The Communication ProcessMatching Task p.57One more example:1. A: Can you tell me the time?B: Well, the milkman has come.(No, I don’t know the exact time, but I can tell you that the milkman has come so that you may be able to tell what the approximate time it is now.)Case 6 p.61 ( assignment)Case AnalysisCase 6 p.61Why did the Chinese mother-in-law decide to leave the very afternoon?What was wrong with Litz asking her husband how long his mother was going to stay just two days after her mother-in-law’s arrival?AnalysisWhen a speaker says something to a hearer, there are at least three kinds of meanings invol ved: utterance meaning, the speaker’s meaning and the hearer’s meaning.In the dialogue, when Litz asked how long her mother-in-law was going to stay, she meant that if she knew how long she was going to stay in Finland, she would be able to make proper arrangements for her, such as taking her out to do some sightseeing. However, hermother-in-law took Litz’s question to mean “ Litz does not want me to stay for long”. From the Chinese point of view, it seems inappropriate for Litz to ask such a question just two days after her mother-in-law’s arrival. If she has to ask the question, it would be better to ask some time later and she should not let her mother-in-law hear it.Another CaseSituation:A Chinese student had just arrived at the States. One day, when he was reading in his room, he heard someone shouting outside: “ Watch out!” So he went to the window and stretched out his head and tried to find out what’s going on outside. Just then, his head was right poured by the water from abo ve…Question:What are the three meanings of “ Watch out” in communication?Key to the question:1. Utterance meaning: Be careful!2. Speaker’s meaning: Don’t pull out !3. Hearer’s meaning:Something is happening! Look out!3.9 Characteristics of Communication p.68-73DynamicSymbolicInteractiveInterpretiveContextualcommucation across cultureCommunication is a dynamic processCommunication is an ongoing, ever changing activity. It is not fixed.“You can’t stand in the same stream twice.”When people communicate, they are constantly affected by each other’s messages and as a consequence, people undergo continual change.Each time one is influenced, one changes in some way and people never stay frozen when in communication.Once a word or an action is employed, it cannot be retracted.Communication is symbolicCommunication involves the use of symbols.A symbol is a word, action, or object that strands for or presents a unit of meanings. Meaning, in turn, is a perception, thought, or feeling that a person experiences and might want to communicate to others.People’s behaviors are frequently interpreted symbolically, as an external representation of feelings, emotions, and internal states.Communication is interactive/transactionalCommunication must take place between people.When two or more people communicate, their unique backgrounds and experiences serve as a backdrop for the communication interaction.Communicators are simultaneously sending and receiving messages at every instant that they are involved in conversations.There are no such entities as pure senders or pure receivers.Communication is systemic/contextualCommunication does not occur in isolation or in a vacuum, but ratheris part of a larger system.Setting and environment help determine the words and actions you generate and the meanings you give the symbols produced by other people.Dress, language, topic selection, and the like are all adapted to context.People do not act the same way in every environment.Communication is contextual/systemicAll communication takes place within a setting or situation called a context.By context, we mean the place where people meet, the social purpose for being together, and the nature of the relationship.Thus, the context includes the physical, social, and interpersonal settings within which messages are exchanged.The physical context includes the actual location of the interactants: indoors or outdoors, crowded or quiet, public or private, close together or far apart, warm or cold, bright or dark. The social context refers to the widely shared expectations people have about the kinds of interactions that normally should occur given different kinds of social events.The interpersonal context refers to the expectations about the behaviors of others as a result of differences in the relationships between them. (examples---p69-70)commucation across cultureCommunication is interpretiveWhenever people communicate, they must interpret the symbolic behaviors of others and assign significance to some of those behaviors in order to create a meaningful account of the other’s actions.There is no direct mind-to-mind contact between people, you cannot access the thoughts and feelings of other human beings but can only infer what they are experiencing.Communication is complexAlthough all cultures use symbols to share their realities, the specific realities and the symbols employed are often quite different.People are both alike and different.Cultural, as well as individual, differences keep people apart.Members of different cultures look differently at the world around them.A successful intercultural communicator appreciates similarities and accepts differences.4. Elements of Communication p.50-56ContextParticipantsMessagesChannelsNoiseFeedbackphysical settingthe formality of the conference roomthe seating arrangementslightingthe time of daythe distance between communicatorshistorical contextprevious communication eventspsychological contextthe manner of perceiving themselves and otherscultural contextcommunication normsplay the roles of senders and receivers:senders form messagesC encoders;receivers process the messages and react to them―decoders variables affecting participants:---relationships: familiar or unfamiliar---gender: males or females---culture: from the same culture or from different cultures meaningscommucation across culturethe meanings may not be transferred successfullysymbolswords chosenfacial expressions, gesturestone of voiceencoding and decodingmessage encoded may not be decoded as intendedculture and nonverbal factors---sound, sight, smell, taste, touch---the nature of the channel selected affects the way a message will be processed---the impact of a message changes as the channel used to transmit it changes---the more channels used, the more successful the communication will be---any stimulus that interferes with the sharing of meaningexternal noisestimuli in the surrounding that distract attentioninternal noiseinterfering thoughts and feelings inside a communicatorsemantic noiseinappropriate choice of words---noise can function as a communication barrierverbal responsenonverbal responseserves useful functions for both senders and receivers: it provides senders with the opportunity to measure how they are coming across, and it provides receivers with the opportunity to exert some influence over the communication process.C-- cultural variables that undermine the communication of intended meaningExamples of Semantic Noise一次性用品:A Time Sex Thing一次性筷子:One Sex Chopsticks平时禁止入内:No entry on peace time小心溺水:Careful Drowning童子鸡:Chicken without sexual life麻婆豆腐:Bean curd made by a pockmarked woman贵阳:Expensive Sun干果区:Fuck the fruit areaAssignments1. Find a misleading sign in Meizhou and point out what’s wrong and give a correct one.2. Further Reading I : Understanding Culture p.64-67。

Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and customs keep them apart.
❖ Some people shake hands when introduced to a stranger, but other people bow at such an encounter. Why?
❖ Definitions of culture are numerous. ❖ We define culture as the deposit of knowledge,
❖ As the English writer Thomas Fuller wrote 200 years ago, "Culture makes all things easy."
Characteristics of Culture
❖ Culture Is Not Innate; It Is Learned. ❖ Culture Is Transmitted from Generation to
The Basic Function of Culture
❖ At the core of culture is the idea that it is intended to make life easier for people by “teaching” them how to adapt to their surroundings.
The formal teaching of a culture is far more structured and is often left to the various institutions of the culture, such as schools and churches.

一 二
跨文化交际的概念及学科背景 跨文化交际研究的时代必要性
一 二 三
价值观念 民族性格 自然环境
一 二 三
思维方式 民族中心主义 心理环境
一 二 三
第一节 角色关系与跨文化交际
一 关于文化的概念
圣人之治天下也,先文德而后武力。凡武之兴,为不服也;文化不 改,然后加诛。夫下愚不移,纯德之所不能化,而后武力加焉。
测。交际是在一定的文化背景和交际情景中进行的,而且交际行 为有其固有的语言规则以及语用规则,因此交际过程是一个交际 双方对彼此的交际行为的结果进行预测的过程。 这种预测可能是自觉的,也可能是无意识的。预测的准确程 度取决于对交际环境因素及其与交际行为相互作用的关系的理解 程度,以及对文化和语用规则掌握的熟练程度和运用的灵活程度。
是“文化”就同英语的culture有了直接的词源关系,并衍生 出“文明”、“教育”等含义。

③ 王福祥、吴汉樱编,《文化与语言》(外语教 学与研究出版社,1994)。
出版学术专著 发表相关论文 召开学术研讨会
尔滨成立,此后,每两年召开一次全国性 会议。
第二讲 跨文化交际与跨文化交际学
一、跨文化交际(intercultural communication)
交际是一个(或多个人)对另一个人(或 多个人)的行为或行为遗迹作出了反应。
格林教授和夫人鞠躬 敬请赐复。
Director of the Institute of Atomic Energy requests the pleasure of the company of
Mr. and Mrs. Dickens at a dinner party
in honor of Mr. Liu Wenling senior engineer of the Institute of Atomic Energy
中国文化中称呼“姓+职务”这种类型的,有 些翻译成英文不宜直译,如主任、局长、科长、 老师等。
对于教师的称呼很多,主要有三种: Sir./Ms.;
Mr./Ms.+姓;直呼其名。 不能是“姓+teacher”,也不能是直呼别人


交际受制于文化、心理等多种因素 ,交际不一定以主观意志为转移,可能是无意识和无意向的活动 .跨文化交际中“交际"可定义为:信息发送者与信息接受者共享信息的过程。
二、交际的特点1. 交际是传播者和接收者之间的相互活动;2. 交际的双方是动态的;3。
第二章 文化价值观与跨文化交际

(二)用语方面的差别 低语境的交际者不注意非言语传达的信息。他们认为 交流是有意义的言语信息的交流。他们知道一些非言语行 为,比:表情和声调,但是对他们而言,这些只是修饰他们所说 的。他们对情景、参与者的角色等语境因素不予注意。这 就意味着他们常常没有注意到正在和他们交流的人的地位 、其他人没有说出来的话、没有用言语表达的社交期待这 些因素。通常高语境的交际者理解这些语境信息的意思是 没有困难的。当他们看见低语境的交际者不能或没有对语 境信息做出回应时,他们会认为低语境的交际者不体贴他 人,对他人的感受不敏感。
本然-成为取向文化强调通过努力实现个人的发展和提高 ,这种发展和提高的动力(不是为了获得外在的物质财富, 而)是为了实现个人的能力的提高。而且这种能力的价值并 不一定是别人也认可的,只要对自己来说重要即可。
在行动取向文化中,人们倾向于用外在于个人的标准来 衡量人的成就。这种文化最重要的特征就是强调行动的价值 ,(认为人应该积极行动)。
高语境文化 在高语境文化中,交际过程中意义的传递很大一部分并不完全依 赖语言; 信息的表达可以通过暗示、身姿、甚至沉默来完成。 交际者的身份地位(如年龄、性别、受教育程度、家庭背景、头 衔、所属社群)和社会关系等也会影响意义的传递。 由于在高语境文化中,意义部分地蕴含于语境之中,意义的表达 往往采取间接的方式。人们更重视一件事是“怎样”被说出来的,而 不是说了“什么”,非言语线索在交际中受到高度重视。 这是因为,在高语境文化中,人们通常是具有高度一致性的。他 们有共同的经历和经验、有共享的信息网,有一套共同遵守的完备的 社会礼仪规范。因此,在人们的日常交际中,大多数情况下,人们是 不需要更深入的背景信息的。

第二章跨文化交际学一、跨文化交际学在美国Intercultural Communication 与人类学、心理学、传播学关系密切1.首先在美国兴起。
2.Edwar Hall 《无声的语言》跨文化交际学的奠基之作。

第二节 心理因素与跨文化交际
西方的思维模式以逻辑、分析、线性为特点,这是一种“无领 域依附”型的思维活动。
具体细节或简单要素,然后深入考察各部分、各细节、各要素在整 体中的性质、地位、作用和联系,从而了解其特殊本质。
第二节 心理因素与跨文化交际
在中国,所谓个人的隐私在不同程度上具有“公共性”,他们 往往受到社会、他人的关心。人们不经允许可以涉足他人的生活领
候去下属家看望„„ 人们喜欢议论别人,不少人喜欢传递“小道消息”。议论者从 未有侵犯别人隐私的感觉,“侵犯隐私者”也会安全无恙,因为法 律上没有侵犯隐私的明文规定。因此在中国的人际关系处理中最怕 的是“众口铄金”、“人言可畏”。
第二节 心理因素与跨文化交际
民族中心主义是民族自尊、民族优越感的极端心态所产生的一 种定势与偏见;指某个民族把自己视为世界的中心,把本民族的文 化作为对待其他民族的参照系,以本民族的文化标准来衡量其他民 族的行为,并把本民族的文化与其他文化对立起来。
第二节 心理因素与跨文化交际
素或音节)相联系,以形标音,是线性文字。西方文字的这种特点是 西方人重抽象思维的必然结果。

第一部分绪论:跨文化交际与跨文化交际学第一章跨文化交际一、什么就是跨文化交际——具有不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程跨文化交际之所以在今天日益引起人们的注意, 主要原因就是由于交通工具的进步与通讯手段的发展,使得不同国家、不同种族、不同民族的人能够频繁地接触与交往。
L、S、Harms 认为,在世界范围内的交际经历了五个阶段:语言的产生;文字的使用;印刷技术的发明;近百年交通工具的进步与通讯手段的迅速发展;跨文化交际。
有的人认为, 不同国籍人们之间的文化差异与不同职业的人们之间的文化差异并没有什么本质上的区别,只就是程度上的差异。
文化通常不就是指个人的行为, 而就是指一个群体的生活方式与习惯。
在研究一个国家的文化特点时, 我们的眼光首先应集中在它的主流文化主流文化上,其次才注意它的亚文化与地区文化的特点。
主流文化-主流文化-亚文化-地区文化-小群体文化(不同年龄、职业、性别群体的文化)三、第二章跨文化交际学跨文化交际学在美国Intercultural Communication (与人类学、心理学、传播学关系密切)1、首先在美国兴起。
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The Basic Function of Culture
❖ At the core of culture is the idea that it is intended to make life easier for people by “teaching” them how to adapt to their surroundings.
❖ Some people shake hands when introduced to a stranger, but other people bow at such an encounter. Why?
❖ Definitions of culture are numerous. ❖ We define culture as the deposit of knowledge,
Generation. ❖ Culture Is Based on Symbols. ❖ Culture Is Subject to Change. ❖ Culture Is an Integrated System. ❖ Culture Is Ethnocentric.
Culture Is Not Innate; It Is Learned.
The formal teaching of a culture is far more structured and is often left to the various institutions of the culture, such as schools and churches.
Warm-up Case
❖ Fish Is Fish
Learning Objectives
❖ Define the term of culture ❖ Describe the characteristics of culture ❖ Understand the nature of culture ❖ Be aware of cultural differences
experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, social hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relationships, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.
❖ "He who speaks has no knowledge and he who has knowledge does not speak."
❖ As the English writer Thomas Fuller wrote 200 years ago, "Culture makes all things easy."
Characteristics of Culture
❖ Culture Is Not Innate; It Is Learned. ❖ Culture Is Transmitted from Generation to
❖ Some people in many parts of the world put dogs in their ovens, but people in the United States put them on their couches and beds. Why?
❖ Some people in Iran pray five times each day while sitting on the floor, but some people in Las Vegas sit up all night in front of video poker machines. Why?
❖ Culture is learned in a variety of ways and from a host of different sources.
Informal learning, which is often very subtle, normally takes place through interaction, observation and imitation.
Learning Culture through
❖ "One does not make the wind blow but is blown by it."
❖ "Order is half of life."
❖ "The mouth maintains silence in order to hear the heart talk."
Chapter Two
Culture and Intercultural Communication
Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and customs keep them apart.
❖ Some people paint and decorate their entire bodies, but others spend hundreds of dollars painting and decorating only their faces. Why?
❖ Some people talk to God, but others have God talk to them, and still others say t