外贸函电与单证Unit 1

Inside address
Unit 1 Layout of a Business Letter
☆ Points to remember
When writing a homework letter, you should keep the following in mind: ● If you know the recipient’s name, address the name with a courtesy title such as Mr, Mrs, Ms or Miss.
Teaching Plan
Unit 1 Layout of a Business Letter
Learning Objectives
From this unit you will get to know: • Definition of a business letter; • Parts of a business letter; • How to compose each part of a business letter.
Unit 1 Layout of a Business Letter
☆ Points to remember
When writing a homework letter, you should keep the following in mind: ● The word “Reference” is usually abbreviated as “Ref” if written in the letter. ● The word “Reference” is usually omitted. Examples: You may write “Ref JS/LM”, or simply “JS/LM”.
教案Layout of A Business Letter

外贸函电课程教案课题:Basis of Business Correspondence课时:周次:授课日期:地点:授课方式及手段:Lecturing, Task-based approach, Questioning, Discussion …教学目标:After studying this part, the students are able to:A. Learn the structure and the format of business letters, envelopes and s;B. Learn basic principles of effective business letter-writing;C. Know the designing of a standardized letter and an ;D. Master the correct arrangement of various parts of a business letter and ;E. Practice writing business letters, s and envelopes.教学重难点:A. the Layout of Business LettersB. the Structures of Business Letters教学过程与容:Part 1 The Structure of Business LettersStep One warm-up1)Have you written a letter in Chinese? Who do you write to? How do you write?2) Have you written a let ter in English? What’s the differences between Chinese letter writing and English letter-writing?3)Do you think letter writing is very important in business? Why?Come to the introduction:The letter is a common communication medium. There are several reasons:1) A letter establishes a record that can be used for later reference2) Distance can be spanned at relatively small cost3) Routine matters can be completed efficiently with the help of letter forms.Step Two PresentationA. The layout of a business letter (商业信函的布局)Business letters will involve the following parts:(1) Letter Head /Heading Section (信头)(2)Reference Number and date Line(案号和日期)(3)Inside Address/the inside name and address (封地址)(4)Attention Line (注意事项)(5)Salutation /The Greeting (称呼)(6)the Subject Line /Subject-matter/the Subject Heading (事由)(7)the Body of the Letter (正文)(8)complimentary close/ the Closing (结束礼词/结尾敬语)(9)signature section / the signature (签署)(10)The identification Initials /the Reference Notation (经办人代号/主办人代号)(11)The Postscript—P.S. (再启)(12)The Enclosure (附件)(13)The Carbon Copy/ Carbon Copy Notation (抄送说明)Business letters usually consist of :seven standard parts (标准/规部分)six optional parts (任选部分)B.Explanation of letter parts (信的各部分的解释)Step Three consolidationAsk them to recognize all parts in a business letter. Using the given letter, find out each part of a business letter:Step Four HomeworkLearn the Chinese version of all parts in a business letter and its explanation.Part IIStep One RevisionAsk the students to say out the Chinese version of all parts in a business letter and its explanation.Step Two Presentation1.Ask the students the following questions:1)If you want to write a Chinese letter, what style do you usually follow?2)If you want to write a business letter in English, what style do you usually use?2. Formats of business letters (商业信函的版式/开本)(vide P3—5)Give the students three forms of letters, ask them to try to find out the differences of them:a. the indented form (缩进式)b. full blocked form (完全平头式)c. modified blocked form (改良平头式)Step Three Envelope addressing(信封的写法)注意:1) The three important requirements of envelope addressing are accuracy, clearness and good appearance. Here are two examples, which show, respectively, the indented form of address and the blocked form of address.2) Generally speaking, sender’s name and address are written at the left-hand top of the envelope, while receiver’s name and address are centered on the cover of the envelope so as to leave ample space for stamps and postmark. If sender’s name and address do not appear on the cover, it can be written on the back of the envelope.3) Mode of sending letter on lower left-hand side: 在信封左下角上的的类别registered (挂号信) Par Avion (法语)= By Airmail (航空信) confidential (绝密信, 信) Not bend (勿折) Express Mail (快件) Secret (秘信) Book Post (读书) Private (亲收) Printed Matter (印刷品) Personal (个人)4)If a letter is to be taken from you by someone to the addressee, put his name below the addressee’s with the following words in front of it:Politeness of / Kindness of/ Through the Courtesy of /Per Kindness of/ Forwarded by/ Per Favor of/ ByFavor of/ With Favor of/ Favored byDr. William Brown (收信人)Kindness of Prof. Water Snow (带信人)如果这封信是由他人代交的话,代交人的名字写在实际的收信人名字的下面,并在代交人名字前面加Kindness of/ Politeness of, 不需写地址。
layout of a business letter 商业信函布局

The Layout of a Business Letter
Text study
• Today almost all the business communities recognize with one consent the significance of essential communicating skills, for all business activities rely on the satisfactory exchange of information. • Basically, two main patterns of layout are in current used-the conventional indented style and the modern blocked style. • Whether the indented style or the blocked style is used is determeined by individaul taste or by a firm’s perferred style, whatever form is employed, an ordinary business letter consists of seven principle parts. Sometimes the letter might contain the other parts.

(十) Enclosure(附件说明 )
If any documents, catalogues, price list, etc. are sent with a letter, it is necessary to add “enclosure” or its abbreviation “Enc”. eg: Enc: 2 Invoices Encls: 1 B/L 1 Photo 1 Certificate
(七) Body of the Letter
1、Position of body of the letter The body of the letter should begin two lines below the subject line, if there is one, at least two lines below the salutation if there is no subject line. 2、Contents of body of the letter P17 1)the opening sentence ---the first paragraph 2)the actual message of the letter---paragraph two, three… 3)the closing sentence---the last paragraph
324 Park Avenue New York Tel:225-7820 Telex: 222711
The Eastern seaboard Corporation
324 Park Avenue New York Tel:225-7820 Telex: 222711
unit1 presentation and layout of business letters

3. 正确(Correctness) 正确的商务信函不仅表现为语法恰当,标 点符号例如,The goods supplied are exactly equal to the samples应改为The goods supplied are similar in quality to the sample, 这样就可避免交货时可能产生的质量方面 的纠纷,毕竟交付的货物无法与样品一模 一样。
专业术语:(FOB,CFR,CIF,L/C,WPA ),缩
略词(biz=business, Corp=corporation ), 缩略语(FOC=free of charge, HV=have ,IC=I see, B’4=before, THX=thanks ) 行业特点:外贸英语函电集国际贸易实务、 英语写作、营销、商务谈判等知识为一体 ,是国际贸易传递信息的主要媒介之一,业 务操作具有很强的流程性。 语言风格:清楚,简洁,礼貌
1.3 Seven Guidelines of Writing English Business Letters (英文商务信函写作七原则)
7C原则 清楚(Clarity) 简洁(Conciseness) 正确(Correctness) 具体(Concreteness) 礼貌(Courtesy) 体谅(Consideration) 完整(Completeness)
(3)寄信人和收信人的姓名和地址的书写顺序是 :先写姓名后写地址。地址的书写应由小至大, 先写机构名称,再依次写门牌、街道、城市、州 /省及邮政编码,最后书写国名。 (4)关于信件类别、投递方式及其他事项说明, 写在信封左边寄信人地址下,或写在左下角。如 怀疑信件能否送交收信人,可在信封最下边标明 :IF UNDELIVERED PLEASE RETURN TO XXX,即:如无法投递,请退交XXX。

Chapter One Business Letter Writing第1章商务书信写作●Time AllotmentIntroduction (15 mins)Outline (10 mins)Main Points ( 45 mins)Supplements ( 15 mins)Afterclass Exercise ( 5 mins)●Outline:第1节商务书信的结构和格式Structure结构:1、The Heading 信头2、The Inside Address 封内地址3、The Salutation 称呼4、The Subject Heading or Caption 事由5、The Opening Sentences 开头语6、The Body of the Letter 信的正文7、The Closing Sentences 结束语8、The Complimentary Close 结尾礼词9、The Signature 签名10、The Enclosure 附件11、Postscripts 再启Layout格式:1、Indended Style 缩行式2、Block Style 齐头式/平头式3、Modified Block Style 改良的齐头式/平头式4、Semi-block Style with Indended Paragraphs 混合式Section Two Superscription第2节角标Section Three Dissimilarities in Letter Writing第3节英美书信的不同写法Supplyment 补充:Some Useful Sentences on Opening Sentences and Closing Sentences. 开头语和结束语常用例句。
●Main PointsSection One The Structure and Layout of a Business Letter第1节商务书信的结构和格式Structure 结构1.The Heading 信头2.The Inside Address 封内地址3.The Salutation 称呼4.The Subject Heading or Caption 事由5.The Opening Sentences 开头语6.The Body of the Letter 信的正文7.The Closing Sentences 结束语8.The Complimentary Close 结尾礼词9.The Signature 签名10.The Enclosure 附件11.Postscripts 再启Layout 格式1.Indended Style 缩行式2.Block Style 齐头式/平头式3.Modified Block Style 改良的齐头式/平头式4.emi-block Style with Indended Paragraphs 混合式Section Three Dissimilarities in Letter Writing第3节英美书信的不同写法1. 英式的书信格式是缩行式或混合式,而美式则是绝对平头式或改良平头。

理解“询盘”函电书写的内容、格式、步骤以及典型的表达,理解“发盘”函电书写的内容、格式、步骤,以及典型的表达, 理解“还盘”函电书写的内容、格式、步骤,以及典型的表达。
知识储备I. The Purpose and Functions of Business LettersThe purposes of communication are to obtain complete understanding between the parties involved,and elicit the responses required. Generally speaking, the functions of a business letter are to ask for or to convey business information, to make or to accept an offer, to deal with matters concerning various businesses.Usually, there are certain essential requirements for a good business letter, which can be summed up in the Seven Cs, i.e. Completeness,Concreteness,Clearness/Clarity,Conciseness,Courtesy,Consideration, Correctness. These Cs often go hand-in-hand.II. The Basic Parts of Business LettersSee the letter first and find out how many parts are included in this letter:Guangdong Foreign Trade Development Corp.779 East Dongfeng Road,Guangzhou, ChinaCable Address: 5527 GFTDC Telex: 44388 GFTDC CNSeptember 15, 2010H. J. Wilkinson & Co. Ltd.245 Lombart Street,Lagos, NigeriaDear Sirs,We learned the name of your company from the Bank of China, Guangzhou /Guangzhou Branch of Bank of China.We are specialized in exporting the Chinese light industrial products, which enjoy good reputation in the world market for a long time.Enclosed please find a catalogue for your reference, and we look forward to entering into business relationship with you.Anticipate your early reply.Yours Sincerely,Liu MingLiu MingSales Manager of Export DepartmentIn sequential order of completion, a business letter basically consists of the following 13 parts.(7 of the 13 parts are basic and necessary.)(1) Letterhead(信头)As the first and most obvious part of a business letter,the letterhead expresses a company’s personality. It helps to form one’s impression of the writer’s firm. Styles vary considerably, but they all give similar information and include the essential particulars about the writer — name, address, zip-code, telephone number, telegram fax number and e-mail address of the company. It is usually designed and printed in the center or on the left margin at the top of the page. (2) Reference Number(参考号/发文编号)The reference number is generally used as a useful indication for filing and consulting for both sides, so it must be easily seen. It mayinclude a file number, a contract number, an L/C number or the initials of the signer and the typist’s initials. If you find the reference number in the incoming letter you need to take the form as “your ref.” and “our ref.” in your reply. The position of the reference number is often one or two lines below the letterhead.(3) Date(日期)Every letter should be dated. Never send out a letter without a date. If you are giving information, such as shipping or delivery or appointment dates, it is vital that the date should be correct. The position of the date is often one or two lines below the reference number or letterhead (if there is no reference number).September 8, 2007 — American form8th September, 2007 — British form(4) Inside Name and Address(信内地址)It consists of the name and address of the receiver. It appears exactly the same way as on the envelope. Inside name and address are always put at the left margin at least two lines below the date.Ms. Sarah Davis姓名The Sales Manager职务The Space Engineering Co.,Ltd. 公司名830 W. Lauridsen Boulevard 小地址Port Angeles, WA 98363大地址USA国家名(5) Salutation(称呼)The salutation is the polite greeting with which a letter begins. It should be placed two lines below the inside address. There are many forms of salutation in a business letter. The customary greeting in a business letter is “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss ...(姓)”,“Dear Sirs”or “Dear Madam or Sir”.(6) Subject Line(事由标题)The subject line is often inserted between the salutation and the body of the letter. The subject line helps to attract attention to the topic of the letter. It is especially useful if two companies have a lot of correspondence with each other on a variety of subjects, as it immediately tells what the letter is about. It is also useful as a guide for filing. It can begin with or without “Re:” or “Subject:”. Sometimes, you can see the subject line is underlined. e.g.Re: Sewing MachinesSubject: Sewing MachinesSewing Machines(7) Body of the Letter(正文)This part contains the actual message of the letter. It should begin two lines below the subject line or two lines below the salutation if there is no subject line. Usually, it is divided into three parts: opening,actual message and closing. The body of the letter should be carefully planned and paragraphed. The opening is to give the reason of writing and often refers to previous correspondence. The actual message is to specify the writer’s concrete purposes, requirements and wishes. The closing is to express thanks and anticipations for future actions or plans. Sometimes the closing may be used to sum up the message and to suggest the writer’s requirements to the receiver.(8) Complimentary Close(结尾敬语/套语)The complimentary close is merely a polite way of bringing a letter to a close. It is usually placed two or four lines below the last line of the body of the letter. There are many different complementary closes that show respect, but it should match the salutation. The most common sets of salutation and the complimentary close are as follows:Yours faithfully,Yours sincerely,(9) Signature(落款签字)The signature is the signed name or mark of the person writing the letter or that of the firm he or she represents. All letters must be signed and a letter should be signed by hand, and in ink. Unsigned letters have no authority and a letter “signed” with a rubber stamp is a form of discourtesy. Usually, the name of the signer is typed below the signature because many handwritten signatures are illegible, and then followed by his or her job title or position. If the writer represents a certain institute, the name of the institute will be printed above the signature.e.g.The Overseas Co., Ltd. institute(Signature)signatureJohn Bellname of the signerGeneral Manager, Sales Department position(10) Reference Notation(经办人代号)Sometimes, the reference notation, which is also understood as identification mark,can also be placed two lines below the typed signature. The reference notation usually shows only the initials of the typist, but it can also be made up of the initials of the person who dictated the letter. The initials of the dictator are usually in capital letters. The two sets are separated by a colon or a slant, such as for Bill Clinton (manager) and Nancy Brown (secretary). The following examples are acceptable forms of the reference notation:BC: nbBC/nb(11) Enclosure Notation(附件)If any documents such as catalogues, price lists, order, copies of fax are sent with a letter, it is necessary to add enclosure notationto remind the receiver. The enclosure notation is usually placed two lines below the signature at the left margin. The marking may be in any of the following ways:Enclosure: 3 copies of ...Encl. 3 cataloguesEnc. 1 invoice Encls: as stated(12) Carbon Copy Notation(抄送)When copies of the letter are sent to others, you need to use the carbon copy notation below any enclosure notation at the left margin. It is used to show that the letter has been sent to someone relevant. The marking may be in any of the following ways, c.c./cc/bcc—blind carbon copy. e.g.c.c. Mr. J. Cooper(13) Postscript(附言/注)A postscript is used to emphasize a point to which the writer wants to draw the reader’s attention. Sometimes, the postscript can be added by some executives in pen and ink for the purpose of adding a personal touch to their typewritten letter. The marking word of postscript is P.S. and should be placed at least two lines below any other notation and flushed with the left margin.Of all the 13 parts, seven are standard, principal and necessary. The seven parts include the letterhead, the inside name and address,the date, the salutation, the body of the letter, the complimentary close and the signature. The others are optional parts which may be unnecessary for some letters and chosen as the writer wishes. Some letters may contain one or more of the optional parts, depending on the different situation of each writing requirement.注: The Basic Layout of Business Letters1. Letterhead(信头)*2. Reference Number(参考号/发文编号)3. Date(日期)*4. Inside Name and Address(信内地址)*5. Salutation(称呼)*6. Subject Line(事由标题)7. Body of the Letter(正文)*8. Complimentary Close(结尾敬语/套语) *9. Signature(落款签字)*10. Reference Notation(经办人代号)11. Enclosure Notation(附件)12. Carbon Copy Notation(抄送)13. Postscript(附言/注)注:带“*”号为信件必备部分。
Unit 1 Layout of Business____ Letter

(3)Courtesy/consideration礼貌 (3)Courtesy/consideration礼貌
prompt reply/promptness/punctuality “you” attitude Tactful way to blame the other side
9.使用常见的词 使用常见的词 因为国际上不是每个国家都是英语系的国家, 因为国际上不是每个国家都是英语系的国家, 商业上, 商业上,尽量以简单易懂的词句和客人清楚 沟通即可 will you be good enough =please at the present time =now come to a decision =decide in the near future =soon terminate =end utilize =use
NOT USE Substantial Utilize terminate come to a decision Due to the fact that
USE Big Use end decide Because
Formal Anticipate
Informal Expect
Formal Endeavor
4.文章必须简洁(brief)、直接(direct)、直入 文章必须简洁( )、直接 )、直入 文章必须简洁 )、直接( )、 重点( 重点(to the point) ) 尽量以最少字数表达清楚意思即可, 尽量以最少字数表达清楚意思即可,一些不必要的 叙述则可省略 例1:We express our regret at being unable to meet your order. We are sorry we cannot meet your order. 例2:We contacted with your forwarder this morning and they told us there is no vessel available week. Your forwarder told us there is no vessel available this week.
Unit one The Layout of Business Letters

Unit one The Layout of Business Letters商务信函的格式一、Introduction本课程是国际贸易专业高年级的核心业务课程之一,是一门将英语与外贸业务相结合的课程。
1、学习内容2、学习方法二、Essentials of Business Letter-writing三、The Layout of Business Letter首先,请大家看样例信,一封标准的商业书信有哪些部分组成,归纳一下有两大部分:一是必需部分;二是可供选择部分。
(一)Standard PartsStandard Parts就是一封商业书信必不可少的组成部分,一封商业书信缺了其中任何一项,就不能称其为一封格式完整的信;同时,这些项目也是普通英文社交书信的组成部分。
A standard business letter consists of seven parts: (1) the letterhead,(2) the inside address,(3) the date,(4) the salutation,(5) the body of the letter,(6) the complimentary close, and (7) the signature.1、The Letterhead信头It includes the essential particulars about the writer’s name, posta l address and zip-code, telephone and facsimile numbers.顾名思义,信头就是位于一封信开头的那部分,即位于信纸顶端的那部分。

■Check spelling and grammar.
Section 2 Layout of Business Letter
A business letter usually consists of 2 major parts;
%1The letterhead信头
1)omitting trite expressions
2)avioding unnecessary repetition and wordy statements
3)onlu including relevant facts
Example: We acknowledged the receipt of a letter November 15, 2004.
2)Check for the five Ws (who, what, where, when and why) and the H (how).
即:一封完整的商务书信应包括五个w和一个h,即who, what, when, where, why和howo比如一封订货信应当详细说明:谁要订货(who),要什么货(what),何时需要(when),货物发往何处(where),如何付款(how)。如果取消订单,应该明确原因(why)o
⑵ 语言标准、陈述得当,数据准确、实事求是。
Example: This product is absolutely the best on the market.
Better This product is the best one we can supply.
3.Concisiness(简洁)means expressing much in a few words, it is achieved by

商务英语写作教案Business English WritingChapter 1 Business English Writing: Classifications and Principles●Business Communication●Writing Principles——8C PrinciplesI.Business Communication●What is Communication?●What is Business Communication?●Objectives of Business Communication●Classification of Business Communication1. Definition of CommunicationCommunication is the sending and receiving of information, ideas, attitudes and emotions―either verbal or nonverbal―that produce a response between people. 2. Business communication is the communication which takes place in the business field.3. Objectives of Business Communication1) To be understood exactly as we intended;2) To secure a desired response to what we communicate;3) To build up and develop goodwill between the sender and receiver of the message.4.Classification of Communication1) Downward Communication is from superiors to subordinates, from bosses to employees, from decision-makers to operating personnel.2) Upward Communication is the opposite flow of downward communication. Messages from the bottom move up through many stages until they reach the top.3) Horizontal Communication is the exchange flows between or among organizational units on the same hierarchical level.internal horizontal communication external horizontal communicationII. Writing Principles——8C Principles●Completeness●Concreteness●Conciseness●Clarity●Correctness●Consideration●Courtesy●Creditability1. CompletenessA complete letter should include whatever details are needed to produce the response you want.To achieve the Completeness, you should consider the following suggestions:1) Try to list all essential points in your letter;2) V olunteer something extra which, you think, may be of some use to your reader now or in the future;3) Offer alternatives you are able to give. Maybe you will get a new transaction.4) Check for the five Ws (who, what, where, when and why) and the H (how).2. Concreteness1) Use specific rather than general language to give specific information.Compare:This copier saves you both money and time.BH200 Copier makes 60 copies a minute at a cost of one fen a copy.But sometimes generalizing is necessary or preferable for being diplomatic.Compare:Our firm sells clothes for women weighing over 200 pounds.Our firm sells fashions for women with generous figures.2) Use concrete rather than abstract words when possible.Compare:I am interested in your vehicle.I am interested in your brown 1997 Ford Sedan.3. ConcisenessConciseness is saying what you want to say in the fewest words possible without sacrificing the other C qualities.1) Avoid wordy expressions and statementse.g. “I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your sincere cooperation.”“Thank you for your sincere cooperation.”2) Avoid triteness.3) Eliminate redundancy (repetition of language elements)Mr. Li will be here at 8 A.M. in the morning.4) Leave out irrelevant materialCompare:If you had not informed us of damage so promptly, we should/would be unable to do anything for you. However, in your case, we are glad to tell you…Because you were so prompt in informing us of the damage, we are glad to tell you…4. Clarity1) Write on the level of the reader’s u nderstanding.2) Avoid ambiguityAn ambiguous word is one that has more than one meaning in the same context. Compare:The L/C must reach us for arranging shipment not later than 8 October.The L/C must reach us not later than 8 October for arranging shipment3) Avoid needless jargon (special language in one field of business)If possible, try to include examples, illustrations or other visual aids for clarity, such as pictures, diagrams, simple tables, samples and printed materials.5. CorrectnessCorrectness means a message must be united (grammatically and mechanically correct) and coherent (logically organized).To achieve this aim, the writer should:1) Use the right level of language (formal, informal, substandard).2) Include accurate facts, figures and words.3) Maintain acceptable writing mechanics or structure.6. ConsiderationConsideration means to think of the reader first and write from the “you-attitude”. “You-attitude” is a style of writing that looks at things from the reader’s poi nt of view, emphasizing what the reader wants to know, respecting the reader’s intelligence and protecting the reader’s ego (self-esteem).1) To emphasize the “you” and “your” and deemphasize the “I” and ”my” in positive situations and to avoid the word “you” in negative situations and use passive words/verbs and impersonal expressions to avoid assigning blame.Compare:We provide health insurance to all employees.You receive health insurance as a full-time P&G employee.Compare:You made no allowance for inflation in your estimate.No allowance for inflation has been made in this estimate.This estimate makes no allowance for inflation.2) To emphasize the reader’s interests rather than your own concerns.Compare:The large scale of sales of our products will make our company more profitable.You will find that our product will sell rapidly and afford you a profit margin.3) To emphasize what you can do, not what you cannot do .Compare:We won’t be able to send you the brochure this month.We will send you the brochure next month.Try to use positive words to replace negative words.Improve:We hope you won’t be dissatisfied with the new range of our electric products.4) To express your sincere desire to be of help.7. CourtesyA courteous message, like a courteous person, is polite, considerate and emphathic. Courtesy is a major contributor to goodwill. By courtesy we mean treating people with respect and friendly human concern. It can be a key factor influencing our success in the business world.1) Be polite.2) Be equal to each otherCompare:How can anyone question our ability to repay the loan when we are such a large, reputable firm?Our qualification for the loan is a well established credit rating.3) Avoid mistrustCompare:We have received your letter in which you claimed that ten tea sets were damaged in shipment.We have noticed in your letter that a damage to ten tea sets in shipment was found.4) Avoid angerCompare:You obviously made a mistake by sending me the wrong goods.Thank you for your prompt delivery. However, the goods reached us were not the ones we ordered.8. CreditabilityCreditability means being honest and fair in all our business dealings.The observation of the 7Cs will ensure the achievement of last C– Creditability. Before doing business with others, one businessman should learn how to be a man. HomeworkRead the text and answer the question:How do you analyze the 8Cs from the pragmatic perspective?Chapter 2 The Structure and Layout of a Business LetterI. StructureII. LayoutIII. HomeworkI. Structure1. Standard Parts of Business Letters2. Optional Parts of Business LettersI. Structure1. Standard Parts of the Business Letter(1) Letter-head 信头It is the heading at the top of a letter and shows where the letter comes from. It usually consists of the name, address, telephone number and fax number and also the company logo, web site, e-mail address, etc.The letter-head is usually printed on the company’s stationery.e.g. OMNICORP INTERNATIONAL17 Bunder Hill RoadShrewsbury MA 01545Tel 03-345 6788 Fax 34567(2) Date 日期The format of date differs from country to country.e.g.①Friday, 10th, March 2006;②10th (or 10) March, 2006(U.S. military, Europe, Latin America);③March 10th(or 10), 2006(American business);④10, 3, 2006 or 10/3/2006(causing confusion).(3) Inside name and address 封内姓名和地址It should duplicate the address on the envelope. It should also include the reader’sname, title and address and is placed at the left margin about 2 or 3 spaces below the date and above the salutation.(4) Salutation 称呼It is your friendly greeting to the reader and agrees with the inside address.*Gentlemen (American) / Dear Sirs (British)/ Ladies and Gentlemen (Customary Salutations to a firm)*Dear Mr. /Mrs./ Miss / Ms (marital status unknown)*Dear +first nameIt is addressed to an individual you know well.*Dear Sir & Dear MadamThey are used in formal and impersonal situations or when you do not know the reader’s name.*Dear Director (Manager, Supervisor, Owner, Department Head)Neutral titles are preferred by many office managers.*Dear CustomerIt is used for messages that omit an inside address as in sales letters or announcements to more than one person.(5) Body 主体The body is the message and the most important part. It is difficult to discuss how to write in a few words because there are many purposes of letter writing. But do remember 7C Principles.(6) Complimentary close 礼貌结束语It is a polite way of closing the letter. It must agree with the salutation in the degree of formality.*Formal 正式Dear Sir / Gentlemen ——— Faithfully yours /Yours faithfullyLadies & Gentlemen ———Yours very truly (very truly yours, your truly)—no longer popular*Semi-formal 半正式Sincerely yours or yours sincerely(very popular between businessmen who have already established a business contact with each other)Cordially yours or Very cordially yours (used when you may or may not know the reader well, but wish him to feel the relationship is friendly).*Informal 非正式Dear David ——→sincerely, cordially, best regards, take care, thanks(7) Signature 签名Every business letter must be signed. It usually includes three or four parts:①the name of the company,②the signature of the writer,③the typed name④the business title.Page 37 Examples2) Optional Parts of the Business Letter(1) Reference 参考号The reference may include a file number or departmental code or the initials of the signer of the letter to be followed by the typist’s initials.e.g. Our ref: Dep. B/4LW/PB 524;KLM: tr orTR;KL Morning—tr;K.L Morning: trK.L. Morning: TR/tr (Identification Marks) 识别标记(2) Attention Line 经办It is used to direct the letter to a specific person or department when the company name is used in the addressee line. It is usually placed between inside address and the salutation.e.g. Attention: Purchasing Manager.(3) Subject Line 事由It helps both the writer and the reader identify the subject matter,e.g. Subject: Order No. 123;Re: Invoice No. 123;(4) Enclosure Notation 附件It tells the receiver that something is included in the envelope along with the letter. It also reminds the sender and the reader of checking for enclosures.(4) Enclosure Notation 附件e.g. Enclosure: Sales Contract;Enc. 3: Sales Contract;Commercial Invoice;Bill of LadingEncl. 3Enclosures 33 Enclosures:(5) Copy Notation 抄送It indicates a copy of the letter is being used to some other business people.It is placed below the signature at the left margin.●cc: (carbon copy) xc: (Xerox copy)●pc: (photo copy) c: (copy)e.g. cc: Mr. Taylor(6) Postscript 附言When you finish the letter and happen to think of something else, you may add it at the end of the letter.P.S. (p.s.; PS): ***If there are two things, use P.P.S. But this is a poor/bad habit and should be avoided.II. Letter style (Layout)1. Indented style (缩格式/ 传统格式)Page 422. Full block form齐头式This form begins each line at the left. This is the fastest to type because typists do not have to set and use tab stops for indenting. Page 433. Modified block style改良齐头式It is currently one of the most popular styles. To most readers, this style isappealing because it achieves the best visual balance on the page.The letterhead, date, complimentary close and signature are just to the right of the center. Page 444. Modified block style with indented paragraphs 混合式(Semi-block style)Many business letters use this style. Although the full block style is widely used, the indented style is also popular, probably because its paragraphs are indented in the same way of books, newspapers and magazines. Page 45Homework1. Give the names of the parts in the letter on Page 43.2. Study the forms of envelope addressing by yourself.3. Translate the sentences into English on Page 54.Chapter 4 Credit Inquiry and Establishing Business Relations●Letters of credit inquiry●Letters of establishing business relationsI. Credit inquiry——a kind of consultancy letter●Consultancy is the business of offering specialist professional advice including market research, credit standing investigation, market trend research and other services providing business information.●Consultancy service is usually provided by banks or professional consulting companies or individuals. As a business person, you should learn to write a consultancy letter to seek needed information.●In international business, an exporter may ask his new customer to give the name of his bank(er) or the name of firms which the customer has previously dealt as a reference.●Reference:1) a piece of written information about sb’s character, ability, etc. 证明书,证明材料2) a person who provides such information. 资信证明人●There are two kinds of reference: ba nks’ (bankers’) reference—banks银行证明人and trade reference—companies商业证明人.How to Write a Consultancy Letter for Credit Standing1. The name of the company to be investigated and why you are writing to the receiver.e.g. 玛丽兰公司提出要当我公司的代理,销售我们的缝纫机,并介绍我公司向贵行了解该公司的信用、业务能力和声誉的详细情况。
实用外贸英语函电教程unit two The Structure and Layout of a Business English Letter

7. The Body of the Letter (信的正文)
❖在事由标题下的两行处(如有的话),如 果没有事由标题,至少要低于称呼两行。 它包括开头语,信的正文和结束语,信的 正文要仔细安排和分段。第一段要提及以 前的信件,最后一段要指出未来的计划和 行动,每一段只谈一个主题。
❖结尾敬语仅仅是结束信函的礼貌方式。它 放在低于信的正文最后一行的两行或四行 处。它应当与称呼相配。
9. The Signature (签名)
❖所有的信函必须署名,不署名的信函没有 权威性。一封信应当手写签名,并且要用 墨水,紧接着是打印的名字,对读者来说, 要字迹清楚一些──有时人们手写签字很难 看(读)清,然后紧跟他的头衔或职务。
❖ 续页头包括三个部分: ❖● the number of the sheet 页码 ❖● the name of your correspondent ❖● the date of the letter 信的日期
8. The Complimentary Close (结尾敬语)
❖四种最常用的格式是:缩行式、完全 齐头式、改良齐头及混合式。
1) Indented Style(缩行式)
❖ 这种形式的主要特点是封内名称和地址的每一行 应当比前一行后缩2-3格。每一段的第一行应当后 缩3-8格。
❖ 见P41
外贸英语函电Class 3 Letter layout

Salutation: Dear Sirs, / Dear Sir,
Indented style Block style
Ray Woo
Ray Woo Vice President
Zheng Yi Manager
Signature &…
Yours truly,
Layout of Business Letters
Precious Woods Amazon Mil Madeireira Itacoatiara Ltd. Estrada Torquato Tapajos, Km 227 Itacoatiara - amazonas –Brazil Tel: +55 92 521 3331 Fax: 55 92 521 3329
The Inside Address &…
Mr. James Cheng: Manager M&M Co., Ltd. M&M Co., Ltd. For the attention of Mr. James Attention the Manager ______
The Inside Address &…
Zhejiang Textiles Imp. & Exp. Corp. 102 Fengqi Road Hangzhou 310006, China Tel: (0571)85179786 Fax: (0571)851554046
layout of a business letter

Layout of A Business LetterClearness 清楚Conciseness 简洁Courtesy 礼貌1.Letter Head 信头信头一般是事先印就的,它表示发信人的公司行号名称和地址。
信头下面还可印有编号(Reference No),编号又可分为你方编号和我方编号。
2.Date 日期日期应在距信头三至六行处。
日期可按“日、月、年”的次序排,也可按“月、日、年”的次序排;数字可用基数字或序数字,如:3ed November, 2006 或3 November, 2006或November 3ed, 2006 或November 3, 2006注意不要缩写月份,需全部写出。
3.Inside Name and Address 封内行名和地址这是指收信人的行名和地址,一般应距日期两行,打在左边。
(c)县、州(省)名和邮政编码(Post Code 或Zip Code)。
在商业信函中,“Messrs”一字作为对公司的尊称,应用很普遍,但应注意只有在该公司的名称由人的姓名所组成时,才能使用,如:Messrs. John Smith & Co.Messrs. Black & White Co.但在下列情况下,即使公司名称是由人的姓名所组成,也不应加”Messrs”:(a)写个公司中某一个人的信 e. g. Mr. Charles Snow(b)非人称的公司名称 e. g. China Chemicals Co.(c)公司名称中已包括其职衔 e. g. Dr. Haris & Co.(d)公司名称前有定冠词”The” e. g. The Wells Machinery Co.4. Salutation 称呼每封业务信函开头必有称呼。
第1课 商业书信的撰写 Business Letter Writing

第1课商业书信的撰写Business Letter Writing教学目的要求:了解业务信函的撰写原则;掌握业务信函的布局(结构),七个部分7C 原则;掌握信封的写法。
)1.1Writing Principles of business Letters商业书信的撰写原则要写好业务信函,应掌握7个“C”原则1.1.1 Clearness (Clarity)清楚意思表达明确,要注意:(一)避免用词错误:(二)注意词语所放的位置:(三)注意句子的结构:a.explain yourself clearly;b.avoiding ambiguous sentences and needless jargon;c.statements in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs;1.1.2 Conciseness 简洁(一)避免废话连篇(二)避免不必要的重复(三)短句、单词的运用a.in the fewest possible words;b.briefly but completely;Example1(answers):Thank you for your information in your letter dated 5th August 1999.We are very interested in your tape recorders, It will be highly appreciated if you could send us photographs and a price list of the same.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.sincerely yours,1.1.3 Courtesy 礼貌语言要有礼且谦虚,及时地回信也是礼貌的表现。

Chapter One Layout of a Business
➢Objectives ➢ Leading In ➢ Sample letter ➢ Language Points ➢ Summary ➢ Assignments ➢ Case study
You are appreciated for not • being late for class or absent from class. • chewing gums or wearing a cap during
classes. • picking up the cell phone or letting the
• Master the commonly-used business vocabularies and make good use of them.
Assessment and Evaluaturse will be assessed as follows: • Routine performance: 30%, including: routine attendance ,in-class practice, tests and outside-class assignments • Final exam: 70%
Y o u r R eferen ce: O u r R eferen ce: 2 5 6 9
A p ril 1 3 , 2 0 0 4
F u iji C o m p a n y
1 5 3 G in z a - C h o m e Tokyo, Japan
the layout of business letter 商务英语函电课件PPT

The Layout of Business Letters
• Teaching Objectives 1. master the well-received layout of business letters 2. familiarize with the basic components of a business letter 3. comprehend the general writing principles for business letter writing 4. be able to draft an appropriate and effective business letter
• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Concise---To say what you must say in the fewest words without losing completeness and courtesy. Using following methods to achieve it: Avoid using wordy expressions Avoid unnecessary repetition Use short sentence, simple words and clear explanation Avoid padded expressions Using subject line flexibly and properly
a) shorten wordy expression We have begun to export our machines to countries abroad. We have begun to export our machines. b) Use words to replace phrases or clauses In the event that you speak to Mr. Wood in regard to production, ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule. If you speak to Mr. Wood about production, ask him to consider the delivery schedule. We require furniture which is of the new type. We require new type furniture.
the layout of business letter

• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Concise---To say what you must say in the fewest words without losing completeness and courtesy. Using following methods to achieve it: Avoid using wordy expressions Avoid unnecessary repetition Use short sentence, simple words and clear explanation Avoid padded expressions Using subject line flexibly and properly
• 《新编国际商务英语函电》,程同春主编, 东南大学出版社2001年 12月第1版 • English Business Letters, 诸葛霖编著, 对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2000年 • 《实用商务英语写作》,赵伟华,张艳敏编著, 大连理工大学出版社, 2003年 • 《国际商务英语写作》,常玉田著,中国对外经济贸易出版社,2002 年 • 《外经贸英语》,对外贸易经济合作部人事教育劳动司编,对外经贸 大学出版社,2000年 • 《外经贸英语函电与谈判》,凌华倍,朱佩芬编著,中国对外经济贸 易出版社,2002年 • 《国际贸易实务英语》,刘法公编著,浙江大学出版社, 2002年 • 中华人民共和国商务部 / • 阿里巴巴-网上贸易 / • 国际商会 /
a) shorten wordy expression We have begun to export our machines to countries abroad. We have begun to export our machines. b) Use words to replace phrases or clauses In the event that you speak to Mr. Wood in regard to production, ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule. If you speak to Mr. Wood about production, ask him to consider the delivery schedule. We require furniture which is of the new type. We require new type furniture.
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外贸函电课程教案课题:Basis of Business Correspondence课时:周次:授课日期:地点:授课方式及手段:Lecturing, Task-based approach, Questioning, Discussion …教学目标:After studying this part, the students are able to:A. Learn the structure and the format of business letters, envelopes and e-mails;B. Learn basic principles of effective business letter-writing;C. Know the designing of a standardized letter and an e-mail;D. Master the correct arrangement of various parts of a business letter and e-mail;E. Practice writing business letters, e-mails and envelopes.教学重难点:A. the Layout of Business LettersB. the Structures of Business Letters教学过程与内容:Part 1 The Structure of Business LettersStep One warm-up1)Have you written a letter in Chinese Who do you write to How do you write2) Have you written a letter in English What’s the differences between Chinese letter writing and English letter-writing3)Do you think letter writing is very important in business WhyCome to the introduction:The letter is a common communication medium. There are several reasons:1) A letter establishes a record that can be used for later reference2) Distance can be spanned at relatively small cost3) Routine matters can be completed efficiently with the help of letter forms.Step Two PresentationA. The layout of a business letter (商业信函的布局)Business letters will involve the following parts:(1) Letter Head /Heading Section (信头)(2)Reference Number and date Line(案号和日期)(3)Inside Address/the inside name and address (封内地址)(4)Attention Line (注意事项)(5)Salutation /The Greeting (称呼)(6)the Subject Line /Subject-matter/the Subject Heading (事由)(7)the Body of the Letter (正文)(8)complimentary close/ the Closing (结束礼词/结尾敬语)(9)signature section / the signature (签署)(10)The identification Initials /the Reference Notation (经办人代号/主办人代号)(11)The Postscript—. (再启)(12)The Enclosure (附件)(13)The Carbon Copy/ Carbon Copy Notation (抄送说明)Business letters usually consist of :seven standard parts (标准/规范部分)six optional parts (任选部分)B.Explanation of letter parts (信的各部分的解释)Step Three consolidationAsk them to recognize all parts in a business letter. Using the given letter, find out each part of a business letter:Step Four HomeworkLearn the Chinese version of all parts in a business letter and its explanation.Part IIStep One RevisionAsk the students to say out the Chinese version of all parts in a business letter and its explanation.Step Two Presentationthe students the following questions:1)If you want to write a Chinese letter, what style do you usually follow2)If you want to write a business letter in English, what style do you usually use2. Formats of business letters (商业信函的版式/开本)(vide P3—5)Give the students three forms of letters, ask them to try to find out the differences of them:a. the indented form (缩进式)b. full blocked form (完全平头式)c. modified blocked form (改良平头式)Step Three Envelope addressing(信封的写法)注意:1) The three important requirements of envelope addressing are accuracy, clearness and good appearance. Here are two examples, which show, respectively, the indented form of address and the blocked form of address.2) Generally speaking, sender’s name and address are written at the le ft-hand top of the envelope, while receiver’s name and address are centered on the cover of the envelope so as to leave ample space for stamps and postmark. If sender’s name and address do not appear on the cover, it can be written on the back of the envelope.3) Mode of sending letter on lower left-hand side: 在信封左下角上的邮件的类别registered (挂号信) Par Avion (法语)= By Airmail (航空信) confidential (绝密信, 机密信) Not bend (勿折) Express Mail (快件) Secret (秘信) Book Post (读书邮件) Private (亲收) Printed Matter (印刷品) Personal (个人)4)If a letter is to be taken from you by someone to the addressee, put his name below the addressee’s with the following words in front of it:Politeness of / Kindness of/ Through the Courtesy of /Per Kindness of/ Forwarded by/ PerFavor of/ By Favor of/ With Favor of/ Favored byDr. William Brown (收信人)Kindness of Prof. Water Snow (带信人)如果这封信是由他人代交的话,代交人的名字写在实际的收信人名字的下面,并在代交人名字前面加Kindness of/ Politeness of, 不需写地址。
5)When a letter is mailed to a third person who is bound (必须)to pass it onto the addressee, write the third person’s name down below the addressee’s with the words “care of”(由…转交) (c/o) in front of it.Mr. Park Davis (收信人)c/o Mr. Harold Wood (转信人)318 Doswell AvenuePort Atkinson, WisconsinThe United States of America如果这封信是转交的话,转交人的名字写在实际收信人名字的下面,并在前面加 care of / 或c/o ,并写转交人的地址。