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Well-dressed Wearing nice clothes Glance to look at for a short time

Sigh to make a noise by breathing out deeply because one is tired,sad or relieved

Senior High in rank or position

Employee a person who works for someone else

Prefer to like better

Communicate to give information to others

Gesture a movement of one’s hand or head as part of communication Expression a look on one’s face that communicates feeling

Appearance the way somebody or something looks

Impression the feeling that one gives others

Downwards Towards a lower place

Assistance help



directly;with no pause

Remark to comment on; to make a brief statement

Remind to help remember

Eye contact the communication made when two people look at each other in the eye


Signal to be a sign of

Hostility unfriendly feeling

Boredom the state of being not interested

Confusion the feeling of not understanding clearly maintain to keep

consider to think of;to guide

lack of the state of not having enough

last to continue for a period of time

avoid to keep away from; to try not to do

respect admiration

authority power or right to give orders to others concentration thinking deeply about something

stare to look at for a long period of time

rude impolite,not nice


hairstyle the way in which a person's hair is arranged suit to be appropriate for

guarantee to promise

on the top of

the world

feeling very happy

expert a person with much knowledge about something

curl a small circle or ring of hair

angle a sharp edge or corner

balanced keeping a blaance

in addition also

a liquid soap used for washing hair

to wash with shampoo

effective useful;having the result one wants

conditioner a liquid that can make your hair soft and shiny normal usual;average

apply to put on'to use

wet to put water on

squeeze to press hard

squeeze out to press hard so that all of the liquid comes out

comb a thin strip of material, often plastic that has teeth and is used to smooth one's hair

damage to harm or injure loosen to make loose


dirt soil, earth or dust

hairdryer a small machine that blows warm air and is used to dry hair overuse to use too often, too long or too much

bald having no hair on the top of the head

ensure to make certain or make sure

pay attention


be careful about

protein a chemical necessary for good health, which is found in meat, beans and dairy products

adequate enough to meet one's needs

dairy products milk or something made from milk, for example, cheese and yogurt

stress pressure or worry that a person feels

rob … of to take away from, ususally by force or secretly remedy a cure;a relief from

regularly often

rub to move one's hands on using pressure

twist to have many bends and turns

construction the building or making of something

magnificent very good-looking and remarkable

