剑桥商务英语教程 unit4 The Place of Work

3. A: Excuse me , l’m looking for Mr. Tan. B: Is that Mr. Tan in R&D ? A: Er……yes , I think so. B: Oh, his office isn’t on this floor. It’s on the fourth floor. Go up the stairs and turn left. At the end of the corridor turn right. A: Up the stairs and left. Then right at the end of corridor. B: Yes, it’s opposite the photocopying room. Look, l’ve got to go up there myself. I’ll show you where it is.
Sentence structures
Asking directions
Excuse me . Where is the conference room? Where is the nearest shopping center from here? I am looking for the purchasing manager’s office. Can you tell me how to get to After-sales department?
The first floor underground地下一层 the second floor underground地下二层 Dispatch运送部门
corridor['kɒrɪdɔː] /terrace['terəs]走廊/楼顶阳台 hallway 门厅,过道 office/manufacture building办公楼/厂房、生产车 间 workshop车间/厂房 Show room/sample room展示间/样品间 warehouse/storage room仓库/储藏室 material room/rack物料间/货架 front desk/lobby前台/前台大厅 computer room电脑机房 video monitor/monitor room视频监控/监控室

精品文档Workinglife1 Whatdoesthisquotationmeantoyou?`Lifeiswhathappenstoyouwhileyou'rebusymakingotherplans.'johnLennon,Englishsinger&songwriter(1940-19830)2 Discussthesequestions.1 Howmanyjobsdoyouexpecttohaveinyourlife?1-3 4-7 8ormore2Wouldyouprefertobeself-employedoranemployee?Why?3infifteenyears’time,doyouexpecttoworkmoreorlessthannow?4atwhatagedoyouexpecttostopworking?55 65 753Underlinetirebestwordtocompleteeachsentence.1Atthemoment,peoplegenerallyretire/resignat652Ijoined/appliedforthecompanywhenIwas25andhaveworkedthereeversinceWhat'sthebestwaytopay/rewardouremployeesforgoodperformance?About700staffwerelaidoff/dismissedwhenthecompanylostthecontracttosupplyToyotaWehaveeducated/trainedourstaffintheuseoflaserequipment.I'mgoingtoleave/changethecompanyattheendoftheyear.EandCConsultantsrecruits/employsfromthetopbusinessschools. Companiesneedtoofferparentsofyoungchildrenmoreflexible/overtimehours-theyusedonlytoofferpermanentposts,butnowmostnewcontractsaretemporary/part-timeones. Ihaveonedayoff/holidayaweektoattendacourseatcollege. MakesentenceswiththewordsyoudidntuseinExercise3.Makenounsfromthefollowingverbs.verb noun verbn oun1employ6recruit 2promote7apply 3retire8dismiss 4resign9pay5train10reward .2精品文档AttitudetoworkDoyouthinkthatpeoplestartingworknowhaveadifferentattitudetoworkthantheirparentsdid?ifs o,inwhatways?Lookatthenewspaperarticleandreadthetitle.Whatdoesthetitlesuggesttoyou?Readthearticlearidcheckifyouwererfight.Youngworkers Wantitall,nowOh,andthey’llneedtotakenextF ridayoff,tooTETROIT一KurtJennings,hopingtostartacareerinradiosales,thoughthewaspreparedtoansweranyquestionduringhisrecentinterview.Thentheradioexecutiveopenedthei nterviewwith,`So,wecallyouguystheEntitlementGeneration".Youimagineyou'reentitledtoever ything.'Thereisanimpressionthatthecurrentgenerationofyoungworkershashighexpectations for salary, responsibility andjobflexibility,butlittleappetite forhardworkandlittlesenseofloyaltytoacompany`A lotoftwenty-somethingshaveahardtimemakingthetransitiontoworktypicallyKidswho'vehadsuccessearlyinlifeandwho'vebecomeusedtogettinginstantgratifi cation,'saysDr.LeviCohen,apeadiatricsprofessor.Hesaysthatcoddlingparentsandcollegesoft enfailtopreparestudentsfortherealitiesofadulthoodandworkinglife.Many employers, from corporateexecutivestorestaurateurs,agree.`Itseemstheyexpecttohoveinthenfirstweekeverythingthattheveteranhasworked20or30yearstoe arn,'saysMikeAmor,theownerofaSaltLakeCitychainofrestaurants.Kurthadthisreply'forhisintervieweeattheradiostation:`MaybewewerespoiledbyyourGeneratio n.But"entitled"istoostrongaword,'hesaid.`Dowethinkwe'redeservingifwe'redoingtogooutthe reandbreakourbacksforyou'?Yes..'Heendedupgettingthe-job.Butsomeexpertssaythat'havinghighexpectations,andtellin}}yourbosswhattheyare,isn'tnecessarilyabadthing.`It'struethey're notallrushingtoburythemselvesinacubiclea}记followordersforthenext40years,butwhyonearthshouldthey?'asks.leafBartlctt,aUniversityofCaroli napsychologistDoyouthinktheyoungergenerationisspoiledandexpectstoomuch?.ordoyouthinktheoldergenerati onsacrificedtheirlives(andfunintheirlives)forwork?Whatdothefollowingphrasesfromthetextmean?1littleappetiteforhardworktwenty-somethingsinstantgratificationcoddlingparentsandcollegeswewerespoiledbyyourgenerationbreakourbacksforyouburythemselvesinacubicle.Gerundandinfinitive1Whichoftheverbsorphrasesintheboxtakethegerund(-ing)andwhichonestaketoinfinitive(todo)? Begoodatplan/intend/aimbeworthfailbereluctanthavetrouble/difficultyhope/expectmanagesucceedindecideth inkabout/considerenjoyavoidinvolvehavebeusedto/accustomedtobewilling/prepared2Whichofthefollowingpairsofphrasesistheoddoneoutgrammatically?Why?1begoodat一bebadat2bewilling一bereluctant3succeedin一fail4enjoy一dislike3Completethesesentences.0whenIretire,Iplantodosomevoluntaryworkforcharity1WhenIretire,Iplan⋯2IthinkI'mquitegoodat⋯3Beforeattendingajobinterview,it'sworth⋯4Myjobinvolves⋯5WhenspeakingEnglish,Ioftenhavedifficulty⋯6AtworkIfeelsatisfiedifImanage⋯7Formysummerholidaythisyear,Iamconsidering⋯8IfIwasofferedmoremoney,Iwouldbewilling⋯9Thehardestthingaboutstartinganewjobisgettingusedto⋯10Igetannoyedwithcolleaguesiftheyfail⋯4Choosefiveofthephrasesworkinglife.inexercise1andmakesentencesaboutyourownworkinglife.ThefutureofhumanresourcesYouwillhearfivehumanresources(HR)manages0stalkingshoutthekeyissuesinhumanresourcesfacingcompaniestoda y.·Thefirsttimeyoulisten,indicatewhichemployeeg roupintheworkforcetheyaretalkingabout. ·Thesecondtimeyoulistenindicatewhatactionstheyproposetotaketodealwitheachissue.TASKONE一EMPLOYEEGROUPAolderemployees(50-GO)BnewrecruitstraineesseniormanagementyounghighlyqualifiedemployeeswomenretiredemployeesdisabledworkersAeffortstoretaingoodemployeesBtheintroductionofmoreflexibleworkingarrangementsClinltingsalariesmorecloselytoresultsDmorefocusonjobtrainingforemployeesEencouragingpeoplebackfromretirementFmoresupportforworkingparentsGdevelopingamorepositiveattitudetowardsolderworkersHreducingstaffcosts6You'veheardtheprioritiesofHRmanagers.Whatareyourprioritiesforyourworkinglife?Consid erthefollowing:.flexiblehours·workingenvironment.paytraining.careerprospects.retirement.CDsandpersonalsummaries1Whatdoyoucallsomeonewho0employspeopleisemployedbyainnappliesforajobisinterviewedforajobisseeking(lookingfor)ajobparticipatesinsomethinghasleftuniversitywithadegreeDothisexercisefromanonlineguideforemployers.GuideforemployersCVsandcoveringlettersareessentialtoolsinthesearchfortherightcandidateforthejobandyoushouldusethemasasnapshotofapotentialcandidate.Beingabletoreadbetweenthelineswillhelpyouinyourtaskofputtingtherigh tpersonintherightjob.Lookatthesethreeexamplesofpersonalsummariesfromfirst-timejobapplicantsreceivedbyaleadingconsultancyfirm.Whichapplicantwouldyouemployandvvhy?1AdynamicandknowledgeableITgraduatewhocanbringsuccesstoyourbusiness,Ihaveexcellentinterpersonalsk illsandconsiderableexperienceofdesigningsoftwaresolutions.Whetherworkingaspartofateamorindependently, Ihavetheabilitytocomeupwiththegoods.2Iamasuccessfulbusinessentrepreneurseekingtoreturntoalargeorganisationafteryearsofru nningmyowncompany.Ihaveexperienceofallaspectsofbusinessandwouldwelcomethechancetosharethisexpertisewithclientsofaforward-lookingconsultancyfirm.3Aself-motivatedgraduatewithamastersineconomics,Ihavepre-courseexperienceintheEconomicStudiesdepartmentofasubsidiaryofExxonMobil,whereIenjoyedsixmonthsworkingwiththebackofficeteam.Adaptable,efficientandkeentolearn.TheanonymousCD3UnderlinewhichelementsshoulddefinitelyheincludedinaCV(theotherare`optioagalc:xtra}').1 name 11 goadsandobjectives.2address12education一primary,secondary,highereducation3telephonenumber13otherskillsorqualifications(membershipofassociations,drivinglicence,etc)4emailaddressage/dateofbirthsexmaritalstatusnationalitypersonalsummarypersonalqualitiesemploymenthistory一company,jobtitleresponsibilities,results hobbiesandinterestslanguagesreferencespersonalachievements4Readthefirstpartofthetext.whatistheideabehindananonymousCV?GenevafightsprejudicewithanonymousCVsProspectiveemployeesinGenevaaretosendinanonymousjobapplicationsaspartofapilotprojecttotacklediscrimination.Thetrial,thelustofitskindinSwitzerland,hasbeenlaunchedbythecanton"sintegrationofficeandinvolvesthreemajoremployers.RetailerMigros,energyproviderSIGandthecommuneofVernierhaveallsigneduptoparticipateinthescheme.Underthetermsoftheproject,whichwilllastforthreemonths,job-seekerswillsendinCVsdetailingtheirskillsandexperiencebutomittingtheirname,address,age,sex,anyreligionordisabilityandphotoTheaimistogiveallapplicantsanequalchanceofbeingcalledupforinterview.`Itisimpossibletoquantifybutweknowthereismuchmorediscriminationthanweareawareof.Therearesomeunemployedpeoplewhoarenotabettinginterviewsbecausetheyare of a different nationality, colour orreligion,'AndreCastella,headoftheproject,ColdSwissinfo.`Theimportantthingisthatcandidateswho.havetherightskillsforajobshouldbeseen, andwewanttogivethemthechancetobeheard.Thereareemployersouttherewho refusetoconsiderAfricans ’5Readthesecond1]artofthetextandputonewordineachspace. Castellasaidanotheraimofthetrialwasto encourageemployers(0)andthepublictotalk about discrimination and to raise awarenessaboutthescaleofinjustice HeaddedthattheideaofanonymousCVs hadalreadybeentestedinprancewherethecountry's National Assembly is clue to considermakingthepracticemandatoryforall firms (1)_more than 50employees.Jean-Charles Bruttomesso. Director of HumanResourcesatMicrosGeneva,saidallapplications for positions until June 30(2)—beconsideredpurelyonthebasisofskillsandexperience.I-lenotedthattheretailer'sinvolvementintheprojectwaspartofongoingequalopportunityefforts.`Th isinitiativeisanoccasionfor(3)_of ustothink aboutourprejudicesandotherpreconceivedideasand questionthem'hesaid.Thosebehindtheschemeadmitthata nanonymousCVwill(4)—ruleoutthepossibil ityof discriminationonce acandidatearrivesforaninterviewbuttheystress(5)—Itisanimportantfirststep.Thelaunchoftilepilotprojectformspartofthecanton'sweek-longseriesofevents(6)_racismanddiscrimination.6Doyouthinkthisinitiativewillbeeffectiveineliminatingdiscrimination13 yemployers?.。

The art of sellingSelling1What do these quotations suggest are the qualities of a successful salesmen?‘Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.’'People don't buy for logical reason. They buy for emotional reasons.''Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street’.'People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily.'‘The complaining customer represent a huge opportunity for more business.'Zig Ziglar , author of Secrets of Closing the Sale2Have you ever sold anything? Do you consider yourself to be good at selling?Why?/Why not?3Complete this short article about the importance of selling using the words given below.There is so much competition in the market place today, particularly (0) price competition, that it is unusual for a seller to be able to find a (1)___selling point or a(2)___advantage with which to convince the customer. Instead he has to rely on using(3)___ benefits and/or giving (4)___value to the customer through (5) ___service. This makes the job of the seller all the more Important. What he has to do is identify the real decision (6)___in the buying process and then act quickly on a buying signal.A buying signal la when the (7)__customer gives a sign to the seller that he is open to being sold the product or service.4Look at these statements by different prospective buyers of a car. Imagine you are the sales person at a car dealer's dealing with them. What would you say or do next to try to close the sale.1 'I really like the car, but it's a bit outside my budget’.2 It's got everything I want, but silver is not the colo r I had in mind’.3 I’m really confused about all these ext ra options - I just wanted to buy acar, not a spaceship!'4 'Thank you for your time. I'm going to go away and think about it’.5 'I've always had VW, I don't know if this car suits my image.'Sales techniques5Work with your partner. Make a list of the main reasons for a customer deciding not to buy a product or service.6Compare your answer with Zig Ziglar’s on page 127.7 4.1 Listen to an extract from a radio series At Work where people talk about their working experiences. In this programme two sales people describe their approach to selling.1What are they selling?2What is the approach of each?3What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?8 Look at these extracts from the programme and complete the gaps .Listenagain to check your answers.1 Competition is a ______-not necessarily price competition, because in our sector , quality, ____and service are far more important factors.2 We use a sales___ that's called 'relationship selling’.3 We spend a lot of time getting to know each ____individual needs.4 I have to freely admit to people that our products may not be best___ to their particular needs.5 I'd much prefer to be doing that than using some ___technique.6 In my line of business, it's all about___ b enefits.7 It’s difficult t o ___any kind of technical competitive advantage for long.8 I deal only with the decision maker, who’s generally a ___for a chain of stores.9 ... the most expensive options, because this increases our __sales.10 As soon as I get a buying signal from them.... I_ __in and close the sale...11 ... by discussing quantities required, special delivery arrangement , ___payment terms.• cost• mass or niche (targeted advertising)•reach (how many see it)• success rateAdvertising trends1Read the headline on page 39 and predict what the article will say about advertising trends.2Read the text quickly. Were you correct in your prediction? Do you agree with the author’s analysis?3Study the text again to find the best answer(A,B,C or D) to each question.1According to the author changers are occurring inA the types of television programme we watch.B the way people, especially young people, access videoC the way televisions are made.D the amount of programmes that are recorded.22005 was a significant year for television in the UK becauseA it was the year Internet use overtook television viewing.B spending on TV advertising declined.C viewing figures peaked and started to decline.D the 16 to 24 age group watched more television than before.3In the future, big global companies willA move away from TV to alternative advertising media.B still use television to establish their brands.C try to target their advertisements more precisely.D return to non-broadcast methods like direct mailing.4The growing use of PVRs means that television viewersA skip through the advertisements without looking at themB are exposed to a bigger range of advertisementsC can get advertising on demand.D can pause and rewind advertisements5The other growing area of opportunity for advertisers isA outdoor advertisingB ice dancing.C big live sporting eventsD football6The trend for on-demand viewing of programmesA represents a big threat for advertisersB means advertisers will spend a lot of money to reach a clear target audienceC will challenge search-based advertising on the InternetD will increase agencies advertising revenues7Advertisers in the future will ask their agencies to attract the youngA with arrange of new Internet-based mediaB with more friendly messagesC through chat roomsD using computer virusesTHE AD REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISEDAmong most advertisers, agencies and media companies there is a growing consensus that the old broadcast models of advertising are being eroded by the march of technology and that new models will have to be found to promote their products.Consider the growing ubiquity of broadband access and the digital revolution that is fragmenting television viewing across hundreds of channels. Then combine those trends with the upsurge in personal video recorder technology (PVR) and the tendency for younger viewers to watch less TV in favor of sharing their own words, pictures, music and movies online.In the UK, television viewing fell in 2005 for the first time in the medium’s history. The decline was most pronounced among those aged 16 to 24. In the US, where broadband penetration is even more widespread, those under 25 now spend more time on the Internet than watching television. The effect of these changing media habits is now having a material effect on advertising spending.But according to Neil Jones of media agency, Carat UK, and others at the sharp end, big companies like Coca Cola and Unilever are actively reducing the amount they spend on television in favour of boosting their Internet budgets and so-called ‘direct response’ advertising –anything from online viral ads to traditional mail campaigns.Unilever, the consumer goods giant, has said that during the last five years around a fifth of its £300m ad budget was shifted out of television and into outdoor posters, online advertising and sponsorship, such as Flora’s long-running association with the London Marathon. Meanwhile, the PVR effect is starting to make its presence felt now that the devices, which allow viewers to easily record shows as well as pause and rewind live TV, are in a meaningful number of homes. Over 1.3 million people now use the technology, with the majority fast forwarding through adverts on recorded shows.Increased broadband penetration and download speed are only likely to accelerate the trend for on-demand viewing. Channel 4 chief executive Andy Duncan recently forecast that by 2016 ‘the majority of all programmes will be consumed in an on-demand way, whether through personal video recorders or video-on-demand over the Internet’. As the boom in search-based advertising on the Internet has proved, if advertisers are sure that they are accurately, targeting a receptive audience they will pay a huge premium. Meanwhile event television, which viewers will tune on to watch live, and could be anything from the World Cup to Dancing on Ice will become increasingly vital.As a result of these trends the amount spent on traditional television advertising on the main channels is declining, while the amount spent on the web is booming. Advertising experts are agreed that brands will increasingly have to engage with individual consumers rather than hoping to catch their attention with traditional catch-all ads.Advertisers are demanding a more holistic view from their agencies, asking them to consider how to tap into younger consumers via blogs, social networking sites, advertiser-funded content and viral advertising. The latter, which involves making branded messages so engaging and interesting that web users feel compelled to send them on to friends, has come of age during the past two years. ‘We’re seei ng a new wave of interest because brands are looking for new forms of media and new marketing techniques,’ says Will Jeffery, Managing Director of viral advertising agency Maverick.In the short term, Hassell , director at digital agency Ralph, believes that advertisers will increasingly release adverts on the Internet first as a means of creating a buzz around a particular clipTenses and time phrases2 A few years ago …3 At the moment...4 By the year 2050 …5 Nowadays...6 Over the past ten years...7 In the next five years...8 During the I980s...9 Sooner or later...2 Use the appropriate time phrase from exercise 1 to complete each sentence.1 _____we have seen a gradual reduction in working hours.2 _____no-one has found a satisfactory solution to the problem of the ageing population.3 _____watching television was more popular among younger age groups than using the Internet.4 _____the advertising industry enjoyed a boom.5 _____the economy will begin to recover from its recent6 _____global temperatures will have risen by 3℃.7 _____politicians pay too much attention to presentation of their policies and too little attention to their substance.3 Write some sentences of your own using the time phrases from exercise 1.■Transitive and intransitive verbs4 Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.1 The government is going to rise /raise the school leaving age from 16 to 17.2 The price of oil has risen / raised again.3 Sales have reduced /fallen in the last two months.4 You will have to reduce/fall the price to attract ordinary working people. What are the grammatical differences between the pairs of words?your country.1 house prices2 the gap between rich and poor3 taxes4 the cost of living in generaIn the field7 As a sales rep for a medium-sized Italian company, you are visiting shops and department stores in Denmark to persuade them to sock your designer lamps. •Work with a partner. Take the roles of sales rep and buyer for a shop. Look at the situations below and plan what each will say.•Act out the conversations following the example. Try to use at least one of the verbs [rise, lower, etc) in your conversation.0 The shop buyer only has a few Italian catalogues.Shop buyer: People drop into the shop all the time to pick up catalogues , but you've only sent us ten and they’re all written in Ita lian.Sales rep: We can certainly increase the number of catalogues we sent you, but until the volume of sales goes up, it's not economical to publish them in Danish.1 The buyer wants to place a small order (four or five) as a trial, but the prices are too high.2 The buyer loves the lamps, but wants a shorter delivery time on orders. Customers won't wait three to four weeks.3 The shop normally marks up prices by 100%, but in this case that will make the price to the customer too high.4 The buyer likes the lamps but feels very loyal to existing suppliers.5 The buyer needs more point-of-tale promotional material - displays, catalogues, etc.A sales report7During your sales trip to Denmark you receive the following email from yourUsing the framework below and expanding the notes in italics, write a sales report (200 words approx).SALES REPORT --DENMARK• Results(sales down 30% on last year; market generally flat)• Reasons (new Ikea store recently opened near Copenhagen ;no Danish brochures; biggest customer wants more commission 25%,has frozen orders)• Prospects (good--signs of recovery in consumer confidence ; possible contract with big hotel chain refurnishing twelve hotels)• Recommendations(get Danish brochures out; increase commissions across the board; more advertising, eg articles in lifestyle magazines)。
BEC vantage module 4

The first thing is to … It’s a good idea to … You can do this by … Also remember that… My third tip is (never) to … Before we finish don’t forget … What might be be Words and Expressions
25.soft drink 26.spit out 27.target audience anic adj. 29.yoghurt n. 30.Shape yoghurt 31.fat-free adj. 32.artificial sweetener
软饮料(指不含酒精的饮料) 吐出 目标观众 有机的,天然的 酸奶 塑身酸奶 脱脂的,不含脂肪的 人工的甜味剂
Useful Words and Expressions
33.preservative n. 保鲜剂 34.colorant n. 色素 35.additive n. 添加剂 36.ingredients list n. 成分清单,成分列表 37.online complaints 网上的投诉表 form 38.promotion n. 促销,推广;提升,晋升 39.marketing n. 营销,市场营销 40.promotional gift 用于促销的赠品
新编剑桥商务英语(中级) 同步辅导(第三版)
主 编 陈小慰 副主编 苏翊翔 编著 陈小慰 朱天文
Module Four
BEC Vantage

1.1 Working life1 What does this quotation mean to you?`Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.'john Lennon, English singer& song writer (1940-19830)2 Discuss these questions.1 How many jobs do you expect to have in your life ? 1-3 4-7 8or more2 Would you prefer to be self-employed or an employee? Why ?3 in fifteen years’ time, do you expect to work more or less than now ?4 at what age do you expect to stop working ? 55 65 753Underline tire best word to complete each sentence.1 At the moment, people generally retire/resign at 652 I joined/applied for the company when I was 25 and have worked thereever since3 What's the best way to pay/reward our employees for good performance?4 About 700 staff were laid off/dismissed when the company lost the contract tosupply Toyota5 We have educated/trained our staff in the use of laser equipment.6 I'm going to leave/change the company at the end of the year.7 E and C Consultants recruits/employs from the top business schools.8 Companies need to offer parents of young children more flexible/overtime hours-9 they used only to offer permanent posts, but now most new contracts aretemporary/part-time ones.10 I have one day off/ holiday a week to attend a course at college.4 Make sentences with the words you didnt use in Exercise 3.5 Make nouns from thefollowing verbs.Attitude to work6 Do you think that people starting work now have a different attitude to work than their parents did? if so, in what ways?7 Look at the newspaper article and read the title. What does the title suggest to you?Read the article arid check if you were r fight.Young workers Want it all, nowOh, and they’ll need to take next Friday off ,tooTETROIT一Kurt Jennings, hoping to start a career in radio sales, thought he was prepared to answer any question during his recent interview. Then theradio executive opened the interview with, `So, we call you guys the Entitlement Generation". You imagine you're entitled to everything.' There is an impression that the current generation of young workers has high expectations for salary, responsibility and job flexibility, but little appetite for hard work and little sense of loyalty to a company`A lot of twenty-somethings have a hard time making the transition to work typically Kids who've had success early in life and who've become used to getting instant gratification,' says Dr. Levi Cohen, a peadiatrics professor.He says that coddling parents and colleges often fail to prepare students for the realities of adulthood and working life.Many employers, from corporate executives to restaurateurs, agree.`It seems they expect to hove in then first week everything that the veteran has worked 20 or 30 years to earn,' says Mike Amor, the owner of a Salt LakeCity chain of restaurants.Kurt had this reply 'for his interviewee at the radio station: `Maybe we were spoiled by your Generation. But "entitled" is too strong a word,' he said. `Do we think we're deserving if we're doing to go out there and break our backs for you'?Yes..'He ended up getting the-job.But some experts say that' having highexpectations, and tellin}} your boss what they are, isn't necessarily a bad thing.`It's true they're not all rushing to bury themselves in a cubicle a}记follow orders for the next 40 years, but why on earth should they?' asks .leaf Bartlctt, a University of Carolina psychologist8 Do you think the younger generation is spoiled and expects too much? .or do you think the older generation sacrificed their lives (and fun in their lives) for work?9 What do the following phrases from the text mean?1 little appetite for hard work2 twenty-somethings3 instant gratification4 coddling parents and colleges5 we were spoiled by your generation6 break our backs for you7 bury themselves in a cubicleGerund and infinitive1 Which of the verbs or phrases in the box take the gerund (-ing) and which ones take to infinitive (to do)?Be good at plan/intend /aim be worth fail be reluctanthave trouble/difficulty hope/expect manage succeed indecide think about/consider enjoy avoid involve havebe used to/accustomed to be willing/prepared2 Which of the following pairs of phrases is the odd one out grammatically? Why?1 be good at一be bad at2 be willing一be reluctant3 succeed in一fail4 enjoy一dislike3 Complete these sentences.0 when I retire, I plan to do some voluntary work for charity1 When I retire, I plan…2 I think I'm quite good at…3 Before attending a job interview, it's worth…4 My job involves…5 When speaking English, I often have difficulty…6 At work I feel satisfied if I manage…7 For my summer holiday this year, I am considering…8 If I was offered more money, I would be willing…9 The hardest thing abo ut starting a new job is getting used to…10 I get annoyed with colleagues if they fail…4 Choose five of the phrasesworking life.in exercise 1 and make sentences about your own working lifeThe future of human resources5 You will hear five human resources (HR) manages0s talking shout the key issues in human resources facing companies today.·The first time you listen, indicate which employee group in the workforce they are talking about.·The second time you listen indicate what actions they propose to take to deal with each issue.TASK ONE一EMPLOYEE GROUPA older employees (50-GO)B new recruitsC traineesD senior managementE young highly qualified employeesF womenG retired employeesH disabled workersA efforts to retain good employeesB the introduction of more flexible workingarrangementsC linlting salaries more closely to resultsD more focus on job training for employeesE encouraging people back from retirementF more support for working parentsG developing a more positive attitudetowards older workersH reducing staff costs6 You've heard the priorities of HR managers. What are your priorities for your working life? Consider the following:.flexible hours·working environment.pay。

4.2Presenting figuresThe following six elements are importance when describing performance.●time phrases In the last five years our sales have remainded fairly stable.●verbs At the same time our direct costs have risen.●nouns This increase has put pressure on our margins.●prepositons In response we have cut expenditure by about 15%.●qualities There has also been a slight increase in productivity.●causes and result As a result, our margins have actually improved.2Think of words that could replace the underlined words in this sales figures presentation about bicycle sales.It’s been a roller coaster of a year with bicycle sales (1)going up and down unpredictably. After a poor start to the year -post-Christmas blues, I guess-sales (2) picked up in February and hit a (3) high poin in March, which is very early, compared to other years. It was probably (4) due to the unusually warm weather, but who knows? Anyway (5) the result was that production had to go into overdrive to get the products out. (6)Over the next three months, things (7) stabilised and in July, when we normally do very well, sales actually dropped (8) a bit. At that piont, we decided to clear out our stock and started offering reductions in the retail price of bikes of (9) up to 40%. The strategy worked amazingly well and (10) resulted in a dramatic increase in sales, even though our margines (11) fell.3 Use these words to replace those underlined in the sales figures presentation in exerise 2. Were your suggestions different?it meant led to sharp recovered following levelled off peak as much as during decreased fluctuating because of slightlyA sales forecast4 4.2 Rexil AG manufactures and sells pharmaceutical products. Anticipating customers’needs (demand forecasting ) providing vital information for the production and distribution divisions of the company. You will hear Anke Reigl present her forcast for sales of best-selling product, HAB, over the next six months. Listen and complete the notes taken at the meeting?Sales forecast for HAB-1st half1 First quarter:2-3% increase predicted ,based on.2 Second quarter:7-10% increase following.3 March figure lower, because last year’s high sales due to.4 Sales will decline in April and May-reason is.5 April much higher this year because of. Presenting figures5You are going to give a sales presentation. Choose one of the sales graghs below for youe presentation.●Note down possion reasons for the developments in the gragh.Give your presentation describing the development and the reasons.4.3Writing Test: In troduction andPart oneThe writing Test has tow parts, in which there are a total of four questions(you mustFor all the question types the examiner is looking at your answer for :● a clear sense of the purpose for writing, and content which realises the task.●conciseness and clarity of expression.●an awareness of the target reader and appropriate style and formality.Part oneYou will be given a gragh or pair of graghs to analyse, Explain and comment on. Follow these steps.●Read the instructions twice and make sure you understand what you are beingasked to do.●Study the gragh(s) and decide what general trends they show and what you canconclude from these. Make short notes to help you.●Write the report with the following structure:--an introduction (explaining the subject matter of the graghs)--a main body (describing and comparing each development in general terms)--a conclusion (explaining what conclusions can be drawn from the facts presentated in the graghs)●Do not describe the development of the curves in year-by-year ormonth-by-month detail.●When you have finished go over your text and check for basic grammatical errors,eg consistency in use of tensese, subject-verb agreement, spelling mistakes. Analysing a gragh1Here is an example about the numble of vehicles per capita of the worl’s population. Look first at the gragh. What are the main trends? What will be the effect of this in your view? Make brief notes on what you are going to say.2● ● ●●3 Read this preport analysing the gragh in exercise 1 on page 44. What do you note about:1 houw it is structured?2 the amount of detail in which the developments are described?The gragh shows the number of cars per 100 people over the period 1980 to 2020 relative to the growth of the world ’s population.If we look first at the growth in population, we can see there is steady increase from 4.2 billion people in 1980 to 7.7 billion in 2020, with the most significant increase coming between 2000 and 2020. The number of vehicles per 100 people follows a similar trend, rising steadily over the same period. From ten cars per 100 people in 1980 it is projected to increase to sixteen in 2020The dramatic consequence of these two developments when combined is that the total number of vehicles almost doubles in 40 years, a fact which is certain to have implications for energy resources and pollution in the future.4 Following the approach described above, answer the following Practice Tset Part One. PART ONE● The gragh below shows the supply and demand for palm oil (the main ingredientin hand soap ) over the period 1985 to 2006.● Using the information in the gragh, write a short report describing supply anddemand and the relation between the two. ● Write 120-140 woeds.。

剑桥商务英语第三版答案剑桥商务英语第三版答案【篇一:新编剑桥商务英语(bec 第三版中级)module 1】txt>1.1 business topic ways of working 商务话题篇工作方式1) vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins)regular hours正常工作时间flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time 弹性工作时间freelance n.自由职业teleworking n.电子办公;在家中上班job-share v. / n.分担工作;工作分担制job-sharing n.分担工作job-sharer n.与人分担工作的人shift work 轮班工作,倒班制temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员consultancy n.咨询公司specialist advice 专业咨询hotdesking (hot-desking) n.办公桌轮用(指将职工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共用一间办公室,一张办公桌和一台电脑)office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长office news办公室新闻credit n.赞扬,功劳managing director 总裁,总经理(美英chiefexecutive/president) brainpower n. 智能worst-case adj. 做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的scenario n. 事态,局面full-time adj. 全日制的delegate v. 授权,分派工作availability n. 利用(或获得的)可能性,可以利用的人(物),人员、物资保证parental leave育儿假,照顾新生儿女假distractions n.让人注意力分散的事物contact n. 人脉,有影响力的熟人,有用的社会关系 case-load n.工作量daily log 日志voice mail 语音信箱,语音邮件self-organization n. 自我组织能力disruptive a.造成混乱的1. how do you work most effectively? by working…regular hours/flexible hours? in a team/on your own?from home/ in an office? for a boss/as your own boss?参考词语和表达:routine type of person 按部就班的人have flexible management of time and work 灵活安排自己的时间和工作get support from each other相互支持co-operate with each other 相互合作share ideas 交流想法learn from other people’s strong points 学他人所长working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficiently.在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能,不一定效率就高can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office 在办公室更容易集中精力因此也更有效率 have more flexibility 享有更多的灵活度feel more relaxed 感觉更轻松a dependent type of person and never make decisions myself性格依赖,不喜欢自己拿主意an independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself性格独立,喜欢自己做决定don’t want to work under someone不想在别人手下工作5. reading: how to job-shareget organizedset your limits put pen to papertwo become one 安排有序规定限度签订协议合二为一open your mind plan for disaster find the perfect partner don’t feel gui lty 敞开心胸/开拓视野有备无患理想搭档勿感内疚1. share credit and blame 分担成绩与过失,意译“功过与共”2. flexecutive 经营内容蕴含其中的公司名flexible与executive 两词复合而成“弹性经营管理”。

Module 33.1 Dealing with problems (page 30)CCO = Call centre operator C =customerCCO Hello, Penco TelecommunicationsC At last, I was just about to hang up. I’ve been on the phone for ten minutes going through various options… none of which I wanted.CCO I do apologise for the wait, sir. How can I help you?C I’ve been waiting in all day for an engineer to come and repair my line. He was due to come at ten o’clock this morning …it’s now three in the afternoon. I telephoned at twelve o’clock and one of your operators promised to call me back , but she hasn’t. I’ve wasted my day waiting around and worse than that I still can’t receive any calls.CCO I’m very sorry. Can I help you number and I’ll look into it straightway ?C Y es, it’s 01889 245624.CCO OK. One moment –I’m going to see who the engineer is that has been assigned to the job … OK, I have his number. I’m going to put you on hold and try to fid out what’s happened.C Please don’t disappear. As I said, it took me ten minutes to get through in the first place.CCO Don’t worry , I’ll come straight back to you .One moment …Right, I ‘m afraid he has been delayed on another job . He apologises for not calling you sooner. He normally works until 5pm but he’s offered to work later this evening to fit in your job. He can be there by 6pm. Would that be convenient?C No, it would not. I’m going out to the cinema this evening.CCO I quite understand. In that case, I ‘m going to have to reschedule him for another day. Can you tell me when would be convenient?C well, first thing tomorrow morning, but …CCO I’ll see what I can do. Please just bear with me for a moment while I speak to him again … right that’s arranged for tomorrow morning at nine .C That’s all very well, but what am I supposed to do in the meantime?CCO Do you have a mobile phone, sir?C Y es.CCO What I can do is to divert any calls coming into your office number on to your mobile phone until your line is repaired. Would that be acceptable to you?C I suppose so. When can you do that?CCO If you’d like to tell me your mobile number. I can get that activated immediately.C OK, the number is …3.2 Exam spotlight, Exam practice (page 35)I image most of you are here today because you want to find out more about the job ofa coach. Some of you will skeptical about its benefits, others will have already stared making a career out of coaching.I myself have been coach since the late 90s, but our academy was set up morerecently in 2004 in response to a demand for more formal training in the filed. We are a private institution and don’t rely on any government funding. Our aim was to try to professionalise an industry which until then had been, in this country at any rate, rather disorganized and unregulated. We now have over 450 members and run twelve courses a year in various types of coaching. These rang from day seminars for people who are already practising as coaches to four-week course for the beginner.So what is a coach exactly? Well, there are many different types of coach offering help in many different aspects of business and parent coaching and work-life balance coaching. But the basic principles remain the same whatever the filed: using simple psychology and simple direction to help people to believe in themselves and to achieve their goals.The great thing about coaching is that not only do they help you to indentify your goals and the obstacles to achieving them, but they always help the client to look forward. This is very unlike traditional counseling, which tends to focus more on past events and mistakes and helping the person to get over the before they can move on.I’m going to show you a short film of a coaching session in a moment, but before I do, I will just mention something about the rewards of the job, and the qualification and resources that you need for it because these are questions that will be concerning many of you.The rewards: well, job satisfaction is, of course, very high, I mean, how often do you come home from work and are able to say, ‘wow, I really made a difference to someone’s life today’? As to financial rewards, sessions with coaches usually start at about£70 per hour but experienced coaches can earn anything up to £400 per hour. As to qualifications, you will need to follow an accredited coaching course, such as the ones we run here at the academy, and also you will need considerable experience in the filed that you are coaching in. If you don’t have this background it will be difficult for the client to have confidence in you.What else do you need to set up as a coach? Most coaching is done at the client’s office or home, but some coaches also see people at their own homes. In fact there’s no need always to meet face-to-face. I know of several coaches who conduct sessions by phone or online, even sometimes by text message …Module 44.1 Sales techniques (page 37)Sarah We make financial software for medium-sized companies. Competition is strong-not necessarily price competition, because in our sector, quality , reliability and service are far more important factors. We spend a lot of time getting to know eachprospect’s individual needs: their business process , their strategic aims, and um …also the issues and constraints they face. The idea work with then and help them find the best solution for their business. Working this way, there are times when I have to freely admit to people that our products may not be best suited to their particular needs ,but to be honest I’d much prefer to be doing that than using some hard-sell technique to push something I don’t really believe in myself, you how …Presenter Thank you, Sarah. Now, Dale Freidman, I know you have a very different approach …Dale I would say so, yes. In my line of business, it’s all about perceived benefits- there are some tangible ones like, for example, use of natural ingredients in our deodorants, but everyone in the industry copies ideas, so it’s difficult to sustain any kind of technical competitive advantage for long. So , I use a lot of anecdotes when I sell; I tell stories, get people laughing. My approach is direct – I guess some might say pushy, but I get results. I deal only with the decision maker, who’s generally b buyer for a chain of stores. Y ou’d be amazed how much time people waste talking to the wrong guy. I always start by presenting them with the most expensive options, because this increase our average sales, and as soon as I get a buying signal from them –it could be anything, you know, just a question like ‘what’s your most popular product?’–I move in and close the sale by discussing quantities required, special delivery arrangements, favourable payment terms, things that make them feel they’re getting added value …4.2 A sales forecast (page 42)Anke Reigl Is everyone ready? Good, then I’ll begin. OK …Well, based on average growth in sales over the last two years and given the relatively stable state of the marker at the moment as far as increase in the first quarter, about 2 to 3%. We expect this to rise to between 7 and 10% in the second and third quarters, after the launch of the new slow-release version of the drug. Marketing tells me _ thanks, Werner for your help with this …W erner Y ou’re welcome.Anke Reigl … that demand for this version is strong and should be reflected in sales more or less immediately. So that’s the basic picture. There are just a couple of monthly variations to this trend which I’ll explain now.If you look at the graph, you’ll see that in march last year sales went up quite sharply and that Bayer had distribution problems and weren’t able to take advantage of the situation. I think it’s worth nothing that disruptions in the supply chain can affect anyone and it really does pay for us to hold a reasonable amount of stock in reserve for events like these.As you know, sales generally decline in April and May –it’s just a seasonal factor -but as I already mentioned, the launch of the new version this year is expected to boost them considerably, especially in April directly after the campaign. They’ll drop back a little after that, but in July we’ll have the usual early summer phenomenon when distributors …。
新编剑桥商务英语Unit 4

Listening: Advertising on the web
1. Listen to someone who runs a web-business giving a presentation to a group of marketing managers on how to successfully advertise on the Internet. Which techniques does he mention? - use search engines to put your name at the top of the listings •- get links on other sites •- through a site review •- get free advertising •- have a memorable domain name •- email campaigns (spam) •- send out a monthly newsletter •- have competitions or give something for free
Listening script
Speaker: Imagine you have a new product or a new service and you want the world to know about it. One way would be to write the advertisement onto ten or a hundred or a thousand pieces of paper and drop them from the sky over your town or city. Someone on the ground might pick one up and read it. Maybe two or three people. On the other hand the wind might blow them away. Now imagine doing the same thing but this time throwing them into the air with adverts for every other product or service in the world. You probably wouldn‟t do it, would you? Well, unfortunately, that;s what it‟s like to advertise on the Internet. Trying to make your product, service or website known to the rest of the Internet community can be very, very frustrating. Not only making it known, but getting visitors to actually visit the site can seem impossible. But there are ways to overcome the impossible when advertising on the Internet, as long as you follow three rules. So, rule number one, the first thing is to remember that people use search engines. So whenever someone types in a keyword linked to your business, your site needs to appear in the top 50 or so listings in all of the major search engines. Any lower and no one will ever find you.

剑桥商务英语第三版答案【篇一:新编剑桥商务英语(bec 第三版中级)module 1】txt>1.1 business topic ways of working 商务话题篇工作方式1) vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins)regular hours正常工作时间flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time 弹性工作时间teleworking n.电子办公;在家中上班job-share v. / n.分担工作;工作分担制shift work 轮班工作,倒班制temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员specialist advice 专业咨询〔指将职工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共用一间办公室,一张办公桌和一台电脑〕office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长office news办公室新闻credit n.赞扬,功绩managing director 总裁,总经理〔美英chiefexecutive/president〕 brainpower n. 智能worst-case adj. 做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的scenario n. 事态,局面full-time adj. 全日制的delegate v. 授权,分派工作availability n. 利用〔或获得的〕可能性,可以利用的人〔物〕,人员、物资保证parental leave育儿假,照顾新生儿女假daily log 日志voice mail 语音信箱,语音邮件self-organization n. 自我组织能力1. how do you work most effectively? by working…regular hours/flexible hours? in a team/on your own?from home/ in an office? for a boss/as your own boss?参考词语和表达:routine type of person 按部就班的人have flexible management of time and work 灵活安排自己的时间和工作get support from each other相互支持co-operate with each other 相互合作share ideas 交流想法learn from other people’s strong points 学他人所长working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficiently.在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能,不一定效率就高can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office在办公室更容易集中精力因此也更有效率 have more flexibility 享有更多的灵活度feel more relaxed 感觉更轻松a dependent type of person and never make decisions myself 性格依赖,不喜欢自己拿主意an independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself性格独立,喜欢自己做决定don’t want to work under someone不想在别人手下工作5. reading: how to job-shareget organizedset your limits put pen to papertwo become one 安排有序规定限度签订协议合二为一open your mind plan for disaster find the perfect partner don’t feel guilty 敞开心胸/开拓视野有备无患理想搭档勿感内疚1. share credit and blame 分担成绩与过失,意译“功过与共”2. flexecutive 经营内容蕴含其中的公司名flexible与executive两词复合而成“弹性经营管理”。

Module 4
Where you have seen advertising?
In the street
on the bus /at the bus station
on the radio
on TV
in the newspaper
in the magazine
advertisement on the Internet
not seen for long
people remember the advert but not the product
people can also spread bad news
expensive to produce and send out to your target market expensive
Group Work
on balloons in the sky; on entrance tickets; on umbrellas, T-shirts, pencils, toys; on shopping bags; on mouse pads;
Group Work
in free samples; flyer & banner; and even on the walls of washrooms. ……..
4. People use b_r_o_c_h_u_r_e_s_ less and less because they can just go online if they want to find out what’s available.
5. It’s great when you get a frees_a_m_p_l_e because you can really see what it’s like.

新编剑桥商务英语高级答案【篇一:新编剑桥商务英语高级第三版第10.1】p> 10.1 travel and entertainmentvocabulary business travel1do you agree with this view?‘i can see a trend, executives want to save costs on businesstravel ,and connecting people virtually is becoming more affordable.’2study the phrases in the box.what does each one mean?how is it pronounced?commute subsidised transport congestion give a lift to someone rush hour teleconferencingcar share schemetravel expenses3which of these statements do you sympathise with?1 spending two hours each day commuting to and from work really affects people’s quality of life.2 it’s fair that the company should subsidise travel for people who commute a long way to work.learning tip 3 if more people worked flexibly we could avoidcongestion and rush hours.try to use idiomatic 4 i don’t mind giving a colleague a lift to work now andphrases when then but i couldn’t take part in a car share scheme. i expressing opinions: enjoy that hour to myself in the mornings.eg i couldn’t agree5 air travel is too time-consuming.video andmore ;i’d go alongteleconferencing is the only way forward.wi th that;actually,6 it’s the duty of every employee to manage their business that’s not the way itravel expenses as if it were their own money.see it,etc.4discuss the following questions.1 how do you get to work / college each day?2 why do you use this from of transport ?3 do you pay for your own travel?5as the new manager of the support services atsterrman, engineering firm, you have been asked to reduce spending on travel and entertainment .suggest a policy to tackle each of the problems below.current situation1 the company owns and maintains a fleet of 35company cars for the sales team.2 the company pays for business class tickets on bothlong and short flights.3 the use of expensive restaurants to entertain guestsand clients is very common.4 the company spends a lot on hiring outside rooms formeetings and conferences.compare your answers with a partner.listening a team-building day6 a lot of companies use team-building events ,such ascanoeing events,treasure hunts,company role plays,etc.______.but what should their aim be?prioritise(1-7)the following aims.a generally getting to know each other betterb breaking down formal barriers between management and employeesc bringing out the best qualities in each individual d helping people to feel better about themselvese distinguishing leaders from followersf increasing loyalty to the company g helping to remember that there’s more to life than just work 7 is there some other benefit that hasn’t been m entioned above?8 10.1 your company has organised a team-building day at silverstone motor racing circuit. you have been asked to attend a short presentation of the programmefor the day. listen and complete your notes. use up to three words for each space. team-building day the aims 0 the aim is not only to 1 to learn how each individual think,functions and 2 this new understanding will make us_______________. the schedule 3 meet at the office at ___________________. 4 the journey will take ___________________. 5 for the activities we will be divided into_____________. 6 at lunch there will be a surprise _________________. 7 after the afternoon’s activities there will be a ________. preparation 8 dress__________________. 9 in case of cold bring a jumper or___________________.10 no mobile phones, laptops, but can bring ____________.the home of british motor racing9 what do you think the activities at the circuit will be exactly?grammar future forms1 look at the verb forms in these sentences(1-6).whatform is used to express the following about the future? future formsa an offerlearning tipnote the use of thepresent when twoclauses about thefuture are connectedwith when or anothertime phrase.i will see him.i willgive him yourmessage.__when isee him, i’ll give himyour message.b a decision already takenc an arrangementd a schedulee a general predictionf a confident prediction 1 the day will begin with a working breakfast at eight o’clock after which de legates will have 30 minutes of free time before the first seminar at 10 o’clock. 2 we’re not going to have a christmas party this year; instead we are going to give the money we would have spent to a charity. 3 she’s not easy to convince,is she?i can see this is going to be a very long discussion. 4 don’t worry, i’ll take the laptop with me.that’s one less thing for you to remember. 5 i’m meeting him at his office at 6.30 and then we’re eating at a greek restaurant in the city center. 6 i think he’ll find it difficult to adapt to his new role, because he’s used to being independent. 2 you colleague has written this email for an agent in djakarta.before you send it, she has asked you to put verbs she’s not sure about in the most natural form. dea r jimthank you for your email, asking about our plans fornext year. i (0) will do my best to explain the situation.i agree thatthis year has been disappointing,but weexpect that sales(1)________(pick up)next year.the result of our marketing meeting last week is that we (2)__________(launch) the new version of the dct10 in asia next spring. from the feedback we’ve had in europe,i’m sure it (3) _______(be) a great success.the international gas industry trade fair (4)_______(take place) in singapore next march.i (5)______(fly)out there with jane on 16 march and i hope to have a couple of days extra to see some agents, but i (6)_____(call) you when i (7)_______(have) my exact schedule,so that we can arrange to meet.in the meantime,let me know if you(8)_______(visit) theuk any time soon. then we can arrange to meet for a meal and a chat. best wishessarahreadingevents management3 do you think being responsible for organising corporate events, sponsorship,parties and team-building events in a dream job? why?/why not?4 read the article from a business magazine about organisingcorporate events.● choose the best sentence from those below(a-h) to fill each of the gaps in the test.● do not use any letter more than once.● there is an example at the beginning(0)how to manage an eventhow would be an events organiser?on the face of it ,playing‘my genial host’ to a group of freeloading clients doesn’t seem too arduous a task. but the amount of stress experienced in getting ready for it and the real and ever-present danger ofsomething going horribly wrong make it a job only for those with nerves of steel. (0)e the list is endless.corporate hospitality events should be an opportunity to relax with your customers and get away from business,but instead they actually expose a company to close scrutiny by its most valued audience and leave a lasting impression in theirminds .done well ,the client is left with the image of acreative ,fun and professional organisation. (1)______worse still ,you might offend:the company who arranged a james bond theme night that started with a group of international guests being greeted by bikini-clad ‘bond girls’ should have known better.the first consideration is what the aim of the event is :to launch a new product ,to develop awareness of the company’s mission, to build relationships with new clients or just to thank existing ones for their continued custom .(2)_______for the latter you won’t necessarily have to spend excessively to get it right ,but you willhave to think about what will make the event memorable. audience participation is generally a good way to achievethis ,for example giving a theme to the event ,such as a 1970s disco or a hawaiian evening.(3)________ it may also put some under pressure ,making them feel that they will have to dance like john travolta or to rely more on their wallet than their imagination to make their costume.(4)__________an alternative is simply to give them a treat by taking them to a show or sporting event and afterwards for a meal where they can relax and chat .(5)________ the advantage of these is that the clients are more likely to look forward to it and to share the good news with others in the wider world who may also have an interest in the event .(6)________in addition ,anything that goes wrong at the events is likely to reflect badly on the main organiser and not your company.a this will get the participants more involved and help to‘break the ice ’ if peopledon’t know each other well,but be careful.b an example of this would be a golf tournament or a football match.c the first two are more like presentations and will mean putting on a show to impress.d staff parties,on the other hand ,are much less stressful because the consequencesof failure are not so damaging.e a speaker may not turn up ,a piece of vital equipment may fail ,the invitation maygive the wrong date.f done badly ,the company may end up lookingcheesy ,disorganised or even cheap.g the result is good publicity and an enhanced image for the company.h the balance is a difficult one and it all depends on the skill of the organiser in theplanning and publicizing of the event ,so the guests feel at ease.vocabularygo and get1 complete the following sentences using the correct form ofeither go or get.0 there is always a danger that something will go wrong on the day.【篇二:新编剑桥商务英语(高级)第三版3.1】p class=txt>3.1 communication at workvocabularymean of communication1 what does this quotation mean to you?‘think like a wise man but communication in the language of the people.’w.b. yeats, poet (1865-1939)2 delete the verb that does not go with each type of business communication. 0anemailsend /draft /post1a phone calldo/make /receive2a press release put up /issue/put out3an advertising campaign launch/run /make4a presentation give /make/ tell5a meeting or seminarhold /attend /carry out6 a report produce/run/publish7a noticeput out/put up/ display8a memo to all concernedpublish/send out/circulate9information on the internet post/make/put3 for which of the following would you feel most confident using your english? and least confident? discuss with your partner.a presentation a meeting a phone calla reportan email4discuss these quotations with your partner.? have you had good experiences of dealing with companies through callcentres?? do you shop on the internet? why? /whynot?? with which products or services is face-to-face contact helpful? with which isit unnecessary?5 read the five extracts from the magazine management now on page27 andthen match each of the eight statements (1-8) with one of the extracts. you will need to use some of the texts more than one.0 you can gather a lot of customer data with modern computer systems. a1 one future trend will be more direct contact between companies and their customers._____2 business hasn’t really changed, only the media of communication._____3 companies need to think about which channel is most appropriate to their customers ’needs._______4 customers are frequently frustrated by not being put though quickly to the person they need to speak to._____5 there is less human interaction nowadays, but this isn’t necessarily bad for the customer.________management now. april issuebetter communication?natalie fitzgerald asked five people working in the field what they thought.a bill osmond, data analysti think he’s got a good point. powerful it systems give companies enormous amounts of information on customer behavior, but it’s what they can do this data that matters.a good example in recent years was centrica, the british utility company. it acquired a big portfolio of different companies and then spent huge amounts of money on an it system designed to cross-sell its various products and services-financial services, telephone contracts, energy supply and so on _to the customers in its different businesses. but they never managed to do it, because their it people were unable to merge all the customer databases or to make them talk to each otherb sarah bridgestone, former call centre managerabsolutely. call centres can more often act as a barrier than a help. talk the example of a well-known mobile phone operator. when a customer calls, he’s given a list of options to choo se from: dial i for bill enquiries, 2 to upgrade his handset, 3 if he has a technical problem, 4 if he’s thinking of leaving the company. from each of these he’s taken through another list of options. if he still can’t find what he is looking for, he’s inv ited to ‘stay on the line until an operator becomes available’. this can take up to ten minutes, by which time he is now seriously thinking of going back to option 4 and cancelling his contract. it really seems counter-productive.cdoug cook, bank managerthere is no doubt that modern communication channels have depersonalized a lot of customer contact. banks have been doing this for years, trying to commoditise the service that they offer so that they can rationalize it and make it cheaper to deliver most transactions- bank deposits, cash withdrawals, issuing of statements-have been automated whether at a cash machine, over the phone or online. this has saved companies and the customer money. but cost-cutting is by no means theonly driver- it’s a trend a lso driver by customer demand for a quick and flexible service.d farhana patel, online retailerit’s just about convenience. whether i text you a message or tell you the same message face-to-face, it’s still a message. the growth of internet shopping compared to that of high street shopping shows very clearly that customers want cheaper and more accessible services. sellers like the convenience too of course. ebay started out as a market place for individuals but, increasingly, companies have used it to sell products direct to consumers. in face it’s not very different from a traditional market place. there is still a community of buyers and sellers who talk to each other and do business just the same as if they were dealing face-to-face.e brian macwhinney, management consultantbusinesses are often too quick to embrace new technology in order to save money or gain a competitive advantage. but applying the same solution to all types of business is never a good idea. there are cultural factors to consider. using a call centre in india to handle enquiries about train times on railways in europe is a bad idea because it isn’t suited to customers’ expectations. on the other hand, a european customer of a computer company doesn’t really mind if his technical problem is solved by a call centre operator in india or ireland or alaska, because it doesn’t require any cultural knowledge. good communication is about finding the right channel. in time, i expect we’ll see a return to more face-to-face contact with customers and more local services. speaking 1 which of the following do you find useful? when do you use it? why?mobile phone email sms msnblackberry2 decide the best ways to communication the following messages.first letter has been written for you).0to answer somebody, you give a reply.1to ask for something, you make a r_____.2to help someone remember, you give them a r_____.3 to suggest or recommend something, you make a p_____.4 to say something publicly, you make an a______.5 to say sorry you make an a______.6to insist that someone does something, you make a d_____.grammargrammar tipoften verbs that express a similar notion will take the same form, eg dissuade discourage, deter are all followed by someone from doing.this can also be the case with opposite notions, eg agree and refuse +to do. i discouraged him from applying for the job.i dissuaded him from applying for the job.verb patternsin the email below, all the forms following the communication verbs (discuss, apologise etc) are underlined. some are incorrect. correct them.dear jimfor givingfor givingup your time to help us.it’s very kind of you to agree (1) working with us on this project-i know you are very busy. when we last met, we discussed (2) a special team to deal with complaints from customers. i have since had a meeting with sarah, the head of thewe need a better system for dealing with complaints.last week, a customer rang to complain (7) to wait one month for interest on it before delivering the product. the sales person who answered the call offered him a discount, without even checking the history of the order. when i checked, i discovered an email from us in forming the customer when he thought the product (10) a one-month delay in delivery. the salesman was very defensive and said that he couldn’t be criticized (11)keep the customer happy!so you see, we’ve got a lot of work to do. looking forward to hearing from you. best wisheskaren 5put the words below into their correct place in the table.urgethreaten proposeundertakepraise blamerecommenddeny convince6 complete these sentences.0they threaten to take us to court if we didn’t pay them immediately.1it’s a very sensitive issue. i suggest __________ an anonymous email.2once, in a restaurant, i complained ___________ and the manager told us to leave. 3what a waste of time! we spent three hours discussing___________.4the company offered__________, but amazingly she refused.5i’ve promised ___________ by tomorrow morning.6 i can’t believe you had to remind him ____________. that’s his job.【篇三:新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书_答案_module_1.1-5.3】ing and workshopsp6what does your job involve? p7the present simplep8module 1.2personal and professional details meeting peoplep10job and work p12module 1.3bec preliminary exam p14p15 reading test。

•- email campaigns (spam)
•- send out a monthly newsletter
•- have competitions or give something for free
•- keep a file of your visitors
From the perspective of their purpose: • Non-commercial ads (public service ads) • Commercial ads
From the perspective of their approaches: • Billboard ads/ paper ads/ radio/ internet
1. Pizza delivery firms often do _m__a_il_s_h_o_ts_ in the local area. It’s cheap but lots of people probably throw the leaflet away.
2. _T_V__c_o_m_m__e_rc_i_a_ls__ reach millions of people but they are so expensive.
6. I suppose it’s good if you’re looking for a job locally and _n_e_w_s_p_a_p_e_r_a_d_v_e_r_t_s_ are relatively cheap.
7. I’m not sure about _b_a_n_n_e_r_s__. When I visit a website, I don’t think I even notice them.

新编剑桥商务英语(初级)词汇(第三版)1.1World of work 工作领域business n. 工商企业;商行;商业technique n. 技巧,技能cross-cultural adj. 跨文化的presentation n. 口头报告,陈述,叙述public speaking 演说,演讲consultant n. 顾问consultancy n. 咨询公司run vt. 开办(课程/ 讲习班)one-to -one 一对一的accredited adj. 公认的motivational adj. 激发积极性的,client n. 客户entertaining adj. 有趣的,使人愉快的,professional adj. 专业的,职业的involve vt. 包含、需要、使成为必要部分responsibility n. 责任,所负责的事情be responsible for sb./ sth. 对某人/某事负责title n. 头衔,职称sample n. 样品试用产品account n. 账目,账户correspondence n.(来往的)信件badge n.徽章identify vt. 发现,确定workshop n. 研讨会,讲习班catering service 餐饮服务MD managing director 的缩写,总经理,执行董事gadget n. 小巧的器械,小玩意儿interior adj. 车内产品,内部装饰memo n. 备忘录,便条,便笺electrical appliances 电器,(家用)电器ship vt. 运送power point 电子版幻灯片bonus n. 奖金catalogue n. 产品目录positive adj. 积极乐观的presence n. 仪态,风度,风采diary n. 记事簿Athens n. 雅典(希腊首都)Do you like your job?Do you often travel abroad ?How are you?…Not too bad, thanks.I work for a company that…I work as…What does your job involve ?My job involves do ing…What do you do ?I deal withWho is your MD?I am based in ….1.2Personal and professional details个人和职业详细情况division n. 分理处,部门profile n. 传略;人物简介;概况questionnaire n. 问卷,调查表interview n. 采访;面试musical instrument 乐器destination n. 目的地follow-up questions 后续问题,补充问题swap vt. 交换electronics n. 电子学;电子器件varied adj. 多变化的,各不相同的confectionary adj. 糖果的,有关甜食制造的allocate vt. 分配,分派candidate n. 候选人criterion n. 标准,准则pl.(复数)criteriaInc. adj. Incorporated 的缩写,股份有限的supervise vt. 主管,监管,管理coordinate vt. 使协调scuba diving 水肺潜水marathon n. 马拉松赛跑finance assistant 财务助理audit vt. 审计master’s degree 硕士学位judo n.柔道Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳综合症ambitious adj. 雄心勃勃的journalism n. 新闻学,新闻业breed vt. 饲养terrier n. 小猎狗chewing gum 口香糖gallery n. 画廊,美术馆format n. 形式,格式SARS--Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸道综合征,俗称非典型肺炎,简称非典efficiency n. 效率profit n. 利润mentor n. 良师益友make contribution to 为……做贡献personal problem 个人(私人)问题set an example to 树立榜样be based in 在……总部raise money 募捐Master’s degree in business administration: MBA工商硕士Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳综合症be in charge of 负责best-selling 畅销think of a new idea 想出新点子2.1 Work in progress 工程进展Be in progress 在进行中,在运行中project n. 项目,工程Garden vi.& vt.种植或修整花园,从事园艺工作Update vt. 更新Construction n. 建筑,建筑物Apart from 除了……之外Minor adj. 较小的,次要的Proceed vi. 进行,继续下去panorama n. 全景,全景画management team 管理团队take shape 成形ahead of schedule 提前于预订计划financial report 财务报告temp n. 临时雇员help out 帮助(某人)解决困难give a presentation of 对……做陈述launch vt. 开始,开办,推出;发射photocopy vt. & n. 影印,复印branch n. 分部,分店,分公司projector manager 项目经理subcontractor n. 转包商period of transition 过渡期permanent job 永久性工作temporary employment agency 临时就业中介机构try out 测试,试用take maternity leave 休产假option n. 选择,可选择的办法career field 职业领域existing skills 现有的技能supervisor n. 主管,监督人temorary job 临时工作ask for a pay rise 要求涨工资meet one’s target 完成指标,完成定额sack vt. 解雇administration work 行政管理工作Brazil 巴西Lisbon 里斯本(葡萄牙首都)Belem 贝伦(巴西东北部港口城市)Fortaleza 福塔雷萨(巴西东北部港口城市)Valencia 巴伦西亚(西班牙港口城市)Montpellier 蒙彼利埃(法国南部城市)2.2 Making arrangements 日程安排make arrangements 做安排,做准备plant n. 工厂,车间vt. 种植take time off 抽出时间,休假,休息finance director 财务经理confirm vt. 确认,确定reception n. 接待,接待处trade fair 交易会,展销会present vt. 介绍,引见;出席potential client 潜在客户quality inspector 质检人员job applicant 求职者festival n. 节日self-employed adj. 个体的,自己经营的accept an invitation 接受邀请special reception 特别招待会anniversary n. 周年纪念日venue n. 会场,会议地点attendance n. 出席,出席人数Prague 布拉格(捷克斯洛伐克首都)Morpeth 莫派斯(位于英国诺森伯兰郡)Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)Toronto 多伦多(加拿大主要城市)Sydney 悉尼(澳大利亚东南部港口城市,新南威尔士州首府)3.1 Company biography 公司简介biography n. 形成、成长和衰亡的记载;传记fast food restaurant 快餐店transform vt. 转换、改变、改造global business 跨国企业original adj. 最初的,原始的,起源的franchise n. & vt. 特许经销权,给……以特许feature n. & vt. 是……的特色,以……为特色French fries 炸薯条softdrink n. 软饮料;汽水milkshake n. 奶昔purchase vt. 买,购买multimixer n. 多用混合器(机)exclusive distributor 独家批发商(代理商)open vi. & vt. 开设,开办,开张expand vi. & vt. 扩大,扩张corporation n. 公司cosmetic n. 化妆品inspire vt. 激发,启示,使生灵感philosophy n. 哲学revolutionary adj. 革命的raw material 原材料supplier n. 供应者,厂商ethical adj. 伦理的;道德的travel agency 旅行社contract n. & vt. 订合同,合同、契约take delivery of 收货,提取货物merge vi. & vt. 合并fleet 舰队budget airline 低价航空公司go public 上市,公开发售股票business partner 生意伙伴,商业伙伴entrepreneurial adj. 企业家的freelancer n. 自由职业者;自由撰稿人 millinonaire 网络百万富翁celebrity n. 名人entrepreneur n. 企业家Kuwait City 科威特城(科威特首都)San Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺(美国加利福尼亚州东南部的一个县)Illinois 伊利诺斯州(美国中北部州)3.2 Company performance 公司业绩performance n. 业绩,成绩;性能distribute vt. 配送,分发,分送record profit 历史最高利润vegetarian n. 素食者,素食的organic adj. 使用有机肥料的ingredient n. 配料,成分nutritious adj. 有营养的improve one’s image 改善形象banquet n. 宴会manufacturer n. 制造业者,厂商guarantee vt. & n. 保证,担保,担保人symbol n. 象征,符号,记号innovative adj. 创新的,革新的sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车component n. 成分optical instrument 光学仪器validation n. (可靠性)检测certify vt. 证明,保证application n. 应用,运用assurance n. 保证,担保,确信,断言founder n. 创始人,奠基人turnover n. 营业额dramatically adv. 戏剧地advertise vt. 做广告,登广告annual report 年终报告,年终终结share price 股票价格proactive adj. 积极的,主动的dedicated adj. 专注的,献身的unique adj. 唯一的,独特的access n. 接近(进入)的机会,接近(进入)的权利;入口consolidate vt. 巩固brochure n. 小册子in this respect 在这个方面,在这个细节maximum n. 最大量,最大限度,极大4.1 International business 国际商务import n. vi. & vt. 进口export n. vi. & vt. 出口competitor n. 竞争对手wholesaler n. 批发商warehouse n. 仓库audio product 音响产品ban n. & vt. 禁令fashion industry crisis 服装行业危机commissioner n. 委员spokeswoman n. 女发言人huge losses 巨大损失resign n. vi. & vt. 辞职garment n. 服装(成衣)clothing blockade 服装封锁in favour of 支持、赞成disastrous adj. 损失惨重的,灾难的import control 进口控制import quotas 进口配额compromise n. 妥协,折中,让步stock exchange 证券交易所appeal to sb. 对……有吸引力available adj. 有空的,能得到的dossier n. 档案,卷宗flat adj. 没电的,平面的embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的in-house magazine 内部杂志participant n. 参加者stressful adj. 有压力的,紧迫的moderator n. 会议主持人press the mute button 按下静音键reflect on 有损声誉,招来非议teleconference n. 远程电话会议producer n. 生产商wholesaler n. 批发商customer n. 顾客retailer n. 零售商warehouse n. 仓库consumer n. 消费者competitor n. 竞争对手customs n. 海关port n. 港口clothing n. 服装4.2 Business communications 商务沟通printer cartridges 打印墨盒description n. 种类;性质;描述pass the message on to 把留言给……complaint n. 投诉cancel vt. 取消extension number 分机号码pharmaceuticals n. 医药用品budget n. 预算plasma screen TV 等离子电视freight forwarder 货运商distributor n. 发行人,销售商container n. 集装箱production manager 生产经理,厂长Madrid 马德里(西班牙首都)5.1 Career choices 职业选择s tock broker 股票经纪人London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所bank account 银行帐户bankrupt adj. 破产的a modest life 简朴的生活accommodation n. 住处,膳宿get started 开始source of income 收入来源olive n. 橄榄farm products 农产品business contact 生意场的熟人/关系deal in 经营make enquiries 询问record shop 音像店human resource 人力资源HR manager 人力资源经理photography exhibition 摄影展accountancy job 会计工作passion n. 热情,激情competitive adj 竞争的give up sth. all together 完全放弃……professional photographer 职业摄影师portrait n. 肖像,人像studio n. 照相馆,画室,摄影室,演播室Birmingham 伯明翰(英格兰中部城市)Luxembourg 卢森堡(西欧国家)resign from the job 辞职farmhouse n. 农舍bed and breakfast accommodation 只提供床铺与早餐的住宿reorganise vt. 重新组织,重新安排source of income 收入来源as though 仿佛,好像the best of luck 好运5.2 Achievements and plans 业绩和计划design office 设计室book cover 书的封面printer n. 印刷商,印刷工;打印机quotation n. 报价in full colour 用彩色in black and white 用黑白a full progress report 详细的进展报告refer to 参考,查阅,查看book fair 书展,书市a series of 一系列Italian 意大利人,意大利语;意大利的coincidence n. 巧合,巧事move n. 行动,步骤;措施;方法; vi. 移动consolidate one’s strong position 巩固某人的强势地位removal company 搬运公司stationery n. 文具,信纸keep sb. up-to-date 使某人信息灵通utility n. 公用事业,公用事业设备bank loan 银行贷款paperwork 日常文书工作loan application 贷款申请additive n. 添加剂flavour n. 味道,风味,香味on a small scale 小规模Cafén. 小餐馆,咖啡馆snack bar 小吃店,快餐柜outlet n. 直销店;市场;销路strawberry n. 草莓pear n. 梨mango n. 芒果take on 雇佣meet demand 满足需求health club 健身俱乐部be in business 做生意Poland 波兰(中欧国家)Hungary 匈牙利(中欧国家)Spain 西班牙(欧洲南部国家)Portugal 葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家)Slovakia 斯洛伐克(中欧国家)Bratislava 布拉迪斯拉发(捷克斯洛伐克中南部城市)5.3 Reading Test: Parts One to Threeposter n. 海报,招贴office equipment 办公设备prefabricated hut 预制营房,活动房pharmaceutical company 制药公司previous adj. 以前的,在先的disastrous fall 损失惨重的一跌reach the highest level 达到最高水平rise/ increase/ improve /ascend/ go up/ move up/ mount up 上升soar 飙升fall/ drop/ decrease/ decline/ descend/ go down下降stay stable/ steady/ the same 保持平稳level off 持平recover 反弹peak up 达到顶峰,最高点dramatically 喜剧地,引人注目地considerably 相当大地obviously 明显地gradually 渐渐地sharply 急剧地,明显地slightly 轻微地a little bit 一点儿6.1 Business travel 商务旅行aircraft, check-in, delay, journey, land, luggage, passenger, passport, pilot, take off, travel, trip, air traffic controller, baggage handler,check-in baggage, carry-on bag, boarding pass, board, business/ economy/ first class, flight attendant/stewardship/air-hostess/ stewardess, identity card, return/ single ticket, crew,security/ safety inspection6.2 Travel arrangements 旅行安排Manchester 曼彻斯特(英格兰西北部港口城市)Glasgow 格拉斯哥(英国城市)Bristol 布里斯托尔(英国西部的港口)London Heathrow Airport 伦敦希思罗机场Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport 巴黎戴高乐机场Lyon 里昂(法国城市)。

Types of Advertising
• What’s the product or company? • Who will most likely be interested
in the ad? • In what way is it advertised? • What’s the purpose of each ad?
Types of Advertising
From the perspective of their purpose: • Non-commercial ads (public service ads) • Commercial ads
From the perspective of their approaches:
• Billboard ads/ paper ads/ radio/ internet ads/ public LED screen/ booth/ parade/ movable exhibit vehicle etc.
Vocabulary: Types of advertising
2. Listen again and choose the best ending A, B or C for each sentence 1 – 5.
1. The speaker compares throwing adverts into the air to _______.
A. Internet advertising.
B. wasting money on advertising.

新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版第四单元答案1、If you want to be successful one day, you have to seize every _______ to realize your dream. [单选题] *A. changeB. chance(正确答案)C. chairD. check2、I don’t like playing chess. It is _______. [单选题] *A. interestingB. interestedC. boring(正确答案)D. bored3、61.How is online shopping changing our way? ? ? ? ? ? life? [单选题] *A.of(正确答案)B.inC.onD.for4、Having stayed in the United States for more than ten years, he got an American()[单选题] *A. speechB. accent(正确答案)C. voiceD. sound5、This is not our house. lt belongs to _____. [单选题] *A. the Turners'B. the Turners(正确答案)C. Turner'sD. Turners6、Just use this room for the time being ,and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available [单选题] *A. as soon as(正确答案)B unless .C as far asD until7、100.The bus can ______ you to the Great Wall. [单选题] *A.leaveB.take(正确答案)C.changeD.spend8、In the past, Mary _______ listening to music in her spare time. [单选题] *A. will likeB. likesC. likeD. liked(正确答案)9、55.There is a ________ on in the bookshop. Let's go to buy some books. [单选题] * A.movieB.matchC.sale(正确答案)D.concert10、Experts are making an investigation on the spot. They want to find a way to()the tower. [单选题] *A. Restore(正确答案)B. resumeC. recoverD. reunite11、She _______ love cats, but one attacked her and she doesn’t like them anymore. [单选题]*A. got used toB. was used toC. was used forD. used to(正确答案)12、--_______ do you have to do after school?--Do my homework, of course. [单选题] *A. What(正确答案)B. WhenC. WhereD. How13、Some students are able to find jobs after graduation while _____will return to school for an advanced degree. [单选题] *A. otherB. anotherC. others(正确答案)D. the other14、For the whole period of two months, there _____ no rain in this area. Now the crops are dead [单选题] *A. isB. wasC. has been(正确答案)D. have been15、Both Mary and Linda don't care for fish. [单选题] *A. 喜欢(正确答案)B. 关心C. 照料D. 在乎16、She passed me in the street, but took no()of me. [单选题] *Attention (正确答案)B. watchC. careD. notice17、There ______ a football match and a concert this weekend.()[单选题] *A. isB. haveC. will be(正确答案)D. will have18、I have a _____ every day to keep fit. [单选题] *A. three thousand meter walkB. three-thousands-meters walkC.three-thousand-meters walkD. three-thousand-meter walk(正确答案)19、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a _____. [单选题] *A. message(正确答案)B. letterC. sentenceD. notice20、20.Sometimes it often rains ________ in my hometown in summer. [单选题] * A.heavyB.hardlyC.heavily(正确答案)D.strongly21、13.—Will you come to my party?—I am not ________ . [单选题] *A.mindB.sure(正确答案)C.happyD.Sorry22、I have only two tickets for TF Boys’concert. ______ you ______ he can go with me.()[单选题] *A. Either; or(正确答案)B. Either; norC. Both; andD. Not only; but also23、3.Shanghai is my hometown. It’s ________ China. [单选题] *A.nearB.far away fromC.to the east ofD.in the east of(正确答案)24、We got up early this morning and took a long walk after breakfast. We walked _____ the business section of the city. [单选题] *A. amongB. betweenC. through(正确答案)D. upon25、As soon as he _______, he _______ to his family. [单选题] *A. arrived, writesB. arrived, writtenC. arrived, wrote(正确答案)D. arrives, write26、At half past three she went back to the school to pick him up. [单选题] *A. 等他B. 送他(正确答案)C. 抱他D. 接他27、—______? —Half a kilo.()[单选题] *A. How much are theyB. How much is itC. How much would you like(正确答案)D. How many would you like28、No writer will be considered()of the name until he writes a work. [单选题] *A. worthlessB. worthy(正确答案)C. worthwhileD. worth29、Wang Dong usually gets up at 6:00 _______ he can catch the early school bus. [单选题] *A. as ifB. so that(正确答案)C. untilD. after30、It is important for us _______ English well. [单选题] *A. learnB. learningC. to learn(正确答案)D. learned。

新编剑桥商务英语高级第三版高级教材答案(总35页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除新编剑桥商务英语高级第三版高级教材答案Page 6 and 73Answers1 retire2 joined3 reward4 laid off5 trained6 leave7 recruits8 flexible9 temporary10 day off5Answers1 employment (also employer, employee)2 promotion (also promoter)3 retirement (also retiree)4 resignation5 training (also trainer, trainee)6 recruitment (also recruiter)7 application (also applicant)8 dismissal9 pay (also payment)10 reward9Answers1 not interested in working hard2 people in their twenties3 getting what you want as soon as you demand it4 parents and colleges who overprotect and spoil young people5 your generation gave us everything we wanted6 to work very hard for you7 to sit quietly in a little officePage 8 and 91Answers+ gerund (-ing) + to + infinitive (to do)be good at plan/intend/aimbe worth failhave trouble/difficulty be reluctantsucceed in hope/expectthink about/consider manageenjoy decideavoid haveinvolve be willing/preparedbe used to/accustomed to2Possible answers1 to take up a new sport.2 persuading people to do things.3 researching the company.4 solving technical problems.5 understanding native speakers.6 to answer all my emails.7 renting a caravan in France.8 to take on more responsibility.9 doing things as others want them done.10 to do their own job properly.5AnswersTask One1 E2 F3 B4 G5 ATask Two6 A7 B8 D9 E 10 GPage 10 and 111Answers1 employee2 applicant3 interviewee4 job seeker5 participant6 graduate2Possible answers1 This applicant is very confident, perhaps over confident and his/her claims are not backed up by evidence.2 This applicant seems to have the appropriate skills and experience, but what happened to his/her own company If he/she is so successful why is he/she looking for work in another company Didhe/she go bankrupt What type of company was it3 This candidate appears to be well qualified and seems modest, but reliable.3Possible answers (these are subjective and open to discussion)Necessary:1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17Optional:5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 185Answers1 with2 would (should or must also possible)3 all4 not5 that6 against/tackling/onPage 12 and 131Answers1 The ship made for port because of severe weather conditions but hit some rocks near the coast.2 Three including this one.3 Suggested answer: Reasonable well. He explains the cause clearly and tries to put the accident in context.2Answers1 So, can you tell me2 is it?3 what are you intending4 Do you think that5 isn’t it?4Answers1 where you have worked before2 (that) you are an ambitious person?3 (that)you’ve gone as far as you can in your present job?4 who our main customers are?5Answers1 You’re married, are n’t you?2 You can’t start tomorrow, can you?3 You’ve only worked for smaller companies, haven’t you?4 You managed to find our offices easily, didn’t you?5 This is your first real job, isn’t it?6 You’d be able to work part-time, wouldn’t you?Page 14 and 152Answers1 C2 C3 E4 A5 B6 D7 A8 EPage 16 and 172AnswersLondon-subsidiaryLille-main plantSt Denis-R&D divisionCompiegne-warehousesParis-headquartersNantes, Lyon, Toulouse-sales officesFrankfurt, Milan, Madrid-sales offices3Answers1 A sales office is part of the company’s main sales department, but located in another town or country. A subsidiary operates as an independent company even though it is mainly or wholly owned by the parent company.2 A warehouse is a building where goods or raw materials are stored and from which they are distributed. A plant is a place of production (either manufacturing, assembly or packing).3 The headquarters are the main offices of the company where the top management and general administration work. A division is a branch of a company responsible for one particular business activity (eg a motor manufacturer might have an automobile division and a truck division).4Answers1 took over2 expand3 set up4 go public5 went out of business6 made…redundant7 shut down8 sold off5Answers1 People are laid off for economic reasons, ie the company doesn’t have enough work for them. People are fired because their work or behaviour is unsatisfactory.2 Often the difference can be academic, but a take over is what happens when a larger company buys a smaller company and a merger is when two similar sized companies join together.3 Organic growth refers to natural expansion through the growth of sales; non-organic generally refers to growth by acquisition.6Answers1 F2 E3 G4 B5 A6 C7Possible answersOracle has chosen to expand by making acquisitions, sometimes of big companies with quite different skills.SAP grows mare organically and when it makes acquisitions they are smaller and more closely related to what they already do.SAP’S long-term strategy is to increase sales to medium-sized companies and to develop a platform for all its applications.Page 18 and 191Answers1 past continuous-used to describe a background event to a more important event, eg I was working at my desk when my boss came in to the room.2 simple past (passive)-used to describe events in the past: either single events or events in sequence, egThere was a knock at the door. I called ‘come in’ but no one replied.3 present perfect-used to describe either very recent past actions with a strong impact on the present or things which started in the past and are continuing now.4 past perfect-used to refer to a time earlier in the past than the main sequence of events or, as in the example here, in reported speech.5 used to (+ infinitive)-describes habits or routines that are no longer true now.6 past simple2Answers1 came2 was working3 was4 returned (or used to return, would return)5 used to hack (or hack if used to return used in 4)6 had hacked7 received8 opened9 was10 wanted11 saw12 was13 has employed14 have helped15 was taking/had taken16 gave5Answers1 He thinks that some will find opportunities in the newly merged company, some will leave, others will find it difficult to adapt.2 He is resigned. He repeats several times how sad he is, but says although he tried his best to find a ‘different conclusion’ it was not possible.Page 20 and 211AnswersOracle is a more stressful company to work in, but people can earn a lot of money. PeopleSoft was a more caring company, but people had a lot of responsibility put on them. Also they didn’t earn much money until they had established themselves.2Answers1 B2 A3 A4 C5 A6 B4Answers1 stockbrokers2 restaurants3 banks4 oil companiesPage 22 and 231Answers1 a large toy retailer (listed on the Stock Exchange)2 sales are flat and the share price has fallen by 2%2Answers1 not going to achieve the 20% growth target2 share price will fall as a result3 grow sales by an acquisition instead4 look for a medium-sized, well-established business; not necessarily toys, but in the leisure retail sector; report back in a monthPage 24 and 251Answers1 H2 D3 B4 C5 E6 A7 F8 GPage 26 and 272AnswersVerbs which should be deleted:1 do2 put up3 make4 tell5 carry out6 run7 put out8 publish9 make5Answers1 E2 D3 E4 B5 C6 C7 B8 APage 28 and 292Possible answers1 Make a speech/presentation at a farewell party2 Run a big TV and press advertising campaign3 Circulate a memo and publish a newsletter4 Run advertisements in the press5 Issue a press release and hold a news conference6 Post information about the job on relevant Internet sites, eg University websites, place an advertisement in the local/national press3Answers1 request2 reminder3 proposal4 announcement5 apology6 demand4Answers1 to work2 creating3 Correct4 meeting/that we meet5 to give6 tell you7 Correct8 of keeping9 to give10 that there would be11 for trying12 Correct5AnswersPersuade + someone + to doUrgeConvincePromise + to dothreatenundertakeadmit + doingdenycriticize + someone + for doingpraiseblamesuggest + doing/ + that someone should do proposerecommend6Possible answers1 that we send/sending2 about having to wait so long/about the food3 changing the colour of the walls4 to promote her/to give her a pay rise5 to finish it6 to check the orders7 of misleading peoplePage 30 and 313Answers1 The engineer hasn’t turned up to repair the customer’s line at his office.2 The engineer can come at 6 o’clock this evening or tomorrow morning at 9am (the operator also suggests that if it is tomorrow morning, incoming calls can be diverted to the customer’s mobile phone in the meantime).3 The customer accepts the second option.4Answers1 do apologise to2 ’ll look into it3 come straight back4 Would that be5 quite…that case6 ’ll see…bear with me7 acceptable to you8 ’d like toPage 32 and 332Answers1 I will2 I would like3 I will not know4 I cannot help…I am afraid5 It’s been…I’ve seen6 I’d have…I’d known7 I shouldn’t be…they’re late8 You mustn’t do3Answers1 however-but2 nevertheless-still’3 consequently-so4 owing to-because of5 moreover-what’s more6 following-after7 since-because8 besides-anywayPage 34 and 351AnswersAccept any answer that falls into the following categories:1 a date, eg 19822 a government department, eg Trade3 a certain group of people, eg graduates4 qualifications, eg previous experience5 do/have something, eg work as part of a team, have knowledge of selling6 to someone, eg the recruitment officer7 a date, eg 4th July2Answers1 20042 (any) government funding3 professionalise the industry4 one day5 personal lives6 (to) achieve their goals7 forward8 past mistakes9 job satisfaction10 £70 per hour11 considerable experience12 by text messagePage 36 and 373Answers1 unique2 competitive3 emotional4 added5 after-sales6 maker7 prospective4Possible answers1 ‘That’s OK. We can arrange credit finance.’2 ‘We can order a black one, but there is a lot of demand so you will need to pay a 10% deposit.’3 ‘After a couple of months you will wonder how you ever lived without them.’4 ‘I think I should at least reserve it in your name in case anyone else tries to buy it.’5 ‘I think you are the sort of person who imposes their image on the car, not the other way round.’7Answers1 First speaker (Sarah): financial softwareSecond speaker (Dale): cosmetics or bathroomProducts (‘deodorants’)2 First speaker (Sarah): uses a technique called ‘relationship selling’, ie develops relationship slowly, is cooperative, honest, not pushySecond speaker (Dale): direct, persuasive, tells jokes and anecdotes, goes straight to the decision maker3 First speaker (Sarah): builds trust, people know what they are buying BUT takes time and sometimes no saleSecond speaker (Dale): gets results and is efficient BUT for some it could be too pushy8Answers1 strong, reliability2 technique3 prospect’s4 suited5 hard-sell6 perceived7 sustain8 buyer9 average10 move11 favourable9Possible answersPage 38 and 393Answers1 B2 C3 A4 A5 C6 B7 APage 40 and 411Answers1 present perfect (could be continuous or simple)2 past simple3 present continuous4 future perfect5 simple present6 present perfect (could be continuous or simple)7 will (future simple or continuous)8 past simple9 will (future simple or continuous)2Answers1 Over the past ten years2 Up to now3 A few years ago (also possible During the 80s)4 During the 1980s (also possible A few year ago)5 Sooner or latter (also possible In the next five years)6 By the year 20507 Nowadays4Answers1 raise2 risen3 fallen4 reduce5Answers1 increase, put up2 increased, gone up, soared3 gone down, decreased, dropped, collapsed4 cut, decrease, lower (drop also possible)Page 42 and 432Answers1 fluctuating (varying)2 recovered (bounced back)3 peak4 because of (as a result of, down to, owing to)5 it meant (had the effect)6 During (In)7 levelled off8 slightly (marginally)9 as much as10 led to (meant)11 decreased (declined, dropped, went down)4Answers1 average growth in sales over the last two years and the relatively stable state of the market2 the launch of the new slow-release version of the drug3 Bayer having distribution problem4 just a seasonal factor5 the launch campaign of the new version of the drugPage 44 and 451AnswersStudents should pick out these main facts:Over the period 1980 to 2020 there is a steady rise in the number of cars from about 10 cars per 100 people to 16 cars per 100 people. The population in the same period more or less doubles to nearly 8 billion.The probable consequences are a lot more congestion and pollution3Answers1 It has three paragraphs:The first paragraph is an introduction (saying what the graph represents and what period it relates to).The second describes the development and trends.The third offers some general conclusions that can be drown from the information presented.2 The developments are not described in year-by-year or month-by-month detail, but in more general terms.Page 46 and 472Answers1 owe2 lend3 invoiced4 bet5 invest6 withdraw7 do8 save9 do10 repay3Answers1 You earn money from your work; you win money in a game, eg in a lottery; you make money from any kind of business deal or investment.2 Lend and borrow are like give and take.3 Wasting money is spending it in an unprofitable or unnecessary way.4 You can say How much does it cost when something is for sale; when you say How much is it worth, it is a question about an item’s value (ie it is not for sale).6Possible answers1 a noun phrase/something2 date/historical event3 a noun phrase/something/’education’4 a noun phrase/something5 adjective6 adverb or’ to some one’7 a noun phrase/something8 clause with subject and verb9 verb in infinitive form10 number or adjective11 a noun phrase/something12 adverb or prepositional phrase7Answers1 credit and dept2 the Great Depression3 college4 mortgage5 low6 irresponsibly7 down-payment8 economic growth continues9 save (their) money10 $12 trillion/twelve trillion dollars11 a time-bomb12 indefinitely9Answers1 to borrow more money against the value of your house when you have already done so once2 to put a deposit or first instalment on something before paying the full amount3 the value of people’s properties will fall suddenly4 when your debts are greater than your assets5 64,000,000,000,000 (one million million) dollarsPage 48 and 491Answers1 more comfortable…than2 the biggest…(in)3 not as expensive as4 the same…as5 different…to (note that from is also possible with different)6 similar to7 less…than8 twice as much…as2Answers1 much/far more comfortable…than2 by far the biggest…(in)3 not nearly as expensive as4 exactly the same…as5 completely different…to6 very similar to7 much/far less…than8 over twice as much…as4Answers1 by2 not3 than4 far/much5 nearly/almost6 exactly/practically/precisely7 at8 mostPage 50 and 512Answers1 income and expenditure2 assets and liabilities3 gross and net4 current and long-term (eg debt)5 profit and loss6 dividends and retained profit7 creditor and debtor8 accounts payable and receivable9 profitable and unprofitable3Answers1 assets2 liabilities3 fixed4 debtors5 payable6 loss7 expenditure8 profitable9 net10 dividends4Answers1 the first place you should go to2 literally a photograph, in other words, just a picture of a company’s finances at a particular point in time3 in a particular length of time4 what ultimately matters or is most important, ie in business, the bottom line is the profit5 make some basic calculations5Answers1 the turnover = total revenue (39,454.00)2 the profit made after tax = net income (1570.00)3 the value of the company = total equity (= total assets lesstotal liabilities) (9,380.00)4 the cash still available after other investments = net change in cash (181.00)Page 52 and 531Answers1 sugar2 telephone3 vehicle insurance4 heating5 production workers6 lab equipment7 free samples8 bank charges2Answers1 labour costs (the wage bill), material costs, advertising expenditure, administrative costs, overheads (energy bill)2 labour costs3Answers1 I’d recommend2 see, What about3 Instead of, could4 (I have thought about this a lot and) for me5 advantage, would6 I hear, mightPage 54 and 552AnswersB politician3AnswersC …if we just hold on a bit, then sooner or later another solution will present itself.4AnswersTask One1 B2 E3 H4 G5 DTask Two6 F7 G8 D9 A 10 Bpages 56 and 574Answers1 He paid very quickly.2 The item was well protected in the packaging it was posted in and its condition was as new.3 The transaction was done without wasting time or money and the item was delivered quickly.4 The seller didn’t send the item immediately.5 The transaction took place without any problem.6 Not to be trusted or depended upon. The items did not fit the description.7 The item had some surface damage.8 The goods were damaged in the post.9 Be careful / Warning. Seller didn’t have the camera ready to send.6Possible answers1 b2 Mainly a, but also b if the hospital’s budget is tight.3 Mainly a – reliability is the most important factor.4 b – there will be a lot of other suppliers competing on price for this business.5 a – reliability / quality is the most important factor.7AnswersMostly A:You want to co-operate at all times with your suppliers. But be careful: not everyone in business is as nice and trusting as you are. Mostly B:You are a principled person who looks for the win-win situation in deals.Mostly C:You’re a tough customer! There are no such things as friends for you in business, especially among your suppliers.pages 58 and 593Answers1 out2 their3 that4 which5 than6 into7 as8 such9 this10 may / might4Possible answers- The government could legislate to fix payment terms between suppliers and the supermarkets.- The suppliers could form an alliance and threaten not to supply the supermarkets until they improve their payment terms.- Suppliers and consumer associations could generate badpublicity for the supermarkets about this situation.5Answers1 People wanting to use small local shops…2 The supermarkets accused of unfair competition…3 The companies dominating the market…4 The money spent at Tesco…5 Suppliers not accepting these terms…6 The goods bought by consumers…7 Suppliers unable to wait a long time for payment…6Possible answers- availability of the products- price- delivery time- quality of the products- frequency at which new products or product lines are added to the range- payment terms7Answers1 C The Klik laminate flooring has been going really well here… Customers really love it.2 A what would really help is more seasonal discounting.3 A it’s very difficult for us to have a policy with you that’s different from all our other customer.4 B It’s quite often the case that you don’t have exactly what we want in stock.5 C It’s not really a problem of our own making. It’s a result of shortages in raw material and delays further up the supply chain.6 B it’s a sensitive product to transport and store7 C If they cant’ get what they want exactly when they want it, they’ll go elsewhere.pages 60 and 611Answers1 D2 E3 G4 A5 B6 I7 F8 H2Answers1 have been2 promises3 was4 seemed5 broke6 had got (also possible must have got)7 have tried8 will be9 am keeping10 have I wantedpages 62 and 632Answers1 ’ll call back2 ’ll just get a pen3 ’ll put you4 ’ll get back to you5 ’ll make sure she gets6 ’ll just check7 ’ll see if she’s8 ’ll look forward3Answers1 supplier2 supplier3 customer4 supplier5 customer6 customer7 supplierpage 651Answers1 sincerely2 for3 in4 Following / Regarding5 As6 of7 order8 it9 grateful10 hesitate11 againpage 676AnswersTask one1 C he takes on too much.. he spreads himself very thin, when he could hand more work out to others2 H Cheryl’s not particularly brilliant3 G he can be rude and too direct4 D he doesn’t take on board what you are saying; he… takes it for granted that everyone has reached the same point in their thinking that he has5 B … sh e’s a maverick, a kind of a loner; she’s difficult to get on with and doesn’t have the company’s interests at heart Task Two6 F he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty7 H is very good at getting everyone working in the most efficient way8 B you can’t deny that he gets the most out of his staff9 C he’s… clever, and he has lots of great ideas and vision10 G She gives us a lot of praise; we get... 100% loyalty and encouragementAnswers1 He will do more menial jobs if they need to be done.2 Likes to be in control of every little detail (almost to the point of obsession); cannot delegate easily.3 Tries to do too many things at the same time.4 Challenges you (verbally).5 Doesn’t take account of the arguments or suggestions you present.6 To have a good relationship with.7 The company’s interests are not her principal concern.pages 68 and 691Answers1 Too involved with the detail to be able to see the wider picture.Answers1 Triple Bottom Line2 environmental3 strongly linked4 government5 pressure6 reducing pollution7 on the workforce8 walk the talk9 stakeholders10 audits11 their actions12 financial results4Answers1 to make2 breaking3 crying4 doing, doing5 to be6 to be7 criticising8 to learn9 to walk10 diggingPossible answersAll these expressions take to + the gerund. Note that the structure to get used to + gerund is used to mean ‘become accustomed to’.1 to supporting local community projects.2 to taking off your shoes when you enter someone’s house.3 to going on holiday.4 to paying such a high price.pages 82 and 831Answers1 what is in the document which lists the points to be discussed at the meeting2 taking notes on what is said3 take a break4 in charge of / running5 summarise6 interrupt (quite informal)7 go to he next point8 has more expertise on this subject2Answers1 participant2 chairperson3 chairperson4 participant5 chairperson6 participant7 chairperson8 participant3Answers1 C2 B or A*3 D4 E5 A6 B or A*7 EAnswersbribery 3insider dealing 4breach of confidence 7theft 5misselling 6pages 84 and 851C is the correct answer21 B account – It’s the only word that takes the preposition for. Explain fits in meaning, but not grammatically (it is not followed by a preposition. How do we explain the large…).2 D held – This is just a question of collocation. The expression is to be held responsible. The expression with take is to take responsibility for.3 A scale – In this case it is the preposition before the noun which determines the answer, ie on a large scale. With extent and degree the preposition would be to – ie to such an extent, to such a degree.3Answers1 B2 A3 D4 A5 D6 B7 D8 D9 A10 Apages 86 and 872AnswersSimilar quality Negative quality1 practical impractical (also bulky)2 clever unwieldy3 state-of-the-art old-fashioned4 inexpensive over-priced5 dependable erratic6 efficient poor7 innovative unoriginal8 fast time-consuming9 up-market basic10 small bulky6Answers1 at2 of3 in4 at5 to6 with7 in8 on9Answers1 C I’d rather be selling a neat solution to an unsolved problem.2 B He was on holiday for two weeks and had no-one… he felt he could ask to look after his plants.3 B it allows you… to deliver exactly the amount of water indicated in the plant care instructions.4 A This is a product that will appeal to everyone… Plant-carer is… aimed at the mass market5 C It has the capability to transform this companypages 88 and 893Answers1 D creating an innovative product… is not sufficient. It’s sustaining that difference that is really the key2 C This doesn’t necessarily mean product innovation.3 A Managers who think that innovation is a passport to greater market share… are fooling themselves.4 E Your innovation is only a good one if customers respond to it and take it up.5 D all to often they lack the courage to see them through…you do need to be incredibly bold.6 A there is no correlation between the amount… spent on R&D and the innovative success of an organization.7 B The real driver of innovation is growing market competition8 B If that comes about by a 1% investment of revenue in R&D, then good luck to the company. If it takes 10%... that is fine, too.4Answers1 B2 D3 A4 C5 Epages 90 and 912Answers1 stumbling (a stumbling block)2 scratch (to start from scratch)3 wheel (to reinvent the wheel)4 plain (to be plain sailing)5 spiralled (to spiral out of control)6 teething (to have teething problems)7 ground (to find some middle ground)8 shaped (to go pear-shaped)3AnswersThe meanings of the phrases are as follows1 an obstacle2 begin at the very beginning3 create something that has already been created4 progressing without any difficulties5 gone up and up without apparent limits6 inevitable problems that you get when you implement something new (ie you expect these problems –they’re normal)7 compromise8 goes wrong5Possible answers1 We would be prepared to move a little on (the) price if you (could) increase your order.。

4.1 Advertising
Types of advertising
Advertising on the web
A short presentation
Advertising standards
Vocabulary: Types of advertising
Types of advertising
Types of advertising mailshots TV commercials word of mouth brochures sample newspaper adverts banners Advantages quick to deliver memorable and can be fun you trust this form most give you more time to study information people can test before buying read by many you can target a market by choice of website very cheap to produce and deliver Disadvantages not seen for long people remember the advert but not the product people can also spread bad news expensive to produce and send out to your target market expensive read quickly or ignored they disappear quickly people delete them before reading
高级商务英语4 Unit 1 Key 答案

Unit 1Business EthicsLead-in1.Discussion1)Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involvessystematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. In philosophy, ethics studies the moral behavior in humans, and how one should act.2)Ethics to consider in business:1) Ethics about business input:This involves ethics in gaining resources, forinstance purchasing equipments, r aising fund, recruiting staff…2) Ethics about business process:This involves ethical practice in R&D,production, administration, finance, marketing, HR management, logistics…3) Ethics about business output:This involves ethical practice in providingquality products, service, etc and dealing with waste properly and protecting environment.2.A Mini Case1)The local people claimed three things: a) There’s a decrease in the amount ofwater available to them and Coca-Cola was to blame; b) Their livelihood has been destroyed since the building of the plant; c) the number of people working on the land has dropped considerably.2)Coca-Cola claimed that its waste sludge was a useful fertilizer.3)Coca-Cola claimed that the reports were scurrilous. Its response was veryarrogant and offensive.Text AOnly the Ethical SurviveExercisesI.Reading Comprehension1.Determine whether the following statements are true or false based on theinformation you get from the text. Write a T for true, an F for false, and an NGfor not given.1) F 2) T 3) NG 4) T 5) T 6) NG 7) T 8) T2. Discuss the following questions with your partner.1)Management should be ethical in making decisions. Price reasonably. Do notexploit the labor force. Produce quality products. Be ethical while pursuing profit.Encourage ethical behaviors and gain support from staff.2)Research hints: KFC’s ―Sudan Red‖ crisis; Siemens’ bribery scandal;Coca-Cola’s Poisoning Orange Juice; Toyota’s product recall, etc.II.Blank-fillingplete the following sentences with the words or phrases given in the box.Change the form when necessary.1) levy 2) Peer 3) hires 4) were thrust5) accountability 6) instinct 7) subnormal 8) manuals2.Find the synonyms for the words or phrases in the brackets from the text and fillin the blanks with the proper forms of the words you’ve found.1) remedy 2) aligned 3) anonymous 4) policing5) emulate 6) analogy 7) override 8) ubiquitousIII.Paraphrasing1.Rewrite the following sentences with the words or phrases given in the brackets,keeping the meaning unchanged.1)In fact, it is what the management actually does that decides a company’sculture because staff would imitate and follow their leaders’ behavior.2)Employees need to know that those people who have behaved ethically shouldbe recognized and promoted by the company, though it may mean extra expense in the short run. In contrast, those who have demonstrated unethical behavior will be dismissed or be held responsible for their behavior in certain ways.3)Instead of fixing the current problem, they recalled all products, not just thosein the area where the problem took place, and then they launched the fake product prevention seal which is omnipresent now. Accordingly, they continued to get greater market share and higher customer loyalty.4)Wiles was famous for his effective concentration of the company business onfive key objectives each quarter and for his persistent pursuit of the five goals.He encouraged staff to try every means to accomplish their goals.5)If employees do not trust their leaders, they would prioritize their individualinterest. As a result, there’ll be huge cost in poor operation, company disorder, and in restructuring.2.Rewrite the following sentences in your own words.1)Staff sometimes will protect top managers or even forgive them for theirunethical behavior because it would be destructive if they leave the company.However, the fact is that company leaders should stick to highest standards of ethics.2)If the original company who charges extraordinarily high price had started tooperate more ethically with an average rate of return, then it would not suffer greater cost (losses or even being wiped out of the industry) unless it works efficiently (which is almost impossible).3)At the beginning, Wiles’ strategy helped improve company performance,boost sales and gain market-share. However, as there’s more pressure to achieve the objectives at any expense, staff began to behave carelessly with improper behaviors.4)At first, Intel did not admit the problem, causing both financial losses andreputation losses for the company. Yet Intel finally took the right approach and solved the problem with a relatively mild cost. In fact, very few Pentium processors were returned.5)Due to the omnipresent, prompt and unidentified communication provided bythe Internet, excessive unethical practices can be easily found and spread at low cost or even no cost.IV.Translation1.Sentence Translation1)当然,每个员工要对自己的行为负责。

AmbitionPerri Klass[Lead in][1] In college, my friend Beth was very ambitious, not only for herself but for her friends. She was interested in foreign relations, in travel, in going to law school. “I plan to be Secretary of State someday,”she would say matter-of-factly. One mutual friend was studying literature, planning to go to graduate school; he would be the Chairman of the Yale English department. Another friend was interested in political journalism and would somedayedit Time magazine. I was a biology major. And I was interested in writing fiction. we were all smart-ass (自作聪明的滑头) college freshmen, pretending the world was ours. We were smart college freshmen, and why should we limit our ambitions?在大学, 我的朋友贝丝是非常有野心的, 不仅为自己, 也为她的朋友。
"我计划有朝一日成为国务卿," 她说得很实事求是。
我们一个共同的朋友在学习文学, 计划去研究生院;他将成为耶鲁大学英语系的系主任。
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The art of sellingSelling1What do these quotations suggest are the qualities of a successful salesmen?‘Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.’'People don't buy for logical reason. They buy for emotional reasons.''Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street’.'People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily.'‘The complaining customer represent a huge opportunity for more business.'Zig Ziglar , author of Secrets of Closing the Sale2Have you ever sold anything? Do you consider yourself to be good at selling?Why?/Why not?3Complete this short article about the importance of selling using the words given below.There is so much competition in the market place today, particularly (0) price competition, that it is unusual for a seller to be able to find a (1)___selling point or a(2)___advantage with which to convince the customer. Instead he has to rely on using(3)___ benefits and/or giving (4)___value to the customer through (5) ___service. This makes the job of the seller all the more Important. What he has to do is identify the real decision (6)___in the buying process and then act quickly on a buying signal.A buying signal la when the (7)__customer gives a sign to the seller that he is open to being sold the product or service.4Look at these statements by different prospective buyers of a car. Imagine you are the sales person at a car dealer's dealing with them. What would you say or do next to try to close the sale.1 'I really like the car, but it's a bit outside my budget’.2 It's got everything I want, but silver is not the colo r I had in mind’.3 I’m really confused about all these ext ra options - I just wanted to buy acar, not a spaceship!'4 'Thank you for your time. I'm going to go away and think about it’.5 'I've always had VW, I don't know if this car suits my image.'Sales techniques5Work with your partner. Make a list of the main reasons for a customer deciding not to buy a product or service.6Compare your answer with Zig Ziglar’s on page 127.7 4.1 Listen to an extract from a radio series At Work where people talk about their working experiences. In this programme two sales people describe their approach to selling.1What are they selling?2What is the approach of each?3What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?8 Look at these extracts from the programme and complete the gaps .Listenagain to check your answers.1 Competition is a ______-not necessarily price competition, because in our sector , quality, ____and service are far more important factors.2 We use a sales___ that's called 'relationship selling’.3 We spend a lot of time getting to know each ____individual needs.4 I have to freely admit to people that our products may not be best___ to their particular needs.5 I'd much prefer to be doing that than using some ___technique.6 In my line of business, it's all about___ b enefits.7 It’s difficult t o ___any kind of technical competitive advantage for long.8 I deal only with the decision maker, who’s generally a ___for a chain of stores.9 ... the most expensive options, because this increases our __sales.10 As soon as I get a buying signal from them.... I_ __in and close the sale...11 ... by discussing quantities required, special delivery arrangement , ___payment terms.• cost• mass or niche (targeted advertising)•reach (how many see it)• success rateAdvertising trends1Read the headline on page 39 and predict what the article will say about advertising trends.2Read the text quickly. Were you correct in your prediction? Do you agree with the author’s analysis?3Study the text again to find the best answer(A,B,C or D) to each question.1According to the author changers are occurring inA the types of television programme we watch.B the way people, especially young people, access videoC the way televisions are made.D the amount of programmes that are recorded.22005 was a significant year for television in the UK becauseA it was the year Internet use overtook television viewing.B spending on TV advertising declined.C viewing figures peaked and started to decline.D the 16 to 24 age group watched more television than before.3In the future, big global companies willA move away from TV to alternative advertising media.B still use television to establish their brands.C try to target their advertisements more precisely.D return to non-broadcast methods like direct mailing.4The growing use of PVRs means that television viewersA skip through the advertisements without looking at themB are exposed to a bigger range of advertisementsC can get advertising on demand.D can pause and rewind advertisements5The other growing area of opportunity for advertisers isA outdoor advertisingB ice dancing.C big live sporting eventsD football6The trend for on-demand viewing of programmesA represents a big threat for advertisersB means advertisers will spend a lot of money to reach a clear target audienceC will challenge search-based advertising on the InternetD will increase agencies advertising revenues7Advertisers in the future will ask their agencies to attract the youngA with arrange of new Internet-based mediaB with more friendly messagesC through chat roomsD using computer virusesTHE AD REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISEDAmong most advertisers, agencies and media companies there is a growing consensus that the old broadcast models of advertising are being eroded by the march of technology and that new models will have to be found to promote their products.Consider the growing ubiquity of broadband access and the digital revolution that is fragmenting television viewing across hundreds of channels. Then combine those trends with the upsurge in personal video recorder technology (PVR) and the tendency for younger viewers to watch less TV in favor of sharing their own words, pictures, music and movies online.In the UK, television viewing fell in 2005 for the first time in the medium’s history. The decline was most pronounced among those aged 16 to 24. In the US, where broadband penetration is even more widespread, those under 25 now spend more time on the Internet than watching television. The effect of these changing media habits is now having a material effect on advertising spending.But according to Neil Jones of media agency, Carat UK, and others at the sharp end, big companies like Coca Cola and Unilever are actively reducing the amount they spend on television in favour of boosting their Internet budgets and so-called ‘direct response’ advertising –anything from online viral ads to traditional mail campaigns.Unilever, the consumer goods giant, has said that during the last five years around a fifth of its £300m ad budget was shifted out of television and into outdoor posters, online advertising and sponsorship, such as Flora’s long-running association with the London Marathon. Meanwhile, the PVR effect is starting to make its presence felt now that the devices, which allow viewers to easily record shows as well as pause and rewind live TV, are in a meaningful number of homes. Over 1.3 million people now use the technology, with the majority fast forwarding through adverts on recorded shows.Increased broadband penetration and download speed are only likely to accelerate the trend for on-demand viewing. Channel 4 chief executive Andy Duncan recently forecast that by 2016 ‘the majority of all programmes will be consumed in an on-demand way, whether through personal video recorders or video-on-demand over the Internet’. As the boom in search-based advertising on the Internet has proved, if advertisers are sure that they are accurately, targeting a receptive audience they will pay a huge premium. Meanwhile event television, which viewers will tune on to watch live, and could be anything from the World Cup to Dancing on Ice will become increasingly vital.As a result of these trends the amount spent on traditional television advertising on the main channels is declining, while the amount spent on the web is booming. Advertising experts are agreed that brands will increasingly have to engage with individual consumers rather than hoping to catch their attention with traditional catch-all ads.Advertisers are demanding a more holistic view from their agencies, asking them to consider how to tap into younger consumers via blogs, social networking sites, advertiser-funded content and viral advertising. The latter, which involves making branded messages so engaging and interesting that web users feel compelled to send them on to friends, has come of age during the past two years. ‘We’re seei ng a new wave of interest because brands are looking for new forms of media and new marketing techniques,’ says Will Jeffery, Managing Director of viral advertising agency Maverick.In the short term, Hassell , director at digital agency Ralph, believes that advertisers will increasingly release adverts on the Internet first as a means of creating a buzz around a particular clipTenses and time phrases2 A few years ago …3 At the moment...4 By the year 2050 …5 Nowadays...6 Over the past ten years...7 In the next five years...8 During the I980s...9 Sooner or later...2 Use the appropriate time phrase from exercise 1 to complete each sentence.1 _____we have seen a gradual reduction in working hours.2 _____no-one has found a satisfactory solution to the problem of the ageing population.3 _____watching television was more popular among younger age groups than using the Internet.4 _____the advertising industry enjoyed a boom.5 _____the economy will begin to recover from its recent6 _____global temperatures will have risen by 3℃.7 _____politicians pay too much attention to presentation of their policies and too little attention to their substance.3 Write some sentences of your own using the time phrases from exercise 1.■Transitive and intransitive verbs4 Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.1 The government is going to rise /raise the school leaving age from 16 to 17.2 The price of oil has risen / raised again.3 Sales have reduced /fallen in the last two months.4 You will have to reduce/fall the price to attract ordinary working people. What are the grammatical differences between the pairs of words?your country.1 house prices2 the gap between rich and poor3 taxes4 the cost of living in generaIn the field7 As a sales rep for a medium-sized Italian company, you are visiting shops and department stores in Denmark to persuade them to sock your designer lamps. •Work with a partner. Take the roles of sales rep and buyer for a shop. Look at the situations below and plan what each will say.•Act out the conversations following the example. Try to use at least one of the verbs [rise, lower, etc) in your conversation.0 The shop buyer only has a few Italian catalogues.Shop buyer: People drop into the shop all the time to pick up catalogues , but you've only sent us ten and they’re all written in Ita lian.Sales rep: We can certainly increase the number of catalogues we sent you, but until the volume of sales goes up, it's not economical to publish them in Danish.1 The buyer wants to place a small order (four or five) as a trial, but the prices are too high.2 The buyer loves the lamps, but wants a shorter delivery time on orders. Customers won't wait three to four weeks.3 The shop normally marks up prices by 100%, but in this case that will make the price to the customer too high.4 The buyer likes the lamps but feels very loyal to existing suppliers.5 The buyer needs more point-of-tale promotional material - displays, catalogues, etc.A sales report7During your sales trip to Denmark you receive the following email from yourUsing the framework below and expanding the notes in italics, write a sales report (200 words approx).SALES REPORT --DENMARK• Results(sales down 30% on last year; market generally flat)• Reasons (new Ikea store recently opened near Copenhagen ;no Danish brochures; biggest customer wants more commission 25%,has frozen orders)• Prospects (good--signs of recovery in consumer confidence ; possible contract with big hotel chain refurnishing twelve hotels)• Recommendations(get Danish brochures out; increase commissions across the board; more advertising, eg articles in lifestyle magazines)。