
[ɜ: ] [ ə] [ ʌ][ s ][θ][ f][ʃ] 1. s z双唇微张,舌尖平近上齿,气流缓出舌齿间,2. 双唇微张,舌尖平抵上齿龈冲舌成音3.圆唇微突出,舌尖微上卷近上齿龈,送气成音4.上齿轻咬下唇,气出唇齿,摩擦成音. [ tr] [ tʃ][ ts ][m] [n] [ŋ]双唇紧闭,舌尖平悬,气出鼻腔振动 双唇微开,舌尖抵上齿龈,气出鼻腔,振动 双唇张开,舌尖抵下齿龈,舌后自然升顶,气出鼻腔,英语国际音标新旧对照表[ ɪ][ ʊ][ ə][æ ]一.单元音:vowels(12个)1.[ i:] A: T ea or coffee?B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e: me be she he we evening seeee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three greenea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat clean ie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people2.[ ɪ][ i ]His little sister is sitting in themiddle.i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirtywindy rainyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Friday比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel4. seat—sit5. tree—trip6.bit—bee7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9.live—leave 10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit12. rid—read 13. street—strict 14.sleep—slip3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest.Till good is better. And better best.e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten pen ea: bread head breakfastai: again4.[ æ ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat mapCompare:1. bet--bat2. pat—pet3. bag—beg4. sat—set5. neck--lack6.sad—said 7.bad—bed8.dad—dead d—led10. fad—fed5. [:][ə:]The early bird catches the worm first.er: her serve termir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learnor: word work world6. [ə]The farmer’s sister is a doctor. er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister rulerar: sugaror:doctora:panda about above camera sofa China e: openure: picture7. [ ʌ] Come to the front on the double. o: son come colour love moneyu: sun nut jump gum us bus brushsupper duckou: touch cousin country8.[ u:]How do you do? You look really cool. o: do who whoseoo: food moon too soonui: fruit juiceu: ruler rudeou:soupoe:shoe9.[ ʊ][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really半元音/ j //w/舌侧音/ ǀ /含糊音/ ǀ /good.o:woman wolfoo:look good book foot wood classroom u:bull bullet10.[ ɔ:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer.a: wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wall callor:horse morning corn fork or shortoor:floor doorau: autumnar: warm11. [ɒ][ ɔ] The little pot is so hot.o: fox coffee dog shop dogdoctor long sorrya: watch what12.[ a:]It’s far to the farm from the park. a: grass glass class plant dancefast father last halfar: car star arm park March hard garden dark scarfau: laugh aunt ear: heart二.双元音(8个):13. [eɪ] [ ei ] Rain, rain go away.Little Johnny wants to play.a: cake make name game snake gatelazyai: rain train waitay:day May play taday wayea: great14.[ ɔɪ][ ɔi] Soybean oil is my choice.oi: oil boil coin pointoy: boy toy15.[ a ɪ][ ai ] Out of sight, out of mind.i: kite bike nice tiger write idea knifefivey: by cry fly my sky try why goodbyeie: tie pieuy: buy16. [ əʊ][əu]Go and open the window, Joe,and show me the photo.o: nose rose poem old over hellooa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowl17. [ aʊ] [au] I found a mouse in the house.ou: house mouse mouth trousers about roundow: flower cow how now down town 18. [ ɪə] [ iə ] We are near the end of the year.ear: ear hear tear yeareer: deer beerea: really19.[ e ə][εə] Where there is a will, there is a way.air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: thereeir: theirare :careful20. [ ʊə][ uə]It’s sure to be good for the tourists.oor: poorour: tour Februaryure: sure pure三.辅音Consonants (28个)[ p ] Practice makes perfect.[ b ] Barry found a big bug on her bed.[ t ] Thisis a ha t, that’s a cap.[ d ] The doorman told David to go down. [ k ] Don’t kit the kitten.[ g ] A good beginning makes a good ending. [ f ] If you buy fish, make sure it’s fresh. [ v ] Victor is very clever.[ s ] Sandy has a new swimming suit.[ z ] What size of shoes does Daisy wear? [ q ] Thank you for your table cloth.[ ð ] Those are far and these are near.[ ò ] Wash the fish, please.[ ʒ] pleasure, television[ tò ] He teaches children how to play chess. [dʒ] John likes to tell jokes.[ tr]There’re lots of trucks in the street. [dr] He likes strong drinks.[ ts] The students are wearing white shirts. [dz] Take away your dirty hands鼻音[m]May I have some milk, mum?[ n]Nora knows the new comer.[ ŋ]Lingling is listening to the song. Compare: n [ n ] ng /nk [ ŋ]in—ink sin-sing thin---thingthan—thank son---song摩擦音[ h] have hot who whole hate houseHelen holds her hands.[ r ]read write wrongAre you ready to read?舌边音[ l ] land world little middle castle puzzle What a beautiful bicycle!半元音[ w ] wall what answerThe homework every week is very hard. [ j ] yes yellow year your skirt is wet.。

新英语国际音标分类四线三 格书写

浊 /b / /d/ / g / v / ʒ / z / ð
/ /// /
轻 / / tʃ/ / / h/
辅 ts/
浊 / /dʒ/ /dr/ / r/ 辅 dz/
鼻 /m/ / n / ŋ
半 / j / /w/
舌 / ǀ / 含糊音 / ǀ /
英语国际音标音源练习 一.单元音:vowels(12个)
8.[ u:] How do you do? You look really cool.
o: do who whose oo: food moon too soon ui: fruit juice u: ruler rude
ou:soup oe:shoe
9.[ ʊ ][u] Look at the cookbook. It’s really good.
5. [:][ə:] The early bird catches the worm first.
er: her serve term ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learn or: word work world
ou: house mouse mouth trousers about round ow: flower cow how now down town
18. [ ɪə ] [ iə ] We are near the end of the year.

[ɜ:] [ə] [ʌ][s][θ][f][ʃ][tr] [tʃ][ts] [m] [n][ŋ]ʃ[ ɪ][ ʊ][ ə][æ]英语国际音标音源练习一.单元音:vowels(12个)1.[ i:]A: Tea or coffee?B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e:me be she he we evening seeee: sweet bee sweepsheepsleepthree green ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat cleanie, ei, eo:piece, ceiling, people2.[ɪ ][i]His little sister is sitting in the middle. i:is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirstytwenty thirtywindyrainyey: monkey moneyay:Sunday Saturday Friday比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave3. fill—feel4. seat—sit5. tree—trip6.bit—bee7. sheep—ship8. deed—did 9. live—leave10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read13. street—strict 14. sleep—slip3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest.Till good is better. And better best.e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten penea: bread head breakfastai: again4.[ æ ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flaghand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat mapCompare:1. bet--bat2. pat—pet3. bag—beg4. sat—set5. neck--lack6. sad—said7.bad—bed 8.dad—dead d—led10. fad—fed5. [ :][ə:]The early bird catches the worm first. er: her serve termir:bird girl skirt first d irty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learnor: word work world6. [ə]The farmer’s sister is a docto r.er:teacher cleverbrother dinner father sisterrulerar: sugaror:doctora:panda about above camera sofa Chinae: openure: picture7. [ʌ ]Come to the front on the double.o: son come colour love moneyu: sun nut jump gum usbus brushsupperduckou: touch cousin country8.[u:]How do you do? You look really cool. o: do who whoseoo: food moon toosoonui: fruit juiceu: ruler rudeou:soupoe:shoe9.[ʊ][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolfoo:look good book foot woodclassroomu:bull bullet10.[ɔ:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer.a: wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wallcallor:horse morning corn fork or short oor:floor doorau: autumnar: warm11. [ɒ][ɔ ] The little pot is so hot.o: fox coffee dog shop dogdoctor longsorrya: watch what12.[a:]It’s far to the farm from the park.a: grass glass class plant dancefast father last halfar: car star arm park March hard garden dark scarfau: laugh auntear: heart二.双元音(8个):13.[eɪ][ ei ] Rain, rain go away.Little Johnny wants to play.a: cake make name game snake gatelazyai: rain train waitay:day May play taday wayea: great14.[ɔɪ][ɔi ] Soybean oil is my choice.oi: oil boil coin pointoy: boy toy15.[aɪ ][ai] Out of sight, out of mind.i: kite bike nice tiger write ideaknifefivey: by cry fly my sky try whygoodbyeie:tie pieuy:buy16. [əʊ][əu]Go and open the window, Joe,and show me the photo.o: nose rose poemold over hellooa: boat coat soap goatow:show window snow bowl17.[aʊ][au] I found a mouse in the house.ou: house mouse mouth trousers about round ow: flower cow how now downtown 18.[ɪə][iə]We are near the end of the year.ear: ear hear tearyeareer: deer beerea: really19.[eə ][εə]Where there is a will, there is a way.air: hair chair pairear:pear bear wearere:thereeir:theirare :careful20.[ʊə ][uə]It’s sure to be good for the tourists. oor: poorour: tour Februaryure: sure pure三.辅音Consonants (28个) [p]Practice makesperfect.[b] Barry found a big bug on her bed.[t]Thisis a ha t, that’s a cap.[d] The doorman told David to go down. [k]Don’t kit the kitten.[g] A good beginning makes a good ending.[f]Ifyoubuy fish, make sure it’s fresh.[v] Victor is very clever.[s]Sandyhasa new swimming suit.[ z ] What size of shoes does Daisy wear? [θ]Thankyouforyourtablecloth.[ ð ] Those are far and these are near. [ ⎰ ]Wash the fish, please.[ʒ]pleasure, television[t⎰]Heteacheschildrenhowtoplaychess.[dʒ] John likes to tell jokes.[tr]There’relots oftrucksinthestreet.[dr]He likes strong drinks.[ts]Thestudentsarewearingwhiteshirts. [dz]Take away your dirty hands鼻音[m]May I have some milk, mum?[ n]Nora knows the new comer.[ŋ]Lingling is listening to the song. Compare: n [ n ] ng /nk [ ŋ]in—ink sin-sing thin---thingthan—thank son---song摩擦音[ h] have hot who whole hate houseHelen holds her hands.[ r ]read write wrong舌边音[l] land world little middle castlepuzzle What a beautiful bicycle!半元音[ w ] wall what answerThe homework every week is very hard. [j ] yes yellow year your skirt is wet.。

[ i: ][ ɪ ][ e ][ æ ]
[ɜ:] [ə] [ʌ]
[eɪ] [ɔɪ] [aɪ]
[əʊ] [aʊ]
[ɪə] [ʊə] [eə]
[p] [t] [k]
[b] [d] [g]
/b /
/ g /
/ v /
/ ʒ /
/ z /
/ ð /
/ ts/
/ tʃ/
/ tr/
/ h/
/ dz/
/ r/
/ ŋ/
/ j /
/ ǀ /
/ ǀ /
Get out, all over, first of all,

[ ɜ: ] [ ə] [ ʌ] [ s ][θ][ f][ ʃ ]2. 双唇微张,舌尖平抵上齿龈冲舌成音3.圆唇微突出,舌尖微上卷近上齿龈,送气成音4.上齿轻咬下唇,气出唇齿,摩擦成音.[ tr] [ tʃ] [ ts][m] [n] [ŋ]双唇紧闭,舌尖平悬,气出鼻腔振动双唇微开,舌尖抵上齿龈,气出鼻腔,振动双唇张开,舌尖抵下齿龈,舌后自然升顶,气出鼻腔,[ ɪ][ ʊ][ ə][æ ]英语国际音标音源练习一.单元音:vowels (12个)1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee? B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e: me be she he we evening see ee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat clean ie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people2.[ ɪ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle. i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windyrainyey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday 比较:1.it--eat 2. live —leave 3. fill —feel 4. seat —sit 5. tree —trip 6.bit —bee 7. sheep —ship 8. deed —did 9. live —leave 10. feed —fit 11.pea —pit 12. rid —read13. street —strict 14.sleep —slip3.[ e ] Good, better, best. Never let it rest.Till good is better. And better双元音 /e ɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /a ɪ/ /ɪə/ /ʊə/ /e ə/ /əʊ/ /a ʊ/轻辅音/p // t // k // f// ʃ // s //θ/浊辅音/b //d// g // v // ʒ // z // ð /轻辅音/ ts// t ʃ// tr// h/浊辅音 / dz/ /d ʒ//dr// r/鼻音/m// n // ŋ /半元音/ j //w/舌侧音 / ǀ / 含糊音 / ǀ /best. e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten pen ea: bread head breakfast ai: again 4.[ æ ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat! a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map Compare: 1. bet--bat 2. pat —pet 3. bag —beg 4. sat —set 5. neck--lack 6. sad —said 7.bad —bed 8.dad —dead d —led 10. fad —fed 5. [:][ə:] The early bird catches the worm first. er: her serve term ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learn or: word work world 6. [ ə ] The farmer’s sister is a doctor. er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister ruler ar: sugar or:doctor a:panda about above camera sofa China e: open ure: picture 7. [ ʌ] Come to the front on the double. o: son come colour love money u: sun nut jump gum us bus brush supper duck ou: touch cousin country 8.[ u:] How do you do? You look really cool.o: do who whose oo: food moon too soon ui: fruit juice u: ruler rude ou:soup oe:shoe9.[ ʊ ][u] Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolf oo:look good book foot woodclassroomu:bull bullet10.[ ɔ:] My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer. a: water aw:draw strawberry al:ball wall call or:horse morning corn fork or shortoor:floor door au: autumn ar: warm 11. [ ɒ ][ ɔ] The little pot is so hot. o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long sorry a: watch what 12.[ a:] It’s far to the farm from the park.a: grass glass class plant dancefast father last half ar: car star arm park March hard garden dark scarf au: laugh aunt ear: heart 二.双元音(8个): 13. [e ɪ] [ ei ] Rain, rain go away. Little Johnny wants to play. a: cake make name game snake gate lazy ai: rain train waitay:day May play taday wayea: great14. [ ɔɪ ] [ ɔi] Soybean oil is my choice.oi: oil boil coin pointoy: boy toy15. [ a ɪ][ ai ] Out of sight, out of mind.i: kite bike nice tiger writeidea knife fivey: by cry fly my sky try why goodbyeie: tie pieuy: buy16. [ əʊ][ əu]Go and open the window, Joe,and show me the photo.o: nose rose poem old over hellooa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowl 17. [ aʊ ] [au] I found a mouse in the house.ou: house mouse mouth trousers about roundow: flower cow how now down town18. [ ɪə ] [ iə ] We are near the end of the year.ear: ear hear tear yeareer: deer beerea: really19.[ e ə][εə] Where there is a will, there is a way.air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: thereeir: theirare :careful20. [ ʊə][ uə]It’s sure to be good for the tourists.oor: poorour: tour Februaryure: sure pure三.辅音Consonants (28个) [ p ] Practice makes perfect.[ b ] Barry found a big bug on her bed.[ t ] Thisis a ha t, that’s a cap.[ d ] The doorman told David to go down.[ k ] Don’t kit the kitten.[ g ] A good beginning makes a good ending.[ f ] If you buy fish, make sure it’s fresh.[ v ] Victor is very clever.[ s ] Sandy has a new swimming suit. [ z ] What size of shoes does Daisy wear?[ q ] Thank you for your table cloth. [ ð] Those are far and these are near.[ ò ] Wash the fish, please.[ ʒ] pleasure, television[ tò ] He teaches children how to play chess.[dʒ] John likes to tell jokes.[ tr]There’re lots of trucks in the street.[dr] He likes strong drinks.[ ts] The students are wearing white shirts.[dz] Take away your dirty hands鼻音[m] May I have some milk, mum? [ n] Nora knows the new comer. [ ŋ] Lingling is listening to the song. Compare: n [ n ] ng /nk [ ŋ]in—ink sin-sing thin---thingthan—thank son---song摩擦音[ h] have hot who whole hate house Helen holds her hands.[ r ] read write wrongAre you ready to read?舌边音[ l ]land world little middle castle puzzleWhat a beautiful bicycle!半元音[ w ] wall what answerThe homework every week is very hard.[ j ] yes yellow year your skirt is wet.。

[ɜ: ] [ ə][ ʌ][ s ][θ][ f][ʃ][ tr] [ tʃ][ ts][m] [n] [ŋ][ ɪ][ ʊ][ ə][æ]英语国际音标音源练习一.单元音:vowels(12个)1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee?B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e: me be she he we evening seeee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three greenlittle middle castle puzzle What a beautiful bicycle!用中文方法表示音标:【这个就算是土办法了】/i:/【衣发长点】/I/【衣急促地发声】/e/【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇放松自然地读】/æ/【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇扁平地发】/ə:/【额发长音】/ə/【额发短音】/∧/【阿嘴巴微微地张开发出这个音就可以了】/a:/【啊嘴巴长到最大】/כ/【哦急促】/כ:/【哦声音拖长】/u/【乌急促】/u:/【乌声音拖长】/eI/【有点像答应人的“诶”的声音】/aI/【唉】/כI/【哦-喂连着读】/əu/【呕】/au/【傲】/Iə/【衣-饿连着读】/εə/【哎-饿连着读】/uə/【乌-饿连着读】辅音音素:/p/【坡不要把ǔ给发出来,轻音】/b/【不不要把ù给发出来,浊音】/t/【特不要把è给发出来,轻音】/d/【得不要把é给发出来,浊音】/k/【克不要把è给发出来,轻音】/g/【各不要把è给发出来,浊音】/f/【福不要把ú给发出来,轻音】/v/【有点像摩托车启动的声音,“呜呜呜”地,但是是像发“vúvúvú”一样,不要把ú给发出来,浊音】/s/【丝像蛇吐芯子发出的那种声音,不要把ī给读出来,轻音】/z/【就是/s/的浊音】/θ/【牙齿咬住舌头的轻音】/δ/【牙齿咬住舌头的浊音】/∫/【西不要把ī给发出来,轻音】/з/【衣不要把ī给发出来,浊音】/h/【喝不要把ē给发出来,轻音】/r/【若不要把uò给发出来,浊音】/t∫/【七不要把ī给发出来,轻音】/dз/【姬不要把ī给发出来,浊音】/tr/【缺不要把uē给发出来,轻音】/dr/【撅不要把uē给发出来,浊音】/ts/【次不要把ì给发出来,轻音】/dz/【自不要把ì给发出来,浊音】/m/【嘴巴闭住,然后发音,气流从鼻子出来,浊音】/n/【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上颚,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/ŋ/【嘴巴长大,舌头向下弯曲,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/l/【有两个读音。
新英语国际音标分类四线三 格书写

e: open ure: picture 7. [ ʌ ] Come to the front on the double. o: son come colour love money u: sun nut jump gum us bus brush supper duck ou: touch cousin country
i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainy ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday
19.[ eə ][εə] Where there is a will, there is a way.
air: hair chair pair ear: pear bear wear ere: there eir: their are :careful
20. [ ʊə ][ uə]It’s sure to be good for the tourists.
4.[ æ ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat! a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat
has stand rat map Compare:
1. bet--bat 2. pat—pet 3. bag—beg 4. sat—set 5. neck--lack 6. sad—said 7.bad—bed 8.dad— dead d—led 10. fad—fed

[ɜ: ] [ ə] [ ʌ][ s ][θ][ fʃ][ tr] [ tʃ][ ts] [m] [n] [ŋ][ ɪ[ ʊ][ ə[æ]英语国际音标音源练习一.单元音:vowels(12个)1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee?B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e: me be she he we evening seeee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat cleanie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people2.[ ɪ ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle. i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windyrainyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Friday比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel4. seat—sit5. tree—trip6.bit—bee7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read13. street—strict 14. sleep—slip3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest.Till good is better. And better best.e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten penea: bread head breakfastai: again4.[ æ ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map Compare:1. bet--bat2. pat—pet3. bag—beg4. sat—set5. neck--lack6. sad—said7.bad—bed 8.dad—dead d—led10. fad—fed5. [ :][ə:]The early bird catches the worm first.er: her serve termir:bird girl skirt first d irty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learnor: word work world6. [ə]The farmer’s sister is a doctor.er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister rulerar: sugaror:doctora:panda about above camera sofa Chinae: openure: picture7. [ ʌ ]Come to the front on the double.o: son come colour love moneyu: sun nut jump gum us bus brushsupper duckou: touch cousin country8.[ u:]How do you do? You look really cool. o: do who whoseoo: food moon too soonui: fruit juiceu: ruler rudeou:soupoe:shoe9.[ ʊ][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolfoo:look good book foot wood classroomu:bull bullet10.[ ɔ:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer.a: wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wall callor:horse morning corn fork or shortoor:floor doorau: autumnar: warm11. [ɒ][ ɔ ] The little pot is so hot.o: fox coffee dog shop dogdoctor long sorrya: watch what12.[ a:]It’s far to the farm from the park.a: grass glass class plant dancefast father last halfar: car star arm park March hard garden dark scarfau: laugh aunt ear: heart二.双元音(8个):13. [eɪ] [ ei ] Rain, rain go away.Little Johnny wants to play.a: cake make name game snake gatelazyai: rain train waitay:day May play taday wayea: great14.[ ɔɪ][ ɔi ] Soybean oil is my choice.oi: oil boil coin pointoy: boy toy15.[ aɪ ][ ai ] Out of sight, out of mind.i: kite bike nice tiger write idea knifefivey: by cry fly my sky try why goodbyeie: tie pieuy: buy16. [ əʊ][əu]Go and open the window, Joe,and show me the photo.o: nose rose poem old over hellooa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowl17. [ aʊ] [au] I found a mouse in the house.ou: house mouse mouth trousers about round ow: flower cow how now down town 18. [ ɪə][ iə ] We are near the end of the year.ear: ear hear tear yeareer: deer beerea: really19.[ eə ][εə] Where there is a will, there is a way.air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: thereeir: theirare :careful20. [ ʊə ][ uə]It’s sure to be good for the tourists.oor: poorour: tour Februaryure: sure pure三.辅音Consonants (28个)[ p ] Practice makes perfect. [ b ] Barry found a big bug on her bed.[ t ] Thisis a ha t, that’s a cap.[ d ] The doorman told David to go down. [ k ] Don’t kit the kitten.[ g ] A good beginning makes a good ending. [ f ] If you buy fish, make sure it’s fresh. [ v ] Victor is very clever.[ s ] Sandy has a new swimming suit.[ z ] What size of shoes does Daisy wear? [ θ ] Thank you for your table cloth.[ ð ] Those are far and these are near.[ ⎰ ] Wash the fish, please.[ ʒ] pleasure, television[ t⎰ ] He teaches children how to play chess. [dʒ] John likes to tell jokes.[ tr]There’re lots of trucks in the street. [dr] He likes strong drinks.[ ts] The students are wearing white shirts. [dz] Take away your dirty hands鼻音[m]May I have some milk, mum?[ n]Nora knows the new comer.[ ŋ]Lingling is listening to the song. Compare: n [ n ] ng /nk [ ŋ]in—ink sin-sing thin---thingthan—thank son---song摩擦音[ h] have hot who whole hate houseHelen holds her hands.[ r ]read write wrong舌边音[ l ] land world little middle castle puzzle What a beautiful bicycle!半元音[ w ] wall what answerThe homework every week is very hard. [ j ] yes yellow year your skirt is wet.。

[ɜ:] [ ə] [ ʌ][ s ][θ][ f][ʃ][ tr] [ tʃ][ ts] [m] [n] [ŋ]英语国际音标音源练习[ ɪ] [ ʊ] [ ə] [æ ]一.单元音:vowels(12个)1.[ i:] A:Tea or coffee?B:Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e:me be she he we evening seeee:sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ea:meat read leaf sea pea teach eat clean ie, ei, eo:piece, ceiling, people2.[ ɪ ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle. i:is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e:begin behind jacket basketbally:happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windyrainyey:monkey moneyay:Sunday Saturday Friday比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel4. seat—sit5. tree—trip6.bit—bee7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read13. street—strict 14. sleep—slip3.[ e ] Good, better, best. Never let it rest.Till good is better. And better best.e:egg bell desk leg red pet then ten pen ea:bread head breakfastai:again4.[ æ ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!a:dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map Compare:1. bet--bat2. pat—pet3. bag—beg4. sat—set5. neck--lack6. sad—said7.bad—bed 8.dad—dead d—led10. fad—fed5. [:][ə:] The early bird catches the worm first.er:her serve termir:bird girl skirt first d irty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learnor:word work world6. [ə]The farmer’s sister is a doctor.er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister rulerar:sugaror:doctora:panda about above camera sofa Chinae:openure:picture7. [ ʌ ]Come to the front on the double.o:son come colour love moneyu:sun nut jump gum us bus brushsupper duckou:touch cousin country8.[ u:]How do you do? You look really cool. o:do who whoseoo:food moon too soonui:fruit juiceu:ruler rudeou:soupoe:shoe9.[ ʊ][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolfoo:look good book foot wood classroomu:bull bullet10.[ ɔ:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer.a:wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wall callor:horse morning corn fork or shortoor:floor doorau:autumnar:warm11. [ɒ][ ɔ ] The little pot is so hot.o:fox coffee dog shop dogdoctor long sorrya:watch what12.[ a:]It’s far to the farm from the park.a:grass glass class plant dancefast father last halfar:car star arm park March hard garden dark scarfau:laugh aunt ear:heart二.双元音(8个):13. [eɪ] [ ei ] Rain, rain go away.Little Johnny wants to play.a:cake make name game snake gatelazyai:rain train waitay:day May play taday wayea:great14.[ ɔɪ][ ɔi ] Soybean oil is my choice.oi:oil boil coin pointoy:boy toy15.[ aɪ ][ ai ] Out of sight, out of mind.i:kite bike nice tiger write idea knifefivey:by cry fly my sky try why goodbye ie:tie pieuy:buy16. [ əʊ][əu]Go and open the window, Joe,and show me the photo.o:nose rose poem old over hellooa:boat coat soap goatow:show window snow bowl17. [ aʊ] [au] I found a mouse in the house.ou:house mouse mouth trousers about roundow:flower cow how now down town 18. [ ɪə][ iə ] We are near the end of the year.ear:ear hear tear yeareer:deer beerea:really19.[ eə ][εə] Where there is a will, there is a way.air:hair chair pairear:pear bear wearere:thereeir:theirare :careful20. [ ʊə ][ uə]It’s sure to be good for the tourists.oor:poorour:tour Februaryure:sure pure三.辅音Consonants (28个)[ p ] Practice makes perfect. [ b ] Barry found a big bug on her bed.[ t ] Thisis a hat, that’s a cap.[ d ] The doorman told David to go down. [ k ] Don’t kit the kitten.[ g ] A good beginning makes a good ending. [ f ] If you buy fish, make sure it’s fresh. [ v ] Victor is very clever.[ s ] Sandy has a new swimming suit.[ z ] What size of shoes does Daisy wear? [ θ ] Thank you for your table cloth.[ ð ] Those are far and these are near.[ ⎰ ] Wash the fish, please.[ ʒ] pleasure, television[ t⎰ ] He teaches children how to play chess. [dʒ] John likes to tell jokes.[ tr]There’re lots of trucks in the street. [dr] He likes strong drinks.[ ts] The students are wearing white shirts. [dz] Take away your dirty hands鼻音[m]May I have some milk, mum?[ n]Nora knows the new comer.[ ŋ]Lingling is listening to the song. Compare:n [ n ] ng /nk [ ŋ]in—ink sin-sing thin---thingthan—thank son---song摩擦音[ h] have hot who whole hate houseHelen holds her hands.[ r ]read write wrongAre you ready to read?舌边音[ l ] land world little middle castle puzzle What a beautiful bicycle!半元音[ w ] wall what answerThe homework every week is very hard. [ j ] yes yellow year your skirt is wet.。

[ɜ: ] [ ə] [ ʌ][ s ][θ][ fʃ] [ tr] [ tʃ] [ ts][m] [n] [ŋ][ ɪ[ ʊ][ ə[æ ]英语国际音标音源练习一.单元音:vowels(12个)1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee?B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e: me be she he we evening seeee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat cleanie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people2.[ ɪ ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle. i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windyrainyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Friday比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel4. seat—sit5. tree—trip6.bit—bee7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read13. street—strict 14. sleep—slip3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest.Till good is better. And better best.e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten penea: bread head breakfastai: again4.[ æ ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map Compare:1. bet--bat2. pat—pet3. bag—beg4. sat—set5. neck--lack6. sad—said7.bad—bed 8.dad—dead d—led10. fad—fed5. [ :][ə:]The early bird catches the worm first.er: her serve termir:bird girl skirt first d irty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learnor: word work world6. [ə]The farmer’s sister is a doctor.er:teacher clever brother dinner father sisterrulerar: sugaror:doctora:panda about above camera sofa Chinae: openure: picture7. [ ʌ ]Come to the front on the double.o: son come colour love moneyu: sun nut jump gum us bus brushsupper duckou: touch cousin country8.[ u:]How do you do? You look really cool. o: do who whoseoo: food moon too soonui: fruit juiceu: ruler rudeou:soupoe:shoe9.[ ʊ][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolfoo:look good book foot wood classroomu:bull bullet10.[ ɔ:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer.a: wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wall callor:horse morning corn fork or shortoor:floor doorau: autumnar: warm11. [ɒ][ ɔ ] The little pot is so hot.o: fox coffee dog shop dogdoctor long sorrya: watch what12.[ a:]It’s far to the farm from the park.a: grass glass class plant dancefast father last halfar: car star arm park March hard garden dark scarfau: laugh aunt ear: heart二.双元音(8个):13. [eɪ] [ ei ] Rain, rain go away.Little Johnny wants to play.a: cake make name game snake gatelazyai: rain train waitay:day May play taday wayea: great14.[ ɔɪ][ ɔi ] Soybean oil is my choice.oi: oil boil coin pointoy: boy toy15.[ aɪ ][ ai ] Out of sight, out of mind.i: kite bike nice tiger write idea knifefivey: by cry fly my sky try why goodbyeie: tie pieuy: buy16. [ əʊ][əu]Go and open the window, Joe,and show me the photo.o: nose rose poem old over hellooa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowl17. [ aʊ] [au] I found a mouse in the house.ou: house mouse mouth trousers about round ow: flower cow how now down town 18. [ ɪə][ iə ] We are near the end of the year.ear: ear hear tear yeareer: deer beerea: really19.[ eə ][εə] Where there is a will, there is a way.air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: thereeir: theirare :careful20. [ ʊə ][ uə]It’s sure to be good for the tourists.oor: poorour: tour Februaryure: sure pure三.辅音Consonants (28个)[ p ] Practice makes perfect.[ b ] Barry found a big bug on her bed.[ t ] Thisis a ha t, that’s a cap.[ d ] The doorman told David to go down. [ k ] Don’t kit the kitten.[ g ] A good beginning makes a good ending. [ f ] If you buy fish, make sure it’s fresh. [ v ] Victor is very clever.[ s ] Sandy has a new swimming suit.[ z ] What size of shoes does Daisy wear? [ θ ] Thank you for your table cloth.[ ð ] Those are far and these are near.[ ⎰ ] Wash the fish, please.[ ʒ] pleasure, television[ t⎰ ] He teaches children how to play chess. [dʒ] John likes to tell jokes.[ tr]There’re lots of trucks in the street. [dr] He likes strong drinks.[ ts] The students are wearing white shirts. [dz] Take away your dirty hands鼻音[m]May I have some milk, mum?[ n]Nora knows the new comer.[ ŋ]Lingling is listening to the song. Compare: n [ n ] ng /nk [ ŋ]in—ink sin-sing thin---thingthan—thank son---song摩擦音[ h] have hot who whole hate houseHelen holds her hands.[ r ]read write wrong舌边音[ l ] land world little middle castle puzzle What a beautiful bicycle!半元音[ w ] wall what answerThe homework every week is very hard. [ j ] yes yellow year your skirt is wet.。
新英语国际音标分类四线三格书写 (1)

[ɜ: ] [ əʌ[ s ][θʃ]ʃ[m] [n] [ŋ[ ɪ[ ʊ[ əæ]英语国际音标音源练习一.单元音:vowels(12个)1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee?B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e: me be she he we evening seeee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat cleanie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people2.[ ɪ ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle. i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windyrainyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Friday比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel4. seat—sit5. tree—trip6.bit—bee7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read13. street—strict 14. sleep—slip3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest.Till good is better. And better best.e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten penea: bread head breakfastai: again4.[ æ ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map Compare:1. bet--bat2. pat—pet3. bag—beg4. sat—set5. neck--lack6. sad—said7.bad—bed 8.dad—dead d—led10. fad—fed5. [:][ə:]The early bird catches the worm first.er: her serve termir:bird girl skirt first d irty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learnor: word work world 6. [ə]The farmer’s sister is a doctor.er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister rulerar: sugaror:doctora:panda about above camera sofa Chinae: openure: picture7. [ ʌ ]Come to the front on the double.o: son come colour love moneyu: sun nut jump gum us bus brushsupper duckou: touch cousin country8.[ u:]How do you do? You look really cool. o: do who whoseoo: food moon too soonui: fruit juiceu: ruler rudeou:soupoe:shoe9.[ ʊ][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolfoo:look good book foot wood classroomu:bull bullet10.[ ɔ:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer.a: wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wall callor:horse morning corn fork or shortoor:floor doorau: autumnar: warm11. [ɒ][ ɔ ] The little pot is so hot.o: fox coffee dog shop dogdoctor long sorrya: watch what12.[ a:]It’s far to the farm from the park.a: grass glass class plant dancefast father last halfar: car star arm park March hard gardendark scarfau: laugh aunt ear: heart二.双元音(8个):13. [eɪ] [ ei ] Rain, rain go away.Little Johnny wants to play.a: cake make name game snake gatelazyai: rain train waitay:day May play taday wayea: great14.[ ɔɪ][ ɔi ] Soybean oil is my choice.oi: oil boil coin pointoy: boy toy15.[ aɪ ][ ai ] Out of sight, out of mind.i: kite bike nice tiger write idea knifefivey: by cry fly my sky try why goodbyeie: tie pieuy: buy16. [ əʊ][əu]Go and open the window, Joe,and show me the photo.o: nose rose poem old over hellooa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowl17. [ aʊ] [au] I found a mouse in the house.ou: house mouse mouth trousers about round ow: flower cow how now down town 18. [ ɪə][ iə ] We are near the end of the year.ear: ear hear tear yeareer: deer beerea: really19.[ eə ][εə] Where there is a will, there is a way.air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: thereeir: theirare :careful20. [ ʊə ][ uə]It’s sure to be good for the tourists.oor: poorour: tour February ure: sure pure三.辅音Consonants (28个)[ p ] Practice makes perfect.[ b ] Barry found a big bug on her bed.[ t ] Thisis a hat, that’s a cap.[ d ] The doorman told David to go down. [ k ] Don’t kit the kitten.[ g ] A good beginning makes a good ending. [ f ] If you buy fish, make sure it’s fresh. [ v ] Victor is very clever.[ s ] Sandy has a new swimming suit.[ z ] What size of shoes does Daisy wear? [ θ ] Thank you for your table cloth.[ ð ] Those are far and these are near.[ ⎰ ] Wash the fish, please.[ ʒ] pleasure, television[ t⎰ ] He teaches children how to play chess. [dʒ] John likes to tell jokes.[ tr]There’re lots of trucks in the street. [dr] He likes strong drinks.[ ts] The students are wearing white shirts. [dz] Take away your dirty hands鼻音[m]May I have some milk, mum?[ n]Nora knows the new comer.[ ŋ]Lingling is listening to the song. Compare: n [ n ] ng /nk [ ŋ]in—ink sin-sing thin---thingthan—thank son---song摩擦音[ h] have hot who whole hate houseHelen holds her hands.[ r ]read write wrong舌边音[ l ] land world little middle castle puzzle What a beautiful bicycle!半元音[ w ] wall what answerThe homework every week is very hard. [ j ] yes yellow year your skirt is wet.。
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[ɜ: ] [ ə] [ ʌ][ s ][θ][ f][ʃ][ tr] [ tʃ][ ts] [m] [n] [ŋ][ ɪ][ ʊ][ ə][æ]英语国际音标音源练习一.单元音:vowels(12个)1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee?B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please. e: me be she he we evening seeee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three green ea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat cleanie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people2.[ ɪ ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle. i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windyrainyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Friday比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel4. seat—sit5. tree—trip6.bit—bee7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave10. feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read13. street—strict 14. sleep—slip3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest.Till good is better. And better best.e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten penea: bread head breakfastai: again4.[ æ ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map Compare:1. bet--bat2. pat—pet3. bag—beg4. sat—set5. neck--lack6. sad—said7.bad—bed 8.dad—dead d—led10. fad—fed5. [ :][ə:]The early bird catches the worm first.er: her serve termir:bird girl skirt first d irty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learnor: word work world6. [ə]The farmer’s sister is a doctor.er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister rulerar: sugaror:doctora:panda about above camera sofa Chinae: openure: picture7. [ ʌ ]Come to the front on the double.o: son come colour love moneyu: sun nut jump gum us bus brushsupper duckou: touch cousin country8.[ u:]How do you do? You look really cool. o: do who whoseoo: food moon too soonui: fruit juiceu: ruler rudeou:soupoe:shoe9.[ ʊ][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really good. o:woman wolfoo:look good book foot wood classroomu:bull bullet10.[ ɔ:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer.a: wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wall callor:horse morning corn fork or shortoor:floor doorau: autumnar: warm11. [ɒ][ ɔ ] The little pot is so hot.o: fox coffee dog shop dogdoctor long sorrya: watch what12.[ a:]It’s far to the farm from the park.a: grass glass class plant dancefast father last halfar: car star arm park March hard gardendark scarfau: laugh aunt ear: heart二.双元音(8个):13. [eɪ] [ ei ] Rain, rain go away.Little Johnny wants to play.a: cake make name game snake gatelazyai: rain train waitay:day May play taday wayea: great14.[ ɔɪ][ ɔi ] Soybean oil is my choice.oi: oil boil coin pointoy: boy toy15.[ aɪ ][ ai ] Out of sight, out of mind.i: kite bike nice tiger write idea knifefivey: by cry fly my sky try why goodbyeie: tie pieuy: buy16. [ əʊ][əu]Go and open the window, Joe,and show me the photo.o: nose rose poem old over hellooa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowl17. [ aʊ] [au] I found a mouse in the house.ou: house mouse mouth trousers about round ow: flower cow how now down town 18. [ ɪə][ iə ] We are near the end of the year.ear: ear hear tear yeareer: deer beerea: really19.[ eə ][εə] Where there is a will, there is a way.air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: thereeir: theirare :careful20. [ ʊə ][ uə]It’s sure to be good for the tourists.oor: poorour: tour February ure: sure pure三.辅音Consonants (28个)[ p ] Practice makes perfect.[ b ] Barry found a big bug on her bed.[ t ] Thisis a ha t, that’s a cap.[ d ] The doorman told David to go down.[ k ] Don’t kit the kitten.[ g ] A good beginning makes a good ending. [ f ] If you buy fish, make sure it’s fresh.[ v ] Victor is very clever.[ s ] Sandy has a new swimming suit.[ z ] What size of shoes does Daisy wear?[ θ ] Thank you for your table cloth.[ ð ] Those are far and these are near.[ ⎰ ] Wash the fish, please.[ ʒ] pleasure, television[ t⎰ ] He teaches children how to play chess.[dʒ] John likes to tell jokes.[ tr]There’re lots of trucks in the street.[dr] He likes strong drinks.[ ts] The students are wearing white shirts.[dz] Take away your dirty hands鼻音[m]May I have some milk, mum?[ n]Nora knows the new comer.[ ŋ]Lingling is listening to the song. Compare: n [ n ] ng /nk [ ŋ]in—ink sin-sing thin---thingthan—thank son---song摩擦音[ h] have hot who whole hate houseHelen holds her hands.[ r ]read write wrongAre you ready to read?舌边音[ l ] land world little middle castle puzzle What a beautiful bicycle!半元音[ w ] wall what answerThe homework every week is very hard. [ j ] yes yellow year your skirt is wet.用中文方法表示音标:【这个就算是土办法了】/i:/ 【衣发长点】/I/ 【衣急促地发声】/e/ 【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇放松自然地读】/æ/ 【哎发这个音的时候不要把“哎”的ī给读出来,嘴唇扁平地发】/ə:/ 【额发长音】/ə/ 【额发短音】/∧/ 【阿嘴巴微微地张开发出这个音就可以了】/a:/ 【啊嘴巴长到最大】/כ/ 【哦急促】/כ:/ 【哦声音拖长】/u/ 【乌急促】/u:/ 【乌声音拖长】/eI/ 【有点像答应人的“诶”的声音】/aI/ 【唉】/כI/ 【哦-喂连着读】/əu/ 【呕】/au/ 【傲】/Iə/ 【衣-饿连着读】/εə/ 【哎-饿连着读】/uə/ 【乌-饿连着读】辅音音素:/p/ 【坡不要把ǔ给发出来,轻音】/b/ 【不不要把ù给发出来,浊音】/t/ 【特不要把è给发出来,轻音】/d/ 【得不要把é给发出来,浊音】/k/ 【克不要把è给发出来,轻音】/g/ 【各不要把è给发出来,浊音】/f/ 【福不要把ú给发出来,轻音】/v/ 【有点像摩托车启动的声音,“呜呜呜”地,但是是像发“vúvúvú”一样,不要把ú给发出来,浊音】/s/ 【丝像蛇吐芯子发出的那种声音,不要把ī给读出来,轻音】/z/ 【就是/s/的浊音】/θ/【牙齿咬住舌头的轻音】/δ/【牙齿咬住舌头的浊音】/∫/【西不要把ī给发出来,轻音】/з/【衣不要把ī给发出来,浊音】/h/ 【喝不要把ē给发出来,轻音】/r/ 【若不要把uò给发出来,浊音】/t∫/【七不要把ī给发出来,轻音】/dз/ 【姬不要把ī给发出来,浊音】/tr/ 【缺不要把uē给发出来,轻音】/dr/ 【撅不要把uē给发出来,浊音】/ts/ 【次不要把ì给发出来,轻音】/dz/ 【自不要把ì给发出来,浊音】/m/ 【嘴巴闭住,然后发音,气流从鼻子出来,浊音】/n/ 【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上颚,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/ŋ/【嘴巴长大,舌头向下弯曲,气流从鼻子出来而不是从嘴巴出来,浊音】/l/ 【有两个读音。