
20 - 月三至豪丑叁爸才26个字母描红练习26个字母描红练习D dD dD d 二Dd三D d*1Ee ~E~eE巳一E巳Ee -------------------------------- Ee ------------------------------------ E e E eEe = Ee = Ee = Ee =20 M 5 三至期姓吏七分」j依-至-i I=FF^ =FF^"FT "FT=FF^ =FF =FF^ Fr-Ff -Ff2U姓名2U姓名n1120_三基期社毛得余L TivimJMmL TivimJ\4m2C 三■三三星笠20> 月日星旌姓名0-o0-o G-o-0-Q "Q~o]520 年_月^_日星”姓亳号分g_Pp耳=&pie20 年三三互奈得分20二三里或得宁Qq"Q~q-Qq"Q~q-Qq三■三三星期也三—隹一FS i^i ^5- n^-rn- - --- - ----- - - -- - --- -- -- - -- 二Q 士三三基爱迂三—得k2_一D- - --------- ---- - --- --- ------ -- - ---- --- ----- -- ----- -- ----Rr -----------------------------rvr _ _ _ _ _ Rr二RrRr —__ .- rvr _ _ _ _ _ _RrRrRr —26个英文字母描红(A4打印版)26个字母描红练习26个字母描红练习20 M 5 三五期看这丝方2C ; 5 三星期姓是得片S SS S - ....................................................S 5Ss ——S 5-&3——S SS S Ss即三月—二星率■尾将会—T tT t —T t 「t T t 一T tTt 一Tt = Tt =-520星期20星期穿入二三一「星期舁」— ___________ :〔三_月_二星算科M _________飞出%一8# 一V V ...................... Vv ............................................................................V V - - - - _______ V v - - - - - - ________ V V - - ■■■_y v _ _ _ _ _Vv VvVv ——Vv ——Vv ------ % --------------------------------- 2222二0 三工二星肃妹用烂£.二。

[ɜ: ] [ əʌ[ s ][θʃ]//ʃ 1.///[m] [n] [ŋ3. /1.关于音标的定义1.什么是音素:音素是语音的最小单位。
7. 开音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音+e : name, bike, home, due, plane, shineb) 辅音+元音: he, go, hi, do, be, tree, three, hello8. 闭音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音: bad, bed, sit, hot, cup,let, mad, mapb)元音+辅音: it,is, of, in, on, up, out, ant9.重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。
巧记48个国际音标英语国际音标音源练习一.单元音:vowels(12个)1.[ i:] A: Tea or coffee?B: Tea for Lee and coffee for me, please.e: me be she he we evening seeee: sweet bee sweep sheep sleep three greenea: meat read leaf sea pea teach eat cleanie, ei, eo: piece, ceiling, people2.[ ɪ ][ i ] His little sister is sitting in the middle.i: is English pig fish in fifteen six ship thine: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainyey: monkey moneyay: Sunday Saturday Friday比较:1.it--eat 2. live—leave 3. fill—feel4. seat—sit5. tree—trip6.bit—bee7. sheep—ship 8. deed—did 9. live—leave 10.feed—fit 11. pea—pit 12. rid—read 13.street—strict 14. sleep—slip3.[ e ]Good, better, best. Never let it rest.Till good is better. And better best.e: egg bell desk leg red pet then ten penea: bread head breakfastai: again4.[ æ ] Cat, cat! Catch that black rat!a: dad hat cap bag cat can bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat mapCompare:1. bet--bat2. pat—pet3. bag—beg4. sat—set5. neck--lack6. sad—said7.bad—bed 8.dad—dead d—led10. fad—fed5. [:][ə:] The early bird catches the worm first.er: her serve termir:bird girl skirt first d irty skirt shirtur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtainear:early learnor: word work world6. [ə]The farmer’s sister is a doctor.er:teacher clever brother dinner father sister ruler ar: sugaror:doctora:panda about above camera sofa Chinae: openure: picture7. [ ʌ ]Come to the front on the double.o: son come colour love moneyu: sun nut jump gum us bus brushsupper duckou: touch cousin country8.[ u:]How do you do? You look really cool.o: do who whoseoo: food moon too soonui: fruit juiceu: ruler rudeou:soupoe:shoe9.[ ʊ][u]Look at the cookbook. It’s really good.o:woman wolfoo:look good book foot wood classroomu:bull bullet10.[ ɔ:]My daughter who’s forty-four is a lawyer.a: wateraw:draw strawberryal:ball wall callor:horse morning corn fork or shortoor:floor doorau: autumnar: warm11. [ɒ][ ɔ ] The little pot is so hot.o: fox coffee dog shop dogdoctor long sorrya: watch what12.[ a:]It’s far to the farm from the park.a: grass glass class plant dancefast father last halfar: car star arm park March hard gardendark scarfau: laugh aunt ear: heart二.双元音(8个):13. [eɪ] [ ei ] Rain, rain go away.Little Johnny wants to play.a: cake make name game snake gate lazy ai: rain train waitay:day May play taday wayea: great14.[ ɔɪ][ ɔi ] Soybean oil is my choice.oi: oil boil coin pointoy: boy toy新英语国际音标读写精练15.[ aɪ ][ ai ] Out of sight, out of mind.i: kite bike nice tiger write idea knife five y: by cry fly my sky try why goodbyeie: tie pieuy: buy16. [ əʊ][əu]Go and open the window, Joe,and show me the photo.o: nose rose poem old over hellooa: boat coat soap goatow: show window snow bowl17. [ aʊ] [au] I found a mouse in the house.ou: house mouse mouth trousers about round ow: flower cow how now down town 18. [ ɪə][ iə ] We are near the end of the year.ear: ear hear tear yeareer: deer beerea: really19.[ eə ][εə] Where there is a will, there is a way.air: hair chair pairear: pear bear wearere: thereeir: theirare :careful20. [ ʊə ][ uə]It’s sure to be good for the tourists.oor: poorour: tour Februaryure: sure pure三.辅音Consonants (28个)[ p ] Practice makes perfect.[ b ] Barry found a big bug on her bed.[ t ] Thisis a hat, that’s a cap.[ d ] The doorman told David to go down.[ k ] Don’t kit the kitten. [ g ] A good beginning makes a good ending. [ f ] If you buy fish, make sure it’s fresh. [ v ] Victor is very clever.[ s ] Sandy has a new swimming suit.[ z ] What size of shoes does Daisy wear? [ θ ] Thank you for your table cloth.[ ð ] Those are far and these are near.[ ⎰ ] Wash the fish, please.[ ʒ] pleasure, television[ t⎰ ] He teaches children how to play chess. [dʒ] John likes to tell jokes.[ tr]There’re lots of trucks in the street. [dr] He likes strong drinks.[ ts] The students are wearing white shirts. [dz] Take away your dirty hands鼻音[m]May I have some milk, mum?[ n]Nora knows the new comer.[ ŋ]Lingling is listening to the song. Compare: n [ n ] ng /nk [ ŋ]in—ink sin-sing thin---thingthan—thank son---song摩擦音[ h] have hot who whole hate houseHelen holds her hands.[ r ]read write wrongAre you舌边音[ l ] land world little middle castle puzzle What a beautiful bicycle!半元音[ w ] wall what answerThe homework every week is very hard. [ j ] yes yellow year your skirt is wet.。

①C,G,J,L,O,S,V,W,Z 9个大写字母
②a,b,c,d,e,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,u,v,w,y,z 21个小写字母。
3.小写字母b,d,h,k,l 的上端顶第一线
4.i 和t 的上端都在第一格的中间
6.j 和p 的上端在第一格的中间
7.f 要比j,p要高,与大写字母同样高或稍低一些,它们的下端都抵第四线。

26个英文字母及音标1. 概述汉语象形文字,英语是拼音文字.英语共有26个字母,这些字母按一定的顺序排列在一起便组成字母表,英语中称之为"Alphabet", 这26个字母可以组成千千万万个单词,英语字母是学习英语的基础,所以对英语字母的学习与掌握非常重要:1) 英语字母共26个,每个字母都有大、小写两种形式;2) 书写形式有:印刷体和书写体;3) 读音形式有两种:升调和降调.2. 字母的读音英语26个字母按一定的顺序排列起来,就构成了英语字母表.词典里的词就是按字母表的顺序排列的.26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:] H h [eit∫] I i [ai]J j [d3ei] K k [kei] L l [el]M m [em] N n [en] O o [əu]P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:]S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:]V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:] X x [eks]Y y [wai] Z z [zi:][zed]以上我们可以看出,英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素[ei]字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素[i:]字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]3) 含元音音素[e]字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4) 含元音音素[ju:]字母: Uu Qq Ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元音音素[ai]字母: Ii Yy音标: [ai] [wai]3.书写顺序要求,1,能默写26个字母音标。

辅音字母在四线三格书写中的规范1. 介绍四线三格是指中小学生在学习汉字书写时所用到的规范字书写练习纸,通过四线三格的规范布局,可以有效帮助学生掌握汉字的笔顺和结构。
2. 四线三格的特点四线三格是由上横线、中横线、下横线和竖直线组成的规范字书写练习纸,通过这种布局,可以让学生在书写时更加规范和统一,从而提高字形的美感和书写的规范性。
3. 辅音字母的书写规范辅音字母在四线三格中的书写,需要遵循以下规范:- 从左上方开始,先写横线,再写竖线;- 竖线的长度要与横线基本一致,保持字母的平衡;- 笔画要有力度,避免出现中间断笔或者颤抖的现象;- 注意书写的间距和大小,保持字母之间的整齐和统一;- 完成后要仔细检查笔画的连接处和结尾,保证字形的完整和规范。
4. 辅音字母的书写示例对于辅音字母的书写,我们以英语中的常见辅音字母为例,给出书写示例:- b:从左上方开始,先写横线,再写竖线,注意力度和大小的平衡;- c:先写横线,再向上画弧线,再从中间向下画弧线;- d:先写横线,再向右下方画弧线;- f:先写横线,再从中间向上画斜线,再从右上方画斜线;- g:先写横线,再向上画弧线,再从中间向下画弧线;- h:先写横线,再从中间向下画斜线,再从中间向上画斜线。
5. 辅音字母书写的注意事项在书写辅音字母时,需要特别注意以下几点:- 笔画要有力度,避免出现断笔或颤抖的现象;- 注意字母的大小和间距,保持整齐和统一;- 仔细检查笔画的连接处和结尾,保证字形的完整和规范;- 根据练习纸的辅助线,保持笔画的平衡和对称。
6. 总结四线三格是中小学生书写汉字和英文字母时常用的规范字书写练习纸,通过遵循书写规范和练习方法,可以帮助学生提高书写的规范性和美感。
沪教牛津版小学单词描红 带四线三格P102 ★★★

1Abag bag bag bag bag book book book book book pen pen pen pen pen pencil pencil pencil pencil pencil rubber rubber rubber rubber rubber ruler ruler ruler ruler ruler five five five five five four four four four four one one one one one six six six six six three three three three three two two two two two dance dance dance dance dance draw draw draw draw drawjump jump jump jump jump read read read read read sing sing sing sing sing write write write write write ear ear ear ear ear eye eye eye eye eye face face face face face mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth nose nose nose nose nose apple apple apple apple apple lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon melon melon melon melon melon orange orange orange orange orange peach peach peach peach peach pear pear pear pear pearautumn autumn autumn autumn autumn bean bean bean bean beanleaf leaf leaf leaf leaf moon moon moon moon moon mooncake mooncake mooncake mooncake mooncake taro taro taro taro taro father father father father father me me me me me mother mother mother mother mother sister sister sister sister sisterball ball ball ball ball balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle doll doll doll doll dollslide slide slide slide slideswing swing swing swing swing 1Baunt aunt aunt aunt auntgrandfathe r grandfathergrandfathergrandfathergrandfathergrandmoth er grandmothergrandmothergrandmothergrandmotheruncle uncle uncle uncle uncle bee bee bee bee bee bird bird bird bird bird butterfly butterfly butterfly butterfly butterfly frog frog frog frog frog rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit blue blue blue blue blue brown brown brown brown browngreen green green green green orange orange orange orange orange pink pink pink pink pink purple purple purple purple purple red red red red red yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow driver driver driver driver driver fireman fireman fireman fireman fireman milkman milkman milkman milkman milkman policeman policeman policeman policeman policeman postman postman postman postman postman short short short short shorttall tall tall tall tallcook cook cook cook cook doctor doctor doctor doctor doctornurse nurse nurse nurse nurseold old old old old young young young young young farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer fat fat fat fat fat fisherman fisherman fisherman fisherman fisherman teacher teacher teacher teacher teacher thin thin thin thin thin cake cake cake cake cake Coke Coke Coke Coke Cokeice-cream ice-cream ice-cream ice-cream ice-cream jelly jelly jelly jelly jellymilk milk milk milk milk sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet chicken chicken chicken chicken chickenfish fish fish fish fish meat meat meat meat meat noodles noodles noodles noodles noodles rice rice rice rice rice soup soup soup soup soup2Abin bin bin bin bin building building building building building park park park park park road road road road road Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai biscuit biscuit biscuit biscuit biscuit hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog juice juice juice juice juice pizza pizza pizza pizza pizzawater water water water water play play play play play run run run run run sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep swim swim swim swim swim bus bus bus bus bus car car car car car ferry ferry ferry ferry ferry plane plane plane plane plane taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi train train train train train van van van van van fast fast fast fast fast go go go go go light light light light lightslow slow slow slow slow stop stop stop stop stop bell bell bell bell bellin in in in inon on on on on present present present present present star star star star star tree tree tree tree tree under under under under under cold cold cold cold cold gloves gloves gloves gloves gloves hats hats hats hats hats scarfs scarfs scarfs scarfs scarfs snow snow snow snow snow wind wind wind wind windwinter winter winter winter winter belt belt belt belt belt coat coat coat coat coat dress dress dress dress dress shirt shirt shirt shirt shirt socks socks socks socks socks tie tie tie tie tie2Bchick chick chick chick chick cow cow cow cow cow duck duck duck duck duck hen hen hen hen hen pig pig pig pig pig sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep bear bear bear bear bearelephant elephant elephant elephant elephant horse horse horse horse horse monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey panda panda panda panda panda tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger bed bed bed bed bed door door door door door lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp room room room room room sofa sofa sofa sofa sofa table table table table table window window window window window climb climb climb climb climbfly fly fly fly flyride ride ride ride rideskip skip skip skip skip swing swing swing swing swing walk walk walk walk walkdirty dirty dirty dirty dirty soap soap soap soap soap toothbrush toothbrush toothbrush toothbrush toothbrush toothpaste toothpaste toothpaste toothpaste toothpaste towel towel towel towel towel wash wash wash wash wash water water water water water bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl chopsticks chopsticks chopsticks chopsticks chopsticks fork fork fork fork fork glass glass glass glass glass knife knife knife knife knifeplate plate plate plate plate spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon beach beach beach beach beach cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud hot hot hot hot hot sand sand sand sand sand shell shell shell shell shell summer summer summer summer summer sun sun sun sun sun breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast breakfast clock clock clock clock clock day day day day day dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner lunch lunch lunch lunch lunch night night night night nightwatch watch watch watch watch3AI I I I Iapple apple apple apple apple are are are are arebag bag bag bag bagcat cat cat cat catdog dog dog dog dog grandma grandma grandma grandma grandma Miss Miss Miss Miss MissMr Mr Mr Mr MrMrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs you you you you youa a a a abook book book book bookdesk desk desk desk desk elephant elephant elephant elephant elephant five five five five fivegirl girl girl girl girl hand hand hand hand hand insect insect insect insect insect name name name name name no no no no noone one one one one pencil pencil pencil pencil pencil rubber rubber rubber rubber rubber ruler ruler ruler ruler ruler see see see see see three three three three three two two two two twowhat what what what whatyes yes yes yes yesyour your your your your again again again again again blackboard blackboard blackboard blackboard blackboard box box box box box clean clean clean clean clean clock clock clock clock clock close close close close close come come come come come come in come in come in come in come in door door door door door eight eight eight eight eightfour four four four fourjam jam jam jam jamkite kite kite kite kite late late late late late lion lion lion lion lion look look look look look look at look at look at look at look at mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse nine nine nine nine nine open open open open open please please please please please school school school school school seven seven seven seven seven six six six six six table table table table table ten ten ten ten ten the the the the thevery very very very very window window window window window and and and and and baby baby baby baby baby big big big big big bow bow bow bow bow boy boy boy boy boyfat fat fat fat fathe he he he hein in in in in mother mother mother mother mother orange orange orange orange orange queen queen queen queen queen rain rain rain rain rain she she she she sheshort short short short short small small small small smalltall tall tall tall tall teacher teacher teacher teacher teacher thin thin thin thin thinwho who who who whoan an an an an balloon balloon balloon balloon balloon cake cake cake cake cake happy happy happy happy happy hungry hungry hungry hungry hungry ice-cream ice-cream ice-cream ice-cream ice-cream is is is is isit it it it itsad sad sad sad sadsun sun sun sun sun thirsty thirsty thirsty thirsty thirsty umbrella umbrella umbrella umbrella umbrella am am am am amball ball ball ball ball brother brother brother brother brother dad dad dad dad dadear ear ear ear ear father father father father father friend friend friend friend friend good good good good goodgrandfathe r grandfathergrandfathergrandfathergrandfathergrandmoth er grandmothergrandmothergrandmothergrandmotherlike like like like like like to like to like to like to like to little little little little little long long long long long me me me me me my my my my my play play play play play rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit sister sister sister sister sister tail tail tail tail tail van van van van van with with with with with X-ray X-ray X-ray X-ray X-ray yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow zebra zebra zebra zebra zebrachair chair chair chair chairclap clap clap clap clap classroom classroom classroom classroom classroom crayon crayon crayon crayon crayon down down down down downhall hall hall hall hall library library library library library office office office office officepen pen pen pen pen playground playground playground playground playground sit sit sit sit sitsit down sit down sit down sit down sit down stand stand stand stand stand stand up stand up stand up stand up stand up this this this this thistoilet toilet toilet toilet toilet up up up up up wave wave wave wave wave banana banana banana banana banana biscuit biscuit biscuit biscuit biscuit circle circle circle circle circle flower flower flower flower flower pear pear pear pear pear shape shape shape shape shape square square square square square star star star star star triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle black black black black black blue blue blue blue blue boat boat boat boat boatcloud cloud cloud cloud cloud colour colour colour colour colour green green green green green new new new new new orange orange orange orange orange point point point point point red red red red red sky sky sky sky sky slide slide slide slide slide swing swing swing swing swing that that that that that tree tree tree tree tree white white white white white animal animal animal animal animal bird bird bird bird birdchick chick chick chick chick count count count count count duck duck duck duck duckfind find find find findgate gate gate gate gatehen hen hen hen henhow many how many how many how many how many pig pig pig pig pigput put put put putput on put on put on put on put on shoe shoe shoe shoe shoe sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry they they they they theybee bee bee bee bee body body body body bodybutterfly butterfly butterfly butterfly butterfly fly fly fly fly flyhas has has has has head head head head head ladybird ladybird ladybird ladybird ladybird leaf leaf leaf leaf leaf leaves leaves leaves leaves leaves leg leg leg leg leg plant plant plant plant plant root root root root root apple pie apple pie apple pie apple pie apple pie camera camera camera camera camera chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken Coke Coke Coke Coke Coke egg egg egg egg eggphotograp h photographphotographphotographphotographpink pink pink pink pink sandwich sandwich sandwich sandwich sandwich sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet3Bbrown brown brown brown brown can can can can cancan't can't can't can't can'teye eye eye eye eyegrey grey grey grey greyhair hair hair hair hair mirror mirror mirror mirror mirror mouth mouth mouth mouth mouth aeroplane aeroplane aeroplane aeroplane aeroplanebus bus bus bus bus cage cage cage cage cagecar car car car cardrill drill drill drill drillhear hear hear hear hearher her her her her listen listen listen listen listenon on on on onroof roof roof roof roof street street street street street telephone telephone telephone telephone telephone to to to to tocold cold cold cold cold does does does does doesfeel feel feel feel feelhard hard hard hard hardhot hot hot hot hothow how how how how pineapple pineapple pineapple pineapple pineapple rough rough rough rough rough smooth smooth smooth smooth smooth soft soft soft soft soft touch touch touch touch touch toy toy toy toy toyfish fish fish fish fish lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lime lime lime lime lime nice nice nice nice nice prawn prawn prawn prawn prawn smell smell smell smell smellsour sour sour sour sour strawberry strawberry strawberry strawberry strawberry sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet taste taste taste taste tastedo do do do dodon't don't don't don't don't giraffe giraffe giraffe giraffe giraffe like like like like like lizard lizard lizard lizard lizard monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey panda panda panda panda panda snake snake snake snake snake tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger bear bear bear bear bear beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautifulbicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle doll doll doll doll dollrobot robot robot robot robot skateboard skateboard skateboard skateboard skateboard super super super super super these these these these thesewe we we we weall right all right all right all right all right bed bed bed bed bedgo away go away go away go away go away go to bed go to bed go to bed go to bed go to bed have have have have havehere here here here herehis his his his hismum mum mum mum mumtake take take take take teeth teeth teeth teeth teeth too too too too too tooth tooth tooth tooth tooth where where where where where wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf blouse blouse blouse blouse blouse dress dress dress dress dress mountain mountain mountain mountain mountain purple purple purple purple purple rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow rainbow sea sea sea sea seashirt shirt shirt shirt shirtT-shirt T-shirt T-shirt T-shirt T-shirt violet violet violet violet violetfall fall fall fall falllorry lorry lorry lorry lorry loud loud loud loud loud noise noise noise noise noise parrot parrot parrot parrot parrot quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet radio radio radio radio radio raindrop raindrop raindrop raindrop raindrop television television television television television wave wave wave wave wave autumn autumn autumn autumn autumn blow blow blow blow blowbut but but but butcoat coat coat coat coat cool cool cool cool cooldry dry dry dry dry glove glove glove glove glove grow grow grow grow grow hat hat hat hat hat nest nest nest nest nest not not not not not scarf scarf scarf scarf scarf season season season season season shell shell shell shell shell shine shine shine shine shine spring spring spring spring spring summer summer summer summer summer today today today today today warm warm warm warm warm wet wet wet wet wetwind wind wind wind wind winter winter winter winter winter4Aclassmate classmate classmate classmate classmate cook cook cook cook cook dive dive dive dive dive draw draw draw draw drawfly fly fly fly flyjump jump jump jump jumpour our our our our paint paint paint paint paint read read read read readrun run run run runsing sing sing sing sing swim swim swim swim swimwrite write write write write birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday cut cut cut cut cut dear dear dear dear dear eleven eleven eleven eleven eleven ride ride ride ride rideto to to to toambulance man ambulancemanambulancemanambulancemanambulancemanbring bring bring bring bring bus driver bus driver bus driver bus driver bus driver cook cook cook cook cook dentist dentist dentist dentist dentist doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor engine engine engine engine enginefire fire fire fire fire fireman fireman fireman fireman fireman man man man man man nurse nurse nurse nurse nurse policeman policeman policeman policeman policemanpolicewom an policewomanpolicewomanpolicewomanpolicewomanpostman postman postman postman postmanshop assistant shopassistantshopassistantshopassistantshopassistanttelephone telephone telephone telephone telephone waiter waiter waiter waiter waiter waitress waitress waitress waitress waitress arm arm arm arm arm block block block block blockface face face face face finger finger finger finger finger foot foot foot foot foot knee knee knee knee knee round round round round round shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder toe toe toe toe toe whose whose whose whose whose afraid afraid afraid afraid afraid angry angry angry angry angry full full full full full have have have have have tired tired tired tired tired bell bell bell bell bell branch branch branch branch branchbrave brave brave brave brave sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp strong strong strong strong strong tooth tooth tooth tooth tooth eighteen eighteen eighteen eighteen eighteenexercise book exercisebookexercisebookexercisebookexercisebookfifteen fifteen fifteen fifteen fifteen fourteen fourteen fourteen fourteen fourteen hoop hoop hoop hoop hoop nineteen nineteen nineteen nineteen nineteen rectangle rectangle rectangle rectangle rectangle rope rope rope rope rope seventeen seventeen seventeen seventeen seventeen sixteen sixteen sixteen sixteen sixteenthere be there be there be there be there be thirteen thirteen thirteen thirteen thirteen twelve twelve twelve twelve twelve twenty twenty twenty twenty twentya bottle of a bottle of a bottle of a bottle of a bottle of bookshop bookshop bookshop bookshop bookshop bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bread bread bread bread bread butter butter butter butter butter chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee crisps crisps crisps crisps crisps flour flour flour flour flourfruit fruit fruit fruit fruit have got have got have got have got have gothow much how much how much how much how much juice juice juice juice juice large large large large large milk milk milk milk milk packet packet packet packet packet some some some some some sugar sugar sugar sugar sugarsupermark et supermarketsupermarketsupermarketsupermarketwater water water water water aviary aviary aviary aviary aviary climb climb climb climb climb feed feed feed feed feed fountain fountain fountain fountain fountain grass grass grass grass grasspair pair pair pair pair pick pick pick pick pickplant house planthouseplanthouseplanthouseplanthousepond pond pond pond pondsketch book sketchbooksketchbooksketchbooksketchbooksunglasses sunglasses sunglasses sunglasses sunglasses under under under under under walk walk walk walk walk chase chase chase chase chase corn corn corn corn corncow cow cow cow coweverywher e everywhereeverywhereeverywhereeverywherefarm farm farm farm farm hay hay hay hay hay horse horse horse horse horse leave leave leave leave leave rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish rubbish sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep stone stone stone stone stone throw throw throw throw throw frog frog frog frog frog into into into into intoits its its its itslog log log log log moth moth moth moth moth stalk stalk stalk stalk stalk trunk trunk trunk trunk trunkanswer answer answer answer answer game game game game game mask mask mask mask mask question question question question question their their their their their win win win win win4Bbrush brush brush brush brush do do do do dofelt pen felt pen felt pen felt pen felt pen old old old old old paint paint paint paint paint sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep talk talk talk talk talk thick thick thick thick thickthin thin thin thin thin those those those those those basket basket basket basket basket behind behind behind behind behind beside beside beside beside beside drum drum drum drum drumeat eat eat eat eat guitar guitar guitar guitar guitar hole hole hole hole hole music music music music music piano piano piano piano piano play piano play piano play piano play piano play piano recorder recorder recorder recorder recorder triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle violin violin violin violin violinblunt blunt blunt blunt blunt donkey donkey donkey donkey donkey thing thing thing thing thing blind blind blind blind blind cannot cannot cannot cannot cannot fox fox fox fox foxgrape grape grape grape grape hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger kitchen kitchen kitchen kitchen kitchen make make make make make bone bone bone bone bone children children children children children class class class class classdig dig dig dig digmop mop mop mop moppet pet pet pet pet shake shake shake shake shake bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom bedroom bedroom bedroom bedroom bedroomdining room diningroomdiningroomdiningroomdiningroomdinner dinner dinner dinner dinner fifty fifty fifty fifty fiftyforty forty forty forty forty help help help help help moon moon moon moon moon puzzle puzzle puzzle puzzle puzzle restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant rock rock rock rock rocksitting room sittingroomsittingroomsittingroomsittingroomsoldier soldier soldier soldier soldier spaceship spaceship spaceship spaceship spaceship thirty thirty thirty thirty thirtytwenty-nine twenty-ninetwenty-ninetwenty-ninetwenty-ninetwenty-one twenty-one twenty-one twenty-one twenty-one wash wash wash wash washaunt aunt aunt aunt auntbusy busy busy busy busy cousin cousin cousin cousin cousin dish dish dish dish dishdrive drive drive drive drivedry dry dry dry dryhomework homework homework homework homework letter letter letter letter letter motor-bike motor-bike motor-bike motor-bike motor-bike pilot pilot pilot pilot pilot singer singer singer singer singer student student student student student uncle uncle uncle uncle uncle watch watch watch watch watch above above above above above afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon at at at at atat the top of at the topofat the topofat the topofat the topofbeach beach beach beach beach bench bench bench bench benchbetween between between between between evening evening evening evening evening football football football football football near near near near nearplay football playfootballplayfootballplayfootballplayfootballsail sail sail sail sail seat seat seat seat seat temple temple temple temple temple top top top top topget up get up get up get up get up half past half past half past half past half past o'clock o'clock o'clock o'clock o'clock say say say say say thunder thunder thunder thunder thunder。