

妙迪仪表 LR 200 雷达液位变送器 说明书

妙迪仪表 LR 200 雷达液位变送器 说明书

LR 200雷达液位变送器概述SITRANS LR 200是SIEMENS公司原装进口二线制回路供电脉冲雷达液位计,使用先进的脉冲雷达技术提供20m液体和浆体的可靠测量,用于测量储罐或简单工艺过程设艺设备中液体物料液位,特别适合化工厂和罐区应用。







产品特点非接触式测量通过红外线本安手持编程器,SIMATIC PDM或HART 编程。





主要技术参数测量范围:0.3~20m盲区:0.3m加屏蔽延伸段长度精度:±0.1%FS或10m m重复性:±5mm电源:额定电压24Vdc(最大负载电阻550Ω),最大30Vdc输出:二线制4~20mA 通讯协议:HART频率:5.8GHz(北美6.3GHz)发射角度:200电气接口:1/2"NPT或M20×1.5内螺纹介质介电常数:ε>3(ε<3的介质使用波导天线或导波管)数字更新时间:≤1.5s过程温度:-40~200℃环境温度:-40~80℃过程压力:-0.1~1.6MPa(与过程温度有关)过程连接:详见选型表外壳材质:铝合金防护等级:IP67认证:ATEXII 1 G、EExiaIICT4选型表1.7ML5423 PTFE杆式天线型7ML5423- SITRANS LR200,PTFE杆式天线1 PTFE-Teflon,使用如下过程连接 天线材质AA DIN DN50 PN16 FF法兰, 316不锈钢BA DIN DN80 PN16 FF法兰, 316不锈钢CA DIN DN100 PN16 FF法兰, 316不锈钢DA DIN DN150 PN16 FF法兰, 316不锈钢FB 2" ANSI 150 lb, FF法兰, 316不锈钢GB 3" ANSI 150 lb, FF法兰, 316不锈钢HB 4" ANSI 150 lb, FF法兰, 316不锈钢JB 6" ANSI 150 lb, FF法兰, 316不锈钢AC DIN DN50 PN40 FF法兰, 316不锈钢BC DIN DN80 PN40 FF法兰, 316不锈钢CC DIN DN100 PN40 FF法兰, 316不锈钢DC DIN DN150 PN40 FF法兰, 316不锈钢FD 2" ANSI 300 lb, FF法兰, 316不锈钢GD 3" ANSI 300 lb, FF法兰, 316不锈钢HD 4" ANSI 300 lb, FF法兰, 316不锈钢JD 6" ANSI 300 lb, FF法兰, 316不锈钢AE JIS DN50 10K, FF法兰, 316不锈钢BE JIS DN80 10K, FF法兰, 316不锈钢CE JIS DN100 10K, FF法兰, 316不锈钢DE JIS DN150 10K, FF法兰, 316不锈钢LA 1-1/2”NPT螺纹连接,316不锈钢MA 2”NPT螺纹连接,316不锈钢LC 1-1/2”BSP螺纹连接,316不锈钢MC 2”BSP螺纹连接,316不锈钢LE 1-1/2”G螺纹连接,316不锈钢ME 2”G螺纹连接,316不锈钢过程连接0 无延长1 延长50mm, PTFE2 延长100mm, PTFE3 延长100mm, 316不锈钢保护层4 延长150mm, 316不锈钢保护层5 延长200mm, 316不锈钢保护层6 延长250mm, 316不锈钢保护层天线延长0 一体化垫片,仅适用于FF法兰连接1 氟橡胶O型圈,适用于螺纹连接及天线延长选项3~6过程密封/垫片0 铝合金,环氧涂层,2个1/2″NPT1 铝合金,环氧涂层,2个M20外壳/电缆入口A 4-20mA, HART 通讯/输出A普通型,CE,CSA US/CB普通型,FM,FCC,6.3GHz,用于北美C CSA I和II级,I区,A、B、C、D、G组,本安型配安全栅D FM,I和II级,I区,A、G组,FCC,6.3GHz用于北美,本安型配安全栅E ATEXII 1G EExiaIICT4认证0 查压力/温度曲线1 0.5bar最大额定压力 C12测试报告4-20mA, HART 其它2.7ML5422 PP杆式天线型7ML5422- SITRANS LR200,整体结构PP 杆式天线(最大3bar,80℃) 0 铝合金,环氧涂层,2个1/2″NPT 1 铝合金,环氧涂层,2个M20外壳/电缆口 A 1-1/2″NPT,PP,带100mm保护层B 1-1/2″BSP,PP,带100mm保护层C 1-1/2″G,PP,带100mm 保护层D 1-1/2″NPT,PP,带250mm 保护层E 1-1/2″BSP,PP,带250mm 保护层F 1-1/2″G,PP,带250mm 保护层天线类型/材质A 普通型,CE,CSA US/CB 普通型,FM,FCC,6.3GHz,用于北美C CSA I 和II 级,I 区,A、B、C、D、G 组,本安型配安全栅D FM,I 和II 级,I 区,A、G 组,FCC,6.3GHz 用于北美,本安型配安全栅E ATEXII 1G EExiaIICT4认证 1 4-20mA, HART 通讯/输出C12 测试报告 其它可选配套项:手操器:本安型,EExia订货号7ML5830-2AH操作手册:英文,订货号7ML19985FN01产品外形及安装示意图1/2″或×1.5拱顶罐平顶罐锥顶罐备注:√√理想的不推荐的。

西门子 SITRANS LG250 - 操作说明书

西门子 SITRANS LG250 - 操作说明书

制导雷达SITRANS LG250 4 … 20 mA/HART - 两线制棒型和绳型探头带 SIL 认证证书操作说明书 • 09/20172PBD-51041251SITRANS LG250 - 操作说明书46201-ZH-1710303PBD-51041251SITRANS LG250 - 操作说明书46201-Z H -171030目录1关于本文献资料 ............................................................................................................................................51.1 功能 .............................................................................................................................................................................51.2 对象 .............................................................................................................................................................................51.3 使用的标记.. (52)为了您的安全 ...............................................................................................................................................62.1 获得授权的人员.........................................................................................................................................................62.2 合规使用 .....................................................................................................................................................................62.3 谨防错误使用.............................................................................................................................................................62.4 一般安全提示.............................................................................................................................................................62.5 欧盟一致性.................................................................................................................................................................62.6 符合 IEC 61508 的 SIL 合格证书 ..........................................................................................................................62.7 NAMUR 推荐 ............................................................................................................................................................72.8 在美国和加拿大进行安装和运行. (73)产品说明 ......................................................................................................................................................83.1 结构 .............................................................................................................................................................................83.2 作业方式 .....................................................................................................................................................................93.3 包装、运输和仓储 ..................................................................................................................................................103.4 附件与备件 (114)安装 ...........................................................................................................................................................124.1 一般提示 ...................................................................................................................................................................124.2 安装提示 . (125)与供电装置相连接 ......................................................................................................................................205.1 准备接线 ...................................................................................................................................................................205.2 连接 ...........................................................................................................................................................................215.3 单腔式外壳的接线图 ..............................................................................................................................................225.4 双腔式外壳的接线图 ..............................................................................................................................................235.5 防爆 (d-ia) 型双腔式外壳的接线图.....................................................................................................................245.6 附加电子部件...........................................................................................................................................................255.7 启动阶段 . (256)功能安全性 (SIL) ........................................................................................................................................266.1 目的 ...........................................................................................................................................................................266.2 SIL 认证 ....................................................................................................................................................................266.3 应用领域 ...................................................................................................................................................................266.4 参数化的安全方案 ..................................................................................................................................................266.5 调试过程 . (277)用显示和调整模块进行调试 ........................................................................................................................307.1 使用显示和调整模块 ..............................................................................................................................................307.2 操作系统 ...................................................................................................................................................................317.3 参数化 - 扩展了的操作功能..................................................................................................................................327.4 对设置的参数数据的存储 .. (498)用 PACTware 进行调试 .............................................................................................................................508.1 连接计算机...............................................................................................................................................................508.2 通过 PACTware 设置参数.....................................................................................................................................508.3 对设置的参数数据的存储 ......................................................................................................................................519 用其它系统进行调试 ...................................................................................................................................529.1 DD 操作程序............................................................................................................................................................529.2 Field Communicator 375, 475 . (52)10 诊断与服务 .................................................................................................................................................5310.1 维护 ...........................................................................................................................................................................5310.2 诊断储存器 (53)4PBD-51041251SITRANS LG250 - 操作说明书46201-ZH-17103010.3 状态信息 ...................................................................................................................................................................5410.4 排除故障 ...................................................................................................................................................................5610.5 更换电子插件...........................................................................................................................................................5810.6 更换测量绳/测量棒.................................................................................................................................................5910.7 软件升级 ...................................................................................................................................................................6110.8 需要维修时的步骤 .. (61)11 拆卸 (62)11.1 拆卸步骤 ...................................................................................................................................................................6211.2 废物清除 ...................................................................................................................................................................6212 附件 .. (63)12.1 技术参数 ...................................................................................................................................................................6312.2 尺寸 ...........................................................................................................................................................................7512.3 商标 (80)用于防爆区域的安全提示请在将仪表用于防爆应用领域时遵守专门针对防爆的安全说明。



sitransPage EN-2SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL 7ML19985QX81SITRANS LR2501.This symbol is used when there is no corresponding caution symbol on the product.••简体中文安全指导方针FCC一致性警告标示一定要注意,以保证人身安全和保护本仪表和整个装置。


只针对美国安装:美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)规则警告: SITRANS LR250只能按照本手册描述的方法使用,否则设备保护可能被削弱。

SITRANS LR250是一种2线制脉冲雷达物位变送器,用于储罐,包括高温和高压工况液体和浆液的连续监测。





警告: 没有经过Siemens Milltronics认可的改动会使用户对本设备的操作权作废。

注意:本设备已经经过测试可以用于Class A数字设备限制兼容,依照FCC准则Part 15。




7ML19985QX81SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL Page EN-3• •• CSA US/C , FM, CE• Europe ETSI EN302-372, FCC, Industry Canada • ATEX II 1G, EEx ia IIC T4ATEX II 1D, EEx tD A20 IP67 T90 °CIECEx SIR 05.0031X, Ex ia IIC T4, EX tD A20 IP67 T90 °CFM/CSA: 1 Class I, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C, D Class II, Div. 1, Groups E, F , G Class III T4.1.See Appendix A for FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe connection drawing (23650653) (North America only) onpage A-1.–40 o C to +150 o C (–40 o–40 °C to 80 °C (–40 °F to 176 °F)设备铭牌过程设备标签过程温度(过程连接点,使用FKM O圈)环境温度(外壳周围)环境/操作温度注意:* 过程温度和压力容量依照过程设备标签。

西门子SITRANS Probe LR雷达液位计

西门子SITRANS Probe LR雷达液位计
使用本质安全的手持编程器可以对 Probe LR 进行编程,而不俗要 打开外壳,安全、简单。标准的一体结构的聚丙烯杆式天线提供 很好的抗腐蚀性和密封性。一体结构天线包含内在的整体屏蔽, 以消除容器管口的干扰。SITRANS Probe LR 带声智能信号处理技 术,高信 / 噪比提供更好的回波信号和更长的量程。
连续物位测量 - 微波 (雷达)
■ 技术规格
• 模拟输出
• 精度
• 范围
• 通讯
SITRANS Probe LR 雷达液位计
■ 应用
SITRANS Probe LR 是两线制, 5.8GHz (北美 6.3GHz)雷达液位 计,测量储罐和过程容器中液体和浆料的液位和体积。 Probe LR 雷达液位计适用于由化学蒸气、温度梯度、真空和高压的应用, 如罐区、化学储罐、蒸煮器和长量程测量。SITRANS Probe LR 量 程为 0.3m 至 20m。
- 材质 - 尺寸
过程连接 过程连接
微波 (雷达波) 5.8 GHz (北美 6.3GHz) 0.3~20 m
4~20 mA ± 0.02 mA 正比或反比 HART
量程的 ±0.1% 或 10mm 0.06%/K ± 5 mm mA 可编程为高,低或保持 (LOE)
多段字母,数字液晶显示,带棒 图
SITRANS Probe LR 尺寸图
SITRANS Probe LR 接线图

北京亚捷隆测控技术有限公司 电话:(010)64820350 传真:(010)64820218
■ 订货数据



塑料, (PBT), Qty 2 x M20x1.5 (提供有塑料线鼻 2
天线类型 / 材质 (最大 3 Bar 和 80 °C)
PP 材质天线
1-½" NPT (ASME/ASME B1.20.1),带 100 mm 屏蔽
1-½" BSPT (EN 10226-1),带 100mm 屏蔽
连续测量 - 微波 ( 雷达 )
■ 概述
■ 组态
SITRANS Probe LR 是一种两线制回路供电 5.8 GHz 雷达变送器,用 于储罐液体、浆料或过程容器中液体的监测。
产品特点 • 一体化结构的聚丙烯杆式天线 • 易于安装,启动简单 • 通过红外线本安手操器编程, SIMATIC PDM 或 HART 手操器 • HART 通讯 • 专利的声智能回波处理技术 • 极高的信 / 噪比 • 自动虚假回波抑制
• 防护等级
• 重量 • 天线
- 材质 - 外形尺寸
过程连接 • 过程连接
连续测量 - 微波 ( 雷达 )
雷达液位测量 5.8 GHz 0.3 ~ 20 m
4 ~ 20 mA ± 0.02 mA 正比或反比 HART
全量程的 0.1% 10mm,取其较 大值 0.006%/K ±5 mm mA 可编程为高、低或保持
SITRANS Probe LR 带专利的声智能回波处理技术。
Probe LR 还具有极高的信 / 噪比,提高可靠性。
启动简单,只需要 2 个参数用于基本操作。通过红外线本安手操 器, SIMATC 或 HART 手操器。



LR260雷达液位快速使用培训讲议组稿主讲:杨晓东一.先讲几个重要概念:1.参数考点(Reference Point):雷达物料计安装法兰底面,如右图所示。

2.低校准点(LOW CALIB.PT):从传感器参考点到低校准点,如右图所示,实际是参考点到容器底部的距离。

3.高校准点(HIGH CALIB.PT):从传感器参考点到高校准点的距离,如上所示。







二.SITRANS200的OPRA TER MODE(运行或测量方式),共有四种:1.NO SERVICE:SITRANS200停止更新测量值和相连回路的电流;2.LEVEL:从低校验点到物料表面的距离;Low CalibPointLevelHigh CalibPointLevelPointReferenceSpaceReferencePointSpacePointHigh CalibPointLow Calib3.SPACE:从高校验点到物料表面的距离;4.DISTANCE:从参考点到料表面的距离。


在默认情况下仪表处于物位测量模式,我们只要根据实际设置低校准点(LOW CALIB.PT)即雷达物位计安装法兰底部到容器底部的距离和高校准点(HIGH CALIB.PT),即雷达液位计安装法兰底部到物料上限的距离.在以上两参数设置完毕后,一定要在APPLYY?菜单下选择YES,否则设置参数不生效.在LEVEL 运行模式下,在物位到达高校准点时仪表返回数值为实际物位值,应为低校准点的值减去高校准点的数值,此值也是二次仪表或DCS程序中物位测量的上限值。

SIEMENS 雷达液位计LR250 HART475菜单

SIEMENS 雷达液位计LR250 HART475菜单
high calibration pt. 高校准点
near range 近距离范围
far range 远距离范围
propagation factor 传播因数
sensor offset 传感器偏差设置
volume conversion 体积转换
vessel shape 容器性质
maximum volume 最大体积
maintenance demanded limit 要求维护限制
service acknowledge 服务确认
calibration interval 校准间隔
totalcalibration interval 总的校准间隔
time elapsed since last calibration 上次校准结束后的时间
poweron resets 通电天数
poweron resets 上电复位次数
LCD fast mode LCD 快速模式
LCD contrast LCD 对比度
communication 通讯
communication control 通讯控制
security 安全性
write protect 写保护
firmware revision 固件版本
loader revision 加载程序版本
hardware 硬件版本
input 输入
sensor calibration 传感器校准
material 物料
sensor unite 传感器装置
operation 操作
low calibration pt. 低校准点
device lifetime maintenance acknowledge 设备寿命维护确认

SITRANS LR260雷达物位快速手册

SITRANS LR260雷达物位快速手册
如果你想旋转外壳,请使用 2mm 的内六角来松开锁定环的固定螺丝。 1. 从电缆底部剥去外皮约 70mm,从压盖下穿过电线 1)。 2. 按照下图所示连接电线到终端,极性标在端子盒上 3. 按照本地条例把设备接地 4. 拧紧压盖,让其具有良好密封性
2. 把盖子紧紧的按到喇叭上直到盖子内部的隆起部分和喇叭外部的凹槽扣在一起。 3. 用手拧紧用来固定盖子的可调夹钳。 4. 使用螺丝起子或螺母起子来拧紧夹紧螺丝,直到它密不透风。
警告: 为了可以满足 IEC 61010-1 的安装要求,直流终端将由提供输入和输出间电子隔离的地方
使用手册 2009 年 7 月
注意: ·过程温度和压力性能取决于过程设备标签上的信息。标签上列出的参考图可从我们的网站上 获得/processautomation,,在SITRANS LR260产品页面上,过程连接规格。 ·信号强度随着喇叭尺寸的增加而增加,所以要使用最大的应用尺寸。
SITRANS LR260 依照参数设置来进行物位测量,可以通过本地用户界面(LUI)修改设置,本地 用户界面(LUI)包括了一个 LCD 显示器和一个手操器。 快速启动向导提供了一个简单的一步一步的指导,可以帮助你配置用于简单应用中的设备: ·7 步,“通过手操器启动快速启动向导” 请看 26 页 ·4 步,“通过 SIMATIC PDM 启动快速启动向导” 请看 31 页 关于更多的设置,请查看附录 E:101 页上的应用实例;关于全部参数的范围,参考 43 页的参数参考。
空气压力(psi)2) 203) 403)



中文SITRANS LR560 (HART) 快速启动手册本手册概述了 SITRANS LR560 (HART 1)) 的基本特性和功能。

强烈建议您使用本手册 的详细版本,以便充分发挥设备的全部潜能。

如需完整手册,请从 SITRANS LR560 的产品主页下载,网址为:/LR560。

印刷版手册可从当地 Siemens Milltronics 代表处获取。

如有关于本手册内容的问题,请直接发送到:Siemens AGSiemens Milltronics Process Instruments 1954 Technology Drive, P .O. Box 4225Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, K9J 7B1电子邮件:techpubs.smpi@MILLTRONICS 是 Siemens Milltronics Process Instruments 的注册商标。


如需当地 Siemens 自动化办事处的地址、电话号码和传真号码,请访问:/automation/partner :•单击“联系人”(Contact) 选项卡,选择“服务”(Service),然后再次单击“服务”(Service) 查找您的产品组“+自动化技术 > +传感器系统 > +过程仪表 > +物位测量 > +连续”(+Automation Technology > +Sensor Systems > +Process Instrumentation > +Level Measurement > +Continuous)。



•在“服务”(Service) 下选择“技术支持”(Technical Support)。

如需在线技术支持,请访问:/automation/support-request•输入设备名称 (SITRANS LR560) 或订货号,然后单击“搜索”(Search),选择对 应的产品类型。

西门子 sitrans PROBE LR 连续物位测量仪表 介绍手册

西门子 sitrans PROBE LR 连续物位测量仪表 介绍手册






注意:请根据使用说明书使用本产品MILLTRONICS ®是西门子过程仪表公司的一个注册商标。

可通过下列地址联系 SMPI 技术出版部:技术出版物西门子过程仪表公司1954 Technology Drive, P.O. Box 4225 Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, K9J 7B1 Email: techpubs@要查看SMPI 说明手册库,请访问我们的网站:© 西门子过程设备有限公司。








技术数据可能有变动目录安全事项1............................................................................................................1 安全标志记号...............................................................................................................................2 手册...............................................................................................................................................2 应用实例.......................................................................................................................................3 缩写和标识...................................................................................................................................3 SITRANS P R OBE LR ...........................................................................................5 应用...............................................................................................................................................5 SITRANS P ROBE LR 的系统执行...............................................................................................6 编程...............................................................................................................................................6 SITRANS P ROBE LR 许可和认证...............................................................................................6 规格....................................................................................................................8 SITRANS P ROBE LR.....................................................................................................................8 电源...............................................................................................................................................8 性能1............................................................................................................................................8 接口...............................................................................................................................................9 编程器(红外手操器)...............................................................................................................9 机械设计.......................................................................................................................................9 外壳.............................................................................................................................................10 环境.............................................................................................................................................10 过程.............................................................................................................................................10 认证(随设备的型号而改变).................................................................................................11 安装..................................................................................................................12 安装位置.....................................................................................................................................13 位于安装立管或人孔的盖子上.................................................................................................15 安装介绍.....................................................................................................................................15 SI TR ANS P R O B E L R : 尺寸.......................................................................................................16 接线..................................................................................................................17 电源.............................................................................................................................................17 SITRANS P ROBE LR 的连接..................................................................................................17 操作SI TR ANS P R OBE LR .................................................................................19 运行模式.....................................................................................................................................19 显示.............................................................................................................................................19 编程模式.....................................................................................................................................20 编程.............................................................................................................................................20 显示.............................................................................................................................................20 低温对运行/编程模式的影响....................................................................................................21 编程模式.....................................................................................................................................21 手持编程器.................................................................................................................................22 激活SITRANS P ROBE LR..........................................................................................................23 参数读取. (23)使用的单位或百分比(%) (25)设置步骤(离线) (25)设置说明 (25)附加设置 (31)应用实例 (32)例1储存罐液体树脂液位测量 (32)例2:带有体积测量的水平容器 (34)参数参考 (37)重要提示 (37)读取参数并修改值(主索引) (37)读取次级索引并更改数值 (38)P000锁定 (39)快速启动(P001到P010) (40)体积(P050到P055) (44)锁定(P069) (49)故障保护(P070到P073) (49)电流输出(P201到P215) (50)独立电流设定点(P210和P211) (51)电流输出限定参数(P212和P213) (53)安装记录(P341到P346) (54)量程校准(P652到P655) (55)速度(P700和P701) (57)测量检验参数(P709到P713) (58)通讯(P799) (61)回波处理(P800到P825) (61)算法(P820) (64)TVT(时间变化阙值)调整参数(P831到P839) (65)诊断测试(P900到P924) (68)测量 (69)附录A: 字母排序参数表 (71)附录B:参数表 (74)附录C:HAR T (77)SITRANS P ROBE LR的HART通讯 (77)HART设备描述器(DD) (77)SIMATIC过程设备管理器(PDM): (77)HART C OMMUNICATOR 275: (78)支持HART命令 (81)通用常用的实际命令 (82)设备特殊命令 (82)脉冲模式 (82)附录D:疑难解答 (83)通讯疑难解答 (83)特殊: (83)常见故障代码 (84)运行疑难解答 (87)维护 (90)单元维修和免责声明 (90)附录E:技术参考 (91)运行原理 (91)传感收发器 (91)盲区 (92)回波丢失(LOE) (92)量程延伸 (93)虚假回波抑制 (93)TVT(时间变化阙值)曲线 (93)自动虚假回波抑制 (93)运行/编程 (95)输出 (95)故障安全 (96)化学兼容性 (96)附录F:特殊应用 (98)应用实例:导波管 (98)附录G:危险区域安装 (100)接线细节 (100)本安模式 (100)FM/CSA (101)EU平衡 (101)环路电压及环路阻抗 (102)本安安全隔栅的选择 (102)如何为SITRANS P ROBE LR选择无源栅 (102)PLC输入模块 (103)无源二极管栅 (103)有源栅(可重复栅) (103)危险场合的安装指导 (104)(参考欧洲ATEX导则94/9/EC,附录II,1/0/6) (104)产品铭牌 (106)本安连接图(FM) (107)本安连接图(CSA) (108)iiiiiiv安全事项1对于带有灰色底纹文本的警告和注意事项,要特别加以注意。



液位计调试说明书液位料位计调试说明书杨帆整理目录雷达液位计.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

超声波液位计 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

雷达料位计.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

射频导纳液位计 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

雷达液位计型号:LR 250操作步骤(1)语言(2)介质(选择液体liquid)(3)反应速度(快中慢)Quick Start (4)单位(选择米)(快速开始设置)(5)操作模式(液位level)(6)低标定点(空罐液位)(7)高标定点(一般选择0)(8)确认说明:1、低标定点的设置方法是先任意设置低标,测空罐的液位,修改低标便可,例如:低标设置1米,确认后显示-2米,实际液位为3米。



3、每次修改参数后到最后一步选择Yes 确认。

超声波液位计超声波液位计设置为代码,具体如下:P01操作模式:1液位(level)2空间(space)3 距离(distance)P02界面属性:1水平(standard)2斜面(slope?)P03反应速度:1快(fast)2中(middle)3慢(slow)P04探头类型P05单位:m、cm 、mm、英尺(feed)、英寸(inch)P06安装位置到池底的距离P07量程说明:1、注意设置量程,例如安装位置到池底为3米,池高2.8米,则P06为3米,P07为2.8米。


2、默认参数:操作模式:液位(level);界面属性:水平(standard);反应速度:快(fast);单位:m ;3、探头类型为出厂默认,不用修改。

西门子 SITRANS LR200雷达液位计 快速启动手册

西门子 SITRANS LR200雷达液位计 快速启动手册
范围 参数值 * 0.0000 至 20.00(m) 1.000
5. 设定工艺空界面(P006:Empty) 注意: P006 和 P007 有内在联系, P007 见 下面的注意事项。
范围 参数值 缺省值 20.00m(最大量程) 0.0000 至 20.00
Empty 可以设定为任何距离,而不一 定是容器底部。
1 参数值 2 3 * (Level)物位:指示以 Empty(工艺空界面)为基准的界面高度。如果参数 050 至 055 设定允许,这个读数以容积单位显示。 (Space)空间:指示以 Span(工艺满界面)为基准的界面高度 (Distance)距离:指示界面到基准点(Reference Point)的距离。
Level 0% (4mA) Empty 100% (20mA) Empty 100% (20mA)
3. 设定 P003:测量响应
1 参数值 2 3 * 慢速 中速 快速 0.1m/分 1m/分 10m/分
240 参数值 241 242 * 杆式天线 杆式+50mm PTFE 延长 杆式+100mm PTFE 延长
关于详细的技术规格,请查阅 SITRANS LR200 指导手册。关于许可证方面的 信息,请参看工艺设备标签。
手操器 环境温度(外壳周围) -40~80℃ 螺纹接头上的锁定环 工艺设备铭牌 用户提供法兰 工艺温度:-40~80℃ 铭牌
注:当锁定环锁紧时,可防止外壳转动。 2
手持编程器 直接访问 SITRANS LR200 时, 将手持编程器对准仪表显示屏 并按键即可(详细说明见下页) 。



FMR250雷达料位计使用说明书天线接收物料表面反射回的微波脉冲信号, 并将其传输给电子部件。

微处理器对 信号进行处理,识别微波脉冲在物料表面所产生的回波信号。

参考点至物料表面间的距离与脉冲信号的运行时间成正比: D=c • t/2 其中为光速空罐高度E 已知,则物位为L :L=E-D+A请参考上图,确定参考点的位置。

L : level (料位高度),显示在 OA6中E : empty calibr. (空罐标定,=zero ,零点),在菜单 005中设置F : full calibr.( 满罐标定,=span ,量程),在006设定 D : distanee (空仓高度),显示在 0A5中 A :在057菜单中设置—、显示2.1显示符号的意义符号意义|| 1报警符号当仪表处于报警状态时,改符号出现,若此符号闪烁,则表示 报警占锁定符号当系统被锁定,即不能进行输入时,改符号出现缘我址誉―17/ESPTIR17/)或 J TbimT :20mA 100%、测量原理4 mA□%I '■ II在一般的料位测量的使用中,主要设置以下参数:介质类型(media type 001),罐体形状(Vessel/silo 00A)空罐标定(Empty Calibr. 005),满罐标定(Full Calibr. 006),线性化(linearisation 041),客户单位(Customer unit 042),最大量程(max scale 046此处的数值需与满罐高度一致)零点调整(offset 057这一数值将会加到测量值上)在调试过程中需要用到的其他菜单:电流输出模式(Curr. Output mode 063 一般选择“标准” -“Standarc”)查看波络线(在菜单envelope curve 0日查看信号距离。

(基本设置00)--(介质类型001: solid固体;liquid液体)----(罐体形状00A: unknow 未知;metal silo 金属仓;…..)---(介质特性00B: unknow 未知;DC1.6..1.9…..)---(过程条件00C: standard 标准;f ast change快速变化;…..)---(空罐标定005:输入数值)---(满罐标定006:输入满量程值)---(距离/ 测量值008:显示D和L)--(检查距离051 : distance= OK距离OK ;dist. toosmall 距离太小;manual 手动;...)---(抑制图范围052:手动输入,在此范围内的信号均被切除,用于干扰信号的切除)---(开始做抑制图053:off 关闭;on 打开;稍等一下,做完抑制图后自动转回off)---(距离/测量值008)---功能组选择(线性化04)--(物位/空罐040: level CU…..)--(线性化041: manual手动;linear线性;clear table清空)---(客户单位042:m 米;…)---(最大量程046:输入满罐高度数值)---功能组选择(扩展标定05)--(选择050:mapping 抑制;common 普通;extended map 扩展抑制)--(回波质量056:显示回波的强弱)-- (零点调整057:输入数值将会被加到测量值上)--058---058—059---功能组选择(扩展标定05)--(选择050:mapping 抑制;common 普通;extended map 扩展抑制)--(检查距离051 : distance= OK距离OK ;dist. too small距离太小;manual 手动;...)---(抑制图范围052:手动输入,在此范围内的信号均被切除,用于干扰信号的切除)---(开始做抑制图053:off 关闭;on 打开;稍等一下,做完抑制图后自动转回off )---(距离/测量值008)---功能组选择四、故障处理1 、现场表头显示0.04m ,主控电脑上显示1.8m 即现场显示与电脑显示对应不上,相差太远。

西门子 微波(雷达)物位测量 说明书

西门子 微波(雷达)物位测量 说明书

sitrans lr一体结构聚丙烯天线可以抗强化腐蚀,可用于测量硫酸、盐酸、醋酸及液氨等介质。


专利的红外本安手持编程器,可对SITRANS LR进行操作,无须打开仪表外壳,甚至在有防爆要求的场合也能使用。


平面法兰,杆式天线,整体密封带屏蔽杆式天线可消除卫生型天线用于食品制波导天线用于低介电常数介质平面法兰JIS 喇叭天线,用于隔离高温,* >SITRANS LR 200>SITRANS LR 300″用本安红外手持编程器对SITRANS LR400进行设定信号(db)来自搅拌器的回波物料表面回波距离14SITRANS LR 300喇叭型天线订货数据订货号7ML5411--12ABCDEFGHJKABCDEFGHJKABCDEAAAAABBBBBCCCCCDDDDDEEEEE112123ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRS1ADEFGHJ订货数据订货号SITRANS LR 300喇叭型天线用先进的脉冲雷达技术对液体和浆体提供可靠的液位测量,最大量程20m天线材质・316L S.S带PTFE锥形发射器・316L S.S带PTFE锥形发射器和清扫,见注5・带1000mm滑动波导管,见注1和5注1:只与喇叭尺寸选项C,D,E同时提供注5:只与压力等级选项1同时提供过程连接参见压力变化曲线・DIN DN 50 PN16,FF法兰,316S.S.・DIN DN 80 PN16,FF法兰,316S.S.・DIN DN 100 PN16,FF法兰,316S.S.・DIN DN 150 PN16,FF法兰,316S.S.・DIN DN 200 PN16,FF法兰,316S.S.・2″ANSI 150lb,FF法兰,316S.S.・3″ANSI 150lb,FF法兰,316S.S.・4″ANSI 150lb,FF法兰,316S.S.・6″ANSI 150lb,FF法兰,316S.S.・8″ANSI 150lb,FF法兰,316S.S.・DIN DN 50 PN40,FF法兰,316S.S.・DIN DN 80 PN40,FF法兰,316S.S.・DIN DN 100 PN40,FF法兰,316S.S.・DIN DN 150 PN40,FF法兰,316S.S.・DIN DN 200 PN40,FF法兰,316S.S.・2″ANSI 300lb,FF法兰,316S.S.・3″ANSI 300lb,FF法兰,316S.S.・4″ANSI 300lb,FF法兰,316S.S.・6″ANSI 300lb,FF法兰,316S.S.・8″ANSI 300lb,FF法兰,316S.S.・JIS DN 50 10K,FF法兰,316S.S.・JIS DN 80 10K,FF法兰,316S.S.・JIS DN 100 10K,FF法兰,316S.S.・JIS DN 150 10K,FF法兰,316S.S.・JIS DN 200 10K,FF法兰,316S.S.通讯/输出・4 - 20mA,HART,Modbus・Profibus PA,Modbus过程密封/垫片・FKM・Nitrile,只与波导管一起提供・FFKM,(-35~200℃)外壳/电缆入口・铝,环氧涂层2个1/2″NPT・铝,环氧涂层2个M20・316S.S.,2个1/2″NPT・316S.S.,2个M20喇叭尺寸/波导管・只带波导管 - 长度为用户自定・80mm喇叭,只用于有立管的情况・100mm喇叭・150mm喇叭・200mm喇叭・100mm喇叭,带100mm长的波导管・100mm喇叭,带150mm长的波导管・100mm喇叭,带200mm长的波导管・100mm喇叭,带250mm长的波导管・150mm喇叭,带100mm长的波导管・150mm喇叭,带150mm长的波导管・150mm喇叭,带200mm长的波导管・150mm喇叭,带250mm长的波导管・200mm喇叭,带100mm长的波导管・200mm喇叭,带150mm长的波导管・200mm喇叭,带200mm长的波导管・200mm喇叭,带250mm长的波导管认证・普通用途,CE,CSA US/C,见注2・CSA Class 1,Div 1,Groups A-G,CE,见注2・ATEX ll 1/2G EEx de llC T6,CE,见注2・FM,Class 1,Div 1,Groups A-G,FCC,6.3GHz,仅用于美国・普通用途,FM,FCC,6.3GHz,仅用于美国・EEx de [ia] llC T6,见注3・ATEX ll 1/2G EEx de [ia] llC T6,见注3注2:包括欧洲电磁波及加拿大工业认证,注3:只适用于通讯/输出选项1压力等级・按照操作手册上的压力/温度曲线等级・最大0.5 bar选件・红外手持编程器,本安,EEx ia 7ML 5830-2AH・PTEE杆式天线7ML 1830-1HC・PTEE杆式天线延长杆50mm(2″) 7ML 1830-1CH・PTEE杆式天线延长杆50mm(4 )7ML 1830-1CG・外壳扳手7ML 1830-1HB・RS485-RS232转换器,非隔离,端口供电7ML 1830-1HA・Doiphin PlusIQ Radar/SITRANS LR 300导波管・不锈钢。

SITRANS L 雷达变送器 SITRANS LR110 操作说明说明书

SITRANS L 雷达变送器 SITRANS LR110 操作说明说明书

操作说明SITRANS L雷达变送器SITRANS LR110https:///processautomationSITRANS L雷达变送器SITRANS LR110操作说明前言10/2021 62706-52-01法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。








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测量智能过程自动化76181, Karlsruhe 德国62706-52-01A5E49829006© 10/2021 如有更改,恕不另行通知版权 © 西门子 2021保留所有权利目录前言 (v)1关于本技术文献 (1)1.1功能 (1)1.2对象 (1)1.3所用的图标 (1)2安全注意事项 (3)2.1授权人员 (3)2.2正确使用 (3)2.3警告勿滥用 (3)2.4一般性安全说明 (3)2.5适用于全球的雷达频率 (4)2.6在美国和加拿大进行安装和运行 (4)2.7安全说明 (4)3产品说明 (5)3.1结构 (5)3.2工作原理 (6)3.3设置 (7)3.4包装、运输和仓储 (8)3.5配件 (9)4安装 (11)4.1一般性说明 (11)4.2安装方式 (11)4.3安装说明 (12)4.4测量布局 - 流量 (15)5与供电装置相连接 (17)5.1为连接作准备 (17)5.2接线图 (18)5.3启动阶段 (18)6访问保护 (19)6.1蓝牙无线接口 (19)6.2对参数更改权限的保护 (19)iii SITRANS LR110操作说明, 10/2021, 62706-52-01, A5E49829006目录7用移动终端进行调试 (蓝牙) (21)7.1建立连接 (21)8仪表设置 (23)9用 SIMATIC PDM EDD 进行调试 (29)9.1用 SIMATIC PDM EDD 进行调试 (29)10诊断与服务 (33)10.1维护 (33)10.2排除故障 (33)10.3诊断,故障信息 (34)10.4状态信息 (符合 NE 107) (34)10.5处理测量错误 (37)10.6寄回程序 (41)10.7技术支持 (42)10.8需要维修时的步骤 (43)11拆卸 (45)11.1拆卸步骤 (45)11.2废物清除 (45)12认证证书和许可证 (47)12.1无线电技术许可证 (47)12.2防爆区域许可证书 (47)12.3船用许可证 (47)12.4溢出防范认证证书 (47)12.5食品加工和制药证书 (47)12.6欧盟一致性 (48)12.7NAMUR 推荐 (48)13附件 (49)13.1技术参数 (49)13.2尺寸 (53)13.3Licensing information for open source software (54)13.4商标 (54)iv SITRANS LR110操作说明, 10/2021, 62706-52-01, A5E49829006前言用于防爆区域的安全说明编辑时间: 2021-10-15v SITRANS LR110操作说明, 10/2021, 62706-52-01, A5E49829006前言vi SITRANS LR110操作说明, 10/2021, 62706-52-01, A5E49829006关于本技术文献11.1功能本使用说明书给您提供有关安装、连接和调试的必要信息以及针对维护、故障排除、部件更换和用户安全性方面的重要信息。



Level measurement guide/levelComplete level solutionsA new level of experience in all of your applications.Transparency. Connectivity.Intelligence.The eyes and ears of digitalization.Enormous potential benefits await your operations with Industry4.0. With unparalleled control and access, you now have com-plete knowledge of what’s happening in your plant at all times.But even in the age of digital, you still need accurate, reliable,and rugged process instrumentation. Because if field instrumentsare unable to supply the right data, even the most sophisticateddigitalization initiative won’t help.Take the MultiRanger/HydroRanger ultrasonic level controller.Connect it to Siemens MindSphere Cloud for Industry and seeyour operations open up before you. Access to all sensor dataand device parameters allows you to compare level readings withexternal sensors – compare outside temperatures to river levelscombined with rain fall gauges to predict flood zones. Intelligentlevel monitoring brings intelligent operations.With the knowledge that no single technology can address theneeds of all industrial applications, Siemens provides a completerange of level measurement devices. All backed by our globalsupport network, providing experienced sales and technicalassistance when and where you need it.2Table of contentsLevel technology selector 5 Siemens level measurement 6 Radar for solids 8 Radar for liquids and slurries 10 Continuous contact level 12 Ultrasonic controllers and transmitters 14 Ultrasonic Echomax transducers 16 Hydrostatic 18 Level by weight 20 Load cells for level weighing 22 Vibratory and paddle switches 24 RF Capacitance and ultrasonic switches 26 Remote monitoring and displays 28 Training, sales and support, TIA 303Start with the right product, finish with low cost of ownershipFor point level detection, safety of personnel, back-up control, and to avoid costly shutdowns, install point level devices like SITRANS CLS, SITRANS LVL, SITRANS LVS or SITRANS LPS.Because no single technology measures level in all applications, Siemens offers selection .4Level technology selectorl l preferred condition dependentContinuous level Point level* Check chemical compatibility.5The right instrument for your applicationSiemens level measurement instruments let you get on with your day. Easy 4-but-ton programming and graphical Quick Start Wizards deliver headache-free installa-tion and setup. Advanced processing means that operators aren’t spending valu-able time repeatedly troubleshooting devices—instead they can be confident thatthese instruments are delivering reliable, accurate results.Complementing our level technology are Siemens complete suite of processinstruments, gas analytics, automation, and drives for industries aroundthe globe:• Flow• Weighing• Pressure• Temperature• Positioning• Power supplies• Process protection• Process controllers• Remote displays• Process recorders• Gas analytics• Gear reducers• Motors• Control systems• Industrial communication• PLCs• HMIs• Drives• Motion control6SITRANS PSITRANS LVL200SITRANS CLS100SITRANS LC300POINTEK CLS200SITRANS LR250SITRANS LG250SITRANS LU240ECHOMAX TRANSDUCERHI LOSITRANS RD500CellularSITRANS RD300HI LOMULTIRANGERSITRANS SCSC(SINGLE INPUT)SITRANS T3CS(DUAL INPUT)SIWAREX WP231SIWAREX WL200SIWAREX WL200SITRANS LPS200SITRANS LVS200SITRANS LVS300POINTEK CLS300SITRANS LR5607Radar for solidsSITRANS LR560 is the easiest to use solids radar transmitter on the market. Witha high frequency of 78 GHz, 4 degree narrow beam, and short wavelength, itperforms reliably on solids material from practically any installation location.For extremely low dielectric, low density powders, the 25 GHz SITRANS LR460 isthe preferred solution. Featuring a horn antenna with an 8 degree beam, the4-wire FMCW SITRANS LR460 has proven itself in thousands of applications.Siemens solids radar transmitters easily tackle dusty environments and are notaffected by temperature changes.8SITRANS LR260SITRANS LR560SITRANS LR460 Array9Radar for liquids andslurriesSITRANS LR250 is your first choice for liquid level measurement in storage andprocess vessels to 20 meters (66 ft). With its range of antennas, this transmittercan handle whatever you need it to. Its new encapsulated antenna and class-leading range of process connections mean that hygienic applications are noproblem for this instrument.For process vessels which may include turbulence, buildup, or foam, chooseSITRANS LR200. Its low frequency better suits this environment and functionsreliably in applications up to 20 meters (66 ft).And for basic continuous monitoring, SITRANS Probe LR offers a small processconnection for easy installation. It’s low frequency operation means highimmunity against condensation or deposits.For monitoring the level of sea or river water, SITRANS LR560 can effectivelyprovide accurate measurements with its long range and narrow beam.10SITRANS LR250 FamilySITRANS LR560Continuous contact levelSITRANS LG guided wave radar transmitter is the solution for your easiest level or interface application to your most demanding—and everything in between. With simple, reliable installation and little to no configuration, you’ll be opera-tional in minutes, saving you time and money.Extreme process conditions don’t stand a chance, and these transmitters feature SIL options for applications requiring functional safety. Advanced diagnostics including trending, profiles, and event logging give you the data you need at every step of your process. Rapid response times and superior echo processing deliver accurate and reliable readings over the full application range, even in small containers and in low dielectric constant material. And with field-replace-able and adjustable probes, if your process changes, your measurement device can too.SITRANS LC300 is ideal for a range of liquids, solids, and interface applications in the chemical, hydrocarbon processing, and food and beverage industries. Capacitance instruments use active-shield technology to ensure true and accurate level readings are recorded from the material surface.SITRANS LC300SITRANS LG FamilySITRANS LC300Ultrasonic controllers and transmittersFor close to thirty years, the MultiRanger 200 and HydroRanger 200 havebeen the industry standard for level measurement in a world of industries. Now we‘ve made the best even better. These enhanced controllers give you unparalleled ease of use, setup in under a minute, customer-driven features, and PROFIBUS DPV1, PROFINET, MODBUS TCP/IP, Ethernet IP.As well, with world-leading accuracy of ±1 mm (0.04"), SITRANS LUT400gives you confidence in your measurements across a wide range of industries. SITRANS Probe LU240 is the cost-effective, compact, intelligent level solution. Ready for digitalization with HART 7, this device provides reliable level measure-ment of liquids applications.The SITRANS LU150 is a cost-effective, short-range, non-contacting ultrasonic level measurement transmitter that combines both the sensorand electronics into a one-piece, sealed unit.SITRANS LUT400SITRANS LU150SITRANS Probe LU240SITRANS Probe LU MultiRanger200 HydroRanger200Ultrasonic Echomax transducersSiemens Echomax ultrasonic level transducers provide trouble-free, reliable performance. Our non-contacting transducers are impervious to dust, moisture, vibrations, flooding, and high temperatures. With the ability to detect submer-gence – when paired with a submergence shield – and an active face to reduce material buildup, these transducers are a perfect fit for a range of industrial applications. Siemens transducers are easy to install and require little to no maintenance.Echomax transducers feature Process Intelligence (when paired with a Siemens controller), our field-proven echo processing algorithms which guarantee the most reliable performance possible. And how about our unmatched beam angle – stronger pulse and sensitivity in a compact beam make our ultrasonic trans-ducers the most powerful in the industry.Echomax XPS-30 Echomax XPS-15Echomax XPS-10Echomax ST-H Echomax XRS-5Echomax XPS-15FHydrostaticHydrostatic level measurement with Siemens gauge, absolute, and differential pressure transmitters is a low cost option for direct mounting or mounting with remote seals on tanks and vessels. These instruments can handle extreme chemical and mechanical loads as well as electromagnetic interference. They are widely applied in chemical and petrochemical industries.SITRANS P500SITRANS LH100SITRANS LH300SITRANS P320/420Level by weightWith SIWAREX electronics and load cells, not only are you choosing the highest quality in construction, long-lasting performance, and easy integration into your weighing systems, you are also opening the doors to Siemens comprehensive spectrum of instrumentation.Automate all of your scales with SIWAREX weighing modules. Part of Siemens Totally Integrated Automation (TIA), SIWAREX modules can be integrated into SIMATIC and expanded as required to meet your individual requirements.SIWAREX WP231SIWAREX WT231Load cells for level weighingSIWAREX load cells have high precision and repeatability of weighing and batching processes. They are designed for a range of applications, especially when accuracy is a must. With Siemens, you can source both your load cells and electronics. Choose from our extensive, performance-graded line of weighing systems – with everything you need for the whole range of tasksin your industry.SIWAREX load cells are ideal in almost any industrial sector – food-processing, steel-making, chemical and pharmaceutical, to name a few. With the diverse construc t ion types and comprehensive, graded load classes ranging from 300 grams to 500 tons (6.6 pounds to 551 short tons), you are sure to find the right load cell for your application.SIWAREX WL270SIWAREX WL250SIWAREX WL230SIWAREX WL230SIWAREX WL260Vibratory and paddle switchesWith options as simple or sophisticated as you need them to be, Siemens point level devices are your answer.Whether you’re looking for backup high- or low-level detection, interface, or dry run protection – these switches will reduce your maintenance, downtime, and equipment replacement costs.Remote testing? Not a problem. A range of Siemens point level instruments now feature convenient remote testing via single or two-channel remote test signal conditioners or your control system.Product buildup? In addition to Siemens capacitance technology’s immunity to buildup, rotating point level devices specialize in low bulk density applications, ensuring accurate readings even in dusty, turbulent, and vaporous environments. Need functional safety in your application? Siemens offers the world’s first rotary paddle switch with SIL options in addition to a series of SIL instruments in all our point level lines.Whatever your requirement, Siemens has a switch solution.SITRANS LVS100SITRANS LVS200SITRANS LVL100/200SITRANS LPS200SITRANS LVS300RF Capacitance and ultrasonic switchesOur level switches offer superior performance while reducing maintenance, downtime, and equipment replacement cost. Their robust design lasts in harsh and abrasive environments, guaranteeing a long service life and low cost of ownership. They are easy to set up and connect to any alarm or control system. Our unique inverse frequency shift approach to capacitance technology ensures accurate, reliable, and repeatable measurement, even in dusty, turbulent, and vaporous environments or in situations with product buildup. Because even a small level change creates a large and detectable change in frequency, Siemens Pointek CLS series provides excellent resolution while consistently outperform-ing conventional devices.POINTEK CLS100 POINTEK CLS200POINTEK CLS300Remote monitoring and displaysIdeal for remote monitoring applications including inventory levels, regulatory monitoring, remote maintenance alarming, or process and environmental monitoring, SITRANS RD500 remote data manager helps you stay connected and informed. SITRANS RD500 provides remote monitoring through datalogging, web access, and alarming.SITRANS RD100, SITRANS RD150, SITRANS RD200, and SITRANS RD300 remote displays bring you the flexibility of seeing instrumentation readings in a conve-nient location for your operators. Our family of displays offer options for inte-grated pump control, totalizing, dual input, remote communication and moni-toring via HART or Modbus and remote configuration of connected sensors. There are times when information in the control room or on the instrument is not enough. Siemens’ selection of displays gives you an inexpensive view into your processes.SITRANS RD500SITRANS RD100SITRANS RD200 SITRANS RD150Sales and supportCustom engineeringSiemens provides custom-engineered products to solve your special application needs. From material compatibility challenges to unique size requirements, Siemens custom engineering team can help.Service around the worldPlants must function reliably at all times. Efficient and effective process instrumentation and analytics are an indispensable requirement to this end. You also need to be certain of fast and competent service from your supplier. Siemens is a global company that reacts locally. Whether you require consulting, quick delivery, or installation of new devices, the Siemens network of specialists is available to you around the world, wherever your loca-tion.Service around the clockOur online support system offers rapid, comprehensive assistance regardless of time or location. From product support to service information, Siemens Industry online support is your first choice – around the clock, 365 days a year./automation/service&supportTotally integrated automation Products from the controller level tothe field levelWith Totally Integrated Automation (TIA), Siemens is the only provider of an end-to-end integrated portfolio of products and systems for the automation of the entire production workflow. From the goods receiving area to the finished goods warehouse.Totally Integrated Automation reduces the complexity of the automation solution and enables what really counts: the practical combination of optimally coordinated indi-vidual components without interface problems.Totally Integrated Automation integrates not only the produc-tion process but all parts of the company from the field level to the management level. The result: a perfectly coordinated overall concept that enables higher productivity.Communication-flexibilitySiemens TIA approach offers ease of connection to a DCS systemsuch as SIMATIC PCS 7 using industrial standards. Siemensprovides communication flexibility, supporting:• SIMATIC PDM• PROFIBUS• HART• FOUNDATION Fieldbus• Model 375/475 HART field communicatorand Emerson AMS• SmartLinx (cards are available forPROFIBUS DP, Modbus RTU, and DeviceNet)• FDT Software via SITRANS DTM31Published by Siemens AG 2018Process Industries and Drives Östliche Rheinbrückenstr. 5076187 Karlsruhe GermanyArticle No.: PDPA-T90009-00-7600 Dispo 27900WS 01182.0Printed in Germany © Siemens AG 2018Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this document only contains general descriptions and/or performance features which may not always specifically reflect those described, or which may undergo modification in the course of further development of the products. The requested performance features are binding only when they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.All product designations may be registered trademarks of Siemens AG. All other designations in this document may represent trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes may violate the proprietary rights of the owner.Follow us on:/siemenssensors /siemenssensors/siemensMeasuring everything that matters:/processinstrumentation Siemens Process Instrumentation offers best-in-class measurement and seamless integration into your automation system. We are the total solution provider for flow, level, pressure, temperature, weighing, positioners and more.。



雷达物位计选型说明北京中世威科仪表有限公司目录一智能雷达液位计1.产品概述••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 2.仪表介绍•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••2 3.安装指南•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••3 4.导波管内的测量•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••9 5.导波管的设计指南•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11 6.虚假回波•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••12 7.典型的安装错误•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••13 8.仪表尺寸••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••15 9.法兰外形尺寸图•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••16 10.发射角和虚假反射•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••17 11.仪表线性•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••18 12.测量条件•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••19 13.接线方式•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••19 14.调试••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••19 15.技术数据•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••21 16.产品选型•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••22二导波雷达物位计1.产品概述•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••25 2.仪表介绍••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••26 3.安装指南••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••27 4.接线方式•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••30 5.调试•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••30 6.仪表尺寸•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••31 7.仪表线性••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••32 8.技术参数•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••33 9.产品选型•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••34三现场信号显示器KT60011.液晶显示仪表技术规格•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••35 2.壳体技术规格•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••35 3.性能•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••35 4.现场信号显示器选型•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••35 物位计选型参数表••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••36一智能型雷达物位计1.产品概述1.1简介KTRD80系列传感器是先进的雷达式物位测量仪表,测量距离最大35米,可以用于存储罐、中间缓冲罐或过程容器的物位测量,输出4…20mA模拟信号。



P002 物料
主索引 数值 主变量 标准模式 双点模式 通用参数 超声波传感器 1 * 液体或平坦光滑的表面 2 固体或倾斜的表面 y P830 TVT 曲线类型
P003 测量响应速度
主索引 数值 超声波传感器 1 慢(0.1 米/分钟) 2 * 中等(1 米/分钟) 3 快速(10 米/分钟) y P070 失效保安时间 y P700 最大加料率 y P701 最大放料率 y P702 加料指示器 y P703 放料指示器 y P704 变化率滤波器 y P710 尖波率滤波器 y P713 回波锁定视窗 y P727 扫描延时 y P841 长发射数 y 失效保安(P070 至 P072) y P121 泵出量 y 变化率(P700 至 P708) y 测量参数检验(P710 至 P713) y 传感器扫描(P726 至 P729) y P905 传送脉冲
P006 零点
以所选择的测量单位(P005)键入要测量的最大距离(从超声波传感器到容 器底部的距离)。
主索引 数值 超声波传感器 范围:0.000 至 9999 出厂设定值:5.000 米 (或等于编程单位) y P007 量程 y P005 单位 y P800 盲区 y P921 物料测量 y P927 距离测量
警告: 编程加密仅用于保护已设定的参数。未经授权者可使用此固定值。 直接进入此参数( P000 )后键入任何一个数值(除1954 )编程加密。直接 进入此参数后键入1954编程解密。
快速启动(P001至P007) P001 运行
主索引 标准模式 双点模式 通用参数 超声波传感器 0 不工作 1 物位-容器是如何满的(MR 200:容量-P050) 2 空间-容器是如何空的(MR 200:空罐-P050) 3 * 距离-从超声波传感器表面到物料表面的距离 4 DPD-两点差值 [MR 200] 5 DPA-两点平均值 [MR200] 6 OCM-明渠流量 [MR 200] 7 泵累计量 [MR 200] y P600 选择测量装置

SIEMENS SITRANS LR 400型雷达液位计 用户手册

SIEMENS SITRANS LR 400型雷达液位计 用户手册

操作手册 2004sitransLR 400安全指导须注意警告提示,以确保人身安全,保护产品及相关设备不受损坏。






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© Siemens Milltronics Process Instruments Inc . 2004目录概要信息 (1)本手册 (1)SITRANS LR 400 (3)结构 (3)规格 (4)尺寸 (9)安装 (16)装配位置 (16)电气连接 (18)启动 (20)自检 (20)多列显示 (20)现场编程 (20)自动设置 (20)操作 (21)概要信息 (21)测量原理 (21)SITRANS LR 400的操作 (24)更改参数值 (25)编程禁止与允许 ............................................. ..... (27)操作实例 (28)参数(HART) (30)必需的参数 (30)附加参数 (32)参数 (PROFIBUS PA) (56)故障维修 (65)故障分类 (65)自检 (65)症状,原因及维修 ................................................................. .... . (65)故障消息 (66)维护 (68)断开电气连接 (68)清洗天线 (68)证书 (69)术语 (70)附录 I (71)参数表 ................................................... (71)附录II (74)编程表格 (74)附录III (77)环境/工作温度说明 (77)附录IV (78)过程压力/温度减额法 (78)附录V (80)SITRANS LR 400 HART 通信 (80)附录VI (85)SITRANS LR 400 PROFIBUS PA通信 (85)概要手册正确安装、操作及维护SITRANS LR 400雷达仪,请参考本手册。

西门子 超声波液位计 产品手册说明书

西门子 超声波液位计 产品手册说明书

Ultrasonic levelSolutions for a world of applicationsProcess Instrumentation/ultrasonic23Siemens has been your partner in ultrasonic level measurement. This experience matters – take a look at the million plus Siemens ultrasonic level devices installed around the world.Whether it’s water/wastewater monitoring and pumping, inventory management, truck load-outs, or anything in between, Siemens ultrasonic level measurement is the answer.After installing Siemens ultrasonic level measurement instruments, you immediately see thebenefits: a cost-effective, easy-to-configure, low maintenance solution that suits your needs for years to come.Sonic Intelligence is our patented echo processing technology for ultrasonic level instruments.The software’s advanced algorithms provide intelligent processing of echo profiles. The result is repeatable, fast, and consistent measurement you can trust.Since the early 1970s...Sonic Intelligence differentiates false echoes caused by obstructions from true material level echoes.4SITRANS LUT400Prepare yourself. With world-leading accuracy, unparalleled ease of use, setup in under a minute, and the customer-driven features you asked for, the SITRANS LUT400 series ultrasonic controllers have arrived. Making your work simpler and providing the reliability you need to ensure processes are running smoothly.The new benchmark in ultrasonic level measurement accuracy: the SITRANS LUT400 series ultrasonic controllers. These compact, single point controllers excel at continuous level monitoring and control in liquids, solids, or slurry applica-tions in a wide range of industries. With world-leading accuracy of 1 mm (0.04"), the SITRANS LUT400 series ensures that measurements are consistently precise. Three models make up the series:• S ITRANS LUT420 Level and Volume Controller• S ITRANS LUT430 Level, Pump, and Flow Controller• S ITRANS LUT440 High Accuracy Open Channel Monitor (OCM), which also pro-vides a full suite of advanced level, vol-ume, and pump controls These controllers are flexible solutions for an array of applications, including level measurement or pump control in water/ wastewater treatment facilities, inventory management in industrial storage vessels, and open channel monitoring. Operations are more cost-effective: inven-tory monitoring is always precise, pro-cesses can be better controlled, and expen-sive spill cleanups can be avoided.A reliable ultrasonics level controller reduces the need to send operators to the application for maintenance. By keeping workers out of hazardous situations altogether, you immediately reduce the chance of accidents and the consequences to your company.Welcome to the evolution of ultrasonics5Meet the ultrasonics familyThe Siemens ultrasonic instrumentation family has a long history together. We’re a hardworking group, and we aim to please. Reliable? You can count on it. Intelligent and Durable? We have both brains and brawn. Together we set the standard for accuracy and performance with our innovative and advanced approach to level measurement.Solutions for more than a million industrial process applications: Come meet the family.Siemens Echomax ultrasonic level transducers provide trouble-free, reliable performance. Our non-contacting transducers are impervious to dust, moisture, vibrations, flooding, and high temperatures. With the ability to detect submergence – when paired with a submergence shield – and an active faceto reduce material buildup, these transducers are a perfect fit for a range of industrial applications. Siemens transducers are easy to install and require littleto no maintenance.Echomax transducers8With every transducer from Siemens, you get:• S onic Intelligence (when paired with a Siemens controller) – ourfield-proven echo processing algorithms guarantee the most reliable performance possible.• U nmatched beam angle – stronger pulse and sensitivity in a compact beam make our ultrasonics transducers the most powerful in the industry.• E ase of installation – Siemens’ wide range of mounting brackets and accessories provide the right installation package for any application.• S ales and support in your neighborhood – our extensive global coverage means conveniently located sales and support.89101011Pairing intelligent ultrasonic field devices with SIMATIC NET architecture is a perfect mix. This combination gives you considerable cost savings through reduced installation efforts, predictive maintenance, and intelligent diagnostics. Siemens offers a wide range of Industrial Communication components specifically designed for reliable use in your industry.Communication flexibility Siemens provides communication flexibility. Siemens Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) approach offers ease of connection to a DCS sys-tem such as SIMATIC PCS 7 using industrial stan-dards such as HART and PROFIBUS.SIMATIC PDM software SIMATIC PDM (Process Device Manager) is a manufacturer-independent software tool for the operation, configuration, parameterization, maintenance, and diagnosis of intelligent field instruments. Based on the EDD standard, it can be used independent of a specific automation system via a PC or programming device or as an integral part of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process auto-mation system. Core functions include:• S etup and modification of parameters• Comparison• Plausibility checks• Data management• Commissioning functionsSIMATIC PDM offers communications via HART protocol, PROFIBUS DP, PROFIBUS PA, or other protocols.Siemens has written a number of Enhanced EDDs for SIMATIC PDM. These EDDs include addi-tional functions such as Quick Start Wizards and the saving of echo profiles. You will see a stan-dard look and feel for all Siemens process instruments.Communications 11Remote digital displays Siemens remote displays, SITRANS RD100 and SITRANS RD200, provide the flexibility of having a display where it is needed – in the field, in a panel, or in the control room.Remote monitoring SITRANS RD500 allows remote monitoring of Siemens ultrasonics using standard communica-tion options such as Ethernet and cellular GPRS modem. This is the ideal complement to any remote monitoring application, allowing direct access to level readings via any computer (such as smart phones, laptops, or any device support-ing a web browser, email, or sms).In addition to remote monitoring and reporting, SITRANS RD500 also provides these remote features: • Configuration • Viewing of transmitter data • Datalogging • Event alarming • Reporting and messaging PROFIBUS Siemens offers a range of instruments that connect to a PROFIBUS network. PROFIBUS is the fieldbus standard for complete production plants in all process sectors, and helps manu-facturers achieve operational excellence and cost savings throughout the complete service life. It is the network solution with the most advantages for Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) providing digital communication between the automation system and field instrumentation on a single serial bus cable. Many Siemens level instruments have a PROFIBUS option and support PROFIBUS PA or PROFIBUS DP.HART HART is a serial transfer protocol used to trans-fer additional parameter data such as mea-surement range and configuration to the connected device through a 4 to 20 mA power loop. SIMATIC PDM can use this protocol to communicate configuration data to an instru-ment. Siemens offers HART as an option on many of its level instruments.Model 375 HART field communicator and Emerson AMS The handheld HART 375 field communicator and Emerson AMS software are EDD-based con-figuration and diagnostic tools for HART and Foundation Fieldbus TM devices. They both sup-port the HART Communication Foundation (HCF) Library of EDDs. All Siemens HART devices have EDDs in the HCF library. Enhanced EDDs are included on some products providing addi-tional functions such as Quick Start Wizards.PROFIBUS DP, Modbus RTU, Allen-Bradley Remote I/O, and DeviceNet via SmartLinx SmartLinx provides direct digital connection to commonly used industrial communication buses with true plug-and-play compatibility. Cards are available for PROFIBUS DP, Modbus RTU, Allen-Bradley Remote I/O, and DeviceNet. SmartLinx modules are fast and easy to install, and can be added at any time.For use with SITRANS LU, MultiRanger100/200, and HydroRanger 200.Siemens AGIndustry SectorSensors and Communications 76181 KARLSRUHE GERMANY Subject to change without prior noticeOrder No. 7ML1996-5LZ03Printed in Canada© 2013 Siemens AGThe information provided in this brochure contains merely generaldescriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actualuse do not always apply as described or which may change as a resultof further development of the products. An obligation to provide therespective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in theterms of the contract.All product designations may be trademarks or product names ofSiemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for theirown purposes violate the rights of the owners.。

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sitransPage EN-2SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL 7ML19985QX81SITRANS LR2501.This symbol is used when there is no corresponding caution symbol on the product.••简体中文安全指导方针FCC一致性警告标示一定要注意,以保证人身安全和保护本仪表和整个装置。


只针对美国安装:美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)规则警告: SITRANS LR250只能按照本手册描述的方法使用,否则设备保护可能被削弱。

SITRANS LR250是一种2线制脉冲雷达物位变送器,用于储罐,包括高温和高压工况液体和浆液的连续监测。





警告: 没有经过Siemens Milltronics认可的改动会使用户对本设备的操作权作废。

注意:本设备已经经过测试可以用于Class A数字设备限制兼容,依照FCC准则Part 15。




7ML19985QX81SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL Page EN-3• •• CSA US/C , FM, CE• Europe ETSI EN302-372, FCC, Industry Canada • ATEX II 1G, EEx ia IIC T4ATEX II 1D, EEx tD A20 IP67 T90 °CIECEx SIR 05.0031X, Ex ia IIC T4, EX tD A20 IP67 T90 °CFM/CSA: 1 Class I, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C, D Class II, Div. 1, Groups E, F , G Class III T4.1.See Appendix A for FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe connection drawing (23650653) (North America only) onpage A-1.–40 o C to +150 o C (–40 o–40 °C to 80 °C (–40 °F to 176 °F)设备铭牌过程设备标签过程温度(过程连接点,使用FKM O圈)环境温度(外壳周围)环境/操作温度注意:* 过程温度和压力容量依照过程设备标签。

标签列出的参考图可以从西门子网站下载: www.siemens.com/LR250。

* 请参照第20页的最大过程温度表得到详细信息。

电源最大 30 V DC 4-20mA参数请察看SITRANS LR250(HART)操作手册查找完整信息。


认证一般应用无线电危险场合 本质安全:注意:请使用适当的进线口接头来保证设备IP或NEMA等级。

(欧洲)(国际)(美国/加拿大)(请看下一页阻燃Class I,Div.2认证)(需要安全栅)简体中文Page EN-4SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL 7ML19985QX81• FM/CSA 1 Class I, Div. 2,Groups A, B, C, D T51.See Appendix A for FM/CSA (Non-incendive) Class 1, Div 2 connection drawing (23650673)(North America only) on page A-2.2.The process pressure boundary assembly comprises the components that act as a barrier against pressure loss from the process vessel: that is, the combination of process connection body and emitter, but normally excluding the electrical enclosure.•••••认证(接上页)危险场合 阻燃(美国/加拿大)注意:请使用适当的进线口接头来保证设备IP或NEMA等级。

带压应用警告:* 本产品被设计可作为一压力附件Directive 97/23/EC,但不能作为一个* 当容器内带压时,不要松动,拆卸,移动过程连接或仪表外壳。

* 不恰当的安装可能导致压力泄漏。





注意:欧盟及其成员国,安装必须符合ETSI EN302372.SITRANS LR250已通过静压实验,符合或超过了ASME锅炉和压力容器,欧洲压力设备指示要求.过程设备标签应该与过程压力中间部件一起保存。


7ML19985QX81SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL Page EN-5••••••••简体中文这样可能引起大的虚假回波短管位置短管设计注意:声束角依赖于喇叭天线尺寸保证电磁波传播路径上没有梯子,管子或填充流等.安装位置便于观察液晶屏显示和通过手操器编程.安装位置选择在符合外壳防护等级和结构材料的环境.如果安装在直接日照下请使用遮阳罩.如果需要,可以选择天线延长(100mm)喇叭天线末端要保证伸进容器内至少100mm,避免短管末端的强反射.注意电磁波传播路径是否受到罐壁的干扰.(声束角依赖于喇叭天线尺寸)Page EN-6SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL 7ML19985QX811. 2.••••••简体中文接线供电连接SITRANS LR250螺纹连接法兰连接警告:当容器内带压时,安装需要使用PTFE胶带或其他适当的螺纹密封材料,然后在用手拧紧或用工具上紧。




警告: 用户有责任选择适合法兰压力等级以及将要应用的工艺的螺栓和垫片材料,以适应工作条件。





7ML19985QX81SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL Page EN- 1(23650673)A- 2••简体中文电缆屏蔽连接HART典型的PLC/mA带HART配置然后用一个螺丝刀或杆旋开盖。







危险场合安装的接线设置页码参考图FM/CSA本安连接图 FM/CSA(阻燃)Class 1,Div 2连接图在危险场合安装有两种接线方法。


参考图可以从www.siemens.com/LR250网页下载或查看完整手册附录A.Page EN-8SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL 7ML19985QX811.••••• ATEX II 1 G, EEx ia IIC T4ATEX II 1 D, EEx tD A20 IP67 T90 °CIECEx SIR 05.0031X, Ex ia IIC T4, Ex tD A20 IP67 T90 °C FM/CSA:Class I, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C, D Class II, Div. 1, Groups E, F , G Class IIIMTL 787SP+ MTL7787P+简体中文本安接线方法(需要安全栅)制造商产品型号被动旁路二极管安全栅注意:需要提供稳定的供电电压。

(双通道)(双通道)认证等级用于:欧洲国际美国/加拿大注意: 选择合适的PLC输入模块,供电或安全栅需要本质安全以及应用的知识。



为接线需要:欧洲/国际: 遵循本地法规。

美国/加拿大: 请从网页www.siemens.com/LR250下载FM/CSA本 安连接图,或参照完整手册的附件A:A-1页.使用适当的进线口接头来保证IP或NEMA等级。



7ML19985QX81SITRANS LR250 (HART) – QUICK START MANUAL Page EN-9Re-e = Rloop =Vbarrier = 9001/01-280-100-10Stahl9002/01-280-110-10 MTL 706MTL 7206Stahl 9001/51-280-110-14Pepperl+Fuchs KSD2-CI-S-Ex Pepperl+Fuchs KFD2-STC3-Ex1MTL E02009 - verify MTLE02010简体中文制造商产品型号产品型号制造商如何为SITRANS LR250选择一个被动型安全栅首先要确认安全栅安全描述适于LR250本安(IS)输入参数,请使用下面的计算方法: 最大安全栅端对端电阻环路阻抗( 线阻加上感抗,显示和/或PLC输入)由安全栅产生的所有的非线性电压降(单通道)(双通道)从数据表确认Re-e值。
