



临床医生的发表SCI文章的经验从去年8月份着手准备SCI文章,到今年1篇临床类文章成功接收,一篇小修,一篇大修,均已修回,虽然都是一些低影响因子的杂志(这跟个人水平及所学专业有关,泌尿外科NO 1的杂志european urology也才8点多),但我对这样的结果已相当满足。













分享两篇SCI发表的经历(cover letter、response letter)

分享两篇SCI发表的经历(cover letter、response letter)





第一篇发表在FitoterapiaCover letterDear Editor Verotta:We would like to submit the manuscript entitled "××××××题目" by ××××××所有作者姓名which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the first time of ××××××研究的精华所在Thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址、学院、学校名称Phone: + 86××××××Fax number: + 86571××××××Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,×××所有作者Response to reviewersDear Editor:Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled "××××××" by ××××××所有作者have been revised according to the reviewers’ comments, and we wish it to be reconsidered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows.List of ActionsLOA1: The key words were changed in page?.LOA2: The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section 2.1 (page 3).LOA3: A paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in polyprenols.LOA4: The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 1#,Thank you very much for pointing out the problems in our manuscript. We have revised it according to your recommendations. We would like to know if there are still somewhere need to be amended.(1) Keywords: general terms should be avoided; I would change some of the keywords (homologues, identification, quantification)The key words have been changed as follows: ××××××修改后关键词(2) In paragraph 2.1 the "local biochemistry company" should be identified byname and location.The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section 2.1 (page 3). NaOH,Pyrogallol,anhydrous Na2SO4 were purchased from Hangzhou ChangqingHuagong CO., LTD.(3) How the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ××××××were determined? Authors should say something about.The following paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ××××××.(4) Language should be checked for clarity and correctness.The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 2#,Thank you very much for your recommendation on our paper and we have improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.All in all, thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to ****第一作者或通讯作者at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址Phone: + 86571××××××Fax number: + ××××××Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,××××××所有作者总的来说,第一篇文章没有费很大劲。
















JournalofAdvancedNursing投稿!来自一个新人的经历分享!研三的时候发表了我的第一篇SCI,收录于JAN(Journal of Advanced Nursing),其影响因子有2.376。





(吐槽:国内的审稿很严(B)格(T)!)根据对临床决策研究的文献回顾,发现国外期刊对此报道很多,加上这是一个临床上普遍存在的国际性问题,于是我决定写成英文,准备投稿SCI 期刊。











完成英文论文的写作后,准备投稿,需要准备的材料有:Cover letter(介绍信:用简洁的语言介绍研究的内容,意义,创新点等,力求能吸引期刊的编辑),Title Page(标题页,包含标题,所有作者,及其贡献说明),Manuscript(稿件:论文主体),Table(表格),Figure(图),Ethical Statement(伦理审查)。



(一)我的第一篇SCI论文发表经历(开篇) 我是一位农林科技工作者,1992年就参加了工作,不过很遗憾,截止到2019年前,还没有发表过SCI文章。







做这么多年科研工作,怎么才有这样的想法或感悟呢?No problem!谁让我的科研工作的视野就这么小呢?井底之蛙,认为我们的工作参考一下国内同行的文献就ok了,但放眼世界,真是有不一样的收获。


























































先投了“Clinical Infectious Diseases”,很快被拒,理由大约是不适合发表。


于是改投“Arch Intern Med”,因为在该杂志看到一个类似的个案,再次被拒,好像没什么特别的理由。

再改投“Journal of Hospital Infection”,编辑让修改格式,重新投稿(该杂志个案都按照Letter to editor的格式发表),按要求修改,大约一周后Accept。

个人经验及教训:1. SCI个案不是很难发,要有足够的信心。

2. 讨论部分非常重要(不像很多国内杂志,讨论部分没什么内容),必需把故事说完整,得体现出你的个案对临床或科研有什么启示,而不仅仅是你的个案如何罕见(国内经常这样),罕见的东西多了去了。


3. 对于临床资料收集不全不要刻意回避,更不要杜撰,可以在讨论部分加以讨论,提出你的看法。


4.投稿前一定要好好看稿约,有的杂志不接受个案,有的只接受与杂志上已发表的某篇文章相关的个案,有的杂志个案是放在“Letter to editor”栏目,等等。






投的杂志是Polymer (SCI Journal, 2006 IF=2.77),但我觉得所有的杂志都是大同小异。


2007/3/4 Submit the manuscript through the online EES (/jpol/)//Cover letter//Dear Editor,Here enclosed is a completely new manuscript entitled "xxxxx", which we wish to be considered. None of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.In this manusc ript, …………. We believe that this new paper may be also of particular interest to the readers of your journal.Correspondence about the paper should be directed to xx at the following address, phone and fax number, and e-mail address:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThanks very much for your attention to our paper.Sincerely yours,The authors******************************************2007/3/4 received a letter ?from jpol@//Submission Confirmation for Polymer//PolymerTitle:Authors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear, Your submission entitled "xxxxx" has been received by Polymer. You may check on the progress of your paper by logging on to the Elsevier Editorial System as an author. The URL is /jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Your manuscript will be given a reference number once an Editor has been assigned. Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.Kind regards,Polymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/3/5 received a letter ?from jpol@//A manuscript number has been assigned to xxxxx//PolymerRef:Title:Authors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear,Your submission entitled "xxxxx" has been assigned the following manuscript number: xx. You may check on the progress of your paper by logging on to the Elsevier Editorial System as an author. The URL is/jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Kind regards,Caroline JohnsonJournal ManagerPolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/3/5 received a letter ?from jpol@//Editor handles xx//PolymerRef:Title:Authors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear,Your submission entitled "xxxxx" will be handled by All Papers from China: All Subject Areas Charles Han. You may check on the progress of your paper by logging on to the Elsevier Editorial System as an author. The URL is/jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Kind regards,Charles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/4/19 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Your Submission to Polymer: xx//Ref.: Ms. No.PolymerDear,Reviewers have now commented on your paper. You will see that they are advising that you revise your manuscript substantially. If you send back your revised manuscript along with replies to reviewers, we will re-consider your paper. For your guidance, reviewers' comments are appended below. When you revise your manuscript, please attach a "Response to Reviewers" which sets out in detail how you have responded to the referees' comments.I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript. In an attempt to speed up publication times, revised manuscripts must be returned with 3 months. Otherwise, they will be treated as new submissions.When submitting your revised manuscript, please ensure that you upload the source files (e.g. Word). Uploading only a PDF file at this stage will create delays should your manuscript be finally accepted for publication. If your revised submission does not include the source files, we will contact you to request them.To submit a revision, please go to /jpol/Your username is:Your password is:Choose "Author Login" and the menu "Submissions Needing Revision".Yours sincerelyCharles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymerReviewers' comments:Reviewer #1:Reviewer #2:2007/5/17 submit a revised manuscript through the online EES (/jpol/)//Responds to the reviews//Dear editor,Thank you very much for your attention. The other two reviewers are also acknowledged from the bottom of our hearts for the careful reviews on our manuscript (xx). The affirmation on our work has greatly encouraged us. According to those helpful comments, we make a careful revision on the original manuscript. All revisions are explained as follows: Major comments from referee 1 were abstracted as a following list:1.2.…………………….Answer to referee 1 comments:1.2.……………………….Major comments from referee 2 were abstracted as a following list:1.2.…………………….Answer to referee 2 comments:1.2.……………………….Besides the revision described above, all the references you (the editor) kindly recommended are included in our revised manuscript which are labeled as xxx. These references actually provide good reference …...Sincerely yours,The author2007/5/17 received a letter from jpol@//Your PDF has been built and requires approval?//PolymerDear,The PDF for your submission, "xxxxx", is ready for viewing. Please login to the Elsevier Editorial System as an Author to view and approve the PDF of your submission. url: /jpol/Your username is:Your password is:Your submission must be approved in order to complete the submission process and send the manuscript to the Polymer editorial office. Please view the submission before approving it, to be certain that it is free of any errors. You will also need to confirm that you have read and agree with the Elsevier Ethics in Publishing statement before you can submit your article.Thank you for your time and patience.Kind regards,Editorial OfficePolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/5/17 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Submission Confirmation for xx//PolymerRef:Title:Authors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear,Your revised manuscript has been received for reconsideration for publication in Polymer. You may check the status of your manuscript by logging onto the Elsevier Editorial System as an Author at /jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.Kind regards,Polymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/5/17 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Editor handles xxx//PolymerRef:Title:Authors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear,Your submission entitled "xxxxx" will be handled by All Papers from China: All Subject Areas Charles Han. You maycheck on the progress of your paper by logging on to the Elsevier Editorial System as an author. The URL is/jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Kind regards,Charles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/6/15 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Your Submission to Polymer: xx//Ref.:PolymerDear,Reviewers have now commented on your paper. You will see that they are advising some minor changes to your manuscript. If you are prepared to undertake the work required, I expect that the paper will be accepted. For your guidance, reviewers' comments are appended below. When you revise your manuscript, please attach a list of changes or a rebuttal against each point which is being raised when you submit the revised manuscript. When submitting your revised manuscript, please ensure that you upload the source files (e.g. Word). Uploading only a PDF file at this stage will create delays should your manuscript be finally accepted for publication. If your revised submission does not include the source files, we will contact you to request them. To submit a revision, go to /jpol/ and log in as an Author.Your username is:Your password is:You will see a menu item call Submission Needing Revision. You will find your submission record there.Yours sincerelyCharles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymerReviewers' comments: Reviewer #2:2007/6/30 submit the revised manuscript through the online EES (/jpol/)//Respond to the reviewers?//Dear editor,Thank you for the continuous attention to our manuscript (POLYMER-07-486R1). We also greatly appreciate the reviewer #2 for the careful review and valuable comments.………………….We wish we had corrected all errors. Thank you and the reviewer again for all efforts spent on our manuscript. Sincerely yours,The authors2007/6/30 received a letter from jpol@//Your PDF has been built and requires approval?//PolymerDear,The PDF for your submission, "xxxxx", is ready for viewing.Please login to the Elsevier Editorial System as an Author to view and approve the PDF of your submission .url: /jpol/Your username is:Your password is:Your submission must be approved in order to complete the submission process and send the manuscript to the Polymer editorial office. Please view the submission before approving it, to be certain that it is free of any errors. You will also need to confirm that you have read and agree with the Elsevier Ethics in Publishing statement before you can submit your article.Thank you for your time and patience.Kind regards,Editorial OfficePolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/6/30 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Submission Confirmation for xx //PolymerRef: xxR2Title: xxxxxAuthors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear,Your revised manuscript has been received for reconsideration for publication in Polymer.You may check the status of your manuscript by logging onto the Elsevier Editorial System as an Author at/jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.Kind regards,Polymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/7/2 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Editor handles xxR2?//PolymerRef: xxR2Title: xxxxxAuthors:Article Type: Regular ArticleDear,Your submission entitled "xxxxx" will be handled by All Papers from China: All Subject Areas Charles Han.You may check on the progress of your paper by logging on to the Elsevier Editorial System as an author. The URL is /jpol/.Your username is:Your password is:Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries. Kind regards,Charles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymer******************************************For any technical queries about using EES, please contact Elsevier Author Support at authorsupport@ 2007/7/6 received a letter from [email]c.c.han@[/email]//Your Submission *R2?//Ref.: Ms. No. *R2xxxxxPolymerDear,I am pleased to tell you that your work has now been accepted for publication in Polymer.Comments from the Editor and Reviewers can be found below.Thank you for submitting your work to this journal.With kind regardsCharles HanAll Papers from China: All Subject AreasPolymerEditor/Reviewers' comments:。



作者: menggang201 发布日期: 2009-03-28【期刊名称】:Materials Science and engineering A【投稿日期】:2008.10.2【返回意见日期】:2009.1.14(Major Revision)【修改稿投出日期】:2009.3.2(过年)【最终接受日期】:2009.3.12【投稿感受和体会】:偶的第一篇一篇SCI,这个杂志在金属领域是比较好的。

其实说不上时间长,最大的感受是写文章一定要精益求精,抱着绝对认真的态度,老外真的是很严谨的,细致到文中参考文献出现的顺序出错都能看出来,写SCI 的过程是对自己严格历练的过程,第一篇写的很困难,接下来就容易些了,第二篇也是投的这个杂志,基本没改,3月20号就接受了。


马上就要走上工作岗位,希望能将所学用于实践,在此与各位虫友共勉!作者: ddup885 发布日期: 2009-03-30【期刊名称】:International Journal of CFD【投稿日期】:7 August 2008【返回意见日期】:5 Nov 2008【最终接受日期】:2 Dec 2008【投稿感受和体会】:这是本人的第一篇SCI也是目前仅有的一篇。







只是现在的状态还是ready for publication 呀,真是祈祷赶快发表呀。

第一篇SCI (IF5),心得交流(写的字数很多),希望多多交流!

第一篇SCI (IF5),心得交流(写的字数很多),希望多多交流!







在今天能查到的信件中,我们发现大量这样的例子,他的关于矩阵力学和波动力学的等价性证明是写在给Jordan的信件里,测不准原理首先出现在他给海森堡的信件里,狄拉克的泊松括号量子化被Hendrik Kramers 独立发现,而他指出,泡利早就指出了这种对易关系的表示方法。


当然,据统计,中国的论文被引次数排名第六,落后于论文总数排名.言归正传,本人磕磕碰碰终于写了一篇稿子,并且请一位老师(美籍华人)审了一遍,战战兢兢,小心翼翼地在2012年12月21日(尽管玛雅人的咒语被打破,但我们也不必沾沾自喜,而是要更小心和敬畏的活着),114年前的当天,也即1898年12月21日,居里夫妇发现了具有更大放射强度的新元素—镭,并用物理方法证实了镭的存在;而在104年前的当天,也即1908年12月21日,阿拉伯世界最早创办的大学——开罗大学成立;还有,28年前的当天,也即1984年12月21日,前苏联成功发射“韦加-2号”行星际站,它的主要任务是对金星和哈雷慧星进行考察……把稿件投给了某著名能源类杂志(影响因子>5),现在的杂志一般都有网上投稿系统,刚开始不太熟悉,但是熟悉了觉得非常方便.2013年1月26日(127年前的当天,也即1886年1月26日,卡尔本茨(Karl Benz)发明了第一辆内燃机动力的汽车),一审意见返回,花了整整一个星期(是7天而不是5天,本人基本没甚么周末的概念)修改论文,加了3页左右,加入了5个图,当然,有些曲线还比较复杂。





到目前为止,本人已在J Chem Phys,Int J Mass Spectrom,Chem Phys等杂志上发表了5篇SCI论文,下面就详细谈一下我的投稿经历,希望能够给大家一点帮助。

我学的是Quantum Chemistry,主要研究的是Molecular Spectroscopy。



花了我一个星期的时间,投稿到J Mol Struc (THEOCHEM)。

一个月后收到回信,minor revision。





让老板看过后(说实在的,他都没怎么看),3月初开始投稿,一篇投到了Chem Phys上,另一篇投到了J Mol Spectrosc上。

4月初收到Chem Phys的回信,也是minor revision。



为此还高兴了好几天,毕竟是第一篇处女作呀,三天后收到J Mol Spectrosc的回信。

Editor said: “The reviewer has made substantive criticisms and recommends that a major revision be carried out.” The reviewer pointed out many problems; finally said: “Recommendation : not suitable for publication in JMS in present form. Very heavy revision required, to be reviewed again.” 幸运的是,这个体系并不大,算起来比较快,半个月后就把所有的修改工作完成,文章也在5月初顺利地accepted。





在食品领域,有一些知名的SCI期刊,如《Food Chemistry》、《Food Research International》、《Journal of Food Engineering》等。














分享两篇SCI论文被接收心得!做为研究生,不可否认SCI论文在大家心目的地位,三年的硕士,或者再三年的博士,我们一直开为之奋斗着,痛苦着,快乐着.而一些诸如submit,under review,reject,minor revision or maj or revision的字眼则时刻牵动着我们那脆弱而且不自信的心.当稿件投出以后,想必你也像我一样每天不停的刷新邮件,而最害怕的莫过于看到"I regret to have to inform you tha t......."这样的消息了.回想自己的点滴,以及最近小小的成功,我觉得我有必要,也有义务向各位朋友们分享.硕博连读的第三年,具体说来是2008年初,我的两篇SCI论文先后被接收了,下面我想回忆一下两篇论文投稿以及被接收的过程.第一篇:杂志:Talanta(2.8分)Received at Editorial Office: 18-SEP-2007Article revised: 15-JAN-2008Article accepted for publication: 18-JAN-2008专业:生物分析化学类说起这篇文章,可是让我痛苦了一整年,实验很多,做的很辛苦,数据相对繁多,由于这是我第一篇文章,写作方面也是摸石头过河,逐句的模仿.为了写这篇文章,我仔细研读了该领域的大约100篇文献,对别人写的好的句子,类似的句子都做了标记,在写作的过程中想起要表达什么意思的时候马上随时翻阅,这样下来,每天写一小段,有时候甚至每天就写那么几小句,大约一个月后,我发现一篇包含abstract,intrduction,experiment,results and discussion初稿居然完成了.初稿完成后,放了大约个把星期不管,接着做其他的实验,待一个星期过后再来研读,发现文章写的错误百出,句子连贯性,逻辑性,以及整篇文章的通读性都很差,于是又是仔细研读别人的论文,学习再学习,每天读一点,回头看看自己的文章,再改一点,又是将近个把月,一篇有模有样的初稿出现了,这时候我迫不极待的想把文章投出去了,于是放了两三天后,写了个c over letter,花了一晚上时间(想必应该也有人花一整个晚上在Elsevier投稿系统上的痛苦经历吧),把稿件投向了一个本领域的分析杂志.稿件投出去大概半个月,收到了主编的信,主编认为我能回答他的问题,以及按他的意见修改就可能出版.可能是经验欠缺,我在收到信后的一个星期,就把修改稿返回了过去,对其中的提到的不足和问题我只是在文章中引用了其他一些文献和做了自己的说明,显然,这样的举动在主编和认为是很不认真的,过了一个月后,收到了Fi nal Decision,那就是拒绝了.Dear ***,> On behalf of the editor handling your manuscript, I am writing to you in refer ence to your manuscript entitled:************I regret to have to inform you that your manuscript is not suitable for publicatio n in ***. This decision has been reached in light of the comments made by the referees. The detailed remarks are appended below.Reviewers' comments:> Reviewer 1: "*************" seemed to contain sufficient material for publicatio n purpose. However, unfortunately, the authors did not address sufficiently what are the main advantages of this particular detection technique over previously r eported ones.*************Overall, the English language proved to be insufficient for publication purpose a nd needs to be revised. Specific care should be taken with regards to prepositio ns since it can alter the meaning of a statementEditor:> Unfortunately, the reviewer has recommended against publication of this work in ***. In examining the reviewer's specific comments, I note that some of the comments mirror those that I made when the manuscript was initially submitted. In particular, the reviewer indicates that the authors have still not made a convi ncing case for the advantages of the proposed method over earlier techniques. Given these considerations, I must regrettably recommend rejection of this manu script.就因为没有用心写出文章的优点来,就这样被毙掉了,感到非常痛心,教训深刻!接下来,我又挑选了一个杂志,我自认为应该很容易中,因为我在那个杂志上看到有类似的文章,且我自认为内容还不如我的好.可是两本杂志属于不同的出版集团,引用文献的格式完全不同,又痛苦的花了一个晚上把文献格式改了过来,这种工作就和做针线活差不多,睁着眼睛在看,你不能急,一急就郁闷的不得了.于是乎,又是一翻上传的痛苦经历,可是,不到两天,不幸又降临了,居然认为我的稿件不适合该杂志,说白了,就是不想要嘛.Dear Dr***,I am writing to you on behalf of Editor ****.We regret to inform you that **** is unable to accept your manuscript *******, Manuscript No. ABC-00938-2007 for publication in *****.In view of the limited number of pages available to us each year to cover the en tire field of analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, its instrumental advances and its wide range of applications, we can only publish a selection of the papers sub mitted to our journal.We are sorry not to be able to send you better news.这个时候,什么情绪都有了,有时候想,是不是自己的工作还没有够的上档次?是不是文章真的写的很差,因为还没有接收过SCI论文,所以这个时候的自信心真的是非常的差,后来干脆把文章晾在了一边.心情平静下来了又想,花了这么多心思做的东西,是不可能放弃的,况且当初在选这个题目的时候就认为这个工作还是有一定意思和意义的.于是,我根据之前审稿人的意思,又补充了一些实验,在写作上也丰富了一些.过了一个多月,我又开始了新的冲击.这一次,显然,努力得到回报了.Dear professor ***,> We have received expert review of your manuscript. You will see that revision of your manuscript is advised, and suggestions are offered for improving the ma nuscript and it's impact. If you are prepared to undertake the work required, I w ould be pleased to consider the paper for publication in Talanta.> For your guidance, reviewers' comments are appended below.Reviewers' comments:> Overall, this is a paper that deserves to be published, but requires revision.(有这一句就够了,当时心情超好,无法形容)象下面这样的意见,也是非常中肯的,感谢审稿人,感谢编辑,感谢CCTV!General comments:> The English used in this paper requires major revision. I do not underestimate the challenge of writing a scientific paper in a language that is not the native t ongue. However, the science is currently being complicated by the grammar of t he paper. In particular, single/plural conflicts and changes of (and inappropriate use of) tenses (see especially section 2.5 where the middle third of the text swit ches to the present tense). Improving the paper in this way would ensure that t he reader can focus upon the science1. The discussions throughout the manuscript is superficial, thus thorough and c omprehensive discussions are required in the section of "Results and Discussion". >2. Conclusion should not be a duplication of the Abstract.当然,也提出了其他的不少意见,这次我可是对待的相当认真,其中有一条审稿意见我不太明白,为此我在某专业论文上发贴和别人讨论了一个多星期.修改了个把月,上传,第三天,刷新邮件,收到来信如下:Dear professor ***,> I am pleased to confirm that your paper "******" has been accepted for public ation in Talanta.> With kind regards,接下来讲讲我的第二篇Journal title: Electrochemistry Communications(3.48分)Received at Editorial Office: 23-DEC-2007Article revised: 29-JAN-2008Article accepted for publication: 30-JAN-2008实际上,在第一篇文章的辗转经历中,第二篇文章的实验已经在进行并且写作了,有了第一次的经历,第二篇文章在写作上显然轻松了许多,考虑到还有不多久快要放寒假,因此我在考虑把稿件要么投一个审稿周期长点的杂志,那么在假期中就不需要为稿件操心了,要么就投一个快点的杂志,干脆在放假前就搞定,最后经过权衡,我选择了后者.2007年12月18日晚,稿件上传,19日,收到回信,还以为是拒了,吓一跳,原来是文章长了,要缩短.> Electrochemistry Communications> Dear professor ***,> This paper is too long for Electrochemistry Communications which aims to pu blish short, urgent communications (see Guide for Authors). Please either submit it elsewhere as a full paper or shorten it to Communication Length and resubm it.> For Communication Length please observe the following formula:> Total number of words + 200 x (No of figures + No of tables) < 3000.> Your paper currently contains 2929 words and 4 figures. According to the for mula above, this is the equivalent of 3729 words, which is too long for this jour nal.> Yours sincerely,> R. Compton> Editor in Chief> Electrochemistry Communications>> Electrochemistry Communications> Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory> South Parks Road> Oxford> OX1 3QZ> UK按照要求,仔仔细细的缩短,又顺便修改润色了一翻,花了一个星期,在西方的圣诞节的前一天,我把稿件发了出去,当时西方正在放假,可想而知,稿件躺在里面毫无动静,大约到了元月8日,我觉得也应该放假归来了吧,可怎么还没有给我的稿件那怕是分配一个稿件号呢?因为这个杂志向来速度是很快的,通常一个月内完成从稿件接受到接收的过程.于是,我写了封信给编辑:Dear professor R. ComptonWe have shorten our manuscript entitled "*********" to communication length an d resubmitted it to Electrochemistry Communications on 23 December 2007, but have not, as yet, receive the assigned manuscript number. We fear that the ma nuscript may have been lost and should be grateful if you would let us know w hether or not you have received it. If not, we will send our manuscript again. Th ank you in advance for your help.Best regards,第二天,回复了,并且马上分配了稿件号,果然上班了,可能是假期归来,身心疲惫吧.做编辑也不容易.这样半个多月的某天早晨,已经放假了,可是大雪封路,回不了家啊,干脆在床上睡懒觉,师姐的一个电话把我叫醒了,说让我查查邮件,文章要修改,10天之内完成.打开电脑,一个喜庆的邮件展现在我面前.> Electrochemistry Communications> Dear professor ***,> We will be pleased to accept your manuscript after revision in the light of the enclosed referee's comments provided they can be attended to within 10 days. > Please submit a letter fully detailing your response to each point raised by th e referee along with your revised manuscript.> Yours sincerely,> R. Compton> Editor in Chief> Electrochemistry Communications> Reviewers' comments:> Reviewer #1:> The authors of this manuscript reported a new application of electrochemilumi nescence (ECL) method in assaying telomerase activity. In this work, the magneti c beads-based TRAP-ECL assay was found to be a rapid and very sensitive (c.a. 100 fold increase in sensitivity) method to detect telomerase activity in tumor ce lls, as compared with the conventional TRAP method. This is an important work for the developed novel TRAP-ECL assay may become a first line assay for clinic al diagnosis and prognosis of cancer. Additionally, the paper was organized and presented well, and literatures were cited adequately. I recommend publication af ter minor revisions.> Additional Comments:> 1. A previous important work by Miao and Bard (Anal. Chem. 2004, 76, 5379 -5386) on magnetic beads-based ECL for DNA detection should be cited.> 2. The words "?about 100 fold lower than that ?" (page 6, line2) should be ch anged to "?about 100 fold higher than that ?".审稿人很认同我的工作,小小的修改,哪要10天,个把小时就可以完成啊.就这样很快的完成了修改,第二天就接到了录用通知.心里那是相当的高兴的.小小的总结:1英文写作:两篇文章全部是由我一个人操刀写成,期间除了第一篇文章找一位老师改了几个句子,能够得到发表,说明最终英文的写作还是达标了.我的心得那就是模仿,没错,看别人怎么写,再套用,说实话,我们自己写的句子有几句能信的过呢?说到模仿,那也必须阅读过大量的文献,当你写作卡住的时候,你得想得到我在哪里看到过类似的句子才行.我前后看过的文献大概有200篇左右.2投稿杂志的选择:从我的经历来看,显然并不能以自己的主观想法为信条,有时候你认为好的,适合的杂志显然并不适合你,当然,这不一定是你的文章不适合某某杂志,更可信的理由是你的稿件恰好不适合某个审稿人的胃口.3非常认真的对待审稿人的意见:尽可能详细的回答审稿人的问题,那怕是你自己认为都写的有点罗嗦了都没关系.审稿人是有感情的嘛.。







第一篇发表在FitoterapiaCover letterDear Editor Verotta:We would like to submit the manuscript entitled "××××××题目" by ××××××所有作者姓名which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the first time of ××××××研究的精华所在Thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址、学院、学校名称Phone: + 86××××××Fax number: + 86571××××××Email address: ××××××@Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,×××所有作者Response to reviewersDear Editor:Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled "××××××" by ××××××所有作者have been revised according to the reviewers’ comments, and we wish it to be reconsidered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows.List of ActionsLOA1: The key words were changed in page?.LOA2: The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section 2.1 (page 3).LOA3: A paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in polyprenols.LOA4: The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 1#,Thank you very much for pointing out the problems in our manuscript. We have revised it according to your recommendations. We would like to know if there are still somewhere need to be amended.(1) Keywords: general terms should be avoided; I would changesome of the keywords (homologues, identification, quantification) The key words have been changed as follows: ××××××修改后关键词(2) In paragraph 2.1 the "local biochemistry company" should be identified by name and location.The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section 2.1 (page 3). NaOH,Pyrogallol,anhydrous Na2SO4 were purchased from Hangzhou ChangqingHuagong CO., LTD.(3) How the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ××××××were determined? Authors should say something about.The following paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ××××××.(4) Language should be checked for clarity and correctness.The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 2#,Thank you very much for your recommendation on our paper and we have improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.All in all, thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to ****第一作者或通讯作者at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址Phone: + 86571××××××Fax number: + ××××××Email address: ××××××@Best wishes for you and your family!××××××which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Ethnopharmacology.All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the first time of investigating ××××××Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址Phone: + 86××××××Fax number: + 86571××××××Email address: ××××××@Thank you very much for your considering our manuscript for potential publication. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,××××××大同小异单独提交revisionnotes第一次修改A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows.List of ActionsLOA1: The reference on the selection of doses has been adapted in section 2.2 (page 5).LOA2: The details of HPLC data were supplemented in section 2.1 (page 4).LOA3: Figure 3, figure 4 and figure 5 have been redrawn.Replies to the remarks of the reviewer 1:The authors appreciate valuable suggestions and comments from the anonymous reviewers. We have revised our manuscript accordingly. Hope it is satisfactory now.(1) How the doses have been selected? If the doses have been adapted from a previous publication please cite the paper.The doses were selected according to previous studies of ××××××。

SCI 投稿经历

SCI 投稿经历

今天收到邮件,我的一篇Journal of Applied Physics 论文已被接收,心情当时还是有点激动。


这篇论文是我在2008年二月份完成的最初稿,于二月九号投到Physics Letters A上,在经历了Technical check,with editor,under review后,于三月二十号收到编辑的决定信,当时就傻了-拒稿!受打击了。

下面是编辑的信以及审稿意见,我想把它贴出来与虫友们分享,一方面我认为,通过看审稿人的意见,可以帮助大家更好地写作,提高自己的科研水平和能力,另一方面也是答谢小木虫上很多无私的虫友们,是他们将自己的投稿经历贴在网上,与大家分享,我想我没有理由不拿出来哈!同时,也希望小木虫的虫子们能继续发扬这种精神,大家同舟共济,共同提高!好了,废话说了一大堆,不说了,下面是Physics Letters A 的审稿意见:Ms. Ref. No.: ××××××Title: ×××××Physics Letters ADear professor ××,Reviewers' comments on your work have now been received. You will see that they are advising against publication of your work. Therefore I must reject it.For your guidance, I append the reviewers' comments below.Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.Yours sincerely,×××(编辑名)EditorPhysics Letters AReviewers' comments:Reviewer #2: ManuscriptThe authors present results of the 3D electron potential ofa gated quantum point contact in a AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure.In contrast to earlier studies, it is now possible to derive thepotential landshape without any adjustable parameter. The resultsstill agree with earlier investigations using simpler phenomenologicalmodels. Since the used nextnano3 program is available since acouple of years, I wonder why this has not been done earlier.The authors emphasize an application of their results. Havingthe complete potential landshape might help, in the future,to better understand the quantized acoustoelectric current inSETSAW devices and to improve their performance.However, the authors do not show or even discuss how this canbe achieved. Therefore I believe that in the present form the paperis not suitable for publication.The authors should consider the following suggestions, questions,and remarks.1) Page 1, first paragraph'... due to the negatively applied gate voltage ...'. It is the SAWthat drives the electrons through the contact, not the gate voltage.Maybe replace this sentence by '..., depending on the applied gatevoltage'.2) Page 3, paragraph starting with 'Generally, the quantized ...''... with fixed x = 1050 nm and ...'. Skip the '.0'. One could addthat this is exactly at the center of the device.3) At the end of the same paragraph is '... once the bias is below ...'Should this not be the gate instead of the bias voltage?4) Page 4, paragraph starting with 'As we know, in the ...''... To be different from previous calculations ...' replace by'... In contrast to previous calculations ...'.5) The strongly different behaviour above and below the pinch-offvoltage is not obvious for the non-experts. All curves look moreor less the same. One could, for example, add another figure, orinsert, to show the potential height versus gate voltage.6) How do these theoretical results of potential height versus gatevoltage compare with experiments? There exists at least onereport to determine the potential height of quantum-point contactsbelow pinch-off as function of gate voltage (Gloos et al., Phys.Rev. B 73, 125326 (2006)). Possibly, one could also compare thepresent data with 3D simulations of quantum dots (Vasileska et al., Semicond. Sci. Technol. 13, A37 (1998)).7) Figure 1,It would be better to mark the distance between the two metal gatesas the relevant parameter, and not the size of one gate.8) Figure 3The numbering of the two density axes looks rather odd. Could it notbe done with integers, like 3 instead of 3.2 or 3.0?9) Figure 5 (b)Should there not be an anomaly or kink in the potential near the Fermilevel?在仔细读了审稿人的意见后,我觉得审稿人提出的5)和6)意见非常好,后来自己想想,决定把文章来个彻底的修改。



















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第一篇发表在FitoterapiaCover letterDear Editor Verotta:We would like to submit the manuscript entitled "××××××题目" by ××××××所有作者姓名which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.?We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the first time of ××××××研究的精华所在Thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址、学院、学校名称Phone: + 86××××××Fax number: + 86571××××××Email address: ××××××@Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,×××所有作者Response to reviewersDear Editor:Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled "××××××" by ××××××所有作者 have been revised according to the reviewers’ comments, and we wish i t to be reconsidered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows.List of ActionsLOA1: The key words were changed in page.LOA2: The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section (page 3).LOA3: A paragraph has been added in section (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in polyprenols.LOA4: The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 1#,Thank you very much for pointing out the problems in our manuscript. We have revised it according to your recommendations. We would like to know if there are still somewhere need to be amended.?(1) Keywords: general terms should be avoided; I would change some of the keywords (homologues, identification, quantification)The key words have been changed as follows: ××××××修改后关键词(2) In paragraph the "local biochemistry company" should be identified by name and location.The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section (page 3). NaOH,Pyrogallol,anhydrous Na2SO4 were purchased from Hangzhou ChangqingHuagong CO., LTD.(3) How the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ×××××× were determined Authors should say something about.The following paragraph has been added in section (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ××××××.(4) Language should be checked for clarity and correctness.The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 2#,Thank you very much for your recommendation on our paper and we have improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.?All in all, thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to ****第一作者或通讯作者at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址Phone: + 86571××××××Fax number: + ××××××Email address: ××××××@Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,××××××所有作者总的来说,第一篇文章没有费很大劲。



