scit投稿cover letter的重点
![scit投稿cover letter的重点](
在撰写SCI(Science Citation Index)期刊投稿的Cover Letter时,以下是需要重点关注的几个方面:
1. 研究的创新性和重要性:强调你的研究的创新性、原创性和对领域的重要贡献。
2. 研究方法和实验设计:简要介绍你所使用的方法、技术和实验设计,说明你的研究如何能够回答所提出的问题,并表明你的研究方法是可靠和有效的。
3. 结果和发现:概括性地描述你的研究结果和发现,重点突出与问题相关的主要发现,并简要说明这些结果对现有知识的贡献。
4. 文章与期刊对应:说明为什么你选择将这篇文章提交给该期刊,并解释该研究与期刊的关联性。
5. 合作和道德声明:说明你的研究是你和其他合作者的共同努力,并列明你对研究中不公正行为和潜在利益冲突的认识和遵守。
6. 感谢与联系方式:表达对编辑和评审人员的感谢,以及任何其他给予支持的人员。
最重要的是,确保你的Cover Letter简洁明了,突出重点,并与你提交的研究文章相一致。
同时,Review该期刊的官方要求和指南,以确保你的Cover Letter符合期刊的格式和要求。
sci拒稿重投的cover letter模板
![sci拒稿重投的cover letter模板](
sci拒稿重投的cover letter模板
SCI 投稿加分必备,手把手教你写 Cover Letter ( 附完整模板 )
![SCI 投稿加分必备,手把手教你写 Cover Letter ( 附完整模板 )](
Cover Letter 是我们投稿时,与手稿一同发送给编辑的投稿信。
打开期刊主页,找到 information for authors/instructions for author(就是对作者的要求),找到 Cover Letter,这就是该期刊对 Cover Letter 的要求了。
图片来源:American journal of cancer research 官网根据期刊要求,就可以动笔写 Cover Letter 了。
一般来说,Cover Letter 以 word 的形式提交,按照期刊要求的字体大小来写,长度建议不超过一页。
下面我们拆分 Cover Letter,详细看看一篇 Cover Letter 应该怎么写。
先用一句话概括文章的核心内容:This manuscript addresses XXX.然后,简单的介绍一下文章背景和一些关键词。
Cover letter模板大全1.第一次投稿Cover letter:主要任务是介绍文章主要创新以及声明没有一稿多投Dear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××二、催稿信:询问稿件处理到声明步骤Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire a bout the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××三、修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:Responds to the reviewer’s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。
我的第一次SCI投稿经历(5篇范例)第一篇:我的第一次SCI投稿经历第一次SCI投稿经历总结时间已经过去了一年多,现在回首当年其SCI投稿经历,可谓是一波三折(亚洲的应该是投到亚洲这边的,但是投到了美洲那边,绕了个大圈,所以发文后很久没有消息,中间花了很长时间询问文章的下落),花费了一年半的时间,终于能得以在Ultrasonics Sonochemistry上发表。
在科研的道路上,咱互勉!这是第一次投稿,参考各位前辈的格式,通过爱思唯尔(Elsevier)网站,发给Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 编辑部的介绍信。
(所涉及内容咱删去,保存其骨架,见谅!)Cover Letter Dear Editor, We are submitting a manuscript ent itled “XXX” by XXX et al.for your kind consideration for publication in Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.In this manuscript, a set of XXX were used to investigate the effect of XXX such as XXX.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal.We would be grateful if the manuscript could be reviewed and considered for publication in this journal.Phone calls about the paper should be directed to XXX at the following address,phone and fax number,and e-mail address:(略)Thank you very much for your attention to our paper. Sincerely yours,XXX 2010年8月31日编辑的来信:Dear Mr.XXX, The reviewers have commented on your above paper.They indicated that it is not acceptable for publication in its present form.However, if you feel that you can suitably address the reviewers' comments(included below), I invite you to reviseand resubmit your manuscript.Please carefully address the issues raised in the comments.I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.Yours sincerely, XXX.Editor Ultrasonics SonochemistryReviewers' comments: Comments from Reviewer No.1 Recommendation: Major Revision There are numerous English and grammatical errors in this manuscript that must be corrected before this work can be considered for publication.Some suggestions are given below.There are also additional comments for consideration in brackets after some of the suggestions that the authors should consider carefully.2010年11月17日给编辑的去信 Dear XXX, We are pleased to answer the questions(or make the amendment)of the reviewers’ and the manuscript(XXX)has also been extensively revised according to the comments and was resubmitted online.kind regards Sincerely yours, XXX 2010年11月17日Detailed Response to Reviewers Dear editors and reviewers,Thank you your comments.According to your advice, we have revised the paper as follows: 1.English and grammatical errors had been corrected point to point as your comments in the revised manuscript;the revisions are as follows: XXX.” Revised.语法错误修改内容略 2.Other comments:(1)The author should include the citations in their article.Although the studies were performed at XXX from the current study, they nonetheless set the precedent for this kind of work.Thank you for your advice.We have consulted the dissertation ……….以下针对编辑的回答略。
一、最初投稿Cover letterDear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated ……(简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail:××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××二、催稿信Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor”has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××Dear Editor, I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript which is submitted on Jun 24. The manuscript number is “SERREV-D-14-00023” and title is “Prediction and Structural Analysis of Impact Factor for Journals Indexed in SCI: A Case Study of Nature”. I have not yet received a reply and am wondering whether you have reached a decision. I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for me. With best regards Sincerely yoursSCI投稿---稿件状态咨询信四个范例范例一(推荐):邮件标题:Inquire about the status of manuscript (No: XXXX)正文:Dear Editor,Sorry for disturbing you.I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled "XXXX" (ID: XXXX) although the status of "QUEUED FOR REVIEW" for my manuscript have been lasting for XXXX months.I am just wondering that my manuscript has been send to reviewers or not?I am very pleased to hear from you. Thank you very much for your consideration.Yours sincerely,XXXE-mail: xxx@xxxx范例二:Dear Editor,It has been 4 months since we submitted our manuscript(ID:je-2008-00649n)to the journal office. I write this email to ask whether our paper has been accepted. And if is still being reviewed, when can I get the information of the final result?I would very much appreciate you if you could afford a little time to answer these question. Thank a lot!XXXX范例三:Dear Editor,I'm the first author of the article (No. ********) submitted to your journal about 3 months ago. I'm sorry writing to you to ask about its review progress. Many thanks and looking forward for your reply!Best wishes!Yours sincerely,*******范例四:Dear editor,Paper No.: ***Paper Title: ***We submitted the paper three months ago. Could you give us update information on the current status of our submission? If there is anything that we can do, please let us know. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.Yours sincerelyXXXX三、修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”(ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:Responds to the reviewer’s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。
sci投稿的cover letter 时态及语态
![sci投稿的cover letter 时态及语态](
在SCI投稿的cover letter中,通常建议使用现在时态和第一人称单数(I)作为主语。
这是因为cover letter是对你即将提交的研究论文的介绍和说明,而这个介绍和说明是针对编辑和审稿人的,而不是对过去事件的描述。
以下是一个示例:Dear Editor,I am submitting my manuscript, "Title of the Paper," for consideration in your esteemed journal. In this letter, I would like to provide you with a brief overview of the content and significance of this work.I conducted a series of experiments to investigate [specific aims or objectives of the study]. The results of these experiments provide evidence for [main findings or conclusions]. This work contributes to the field of [specific discipline] by [describe how the work advances the field].I believe that the results of this study are suitable for publication in your journal due to its rigorous peer review process and broad readership. I am also aware of the journal's commitment to publishing high-quality research and excited to have the opportunity to contribute to its reputation.Thank you for considering my submission. I am available for any further clarification or discussion regarding this work.Best regards,[Your Name]在这个示例中,主要使用了现在时态(例如"I conducted a series of experiments")和第一人称单数(例如"I")来介绍研究内容、目的、方法和结果。
一、最初投稿Cover letterDear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated ……(简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××二、催稿信Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor”has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××Dear Editor, I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript which is submitted on Jun 24. The manuscript number is “SERREV-D-14-00023” and title is “Prediction and Structural Analysis of Im pact Factor for Journals Indexed in SCI: A Case Study of Nature”. I have not yet received a reply and am wondering whether you have reached a decision. I would be greatly appreciated if you couldspend some of your time check the status for me. With best regards Sincerely yoursSCI投稿---稿件状态咨询信四个范例范例一(推荐):邮件标题:Inquire about the status of manuscript (No: XXXX)正文:Dear Editor,Sorry for disturbing you.I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled "XXXX" (ID: XXXX) although the status of "QUEUED FOR REVIEW" for my manuscript have been lasting for XXXX months.I am just wondering that my manuscript has been send to reviewers or not?I am very pleased to hear from you. Thank you very much for your consideration.Yours sincerely,XXXE-mail: xxx@xxxx范例二:Dear Editor,It has been 4 months since we submitted our manuscript(ID:je-2008-00649n)to the journal office. I write this email to ask whether our paper has been accepted. And if is still being reviewed, when can I get the information of the final result?I would very much appreciate you if you could afford a little time to answer these question. Thank a lot!XXXX范例三:Dear Editor,I'm the first author of the article (No. ********) submitted to your journal about 3 months ago. I'm sorry writing to you to ask about its review progress. Many thanks and looking forward for your reply!Best wishes!Yours sincerely,*******范例四:Dear editor,Paper No.: ***Paper Title: ***We submitted the paper three months ago. Could you give us update information on the current status of our submission? If there is anything that we can do, please let us know. Anyinformation will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.Yours sincerelyXXXX三、修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”(ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:Responds to the reviewer’s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。
Dr. XU JianheThe State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor EngineeringEast China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, ChinaTel: +86-21-64252498; Fax: +86-21-64252250Elsevier 投稿各种状态总结1. Submitted to Journal当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。
2. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。
这当中就会有另两个状态:3. Editor assigned4. Editor Declined Invitation如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。
5. Reviewer(s) invited如果审稿人接受那就会是以下状态:6. Under review这应该是一个漫长的等待。
7. required review completed 审稿结束,等编辑处理。
8. Decision in Process到了这一步就快要有结果了,编辑开始考虑是给修改还是直接拒,当然也有可能直接接受的,但可能性很小,呵呵。
9. Minor revision/Major revision这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,问题不大了,因为有修改就有可能。
10. Revision Submitted to Journal又开始了一个循环。
11. Accepted如果不要再审,只是小修改,编辑看后会马上显示这个状态,但如果要再审也会有上面的部分状态。
第一篇发表在FitoterapiaCover letterDear Editor Verotta:We would like to submit the manuscript entitled "××××××题目" by ××××××所有作者which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the first time of ××××××研究的精华所在Thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址、学院、学校名称Phone: + 86××××××Fax number: + 86571××××××Email address:者Response to reviewersDear Editor:Thank you very much for your letter and the mentsfrom the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled "××××××" by ××××××所有作者have been revised according to the reviewers’ ments, and we wish it to be reconsidered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows.List of ActionsLOA1: The key words were changed in page?.LOA2: The name and location of the local biochemistry pany have been added in section 2.1 (page 3).LOA3: A paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in polyprenols.LOA4: The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 1#,Thank you very much for pointing out the problems in our manuscript. We have revised it according to your remendations. We would like to know if there are still somewhere need to be amended.(1) Keywords: general terms should be avoided; I would change some of the keywords (homologues, identification, quantification)The key words have been changed as follows: ××××××修改后关键词(2) In paragraph 2.1 the "local biochemistry pany" should be identified by name and location.The name and location of the local biochemistry pany have been added in section 2.1 (page 3). NaOH,Pyrogallol,anhydrous Na2SO4 were purchased from Hangzhou ChangqingHuagong CO., LTD.(3) How the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ××××××were determined? Authors should say something about.The following paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ××××××.(4) Language should be checked for clarity and correctness.Thelanguage was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 2#,Thank you very much for your remendation on our paper and we have improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.All in all, thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to ****第一作者或通讯作者at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址Phone: + 86571××××××Fax number: + ××××××Email address:所有作者总的来说,第一篇文章没有费很大劲。
SCI论⽂投稿信(CoverLetter)的写法及模版(转)⼀、写法投稿信(Cover Letter)应该简述所投稿件的核⼼内容、主要发现和意义,拟投期刊,对稿件处理有⽆特殊要求等(如“not to review”list)。
当然各个杂志的具体要求是不⼀样的,在杂志的guide for authors⼀般会有要求。
⼆、模版Dear Prof. XXXXX,Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “(Journal name)”. The further information about the paper is in the following:The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThe Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXThe authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows,Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX,Tsinghua University,Beijing, 10084,P.R.ChinaE-mail:Tel: 86-10-62785001Fax: 86-10-62785001Thank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. XXXXXXXXXXX1.第⼀次投稿Cover letter:主要任务是介绍⽂章主要创新以及声明没有⼀稿多投Dear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍⼀下论⽂的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××2.催稿信:询问稿件处理到声明步骤Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: ⽂章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××3.修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你⽂章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第⼀次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能⽤通⽤的Editors):On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: ⽂章稿号). We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××4.修改稿回答审稿⼈的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title” (ID: ⽂章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing:Responds to the reviewer’s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。
SCI论⽂投稿之投稿信(CoverLetter)写法--附真实案例⽂章⽬录1 Cover Letter 是什么?Cover Letter, 即投稿信,是论⽂投递时与论⽂⼀起发送给编辑的信件,其⽬的是让编辑在阅读你的论⽂之前,简单了解你⽂章的基本情况。
2 主要包含什么内容1. 期刊编辑的姓名不知道编辑是谁的情况下直接⽤ Dear editor; 但是,只要⽤⼼⼀点,去期刊官⽹查找,⼀般都能找到的。
2. 投稿⽂章的标题在以第⼀段直接给出⽂章的标题3. 投稿⽂章的类型如 Letter, communications, article, review还是comments。
4. 论⽂简介简要包括研究背景,发现以及可以发表在期刊上的原因等等5. 作者信息⼀般为通讯作者姓名,所属机构,通讯地址,联系电话,邮箱等经将这⼀部分挪到了投稿⽹站系统上,Cover letter中可以不再列出)讲了这么多,分享⼀个实际的案例吧。
案例–第⼀次投稿怎么写主体内容Dear Dr. Ciaccio, 杂志主编On behalf of all coauthors, I am submitting our manuscript entitled “⽂章标题”for your consideration for publication in Biology and Medicine.我谨代表所有合著者,提交我们题为“⽂章标题”的⼿稿,供您考虑在⽣物学和医学上发表。
Although there has been a large amount of research focusing on medical image segmentation, few studies have focused specifically on the segmentation of tiny organs.The difficulty of tiny organ segmentation is that the shape varies greatly among individuals and the boundary with surrounding tissues is not clear.In the current study, we proposed a ⽅法, which successfully solves the above two difficulties. The experimental resultsshow that our proposed ⽅法 outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning method in segmenting xxx with respect to accuracy.Another strength of our method is that it requires fewer trainable parameters and imposes a smaller demand on computational resources.The proposed method can potentially assist clinicians in diagnosis and treatment planning by quickly inspecting abnormalities in xxx and further quantitative analysis.虽然已经有⼤量的研究集中在医学图像分割上,但是很少有研究专门针对微⼩器官的分割。
第一篇发表在FitoterapiaCover letterDear Editor Verotta:We would like to submit the manuscript entitled "××××××题目" by ××××××所有作者姓名which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the first time of ××××××研究的精华所在Thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址、学院、学校名称Phone: + 86××××××Fax number: + 86571××××××Email address: ××××××@Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,×××所有作者Response to reviewersDear Editor:Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled "××××××" by ××××××所有作者have been revised according to the reviewers’ comments, and we wish it to be reconsidered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows.List of ActionsLOA1: The key words were changed in page?.LOA2: The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section 2.1 (page 3).LOA3: A paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in polyprenols.LOA4: The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 1#,Thank you very much for pointing out the problems in our manuscript. We have revised it according to your recommendations. We would like to know if there are still somewhere need to be amended.(1) Keywords: general terms should be avoided; I would changesome of the keywords (homologues, identification, quantification) The key words have been changed as follows: ××××××修改后关键词(2) In paragraph 2.1 the "local biochemistry company" should be identified by name and location.The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section 2.1 (page 3). NaOH,Pyrogallol,anhydrous Na2SO4 were purchased from Hangzhou ChangqingHuagong CO., LTD.(3) How the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ××××××were determined? Authors should say something about.The following paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in ××××××.(4) Language should be checked for clarity and correctness.The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 2#,Thank you very much for your recommendation on our paper and we have improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.All in all, thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fitoterapia. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to ****第一作者或通讯作者at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址Phone: + 86571××××××Fax number: + ××××××Email address: ××××××@Best wishes for you and your family!××××××which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Ethnopharmacology.All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the first time of investigating ××××××Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址Phone: + 86××××××Fax number: + 86571××××××Email address: ××××××@Thank you very much for your considering our manuscript for potential publication. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,××××××大同小异单独提交revisionnotes第一次修改A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows.List of ActionsLOA1: The reference on the selection of doses has been adapted in section 2.2 (page 5).LOA2: The details of HPLC data were supplemented in section 2.1 (page 4).LOA3: Figure 3, figure 4 and figure 5 have been redrawn.Replies to the remarks of the reviewer 1:The authors appreciate valuable suggestions and comments from the anonymous reviewers. We have revised our manuscript accordingly. Hope it is satisfactory now.(1) How the doses have been selected? If the doses have been adapted from a previous publication please cite the paper.The doses were selected according to previous studies of ××××××。
论文投稿时一般要求附带一篇“Cover Letter”,好的“Cover Letter”不仅可以使文章锦上添花,更有可能直接决定论文是否被录用。
本人切身体会,以已发表论文为例,现将其写法经验归纳如下:Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "论文题目", which we wish to be considered for publication in 期刊名.The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of yourjournal.First, 论文亮点1.Second, 论文亮点2.Thank you very much for your time and consideration.Sincerely yours,作者名注意点:论文亮点一定要简洁明了,一定要有创新,突出你的文章与其它已发表论文的区别。
这是 Cover Letter 的主要内容。
1、什么是cover letter?指的是SCI论文投稿信2、cover letter的内容主要包括那些?应该简述所投稿件的核心内容、主要发现和意义,拟投期刊,对稿件处理有无特殊要求等(如“not to review”list)。
scissci投稿信(Coverl...展开全文sci ssci 投稿信(Cover letter)模板与解析:许多人第一次接触到cover letter 也许是在求职的时候,我们称其为“求职信”。
而论文投稿时的 cover letter,也就顺理成章被称为“投稿信”。
推荐信 Dos and Don'ts(20个注意点):一 Don'ts(不要)对其他研究做一些无依据的论断提及与研究、论文无关的私人信息罗列共同作者先前的发表成果(除非真的和提交的稿件有很强关联)过于细化地提到稿件中已有的内容直接复制粘贴稿件中的内容行文辞藻华丽复杂难懂过度标榜自己先前的成果或夸赞自己的学术声望二 Dos(需要)使用单位的信头,显得更专业如果期刊已经公开编辑的姓名,那开头就用尊称称呼某位编辑开头提及论文题目与类型如果某位作者有一定影响力,在信中提及用一两句话交代研究目标与结果接着介绍文章的亮点:对现有知识有何贡献、对领域有和影响告诉编辑为什么你的论文适合发表到这个期刊,为什么期刊的读者会对你的研究有兴趣声明论文没有同时投稿或发表到别的期刊,不论是全篇或部分内容,所有的作者都已经看过并同意投稿的论文内容,已经遵守所有道德规范并取得相关单位的许可披露所有的潜在利益冲突若期刊有要求,提供推荐的审稿人名单感谢编辑阅读你的投稿信,考虑你投稿的论文提供通讯作者的信息,包含邮箱地址和电话号码内容简单扼要,语气正式有礼。
这是一个SCI search的期刊,不是SCI源期刊。
于是修改之后,这位老师把文章投到了植物学领域最著名的the Plant Cell,影响因子在10左右。
2.Materials and Methods比较好写,看看文献,应该有相同的内容可以参考,把这些内容找来进行一些修改就可以了。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Dr. XU JianheThe State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor EngineeringEast China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, ChinaTel: +86-21-64252498; Fax: +86-21-64252250Elsevier 投稿各种状态总结1. Submitted to Journal当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。
2. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。
这当中就会有另两个状态:3. Editor assigned4. Editor Declined Invitation如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。
5. Reviewer(s) invited如果审稿人接受那就会是以下状态:6. Under review这应该是一个漫长的等待。
7. required review completed 审稿结束,等编辑处理。
8. Decision in Process到了这一步就快要有结果了,编辑开始考虑是给修改还是直接拒,当然也有可能直接接受的,但可能性很小,呵呵。
9. Minor revision/Major revision这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,问题不大了,因为有修改就有可能。
10. Revision Submitted to Journal又开始了一个循环。
11. Accepted如果不要再审,只是小修改,编辑看后会马上显示这个状态,但如果要再审也会有上面的部分状态。
其他库的状态,基本是大同小异,供参考:In the Rapid Review® system, your manuscript has a different status assigned to it at various stages in the process. Below is a list of the status descriptions usedwith brief explanations.Incomplete Submission... you have begun the submission process. The submission has been assigned a temporary (TMP) manuscript number. You must complete the submission process.Finish My Submission... by viewing and approving the MS PDF. Once this is done, the submission will be assigned a permanent manuscript number.MS at Check-In... the manuscript is pending a quality check by the staff or editor. This involves verifying that the MS PDF contains a complete manuscript (text, tables, figures, etc.) and is suitable for review purposes.Conversion to PDF in Process... If the manuscript was submitted digitally, the MS PDF did not pass the QC process and is not suitable for review purposes. The staff may be in the process of converting the digital files to a new MS PDF or staff may have requested that the author send new file(s). The Journal Office is waiting for the file(s) to upload for conversion purposes.MS Being Pre-screened... if you submitted a manuscript to a journal whose review process includes pre-screening, this status indicates that the manuscript (or the abstract) is currently being pre-screened to determine its appropriateness for the journal.MS In Review... the manuscript has been assigned to an editor and may be awaiting reviewer selections, or the awaiting reviews.Decision Pending... the manuscript has been reviewed and the editor is in the process of making a decision.MS in Revision (Optional)... a decision to accept the paper with optional revisions (as suggested in the reviewer or editor comments) has been made by the editor, and a letter requesting these revisions has been sent to the author. Resubmission is anticipated.MS in Revision (Minor)... a decision to accept the paper with minor revisions (as suggested in the reviewer or editor comments) has been made by the editor, and a letter requesting these revisions has been sent to the author. Resubmission is anticipated.MS in Revision (Major)... a decision to reconsider the paper after major revisions (as suggested in the reviewer or editor comments) has been made by the editor, and a letter requesting these revisions has been sent to the author. Resubmission is permitted.MS Rejected... a decision to decline publication has been made by the editor, and a rejection letter has been sent to the author.MS Accepted... a decision to accept the paper has been made by the editor, and an acceptance letter has been sent to the author.MS Withdrawn... the manuscript has been withdrawn at the author's request. No resubmission is permitted. Any further version must be considered as a brand new submission.MS Deactivated... the manuscript has been deactivated due to the author's non-response in resubmitting a revised version or, in some instances, to the editor's invitation to submit a solicited paper.MS Published... the review process is complete and the manuscript is awaiting publication or it has already been published.Invitation/Submit Invited Paper... the editor has extended to you an invitation to submit a paper on a proposed topic. You are asked to reply by using the "Reply to Invitation" button. If you and the editor are in agreement, you can submit the invited paper by using the "Submit Invited MS" button.It can be concluded from the discussion thatE-mail:cover letter包含的内容比较丰富,比如作者信息,论文信息,推荐审稿人,论文创新之处等。