牛津初中英语 A词组

上海版牛津英语A词组全集Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#Module1FamilyandfriendsUnit1Familyandrelatives1.familyandrelatives家庭和亲戚2.afamilytree一个家谱3.grandsonsandgranddaughters孙子和孙女们/外孙和外孙女们4.getalotofpresents得到许多礼物5.HappyBirthday(tosb.)!6.getabirthdaycardfromsb.从某人那儿得到一张生日卡7.oneofmyfamilymembers我的家庭成员之一8.onlyhaveoneaunt仅仅有一个阿姨9.myclassmates我的同班同学10.goshopping去购物11.whatelse其他什么12.playbadminton打羽毛球13.gocycling去骑自行车14.goswimming去游泳15.twocousins两个堂/表兄弟/妹16.howmany+名词复数多少……Unit2Ihaveagoodfriend1.helpeachother互相帮助2.helpotherpeople=helpothers帮助别人3.not…atall根本不4.gooutatnight在晚上出去5.liketobetogether喜欢在一起6.walktoschooltogether一起走去学校7.befriendly友好的8.behelpful有帮助的9.workhard=studyhard努力学习10.belateforschool上学迟到11.getangry变得生气12.bekindtoothers对别人友善的13.sharesth.withsb.和某人分享某物14.benevernaughty从不淘气15.nevertellalie/lies从不说谎16.avisittosp.一次去某地的参观17.liveintheUSA=liveinAmerica居住在美国18.visitsp.forthefirsttime第一次参观某地19.asksb.aboutsth.询问某人关于某事20.have/hasbeentosp.曾去过某地21.OceanPark海洋公园22.GardenCityZoo花园城市公园23.WaterWorld水上世界24.FriendsoftheEarth地球的朋友25.lookafter=takecareof照顾,照看26.lookaftertheenvironment照顾环境27.allthethingsroundus我们周围所有的东西28.pollutetheair污染空气29.airpollution空气污染30.waterpollution水污染ndpollution陆地污染32.keepsth.clean保持某物干净33.pickup捡起,拾起34.putrubbishintorubbishbins把垃圾放入垃圾箱35.tellsb.todosth.告诉某人做某事36.tellsb.nottodosth.告诉某人不要做某事37.leaverubbish留下垃圾38.wanttobe/become想要成为39.wanttodosth.想要做某事40.promisetodosth.承诺做某事41.promisenottodosth.承诺不要做某事42.ourpromises我们的承诺43.discusssth.withsb.和某人讨论某事44.reuseshoppingbags再使用购物袋45.Whatabout/Howaboutsth./doing………怎么样?Unit3Spendingadayouttogether1.spendadayouttogether一起在外度过一天2.onGreenIsland在绿岛上3.inHappyTown在快乐城4.inDragonBay在龙湾5.onLuckyIsland在幸运岛上6.atweekends=attheweekend在周末7.benearsp.离开某地近的8.befar(away)fromsp离开某地远的9.SeasideTown海边镇10.aphotoofmyfamilyandme一张我家人和我的照片11.havelunchtogether一起吃午饭12.GreenMarket格林市场13.InSunnyTown在太阳城14.SpaceMuseum太空博物馆15.InMoonTown在月亮城16.anactivity一项活动17.haveabarbecue进行一次烧烤18.flykites放风筝19.ridebicycles骑自行车20.makesandcastles筑沙堡21.collectshells收集贝壳22.makeanalbum制作一本照片簿23.plantodosth.计划做某事24.agoodidea一个好主意25.whichplace哪一个地方26.planatrip计划一次旅行27.Howabout………怎么样?(常用于表示建议或提议)28.begoingto+v.打算做…Module2PlacesandactivitiesUnit4Whatwouldyouliketobe1.differentjobs不同的职业2.wouldliketobe/become想要成为……3.asecretary一名秘书4.abankclerk一个银行职员5.apolicewoman一个女警察6.adentist一名牙医7.apilot一名飞行员8.afireman一个消防队员9.apostman一名邮递员10.ashopassistant一个商店营业员11.teachchildrenEnglish教孩子们英语12.makesickpeoplebetter使病人好转13.driveabus驾驶一辆公交车14.putoutfires扑灭火15.cookfoodforpeople为人们烧食物16.makeourcityasafeplace使我们的城市(成为)一个安全的地方17.interviewsb.采访某人18.findout查明;弄清(情况)19.starkwork开始工作20.finishwork结束工作21.inthemorning/afternoon/evening在早上/下午/晚上22.Whynot为什么不呢?Unit5OpenDay1.anOpenDay一个开放日2.Opendayprogramme开放日活动安排3.anentrance一个入口处4.listentoachoir听一个合唱队(唱歌)5.anoticeboard一块布告栏6.myparents我的父母亲7.meetsb.attheentrance在入口处迎接某人8.arrivein+大地方到达一个大地方9.arriveat+小地方到达一个小地方10.visittheclassroom参观教室11.First,…/Next,…/Then,…/Afterthat,…/Finally,…首先,紧接着,然后,在那以后,最后12.lookatourclassprojects看一看我们的班级习作项目13.intheArtsandCraftsroom在美术劳技室14.inthehall在大厅里15.ourEnglishClub我们的英语俱乐部16.haveteaandcakes喝茶吃蛋糕17.intheMusicroom在音乐室18.welcometheparentsontheOpenDay在开放日欢迎父母19.indifferentplaces在不同的地方20.onthegroundfloor在第一层(英式表达法)21.writeaninvitation写一封邀请函22.takesomephotos拍一些照片23.haveagreat/goodtime过得愉快Unit6Goingtoschool1.travelingtimetoschool去学校行走时间2.ittakessb.sometimetodosth.某人花一段时间做某事3.Ittakeshimabouttenminutes.他花大约十分钟。

Unit 11.bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人2.read your stars 读你的星象3.have lots to eat and drink 有很多吃的和喝的4.worry about (not) doing sth= be worried about (not) doing sth担心(不能)做某事5.be familiar with sth= know sth very well 对…熟悉6.animal signs 生肖7.in Chinese culture 在中国文化里8.people in the West 西方的人9.find out more about 找出更多关于…10.learn more about 对…加深了解11.Western culture 西方文化12.Students’ Union 学生会13.a new chairperson 一个新主席14.recommend sb as/to be…. 推荐某人成为…15.be represented by creatures 由动物代表16.just for fun 只是为了有趣17.divide into four parts 分成四份18.date of birth 出生日期19.decide to do sth 决定做某事20.make a right decision 做出正确的决定21.people born under the same star sign 生于同一星座的人22.share similar characteristics 具有相似的性格特点23.an energetic and active person 一个精力充沛且活跃的人24.too impatient 太没有耐心25.like to be the leader 想要做领导26.a selfish person 一个自私的人a stubborn person 一个顽固的人/27.an out-going person 一个外向的人28.at times/from time to time/sometimes/now and then 有时29.do not give up easily 不轻易放弃/give up doing sth 放弃做某事30.a curious and clever person 一个好奇心强且聪明的人31.feelings change easily 感情容易变化32.love to talk 喜欢交谈33.love your home and family 爱你的家和家人34.take care of others=look after others 照顾他人35.save money 攒钱36.full of confidence 充满自信37.buy your friends nice gifts=buy nice gifts for your friends 给你的好友买好礼物38.worry to much 过于担心39.be practical 心灵手巧的、实事求是的40.pay attention to details 关注细节41.a polite and fair person 一个有礼貌且公正的人42.an elegant person 一个高雅的人43.love beautiful things 喜爱美丽的东西44.love peace 热爱和平45.argue with others 与别人争论46.quarrel with others 与别人争吵47.discuss with others 与别人谈论48.a powerful person 一个强大的人49.have lots of energy=be full of energy=very energetic充满活力50.keep secrets 保密51.forgive others for their mistakes 宽容别人的错误52.be humorous=have good sense of humour 很幽默53.enjoy life 享受生活54.love travelling to different places 喜欢到各地旅行55.be good at making and planning things 擅长计划安排事情56.patient enough 足够有耐心57.wait for a long time 等待很长时间58.without getting angry 不会生气59.hate to be like others 讨厌与别人一样60.try to do everything differently 试着做事与众不同61.be gentle and easy-going 既绅士又随和62.be creative and imaginative 创造力和想象力都很丰富63.dream about everything 憧憬一切64.explain sth to sb = explain to sb sth 给某人解释某事65.make an explaination 做一个解释66.care only about oneself 只关心某人自己67.treat everyone equally 公平的对待每个人68.feel sure about one’s own ability 对某人自己的能力感到确信69.be friends with sb 与某人成为朋友70.tell jokes 讲笑话71.seem to be lucky 似乎很幸运72.share food with others 与别人分享食物73.do well in(doing) sth 在某方面做得很好74.show off 炫耀、卖弄75.balloons of all colours 各种颜色的气球76.each of us 我们每个人77.the whole cake 整个蛋糕78.organize the party 组织聚会79.at all times=all the time=always 总是80.do/make an experiment 做实验81.in the laboratory 在实验室82.have/get a bad toothache 牙疼得厉害83.see the dentist 看牙医84.be very interested in sth=show great interest in sth 对…很有兴趣85.the first cloned sheep 第一只克隆羊86.lay/be awake 醒着87.a glass of lemonade 一杯柠檬水88.pass the football to sb 把球传给某人89.have been on the phone for half an hour 已经打了半个小时的电话90.plan to do sth 计划做某事91.go to dancing lessons 去上舞蹈课92.have bicycle repaired 把自行车修一修93.a wallet lying on the ground 地上的钱包94.be born in the year of the Goat 生于羊年95.have a lot to celebrate=have a lot of celebrations 有很多值得庆祝的事96.have success at sth=succeed in sth=do sth successfully做某事很成功97.around the middle of the month 大约在本月中旬98.be given some money 得到一些钱99.be available on request 已经要求便可提供,备索100.call sb on 123456 打123456联系某人101.e-mail sb at 邮件地址发邮件到…联系某人102.have lots of fun doing sth 做某事很有乐趣103.spend money wisely 明智的花钱104.have problems with/doing sth 做某事有麻烦105.get/have lots of rest 好好休息106.feel weak 感到虚弱107.organize things well 很好的组织事情get more organized 变得更有条理108.come up with/think of new ideas 想出新点子109.who else 还有谁110.be suitable for 适合….111.get full marks 得满分112.in an English test 再一次英语测验中113.never forget the things he needs to do 从不忘记他需要做的事114.be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事115.make a speech 做一次演讲116.give a talk 作报告117.to a large group of people 面向一大群人118.try one’s best 尽力119.do extra work 做额外的工作120.get good marks 得到好的分数121.an excellent chairperson 一个很出色的主席122.many good personal qualities 许多好的个人品质123.in front of the whole school 在全体师生面前124.the rest of the summer holiday 暑假的剩余时间125.do not mind doing sth 不介意做某事126.agree with us 同意我们127.have all the qualities to be a good chairperson 拥有成为一名主席的所有优秀品质128.It’s my pleasure=with pleasure 别客气、这是我的荣幸129.the most suitable person 最合适的人选130.the newspaper says……报纸上说…131.kind and wise 既善良又有智慧Unit 21.would rather do sth than do sth 宁愿做…也不愿…2.would rather do sth 宁愿做…3.want to wear 想要穿4.There is nothing wrong with…/ There isn’t anything wrong with…/5.Nothing is wrong with……没什么问题6.颜色/衣服look good on sb=sb look good in 颜色/衣服某人穿某个颜色的衣服很好看7.live in a world full of colours 生活在一个五彩斑斓的世界8.would be a dull place without colours 没有颜色将会变得阴暗9.do a project on colours 做一个关于颜色的课题10.colours of the rainbow 彩虹的颜色11.look out of the window 朝窗外看12.see a rainbow 看见一个彩虹13.in the sky 在空中14.relationship between colours and moods 颜色和情绪的关系15.in a magazine 在一本杂志里16.something interesting about colours 关于颜色的一些有趣的事17.affect our moods 影响我们的情绪18.change our moods 改变我们的情绪19.make us feel happy 使我们感到开心20.calm colours 冷色调/ warm colours暖色调21.walk into a room=enter a room 进入一个房间22.feel relaxed 感到放松23.the walls were painted blue 墙被涂成蓝色24.a calm and peaceful colour 一个镇定平和的颜色25.be good for our mind and body 对我们身心有益26.create a feeling of harmony 创造出一种和谐感27.represent sadness 代表悲伤28.feel blue=feel sad 感到伤心29.wear white= be in white 穿白色的衣服30.feel stressed 感到焦虑31.the colour of purity 纯洁的颜色32.on one’s wedding day 在某人的婚礼上33.give you a happy and satisfied feeling 给你一种快乐满足的感觉34.live in cold climates 生活在寒冷气候里35.create a warm and comfortable feeling 创造出一种温暖舒适的感觉36.orange represents joy 成色代表快乐37.bring you success 带给你成功38.cheer you up=make you cheerful 使你开心、让你振奋39.the colour of the sun 太阳的颜色40.remind sb of sth 使某人想起..41.the colour of wisdom 智慧的颜色42.study for exams 为考试而学习43.yellow stationery 黄色的文具44.feel tired or weak 感到劳累或虚弱45.wear energetic colours 穿活力的颜色46.such as/like/ for example 例如47.give you energy=make you energetic 给你能量48.the colour of nature 大自然的颜色49.represent new life and growth 代表新生命和成长50.the colour of envy 嫉妒的颜色51.be green with envy 非常嫉妒52.be very jealous 非常嫉妒、善妒的53.be in need of sth=need sth 需要某物54.physical and mental strength 体力和脑力55.the colour of heat 热量的颜色56.represent power and strong feelings 代表力量和强壮的感觉57.make it easier for you to take action 使你更容易做决定58.have difficulty/trouble/problems doing sth 做某事有困难59.make a big decision 做一个大的决定60.feel unable to relax 感到不能放松61.feel sleepy=in need of sleep 感到困倦62.be satisfied with…对..很满意63.get good marks in tests 考试中的倒好成绩64.get full marks 得满分65.calm down 镇定,冷静66.be angry with sb 生某人的气67.worry a lot 过于担心68.get stressed 变得很焦虑69.have a strong personality 有一个坚强的个性70.like to be the leader 想成为领导71.prefer doing sth to doing sth 比起…更喜欢做…72.talk on the Internet 在网上交谈73.too far away 太遥远74.anywhere else 其他什么地方75.have some noodles 吃一些面条76.have Western food 吃西餐77.in the fitting room 在试衣间里78.buy a gift for someone 为某人买礼物79.I wonder=I want to know 我想要知道80.go shopping for clothes 去买一些衣服81.be in a bad mood心情沮丧/ be in a good mood心情很好82.didn’t talk to anybody 不跟任何人讲话83.all the afternoon 整个下午84.keep making phone calls to sb 不停地打电话给某人85.hear what he is saying 听到他正说什么86.talk so much about oneself 过多的谈论某人自己87.a very strange day 非常奇怪的一天88.seem to have a secret 似乎有一个秘密89.be not acting normally 行为不正常90.maybe/perhaps/probably 或许、可能91.talk to someone 跟某人交谈92.strange behaviour 怪异的行为举止93.think of 想到94.need someone like me 需要像我一样的人95.there is none left 一个也不剩了96.send an e-card to sb 发一封电子贺卡给某人97.colour the card orange=the card was coloured orange把卡片涂成橙色98.colour therapy 颜色治疗99.as much information as you can 尽可能多的信息100.improve your life 改善你的生活101.promise to do sth 承诺做某事102.promise sb sth=promise sth to sb 承诺给某人某物103.get your money back 拿回你的钱104.make a promise 许下诺言105.change your moods 改变你的心情106.have different colours and smells 有不同的颜色和味道107.rub oil into your skin=the oil is rubbed into your skin把油抹在你的皮肤上108.people with dark hair and dark skin 长着黑发和黑皮肤的人109.look good in red and purple 穿红色和紫色漂亮110.pale skin 苍白的皮肤111.blonde hair 金发112.make an appointment 约会113.be afraid to go alone 害怕一个人去114.work at the Palace Museum 在故宫工作115.advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事116.give some advice to sb=give sb some advice 给某人提建议117.free clothes 免费的衣服118.don’t know what to wear 不知道穿什么119.too tight 太紧了120.try …on 试穿..121.look more powerful 看起来更有力量122.could be stressed 可能很焦虑123.a little bit stressed 有点儿焦虑124.red and white are a good match 红色和白色是一对好搭配125.the power red balances the calm white 力量的红色平衡了镇定的白色126.keep the balance of the nature 保持了大自然的平衡127.colour paper 彩纸128.finish the project 完成课题129.the photo I used 我用过的照片130.I found it a bit strange 我发现它有点奇怪131.I can’t say why 我说不出原因132.show it to everyone 把它给每个人看133.put it on the home page 把它放在主页上Unit 31、整天 all day2、感到孤独 feel lonely3、与某人争吵 quarrel with sb4、做足够的锻炼 do enough exercise5、有亲密的朋友 have close friends6、开着、进行着 be on7、变胖 get fat8、有问题 have a problem9、请某人做某事 ask sb to do sth10、在某方面给某人建议 give sb advice on sth11、处理 deal with12、收到某人的来信 hear fom13、如此…以致… so…that…14放弃某事 give up (doing)sth15放弃做某事 give up doing sth16、集中(精力、注意力)在某事上 focus on sth17、多业余爱好 lots of hobbies18、此刻 at the moment19、按时、准时 on time20、我不高兴 make me unhappy21、感觉…..不好 feel bad about22、要做某事 need to do sth23、在….和…之间获得平衡 achieve a balance between…and …24、对…..很着迷 be crazy about25、喜爱做某事 love doing sth26、请某人做某事 ask sb to do sth27、向某人提供某物 offer sb sth/offer sth to sb28、(有)三个小时 for three hours29、对某人严格 be strict with sb30、感到有压力的 feel stressed31、不时、有时 from time to time32、某人在某事上花费(时间或金钱) sb spend 时间或金钱…on sth33、帮助某人做某事 help sb (to) do sth34、得到某人的支持 have sb’s support35、希望某人做某事 wish sb to do sth36、希望做某事 wish to do sth37、成功地做某事 succeed in doing sth38、集中(精力、注意力)在某事上 focus on sth39、停止做某事 stop doing sth40、对某人有用 be useful to sb41、听下来做另一件事 stop to do sth42、一则建议 a piece of advice43对…感兴趣 be interested in44、忘记有关…的事 forget about sth45、制作…的清单 make a list of46、一、两个小时 an hour or two47、算出、解出 work out48、同意某人(的意见) agree with sb49.乘公交车 take a bus50. 生气、发怒 get angry51.得低分 get low marks52.有很多回家作业 have a lot of homework53变得不高兴/伤心 become sad54.告诉某人有关…的事 tell sb about sth55.到达某地 get to sp56. 到达某地 arrive in/at sp57.把那只猫命名为眯眯 name the cat Mimi58. 阅卷 mark the tests59.关于星座方面的文章 an article on star signs60.看上去很可爱 look lovely61给某人写信 write to sb62. 得到某人的帮助 get help from sb63.青少年辅导员 youth workers64.休息 have a rest65.一会儿 for a while66.解决问题 solve the problems67.在工作和玩之间获得平衡 achieve a balance between work and play68.考试 have a test69.在…(方面)表现出色 do well in70.尖子生 the top student71.擅长、善于 be good at72.讨厌做某事 hate doing sth73.尽某人最大的努力(做某事) try one’s best (to do sth)74.嘲笑某人/某物 laugh at sb/sth75.与某人共享某物 share sth with sb76.为…而感到自豪 be proud of77.叫/吩咐某人做某事 tell sb to do sth78.不关注…. pay no attention to79.在北京阳光中学 at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School80.处理某人/某事 deal with sth/sb81遭受…..之苦 suffer from sth82.在…..方面差 be weak in83.不再 not any more84.回答 reply to …85.感谢某人做某事 Thank sb for doing sth86.向某人征询意见 ask sb for advice87.先某人求助 ask sb for help88.让某人做某事 let sb do sth89.使某人做某事 make sb do sth90.提前计划 plan ahead91.认真学习 study hard92.不关注 pay no attention to …93.帮助某人做某事 help sb (to) do sth94.压力的解决办法 solutions to stress95.你为什么不做某事呢? Why don’t you do sth?96. 为什么不做某事呢? Why not do sth?97.对某人大喊 shout at sb98.选择优选用做某事 choose to do sth99.责备你的父母 blame your parents100.为某事/某人而担忧 be worried about sth/sb101.保持安静 keep quiet102.实际上 in fact103.与某人同年龄的 of one’s age104同样的问题 the same problem105.变得更糟糕 get worse106.解决问题 solve the problem107.产生压力的原因 cause of stress108.上交 hand in109.按时 on time110保持健康. keep fit111.吃顿美餐 have a delicious meal112.在考试中得高分 receive high marks in exams 113.为什么不做某事呢? Why not do sth?114. 为什么不去散步呢? Why not go walking ?115.为某事而担忧 be worried about sth116.感觉你的体重不佳 feel bad about your weight。

9上U n i t1 1. an article about…一篇关于…的文章 them feel good 使他们感觉好3. share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物 up 吃光 eat them up 把他们吃光5. keep… in good order 使…保持井然有序 off 炫耀grammar rulers for us 为我们重复讲解语法规则up with new ideas 想出新主意curious about 对…好奇 football for hours 踢几个小时足球angry easily 容易生气…nor…既不…也不…without speaking all day long 整天不说话工作born artist 一个天才画家the whole country with his creative work 用他富有创造力的作品给全国留下了印象high praise from the art community 赢得来自艺术界的高度赞誉for 搜寻…better or different 更好或与众不同的东西up doing sth. 放弃做某事 for 为…工作my last job 在我的上一份工作中 after day 日复一日general manager of the company 公司总经理…or…不是…就是…,或者…或者…the lead 领先 behind 落后ready to do sth. 准备做某事,愿意做某事 on new challenges 接受新挑战29. any time 随时 30. the chief engineer 总工程师A to/withB A与B相连接 good as 和…几乎一样,简直是attention to every detail 注意每一处细节 attention to doing sth. 注意做某事to high standards 以高标准工作 only…but also…不但…而且…willing to do sth. 愿意做某事 extra hours 多工作几个小时fact 事实上operations for about ten hours a day 一天做十多个小时的手术most of her time to her work 把她大部分的时间用于她的工作devote …to doing sth. 把…用于做某事上it difficult to work with him 发觉和他一起工作很难sb’s advice 接受某人的建议 twice 三思而行be angry with sb. 生某人的气 too much 焦虑太多patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 signs 生肖in a fixed order 按照固定的顺序出现all 总共、总计 on 取决于,依赖born in the Year of the Rabbit 出生在兔年的人some ways 在某些方面,在某种程度上 in sb. 信任某人father, like son 有其父必有其子 afraid of …害怕…himself more organized 使他自己更有条理 absent from…缺席…with sb. 同意某人(的看法)…nor…)’s terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.(It’s +adj. +for/of sb. to do sth.)对于我们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。
牛津初中英语重点词汇讲解 (完整版)

牛津初中英语重点词汇讲解A1.a bit 有点儿后面可跟形容词 a bit of 后跟不可数名词a bit of houseworkI feel a bit / a little lonely from time to time because I have just come to a new school.我偶尔因为感到有点儿孤独因为我刚刚来到一所新学校。
a little 有点儿,(比…)稍微…可修饰比较级It’s 10 a.m.. I feel a little hungry.上午10点了,我感到有点饿。
Lily is 1.65 metres tall. I am 1.63 metres tall. Lily is a little taller than I.Lily1.65米高。
2.ability n. 能力 be able to doDifferent people have different abilities. Find out more about his abilities.不同的人有不同的能力。
3.above prep. 在…的上面Wilson lives two floors above Wendy.Wilson住在Wendy楼上两层。
below prep. 在…的下面Mary lives six floors below Wendy. Mary住在Wendy楼下6层。
over prep. 在…的正上方,从…上跨越There is a bridge over the river.有一座桥横跨这条河。
The plane was flying over the mountain. 那时飞机正飞越那座大山。
under prep. 在…的正下方There is a bike under the tree.有一辆自行车在树下。
on prep. 在…的上面 oThere is a book on the desk.桌上有一本书。

牛津英语A单词表(可以直接使用,可编辑实用优秀文档,欢迎下载)牛津8A单词表Unit1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8牛津英语第二学期单词表Module 1 Natural elementUnit 1自然的;天然的natural要素element控制control伤害injure香烟cigarette终点;末端end研究)项目;专题研究project问题question信息information发生happen小心的careful种;类kind什么样的what kind of引起cause小山hill屏幕screen页page答案answer在上面above有用的useful有害的harmful发现discover野生的;野的wild煮沸boil使融化melt金属metal形状shape为了,以便so as to玻璃glass花瓶vase放;安置put数量amount 破坏;毁坏destroy每样东西;一切everything丧失;失去lose严重的seriously粗心的careless欠考虑的;轻率的thoughtless 熄灭;扑灭put out丢,扔drop到处everywhere测验quiz卡片card填写fill in携带;背着carry呼吸breathe设备equipment我自己myself水龙带hose pipe梯子ladder斧头axe消防演习fire规则rule收拾(行李);装(箱)pack 排队queue up往楼下;顺楼梯而下downstairs 关掉(电灯,收音机等)switch off 风扇fan楼梯taircase标题title句子sentence别的;其他的else灭火器extinguisher警报alarm铃bell警铃;警钟alarm bell消防水龙带fire hose消防firefighting地面ground一楼ground floor走廊corridor楼梯stairs主要的main工艺美术art and craft音乐music卫生间;盥洗室toilet职员;员工staff有顶的covered有顶的操场covered playground Unit 2有风的windy陈列;展示display板board展览板display再;又again柔和的gentle微风breeze顺序order栏;列column台风typhoon雨衣raincoat紧紧地tightly帆板运动windsurfing轻微地slightly纸风车pinwheel乡村countryside说明文字caption落下fall沉没sink清扫;清除slean-up猛烈地fiercely波浪wave突然suddenly天空say线;细绳string断;折断break立即immediately轻轻地lightly高兴地;快乐地happily经过pass开始begin部分part高的high气象台observatory幻灯片slide物体object罐pot安全safety预防措施precaution锁lock大的large庇护所shelter迅速地quicklyUnit 3四分之一quarter珊瑚礁coral reef海草;海藻seaweed比赛;竞赛competition海洋ocean地球earth几乎almost溪流;小河stream精彩的;绝妙的;令人高兴的wonderful鲸whale海豚dolphin鲨鱼shark危险的dangerous也,又as well植物plant海星starfish石油oil盐salt污染pollute覆盖cover没有without牙齿(复数)teeth淋浴shower洗;洗涤wash盘,碟dish没有什么nothing无处nowhere借borrow(洗)淋浴shower滴水的dripping水龙头tap海报;招贴画paster节约save浪费waste修理fix关掉,截断(电流,煤气,水)等turn off而不是;与其…宁愿rather than洗盆浴bath有柄的大杯mugUnit 4森林forest洞;孔hollow燃料fuel仔细地carefully总结;摘要summary速写薄sketchbook地区;地域area提供provide昆虫insect建筑;建造build墨水ink不久soon土clay(羊等的)绒,毛wool塑料plastic金属罐can碗bowl碟;盘plate毛皮skin皮革leather腰带;皮带belt沙sand木制的wooden羊毛的;毛纺的woollen短袜sock铅笔盒pencil case钱包purse罐;壶jug机器人robot匙;调羹spoon筷子chopstick餐叉fork触摸touch摸起来;手感feel硬的hard桌布tablecloth前文述及的;上述的above Module 2 My neighbourhood Unit 1医院hospital建筑师;设计师architect确保make sure建筑工人builder恰当地;正确地properly机械修理工mechanic汽车修理厂garage修理repair箱式送货车van驾驶drive消防车fire engine秘书secretary打字type搬迁removal公司company搬家公司removal移动move谈话conversation电梯lift当然of course答复;回答answerphone会议meeting警察police警察局;派出所police station管理人;看守人warden交通管理员traffic warden女警察policewoman救护车ambulance(救护车的)救护人员ambulance man摩托车motorcycle撞倒knock down碰撞;撞击crash起火;燃烧go on fire摩托车手motorcyclist害怕的afraid逃跑run away现场scene打phonetelephone使停止stop伤残的,残缺的broken手臂arm腿leg清洁工sweeper工作work打扫;清扫sweep倒空;腾空empty面包店bakery早餐breakfast集市;市场market销售者seller新鲜的fresh(中午或晚上吃的)正餐,主餐dinner烘烤bakeUnit 2阳台balcony住宅区estate代理机构agency卧室bedroom不整洁的;凌乱的untidy将…收起;把…放回原处put away整洁地;整齐地tidily抽屉drawer架子;搁板shelf满的full搬(家);搬迁move厨房kitchen客厅sitting room浴室;盥洗室bathroom找到find月;月份month海湾bay平方square米metre决定decide卡车;货运汽车lorry将会shall紧邻;在…近旁next to在…对面opposite在…中间between扶手椅armchairUnit 3运输工具transport到达get to陡的;陡峭的steep台阶step安静的;寂静的quiet餐馆restaurant底;底部bottom方便的convenient喧闹的moisy人来车往的;熙熙嚷嚷的busy平静的peaceful令人愉快的pleasant令人放松的relaxing喧闹声;噪声noise许多lots of季节season第二secongd第三third第四fourthUnit 4西的;西方的west转向turn说明instruction不准mustn’t警告warning出口exit筹码counter骰子dice投;掷throw错过miss获胜者winner种植plant正确地properly野营地campsite向前面;在前面ahead空格space龟turtle宿舍;招待所hostel垃圾litter赶;追赶chase环境environment头盔helmet防止preventModule 3Food and drinksUnit 1竞赛race咸的salty汤团;饺子dumpling甜的sweet第五fifth月亮的lunar月month朔望月,太阴月lunar month庆祝celebrate讨厌hate豆bean确信;肯定sure一点儿a little出生(仅用于被动语态 be born )born给give建议;忠告advice皇帝emperor听;听从listen toBe的过去时(第一人称和第三人称)was擅长…be good at诗poem著名的famous诗人poet战役;战斗battle宁愿;宁可(=would rather)’d rather 月饼moon cake布丁pudding薄饼;烙饼pancake曲奇饼干cookie三明治sandwich汉堡包hamburger柠檬味汽水lemonade七喜汽水7-UPUnit 2意想不到的事;令人惊奇的事surprise星期六Saturday空闲的free美味的delicious卡通片;动画片cartoon期望;期待look forward to遗憾,可惜pity冻鱼条fish finger春卷spring roll意大利式细面条spaghetti肉丸meatball可乐Coke成分;原料ingredient粉;粉末powder糖霜(用于装饰糕饼等)icing蜡烛candle第二;其次secondly第三thirdly第四fourthly摄氏度C添加add混合mix克gramme混合物mixture烤模baking tin一勺(的量)spoonful搅拌beat筛sieve上一个的last祝愿wishUnit 3聪明的smart娱乐活动entertainment指南;手册guide音乐会concert马戏表演;马戏团circus 历史history博物馆museum战争war比赛match节目programme有趣的funnday星期日called叫做;称做afterwards 以后;后来neither也不outhing远足fall asleep入睡;睡着feel觉得;感到tired疲倦的;疲劳的Monday 星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四midnight午夜Friday星期五enough足够的wrong错误地;不对discuss 讨论future未来;将来less较少的,更少的fat胖的bad坏的;不良的habit习惯used to小孩child不再not any longer花费spend零用钱pocket money 储蓄save up仍然;还stillUnit 4无家的homeless 为…准备get ready for寿司sushi金枪鱼tuna黄瓜cucumber胡萝卜carrot热狗(香肠面包)hot dog番茄;西红柿tomato调味汁;沙司sauce芥末mustard果馅饼pie烤饼scone印度三角炸饺samosa咖喱curry(松软扁平的)印度面包naan邻居neighbour教;训练teach英国England愉快;乐事pleasure自发面粉self-raising flour倒;倾倒pough生面团dough宽的wide洒;撒sprinkle盘tray烤箱;烤炉oven葡萄干raisin烹饪;烹调cookeryModule 4 Garden city and its neighboursUnit 1周末weekend别挂断;等一下hold on片刻;瞬间monent停顿;暂停pause太空space冒险adventure牛仔cowboy天鹅swan持续时间duration公主prince王子prince敌人enemy充满full of动作action国王king日记diary小提琴violin持续last for(用于路名)路;大道drive大街avenue书店bookshop胡同;小巷laneUnit 2圣诞老人santa claus协会association超过;多于more than为…准备prepare for圣诞节Christmas寻找look for忍耐的;耐心的patient勤劳的hard-working友好的friendly诚实的;正直的honest美好地;美妙地beautifully缝sew面试interview广告advertisement消息message广播radio假装pretend火鸡turkey从…以来;自…以后since受喜爱的popular餐;一顿饭meal互相each other歌曲song(圣诞)颂歌carol圣诞夜;平安夜(12月24日晚)Christmas Eve忙碌的busy悬挂hang up长筒女袜stocking圣诞节(12月25日)Christmas Day相信;认为believe耶稣(基督教信奉的救世主)jesus Christ交换exchange节礼日(圣诞节后的第一个工作日)Boxing Day公共的public假日holiday几乎;差不多nearly挑选;选择choose图片picture词典;字典dictionary将…配对match天使angel鹅goose装饰decoration王后queen菜肴dish美味的;可口的tasty知更鸟tobin公牛(复数形式oxen)ox绞碎的肉;肉末mince马厩;马房stable(Christmas的缩写)圣诞节Xmas圣诞节(尤用于歌曲和贺卡)Noel 冬青holly彩色爆竹,彩色拉炮cracker打开…的包装unwrap圈;环状物circle尖的pointed常青树evergreen声音;歌声voice牧羊人shepherd圣诞柴yule-log花环;花圈wreath词;单词word圣诞老人Father Christmas管;管子tube彩色的coloured纸paper拉pull声音;响声noise木头;原木logUnit 3商场market任何东西;任何事物anything牛仔裤jeans洞hole小孩kid咖啡馆;小餐馆cafe不会(=will not )won’t衣领collar斑点spot毛衣;线衣sweaterV字领V-neck方格;方格图案check圆形的round条纹;线条stripe中等的medium更衣室changing room那里over there。

9A 词汇1. beat / break a record2. set (up)/ hold / tie / better a record3. keep a record (of)4. the then director5. settle an argument (about)6. ever since7. send in8. set down9. keep track of10. in other ways11. reach a length / height / speed of12. the largest square with an area of about 40 hectares13. celebrate Hong Kong’s return to China14. stand out15. next / close / near to16. be diagnosed with17. achieve one’s goal (of)18. in a row19. be interested in20. lead to / lead … to21. in the first place22. find out23. be out to do sth, be out for sth24. enjoy doing sth25. make for26. be suitable for / to do sth27. apply (to sb) for28. all goes well29. a world record holder30. come up with31. attempt / try to do sth32. make an attempt to do sth33. in an / one’s attempt to do sth34. as a result / consequence (of)35. even though / if36. according to37. inspire sb to do sth38. make an effort to do sth39. make a visit / trip / journey / voyage (to)40. fade from memory41. hundreds / thousands / millions of42. tens of thousands of43. in order to do sth44. over the past two decades45. prepare for46. burst into cheers / tears / laughter47. not only … but also …48. get a better understanding of …49. the wounded50. depend on51. make sb do sth52. make sth done53. in ancient times54. a dozen of55. head for56. together with57. give sb permission58. hold a grand opening59. as well as60. be popular with61. such as62. be familiar to / with63. capture the hearts and minds of people64. be willing to do sth65. centre on66. instead of67. in fact68. have fun / for fun69. get ready for70. get excited71. concentrate on72. focus on73. a sixteen-year-old skater74. give a detailed description of75. make sure76. make a list of77. meet with78. make a decision79. various points of view80. take possession of81. in the name of82. neither … nor …83. great masses of84. solve the earth’s energy problem85. be rich / poor in86. dig up87. a great deal (of)88. What is to be done?89. expect (sb) to do sth / be expected to do sth90. risk one’s life91. (be) equipped with92. search for93. form the foundation (of)94. long before / before long95. It is well known that …96. have contacts with97. in exchange for98. books with descriptions of …99. be taken prisoner100. give information on101. date from102. cultural relics103. the awareness of each other’s existen ce104. be ripe for105. under the command of / under one’s command 106. set sail for / to / from … to107. renew relations with …108. excite one’s curiosity about …109. in return110. far more important111. decide to do sth112. draw / reach / a conclusion113. come to / arrive at a conclusion114. make a conclusion115. a great / large / good / small / certain number of 116. an even greater number of117. contribute to sth / doing sth118. make a contribution to119. a large sum of120. (be) in the possession of121. bring up122. in one’s youth123. order sb to do sth124. in all125. at least126. offer sb sth / sth to sb127. show (no) respect for128. during one’s lifetime129. pay off130. hope to do sth / that131. had better do sth132. a city with a population of …133. at such a high altitude134. at such a great height135. apart from136. be (un)able to do sth137. adjust to sth138. a couple of139. for hours / years / centuries140. act as141. rely on142. be up against143. fail to do sth144. laugh at145. refer to146. refer to … as …147. run out (of)148. have (no) chance of doing sth149. make it150. succeed in sth / doing sth151. take photos (of)152. at the age of153. on one’s retu rn / arrival154. have … in common (with)155. in this / that case, in both cases156. in case (of)157. lie in158. allow sb to do sth / be allowed to do sth 159. have something / nothing to do with … 160. prefer to do / doing sth161. get / be used to sth / doing sth162. used to do sth163. look up … in a dictionary164. pay attention to165. plan to do sth166. invite sb to a place / to do sth167. warn sb of sth168. be made up of169. be surrounded by / with170. stand for171. be similar to172. in a similar way to …173. in the same way as174. be known / famous for / as175. be harmful to / do harm to176. be good for / do good to177. have sth done., have sb do / doing sth178. learn (how) to do sth179. a diverse society, a society of diverse cultures 180. have an influence / effect on181. suffer from182. transform … into …183. benefit from184. change one’s attitude towards …185. in the early / late 1960s186. improve their living conditions187. differ from188. be different from189. be fond of190. get away from …191. be sure to do sth192. happen to sb, happen to do sth193. have a problem with …194. by the end of195. cut down196. heal the nation’s wounds197. set foot on / in198. force sb to do sth / be forced to do sth199. mass production / immigration200. It is / was not until … that …201. realise the importance of …202. throughout the world203. be slow in sth / doing, be slow to do sth 204. be quick in sth/ doing, be quick to do sth 205. admire sb for sth206. sense of responsibility207. break out208. (be) in (great) trouble209. encourage sb to do sth, be encouraged to do sth 210. no longer211. come true212. be made of / from213. keep quiet214. put the baby to sleep215. fall asleep216. say good-bye to sb217. be connected to / with218. separate … from …, be separated from219. lay eggs220. feed on, feed … on …, feed … to…221. give birth to222. in area223. keep out224. a type of225. so / such …that …226. round up227. all the year round228. be delighted to do sth229. on an open fire230. go hiking / camping231. compare … with / to …232. in a logical order233. (be) based on234. the size of a medium dog235. have access to236. be useful for / to sb237. It is useful (for sb) to do sth238. make friends with239. come from240. be used for sth, be used to do sth 241. fill in242. belong to243. on / at / in the corner of244. take care of245. a bunch of flowers246. a branch of medicine247. until then / now248. classify … into …249. whether … or not250. at first sight251. develop a lifelong friendship with sb 252. lead a cosy life253. have / show an appetite for (knowledge) 254. appoint … as …255. take s b on an expedition to …256. plant and animal life257. pay for258. look out (for)259. on a large scale260. develop local economies261. be involved in262. hold a position263. accumulate (a great deal of) knowledge (about) 264. make / choose a career in science265. make a living266. around the world267. year after year268. living expenses269. across the country270. work out271. survive the coal mine accident272. open a bank account273. the nature of the universe274. a sound knowledge of …275. at one’s (own) expense276. pass away277. play an important role / part in …278. wait for279. go on an expedition280. a fellow student281. from around the world282. a wide variety of, many varieties of283. introduce … to …284. name after285. insist on286. suggest doing / that287. follow the same route as …288. the key to …289. deserve special attention290. (be) related to291. conduct / do / make an experiment292. pass on from one generation to the next 293. in view294. in nature295. make discoveries296. adapt to sth297. be of equal importance 298. put together299. explain in detail。

8A英语词组表Unit 1 Penfriends1.would like to be your penfriend 想成为你的笔友2.their favorite sports 他们最喜爱的运动3.the date under the address 地址下面的日期4.a signature at the end 在末尾的签名5.write to the girl 给这个女孩写信6.want to be your penfriend 想成为你的笔友7.one and a half meters tall 一米五高8.My hobby is playing chess. 我的爱好是下棋;9.own a Chinese restaurant 拥有一家中餐厅10.work in a college 在一所大学上班11.want to be an accountant 想成为一名会计12.be at university in London 在伦敦上大学e back home during the holidays 在假期期间回家14.be keen on sports 对运动着迷15.enjoy playing baseball and table tennis 喜欢打棒球和羽毛球16.My ambition is to be an architect. 我的志向是成为一名建筑师;17.enclose a photo of myself 随函附上一张我自己的照片18.say nothing in the letter 在信里什么也没有说19.at the beginning of … 在……的开头20.would like to be an English teacher/actor 想成为一名英语老师/演员21.want to be a scientist/pilot/basketball star想成为一名科学家/飞行员/篮球明星e the Internet to look for penfriends 用因特网来寻找笔友23.be keen on swimming and playing tennis 对游泳和打网球着迷24.like listening to pop music 喜欢听流行音乐25.learn to play the guitar 学着弹吉他26.My native language is German. = My mother tongue is German.我的母语是德语25. live in Germany 住在德国26.be close to the mountains 在大山边上27.share a room with my sister 和我的妹妹住一个房间28. my favorite subject 我最喜欢的科目29.at weekends 在周末30.wear a school uniform 穿校服31.e-mail me 写电子邮件给我32.enjoy writing in English 喜欢用英语写作33.have no brothers or sisters 没有兄弟姐妹34.I don’t think Mandy will write to Anna, will she我认为Mandy不会写信给Anna;35. her height and weight 她的身高和体重36. a university teacher 一位大学教师37. a European girl 一位欧洲的女孩38. in Europe 在欧洲39. on the roof of the house 在屋顶Unit 2 Work and play1. ride a motorcycle 骑摩托车2. play the piano 弹钢琴3. one of the top students in the city 市里优秀生之一4. have written several successful computer games已经写了几个成功的电脑游戏5. the manager of the company 公司的经理6. be responsible for sales 负责销售7. make phone calls to our clients on the way 在路上打电话给我们的客户8. some boring work 一些无聊的工作9. achieve A grades in all my subjects 各门学科都得A10. discuss the business over breakfast 早餐期间讨论公司业务11. fail an exam 考试不及格12. collect me from school 到学校接我13. attend Computer Club meetings 出席电脑俱乐部会议14. ask me to assist them 请我帮助他们15. continue doing something 继续做某事16. It is time for lessons. 上课的时间到了;17. take us to visit interesting places 带我们去参观有趣的地方18. never get bored 从未感到厌倦19. be acrobat 一名杂技演员20. practice with the other performers 和其他的表演者一起练习21. walk on stilts 踩高跷22. ride a unicycle 骑独轮车23. hurt myself 伤到我自己24. have a pain in my leg 腿疼25. speak several languages 讲好几种语言26. like to perform in the circus 喜欢在马戏团表演27. put on my costume 穿上我的服装28. after the performance 表演以后29. relax for an hour 放松一个小时30. repeat the answer to the question 重复问题的答案31. look similar to sth. 看起来和……相似32. do physical exercise 进行身体锻炼33. live a healthy life 过着健康的生活34. go jogging 慢跑35. on Wednesdays and Thursday 在周三和周四Unit 31. deal with trouble 处理麻烦have trouble in doing sth. 在……方面有困难have trouble with sth. 某事有困难2. hear a big argument 听见一阵争吵声3. two women tourists 两名女游客4. shout at each other 相互叫嚷5. hold out a bag 拿出一只包6. stare at the crowd 看着人群7. move through the crowd 穿过人群8. go after him 跟着他 = follow him9. hurry aboard 匆忙登上甲板10. be afraid of the man 怕那个人11. give more details 给出更多的细节in detail 详细地12. want to report a theft 想举报一起偷窃事件13. look worried 看起来很着急14. tell the police the truth 告诉警察真相15. telephone his wife 打电话给他的妻子16. run towards the car 朝小轿车跑过来17. walk by 走过去18. lift something up 把……拎起来19. see a robbery 看见一起抢劫事件20. remember arresting a thief in a clothes shop记得在一家服装店逮捕过一名小偷21. hide a yellow sweater inside his coat 把一件黄色分毛衣藏在他的大衣里面22. release him 把他释放23. write on the back of the envelope 在信封的背面写到24. receive a telephone call from the teller 收到收纳员的一通电话25. smuggle some rare birds from Thailand into Australia从泰国走私一些珍稀动物到澳大利亚去26. get on the ferry 上渡船27. happen to do sth. 遭到,遇到28. Well done 干得好29. fight for freedom 为自由而战30. What’s going on = What is up = What is happening 发生什么事了31. would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事would rather not do sth. 宁愿不做某事Unit Numbers1. different ways of writing numbers 书写数字的不同方法2. an especially important number 一个特别重要的数字3. odd numbers 奇数4. even numbers 偶数5. in ancient times 在古代6. powerful calculating machines 有效的计算工具7. in your whole lifetime 在你的一生中8. a great inventor 一位伟大的发明家9. an important invention 一个重要的发明10. make it easier to write big numbers and to calculate使大数字的书写和计算更加容易11. a modern electronic calculator 一只现代的电子计算器12. add… and…把……和……加起来subtract …from …把……减去……multiply … by …把……乘以……divide … by 把……除以……13. calculate percentages and square roots 计算百分比和平方根14. call the brain a living computer 把人脑称为一台活电脑15. a lady from India with an amazing brain 一位有惊人大脑的印度女士16. be like lightning 闪电般地,飞快地17. traffic accidents 交通事故18. in a flash 转瞬间19. count in tens 以十进制的方法数数20. turn on/off your mobile phone 打开/关上你的手机21. fall asleep in class 在课堂上睡着22. write down your decision 写下你的决定23. some abacuses 一些算盘24. program the computer with instructions 通过指令为电脑设计程序25. use the system of numbers with numbers from 1 to 9 and 0使用1到9和0的数字系统26. use the computer to solve the problem above 用电脑解决上面的问题Unit 5 Encyclopaedias1. buy her an encyclopedia 给她买一本百科全书2. much fiercer than tigers 比老虎凶猛得多3. as gentle as sheep 性情温和如羊4. know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons, eggs and footprints从恐龙留下的骨架、蛋和脚印中了解它们的生活5. die out suddenly 突然灭绝6. be harmful to …对……有害 = be bad for …= do harm to …be harmless to…对……无害7. an amusement park in the USA 美国有名的乐园8. be famous for his cartoon characters 因为他的卡通人物而闻名9. win a free trip to Disneyland 赢得一次迪士尼免费之旅10. He taught that the way to be happy was to own as few things as possible.他教导快乐的方式就是尽可能少地拥有物品;11. give birth to two baby pandas 生两只熊猫宝宝12. build a mausoleum for him 为他建造一座陵园13. a Greek thinker 一位希腊的思想家14. live in Greece 住在希腊15. a big jar that he lived in 他住的一只大缸16. see a boy drinking water from his hands by the fountain看见一个男孩在喷泉边上用手等水喝17. throw the cup away 把杯子扔掉18. even happier 甚至更快乐19. create Disneyland 创建迪士尼20. after leaving school 毕业后21. was born in the USA 出生于美国22. deliver mail 送信件23. the existence of dinosaurs 恐龙的存在24. be like a bear in shape and size 在体形上像熊25. in my other hand 在我的另一只手上Unit 61. a space telescope 一架天文望远镜2. an astronaut 一名宇航员3. run out of food 耗尽粮食4. an unexplored planet 一个无人涉足的星球5. do me a favor 帮我一个忙 = do a favor for medo me a favor to do sth. 帮我一个忙做……6. make a terrible noise 发出一阵可怕的噪音7. in peace 和平地8. bring us down gently in a valley 使我们平稳地降落在一个山谷里9. some two-storey-high doors 好多扇两层楼高的门10. approach the door carefully 小心地靠近门11. be similar to …与……相似12. some pieces of furniture 许多家具13. may be a friendly monster 可能是一个友好的怪物14. look almost human 看起来像人15. except that + 句子16. give a roar that turned our blood to ice 发出一声咆哮,把我们吓得半死17. press a button on the wall beside him 按下它身边墙上的一个按钮18. Steel bars sprang from the ground. 钢条从地面上弹起来;19. close above our heads 在我们头顶合拢20. be caught like rats 像老鼠一样被抓起来21. be wrong about …对……判断错误22. tear sth. Into pieces 把……撕成碎片23. the last person to do sth. 最后一个做某事的人24. look out of the window 朝窗外看25. on the twentieth floor 在第二十层楼上26. hear s small explosion 听见一阵微小的爆炸声27. fall asleep 熟睡 fell-fallen28. not …until …直到……才……29. make up stories 瞎编故事30. hide behind some bushes 躲藏在灌木丛后面31. spread the wings 张开翅膀 spread---spread32. not … at all…一点儿也不……Unit 7 Nobody wins1 escape from the cage 从笼子里逃出来2. one of the most attractive places 最吸引人的地方之一3. aim the torch at his eye 把电筒瞄准他的眼睛4. too weak to open the door 太瘦弱而不能把门打开= not strong enough to open the door5. attack me 袭击我6. go out one by one 一个挨一个地出去7. climb into the giant kangaroo’s pocket 爬进大袋鼠的口袋里8. walk past the garden of my neighbor 路过我邻居的花园9. find some of the wreckage 找到一些残骸10. be finished 垮台;失败;完蛋be done for 完蛋11. damage my eye 损害我的眼睛12. escape through the door to freedom 从门洞里逃出来获得自由13. in trouble 陷入困境14. aim the torch at his eye 把电筒对着他的眼睛15. hit him in the eye 击中他的眼睛16. What’s wrong = What is the matter17. bring the kangaroos running into the room 引得袋鼠们纷纷涌进房间18. have a bad dream 做噩梦19. hide among the kangaroos 躲在袋鼠们中间20. a UFO 一个不明飞行物= an Unidentified Flying Objectmany UFOs 许多不明飞行物21. find some wreckage 找到一些残骸22. three dead aliens lying by the side of the spaceship躺在飞船边上的散居外星人的尸体23. make sure 确保;设法保证24. look up a word in the dictionary 在字典里查找单词25. form a new government 组成一届新的政府26. a balloon 一只气球27. a refrigerated truck 一辆冷藏车28. tell soldiers to go away 告诉士兵们走开29. be made of metal 由金属制成的30. decide to do sth. 决定做某事a decision 一个决定31. Don’t panic. 不要惊慌; panicked----panicked; panicking。

五上Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 知识点复习一、单词熊森林与be连用有房子汤 right正合适房间硬的柔软的害怕的 front of在……前面她宾格救命在……旁边在……中间真正地然后找到,发现他们的二、词组1. in the forest在森林里2. a beautiful house一座漂亮的房子3. in the house 在房子里4. hungry and thirsty又饿又渴soup一些汤6. on the table在餐桌上7. too cold太冷了8. too hot太热9. in the room在房间里10. too hard太硬soft太软12. just right正合适13. be afraid害怕14. three bears三只熊15. in front of her 在她前面16. a glass of milk一杯牛奶a cold得了感冒 on your coats穿上你们的外套Western countries在西方国家 China在中国 some cakes吃些蛋糕 the kitchen在厨房里 the fridge在冰箱里 the windows and the door在窗户和门之间 their cousin找到他们的表弟三、句型1. There is a house in the forest.在森林里有一个房子;= There’s a house in the forest.2. There is some soup on the table.在桌子上有一些汤;= There’s some soup on the tab le.3. There are three beds in the room.在房间里有三张床;4. There are three bears in front of her.在她前面有三只熊;5. This soup is too cold.这汤太冷了;6. Goldilocks is in the forest.金发女孩在森林里;7. What a beautiful house 多么漂亮的房子8. She is hungry and thirsty.她是又饿又渴;9. There aren’t any cakes here.这儿没有一些蛋糕;10. You can have some cakes.你能吃一些蛋糕;11. Bobby cannot=can’t see any cakes in the fridge. 波比看不到冰箱里有蛋糕;12. Where are the cakes 蛋糕在哪里They’re in the fridge.它们在冰箱里;四、语音c / k / cake coat cold come cup doctor cousincolour cream car uncle close crayon case clockpicture cute can coffee computer cook五、语法1. there be 句型的基本结构为: There + be is , are + 主语+ 地点状语;它与汉语语序的排列有所不同;There ______ be some milk in the glass.There ______ be a book on the desk.There ______ be a lot of books on the desk.there be 就近原则:如果there be 句型中有几个并列主语时,be动词的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在数上保持一致;eg: There ______ be a pie and two hamburgers on the plate.There ______ be two hamburgers and a pie on the plate.3. .there be 句型的一般疑问句修改方法:1找出be动词is,am,are;2将be动词is,am,are提前;3有some 变为any;4第一人称变为第二人称,I / we ---you, my / our –your , me / us – you;Eg: There are some girls in the room. 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答与否定回答方法指导:第一步找出be动词,在这个句子里的be动词是are;第二步将are提前,同时将are的a改为大写A,将There中的T改为小写t;第三步有some变为any;Are there any girls in the room Yes, there are . / No , there aren’t.Unit2 A new student1. 一位新学生 a new student2. 带……参观 show her/him/me/them…around6. 一间美术教室 an art room7. 多少教室 how many classrooms8. 在我们的学校 in our school9. 这些房间 these rooms 10.一些电脑房 some computer rooms11. 我们的教室 our classroom 12.在一楼 on the first floor13. 在二楼 on the second floor 14.在三楼 on the third floor15. 音乐室 music room 16. 乒乓室 table tennis room17. 去看一看 go and have a look 18.南希的教室 Nancy’s classroom19. 唱歌跳舞 sing and dance 20. 喝一些美味的果汁 drink some nice juice21. 去电影院 go to the cinema 22.吃一块美味的冰淇淋have a nice ice cream23. 在美国 in the US 24.在英国 in the UK25. 在操场上 in the playground 26.去玩 go and play27. 很重 so heavy 28. 回家 go home30. 真有趣 great fun 31. 太高 too high32. 在秋千上 on the swing 33. 推我 push me34.再玩一次 play again 35. 是……时间了 It’s time for 按要求写单词1、new 反义词old2、she’s原形she is3、this复数these4、there那儿反义词here这儿5、our单数my6、our主格we7、they’re原形they are 8、there’s原形there is 9、second基数词two10、go反义词come 11、let’s 原形let us 12、it’s原形it is13、library复数libraries 14、isn’t原形is not 15、are not缩写 aren’t16、Mike所有格Mike’s 17、you are 缩写you’re 18、push反义词pull19、heavy 反义词light 20、high 反义词low 21、it’s原形 it is语音c /s/cinema dance ice cream juice nice一般发k在字母e i y 前面,发s必知语法本单元学习了there be 句型的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句形式;1. 一般疑问句及其答语:把be 提前到there 前,首字母大写,句末用问号即可;肯定回答:Yes, there is /are. 否定回答:No, there isn’t/ aren’t.2. 特殊疑问句及其答语1 提问句子的主语,句型一律用What is +地点介词短语无论主语是单数还是复数都用is2 提问主语为可数名词的数量时,用How many,句型结构为:How many +可数名词复数+are there +其他无论主语是单数还是复数,be动词通常要用are例如: there two birds in the treeYes, there are. / No, there aren’t.are some bananas on the tree. What’s on the tree3. There is a football under the desk.How many footballs are there under the desk小试身手:1. There is a library in our school. 改为一般疑问句a library2. There are twenty girls in the park. 对划线部分提问in the park3. There are some pigs on the farm. 对划线部分提问on the farmUnit 3 Our animal friends 单元知识整理一、词汇our animal friends 我们的动物朋友 two fish 两条鱼 the other 另一个a big tail 一条大尾巴 big bodies 大身体 have no 没有four legs 四条腿 nice wings 漂亮的翅膀 red eyes 红眼睛long ears 长耳朵 big arms 大手臂 big feet 大脚its body 它的身体 your fingers 你的手指 on the farm 在农场上☆bald eagles 白头秃鹰☆polar bears 北极熊☆a big kangaroo 一只袋鼠☆in Canada 在加拿大☆in Australia 在澳大利亚☆like the rain 喜欢下雨☆sunny weather 晴朗的天气☆come out 出来☆carry an umbrella 拿一把雨伞二、句型1. I have two animal friends. 我有两个动物朋友;2. One is red and the other is black. 一个是红的另一个是黑的;3. They have big eyes and big bodies. 它们有大眼睛和大身体;4. They have no legs and arms. 它们没有腿和手臂;5. It has four legs and a short tail. 他有四条腿和一条短尾巴;6. It has two legs and two nice wings. 它有两条腿和一双漂亮的翅膀;7. He has a dog. 他有一只狗;8. She has a bird. 她有一只鸟;9. It can talk and fly. 它既会说话又会飞;10. Do you have an animal friend Yes, I do. 你有一个动物朋友吗是的,我有;11. Does it have a long tail Yes, it does. 它有一条长尾巴吗是的,它有;12. Does he have a parrot No, he doesn’t. 他有一只鹦鹉嘛不,他没有;13. Does she have two fish No, she doesn’t. 她有两条鱼吗不,她没有;14. Do they have animal friends No, they don’t. 他们有动物朋友吗不,他们没有;15. Those are not legs. 那些不是腿;16. Give it a cake. 给它一个蛋糕;三、语音Uu / Λ / bus, duck, summer, sun, umbrella, mum, lunch, cup, rubber, run, but, much, jump, Sunday, subject,四、语法 have / has 的用法1、表示某人有某物;2、主语是第一、第二人称单数和复数时用 have, 如 I, you, we, they, the students …主语是第三人称单数时用 has, 如 he, she, it, Helen, the bird, my father …3、肯定句:… have / has …We have a PE lesson on Monday morning. / It has a long tail.否定句:… don’t / doesn’t +have …They don’t have animal friends. / She doesn’t have a dog.一般疑问句: Do / Does … have … Yes, …do / does. No, … don’t / don’t.Do you have a football Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.Does he have a toy car Yes, he does. / No, he doesnUnit 4Hobbies一、单词1. hobby 爱好5. piano 钢琴13. ice 2. dance 跳舞 6. film 电影 3. draw 画画 4. read 读,阅读 7. also 也 8. with 与…一起 9. both 都二者 10. all都三者或以上11. climb 攀爬 12. group 组冰 14. hole 湿的 16. idea 主意二、词组basketball 打篮球 football踢足球good at擅长 drawing 喜欢画画the park 在公园里 friend 我的朋友table tennis 打乒乓球 reading stories 喜欢读故事lot of books 许多书 the piano 弹钢琴dancing 喜欢跳舞 films 看电影swimming 喜欢游泳 about谈论hobbies他们的爱好 winter 在冬天skating喜欢滑冰 very well划得很好an idea 一个主意 skating 去滑冰afternoon今天下午 great idea一个好主意the ice在冰上 out 小心and wet又冷又潮三、句型1. What do you like doing I like drawing. 你喜欢做什么我喜欢画画;2. What’s your hobby My hobby is watching cartoons. 你的爱好是什么我的爱好是看动画片;3. What does he like doing He likes watching films. 他喜欢做什么他喜欢看电影;4. What are her hobbies She likes swimming. 她的爱好是什么她喜欢游泳;5. Helen likes reading too. = Helen also likes reading. 海伦也喜欢阅读;6. My mother and I both like going shopping. 我妈妈和我都喜欢去购物;7. We all like climbing. 我们都喜欢攀爬;8. My friends’ hobbies are playing basketball and playing the piano.我的朋友们的爱好是打篮球和弹钢琴;can play basketball well , but I am not good at football.我篮球打得好,但是我不擅长踢足球;usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.我通常和我的弟弟蒂姆一起画画;四、语音y /j/单词最前面读新音标写成/y/比如yes, yellow,yet,you, year, you, young五、语法+ doing sth动词接ing:1.一般在动词末尾加ing,如: think → thinking stand → standing2.以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加ing,如 skate → skating make → making dance →dancing write → writing have → having ride → riding come → coming3.以重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个元音字母闭音节,以及一个辅音字母,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing, 如: put→putting run→running swim → swimming jog → jogging sit → sitting Unit 5一、单词教师教作家写工作医生帮助生病的人们工厂工人厨师驾驶员,司机农民护士警察二、词组English 教英语 lot of students 许多学生English teacher一位英语老师 4. write stories 写故事home 在家里 sick people帮助病人factory worker一位工厂工人 sweets 制作糖果lot of sweets 许多糖果 10. in the sky在天空nice car 一辆漂亮的小汽车 cars 喜欢小汽车cars 制造小汽车 many cars 如此多的小汽车三、句型writes stories.她写故事;works at home.她在家工作;helps sick people.他帮助病人;do you do 你做什么工作I’m a ……does ……do He / She is a …….’s that, Bobbyfather likes cars.我爸爸喜欢汽车;四、语音y 重读音节读/ai/,如fly , by, cry fly my sky try why五、语法1.询问职业的句型1What do / does sb do2 What is / are sb3 What is / are + one’s job / jobs2.动词第三人称单数变化规则:A大多数动词在词尾加“S”;如:make-makes1 I make the bed every day .2Mary makes the bed every day .B以辅音字母加“y”结尾的,要先将“y”变为“i”,然后再加“es”; 如: study-studies1 We study Chinese every day .2 My sister studies English every day.C以“s, x, ch, sh”结尾的,在词尾加“es”; 如: watch-watches1 I often watch TV at home.2 My mother watches TV at home.D以“o”结尾的动词,也在词尾加“es”; 如: go-goes1 I go to bed at half past nine.2 My brother goes to bed at ten o’clock.E动词have遇在主语是第三人称单数时,have改为has;如:have-has1 I have a new pen.2 He has an interesting book .Unit6一、单词:等待 2. send 发出 3. minute 分 4. email 电子邮件5. speak 说6. subject 学科7. e-friend 网友8. Canada 加拿大9. China 中国 10. UK 英国 11. US 美国澳大利亚12. weather 天气 13. address 地址居住明天二、词组1. in the playground 在操场上2. wait a minute 等一会儿3. send that email 发送电子邮件4. speak Chinese / English 说中文/ 英文5. in the UK 在英国6. have Chinese lessons 有中文课7. study Chinese 学习中文 8. after school---before school 放学后/ 上学前9. What subjects 什么学科 10. turn to ice 变成冰11. winter weather 冬天的天气 12. wear warm clothes 穿暖和的衣服13. Chinese address 中国地址 14. English address 英语地址15. at a snack bar 在小吃店 16. Don’t worry; 不要担心;17. go fishing 去钓鱼 18. be good at fishing 擅长钓鱼19. teach you 教你 20. sit by the river 坐在河边21. wait and wait 等呀等 22. eat oranges 吃橘子三、句型1. Do you have an e-friend Yes, I do. 你有一个网友吗是的,我有;2. Does he have English lessons No, he doesn’t. 他有英语课吗不,他没有;3. What subject do they like They like Maths 他们喜欢什么学科他们喜欢数学;4. What subjects does he like He likes Music and Art. 他喜欢什么学科他喜欢音乐和美术5. Where does your friend live He lives in Australia. 你朋友住在哪里他住在澳大利大6. What does Peter do after school He studies Chinese after school.彼得放学后做什么他放学后学习中文;7. What does she like doing She likes swimming. 她喜欢做什么她喜欢游泳;8. We write English addresses like this. 我们是这样写英文地址的;9. They eat fish at a snack bar. 他们在小吃店吃鱼;10. Bobby and Sam sit by the river. 博比和山姆坐在河边;四、语音辅音字母‘w’发/w/例如:we, wear, wall, want, window, well, wet, weather, work, worker辅音字母组合‘wh’也有可能发/w/ 例如: where, what, which, when五、语法知识一般疑问句:用什么来问,用什么来答I have an e-friend. 改为一般疑问句-- Do you have an e-friend Yes, I do. No, I don’t. He studies English at school. ---- Does he study English at school Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.特殊疑问句:问什么,答什么对动作提问:What…doHis father likes running. ---What does his father like doingMike plays football after school. -- What does Mike do after school 对年龄提问:How old I am twenty years old. --- How old are you对地点提问:Where Peter lives in the UK. ---Where does Peter live对学科提问:What subjectsHelen likes Maths and Art. ---What subjects does Helen like Unit 7 At weekends一、单词参观 2. often 经常总是有时那里二、词组1. at weekends 在周末 my grandparents看望我的爷爷奶奶with 和玩 dinner吃完饭in the UK 住在英国 with 和聊天on the Internet 在网上聊天 dancing lessons 上舞蹈课to the cinema 去电影院 football 踢足球to the park 去公园 a kite 放风筝a picnic 去野餐 TV 看电视swimming 去游泳 picnics喜欢野餐fat 太胖 out 出来三、句型1. What do you do at weekends Iusually visit my grandparents at weekends. 你在周末做什么我通常看望我的祖父母;2. What does she do at weekendsShe sometimes goes to the cinema with her friends.她在周末做什么她有时和她的朋友们去看电影;3. What do they do at weekends They often fly a kite and have a picnic.她们在周末做什么他们经常放风筝,并且举行野餐;4. Su Yang and I like playing with their cat very much.我和苏洋非常喜欢和他们的猫玩;5. I sometimes go to the park with my family.我有时和我的家人去公园;6. She always has dancing lessons at weekends.她在周末总是上舞蹈课;7. My grandparents live in the Uk. I usually chat withthem on the Internet. 我的祖父母住在英国;我通常在网上和他们聊天;8. Nancy often has dinner with her grandparents.南希经常和她的祖父母一起吃晚饭;9. Billy often eats a lot. 比利经常吃很多;10. Come out and play basketball, Billy 出来打篮球,比利11. I don’t like playing basketball.我不喜欢打篮球;12. He doesn’t like playing basketball.他不喜欢打篮球;13. Billy is too fat. He can’t get out. Billy太胖了;他不能出去了;四、语音S 音节开头或清辅音前发s stop slim stand sit sing两个元音之间或浊辅音之间发z always has his music rose grows visit shows语法1.频率副词always ,usually, often , sometimes ,按其频率高低排列为:always > usually > often > sometimes;频度副词通常放在be动词、助动词之后,实义动词之前;sometimes 也可放在句首、句中或句末,often也可放在句末一般不放在句首;如果有两个助动词,频度副词通常放在第一个助动词后面;2. 询问某人在周末做什么的句型—What do /does 主语 do at weekends答句: 主语+动词原形/动词三单形式…….5A Unit 8 At Christmas 知识整理一、单词圣诞节买礼物接着,然后5. thing东西,物品漂亮的 7. put 放看起来长筒袜最后早早地火鸡;火鸡肉布丁全部卡片孩子,儿童信息,消息歌曲他 20我们 us 信故事书在…以后二、短语1.玩得开心, 过得愉快,玩得高兴have a good time /have a lot of fun2.在圣诞节 at Christmas = on Christmas Day3.看起来很棒/伤心 look great/sad4.买礼物给某人buy presents for sb. buy presents for me/you/him/her/us/my parents/Mike,etc5.去看圣诞老人 go to see Father Christmas6.在圣诞树下 under the Christmas tree7.平安夜Christmas Eve 8.唱圣诞歌曲sing Christmas songs9.圣诞快乐Merry Christmas 10.放一些好看的东西put some pretty things11.等待礼物wait for presents 12.吃一顿丰盛的午餐/晚餐have a big lunch/dinner13.早早醒来wake up early 14.对折一张卡片fold a card15.画画draw a picture/pictures 16.写上你的信息write your message17.给他写封信write him a letter 18.放学后 after school19.把果汁弄到我的夹克衫上get juice on my jacket 20. 向上跳jump up三、句子1. What do we usually do on Christmas Day 圣诞节,我们通常干什么2 .First, we go shopping. 首先,我们去购物;3. Next, we put some pretty things on the Christmas tree.接着,我们把一些漂亮的物品挂在圣诞树上;, we put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.然后,我们把长筒袜放在床头,等待礼物;5. Finally, we have a big lunch. 最后,我们吃大餐;all have a good time at Christmas. 圣诞节我们都过得很愉快.What’s wrong with him 他怎么了四、语音j /dз/ jeep jacket jump Jan. July June五、语法:1、掌握副词first, next, then, finally的用法,它们都是表示时间的副词,用来说明事情发生的先后顺序;它们一般放在句首或句末;2、have的用法1表示“有”的意思,如:I have a big Christmas tree.我有一棵大圣诞树;2表示用餐:have+三餐的名称;如:They have a big dinner at Christmas.他们在圣诞节吃一顿丰盛的晚餐;3表示“吃;喝”: have+食品或饮料;如:Have some juice, please. 请喝些果汁;4表示:“进行;举行”: have+表示某种活动的名称;如:We sometimes have a picnic at weekends.在周末我们有时举行野餐;。

上海初中牛津英语词组和习惯用语a bit 有点儿 a cup of 一杯 a kind of 一种 a long time 很长一段时间a lot of(也作lots of) 许多 a number of 许多 a pair of 一双,一对,一副 a piece of 一片,一张,一块a sense of humour 幽默感 a set of 一系列…,一组…,一套…a total of总共 a world map 一张世界地图action film 动作片 after class 课后 after dinner 饭后 after school 放学后 agree with 同意…… *air conditioner 空调 air pollution 空气污染 air tank 氧气瓶 all day 一整天 all kinds of 各种各样的 all over 到处,遍及 all over the world 全世界all right 好;行 all the time 始终,一直 all year round 终年,一年到头 an hour ago 一小时前 *application form 申请表 argue with 与……争论 armed force 武装力量 arrive in/ at 到达as a result 结果 as soon as possible 尽快 as soon as 一……就 as usual 像往常一样,照例 as well 也as…as和……一样 at age 16 十六岁时 at birth 出生时 at breakfast 早餐时 at Christmas 在圣诞节at first 首先 at home 在家 at last 最后 at least 至少 at lunchtime 吃午饭时,在午餐时间 at night 在晚上 at once 立刻,马上 at present 目前,现在 at that time 那时 at the beginning 开始时 at the end of 在……末尾 at the entrance 在入口处 at the moment 此刻,现在 at the right time 在适当的时候 at the same time 同时 at the show 在表演时 at the traffic lights 在红绿灯处at the weekend 在周末at times 有时,不时at work 上班bamboo shoot 竹笋bank card 银行卡 bark at 向……吠basketball court 篮球场 be able to 能,能够 be afraid of 害怕 be born 出生,出世 be careful with 当心,留意,注意 be close to 靠近,接近be crazy about 疯狂痴迷于……;着迷于…… be fond of 喜欢be friendly toward s…对……友好,对……友善be full of 充满 be good at 擅长于……be good for sb.对某人有好处be grateful to 感激……be in hospital住院 be in service 投入使用 be in use 投入使用 be interested in 对……感兴趣△be involved in 被卷入…… be made of 由……制成be ready to 准备……;乐意……be trapped陷入困境 be used to 习惯于be willing to 愿意…… because of 由于bedside table 床头柜 Beijing Duck 北京烤鸭 Beijing Opera 京剧 belong to 属于△blow out 吹灭 break into 强行闯入 *bunk beds 双层床 bus stop 公共汽车站 by bus 乘公共汽车 by oneself 独自,单独by rocket 坐火箭 by the lake 在湖边 by the way 顺便说一句,顺便问一下by the year 2100 到2100年 by underground 坐地铁,乘地铁 calm down 平静下来△carbon dioxide 二氧化碳care about 关心 carry on 继续下去;继续开展 chat show (电视或广播的)访谈节目 chat with 和……聊天 cheer sb.up 使某人高兴 Children's Day 六一儿童节 Chinese knot 中国节Chinese New Year 中国新年 Chinese painting 国画 Chinese restaurant 中餐馆 clap one's hands 拍手 clean up 清理 clothes shop 服装店 coffee shop 咖啡馆;小吃部 come back 回来 come down 下来 come from 从……来,来自于…… come in 进来 come on 赶快;来吧算了吧come out (书等)出版,发行,发表come up with 想出(主意);找到;提出(答案、解决办法等) comic books 漫画书 computer games 电脑游戏connect…to…把……连接到……cook meals 做饭cut out 挖去;切去 deal with 处置,对付 department store 商场 different from 与……不同 *digital camera 数码照相机dining room 餐厅 do exercise 做运动,锻炼 do morning exercises 做早操 do one's best 尽力 do one's homework 做家庭作业 do operations 做手术 do some shopping 买东西 Don't worry. 别担心double click 双击△Dragon Boat Festival 端午节;龙舟节 *dress up 装扮 *dried fish 鱼干during one's life 在某人一生中 each other 相互,彼此 earn a point 得一分 *electrical shop 家电商场△electrical appliance 家用电器 enjoy oneself 过得很愉快 even though 虽然,尽管;即使 every time 每次 excuse me 请原谅;对不起 explain to 向……解释 *fact sheet 资料单 fall asleep 入睡 *fantail goldfish 扇尾金鱼 far away from…远离…… fashioon show 时装表演 fast food 快餐 find out 查出,找出 firstfloor (英)第二层 *fish tank 鱼缸△fitting room 试衣室 float away 漂走△floppy disk 软盘 flow chart 流程图fly kites 放风筝 football boots 足球鞋football field 足球场 *football pitch 足球场 for example 例如 from time to time 不时地,偶尔from…to…从……到……game show (电视)游戏表演,竞赛节目 get a call 接到个电话get along with…与……相处 get angry 生气 get lost 迷路 get married 结婚 get off 下车 get on 上车get to 到达get up 起床 giant panda 大熊猫give a talk on 做个有关……的报告give up 放弃go boating 去划船 go fishing 去钓鱼 go hiking 去徒步旅行go home 回家 go into town 进城 go on a trip 去旅行go on holiday 去度假 go running 去跑步 go shopping 购物,逛街 go sightseeing 去观光go skating 去溜冰go skiing 去滑雪go straight on 一直走 go swimming 去游泳 go through a tunnel 穿过隧道 go to bed (去)睡觉 go to class 去上课 go to hospital 去医院 go to school 去学校 go to sleep 入睡 go to the cinema 去看电影 go walking 去散步 *go well with 与……相配 *golden eagle 金雕 Good afternoon. 下午好;你(们)好(下午见面时用语) Good evening. 晚上好;你(们)好(晚上见面时用语) good manners 有礼貌 Good morning. 上午好;你(们)好(上午见面时用语) Good night. 晚安;再会(晚上分别时用语) *green tea 绿茶 ground floor (英)一楼 grow into 长成,成长为 grow up 长大*hair clip 发夹 hand in 交上来 Happy birthday! 祝生日快乐! hard disk 硬盘 have a dream 做梦 have a good memory 记性好 have a great time 玩得很开心,过得很愉快 have a look 看一看 have a party 举办聚会 have a picnic 野餐 have a seat 坐下;就座*have a stomach ache 胃痛 have dinner 吃饭 have fun 获得乐趣 have good grades in 在……上有好成绩 have lessons 上课 have lunch 吃中饭 have no idea 不知道 have to 不得不have … off …休假 hear about 听说 health care 保健 hear from 收到……的信(或电报等) help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 Here it is. 它就在这儿。

牛津7A上单词,词组Lesson 11 have been to 去过了2 decide to do sth.. 决定做某事3 take part in 参加活动=join in4 competition 竞赛n.5 design 设计v.6 guide 指南n.7 suggestion 建议n.suggest 建议v.= make a suggestionsuggest sb. do sth. 建议某人做某事我建议我们去看戏;I suggest we go to the theatre.8 tour 旅游n.= travelling9 tourist 旅游者n.visitor 参观者v.10 fountain 喷泉n.mountain 山脉n.11 pigeon 鸽子n.12 local 当地的adj.13 snack 小吃n.snack bar 快餐柜台,小吃铺14 department store 百货公司shopping centre 购物中心plaza 购物中心15 People’s Square 人民广场16 Yu Garden 豫园17 Nanjing Road 南京路18 the Bund 外滩19 Huangpu River 黄浦江20 Suzhou Creek 苏州河creek 小河,小溪n. Lesson 21 below 以下的above 以上的2 make a list 做一个清单3 places of interest 旅游胜地interesting placesresort 度假胜地n.4 Shanghai Grand Theatre上海大剧院5 Longhua Temple 龙华寺6 Shanghai Botanical Gardens上海植物园botanical 植物的7 Yangpu Bridge 杨浦大桥8 Oriental Pearl TV Tower东方明珠电视塔oriental 东方的pearl 珍珠9 Century Park 世纪公园century 世纪10 Shanghai Science andTechnology Museum上海科技馆science 科学scientist 科学家technology 技术11 Shanghai Wild Animal Park上海野生动物园12 Dongping National Forest Park东平国家森林公园13 Chongming Island 崇明岛14 go for sightseeing 去观光15 东, 西, 南, 北, 东北,西南east west south northsouth-east north-westLesson 31 get on with 进展,相处融洽2 be famous for 以…而著名3 be known as以…而出名,被誉为4 night view 夜景n. view 景色n.5 Shopping Paradise 购物天堂paradise 天堂n.6 therefore 因此adv.7 surprising 令人惊讶的adj. surprised 感到惊讶的adj. surprise 使…惊讶v.惊讶n.to my surprise 令我惊讶的是…8 Pudong New District 浦东新区district 地区,区域n.9 in the east of Shanghai 上海东部10 tunnel 隧道n.11 it is convenient for sb.to do sth.做某事对某人而言很便利12 between…and 在…和…之间13 maglev 磁悬浮列车n.14 take sb. to spl. 带某人去某地15 international airport 国际机场16 in 8 minutesa 8分钟之内b 8分钟以后a多用于一般现在时,一般过去时b 多用于一般将来时He can draw a horse in 5 minutes. 他可以在5分钟之内画一匹马. He will come back in 5 minutes. 他将在十分钟内回来.17 Sheshan State Resort佘山国家度假胜地state / national 国家的adj.18 observatory 天文台n.19 go there for fun 为玩乐去那儿Lesson 41 content 内容,目录n. content page 目录页2 Grand Gateway Plaza 港汇广场gateway 入口,关口n.3 Huangpu River Cruise 浦江游览cruise 乘船游览n.4 floating restaurant 水上酒家float 漂浮v. floating 漂浮的adj.5 think of a想出b考虑a I couldn’t think of his name.b What do you think of the film本单元重要词组运用1 be famous for 以…而著名中国以它的悠久历史而著名. China is famous for its long history.2 be known as以…而出名,被誉为纽约被誉为时装之都.New York is known as Fashion City.3 take sb. to spl. 带某人去某地这父亲几乎每周带他儿子去公园. The father takes his son to the park nearly every week.4it is 形to do sth. 做某事是怎样在这个饭店吃饭很糟.It is terrible to have dinner in the restaurant.5 主将从if现如果…将…如果明天下雨,我们将不去公园. We will not go to school if it rains tomorrow.M1U2 单词,词组Lesson 1 p101 film guide 电影指南travel guide 旅游指南2 love story 爱情故事police story 警匪故事3 funny film 滑稽片action film 动作片= film with a lot of action4 act 行动v.action 动作n.activity 活动n.5) a film about cowboys一部有关牛仔的电影6) a film about adventures一部有关冒险的电影adventure 冒险n.7)the greatest cartoon最伟大的卡通片8 City Cinema 城市电影院9 prince 王子n.10 princess 公主n.11 stupid 愚蠢的adj.12 clown 小丑n.13 circus 马戏团n.14 full of…充满了…= be filled with15 laughter 笑声n.laugh 笑v.16 astronaut 宇航员n.17 in space 在太空中18 duration 持续时间n.during 在…期间prep. Lesson 2 p91)want to see a film想要看场电影= would like to see a film2 take a look at sth. 看一看某物=have a look at sth.3 discuss 讨论v.=have a discussion4 choose 选择v.choose – chose - chosen choice 选择n.5 rob 抢劫v.robber 强盗n.robbery 抢劫案n.thief 小偷n.bake 烤v.baker 面包师n.bakery 面包房n.6 hate 恨v.=dislike7)So do I. 我也…So did I.So will I.So am I.So can I.8 Neither do I. 我也不…Neither did I.Neither will I.Neither am I.Neither can I.Lesson 31 keep a diary 写日记diary 工作日程,记事簿n.2)周日—周六SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday3 ticket 票子n.a ticket for the flower show一张花展的票子4 price 价格n.5 altogether 总共adv.= in all6 pay 支付v.pay – paid – paid7 pay for…为…付钱他花了20元买这本书He paid 20 yuan for the book.He spent 20 yuan on the book.The book cost him 20 yuan.It cost him 20 yuan to buy the book. 他花了五分钟去那儿.It took him 5 minutes to go there. He spent 5 minutes going there. Lesson 41 avenue 大街n.Fifth Avenue 第五大街2 street 街道n.road 路n.lane 小巷n.way 通往某一处的路n.3 bookshop 书店n.= bookstore4 McDonald’s 麦当劳5 arrive at / in 到达小/大地方= get toget there 到达那儿get home 到家6 walk along 沿着…走7 turn left into 左转进入8 turn right into 右转进入9 on your left 在你左边10 on your right 在你右边11 route 路线n.12 help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事help the blind cross the road帮助盲人过马路help mother clean the room帮妈妈打扫房间M1U3 单词,词组,重要句子Lesson 11 relative 亲戚2 cousin 表亲3 她做老师多久了How long has she been a teacher 3)for + 一段时间since + 行动开始的那一刻她做老师13年了.She has been a teacher for 13 years. 自从1997年她就做老师了.She has been a teacher since 1997.4)quite a few 相当多,不少用于可数名词quite a little 相当多,不少用于不可数名词quite 相当,十分adv.quiet 安静的adj.5 catch thieves 抓小偷6 help keep the city safe帮助维护城市安全= help make the city a safe place8)work in a company 在公司工作9)work as an architect以建筑师为职业10)work for a constructioncompany 为一家建筑公司工作11 draw plans of buildings画楼房图纸12 design machines 设计机器machine 机器n.13 engineer 工程师n.engine 发动机,引擎n.fire engine 消防车14 several 几个,一些pron., adj.for several years 有几年了Lesson 21 waiter 男服务员n. waitress 女服务员n. wait 等待v. wait for sb. 等待某人2 secretary 秘书n.3 coach 体育运动的教练n.4 train 火车n. 训练v. trainer 训练员,教练n. trainee 受训者n.5 headmaster 校长n.6 in charge of 负责,掌管charge 主管n.7 in the field 在田地里field 田地n.=on the farm8 deliver letters 送信=send letters9send a card to Tom 给汤姆寄卡片=send Tom a cardLesson 31)被用来做某事be used to do sth.= be used for doing sth.钢笔是用来写字的.A pen is used to write.= A pen is used for writing.2)过去常常做某事used to do sth.我爸爸过去常常抽烟.他不再抽烟. My father used to smoke. He doesn’t smoke any longer.3 tell the time 报时tell a story 讲故事tell the truth 说真相tell the difference 说不同处4 key 钥匙,关键,答案n. the key to the door 门的钥匙the key to the whole thing整件事的关键the key to the problem问题的答案5 ring 小环, 小圈key ring 钥匙环wedding ring 结婚戒指ear ring 耳环6 cable car 缆车cable 缆绳7 carry people up the hill载着人们上山8 the top of the hill 山顶9 fantastic 极好的10 have a good time 过得愉快= enjoy oneselfM1U4 单词,词组,重要句子Lesson 11 need sth. 需要某物实义动词need to do sth 需要做某事我需要买部车. I need to buy a car. 不需要…I don’t need to buy... 他需要…He needs to buy a car. 不需要..He doesn’t need to buy...2 needn’t do sth. 不必做某事情态动词今天你不必去学校You needn’t go to school today.3)something 某事,某物pron.多用于肯定句anything 某事,某物多用于否定,疑问,条件句nothing 没有事,没有物一些重要的事something importantanything important 没什么重要的事nothing important4)我需要在那儿买些东西.I need to buy something there.我不需要在那儿买些东西.I don’t need to buy anything there.5)buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物= buy sb. sth..6)buy something for dinner tonight为今天的晚餐买些东西7 let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事8 myself 我自己ourself 我们自己yourself 你自己yourselves 你们自己9 a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤a pair of trousers 一条裤子a pair of shorts 一条短裤a pair of socks 一双袜子a pair of shoes 一双鞋a pair of gloves 一副手套a pair of glasses 一副眼镜10 a clothes shop 一家服装店clothes 服装集合名词11) a furniture shop 一家家具店furniture 家具集合名词Lesson 21 kid 小孩n.= child2 fashion 流行n.Girl’s Fashion 少女服饰店名3 super 超级的adj.4 carpet 地毯n. blanket 毛毯n.5 Tommy’s Books 汤姆书店店名6 Charles’ Watches 查尔斯钟表店7 a dress with blue spots一条有蓝斑点的裙子spot 斑点n.8 a sweater with round neck一件圆领套衫sweater 套衫neck 领子9 the trousers with checks这条格子裤check 方格子, 支票n. 核对v.10 the trousers with stripes这条带条纹的裤子stripe 条纹n.12)the jeans with the yellow belt这条带黄皮带的牛仔裤13)不定代词,代替单数名词one代替复数名词onesLesson 31 excuse me 劳驾, 请谅解excuse 原谅v.2 try on 试穿3 certainly 当然,行adv.= surely4 changing room 试衣间change 改变v. changeable 可变的, 常变的adj.5 over there 在那边6 these jeans这条牛仔裤多用于口语= this pair of jeans这条牛仔裤太长了.These jeans are too long.The pair of jeans is too long.7 loose 宽松的adj.8 tight 紧身的adj.9 wear 穿, 戴v.wear – wore – worn10 in my size 我的尺码11 S small 小号M medium 中号L large 大号XL extra-large 特大号。

牛津初中英语8A u n i t1—u n i t6知识点归纳Unit11.nothing else 没有其他东西 what else / where else else的用法2.join a writing competition参加写作竞赛hold a writing competition 举行写作竞赛3.qualities of a good friend 好朋友的品行make your friend so special 使你的朋友如此特别4.keep secrets =keep a secret 保密 keep secrets for sb 为某人保密5.share one's joy 分享某人的快乐 to one's joy 使某人高兴的是……6.make sb happy / sad 使某人高兴/悲伤7.believe what he/she says = believe his / her words 相信他/她说的话8.have problems /trouble with sth = have problems/trouble in doing sth 在做某事方面有困难9.a musical child 一个有音乐天赋的孩子 an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩 music 音乐不可数名词-musicaladj爱好音乐的;有音乐天赋的musiciann音乐家10.be generous to sb 对某人慷慨/大方11.be willing/ready to do sth 愿意做某事12.be ready to help people any time 任何时候愿意帮助别人 be ready to help others 乐于助人 be ready to do sth 乐意做某事/准备做某事get ready to do sth 准备做某事 get ready for sth 为……作准备 = prepare for sth13.give seats to someone in need 让座给需要帮助的人be in great need of sth 急需要主语是需要的人或地方We are in great need of food and water14.travel around the world 周游世界 grow up 成长、长大15.have poor eyesight 视力差 eyesight 不可数名词视力16.because of working on the computer too much at night由于晚上在电脑上做功课太多=because he works on the computer too much at nightbecause of 因为后面加短语 because 因为是连词,后面加原因状语从句17.make him look smart 使他看上去很聪明 make sb laugh 使某人大笑18.a sense of humour 幽默感 have a good sense of humour 很有幽默感humour n 幽默--humorousadj 幽默的 a humorous writerhave a sense of humour/time/duty/beauty……有幽默感 /时间感 /责任感 /美感19.feel bored or unhappy 感到无聊或不高兴 feel nervous and really uncomfortable20.tell funny jokes 讲有趣的笑话 tell me funny jokes 给我讲有趣的笑话21.walk past 经过22.knock……off……将……从……碰落 knock into 与……相撞23.think of 想起、记起、想出 think over 仔细考虑代词放中间 think about/of doing考虑做某事24.a true friend 一个真正的朋友 true adj---trulyadv--truthn真相、真理25.sth worry sb 某事使某人麻烦 sb worry about sb/sth = sb be worried about 某人为……担心make sb worried 使某人焦急/担心26.say a bad word about sb 说某人坏话27.tell others her friends' secrets 将朋友的秘密告诉别人28.almost 1.75 metres tall 大约1.75米高 = almost 1.75 metres in height29.have /wear shoulder-length hair 留着齐肩的头发30.vote for sb 投票选举、投票赞成 vote against sb 投票反对31.a square face 四方脸 a round face 圆脸32.in the drawing competition 在绘画竟赛中 33.outdoor activities 户外活动34.both……and……不但……而且…… make friends with 与……交朋友35.help people solve problems 帮助人们解决难题36.try to do sth 尽力做某事 try doing sth 试着做某事try / do one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做某事37.a social worker 社会工作者 a famous singer 一个着名的歌手hope to be a famous social worker希望成为一着名的社会工作者be famous for 因……而着名 / be famous as 以……身份出名China is famous for the Great Wall. He is famous as a writer.38.listen to people's problems 倾听人们的疾苦\听取民声39.future plans 未来计划 in the future 在将来 in future = from now on 从今以后40.on the left 在左边 look sporty 看上去爱好运动41.live next doorto sb住在某人隔壁42.know sb /sth very well 对……很熟悉/了解43.sit alone in the playground 独自坐在操场上would like to do sth = want to do sth = feel like doing sth 想要做某事44.miss my old classmates very much 非常想念我的老同学miss the train 错过火车a missing key 一把丢失的钥匙45.give sb some advice = give some advice to sb 给某人一些建议advice 不可数名词建议give sb some advice on 就……给某人提建议 / a piece of advice 一条建议46.a pleasant trip/weather 令人愉快的旅行/宜人的天气47.move to Beijing 搬到北京 move into a new house 搬进新房子48.smiling eyes 微笑的眼睛 with a smile 微笑着 smile at sb 对某人微笑49.wear/with a smile on one's face 脸上带着微笑50.answer questions correctly 正确地回答问题 a correct route 正确的路线51.系动词 be、grow、 get、become、keep、seem/look、seem、feel、sound、taste、turn它们后面加adj构成系表结构 feel soft、sound、 great/nice 、taste 、delicious52.what we think /do / want 我们所想的/所做的/所要的53.like to work with children 喜欢与孩子共事54.agree with sb./agree to sth.同意某事如: 决定、计划等/ agree to do sth.同意做某事但agree sb to do sth 错误结构应改为agree that + 从句55.be kind polite, friendly… to sb.对某人心善有礼貌,友好…56.want to have a friend like Alan 想要有Alan一样的朋友57.the most expensive printer in the shop 商店里最昂贵的打印机58.write a letterto sb 写信给某人Unit 2 School Life重点短语1英式英语 British English2在八年级 in Year 8/ in 8th grade3一所混合学校 a mixed school4一起上课 have lessons together5我最喜爱的科目my favourite subject6家政课 Home Economics7学习如何煮饭和缝补 learn how to cook and sew8烧健康美味的饭菜 cook healthy and tasty meals9在今年的读书周期间 during this year’s Reading Week10读最多的书 read the most books11从家中带来书和杂志 bring in books and magazines from home12得告诉老师我们在看什么 have to tell the teacher what we are reading13每节课快近结束时 near the end of each class14和我们同学谈论我们的书 talk to our classmates about our books15读我们所有同学的书 read all our classmates’ books16也 as well17上驾驶课 have driving lessons18开车送我上学 drive me to school19花费更少时间 take less time20一周一/两次 once/ twice a week21打垒球 play softball22花许多时间操练 spend a lot of time practicing23在好友俱乐部 in the Buddy Club24和新生谈论学校生活 talk to new students about school life25一位12年级的毕业生 a senior in 12th grade26帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth/ help sb do sth /help sb to do sth 27帮助我了解所有新学校的事情 help me learn all about my new school28帮我辅导我的家作 help me with my homework29倾听我的问题listen to my problems30在午餐期间 during lunchtime31做某事做得很高兴 have a great time doing sth32相互谈话很高兴 have a great time talking to each other33去大卖场 go to shopping malls34在回家的路上 on the way home35学的科目比Nancy多 study more subjects than Nancy36参加的社团比我少 join fewer clubs than I37空闲时间比John少 have less free time than John38得分最少 score the fewest points39有最少的钱 have the least money40在我们三人当中 of the three of us41在所有学生当中 of all the students42花更少的钱买唱片 spend less money on /buying CDs43拥有最少的网友 have the fewest online friends44与---一样 be the same as---45和---一样大/强壮 be as big/strong as---46和---颜色一样 be the same colour as---47和---不一样 be different from---48休假一周 have a week off49在夏季 in the summertime50伤着他的腿 hurt his leg51能够做某事 be able to do sth52朝窗外看 look out of the window53上电视 be on TV54搬到加拿大 move to Canada55我理想中的学校 my ideal school56有许多课外活动的时间 have lots of time for after-school activities57在学校餐厅里 in the school dining hall58听流行音乐 listen to pop music59穿校服 wear school uniforms60戴领带 wear ties61在学校的一边 on one side of our school62一个---另一个 one ---the other63一个有着许多有用书的图书馆 a library with lots of useful books64有半小时的家作 have half an hour of homework65参加学校旅行去博物馆或剧院 go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre66喜欢起床晚 like to get up late重点句子1.Why don't dogs go to school=Why not go to school 为什么狗不去上学2.What’s school like=What does school look like 学校是什么样的3.My favourite subject is Home Economics. 我最喜欢的科目是家政课4.Our school has a Reading Week in our school every year.=There is a Reading Week in our school every year.在我们的学校,每年都会举办读书节5.I read the most books in my class我读了最多的书;6.older students talk to new students about school life. 学长与新生谈论有关学校的生活7.she is a senior in 12th grade她是高三的毕业生8.I read an article by a gril from the USA我读了一篇来自美国女孩写的文章9.Nancy meets Julie to talk aboutschool Nancy为了谈论新学校而去见Julielie has more flowers than Amy does Mille比 Amy有更多的花11.Daniel has fewer CDs than Kitty does Daniel比Kitty有更少的CD12.Simon has less orange juice than Sandy. Simon比Sandy有更少的橘子汁13.Amy scored the most\fewest pointsAmy得了最多|最少的分14.Daniel has the most \least money. Daniel有最多|最少的钱15.Amy drinks the least milk of the three students. Amy在三个学生中喝最少的牛奶16.My uniform is the same as Simon’s我的校服和Simon的一样51.My unform is different from John’s.我的校服和John的不一样17.My school has fewer weeks off than Daniel’s school我们的学校比Daniel的学校有放假更少;18.she won’t be able to play basketball for 3 months 他将三个月不能找篮球;19.My pencil box is the same size\colour as Amy’s. 我的铅笔盒和Amy的尺寸一样20英国的天气和中国的不一样;The weather in Britain is different from that in China.21film 就是美式英语中的movie. “film” means “movie” in American English.22在我来这个学校之前,我还不知道如何处理自己的事;I didn’t know how to do things for myself before I came to this school.23单词“hero”意思是什么它指你非常崇拜某人;What does the word “hero” mean It means someone you admire very much.24在午餐期间,我和朋友见面,我们总是谈得很高兴;During lunchtime, I meet my friends and we always have a great time talking to each other.,我们有一个带有很多有用的书的大图书馆;We have a big library with lots of useful books.Unit 3一、重点短语1. climb the hill爬山→climb up…爬… p38〈知识链接〉①climb up the Great Wall爬长城②climb into the bed爬上床③climb through the window从窗户爬出来④climb over the wall翻越墙2. need to exercise and keep fit需要锻炼来保持健康〈知识链接〉⑴keep fit, keep healthy, stay healthy保持健康⑵need作名词时,构成短语in need;作行为动词时有人称和数的变化,后接不定式或动名词;当主语和它后面的动词之间有一种被动关系时,使用need doing或need to be done;作情态动词时无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形;①We should help people in need. ② He needs to study hard.③A lot of homework needs finishing.=A lot of homework needs to be finished.3. come on 命令句快,快点吧;走吧;跟我来;好啦好啦;这边来吧〈知识链接〉Come on We’ll be late for school.快点我们上学要迟到了;4. Let’s enjoy ourselves〈知识链接〉⑴enjoy oneself=have a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快,反身代词与主语保持一致;⑵Let’s do sth., shall we除此以外的祈使句,无论是肯定式还是否定式,附加疑问部分一律用will you;e.g.①Don’t be late again, will you②Open the door, will you③Let us go home, will you5. take a boat trip乘船旅行,go past the Opera House经过悉尼歌剧院6. sit in a little coffee shop by the River Seine坐在塞纳河畔的一个小咖啡店里〈知识链接〉⑴coffee house咖啡店;茶馆,coffee shop咖啡店⑵by…在…旁边比near近 Come and warm yourself by the fire.过来烤烤火;7. take care保重;当心,小心〈知识链接〉⑴take good care of…=look after…well 好好照顾…⑵look out当心→look out of向…外看⑶be careful小心→be careful of/with…珍视;注意Please be careful of your health. 请注意你的健康;8. a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees 介词短语作后置定语,修饰名词;9. foreign country外国,a foreign language一门外语10. have a wonderful/great/good time 玩得高兴;过得愉快 p4011. interesting places=places of interest有趣的地方;名胜注意此处的interest无复数〈知识链接〉这里interest解释为“令人感兴趣的事或人”;interest还表示“兴趣”,常用的短语有:show/have interest in sth对…某事感兴趣, show/have interest in doing sth对…做某事感兴趣①Daniel shows/has great interest in computers.②Daniel shows/has great interest in making his own home page.12. invite me to join their school trip to the World Park邀请我参加她们学校组织的去世界公园的旅行〈知识链接〉⑴invite sb to…邀请某人去某地→sb be invited to…某人应邀去某地,Millie invited me to her birthday party. →I was invited to Millie’s birthday party.⑵invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事→sb be invited to do sth某人应邀做某事,We should invite more people to take part in the charity show.=More people should be invited to take part in the charity show.⑶join参加,加入某组织,如政党、社会团体等;join sb, join sb in sth指和某人一起做某事;join in…=take part in…参加某活动,attend出席;试比较:He joined the tennis club.The man joined the army at the age of 19.He joined in the game.Did you take part in your school sports meeting⑤ We’re going to plant trees. Will you join us⑥ He joined us in the game.13. at the beginning开始;起初〈知识链接〉⑴at the beginning=in the beginning=at first=at the start开始;起初 See 8A p42⑵at last, finally, in the end后来;最后;终于,与上述短语“开始,起初”意思相反;〈用法拓展〉⑴at the beginning of…在…之初后接时间→at the end of…在…末尾,在…的尽头后接时间或地点注意:没有in the beginning of…, in the end of…⑵from beginning to end自始至终;从头到尾;注意:该短语不含定冠词the;⑶begin with…=start with…先做…;以…开始 e.g. Let’s begin with Exercise 1.⑷表示“启程”、机器的“启动”只能用start;Let’s start at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow.⑸Well begun is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半;14. at the school gate在学校大门口〈知识链接〉at表示在较小的地方,如:at the theatre在剧院,at the party在聚会上,at the airport在机场,at the bus stop在公交站台,at the crossing, at the crossroads在十字路口15. get on a coach上长途汽车〈知识链接〉get on…/get off…上、下车、船等,e.g. get on/get off the plane上、下飞机16. a lot of traffic=heavy traffic=busy traffic交通拥挤,作主语时谓语动词用单数;17. on the city roads在市内道路上,on the highway=on the main road between cities在交通干道上18. feel sick感到难受,感到恶心〈知识链接〉⑴feel ill 感到不好受,fall ill病倒⑵feel good指身体健康或精神振奋,feel well仅指没有生病 e.g.①I’m not feeling so good. Can I have the day off 我感觉不大好;我今天能否休息②He didn’t feel well after the operation. 他在这次手术之后,感觉身体不好;19. arrive at the World Park到达世界公园〈知识链接〉“到达”有三种表达,即:get to+某地,arrive at+小地方,arrive in+大地方,reach+某地;get to,arrive at/in后接地点副词时不能用介词,常用的地点副词有here, there, home;如:get/arrive here/there/home到这里/到那里/到家;20. be made of metal 由金属制成〈知识链接〉⑴be made of…由…制成,强调从制成的成品上还能看得出原材料,物理变化;The desk is made of wood. 这张桌子是木制的;⑵be made from…由…制成,表示从成品上已经看不出原材料,化学变化;Wine is made of grapes. 葡萄酒是葡萄酿成的;⑶be made up of…由…组成,由…构成,指各个部分组成整体;Our class is made up of 54 students. 我们班由54名学生组成;⑷be made in…在某地制造 NOKIA mobile phones are made in Beijing.21. not …any more再也不=no more,no more, no longer用于be动词后、行为动词前 p41〈知识链接〉⑴not …any more=no more…再也不…表示程度、数量上的不再⑵not …any longer=no longer…不再…表示时间上的不再延续 e.g.①When the baby saw his mother, he did not cry any more.②After having some bread, she was no longer hungry.〈用法拓展〉⑴more and more…越来越…;越来越多…⑵more or less几乎;差不多⑶what is more更有甚者;更为重要的是 e.g.①I’ve more or less finished reading the book. 我差不多已经读完这本书;②You’re wrong, and what is more you know it. 你错了而且你明明知道你错了22. the song and dance parade歌舞巡游,join in the dancing加入舞蹈行列23. on the Internet 在因特网上〈知识链接〉on the computer在电脑上,on the screen在屏幕上,on TV在电视上24. teach himself how to make a home page自学制作网页〈知识链接〉teach oneself…=learn…by oneself自学…,疑问词+带to的动词不定式;25. go and see for yourself亲自去看看〈知识链接〉for oneself亲自,by oneself=on one’s own=alone独自;单独—Did she find it out for herself —Yes. She did it all by herself.26. travel from one place to another从一个地方到另一地方旅行 p42〈知识链接〉from one place to another相当于from place to place,类似的有:from one country to another=from country to country;〈用法拓展〉⑴from…to another中的another不能用other代替;⑵from…to…中的名词前不能用冠词a/an/the,名词不能用复数;from beginning to end自始至终,from head to foot从头到脚 from morning to night27. take a look at…看一看〈知识链接〉have/take a look看一看,只强调看的动作;have/take a look at…看一看…⑴—I took a lot of photos in Shenzhen. —May I have/take a look at them⑵Take a look at the things people used in the past. 括号内的句子是定语从句;28. 北京着名景点:Laoshe Tea House老舍茶馆,the Great Wall长城,the Palace Museum故宫,the Summer Palace颐和园,Tian’anmen Square天安门广场,Wangfujing Street王府井大街,the Monument to the People’s Heroes人民英雄纪念碑,the People’s Great Hall人民大会堂, the Temple of Heaven天坛,Tsinghua University清华大学,Peking University北京大学,Beihai Park北海公园29. in the past过去,at present现在,in the future将来;未来注意介词in/at和冠词的搭配 p4430. walk slowly around the big lake and feel the beauty of the old park in the Summer palace 在颐和园里环湖漫步,感受这座古老公园的美丽〈知识链接〉⑴beauty n. ①美;美丽e.g. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.美的事物永远令人喜爱;语出约翰·济慈John Keats-英国文坛巨星、着名诗人,与雪莱、拜伦齐名②美人;美丽的事物,She was a beauty in her day.⑵around围绕;环绕→show sb around... 带领某人参观某地①The guide showed us around the Xuanwu Lake Park.②The earth travels around the sun.31. travel by underground坐地铁〈知识链接〉by underground乘坐地铁,by+交通工具,是介词短语,此时by后无介词;类似的有:bybus/train/plane/underground乘坐公共汽车/火车/飞机/地铁;表示“乘坐某交通工具去某地”通常有两种表达:①go to sp by…②take the …to…;例如:坐地铁去市中心:go to the centre of the city by underground=take the underground to the centre of the city;另外,“乘坐飞机去某地”有三种形式:go to…by plane=take the plane to…=fly to…飞往…32. learn more about old Beijing更多地了解老北京33. great fun很有趣 p46〈知识链接〉⑴fun 名词①娱乐,嬉戏 e.g. He is full of fun.他很有趣;②有趣的人或事 We had a lot of fun at the party.在聚会上我们玩得很高兴;It is fun to play cards.玩牌很有趣;不加a⑵for fun闹着玩的,e.g. I have said it just for fun.我是说着玩的;⑶make fun of…嘲弄… e.g. They made fun of him.34. go horse riding去骑马,e.g. You can go horse riding in Inner Mongolia.35. keep their secret to themselves保守着他们的这个秘密〈知识链接〉⑴keep sth to oneself不将某事说出去 e.g.①She always keeps her ideas to herself.②The problem of stress gets worse when people keep their worries to themselves.⑵keep secrets for sb为某人保密,e.g. Thank you so much for keeping the secret for me.36. at the front of the bus在公交车的前部→at/in the front of…在…的前部〈知识链接〉in front of…“在…的前面”,主要指一物体在另一物体的前面,两者是分开的,反义词是behind,“在…的后面”;而at/in the front of …则指一物体中有一部分位于前部,在某物的前面部分,即两者是包容的,the front是某物的不可分割的组成部分;at/in the front of …的反义词是at the back of…在某物的后面部分;而before是“在…的面前”;①The introduction is always in/at the front of the book.序言总是置于卷首;②She sat in/at the front of the bus to get a good view of the country.③Many people took photos 在前面 the Leaning Tower of Pisa.④The robber was taken 在面前 the policeman.37. in the final of the basketball competition在篮球赛决赛中 p50〈知识链接〉in the first half of the…在…的上半场比赛中,in the second half of the…在…的下半场比赛中,in the final of the…在…的决赛中,half-time中场休息,presentation of cup and medals颁发奖杯和奖牌仪式,gold medal 金牌,silver medal银牌,bronze medal铜牌;注意:赢得/获得金牌:win a gold medal38. take place发生;举行,不及物动词短语,不能接宾语,不能用于被动语态中;〈知识链接〉take place ⑴发生①The dialogue took place at a tailor’s shop.②Great changes have taken place in China since 1989.注意:happen是“偶然发生” e.g. What happened to him last night⑵举行=be held,e.g. The wedding of Michael and Stella will take place next Sunday.〈用法拓展〉take the place of…取代/代替…,take one’s place取代/代替某人①Here is a toy plane to take the place of the one you lost.②My sister is ill, and I’ve come to take her place.Now plastics 塑料 can steel 钢材 in many ways in life.A. take place ofB. take the place ofC. in place ofD. instead of39. go back to my school回到我的学校 p51〈知识链接〉go back to…=return to…回到…e.g. Hong and Macao have returned to China.40. a fun place to visit动词不定式作后置定语,这里的fun是形容词,意为“有趣的”; p5241. the plan for today当天的计划→ plan ①n.计划②v.计划 p54〈知识链接〉make a plan制订计划,make a/the plan for…制订…的计划,plan to do sth计划做某事 e.g. make a plan for the coming summer holiday42. change to the bus换乘公共汽车〈知识链接〉⑴change v.,“交换”,与复数宾语连用Can we change seats⑵change名词,①变化可数名词 e.g. great changes巨变②找给的零钱“Don’t forget your change” said the cashier.43. take the bus all the way to the Palace Museum乘公共汽车直达故宫44. make it a really fun day for everyone使每个人度过真正有趣的一天45. let me know as soon as possible.→let sb know as soon as possible尽快通知某人46. go climbing on rocks去攀岩 p55词汇解析1. luck n.运气,常用于①Good luck to sb.祝某人好运;②Good luck with sth.某事好运;luck→lucky adj.幸运的,e.g. a lucky dog幸运儿lucky→luckily幸好,幸运地,幸运的是,常用于句首;Her handbag was stolen on her way back home. luck, she hadn’t put her keys in it.2. play hide-and-seek 捉迷藏详见Unit 2“词汇解析”第4条3. support v.&n.支持;养活e.g.① have a lot of support from sb得到某人的大力支持②Mark has a big family to support.马克养活一大家人;③with one’s support在某人的支持下support→supporter支持者;拥护者 e.g. I’m a Yao Ming supporter.我是姚明的球迷;4. instead adv. 代替 e.g. There’s nothing at the cinema. Let’s go to the Internet bar instead.→instead of+名词/代词/动名词/介词短语,代替… e.g. Can I come at 9:00 instead of 8:005. real/true词语辨析real和true的主要含义不同,real指确实存在、非相像的;true表示与事实相符、真实、非杜撰的;e.g. ①Was it real or was it a dream 这是真实还是梦幻②Is the news true 这消息是真的吗③a movie based on a true story取材于真实故事的电影6. movement n. 运动;行进;走动 e.g. ①There was a sudden movement in the bushes. 灌木丛里突然有什么东西动了一下;②the women’s/peace movement 妇女/和平运动7. ticket票;券;入场券 e.g. ⑴a bus/theatre/plane ticket公共汽车票/戏票/机票,Tickets are available from Arts Centre at ¥50. 艺术中心有票,每张50元; ⑵a ticket for……票, free tickets for the show演出的免费入场券③a ticket office售票处,a ticket machine自动售票机,a ticket collector 收票员8. win 在比赛、赛跑、战斗等中获胜,赢,后接宾语为比赛、赛跑、战斗等,不能接人作宾语→反义词lose;winner获胜者;beat在比赛或竞争中赢、打败某人,后接的宾语是人或团体;①France won the World Cup in 1998, but lost in 2002. ②Congratulations You win③He beat me at chess. ④Their recent wins have proved they’re still the ones to beat.9. cheer vi.欢呼;喝彩;cheer for…为…欢呼→cheer sb欢呼某人→cheerful高兴的;兴高采烈的,①Cheering crowds greeted their arrival.②We all cheered for our football team as they came on the field.③The crowd cheered the President when he drove slowly by.④He felt cheerful and full of energy.他感到兴高采烈,浑身充满活力;→cheers ①用于祝酒干杯,常用作Cheers ②英口再见,如:Cheers then. See you later.10. wonder ⑴奇迹 e.g. Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders in the world.⑵想知道,常用于wonder if/whether…, wonder wh-从句 e.g.①I wonder if you can help me. ②Linda wonders where Simon is hiding.二、重点句型1. Which city do you want to go to p39〈知识链接〉该句的疑问词which作go to的宾语,不能使用where;例如该句可以回答为I want to go toParis/Washington/London....试比较:①Where does he live②Which flat does he live in2. The trip from Kitty’s school to the world took about two hours by coach.〈知识链接〉Sth takes sb some time by….乘坐某交通工具需要…时间;The journey from Taipei to Beijing takes three hours by plane.3. The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in Egypt. p 41〈知识链接〉look like看起来像…,look just like…看起来就像,ones代指前面的复数pyramids,若是单数则用one;look the same看起来一样,后面不接宾语;4. It was interesting to see models of so many places of interest from all over the world. p42〈知识链接〉It be+adj.+for sb+to do sth. It是形式主语,动词不定式是真正主语,因为动词不定式短语往往太长,为了避免头重脚轻,因此使用这种句型;It is necessary for them to work hard from now on.5. It is 467,000 square metres in area.它的面积是467,000平方米; p52〈知识链接〉Sth is … in area. 某物的面积是;square kilometre平方千米China is 9,600,000 square kilometers.中国的面积是9,600,000平方千米;6. The cost is about ¥50 per person. 每个人的费用大约是50元; p54〈知识链接〉⑴cost动词,表示“某物的价值为…”用Sth cost some money.Tickets cost ten dollars each.每张票价为10美元;⑵cost=the money that you spend on something名词,“费用”;e.g. the cost of the trip旅行的费用,the cost of living生活费用,cost price成本价,at all costs不惜任何代价,at any cost在任何情况下;无论如何;Unit 4一、词组或短语二、重点句子及句型1.Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.令人悲哀的是,大熊猫要在野外生存下来非常困难;2.At four months, she weighed about 10 kilograms and she started to go outside her home for the first time. 四个月大时,她的体重大约为10公斤;她开始第一次走出家门;3.At the very beginning, baby giant pandas spend a lot of drinking their mums’ milk for up to 14 hours a day.最初,小熊猫花费很多时间喝它们母亲的奶时间达14小时;4.Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own. 母熊猫常常把小熊猫独自留下两个整天;5.We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas.我们可采取下列行动保护大熊猫;6.The clothes look lovely on me. 它们穿在我身上很好看;7.Their number is getting smaller and smaller because their living areas are becoming farmlands.由于它们的生活区正在变成农田,它们的数目正在变得越来越少;8.If farmers keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.如果农民们一直抢占农田,大熊猫将无处容身;9.Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves. 鼓励农民们离开大熊猫保护区;10.If we continue to build roads, they won’t have suitable homes.如果我们继续建路,它们将不会有适合居住的家;11.If I don’t buy them, someon e else will buy them. 就算我不买她们,别的什么人也会买;12.They are in danger because people like their fur and make medicine from their bones.它们处于危险中是因为人们喜爱它们的毛皮并用它们的骨头制药;13.Live as a family unit baby tigers are 2-3 years old.像一家人一样生活在一起直到小老虎2-3岁;14.If elephants are thirsty, they walk till they find a river.如果大象口渴的话,它们一直走到能找到河流为止;15.If people find baby pandas alone, they will often take them away.如果人们发现独自的小熊猫,他们常常会把它们带走;16.If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.如果猎人们捉到大熊猫,他们将杀掉它以获取毛皮;17.We called her Xi Wang. 我们把她叫做“希望”;Unit 4 重点短语1. like… best最喜欢…,like… least最不喜欢… p592. the story of Xi Wang p60〈知识链接〉tell sb a story给某人讲故事,story of/about…真实情况的叙述、描述, the stories of Lei Feng雷锋的故事〈用法拓展〉That’s the story of my life.我就是这个命;表示一生中有很多类似的不幸经历3. first saw the baby panda第一次看到熊猫崽〈知识链接〉first=the first time第一次,first作“第一次”时用在行为动词之前,而the first time通常用在句尾;4. animals in the wild=wild animals野生动物,survive in the wild在野外幸存5. at four months old在六个月大时〈知识链接〉该短语中的at不能使用in;at the age of或at后接年龄,Children go to school at six /at the age of six in China.在中国孩子的入学年龄是六岁;6. eight months later八个月后〈知识链接〉some time later…以后,用于一般过去时;in some time…以后,用于一般将来时;①Two days later, he was out of danger.②He will be out of danger in two days.7. grow into a healthy young giant panda〈知识链接〉grow into…逐渐成长为、变为、长成某种类型的人,e.g.Yi Jianlian has grown into an excellent basketball player.〈用法拓展〉⑴grow out of…长得太大而穿不上衣服,e.g. He’s already grown out of his school unifo rm.⑵grow up长大,e.g. Their children have all grown up and left home now.8. at the very beginning一开始,for up to 14 hours a day每天长达14小时〈知识链接〉up to…达到;多达;高达,e.g. ①The dining hall can hold up to 500 people at the same time.这个餐厅可同时容纳500人之多;②He kept me waiting for up to 3 hours.9. bamboo shoots and leaves竹笋和竹叶10. the problems that Xi Wang may have in the future“希望”将来也许要遇到的问题〈知识链接〉划线部分是定语从句,可以省略关系代词that;注意have与the problems搭配;11. kill it for its fur为了得到它的毛皮而捕杀它12. cut down trees砍倒树木〈知识链接〉cut down是“动词+副词”结构, cut it/them down, cut down a tree〈用法拓展〉⑴cut back减少;削减⑵cut off砍掉;切断13. have nowhere to live没有地方住,无处可住〈知识链接〉⑴nowhere无处;哪里都不, This animal is found in Australia and nowhere else.⑵somewhere某处,用于肯定句中;anywhere用于否定句或疑问句中;everywhere=here and there到处,用于肯定句中;14. leave the baby pandas for two whole days on their own让熊猫崽单独呆两整天〈知识链接〉⑴on one’s own=by oneself=alone单独地,独自地,独立地⑵leave one by oneself把某人单独留下e.g. ①Many young people in the USA like living on their own.② Zhang Hua was at home alone when the fire began. ③I can’t leave her by herself.15. need help需要帮助,这里的help是名词,如:ask the policeman for help16. in danger处于危险中,in danger of…面临…的危险,out of danger脱离危险〈用法拓展〉⑴Danger Keep out危险请勿入内⑵Children’s lives are in danger every time they cross this road.⑶The building is in danger of coming down. ⑷The workers in this factory are in danger of losing their jobs.⑸Doctors said now she is out of danger. ⑹be a danger to sb/sth对…有危害,e.g. Smoking is a serious danger to health.17. take the following actions to protect giant pandas采取以下行动保护大熊猫〈知识链接〉take action to do sth采取行动做某事,动词不定式作目的状语 The firemen took action at once to stop the big fire spreading.〈用法拓展〉active积极的,actively积极地,activity活动,actor男演员,actress女演员,18. encourage farmers to leave the giant pandas reserves劝告农民离开大熊猫自然保护区〈知识链接〉⑴encourage sb to do sth鼓励/劝告某人做某事⑵courage勇气→ encourage鼓励Banks actively encourage people to borrow money.19. protect=keep someone/something safe from danger使某人/某物摆脱危险20. run the other way掉头就跑;跑开 the other way表示另一方向〈知识链接〉⑴the other两者中的另一个,常用one…the other…一个…另一个…⑵another两者以上中的另一个;再一个⑶other+名词复数=others泛指“其余所有的”,常用Some…others…一些…其他的…,或Some…some…others…一些…一些…其他的… ⑷the other+名词复数=the others特指“一定范围内其余所有的”①There are many trees on the other side of the river.。

单词音标词性a[eI;ə]art. an[æn;ən]art.△abbreviation[ə,bri:vI'eIʃn]n. ability[ə'bIlətI]n. about[ə'baut]prep. about[ə'baut]adv. above[ə'bʌv]prep. abroad[ə'brɔ:d]adv. absent['æbsənt]adj.△absorb[əb'sɔ:b]vt. accept[ək'sept]vt. accident['æksIdənt]n.*ache[eIk]n.&vi. achieve[ə'tʃi:v]vt.*achievement[ə'tʃi:vmənt]n. across[ə'krɔs]prep. act[ækt]vi. act[ækt]n. action['ækʃn]n. active['æktIv]adj. activity[æk'tIvətI]n. activity[æk'tIvətI]n. actor['æktə]n.*actress['æktrəs]n. actually['æktʃuəlI]adv. add[æd]vt. address[ə'dres]n.△adjective['ædʒIktIv]n. admire[əd'maIə(r)]vt.*adult['ædʌlt;ə'dʌlt]n.*advantage[əd'vɑ:ntIdʒ]n.△adverb['ædvə:b]n.*advertise['ædvətaIz]vt.&vi. advertisement[əd'və:tIsmənt]n. advice[əd'vaIs]n. advise[əd'vaIz]vt. affect[ə'fekt]vt. afford[ə'fɔ:d]vt.&vi. afraid[ə'freId]adj. after['ɑ:ftə(r)]prep. after['ɑ:ftə(r)]prep. after['ɑ:ftə(r)]conj.after['ɑ:ftə(r)]adv. afternoon[,ɑ:ftə'nu:n]n.△after-school['ɑ:ftəsku:l]adj. afterwards['ɑ:ftəwədz]adv. again[ə'gen;ə'geIn]adv. again[ə'gen;ə'geIn]adv. again[ə'gen;ə'geIn]adv. against[ə'geinst]prep.age[eIdʒ]n.age[eIdʒ]n.ago[ə'gəu]adv. agree[ə'gri:]vi. agreement[ə'gri:mənt]n.ah[ɑ:]int.aha[ɑ:'hɑ:]int.*ahead[ə'hed]adv.aid[eId]n.aim[eIm]n.air[eə(r)]n.air[eə(r)]vt.airline['eəlain]n.airport['eəpɔ:t]n.△album['ælbəm]n.△alien['eiliən]n.&adj.*alive[ə'laIv]adj.all[ɔ:l]adj.&pron. allow[ə'lau]vt.all-time['ɔ:ltaIm]adj. almost['ɔ:lməust]adv. alone[ə'ləun]adv.&adj. along[ə'lɔŋ]prep. aloud[ə'laud]adv. already[ɔ:l'redI]adv.also['ɔ:lsəu]adv.also['ɔ:lsəu]adv. although[ɔ:l'ðəu]conj. always['ɔ:lweIz]adv.am[əm;æm]v.a.m.[,eI'em]abbr. amazing[ə'meIzIŋ]adj. America[ə'merIkə]n. American[ə'merIkən]adj. among[ə'mʌŋ]prep.*amount[ə'maunt]n.an[ən;æn]art. ancient['einʃənt]adj.and[ænd;ənd]conj.*angel['eIndʒəl]n.angrily['æŋgrəlI]adv. angry['æŋgrI]adj. animal['ænIməl]n.*announce[ə'nauns]vt. another[ə'nʌðə(r)]adj. answer['ɑ:nsə(r)]vt.&n. answer['ɑ:nsə(r)]n. answer['ɑ:nsə(r)]vt.*ant[ænt]n.any['enI]pron.&adj. anybody['enIbɔdI]pron. anyone['enIwʌn]pron. anything['enIθIŋ]pron. anyway['enIweI]adv. anywhere['enIweə(r)]adv. appear[ə'pIə]vi. appearance[ə'pIərəns]n.apple['æpl]n.April['eIprəl]n.are[ə(r);ɑ:(r)]v.area['eərIə]n.argue['ɑ:gju:]vi.arm[ɑ:m]n.*armchair['ɑ:mtʃeə(r);ɑ:m'tʃeə(r)]n. around[ə'raund]prep. around[ə'raund]adv. arrange[ə'reIndʒ]vt. arrangement[ə'reIndʒmənt]n.△arrest[ə'rest]n.&vt. arrival[ə'raIvl]n.arrive[ə'raIv]vi.art[ɑ:t]n.art[ɑ:t]n.article['ɑ:tIkl]n.as[əz;æz]prep. Asian[eIʃn]adj. Asian[eIʃn]n.ask[ɑ:sk]vt.asleep[ə'sli:p]adj. astronaut['æstrənɔ:t]n.at[æt;ət]prep.*athlete['æθli:t]n.*atmosphere['ætməsfIə(r)]n.attack[ə'tæk]vt.,vi.&n. *attacker[ə'tækə(r)]n.*attend[ə'tend]vt.&vi. attention[ə'tenʃn]n.*attract[ə'trækt]vt. attraction[ə'trækʃn]n.*attractive[ə'træktIv]adj. audience['ɔ:dIəns]n. August['ɔ:gəst]n.aunt[ɑ:nt]n.△auto-run['ɔ:təurʌn]n. autumn['ɔ:təm]n. available[ə'veiləbl]adj. awake[ə'weik]adj. award[ə'wɔ:d]n.away[ə'weI]adv.中文含义课文页数一(个、件……)7S-2-13一(个、件……)7S-2-13缩写;缩写词9A-1-20能力7B-5-76关于7S-10-53大约7S-10-52在……的上面7B-1-23在国外,到国外8B-1–35不在的,缺席的9B-4-62吸收9B-2-28接收9A-3-44事故,意外的事8A-6-93疼痛,隐痛8B-6-98获得9A-3-45成就;成绩9A-5-83穿过……7B-3-48表演7B-5-91行为;举动9A-4-66行动8A-4-60积极的,活跃的9A-1-8活动7A-2-23活动8A-1-15男演员8B-4–65女演员9A-5-81实际上8B-1-1补充;增加9A-6-101地址8A-5-89形容词8B-2-38钦佩,羡慕8A-2-25成人,成年人7A-2-31长处,优势8B-1–21副词8B-2–38做广告,登广告8B-4–61广告8A-1-8建议;忠告,劝告8A-1-18建议9A-2-37影响8B-5-78买得起,能做8B-5-78担心,恐怕;害怕7B-3-42在……之后7S-10-52在……后,在……后面7A-1-8在……以后7A-1-8后来,以后7A-1-8下午,午后7S-1-8课外的7A-2-23后来,以后7A-6-98又,再次7S-4-21再,又7A-1-17又,再7B-3-44反对;违反;紧靠9A-6-102年龄7S-10-52年龄7A-1-16以前7B-4-69同意,赞同8A-1-17同意,协议8B-5-82(表示惊恐、愉快、遗憾等)啊,呀7S(表示了解或发现某事物的喜悦)啊哈7S-3-19提前,预先9A-3-56帮助8B-6-98目的,目标8B-6-97空气7B-2-26使通风9B-2-24航线8B-6-98机场8A-3-55相册7A-5-75外星人,外星的9B-1-16活着的8A-6-95全部;都;所有的7S-3-19允许9A-3-45一向的,空前的9A-5-82几乎,差不多8A-1-8独自,单独7B-5-78沿着7B-3-44出声地,大声地9A-5-84已经7A-5-75而且;也7S-8-40也7A-5-76尽管,虽然9B-3-40总是7A-1-15是7S-1-8上午7S-10-52令人吃惊的,惊人的7B-4-60美国7S-3-18美国的;美国人的7S-3-18在……中8B-4-71数量7A-4-71(元音前)一(个,件……)7S-4-23古代的,古老的9B-3-43又;而;和;与7S-1-9天使9A-5-83生气地,愤怒地8A-5-84生气的,愤怒的8A-5-84动物7S宣布,宣告9A-4-64另一个;别的7B-3-44回答7S-5-26答案7A-2-37回答7A-2-37蚂蚁7B-4-70(用于否定句、疑问句等)一些;任何的7S-5-26任何人7B-4-62任何一个7A-6-104什么事(物);任何事(物)7S无论如何;总之9A-5-94任何地方7B-6-94出现7B-4-69外貌,相貌;出现8A-1-19苹果7S-8-40四月7S-12-65,7A-3-45是7S-1-9地区,区域7A-5-84争论,辩论9A-1-9胳膊7B-5-78扶手椅7B-1-12在……周围7B-2-40大约9A-1-18安排8B-4-67安排8B-467逮捕9A-6-101到达8A-6-102到达7B-1-17美术7S-4-23美术;艺术8A-2-27文章8A-2-25作为,当作;像……7A-3-38亚洲的;亚洲人的9A-4-64亚洲人9A-4-64问,请教7S睡着的8B-3-42宇航员9B-1-12在(某时间或时刻);在(某处)7S-10-51运动员9B-3-52大气,空气9B-1-14攻击,进攻8A-4-66攻击者9A-6-101出席,参加9A-4-64注意;专心8B-6-103吸引9A-5-82吸引;向往的地方8B-1-23有吸引力的9A-5-84听众;观众8B-4-65八月7A-3-45姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母;舅母7S-2-13自动运行8B-3-48秋天;秋季7A-3-45可获得的,可找到的9A-1-18醒着的9A-1-16奖;奖品;奖金7B-5-81向远处,离开7B-2-29。

8A Unit 1 词组1.an Italian painter2. an inventor3. from an early age4. great intelligence5. as he grow older6. artistic ability7. learn to do sth 8. many different things9. his painting 10. many inventions11.the most famous painting 12.find out13. flying machines 14. look it up15. in the countryside 16.live on Earth17.human beings 18.more than =over19. everywhere=here and there 20. 60 million years21. as big as 22. as small as chickens23. even fly 24. some…others…25. die out 26.Nobody knows why. =27. keep a notebook 28. go for a walk29. take it home 30. hear some noise31. by the window 32. break open33. climb out 34. eat out35. read about 36. in the newspaper37. in dry weather 38. in the city of Shenyang = in Shenyang 39. a week later=after a week 40. a type of sheep =a kind of sheep 1.一个意大利画家 2.一个发明家3.从小4.伟大的才智5.随着他长大6.艺术才能7.学会做某事8.很多不同的事务9.他的画作10.许多发明11.最着名的画作12.弄清;查明13.飞行机器14.查阅它15.在乡村16.居住在地球上17.人类18.多于(2)19.到处(2) 20.6千万年21.一样大22.向鸡一样小23.甚至会飞24.一些…另一些…25.灭绝26.没有人知道为什么(2) 27.记笔记28.散步29.带它回家30.听到一些噪音31.在窗边32.裂开33.爬出来34.出去吃35.读到关于36.在报纸上37.在干燥天气38.在沈阳(2)39.一周后40.一种羊(2)8A Unit 2词组1.It said nothing.= It didn’t say anything.2.ten past seven / seven ten3.ten to seven / six fifty4. one point five5. one third6. two thirds7. three fifths8. three quarters 9. one quarter10.a half 11. happen= take place12.play chess 13. in India14.a long time ago /long long ago/long ago / once upon a time15.a wise old man 16. the rest of17. come to the palace 18. each of them19. challenge sb. to sth. 20.and so on21. promise (sb.) to do sth 22. good enough to do sth23. promise sb. sth.=promise sth. to sb.24.a grain of rice 25. double the amount26. the first square 27.reply to=answer28.for a long time 29.realize the problem30. order sb. to do sth. =ask 31. good enough32. enough rice 33. enough books34. …not...enough to do =too…to=so…that +否定句1.它什么都没说(2)2.七点十分(2)3.六点五十(2)4.一点五5.三分之一6.三分之二7.五分之三8.四分之三9.四分之一10.一半11.发生(2)12.下棋13.在印度14.很久之前(4)15.一个智慧的老人16.其余的17.来到宫殿18.他们中的每一个人19.挑战某人做某事20.等等21.许诺(某人)做某事22.足够好做某事23.许诺某人做某事(2)24.一粒大米25.加倍数量26.第一个方格27.回复28.很长一段时间29.意识到问题30.命令某人做某事31.足够好32.足够的大米33.足够的书34.不够…做某事(3)8A Unit 3词组1. seem like 2 seem to do sth 3. seem tired 4. be short of 5.make a phone order 6. compare …with7. pocket money 8. one of my cousins 9. control the computer10. use sth to do sth=use sth for doing sth 11. move the mouse12. work as doctors 13. in the 1940s 14. better and better15. be unaware of= be not aware=don’t realize 16.washing machine17. more and more careful 18. smaller and smaller 19.depend on20. may be 21. do with =deal with 22. at a faster speed23. almost never= hardly ever 24. in addition= as well25. more often 26. do a better job 27.in addition to sth= besides sth28. be able to =can/could 29.how to use computers30. sth happen to sb 31. happen to do sth 32. have nothing to do33. change our lives 34. make our lives better 35. much faster36. such as operating railways = like operating railways37. be better at sth/doing sth= do better in sth/ doing sth38. get on the Internet 39. last weekend40. look forward to sth/doing sth 41. Thank you for doing sth.42. used to do sth 43 . in the past 44. be bad for health45. give some advice 46. stop sb from doing sth.1.似乎2.似乎(做)3.好像累4.短缺5.电话订购6.和….相比7.零花钱8.我一个表弟9.控制电脑10.用某物做某事(2) 11.移动鼠标12.作为医生13.20世纪40年代14.越来越好15.没意识到(3) 16.洗衣机17.越来越仔细18.越来越小19.依靠20.可能是21.处理(2) 22.以更快的速度23.几乎从不(2) 24.此外(2)25.更经常26.更好的做工作27.除此之外(2)28.能(3)29.如何使用电脑30.某人发生某事31.碰巧做某事32.无事可做33.改变我们的生活34.使我们生活更好35.更快36.比如操作铁路(2)37.某事做的更好(2)38.上因特网39.上周末40.盼望做某事41.感谢做某事42.过去常常43.在过去44.对健康有害45.给一些建议46.组织某人做某事Unit 4 词组1. great inventors2. the funny inventions3. change the world4. live a better life=lead/have5.help sb to do sth/help sb with sth6. in history7. three of the most important inventions8. after its invention= after it was invented 9.since then10. a few thousand years ago = several thousand years ago11.become popular 12. right now= at once=immediately 13.speak to14. in the early 19th century=at the beginning of… = at the start of15. use wheels on carriages 16. get a worse mark 17. on land18. without wheels= if there was no wheel= if there were no wheels= if we didn’t have wheels 19.the first practical telephone20. each other= one another 21. allow sb ( not) to do sth22. across the world= around the worl= all over= throughout23. keep in touch with 24. far (away )from25. before the invention of the car=before the car was invented26. as many things as they can= as … as possible27. in the daytime= during the day 28. imagine doing sth29. make a noise 30. in the 20th century 31. keep …off 32.atthe same time 33. 10 metres away from school1.伟大的发明家2.有趣的发明3.改变世界4.过更好的生活(3)5.帮助某人做(2)6.在历史上7.最重要的发明中的三个8.在它发明之后(2) 9.自从10.几千年前(2) 11.变得流行12.立刻,马上(3) 13.对某人说14.在十九世纪初15. 在马车上使用轮子16.得到更糟的分数17.在陆地上18.没有轮子(4)19.第一台实用电话20.互相(2) 21.允许某人(不)做某事22.全世界(4)23.和…保持联系24.远离25.在汽车发明之前(2)26.尽可能多(2)27.在白天(2) 28.想象做某事29.发出噪音30.在20世纪31.使远离32.与此同时33.离学校十米远Unit 6 词组1. No problem.2.in ancient times3.need to do sth4. so much history5. the Greeks6. try to do sth7. capture our city 8. give up sth / doingsth = stop9. sail away=go away by ship =leave by ship 10. turn around11. through the thick fog 12. a huge horse= large /big13.a wooden horse=a horse made of wood 14.get some help15. all the people=all of the people 16. around the horse17.by midnight 18. make jokes about = play jokes on19.one by one 20. since my childhood = since I was young21.except for 22. the stupid Greeks=foolish /silly23.go to sleep/go to bed/get to sleep/fall asleep/be asleep24.be full of = be filled with 25. climb out of the horse26. enter the city=go/come into the city 27.by fighting28. through/by a trick 29. an impossible task30. succeed in doing sth = be successful in doing sth31.bring me a book =bring a book to me32.(be) under attack33. win the first prize 34. on the other side of the river1.没问题2.在古代3.需要做某事4.如此多的历史5.希腊人6.尽力做某事7.攻占了我们城市8.放弃做某事(2)9.远航,出海(3) 10.转身11.透过浓雾12.一匹巨马(3) 13.一匹木马(2) 14.得到一些帮助15.所有人(2) 16.在马周围17.到午夜为止18.开某人玩笑(2)19.一个接着一个20.从我童年起(2) 21.除了22.愚蠢的希腊人(3)23.睡觉(5)24.充满(2) 25.爬出木马26. 进入城市(2) 27.通过战争28.通过一个计谋(2) 29.一项不可能完成的任务30.成功做某事(2)31.给我带本书(2) 32.遭受袭击33.赢得第一名34.在河的对岸Unit 7 词组1. the short articles2. write for the school newspaper3. make it strange4. improve the memory5. in your mind=brain6. make it the longest word7. be worth 100yuan=cost 8. be worth doing sth9.between you and me 10. be well worth11. remember it better 12. the spelling of the word13. make a sentence 14. each letter=every15. have a lot of homework to do 16 .either…or17.be worried (about sth/sb.)=concerned 18.slow down19. switch off=turn off 20. mind(sb’s) doing sth21.how to spell the word 22. be surprised= be amazed23.have trouble (in) doing sth. 24. daily habits=everyday25. have trouble with sth. 26.a good method = way27.practise doing sth 28.turn into29.take fish out of the water 30. feel tired31. have a picnic 32. make a noise33. get/have a toothache 34. less than.35. a special memory 36. exercise your brain37. the whole of our lives 38. hold information=store1.短篇章2.为校报写稿3.使它奇怪4.提高记忆力5.在你的头脑中(2)6.使它成为最长单词7.价值100元(2)8.值得做某事9.在你和我之间10.非常值得11.更好的记住它12.单词的拼写13.造一个句子14.每个字母(2) 15.有很多作业要做16.或者…或者…17.担忧(2) 18.减速19.关闭(灯2)20.21.如何拼写这个单词22.吃惊(2) 23.做某事有困难24.日常习惯(2) 25.某事有麻烦26.一种好的方法(2) 27.练习做某事28.转变为29.把鱼从水里拿出来30.感觉劳累31.野餐32.发出噪音33.牙疼(2) 34.少于35.一个特殊的记忆36.锻炼你的大脑37.我们生活的全部38.贮存信息(2)Unit 81. a newspaper report2. spoken English3. a book fair4. a pile of newspaper5. write an article on newspaper6. in my opinion7. a treasure hunt8. a speaking competition 9. in public10. give sb a chance 11. speak confidently12.make it a big success=make it successful13. communicate with=keep in touch with14. put on a play 15. a singing competition16. some…others 17. take part in=join in=attend18. leave the money on your desk 19. above all20. look out=be careful=take care =watch out21.advise sb to do sth 22. speak slowly23. be a good public speakers24. had better do sth25. had better not do sth26. speak clearly27. give us some suggestions = advice28. several students=a few students=some29.give sb a speech=give a speech to sb30. the whole school=all the school1.一篇报纸报道2.口语3.书展4.一堆报纸5.写一篇关于报纸的文章6.在我看来7.寻宝游戏8.演讲比赛9.公开的10.给某人一个机会11.自信的说12.使它成为巨大的成功(2)13.和….交流(2)14.上映一个戏剧15.一个歌唱比赛16.一些….另一些17.参加(3)18.把钱放在你坐上19.综上20.小心(4)21.建议某人做22.慢慢说23.做一个好的公共演讲者24.最好做25.最好不做26.清晰的说27.给我们一些建议(2)28.几个学生(3)29.给某人做一个演讲(2)30.全学校(2)Unit 5cational exchange2.fly to3.long enough4.on an exchange visit5.host family6.chinese culture7.learn a lot about8.British students9.be visiting beijing=be on a visit to beijing10.at first=first of all 11.be glad/happy/pleased to do sth12.in their home 13.learn to do sth 14.teach me English15.a little chinese=a bit of chinese 16.spend the weekdays studying 17.at the weekend 18.on weekdays 19.tour arounf beijing20.places of interest=famous places=interesting places21.a fantastic experience 22.so far 23.introduce sb to sth24.chinese painting 25.have much success26.keep/go on/continue trying 27.plan to do28.ruturn home=go back home29.return to school=go back to school30.one another=each other。

50.have trouble with………有麻烦
51.the answer to………的答案
Unit 3
1.dress up as…乔装打扮成……
2.Monkey King美猴王
3.a list of…一系列……
4.Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节
8.a pair of colourful trainers一双颜色艳丽的运动鞋
9.think of考虑、思考
10.turn on the lights开灯
11.do one’s homework做家庭作业
12.do after-school activities做课外活动
13.dress up乔装打扮
24.at the moment此刻、现在
25.wait for sb等某人
26.ice cream冰淇淋
27.stay out呆在外面
28.talk about谈论
29.have a birthday party举行生日晚会
30.sit on the floor坐在地板上
31.play with sb和某人一起玩
17.watch TV看电视
18.go to bed上床睡觉
19.write to sb给某人写信
20.in Class 1, Grade 7在七年级一班
21.my best friend我最好的朋友
22.each other彼此
23.be nice to sb.对某人很好
24.spend…(in) doing sth花费……做谋事
34.around the world在世界范围内

牛津初中英语9A单词表Unit 1序号单词词性汉语页码1 star sign n. 星座2 bull n. 公牛3 centaur n. 半人半马怪物4 crab n. 螃蟹5 ram n. 公羊6 divide vi.&vt. 划分,分7 similar adj. 相似(de),类似(de)8 characteristic n. 特性,特征9 energetic adj. 精力充沛(de)10 active adj. 活跃(de),积极(de)11 impatient adj. 不耐烦(de),急躁(de)12 leader n. 领导者13 selfish adj. 自私(de)14 stubborn adj. 固执(de),顽固(de)15 patient adj. 耐心(de)16 curious adj. 好奇(de)17 outgoing adj. 爱交际(de),友好(de);外向(de)18 save vt. 储蓄,积攒19 cooking n. 烹饪20 confident adj. 有信心(de),自信(de)21 modest adj. 谦虚(de),谦让(de)22 practical adj. 实事求是(de),心灵手巧(de)23 fair adj. 公平(de);公正(de)24 elegant adj. 文雅(de),高雅(de)25 peace n. 和平,和睦,安宁26 argue vi. 辩论,争论27 silly adj. 儍(de),愚蠢(de)28 forgive vt. 原谅,宽恕29 mistake n. 错误,失误30 humorous adj. 幽默(de)31 differently adv. 不同(de)32 easy-going adj. 随和(de)33 creative adj. 有创造力(de),创造性(de)34 imaginative adj. 富于想象力(de),想象(de)35 dream vi.&vt. 做梦,梦见36 equally adv. 平等(de)37 probably adv. 大概,或许38 should v. 可能39 unfair adj. 不公正(de),不平等(de)40 inactive adj. 不活跃(de),不活动(de)41 explain vt. 解释,说明42 balloon n. 气球43 experiment n. 实验,试验44 laboratory n. 实验室45 toothache n. 牙痛46 dentist n. 牙医47 butterfly n. 蝴蝶48 clone vt.&n. 克隆49 awake adj. 醒着(de)50 cheese n. 奶酪51 lemonade n. 柠檬水52 around adv. 大约53 available adj. 可获得(de),可找到(de)54 otherwise adv. 要不然,否则55 lively adj. 活泼(de),生气勃勃(de)56 formal adj. 正式(de)57 informal adj. 非正式(de)58 slang n. 俚语59 expression n. 词句,表达60 abbreviation n. 缩写,缩写词61 contraction n. 缩约形式62 Students' Union 学生会63 difference n. 差异,不同(之处)64 cheers int. <英口>再见65 mark n. 分数66 extra adj. 额外(de),附加(de)67 organized adj. 有条理(de),有效率(de)68 personal adj. 个人(de),本人(de)69 quality n. 特性,才能70 sincerely adv. 真诚地Unit 2序号单词词性汉语页码1 would rather 宁可…也不,宁愿2 pink n.&adj. 粉红色((de))3 indigo n.&adj.4 violet n.&adj. 紫罗兰色((de))5 rainbow n. 彩虹6 mood n. 心情,情绪7 sleepy adj. 欲睡(de),困倦(de)8 represent vt. 代表,象征9 relaxed adj. 放松(de),不拘束(de)10 harmony n. 和谐11 sadness n. 悲哀,忧伤12 calm adj.&n. 平静((de))13 stressed adj. 焦虑不安(de)14 purity n. 纯洁15 wedding n. 婚礼,结婚16 satisfied adj. 满意(de),满足(de)17 climate n. 气候18 prefer vt.&vi. 宁愿选择,更喜欢19 remind vt. 提醒,使想起20 wisdom n. 智慧21 growth n. 生长22 envy n. 妒忌;羡慕23 jealous adj. 嫉妒(de);羡慕(de)24 physical adj. 物理(de),身体(de)25 mental adj. 精神(de),思想(de)26 strength n. 力量27 heat n. 热28 difficulty n. 困难,费力29 decision n. 决定30 deep adj.&adv. 深(de),深厚(de)31 worried adj. 担心(de),烦恼(de)32 synonym n. 同义词33 influence n. 影响34 require vt. 需要,要求35 unhappiness n. 忧愁,不悦36 jogging n. 慢跑锻炼37 fitting room 试衣室38 diary n. 日记39 normally adv. 正常地;通常地40 behaviour n. 行为,举止41 e-card n. 电子卡片42 PS(=postscript) 附言43 therapy n. 疗法,治疗44 discover vt. 发现,发觉45 teen n. 十几岁(de)青少年46 promise vt.&n. 允诺,答应47 successfully adv. 有成效地,成功地48 college n. 大学,学院49 oil n. 油50 rub vt. 摩擦,搓揉51 dark adj. 黑色(de)52 skin n. 皮,皮肤53 pale adj. 苍白(de)54 blonde adj. (头发)金黄色(de)55 advise vt. 建议56 free adj. 免费(de)57 perhaps adv. 或许,可能58 tight adj. 紧(de)59 thought n. 想法,看法,主意60 protection n. 保护61 warmth n. 暖和,温暖,热情62 powerful adj. 有力(de),强大(de)63 handbag n. 女用皮包, 手提包64 balance n. 平衡Unit 3序号单词词性汉语1 teenage adj. 青少年(de)2 mad adj. 发疯(de);生气(de)3 disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱4 survey n. 调查5 communication n. 交流,交际6 deal vi. 对付,处理7 choice n. 选择8 complete vt. 完成9 refuse vi&vt. 拒绝,不愿10 accept vt. 接受11 hardly adv. 几乎不12 spare adj. 空闲(de),多余(de)13 ping-pong n. 乒乓球运动14 doubt vt.&n. 怀疑15 whether conj. 是否16 worth adj. 值得17 offer vt.&n. 主动提出;提供;18 suggestion n. 建议19 value n. 用途;价值20 plenty n. 大量,充足21 allow vt. 允许22 strict adj. 严格(de),严厉(de)23 achieve vt. 获得24 task n. 任务,工作25 either adv. 也;二者之一26 revise vi. 复习,温习27 courage n. 勇气28 truth n. 事实,真理29 quarrel vi&n. 吵架30 spare vt. 留出,匀出31 notice vt. 注意,察觉32 youth worker 青少年辅导员33 valuable adj. 宝贵(de),贵重(de)34 bookworm n. 书虫,书呆子35 reply vi&n. 答复,回答36 pleasure n. 高兴,乐意37 usage n. (词法(de))用法38 punctuation n. 标点符号39 spelling n. 拼写40 stress n. 精神压力,紧张41 suffer vi. 受苦,受难42 though conj. 虽然,尽管43 firstly adv. 首先,第一44 ahead adv. 提前,预先45 blame vt. 责备46 cause n. 原Unit 4序号单词词性汉语1 far adv. 很,极,太2 broadcast vi.&n. 广播;报道3 studio n. 工作室;演播室4 distance n. 距离;远处5 weekly adj. 每一周(de)6 round-up n. (尤指新闻)概要,摘要7 up-to-date adj. 最新(de),现代(de)8 cover vt. 报道,电视报道9 live adv.&adj. 现场直播((de)),实况转播((de))10 coming adj. 即将来临(de)11 Asian adj.&n. 亚洲(人)(de);亚洲人12 attend vi.&vt. 出席,参加13 announce vt. 宣布,宣告14 text n. 文本;正文15 message n. 消息,音信16 concert n. 音乐会17 murder n.&vt. 谋杀18 horror n. 恐怖19 direct vt. 导演;指导20 director n. 导演21 mystery n. 神秘;疑案故事22 scared adj. 害怕,恐惧23 documentary n. 记录影片24 face vt. 面对,面临25 disappear vi. 消失26 disturbed adj. 心烦意乱(de),心神不安(de)27 film vt. 拍摄电影28 habitat n. (动植物(de))生活环境,栖息地29 scene n. 场景;景色;现场30 photography n. 照相术,摄影31 act n. 行为;举动32 latest adj. 最近(de),最新(de)33 ice skating 滑冰34 chat show (电视或广播(de))访谈节目35 comedy n. 喜剧36 series n. 系列节目;一系列37 game show 游戏表演,竞赛节目38 prize n. 奖赏,奖品39 right adv. 立即,马上40 end vi. 结束41 race n. 赛跑42 farther adv. 更远43 farthest adv. 最远44 viewer n. 电视观众45 friendship n. 友谊46 spaceman n. 宇航员47 regularly adv. 有规律地,经常48 habit n. 习惯,习性49 rather adv. 相当50 emergency n. 紧急情况,突发事件51 background n. 背景52 disagree vi. 持不同意见,有分歧53 relationship n. 关系54 sporty adj. 爱好(擅长)体育运动(de)55 website n. 网站56 surprising adj. 令人惊讶(de)57 ending n. 结局,结尾Unit 5序号单词词性汉语页码1 daydream vi. 做白日梦 52 realistic adj. 现实(de),实事求是(de) 53 take n. (连续拍摄(de))场景,镜头 54 actress n. 女演员 55 all-time adj. 一向(de),空前(de) 56 mourn vt. 哀悼 57 humanirarian n. 人道主义者 58 ballet n. 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧 59 effort n. 努力 510 enter vt. 进入;加入 511 industry n. 工业,产业 512 French adj. 法国(人)(de),法语(de) 513 charm n. 魅力 514 attract vt. 吸引 515 novel n. 小说 516 insist vt.&vi. 坚持,坚持认为 517 lead n. 主角 518 career n. 生涯;职业 519 shortly adv. 不久 520 immediately adv. 立即,马上 521 lifetime n. 终生,一生 522 earn vt. 赢得,挣得 523 nomination n. 提名 524 well-known adj. 着名(de),众所周知(de) 525 angel n. 天使 526 throughout prep. 遍及,贯穿 527 achievement n. 成就,成绩 528 beyond prep. 超过 529 devote vt. 献身,致力于,把…用于 530 honour n. 荣誉,奖励 531 present vt. 颁发,授予 532 cancer n. 癌症 533 peacefully adv. 宁静(de),和平(de) 534 attractive adj. 有吸引力(de) 535 aloud adv. 出声地,大声地 536 base vt. 以…为基础 537 action film n. 动作片 538 romantic adj. 浪漫(de) 539 science fiction n. 科幻电影,科幻小说 540 western adj. 西部电影,西部小说 541 cowboy n. 牛仔 542 bteath n. 呼吸 543 popcorn n. 爆米花 544 soft drink 不含酒精(de)饮料 545 review vt. (书刊、电影等(de))评论;复习 546 tale n. 故事,传说 547 effect n. 影响,作用 548 anyway adv. 无论如何,总之 549 talent n. 天赋,天才 550 experienced adj. 富有经验(de) 551 silence n. 寂静,沉默 552 supporting actress n. 女配角 553 consider vt. 认为,考虑 554 talented adj. 有才能(de) 5Unit 6序号单词词性汉语页码单元1 detective n. 侦探,警探 62 murderer n. 杀人犯,凶手 63 suspect n. 嫌疑犯 64 occupation n. 职业,工作 65 salesman n. 售货员,推销员 66 medium adj. 中等(de) 67 cruel adj. 冷酷(de),残酷(de) 68 wanted adj. 被通缉(de) 69 reward n. 报酬,奖金 610 doorway n. 门口,出入口 611 confirm vt. 证实,确认 612 victim n. 受害者,牺牲品 613 somewhere adv. 在某处 614 particularly adv. 特别,尤其 615 bleed vi. 流血,出血 616 death n. 死,死亡 617 evidence n. 迹象,证据 618 struggle n.&vi. 搏斗,斗争 619 obviously adv. 明显地 620 attacker n. 攻击者 621 bright adj. 聪明(de) 622 engineer n. 工程师,技师 623 add vt. 补充,增加 624 fingerprint n. 指纹,手印 625 clue n. 线索 626 enemy n. 敌人,仇人,反对者 627 well-paid adj. 收入高(de) 628 guilty adj. 有罪(de) 629 crime n. 犯罪,罪行 630 charge vt. 指控,控告 631 break into 强行闯入 632 several adj.&pron. 几个 633 system n. 系统 634 suppose vt. 认为,推断,料想 635 witness n. 证人 636 breathe n. 呼吸 637 heavily adv. 沉重地,猛烈地 638 blood n. 血 639 prove vt. 证明 640 arrest n.&vt. 逮捕 641 against prep. 反对;违反;紧靠 642 law n. 法律 643 gun n. 枪 644 criminal n. 犯罪((de)) 645 kidnapping n. 绑架,劫持 646 shoplifting n. 冒充顾客在商店行窃 647 theft n. 行窃,盗窃案 648 kidnapper n. 绑架者,劫持者 649 shoplifter n. 冒充顾客在商店行窃者 650 thief n. 窃贼,小偷 651 dare vi&vt. 敢于,胆敢 652 risk n. 危险,风险 653 safety n. 安全,保险 654 if conj. 是否 655 robbery n. 抢劫,抢劫罪 656 robber n. 抢劫者,强盗 657 rob vt. 抢劫 658 queue n. 行列,长队 659 gunshot n. 枪声 660 familiar adj. 熟悉(de) 661 millionaire n. 百万富翁 662 record n. 记录 663 prison n. 监狱 664 hairdresser n. 理发师,美容师 665 kidnap vt. 绑架,劫持 666 involved adj. 参与,有关联 667 import n.&v. 进口,输入 668 object n.&v. 物品,东西;宾语 669 progress n.&v. 进步 670 suspect vt. 怀疑 671 project vi. 规划;预测;投影 672 necklace n. 项链 673 diamond n. 钻石 674 shocked adj. 正金震惊(de) 675 jewellery n. 珠宝 676 boss n. 老板,上司 6。

14. three times a week一周三次 once / twice a week一周一/两次15. spend …(in) doing sth花费……做某事 16. all his free time 他所有的空余时间17. dancing lesson 舞蹈 18. swimming club 游泳俱乐部19. go roller skating 滑旱冰 20. a packet of salt 一包盐21. two bags of rice 两袋大M 22. three cups of tea 三杯茶23. four kilos of meat 四公斤肉 24. five cartons of milk 五盒牛奶25. how often 多久一次 how long 多长时间26. less than 不到,少于 more than 超过,多于27. walk to school = go to school on foot 走路去上学 28. exercise more 多锻炼29. watch less TV 少看电视 30. a very healthy person 一个非常健康的人31. watch two hours of TV 看两个小时的电视 32. not … any more不再33. these days 这些天 34. lie on the couch 躺在长沙发上35. good luck with sth 祝……好运 good luck to sb 祝某人好运36. keep fit / healthy 保持健康37. be busy / free 繁忙的/有空的 be busy with/doing sth. 忙于做某事38. give me energy for playing volleyball later 给我后来打排球能量39. be good for 对……有好处 40. no = not a / an y 41. on the list 在清单上7AUnit 5重点词组1. want to do sth=would like to do sth想要做某事2. buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 给某人买某物3. a good idea 一个好主意(an idea 一个主意)4.just a minute 稍等一会5. take a look 看一看6. quite expensive 相当贵(口语中的“贵”还可以用dear)7. I want to buy … = I’m looking for … (购物用语)我想要买…… 8. be sure 确信9. have enough money to do sth 有足够的钱做某事 10. never mind 不要紧11. go well with 与……相配 12. ask sb to do sth 要某人做某事13. the same as 与……相同14. clothes shop服装店 flower shop花店 shoe shop鞋店 sports shop运动商店 toy shop玩具店15. walkman --- walkmans boot --- boots (注意这两个单词的复数)16. something good / interesting / important一些好的/有趣的/重要的东西17. a pair of shoes / jeans / boots / glasses 一双鞋/一条牛仔裤/一双靴子/一副眼镜18. write (a letter) to sb 给某人写信 19. want to be members of 想要成为……成员20. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to sp 邀请某人去某地21. wait for our friends 等待我们的朋友 22. at present / at present / right now 现在,目前23. wait for my turn 等待我的次序 24. pay for sth 为……付钱25. see you later 回见 26. have a birthday party 举行生日聚会27. play with sb 和某人一起玩 28. some of my friends 我的一些朋友们29. stand at the table 站在桌旁 30. all my friends 我所有的朋友们31. make a wis许愿 32. children in need 有需要的孩子33. in poor areas 在贫穷地区 34. have enough stationery to use 有足够的文具用35. call sb on …拨……给某人打电话36. send them some stationery 送他们一些文具37. in the name of 以……的名义 38. raise money for 为……募集资金donate money to 给……捐钱39. yours sincerely 你的真诚的 40. write down the words 记下单词41. 5 floors of shops 5层楼的商店 42. some more 更多的一些 43. on the top floor 在顶层楼44. different kinds of不同种类的 all kinds of 各种各样的 many kinds of 许多种类的45. different countries 不同的国家 46. too many people 太多人too much sugar太多糖47. next door 隔壁 48. call 110 for help 打110求助49. look for 强调的是寻找,是一种过程 find 强调的是找到,是结果50. fit 强调尺寸、大小或形状上的吻合。
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Unit One This is me!1.What’s your name?2.This is…3.the first day4.look after5.make friends with…6.introduce oneself to each other7.take the bus8.welcome to + n.9.at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School10.Good morning (afternoon, evening, night)!11.12 years old12.live in (a flat)13.be clever at (be good at = do well in)14.in the school basketball team15.in the Reading Club16.call sb. + namee from = be from18.be born in (on)19.at school (compare with: at the school)20.football field21.like doing sth. (love doing sth, enjoy doing sth.)22.listen to (music, the teacher)23.look at…24.work hard (compare with: hard work)25.wear glasses26.play computer games27.want to do sth.28.after school29.know each other30.the Class1Grade 7 students =the students in Class 1, Grade 731.help sb. do sth.32.It’s time for sth. =It’s time to do sth.33.in the match34.know sb. well35.dark brown eyes36.on the football field37.live in Beijing38.swimming pool39.play with sb.40.talk to sb.41.at lunchtime42.take sb. for a walk43.after school 你叫什么名字?这是……(用于介绍人或物)第一天照料,保管与……交朋友相互间进行自我介绍乘公共汽车欢迎到……来在北京阳光中学早上好!(下午好,晚上好,晚安)12岁住在(公寓里)在……方面聪明(在……很擅长)在校篮球队在阅读俱乐部称某人为……来自……,……地方人出生于……在校学习(在学校里)足球场喜欢做某事听(音乐,老师讲课)看……努力工作(对比:艰苦的工作)戴眼镜玩电脑游戏想要做某事放学以后相互了解七年级一班的学生帮助某人做某事是该做某事的时候了。
在比赛中非常了解某人深褐色的眼睛在足球场住在北京游泳池和某人一起玩……和某人交谈在午餐时间带某人去散步放学后44.walk home = go home on foot45.take the bus46. a picture of one’s family47.the best in the world48. a member of (the Reading Club)49.write to sb.50.at the weekend51.go running (shopping)52.watch games53.in a restaurant54.Write soon!55. a favourite football player56.walk home=go home on foot57.on the sheet58.Sports News59.the Huanghe Football Team60.score goals61.the World Cup62.look strong (nice, etc.)63.play football for…Team64.listen to music/CDs65.the newest member66. a very good football player67.need to do sth.68.borrow sth. from sb.69.How do you say that in English?70.I don’t understand.71.I’ll start /begin now.72.I am sorry, I don’t know.73.at the beginning of74.sound great=sound nice/good75.lots of friends = a lot of/many friends76.at the weekend77.enjoy doing sth.=like/love doing sth.78.look for sth. on the Internet79.be good at(doing) sth.=do well in(doing) sth.80.write down81.for half an hour82.in the next World Cup84. go swimming 步行回家坐公共汽车一张全家福世界上最好的(阅读俱乐部的)一个成员写信给某人在周末去跑步(购物)看比赛在餐馆请回信一个受欢迎的足球运动员步行回家在纸上体育新闻黄河足球队进球世界杯看起来很强壮(很漂亮)效力于……足球队听音乐/光盘最新成员一名非常好的足球运动员需要做某事向某人借某物这在英语里怎么说?我不懂。
在……的开始听起来很棒许多朋友在周末喜欢做某事在因特网上查找擅长于人(做)某事写下半个小时在下一届的世界杯中去游泳Unit Two My day1.wake up2.have fun3.it’s time for sth. (n.) = it’s time to do sth.4.it’s time for sb. to do sth..It’s time fo r me to do my homework.5.What are you going to do?6.after breakfast7.go to sleep/ go to bed8.have/ eat lunch9.the answer to..10. a member of…11.practice with sb.12.have lessons13.do after-school activities14.write to sb.15.do one’s homework16.do morning exercise17.in the playground18.play volleyball19.practise + n./ practise doing sth.I practise English/ practise playing football20.talk to each other21.spend +time +doing sth.I spend about an hour a day doing my homework.spend + money + on sth. (n.)I spend 10 yuan on the book..22.a lot of things to do23.twice a weekonce/ twice/ three times/ four times/…24.listen to the radio25.make model planes26.read newspapers27.say hello to sb.28.sit under the tree29.go home together30.news/ information (不可数名词)31.win the first prize in the football match32.all the time33.be good for sb.ic books35.need to do sth.36.on Mondays = every Monday37.have much time to do sth. 醒来,叫醒寻找乐趣是干某事的时候了是某人干某事的时候了该是我做家庭作业的时候了。
有许多事要做一周两次一次/两次/三次/四次/……听收音机做飞机模型看报纸向某人问好坐在树下一起回家消息,新闻/信息在足球比赛中获得第一名一直对某人有益连环画书籍需要做某事每个星期一有许多时间干某事38.chat with sb.39.know how to do sth.40.write back to sb.41.thanks for/ thank you for sth. (n.)/ doing sth.42.like doing/43.get s ome information about…44.next Monday45.would like to do sth.I would like to go to Beijing Zoo.46.look forward to + n./ +doing sth.I’m looking forward to a great day out.I’m looking forward to seeing you.47.learn more about sth.48.go to the school library49.have fun=have a nice/good/great time50.be nice to sb.=be kind/good/friendly to sb.51.would like to do sth.=be ready for sth.52.the answer to the question53.thank sb. for doing sth.=thanks fro doing sth.54.e-mail sb. =send an e-mail to sb.55.teach sb. sth. =teach sth to sb.56.watch too much TV= watch TV too much57.have a walk with sb.= go for a walk with sb.58. at lunchtime59. in the school football team60. on a computer and the Internet61. at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School62. each other63. all the time64. big and clean65. every Tuesday and Friday=on Tuesdays and Fridays 和某人闲聊知道怎样做某事给某人回信谢谢你……喜欢干某事收集有关……的资料下周一乐于干某事,想干某事期待……对某物了解更多去学校图书馆玩得愉快对某人友好为某物做好准备问题的答案感谢某人做某事给某人发电子邮件教某人某物看太多的电视和某人一起散步在午餐时间在学校足球队通过电脑和英特网在北京阳光中学互相一直,总是又大又干净在星期二和星期五Unit Three Let’s celebrate!1. Let’s celebrate!2. What are you doing?3. dress up as…4. sharp teeth5. paint one’s face6. hot drinks7. New Year8. Boat Festival9. Mid-Autumn festival10.at Halloween11.like to do sth.12.Chinese food13.lion dance14.cut out the eyes15.thank sb. for doing sth.16.tell sb. about sth.17.celebrate Christmas18.have a party19.on October 31st20.red packets21.a game called “trick or treat”22.knock on/ at23.give sb. sth. as a treat24.play a trick on sb.25.special costumes with masks26.make pumpkin lanterns27.put sth. in=put sth. into…28.on the evening of October, 31st29.make sth. for sb.=make sb. sth.30.Happy Halloween!31. pumpkin lanterns32.make A out of B=make A from B33.look like34.on holiday35.want to do sth.36.New Year’s Day37.Children’s Day38.Teachers’ Day39.National Day40.at Easter41.rice dumplings42.at breakfast (lunch/ supper)43.In the USA=in America 让我们来庆祝!你在干什么?装扮成……样子锋利的牙齿给某人的脸上涂上油彩热饮料中国的新年(春节)端午节中秋节在万圣节喜欢做某事中餐狮子舞刻出眼睛感谢某人做某事告诉某人有关某事庆祝圣诞节举行晚会在十月三十一日红包一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏敲(门或窗)以……招待某人对某人使恶作剧带面具的特别服装制作南瓜灯把某物放进…在十月三十一日的晚上为某人制作某物万圣节快乐!南瓜灯用B制作A看起来像……在度假想要做某事元旦儿童节教师节国庆节在复活节粽子在吃早餐(午餐/晚餐)的时候在美国44. Monkey King45. on Monday46. in winter47. take sb. for a walk48. have a long holiday49. go to see the doctor50. on that day51. in the pencil case= in the pencil box52. on Tuesday and Friday53. go on holiday54. on the afternoon/evening of …55. Christmas presents56. chat on the Internet57. May Day58. Chinese New Year celebrations59. at breakfast60. Teachers’ Day61. Children’s Day62. Thanksgiving Day63. plan to do sth.64. help sb. do sth.65. at night66. in Chinatown67. so much68. in winter69. in many ways70. a piece of card71. on the other side of72. in the West73. a game called…=a game named …=a game with the name…74.in a special costume75. writing plan76. do sth. in many ways77. in the library78. on the Internet79. dress up as…80. Dragon Boat race81. through the eyes82. put up…on the wall83. at the weekend84. make a plan85. from 9 p.m. to midnight 美猴王在周一在冬天带某人去散步度长假去看病在那一天在铅笔盒里在周二和周五去度假在…的下午/夜晚圣诞礼物在互联网上聊天室聊天五一节庆祝新年的活动在吃早饭期间教师节儿童节感恩节计划做某事帮助某人做某事在夜晚在唐人街如此(多),这么在冬季通过许多方式一张卡片在另一边在西方/西方国家一个名叫…的游戏穿特殊的服装写作计划用许多方式做某事在图书馆在网上装扮成….赛龙舟透过眼睛把……挂在墙上在周末制定计划从晚上9.00到午夜Unit Four Food1.L et’s have a hamburger.2.b e hungry/ be full3.a lot of energy4.w alk to = go to…on foot5.m any times a day6.W hat is your favourite food?=What food do you like best?7. 12 years old8. want to do sth./ want to be9. get tired10.need sth. to do sth.11.It is + a. + for sb. to do sth.12.change the diet13. sweet snacks14. between meals15. be good for sb.16. eat/ have sth. for breakfast/ supper/ lunch17. not…any mo re18. a top student19. after class20. chat with sb.21. on the Internet22. twice a week/ once a month23. fast food/ home cooking24. a healthy meal25. how often26. get energy from27. cook healthy food28. a healthy person29. too much sugar30. the Get Fit Club31. so many bananas32. go roller skating33. a packet of salt34. times a day35. help sb. do sth.36. four kilos of milk37. a glass of orange juice38. fruit and vegetables39. come for dinner40. live in the water41. feel much better42. need (sth.)to do sth 让我们来吃汉堡。