unit4 earthquake reading教案

unit4 earthquake reading教案
unit4 earthquake reading教案

Teaching Plan for Lesson 2, Unit 4, Book 1(Senior 1)


教学内容:Lesson 2 for unit 4 Earthquake


教学对象:51 students in class 9, senior 1

授课时间:40 minutes

授课教师:Zhou zhuoling

Learning Objectives:

1.Predict the possible contents of a text through the title.

2.Skimming for main idea of the text. (From the whole text to each paragraph )

3.Sum up the main idea of a paragraph by reading the topic sentences as well as key words or phrases.

4.Scan for the detail information (when, where, what and result ) by answering questions and filling in the blanks and chart.

5.Understand the function of the data in reading.

6.Be familiars with the key words and phrases: suffering, canal, burst, at an end, shock, rescue, million, mine, miner, shelter, useless, track, brick, extreme, survivor, trap, electricity, dig out.

7.Understand the implied meaning of the text. (We can predict and prepare for the earthquake to reduce the loss, and we should never give up and be united when the disaster comes.)

Teaching aids: PPT slides, blackboard

Teaching Procedure

Stage 1: Leading in (5 minutes)

Step 1: Review last lesson. (2 minutes)

(T: Class, what we have learned yesterday?

T: Yesterday we have learned what may happen before an earthquake. What else?

We learned how to protect ourselves in the earthquake. And we also learned what was happening during the earthquake.

Step 2: Ss predict the content from the title. (3 minutes)

(T: Let's turn to Page 26. Please look at the title of the reading, “ A night the earth didn’t sleep ” Why did the writer say so? What do you think of the title?

Step 3: T invites Ss to give their answers.

(T: ** , what' s your understanding of the title. )

Step 4: T summarizes the Ss' opinions about their understanding of the title.

(T: The earth didn't sleep in the night. That is to say, a big disaster may happen there.)

(If Ss keep silent, T continues to say :) T: OK. It may be difficult to answer now. Please keep this question in mind. After we finish this lesson, I’d like you to give me your answers.) Stage 2: Fast reading. (8 minutes)

Step 1: Skimming: Ss do fast reading to find out the main idea. (5 minutes)

(T: Now please read the text quickly, and find out the main idea of this reading. Please pay more attention to the first sentence in each paragraph and the time in the text. And then do the exercises on PPT. You have 3 minutes to go. Now begin.


1) What's the main idea of the text?

The passage mainly talks about a(n) earthquake that happened in Tangshan in 1976.

2) Match each paragraph with its main idea.

Para. 1 A. Damage caused by the earthquake.

Para. 2-3 B. Rescue after the earthquake.

Para. 4 C. Signs (迹象) before the earthquake.)

Step 2: T checks Ss' answers and guides Ss to sum up the main idea of each paragraph by going through the topic sentences as well as the key words and phrase. (3 minutes)

(T: This passage tells us an earthquake that happened in Tangshan in 1976.

What's the topic sentence in Paragraph 1?

What's the topic sentence in Paragraph 2?

What's the topic sentence in Paragraph 3?

What's the topic sentence in Paragraph 4?)

Stage 3: Scanning (Careful reading). (21 minutes)

Step 1: Ss read Para. 1 and fill in the chart to show signs before the earthquake. (3 minutes)

(T: Let's look at paragraph 1, what strange things happened before the earthquake? Read paragraph 1 quickly and fill in the blanks. You have 2 minutes to go. Now begin.) Chart:


What happened?

People's reaction

Three days before the earthquakes


Nature walls:_____


In the chicken & pig:__


Animals mice:___

Fish: ____

People thought little of the quake and they were asleep as usual.

.At about 3:00 am July 28, 1976

See: _______

In the sky:

Hear: _______

In the city: water pipes: ______


Step 2: T checks Ss’ answers. (3 minutes)

(T: From which sentence can we know that the water rose and fell? What about walls? Where can we find the answer? What happened to the cracks? Read the sentence that tells us what happened to animals?

T: .At about 3:00 am July 28, 1976, what can we see in the sky? What can hear in the sky? What happened to the water pipes?

T: There were many strange things that happened before the earthquake. But did the people who lived in Tangshan pay more attention to it? How do you know?)

Step 3: Ss read Para. 2-3 and fill in the blanks with data from the text. (3 minutes)

(T: Let’s read the paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 quickly; try to find out the data i n Para. 2 and 3. You have 2 minutes. Let’s do it.)


Para. 2-3: Fill in the blanks with data (数据) from the text.

2 _1/3__ of the nation felt the earthquake.

2 A huge crack that was __8_ kilometers long and _30_ meters wide cut across houses.

2 In _15__terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.

2 ___2/3__of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.

2 The number of the people who were killed or seriously injured reached more than

_400,000_ .

2 All the city's hospitals, _78%__ of its factories and buildings and _90%_ of its homes were gone.)

Step 3: Discussion: What are the functions (功能, 作用) of these data listed in the text? (2 minutes)

(T: We can see that the author uses so many data in Para. 2 and Para. 3. Why does the author use these data? What is the function of these data listed in the text? Discuss with your classmates.


What are the functions (功能, 作用) of these data listed in the text?)

Step 4: T invites Ss to share their opinions. (2 minutes)

Step 5: T summarizes Ss’ answers. (1 minute)

(T: From the data, we can see that the earthquake happened suddenly and it caused a great damage.)

Step 5: T guides Ss to pay more attention to the damage of the second earthquake. (2 minutes) (T: Was there only one earthquake in Tangshan? When did the second quake hit the city? What was the result of that? Where can you find the answer?)

Step 5: T guides Ss to know more about the rescue after the earthquake. (4 minutes)

(T: Great damage caused by the earthquake, Tangshan really suffered a lot from it. Was all hope lost? Which sentence tells us? )

(T: Who came to help Tangshan first? Please read last paragraph as quickly as you can and do the exercises on the PPT. You have 2 minutes to do it. One , two, begin.)


Q 1: What did the army do?

2 The army sent _______ to Tangshan to help _______ .

2 They organized teams to _____ those who were______.

2 They also rescued ____ from the coal mines there.

Q 2: What did the rescue workers do?

2 They built ____ for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.)

Q 3: What other help did the survivors get?

2 ____ was taken to the city by train and plane.

Step 6: T checks Ss’ answers. (1 minute)

Stage 4: Post reading: Summary and homework (6 minutes)

Step 1: Free talk: What should we do when we face the disaster? ( 5 minutes)

(T: Class, when we face the disaster, what should we do?

T: We should be united, we should never give up, we should help each other, we should challenge ourselves.)

Step 2: Homework: (1 minute)

1. Retell the story according to the time.

2. Underline the difficult phrases and sentences.


人教版高中英语必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes教学案例 会昌中学胡赛君 一、教学设计 Teaching goals (教学目标) 1.skill goals (技能目标) Know basic knowledge about earthquakes(了解地震的基本知识) Know how to protect oneself and help others in disasters(了解如何自救与他救) 2. sensibility goals(情感目标) get the students to be aware of the terrible disasters ,meanwhile get them to face it ,treat it in a proper way, and never get discouraged.(使学生对灾难有正确的认识,要用积极的态度来对待它。) 3.Ability goals(能力目标) a.let the students collect the information from the internet by themselves.(独立搜集信息的能力) b.Let the students pack up the information by themselves.(独立整理信息的能力) c.Let the students design it for the purpose of showing in class.(设计制作课件的能力) d.feed them back to students in class ,using what they have don e.(课堂反馈与学生互动的能力) Teaching important points(教学重点) Let the students know what a correct attitude towards a disaster is and what we should do in a disaster for ourselves and for the other people(树立对于灾难的正确认识及面对灾难该如何应对) Teaching difficult point(教学难点) How to deal with the interaction between the students speakers and their classmates.(如何处理学生演讲者和同学之间的互动) Teaching procedures: Step 1: natural disaster Show the students some top disasters in the world, by Deng Yuge Team and Zhuang Jinmao Team. Step 2: famous earthquakes Show them some famous earthquakes in this century in the world, by Lin Chuyin Team and Deng Yuge Team. Step 3: Tangshan earthquake a.show them some pictures about Tangshan earthquake by Zhuang JinMao Team. b.Watch a video about Tangshan earthquake. Step 4: Signs before earthquakes 1.Given by Wu mengni Team in the form of pictures and words. 2.Given by Lin Chuyin Team in the form of filling blanks. Step 5: How to escape from the earthquake

2019-2020年高中英语必修一教案:Unit 4 Earthquake(1)

2019-2020年高中英语必修一教案:Unit 4 Earthquake(1) The content of my lesson is New Senior English for China student’s Book1 Unit 4earthquake. I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from four parts. Analysis of the teaching material,, the teaching methods, the studying methods and the teaching procedure. First, let me talk about the teaching material. Part 1 Teaching Material: This unit is about natural disasters through the world and china,as we know ,has a particular problem with earthquakes. In the last century five of the ten worst earthquakes happened in China .although it is important for students to understand the dangers people face in a quake, it is just as important for them to realize that there are things that can be done to minimize the damage caused by quakes. For this reason, this unit keeps a positive tone or outlook. It includes exercises and tasks that enables students to think about how to avoid quakes, or at least some of the damage they can cause. this unit also lets them role-play community work that deals with disaster relief. As we all know , reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I think the teaching aims are the followings: Part 2 Teaching aims and demands 1. Knowledge objects: a) The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns b) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson and can describe the signs before


UNIT 4 Earthquakes The first period reading Step I. Revision Translate the following two sentences using present continuous tense to describe future. 你明天要去做什么? 我要去拜访我的祖父母。 Suggested answer: What are you doing tomorrow? I'm visiting my grandparents. Step II. Warming up Ask the students to name the nature disasters they know with the help of the pictures shown on the screen.. T: Today, before we begin our reading, I’d like to ask you a question, “How many nature disasters do you know?” Show the pictures on the screen and help them pronounce the names correctly.

Step III.Fast-reading Ask the Ss to read the passage in four minutes asking them to pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph to figure out what the passage is mainly about, and then try to get the main idea of each paragraph as well as find out the order of the passage. After fast-reading, invite some students to tell the main idea of each paragraph. Then check the answer with the whole class. Step IV.Careful -reading In this part, teacher should ask the students to read the passage


Book 1 Unit 4 earthquake 教案 一.教学内容分析 本单元话题为“地震”,主要描写了1976年唐山大地震,各项语言活动也都是围绕地震展开。本单元共分八个部分。 Warming-up 部分通过两张图片引出话题“一旦地震发生,将会造成怎样的危害”,为后面的主题作了一个热身运动。 Pre-reading 部分设置了两个开放性问题,目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。这部分为接下来的阅读作了很好的铺垫,学生可通过套乱,参阅有关地震的书籍并运用一些生活常识来回答这两个问题。Reading 部分具体描写了1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。作者详细描述了地震来临前的一些不正常的自然现象及动物的反常表现;地震的来势汹汹并在顷刻间将整座城市夷为平地;震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作。Comprehending 部分包括三组练习,主要目的是为了帮助学生更好地理解Reading部分的文章。 Learning about Language 部分分为两个部分:Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures.第一部分要求学生在把握文章的基础上,掌握重点词汇的词义及时用,这更注重培养学生运用上下文猜测词义的能力。其次还对一些复杂的数字读法进行了检测。第二部分则结合文章学习定语从句。 Using Language 部分分为Reading,Writing and Speaking;Listening和Writing。Reading,Writing and Speaking 包括读一篇邀请函,写一份演讲稿和关于一套新唐山邮票的Little talk。Listening 部分讲述了一位地震幸存者的故事,并根据听力材料进行正误判断和回答问题,旨在培养学生获取细节的能力,并通过听来模仿标准的语音和语调。Writing部分要求学生报纸写一篇新闻报道,学习如何按照规范的步骤进行写作,如选择适当地标题和组织语言等。另外这一部分也培养学生写作时注意标题、主旨大意和细节。 Summing up部分帮助学生整理、巩固本单元所学到的知识,包括学到的关于地震的知识,有用的动词、名词、表达方式和新的语法项目。Learning Tip部分就听英语方面给出了一些建议,建议学生多听广播或电视里的英语节目. 二.教学目标和要求 根据《英语新课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我们将教学目标分为语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识五个方面。 1.知识目标(Knowledge) ①词汇(Vocabulary):shake, rise, crack, burst, well, smelly, pond, steam, destroy, ruin, injure, survivor, brick, useless, shock, quake, rescue, electricity, disaster, organize, bury, coal, mine, shelter, fresh, percent, honor, prepare. ②短语(Phrases and expressions):right away, at an end, lie in ruins, be trapped under sth, to the north of sp, put up, give out, wake sb up, prepare sth for sth., think little of sth. ③语法(Grammar):定语从句(The Attributive Clause).能用英语描述任务的特征、行为等---- 由who/ whom/ whose/ that引导;能用英语描述事物、事件的性质、内容等---- 由which/ that/ whose引导。2.能力目标(Ability) 能运用所学语言知识描述地震前兆、危害及震后援救;根据已知信息推测将要听取的材料的内容;提高阅读技能和用英语进行思维、推理、判断的能力;掌握演讲稿的格式及新闻报道的写作步骤和要点。 3. 情感目标Affect 学习唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神;在教学活动中培养学生合作精神和互助精神。 三.教学重点和难点 1重点词汇:injure,survivor, shock, rescue, disaster, fresh, judge, prepare 2语法:The Attributive Clause


教案检查记录情况记录 精品文档 教案检查记录情况记录 根据学校安排,由教导处组织,学校领导、各教研组长参加,对2013年春季 开学至3月22号期间的教师教案和学生作业情况进行了检查,检查情况汇总如下: 语文组: 本次教案编写课时量充足,设计合理,结构完整,详略得当,作业次数充足, 批注认真,有评语。特别是杨焕荣、尹秋菊等老师的教案内容充实,书写认真,反 思深刻。 数学组: 各教师教案编写认真,规范,内容充实,环节完整,有教学反思。且能从实际 出发,由感而发,作业批改及时,有详细的批注,评语。简亚丽、何修建、王新爱 等老师,教案编写、作业批改很认真 英语组: 通过检查英语组全体教师都能认真备课且设计合理,条理清楚,书写工整。写 有反思的有楚玉莉、董玉玲、余为勇、陈海云老师。作业形式多样,批改认真,董 玉玲、孙俊老师全批全改且有鼓励性语言的有余为勇,存在问题是个别教师备课量 虽足但过于简单,没写课后反思。 政史地组: 本次检查中,教案编写都较认真,及时,足额,且内容较为充实,完备,结构 完整,书写认真,反思深刻,设计 1 / 12 精品文档

操作性强,方法多样,体现了新课改理念,作业批改较及时认真,个别同志有 针对性评语,对学生进行详细评价,具有很大的促进作用。但也有个别同志教案过 于简单,不能完全体现新课改要求,设计不十分合理,需要大力改进。 理化生组: 大多数教师多为详案,书写认真,结构完整,节节有反思。作业有批有改,极 个别教师部分教案书写有点简单,内容空洞。 通过各组反馈情况,总结如下: 好的方面 1(总体检查情况良好,绝大多数老师能根据所任学科教材及班级实际备课、编 写教案,课时教案目标突出,渗透了新课程理念,以人为本,面向全体,积极倡导 自主、合作、探究的教学模式,有一定教学准备,过程清晰。 2(大部分老师的教案具有内容规范、项目填写齐全、突出重难点等优点,还体 现了学习方法、课后练习具有实效性,学习形式多样性的特点。 3(多数老师能根据教学对象和所教科目的不同、科学设计教案、能根据不同年龄、不同层次的学生,采取不同的内容和进度。 4(教学反思有一定的量,大部分老师课后发现有更好的上课思路、方法,能及 时写的备课本上,补上去或修改 2 / 12 精品文档 好,使下次备课更加完美,较有效地达到了反思的目的。 5多数教师能够认真对待作业的布置及批改这一环节;批改及时、认真,对于作业完成出色或有进步的学生能够给出激励性的评语,调动了学生的积极性;模块测试,单词测试,课文背诵检查到位及时. 存在的问题


Unit 4 Earthquakes The second Period Reading A night the earth didn’t sleep 王时娇Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 To make students get a general idea of earthquakes and some other natural disasters. To make students know the signs and damage of the earthquake. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to describe the earthquake of Tangshan Let the students write a summary of “A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN”T SLEEP”. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to describe the earth of Tangshan. Help the students master the target language by doing some exercises. Teaching important points 教学重点 a. Present a sequence of events to introduce to the students and try to describe an earthquake. Let student pay attention to some useful words sentences and way to describe an earthquake. b. Let the students know what the correct attitude towards a disaster is and what we should do in a disaster for ourselves and for the other people. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Teach the students how to appreciate an article. Teaching methods 教学方法 a. Discussing b. Skimming and scanning Teaching aids 教具准备 A slide projector Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程及方式


Contents 目录 一、教学内容分析 (Analysis of the teaching materials) 二、教学目标和要求 (Teaching aims and demands) 三、教学重点与难点 (Teaching difficult and important points) 四、教学课时安排 (Teaching arrangements) 五、教学设计步骤 (Teaching procedures) 六、评估与反馈 (Assessing) 浙江省台州中学高一备课组 杨霞、林丹红、韩子传、王娇、马飚 Unit 4 Earthquake

浙江省台州中学高一备课组 一.教学内容分析 本单元话题为“地震”,主要描写了1976年唐山大地震,各项语言活动也都是围绕地震展开。本单元共分八个部分。 Warming-up 部分通过两张图片引出话题“一旦地震发生,将会造成怎样的危害”,为后面的主题作了一个热身运动。 Pre-reading 部分设置了两个开放性问题,目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。这部分为接下来的阅读作了很好的铺垫,学生可通过套乱,参阅有关地震的书籍并运用一些生活常识来回答这两个问题。Reading 部分具体描写了1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。作者详细描述了地震来临前的一些不正常的自然现象及动物的反常表现;地震的来势汹汹并在顷刻间将整座城市夷为平地;震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作。Comprehending 部分包括三组练习,主要目的是为了帮助学生更好地理解Reading部分的文章。 Learning about Language 部分分为两个部分:Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures.第一部分要求学生在把握文章的基础上,掌握重点词汇的词义及时用,这更注重培养学生运用上下文猜测词义的能力。其次还对一些复杂的数字读法进行了检测。第二部分则结合文章学习定语从句。 Using Language 部分分为Reading,Writing and Speaking;Listening和Writing。Reading,Writing and Speaking 包括读一篇邀请函,写一份演讲稿和关于一套新唐山邮票的Little talk。Listening 部分讲述了一位地震幸存者的故事,并根据听力材料进行正误判断和回答问题,旨在培养学生获取细节的能力,并通过听来模仿标准的语音和语调。Writing部分要求学生报纸写一篇新闻报道,学


Module 1 Unit 4 Earthquake Reading A night the earth didn’t sleep 第一课时 Lesson Style: Reading Lesson 一、教学分析 (一)教学内容分析 与初中阶段主要重视英语知识和语法的学习有所不同,高中阶段侧重培养阅读能力,需要学生能把学到的知识灵活运用到对语言、文章的理解中,不断提高分析判断能力、逻辑思维能力和语言运用能力。本单元的话题是“地震基础知识(basic knowledge about earthquakes)”和“遇到灾难时如何自救以及帮助别人(how to protect oneself and help others in disasters)”。具体涉及地震的成因、预兆、地震造成的损失、地震时的应急救生以及震后的救援等内容。本课是本单元的阅读部分,这是是一篇新闻报道,详细介绍了1976年唐山大地震前的预兆、地震造成的城市建筑和人畜损失以及震后人们勇敢面对现实并及时实施抢救和重建工作的情况,从而了解学习到唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神。其次,通过对文章的学习,了解新闻的特点,为后面的写作做准备。 二.学生分析 本人所教班级是高一(1),属于比较优秀的学生,由52名同学组成。虽具备了一定的听说读写能力,但掌握的词汇量较少,阅读能力还有待提高。因此,本单元侧重训练学生的阅读技巧:略读、细读、总结归纳内容的能力、猜测词义的能力。 三、教学目标

1. Make the students know the things about Tangshan Earthquake: Strange signs before the earthquake, the destruction the earthquake caused and the aid and the rescue from the whole nation. 2. Training the students’reading ability: Fast Reading, Close Reading, Summarizing and word-guessing skills. 3. Make the students understand: If you can know about the signs before an earthquake, we will make good preparations before it happens to reduce the loss. 四、教学重点: 1. Train the students’reading ability 2. How to summarize the general idea according to the lines to the passage. 【重点突破】采用任务型语言教学方法,把学生作为教学的主体,以任务为主线,通过听、说、读、写等活动用所学的语言完成所规定的任务。 五、教学难点: How to choose a proper title for a passage. 【难点突破】采用探究式的教学方法,引导学生通过观察、分析文章标题,总结出标题的特征。然后,根据标题的特征为所学文章建议一个恰当的标题。六、教学方法: Task-based teaching and learning; Inquiry teaching method;Cooperating learning 七、教学设备 Muti-classroom 八、教学过程: I. Warming up Present two pictures to the students and make them answer some questions. Play the song The Heaven is Your Home《天堂就是你的家》 to rendering the environment. (渲染) the atmosphere.


2015 年金昌市优质课竞赛活动 教案 A Teaching Plan Subject: English Title: Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes Reading Class: Class 12, Senior 1 Teacher: He Yujuan School: Jinchang No. 1 Middle School 二〇一四年十月十三日

A Teaching Plan Title: Book1 Unit 4 Earthquakes --- Reading Target students: Class 12, Senior 1 Teacher: Wang Yaqin Analysis of the teaching materials This period we will deal with Reading in Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes. The topic of the unit is "eathquake", which involves signs before the earthquake、during the earthquake and after the earthquake. Our language knowledge and skills are designed on the basis of the topic"earthquake", the purpose of which is mainly to improve students ' abilities of reading. Intentions of our designs The new curriculum standards are the base and guide to teaching, which require us , on the basis of textbooks and extra teaching resources, to effectively combine teachers’conducting and explaining with students’independent research and cooperative learning, solve “double bases” (language knowledge and abilities), develop students’ skills (obtain information, discover, analyze and solve problems) and fulfill moral education, thus achieving the aim of efficient learning- enjoying learning, being good at learning and being able to use it. As far as I’m concerned, teachers and students will research effectively, combine resources and achieve 3D aims. Based on the analysis of the key points and the contents of the teaching materials, the general clue of of our design is focused on three questions, "what happened before the earthquake?" 、"what happened during earthquake ?" "what happened after the earthquake ?" Therefore, we will conduct a series of classroom activities such as pair work, group work, question and answer ,of which how to motivate students to participate actively and learn to cooperate in team work is very important. Anyway, the principle of student-centred and practice-going-first will be reasonably carried out when my design is properly performed, which is originally the basic standards the new curriculum and the new textbooks. Teaching aims---3D Goals Knowledge aims: 1. Enable the students to recognize the variety of jobs there are in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office.


教导处对作业、教案检查的总结报告 在教导处组织下,以教研组为单位,我们本学期在学初、期中、期末对全体任课教师的作业教案进行了检查与评价。本次检查与评价我们抱着客观、公正的态度,注重检查作业、教案的质量,依据我校制定的相关要求进行的。主要目的是对老师们本学期的工作做一个记载,同时发现好的做法及时推广,发现问题及时纠正。因此,我在总结过程中希望每位教师都能抱着学习的态度来听,这样有利于完善自己。下来,我就从三方面对本次活动作以下总结: 一、优点: 1、全体教师作业、教案数量达标;能重视学生学习主体性和教师主导作用,注重课堂教学情境设计、合理安排内容,不同的教学内容采用形式多样的备课方法。 2、教案书写工整、规范、教学环节齐全、条理清楚。 3、教材基点把握准确,能显示教研教改思路,注意学法渗透,具有教师活动、学生活动设计及设计意图。 4、合理使用信息技术手段,在教案备写中能看到课件、碟片、大屏幕等字眼。 5、教案有的教师开始注重教后修补。 6、新、老教师听课记录达标,记录认真,评析到位。 7、教案具有实用性和可操作性,重视对难点、重点的反复推敲。 8、作业批改详细、认真,鼓励语新颖准确,作文批改认真、批注到位。 9、作业布置分量适中,注重双基,分层次作业,形式多样(活动作业)。 10、各教研组通报会通报到位,注重实效,为作业批改、教案备写指明方向。 二、不足: 1、个别教师备课过程简单,教学设计粗略,字迹潦草,龙飞凤舞,重数量忽质量,更重要的是个别教师有错字、病句现象。

2、个别教师的教学重点、难点、教学目标与课时案及不吻合。 3、个别新教师教案只是教材内容的罗列或者是教材内容的填充,未能体现教学组织和设计,就象是教材的翻版。 4、个别新教师的教案记流水帐,如师说什么,生答什么。 5、个别教师教学反思没有落到实处。 6、个别教师作业批改不规范,细节、步骤中的问题来纠正,一道大题只打一个对号,没有要求补错,鼓励性评语较少。 7、备课新授课多,极少见备练习课和试卷讲评课。 8、个别教师欠认真、细心,如作业本学校名称写错等现象说明这一点。 9、教师对什么是教案知之甚少,不能学习常规制度。 10、听课记录参与活动的评析认真,不参与的记录评析粗略。 11、照抄教案书籍现象严重。 12、作文批改不认真,批注模棱两可。 三、努力的方向: 1、教研组长应加强对个别教师作业、教案进行个别指导,力争将作业批改、教案备写纳入正规化。 2、教导处加强教案的质量管理,要求教师写实实在在的教案,要注重备教法和学法。 3、提倡广大教师备表格教案,要求教师对教案实行再回笼。 4、要求写实实在在的教学心得,不要写空洞的理论。 总之,本次作业教案检查与展评比以前好得多,好的做法我们要认真学习,发扬广大,对于存在的问题要及时解决、不断完善。作业、教案的质量优劣直接关系着教学效果的好与坏,我们决不能走形式,走过程来应付检查,我们必须不断地总结经验与教训,不断探索、不断创新,才能提高教育教学质量。另外,在本次活动中,通过全体教师的展评,我


Unit4. Earthquake-News Writing 邹冯Teaching aims: 1.Get students to learn how to write news; 2.Train students the ability to cooperate with each other and to search for information; 3.Learn more about Tangshan earthquake and honor the people of Tangshan. Teaching difficulties: 1.How to make students learn writing in a more practical and effective way; 2.How to help students understand the tips for writing. Teaching procedure: Step 1: Lead-in ----The 30th anniversary of Tangshan earthquake (news) T: We have learnt the Tangshan earthquake. When did it happen? How many people died during the earthquake? Step 2: Presentation of students’ news writing(homework of last class) ----point out the mistakes in news writing according to three aspects T: You have finished the news writing of Tangshan earthquake, and now it’s time for you to show your project. Others have to point out the mistakes in his or her writing according to three aspects. ----Three aspects: headline; content and language T: What do you think of his or her writing? Is it a proper news writing? What have you done before your writing? Step 3: Tips for writing 1.Preparation ---- an outline Preparation: Choose a topic; decide what you want to say about the topic; Organize your ideas and write clearly. Outline: A headline; a list of main ideas; A list of important details 2.Headline ⑴Appreciation of headlines

unit4. earthquake教案

Unit 4——peroid 2 Reading Earthquake Teaching goals: Knowledge aims: 1.Ss will be able to master the following useful new words and expressions. well,smelly,pond,burst,canal,steam,dirt,injure,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock,rescue,quake,electricity,army,shelter, fresh,organize,bury, at an end, dig out, coal mine, in ruins 2. Ss will be able to know the basic knowledge about Earthquake Ability aims: Develop Ss’ reading ability. Emotional aims: 1.Ss will be able to know damages earthquake bring about and the ways to reduce losses of an earthquake. 2.Ss will be able to know how to protect oneself and help others in earthquakes 3.Ss will be able to be aware of terrible disasters, meanwhile get them to face it, treat it in a proper way, and never get discouraged. Teaching important points: 1. Master the usages of the useful words and expressions above. 2. Improve the students’ reading ability. Teaching difficult points: 1. The usages of some words and expressions. 2. How to train the students’ reading ability in learning th e text. Teaching methods: 1. Explanation to get the students to have a clear idea. 2. Discussion to get the students to understand the text easier. Teaching Aids: A computer and a tape recorder Teaching procedures: Step 1. Lead-in 1. enjoy a part of film of earthquake. (1)what other disasters does it have?(flood/ drought/earthquake/fire/typhoon/disease and so on)show some pictures (2).which disaster may cause the worst damage? ( earthquake) 2.Have ever heard a story of an earthquake?(show video of Tangshan and San Francisco earthquake) 3.Have you experienced an earthquake? If you have, tell me your experience. If no, just imagine what will happen before an earthquake? 4.The earthquake is coming, if you’re trapped in the earthquake , how will you feel? What will you do? Will you leave right away? If you have time to take only one thing , what will you take, why? 5.What kind of damage can an earthquake cause? ( buildings are destroyed; people are killed; families are broken…) Step2. Fast reading Today, we’ll learn a text “A Night the Earth didn’t sleep” First, let’s look at the title again, why the earth didn’t sleep for a night? What happened? What does the passage mainly talk about? Exchange your understanding of the passage with group members and work together to find the main idea of each part. Main idea of each part: Part 1 (para.1): Strange things were happening before the earthquake. Part 2 (para.2-3):
