
(答句写完整)1.How old are you?2.How are you?3.What animals do you like?4.What fruit do you like?5.Do you like bananas?6.Would you like an orange?7.Do you have a toy dog?8.Can you sing ?9.Can your father swim?10.What can you do?11.How many pens do you have?12.How many crayons would you like?二、按要求回答问题。
(答句写完整)1.What do you have ? (五十张贴纸)2.What’s this? (一把好看的伞)3.What are those? (紫色的葡萄)4.Where’s your clock? (在冰箱上)5.Who’s the boy over there? (我的好朋友迈克)6.Are these rulers? (不,不是。
)7.What time is it? (十一点)8.Is that a chicken? (是的。
)9.Do you have any toy cars? (不,但我有些洋娃娃。
)10.What do you like? (那只可爱的大象)11.Can Helen skate? (是的,她滑冰滑的很好。
)12.Can I have one? (当然可以。
)13.What would you like? (一杯牛奶和一个汉堡包)14.How much are your shoes? (四十八元)15.Can I help you? (是的。
)16.What colour is it? (黑白相间)17.Is it in your bedroom? (不,不在。

1. Are you oftenlate for school?________________________________2.Whattime does your monther usually cookdinner?___________________________________________________3.Canyou talk to others when there's too much food inyour mouth?___________________________________________________4.Areyou thinner than your father?________________________________5.Howdoes your English teacher usually go towork?______________________________________________6.Idon't feel well,what should I do?_________________________________7.What'sthe matter with you?__________________________8.Doesthe girl feel hot?__________________________9.Shouldyou eat plenty of vegetables everyday?___________________________________________10.Whattime do you usually have breakfast?______________________________________11.Doyou eat a lot of vegetables everyday?__________________________________________12.Howmuch fruit do you eat everyday?_______________________________________13.Wheredo you have your lunch on weekday? _____________________________________________14.Doyou walk a lot every day?____________________________________15.Shouldyou go to bed early?____________________________________16.Howdo you usually go to school?___________________________________17.Doyou go to school early every day?______________________________________18.Doyou have lunch at the school canteen? _________________________________________19.Whattime do you go to bed every night? ________________________________________20.Whattime do you go to bed every day? ________________________________________21.Whatdoes your father do after dinner?________________________________________22.Howmuch fruit do you eat every day?_____________________________________24.Canyou run fast than your father?__________________________________25.Isyour classroom big and bright?______________________________26.Doyou go to school earlier than your classmates?_________________________________________________27.Howdo you get to school?_______________________________28.How manypupils are there in your class?_______________________________________29.Isyour classroom big or small?_______________________________30.Whatlanguage can you speak?________________________________31.Whatlanguage does your monther speak at home?_____________________________________________32.Who'staller,you father or monther?_______________________________33.How manybuildings are there in yourschool?___________________________________________34.Howoften do you watch TV?__________________________________35.Whichanimals do you like best?_________________________________36.Doelephant lives in Africa?_________________________________37.Whatare the biggest animals in the world?_________________________________________38.Whatanimal likes to eat carrot?___________________________________39.Howlong is a blue whale?__________________________________40.Cana horse run faster than a sheep?_________________________________41.Whatanimals run fastest in the world?__________________________________42.Whatdoes a cheetah look like?__________________________________43.Howfast can a cheetah run?__________________________________44.Whatanimal's nose is the longest in the___________________________________45.Howmuch fruit do you eat every day?___________________________________46.Whatdo the whaleseat?world?____________________________________47.Areyou the tallest in your class?____________________________________48.Wheredoes a panda live?____________________________________49.What'syour favourite food?____________________________50.Whatdo you usually have for lunch?___________________________________51.Wouldyou like some tea?_________________________52.Whatwould you like to eat for dinner?________________________________________53.Whichdo you prefer,pizza or hamburgers?________________________________________54.Whichdo you prefer,coffee,milk or juice?________________________________________55.Whatfood does your monther like best?____________________________________56.Howoften does your family have dinner in the restaurant?_____________________________________________________57.Isthe Chinese food the most famous in theworld?_________________________________________________58.Doyou like eating western food?_________________________________59.Whatwould do like for dinner,past orpizza?___________________________________________60.Whichfood would you like,meat, chincken,fish or vegetables?____________________________________________________61.Whichfood does your father like best?_____________________________________62.Whichdo western peplo eat most,rice,bread or noodles?_____________________________________________________63.Howmany kinds of foods should we have every day?What are they?_____________________________________________________64.What'sthe weather like today?_____________________________65.Whatday is it today?_____________________66.What'sthe temperature today?___________________________________67.Whatwill the weather be like tomorrow?______________________________________68.Whichis the hottest month in Guangzhou?________________________________________69.Whatis the date today?______________________70.What'tthe weather like in summer inGuangzhou?______________________________________________71.Howmany seasons are there a year?___________________________________72.What'syour favourite season? /What season do you like best?_______________________________________________________73.Whichis the coldest month in Guangzhou?_______________________________________74.Whenis winter in Guangzhou?________________________________75.Whendoes spring start in Guangzhou?_____________________________________76.Whatcan you do in spring?___________________________77.Whatcan you do in autumn?____________________________78.What seasonis the longest in Guangzhou? _________________________________________。

(4)问题:你认为对你来说现在找一份工作是不是不太容易,或者你很需要这份工作? 回答:1.是的。

广州版四年级英语下册双基按实际情况回答问题(总3页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--四年级按实际情况回答训练单元版(题下写中文意思,题右写答案)U11. How old are you?2. How old is your father?3. How are you?4. Do you often play games with your mother?U21.How old is your father?2.Do you have a birthday party every year?3.Do you like your birthday party?4.Are you excited in your birthday?5.Is your mother thirty years old now?U31.How old are you?2.What’s your name?3.4.5.Is your grandfather very old?6.What does your father do?7.Are you playing ball games now?U71.What are you doing now?2.What’s your favourite sport?3.4.5.Do you run fast?6.Is your father watching TV now?7.How old is your grandpa?U81.Are you good at doing the long jump?2.Is your father good at swimming?3.Which sport are you good at?4.Do you have any gold medals?5.Are you playing table tennis well or badly?U91.Which sport are you good at?2.What’s your favourite sport?3.4.5.Is Ma Lin good at playing football?6.Do you have any medals?7.How old is your brother?U101.What do you think of your school?2.What programme do you like?3.What are you doing now?4.What is your father doing now?5.Do you like watching TV?U111.What programme does your father like?2.What programme does your mother like?3.What do you think of your father?4.How old is your grandfather?5.Are there any CDs in your bedroom?6.Do you like seeing a film?U131.Do you like hamburger?2.What do you usually have for breakfast?3.What would like to have for dinner?4.Do you like chicken?U141.What do you usually have for breakfast?2.Do you like beef steak?3.What are doing now?4.What’s your favourite food?5.6.7.What’s your favourite drink?8.9.U161.What’s your favourite color?2.3.4. How much is your English book?5.6.7.Do you like potatoes?8.What color is the carrot?9.How many boys are there in your class?。

weather be like tomorrow?
3 / 8
69.Whatis the date today?
63.Howmany kinds of foods should we have every day?What are they?

面试情景模拟题目(精选7篇)面试情景模拟题目 11、假设一天晚上你正在紧张的为后天的考试做准备,这时突然部长给你打电话说有一个很急的工作要交给你,你会如何回答?2、假设周日下午你正准备和男(女)朋友出去逛街,这时突然部长给你打电话说急需你去整理一份材料,你会如何回答?3、假设你正在做一份很紧急的工作,这时你的异性干事找到你说他(她)失恋了需要安慰,你会如何对应?4、假设你正在部门的'例会中,你的部长分配给你了一个极其繁重的任务,而其他的人都只有少量的工作,你会如何应对?5、假设你刚刚接受了部长分配给你的紧急任务,这时你的追求对象打电话来说想要和你出去自习,你会如何回复?6、假设你被部长安排和部门里你最讨厌的人共同完成一份需要多次商讨的工作,你会如何应对?7、假设你接手了一个繁重的任务,准备分配给干事共同完成。
辅导员老师劝你放弃工作专心学习,你会如何回答?面试情景模拟题目 2单位人事调整,你觉得自己适合A,但是领导把你放到B,你如何看待这件事情?【解题思路】(1)分清面试题型:行为类试题(2)把握测评要素:综合分析能力、言语表达能力等(3)整理答题思路:①表明态度:服从领导,努力工作②正确看待:从领导的角度看待这个问题③进行沟通:与领导进行沟通,让领导了解自己的想法【参考答案】首先,我会服从领导的安排,按要求接手、熟悉、开展B的工作。

五年级英语上册按实际情况回答问题1.What day is Teachers’ Day?2.Is May a spring month ?3.Does August comes after June ?4.How many days are there in June ?5.How many terms are there in a year in Chinese schools?6.Can you swim ?7.Can you ride a bike ?8.Can you cook ?9.Do you have a robot ?10.D oes your father have a car ?Can he drive ?11.D oes your mother speak Russian ?12.D o you have a plan for your winter holiday ?13.H ow do you go to school ?14.D o you usually stay at home on Saturday and Sunday ?15.H ow does your father or mother go to work ?16.W hich is your favourite transport (交通工具)?17.H ow many terms are there in your school year ?18.W hen does your Autumn term begin ?19.D oes your spring term end in March ?20.W hen is your birthday ?21.C an tigers climb trees ?22.W hat animals can fly very high ?23.C an you read and write ?24.W hat can you do with your hands ?25.C an you sing Russian songs?26.C an your English teacher speak Chinese ?27.W hen is the winter holiday going to start ?28.A re you going to travel on your holiday ?Where are you going ?29.H ow do you go to school ?30.H ow do you go to school ?31.H ow do you get home ?32.W hat animals do you like best ?33.C an we feed the animals in the zoo ?34.A re there any pandas in Africa ?35.C an we throw things at the monkeys ?36.W here do kangaroos usually live ?37.W hat can elephants do ?38.D o you like your school ?39.I s your school new or old ?40.C ould you tell me how to get to the teachers’ room from the schoolgate ?41.I s there a music room in your school ? Where is it ?42.43.W hat fruit do monkeys like to eat ?44.W here can we see some animals in Guangzhou ?45.H ow do you like the elephants?46.W hat time is now ?47.W hat time does your first lesson begin ?48.W hat time do you usually go to work ?49.W hat time do you usually get up ?50.W hen does your mother often got o bed ?51.W hen does your first term usually begin ?52.W hen is your birthday ?53.H ow often do you watch TV?54.H ow often does your mother go shopping ?55.W hat is the date today ?56.W hat can you do with your hands?57.W hat can you do with your mouth ?58.W hat season do you like best ?59.W hat can’t you do at your school ?60.W hat colour are sunflowers ?61.W hat will you need when writing ?62.W hat does your mother usually do at night ?63.W hat’s the city flower of Guangzhou ?64.W hat are you going to do next Sunday ?65.H ow do you usually go to school?66.H ow does your father go to work ?67.H ow can you get to Beijing ?68.H ow would you like to travel ?69.W here are kangaroos from ?70.W here would you like to go on holiday ?71.W here are you going this weekend ?72.H ow many terms are there in a school year in our school ?73.H ow many days are there in January ?74.H ow many months are there in a year ?75.H ow many days are there in a year ?76.A re there any kapok trees in your school ?77.W hat’s your favourite flower ?78.D oes your mother like flowers?79.D o you grow flowers in spring ?80.D o you buy flowers every week ?81.D o you sometimes have your classes in the park ?82.H ow can you get to Beijing ?83.C an you get to Zhaoqing by train ?84.W hat time do you usually leave home for school ?85.D o you often go to school by underground ?86.D o you live near Y uexiu Park?87.A re you going to Foshan for a day trip this Saturday ?88.W here do pandas live ?89.D o polar bears live in Africa ?90.W here can we see kangaroos ?91.C an we see monkeys in the Antarctic ?92.D o tigers eat meat or grass ?93.D o deer eat meat or grass ?94.A re snakes dangerous animals?95.D o lions live in Asia or Africa ?96.I s there a gym in your school ?97.I s your classroom nest to the headmaster’s office ?98.I f you are at the school gate , how can you get to the school building ?99.I s your school playground big or small ?100.Are there any statues in your school ?101.Are you going to other cities on holiday ?102.Do you often grow flowers in spring ?103.Can you swim ?104.How do you usually go to school ?105.Is there a playground in your school ?Where is it ?106.What does a kangaroo look like ?107.Can a frog jump high ?108.Is the Antarctic circle a cold place ?109.Is Japan in Asia ?110.Is France in Africa or Europe ?a)Do you look cute ?b)Is your grandma very old ?c)How old are you ?d)Do you often play football after school ?e)Do you have lunch with your parents ?f)Do you like playing chess ?g)What is the girl doing ?h)Is he playing the guitar ?i)How many children are there ?j)Do you enjoy playing chess ?k)What’s your hobby ?l)What are the children doing ?m)What do you think of the TV play Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck ? n)Do you like playing computer games ?o)What time do you often have breakfast ?p)What TV programme do you like ?q)What’s your faveourite food ?r)Do you like to have salad after dinner ?s)Do you like eggs and milk for breakfast ?t)What’s do you usually have for lunch ?u)Which do you like , ice cream or juice ?v)What would you like to have for breakfast tomorrow ? w)Do you like milk ?x)Do you often go shopping ?y)Does your father often eat peppers ?z)What is your favourite food ?。

5)有没有打折?答:价格就回答折扣方式,没有就说推广活动,赠送礼物或VIP 申请后的折扣优惠.6)有没有礼物送?答:有就说有,再把礼物的意义与FANS说;没有可以让FANS留下电话,货场到饰品后致电话通知.7)我穿什么颜色好看?答:按实际情况回答颜色,然后把颜色的好处效果与FANS说.8)为什么小码比中码还大呢?答:先承认是我们的失误,再更换正确合适的码数.9)鞋子太硬不适合我穿。
13)我怎么样才能享受更高的优惠?答:先说VIP的使用,再留FANS的电话,有活动礼物可致通知,让她感觉受本店铺重视.14)包、鞋有没有保修啊?答:1有质量问题可以更换; 2人为可以拿回店铺帮助拿回工厂修理。

公务员调研面试题目及答案一、综合素质测试1. 请介绍一下你个人的基本情况和家庭背景。
答案:(根据个人实际情况回答)2. 请描述一下你的兴趣爱好以及参与过的社会实践活动。
答案:(根据个人实际情况回答)3. 你认为自己的性格特点是什么?举例说明。
答案:(根据个人实际情况回答)4. 请列举你认为公务员需要具备的能力和素质。
答案:(根据个人认知回答)5. 你认为公务员的岗位职责是什么?为什么选择从事公务员工作?答案:(根据个人认知回答)6. 请谈谈你对“廉洁自律”的理解以及如何在工作中实践。
答案:(根据个人理解和相关经验回答)二、行政管理专业测试1. 请简述行政管理的基本理论和方法。
答案:(根据个人学习和实践经验回答)2. 请谈谈你对政府公共政策制定的理解。
答案:(根据个人认知回答)3. 请描述一下你在大学期间参与过的与行政管理相关的项目或实践活动。
答案:(根据个人实际情况回答)4. 请说明你在处理复杂问题时的分析思路和解决方法。
答案:(根据个人实际情况回答)5. 请谈谈你对领导力的理解以及在工作中如何发挥领导作用。
答案:(根据个人理解和实践经验回答)三、法律法规测试1. 请简述我国宪法的基本原则。
答案:(根据个人学习和实践经验回答)2. 请描述一下你熟悉的法律法规及其适用范围。
答案:(根据个人学习和实践经验回答)3. 请分析一下你所了解的某个法律法规在实际工作中的应用。
答案:(根据个人学习和实践经验回答)4. 请谈谈你的法律意识和法律思维方式。
答案:(根据个人理解和实践经验回答)5. 请说明你在处理法律问题时的思考和决策过程。
答案:(根据个人实际情况回答)四、面试技巧测试1. 请跟面试官展示一下你的沟通能力,模拟处理一个与他人合作的情景。
答案:(根据面试官的指示和个人实践经验回答)2. 请跟面试官模拟一个与团队成员发生分歧的情景,展示你的解决问题和协调能力。
答案:(根据面试官的指示和个人实践经验回答)3. 请描述一个你所面临的困难和挑战,以及你是如何克服的。
2024年秋人教一年级数学上册 第二单元 整理和复习 (2)(教案)


根据实际情况回答问题(完整回答)1 What are you going to do this Sunday?2 Shall we climb Baiyun Hill tomorrow?3 Let’s buy some new clothes in Beijing Road?4 Are you going to go on the Pearl River Cruise?5 Are there any birds on Bayun Hill?6 Does your mother give you luchky money at spring festival?7 Did you go back hometown during Spring Festival?8 What are you going to do on your holiday?9 Would you like to go shopping on Saturday?10 How are you going to go to school tomorrow?11 Are you going to go to school tomorrow?12 Do you like seeing film of the Lion King?13 Will your mother give you a pencil tonight?14 What day is it today?15 what date is it today?16 What are you going to do this weekend?17 Would you like to play table tennis with your father?Are you going to see a film tomorrow?How are you going to travel to Tianhe City?Shall we go to the Guangzhou Restaurant to have some dimsum? Where would you like to go on holiday?Which is bigger, America or China?What are you going to do on your holiday?Which is quieter, Wellington or New Y ork?What is the biggest city in China?Is Sydney the capital city of Australia?Shall we go to see the film the Lion King?Are you bored today?Were you bored yesterday?Would you like to come to my party?Can I go to the cinema now?What are you doing now?Would you like to go shopping with your mother on Sunday? What do you want to do now?When is your birthday?Can I eat an apple at your home?What time does your first class begin in the morning?Do you want see a film with me tonight?What day is it?What day was it yesterday?What is the date today?What was the date the day before yesterday?What did you do yesterday?Did you go to bed late?Did you answer your teacher’s questions last night?Do you like Christmas?When is the Christamas?Who gives gifts to the children on Christmas?Did you get any gifts last Christmas?What is the most important festival in western countries?Do the western children need to go to school on Christmas? What is the most important festival in Britain?What is the most important festival in China?Who give the presents to the children on Chistmas?Did you get any luchy money last year?Are there any flower fairs in Guangzhou before Spring Festival? What’s your favourite festival?When is Children’s day?What are you going to do on Women’s Day?Where do you live?When does your mother usually get up?What does your father usually do at night?What does your father do?What colour is you schoolbag?Are you a good student?What time is it now?Do you want some water to drink now?How many pen do you have?How much is your pen?How often do you play computer game? What colour is China’s flag?。

六年级英语毕业总复习(二)School:Class:Name:按实际情况回答问题(二)关于个人情况:1.What’s your name ? 2.How old are you ? 3.Which school are you in ? 4.Which grade are you in ? 5.Where do you live ? 6.Which class are you in ? 7.What’s your telephone number? 关于自己的房子、房间:1.How do you like your house ? 2.Is your house big or small? 3.How many rooms are there in your house? 4.Do you like your bedroom? 5.What’s in your bedroom? 关于学校与班级:1.What’s the name of your school? 2.Is your school big or small ? 3.How many grades are there in your school? 4.How many classes are there in your school? 5.How many pupils are there in your class? 6.Are there many trees or flowers in your school? 7.Where’s your teacher’s office?关于家庭、家庭成员与亲戚:1.How many people are there in your family? 2.What’s your father’s job? 3.What’s your mother’s job/ 4.Have you got any brothers or sisters? 5.Are you the only child in your famlily? 6.Do you have a cousin ? 7.I s your father tall? 8.Does your mother have long hair? 关于时间、日期:1.What time is it now ? 2.What day is it today? 3.How many days are there in a week? 4.What are they? 5.How many days are there in a year? 6.How many hours are there in a days? 7.Is today your birthday? 关于数字:1.What’s twelve and twenty? 2.How much is zero and ten? 3.What’s two plus(加)forty? 4.Is fifty-five plus forty-five one hundred? 5.How much is your bag? 关于服装:1.What colour is your coat? 2.Have you got any sweaters?3.Do you wearing sport shoes? 4.Have you got many clothes? 5.Do you like T-shirt or white T-shirt? 关于动物:1.Do you often go to the zoo? 2.What animals are there in the zoo? 3.What’s your favourite animal? 4.Do you like rabbits? 5.What colour is a panda? 关于食品和饮料:1.What’s your favourite food ? 2.What drink do you like ? 3.Do you like drinking apple juice or orange juice? 4.How do you like fish? 5.What do you usually have for breakfast? 关于日常生活:1.What do you usually do on Sunday and Saturday? 2.What time do you get up every day? 3.Do you go to the park with your parents? 4.What time do you go home in the afternoon? 5.What do you usually do after school? 6.Do you watch TV in the evening? 7.Do you go to bed late every day? 关于学校:1.What time do you get to school? 2.How many lessons have you got one day ?3.Do you study Japanese at school ? 4.What subjects are you studying ? 5.Do you often play games or sing songs in English classes? 6.What’s your favourite subject? 7.Who’s your English teacher? Do you like her? 关于体育运动:1.What’s your favourite sport? 2.Do you take exercise every day ? 3.Do you have sports after school? 4.Do you like swimming? 5.Who’s your favourit sport star? 6.Please tell me something about Yaoming? 关于方位:1.Where is Guangdong? 2.Is Shanghai near Beijing? 3.Is Shaoguan to the north of Guangzhou? 4.Is Japan to the east or to the west of China? 5.Is Shantou in the east of Guangdong? 关于兴趣与爱好:1.What’s your hobby ? 2.Are you good at playing the piano? 3.Does your father like fishing ? 4.Do you like shopping with your mother? 5.Does your English teacher like watching football?。

按实际情况回答问题:(根据内容填空)1、Who are the children? ——They are ______ _______(我的表兄弟).2、Who’s the short girl with black hair? —She’s__________ ________ (我的姐姐)3、Who’s David Webb? ——He’s_________ ____________.(我的爸爸)4、What’s that? ——It’s _______________ __________________ (我的家谱)5、Do you have any cows? ——Yes, ______________. / No, _______________.6、Do they have a sister? ——Yes,________________ . / No,_______________.7、Is Susan your sister? ——Yes, _____________. / No, _____________.8、Is Jim your uncle? ——Yes,______________. / No, _______________.9、Is her hair long? ——Yes,_____________. / No, _______________.10、Is that a bull? ——Yes, ____________. / No, ______________.11、Where are you from? ——I am_________ ________ (来自中国)from+国家12、Where is Janet from? ——She’s___________ ___________ (来自加拿大)13、Where is he from? ——He’s ____________ ________(来自法国)14、Are you Australian? ——Yes, _____ _______. / No, _____ _______.15、Are you from China? ——Yes, _____ ______. / No, ______ _______.16、What’s this? ——It’s ________ ___________.(一间卧室)17、Where is the chair?——It’s_______ __________ ________.(在书桌下)18、Where is the lamp? ——It’s ________ ___________ ______.(在书桌上)19、Where is the desk? ——It’s ________ ___________ ______.(在架子旁边)20、Is the lamp on the wall? ——Yes, _____ _______. / No, ______ ______.21、Is it a stamp? ——Yes,____ ______. / No, _____ _______.22、Are those French stamps? ——Yes, _____ ______. / No, _____ ______.23、How many beds are there in it? —There ___ ____. (一个)/ There___ _____.(两个)24、Do you have a Japanese bike? ——Yes, _____ _______. / No,____ _______.25、What are these? ——They are ____________ ___________.(加拿大的邮票)26、Put the books on the desk. ——_____________. (好的)27、Why do you like this toy car? ——Because the toy car is green.28、Which cars do you like? ——I like the _____ _________.(红色的汽车)29、Is that a building? ——Yes, _______ ______. / No, ______ _______.30、Are there any trees near the house? —Yes, ______ ______. / No, ______ _____.31、Are there any dogs under the chair? —Yes, _____ ______. / No, ______ ______.32、Is there a TV in the living room? ——Yes,_____ _______. / No, _____ ______.33、Is the swimming pool opposite the clinic? ----- Yes,____ _____. / No, ___ ______.34、Where is the kitchen? ——It’s ______ ___ ____. (楼下)35、Where is the lamp? ——It’s ________ _____ ___.(在架子上)36、How many classrooms are there in your school? There are ______________.(十六)37、Thank you. ——___________ ______________.(不用谢)38、Here’s the tissue. ——________________.(谢谢)39、Is your mother from Canada? Yes,____ _______./No,____ ________.40、Is your father strong? Yes,______ _________. /No,______ _______.41、Is your school big? Yes,______ _____./No,_______ _____.42、Is there a TV in your living room? Yes,______ _____./No,_____ _______.43、Are there any books in your bag? Yes,_____ ______./No,_______ _____.44、Are your bedrooms messy? Yes,_____ ______./No,_______ _____.45、Are you a girl? Yes,_____ ______./No,_______ _____.46、Do you have any pet? Yes,_____ ______./No,______ ______.47、Who is your English teacher? 抄写She’s Miss Zhang. _________________48、Where is your lamp? It’s _____ ________ ______ (在书桌上)49、Where are your exercise books? They’re _____ _____ ___ (在架子上)50、Where are you from? ________ __________ __________ (我来自中国)51、Where is your teacher from?______ ________ _____________(他来自德国)52、What’s your name? ____________ ______________(写出自己拼音名)53、What is this/that? _________ _________ ____(冰箱)54、What are these/those? ________ __________(鹅)55、How many rooms are there in your home? _________ ______ ___(有3)56、How many buildings are there in your school?______ _______ _____(有2)57、What colour is your bag? _________ ________ (粉红色)58、What colour is your pencil-case? __________ _________(黄色)59、Do you have a sister? Yes,______ _____. /No, ______ ________.60、Do you have a dog? Yes,______ _____. /No, _______ _______.61、Do you like China? Yes,______ _____. /No, ________ ______.62、Is your father tall? Yes,_______ ____. /No, ________ ______.63、Is your mother beautiful? Yes,______ _____. /No, ________ ______.64、Where is your bag now? It’s________ _______ ___(在书桌里)65、Where are your exercise books? ______ ______ ____ (它是在书桌上)66、Is there a TV in your living room? Yes,____ _______. /No, _____ _________.67、Is there a computer in your classroom? Yes,___________. /No, ______________.68、Are there any desks in your classroom? Yes,______ _______.No,_____________69、Are there any books in your bag? Yes,_____ ________.No,_______ ______70、Is your bedroom upstairs? Yes,______ _______.No,________ _____71、Is your classroom dowstairs? Yes,______ _______.No,_______ ______72、Let’s clean the blackboard. ___________(好的)。

5. How much are your socks?
1.Who is the oldest , your father , your mother or you?
2. Which is the biggest planet?
3. Is the moon bigger than the Earth? 4. How does your mother go shopping? 5. How often does your mother 答问题。
1.What is your mother going to buy?
2. How often does your sister go to school
3. Are your pens cheaper than his pens?
4. Who is younger, you of you mother?
1.Which is bigger, a turtle or an elephant? 2.How often does she go hiking?
3. Is the sun bigger than the Earth?
4. Who is taller than you in your family? 5. Are you good at English?
1.What are you going to get at the store? 2.What did you buy yesterday?
3.How do you get to school? 4. Does she ever take the subway to work? 5.How much is your T-shirt?

广州教科版小学五年级下册按实际情况回答问题1.Do you like swimming in summer?__________________________________________________ 2.Is it often snowy in winter in Guangzhou?__________________________________________________ 3.What do you usually do in autumn?__________________________________________________ 4.What’s the weather like in spring in Guangzhou?__________________________________________________ 5.Which season do you like best?__________________________________________________ 6.Where will you go next holiday?__________________________________________________ 7.What’s the date today?__________________________________________________ 8.Is your father’s birthday in April?__________________________________________________ 9.What are you going to do tomorrow?__________________________________________________ 10.Will your mother travel with you next year?__________________________________________________11.would you like to have a picnic with me next weekend? __________________________________________________ 12.Are you going to see a film this Sunday?__________________________________________________ 13.When is your birthday?__________________________________________________ 14.Do you have any plans for your summer holiday?__________________________________________________ 15.What day is it today?__________________________________________________ 16.What’s your favourite season?__________________________________________________ 17.What are you going to do this weekend?__________________________________________________ 18.Will you have a picnic next weekend?__________________________________________________ 19.Do you plan to travel to Beijing this summer holiday?__________________________________________________ 20.Would you like to go to the museum with me?__________________________________________________ 21.Will you go to Beijing this summer holiday?__________________________________________________22.Where will you go next Sunday?__________________________________________________ 23.What are you going to do after school?__________________________________________________ 24.How will you go to Shenzhen?__________________________________________________ 25.Is it exciting to go to school?__________________________________________________ 26.Does your mother often go to the cinema at the weekend?__________________________________________________ 27.Can you get to school on time everyday?__________________________________________________ 28.What are you going to do this summer holiday?__________________________________________________ 29.How do you go to school on weekdays?__________________________________________________ 30.Is there a bank near your school?__________________________________________________ 31.Is the museum on the left or on the right?__________________________________________________ 32.What’s the summer like in Guangzhou?__________________________________________________33.What are you going to do this weekend?__________________________________________________ 34.What date is next Monday?__________________________________________________ 35.How do you usually go to school?__________________________________________________ 36.When will you have a party for your birthday?__________________________________________________。

按实际情况回答问题:1.How many people are there in your family Who are they _____________________2.How many bedrooms are there in your house ______________________________3.What’s your home telephone number ____________________________________4.How many boys are there in your class ___________________________________5.How many girls are there in your class ___________________________________6.What colour is your school bag ________________________________________7.What colour are the walls of your classroom _______________________________8.What’s your father’s favourite colour ___________________________________9.Do you like black ___________________________________________________10.Does your mother like white __________________________________________11.What’s the date today ______________________________________________12.What day was it yesterday ___________________________________________13.What time do you usually get up _______________________________________14.What time did you go to bed last night ___________________________________15.Do your classes begin at eight _________________________________________16.When is your birthday ______________________________________________17.Which is the hottest month in your city __________________________________18.What day is Christmas ______________________________________________19.Do you have a white hat _____________________________________________20.Do you have a white hat _____________________________________________21.What colour clothes do you like wearing __________________________________22.Do your parents often buy new clothes for you _____________________________23.How many sweaters do you have ________________________________________24.Do you like your school uniform(校服)___________________________________25.What colour is your school uniform _____________________________________26.Do you have any toy monkeys _________________________________________27.Can you make model planes ___________________________________________28.How many pencils ate there in your pencil-case now __________________________29.Is your school bag heavy or light _______________________________________30.Where is your English book now ________________________________________31.Do you have a computer ___________________________________________32.Are there any computers in your classroom _______________________________33.Are there any maps on the walls of your classroom __________________________34.Do you have any English dictionaries ____________________________________35.What’s your favourite animal __________________________________________36.Do you have any pets ________________________________________________37.Are there any animals in your school ____________________________________38.What do tigers eat ________________________________________________39.Do you often go to the zoo ___________________________________________40.What’s your favourite plant ___________________________________________41.Do you have a garden _____________________________________________42.Are there any banyan trees in your school ________________________________43.Do you like lilies ___________________________________________________44.What flower do you have in your house ___________________________________45.Do you often go to the park to watch flowers ______________________________46.How old are you ___________________________________________________47.Do you like e-mail What’s your e-mail address _____________________________48.What’s your hobby _________________________________________________49.What do you like doing on Sunday ______________________________________50.How do you come to school ___________________________________________51.What do you look like _____________________________________________52.What’s your favourite colour __________________________________________53.What’s your favourite food ___________________________________________54.What’s your favourite sport __________________________________________55.What’s your favourite subject _________________________________________56.What’s your favourite animal __________________________________________57.What class are you in _______________________________________________58.Do you often take exercise ___________________________________________59.Is your father a farmer _____________________________________________60.What does your mother look like _______________________________________61.Is there a toilet and a bathroom in your bedroom _________________________62.Is there a living room in your house _____________________________________63.Where do you have lunch _____________________________________________64.How many classes do you have on Monday afternoon _________________________65.Is your classroom big _______________________________________________66.Who’s the premier of China now ________________________________________67.Who was the first premier of China _____________________________________68.Where was Dr Sun Yatsen born ________________________________________69.Where were you born _______________________________________________70.When were your born _______________________________________________71.Was Song Qingling Dr Sun Yatsen’s wife _______________________________72.Where was Mao Zedong born __________________________________________73.Do you take exercise every day ________________________________________74.Do you like sports __________________________________________________75.What sport are you good at ___________________________________________76.Do you often go swimming ____________________________________________77.Do your parents often go to see a film ___________________________________78.Do you often go sightseeing ___________________________________________79.Did you go to the circus yesterday ______________________________________80.Do you usually get up early ____________________________________________81.Does your father have lunch at home __________________________________82.What time do you go to school _________________________________________83.What time do you usually have supper ___________________________________84.What do you usually do on Sunday ______________________________________85.Do you take a bath in the morning or in the evening __________________________86.Do you do some reading before you go to bed ______________________________87.When do you do your homework ________________________________________88.Who cooks dinner for you ___________________________________________89.What do you usually do on Sunday morning ________________________________90.Do you learn English on Saturday _______________________________________91.Do you do your homework by yourself __________________________________92.Do you help your parents with housework _________________________________93.Do you often watch VCD _____________________________________________94.Do you often play computer games ______________________________________95.Which is the biggest city, Guangzhou, Beijing or Chongqing ____________________96.Is Canberra quieter than Sydney _______________________________________97.What is the capital of the USA ________________________________________98.What is the capital of the UK _________________________________________99.What is the capital of the Australia _____________________________________ 100.What is the capital of the Japan ____________________________________ 101.How many seasons are there in a year What are they ____________________ 102.Which is the hottest month in your city _______________________________ 103.Which is the coldest month in your city _______________________________ 104.Which season do you like best Why _________________________________ 105.What was the weather like today ___________________________________ 106.Was yesterday warmer than today __________________________________ 107.Is it going to snow tomorrow _______________________________________ 108.Which do the children usually like best ,Spring Festival orDragon Boat Festival _____________________________________________ 109.What do the Chinese people eat at Mid-autumn Festival ___________________ 110.Who gives children presents ,Father Christmas or thechildren’s parents _______________________________________________ 111.Can we go to Beijing by plane __________________________________________112.Can we go to Hainan by bus ________________________________________ 113.Are you going to Hongkong on your holiday _____________________________ 114.Which city do you hope you can visit _________________________________ 115.Did you go to Foshan on foot _______________________________________ 116.What day will it be tomorrow ______________________________________ 117.What are you going to do tomorrow __________________________________ 118.Is your family going to move to a new apartment _________________________ 119.Do you want to see the animals at the zoo _____________________________ 120.Are you going to have a picnic with your friends on holiday _________________ 121.What day was yesterday __________________________________________ 122.What was the date yesterday ______________________________________ 123.What time did you get up yesterday _________________________________ 124.Did you go to school yesterday _____________________________________ 125.Did you help your parents cook the dinner yesterday _____________________ 126.What time did you go to bed last night ________________________________ 127.Can you ride a bike ______________________________________________128.Can you swim across(游过) the Pearl River _____________________________ 129.Can your mother speak English _____________________________________ 130.Can a cat kill mice _______________________________________________131.Can a dog swim _________________________________________________ 132.Can a monkey climb trees _________________________________________ 133.Can a frog jump high _____________________________________________ 134.What did the doctor usually say first when you see him ___________________ 135.Do you need to drink more water when you have a cold ____________________ 136.Do your classmates go to school when they have a cold ____________________ 137.Do you have sports every day ______________________________________ 138.Tim feels very tired . What should he do ______________________________ 139.Do you want to be a gardener ______________________________________ 140.What do you want to be when you grow up _____________________________ 141.Do you wish you could be a king(皇帝) or a queen(女皇)___________________ 142.Do you hope you can be a great leader ________________________________ 143.What do you hope you can have _____________________________________ 144.What do you want to be when you grow up _____________________________ 145.Was your father a policeman five years ago ___________________________ 146.What do you hope when you are in the middle school ______________________ 147.What does your mother wish _______________________________________ 148.Can you run like Liu Xiang _________________________________________。
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1.What’s your name ?
2.How old are you ?
3.Which school are you in ?
4.Which grade are you in ?
5.Where do you live ?
6.Which class are you in ?
7.What’s your telephone number?
1.How do you like your house ?
2.Is your house big or small?
3.How many rooms are there in your house?
4.Do you like your bedroom?
5.What’s in your bedroom?
1.What’s the name of your school?
2.Is your school big or small ?
3.How many grades are there in your school?
4.How many classes are there in your school?
5.How many pupils are there in your class?
6.Are there many trees or flowers in your school? 7.Where’s your teacher’s office?
1.How many people are there in your family? 2.What’s your father’s job?
3.What’s your mother’s job/
4.Have you got any brothers or sisters? 5.Are you the only child in your famlily? 6.Do you have a cousin ?
7.I s your father tall?
8.Does your mother have long hair?
1.What time is it now ?
2.What day is it today?
3.How many days are there in a week? 4.What are they?
5.How many days are there in a year? 6.How many hours are there in a days? 7.Is today your birthday?
1.What’s twelve and twenty?
2.How much is zero and ten?
3.What’s two plus(加)forty?
4.Is fifty-five plus forty-five one hundred? 5.How much is your bag?
1.What colour is your coat?
2.Have you got any sweaters?
3.Do you wearing sport shoes?
4.Have you got many clothes?
5.Do you like T-shirt or white T-shirt?
1.Do you often go to the zoo?
2.What animals are there in the zoo?
3.What’s your favourite animal?
4.Do you like rabbits?
5.What colour is a panda?
1.What’s your favourite food ?
2.What drink do you like ?
3.Do you like drinking apple juice or orange juice? 4.How do you like fish?
5.What do you usually have for breakfast?
1.What do you usually do on Sunday and Saturday? 2.What time do you get up every day?
3.Do you go to the park with your parents? 4.What time do you go home in the afternoon? 5.What do you usually do after school?
6.Do you watch TV in the evening?
7.Do you go to bed late every day?
1.What time do you get to school?
2.How many lessons have you got one day ? 3.Do you study Japanese at school ?
4.What subjects are you studying ?
5.Do you often play games or sing songs in English classes? 6.What’s your favourite subject?
7.Who’s your English teacher? Do you like her?
1.What’s your favourite sport?
2.Do you take exercise every day ?
3.Do you have sports after school?
4.Do you like swimming?
5.Who’s your favourit sport star?
6.Please tell me something about Yaoming?
1.Where is Guangdong?
2.Is Shanghai near Beijing?
3.Is Shaoguan to the north of Guangzhou?
4.Is Japan to the east or to the west of China?
5.Is Shantou in the east of Guangdong?
1.What’s your hobby ?
2.Are you good at playing the piano?
3.Does your father like fishing ?
4.Do you like shopping with your mother?
5.Does your English teacher like watching football?。