57、什么是内存池,如何实现内存池(Memory Pool)是⼀种内存分配⽅式。
通常我们习惯直接使⽤new、malloc 等申请内存,这样做的缺点在于:由于所申请内存块的⼤⼩不定,当频繁使⽤时会造成⼤量的内存碎⽚并进⽽降低性能。
这⾥简单描述⼀下《STL源码剖析》中的内存池实现机制:allocate包装malloc,deallocate包装free⼀般是⼀次20*2个的申请,先⽤⼀半,留着⼀半,为什么也没个说法,侯捷在STL那边书⾥说好像是 C++委员会成员认为20是个⽐较好的数字,既不⼤也不⼩1. ⾸先客户端会调⽤malloc()配置⼀定数量的区块(固定⼤⼩的内存块,通常为8的倍数),假设40 个32bytes的区块,其中20个区块(⼀半)给程序实际使⽤,1个区块交出,另外19个处于维护状态。
剩余20个(⼀半)留给内存池,此时⼀共有(20*32byte)2. 客户端之后有有内存需求,想申请(20*64bytes)的空间,这时内存池只有(20*32bytes),就先将(10*64bytes)个区块返回,1个区块交出,另外9个处于维护状态,此时内存池空空如也3. 接下来如果客户端还有内存需求,就必须再调⽤malloc()配置空间,此时新申请的区块数量会增加⼀个随着配置次数越来越⼤的附加量,同样⼀半提供程序使⽤,另⼀半留给内存池。
4. 如果整个堆的空间都不够了,就会在原先已经分配区块中寻找能满⾜当前需求的区块数量,能满⾜就返回,不能满⾜就向客户端报bad_alloc异常allocator就是⽤来分配内存的,最重要的两个函数是allocate和deallocate,就是⽤来申请内存和回收内存的,外部(⼀般指容器)调⽤的时候只需要知道这些就够了。
STL源码 侯捷注释
2.《Introduction to Algorithms》第二版中文名《算法导论》关于算法的标准学习教材与工程参考手册,在去年CSDN网站上其翻译版竟然评为年度二十大技术畅销书,同时《程序员》杂志上开设了“算法擂台”栏目,这些溯源固本的举动,不由得使人对中国现今浮躁不堪的所谓“IT”业又产生了一线希望。
对于视速度如生命,连一个普通的浮点数转化为整数都另辟蹊径以减少CPU cycle的游戏程序员,怎可不看?4.《计算机算法基础(第二版)》——佘祥宣等华中科大出版社我看到几个学校的研究生拿它作教材(研究生才开算法,太开玩笑了吧)。
其实此书是《Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms》的缩写版,不过原书出版太久了,反正我是没找到。
5.《The Art of Computer Programming》Volume 1-3-----------------葵花宝典作者Donald E. Knuth是我心目中与冯.诺依曼、Dijkstra、Shannon并列的四位大师。
1. 红⿊树的特性与其在C++ STL中的应⽤
map 、set、multiset、multimap的底层实现都是红⿊树,epoll模型的底层数据结构也是红⿊树,linux系统中CFS进程调度算法,也⽤到红⿊树。
1. 根节点是⿊⾊
2. 不能有两个连续的红节点
3. 空指针是⿊⾊
4. 从任意⼀个结点出发,到后代中空指针的路径上,均包含相同数量的⿊⾊结点。
2. STL内存分配
3. STL map
5. STL 源码中的 hash 表的实现
6. STL 的 unordered_map 和 map 的区别
7. 介绍⼀下 STL 源码的内容。
8. vector分配内存的⽅式
先申请⼀定的⼤⼩的数组, 当数组填满之后,另外申请⼀块原数组两倍⼤的新数组, 然后把原数组的数据拷贝到新数组, 最后释放原数组的⼤⼩。
9. STL也问了⼀些问题:⽐如vecotr 和list 的区别,适⽤情况
1. STL中仿函数有什么⽤,和函数指针有什么不同,哪个效率⾼。
二、课程内容面向对象编程理论1.面向对象思想概述2.类与对象3.继承、多态与虚函数4.抽象类与纯虚函数5.STL库简介C++编程实践1.C++程序设计基础2.类与对象的实现3.继承、多态与虚函数的实现4.STL库的使用三、课程教材《C++ Primer》(第五版)(中文版),作者:Lippman, Lajoie, Moo,译者:侯捷。
四、课程参考资料1.《Effective C++》(中文版),作者:Scott Meyers,译者:侯杰。
stl的使用介绍的书籍STL(Standard Template Library,标准模板库)是C++编程语言的一个重要组成部分,它为C++程序员提供了一套丰富的数据结构和算法,极大地提升了开发效率和代码的可重用性。
1.《Effective STL》《Effective STL》是Scott Meyers写的一本经典著作,旨在向读者展示如何高效地使用STL。
2.《STL源码剖析》《STL源码剖析》是侯捷教授编著的一本经典教材,深入剖析了STL 的实现原理和内部机制。
3.《C++标准库》《C++标准库》是Nicolai M. Josuttis撰写的一本权威性书籍,全面介绍了C++标准库,包括STL在内的各个组件。
侯捷stl源码剖析注释之11 sgi-std-bastring-cc
<std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 1G++ 2.91.57,cygnus\cygwin-b20\include\g++\std\ 完整列表// Member templates for the -*- C++ -*- string classes.// Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation// This file is part of the GNU ANSI C++ Library. This library is free// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the// Free Software Foundation ; either version 2, or (at your option)// any later version.// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the// GNU General Public License for more details.// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License// along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free// Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.// As a special exception, if you link this library with files// compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause // the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. // This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why// the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.// Written by Jason Merrill based upon the specification by Takanori Adachi // in ANSI X3J16/94-0013R2.extern "C++" {template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>inline void * basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Rep::operator new (size_t s, size_t extra){return Allocator::allocate(s + extra * sizeof (charT));}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>inline void basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Rep::operator delete (void * ptr){Allocator::deallocate(ptr, sizeof(Rep) +reinterpret_cast<Rep *>(ptr)->res *sizeof (charT));}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>inline size_t basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Rep::frob_size (size_t s){<std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 2 size_t i = 16;while (i < s) i *= 2;return i;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>inline basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Rep *basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Rep::create (size_t extra){extra = frob_size (extra + 1);Rep *p = new (extra) Rep;p->res = extra;p->ref = 1;p->selfish = false;return p;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>charT * basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Rep::clone (){Rep *p = Rep::create (len);p->copy (0, data (), len);p->len = len;return p->data ();}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>inline bool basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Rep::excess_slop (size_t s, size_t r){return 2 * (s <= 16 ? 16 : s) < r;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>inline bool basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::check_realloc (basic_string::size_type s) const{s += sizeof (charT);rep ()->selfish = false;return (rep ()->ref > 1|| s > capacity ()|| Rep::excess_slop (s, capacity ()));}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>void basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::alloc (basic_string::size_type size, bool save)<std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 3{if (! check_realloc (size))return;Rep *p = Rep::create (size);if (save){p->copy (0, data (), length ());p->len = length ();}elsep->len = 0;repup (p);}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>&basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::replace (size_type pos1, size_type n1,const basic_string& str, size_type pos2, size_type n2){const size_t len2 = str.length ();if (pos1 == 0 && n1 >= length () && pos2 == 0 && n2 >= len2)return operator= (str);OUTOFRANGE (pos2 > len2);if (n2 > len2 - pos2)n2 = len2 - pos2;return replace (pos1, n1, str.data () + pos2, n2);}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>inline void basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Rep::copy (size_t pos, const charT *s, size_t n){if (n)traits::copy (data () + pos, s, n);}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>inline void basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Rep::move (size_t pos, const charT *s, size_t n){if (n)<std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 4 traits::move (data () + pos, s, n);}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>&basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::replace (size_type pos, size_type n1, const charT* s, size_type n2){const size_type len = length ();OUTOFRANGE (pos > len);if (n1 > len - pos)n1 = len - pos;LENGTHERROR (len - n1 > max_size () - n2);size_t newlen = len - n1 + n2;if (check_realloc (newlen)){Rep *p = Rep::create (newlen);p->copy (0, data (), pos);p->copy (pos + n2, data () + pos + n1, len - (pos + n1));p->copy (pos, s, n2);repup (p);}else{rep ()->move (pos + n2, data () + pos + n1, len - (pos + n1));rep ()->copy (pos, s, n2);}rep ()->len = newlen;return *this;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>inline void basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Rep::set (size_t pos, const charT c, size_t n){traits::set (data () + pos, c, n);}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>& basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>:: replace (size_type pos, size_type n1, size_type n2, charT c){const size_t len = length ();OUTOFRANGE (pos > len);if (n1 > len - pos)n1 = len - pos;LENGTHERROR (len - n1 > max_size () - n2);<std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 5size_t newlen = len - n1 + n2;if (check_realloc (newlen)){Rep *p = Rep::create (newlen);p->copy (0, data (), pos);p->copy (pos + n2, data () + pos + n1, len - (pos + n1));p->set (pos, c, n2);repup (p);}else{rep ()->move (pos + n2, data () + pos + n1, len - (pos + n1));rep ()->set (pos, c, n2);}rep ()->len = newlen;return *this;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>void basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::resize (size_type n, charT c){LENGTHERROR (n > max_size ());if (n > length ())append (n - length (), c);elseerase (n);}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::copy (charT* s, size_type n, size_type pos) const{OUTOFRANGE (pos > length ());if (n > length () - pos)n = length () - pos;traits::copy (s, data () + pos, n);return n;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::<std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 6 find (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const{size_t xpos = pos;for (; xpos + n <= length (); ++xpos)if (traits::eq (data () [xpos], *s)&& traits::compare (data () + xpos, s, n) == 0)return xpos;return npos;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>inline basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::_find (const charT* ptr, charT c, size_type xpos, size_type len){for (; xpos < len; ++xpos)if (traits::eq (ptr [xpos], c))return xpos;return npos;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::find (charT c, size_type pos) const{return _find (data (), c, pos, length ());}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::rfind (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const{if (n > length ())return npos;size_t xpos = length () - n;if (xpos > pos)xpos = pos;for (++xpos; xpos-- > 0; )if (traits::eq (data () [xpos], *s)&& traits::compare (data () + xpos, s, n) == 0)return xpos;return npos;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator><std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 7basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::rfind (charT c, size_type pos) const{if (1 > length ())return npos;size_t xpos = length () - 1;if (xpos > pos)xpos = pos;for (++xpos; xpos-- > 0; )if (traits::eq (data () [xpos], c))return xpos;return npos;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::find_first_of (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const{size_t xpos = pos;for (; xpos < length (); ++xpos)if (_find (s, data () [xpos], 0, n) != npos)return xpos;return npos;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::find_last_of (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const{if (length() == 0)return npos;size_t xpos = length () - 1;if (xpos > pos)xpos = pos;for (++xpos; xpos-- > 0;)if (_find (s, data () [xpos], 0, n) != npos)return xpos;return npos;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::find_first_not_of (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const<std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 8 {size_t xpos = pos;for (; xpos < length (); ++xpos)if (_find (s, data () [xpos], 0, n) == npos)return xpos;return npos;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::find_first_not_of (charT c, size_type pos) const{size_t xpos = pos;for (; xpos < length (); ++xpos)if (traits::ne (data () [xpos], c))return xpos;return npos;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::find_last_not_of (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const{if (length() == 0)return npos;size_t xpos = length () - 1;if (xpos > pos)xpos = pos;for (++xpos; xpos-- > 0;)if (_find (s, data () [xpos], 0, n) == npos)return xpos;return npos;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::find_last_not_of (charT c, size_type pos) const{if (length() == 0)return npos;size_t xpos = length () - 1;if (xpos > pos)xpos = pos;for (++xpos; xpos-- > 0;)if (traits::ne (data () [xpos], c))return xpos;<std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 9return npos;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>int basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::compare (const basic_string& str, size_type pos, size_type n) const{OUTOFRANGE (pos > length ());size_t rlen = length () - pos;if (rlen > n)rlen = n;if (rlen > str.length ())rlen = str.length ();int r = traits::compare (data () + pos, str.data (), rlen);if (r != 0)return r;if (rlen == n)return 0;return (length () - pos) - str.length ();}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>int basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::compare (const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const{OUTOFRANGE (pos > length ());size_t rlen = length () - pos;if (rlen > n)rlen = n;int r = traits::compare (data () + pos, s, rlen);if (r != 0)return r;return (length () - pos) - n;}#include <iostream.h>template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>istream &operator>> (istream &is, basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator> &s){int w = is.width (0);if (is.ipfx0 ()){register streambuf *sb = is.rdbuf ();s.resize (0);while (1)<std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 10 {int ch = sb->sbumpc ();if (ch == EOF){is.setstate (ios::eofbit);break;}else if (traits::is_del (ch)){sb->sungetc ();break;}s += ch;if (--w == 1)break;}}is.isfx ();if (s.length () == 0)is.setstate (ios::failbit);return is;}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>ostream &operator<< (ostream &o, const basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>& s) {return o.write (s.data (), s.length ());}template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>istream&getline (istream &is, basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>& s, charT delim) {if (is.ipfx1 ()){_IO_size_t count = 0;streambuf *sb = is.rdbuf ();s.resize (0);while (1){int ch = sb->sbumpc ();if (ch == EOF){is.setstate (count == 0? (ios::failbit|ios::eofbit)<std\> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 11 : ios::eofbit);break;}++count;if (ch == delim)break;s += ch;if (s.length () == s.npos - 1){is.setstate (ios::failbit);break;}}}// We need to be friends with istream to do this.// is._gcount = count;is.isfx ();return is;}// static data member of class basic_string<>template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::Repbasic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>::nilRep = { 0, 0, 1, false };template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>const basic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::size_typebasic_string <charT, traits, Allocator>::npos ;} // extern "C++"。
侯捷stl源码剖析注释45 sgi-stl-tree
The Annotated STL Sources
<stl_tree.h> 完整列表
base_ptr node; // 它用來與容器之間產生一個連結關係(make a reference)
// 以下其實可實作於 operator++ 內,因為再無他處會呼叫此函式了。
void increment()
base_ptr y = node->parent;
// 狀況(3) 找出父節點
while (node == y->left) {
// 當現行節點身為左子節點
node = y;
// 一直交替往上走,直到現行節點
y = y->parent;
// 不為左子節點
node = y;
// 此時之父節點即為答案
<stl_tree.h> 完整列表
G++ 2.91.57,cygnus\cygwin-b20\include\g++\stl_tree.h 完整列表 /* * * Copyright (c) 1996,1997 * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * * Copyright (c) 1994 * Hewlett-Packard Company * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no * representations about the suitability of this software for any * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * */
Vector定义摘要template<class T,class Alloc=alloc>//alloc是SGI STL的空间配置器class vector{public:typedef T value_type;typedef value_type*pointer;typedef value_type*iterator;typedef value_type&reference;typedef size_t size_type;typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;protected:typedef simple_alloc<value_type,Alloc>data_allocator;//simple_alloc是SGI STL的空间配置器iterator start;//表⽰⽬前使⽤空间的头iterator finish;//表⽰⽬前使⽤空间的尾iterator end_of_storage;//表⽰⽬前可⽤空间的尾void insert_aux(iterator position,const T&x);//插⼊元素,保护类型,对象不可调⽤void deallocate(){if(start)/*为vector再分配空间为其原始可容纳空间的⼀倍,deallocate()函数如下:*static void deallocate(T *p,size_t n){if(0!=n) Alloc::deallocate(p,n*sizeof(T));}*/data_allocator::deallocate(start,end_of_storage-start);}void fill_initialize(size_type n,const T&value){//⽤于vector初始赋值start=allocate_and_fill(n,value);finish=start+n;end_of_storage=finish;}public:iterator begin(){return start;}//头指针iterator end(){return finish;}//尾指针size_type size()const{return size_type(end()-begin());}//存储元素数量size_type capacity()const{return size_type(end_of_storage-begin());}//当前可容纳元素bool empty()const{return begin()==end();}//是否为空reference operator[](size_type n){return*(begin()+n);}//定位元素,返回第n+1个元素vector():start(0),finish(0),end_of_storage(0){}//初始化,如:vector<int> v;/*size_type是STL类中定义的类型属性,⽤以保存任意string和vector类对象的长度,以下都为初始化vector,如:vector<int> v(10,1)*/vector(size_type n,const T&value){fill_initialize(n,value);}vector(int n,const T&value){fill_initialize(n,value);}vector(long n,const T&value){fill_initialize(n,value);}//explit 防⽌隐式转换,此时初始化如:vector<int> v(10);explicit vector(size_type n){fill_initialize(n,T());}~vector(){/*全局函数,destory()有两个版本,第⼀个版本接收⼀个指针,准备将该指针指向的对象析构掉;第⼆个版本就是接收first和last两个迭代器(如下),将[first,last]下的对象析构掉。
侯捷stl源码剖析注释之17 sgi-stl-33-function
SGI STL 3.3 <stl_iterator.h> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 1SGI STL 3.3 stl_function.h 完整列表/*** Copyright (c) 1994* Hewlett-Packard Company** Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear* in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no* representations about the suitability of this software for any* purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *** Copyright (c) 1996-1998* Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.** Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear* in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no* representations about the suitability of this software for any* purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *//* NOTE: This is an internal header file, included by other STL headers. * You should not attempt to use it directly.*/#ifndef __SGI_STL_INTERNAL_FUNCTION_H#define __SGI_STL_INTERNAL_FUNCTION_H__STL_BEGIN_NAMESPACEtemplate <class _Arg, class _Result>struct unary_function {typedef _Arg argument_type;typedef _Result result_type;};template <class _Arg1, class _Arg2, class _Result>struct binary_function {typedef _Arg1 first_argument_type;typedef _Arg2 second_argument_type;typedef _Result result_type;};第1章 Classes 的語法和語意The Annotated STL Sources 2 template <class _Tp>struct plus : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,_Tp> {_Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x + __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct minus : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,_Tp> {_Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x - __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct multiplies : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,_Tp> {_Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x * __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct divides : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,_Tp> {_Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x / __y; } };// identity_element (not part of the C++ standard).template <class _Tp> inline _Tp identity_element(plus<_Tp>) {return _Tp(0);}template <class _Tp> inline _Tp identity_element(multiplies<_Tp>) {return _Tp(1);}template <class _Tp>struct modulus : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,_Tp>{_Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x % __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct negate : public unary_function<_Tp,_Tp>{_Tp operator()(const _Tp& __x) const { return -__x; }};template <class _Tp>struct equal_to : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,bool>{bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x == __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct not_equal_to : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,bool>SGI STL 3.3 <stl_iterator.h> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 3{bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x != __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct greater : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,bool>{bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x > __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct less : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,bool>{bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x < __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct greater_equal : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,bool>{bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x >= __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct less_equal : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,bool>{bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x <= __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct logical_and : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,bool>{bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x && __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct logical_or : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,bool>{bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x || __y; } };template <class _Tp>struct logical_not : public unary_function<_Tp,bool>{bool operator()(const _Tp& __x) const { return !__x; }};template <class _Predicate>class unary_negate: public unary_function<typename _Predicate::argument_type, bool> {第1章 Classes 的語法和語意The Annotated STL Sources 4 protected:_Predicate _M_pred;public:explicit unary_negate(const _Predicate& __x) : _M_pred(__x) {}bool operator()(const typename _Predicate::argument_type& __x) const { return !_M_pred(__x);}};template <class _Predicate>inline unary_negate<_Predicate>not1(const _Predicate& __pred){return unary_negate<_Predicate>(__pred);}template <class _Predicate>class binary_negate: public binary_function<typename _Predicate::first_argument_type,typename _Predicate::second_argument_type,bool> {protected:_Predicate _M_pred;public:explicit binary_negate(const _Predicate& __x) : _M_pred(__x) {}bool operator()(const typename _Predicate::first_argument_type& __x, const typename _Predicate::second_argument_type& __y) const {return !_M_pred(__x, __y);}};template <class _Predicate>inline binary_negate<_Predicate>not2(const _Predicate& __pred){return binary_negate<_Predicate>(__pred);}template <class _Operation>class binder1st: public unary_function<typename _Operation::second_argument_type,typename _Operation::result_type> {protected:_Operation op;typename _Operation::first_argument_type value;public:binder1st(const _Operation& __x,const typename _Operation::first_argument_type& __y)SGI STL 3.3 <stl_iterator.h> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 5: op(__x), value(__y) {}typename _Operation::result_typeoperator()(const typename _Operation::second_argument_type& __x) const { return op(value, __x);}};template <class _Operation, class _Tp>inline binder1st<_Operation>bind1st(const _Operation& __fn, const _Tp& __x){typedef typename _Operation::first_argument_type _Arg1_type;return binder1st<_Operation>(__fn, _Arg1_type(__x));}template <class _Operation>class binder2nd: public unary_function<typename _Operation::first_argument_type,typename _Operation::result_type> {protected:_Operation op;typename _Operation::second_argument_type value;public:binder2nd(const _Operation& __x,const typename _Operation::second_argument_type& __y): op(__x), value(__y) {}typename _Operation::result_typeoperator()(const typename _Operation::first_argument_type& __x) const { return op(__x, value);}};template <class _Operation, class _Tp>inline binder2nd<_Operation>bind2nd(const _Operation& __fn, const _Tp& __x){typedef typename _Operation::second_argument_type _Arg2_type;return binder2nd<_Operation>(__fn, _Arg2_type(__x));}// unary_compose and binary_compose (extensions, not part of the standard).template <class _Operation1, class _Operation2>class unary_compose: public unary_function<typename _Operation2::argument_type,typename _Operation1::result_type>{protected:_Operation1 _M_fn1;第1章 Classes 的語法和語意The Annotated STL Sources 6 _Operation2 _M_fn2;public:unary_compose(const _Operation1& __x, const _Operation2& __y): _M_fn1(__x), _M_fn2(__y) {}typename _Operation1::result_typeoperator()(const typename _Operation2::argument_type& __x) const {return _M_fn1(_M_fn2(__x));}};template <class _Operation1, class _Operation2>inline unary_compose<_Operation1,_Operation2>compose1(const _Operation1& __fn1, const _Operation2& __fn2){return unary_compose<_Operation1,_Operation2>(__fn1, __fn2);}template <class _Operation1, class _Operation2, class _Operation3>class binary_compose: public unary_function<typename _Operation2::argument_type,typename _Operation1::result_type> {protected:_Operation1 _M_fn1;_Operation2 _M_fn2;_Operation3 _M_fn3;public:binary_compose(const _Operation1& __x, const _Operation2& __y,const _Operation3& __z): _M_fn1(__x), _M_fn2(__y), _M_fn3(__z) { }typename _Operation1::result_typeoperator()(const typename _Operation2::argument_type& __x) const {return _M_fn1(_M_fn2(__x), _M_fn3(__x));}};template <class _Operation1, class _Operation2, class _Operation3>inline binary_compose<_Operation1, _Operation2, _Operation3>compose2(const _Operation1& __fn1, const _Operation2& __fn2,const _Operation3& __fn3){return binary_compose<_Operation1,_Operation2,_Operation3>(__fn1, __fn2, __fn3);}template <class _Arg, class _Result>class pointer_to_unary_function : public unary_function<_Arg, _Result> { protected:_Result (*_M_ptr)(_Arg);public:SGI STL 3.3 <stl_iterator.h> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 7pointer_to_unary_function() {}explicit pointer_to_unary_function(_Result (*__x)(_Arg)) : _M_ptr(__x) {} _Result operator()(_Arg __x) const { return _M_ptr(__x); }};template <class _Arg, class _Result>inline pointer_to_unary_function<_Arg, _Result> ptr_fun(_Result (*__x)(_Arg)) {return pointer_to_unary_function<_Arg, _Result>(__x);}template <class _Arg1, class _Arg2, class _Result>class pointer_to_binary_function :public binary_function<_Arg1,_Arg2,_Result> {protected:_Result (*_M_ptr)(_Arg1, _Arg2);public:pointer_to_binary_function() {}explicit pointer_to_binary_function(_Result (*__x)(_Arg1, _Arg2)): _M_ptr(__x) {}_Result operator()(_Arg1 __x, _Arg2 __y) const {return _M_ptr(__x, __y);}};template <class _Arg1, class _Arg2, class _Result>inline pointer_to_binary_function<_Arg1,_Arg2,_Result>ptr_fun(_Result (*__x)(_Arg1, _Arg2)) {return pointer_to_binary_function<_Arg1,_Arg2,_Result>(__x);}// identity is an extensions: it is not part of the standard.template <class _Tp>struct _Identity : public unary_function<_Tp,_Tp> {const _Tp& operator()(const _Tp& __x) const { return __x; }};template <class _Tp> struct identity : public _Identity<_Tp> {};// select1st and select2nd are extensions: they are not part of the standard. template <class _Pair>struct _Select1st : public unary_function<_Pair, typename _Pair::first_type> { const typename _Pair::first_type& operator()(const _Pair& __x) const { return __x.first;}};template <class _Pair>struct _Select2nd : public unary_function<_Pair, typename _Pair::second_type>第1章 Classes 的語法和語意The Annotated STL Sources 8 {const typename _Pair::second_type& operator()(const _Pair& __x) const { return __x.second;}};template <class _Pair> struct select1st : public _Select1st<_Pair> {}; template <class _Pair> struct select2nd : public _Select2nd<_Pair> {};// project1st and project2nd are extensions: they are not part of the standard template <class _Arg1, class _Arg2>struct _Project1st : public binary_function<_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg1> {_Arg1 operator()(const _Arg1& __x, const _Arg2&) const { return __x; } };template <class _Arg1, class _Arg2>struct _Project2nd : public binary_function<_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg2> {_Arg2 operator()(const _Arg1&, const _Arg2& __y) const { return __y; } };template <class _Arg1, class _Arg2>struct project1st : public _Project1st<_Arg1, _Arg2> {};template <class _Arg1, class _Arg2>struct project2nd : public _Project2nd<_Arg1, _Arg2> {};// constant_void_fun, constant_unary_fun, and constant_binary_fun are // extensions: they are not part of the standard. (The same, of course, // is true of the helper functions constant0, constant1, and constant2.)template <class _Result>struct _Constant_void_fun {typedef _Result result_type;result_type _M_val;_Constant_void_fun(const result_type& __v) : _M_val(__v) {}const result_type& operator()() const { return _M_val; }};template <class _Result, class _Argument>struct _Constant_unary_fun {typedef _Argument argument_type;typedef _Result result_type;result_type _M_val;_Constant_unary_fun(const result_type& __v) : _M_val(__v) {}const result_type& operator()(const _Argument&) const { return _M_val; } };SGI STL 3.3 <stl_iterator.h> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 9template <class _Result, class _Arg1, class _Arg2>struct _Constant_binary_fun {typedef _Arg1 first_argument_type;typedef _Arg2 second_argument_type;typedef _Result result_type;_Result _M_val;_Constant_binary_fun(const _Result& __v) : _M_val(__v) {}const result_type& operator()(const _Arg1&, const _Arg2&) const {return _M_val;}};template <class _Result>struct constant_void_fun : public _Constant_void_fun<_Result> {constant_void_fun(const _Result& __v) : _Constant_void_fun<_Result>(__v) {} };template <class _Result,class _Argument __STL_DEPENDENT_DEFAULT_TMPL(_Result)>struct constant_unary_fun : public _Constant_unary_fun<_Result, _Argument> {constant_unary_fun(const _Result& __v): _Constant_unary_fun<_Result, _Argument>(__v) {}};template <class _Result,class _Arg1 __STL_DEPENDENT_DEFAULT_TMPL(_Result),class _Arg2 __STL_DEPENDENT_DEFAULT_TMPL(_Arg1)>struct constant_binary_fun: public _Constant_binary_fun<_Result, _Arg1, _Arg2>{constant_binary_fun(const _Result& __v): _Constant_binary_fun<_Result, _Arg1, _Arg2>(__v) {}};template <class _Result>inline constant_void_fun<_Result> constant0(const _Result& __val){return constant_void_fun<_Result>(__val);}template <class _Result>inline constant_unary_fun<_Result,_Result> constant1(const _Result& __val) {return constant_unary_fun<_Result,_Result>(__val);}第1章 Classes 的語法和語意 The Annotated STL Sources 10template <class _Result>inline constant_binary_fun<_Result,_Result,_Result>constant2(const _Result& __val){return constant_binary_fun<_Result,_Result,_Result>(__val);}// subtractive_rng is an extension: it is not part of the standard. // Note: this code assumes that int is 32 bits.class subtractive_rng : public unary_function<unsigned int, unsigned int> { private:unsigned int _M_table[55];size_t _M_index1;size_t _M_index2;public:unsigned int operator()(unsigned int __limit) {_M_index1 = (_M_index1 + 1) % 55;_M_index2 = (_M_index2 + 1) % 55;_M_table[_M_index1] = _M_table[_M_index1] - _M_table[_M_index2]; return _M_table[_M_index1] % __limit;}void _M_initialize(unsigned int __seed){unsigned int __k = 1;_M_table[54] = __seed;size_t __i;for (__i = 0; __i < 54; __i++) {size_t __ii = (21 * (__i + 1) % 55) - 1;_M_table[__ii] = __k;__k = __seed - __k;__seed = _M_table[__ii];}for (int __loop = 0; __loop < 4; __loop++) {for (__i = 0; __i < 55; __i++)_M_table[__i] = _M_table[__i] - _M_table[(1 + __i + 30) % 55]; }_M_index1 = 0;_M_index2 = 31;}subtractive_rng(unsigned int __seed) { _M_initialize(__seed); }subtractive_rng() { _M_initialize(161803398u); }};// Adaptor function objects: pointers to member functions.SGI STL 3.3 <stl_iterator.h> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 11// There are a total of 16 = 2^4 function objects in this family.// (1) Member functions taking no arguments vs member functions taking // one argument.// (2) Call through pointer vs call through reference.// (3) Member function with void return type vs member function with// non-void return type.// (4) Const vs non-const member function.// Note that choice (3) is nothing more than a workaround: according// to the draft, compilers should handle void and non-void the same way. // This feature is not yet widely implemented, though. You can only use // member functions returning void if your compiler supports partial// specialization.// All of this complexity is in the function objects themselves. You can // ignore it by using the helper function mem_fun and mem_fun_ref,// which create whichever type of adaptor is appropriate.// (mem_fun1 and mem_fun1_ref are no longer part of the C++ standard,// but they are provided for backward compatibility.)template <class _Ret, class _Tp>class mem_fun_t : public unary_function<_Tp*,_Ret> {public:explicit mem_fun_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)()) : _M_f(__pf) {}_Ret operator()(_Tp* __p) const { return (__p->*_M_f)(); }private:_Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)();};template <class _Ret, class _Tp>class const_mem_fun_t : public unary_function<const _Tp*,_Ret> {public:explicit const_mem_fun_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)() const) : _M_f(__pf) {}_Ret operator()(const _Tp* __p) const { return (__p->*_M_f)(); }private:_Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)() const;};template <class _Ret, class _Tp>class mem_fun_ref_t : public unary_function<_Tp,_Ret> {public:explicit mem_fun_ref_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)()) : _M_f(__pf) {}_Ret operator()(_Tp& __r) const { return (__r.*_M_f)(); }private:_Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)();};第1章 Classes 的語法和語意The Annotated STL Sources 12 template <class _Ret, class _Tp>class const_mem_fun_ref_t : public unary_function<_Tp,_Ret> {public:explicit const_mem_fun_ref_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)() const) : _M_f(__pf) {} _Ret operator()(const _Tp& __r) const { return (__r.*_M_f)(); }private:_Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)() const;};template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>class mem_fun1_t : public binary_function<_Tp*,_Arg,_Ret> {public:explicit mem_fun1_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg)) : _M_f(__pf) {}_Ret operator()(_Tp* __p, _Arg __x) const { return (__p->*_M_f)(__x); } private:_Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg);};template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>class const_mem_fun1_t : public binary_function<const _Tp*,_Arg,_Ret> { public:explicit const_mem_fun1_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg) const) : _M_f(__pf) {} _Ret operator()(const _Tp* __p, _Arg __x) const{ return (__p->*_M_f)(__x); }private:_Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg) const;};template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>class mem_fun1_ref_t : public binary_function<_Tp,_Arg,_Ret> {public:explicit mem_fun1_ref_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg)) : _M_f(__pf) {}_Ret operator()(_Tp& __r, _Arg __x) const { return (__r.*_M_f)(__x); } private:_Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg);};template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>class const_mem_fun1_ref_t : public binary_function<_Tp,_Arg,_Ret> {public:explicit const_mem_fun1_ref_t(_Ret (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg) const) : _M_f(__pf) {} _Ret operator()(const _Tp& __r, _Arg __x) const { return (__r.*_M_f)(__x); } private:_Ret (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg) const;};#ifdef __STL_CLASS_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATIONtemplate <class _Tp>SGI STL 3.3 <stl_iterator.h> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 13class mem_fun_t<void, _Tp> : public unary_function<_Tp*,void> {public:explicit mem_fun_t(void (_Tp::*__pf)()) : _M_f(__pf) {}void operator()(_Tp* __p) const { (__p->*_M_f)(); }private:void (_Tp::*_M_f)();};template <class _Tp>class const_mem_fun_t<void, _Tp> : public unary_function<const _Tp*,void> { public:explicit const_mem_fun_t(void (_Tp::*__pf)() const) : _M_f(__pf) {}void operator()(const _Tp* __p) const { (__p->*_M_f)(); }private:void (_Tp::*_M_f)() const;};template <class _Tp>class mem_fun_ref_t<void, _Tp> : public unary_function<_Tp,void> {public:explicit mem_fun_ref_t(void (_Tp::*__pf)()) : _M_f(__pf) {}void operator()(_Tp& __r) const { (__r.*_M_f)(); }private:void (_Tp::*_M_f)();};template <class _Tp>class const_mem_fun_ref_t<void, _Tp> : public unary_function<_Tp,void> { public:explicit const_mem_fun_ref_t(void (_Tp::*__pf)() const) : _M_f(__pf) {} void operator()(const _Tp& __r) const { (__r.*_M_f)(); }private:void (_Tp::*_M_f)() const;};template <class _Tp, class _Arg>class mem_fun1_t<void, _Tp, _Arg> : public binary_function<_Tp*,_Arg,void> { public:explicit mem_fun1_t(void (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg)) : _M_f(__pf) {}void operator()(_Tp* __p, _Arg __x) const { (__p->*_M_f)(__x); }private:void (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg);};template <class _Tp, class _Arg>class const_mem_fun1_t<void, _Tp, _Arg>: public binary_function<const _Tp*,_Arg,void> {public:explicit const_mem_fun1_t(void (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg) const) : _M_f(__pf) {}第1章 Classes 的語法和語意The Annotated STL Sources 14 void operator()(const _Tp* __p, _Arg __x) const { (__p->*_M_f)(__x); } private:void (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg) const;};template <class _Tp, class _Arg>class mem_fun1_ref_t<void, _Tp, _Arg>: public binary_function<_Tp,_Arg,void> {public:explicit mem_fun1_ref_t(void (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg)) : _M_f(__pf) {}void operator()(_Tp& __r, _Arg __x) const { (__r.*_M_f)(__x); }private:void (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg);};template <class _Tp, class _Arg>class const_mem_fun1_ref_t<void, _Tp, _Arg>: public binary_function<_Tp,_Arg,void> {public:explicit const_mem_fun1_ref_t(void (_Tp::*__pf)(_Arg) const) : _M_f(__pf) {} void operator()(const _Tp& __r, _Arg __x) const { (__r.*_M_f)(__x); } private:void (_Tp::*_M_f)(_Arg) const;};#endif /* __STL_CLASS_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION */// Mem_fun adaptor helper functions. There are only two:// mem_fun and mem_fun_ref. (mem_fun1 and mem_fun1_ref// are provided for backward compatibility, but they are no longer// part of the C++ standard.)template <class _Ret, class _Tp>inline mem_fun_t<_Ret,_Tp> mem_fun (_Ret (_Tp::*__f)()){ return mem_fun_t<_Ret,_Tp>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp>inline const_mem_fun_t<_Ret,_Tp> mem_fun (_Ret (_Tp::*__f)() const){ return const_mem_fun_t<_Ret,_Tp>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp>inline mem_fun_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp> mem_fun_ref (_Ret (_Tp::*__f)()){ return mem_fun_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp>inline const_mem_fun_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp> mem_fun_ref (_Ret (_Tp::*__f)() const) { return const_mem_fun_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>SGI STL 3.3 <stl_iterator.h> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 15inline mem_fun1_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg> mem_fun (_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg)){ return mem_fun1_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>inline const_mem_fun1_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg> mem_fun (_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg) const) { return const_mem_fun1_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>inline mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg> mem_fun_ref (_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg)) { return mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>inline const_mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg>mem_fun_ref (_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg) const){ return const_mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>inline mem_fun1_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg> mem_fun1(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg)){ return mem_fun1_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>inline const_mem_fun1_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg> mem_fun1(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg) const) { return const_mem_fun1_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>inline mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg> mem_fun1_ref(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg)) { return mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg>(__f); }template <class _Ret, class _Tp, class _Arg>inline const_mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg>mem_fun1_ref(_Ret (_Tp::*__f)(_Arg) const){ return const_mem_fun1_ref_t<_Ret,_Tp,_Arg>(__f); }__STL_END_NAMESPACE#endif /* __SGI_STL_INTERNAL_FUNCTION_H */// Local Variables:// mode:C++// End:。
提取密码: np33主要包括⼏个部分的东西:1. C/C++/数据结构、算法类的,也会有⼀些计算机基础的,如《深⼊理解计算机系统》2. PHP书籍及周边。
如Apache,Nginx, mysql, HTTP,前端等。
3. Linux开发及内核相关。
4. ⾮技术类书籍。
各书⽬明细如下:⼀、C/C++/数据结构与算法系列1. 《编程珠玑2》中⽂版及英⽂原版2. 《数据结构与算法分析 C++描述》3. 侯捷的《STL源码剖析》和《泛型编程与STL》(侯捷译)4. 程序员锻炼三部曲(单元测试之道、版本控制之道、项⽬⾃动化之道)5. 《深⼊理解计算机系统》6. 《⾼效能⼈⼠的七个习惯》7. 《计算机程序设计艺术》卷1和卷28. 《代码⼤全(第⼆版)》9. 《代码之美》中⽂版10. 《c++沉思录》11. 《c缺陷与陷阱》12. 《c语⾔⼊门经典》13. 《数据结构-c语⾔版》严蔚敏14. 《数据结构与算法分析-c描述》15. 《21天学通c语⾔》16. ⼀些c语⾔⾯试题⽬17. 《C++ Primer》18. 《C++编程艺术》19. 《c和指针》⼆、PHP书籍及周边⽂件夹中有个【前辈分享的php书籍】,包含了不少书籍。
这⾥仅列出不包含在这个⽂件夹中的:1. 《由浅⼊深探究mysql索引结构原理、性能分析与优化》,⼀个博友写的博客,可以看看2. 《深⼊理解PHP内核》不是官⽅出的,⾥边应该有些错误。
看看就⾏3. 《PHP DEBUG Manual Public》 php调试的书籍4. 《git指南》和《pro Git》 Git版本控制⼯具的书籍5. 《TCP/IP详解》3卷。
貌似应该放到⼀个单独的⽬录<⽹络编程>中,有时间再打理吧6. 《PHP5权威编程》7. 《PHP design pattern》设计模式的书8. 《Learning PHP、Mysql、JavaScript》基础书籍9. 《精通正则表达式》学习正则表达式的经典著作10. 《HTTP权威指南》的确很权威11. 《PHP应⽤性能最优化实践》12. 《⼤数据时代》待整理。
vector源码2(参考STL源码--侯捷):空间分配、push_backvector源码2(参考STL源码--侯捷)vector的构造和内存管理 vector所采⽤的数据结构⾮常简单:线性连续空间,它是由两个迭代器start和finish分别指向配置得来的连续空间中⽬前已被使⽤的范围,并以迭代器end_of_storage指向整块连续空间(含备⽤空间)的尾端:class vector {..........protected:typedef simple_alloc<value_type,Alloc> data_allocator; //simple_alloc是SGI STL的空间配置器iterator start; //表⽰⽬前使⽤空间的头iterator finish; //表⽰⽬前使⽤空间的尾iterator end_of_storage; //表⽰⽬前可⽤空间的尾.......... 为了降低空间速配成本,vector的实际配置⼤⼩是原来容器⼤⼩的2倍,见下图:#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main(){vector<int> v(3,3);cout<<v.size()<<""<<v.capacity()<<endl; //3 3v.push_back(5);cout<<v.size()<<""<<v.capacity()<<endl; //4 6v.push_back(6);v.push_back(7);v.push_back(8);cout<<v.size()<<""<<v.capacity()<<endl; //7 12for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++){ //3 3 3 5 6 7 8cout<<v[i]<<'';}cout<<endl;v.pop_back();v.pop_back();cout<<v.size()<<""<<v.capacity()<<endl; //5 12v.pop_back();cout<<v.size()<<""<<v.capacity()<<endl; //4 12vector<int>::iterator it=find(v.begin(),v.end(),5);if(it!=v.end())v.erase(it);cout<<v.size()<<""<<v.capacity()<<endl; //3 12it=find(v.begin(),v.end(),3);if(it!=v.end())v.insert(it,4,7);cout<<v.size()<<""<<v.capacity()<<endl; //7 12for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++){ //7 7 7 7 3 3 3cout<<v[i]<<'';}cout<<endl;v.clear();cout<<v.size()<<""<<v.capacity()<<endl; //0 12return0;} vector缺省使⽤alloc作为空间配置器,并据此另外定义了⼀个data_allocator,为的是更⽅便以元素⼤⼩为配置单位,data_allocator::deallocate(n)表⽰配置n个元素空间,vector提供许多constructors⼀个允许我们指定空间⼤⼩及初值。
408考试是指计算机等级考试(Computer Rank Examination)的高级程序员考试,包括必考科目和选择科目。
1. 《C++ Primer》(第五版)- Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo
2. 《Effective C++》(第三版)- Scott Meyers
3. 《STL源码剖析》- 侯捷
4. 《UNIX环境高级编程》- 万晓东
1. 《TCP/IP详解卷1:协议》- W. Richard Stevens
2. 《Java核心技术卷一:基础知识》(第十版)- Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell
3. 《数据库系统原理》(第五版)- Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan
4. 《计算机操作系统》(第三版)- Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos
5. 《算法导论》- Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein
侯捷STL课程及源码剖析学习11.C++标准库和STL C++标准库以header files形式呈现:1. C++标准库的header files不带后缀名(.h),例如#include <vector>2. 新式C header files 不带后缀名.h,例如#include<cstdio>3. 旧式C header files (带有后缀名.h)仍然可⽤,例如#include <stdio.h>4. 新式headers内的组件封装于namespace “std”。
using namespace std;或者以 using std::cout;的形式5. 旧式headers 内的组件不封装于namespace "std" 在标准库中,标准模板库STL(Standard Template Library),占据了标准库70%,80%以上的内容。
C++ 标准库的范围⼤于STL的范围。
STL的核⼼思想是泛型编程(Generic Programming)。
重要资源:⽹站:书籍:The C++ standard Library second edition;STL 源码剖析2.STL 六⼤组件STL分为六⼤组件:容器(container):常⽤数据结构,⼤致分为两类,序列容器,如vector,list,deque,关联容器,如set,map。
在实现上,是类模板(class template)迭代器(iterator):⼀套访问容器的接⼝,⾏为类似于指针。
(“算法”指⼴义的算法,操作数据的逻辑代码都可认为是算法)算法(algorithm):提供⼀套常⽤的算法,如sort,search,copy,erase … 在实现上,可以认为是⼀种函数模板(function template)。
C++traits技术浅谈前⾔ traits,⼜被叫做特性萃取技术,说得简单点就是提取“被传进的对象”对应的返回类型,让同⼀个接⼝实现对应的功能。
Traits编程技法 让我们⼀点点抛出问题,然后⼀点点深⼊。
1. ⾸先,在算法中运⽤迭代器时,很可能会⽤到其相应型别(迭代器所指之物的型别)。
假设算法中有必要声明⼀个变量,以“迭代器所指对象的型别”为型别,该怎么办呢? 解决⽅法是:利⽤function template的参数推导机制。
1 template <class I, class T>2void func_impl(I iter, T t) {3 T tmp; // 这⾥就是迭代器所指物的类型新建的对象4// ... 功能实现5 }67 template <class I>8 inline9void func(I iter) {10 func_impl(iter, *iter); // 传⼊iter和iter所指的值,class⾃动推导11 }1213int main() {14int i;15 func(&i);16 } 这⾥已经可以看出封装的意思了,没有⼀层impl的封装的话,每次你都要显式地说明迭代器指向对象型别,才能新建tmp变量。
侯捷-C++ 内存管理与优化高级培训
第 1 阶段:CRT (C Runtime) malloc 深度剖析 讓學員充份了解 Microsoft C++ 對 malloc 的作法(非常複雜精巧) ; 除學習其中技術, 也足以評估自行加上各種 allocators 是必要還是多 餘。 第 2 阶段:C++内存管理相关操作深入剖析,应用开发技巧、实践与模式 new expression vs. operator new delete expression vs. operator delete array new and array delete placement new about overhead examples for operator new/delete overloading 第 3 阶段: STL 程序库内存管理设施深入剖析,应用开发技巧、实践与模式 std::auto_ptr boost::shared_ptr How to inherit operator new/delete Introduction to std::allocator
第 3 页 共 3 页
Memory management 一向是 C++ programmer 的痛点,主要因为 C++ 不提供 Garbage Collection。这是效能顾虑下的一种取舍。现实如此,我们必须追求在如此的现 实下如何又快又好地运用 memory,使符合速度和空间的最大利益。本课程在低阶上全 面介绍 C++ 提供的各种 memory 管理工具(各种 overloadable operators) ,在高阶上 深刻学习各大链接库(包括 STL, Loki, MFC, Boost)的 Pooled Allocation 的作法,并 提供它们的高度可移植版(侯捷改编) ,同时提供各种效率优化技巧实践、与模式。
vector源码3(参考STL源码--侯捷):pop_back、erase、clear、insertpop_back//删除尾部元素,调整⼤⼩void pop_back(){--finish; //尾端标记往前⼀格,表⽰放弃尾部元素destroy(finish);}erase//清除(first,last)中的所有元素iterator erase(iterator first,iterator last){iterator i=copy(last,finish,first);//将last到finish的元素往前复制,从first位置开始destory(i,finish);finish=finish-(last-first);return first;}//清除某个位置上的元素iterator erase(iterator position){if(position+1!=end()){copy(position+1,finish,position);}--finish;destory(finish);return position;}clearvoid clear(){erase(begin(),end());}inserttemplate <class T,class Alloc>void vector<T,Alloc>::insert(iterator position,size_type n,const T& x){if(n!=0){if(size_type(end_of_storage-finish)>=n){//备⽤空间⼤于等于"新增元素"T x_copy=x;//以下计算插⼊点之后的现有元素个数const size_type elems_after=finish-position;iterator old_finish=finish;if(elems_after>n){//(1)、"插⼊点之后的现有元素个数"⼤于"新增元素个数"(见图1)//①从finish处开始复制范围(finish-n,finish)的元素uninitialized_copy(finish-n,finish,finish);finish+=n; //②vector尾部后移//③将范围(position,old_finish-n)的元素移到(,old_finish)处copy_backward(position,old_finish-n,old_finish);//④从插⼊点开始填⼊元素fill(position,position+n,x_copy);}else{//(2)、"插⼊点之后的现有元素个数"⼩于"新增元素个数"(见图2)//①从finish处复制n-elems_after个元素x_copyuninitialized_fill_n(finish,n-elems_after,x_copy);finish+=n-elems_after; //②vector尾部后移//③从finish处开始复制范围(position,old_finish)的元素uninitialized_copy(position,old_finish,finish);finish+=elems_after; //④vector尾部后移//⑤从插⼊点开始填⼊元素fill(position,old_finish,x_copy);}}else{//备⽤空间⼤于等于"新增元素",即必须配置额外空间//⾸先决定新长度,旧长度的两倍,或者旧长度+新长度(见图3)const size_type old_size=size();const size_type len=old_size+max(old_size,n);//以下配置新的vector空间iterator new_start=data_allocator::allocate(len);iterator new_finish=new_start;__STL_TRY{//①先将旧的vector的插⼊点之前的元素复制到新的空间new_finish=uninitialized_copy(start,position,new_start);//②再将新增的元素填⼊新空间new_finish=uninitialized_fill_n(new_finish,n,x);//③再将旧vector的插⼊点之后的元素复制到新空间new_finish=uninitialized_copy(position,finish,new_finish);}#ifdef __STL_USE_EXCEPTIONScatch(...){//如果发现异常,实现rollbackdestory(new_start,new_finish);data_allocator::deallocate(new_satrt,len);throw;}#endif /*__STL_USE_EXCEPTIONS*///以下清除并释放旧的vectordestory(start,finish);deallocate();//调整⽔位标记start=new_start;finish=new_finish;end_of_storage=new_start+len;}}}}图1图2图3。
侯捷stl源码剖析注释之26 sgi-stl-function
<stl_function.h> 完整列表 The Annotated STL Sources 1G++ 2.91.57,cygnus\cygwin-b20\include\g++\stl_function.h 完整列表/*** Copyright (c) 1994* Hewlett-Packard Company** Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear* in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no* representations about the suitability of this software for any* purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.*** Copyright (c) 1996* Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.** Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software* and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear* in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no* representations about the suitability of this software for any* purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.*//* NOTE: This is an internal header file, included by other STL headers.* You should not attempt to use it directly.*/#ifndef __SGI_STL_INTERNAL_FUNCTION_H#define __SGI_STL_INTERNAL_FUNCTION_H__STL_BEGIN_NAMESPACE// C++ Standard 規定,每一個 Adaptable Unary Function 都必須繼承此類別template <class Arg, class Result>struct unary_function {typedef Arg argument_type ;typedef Result result_type ;};// C++ Standard 規定,每一個 Adaptable Binary Function 都必須繼承此類別template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result>struct binary_function {typedef Arg1 first_argument_type ;typedef Arg2 second_argument_type ;typedef Result result_type ;<stl_function.h> 完整列表The Annotated STL Sources 2};// 以下6個為算術類(Arithmetic )仿函式template <class T>struct plus : public binary_function <T, T, T> {T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x + y; }};template <class T>struct minus : public binary_function <T, T, T> {T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x - y; }};template <class T>struct multiplies : public binary_function <T, T, T> {T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x * y; }};template <class T>struct divides : public binary_function <T, T, T> {T operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const { return x / y; }};// 所謂運算op 的證同元素(identity element )是指,數值A 與此元素做op 運算,// 會得到A 自己。
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