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shorten the treatment course. It also has a good synergistic effect adjustment on the endogenous hormone levels inside the body. At the same time it shows litt le side effect of the separate treatment.
ctical med icine treatment of breast cystic hyperplasia. Methods A total
of 180 patients o bserved with breast cystic hyperplasia were randomized into three groups. A grou p was Toremifene alone treatment (60 cases).B group was Xiao Yao Powder alone tr eatment (60 cases). C group was the combined treatment of Toremifene and Xiao Ya o Powder (60 cases). Results A group of the efficiency of 91. 7%,B group of the efficiency of 75.0%, C group of the efficiency of 96.7%, C group was significant ly different from A or B group(P<0.05), therefore C group was also very differ ent in treatment side effects(P<0.05). C group compared with A or B group had a significant reduction in E2 estradiol(P<0.05)and prolactin (P<0.05) levels,
发表时间:2009-11-19T10:03:06.250Z 来源:《中国医药卫生》杂志 作者: 龙厚东施均瑶王敏华钱海红 朱卫英张引红 [导读] 龙厚东 施均瑶 王敏华 钱海红 朱卫英 张引红
上海南汇区光明中医医院普外科 (上海 201300) 上海南汇区妇幼保健院
【关键词】 逍遥散加味 托瑞米芬 乳腺囊性增生病 联合治疗
[中图分类号]R696 [Baidu Nhomakorabea献标识码]A [文 章编号]1810-5734(2009)07-0001-03
Study on the combined application of Toremifene and XiaoYao Powder in treatment of Breast Cystic Hyperplasia Department of General Surgery, Shanghai Nanhui Guangming Hospital of
TCM(201300) LONG Hou-dong,SHI Jun-yao,WANG Min-hua,QIAN Hai-hong,ZHU Wei-ying,ZHANG Y in-hong
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate an effective, safe and pra
【摘要】目的 探讨一种治疗乳腺囊性增生病的高效、安全、经济实用 的方法。方法
共观察180例乳腺囊性增生患者。A组60例,单独应用托瑞米芬治疗;B组60例,单独应用逍 遥散加味治疗;C组60例,联合应用逍遥散加味和托瑞米芬治疗。结果 A 组有效率91.7%, B组有效率75.0%,C组有效率96.7%。C组与A、B组相比有显著差异(P<0.05)。C组与A、B组 副作用相比有显著差异(P<0.05)。C组与A、B组相比能显著降低雌二醇E2(P<0.05),垂 体催乳素PRL(P<0.05)血清水平;提高孕酮P(P<0.05),睾酮T(P<0.01)血清水平。 结 论 逍遥散加味联合托瑞米芬治疗乳腺囊性增生病体现了中西医结合特色,可提高 治疗效果 ,缩短疗程,对机体内源性激素水平也具有良好的协同调整作用,同时也减少了单药物应用 的副作用。
【Key words】 Xiao Yao Powder Toremifene Breat Cystic Hyperpl asia Combined application
乳腺囊性增生是女性最常见的乳房疾病,其发病率占乳腺疾病的首位,近些 年来该病 的发病率呈逐年上升趋势,年龄也越来越低龄化。据调查约有70%-80%的女性都有不同程度 的乳腺增生,多见于42—45岁的女性。约有1%—3%的乳腺囊性增生患者可能会转变为乳腺癌 。目前临床上主要采用中成药结合西药或单独应用汤药的方法进行治疗,但疗效不确切。我 们于2007年7月~2008年12月,采用逍遥散加味联合托瑞米芬治疗乳腺囊性增生病患者180例 ,疗效满意,现报道如下:
and had an improvement in progesterone(P<0.05) and testosterone (P<0.01) levels.
Conclusions The combined application of Toremifene and Xiao Y ao Powder in treat ment of Breast Cystic Hyperplasia embodies the characteristics of traditional Ch inese and western medicine to improve the effectiveness of treatment. And it can