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- 选择题(50分)



A. 胎儿心电图

B. CST试验

C. 胎儿头皮血PH测定,

D. NST试验

E. 羊膜镜检查

D [答案]


A NST无反应型

B 加速

C 早期减速

D 变异减速

E 晚期减速

D [答案]

●3.初孕妇,孕38周,入院治疗3天,血压20/13.3kPa (150/110mmHg)、LOA、胎心140次/分,尿蛋白2.0g/24小时,水肿(+),宫颈软,宫颈管消退80%,行人工破膜及催产素引产12小时,无规律宫缩,下一步处理应是

A 休息2天再继续引产

B 加用抗生素,继续引产

C 加大催产素浓度,继续引产

D 剖宫产术

E 降压解痉等待自然临产

D [答案]


A 峡部

B 壶腹部

C 伞部

D 间质部

E 峡部与壶腹部之间

B [答案]


A 立即听胎心

B 记录破膜时间

C 鼓励产妇在宫缩时,运用腹压加速产程进展

D 超过12小时尚未分娩,加用抗生素

E 卧床、抬高臀部

C [答案]


A 从妊娠满28周至产后1周

B 从妊娠满28周至产后4周

C 从妊娠满20周至产后1周

D 从妊娠满20周至产后4周

E 从胚胎形成至产后1周

A [答案]


A 成年女子的子宫长约7—8cm,宽约4—5cm,厚约4—5cm。

B 幼年时子宫体与子宫颈的比例为2:1

C 子宫体与子宫颈之间最狭窄的部分为子宫峡部

D 子宫峡部上端是组织学内口

E 经产妇的子宫颈外口为圆形

C [答案]


A 骨盆入口平面呈纵椭圆型

B 骨盆入口平面前后径比横径大

C 中骨盆平面横径比前后径大

D 中骨盆平面是骨盆最窄平面

E 站立时骨盆入口平面与地平面平行

D [答案]

●9.A prolonged second stage of labor in the primigravid patient lasts longer than

A.1.0 hours

B.2.0 hours

C.8.0 hours

D.6.0 hours

E.4.0 hours

B [答案]

●10.The size of normal uterus of adult is about:

A. 4cm×3cm×1cm

B. 8cm×3cm×1cm

C. 8cm×5cm×1cm


E 7cm×4cm×3cm

E [答案]

●11.The most common cause of maternal death in China is:






E [答案]

●12.which of the following does the early pregnancy have in common?

A. morning sickness

B. breast enlargement

C. abdomen enlargement

D. amenorrhea (cease of mense)

E. urinary frequency

D [答案]


A 高张性宫缩乏力

B 软产道损伤

C 头盆不称

D 枕后位

E 妇女型骨盆

C [答案]


A 宫缩极性对称性正常,仅收缩力弱

B 多数产妇觉持续性腹痛,且产程延长

C 不会发生胎儿宫内窘迫

D 不宜静脉点滴催产素

E 隐匿期不宜使用杜冷丁

A [答案]


A 2000ml

B 2500ml

C 300ml

D 200ml

E 1000ml

A [答案]

●16.患者,女,25岁,初孕妇,为31周,外伤后突然剧烈腹痛,少量阴道流血,急诊送入院。查:血压10.0/8.0kPa (75/60mmHg),脉搏120次/分,面色苍白,大汗淋漓,下肢浮肿,宫底剑突下三横指,胎位不清,胎心听不到,宫体左前壁轻压痛,最可能的诊断是

A 前置胎盘

B 子宫破裂

C 先兆早产

D 胎盘早剥

E 阴道静脉曲张破裂

D [答案]


A 多在妊娠早期出现阴道间断性流血

B 妊娠晚期无痛性反复阴道流血

C 完全性前置胎盘通常出血量不多

D 出血量与前置胎盘类型无关

E 常易造成胎膜早破

B [答案]


A 2000年1月24日

B 2000年1月28日

C 2000年2月5日

D 2000年1月21日

E 2000年2月21日

B [答案]







C [答案]

●20.Which of the following diseases rarely leads to postpartum homarrhage? A.twin pregnancy


C.premature rupture of membrane

D.E. severe preeclampsia

E.D.placenta previa

C [答案]

●21.GnRHa used in the treatment of endometriosis causes which of the following changes within the endometrium and endometriosis tissue?

A. aplasia

B. atrophy



E hypertrophy

B [答案]

●22.a 39-year-old woman, gravida 3, para 3, complains of severe, progressive secondary dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia. Pelvic examination demonstrates a slightly rigid, diffusible enlarged uterus ,and without adnexal mass. Results of endometrial biopsy are normal. This patient most likely has

A. endometriosis

B. endometritis

C. adenomyosis

D. uterine sarcoma.

E leiomyoma

C [答案]

●23.if this woman want to keep the baby, your best management is

A. discussion of contraception

B. continual clinical observation of a few more days

C. evacuation

D. laparoscope

E. prescribe progesterone 20mg/day

E [答案]

√24.what is the likely diagnosis?

A. complete abortion

B. threatened abortion

C. incomplete abortion

D. habitual abortion

E. dysfunctional uterine bleeding


●25.Questions 2 to 4 are based from following passage.A 26-year-old woman with regular menstrual periods complaints of 2 days’ vaginal bleeding in 6 weeks after her last menstrual period. The bleeding is dark in color , painless and began after intercourse. Home pregnancy test is positive.Examination shows a small amount of dark blood in the vagina and at the cervical os. The cervix is closed and no tissue is visible. Bimanual
