好玩的VBScript代码VBScript(Visual Basic Scripting Edition)是一种基于VB语言的脚本语言,它可以用来创建简单的Windows应用程序、网页脚本和系统管理脚本等。
VBScript 是一种通用的脚本语言,可以用来实现各种有趣的功能。
1. 电脑妖怪第一个VBScript代码是创建一个电脑妖怪。
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")DowshShell.Run "mshta vbscript:CreateObject(""SAPI.SpVoice"").Speak(""Boo!"") (Close)"objShell.MinimizeAllobjShell.UndoMinimizeAllFor Each objDesktop in objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_Desktop")objDesktop.SetWallpaper "C:\path\to\your\image.jpg"Nextwscript.sleep 100Loop通过运行该代码,将在桌面上创建一个随机移动的图形,并且屏幕上会突然发出吓人的声音。
2. 无限弹窗第二个VBScript代码是创建一个无限弹窗的例子。
P i a e S b y n x o ga gC ik0 ’ r v t u i g i n bn l c 扫雷英雄榜 P i a e S b z o g iC ik0 ’ r v t u h n j— l c 中级
每个空格 ( 除雷之外 )的数值 ,返 回一个既布好雷也计算好数值 的二
为 数 组 L ir a 。 eAry 0
P ia e S b g o i C ikO ’ r v t u a j 1 c 高级
P ia e S b g a y l c ’ 于 扫 雷 r v t u u n uC i k 0 关
这个 窗口只是用于 显示作 者的相 关信 息:姓名 、班 级、学号和制 P i a e S b k i u C ik0 ’ r v t u a j l c 开局 P i a e S b s i o  ̄C ik0 ’ r v t u h y n l c 使用 帮助 P i a e S b Tm r ie ’ r v t u i e lT m r0 计算 时间
电游软 子戏件
基 于V 的扫 雷 游 戏研 究 与设 计 B
卢 光 云
第期 9下
J 学院鹿 山学院 西。
广西 5 5 1 466
【 摘 要 】 本文 主要研 究在 V a a i 6 0 开发环 境 下 ,使 用V l1B c 言 ,设计 一个 外观 、功 能都 与wn o s iu 1B sc .的 s it a i语 sa s idw 系统 自带
3 概 要 设 计 说 明
41模块调用 图 .
4 2 扫 雷 的 函数 和 过 程 定 义 为 .
本窗 口的主 要功 能是调 用各个 模块和 窗 口,实现扫 雷 的全 部功
黑色圆点对应地雷Public Class Form1Private Declare Auto Function FindWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As IntPtrPrivate Declare Auto Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib"user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByRef lpdwProcessId As Integer) As IntPtrPrivate Declare Auto Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Integer, ByVal bInheritHandle As Integer, ByVal dwProcessId As Integer) As IntPtrPublic Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByVal lpBuffer() As Byte, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As IntegerPublic Enum PROCESS_ACCESS As Integer' Specifies all possible access flags for the process object. PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = &H1F0FFF' Enables using the process handle in the CreateRemoteThread function' to create a thread in the process.PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD = &H2' Enables using the process handle as either the source or' target process in the DuplicateHandle function to duplicate a handle.PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE = &H40' Enables using the process handle in the GetExitCodeProcess and ' GetPriorityClass functions to read information from the process object.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = &H400' Enables using the process handle in the SetPriorityClass function to' set the priority class of the process.PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION = &H200' Enables using the process handle in the TerminateProcess function to' terminate the process.PROCESS_TERMINATE = &H1' Enables using the process handle in the VirtualProtectEx and ' WriteProcessMemory functions to modify the virtual memory of the process.PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = &H8' Enables using the process handle in the ReadProcessMemory function to' read from the virtual memory of the process.PROCESS_VM_READ = &H10' Enables using the process handle in the WriteProcessMemory function to' write to the virtual memory of the process.PROCESS_VM_WRITE = &H20' Enables using the process handle in any of the wait functions to wait' for the process to terminate.SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000End EnumPrivate Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickDim buf(0) As ByteDim hWnd As IntegerDim pid As IntegerDim bytesRead As IntegerDim ph As IntegerDim X(0) As ByteDim Y(0) As ByteDim curProcess As Process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()Me.TextBox2.Text = ""hWnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, "扫雷")GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, pid)ph = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ACCESS.PROCESS_VM_READ, False, pid) ReadProcessMemory(ph, &H10056A8, X, 1, bytesRead)ReadProcessMemory(ph, &H10056A8, Y, 1, bytesRead)For k As Integer = 0 To (X(0) - 1) * 32 Step 32For j As Integer = 0 To Y(0) - 1ReadProcessMemory(ph, &H1005361 + k + j, buf, 1, bytesRead)If buf(0) = 143 ThenMe.TextBox2.Text += "●" + " "ElseMe.TextBox2.Text += "○" + " "End IfNextMe.TextBox2.Text += vbCrLfNextEnd SubEnd Class本文介绍了用Visual 开发聊天通信软件的实现过程。
VB课程设计报告-------扫雷游戏马学清1008260132 指导老师:张小兵一、题目介绍在计算机逐步渗入社会生活各个层面的今天,计算机已经成为人们日常生活的一分,越来越多的人使用计算机办公、娱乐等等。
我利用Turbo C编写了与它功能相仿的扫雷游戏,寓学于乐。
五、程序源代码'级别Private Sub Form_Load() '默认初级dengji = 1Call nandu(dengji)End SubPrivate Sub zidingyi_Click() '自定义类型Load Form2Form2.ShowEnd SubPrivate Sub again_Click() '重新开始Call nandu(dengji)End SubPrivate Sub chuji_Click() '1级dengji = 1Call nandu(dengji)End SubPrivate Sub zhongji_Click() '2级dengji = 2Call nandu(dengji)End SubPrivate Sub gaoji_Click() '3级dengji = 3Call nandu(dengji)End SubPrivate Sub tuichu_Click() '退出Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub bang_Click() '显示英雄榜Load Form3Form3.ShowEnd SubPrivate Sub about_Click() '显示关于扫雷Load Form4Form4.ShowEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer() '处理计时器If time < 999 Thentime = time + 1stime1 = Format(time, "000")heng = Pic1.Width - (4 + 13) - 13 - 13 '时间处理For i = 1 To 3stime2 = Mid(stime1, i, 1)Pic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11 - Val(stime2)), heng, 4heng = heng + 13Nextshijian(dengji) = timeEnd IfIf time = 999 Then '游戏失败MsgBox "你输了", 0, "失败"End IfEnd SubPublic Sub nandu(dengji)'调用主程序Dim s As IntegerOpen App.Path & "mingzi" For Random As 1For s = 1 To 3Get 1, s, yuanshijian(s)NextClose 1Pic1.Picture = LoadPicture() '清空计时器和记雷显示器Pic2.Picture = LoadPicture()Pic2.Enabled = TrueTimer1.Enabled = Falseq = 0mousedown = FalseIf dengji = 1 Then '判断等级hang = 9: lie = 9: chulei = 9ElseIf dengji = 2 Thenhang = 16: lie = 16: chulei = 39ElseIf dengji = 3 Thenhang = 30: lie = 30: chulie = 99ElseIf dengji = 4 Thenhang = dingh: lie = dingl: chulei = dingleiEnd IfReDim fankai(hang - 1, lie - 1) '重定义行列数ReDim lei(hang - 1, lie - 1)ReDim jilu(hang - 1, lie - 1)With Pic2.Height = 16 * hang + 3.Width = 16 * lie + 4.Left = 1 * 8.Top = 6 * 8End WithWith Pic1.Height = 8 * 4.Width = 16 * lie + 4.Left = 1 * 8.Top = 1 * 8End WithForm1.Width = 30 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX + 16 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * lie '确定窗体高宽度Form1.Height = 100 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY + 13 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY + 16 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY * hang + 100For i = 0 To lie - 1 '开始时雷区For j = 0 To hang - 1Pic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(0), i * 16, j * 16NextNextDo While k < chulei '布雷m = Int(Rnd * hang)n = Int(Rnd * lie)If lei(m, n) <> 1 Thenlei(m, n) = 1k = k + 1End IfLoopPic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11 - k \ 100), 4, 4 '雷数Pic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11 - (k Mod 100) \ 10), 4 + 13, 4Pic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11 - (k Mod 10)), 4 + 26, 4Pic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11), Pic1.Width - (4 + 13), 4 '时间Pic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11), Pic1.Width - (4 + 26), 4Pic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11), Pic1.Width - (4 + 13 * 3), 4Pic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11), 4, 4Pic1.PaintPicture Clip2.GraphicCell(4), Pic1.Width / 2 - 12, 4 '显示笑脸End Sub'图片框1的MouseDown事件Private Sub Pic1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If X >= Pic1.Width / 2 - 12 And X <= Pic1.Width / 2 + 12 And Y >= 4 And Y <= 24 + 4 Then Pic1.PaintPicture Clip2.GraphicCell(0), Pic1.Width / 2 - 12, 4End IfEnd Sub'图片框1的MouseUp事件Private Sub Pic1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If X >= Pic1.Width / 2 - 12 And X <= Pic1.Width / 2 + 12 And Y >= 4 And Y <= 24 + 4 Then time = 0Call nandu(dengji)End IfEnd Sub'图片框的MouseDown事件Private Sub Pic2_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Static intq As Integerk = chuleimouseup = Falsei = X \ 16: j = Y \ 16If fankai(i, j) = False ThenIf Button = 1 Then '左键mousedown = TruePic1.PaintPicture Clip2.GraphicCell(3), Pic1.Width / 2 - 12, 4If jilu(i, j) <> 1 And jilu(i, j) <> -1 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(15), i * 16, j * 16ElseIf b = -1 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(6), i * 16, j * 16End IfElseIf Button = 2 Then '右键jilu(i, j) = jilu(i, j) + 1Pic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(jilu(i, j)), i * 16, j * 16If jilu(i, j) \ 2 = 1 Then jilu(i, j) = -1If jilu(i, j) = 1 Then intq = intq + 1If intq < 9 ThenPic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11 - (k Mod 10) + intq), 4 + 26, 4 '画小旗ElseIf intq < 99 ThenFor intc = 0 To 9Pic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11 - (k Mod 10) + intq), 4 + 26, 4 '雷数减少Next intcPic1.PaintPicture Clip1.GraphicCell(11 - (k Mod 100) \ 10 + intq), 4 + 13, 4 End IfIf jilu(i, j) = 1 And lei(i, j) = 1 Thenq = q + 1ElseIf jilu(i, j) = -1 Thenq = q - 1End IfIf q = chulei Then Call shengliEnd IfEnd IfEnd Sub'图片框2的MouseUp事件Private Sub Pic2_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) mousedown = FalseIf Timer1.Enabled = False Then Timer1.Enabled = Truei = X \ 16: j = Y \ 16If Button = 1 ThenIf i >= 0 And i < hang And j >= 0 And j < lie ThenPic1.PaintPicture Clip2.GraphicCell(4), Pic1.Width / 2 - 12, 4If fankai(i, j) = False ThenIf jilu(i, j) <> 1 ThenIf lei(i, j) = 1 ThenCall jieshu(i, j)MsgBox "你输了", 0, "失败"ElseIf panduan(i, j) = 0 ThenCall fan(i, j)ElseIf panduan(i, j) <> 0 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(15 - panduan(i, j)), i * 16, j * 16 '显示周围相邻雷的数量q = q + 1fankai(i, j) = TrueEnd IfEnd IfEnd IfEnd IfIf q = hang * lie - chulei Then Call shengliEnd IfEnd Sub'图片框2的MouseMove事件Private Sub Pic2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If mousedown = False ThenExit SubEnd Ifm = X \ 16: n = Y \ 16Call yidong(m, n)End Sub'通用过程:移动Private Sub yidong(m, n)If m >= 0 And m < hang And n >= 0 And n < lie ThenIf fankai(m, n) = False ThenIf jilu(m, n) = -1 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(6), m * 16, n * 16ElseIf jilu(m, n) = 0 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(15), m * 16, n * 16End IfEnd IfFor i = m - 1 To m + 1For j = n - 1 To n + 1If i >= 0 And i < hang And j >= 0 And j < lie ThenIf fankai(i, j) = False ThenIf i <> m Or j <> n ThenIf jilu(i, j) <> 1 ThenIf jilu(i, j) = 0 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(0), i * 16, j * 16ElseIf jilu(i, j) = -1 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(2), i * 16, j * 16End IfEnd IfEnd IfEnd IfEnd IfNextNextEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub jieshu(m, n)Pic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(3), m * 16, n * 16Pic1.PaintPicture Clip2.GraphicCell(2), Pic1.Width / 2 - 12, 4Pic2.Enabled = FalseTimer1.Enabled = FalseFor i = 0 To hang - 1For j = 0 To lie - 1If i <> m And j <> n ThenIf lei(i, j) = 1 And jilu(i, j) <> 1 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(5), i * 16, j * 16ElseIf lei(i, j) <> 1 And jilu(i, j) = 1 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(4), i * 16, j * 16End IfEnd IfNextNextEnd Sub'判断周围雷的数量Private Function panduan(m, n)Dim leishu As IntegerFor i = m - 1 To m + 1For j = n - 1 To n + 1If i >= 0 And i < hang And j >= 0 And j < lie ThenIf lei(i, j) = 1 Thenleishu = leishu + 1End IfEnd IfNextNextpanduan = leishuEnd Function'翻开递归Private Sub fan(m, n)Dim int1 As IntegerFor i = m - 1 To m + 1For j = n - 1 To n + 1If i >= 0 And i < hang And j >= 0 And j < lie ThenIf fankai(i, j) = False ThenIf lei(i, j) <> 1 ThenIf panduan(i, j) = 0 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(15), i * 16, j * 16fankai(i, j) = Trueq = q + 1For int1 = 1 To 20 ',防止直接全部翻开Call fan(i, j) '递归:打开相邻无雷区域Next int1ElsePic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(15 - panduan(i, j)), i * 16, j * 16fankai(i, j) = Trueq = q + 1End IfEnd IfEnd IfEnd IfNextNextEnd Sub'成功Private Sub shengli()Pic1.PaintPicture Clip2.GraphicCell(1), Pic1.Width / 2 - 12, 4Pic2.Enabled = FalseTimer1.Enabled = FalseFor i = 0 To hang - 1For j = 0 To lie - 1If lei(i, j) = 1 And jilu(i, j) <> 1 ThenPic2.PaintPicture Clip3.GraphicCell(5), i * 16, j * 16End IfNextNextIf shijian(dengji) < yuanshijian(dengji) And dengji <> 4 Then mingzi(dengji) = InputBox("破纪录,输入姓名", "成功") Open App.Path & "mingzi" For Random As #1Put 1, dengji + 3, mingzi(dengji)Put 1, dengji, shijian(dengji)Close 1ElseMsgBox "你赢了", "0", "成功"End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()dingh = Val(Text1.Text)dingl = Val(Text1.Text)dinglei = Val(Text3.Text)If Text1 <> "" And Text2 <> "" And Text3 <> "" ThenIf dinglei < dingh * dingl ThenCall Form1.nandu(4)Unload MeElseMsgBox "输入不合规范", 0, "请重新输入"End IfElseMsgBox "输入不合规范", 0, "请重新输入"End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Unload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Unload Form3End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Dim lab1(1 To 3) As IntegerDim lab2(1 To 3) As StringDim w As Integer, i As Integer, r As Integer, e As IntegerOpen App.Path & "mingzi" For Random As 1For i = 1 To 3Get 1, i, lab1(i)NextClose 1Open App.Path & "mingzi" For Random As 1For j = 4 To 6Get 1, j, lab2(j - 3)NextClose 1For e = 1 To 3bel4(e - 1).Caption = lab1(e)bel4(e + 2).Caption = lab2(e)NextFor r = 1 To 3yuanshijian(r) = lab1(r)NextEnd Sub六、心得体会课程设计是本科学习阶段一次非常难得的理论与实际相结合的机会,通过这次比较完整的一个程序的设计,我摆脱了单纯的理论知识学习状态,和实际设计的结合锻炼了我的综合运用所学的基础知识,解决实际问题的能力,同时也提高我查阅文献资料、对程序整体的把握等其他能力水平,而且通过对整体的掌控,对局部的取舍,以及对细节的斟酌处理,都使我的能力得到了锻炼,经验得到了丰富。
扫雷游戏VB设计实现最终界面如下:显然只需完成三个窗体的设计即可,具体设计界面和代码如下:一、主窗体(form10)设计界面:主窗体(form10)的代码:Dim d(11, 11) As IntegerDim k As IntegerDim v(100) As Integer '定义全局变量'Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)Timer1.Enabled = True '当点击任意一个命令按钮时(即开始游戏),则启动计时器' i = Index \ 10 + 1j = Index Mod 10 + 1 '将二维数组的元素与命令按钮一一对应'If d(i, j) = 1 Then '判断是否点到地雷'Timer1.Enabled = False '关闭计时器,游戏结束'For i = 1 To 10For j = 1 To 10n = 10 * (i - 1)m = j - 1If d(i, j) = 1 ThenCommand1.Item(m + n).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\2.jpg") '在按钮上显示地雷图片'End IfForm1.Show '弹出子窗体1(判断输赢)'Next jNext iElseIf v(Index) = Index + 1 Then '判断是否插上红旗或是问号图片'Command1.Item(Index).Picture = LoadPicture() '清除图片'Command1.Item(Index).Caption = f(i, j) '调用函数,显示周围地雷数'Command1.Item(Index).Enabled = False '将按钮设为不可用'Label7.Caption = Val(Label7.Caption) + 1v(Index) = 0End Ifh = s(i, j) '调用函数,显示周围的情况(边界)'For Y = 0 To 99If v(Y) = Y + 1 ThenCommand1.Item(Y).Enabled = True '如果是按钮插上了红旗则将按钮设置为可用'End IfNext YEnd IfFor k = 0 To 99If Command1.Item(k).Enabled = False Thenp = p + 1 '统计扫过的按钮个数'If p = 90 ThenFor Y = 0 To 100v(Y) = 0Next Y '将数组v的元素重新置0(此步目的为实现重玩而设)'Form2.Show '如果等于90个则结束游戏,弹出子窗体2(赢了)'End IfEnd IfNext kEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button = 2 Then '右击鼠标'If v(Index) <> Index + 1 Then '判断是否已插上红旗'Command1.Item(Index).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\1.jpg") '插上红旗'v(Index) = Index + 1 '给数组元素赋值,以此实现按钮图片的切换或显示状态'Label7.Caption = Val(Label7.Caption) - 1 '在标签7中显示插上的红旗个数'ElseCommand1.Item(Index).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\3.jpg") '将问号图片替换红旗'Label7.Caption = Val(Label7.Caption) + 1v(Index) = 0End IfEnd IfFor i = 1 To 10For j = 1 To 10If d(i, j) = 1 Thenn = 10 * (i - 1)m = j - 1If v(m + n) = m + n + 1 Then c = c + 1If c = 10 ThenFor Y = 0 To 100v(Y) = 0Next Y '将数组v的元素重新置0(此步目的为实现重玩而设)'Form2.Show '如果等于90个则结束游戏,弹出子窗体2(赢了)'End IfEnd IfNext jNext iEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()k = 0For i = 1 To 10For j = 1 To 10d(i, j) = 0 '将数组元素置0'Next jNext iDo While n <> 10Randomizei = Int(10 * Rnd + 1)j = Int(10 * Rnd + 1)If d(i, j) = 0 Then d(i, j) = 1: n = n + d(i, j) '产生十个随机数,即相当于十个地雷'Loopbel7.Caption = 10bel2.Caption = 0bel3.Caption = 0End SubFunction f(i, j) '定义一个函数求一个区域周围地雷的个数'f = f + d(i - 1, j - 1) + d(i - 1, j) + d(i - 1, j + 1) + d(i, j - 1)f = f + d(i, j + 1) + d(i + 1, j - 1) + d(i + 1, j) + d(i + 1, j + 1)End FunctionFunction s(i, j) '定义一个函数显示点击区域周围的情况(即边界)' For Y = 0 To 100If v(Y) = Y + 1 ThenCommand1.Item(Y).Enabled = False '如插上了红旗,则将按钮先设为不可用'End IfNext YIf f(i, j) <> 0 Then '函数嵌套,调用函数判断周围是否无地雷'n = 10 * (i - 1)m = j - 1Command1.Item(m + n).Picture = LoadPicture()Command1.Item(n + m).Caption = f(i, j)Command1.Item(n + m).Enabled = False '清除图片,显示地雷数,设置按钮不可用'ElseFor a = i - 1 To i + 1For b = j - 1 To j + 1If a <> 0 And b <> 11 And a <> 11 And b <> 0 Thenn = 10 * (a - 1)m = b - 1If Command1.Item(n + m).Enabled = True ThenCommand1.Item(m + n).Picture = LoadPicture()Command1.Item(n + m).Caption = f(a, b)Command1.Item(n + m).Enabled = False '清除图片,显示地雷数,设置按钮不可用'h = s(a, b) '调用函数本身,即实现递归'End IfEnd IfNext bNext aEnd IfEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer() '设计一个计时器'Label2.Caption = Val(Label2.Caption) + 1Label3.Caption = Val(Label2.Caption) \ 60 + Val(Label3.Caption)Label2.Caption = Val(Label2.Caption) Mod 60End Sub二、子窗体一(form1)界面如下:子窗体一(form1)的代码:Private Sub Command1_Click()Unload Form10Unload form1Form10.ShowEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Unload Form10Unload form1End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()For i = 0 To 99mand1.Item(i).Picture = LoadPicture() mand1.Item(i).Caption = ""mand1.Item(i).Enabled = TrueNext ibel7.Caption = 10bel2.Caption = 0bel3.Caption = 0Unload form1End Sub三、子窗体(form2)界面如下:子窗体二(form2)的代码:Private Sub Command1_Click()Unload Form10Form10.ShowUnload form2End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Unload Form10Unload form2End SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()For i = 0 To 99mand1.Item(i).Picture = LoadPicture()mand1.Item(i).Caption = ""mand1.Item(i).Enabled = TrueNext iUnload form2bel7.Caption = 10bel2.Caption = 0bel3.Caption = 0End Sub注释:共三个窗体(这里是form10、form1、form2)、三个标签(这里是label2、label3、label7)设计时,根据具体的情况对应修改即可。
三.界面设计四.代码设计Dim Start_Time, End_TimeDim Area_X%, Area_Y%, Area%, Area_List()Dim Current_Mine%Dim Difficulty#Dim Continue_Flag%, Success_Flag%, LeftAndRight_Flag%Dim Near_ListDim Mine_CountPrivate Sub Command_End_Click()EndEnd SubPrivate Sub Delete_Item(List(), Index As Integer)Dim i%For i = LBound(List) + Index - 1 To UBound(List) - 1List(i) = List(i + 1)Next i'防止100%的困难度If UBound(List) > LBound(List) Then ReDim Preserve List(LBound(List) To UBound(List) - 1) End SubPrivate Sub Command_retry_Click()'卸载For i = 1 To AreaUnload Label_Down(i)Unload Command_Up(i)Next iCommand_Start.Caption = "开始游戏"Call Command_Start_ClickEnd SubPrivate Sub Command_Up_Click(Index As Integer)Success_Flag = 1If Continue_Flag = 1 ThenIf Timer1.Enabled = False Then Call Command_Start_ClickIf Label_Down(Index).Caption = "X" ThenSuccess_Flag = 0Continue_Flag = 0For i = 1 To AreaIf Command_Up(i).Visible = True And Command_Up(i).Caption = "X" And Label_Down(i).BackColor = vbRed Then'标记雷正确Command_Up(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\mine_correct.gif", , , Command_Up(i).Width, Command_Up(i).Height)Command_Up(i).Visible = TrueLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueElseIf Command_Up(i).Visible = True And Command_Up(i).Caption = "X" And Label_Down(i).BackColor = vbGreen Then'标记雷错误Command_Up(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\mine_wrong.gif", , , Command_Up(i).Width, Command_Up(i).Height)Command_Up(i).Visible = TrueLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueElseCommand_Up(i).Visible = FalseLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueEnd IfNext iTimer1.Enabled = Falsetemp = MsgBox("Game Over !", vbOKOnly, "游戏结束")ElseIf Val(Label_Down(Index).Caption) > 0 ThenCommand_Up(Index).Visible = FalseLabel_Down(Index).Visible = TrueElse'如果等于0的话应该将周边的清零Command_Up(Index).Visible = FalseLabel_Down(Index).Visible = Truej = IndexFor i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If j + Near_List(i) > 0 And j + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(j).Left) <= Label_Down(j).Width And Abs(Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(j).Top) <= Label_Down(j).Height Then'判断是否有雷If Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).BackColor = vbGreen And Command_Up(j + Near_List(i)).Visible = True ThenCall Command_Up_Click(j + Near_List(i)) '注意此处循环调用的时候一定要避免陷入死循环End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iEnd If'检查是否游戏成功For i = 1 To AreaIf Command_Up(i).Visible = True And Label_Down(i).Caption <> "X" ThenSuccess_Flag = 0Exit ForEnd IfNext iIf Success_Flag = 1 ThenIf Continue_Flag = 1 ThenTimer1.Enabled = FalseFor i = 1 To AreaIf Command_Up(i).Visible = True And Command_Up(i).Caption = "X" And Label_Down(i).BackColor = vbRed Then'标记雷正确Command_Up(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\mine_correct.gif", , , Command_Up(i).Width, Command_Up(i).Height)Command_Up(i).Visible = TrueLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueElseIf Command_Up(i).Visible = True And Command_Up(i).Caption = "X" And Label_Down(i).BackColor = vbGreen Then'标记雷错误Command_Up(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\mine_wrong.gif", , , Command_Up(i).Width, Command_Up(i).Height)Command_Up(i).Visible = TrueLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueElseCommand_Up(i).Visible = FalseLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueEnd IfNext itemp = MsgBox("恭喜,扫雷成功!" & vbCrLf & "耗时:" & Mid(Label_Time.Caption, 4) & vbCrLf & "鸣谢:平方X O(∩_∩)O~", vbOKOnly, "成功") End IfContinue_Flag = 0 '提示一次后结束,防止在调用Command_Click事件中重复提示End IfEnd IfCommand_Start.SetFocusEnd SubPrivate Sub Command_Start_Click()If Command_Start.Caption = "开始游戏" ThenCommand_Start.Caption = "重新开始"Continue_Flag = 1Timer1.Enabled = TrueDifficulty = Val(Text_Difficulty.Text) / 100Area_X = Val(Text_X.Text)Area_Y = Val(Text_Y.Text)Area = Area_X * Area_Y'初始化这里进行二次初始化的原因是如果在之前的运行中对字体进行了改变,将有可能造成此处的控件大小发生变化With Picture_show.Left = 200.Top = 200.Width = 750 * 10.Height = 750 * 10.Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Command_Up(0).Left = Picture_show.Left.Top = Picture_show.Top.Width = Picture_show.Width / 10.Height = Picture_show.Height / 10.FontSize = 1 '防止自动缩放.Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Label_Down(0).Left = Picture_show.Left.Top = Picture_show.Top.Width = Picture_show.Width / 10.Height = Picture_show.Height / 10.FontSize = 1 '防止自动缩放.Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Label_Down(0).Left = 200.Top = 200.Width = 750 * 10 / IIf(Area_X > Area_Y, Area_X, Area_Y).FontSize = 25 * (.Width / 750) '会自动缩放,必须先设置了.Height = 750 * 10 / IIf(Area_X > Area_Y, Area_X, Area_Y).Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Command_Up(0).Left = 200.Top = 200.Width = Label_Down(0).Width.Height = Label_Down(0).Height.Visible = FalseEnd WithReDim Near_List(1 To 8)Near_List(1) = 0 - 1 - Area_YNear_List(2) = 0 - 0 - Area_YNear_List(3) = 0 + 1 - Area_YNear_List(4) = 0 - 1Near_List(5) = 0 + 1Near_List(6) = 0 - 1 + Area_YNear_List(7) = 0 - 0 + Area_YNear_List(8) = 0 + 1 + Area_Y'如果在列表中有相等的元素将有可能造成统计雷的数目错误For i = 1 To 8For j = i + 1 To 8If Near_List(i) = Near_List(j) Then Near_List(i) = 0Next jNext iArea_temp = 0For Y = 1 To Area_Y'加载labelFor X = 1 To Area_XArea_temp = Area_temp + 1Load Label_Down(Area_temp)With Label_Down(Area_temp).Left = Label_Down(0).Left + Label_Down(0).Width * ((Area_temp -1) Mod Area_Y).Top = Label_Down(0).Top + Label_Down(0).Height * ((Area_temp -1) \ Area_Y).BackColor = vbGreen.Visible = False.Alignment = 2.Font = .FontBoldEnd With'加载commandLoad Command_Up(Area_temp)With Command_Up(Area_temp)'对列数求余的话就是在这一行第几个了.Left = Command_Up(0).Left + Command_Up(0).Width * ((Area_temp - 1) Mod Area_Y)'整除列数的话可以确定第几行.Top = Command_Up(0).Top + Command_Up(0).Height * ((Area_temp - 1) \ Area_Y).Visible = TrueEnd WithNext XNext YReDim Area_List(1 To Area)For i = 1 To AreaArea_List(i) = iNext i' 随即布雷RandomizeMine_Count = Val(Text_Mine_Count.Text)For i = 1 To Mine_CountCurrent_Mine = Int(Rnd * (UBound(Area_List) - LBound(Area_List) + 1) + 1) '在数组中随机一个,注意此处2个+1的必要性和准确性Label_Down(Area_List(Current_Mine)).BackColor = vbRed '将该位置标记为雷Call Delete_Item(Area_List, Current_Mine) '删除该位置,防止再次标记Next i'检查雷的数目For j = 1 To AreaIf Label_Down(j).BackColor = vbRed ThenLabel_Down(j).Caption = "X"ElseMine_Number = 0For i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If j + Near_List(i) > 0 And j + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(j).Left) <= Label_Down(j).Width And Abs(Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(j).Top) <= Label_Down(j).Height Then'判断是否有雷If Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).BackColor = vbRed ThenMine_Number = Mine_Number + 1End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iLabel_Down(j).Caption = Mine_NumberEnd IfNext jStart_Time = Now()ElseIf Command_Start.Caption = "重新开始" ThenCall Command_retry_ClickEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command_Up_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button = 2 ThenIf Command_Up(Index).Caption = "" ThenCommand_Up(Index).Caption = "X"Command_Up(Index).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\mine.gif", , , Command_Up(Index).Width, Command_Up(Index).Height)ElseIf Command_Up(Index).Caption = "X" ThenCommand_Up(Index).Caption = "?"Command_Up(Index).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\Unknown.gif", , , Command_Up(Index).Width, Command_Up(Index).Height)ElseIf Command_Up(Index).Caption = "?" ThenCommand_Up(Index).Caption = ""Command_Up(Index).Picture = LoadPicture("") End IfEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()With Picture_show.Left = 200.Top = 200.Width = 750 * 10.Height = 750 * 10.Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Command_Up(0).Left = Picture_show.Left.Top = Picture_show.Top.Width = Picture_show.Width / 10.Height = Picture_show.Height / 10.FontSize = 1 '防止自动缩放.Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Label_Down(0).Left = Picture_show.Left.Top = Picture_show.Top.Width = Picture_show.Width / 10.Height = Picture_show.Height / 10.FontSize = 1 '防止自动缩放.Visible = FalseEnd With'加载计时器Timer1.Enabled = FalseTimer1.Interval = 100'加载滚动条With HScroll_Difficulty.LargeChange = 5.SmallChange = 1.Max = 100.Min = 0.Value = 10End WithWith HScroll_Area_X.LargeChange = 5.SmallChange = 1.Max = 100.Min = 1.Value = 10End WithWith HScroll_Area_Y.LargeChange = 5.SmallChange = 1.Max = 100.Min = 1.Value = 10End WithWith HScroll_Mine_Count.LargeChange = 5.SmallChange = 1.Max = 100.Min = 0.Value = 10End With'由于很多数据不方便处理,索性让其禁用了Text_Difficulty.Enabled = FalseText_Mine_Count.Enabled = FalseText_X.Enabled = FalseText_Y.Enabled = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Area_X_Change()Text_X.Text = HScroll_Area_X.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Max = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Area_X_Scroll()Text_X.Text = HScroll_Area_X.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Max = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Area_Y_Change()Text_Y.Text = HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Max = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Area_Y_Scroll()Text_Y.Text = HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Max = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Difficulty_Change()Text_Difficulty.Text = HScroll_Difficulty.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Difficulty_Scroll()Text_Difficulty.Text = HScroll_Difficulty.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Mine_Count_Change()Text_Mine_Count.Text = HScroll_Mine_Count.ValueHScroll_Difficulty.Value = HScroll_Mine_Count.Value / (HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value) * 100End SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Mine_Count_Scroll()Text_Mine_Count.Text = HScroll_Mine_Count.ValueHScroll_Difficulty.Value = HScroll_Mine_Count.Value / (HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value) * 100End SubPrivate Sub Label_Down_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)For i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If Index + Near_List(i) > 0 And Index + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(Index).Left) <= Label_Down(Index).Width And Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(Index).Top) <= Label_Down(Index).Height Then'判断是否有标记雷If Command_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Caption <> "X" And Command_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Caption <> "?" ThenCommand_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Picture = LoadPicture("")End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iEnd SubPrivate Sub label_down_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If LeftAndRight_Flag + Button = 3 Then '双击完成Mine_Number = Val(Label_Down(Index).Caption)Mark_mine_number = 0For i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If Index + Near_List(i) > 0 And Index + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(Index).Left) <= Label_Down(Index).Width And Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(Index).Top) <= Label_Down(Index).Height Then'判断是否有标记雷If Command_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Caption = "X" ThenMark_mine_number = Mark_mine_number + 1End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iIf Val(Label_Down(Index).Caption) - Mark_mine_number <= 0 Then '已全部标出,自动点开For i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If Index + Near_List(i) > 0 And Index + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(Index).Left) <= Label_Down(Index).Width And Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(Index).Top) <= Label_Down(Index).Height Then'判断是否有标记雷If Command_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Caption <> "X" ThenCall Command_Up_Click(Index + Near_List(i))End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iElse '如果没有全部标注的话应该显示一下嘛For i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If Index + Near_List(i) > 0 And Index + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(Index).Left) <= Label_Down(Index).Width And Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(Index).Top) <= Label_Down(Index).Height Then'判断是否有标记雷If Command_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Caption <> "X" ThenCommand_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\xia.gif", , , Command_Up(Index).Width, Command_Up(Index).Height)End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iEnd IfElseLeftAndRight_Flag = Button'Print LeftAndRight_FlagEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()LeftAndRight_Flag = 0End_Time = Now()spend_time = (End_Time - Start_Time) * 10 ^ 5Label_Time.Caption = "时间:" & Format(Int(spend_time) \ (60 * 60), "00") & ":" & Format((Int(spend_time) Mod (60 * 60)) \ 60, "00") & ":" & Format(Int(spend_time) Mod 60, "00") & "." & Format(Int((spend_time - Int(spend_time)) * 1000), "000")End Sub五.软件截图1 2 3。
VB小游戏设计-V1VB小游戏设计VB(Visual Basic)是一种广泛使用的编程语言,既可以编写应用程序,也可以编写小游戏。
步骤 1:选择游戏类型在开始之前,您需要选择您想要制作的游戏类型。
步骤 2:设计游戏场景游戏场景是游戏的基础,在VB中,可以使用Form来设计游戏场景。
步骤 3:添加游戏元素游戏元素是游戏的主体,它们包括游戏角色、游戏道具、游戏关卡等等。
步骤 4:编写游戏逻辑游戏逻辑是游戏的核心,它定义了游戏规则和游戏流程。
步骤 5:测试和调试在完成游戏逻辑后,您需要对游戏进行测试和调试。
初 始 化
1 .在 本 程 序 中 ,设 置 程 序 界 面 为 6X 6共 3 6个 子 区 域 ,
Fr o i= 1T 6 o3
R no i ad mz e
初 始 化 雷 的个 数
I n (0 fIt 1
R d +1 n )>8T en h
每 一 个 区 域 i按 从 左 至 右 ,从 上 至 下 标 记 ) lbl() cn ( 有 aeli和 o —
徐 勇
本 文介 绍在 Wid w 环境 下利 用 V 6 0开发 一个 简单 的扫 雷 游戏 的方 法 。 no s B,
扫 雷 ,V 6 0 B . ,控件
关 键词
扫 雷 游 戏是 Widw 操 作 系 统 自带 的 一个 小 游 戏 ,过 去 的 no s
几 年 里 Widw 操 作 系 统 历 经 数 次换 代 , 变得 越 来 越 庞 大 、复 no s
b l qzs。
Fr o i= 2 T o 5
F r 1 L b l i . p in = ar i一 1 + a ri+ 1 o m . a e1() Ca t o r( ) r( ) + a ri+ 5 + a ri+ 6 + ar i+ 7) r( )~ r( ) r(
尝 试 着 开发 一 个 类 似 的 “ 雷 游 戏 ” ,下 面就 将 笔 者 在 教 学 过 扫
4 .用 一 个 cm a d控 件 表 示 游 戏 进 行 的 状 态 ( 始 化 按 omn 初 钮 ) 初 始 状 态 该 cm a d控 件 的 p tr 性 为 图 :平 静 的 , omn i ue属 c
P i e ) 为 O表 示 什 么 也 没 有 , 示 红 旗 , ( d x值 n 1表 2是 问 号
三.界面设计四.代码设计Dim Start_Time, End_TimeDim Area_X%, Area_Y%, Area%, Area_List()Dim Current_Mine%Dim Difficulty#Dim Continue_Flag%, Success_Flag%, LeftAndRight_Flag%Dim Near_ListDim Mine_CountPrivate Sub Command_End_Click()EndEnd SubPrivate Sub Delete_Item(List(), Index As Integer)Dim i%For i = LBound(List) + Index - 1 To UBound(List) - 1List(i) = List(i + 1)Next i'防止100%的困难度If UBound(List) > LBound(List) Then ReDim Preserve List(LBound(List) To UBound(List) - 1) End SubPrivate Sub Command_retry_Click()'卸载For i = 1 To AreaUnload Label_Down(i)Unload Command_Up(i)Next iCommand_Start.Caption = "开始游戏"Call Command_Start_ClickEnd SubPrivate Sub Command_Up_Click(Index As Integer)Success_Flag = 1If Continue_Flag = 1 ThenIf Timer1.Enabled = False Then Call Command_Start_ClickIf Label_Down(Index).Caption = "X" ThenSuccess_Flag = 0Continue_Flag = 0For i = 1 To AreaIf Command_Up(i).Visible = True And Command_Up(i).Caption = "X" And Label_Down(i).BackColor = vbRed Then'标记雷正确Command_Up(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\mine_correct.gif", , , Command_Up(i).Width, Command_Up(i).Height)Command_Up(i).Visible = TrueLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueElseIf Command_Up(i).Visible = True And Command_Up(i).Caption = "X" And Label_Down(i).BackColor = vbGreen Then'标记雷错误Command_Up(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\mine_wrong.gif", , , Command_Up(i).Width, Command_Up(i).Height)Command_Up(i).Visible = TrueLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueElseCommand_Up(i).Visible = FalseLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueEnd IfNext iTimer1.Enabled = Falsetemp = MsgBox("Game Over !", vbOKOnly, "游戏结束")ElseIf Val(Label_Down(Index).Caption) > 0 ThenCommand_Up(Index).Visible = FalseLabel_Down(Index).Visible = TrueElse'如果等于0的话应该将周边的清零Command_Up(Index).Visible = FalseLabel_Down(Index).Visible = Truej = IndexFor i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If j + Near_List(i) > 0 And j + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(j).Left) <= Label_Down(j).Width And Abs(Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(j).Top) <= Label_Down(j).Height Then'判断是否有雷If Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).BackColor = vbGreen And Command_Up(j + Near_List(i)).Visible = True ThenCall Command_Up_Click(j + Near_List(i)) '注意此处循环调用的时候一定要避免陷入死循环End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iEnd If'检查是否游戏成功For i = 1 To AreaIf Command_Up(i).Visible = True And Label_Down(i).Caption <> "X" ThenSuccess_Flag = 0Exit ForEnd IfNext iIf Success_Flag = 1 ThenIf Continue_Flag = 1 ThenTimer1.Enabled = FalseFor i = 1 To AreaIf Command_Up(i).Visible = True And Command_Up(i).Caption = "X" And Label_Down(i).BackColor = vbRed Then'标记雷正确Command_Up(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\mine_correct.gif", , , Command_Up(i).Width, Command_Up(i).Height)Command_Up(i).Visible = TrueLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueElseIf Command_Up(i).Visible = True And Command_Up(i).Caption = "X" And Label_Down(i).BackColor = vbGreen Then'标记雷错误Command_Up(i).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\mine_wrong.gif", , , Command_Up(i).Width, Command_Up(i).Height)Command_Up(i).Visible = TrueLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueElseCommand_Up(i).Visible = FalseLabel_Down(i).Visible = TrueEnd IfNext itemp = MsgBox("恭喜,扫雷成功!" & vbCrLf & "耗时:" & Mid(Label_Time.Caption, 4) & vbCrLf & "鸣谢:平方X O(∩_∩)O~", vbOKOnly, "成功") End IfContinue_Flag = 0 '提示一次后结束,防止在调用Command_Click事件中重复提示End IfEnd IfCommand_Start.SetFocusEnd SubPrivate Sub Command_Start_Click()If Command_Start.Caption = "开始游戏" ThenCommand_Start.Caption = "重新开始"Continue_Flag = 1Timer1.Enabled = TrueDifficulty = Val(Text_Difficulty.Text) / 100Area_X = Val(Text_X.Text)Area_Y = Val(Text_Y.Text)Area = Area_X * Area_Y'初始化这里进行二次初始化的原因是如果在之前的运行中对字体进行了改变,将有可能造成此处的控件大小发生变化With Picture_show.Left = 200.Top = 200.Width = 750 * 10.Height = 750 * 10.Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Command_Up(0).Left = Picture_show.Left.Top = Picture_show.Top.Width = Picture_show.Width / 10.Height = Picture_show.Height / 10.FontSize = 1 '防止自动缩放.Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Label_Down(0).Left = Picture_show.Left.Top = Picture_show.Top.Width = Picture_show.Width / 10.Height = Picture_show.Height / 10.FontSize = 1 '防止自动缩放.Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Label_Down(0).Left = 200.Top = 200.Width = 750 * 10 / IIf(Area_X > Area_Y, Area_X, Area_Y).FontSize = 25 * (.Width / 750) '会自动缩放,必须先设置了.Height = 750 * 10 / IIf(Area_X > Area_Y, Area_X, Area_Y).Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Command_Up(0).Left = 200.Top = 200.Width = Label_Down(0).Width.Height = Label_Down(0).Height.Visible = FalseEnd WithReDim Near_List(1 To 8)Near_List(1) = 0 - 1 - Area_YNear_List(2) = 0 - 0 - Area_YNear_List(3) = 0 + 1 - Area_YNear_List(4) = 0 - 1Near_List(5) = 0 + 1Near_List(6) = 0 - 1 + Area_YNear_List(7) = 0 - 0 + Area_YNear_List(8) = 0 + 1 + Area_Y'如果在列表中有相等的元素将有可能造成统计雷的数目错误For i = 1 To 8For j = i + 1 To 8If Near_List(i) = Near_List(j) Then Near_List(i) = 0Next jNext iArea_temp = 0For Y = 1 To Area_Y'加载labelFor X = 1 To Area_XArea_temp = Area_temp + 1Load Label_Down(Area_temp)With Label_Down(Area_temp).Left = Label_Down(0).Left + Label_Down(0).Width * ((Area_temp -1) Mod Area_Y).Top = Label_Down(0).Top + Label_Down(0).Height * ((Area_temp -1) \ Area_Y).BackColor = vbGreen.Visible = False.Alignment = 2.Font = .FontBoldEnd With'加载commandLoad Command_Up(Area_temp)With Command_Up(Area_temp)'对列数求余的话就是在这一行第几个了.Left = Command_Up(0).Left + Command_Up(0).Width * ((Area_temp - 1) Mod Area_Y)'整除列数的话可以确定第几行.Top = Command_Up(0).Top + Command_Up(0).Height * ((Area_temp - 1) \ Area_Y).Visible = TrueEnd WithNext XNext YReDim Area_List(1 To Area)For i = 1 To AreaArea_List(i) = iNext i' 随即布雷RandomizeMine_Count = Val(Text_Mine_Count.Text)For i = 1 To Mine_CountCurrent_Mine = Int(Rnd * (UBound(Area_List) - LBound(Area_List) + 1) + 1) '在数组中随机一个,注意此处2个+1的必要性和准确性Label_Down(Area_List(Current_Mine)).BackColor = vbRed '将该位置标记为雷Call Delete_Item(Area_List, Current_Mine) '删除该位置,防止再次标记Next i'检查雷的数目For j = 1 To AreaIf Label_Down(j).BackColor = vbRed ThenLabel_Down(j).Caption = "X"ElseMine_Number = 0For i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If j + Near_List(i) > 0 And j + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(j).Left) <= Label_Down(j).Width And Abs(Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(j).Top) <= Label_Down(j).Height Then'判断是否有雷If Label_Down(j + Near_List(i)).BackColor = vbRed ThenMine_Number = Mine_Number + 1End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iLabel_Down(j).Caption = Mine_NumberEnd IfNext jStart_Time = Now()ElseIf Command_Start.Caption = "重新开始" ThenCall Command_retry_ClickEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command_Up_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If Button = 2 ThenIf Command_Up(Index).Caption = "" ThenCommand_Up(Index).Caption = "X"Command_Up(Index).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\mine.gif", , , Command_Up(Index).Width, Command_Up(Index).Height)ElseIf Command_Up(Index).Caption = "X" ThenCommand_Up(Index).Caption = "?"Command_Up(Index).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\Unknown.gif", , , Command_Up(Index).Width, Command_Up(Index).Height)ElseIf Command_Up(Index).Caption = "?" ThenCommand_Up(Index).Caption = ""Command_Up(Index).Picture = LoadPicture("") End IfEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()With Picture_show.Left = 200.Top = 200.Width = 750 * 10.Height = 750 * 10.Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Command_Up(0).Left = Picture_show.Left.Top = Picture_show.Top.Width = Picture_show.Width / 10.Height = Picture_show.Height / 10.FontSize = 1 '防止自动缩放.Visible = FalseEnd WithWith Label_Down(0).Left = Picture_show.Left.Top = Picture_show.Top.Width = Picture_show.Width / 10.Height = Picture_show.Height / 10.FontSize = 1 '防止自动缩放.Visible = FalseEnd With'加载计时器Timer1.Enabled = FalseTimer1.Interval = 100'加载滚动条With HScroll_Difficulty.LargeChange = 5.SmallChange = 1.Max = 100.Min = 0.Value = 10End WithWith HScroll_Area_X.LargeChange = 5.SmallChange = 1.Max = 100.Min = 1.Value = 10End WithWith HScroll_Area_Y.LargeChange = 5.SmallChange = 1.Max = 100.Min = 1.Value = 10End WithWith HScroll_Mine_Count.LargeChange = 5.SmallChange = 1.Max = 100.Min = 0.Value = 10End With'由于很多数据不方便处理,索性让其禁用了Text_Difficulty.Enabled = FalseText_Mine_Count.Enabled = FalseText_X.Enabled = FalseText_Y.Enabled = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Area_X_Change()Text_X.Text = HScroll_Area_X.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Max = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Area_X_Scroll()Text_X.Text = HScroll_Area_X.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Max = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Area_Y_Change()Text_Y.Text = HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Max = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Area_Y_Scroll()Text_Y.Text = HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Max = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Difficulty_Change()Text_Difficulty.Text = HScroll_Difficulty.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Difficulty_Scroll()Text_Difficulty.Text = HScroll_Difficulty.ValueHScroll_Mine_Count.Value = HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value / 100 * HScroll_Difficulty.ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Mine_Count_Change()Text_Mine_Count.Text = HScroll_Mine_Count.ValueHScroll_Difficulty.Value = HScroll_Mine_Count.Value / (HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value) * 100End SubPrivate Sub HScroll_Mine_Count_Scroll()Text_Mine_Count.Text = HScroll_Mine_Count.ValueHScroll_Difficulty.Value = HScroll_Mine_Count.Value / (HScroll_Area_X.Value * HScroll_Area_Y.Value) * 100End SubPrivate Sub Label_Down_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)For i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If Index + Near_List(i) > 0 And Index + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(Index).Left) <= Label_Down(Index).Width And Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(Index).Top) <= Label_Down(Index).Height Then'判断是否有标记雷If Command_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Caption <> "X" And Command_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Caption <> "?" ThenCommand_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Picture = LoadPicture("")End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iEnd SubPrivate Sub label_down_MouseDown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)If LeftAndRight_Flag + Button = 3 Then '双击完成Mine_Number = Val(Label_Down(Index).Caption)Mark_mine_number = 0For i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If Index + Near_List(i) > 0 And Index + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(Index).Left) <= Label_Down(Index).Width And Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(Index).Top) <= Label_Down(Index).Height Then'判断是否有标记雷If Command_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Caption = "X" ThenMark_mine_number = Mark_mine_number + 1End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iIf Val(Label_Down(Index).Caption) - Mark_mine_number <= 0 Then '已全部标出,自动点开For i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If Index + Near_List(i) > 0 And Index + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(Index).Left) <= Label_Down(Index).Width And Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(Index).Top) <= Label_Down(Index).Height Then'判断是否有标记雷If Command_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Caption <> "X" ThenCall Command_Up_Click(Index + Near_List(i))End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iElse '如果没有全部标注的话应该显示一下嘛For i = 1 To 8'判断控件是否存在If Index + Near_List(i) > 0 And Index + Near_List(i) <= Area Then'判断是否相邻If Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Left -Label_Down(Index).Left) <= Label_Down(Index).Width And Abs(Label_Down(Index + Near_List(i)).Top -Label_Down(Index).Top) <= Label_Down(Index).Height Then'判断是否有标记雷If Command_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Caption <> "X" ThenCommand_Up(Index + Near_List(i)).Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path + "\pictures\xia.gif", , , Command_Up(Index).Width, Command_Up(Index).Height)End IfEnd IfEnd IfNext iEnd IfElseLeftAndRight_Flag = Button'Print LeftAndRight_FlagEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()LeftAndRight_Flag = 0End_Time = Now()spend_time = (End_Time - Start_Time) * 10 ^ 5Label_Time.Caption = "时间:" & Format(Int(spend_time) \ (60 * 60), "00") & ":" & Format((Int(spend_time) Mod (60 * 60)) \ 60, "00") & ":" & Format(Int(spend_time) Mod 60, "00") & "." & Format(Int((spend_time - Int(spend_time)) * 1000), "000")End Sub五.软件截图1 2 3。
编号毕业论文题目用VB实现一个简单的游戏学生姓名学号学院专业班级指导教师用VB实现一个简单的游戏摘要当前,随着计算机应用及网络的的深入普及,越来越多的政府部门、厂矿企业、学校等单位及个人都拥有了自己的计算机,计算机不仅在工作方面给人们以很大的帮助,还给人们带来了多种的娱乐享受.,操作系统自带的游戏也起到了很大的娱乐作用,而且它的开发成本小,所以小游戏的开发在这种形势下就应运而生,它的开发主要采用VC++ ,VB 等编程语言.本设计采用VB编写,VB一直以来被认为有以下优缺点:优点是上手快、开发效率高;缺点是能力有限,运行效率低.这正是有些软件把VB做为首选语言,而有些软件肯定不会用VB做的原因.而很多VC,DELPHI的程序员都认为VB里搞开发不自由.的确,简单和功能强大这两者本身就是一对矛盾.扫雷游戏是操作系统中的一个主要的益智类游戏. 用户对鼠标进行操作,单击鼠标左键为踩雷,单击鼠标左键在标记,疑问,空白三种状态中循环,同时单击鼠标左右键为踩单击点在内的周围九格内所有没有标记为已标记的所有格子.同时程序从你单击第一次时开始计时,到胜利或引爆地雷终结.结束后单击开始按钮重新开始游戏.这款游戏实现了开发人类大脑思维的目的.关键词VB,扫雷游戏Realizes a simple game with VBAbstractFront, is applied along with the calculator and network of of the thorough universality, more and more governments section, factory mineral business enterprise, school...etc. unit and individual all owned own calculator, the calculator is not only to give people in the aspects of working with the very big help, returning to people brought various amusements enjoys., the operate system also rose from the game that take very big amusement function, and it of the cost of development is small, so the development of the get-away drama under this kind of situation emerge with the tide of the times, it of main adoption in development VC++, VB etc. plait distance language.This design adoption VB plait writes, the VB hases been passing for to have since then below merit and shortcoming:The advantage is to undertakes quick, development the efficiency is high;The weakness is an ability limited, circulate the efficiency low.This exactly some softwares is used as a reason for choose the language, but some softwares is affirmative and do with the VB of VBs.And a lot of VCs, the DELPHI procedure member thinks the VB in make the development not free. Really, it is simple to is strong and big with the function this both oneself is an one rightness antinomy.The mine clearance game is an operate system inside of a grows in wisdom a game primarily. The customer proceeds the operation to the rat mark, the left key in mark in rat in single shot is for trampling the thunder, the single shot rat marks the left key in marking, question, blank three kinds of appearances circulating, the single shot rat marks or so key as to trample at the same time the single shot orders the surroundings in inside nine the marking had in spaceses are already all blanks of the marking.At the same time procedure is from you single shot first time hour starts accounting, arrive victory or set off the land mine end.Ending the single shot in empress starts pressing button restarting the game.This game realizes the purpose of the human brain in development thought.Key words:VB,The mine clearance game目录1引言 (4)2 Visual Basic概况 (5)2.1 VB简介 (5)2.2 本设计运用的技术 (5)3可行性分析 (6)4总体设计 (7)4.1设计构想 (7)4.2流程规划 (7)5详细设计 (9)5.1画面规划 (9)5.2 设计过程 (10)5.2.1 添加菜单 (10)5.2.2 自定义窗体设计 (10)5.2.3 关于窗体设计 (15)5.3 运行界面 (15)6系统测试 (17)结束语 (18)参考文献 (19)附录 (20)1引言本论文研究的是以Visual Basic 6.0为开发环境,设计并开发一款扫雷游戏,其功能类似于Windows操作系统自带的扫雷游戏。论文首先介绍了制作游戏的整体思路及整个游戏设计的流程规划,然后介绍了雷区的布置及地雷随机产生的实现方法;重点介绍了在游戏过程中各事件的处理,其中又以鼠标事件和清除未靠近地雷区方块这两方面最为重要,鼠标事件是利用鼠标所发出的信息了解使用者的意图,进而做出相对应的动作,而清除未靠近地雷区方块由于引进了“递归”这个概念而使其简单化。扫雷游戏是WINDOWS系统自带的一个娱乐性的小游戏,在玩扫雷游戏的过程中也可以很好的培养耐心和细心,同时在无聊得时候可以用以休闲娱乐,如果我们自己也能动手做一个小程序来实现这个功能,自然能乐在其中。
简易vb扫雷代码Dim X As Integer, total%Private Sub Command1_Click()RandomizeDim k As Integer, m As Integerw = Form1.Widthh = Form1.Height * 0.9X = Val(InputBox("请输入行列数"))For i = 1 To XFor j = 1 To Xk = (i - 1) * X + jLoad Label1(k)Label1(k).Caption = ""Label1(k).Visible = TrueLabel1(k).Width = w \ XLabel1(k).Height = h \ XLabel1(k).Top = h / X * (i - 1)Label1(k).Left = w / X * (j - 1)If (i + j) Mod 2 = 0 ThenLabel1(k).BackColor = QBColor(12)ElseLabel1(k).BackColor = QBColor(15)End IfLabel1(k).FontSize = 260 \ XLabel1(k).Tag = IIf(Int(Rnd * 20 + 1) Mod 19 = 1, "○", " ") If Label1(k).Tag = "○" Then total = total + 1Label1(k).Alignment = 2Next jNext iLabel1(0).BackColor = QBColor(0)For i = 1 To XFor j = 1 To XIf j + 1 <= X And i > 1 ThenIf Label1((i - 2) * X + j + 1).Tag = "○" Then m = m + 1 End If If j + 1 <= X And i + 1 < X ThenIf Label1(i * X + j + 1).Tag = "○" Then m = m + 1End IfIf i + 1 <= X And j > 1 ThenIf Label1(i * X + j - 1).Tag = "○" Then m = m + 1End IfIf i > 1 And j > 1 ThenIf Label1((i - 2) * X + j - 1).Tag = "○" Then m = m + 1End IfIf j + 1 <= X ThenIf Label1((i - 1) * X + j + 1).Tag = "○" Then m = m + 1End IfIf i + 1 <= X ThenIf Label1(i * X + j).T ag = "○" Then m = m + 1End IfIf j > 1 ThenIf Label1((i - 1) * X + j - 1).Tag = "○" Then m = m + 1End IfIf i > 1 ThenIf Label1((i - 2) * X + j).Tag = "○" Then m = m + 1End IfLabel1((i - 1) * X + j).ToolTipText = mm = 0NextNextEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Label1(0).Visible = FalseMe.Width = 8000Me.Height = Me.WidthEnd SubPrivate Sub Label1_Mousedown(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, p As Single, q As Single)Static gross%If Button = 2 Then La bel1(Index).Caption = "※"If Button = 1 ThenIf Label1(Index).Tag = "○" ThenMsgBox "你挖到雷了"gross = 0For i = 1 To X * XLabel1(i).Caption = Label1(i).TagNext iFor i = 1 To X * X '延时Label1(i).BackColor = vbWhiteNextFor i = 1 To 1000000DoEventsNextFor i = 1 To X * XUnload Label1(i)NextElseLabel1(Index).BackColor = vbGreenLabel1(Index).Caption = Label1(Index).ToolTipTextIf Label1(Index).ToolTipText = "0" ThenIf Index Mod X = 0 Then i = Index / X Else i = Int(Index / X) + 1If Index Mod X = 0 Then j = X Else j = Index Mod XIf j + 1 <= X And i > 1 ThenLabel1((i - 2) * X + j + 1).Caption = Label1((i - 2) * X + j + 1).ToolTipText End IfIf j + 1 <= X And i + 1 < X ThenLabel1(i * X + j + 1).Caption = Label1(i * X + j + 1).ToolTipText End IfIf i + 1 <= X And j > 1 ThenLabel1(i * X + j - 1).Caption = Label1(i * X + j - 1).ToolTipText End IfIf i > 1 And j > 1 ThenLabel1((i - 2) * X + j - 1).Caption = Label1((i - 2) * X + j - 1).ToolTipText End IfIf j + 1 <= X ThenLabel1((i - 1) * X + j + 1).Caption = Label1((i - 1) * X + j + 1).ToolTipText End IfIf i + 1 <= X ThenLabel1(i * X + j).Caption = Label1(i * X + j).ToolTipT extEnd IfIf j > 1 ThenLabel1((i - 1) * X + j - 1).Caption = Label1((i - 1) * X + j - 1).ToolTipText End IfIf i > 1 ThenLabel1((i - 2) * X + j).Caption = Label1((i - 2) * X + j).ToolTipText End IfEnd IfEnd IfEnd Ifgross = 0If Label1.Count > 1 ThenFor i = 1 To X * XIf Label1(i).Caption = "※" Then gross = gross + 1Next iEnd Ifs = 0If Label1.Count > 1 ThenFor i = 1 To X * XIf Label1(i).BackColor = vbGreen Then s = s + 1Next iEnd IfDebug.Print "s的值是"; sDebug.Print "gross"; grossDebug.Print "total"; totalIf s + gross = X * X Then '确保探测完所有方块msg = MsgBox("恭喜你清完了所有雷,是否重新开始?", vbYesNo) If msg = vbYes ThenFor i = 1 To X * XUnload Label1(i)NextEnd Ifgross = 0End IfEnd Sub。
Public Class formDim chks(8, 8) As CheckBoxDim o As IntegerDim i, j As IntegerDim P, U As IntegerDim arr(9, 0) As ObjectPrivate Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Clicko = 0For i = 0 To 8For j = 0 To 8If chks(i, j) Is Nothing Thenchks(i, j) = New CheckBox()End IfAddHandler chks(i, j).MouseUp, AddressOf Chk_MouseUpchks(i, j).Appearance =Appearance.Buttonchks(i, j).height = 25chks(i, j).width = 25chks(i, j).Top = i * 25 + 50chks(i, j).left = j * 25chks(i, j).text = ""chks(i, j).tag = 0chks(i, j).BackColor = Me.BackColorchks(i, j).checked = Falsechks(i, j).Enabled = Truechks(i, j).Font = New Font("Arial", 14, FontStyle.Bold)Me.Controls.Add(chks(i, j))NextNextDim n As Integer = 0Dim h As Integer = 0Randomize()Do While h < 10P = Math.Floor(Rnd() * 9)U = Math.Floor(Rnd() * 9)If chks(P, U).Tag = 0 Thenarr(n, 0) = chks(P, U)chks(P, U).Tag = 1h = h + 1n += 1End IfLoopTimer1.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)End SubPrivate Sub Chk_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)Dim chk As CheckBox = CType(sender, CheckBox)Dim m As IntegerIf chk.Tag = 1 ThenFor m = 0 To 9arr(m, 0).BackColor = Color.BlueNextMsgBox("over ")EndEnd IfCall autoopen(chk)End SubSub autoopen(ByVal chk As CheckBox)Dim row As Integer = chk.Top / 25Dim col As Integer = chk.Left / 25Dim i, j As IntegerDim sum As Integer = 0For i = row - 1 To row + 1For j = col - 1 To col + 1If (i >= 0) And (i < 9) And (j >= 0) And (j < 9) Thensum += chks(i, j).TagEnd IfNextNextchk.Text = sumchk.Enabled = FalseIf sum = 0 ThenFor i = row - 1 To row + 1For j = row - 1 To row + 1If (i >= 1) And (i <= 8) And (j >= 1) And (j <= 8) ThenIf chks(i, j).Text = "" ThenCallautoopen(chks(i, j))End IfEnd IfNextNextEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.LoadEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Ticko = o + 1TextBox1.Text = oEnd SubPrivate Sub Button1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) HandlesButton1.MouseDoubleClickEnd SubPrivate Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChangedEnd SubEnd Class。
Private objMine As New clsWinMinePrivate Sub Form_Load()Set objMine、frmDisplay = MeEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' 判断单击的就是哪个区域objMine、BeginHitTest Button, x, yEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' 判断当鼠标左键按下的时候鼠标指针在哪个区域objMine、TrackHitTest Button, x, yEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) ' 判断释放鼠标左键的时候鼠标指针在哪个区域objMine、EndHitTest Button, x, yEnd SubPrivate Sub mnuBeginner_Click()mnuBeginner、Checked = TruemnuIntermediate、Checked = FalsemnuExpert、Checked = FalsemnuCustom、Checked = False' 初级模式objMine、SetMineFieldDimension 8, 8, 10, FalseobjMine、mblnNewGame = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub mnuCustom_Click()mnuBeginner、Checked = FalsemnuIntermediate、Checked = FalsemnuExpert、Checked = FalsemnuCustom、Checked = True' 中级模式objMine、GetMineFieldDimensions frmCustomDlgfrmCustomDlg、Show 1' 如果按ESC键,则退出If frmCustomDlg、mblnEscape Then Exit SubobjMine、SetMineFieldDimension Val(frmCustomDlg、txtRows), Val(frmCustomDlg、txtColumns), Val(frmCustomDlg、txtMines), True' 卸载隐藏的对话框Unload frmCustomDlg' 做好准备开始新游戏objMine、mblnNewGame = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub mnuExit_Click()' 调用terminate事件Set objMine = Nothing' 退出游戏EndEnd SubPrivate Sub mnuExpert_Click()mnuBeginner、Checked = FalsemnuIntermediate、Checked = FalsemnuExpert、Checked = TruemnuCustom、Checked = False' 高级模式objMine、SetMineFieldDimension 16, 30, 100, False objMine、mblnNewGame = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub mnuIntermediate_Click()mnuBeginner、Checked = FalsemnuIntermediate、Checked = TruemnuExpert、Checked = FalsemnuCustom、Checked = False' 自定义模式objMine、SetMineFieldDimension 16, 16, 40, FalseobjMine、mblnNewGame = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub mnuNew_Click()' 开始新游戏objMine、NewGameEnd SubOption Explicit' 判断左键就是否按下Private Const LEFT_BUTTON As Byte = 1' 标记没有地雷的区域Private Const NONE As Byte = 0' 标记就是否触雷Private Const MINE As Byte = 243' 已经清除地雷的区域Private Const BEEN As Byte = 244' 标记确定已经有地雷的区域Private Const FLAGGED As Byte = 2' 标记可疑区域Private Const QUESTION As Byte = 1' 最大、最小行列数Private Const MIN_MINES As Byte = 10Private Const MAX_MINES As Byte = 99Private Const MIN_ROWS As Integer = 8Private Const MAX_ROWS As Integer = 24Private Const MIN_COLS As Integer = 8Private Const MAX_COLS As Integer = 36' 宽Private Const mintButtonWidth As Byte = 16' 高Private Const mintButtonHeight As Byte = 16' 总地雷数Private mbytNumMines As Byte' 尚未标记的地雷数Private mbytCorrectHits As Byte' 已经标记出的雷数(包括错误的)Private mbytTotalHits As Byte' 不同等级游戏的总行列数Private mintRows As IntegerPrivate mintCols As IntegerPrivate mintRow As IntegerPrivate mintCol As Integer' 标记就是否开始新游戏Public mblnNewGame As Boolean' 标记一个鼠标单击事件正在进行Private mblnHitTestBegun As BooleanPrivate mfrmDisplay As FormPrivate mbytMineStatus() As BytePrivate mbytMarked() As BytePrivate mbytMineLocations() As BytePrivate mcolWrongLocations As New CollectionPublic Sub BeginHitTest(intButton As Integer, intX As Single, intY As Single) ' 如果当前游戏结束则开始新的游戏If mblnNewGame ThenNewGameEnd IfmblnHitTestBegun = True' 根据位图计算栅格大小intX = Int(intX / mintButtonWidth)intY = Int(intY / mintButtonHeight)' 退出If intX >= mintCols _Or intY >= mintRows _Or intX < 0 _Or intY < 0 ThenExit SubEnd IfmintCol = intX * mintButtonWidthmintRow = intY * mintButtonHeightIf mbytMineStatus(intY, intX) >= BEEN Then Exit SubDim blnLeftDown As BooleanblnLeftDown = (intButton And LEFT_BUTTON) > 0' 如果左键单击If blnLeftDown Then' 如果该区域已经清除干净,则单击无效If mbytMarked(intY, intX) >= FLAGGED Then Exit SubIf mbytMarked(intY, intX) = QUESTION ThenmfrmDisplay、imgPressed、Visible = FalsemfrmDisplay、imgQsPressed、Visible = FalsemfrmDisplay、imgQsPressed、Left = mintColmfrmDisplay、imgQsPressed、Top = mintRowmfrmDisplay、imgQsPressed、Visible = TrueElsemfrmDisplay、imgQsPressed、Visible = FalsemfrmDisplay、imgPressed、Visible = FalsemfrmDisplay、imgPressed、Left = mintColmfrmDisplay、imgPressed、Top = mintRowmfrmDisplay、imgPressed、Visible = TrueEnd IfElse' 如果右键单击Dim Msg As StringDim CRLF As StringCRLF = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)Select Case mbytMarked(intY, intX)Case NONE:If mbytTotalHits = mbytNumMines ThenMsg = "不能标记更多的雷!" & CRLFMsg = Msg & "一个或多个雷标记错误。
目录问题描述 (1)需求分析 (1)程序规划 (3)程序流程图 (3)概要设计 (5)一、界面设计 (5)1、主界面MainForm (5)2、选项框Options (7)3、统计信息HighScore (8)4、帮助框体Help (9)5、关于AboutBox (9)详细设计 (10)1、函数设计 (10)MainForm窗体: (10)MainForm函数调用关系图: (17)Options窗体: (17)2、程序性能分析 (19)测试分析 (20)一、基本功能测试 (20)1、游戏功能 (20)2、设置功能 (24)3、帮助功能 (29)二、白盒测试 (31)输入错误测试 (31)三、测试结果 (34)问题描述编写一个扫雷程序,完成基本的扫雷游戏功能。
1.利用VB开发扫雷游戏 [J], 徐勇
2.案例教学法在VB中的应用——以扫雷游戏为例 [J], 李丽华;魏树权
3.VB扫雷游戏的设计与制作 [J], 袁锦绣
4.基于VB的扫雷游戏研究与设计 [J], 卢光云
5.机扫雷达BIT系统解决方案 [J], 徐钧
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作者签名:年月日(学号):用VB实现一个简单的游戏摘要当前,随着计算机应用及网络的的深入普及,越来越多的政府部门、厂矿企业、学校等单位及个人都拥有了自己的计算机,计算机不仅在工作方面给人们以很大的帮助,还给人们带来了多种的娱乐享受.,操作系统自带的游戏也起到了很大的娱乐作用,而且它的开发成本小,所以小游戏的开发在这种形势下就应运而生,它的开发主要采用VC++ ,VB 等编程语言.本设计采用VB编写,VB一直以来被认为有以下优缺点:优点是上手快、开发效率高;缺点是能力有限,运行效率低.这正是有些软件把VB做为首选语言,而有些软件肯定不会用VB做的原因.而很多VC,DELPHI的程序员都认为VB里搞开发不自由.的确,简单和功能强大这两者本身就是一对矛盾.扫雷游戏是操作系统中的一个主要的益智类游戏. 用户对鼠标进行操作,单击鼠标左键为踩雷,单击鼠标左键在标记,疑问,空白三种状态中循环,同时单击鼠标左右键为踩单击点在内的周围九格内所有没有标记为已标记的所有格子.同时程序从你单击第一次时开始计时,到胜利或引爆地雷终结.结束后单击开始按钮重新开始游戏.这款游戏实现了开发人类大脑思维的目的.关键词VB,扫雷游戏Realizes a simple game with VBAbstractFront, is applied along with the calculator and network of of the thorough universality, more and more governments section, factory mineral business enterprise, school...etc. unit and individual all owned own calculator, the calculator is not only to give people in the aspects of working with the very big help, returning to people brought various amusements enjoys., the operate system also rose from the game that take very big amusement function, and it of the cost of development is small, so the development of the get-away drama under this kind of situation emerge with the tide of the times, it of main adoption in development VC++, VB etc. plait distance language.This design adoption VB plait writes, the VB hases been passing for to have since then below merit and shortcoming:The advantage is to undertakes quick, development the efficiency is high;The weakness is an ability limited, circulate the efficiency low.This exactly some softwares is used as a reason for choose the language, but some softwares is affirmative and do with the VB of VBs.And a lot of VCs, the DELPHI procedure member thinks the VB in make the development not free. Really, it is simple to is strong and big with the function this both oneself is an one rightness antinomy.The mine clearance game is an operate system inside of a grows in wisdom a game primarily. The customer proceeds the operation to the rat mark, the left key in mark in rat in single shot is for trampling the thunder, the single shot rat marks the left key in marking, question, blank three kinds of appearances circulating, the single shot rat marks or so key as to trample at the same time the single shot orders the surroundings in inside nine the marking had in spaceses are already all blanks of the marking.At the same time procedure is from you single shot first time hour starts accounting, arrive victory or set off the land mine end.Ending the single shot in empress starts pressing button restarting the game.This game realizes the purpose of the human brain in development thought.Key words:VB,The mine clearance game目录1引言 (5)2 Visual Basic概况 (6)2.1 VB简介 (6)2.2 本设计运用的技术 (7)3可行性分析 (6)4总体设计 (7)4.1设计构想 (7)4.2流程规划 (7)5详细设计 (9)5.1画面规划 (9)5.2 设计过程 (10)5.2.1 添加菜单 (10)5.2.2 自定义窗体设计 (10)5.2.3 关于窗体设计 (16)5.3 运行界面 (16)6系统测试 (18)结束语 (19)参考文献 (20)附录 (22)1引言本论文研究的是以Visual Basic 6.0为开发环境,设计并开发一款扫雷游戏,其功能类似于Windows操作系统自带的扫雷游戏。论文首先介绍了制作游戏的整体思路及整个游戏设计的流程规划,然后介绍了雷区的布置及地雷随机产生的实现方法;重点介绍了在游戏过程中各事件的处理,其中又以鼠标事件和清除未靠近地雷区方块这两方面最为重要,鼠标事件是利用鼠标所发出的信息了解使用者的意图,进而做出相对应的动作,而清除未靠近地雷区方块由于引进了“递归”这个概念而使其简单化。扫雷游戏是WINDOWS系统自带的一个娱乐性的小游戏,在玩扫雷游戏的过程中也可以很好的培养耐心和细心,同时在无聊得时候可以用以休闲娱乐,如果我们自己也能动手做一个小程序来实现这个功能,自然能乐在其中。
本次设计只是完成了扫雷游戏的基本功能,在细节方面仍有待完善。2 Visual Basic概况2.1 VB简介VISUAL BASIC是微软公司出品的一个快速可视化程序开发工具软件。
VB 是极具特色和功能强大的软件,主要表现:所见即所得的界面设计,基于对象的设计方法,极短的软件开发周期,较易维护的代码。
VB应用程序语言的基本特点[1]:1 可视化界面设计VB为用户提供大量的界面元素(在VB中称为控件对象),这些控件对象对于熟悉WINDOWS应用程序的用户来说是一点也不陌生,如“窗体”,“菜单”,“命令按扭”,“工具按扭”,“检查框”等等,用户只要利用鼠标、键盘把这些控件对象拖动到合适的位置,设置其大小、形状、属性等,就可以设计出所需的应用程序界面。
2 事件驱动编程在使用VB设计应用程序是,必须首先确定应用程序如何同用户进行交互。
3 与数据库的连接性VISUAL BASIC提供了与底层数据库系统紧密的连接。
VISUAL BASIC支持不同的关系数据库管理系统并充分发挥每一个数据库的特长。
2.2 本设计运用的技术这个游戏里运用了VB里的组件及语法作为游戏运算和显示,其相关语法及组件如下表1所示:详细说明如下:1. For...Next循环应用在游戏设计上,利用了两个二维数组分别记录地雷的分布状况及地雷区及表面探测情形。
Move函数的原型如下:组件. Move X坐标,[Y坐标],[组件宽度][组件高度]再配合双循环的变量值,可以控制组件布置于窗体的方向及方式。