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Unit5 Feeling Happy

本单元的三个话题仅仅围绕情感这个主题展开。第一话题(Why all the smiling faces?)通过Kangkang, Maria, Jane和Michael四个同学谈论话题《音乐之声》以及与Mr. Lee的谈话自然地引出了高兴和快乐、失望和遗憾的情感。第二话题:I feel better now. 由Li Hong 的哭泣引出伤心的情感,进而由教师的出现引出安慰及建议等用语。第三话题:Many things can affect our feelings. 围绕Michael的病情引出事物对情感的影响。本单元主要以活动的形式,联系实际生活,把英语教学和情感教育有机地结合起来。

Topic1 Why all the smiling faces?

这个话题通过Mr. Lee 和同学们对话,呈现了孩子们的高兴和李老师因没买到票而感到失望和遗憾,进而引出各种情感,集中体现了有关情感的形容词及一些短语。在这个话题中,你将会如何表达自己的情感,如何描述自己或他人的情感,还可以了解一些戏剧和电影等方面的相关知识。主要句型:

You look excited.

Please say thanks to your mom.

Why all the smiling faces?

What’s the matter with Mr. Lee?

He feels disappointed….

It’s so funny and interesting.

Did she sound upset?

I’ll ring up Michael later.

Topic2 I feel better now.

这个话题由Li Hong的哭泣引出伤心的情感,进而由教师的出现引出安慰和建议的用语;并且集中呈现了有关个性的形容词,以及培养和激发学生的自信心等有关的内容。语法主要是原因状语从句以及形容词同级比较。主要句型:

She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with.

I thought the roads here were not as clean as those in our hometown.

Helen is as lovely as Maria.

Topic3 Many things can affect our feelings.


Some TV programs make me sleepy.

They may make you happy.

The doctor let Michael rest for a few days.

Your classmates make you monitor.

Unit6 Enjoying Cycling

本单元教学内容主要围绕旅游和交通方面的话题展开。第一话题:We’re going on a spring field trip. 让学生学习如何用英语谈论旅游,用英语进行预订车票、预订房间等。动词不定式是本部分的重点语法项目。第二话题:How about exploring the Ming Tombs? 向学生介绍

了去明十三陵的探险经历,让学生了解中国历史上遗留的古迹。时间状语从句和方位词的用法是该部分的语法重点。第三话题:Bicycles are popular. 介绍了骑自行车旅游,环青海湖国际公路自行车赛及环法自行车赛,从而引出交通安全及交通规则。由if引导的条件状语从句时本部分的语法重点。

Topic1 We’re going on a spring field trip.


I have some exciting news to tell you!

We’re going on a two-day visit to Mount Tai.

I want to make a room reservation.

It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.

The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers.

Kangkang helped us (to) book the train tickets.

Topic2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs?

以中国的明十三陵为话题展开故事情节,先是邀请,接着去郊游,对明十三陵进行了描述,从而引出方向及方位词,通过十三陵不同的位置来练习方位词,练习写日记以及旅行的感受。由after, before, when,not…until, while, as, as soon as 引导的时间状语从句时该部分的语法重点。重点突出,内容丰富,层层递进。主要句型:

Would you like to come to China for your vacation?

Why not explore Beijing on our bicycles?

I am looking forward to meeting him.

After they rode their bikes for two hours and a half, Kangkang, Michael and Darren arrived at the Ming Tombs.

As they were exploring happily, the crowd of people became larger and larger.

While the crowd was pushing him in all directions, someone stepped on Darren’s toes.

When Darren finally pushed his way out, he noticed his friends were both out of sight.

He didn’t raise his head until someone called him.

As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up and down happily.

Topic3 Bicycles are popular.


When I first arrived, I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere.

If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.

To avoid hitting the truck, he ran into the wall and his arm was badly hurt.

If we ride at night, we should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.

It seems impossible to beat his seven-time record.
