Quality Assurance CertificateTo Whom It May Concern,This certificate serves as a guarantee that the product/service mentioned herein meets the highest standards of quality and excellence. We, at [Company Name], are committed to delivering superiorproducts/services that exceed the expectations of our customers.We ensure that our product/service undergoes a rigorous quality control process, which includes thorough testing and inspection at every stageof production/service delivery. Our team of highly skilled professionals is dedicated to maintaining the highest level of quality, adhering to industry standards and regulations.Our product/service is designed with the utmost precision and attention to detail, utilizing state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques. We source our materials/components from reliable and reputable suppliers, ensuring their quality and compatibility with our product/service.During the production/service delivery process, we implement strict quality checks to identify and rectify any potential defects or deviations from the desired specifications. Our quality control team continuously monitors the process, implementing necessary adjustments to ensure consistency and reliability.We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction and strive to deliver a product/service that meets your specific requirements and expectations. In the event that any issues or concerns arise, we assure you that we will address them promptly and efficiently, providing a satisfactory solution.We confidently certify that our product/service is of the highestquality and conforms to all relevant industry standards and regulations. We stand behind our product/service and invite you to experience the superior quality that [Company Name] has to offer.Please contact us at [Company Contact Information] for any further inquiries or assistance.Sincerely,[Company Name][Company Address][Company Contact Information]。
Product Warranty CertificateWe hereby certify that the product described below is covered by our warranty policy, which guarantees its quality and performance for a specified period from the date of purchase.Product Description:The product is a [insert product name], which is a [insert product category] designed to [insert product purpose/function]. It is made of high-quality materials and components, and undergoes rigorous quality control processes to ensure its durability and reliability.Warranty Coverage:Our warranty covers any manufacturing defects or malfunctions that may arise in the product during the warranty period. This includes any defects in materials or workmanship that result in the product not performing its intended function.Warranty Period:The warranty period for this product is [insert warranty period, e.g., 1 year, 2 years, etc.]. The warranty period starts from the date of purchase, as evidenced by the purchase receipt.Warranty Claims:To make a warranty claim, the customer must provide the original purchase receipt as proof of purchase. The customer must also provide a detailed description of the issue or defect experienced with the product. The product must be returned to our office or authorized service center, together with the warranty certificate, within the warranty period.Warranty Exclusions:This warranty does not cover any damage or malfunctions caused by improper use, misuse, or abuse of the product. It also does not cover normal wear and tear, including but not limited to batteries, cables,and connectors. Additionally, this warranty does not cover any damage or malfunctions that occur after the warranty period has expired.Warranty Services:Upon receipt of the warranty claim, we will inspect the product to determine the validity of the claim. If the claim is approved, we will repair or replace the product at our sole discretion, free of charge. If the product is repaired, we will return it to the customer in working condition, subject to the availability of replacement parts.Disclaimer:To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Our liability under this warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the product, and we shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the product, regardless of whether such liability is based on breach of contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise.By purchasing this product, the customer acknowledges and agrees to the terms and conditions of this warranty.[Company Name][Company Address][Company Contact Information]。
质量保证书英文范本篇一:质量保证书英文翻译QualityGuaranteeThankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!Toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandsel ler,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:First,byprincipletheproductsaremanufacturedbythecustomer’stechnicalspec.Thenationalstandardisfollowedifcustomerdoesn ’tclearlymentionit.Afterthecustomercommitstheproductsample,w eformallyofferproducts,ensurethesteadyandgraduallyincreasin gquality.Second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithoffic ialsealstampedtothebuyer.Third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheprod uctswithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.Fourth,thesupplierensuresthattheproductscomplywiththeoffici alqualitystandardandisresponsibleforproductquality,ifnecess aryprovidethenecessaryqualityinformation,suchastheinspectio nreportandotherrelevantinformation.Fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtradem arkoftheproductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.Sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingconditionisindicatedontheprod uctpackage,toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfo llowit,orisresponsibleforthecausedqualityproblem.Seventh,consumercomplainsduetotheproductqualityproblems,the suppliershouldactivelycooperatetoproperlyresolveit.Ifitisin deedtheresponsibilityofsupplier,thesuppliershallbearfullres ponsibilityandexpense.Eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:Thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwi ththesupplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetest ing.Theremainingsamplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekept foroneweek.Ifitisindeedthequalityproblemofthesupplierproducts,ourcompa nybearsthelosscausedbytheusingoftheproducts.Incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuy erandsellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.Ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontracta nddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:质量保证书中英篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文qualityguaranteeifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformt ospectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abu se.firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbreakageofanykindofisnotcoveredb ythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
英文保证书篇1Quality guarantee ads guarantees that all hardwave and frame component have been carefully manutactured are free from defects in workmanship ,and material for a pericel of there years date of purchase.if any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform to spectfication .repiacement witlent cost the customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .scratches ang bridge to mate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses. megigence .abuse. firedamage caused by building detects.acts of god and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance class breakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.the product quality complies to european standards ,bs en653(1997),and eea health and safety standards.英文保证书篇2Letter of guarantee for competitors ,i guarantee the following during my participation in this triathlon competttion:1. iguarantee toobserve all the rules by theorganizing committee of thecompetition and obey all theadjudication.2. i guarantee to take fullresponsibility for my competition implements, equipment and personal belongings.3. i have fully understood thedanger which may arise duringthe continuous and strenuouscompetition guarantee that myhealth condition is fit for thecompetition and i possess arecent health certificate.4. i guarantee not to raiseany objection to the way ofemergency treatment and itsresult if i am injured, ill or have anunexpected accident during thecompetttion.5. i myself, my family members, relatives andmy guardian have fully understoodthe content and significance ofthis competition and have approvedmy participation in the comptition. i have had my personal insurance forthe competition. therefore, i guarantee thati myself, my family members, executor of testament, property administrator andsoccessors will not bring asuit against the organizing commtteeof the competition for myinjury, illness, death and sequela nomatter what the cause may be, duringmy participmon in the competitionand in the activmes related tothe competition. the insurance companywill be responsible for the loss. no damages will be offered by theorganizing committee of thecompetition.6. i guarantee that the organizeeof the competition can use myname and the photo of mefreely in relation to thecompetition.i recognize thecommercialization of the news report, radio broadcast and televisionbroadcast in relation to thecompetition.7 .i guarantee that i shall accept thedecision made by the organizingcommittee of the competition asto the cost which arises fromthe cancellation of the competitionor the changes of competitiontime and content due toobjective cause,such as naturalcalanity owing to personal conditonwhich prevents me from taking part in the competition, norefund will be demanded by meon the various i have paidfor the competition.8. i acknowledge that i fullyunderstand?all the abovementionedassurances for the competition. i alsoacknowledge that the organizingcommittee of the competition hasthe right to interpret thisletter of guarantee i signmy name of my own accord .signatureofguarantor date.英文保证书篇3guarantor’s name: (father of the guarantee) —————————————————guarantor’s name: (mother of the guarantee) —————————————————-guarantee’ name: ———————- gender: ——————- dob: ———————–The guarantor(s), parents of an exchange student (namely, the guarantee), hereby signs this letter of guarantee and guarantees that the guarantee will leave the usa duly after the exchange programends and if the guarantee does not leave the usa on schedule the guarantor will bear the resulting legal liabilities.The guarantor entrusts china international personnel consultant corporation to handle the relevant procedures of participating the exchange program for their child, and the guarantor shall submit all the application materials in accordance with the requirements of china international personnel consultant corporation and guarantee that all the submitted materials are true and legal.The guarantor shall urge the guarantee to leave the usa in accordance with the requirement of this letter of guarantee within two weeks after the exchange period is over, and if, for any reason, the guarantee fail to do so, the guarantor shall bear thefollowing joint guarantee liabilities:1.The guarantor shall bear the legal liability that the guarantee shall bear for failing to return china within two weeks after the program’s termination.2.If the guarantee fails to return china within two weeks after the termination of the exchange program, china international personnel consultant corporation will take reasonable and lawful measures to find and repatriate the guarantee, and the guarantor shall pay all the relevant costs that actually occur in this process plus punitive damages.3.The guarantor shall also compensate china international personnel consultant corporation rmb100, 000 if the guarantee fail and return china within two weeks after the program termination.The guarantor agrees that china international personnel consultant corporation will exercise all the above rights for claiming compensation.guarantor:————————- ————————-(father of the guarantee/print) (mother of the guarantee/print)signature:————————- ————————-(father of the guarantee) (mother of the guarantee)date:英文保证书篇4Dear:I am terribly sorry to be late for classes for so many times. I find it is a bad behavior. Whats more, this behavior has laid a lot of bad influences on my classmates, also, brought vast amount of destructive results to myself. I dont know why I didnt follow my teachers suggestions to go to class on time ,however, now Istrongly feel theres still a chance for me to correct it. I promise that being late for classes thing will never happen on me again.Now I beg the forgiveness from you, I know perhaps myself dont deserve any forgiveness, but I still hope you can finally forgive my misconduct. For this, I guarantee that I wont be late any more. If you can give me such a valuable chance to help me out from the miserable past, I will appreciate it very much.Finally, I want to say sorry again for my wrongness. Besides, please supervise my behavior!英文保证书篇5The products we provided to the shandong rizhao huagui technology limited company are in accord with the countrys related standards and the industry standards. we guarantee five years free repair. we promise the color of the lacquer not fade away in five years, the lacquer not peel off in two years.company name:(seal of the full name of material company) tel:name:date:英文保证书篇6Dear mr.(miss.):i am terribly sorry to be late for classes for so many times. i find it is a bad behavior. whats more, this behavior has laid a lot of bad influences on my classmates, also, brought vast amount of destructive results to myself. i dont know why i didnt follow my teachers suggestions to go to class on time ,however, now i strongly feel theres still a chance for me to correct it. i promise that being late for classes thing will never happen on me again.now i beg the forgivenessfromyou, i know perhaps myself dont deserve any forgiveness, but i still hope you can finallyforgive my misconduct. for this, i guarantee that i wont be late any more. if you can give me such a valuable chance to help me outfromthe miserable past, i will appreciate it very much.finally, i want to say sorry again for my wrongness. besides, please supervise my behavior!英文保证书篇7This is a non-binding letter of intent that contains provisions that are being discussed for a possible sale of the Business named above from the possible Seller named above to the possible Buyer named above.This is not a contract.This is not a legally binding agreement.This is merely an outline of possible contract terms for discussion purposes only.This is being signed in order to enable the Possible Buyer to apply for financing of the purchase price.This letter of intent is confidential and shall not be disclosed to anyone other than the parties and their employees, attorneys and accountants and the possible lenders of the Possible Buyer.The terms of the transaction being discussed are attached hereto, but the terms (and the possible sale itself) are not binding unless and until they are set forth in a written contract signed by Possible Seller and Possible Buyer.The word "shall" is used in the attached terms only as an example of how a contract might read, and it does not mean that the attached terms are or ever will be legally binding.英文保证书篇8Date:To:Quality Assurance Certificate(“Company”)(“Materials”) sold or supplied and /or to be sold or supplied to XX Technology Group (refer to the below note). Warrants that:1. All the materials provided by Company should be subject to the general quality principles, which shall be in accordance with Quality Warranty agreed and/or to be agreed by Company and Foxconn Technology Group.2. All the materials provided by Company should comply with the design, the stuff and the process ruled by Quality Warranty.3. All the materials shall be provided with the quality test reports attached, which shall conform to Quality Warranty.4. Upon Foxconn T echnology Group’s formal confirmation, Company may modify the elements,methodologies, directions of products, sub-supplier(s) or original manufacturing sites and obtain approvals from the institutes concerned for the modified materials.5. As for the materials which are defective or not meet the requirements of Quality Warranty, Technology Group may, at its discretions(a) Ask Company to recall and replace the materials and compensate for the costs caused.(b) Reducing the account of the payment if Foxconn Technology Group utilizes the materials.(c) Ask Company to refund the payment plus interests and bear penalty at 0.75% of the payment per month.(d) Cancel or terminate the purchase agreements or orders for the materials.(e) The Company shall be responsible for the direct and indirect losses caused by the materials.6. XX Technology Group may set off the costs, expenses or losses from Company’s payments and seek other remedies.Signature:Company Name:Representative:Title:。
质量保证书英文模板质量保证书英文 1the product quality guarantee english:the products we provided to the shandong rizhao huagui technology limited company are in accord with the countrys related standards and the industry standards. we guarantee five years free repair. we promise the color of the lacquer not fade away in five years, the lacquer not peel off in two years.company name:(seal of the full name of material company)质量保证书英文 2I hereby take time to play mobile phone, late of the seniors received the student union, I regret that I did not dare to play school again after the phone.Since our cell phones are accepted.I was thinking, think oneself should not play mobile phone on campus, I wash clothes tonight also thinking, cause when I was hanging clothes, clothes fell down on the ground floor.Zheng big eyes, I immediately ran from the fifth floor to the fourth floor at the clothes in.Ran down from the third floor see clothes in.And then ran down the second floor, and then see clothes in;And then I ran out of the ground floor, andfinally picked up my clothes, Im very happy.But Im not at the mood, because my cell phone was closed.Also in regret, then I took my clothes one breath ran on the fifth floor, the fifth floor of the scenery is really beautiful.I miss my phoneI assure the student union of the seniors.I dont play mobile phone on campus, hope the seniors can give opportunity many times.I give back to me on my mobile.I will take to mend.质量保证书英文 3Assurance of Equipments Quality:1. Products that conform to design standard and acceptable quality level are to be supplied according to the contracts specifications.2. On the basis of the contracts stipulation, department of the ordering (requesting) party is to beprovided with related standard and drawings, as well as accessibility and condition.Assurance of Delivery:1. To deliver according to the time and location as specified in the contract.2. Goods are to be delivered according to form of packing; the mode of transport as stipulated in the contract.Technical Assurance:1. To provide ordering party, in time, all technical information and drawings as stipulated in the contract. Supplier would carry out timely technical service on site when required, and to give ordering party guidance, on the basis of suppliers technical information and drawings, to carry out installation.2. To meet ordering partys requirement on spare parts and tools at all time.Compensation on the Violation of Agreement:For any loss as a consequence of the violation of the agreements stipulations, with respect to product quality and delivery, supplier would undertake to assume corresponding financial responsibility in accordance with the agreements terms and conditions and related legal regulations.。
质量保证书 英语(作文)
质量保证书英语(作文)Quality Assurance CommitmentQuality is the foundation of any successful product or service. At our company, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of quality and reliability. Our quality assurance program is designed to ensure that every aspect of our operation meets the most stringent standards, from the raw materials we use to the final delivery of our products.At the heart of our quality assurance program is a comprehensive set of processes and procedures that are constantly monitored and refined. Our team of experienced quality control specialists work tirelessly to identify and address any potential issues before they can impact our customers. This includes rigorous testing and inspection at every stage of the manufacturing process, as well as ongoing audits and quality checks to ensure that our products consistently meet or exceed industry standards.One of the key pillars of our quality assurance program is our commitment to continuous improvement. We are constantly seeking out new and innovative ways to enhance our processes andprocedures, drawing on the latest research and best practices in the industry. This includes investing in cutting-edge technology and equipment, as well as providing ongoing training and development opportunities for our team to ensure that they are always at the forefront of their field.Another critical component of our quality assurance program is our focus on customer satisfaction. We recognize that our customers are the lifeblood of our business, and we are dedicated to ensuring that their needs and expectations are always met. This means not only delivering high-quality products, but also providing responsive and personalized customer service, and standing behind our work with a comprehensive warranty and support program.At the end of the day, our commitment to quality assurance is more than just a set of policies and procedures – it is a fundamental part of our company's culture and values. Every member of our team, from the executives in the boardroom to the frontline workers on the production floor, is committed to upholding the highest standards of quality and excellence. We take pride in our work, and we are dedicated to ensuring that our customers can always count on us to deliver products and services that they can trust.In conclusion, our quality assurance commitment is the foundation upon which our entire business is built. It is the driving force behindour success, and it is what sets us apart from our competitors in the market. Whether you are a long-standing customer or a new client, you can rest assured that when you choose our company, you are getting the very best in quality, reliability, and customer service.。
质量保证书英文范本篇一:质量保证书中英qualityguarantee ifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformto spectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrresponsiblefora nydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse. firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectits ap-pearanceandperformanceclass breakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
篇二:质量保证书英文翻译qualityguarantee thankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandseller,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:second,thesupplierprovide sthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheproductswith officialsealstampedtothebuyer.fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingan dregisteredtrademarkofthe productsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingc onditionisindicatedontheproductpackage, toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfollowit,orisresponsible forthecausedqualityproblem.eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:thebu yershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwiththe supplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetesting.theremaining samplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekeptforoneweek.incaseoftheind eedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuyerand sellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.ninth,theproductguaranteesin cebothsidessignasupplycontractanddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇三:住宅质量保证书中英文版(中英文已改)太原星河湾(二号园)住宅质量保证书星河湾住宅质量保证书02/03敬告用户:1、保修期从房屋交付使用日起计。
篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文quality guaranteeif any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform to spectfication .repiacement witlent costthe customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .scratches ang bridge to mate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses. megigence .abuse. firedamage caused by building detects.acts of god and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance class breakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
产品质量均符合欧洲标准bs en653:1997之规定,满足eea健康与安全标准。
篇二:质量保证书英文翻译quality guaranteethank you for choosing to buy our products!to ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:the buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. the remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.in case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇三:质量保证书-英文certificate of quality, health, purity and analysis sanitary and veterinary certificate to whom it may concernhuman consumption. the products are produced in valo edible fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in finland. the product is free from b.s.e.eu-registration number: 60220 exporter: destination: specification products demineralized whey powder as per contract no. ch/99/66.809 and4760 bagsprotein (n x 6.38) moisture ash (550c) ph (10% sol. 20c) scorched particles (admi) nitratestandard plate count enterobacteriaceae yeasts moundssulphite reducing clostridiaspecification min. max. max. 6.2 disc a max.max. max. max. max. max.g5,000/g 10/g 50/g 50/g 10/g 12.0% 4.0% 1.0% --6.9 30mg/kanalysis 13.5% 2.1% 0.5% 6.4 disc a passes test3,000/g < 5/g < 5/g < 5/g < 5/g121,380.00 kgs gross 119,000.00 kgs netvalo edible fats and ingredients, helsinki, finland shenzhen, chinaweight (kg)date of export: apr. 20, 2011staphylococcus aureus salmonellashipping marks:neg. in neg. inch99/66.8091 g 50 gneg. in 1 g neg. in 50 g------------------ shenzhen china。
【最新推荐】翻译质量保证书-word范文 (16页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==翻译质量保证书篇一:质量保证书.doc(英语翻译)质量保证书Quality Certificate1、产品质保期为一年(人为因素、使用保养不当、不可抗拒灾害除外)。
Time limit for product quality is one year (except for human factors, or improper application or maintenance, or unpredictable disasters).2、质量保证期内,如有下列情况,本公司酌情收取相应费用:In case of the following during time limit for quality, customerswill be charged at the Company's discretion:⑴ 未依据产品说明书指示工作程序使用所致损坏;Damage due to application not according to the specified operation procedure in the Product Instructions⑵ 擅自拆卸、扩充、改装所损坏;Damage due to unauthorized disassembly, addition or modification; ⑶ 非我公司技术人员维修所致损坏;Damage due to maintenance not made by technical staff from the Company; ⑷ 不可抗拒灾害的设备损坏;Device damage due to unpredictable disasters; ⑸ 属定货范围以外的备品。
Spare parts outside of supply ranges篇二:保证书,英文篇一:质量保证书英文翻译quality guaranteethank you for choosing to buy our products!to ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:the buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shippedwith the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. the remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.in case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇二:保证书英文翻译担保书本担保书于201X年9月签订。
英文版产品质量保证书(精选5篇)英文版产品质量篇1The Product Quality GuaranteeEnglish:The products we provided to the Shandong Rizhao Huagui Technology Limited Company are in accord with the country's related standards and the industry standards. We guarantee five years' free repair. We promise the color of the lacquer not fade away in five years, the lacquer not peel off in two years.Company Name:(Seal of the full name of material company) Tel:Date:-04-01英文版产品质量保证书篇2CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY, HEALTH, PURITY AND ANALYSIS SANITARY AND VETERINARY CERTIFICATETO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNThe undersigned Lapinla commune veterinarian certifies that the milk products described herein are manufactured from sound raw materials and the manufacturing is carried out under sanitary conditions. The products are at the time of shipment sound, wholesome and fit for human consumption. The products are produced in Valo Edible Fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in Finland. The product is free from B.S.E.EU-Registration number: 60220Exporter:Valo Edible Fats and Ingredients, Helsinki, FinlandDestination:Shenzhen, ChinaDate of Export:Apr. 20,SpecificationProductsWeight (kg)DEMINERALIZED WHEY POWDER AS PER CONTRACT NO. CH/99/66.809 AND4760 bags121,380.00 kgs gross119,000.00 kgs netSpecificationAnalysisProtein (N x 6.38)MoistureAsh (550c)Ph (10% sol. 20c)Scorched particles (ADMI)NitrateMin.Max.Max.6.2Disc AMax.12.0%4.0%1.0%--6.930mg/kg13.5%2.1%0.5%6.4Disc Apasses testStandard plate count Enterobacteriaceae YeastsMoundsSulphite reducing clostridia Staphylococcus aureus SalmonellaMax.Max.Max.Max.Max.neg. inneg. in5,000/g10/g50/g50/g10/g1 g50 g3,000/g< 5/g< 5/g< 5/g< 5/gneg. in 1 gneg. in 50 gShipping Marks:CH99/66.809------------------Shenzhen CHINALapinla, Apr. 20,Lapinla commune veterinarian英文版产品质量保证书篇3一、老婆用餐时要随侍一旁,舀汤盛饭,不得有先行用饭之行为。
质量保证书,英文范本篇一:质量保证书英文翻译QualityGuaranteeThankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts! Toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandseller,andthepro ductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:First,byprincipletheproductsaremanufacturedbythecustomer’stechnicalspec.Thenationalstandardisfollowedifcustomerdoesn’tclearlymentionit.afterthecustomercommitstheproductsample,weformally offerproducts,ensurethesteadyandgraduallyincreasingquality. Second,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstam pedtothebuyer.Third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheproductswithoff icialsealstampedtothebuyer.Fourth,thesupplierensuresthattheproductscomplywiththeofficialqualitysta ndardandisresponsibleforproductquality,ifnecessaryprovidethenecessaryq ualityinformation,suchastheinspectionreportandotherrelevantinformation. Fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingandregisteredtrademarkofthepro ductsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.Sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingconditionisindicatedontheproductpackage,toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfollowit,orisresponsiblefor thecausedqualityproblem.Seventh,consumercomplainsduetotheproductqualityproblems,thesuppliers houldactivelycooperatetoproperlyresolveit.ifitisindeedtheresponsibilityofs upplier,thesuppliershallbearfullresponsibilityandexpense.Eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute: Thebuyershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwiththesuppli erproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetesting.Theremainingsample sfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekeptforoneweek. ifitisindeedthequalityproblemofthesupplierproducts,ourcompanybearsthel osscausedbytheusingoftheproducts. incaseoftheindeedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuyerandseller negotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.ninth,theproductguaranteesincebothsidessignasupplycontractanddeliveryo ccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇二:产品质量保证书中英文范文QualityGuarantee adSguaranteesthatallhardwaveandframecomponenthavebeencarefullyman utacturedarefreefromdefectsinworkmanship.andmaterialforapericelofthere (5)yearsdateofpurchase. ifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformtospectficati on.repiacementwitlentcostThecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.Scratchesangbridgetomat e-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse.Fired amagecausedbybuildingdetects. actsofGodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperformanceclassbr eakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty. TheproductqualitycompliestoEuropeanstandards,BSEn653(1997),andEEa HealthandSafetyStandards.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
Word格式 I A4打印 I 内容可修改英文产品质量保证书范文2篇Model English product quality assurance编订:JinTai College英文产品质量保证书范文2篇前言:保证书是个人、集体、单位,为响应上级号召开展工作、完成任务或做错了事,犯了错误并决心改正面提出保证时使用的专用书信信或文字材料。
本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】1、篇章1:英文产品质量保证书范文2、篇章2:产品质量保证书范文【公司】篇章1:英文产品质量保证书范文certificate of quality, health, purity andanalysissanitary and veterinary certificateto whom it may concernthe undersigned lapinla commune veterinarian certifies that the milk products described herein are manufactured from sound raw materials and themanufacturing is carried out under sanitary conditions. the products are at the time of shipment sound, wholesome and fit for human consumption. the products are produced in valo edible fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in finland. the product is free from b.s.e.eu-registration number: 60220exporter:valo edible fats and ingredients, helsinki,finlanddestination:shenzhen, chinadate of export:apr. 20, XXspecificationproductsweight (kg)demineralized whey powder as per contract no. ch/99/66.809 and4760 bags121,380.00 kgs gross119,000.00 kgs netspecificationanalysisprotein (n x 6.38)moistureash (550c)ph (10% sol. 20c)scorched particles (admi)nitratemin.max.max.disc amax.12.0%4.0%1.0%--6.930mg/kg13.5%2.1%0.5%disc apasses teststandard plate count enterobacteriaceae yeastsmoundssulphite reducing clostridia staphylococcus aureus salmonellamax.max.max.max.max.neg. inneg. in5,000/g10/g50/g50/g10/g1 g50 g3,000/g保证书怎么写?下面是小泰为大家整理的产品质量保证书范文,欢迎大家阅读。
质量保证书,英文篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文QualityGuaranteeADSguaranteesthatallhardwaveandframecomponenthavebeencarefu llymanutacturedarefreefromdefectsinworkmanship.andmaterialf orapericelofthere,andEEAHealthandSafetyStandards.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
篇二:质量保证书中英篇一:产品质量保证书中英文范文qualityguaranteeifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformt ospectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrresponsibleforanydamage.scratchesangbr idgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.me gigence.abuse.firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectitsap-pearanceandperforma nceclassbreakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
简短的质量承诺书 英文
Short Quality CommitmentWe are committed to providing our customers with high-quality products and services that meet or exceed their expectations. Our commitment to quality is a core value of our organization and drives everything we do.Quality AssuranceWe have implemented a rigorous quality assurance process that involves inspections, testing, and verification of all products and services we provide. We hold ourselves to high standards and strive to continually improve our processes and procedures to ensure we deliver the best possible products and services to our customers.Customer SatisfactionWe understand that our success relies on our customers’ satisfaction. Therefore, we are committed to providing our customers with exceptional service, timely delivery, and responsive support. We treat every customer with respect, transparency, and honesty, building long-lasting relationships that promote loyalty and trust.Continuous ImprovementWe recognize that achieving excellence in quality requires continuous improvement. We regularly evaluate our processes and procedures to identify areas for improvement, take corrective actions, and implement preventative measures. We believe that every member of our organization has a role to play in achieving our quality goals and encourage everyone to contribute their ideas and insights.Commitment to ComplianceWe are committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards that relate to the quality of our products and services. We maintain a comprehensive compliance program that includes regular training for our employees, ongoing monitoring and reporting, and proactive risk assessments.ConclusionOur commitment to quality is not just a statement; it is a promise. We stand behind every product and service we provide and are dedicated to delivering excellence in everything we do. If you have any questions or concerns about our quality commitment, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to demonstrating our commitment to you.。
Quality Contract Guarantee Letter[Company Letterhead][Date]To Whom It May Concern,Subject: Quality Contract Guarantee LetterI am writing to confirm our commitment to deliver high-quality products and services in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the contract between [Client Name] and [Your Company Name], dated [Contract Date]. As a reputable [industry/business type], we understand the importance of maintaining the highest standards of quality and ensuring customer satisfaction.In line with our commitment to excellence, we hereby guarantee the quality of the products and services provided under this contract. We assure you that all our products will meet the specified quality standards and will be free from any manufacturing defects. In the event that any product or service fails to meet the agreed-upon quality standards, we will take necessary corrective actions at our own expense to rectify the issue promptly.Furthermore, we guarantee that all services rendered will be performed by qualified and experienced professionals, adhering to industry best practices and standards. Our team is dedicated to delivering efficient and effective solutions to meet your requirements and expectations.To provide additional assurance, we have implemented a comprehensive quality control and assurance program. This program includes rigorous testing and inspection processes to ensure that each product and service meets our stringent quality criteria. Our quality management system is designed to identify and address any potential issues, ensuring continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.In the unlikely event that you encounter any quality-related issues with our products or services, we encourage you to promptly notify our customer service department. Our dedicated team will promptly addressyour concerns and take appropriate actions to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.We value the trust and confidence you have placed in our company, and we are committed to delivering the highest quality products and services. We believe that our guarantee of quality will contribute to a successful and mutually beneficial business relationship.Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]. We look forward to serving your needs and exceeding your expectations.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company Name][Your Contact Information]。
质量保证书英文范本篇一:质量保证书中英qualityguarantee ifanyproductinourjudgmentprovetodetectiveandtallstoperformto spectfication.repiacementwitlentcostthecustomeristotallyrresponsiblefora nydamage.scratchesangbridgetomate-ridscausedbyimproperhardinginstallationmisses.megigence.abuse. firedamagecausedbybuildingdetects.actsofgodandanyotherdirecttoaffectits ap-pearanceandperformanceclass breakageofanykindofisnotcoveredbythiswarranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。
篇二:质量保证书英文翻译qualityguarantee thankyouforchoosingtobuyourproducts!toensureproductsquality,theclearresponsibilityofbuyerandseller,andtheproductsafety,wemakethefollowingpromise:second,thesupplierprovide sthecopyofbusinesslicensewithofficialsealstampedtothebuyer.third,thesupplierprovidesthecopyofthetechnicalspecoftheproductswith officialsealstampedtothebuyer.fifth,thesupplierensuresthatthepackagingan dregisteredtrademarkofthe productsmatchtherelevantstateregulation.sixth,thestorageandsafekeepingc onditionisindicatedontheproductpackage, toensuretheproductqualitythebuyerhastostrictlyfollowit,orisresponsible forthecausedqualityproblem.eighth,thetreatmentofthequalitydispute:thebu yershouldstrictlyobservethetechnicalstandardsshippedwiththe supplierproductsforinspection,ensurefairandsciencetesting.theremaining samplesfailtopasstheexaminationshouldbekeptforoneweek.incaseoftheind eedqualityproblemofthesupplierproducts,thebuyerand sellernegotiatetodealwiththeunusedproducts.ninth,theproductguaranteesin cebothsidessignasupplycontractanddeliveryoccurs,terminatesatthesametimeasthebusinessends.篇三:住宅质量保证书中英文版(中英文已改)太原星河湾(二号园)住宅质量保证书星河湾住宅质量保证书02/03敬告用户:1、保修期从房屋交付使用日起计。
英文质量保证协议书模板Quality Assurance AgreementThis Quality Assurance Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into this __________ day of __________, 20__, by and between __________ ("Supplier"), a __________ with its principal place of business at __________, and __________ ("Customer"), a __________ with its principal place of business at__________.WHEREAS, Supplier is engaged in the business of manufacturing and supplying __________ (the "Products"), and Customer is in need of such Products;WHEREAS, Customer requires assurance of the quality of the Products to be supplied by Supplier;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:Article 1: Quality Assurance Commitment1.1 Supplier hereby represents and warrants that all Products supplied to Customer shall conform to the specifications and quality standards agreed upon by the parties (the "Quality Standards").1.2 Supplier shall maintain a quality management system thatcomplies with the requirements of __________ (the "Quality Management System"), and shall provide Customer with evidence of such compliance upon request.1.3 Supplier shall ensure that all personnel involved in the manufacturing and supply of the Products are adequately trained and competent to perform their duties in accordance with the Quality Standards.Article 2: Quality Control Measures2.1 Supplier shall implement and maintain a system of quality control procedures to ensure that the Products are manufactured and supplied in accordance with the Quality Standards.2.2 Supplier shall conduct regular inspections and tests of the Products during the manufacturing process and prior to delivery to Customer, and shall maintain records of such inspections and tests.2.3 Supplier shall promptly notify Customer of any deviations from the Quality Standards and shall take corrective action to remedy such deviations.Article 3: Inspection and Testing3.1 Customer shall have the right to inspect and test the Products at Supplier's premises or at the point of delivery, as applicable, to verify compliance with the Quality Standards.3.2 If Customer identifies any non-conformities with the Quality Standards, Supplier shall, at its own expense, either repair or replace the non-conforming Products or provide a credit or refund to Customer, at Customer's option.Article 4: Warranty Period4.1 Supplier warrants that the Products shall remain free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of__________ (the "Warranty Period") from the date of delivery to Customer.4.2 During the Warranty Period, Supplier shall, at its own expense, repair or replace any Products that are found to be defective.Article 5: Remedies5.1 In the event of a breach of any warranty or obligation under this Agreement, the non-breaching party shall be entitled to seek all remedies available at law or in equity, including but not limited to specific performance, damages, and injunctive relief.5.2 The remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any other remedies provided by law.Article 6: Confidentiality6.1 Each party acknowledges that it may receive confidentialinformation of the other party in connection with this Agreement. Each party agrees to maintain the confidentiality of such information and not to disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing party.Article 7: Termination7.1 This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon__________ written notice to the other party in the event of a material breach by the other party that remains uncured for a period of __________ following written notice of such breach.7.2 Upon termination of this Agreement, all rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall cease, except for any obligations that have accrued prior to the effective date of termination.Article 8: Governing Law8.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of __________, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law.Article 9: Entire Agreement9.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, understandings, and communications, whether written or oral.Article 10: Amendments and Waivers10.1 This Agreement may not be amended except by a written instrument signed by both parties.10.2 No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver of any other provision, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver.Article 11: Notices11.1 All notices, requests, demands, and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement shall be inwriting and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered personally or sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the addresses set forth below or to such other address as either party may designate in writing.Supplier: __________Address: __________Customer: __________Address: __________Article 12: Severability12.。
Quality Assurance CertificateWe hereby certify that the product(s) described below has/have been produced and processed in accordance with the highest standards of quality and safety. Our company is committed to ensuring that all products meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.Product Description:The product(s) covered by this Quality Assurance Certificate is/are [insert product name, description, and specifications]. These products have been manufactured using the finest materials and components, and have undergone rigorous testing and quality control processes to ensure their reliability and performance.Quality Control Processes:Our company has implemented a comprehensive quality control system that encompasses every aspect of the production process, from raw material procurement to the final product inspection. This system is designed to identify and rectify any potential issues or defects in the product(s) to ensure that only the highest quality products reach our customers.The key components of our quality control processes include:1. Raw Material Inspection: All raw materials used in the production of our products are thoroughly inspected for quality, durability, and compliance with industry standards. We work with reliable suppliers who share our commitment to quality.2. Production Monitoring: Our production lines are equipped with advanced monitoring systems that allow us to closely monitor the manufacturing process and make necessary adjustments in real-time to ensure consistent quality.3. Testing and Quality Assurance: Our products undergo rigorous testing to validate their performance, safety, and reliability. This includes functional testing, durability testing, and safety testing. We also conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards.4. Final Inspection: Each product undergoes a final inspection before being released for shipment to ensure that it meets our stringentquality standards. This inspection includes a thorough examination of the product's design, construction, and performance.Warranty and Guarantee:We are confident in the quality of our products and offer a [insert warranty period] warranty against any manufacturing defects or workmanship issues. If a product is found to be defective within the warranty period, we will repair or replace it at no additional cost to the customer.Additionally, we guarantee that all our products meet or exceed the applicable industry standards and specifications. If a product does not meet the specified requirements, we will work with the customer to find a suitable solution, including product replacement or refund.Conclusion:In conclusion, our company is committed to delivering the highestquality products to our customers. We have implemented a comprehensive quality control system and adhere to the strictest quality standards to ensure that our products are reliable, safe, and perform as expected. We stand behind the quality of our products and offer a warranty and guarantee to protect our customers' investments.This Quality Assurance Certificate serves as a testament to our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. We appreciate the trust and confidence our customers place in us and will continue to strive for excellence in everything we do.[Company Name][Company Address][Company Contact Information]。
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英文质量保证书篇一:质量保证书-英文CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY, HEALTH, PURITY AND ANALYSIS SANITARY AND VETERINARY CERTIFICATE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNThe undersigned Lapinla commune veterinarian certifies that the milk products described herein are manufactured from sound raw materials and the manufacturing is carried out under sanitary conditions. The products are at the time of shipment sound, wholesome and fit forhuman consumption. The products are produced in Valo Edible Fats and ingredients, products is permitted anywhere in Finland. The product is free from B.S.E.EU-Registration number: 60220 Exporter: Destination: Specification ProductsDEMINERALIZED WHEY POWDER AS PER CONTRACT NO. CH/99/66.809 AND4760 bagsProtein (N x 6.38) Moisture Ash (550c) Ph (10% sol. 20c) Scorched particles (ADMI) NitrateStandard plate count Enterobacteriaceae YeastsMoundsSulphite reducing clostridiaSpecification Min. Max. Max. 6.2 Disc A Max.Max. Max. Max. Max. Max.g5,000/g 10/g 50/g 50/g 10/g 12.0% 4.0% 1.0% --6.9 30mg/kAnalysis 13.5% 2.1% 0.5% 6.4 Disc A passes test3,000/g 121,380.00 kgs gross 119,000.00 kgs netValo Edible Fats and Ingredients, Helsinki, Finland Shenzhen, ChinaWeight (kg)Date of Export: Apr. 20, XXStaphylococcus aureus SalmonellaShipping Marks:neg. in neg. inCH99/66.8091 g 50 gneg. in 1 g neg. in 50 g------------------ Shenzhen CHINALapinla, Apr. 20, XX Lapinla commune veterinarian篇二:质量保证书英文翻译Quality GuaranteeThank you for choosing to buy our products!To ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:First, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. The national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. After the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.Second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.Third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.Fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with the official quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.Fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.Sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.Seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. If it is indeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.Eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:The buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. The remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.If it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.In case of the indeed quality problem of thesupplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.Ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇三:英文质量保证书certificate of quality, health, purity and analysis sanitary and veterinarycertificate to whom it may concern human consumption. the products are produced in valo edible fats and ingredients,products is permitted anywhere in finland. the product is free from b.s.e.eu-registration number: 60220 exporter: destination: specification products demineralized whey powder as per contract no. ch/99/66.809 and 4760 bagsprotein (n x 6.38) moisture ash (550c) ph (10% sol. 20c) scorched particles (admi)nitratestandard plate count enterobacteriaceae yeasts mounds sulphite reducing clostridiaspecification min. max. max. 6.2 disc a max.max. max. max. max. max. g5,000/g 10/g 50/g 50/g 10/g 12.0% 4.0% 1.0% --6.9 30mg/k analysis 13.5% 2.1% 0.5% 6.4 disc a passes test3,000/g 5/g 121,380.00 kgs gross 119,000.00 kgs net valo edible fats and ingredients, helsinki, finland shenzhen, chinaweight (kg) date of export: apr. 20, XX staphylococcus aureus salmonella shipping marks:neg. in neg. inch99/66.8091 g 50 gneg. in 1 g neg. in 50 g------------------ shenzhen china quality guaranteeif any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform tospectfication .repiacement witlent cost the customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .scratches ang bridge tomate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses. megigence .abuse.firedamage caused by building detects.acts of god and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance classbreakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。