
高考英语读后续写微技能素材一、感激温暖【高级词块】1.express gratitude 表达感激之情2.be thankful for 对......心存感激3.show appreciation 表示感激4.feel gratitude 感到感激5.owe thanks to 多亏了......6.be grateful to 感激......7.gratitude towards 对......的感激之情8.appreciate one's help 感谢某人的帮助9.a token of appreciation 表示感激的象征10.heartfelt thanks 衷心的感谢11.words of gratitude 感激的话语12.give thanks 致谢13.tender thanks 表示诚挚的感谢14.be overwhelmed with gratitude 充满感激之情15.express heartfelt gratitude 表达衷心的感激16.gratitude and appreciation 感激与欣赏17.thankfulness and kindness 感恩与善良18.be indebted to 感激某人19.gratitude from the bottom of my heart 衷心的感激20.offer gratitude 表示感谢【必备金句】1."I am truly grateful for your kindness and support.It means the world to me." 我非常感谢你的善良和支持。
2."Your thoughtfulness has made a big difference in my life.Thank you from the bottom of my heart." 你的体贴让我的生活有了很大的不同。

偶然事件1.On our way back home, the car broke down and we were stranded in the middle of the road.我们回家的路上汽车抛锚了,我们被困在路中间。
2.While walking in the park, I came across an old man who was apparently looking for something.在公园散步时,我偶遇了一位老人,他显然在找什么东西。
3.Upon hearing the bad news, she knit her brows into a deep frown, totally at a loss.听到这个坏消息时,她皱起了眉头,完全不知所措。
相识结缘1.They offered to give me a ride, which I gratefully accepted.他们主动提出载我一程,我感激地答应了。
2.He told me that the dog that had accompanied him for years was lost. Seeing how tired the old man was, I decided to give him a helping hand to look for the lost dog.他告诉我陪伴他多年的狗丢了。
3.Seeing deep guilt on his face, I decided to take a different approach to deal with the issue.看到他脸上深深的愧疚,我决定采取另一种方式来处理这个问题。

高考英语读后续写情感描写素材与练习一、开心与激动【高级语块】1.jump for joy 非常高兴2.in good/high spirits 兴高采烈3.one's face lights up 喜形于色4.be wild with delight/joy 欣喜若狂5.tremble with excitement 激动得发抖6.flush with excitement 激动得满脸通红7.be overwhelmed with happiness 充满喜悦8.contain one's excitement 抑制内心的激动9.tears of happiness flow down 流下幸福的泪水10.one's eyes shine with excitement 眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒【高级句子】1.Her face lit up with pleasure.她的脸上洋溢着喜悦。
ughter lingered around the room.笑声在房间里萦绕。
3.She wore a shining smile on her face.她脸上挂着灿烂的笑容。
4.She laughed, her eyes shining with excitement.她笑了,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。
5.Hearing this, everybody was wild with delight/joy.听到这句话,每个人都欣喜若狂。
6.A smile of understanding flashed across his face.他脸上闪过一丝理解的微笑。
7.She came out of the teacher's office with a big grin on her face.她笑容满面地走出了老师的办公室。
8.At his words, I became overwhelmed with happiness and jumped to my feet.听了他的话,我高兴得跳了起来。
高中英语2024届高考复习读后续写情感描写素材( 高兴+焦虑、担忧与紧张+吃惊+感激与感动)

高考英语读后续写情感描写素材一、高兴与兴奋1.Delighted and thrilled, I gave a jump in the air and then skippedinto the supermarket along with my smiling mother.又高兴又激动,我蹦跶了一下,然后蹦蹦跳跳地跟着我微笑着的妈妈进了超市。
2.Overjoyed或Wild with joy/delight/happiness , he jumped up and ran happily around the yard.他欣喜若狂,跳了起来,高兴地在院子里跑。
3.Her hands were trembling with excitement/excitedlyas she opened the box.当她打开盒子时,她的手激动得发抖。
4.After Steve learned this satisfactory result, a sense of joy and happiness swept over/flooded over/crowded in on him.史蒂夫听到这个令人满意的结果后,一种喜悦和幸福的感觉涌上心头。
5.I was delighted/pleased beyond description, hardly able to believe in my good fortune.我高兴得无法形容, 几乎无法相信我的好运。
二、焦虑、担忧与紧张1.Lost in the mountain, they had nothing to do but wait for rescue anxiously. 他们在山里迷了路,只好焦急地等待救援。
2.Every time we hugged her, she stepped back a little, her eyes filled with anxiety as well as curiosity.每次我们抱她的时候,她都会往后退一点,眼睛里充满了焦虑和好奇。

高考英语读后续写情感描写素材一、深厚友谊【精彩句子】1.Whether we succeed or fail, we always have each other's backs, which makes our friendship even stronger.无论我们成功或失败,我们总是互相支持,这使得我们的友谊更加牢固。
2.Friends are like an umbrella. Whether it's sunny or rainy, they will always be there for you.朋友就像一把雨伞,无论晴天或雨天,都会永远陪伴在你身旁。
3.I nodded firmly, knowing kindness and friendship bloom in both of our hearts.我坚定地点了点头,知道善良和友谊之花在我们的心中盛开。
4.I came a thousand miles to stand in this door tonight, and it's worth it if my old partner turns up.今晚,我从千里之外赶来站在这扇门前,只要我的老朋友出现,这一切都是值得的。
5.Despite our different backgrounds, interests and personalities, we have learned to appreciate and respect each other's differences.尽管我们来自不同的背景,有着不同的兴趣和个性,但我们已经学会欣赏和尊重彼此的不同之处。
6.Although her voice carried a so-what attitude, I sensed she was pleased by the invitation.虽然她的声音中带着一种无所谓的态度,但我感觉到她对这个邀请很高兴。

高考英语读后续写情感心理描写素材(一)喜悦1.Her smile bloomed like a flower.她的笑容像花朵一样开放。
2.A bright smile spread across her face.她脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容。
3.He was in high spirits, and felt like being on top of the world.他情绪高涨,感觉自己好像站在了世界之巅。
4.She laughed,her eyes shining / twinkling with excitement.她笑了起来,她的眼睛因兴奋而闪闪发光。
(二)同情1.She pressed my hand in sympathy.她握了握我的手表示同情。
2.His painful eyes seem to beg me to spare.他痛苦的眼睛似乎在恳求他。
3.Franklin stood silently, torn by sorrow and compassion, weighing what to say.当富兰克林默默地站着,悲伤和同情让他心碎,犹豫着该说些什么。
4.Seeing her condition, I immediately felt a huge sympathy for her.It was coming deep from within my heart.看到她的情况,我立即对她产生了极大的同情。
(三)感动1.Tears welled up in her eyes.她泪如泉涌。
2.A warm current rose in her heart.一股暖流涌上她的心头。
3.With tears streaming down her face, she thanked him again and again.她泪流满面,再三感谢她。
4.I was deeply moved by what he had done, tears rolling down without control.我被他的所作所为深深打动了,泪水情不自禁地夺眶而出。

almost jumped up, with tears filling his eyes.(with复合结构)
5.看到那篮子爆米花, 他的父母也欣喜若狂。 At the sight of the basket of popcorn, his
4.听到他们的话, Bernard高兴地几乎跳了起来, 热 泪盈眶。 ①Hearing what they said, Bernard was so
glad/ delighted/happy/pleased/cheerful that he almost jumped up and tears filled his eyes.(复 合句) ②Hearing what they said, Bernard was so
二、按要求完成句子 1.当我站在后台的时候, 我紧张极了。 When I was standing backstage, nervousness/tension came flooding over me. (无灵主语句) 2.当叫到我的名字时, 我感到心里忐忑不安。 When my name was called I could feel butterflies in my stomach.(名词+介词短语)
4.我的妻子在我旁边吓呆了。 Beside me was my wife, who was rooted to the ground, frozen with fear.(短语) 5.看着北极熊的血盆大口, 她几乎要吓死。 At the sight of the polar bear's bloody mouth, she was nearly dead with fright.(短语) 6.阵阵恐惧涌上我们的心头。我们喉咙发紧, 膝盖发软。 Waves of fear welled up in/swept over/seized/flooded over us. Our throats tightened and our knees felt weak.(无灵主 语句)

高考英语读后续写情感类表达素材一、紧张、宽慰、紧张、激动、开心、快乐I.Gaokao is around the corner.Though looking calm, I am literally having butterflies in my stomach.Sometimes, my heart will fly into my mouth at the thought of it.Nevertheless, I can study with efficiency most of the time and I have a sound sleep at night.高考就在眼前了。
1.around the corner/approaching即将来临2.literally: actually实际上3.have/ with butterflies in one’s stomach/ one’s stomach be full of butterflies 心里发慌4.sb’s heart flies into one’s mouth 心提到嗓子眼儿5.nevertheless: however然而6.with efficiency=efficiently7.have a sound sleep=sleep like a log睡得很香、睡得很沉II.While my brother was preparing for the marathon, he came down with a rare type of disease.I tended to him carefully, accompanying him to special training with great patience.Much to my relief, he soon recovered.He participated in the race as scheduled.At the sight of all the competitors, I felt my palms sweating and my heart pounding.Ultimately, my brother got the title of the best runner of the year.When I saw my brother’s eyes shone with excitement, tears of joy streamed down my cheeks.“I take pride in you, dear brother.” I exclaimed.He grinned from ear to ear with delight. 当我哥哥准备参加马拉松比赛时,他得了一种罕见的疾病。

新高考英语读后续写素材一、情感描写1.喜乐② A smile of understanding flashed across his face.他脸上露出了一种理解的微笑。
③ A ripple of excitement ran through them.一阵激动声穿过他们。
④ Laughter lingered around the room.笑声在房间里萦绕。
⑤ His eyes twinkled with pleasure.他的眼睛闪烁着快乐。
⑥ A wild gaiety(快乐)took hold of her.一种疯狂的快乐控制了她。
⑦ Unforgettable were her eyes that shone like diamonds and lips held in a steadysmile.令人难忘的是她的眼睛像钻石一样闪闪发光,嘴角保持着稳定的微笑。
⑧ I was wild with joy.我欣喜若狂。
⑨ I was pleased beyond description.我高兴得难以形容。
⑩ She wore a shining smile on her face.她脸上带着灿烂的笑容。
⑪ Her smile lit up the whole room.她的笑容照亮了整个房间。
⑫ She shed tears of joy.她高兴得流下了眼泪。
⑬ Her eyes were sparkling like diamonds.她的眼睛闪着钻石般的光芒。
⑭ She was overflowing with happiness.她洋溢着幸福。
⑮ Her flushed face was shining with excitement.她激动得满脸通红。
⑯ Joy welled up inside her.她心中涌起喜悦。
⑰ I was floating on air.我漂浮在空中。

高考英语读后续写素材积累一、单词替换成短语like--------have a passion forbegin--------get down todecide--------make up one’s mindcry--------burst into tearsremember--------bear...in mindcome--------draw nearimportant--------of importancerefuse--------turn downfinally--------in the end/ at lengthsee-------- catch sight ofabout---------with regard toaffect--------have an effect/influence onusually--------more often than notmeet--------come acrosssolve--------work out/ figure out二、句子表达1.情绪、神态描写1).Hearing this, he was wild with joy,tears of happiness flooding his eyes.听到这话,他欣喜若狂,喜悦的泪水充满了他的眼睛。
2).A smile of joy and satisfaction lit up her face.她微笑着,脸上呈现出快乐与满意的神色。
3)Seeing the beautiful sight, he could hardly conceal his excitement.看到这样的美景,他几乎无法掩饰自己的兴奋。
4)Hearing that he was coming, the children yelled with excitement and could hardly wait to see him.听说他要来,孩子们兴奋得喊叫起来,都迫不及待地想见他。

读后续写社会温情类Saved by the Belt阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Saved by the BeltMy family is one of the lucky ones. We still have what we consider most precious—each other. It is Kathy Hezlep, our superstar, that has saved our family. Sitting at the porch, I am transported to the accident ten years ago.我的家人是幸运的人之一。
As a mother, I have been blessed. I have a nice, smart, goodlooking son who has given me much pleasure over the years. In the months leading up to Alan's 16th birthday, there was a lot of excitement about his uping rite (仪式) of passage—the driver’s license.作为母亲,我很幸运。
在艾伦16 岁生日前的几个月里,人们对他即将举行的成人仪式——驾驶执照——感到非常兴奋。
About a month before his birthday, there was an assembly about seatbelt safety presented at his high school. One of the presenters in this program, Kathy Hezlep, had lost her son in a horrible car crash the year before. When Kathy was first asked to speak at this assembly, she was reluctant. Her son’s death had been extremely hard on her. She often felt helpless and discouraged, and she wasn’t sure how she could make a difference by speaking with this group.大约在他生日前一个月,他所在的高中举办了一次关于安全带安全的集会。

高考英语读后续写情感描写素材一、成长感悟【精彩句子】1.As I grew older, I realized the importance of setting goals and the value of hard work to achieve them.随着我年龄的增长,我意识到设定目标和通过辛勤工作实现它们的重要性。
2.Having been through difficult times, I have come to understand that failures are just opportunities to learn and grow.经历了艰难的时刻,我开始领悟到失败只是学习和成长的机会。
3.Being surrounded by positive influences, such as supportive friends and family, has helped me develop a strong sense of self-confidence.身边有支持我的朋友和家人,这样的积极影响帮助我建立了强大的自信心。
4.Learning to manage my time effectively, while balancing school, work, and personal responsibilities, has been a crucial part of my journey to adulthood.学会有效地管理时间,平衡学业、工作和个人责任,对我成长的旅程至关重要。
5.Having experienced both success and disappointment, I have come to appreciate the importance of perseverance and determination in achieving my dreams.经历了成功和失望,我开始感悟到坚持不懈和毅力在追求梦想中的重要性。

高考英语读后续写素材一、温柔1.At first, I couldn’t hear his tender words through the fog of anesthesia.一开始,我在麻醉的迷雾中听不到他温柔的话语。
2.Each time, the soft encouragement reached my ears like a song.每次,温柔的鼓励就像一首歌一样传到我的耳朵里。
3.With a final tenderness, he draped his worn jacket over the older man’s shoulders.最后,他温柔地把破旧的夹克披在老人的肩膀上。
4.A trifle ruefully, I thought of the times I had held Pookie in my arms as he recovered from his wounds, stroking him tenderly as he lay inert on my lap.我有点伤感地回想起,当Pookie从受伤中恢复过来时,我曾把它抱在怀里,温柔地抚摸它,而它一动不动地躺在我的膝盖上。
5.As if Chip could sense her feelings, he remained extra gentle with her.好像Chip能感觉到她的感情,他对她仍然格外温柔。
6.The man’s voice was soft and kind, but had a bit of a laugh in it.男人的声音温柔而亲切,却带着几分笑意。
7.He was so excited about his find that my husband and I hated to rain on his parade with a gentle reminder.他对自己的发现如此兴奋,以至于我和丈夫都不愿意泼冷水,温柔地提醒他。

高考英语读后续写高分表达一、情感表达喜悦Her face lit up with joy.(她的脸上洋溢着喜悦。
)A smile spread across his face like sunlight.(笑容像阳光一样在他脸上蔓延开来。
)She was overjoyed and couldn't stop giggling.(她欣喜若狂,忍不住咯咯笑。
)悲伤Tears welled up in her eyes.(她的眼中涌出泪水。
)His heart ached with sadness.(他的心因悲伤而疼痛。
)She was overcome with grief and buried her face in her hands.(她被悲伤淹没,双手掩面。
)愤怒His eyes flashed with anger.(他的眼睛里闪烁着愤怒。
)She was fuming and clenched her fists.(她怒火中烧,握紧了拳头。
)Anger boiled inside him.(愤怒在他心中沸腾。
)恐惧Fear gripped her heart.(恐惧紧紧抓住了她的心。
)His face paled with fright.(他吓得脸色苍白。
)She was terrified and couldn't move a muscle.(她惊恐万分,动弹不得。
)二、动作描写走路He strode purposefully down the street.(他大步流星地走在街上。
)She tiptoed quietly along the corridor.(她踮着脚悄悄地沿着走廊走。
)They wandered aimlessly through the park.(他们漫无目的地在公园里闲逛。
)跑步He dashed off in a hurry.(他匆匆忙忙地跑开了。
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As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet.
But one day, a hurricane hit the area where he lived, completely destroying his home.
As the aircraft began its departure roll, I lost consciousness for a short amount of time.
2.情感描写: 害怕/无助/紧张
With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply.
Tension/ Nervousness flooded over me. My heart almost leaped into my mouth.
A look of disappointment/ embarrassment passed spread across his face.
Tony was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank into hopelessness.
He got a terrible fright when he suddenly dashed in.
He was thrown into panic, his hands shaking with fear.
Frozen/Numb with fear, mac couldn’t say a word.
Suddenly, a good idea occurred to Kathy.
ØAfter a while, they quickly drove a pick-up truck to my car and started it.
ØAnd then they started to fix/repair the tire and we chatted happily.
ØShortly afterwards, he got the tire fixed. He got up, wiped the sweat from his face, and wished me a pleasant journey.
ØSitting in the middle of the living room was a little boy in a wheelchair. I gave him the gift, and his face lit up with joy.
ØA gentleman in his fifties was the first to put some change into our hat. His act of kindness was soon followed by more donations.
He patted me on my shoulder to ease my anxiety.
Another driver approached me and with the help of others he placed me in his own vehicle and drove me to the nearest hospital.
To her relief, the local people helped to carry her through these difficult times.
Without his timely help, I would have certainly missed my plans.
I had to admit that without his timely help, I would have been extremely embarrassed.
We intended to find him to express our gratitude for his timely and generous help, without which I couldn’t have recovered so quickly.
I made a terrible mistake. But for others' help. I couldn’t have been home for the night.
Words failed me to convey my thanks for his kindness and generosity.
Now, I was grateful to her for extending a helping hand.
We could do nothing but express how grateful we were for what he had done for us.
I'm happy to continue spreading this love to more people.
I decide that I will pass on her bravery and kindness and help people whenever I can.
From that day on, every time I meet someone who needs help, I I always reach out to them, hoping to pass on the kindness that Mexican family offered me.
I made up my mind to pass on "love" to others. Just as the saying goes, “Roses given, fragrance in hand”.
Often we can't do great things, but we can do little things with great love
It dawned on me that never should we underestimate the power of our actions. A small act of kindness may be powerful enough to make a huge difference.