人教版高二英语必修五unit1 Warming up

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The Only person ever to receive two Nobel Prizes , one in physics and the other in chemistry.
Let’s do a quiz about some scientists
6. Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities? Thomas Edison 爱迪生
Zhang Heng
Seismograph ['saizməɡrɑ:f]
Let’s do a quiz about some scientists
10. Who put forward a theory about black holes? Stephen Hawking 霍金
1.Who put forward a theory about black holes. (1) 提出( + 表示建议 , 计划等的名 put forward 词)=come up with e.g. put forward a very good suggestion/plan 提出了一个很好的建议 /计划 (2) 把...向前拨 e.g. You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes. (3) 推荐
Madame Curie 居里夫人
Isaac Newton 牛顿
Gregor Mendel 门道尔
Gregor Mendel
门德尔(1822-1884) Czech (捷克)
Let’s do a quiz about some scientists
5. Who discovered radium in 1898? She received two Nobel Prizes, one for physics and one for chemistry. Madame Curie(Polish) 居里夫人
Let’s do a quiz about some scientists
7. Who was the painter that studied dead bodies in order to improve his paintings of people? Leonardo da Vinci 达芬奇
Charles Darwin 达尔文
Let’s do a quiz about some scientists
3. Who invented the first steam engine?
Thomas Newcomen 纽科门
Watt 瓦特
Thomas Edison 托马斯 爱迪生
Thomas Newcomen
Humphry Davy (British ) 汉弗莱 戴维
பைடு நூலகம்
The safety lamp invented by him , also called the Davy lamp
Let’s do a quiz about some scientists
9. Who invented the first seismograph to indicate in the direction of an earthquake?
Finish exercises on exercise book
e.g. I put myself forward as the monitor.
Some scietists: 1.Archimedes 2.Charles Darwin 3.Marie Curie 4.Thomas Edison 5.Leonardo da Vinci
Newcomen’s steam engine
Let’s do a quiz about some scientists
4. Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children?
Archimedes 阿基米德
Let’s do a quiz about some scientists
2. Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed? The Origin of Species
Warming up
Learning aims
1.To talk about great scietists.
2.To konw about their achievements. 3.To be able to express in English freely.
Free talk
How did you spend your summer holiday?
plane train car
I put forward the theory about black holes.
Scientists & Contributions:
Alexander Bell Thomas Edison Wright Brothers Madame Curie Franklin Steven Hawking Elbert Einstein Isaac Newton electricity the First telephone the electric Lamp black holes in Universe Theory of Gravity the First Plane Radium the Theory of Relativity
托玛斯 · 纽科门
(1663-1729) British
It was he who invented a steam engine. James Watt improved it and turned it into the first modern steam engine used on the railways.
Let’s do a quiz about some scientists
1. Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that help them float? “Give me a place to stand a Greek mathematician on, and I will move the
The Last Supper
Let’s do a quiz about some scientists
8. Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground in 1815?
Thomas Edison 爱迪生
Watt 瓦特
Sir Humphry Davy 大卫· 汉弗莱