•All installations should comply with local regulations•For detectors approved to UL268refer to NFPA72for installation guidance.In such installations,it is advised that the maximum distance of Detector and Reflector from the ceiling must be 10%of the distance between floor and ceiling•For installations covering less than 18m,the Short Range Mask must be used•Position beam as high as possible,but with a minimum distance of 0.5m from Detector and Reflector to ceiling.•Mount Detector and Reflector directly opposite each other•Do NOT position Detector where personnel or objects can enter the beam path •Do NOT position 2Detectors facing each other •Detector LED indicator must face downward•Do NOT install the Detector or Reflector in environments where condensation or icing are likely tooccur18—50m =150—100m =48—18m =1Use Short RangeMaskEnsure clear line ofsight from Detector to ReflectorMount on solid surfaces (structural wall or girder)1.General Information2.Fitting the ProductClip PCB intobaseInsert DetectorcableLED indicator must face downward3.Wiring DiagramsWiring two Detectors onto two Zones:To Detector 1To Detector 2EOL EOLDET 1DET 2N/OCOMN/CN/OCOMN/CN/OCOMN/CN/OCOMN/C14V -36V DC123123123Con C Zone 1-Zone 1+Zone 2+Zone 2-Supply +Ext Reset Supply -Con A Con B see note 1see note 1ExtReset123Con D •Note 1:This component is the fire resistor.Its value is specified by the Fire Control Panel manufacturer.For U.S.installations it is typically a short circuit •ALWAYS use a separate 2-core cable for each Detector head•CAUTION:For system monitoring -Do not use looped wire under any terminals.Break wire run to provide monitoring of connections •Components not supplied:•End Of Line ('EOL')component -supplied by Fire Control Panel manufacturer •Fire Resistor•After installation,check operation of Fire and Fault connection on Fire Panel•Apply a voltage of 5V to 40V to ‘Ext Reset’contact for at least 2seconds to clear a latched fire conditionFireFaultFire Fault3.Wiring Diagrams (continued)Relay connections for wiring the two Detectors of one Controller onto one Zone:For wiring to other types of Fire Control Panel,or to wire multiple Controllers onto one Zone,refer to additional installation instructions supplied with the productEOLN/O COM N/C N/O COM N/CN/OCOMN/CN/OCOMN/C123123123Con C Zone 1-Zone 1+Con A Con B see note 1123Con D Fire Fault FireFault5seconds5secondsNOTE:One System Controller can be used to control and monitor up to two Detector heads.The ‘#’symbol in this guide is used to represent the number of the Detector currently selected (1or 2).4.Apply power•Commissioned system:•Detectors have been found but the selected Detector is not aligned:•Detector is connected butnot ‘Found’(normal on uncommissionedsystem):•Communications fault,or no Detector connected:Pressfor Pass Codescreen:•Default PassCode:1234•Change digit •Move between digits •Accept•An incorrect Pass Code will return the display to the Pass Code entry screen•Three incorrect attempts will lock access for three minutes5.Enter Pass Code to Access Engineering Menu6.Find Detectors•Press to enable ‘Found’Detectors at any point during 60s countdown•Any unused Detector channels are switched off •Press to re-scan if number is incorrect•‘Find’is automatically displayed the first time this process is run.‘Find’can also be accessed in the System Controller settings menu.Find must be performed when adding or removing a detector to an already ‘Found’system.•In‘Hi A’mode(default),during normal operation the system will take5.5mA if one Detector is connected or8mA if two Detectors are connected. During Laser targeting,Auto, Hand and Home functions,the system will take36mA.•In‘Lo A’mode(selected via the System Controller settings menu),the system will take 5.5mA or8mA in ALL modes of operation.The Detector will move more slowly during Align, Laser targeting and Home,so it is recommended to leave the system set to‘Hi A’if the current isavailable.7.Select Power Mode8.Select Detector•Select Detector to be accessed•All Detectors need to be aligned separately•Steps9to129.Select Distance between Detector and Reflector •Select8-50m(default)or100m(Set for eachDetector)SER TargetingThe system will signal Fault while in this modeThe LASER is used to align the Detector with the Reflector.It is an approximate alignment tool only.After Auto-Align the LASERwill not necessarily be pointing on the Reflector •Use to move the LASER as close to the Reflector as possible •One press of an arrow key results in one movement of the Detector head •Press or to turn off the LASER and return to the Settings menu•Refer to Additional Detector Information for troubleshooting if LASER is not visible11.‘Auto’Alignment•Select ‘Auto’to automatically align the infrared beam •Signal Strength will be shown during Alignment•If the LASER is turned on it will not necessarily be pointing on the Reflector after ‘Auto’is run -this is normal•If ‘Auto’ends with an error code ‘E-’,refer to troubleshootingHiA:2minutes LoA:25minutes•When ‘Set’is displayed press whilst the Reflector is still uncovered•When ‘S-00’is displayed,cover the Reflector with a non-reflective material and leave covered,then press•When ‘S-01’is displayed,uncover the Reflector and leave uncovered,then press •Repeat Steps 8to 12for any other Detectors found during the ‘Find’process12.‘Set’0/100(Calibrate)13.System is Aligned•Green LED on Detector will flash every 10seconds,and Signal Strength should be between 99%and 101%•Default values:35%Fire Threshold,10second delay to Fire and Fault,Non-Latching mode14.Manual Fire and Fault TestsAfter installation or cleaning,it is recommended that a manual Fire and Fault test is performed:Fire Test:Cover the Reflector slowly so that it takes longer than 5seconds to cover.The System Controller will signal Fire to the Fire Control Panel after the delay to fire has expired (10s default)Fault Test:Cover the Reflector completely within 2seconds.The System Controller will signal Fault back to the Fire Control Panel after the delay to fault has expired (10s default)Detector Fire LED Test Detector will signal Fire,System Controller will stay Normal.Press to exitwithout performing the testRelay/Controller Wiring Test System Controller signals ‘Fire’to Fire Control Panel Press or to exitIt is possible to perform a Fire Test from the System Controller,to test the wiring to the Fire Control PanelNOTE:The Remote Fire Test is acceptable for Fire Authority Acceptance and Routine Maintenance per UL268-515.Remote Fire TestThis setting is the threshold at which the Detector will detect a fire Default factorysetting=35%(Set for each Detector)16.Fire ThresholdComplies with EN54-12for sensitivity levels between 25%and 35%with a maximum delay to fire of 20seconds•Sensitivity can be adjusted in 1%steps by pressing up or down keys •Press to accept setting EN Approved Sensitivity Ranges:to move between icons in theDetector Menu,shownDelay 1(Fire)These settings are the delays that the System Controller uses before signalling a FIRE or FAULT condition respectively to the Fire Control Panel.Default factory setting=10seconds Delay 2(Fault)In Latching Mode the system will stay in Fire condition after the fire clears.In Non-Latching Mode the system will automatically return to normal condition after the fire clears(Set for each Detector)17.Fire/Fault Delaytching/Non-Latching ModeTo clear a latched fire,apply 5-40V to the External Reset terminal,enter the passcode,or power cycle for 20s(Set for each Detector)19.Cleaning the SystemThe system will automatically compensate for dust build-up by changing the Compensation Level.However,it is recommended that the Detector lenses and the Reflector are cleaned periodically with a soft lint-free cloth.If the Compensation Level for a particular Detector remains above130for several days,this indicates that cleaning should take place on that Detector.The system should be isolated from the Fire Control Panel before cleaning takes place.After cleaning,verify that the system is operating normally:If the Signal Strength is between92%and108%-leave the system to compensate back to100%(this should take no more than12hours)If the Signal Strength is above108%-reduce Compensation Level until Signal Strength is92—108%,and wait for system to compensate back to100%If the Signal Strength is below92%-perform LASER Targeting,Auto-Align,and Set.How to change Compensation Level:20.Troubleshooting21.1.Multiple Zone WiringWhen using more than one System Controller on a single zone of a conventional Fire Control Panel (FCP),it is important to choose the correct method of wiring.Incorrect wiring may result in a Controller isolating subsequent devices on that zone if it enters a Fault condition,and may prevent these subsequent devices signalling a Fire condition back to the FCP .If the FCP monitors for point detector removal,it is possible to use the following wiring diagrams which use diodes to provide zone continuity in the event of a Fault state on any Controller.Two Detectors connected to Controller:Single Detector connected to Controller on “Det 1”:Note 1–This component is the Fire Resistor.Its value is specified by the FCP manufacturer,and is not supplied with the System Controller.For U.S.installations it is typically a short circuit.Note 2–Recommended diode type:Schottky,60Volt,1Amp;must be UL listed for installations meeting NFPA72.Con C Fire Con D FaultFire Con A Fault Con BCon C Fire Con D FaultFire Con A Fault Con B1.Multiple Zone Wiring(continued)If the FCP does not monitor for detector removal,it is recommended that the following wiring diagram be used.For installations conforming to UL268and NFPA72,the following diagram MUST be used when wiring multiple Controllers onto one zone.Note1–This component is the Fire Resistor.Its value is specified by the FCP manufacturer, and is not supplied with the System Controller.For U.S.installations it is typically a short circuit.EOL–End of Line component.This is supplied with the FCP,and not supplied with the System Controller.Do NOT wire to any unused relay pairs.Con A and Con B are the relay outputs for Detector1;Con C and Con D are the relay outputs for Detector2.2.Event LoggerThe System Controller contains a logging function which will store information for the most recent 50events on each Detector.For each Fire or Fault activation,the controller will store:If there have been power-cycle events on the controller,all timing information will be lost for those events that occurred prior to the most recent of the power-cycles.To erase and restart the event logger,press and hold ‘left’and ‘right’keys together when displaying any of the event log entries.Press ‘tick’when prompted by ‘SurE’.To access the event log,press tick on the Event Logger icon when the relevant detector is highlighted:Event Number01is the most recent event 02is the event before 0103is the event before 02,and so on•The event code –This is the same as the error code (E-__)that would be displayed during the Fault,or one of the following:•99-Log erased •98-Power cycle •97-Fire Detected•96-Remote Fire Test initiated •95-AUTO initiated •94-LASER activated •93-‘Home’initiated•The elapsed time since the event occurred •The duration of the event•The signal strength when the event occurred (if applicable)•The AGC value when the event occurred (if applicable)2.Event Logger(continued)Press left to access olderevents,and right to accessnewer events.When therelevant event is selected,press down to accessfurther information about theevent.Time elapsed since eventstarted.‘—‘will be displayedif the event occurred prior tothe most recent power cycle.Duration of event.‘—‘will bedisplayed if the event is stilloccurring,or if a power cycleoccurred while the eventwas in progress,or if thereis no duration associatedwith the event type(e.g.power-on)Signal strength when theevent occurred.If the signalstrength could not be readduring the event‘—‘will bedisplayed.AGC value when the eventoccurred.If the AGC valuecould not be read during theevent‘—‘will be displayed.3.Troubleshooting-LASER not visibleIf it is not possible to see the LASER because of the installation environment(for example,if you cannot see the Reflector from the System Controller or there is high ambient light)then use‘Hand’Alignment.This option displays the signal strength value returned by the Detector, and allows the user to move the beam1.Start‘Auto’Alignment and press after two seconds to exit.(this will maximise infrared power)2.Select‘Hand’alignmente to steer the beam until the signal strength is above800.There is no auto-repeat function on any key.To move the motor in any given direction more than once, press the key multiple times4.Cover the Reflector.If the Signal Strength does not drop by more than half,the beam is not aligned to the Reflector,so repeat Step35.Perform‘Auto’alignment,followed by‘Set’4.Troubleshooting-HOMEIf it is not known where the beam is pointing,use Home Position to automatically steer the infrared beam to approximately the centre of its range of movement.•Press or to exit this function•This will take up to3minutes to complete•When complete the display will return to the Engineering Menu5.Display and Indicators -LCD Icon LayoutD e g r e e s F i r e T r a n s m S i g n a l R e c e i v S i g n a l %/VS y s t e F i r e L A S E R S e t B a r G r a p hS y s t e m L o c k e d /U n l o c k e dW a r n i n gB u s yM e t r e s6.Display and Indicators -Detector and System ControllerStatus Indicators123•PressinthismenutoenterthePassCode•PresstoputthesystemintoSleep ControllerStatusSystemControllerSoftwareVersionDetectorSoftwareVersionDetectorStatus8—5mor5—1m8.Menu Layout -Engineering Menu•T h e P a s s C o d e m u s t b e e n t e r e d t o a c c e s s t h e E n g i n e e r i n g M e n u •T h e m e n u i s n a v i g a t e d b y u s i n g k e y s t o m o v e t h e c u r s o r .•I t e m s a r e s e l e c t e d b y u s i n g •P r e s s i n g e x i t s t h i s m e n u a n d r e t u r n s t h e s y s t e m t o a ‘l o c k e d ’s t a t eS e t t i n g s E v e n t L o g F i r e T e s t D e l a y9.**Gain**1% SetDetector10.System Controller SettingsCodePower Mode•Change Pass Code Use to access each digit Use to change the digit Press to save the new Pass Code and return to the settings menu Press to cancel the change and return to the Engineering menuDetectors。
因此,探测器要成功的对抗火灾的基本要件是:1.具有在烟未产生前的过热(overheating)或打火状况下即能反应的极高灵敏度,而在此高灵敏度状态下运行, 亦不会因环境因素(如灰尘、温湿度的变化)影响而产生误报;2.探测器必须能承受因气流变化造成探测标的物被稀释的影响,而仍能维持在高灵敏反应的能力, 以达到及早报警的预防效果;3.能降低烟雾分层现象的冲击,火灾生成物必须能到达探测器,以快速反应火灾情况;4.能解决开关柜内探测的问题,不因机柜的阻隔而延误救灾;5.日后的维护工作需要简易,让火灾探测器得以稳定的正常运行。
OVERVIEWThis detector model samples the air and the environmental temperature in the protected area. An alarm condition is raised when the detected environmental smoke quantity, the temperature level or the thermal variation rate exceeds the alarm threshold.COMPATIBILITYThis detector is compatible only with wireless systems based on the Sagittarius protocol.For more specific information concerning compatibility refer to your fire security system supplier.INSTALLATION - IMPORTANT NOTESFor detector spacing, placement and special applications refer to your specific national standards.Mount the detector as far as possiblefrom metal objects,metal doors, metal window openings, etc. as well as cable conductors, cables (especially from computers), otherwise the operating distance may greatly drop. The detector must NOT be installed near electronic devices and computer equipment that can interfere with its wireless link quality.This detector must be installed according precisely to the procedures described in this manual.Test this detector after installation.BEFORE INSTALLING THE DETECTOR1) Extract the batteries cover from the back of the detector.2) Power -up the detector removing the isolating tab in the battery housing. LED indicators signal “Power up ”.3) Link the detector to the Sagittarius wireless system (LINKING ). 4) Check the WIRELESS LINK QUALITY .5) SELECT A GOOD LOCATION FOR THE DETECTOR . 6) Tag device ’s loop and address data (IDENTIFICATION ).7) Fix the detector supporting base to the wall (BASE INSTALLATION ).LED INDICATORSPicture 1: provide visual indication for functional conditions and battery levels as indicated in table 1.HFW -MA -05BI -DIRECTIONAL WIRELESS ADDRESSABLE MULTICRITERIADETECTOR WITH VARIABLE SENSITIVITYLED INDICATORS Picture 1928m/02LINKINGrefer to the translator ’s or the Wirelex configuration software ’s literature):1) Move the link switch ’call it BLANK, since it carries no indication). LED indicators signal “system ” (picture 2).Linking is successful when: a) the translator indicates so (check translator ’s literature)ORb) the Wirelex software indicates so (check the Wirelex ’s literature).If linking is unsuccessful:2) Check if evident mistakes were made.3) Perform the LINKING RECOVERY .LINKING RECOVERY1) Take out both batteries from their holders2) Move alternatively the link switch to ON / BLANK five times (picture 2) 3) Move the link switch to ON4) Reinsert both batteries into their holders, oriented as per polarity marks5) Perform the LINKING procedure.DETECTOR SENSITIVITY SETTINGSDuring installation using the Wirelex software it ’s possible to set the smoke sensitivity and the heat class of the detector (see tables 4 and 5). Otherwise if the installation is performed manually through the translator keyboard, default setting will be applied.WIRELESS LINK QUALITYIt is possible to check wireless link quality between the detector and its linked -to translator or expander in this way:1) Move the link switch to the ON position.2) LED indicators will start blinking according to the following table:3) NOTE: Ensure the link switch is returned to the "BLANK" (operational) position on completion of testing.SELECT A GOOD LOCATION FOR THE DETECTORChoose for the detector a placement position that:- compliances with your specific standards- is reached by a strong wireless signal from its linked -to translator or expander module- is not interfered by environmental factors.IDENTIFICATIONFor identification purposes, analogue loop number and device ’address can be recorded on the plastic tag supplied with base (picture 3).base.**********************.ukL20-LMCXX -1400 (vA.2)Picture 3Assessment Device ’s indicationDuring the linking phase, the detector must be positionedclose to the aerial (within a few centimeters) of the translator or expander to which it is being linked. Picture 2 Link switchBASE INSTALLATIONFix the base to the wall with the provided screws (picture 4).DETECTOR PLACEMENT1)Install the batteries cover.2)Position the detector centrally on the baseensuring it is level.3)Rotate clockwise applying gentle pressure.The detector will drop into its keyed location.4)Continue to rotate clockwise a few degreesuntil the detector has fully engaged in thebase.5)When the detector is firmly engaged, checkthe alignment of the raised reference markson the detector and on the base (picture 5).DETECTOR LOCKINGTo lock the detector to the base, screw in the provided security screw; screw entry is locat-ed on the side of the detector’s base (picture 6).TAMPER DETECTIONWhen the detector is detached from the base a tamper message event is sent to the control panel.TESTINGTest this detector after installation.After each test reset the fire security system from the control panel, as per your control panel in-structions.TEST MODESTest modes make the HFW-MA-05 more reactive to aerosol stimulus; two test mode types are provided:Type 1 Test Mode -almost instantaneously alarm agent reactive.Type 2 Test Mode -makes the detector as reactive to smoke as an optical smoke detector, simulating it.TEST 1 - MAGNET TEST1) Hold a suitable magnet in correspondence of the indicated area (picture 7)2) LED indicator will signal “Type 1 Test Mode”3) Apply again the magnet in correspondence of the indicated area (picture 7)4) LED indicator will signal “Alarm”TEST 2 - AEROSOL TESTUse only suitable aerosol testers supplied by approved manufacturers.1) Hold a suitable magnet in correspondence of the indicated area (picture 7)2) LED indicator will signal “Type 1 Test Mode”3) By following its specific instructions, apply the aerosol test device to the detector4) Wait a few seconds5) LED indicator will signal “Alarm”TEST 3 - AEROSOL TESTUse only suitable aerosol testers supplied by approved manufacturers.1) Remotely activate the detector’s green LED from the Wirelex program2) LED indicator will signal “Type 2 Test Mode”3) By following its specific instructions, apply the aerosol test device to the detector4) Wait a few seconds5) LED indicator will signal “Alarm”TEST 4 - HEAT TESTUse only suitable heat test devices from approved manufacturers.1) By following its specific instructions, apply the heat test device to the detector.2) Wait a few seconds.3) LED indicator will signal “Alarm”.Picture 5Dust covers DO NOT providecomplete protection againstcontamination: detectorsshould be removed before construc-tion, major re-decoration or other dustproducing work is started.Dust covers MUST be removed beforethe system can be made operational.Picture 4Picture 6Picture 7MAINTENANCE - CLEANING1) Remove the detector from its base.2) Smoke entry areas and thermistor area: use asoft bristle brush to dislodge any obvious such as insects, spider webs, hairs, etc.3) Smoke entry areas and thermistor area: use a blow any remaining small particles away.4) damp, lint -free cloth to remove any surface film that later attract airborne contaminants.5) Install the detector onto its base again.6) Test the detector. MAINTENANCE - BATTERY REPLACEMENTWhen a low battery condition is indicated, both batteries must be changed altogether.During this procedure the linking switch must NOT be touched at all !1) Detach the detector from its base.2) Extract the batteries cover.3) Extract the batteries.4) Insert the new batteries into their holders, oriented as per polarity marks.5) Reinstall the batteries cover.6) Reinstall the detector onto its base.7) Test the detector.**********************.ukL20-LMCXX -1400 (vA.2)Table 3Table 4Table 5* When a low battery condition is indicated, both batteries must be changed for new cells. Lifespan of batteries indicated is subject to standard environmental conditions, default monitor settings and excellent link quality.** Check latest version of document TDS -LMCXX for further data, obtainable from your supplier.。
除非决心在此传统单一光电技术之外,寻求突破的解答,…1968年,GE公司找到了答案-云雾室(Cloud Chamber)IFD云雾室型空气采样式极早期火灾探测器•具烟雾产生前即能发现火灾隐患的探测器•在高灵敏度状态也不因高灰尘而产生误报•不需汰换昂贵光电探测腔的低廉维护成本火灾的生命周期烟释放阶段火焰释放阶段热释放阶段火灾极早期阶段(热分解不可见粒子)火灾极早期阶段是指物质从被过度加热(Overheating)超过其材质可承受的临界点(即热分解点;Thermal Particulate Point),到氧化燃烧(Combustion)并开始产生碳烟的阶段。
FMST 吸气式感烟火灾探测报警器操作说明 FMSTDetector Power Sil/Iso Fire Time 显示模块Display ModuleAirflow Program 整机电源静音/隔离气流程序Silence Reset Test Isolate静音复位自检隔离火警2Fire2火警1Fire1行动PRE预警AUX.报警时间整机指示灯:绿灯亮起为正常运转 黄灯亮起为侦测机有故障 电源指示灯:绿灯亮起为正常运转黄灯亮起为电源有故障 静音/隔离指示灯:绿灯亮起为正常运行黄灯亮起为设备处于静音状态黄灯闪烁为设备处于隔离状态 气流指示灯: 绿灯亮起为正常运转,气流在正常范围内黄灯亮起为气流有故障,可能是气流过高管路可能断裂、气流量过低管路可能阻塞或是抽气泵失效程序指示灯: 绿灯亮起整机程序正常运行黄灯亮起为程序死机烟雾浓度指示灯: 首次开机有15分钟设备自学习时间,此时,16个红灯流动闪烁。
报警时间:LED 显示时间为最新报火警的时间。
IFD Cirrus Pro极早期火警预警系统操作手册目录第一章一般操作 (1)第二章异常操作 (6)第三章查询 (9)第一節事件检视 (9)第二節历史曲线图 (11)第三節数据库查询 (12)第四節历史数据查询 (13)第五節图面打印 (14)第四章 CirrusPro控制器操作 (15)第一節组件选项 (15)第二節灵敏度设定 (16)第三節编辑文字 (16)第四節输入输出设定 (17)第五節管之进气流 (18)第六節保修信息 (18)第七節制造信息 (19)第八節清除事件线图 (20)第九節展示模式 (20)第五章数据设定 (21)第一節树状窗口操作 (21)第一項监控计算机 (22)第二項 F-NET (25)第三項区域 (30)第四項 CPD(CirrusPro控制器) (33)第二節图片窗口操作 (36)第一項新增 (36)第二項删除 (36)第三項更改属性 (37)第四項 CPD位置调整 (37)第六章登入 (39)第七章使用者管理 (40)第一節使用者权限 (40)第二節新增使用者 (41)第三節修改使用者 (41)第四節删除使用者 (42)第一章一般操作进入极早期火警预警系统, 屏幕显示如下:窗口说明:树状窗口极早期火警预警系统之数据为树状结构,以监控计算机图标 开始,第二层为区域侦测网络(F-NET) ,每一个区域侦测网络包含区域 (第三层),每一个区域包含极早期火警预警控制器(CPD) (最后一层)。
树状显示窗口如下:图示说明: 图控树状窗口 图片窗口讯息窗口 CPD 状态窗口监控计算机区域侦测网络(F-NET)区域极早期火警预警控制器(CPD)讯息窗口依CPD的状态显示该异常CPD之相关讯息。
在树状窗口节点上按下鼠标左键, 即可快速切换至该区域或极早期火警预警控制器图片。
真空泵引管 接口
压强传感器 接口
水位传感器 接口
空气样品 过滤器
清洁空气 过滤器
LED光源 产生器 电源接口
LED光源 产生器
外观 内部结构 主板 云雾室 抽气泵 真空泵 水瓶 分解程序 一般故障发现与处理
打开网络Байду номын сангаас项框,当选择‘发送 送设定讯息到单机上’ (Set detector network number)时
会出现一个 确认对话询 问你程序已 经重置,是 否确认要改 变设置,按 下【OK】即 可传送设置 信息到前端 设备。
任何机器设定的更改必须下载至机器中,这必须从机器的选单中手动 完成,但如果关掉联机时,修改尚未储存会出现提醒讯息。 再有任何要关闭电脑程序动作时,如果有修改数据,显示屏幕会出现 提示(本设备设置已经改变,如果不把新设置发送到前端设备,修改 数据将会丢失,是否放弃修改):
LED光电接收 器接口
LED光源 發生器接口 水位传感器 接口
外观 内部结构 主板 云雾室 抽气泵 真空泵 水瓶 分解程序 一般故障发现与处理
LED光电组件 接收器
2. 分配计算机端口位置
点击网 络 (Netw ork)
选择相 应的接 口 (CO M Port)
IFD Cirrus Pro极早期火警预警系统操作手册目录第一章一般操作 (1)第二章异常操作 (6)第三章查询 (9)第一節事件检视 (9)第二節历史曲线图 (11)第三節数据库查询 (12)第四節历史数据查询 (13)第五節图面打印 (14)第四章CirrusPro控制器操作 (15)第一節组件选项 (15)第二節灵敏度设定 (16)第三節编辑文字 (16)第四節输入输出设定 (17)第五節管之进气流 (18)第六節保修信息 (18)第七節制造信息 (19)第八節清除事件线图 (20)第九節展示模式 (20)第五章数据设定 (21)第一節树状窗口操作 (21)第一項监控计算机 (22)第二項F-NET (25)第三項区域 (30)第四項CPD(CirrusPro控制器) (33)第二節图片窗口操作 (36)第一項新增 (36)第二項删除 (36)第三項更改属性 (37)第四項CPD位置调整 (37)第六章登入 (39)第七章使用者管理 (40)第一節使用者权限 (40)第二節新增使用者 (41)第三節修改使用者 (41)第四節删除使用者 (42)第一章一般操作进入极早期火警预警系统, 屏幕显示如下:窗口说明:树状窗口极早期火警预警系统之数据为树状结构,以监控计算机图标开始,第二层为区域侦测网络(F-NET),每一个区域侦测网络包含区域(第三层),每一个区域包含极早期火警预警控制器(CPD)(最后一层)。
树状显示窗口如下:图示说明: 图控树状窗口 图片窗口讯息窗口 CPD 状态窗口监控计算机区域侦测网络(F-NET)区域极早期火警预警控制器(CPD)讯息窗口依CPD的状态显示该异常CPD之相关讯息。
在树状窗口节点上按下鼠标左键, 即可快速切换至该区域或极早期火警预警控制器图片。
本手册重点介绍了盛赛尔公司吸气式感烟火灾探测器的设计与使用方法,我们力求使 产品的信息做到最新、最准确,希望本手册能满足您对盛赛尔产品的了解。如有疑问或 需要了解进一步的产品信息,请与我们及时取得联系。
全新的西安盛赛尔电子有限公司新厂房位于西安高新技术产业开发区,占地面积 30 余亩,投资额 1000 万美元,新厂房完全按照现代化生产企业的布局而建,厂房内的布局更趋合理,完全满足了公司的 生产需求。公司将以“提供高质量的产品、合理的价格、及时交货及优质服务使用户满意”为服务宗旨, 愿与国内外火灾自动报警设备生产厂家和从事消防报警行业的单位以多种方式进行合作,共同开发国内 外市场。
现场需要进行适当调整,同时根据现场环境状况设置探测器的管路检测的控制阈值。需要注意同一种设置方式在不同的应用环 境及管路布置情况下其响应灵敏度及管路中气流速度会不同。一般而言在高大的空间里,由于高大空间对空气样本的稀释,设 备的响应灵敏度及响应时间会低于较小的空间。
一般的设计要求如下: • 最大单管长度不超过 100 米(一定要保证最末端采样孔到探测器的气流传输时间不了上表天花板高度限制,可以参考<10%一栏的数据。如果是“人”字坡顶,那么可以参 考快速反应栏的数据。
西安盛赛尔电子有限公司享有并保留一切著作权之专属权利,非经我公司同意,不 得对本手册部分或全部从事增删、改编、翻印或仿制之行为。
西安盛赛尔电子有限公司是世界 500 强之一的霍尼韦尔集团(HONEYWELL)的子公司美国盛赛尔公司 (SYSTEM SENSOR)在西安投资兴办的专业火灾探测器生产企业,是目前国内最大的火灾探测器专业生 产商,公司全套引进美国盛赛尔公司(SYSTEM SENSOR)的先进技术、工艺、管理系统、质量保证体系 和现代化的生产加工设备,生产各类火灾探测器及配套件产品,产品的质量、性能、技术指标均与美国 本部完全一致。公司产品已通过美国 UL 测试及中国国家消防电子产品质量监督检验中心的检验,主要 产品设计都获得了国家专利。公司已通过 ISO9000 国际认证(美国 UL 公司审核)及公安部消防产品合 格评定中心的 GBT19000 质量体系认证,获准使用 3C 认证标志。公司是 2000 年度中国消防电子产品质 量体系认证复查检验的首家唯一免检企业,2002 年再次获得唯一免检称号,并连续入选中国消防产业 30 强论坛单位。
吸气式感烟火灾探测器使用说明JTY-JXP01JTY-JXP02河南良大空间消防科技有限公司2020.3目录目录 (1)前言 (1)产品介绍 (2)产品简介 (2)功能特点 (3)技术参数 (3)功能 (4)指示灯 (4)应用场合 (4)操作说明 (7)操作面板 (7)指示灯说明 (8)按键功能 (8)LED显示 (9)操作方法 (11)接线端子功能说明 (11)前言感谢您购买本公司军巡铺牌系列吸气式感烟火灾探测器。
技术参数●工作电压:DC24V,允许范围18V-36V●继电器输出:2A@30VDC;0.5A@125V AC●执行标准:GB15631-2008●联网方式:RS485接口●信息存储容量:火警记录999条,运行、操作记录999条●单管最大采样长度:100米●采样回路数目:JTY-JXP011个;JTY-JXP022个;●工作温度范围:-10︒C----55︒C●工作湿度范围:相对湿度10%----95%,无凝露●外形尺寸:JTY-JXP01330mm*220mm*110mm(长*宽*高)JTY-JXP02330mm*220mm*110mm(长*宽*高)●重量:3Kg 0.5Kg●外壳材质:铝合金●IP防护等级:IP30功能指示灯●火警指示灯:红色,有火警时点亮,正常熄灭。
多个国家标准和地方标准设计依据 不因环pt刻的安全保障
IFD 光纤组网方式应用于意大利Endesa Porto火电厂
IFD 光纤组网方式应用于意大利Endesa Porto火电厂
不受灰尘及其他环境污染影响造成误报 较一般点式系统更早反映火灾状况 主动采样,大空间一站式维护 多个国家标准和地方标准设计依据
利用特殊的安 装方法和管网 系统,IFD被 用来保护冷库 的内部
台湾电力公司变电站 电力开关箱、变压器室、电缆室
较一般点式系统更早反映火灾状况 10段不同灵敏度范围,4级报警阈值设定
• 有些环境污染严重,或具有极端的温
度条件, IFD可以提供可靠的保护和能 够接受的维护水平
– 冷库
– 潮湿的工作台
– 造纸厂
– 地下隧道
– 矿山
– 发电站
Hull Royal Infirmary 300公尺隧道 6台CP-100型探测器
不受空气中的灰尘及污染影响和误报 不受温湿度和冷凝水等极端天气影响而误报 不受高速气流影响而误报 较常规点式系统提供更加早期火灾探测
主动采样,大空间一站式维护 多个国家标准和地方标准设计依据 对燃烧前和燃烧时可见及不可见粒子可靠高灵敏度探测
JTY-GXF-GST1D 2D吸气式感烟火灾探测器安装调试系统说明
其次,很多普通点型探测器不适用的场合,或者需要更灵敏更可靠的实现 火灾隐情探测方式的空间, GST海湾吸气式感烟探测器能为您提供可靠的解决 方案。
对于误报火警,很大程度上是和探测器的灵敏度设置及现场环境有关,也有可能是探测器自 身原因所致,具体分析方法如下: 1.刚安装使用就误报火警,可能的原因及解决办法: (1) 管路与探测器连接前没清理管路中的灰尘杂物,造成误报,此种情况应按上文采样管路清 洁方法对管路清洁后再与探测器连接使用;
• 现场环境差,灰尘多,激光腔进灰造成误 报火警;
• 管路中的胶、异物直接被吸进风扇,黏住 或卡住风扇;
(2) 现场环境太差,造成误报,此种情况应适当调高灵敏度数值,让烟雾值在正常的区间内。
2.使用一段时间后开始误报火警,可能的原因及解决办法: (1) 使用中途有某种情况造成现场灰尘临时增多,引起误报,此种情况应等灰尘变少后按“复
位”键清除火警信息; (2) 现场环境变差, 前期设置的灵敏度已不能满足现在的使用要求,此种情况应适当调高灵敏
j.电缆规格:12 芯彩色、阻燃、低烟、屏蔽电缆
通讯距离:≤1300 米
4 产品接线
产品接线端子(12 芯)外接电缆(彩色 12 芯)说明:
端子编号 外接电缆颜色
当进入火焰背景设置状态时,上行数码管随时显示实际火焰背景值,下行数码管最左侧显示“Γ”, 右侧显示火焰背景增益值,每次按动“增大”键增1,最大值为100;每次按动“减小”键减1,最小 值为0;按动“增加”或“减小”键时,火焰背景值都做相应变化,最大火焰背景值为1000。设置完 成后可按动“确定”键进入系统运行状态,或按动“功能”键进入其他参数设置菜单。 〈4〉、有火门槛
当进入火焰粗调设置状态时,上行数码管随时显示实际火焰值,下行数码管最左侧显示“C”,右侧 显示火焰粗调值,每次按动“增大”键增1,最大值为5;每次按动“减小”键减1,最小值为1;系统 默认值为1。火焰粗调值2—5表示火焰是粗调值1(默认值)时的2-5倍。按动“增加”或“减小” 键时,火焰强度值都做相应变化,最大火焰值为1000。设置完成后可按动“确定”键进入系统运行状 态,或按动“功能”键进入其他参数设置菜单。每次按动“增大”或“减小”键时,系统自动存入按动数 值(具有掉电存储功能,下同)。当系统参数设置完成后但不按“确定”键时,系统延时一定时间(1M) 后自动回到运行状态,键盘自动锁定,系统按照新的参数运行(下同)。
当进入频率上限设置状态时,上行数码管随时显示实际火焰值,下行数码管最左侧显示“上c”,右 侧显示频率上限设定值,每次按动“增大”键增1,最大值为200;每次按动“减小”键减1,最小值 为10;按动“增加”或“减小”键时,火焰值都做相应变化,最大火焰值为1000。设置完成后可按 动“确定”键进入系统运行状态,或按动“功能”键进入其他参数设置菜单。 〈7〉、频率下限
Cirrus Pro IFD云雾室吸气式感烟火灾探测系统计算机数据中心解决方案展径贸易(上海)有限公司目录一.计算机数据中心极早期火灾防范的重要性二.计算机数据中心极早期火灾防范特点三.传统点式烟雾探测设备的局限性四.Cirrus Pro IFD云雾室吸气式感烟火灾探测器`的工作原理五.Cirrus Pro IFD在计算机数据中心的应用优势六.Cirrus Pro IFD网络结构七.云雾室型与激光型探测器性能比较八.IFD探测器主要技术指标和参数一.计算机数据中心极早期火灾防范的重要性随着社会的发展和进步,以及现代科技及信息产业的飞速发展,人们对书籍、资料和数据(印刷版本、电子版本、电脑数据库等)的兴趣和需求越来越强烈,已经成为我们日常工作和生活当中的重要组成部分,为我们提供了知识和乐趣、资料和数据以及信息等服务。
海湾 吸气式感烟火灾探测系统 产品手册说明书
© ���� 海湾安全技术有限公司Version ������海湾安全技术有限公司服务热线:��� ��� ����地址:河北省秦皇岛开发区长江东道��号网址: 关注海湾官方微信最新资讯实时掌握便捷高效 触手可及海湾商城 码上了解“海湾服务”小程序 数字化一站式服务引领创新科技 捍卫安全真谛海湾秦皇岛工厂凭借其先进的电子产品生产线、卓越的生产管理体系、严谨的质量控制流程、科学的质量诊所管理模式,成为消防行业技术先进、精益高效的建筑智能电子产品生产基地之一,产品线覆盖从火灾前期预警到后期灭火,再到智能逃生等多个环节,其不同产品根据不同需求分别通过了CCC、UL、LPCB、CE、SAI、EAC等一项或多项国内和国际认证。
CIRRUS PRO火灾侦测器用户手册目录1.0简介 (2)1.1型号和设备 (3)2.0 定期检修 (4)2.1 定期检查 (4)2.1.1 每天检查 (4)2.1.2 三个月检查 (4)2.1.3 年度检查 (4)3.0 使用者指引 (5)3.1 面板指示和控制 (5)3.2 面板显示 (5)3.2.1 主功能选单 (7)3.2.2 实时图形表示 (7)3.2.3 单位/管显示 (8)3.2.4 事件讯息 (8)3.2.5 历史图形 (9)3.2.6 密码 (9)3.2.7 维修讯息 (10)4.0 侦错 (11)4.1 错误讯息列表 (11)4.2 侦测单元上的错误码 (11)5.0 侦测器规格 (12)1.0简介本手册详述了Cirrus Pro Series Aspirating Fire Detectors的安装、测试、服务以及使用方法。
Cirrus Pro侦测器利用Wilson的云雾室理论来侦测火的早期及其它各阶段所产生的次微粒子。
Cirrus Pro侦测器有自我管理系统,会持续的监视其正常的操作。
Cirrus Pro侦测器将失误数据、背景粒子浓度及事件数据储存在本机内存中,这些数据可以用选购的Cirrus窗口软件来存取及输出。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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CIRRUS PRO火灾侦测器用户手册目录1.0简介 (2)1.1型号和设备 (3)2.0 定期检修 (4)2.1 定期检查 (4)2.1.1 每天检查 (4)2.1.2 三个月检查 (4)2.1.3 年度检查 (4)3.0 使用者指引 (5)3.1 面板指示和控制 (5)3.2 面板显示 (5)3.2.1 主功能选单 (7)3.2.2 实时图形表示 (7)3.2.3 单位/管显示 (8)3.2.4 事件讯息 (8)3.2.5 历史图形 (9)3.2.6 密码 (9)3.2.7 维修讯息 (10)4.0 侦错 (11)4.1 错误讯息列表 (11)4.2 侦测单元上的错误码 (11)5.0 侦测器规格 (12)1.0简介本手册详述了Cirrus Pro Series Aspirating Fire Detectors的安装、测试、服务以及使用方法。
Cirrus Pro侦测器利用Wilson的云雾室理论来侦测火的早期及其它各阶段所产生的次微粒子。
Cirrus Pro侦测器有自我管理系统,会持续的监视其正常的操作。
Cirrus Pro侦测器将失误数据、背景粒子浓度及事件数据储存在本机内存中,这些数据可以用选购的Cirrus窗口软件来存取及输出。
1.1涵盖的设备及机型Cirrus Pro 100 一个25mm外径采样管入口,采样管最多可到100mCirrus Pro 200 四个25mm外径采样管入口,四管总长最多可到200m,单一采样管最多可到100mCirrus Pro 200D 同Cirrus Pro 200,加内建编程显示器(参考RDP)Cirrus Pro 200SC,四个25mm外径采样管入口,有扫瞄功能,四管总长最多可到200m,单一采样管最多可到100mCirrus Pro 200DSC,同Cirrus Pro 200SC,,加内建编程显示器(参考RDP)RDP (Remote Display Panel) 远程编程显示器,多功能1/4VGA背板LCD显示及控制器2.0定期检查及维护Cirrus Pro侦测器能借助于回馈回路不断的调整自已的监控功能,以确保一个最低的程度的保养。
2.1.3每年检查以下各项必须由Protec公司其授权代表每12个月(年)实行●执行先前叙述约每季检查●检查流量(流体)电热调节器,必要时请清洁●检查真空泵风箱必要时更换●检查云雾室及其光学组件必要时请清洁3.用户指南3.1面板指示器及控制器所有的Cirrus Pro型号都有一个小控制盘,上面有6个LED的指示灯号及按钮。
按选单会列出网络上找到的单元上、下按钮移动选择的单元选择按钮接受目前反白的侦测器单元,要求状态并依型号不同显示以下窗口:显示目前采样管的粒子等级按选单会要求输入密码用+、一又Enter按钮来选择号码,低等级安全密码在生产时预先设定为123456 这是可以由显示器来更改的请见3,2,6当所有的数字都输入后按接受3.2.1主选单显示可接受的选项用”下”按钮移动至须要的选项按“选择”来移动选单上的选项,在此选单时按”离开”会回复到粒子等级显示须要重新输入密码以回到此主选单。
一般规则:上及下–在选单可接受的各选项中移动选择–改变反白选项的值移到下一个选单+及- --增加及减少高亮的值接受–储存改变于侦测器单元中有些改变在完全执行前须先重设离开–离开目前的选单,注意有些改变仍然保持在此显示器中,直到按了接受按钮后才会将改变送到侦测器单元中。
3.2.6安全密码当开启此窗口时显示为0用+及-来增加或减少其值,并用选择(Sel) 加入另一个位数,最多可用9位数,第一位数不得为0。
按“离开”以离开此屏幕且不改变此密码3.2.7服务信息可接受的值泵压力 > 5.7psi电源电压 19到39VLED 电流 0.26到5.6T Ma空气流量 参照管路计算平均填充时间 一般为4到6天,依地方情况而定4.0故障发掘内部对故障的诊断监控可以正常的运作4.1故障列表以下列出可能的故障原因及其他码1.程序故障8水填充故障15单元失效2.内存损坏9.空气流动故障16扩张电路板故障3电源故障10内存过载17外部故障4没水11单元被隔离18电池故障5云雾室密封12供应电源太低19主要部份故障6真空故障13 Algotec故障20采样阻塞7 LED故障14Unit Cold故障21清洗阻塞22区域覆写功能可用故障代码可以用以下叙述取得4.2在侦测器单元上显示故障代码Cirrus Pro可以用故障LED的律动来表示目前的或最后一次故障的代码当此单元故障时,持续按住沉默键。
5.0侦测器规格依型号而不同的物理资料此处不列电源电压19-30V直流湿度10-95% Rrt无凝结温度0~38℃IP Rating IP30管路配件20mm接头管路末端末端阻塞螺丝管路内径19~25mm(外径25mm)警报指示灯早期警报,火灾1期,火灾2期,火灾3期其他指示灯电源:一般故障敏感度范围20k到3M个粒子敏感度范围10等级可程序所需的输入项目4个监控项目,隔离,静音及敏感度改变开路电压16V,最大应用电压30V最大开路电路电阻:1500Ω输出继电器:4个可程序的火灾继电器1个故障继电器4个扩充板上采权的4个增加/管路全部电源:交流电125V 0.3A直流电30V 1A,保持电流1A最大启动电压交流125V直流60V最大启动电流1A辅助(备用)电源:电压27.6V 电流300Ma电源故障输入:故障等级< 2.5V事件日志:128个事件以先入先出方式储存数据保留期:10天历史图形灵敏度设定:7天可程序设定,每天3个时区AlgoTec:环境学习,交互作用的判断使algorithm的软件连续监控环境背景的粒子等级并将侦测器的灵敏度及警报门坎作优化处理。