
在本学期的英语教学中,要坚持以下理念的应用:2、突出学生主体,尊重个体差异,让学生在老师的指导下构建知识,提高技能,磨练意志,活跃思维,展现个性,发展心智和拓展视野;3、让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为Good User而不仅仅是Learner。

高二英语组集体备课教案设计-------湖北省浠水县团陂高中张勤备课组:高二英语备课地点:高二年级办公室主讲人张勤参加成员:李文武万锐敏杨静王丹丹杨小元南小莉时间: 2010年11月19日第1,2,3节主要任务记录:共同研讨MODULE 4 Period2 Reading部分公开课内容一.讲课人(张勤)说课思路教学项目:词汇 give concerts, conservatory, soloist, repertoire,characteristic,Poetry, give life to, combine, depress,share feelings and ideas with…结构(be) true of/for, (be) the same with,教学目标: 1. 语言知识运用give concerts, give life to, combine, make contact with2.体会一般过去时、现在完成时及现在完成进行时在reading 中的应用3.语言技能:能理解含有本模块所学词汇和结构的句子、段落并获取信息;挖掘文章深意,提高对文章内容的分析和解读能力。


201-——201- 学年度第一学期高二英语备课组工作计划

201*——201* 学年度第一学期高二英语备课组工作计划201*——201* 学年度第一学期高二英语备课组工作计划201*201*学年度第一学期高二英语备课组工作计划201*201*学年度第一学期高二英语备课组工作计划本学期,我们高二年级英语备课组将在校长室、教导处、教科处和英语教研组的领导下,全体备课组教师的共同努力,认真研究“新课程标准”和学校制定的“三环五步”的课堂教学思路,严格按照学校制定的备课组长基本工作要求积极开展本学期的备课组活动。
其中模块五必修模块共有三个单元,每个单元由Welcometotheunit,Reading,Wordpower,Grammarandusage,Tas k,Project和Selfassessment这几个板块组成。

二、高二英语教学的具体措施1. 强化理论学习,革新教学观念随着高中新课程的全面实施,高二备课组教师应深入学习新课标相关著作,积极转变教学观念,将课堂转变为学生学习英语的主体场所,注重学生自主学习、探究与合作能力的培养,激发学生英语学习兴趣,促进其在知识积累、应用拓展、发现创新等方面全面发展。
2. 加强集体备课,实现资源共享备课组应坚持集体备课制度,实现资源共享与分工合作。
3. 提升课堂教学效率在教学过程中,应注重新旧知识的衔接与融合,培养学生独立思考与判断能力,激发其创新精神与实践能力。
4. 强化听课交流,促进共同成长本学期将继续在备课组内开展互相听课活动,以教学常规为抓手,确保教学质量。
5. 精准把握教材难度,夯实基础知识针对学生基础知识相对薄弱及教学时间有限的情况,教师应充分利用课堂时间,以教材为例巩固基础知识。

高中英语新课标人教版 Unit 3 Life in the future

Unit 3 Life in the future一、学习目标1.认识现在,展望未来,激发学生的想象力。
三、学法指导:归纳、讨论、交流、展示Period One Reading课前预习:重点单词1. _______ adv. 不断地________adj.2. _________ v. 印象_________ n.3. _________ v.指导_________ n.4. _________ v.结合___________ n.5. _________ n. 效率_________ adj.6. _________ vt. 打扫7. _________ vt. 系牢8. ________vt. & n. (使)闪光、(使)闪现9. ___________ adj. 乐观的10. __________ adj. 巨大的重点短语1. ___________ 占据 6. __________ lose sight of2. ___________ 寻找7. __________ worried about3. ___________ 滑进8. __________ in all directions4. ___________ 按下9. __________ in no time5. ___________ 打扫10. ___________ switch on课堂探究:一、Fast reading and summary.Answer the following questions and then summarize the text.1.Where did I travel?_____________________________________________________________________ 2. How did I travel?_____________________________________________________________________ 3. What did I do in AD 3008?_____________________________________________________________________ Summary: By taking a ___________ , I traveled to _________ and experienced a lot of ________ things there.二、Careful reading and retelling.三、阅读课文,选择正确答案:( )1. Why did Li Qiang feel nervous and uncertain at first in the year AD 3008?A. Because he was frightened in the new surroundings.B. Because he hadn’t adapted himself to the new environment.C. Because he was affected by the flashbacks from his previous time period.D. Because he was in an imaginary world.( )2. It seemed that _______ from the passage.A. oxygen was no longer needed in the year AD 3008B. oxygen was still needed in the year AD 3008C. it was in the hovering carrige that Li Qiang traveled into the futureD. it was the calming drink that got Li Qiang into the future.( )3.This text is written mainly to ____________.A.introduce the future life to usB.imagine a kind of future lifeC.write about an adventurous tourD.tell us an amusing story课后作业:词汇理解1. to make use of(the prize)= _________2. to see = _______________3. to be unable to see = ______________4. You have travelled through many time zones. So you feel very tired. The feeling of this kind of tiredness is called ________.5. all the time, very often = __________6. to make sb.remember sth.= ________7. rapidly, quickly = _______8. tired = __________课文缩写填空Dear Mum and Dad,I have to remind myself 1.________ that I am 2.________ up this prize and I’m really in the year of 3008. I suffered from “time lag”that I kept getting flashbacks from 3.______ time period. We climbed in the capsule through a small 4. ________. It was very comfortable. A few minutes later, the journey was completed and we had arrived. At first the 5._______ were hard to 6._________. Because of a 7._________ of fresh air, I got a headache, so I put on a mask. After a rest, I followed Wang Ping to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer. These carriages float above the ground and by bending or 8._________ down in the seat, we can move swiftly. Wang Ping showed me how to use it, but I lost 9._______ of him when we reached a place where many carriages flew by in all directions. Later we arrived at a strange-looking house which had a green wall made of trees. A table and some chairs could rise from under the floor by flashing a 10._________ on a computer screen. I was exhausted that night and fell asleep quickly.Your loving son,Li Qiang学习自我评价:优良中差Period Two & Three Language Points课前预习:一、复习第一课时中的重点词汇和短语。

作者高二频道为你整理了《高二英语必修三教案5篇》期望对你的学习有所帮助!1.高二英语必修三教案教学目标:一) 认知目标1.句型和语言点(见教学重点)。
教学重点:1. 学会审题和谋篇2. 掌控多样化的表达方式3. 熟练各段中的固定写作套路教学难点:1. 如何帮助学生运用写作策略,增进学生自主写作。
2. 使学生了解谋篇的重要性,培养谋篇的能力和习惯。
教学方法:1、活动教学法:2、任务型教学法:教学设计:Step 1. Warming upCome up with some proverbs for the students to put them into Chinese.Recitation is of the first importance in any language learning!Practice makes perfect! …What do you learn from the above proverbs?Step 2. PresentationMake it clear to the students the importance of writing in English subject of the college entrance exams and then the goals of this lesson.Step 3. ExhibitionShow on the whiteboard a writing.2.高二英语必修三教案一、First–reading 采取自上而下模式,侧重培养快速浏览知道能力“自上而下的模式”是哥德曼(Goodman)1971年提出的浏览理论模式。

2023学年部编版高中英语新教材必修(上)第三单元教学设计一、单元概述1.1 单元主题本单元主题为“Festivals and customs”,主要介绍世界各地的节日和习俗。
1.2 单元目标本单元旨在帮助学生:- 掌握相关词汇和表达方式;- 能够运用一般现在时和一般过去时描述节日和习俗;- 提高听力、口语、阅读和写作能力;- 增强对文化差异的敏感性。
二、教学内容2.1 教学材料- 教材:部编版高中英语新教材必修(上);- 辅助材料:多媒体课件、网络资源、相关阅读材料。
2.2 教学内容安排- Lesson 1:节日和习俗的介绍;- Lesson 2:听力练习和文化背景知识拓展;- Lesson 3:口语表达和角色扮演;- Lesson 4:阅读理解;- Lesson 5:写作练习。
三、教学方法3.1 任务型教学法通过设计各种任务,让学生在实际语境中运用所学知识,提高语言运用能力。
3.2 交际型教学法鼓励学生积极参与课堂讨论,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。
3.3 合作学习将学生分组,进行小组讨论和合作完成任务,提高学生的团队协作能力。
四、教学评估4.1 课堂参与度观察学生在课堂上的参与情况,包括发言、讨论、角色扮演等。
4.2 作业完成情况评估学生完成作业的质量,包括词汇、语法、听力、阅读和写作等方面。
4.3 单元测试进行单元测试,全面评估学生的学习效果。
五、教学进度安排5.1 课时安排本单元共计5课时。
5.2 进度安排- 第1周:Lesson 1;- 第2周:Lesson 2;- 第3周:Lesson 3;- 第4周:Lesson 4;- 第5周:Lesson 5、单元总结和测试。
六、教学资源- 多媒体课件;- 网络资源;- 相关阅读材料;- 录音设备;- 测试卷。
七、教学建议- 注重文化背景知识的传授,提高学生的跨文化交际能力;- 鼓励学生主动参与课堂讨论,培养学生的自主学习能力;- 针对不同学生的学习水平,适当调整教学难度,确保教学质量。


四、集体备课支配集体备课要求:1、内容:1)各单元的课时学导案、教学课件和单元测试卷,主要为Warming up and reading,Learning about languagein reading,Grammar,Using language。

Unit 13 The Properties of WaterTeaching goals:1.Talk about water and the ocean2.Practice communicative skills3.Review Modal Verbs4.Write an explanation paragraphTeaching Plan: (Six Periods)1st period: Warming-up and Reading (1)2nd period: Reading (2)3rd period: post-reading and Listening (SB)4th period: Integrating Skills (SB)5th period: Speaking6th period: Grammar and Language StudyPeriod 1 Warming up & Reading (I)Teaching goals:1.To get the Ss to understand the main properties of water by connecting themwith some common phenomena and learning to explain the phenomena.2.To enable them to be aware of the importance of water, making good use ofwater in a proper way and protecting water resources.Important points in teaching:Words: benefit, available, pure, mass, float, absorb, release, stable, bottom, habitat, dissolve, property.Phrases: b enefit from, range from… to …., all the way, be made up of, that is, freezing point, break down, mix with, be measured in, take advantage of,keep…steady, manage to, be sensitive to, up to.Structures: whatever…., ….., that is,…..Teaching procedures:Step1: Lead inRead a short poem and guess its name: A letter from _______. (Water) Dear User,Shame to you all, the Ignorant,I am your lifeBut you seem not to value meGive me all the respectFor in me is eternal lifeIf you continue abusing meSurely, all forms of life will wither awayHave you ever imagined,Life without me?I tell you, it will be unbearableThink twiceFor every drop counts...Qs:1) What does “Dear user” here refer to?2)What does it talk to its users?3)On which planet does it exist? -On the earth, which is also called thewater planet.4)Do you know why it is called “The water planet”?-Because about three quarters of the earth is covered by water.Step2:Pair work: Collect as many words as possible related to water. Qs:?How much do you know about water??Is all water fresh or salty?Step3: Talk about the properties of water.1. Pair workT: Water is around us and inside us. We can ’t go without water. Qs:?Why is water so important to living things??Can you point out some of its properties or characteristics?Suggested vocabulary :It's colorless, tasteless, odorless and universal dissolvent. It feels wet;It exists in three forms: liquid, solid, gas, and is cycled through the water cycle; It can absorb a large amount of heat; It sticks together into beads or drops;It's part of every living organism on the planet; etc.2. Group workLearn more about water ’s properties by doing some simple experiments and learn to describe an experiment.What property of water does each of the four experiments illustrate? What causes this phenomenon?What ’s this phenomenon related to?①Experiment 1 shows how air pressure causes a piece of thick paper to cling to an upturned glass of water.②Experiment 2 illustrates how substances with different density behave when placed in the same container.③Experiment 3 is an example of how water dissolves substances and objects.④Experiment 4 illustrates some of the differences between salt water and fresh water.3. T:What other properties of water do you know about?What causes the following phenomena? Can you explain?Propertieswate①We can get a lot of nutrients by drinking water and having soup.②Wood floats on water while iron sinks.③The coastal areas are often neither too hot nor too cold.④Why can some living things live at the bottom of the ocean where there is no sunshine?(If these questions are too difficult) Try asking questions about the properties of water and then giveanswers to them.Step4: Pre-readingLook at the titles in the text below. Do not read the whole text. Pick out the subjectof each paragraph. Use the structures below to make six questions related to thesubjects.What is/ are ________?What does _________ look like?What are different parts of ______?What can ________ be compared to?How does _______ work?What are some examples of ________?1.Skim to find the words and phrases which describe the properties of water in thereading text.2.Scan t o Find out some basic facts about life in the oceans.Life on earth began in the oceans about three billion years ago;99% of the living space on earth is in the oceans;There are about five million (known) species in the oceans;Life in the oceans ranges from tiny plankton to giant whales.Step5: Homework1.Read the text carefully and find out the detailed information about water properties.2.Think as many examples as possible to illustrate water properties.Period 2 Reading (Ⅱ)Teaching steps:I. RevisionT: Yesterday you were required to ask more questions about water’s properties and find out the detailed information about water properties as well. So now let’shave a little quiz about theproperties of water.True of false questions:1)Water is a liquid at room temperature, and it has a relatively high freezing point.2)The reason why water can dissolve most substances on earth is that water has high heatcapacity.3)Like all the other substances, water gets smaller (contract) when it freezes.4)Pure water has a higher freezing point and lighter than salt water.5)The salinity of the earth’s oceans is about 3.5%.6)When water freezes, its density increases.7)Other recourses such as oil, gas, gold etc is as precious as a drop of rain.(TFFTT FF)II. While-reading1.As we all know, Charles Darwin is famous for his “The Origin of Species”. (According to hitheory of evolution)Qs: 1) Was there any life on the earth billions of years ago?2) If any, what was the original life like at that time?3) Where did it live? -In the deep blue seas.4) How does the world take its shape, which is quite different from what it used to be,especially those various organisms? -Billions of years’ natural selection.2.It is said that 99% of the living space on earth is in the oceans.Qs: 1) What does this fact result in? -Marine life is incredibly rich and varied.2) Can you give some specific numbers or examples?-There are about five million species in the oceans. They range from the tiniest plantsall the way up to giants (e.g. sharks and whales).3) What does this fact imply? Do you agree?-Water is an excellent medium for life.4) Why do you agree that water is an excellent medium for life? (Based on commonknowledge)?Water is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high freezing point;?All living creatures need food to survive, but on many occasions the nutrients becomeavailable to living things only when they are dissolved by water.溶解性).3.So we know that one of water’s properties is its dissolvability(Qs: 1) Do you know what gives water such a unique property?-The chemical structure of water.2) What does the water molecule look like?-A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The twohydrogen atoms are bonded to one oxygen atom to form a 'V' shape. The two hydrogenatoms form a polar molecule, that is, one with a slightly positive end and one with aslightly negative end.unique3) Can you give some other examples which are also resulted from water’schemical structure?-Plants can pull water up their roots via a capillary(毛细管) process;-We can get a lot of nutrients by drinking soup.That’s water’s another property-dissolvability.4. Since water is such a universal solvent, it can dissolve just about anything including many gasesand solids. As a result, there is sea water.-about 3.5%.Qs: 1) Do you know the salinity of the earth’s oceans?2) What does it mean?3) Have you ever noticed such a phenomenon that in winter water in some containers orsmall rivers often freezes while that in seas not? Can you explain it?-The salinity of sea water can affect the freezing point of water. Sea water has a lower afreezing point, so even when the temperature of sea water falls below 0℃, sea water isstill liquid.5. However, no matter whether it is sea water or pure water, “wood floats on water while ironsinks” always works. How do you explain that? What property of water is this?-If a substance has a lower density than water does, it will float on water; Otherwise, it willsink.Qs:1) What is density? And what’s the density of pure water?-Density is the relationship between mass and volume and is measured in kilos per cubicmeter (kg/m3). The density of water is 1,000kg/m3.2) Does it also go for the phenomenon that Ice looks larger than water of equal mass?-Yes. Water’s density decreases when it turns to ice, so its volume increases.3) Does all the water in the same river or ocean have equal density? Tell your reasons.—No. Changes in salinity and temperature affect water’s density. Cold water of highsalinity usually is most dense and will tend to sink to the bottom of the ocean.6. Qs: 1) What do different densities in the ocean result in?-Dense water sinks and less dense water is pushed to the surface. Thus water in the ocean is always moving.2) What phenomena can this result help us explain? Please give examples. (If necessary,give students some hints such as showing a picture etc.)?Ocean motion helps move nutrients around and adds energy to the marineecosystems.?Different marine creatures live in different levels of the ocean. (Because of the foodsthey need, sunshine etc.)7. Read following statement and think what conclusion you can draw? Or what property does itrefer to?It is said that a man of 60kg loses about 1L water through breath and skin evaporation (皮肤蒸发) every day. In other words, 539kcal heat is released in these two ways. If so much heatwere kept in human body, it would raise body temperature by 9℃.Can you imagine theresult?-Water has a relatively high heat capacity and can accommodate the climate automatically.It can absorb and release a lot of heat without big changes in its temperature, thus creating astable environment.8. Here are some more familiar phenomena.What property of water is each of them related to??The coastal areas are often neither too hot nor too cold. (Water’s high heat capacity) ?Ice floats on water. (Density)?When the sea water in a container is evaporated (蒸发), there will be some salt left.(Dissolvability)?Irrigate in winter can help raise the soil temperature. (Water’s high heat capacity) ?People swimming in the Dead Sea float; they can even read a paper while lying on theirback in the water. (salinity and density)IV. Homework1.Try to think as many examples as possible to show that water is made use of to bring benefitto human beings.Period 3 Post-reading & ListeningTeaching goals:1.To get students have a better understanding of water.2.To learn some new words and sentence structures.Teaching procedures:Part one Post-readingI. Better understand the properties of water1. “Where there is water, there is life!” Can you use some facts to illustrate it?-Water is a medium for life.So far as we know, life only exists on earth, because there is water. Etc.2. Our planet is a water planet of which two thirds of its surface is covered by water. Whatour body is also mainly composed of water. Do you know following figures which show how muchwater there is in parts of our body? 60%, 70%, 82%, 90%?Up to _____ of the human body is water.?______ of the brain is composed of water.?______ blood is made up of water.?The lungs are nearly _____ water.3. Water is the source of life. That’s why water is an excellent medium for life. And you know all this is because of water’s unique properties.II. Revision on the properties of water1. What are the properties of water??Water is polar.?Water is liquid at room temperature.?Water has a relatively high freezing point.?Water has density 1,000 kg/m3.?Water has high heat capacity.?…2. What causes water to have such unique properties?-It’s molecule form / chemical structure.3. What is water molecule like??Chemical structure: two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.?Different parts of it: a slightly positive end and a slightly negative end, so it is polar.?The function of it: it causes water to be able to dissolve both solids and gases, and that why water can break down nutrients quickly.4. Do pure water and salt water have the same chemical structure? Does pure water havesalinity?Qs: 1) What’s salinity?2) What is sea / salt water? - A mixture of pure water, dissolved gases and solids.3) How does salinity affect water?4) How does it affect water’s weight and freezing point?-The higher salinity water has, the heavier the water is.The higher salinity is, the lower the freezing point of water is.5. Salinity also has something to do with the density of water. The higher salinity is, the higherdensity of water is.Qs: 1) What is density?2) How is density measured?3) Which is denser, water or oil?4) What will happen when water and oil are in the same container? What does thisphenomenon illustrate?-Oil floats on water. A less dense substance floats on a denser substance.5) Does water in the same ocean have the same density?-No. Denser water sinks and pushes less dense water to the surface.6. That’s why the ocean water will never stop moving. Ocean motionQs: 1) What does ocean motion mean?2) How does ocean motion work?-Denser water sinks and pushes less dense water to the surface.Ocean motion helps move nutrients around and adds energy to the marine ecosystems.3) What causes ocean motion?-Changes in salinity and temperature.7. The temperature of the ocean water always keeps steady, making the ocean a safe andcomfortable habitat. Do you know why?-Water has a relatively high heat capacity.Qs: 1) What is heat capacity?2) What’s the function of heat capacity?-It determines how a substance absorbs and releases heat;It keeps water temperature steady;It keeps the earth’s temperature steady.III. Reflection1. There is a close relationship between some properties of water, for example, salinity, densityand ocean motion. How do they affect each other?2. Suppose you are one of the main properties of water (resolvability, salinity, density …). Youthink you are the most important and have the greatest effect on life. Try to persuade others bydescribing: 1) What you are.2) What affects you.3) What you are made the most of by human beings.Part two ListeningI. Pre-listeningGive a very brief introduction of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and its author Samuel TaylorColeridge. Here rime is the variant of rhyme.II. While-listening1.Listen to the story (Part 1) and find the information about it. (When, where, who, what?)When: 18th century? (No, not mentioned)Where: on a shipWho: sailors / marinersWhat: One of the sailors kills a bird that brings good luck to the ship, by doing which he hasbrought bad luck and death to the sailors.2.Listen to part 1 for the second time and finish the following true or false questions.1)This poem was written by a British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge in the 1700s.2)In the poem, one of the sailors kills a fish under the ship.3)It is believed that the animal he kills is one that brings good luck to the ship.4)Other sailors are so frightened and angry that they kill the sailor.5)The sailors are extremely thirsty but they can’t drink the water in the sea, because it istoo dirty.(Keys: TFTFF)3.Listen to part 1 for the third time and answer the following questions:1)Who tells the story in the poem?2)What does one of the sailors do?3)What do you think will happen next?4)Why are the other sailors frightened?4.Listen to part 2 and complete the following sentences.1)Finally they decide that he must die -_______ the mariner who _______ the bird.2)He must _____ _______ it all and will ______ by having to tell the story…3)_____ ______ on the ship, _________ on the ocean, the mariner suffers from__________ and ______.4)His story _____, the ________ mariner says _________ and asks them to learn from his___________.Keys: 1) except, shot; 2) live through, pay 3) Left alone, drifting, loneliness, fear;4) told, ancient, farewell, sufferings5.Listen to part 2 again and answer the following questions:1)What happens to the sailors?2)What happens to the mariner?3)Why is the person telling the story?4)Who is the person actually?II. While-listening1.Reflection: What do you learn from this story?-Everything existing in the world has their own certain values, we should understand and respect them.2.CreationWork with partner and try to come up with a good, scary story like the one about the mariner.Homework1. Preview Integrating Skills “Nature’s Nursery: Estuaries” on page 22Period 4 Integrating SkillsTeaching goals:1.To get students to know what estuaries are and their functions2.To learn to write an explanation paragraphTeaching procedures:I. Lead-inLook at the map of China, answer these questions:1.Can you name the three cities marked on the map? Where are they? (Chongqing, Shanghai,Dalian )I2.How much do you know about them? Is the economy there well-developed or not?3.Which city is the most developed? Why?Now let’s look at this map and then answer the following questions:1.Can you tell what map it is? Where is it?2.Is the water here salty or fresh?3.What’s the place called where river and the ocean meet?II. While-reading1. Skimming1) Find out the definition of estuary.(An estuary is the body of water where a river meets the ocean. Salt water from the ocean andfresh water from the river mix together in an estuary. This mixing of fresh and salt water creates aunique environment filled with life of all kinds---- a zone between the land and sea.)2) What functions of estuaries have been mentioned in the passage?(Great places for nature’s young animals clean our water by absorbing nutrients and pollutants from water coming from inland sources; provide both recreation and education for human beings.)3) Discussion.?What living conditions do you think are needed for nature’s young ones??Do estuaries have such conditions for them?2. Discussion?What living conditions do you think are needed for nature’s young ones??Do estuaries have such conditions for them?3. Scan the passage and answer the following questions.?Why are estuaries such good places for nature’s young ones??What does “density” mean in this passage??How do estuaries affect the water that passes through them??Why are estuaries more sensitive to pollution than other areas??Why are estuaries important to human beings?(Answer to question 1) In estuaries, animals can enjoy all the benefits of the oceans withouthaving to face many of its dangers. Tides provide energy for the ecosystems, but estuaries areprotected from waves and storms by islands, mud or sand. Nutrients from both the land and theocean arrive in estuaries.(Answer to question 2) It means the degree to which an area is filled with things or people.(Answer to question 3) They absorb nutrients and pollutants from water coming inland sources, thus cleaning our water.(Answer to question 4) Because estuaries act as filters(过滤器), many pollutants end up in them.(Answer to question 5) Estuaries provide both recreation and education for human beings.For example, people can fish, swim and have fun on the beach; scientists and students have endless opportunities to study a variety of life in the habitat. Estuaries also contribute to the economy through tourism and fishing.4. Finish the following passage with words from the text.Estuaries are bodies of water along coasts that are ________ (形成) when fresh water from rivers ________ with salt water from the ocean. In estuaries, the fresh river water is blocked from streaming into the open ocean by either surrounding mainland, or islands. This mixing of freshand salt water _______ a unique environment ______ with life of all kinds -- a zone between the land and sea known as an estuary. The estuary gathers and holds a ______ of life--giving nutrients from the land and from the ocean, forming an ecosystem that contains more creaturesthan any other ________ on the earth. Estuaries are also important for human beings. They protect water quality by ________ pollutants from water coming from inland sources. They are centers for _______(娱乐) and education. Estuaries, in short, are treasures.(formed, mixes, creates, filled, variety, habitat, absorbing, entertainment)III. Post-reading DiscussionAs we learn from this passage, many cities which are built around estuaries, like Shanghai, Guangzhou, Ningbo, Shenzhen are very developed. Can you explain why?( They are near Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta…)(Convenient transportation, rich resources…)IV. WritingDo you still remember what we learn about the properties of water? In that passage, the writer introduces the chemical structure and several properties of water to us, such as salinity, density, heat capacity. So from this we know when we are explaining what something is or how things happen, it is important that our explanations should be well organized and easy to understand.Tip oneIf we are describing a process,we’d better explain each step in the order it happens. Tell the readers about the causes and effects and use words like first, second, then, etc to show the order of the steps.?First…?Second…?Third/ Then…?Last…Tip twoIf we are writing about something that has several parts, we should describe each part and explain its function and structure.The following questions may help:What is it? How many parts is it made up of?What’s the structure of each part? How does it work?HomeworkImagine that your science teacher ask you to explain one of the following questions: Why does an ice cube float?What will happen to a piece of metal if you put it in water?Why do so many species live in estuaries?Why have so many cities been built by estuaries?Choose one of the questions and write a passage, using what you know about nature and scienceand what you have learned from this unit.Period 5 SpeakingTeaching aim:1.Get students to talk about the main use of water in our life and their effects.2.Draw students’ attention to the importance of using, saving and protecting our water as well.Teaching procedures:I. Revision1) Can you use your own words to tell us the general idea of the two reading passages?2) What do you learn from our previous classes?-Water is necessary / a must to life. Without water, life, as we all know, would not exist.II. Speaking1. Pre-speaking1) Do you agree with the saying “Without water, life would not exist.”?2) So not only you and I agree with this opinion, but also the United Nations hold the sameview. And that’s why we have World Water Day.Q: Is there anyone who knows when it is? -Mar. 223) Brief background information about World Water Day: World Day for Water is establishedby the United Nations General Assembly's resolution 47/193 of 22 December 1992. It is a uniqueoccasion to remind everybody that concrete efforts to provide clean drinking water and increaseawareness world-wide of the problems and of the solutions, can help make the difference.4) Last year we witnessed some great disasters such as the typhoon “Yunna” and the tsunamWaterin the India Ocean. What a coincidence that the theme for World Water Day 2004 was “and Disaster”. World Water Day 2005 will be guided by the upcoming water decade's theme"Water for Life". It will be the starting day for this International Decade for Action, "Water forLife".2. While-speaking1) To some extent, the existence of World Water Day also implies that human beings cannotlive without water. Why? Can you tell how water is being used in our life? Give some examples.-electricity, agriculture, home use, industry, transport, entertainment, etc.2) Look at the first picture (“electricity”) in the textbook and talk about it.The water is being used to generate electricity. Building up behind a high dam, wateraccumulates potential energy (势能). This is transformed into mechanical energy when the waterrushes down. It is a good way to use water because water is renewable green energy. It will neverrun out if only we use it properly and generating electricity by using water is a better way toprotect the environment than others. However, it takes a great sum of money and a long periodof time to build a dam and prepare all the required equipment. Since nowadays electricity hasalready been an indispensable part of our life, most people benefit from using water in this way.3) Group work. Divide students into several groups with six in each. Each one takes charge ofone picture. When discussing each picture, please think about the following questions:How is water being used?What property of water enables it to be used in this way?Why do we use water in this way?Who benefits from using water in this way?Is this a good way to use water?What are some disadvantages of using water in this way?4) Pair work. Each six-member group can be divided into three smaller ones with two in each.Make a dialogue on the basis of the results about your topics we reach, using following usefulexpressions:W e should / could …The water is being used to / for … What will we do if …? If we …, we can …It would be better to …Can you think of a better way?3. Post-speaking1) Just now we’ve talked about six main ways of using water and their disadvantages as well asadvantages. Here I have something more for you.① Read following short passage by yourself.No matter who we are, where we are, or what we do, we are all dependent on water. It isthe source of all life and we need it every day. But with the world's growing population and fastdeveloping economies, the earth's water reserves are drying up fast.As many as 7 billion people throughout the world could face a water shortage by 2050 if thepresent situation continues. By then, the global population is expected to reach 9.3 billion. Manybig cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin, will suffer severe water shortages.This alarming situation was shown in a United Nations (UN) report just ahead of WorldWater Day, which falls on March 22.② Watch a flash “A prediction for water”2) Q: What information have you got from the passage and flash?-Water is very important to each of us. We must try our best to save and protect ourprecious water; otherwise, we will suffer a lot and even bring disasters upon ourselves.3) Q: How can we save and protect water in our daily life?Take home use for example,?Reduce faucet flow. Avoid letting the water run when brushing teeth, washing dishes, andshaving etc.?Reduce shower flow. Install a water-efficient shower head and spend 2 minutes less in the shower.?Replace aging toilets and clothes washers with high efficiency models. Take advantage of City rebates offered for low-flow and Wash Wise models.?Repair leaks. Find and fix faucet and toilet leaks.?Use natural lawn & garden care practices. Dig compost into soil to increase water retentionand apply mulch around plants to avoid evaporation.?Reduce outdoor water use. Use a commercial car wash that recycles water. Sweep the driveway instead of hosing it off.?We ourselves should have a strong sense of preserving water and tell others to protect ittoo.?Start from the little things right under our noses. For example, don’t litter or pour rubbish into rivers at will.。

高二第二单元全部教案(新课标版高二英语上册教案教学设计)Period1 Warming up &ListeningTeaching aims1. To develop students’ listening ability by listening to the given passage.2. To help students to get to know about the news media.Suggestions for teaching1. Important and difficult points(1) Knowing about the news media(2) Trying to understand different kinds of news media are very important and helpful to our society.2. Suggested teaching methodsA. Warming upTask1.Warming up (pair work)Get students to have a discussion in pairs.Topic: What are the media we often use in our daily life/Ask students to list the news media on the blackboard to see which pair can find the most.(Internet, Radio, TV, Magazine, Newspaper)Task2. Discussion (group work)Ask students to have a discussion.Topic: How will you try to get in touch with your friends and why?Eg: Usually I get in touch with my friends by short message or by phone or by E-mail.Task3. Discussion (group work)Ask students to discuss the following topics;(1) Which of the news media above is the most reliable? Why?(2) How are the media above different from each other(3) How do you know whether what you hear, see or read is true?(4) Do you know how a newspaper is made? What about a magazine?(5) What words will you need to talk about the news media?Get students to work in groups of four to discuss the topic. Each group may choose one of the five topics and choose a representative to summarize opinions of the group and report them to the class.Example answers:(1) Various answers are possible. The students should give reasons for their opinions. Encourage them to think about how the news is presented, who writes it, and why the ness is published. The media are usually commercial and always biased. Major news organizations try to be as objective as possible, but it is not possible to achieve complete objectivity. The media mentioned in this activity are probably equally reliable: official websites or websites of major news agencies are edited in the same way as magazines, newspapers, and serious news shows on radio and TV. But we cannot believe everything we see on TV or read in magazines.(2) Daily newspapers report the latest events as they happen, while magazines, which are typically monthly or weekly, provide “deeper” coverage and analysis and are often focused on a topic (eg. business, family life, student life, international affairs etc.). TV and radio are broadcast media, which report news to anyone wh o wants to hear. The Internet is a “narrowcast” medium, visited by individuals. Websites also offer “personalized” news, ie, the same website may look different to each user depending on location, interests and needs. Unlikeother media, most websites are unedited and not for profit. Newspapers and magazines have editors and are financed by ads. TV and radio programmers are also edited, by they may report “lobe “ or by using talk show formats.(3) It is becoming increasingly difficult to know what is true or not. Several factors complicate the situation: we get more news from more sources; the news is increasingly “ global”, ie we read about faraway events that are difficulty to verity, interpret and understand. The best way to deal with the “information slow” is to become a critical reader and to read more than one account of the same event. It is also important to understand that all news is “biased”; ie it is reported form a certain point of view and to a specific audience. That means that local media give greater importance to local events and that each news source interprets new events in the light of its own understanding and opinion of the overall situation.(4) See Question 2 above for differences and similarities between newspapers and magazines. The students may also want to think about the mews-making process: who decides where to send reporters and why; who decides how the stories should be reported and why. Note that many newspapers and magazines rely on news agencies (eg Xinhua and Associated Press) for international news.(5) Useful words include: reporter, news item, article, headline, front-page, ads, and editor, reliable, biased, objective.B ListeningTask1 Pre-listeningTell the students to read the instructions and questions before they listen to the tape. Ask them to try to guess what they will hear on the tape based on the questions.Task 2 Listening comprehensions(1) Ask Ss just to listen to the whole passage but not write anything down.(2) Let’s Ss listen to the tape again. This time as k them to write something important and useful down.(3) Help the Ss find the answers and then check the answers.C Homework: Preview the reading.3. Teaching Log:Period 2 SpeakingTeaching aims1. To develop students’ speaking ability by talking about news.2. To enable students to learn how to express opinions by giving the reason for choosing the news reported in the newspaper.Suggestions for teaching1. Important and difficult points(1) Talking about reasons for choosing the news.(2) Learning about expressions about expressing opinions.2. Suggested teaching methods:Task1.Lead inI’m sure that you have read some newspapers, and there are different kinds of news, such as entertainment news, business news, science news,etc.Here we have ten pieces of news, ask Ss to classify them.Eg: Sports: China beat Brazil 2-1 in football.Science/business/daily life/policeTask2 Discussion (group work)Get students to have a discussion in groups of four. Suppose they are the editors of a newspaper. Ask them to choose five ofthe ten things listed in the book. Choose a reporter to tell the other students the reasons why they choose those five things.Eg: A: Ok, let’s begin. What do you think of these events?B:I think we should choose the story about the three children in our city. This event is the most important because the people in out city need to know about this.C: Maybe it would be better to choose the story about the earthquake in Turkey. 200 people died there, not just three.B: I agree that we should report that too, but the story about the children is more important. What’s your opinion?D: We should report the story about China beating Brazil in football.A: Why do you choose that event?D: because it is unusual, The Brazil team is one of best in the wrld. Our readers will be happy and proud to hear that out tesm won such a big victory.A:…………………………B:……………………………Task3 Report (group work)Get the students to report the five things they have chosen in each group.Task4 Homework: Write a piece of news .3. Teaching Log:Period3 ReadingPart one Reading ComprehensionTeaching aims1. To develop students’ reading through reading the passage.2. To enable students to get to know something about reporters and newspapers and that it’s not easy for reportersand editors to produce a good newspaper.3. To instruct students to learn that the media is very important in our daily life.Suggestions for teaching1. Important and difficult points(1) Knowing about the reporters and newspapers.(2) Knowing about the important of the media.2. Suggested teaching nmethods:A. Pre- readingTalking about newspapersTeachers may ask the students:(1) What do you like doing in your spare time?Answer: I would like to read newspaper/listen to music etc.(2) Do you like reading newspapers after class? Why or why not?Answer: Yes, I like it very much. Because by reading the newspaper I can know something happens outside, and I can broad my knowledge.Teacher may give students some time to have a small discussion in pairs and then ask several students to talk about their opinions.After talking, teacher may ask students the following questions:No matter you like reading newspaper or not, do you think newspapers are important in our daily life? Do you know before a newspaper is produced the editors and reporters have to do many things? We will read about the reporters’ work in our passage.B. ReadingTask1 SkimmingGet students to scan the text to find answers to the following questions.(1) What do experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about/(2) What is the editor’s job?(3) What should the reporter do before he begins his interview?(4) After the interview what should the reporter do?(5) What is Chen Ying’s favorite article and why?(6) What is Zhu Lin’s favorite article and why?(7) What would Zhu Lin write about and why?(8) What would Chen Ying write about and why?(9) What is the importance of the media?Suggested answers:(1): Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report, how to report them and why.(2): The editor’s job is to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting to the readers.(3) Before the reporter begins the interview, he has to contact the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions.(4) After the interview the reporter must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.(5) Chen Ying’s favorite article is one he wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China. He liked the article best because it was both news and an interesting story.(6) Zhu Lin’s favorite article is about an ordinary young woman who tries to adapt to her new life after studying. He likedthe story best because it was the first time that he wrote with real passion and because it made him realize that everyone’s life was unique.(7) Zhu lin wanted to write about music, art, nature and the importance of spiritual fulfillment.(8) Chen Ying wanted to write about people who we seldom read about. Their stories must be told to help solve the social problems and help those who suffered from them.(9) The media can often help solve problems and draw attention to situations where help is needed. Thus we can understand the world better on all sides and in the future world all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.Task2 SkinningAsk students to skin the text to find the main ideas mentioned in the passage.Suggested answers:Para 1: Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.Para 2-10: Something about the reporter’ and editors’ work and opinions by interviewing two talented journalists.Para 11: The media plays an important part in our everyday lifeC. Post-readingTeacher may design the following tasks for consolidationTask1.Retelling (Individual work)Ask students to retell the passage supposing they are either of the two reporters interviewed in the passage. Choose two students to come to the front of the classroom to have an interview and the other students just ask them some questions.Task2 Discussion (group work)Ask students to work in groups of four and discuss the following topics. Each group can choose one of the topics they like.(1) If you were a reporter, what would you like to write about?(2) It’s important to be a critical reader. How would you read the following two media massages, TV advertisements and news on the Internet?(3) Famous people are often interviewed about their opinions on current affairs. Why do people want to hear about their opinions? Should we listen to them?Part Two Structure AnalysisA.体裁:属于观点表述的文章B.结构分析这是一篇总分总的文章.文章第一段总起,第二段通过一段简单的采访以及两位记者的观点表述对第一段的内容进行论述,最后一段水到渠成进行总结,强调新闻媒体的重要性.C.写作技巧让学生学会如何用浅显的语言表述自己的观点.Teaching log:Period 4 Language LearningTeaching Aims1. To learn the useful words, expressions and sentences in the reading.2. To enable students to use these language points in both spoken and written English.Important and different points1. more than 不止是,极其Eg: You are much more than an acquaintance.你不仅仅是我的熟人.2. experience: (cn) 经历(un)经验Eg: The old soldier often told us his strange experiences during the war .这位老兵经常跟我们谈论他在战争时期的奇特经历.Karl has experience in running a school.卡尔办学校很有经验.3. agree: agree with sb/what sb saidagree to one’s plan/propos alagree on sth.4. develop (1) 发展;形成;养成;成长He believes that sports can develop mind and body.他相信运动有益身心发展.(2)冲洗胶卷He developed the photographs which he had taken.他冲洗了拍的照片.5. prepare: 准备Our school prepares students to go to universities. 我们学校努力使学生都进大学6. for once(至少) 这一次(平时不这样)Eg: For once he was telling the truth. 只此一次他说了实话Once: (conj) 一……就;一旦.兼有as soon as 和if 的双重含义,从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时,主句常用将来时.Eg: Once he arrives, we can start the meeting. 他一到我们就开会.Once seen, it will never be forgotten. 一旦看到,它就不会忘记.Once:做副词时表示一次,从前等意思.Eg: I’ve only met him once. 我只见过他一次.7. present(1) vt. 提出;呈现;送给;递交Eg: He presented his views and sat down.他陈述了自己的观点后坐下了.(2) adj. 在场的,现在的Eg: Every member of the class was present.班里每个学生都到了.(3) n.现在;礼物Eg: I live in the present, not the past.我活在现在,不是过去.8 attention (n) 注意;关心Eg: The students pay much attention to their study.学生们很重视他们的学习draw/attract/catch one’s attention 吸引某人的注意focus one’s attention on 把注意力集中在……(注)attention 是不可数名词,常被much, little, no等词修饰.attentive (adj) attentively(adv)Eg: The teacher was pleased to have such attentive students.老师很高兴有这么认真的学生.难句分析:The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than the interviewers in order to let us know about their work and how the news we read is made and written.这两位记者同意交换角色,做一次被采访者而不是采访者,让我们了解他们的工作,了解我们读到的新闻是怎样制作和编写出来的rather…. ThanEg: The color seems green rather than blue.He ran rather than walked.These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.Homework: Exercise (papers)Teaching log:Period 5 Language StudyTeaching Aims1. To review the words and expressions learned in the reading to make sure students master them.2. To get students to master the usage of the Past Participle.Suggestions for teaching1.Important and different points:(1) Important words and phrases learned in this unit.(2) Grammar: The Past Participle , used as Attribute and Predicative.2.Suggested teaching methods:A. word studyTeacher may deal with word study by organizing the following activities.Task1.DictationHave a dictation of the important word sand phrase s learned in the reading.Task2. Do exercisesAsk students to complete the sentences with the verbs in proper forms.Divide the listed words into three groups according to their meanings.B. Grammar: The Past Participle , Used as Attribute and PredicativeTask1.ExplanationIntroduce the usage of the Past Participle, used as Attribute and Predicative to the students.Task2 Do exercise (pair work)Ask students to have a discussion in pairs and try to finish t he exercises in the student’s bookTeaching log:Period 6 Integrating SkillsTeaching aims:1:To get students to learn about writing news reports.2:To instruct students to write a comparison passage.3:To revise the past participle.Suggestions for teaching:1 Important and difficult points:(1) What to learn about writing reports.(2) How to read and write a comparison passage.2 Suggested teaching methods:A: ReadingTask1 Lead-inAsk students to have a discussion in pairs about the following topic.What are the important things that must be included in a news report?Task2 ReadingGet students to read the two passages and find the answers to the following questions.(1) What are the differences between these two reports?(2) What would be a good headline for the report?Suggested answers:(1) These two passages are written by different people. And obviously the two people’s attitudes towards the event are just the opposite.(2) Say no to pollution.Task3 Dealing with language points.(1) More than ninety responsible caring citizens made their voices heard yesterday.昨天有九十多位有责任感而又富有爱心的市民发出了(保护环境的)呼声.Make sb./sth. done 使…被…Eg: You’d better speak louder to make yourself understood.(2) Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth.这些环境保护主义者非常勇敢而执着,他们在工厂外与工人进行了对话并且六下了关于保护环境的建设性宣言.Brave and strong 是形容词短语作状语.Eg: The soldier fell off the horse, wounded. 士兵从马上摔下来,受了伤.B WritingTask1 InstructionTell students if they want to write a comparison paragraph, they should first decide what are the two things they are going to make a comparison between. Secondly, they should try to list as many similarities and differences between them. Thirdly, try to decide what are the most important similarities and differences that may help them to write an effective comparison paragraph.Task2 Reading and learningAsk Ss to read the similarities and differences between the website and the newspaper. Then ask them to work together and try to give each other an oral report of a comparison paragraph.Task3 WritingGet the students to write down a comparison paragraph and then hold a competition between the pairs to see each group can do best.C RevisionAsk Ss some questions about the usage of the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative. Then get students to translate the following sentences, using the Past participle.Homework: translation1这封信比预期的晚到了一星期.2一被单独留下,那小女孩就开始哭了.3在已经结冰的湖面上溜冰是很安全的4他岁考试结果非常不满意5于1365年建立的维也纳大学是世界上最古老的大学之一.Suggested answers:(1) The letter arrived a week later than (it is) expected.(2) Once left alone, the little girl began crying again.(3) It’s safe to skate on the frozen lake.(4) He is far from satisfied with the result of the exam.(5) Vienna University, founded in 1365, is one of the oldest universities in the world.。
高二上英语培训单元教学设计-Module 6 Unit 2 poems(新课标版高二英语选修六教案教

Warming up部分围绕诗歌这一话题设置了两个练习。
Pre-reading 部分主要让学生认识诗歌的种类和不同国家所赋诗歌的文化差异。
Reading 部分介绍了五种简单的英语诗歌共8首:儿歌节奏明快,韵律和谐、朗朗上口、不断重复、利于记忆,是语言学习的有效手段;清单诗,尤其是那些不断重复短语和节奏的诗歌,比较容易创作。
Learning about language部分安排的两个练习均与诗歌有关。
Using language 部分综合训练听说读写的语言能力。

三、各年级工作目标:1. 高一年级:注重初高中衔接,培养良好的英语学习习惯,奠定坚实基础。
2. 高二年级:在巩固高一年级成果的基础上,强化培优补差工作,提升英语学习能力。
3. 高三年级:认真总结反思,高质量完成第一轮复习工作。
四、主要工作:1. 组织教学研究活动,深入学习《新课标》教学理念,建立全新教学观念与灵活课程体系,采用多元、开放的课程评价标准。
2. 加强集体备课制度。

新版人教版高二英语集体备课记录Q4: What is the capital of Canada? Q5: How many Great Lakes are there in Canada? 6:See some videos about Cananda. 设计意图:教师通过小测试检测学生对加拿大的熟悉程度,随后播放关于赛马会,洛基山,海狸等加拿大特色视频,增加学生背景知识,以此导入到本课课题。
Step 3.While -reading (3)分段阅读 1.教师让学生快速阅读第一段,找出本文中人物,目的地,交通工具信息。
.Read the para 1and finish the chart 2.教师让学生阅读第二段,完成第二段信息填空 Read Para.2 and fill in the blanks with words. It is surrounded by mountains ______________________ and the Pacific Ocean (太平洋)on the west. *Vancouver is in the_______ part of Canada and it is one of the most_______ and_______ cities, where people can go_____ in the Rocky Mountains and _____ in the harbour. *The coast north of Vancouver has some of the _____ and most beautiful forests in the world. 3.阅读第三段,完成习题。
Which animal did not they see when crossing the Rocky Mountains? A. Some mountain goats B. Grizzly bear C. Eagle D. Pleasant goat What is Calgary famous for? The _________ have a gift for riding wild horses and they can win thousands of dollars in ______. 4.阅读第四段,完成问答题。
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教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校Unit 16 Lesson 1 Stories from HistoryPompeii: The City that became a time capsule佛山市高明区第二中学高二备课组一、教学目标设计的主要依据根据全日制普通高中英语教学大纲和教材的要求以及本课课型特点,并结合所教学生的实际情况,确定本堂课的教学目标。
2、教材分析本单元的中心话题是“stories”,具体涉及“History stories”、“Name stories”、“Life stories”等,以此培养学生的透过阅读故事认识历史的,解读生活中的故事能力。
在第一课时Warm up里,学生已经围绕中心话题Stories谈论了各类的故事类型如:History stories , Legend, Science fiction,True stories等等,这为本节课的阅读教学做好了很好的铺垫。
本课“Pompeii: The City that became a time capsule”是本单元的第二课,分两课时完成,本节课是第一课时的阅读课,由“读前”、“阅读”和“读后”组成。
二、具体教学目标设计I. Teaching Contents 教学内容Unit 16 Stories Lesson 1 Stories from History (Module 6) Reading: Pompeii: The City that became a time capsule(普通高中学课程标准实验教科书北师大版选修模块6第十六单元第一课:庞培——一座变成时间胶囊的城市)II. Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标设计(三维目标)1.Knowledge objectives 知识目标Make the students master the following words, phrases and sentence pattern.(1)Important words(重点单词):preserve, capsule, witness, awesome, architecture, authentic, characteristic, sorrow(2) Important phrases(重点词组):In a way, occur to, burst into, split up, block out, be caught in, leave a deep impression on sb.(3)Important sentence pattern(重点句型)It is the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster that have made the city monument to human history.In a way, Pompeii is like a “time capsule”preserving a frozen moment in history.2.Ability objective能力目标Improve the students’ reading ability through reading activities.3.Affective objectives 情感价值目标(1)After Learning the passage, the students are expected to learn the history of the City of Pompeii and it’ll arouse the students’interest in reading stories.(2) Help the students realize the importance of the relics. Inspire their interest of ancient culture and have correct sense to protect them. III. Teaching Important Points(教学重点)1.Learn the words and phrases listed above.2.Enable the students to improve their reading comprehension.IV. Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点)1.Understand the following sentence correctly.It is the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster that have made the city monument to human history.In a way, Pompeii is like a “time capsule”preserving a frozen moment in history.2. How to help the students understand the passage better.V. Teaching Methods(教学方法)1.Task-based method to make students interested in what they willlearn.(任务型教学法)2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage.(略读法)3. Careful reading to get some detailed information.(细读法)VI. Teaching Aids:(教学辅助手段)1. A blackboard2. A projector and a computer for multimediaVII. Teaching procedures (教学过程45 minutes)Step I Lead in (2 minutes)(引入,2分钟)Ask students questions:Do you like reading stories? What kind of stories do you like? Why?Students discuss in groups :What kind of stories do you like?Step II pre-reading (6 minutes)(读前,6分钟)1.Guess the meaning of “time capsule”Today we’ll read a history story . It’s about the city of Pompeii. The City is called a time capsule . As we all know, capsule is a container used to store a selection of objects thought to be representative of life at a particular time. Can you guess the meaning of “time capsule”in the reading passage? Let’s enjoy the story together.2.Sound and pictures presentationUse the computer to play some sounds, get students to imagine what is happening. Students tell their partners about what they have guessed. Then show them the relative pictures to get deeper impression.Step III. While-reading(16minutes)(阅读,16分钟)1. Fast reading(6minutes)(快速阅读,6分钟)Ask the students to read the passage quickly and match the paragraphs with the main ideas (On the screen).1.The city of Pompeii was forgotten by the world.2.The bodies of people showed their exact shapes.3.Pompeii was a booming city before the volcanic eruption.4.The City of Pompeii lives on nearly 2,000 years after its loss.5.Scientists found the city of Pompeii.6.The description of the volcanic eruption.(Skimming for the main idea)参考答案:1.P2 2. P5 3.P4 4.P6. 5 P3. 6.P12. Careful reading (10minutes)(细读,10分钟)Ask the students to read the passage carefully and find out the information about Pompeii.Where did the eruption happen:When did the eruption happen:Who wrote about the eruption:When did the scientists begin to uncover the buried city:How long is it from the eruption to now:(Scanning for detailed information)Step IV Post-reading(10 minutes)(读后,10分钟)1. Listening Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation ant intonation.2. Gap filling: fill in the gaps in correct forms.Pliny was a Roman writer who had ________ (witness) as a young man. He wrote about a _______ (volcano ) eruption ________ occurred on August 24th,79AD and it was of Mt. Vesuvius. The tragedy had left a deep impression_____Pliny whose uncle died in the event. The whole towns and villages ____________ (bury) by the ashes of Mt Vesuvius. By 1748, scientists started to uncover the ancient city Pompeii. It is like a “time capsule” __________ (preserve)a frozen moment in history. Not only the buildings and objects ofPompeii attract the people, but also the forms of the people caught in the disaster ________ have captured the imaginations of people across the world. _______the bodies of people who died in Pompeii had decayed(腐烂) for many years, the bodies showed _________exact shapes. Today, since excavations (挖掘) started, people and scientists visit Pompeii every year to learn more about the ancient world. In this way, the city ________ nearly 2,000 years after the eruption that had destroyed it .参考答案:witnessed, volcanic, which ( that), on, were buried ,preserving, that, thought (although), their, lives onStep V Discussion:( 8 minutes) ( 8分钟)Talk about Chinese buried army of Terracotta Warriors according to the pictures.1.Where and when are they located?2.Who found them?3.How many terracotta figures of warriors and horses were found altogether?4.What do the figures look like?5.Are they very important in Chinese history? Why?Step VI Homework(3 minutes)(讨论和作业布置,3分钟) Try to write five sentences about Chinese buried army Terracotta Warriors.Step VII Blackboard Design(板书设计)VIII、教学反思本课是北师大版高中英语模块六教材的unit 16 lesson 1 Storiesfrom History,主要叙说意大利的庞贝古城在公元79年8月24日维苏威火山的爆发中被掩埋在火山的岩浆中而从此消失。