
1. 市场调研(Market Research)市场调研是市场营销中非常重要的一环。
在英语表达方面,常用的词汇包括:market analysis(市场分析)、consumer behavior(消费者行为)、competitor analysis(竞争对手分析)、survey(调查)、sampling(抽样)等。
2. 市场定位(Market Positioning)市场定位是指企业在特定市场中通过品牌、产品特性、价格等方式来塑造自身在消费者心中的形象和地位。
英语表达中常见的相关词汇有:target market(目标市场)、brand positioning(品牌定位)、unique selling proposition(独特卖点)等。
3. 市场营销策略(Marketing Strategy)市场营销策略是企业为实现营销目标而制定的一系列计划和方法。
常见的市场营销策略有市场细分(market segmentation)、差异化营销(differentiated marketing)、直销(direct marketing)、促销(promotion)等。
4. 市场营销组合(Marketing Mix)市场营销组合是指企业在市场营销过程中运用的产品、价格、渠道和推广等因素的组合。

全球市场营销重要知识点罗列(中英文)Global marketing Chapter one掌握:营销概念:Although marketing is universal, marketing practice, of course,varies from country to country.了解:The market conceptThe New concept of marketing and the Four Ps: shifted the focus of marketing from the product to the customer.The strategic 1.concept of marketing: shifted the focus of marketing from the customer or the product to the customer in the context of the broader external environment.2.the strategic concept of marketing has shifted the focus of marketing from a microeconomics maximization paradigm to a focus of managing strategic partnerships and positioning the firm between vendors and customers in the value chain with the aim and purpose of creating value for customers.掌握:THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING1.Customer value and the value equationThe task of marketing is to create customer value that is greater than the value created by competitors./doc/1312473186.html,petitive or differential advantageThe advantage can exist in any element of the company’s offer: the product, the price, the advertising and point-of-sale promotion, or the distribution of the product.V=B/P3.FocusThe third marketing principle is focus, or the concentration of attention.掌握:全球本土化概念(global localization):it means asuccessful global marketer must have the ability to “think globally and act locally”掌握:MANAGEMENT ORIENTATION1.Ethnocentric (母国中心)---------international companyHome country is superior, sees similarities in foreign countries2.Polycentric(东道国中心)-----------multinational companyEach host country is unique sees differences in foreign countries3.Regiocentric(区域中心)----------global companySees similarities and differences in the world region; is ethnocentric or polycentric the rest of the world.4.Geocentric (世界中心)-------------transnational companyWorldview, sees similarities and differences in home and host countries.了解:Leverage定义:Leverage is simply some type of advantage that a company enjoys by virtue of the fact that it conducts business in more than one country.类型:1.experience transfers(经验移植) 2.Scale economies (规模经济:可降低成本)3.resource utilization (资源利用)4.global strategy(全球化战略)Chapter two了解ECONOMIC SYSTEMS1.Market allocationA market allocation system is one that relies on consumers to allocate resources.Consumers“write” the economic plan by deciding what will be produced by whom./doc/1312473186.html,mand or centralplan allocationIn a command allocation system, the state has broad powers to serve the public interest.These include deciding which products to make and how to make them.3. Mixed allocation了解STAGES OF MARKET DEVELOMENTUsing GNP as a base , we have divided global markets into four categories.1.low-income countries(also known as preindustrial countries)2.lower-middle-income countries(also known as less developed countries or LDCs)3.upper-middle-income countries(also known as industrializing countries)4.high-income countries(also known as advanced , industrialized, postindustrial countries) chapter three 了解:BASIC ASPERTS OF SOCIETY AND CULTURE①It is learned, not innate②The various facts of culture are interrelated, influence or change one aspect of a culture and everything else is affected.③It is shared by members of groups and defines the boundaries between different groups.掌握:High and low context cultures强交际环境文化和弱交际环境文化的对比(看73页表) In low context cultures,①messages have to be explicit.②A person's word is not t o be relied on.③Paperwork is important.In high context cultures,①less information is contained in the verbal part of message.② A person's value, position, background are crucial.掌握:Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 马斯洛需求层次理论①physiological 生理需求②safety 安全需求③social 社交需求④esteem 尊重⑤self-actualization 自我实现掌握:Hofstede Framework 霍夫斯诺德构架(看细节)①individualism versus collectivism 个人主义与集体主义②power distance 权力距离③uncertainty avoidance 不确定性规避⑤masculinity versus femininity 男权主义相对女权主义了解:THE SELF-REFERENCE CRITERION AND PERCEPTION As we have shown, a person’s perception of market needs is framed by his or her own cultural experience.了解:ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY(了解80页表格)Environmental sensitivity is the extent to which products must be adapted to the culture-specific needs of different national markets. (对环境中最敏感的东西是food)Chapter four了解POLITICAL RISK (经济发达阶段和政治风险的关系,经济越不发达政治风险越高)了解征用(EXPROPRIATION)定义:Expropriation refers to governmental action to dispossess a company or investor.没收(CONPENSATION)定义:compensation is generally provided to foreign investors,although not often in the “prompt effective ,and adequate”manner provided for by international standard.国有化(NATIONALIZATION)定义:Nationalization occurs ifownership of the property or assets in question is transferred to the host government.了解:Differences of the two systems in solving commercial disputes两种法律体系在解决商务纠纷中的区别common law versus civil law(code law)①Under common law, commercial disputes are subjected to either civil or commercial laws. Under code law, commercial disputes are subjected to the commercial code.②Under common law, industrial property right based on proof of agreement.Under code law, industrial property right based on notarization or registration③Under common law, Performance of contract: Act of God/act of nature means extraordinary happenings not reasonably anticipated.Under code law, Performance of contract: Act of God is extended to include unavoidable interferences such as strike or riots (Force Majeure)掌握:Three bases for jurisdiction in resolving private international disputes处理国际争端的3种基本司法程序①negotiation调解协商②Arbitration仲裁③Litigation 诉讼Chapter five掌握:DIFFUSION THEORY(传播理论)(AIETA)Five stages of the adoption process 对新产品接纳过程的五个阶段①Awareness 知晓阶段②Interest 感兴趣阶段③Evaluation 评价阶段④Trial 试用阶段⑤Adoption 采纳阶段Five types of adopter categories 新产品接纳者的5种类型②innovators②early adopters(Early adopters are the most influential people in their communities,even more than the innovators. Thus. The early adopters are a critical group in the adoption process )③early majority④late majority⑤laggards (落后者)掌握:Characteristics of innovations(创新的特征)1.Relative advantage(相对优势)/doc/1312473186.html,patibility(兼容性)/doc/1312473186.html,plexity(复杂性)4.Divisibility(可分性)/doc/1312473186.html,municability(可交流性)Chapter six了解Information subject agenda (理解168页表格)了解SCANNING MODES(搜寻模式): SURVEILLANCE AND SEARCH监视的两种类型Surveillance include: viewing and monitoring 了解营销信息的主要来源(sources of market information):1.human sources (人)2.documentary sources(文档资源)3.internet sources(因特网来源)4. Direct perception(直接感知)了解FORMAL MARKETING RESEARCH(正式的市场调研)Step 1: Identifying the research problemStep 2: Developing a research planStep 3: Collecting data (看细节secondary data, primary data, survey research)Step 4: Analyzing research dataStep 5: Presenting the findingsChapter seven掌握市场细分的定义: Market segmentation is the process of subdividing a market into distinct subsets of customers that behave in the same way or have similar needs.掌握全球市场细分的定义:Global market segmentation is the process of dividing the world market into distinct subsets of customers that behave in the same way or have similar needs.掌握全球市场的主要细分的标准(criteria)(知道归属):1.Geographic segmentation2.Demographic segmentation3.Psychographic segmentation4.Behavior segmentation5.Benefit segmentation掌握全球目标市场确定的定义:T argeting is the act of evaluating and comparing the identified groups and then selecting one or more of them as the prospect(s) with the highest potential.掌握选择目标市场的标准(criteria):1.current segment size and growth potential2.potential competition/doc/1312473186.html,patibility and feasibility掌握选择目标市场的策略:1.standardized global marketing2.concentrated global marketing3.differentiated global marketing掌握全球产品定位(Global product positioning)定义:Positioning is the location of your product in the mind of your customer.Chapter eight掌握出口市场选择的六大标准(MARKET SELECTION CRITERIA):1.market potential(市场潜量)2.market access (市场潜入因素)3.shipping costs(运输成本及时间)4.potential competition(潜在竞争)5.service requirement(服务要求)6.product fit(产品适应性)了解ENTRY AND EXPANSION DECISION MODEL(进入和扩张决策模型,第237页)掌握依托营销(Piggyback Marketing)的定义:The manufacturer using the piggyback arrangement does so at a cost that is much lower than that required for any direct arrangement. Successful piggyback marketing requires that the combined product lines be complement. They must appeal to the same customers, and they must not be competitive with each other.掌握许可贸易(licensing)的定义:Licensing can be defined as a contractual arrangement whereby one company(the licensee) makes an asset available to another company(the licensing) in exchange for royalties, license fees, or some other form of compensation. The licensed asset may be a patent, trade secret, or company name.其中,Franchising is a form of licensing了解Joint Ventures(第247页)了解市场扩张战略(5 MARKET EXPANSION STRATEGIES):1.Strategy one: concentrates on a few segments in a few countries.2.Strategy two: country concentration and segment diversification3.Strategy three: country diversification and market segment concentration4.Strategy four: country and segment diversificationChapter nine了解全球战略联盟的三个特点:1.The participants remain independent subsequent to the formation of the alliance2.The participants share the benefits of the alliance as well as control over the performance ofassigned tasks.3.The participants make ongoing contributions in technology, products, and other key strategicareas.了解全球战略同盟的六个特性(attributes)(第265页)在日本,战略联盟被称为综合商社在韩国,战略联盟被称为财阀Chapter ten掌握影响产业竞争的五种力量(Forces Influencing Competition in a Industry):1.Thread of new entrants2.Rivalry Among Existing Competitors3.Bargaining Power of Suppliers4.Bargaining Power of Buyers5.thread of Substitute Product or Services掌握新加入者的五种威胁(thread of new entrants):1.Economies of scales(规模经济)2.Product differentiation(产品差异性)3.Capital requirements(资本要求)4.Switching costs(转换成本)5.Access to distribution channels(获取分销渠道的途径)/doc/1312473186.html,ernment policy(政府政策)7.Established firms may also enjoy cost advantages independent of the scale economies(老公司享有的与规模经济无关的成本优势)掌握Porter’s basic thesis(Porter’s diamond): four national attributes of a nation shape the environment in which local firms compete.波特钻石理论中认为决定一国本地公司竞争环境的四大特征:①factor condit ions②demand conditions③related and supporting industries④firm strategy, structure, rivalryAnd two influencers: Governments and chance其中,了解要素来源(factor conditions)的分类1.Human resources2.Physical resources3.Knowledge resources4.Capital resources5.Infrastructure resources掌握要素资源的类型1.Basic versus advanced factors(基本要素与高级要素)2.Generalized(通用要素是前提条件)versus specialized factors(专门要素是企业真正竞争要素的来源)掌握创造竞争优势的一般战略:1.Broad market strategy 大市场战略Cost-Leadership Advantage(成本领先)Differentiation(差异化)2.Narrow target strategies(缩小目标范围)Focused differentiation (差异专注)Cost focus(成本专注)了解日本人创新性竞争的策略:/doc/1312473186.html,yers of advantage (优势层)2.Loose bricks(松动的砖头)3.Changing the rules(改变规则)4.Collaborating(合作)5.Hypercompetition (超级竞争)CHAPTER11了解产品含义(了解产品属于哪类)Local products(本土产品):A local product is available in a portion of a national market. National products(国家产品): A national product is one that, in the context o a particular company is offered in a single national market.International products(国际产品): international products are offered in multinational,regional markets.Global products(全球产品):global products are offered in global markets了解产品与品牌的不同(了解334页的全球品牌的特征--------地球图)A global product differs from a global brand in one important respect: it does not carry the same name and image from country to country.掌握产品定位(product positioning)的定义:product positioning is a communications strategy based on the notion of mental "space": positioning refers to the act of locating a brandin customers' minds over and against other products in terms of product attributes and benefits that the brand does and does not offer.掌握产品定位的一般策略(general strategies for positioning products)1.attribute or benefit (属性与性能)2.Quality/price(质量价格)/doc/1312473186.html,e/user (使用和使用者)4.High-tech positioning (高科技定位)5.High-touch positioning (高感性定位)掌握产品设计的四个因素(Product design considerations)Global market need to consider four factors when making product design decision:1. Preferences (偏好)2. Cost (成本)3. Laws and regulations(法律法规)4. Compatibility(兼容性)5. Labeling and instructions (标签以及用法说明)了解原产国的态度的(coo:country of origin)定义:Country of origin (often abbreviated to COO), is the country of manufacture, production, or growth where an article or product comes from. There are differing rules of origin under various national laws and international treaties掌握产品地理扩张的主要策略(5个)Strategy1:product/communication extension(dual extension) Strategy2:product extension/communication adaptationStrategy3:product adaptation/communication extensionStrategy4:dual adaptationStrategy5:product invention理解公司的三个阶段(How to choose a strategy)1.cave dweller.(洞穴居住着)2.Naive nationalist(天真的国家主义者)3.Globally sensitive(全球性敏感者)了解新产品开发的几层含义(New products in global marketing):Newness can be assessed in t h e c o n t e x t o f t h e p r o d u c t i t s e l f,t h e o r g a n i z at i o n,a n d t h e m a r ke t.1.an entirely new invention or innovation2. a line extension3.newness may also be organizational4.an existing product that is new to a company may be new to a particular market了解新产品开发的几个步骤:1.Identifying new-product ideas2.New-product development location3.Testing new products in national marketsCHAPTER 12掌握环境对定价决策的影响(Environmental influences on pricing decisions)1.Currency fluctuations(货币的不稳定性)2.Exchange rate clauses(汇率条款)3.Pricing in an inflationary environment(在通货膨胀的环境里定价)/doc/1312473186.html,ernment controls and subsidies(政府控制和补贴)/doc/1312473186.html,petitive behavior (竞争行为)6.Price and quality relationships(价格与质量的关系)掌握全球定价目标及战略(Global pricing objectives andstrategies)1. 掌握市场撇脂(Market skimming)定义:the market skimming pricing strategy is a deliberate attempt to reach a market segment that is willing to pay a premium price for a product.2. 掌握渗透式定价(Penetration pricing)定义:penetration pricing uses price as a competitive weapon to gain market position.3. 掌握市场保持(Market holding)定义:the market holding strategy is frequently adopted by companies that want to maintain their share of the market.4. 掌握成本加成价格升级Cost plus/price escalation掌握价格升级的定义:Price escalation is the increase in a product’s price as tr ansportation, duty, and distributor margins are added to the factory price.掌握灰色市场(Grey market goods)条件和定义定义:gray market goods are trademarked products that are exported from one country to another, where they are sold by unauthorized persons or organizations.条件:The marketing opportunity that presents itself requires gray market goods to be priced lower than goods sold by authorized distributors or domestically produced goods.了解倾销(Dumping) 定义:Dumping is an important global pricing strategy issue.了解转移定价(TRANSFER PRICING)的定义:transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods and services bought and sold by operating units or divisions of a single company.了解几种转移定价的方法:The alternatives are(1)cost-based transfer pricing,(2).market-based transfer pricing(目的基于市场竞争需要的转移定价)Market-based transfer price了解定义:a market-based transfer price is derived from the price required to be competitive in the international market.(3).negotiated prices.掌握三种定价策略(GLOBAL PRICING-THREE POLICY ALTERNATIVES)1.Extension/ethnocentric2.Adaptation/polycentric3.Invention/geocentricCHAPTER 13掌握分销渠道(Channel of distribution)的定义:Channel of distribution American marketing association defines channel of distribution as"an organized network of agencies and institutions which, in combination, perform all the activities required to link producers withusers to accomplish the marketing task."掌握分销(marketing channels)的目的: The purpose of marketing channels is to create utility for customers.掌握渠道的效用:The major categories of channel utility are place (the availability of a product or service in a location that is convenient to a potential customer);time(the availability of a product or service when desired by a customer);form(the product is processed, prepared, and ready to use and in proper condition);and information(answers to questions and general communication about useful product features and benefits are available).了解两种渠道:1.Direct involvement2.Indirect involvement掌握影响渠道因素(CHANNEL OBJECTIVES AND CONSTRAINTS)1. customers characteristics2. products characteristics3. middlemen characteristics4. environment characteristics掌握中间商(Middleman characteristics)的定义:Channel strategy must recognize the characteristics of existing middlemen. Middlemen are in business to maximize their own profit and not that of the manufacturer. They are notorious for cherry picking.了解cherry picking的定义:that is, the practice of taking orders from manufacturers whose products and brands are in demand to avoid any real selling effort for a manufacturer’s products that may required push.DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS:TERMINOLOGY AND STRUCTURE 掌握消费品(CONSUMER PRODUCTS)的主要渠道1.DOOR-TO-DOOR SELLING2.MANUFACTURER-OWNED STORE3.FRANCHISE OPERATIONS/doc/1312473186.html,BINATION STUCTURES掌握工业产品(INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS)的主要渠道1.M-manufacturer2. W-wholesaler3. MSF-manufacturer's sales force4. D or A-distributor or agentCHAPTER 14掌握全球广告的定义:Global advertising is the use of the same advertising appeals, messages,art, copy, photographs, stories, and video segments in multiple-country markets.了解global advertising content: the extension versus adoption debate了解选择广告代理商的主要因素:In selecting an advertising agency, the following issues should be considered: Company organization, Area coverage, Buyer perception.CHAPTER 15(重点看选择题)掌握几种主要的促销方式(GLOBAL PROMOTION)Advertising(广告)Public Relations and Publicity (公共关系与公众度)Personal selling (个人推销)Sales promotion (营业促销)Direct Marketing(直复营销)Trade Shows and Exhibitions(贸易展示和展会)Sponsorship Promotion (赞助促销)了解公共关系的主要作用:foster goodwill and understanding among constituents both inside and outside the company.还有宣传的特征:Publicity is a nonpaid form of communication (unearned media)掌握推销(personal selling)的定义: personal selling is two-way,personal communication between a company representative and a potential customer as well as back to the company. 掌握推销的主要过程:The selling process is typically divided into several stages:prospecting, preapproaching, aaproaching, presenting, problem solying, handing objections, closing the sale, and following up.了解SALES PROMOTIONTrade promotions are designed to increases productavailability in distribution channels.了解DIRECT MARKETINGThe use of direct marketing is growing rapidly in many parts of the world due to increased use of computer databases, credit cards, and toll-free numbers, as well as changing life-styles.了解TRADE SHOWS AND EXHIBITIONSTrade shows and exhibitions are other promotion vehicles that are increasingly important in the promotional mix, especially for industrial products and in the international marketplace.了解SPONSORSHIP PROMOTION特点:Sponsorship can be used to increase awareness and esteem, to build the brand identification, to enhance the brand’s positioning and sales,and to circumvent advertising restrictions in some countries.。

单选:20;单词汉译英:10;单词英译汉:10;句子英译汉:30;阅读:10;作文:20营销英语重点整理一、单词:Marketing management 营销管理New products development 新产品开发Sales channel 销售渠道Public relation 公共关系Consumer behavior 消费者行为Marketing research 营销调研Market segmentation 市场细分Sales promotion 销售促进Allowance 折让Brand awareness 品牌意识Brand extension 品牌扩展Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚Breath of product assortment 产品线的宽度Breath or diversity of product lines 产品线的宽度或多样性Buying inertia购买惯性Buying intention 购买意图Market share 市场份额Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度Intensive distribution 密集分销渠道Selective distribution 选择性分销Exclusive distribution 独家分销Intermediaries brand 中间商品牌Wholesaler 批发商Retailer 零售商Department store 百货公司Supermarket 超市Convenience store 便利店Buying inertia 购买惯性Convenience goods 便利品Customer satisfaction 顾客满意度Customers’ preference 顾客偏好Economies of scale 规模经济Global-market expansion 全球市场扩张Growth rate of market 市场增长率Growth stage of product life cycle 产品生命周期的成长阶段Industry attractiveness 行业吸引Localization strategy 本土化战略Comparative advertisements 比较广告Competition-orientated pricing 竞争导向定价法Customer-orientated pricing 顾客导向定价法Personal selling 人员销售Advertising strategies 广告策略Public relation 公共关系Marketing research 营销调研Product strategy 产品策略Product mix 产品组合The marketing concept 营销观念Consumer market 消费者市场Customer satisfaction 顾客满意Total customer value 顾客总价值Marketing environment 营销环境Market segmentation strategy 市场细分策略Market targeting strategy 目标市场策略Market positioning strategy 市场定位策略Product life cycle 产品市场寿命周期The selling /sales concept 销售观念The product concept 产品观念Marketing management philosophy 市场营销观念Societal marketing concept 社会营销观念Macro-marketing environment 宏观营销环境Product mix 产品组合Customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度Market targeting 目标市场选择Niche-market strategy 利基市场战略Personal selling 人员推销Price discrimination 价格歧视Potential customer 潜在顾客Potential market 潜在市场Product development 产品开发Product positioning 产品定位Segmentation criteria 细分标准Specialty goods 特殊产品二、句子:1、The societal marketing concept holds that the organization should determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets. It should then deliver superior value to customers in a way that maintains or improves the consumer’s and the society’s well-being. The societal marketing concept is the newest of the five marketing management philosophies.翻译:社会营销观念认为一个组织应该确定目标市场的需求和兴趣,然后应以一种方式向顾客提供最大价值,这种方式必须保持和改进消费者及整个社会的福利水平。

消费者如何处理和记忆信息,如选择 性注意、记忆重构等。
探究消费者态度形成的因素,以及如 何通过营销手段改变消费者态度。
Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing
Digital marketing strategy
Product positioning
Determine how your product compares to competitors and position it accordingly. Use descriptors and branding to differentiate your product from the competition.
Sales promotion
Use temporary sales and promotions to boost sales and attract customers. This can include discounts, bundle offers, or limited-time offers.
• Brand management and brand building
Marketing Overview
Definition and Concepts
• Definition: Marketing is the process of planning and executing the concept, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to achieve a profitable exchange with target customers.
市场营销基本知识(英文版)(doc 9页)

市场营销基本知识(英文版)(doc 9页)更多企业学院:《中小企业管理全能版》183套讲座+89700份资料《总经理、高层管理》49套讲座+16388份资料《中层管理学院》46套讲座+6020份资料《国学智慧、易经》46套讲座《人力资源学院》56套讲座+27123份资料《各阶段员工培训学院》77套讲座+ 324份资料《员工管理企业学院》67套讲座+ 8720份资料《工厂生产管理学院》52套讲座+ 13920份资料《财务管理学院》53套讲座+ 17945份资料《销售经理学院》56套讲座+ 14350份资料《销售人员培训学院》72套讲座+ 4879份资料更多企业学院:《中小企业管理全能版》183套讲座+89700份资料《总经理、高层管理》49套讲座+16388份资料《中层管理学院》46套讲座+6020份资料《国学智慧、易经》46套讲座《人力资源学院》56套讲座+27123份资料《各阶段员工培训学院》77套讲座+ 324份资料《员工管理企业学院》67套讲座+ 8720份资料《工厂生产管理学院》52套讲座+ 13920份资料《财务管理学院》53套讲座+ 17945份资料《销售经理学院》56套讲座+ 14350份资料《销售人员培训学院》72套讲座+ 4879份资料1.Please draw the pyramid of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and try toillustrate.A person tries to satisfy the most important need first. When that need issatisfied, it will stop being a motivator and the person will then try to satisfy the next most important need.Physiological needs, they consist of need for oxygen, food, water, and a relatively constant temperature.Safety needs, when all physiological needs are satisfied, the need for security can become active. Adult have little awareness of their security needs except in times of emergency or periods of widespread rioting(暴动). Children often display the signs of insecurity and the need to be safe.Social needs, when the needs for safety and for physiological are satisfied, the need for love, affection, and belongingness can emerge. People seek to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation(疏离). This involves both giving and receiving love, affection and the sense of belonging.Esteem needs, when above three needs are satisfied; the needs for esteem can become dominant. These involve needs for both self-esteem and for the esteem a person gets from others.Self-actualization needs, when all of the foregoing(上面提到的) needs are satisfied, then the need for self-actualization activated. Self-actualization as a person’s need to be and do that the person was “born to do”. These needs make themselves felt in signs of restless, because they don’t know what restlessness(坐立不安)is about.2.What is the PEST analysis?A PEST analysis of the company’s microenvironments factors will be madein this section. PEST analysis involves identifying the political, economical, social and technological influences on an organization.P—political environmentE—economical environmentS—socio cultural environmentT—technological environmente an example to explain three levels of benefits in terms of productanalysis.A Parker fountain pen, the product analysis would be:Core Benefit, Writing implement for communicationReal Product, A physical fountain penEnhanced Product, Brand identity, guarantee period, repair and maintenance service4.What’s PLC? (产品生产周期)A product’s lifecycle can be divided into four stages.Introduction stage is a period of slow sales growth as the product being introduce in the market; this is the most expensive stage.Growth stage is a period of rapid market acceptance and increasing profiles.The product is establishing itself in the market and sales are increasing over time.Maturity stage is a period of slowdown in sales growth, because the product has achieved acceptance by most potential buyers.Decline stage is a period when sales fall off and profit drop.周期表表示的是随着时间的增长,销量产生的变化。

Marketing市场营销(英文版)Marketing, also known as marketings, is a crucial aspect of any business. It involves promoting and selling products or services to customers. Effective marketing strategies help businesses expand their customer base, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.One of the key components of marketing is understanding the target market. This involves researching and analyzing the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of potential customers. With this information, businesses can develop tailored marketing campaigns to attract the right audience. By focusing on the needs and desires of their target market, companies can ensure their marketing efforts are both effective and efficient.Another important aspect of marketing is branding. Developing a strong brand identity is essential for businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors. This is done through various elements such as logos, slogans, and brand messaging. A well-defined brand helps businesses build trust and credibility with customers, leading to increased loyalty and repeat purchases.In today's digital age, online marketing has become increasingly important. With the growing use of technology and internet, businesses have unprecedented opportunities to reach a wider audience. Online marketing strategies include social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and email marketing. These tools enable businesses to connect with customers on platforms they frequently use, increasing their visibility and engagement.Another effective marketing technique is influencer marketing.This involves collaborating with influential individuals, such as celebrities or social media personalities, to promote products or services. By leveraging the popularity and credibility of these influencers, businesses can reach a larger audience and gain credibility and trust from their followers.Marketing also involves analyzing and measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This is done through metrics such as return on investment (ROI), customer acquisition cost (CAC), and customer lifetime value (CLTV). By tracking these metrics, businesses can evaluate the success of their marketing efforts and make any necessary adjustments to optimize their strategies.In conclusion, marketing plays a vital role in business success. It helps businesses understand their target market, build strong brands, and reach a wider audience through various channels. By implementing effective marketing strategies, businesses can increase their customer base, boost brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.在一个竞争激烈的商业环境中,有效的营销策略是企业取得成功的关键。

marketing intermediaries
Final consumers
2.Designing a consumer-driven marketing strategy
• Selecting customers to serve
Marketing management: the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them. demarketing: marketing to reduce demand temporarilly or permanently; the aim is not destroy demand but only to reduce or shift it.
4.Build profitable relationships and creat customer delight
5.Capture value from customers to create profits and customer qulity
1.Understand the marketplace and consumer needs and wants Five core marketplace Concepts: P5
The Marketing Concept The Societal Marketing Concept
(1)p9 The Production Concept
• The philosophy that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable and that management should therefore focus on improving production and distribution efficiency
【市场营销英文版】08Market Segmentation and Targeting1

Market Segmentation
Markets can be huge and diverse entities made up of individuals. Since individual wants and needs tend to differ, trying to mass market to a whole market often is inefficient. Costing too much time and money, and hurting profit potential. Therefore, a company should focus or target specific groups or segments of individuals to enhance profit opportunities.
Market Targeting
Types of Targeting Decisions: • Single-segment concentration • Selective specialization • Product specialization • Market specialization • Full market coverage
Market Segmentation
Some will argue that mass marketing is better, because lower overall production costs are achieved. Lower expenses then leads to higher profits.
However, unless almost everyone is buying your product/service, the lower expenses will not necessary mean higher profits.

1.Marketing 市场营销:通过计划和执行关于产品、服务和电子的定价、促销和分销,从而创造交换,以实现个人和组织的目标的过程)The process of planning and executing (执行、实行)the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.——the definition emphasizes the diverse activities marketers perform.(强调市场商人不同的行为活动)❖Deciding what products to offer❖Setting prices❖Developing sales promotions and advertising campaigns❖Making products readily available to customers2. The marketing Concepts(市场营销观念:企业分析消费者需求,制定比竞争对后更好的决策来满足这些需求的哲学)❖The Production Concept 生产观念❖The Selling Concept 推销观念❖The Marketing Concept 市场营销观念The Production Concept 生产观念The idea that a firm should focus on those products that it could produce most efficiently and that the low-cost products would create the demand for those products.The Selling Concept / sales concept 推销观念(利用广告这种重要方式来与其顾客沟通从而获取他们的订单) The Marketing Concept市场营销观念Difference between Selling and Marketing销售与营销的区别3.The Marketing Mix / The 4P’s of Marketing市场营销组合1)Product(产品:有形和无形,包括包装、色彩、品牌、服务,甚至销售商的声誉)Consumer products消费品:produced for and purchased byhouseholds for their use.Industrial products 工业产品:are sold primarily for use inproducing other products.2)Price(价格:消费者为获得产品所必须支付的金额)Refers to the value or worth of a product that attracts the buyer to exchange money or something of value for the product.Loss Leader Pricing(亏本出售商品)selling things in its lower price than its cost price in order to attract customers to purchase the products.Penetration Pricing (渗透定价法---心理定价策略)设定最初低价,以便迅速和深入地进入市场,从而快速吸引来大量的购买者,赢得较大的市场份赖。

Company Demand
Market Demand
Estimating Current Demand
Total Market Potential Area Market Potential Industry Sales Market Share
Associations Business Information
Good Marketing Research:
Is scientific Is creative Uses multiple methods Realizes the interdependence of
models & data Acknowledges the cost & value of
Define value & satisfaction - understand how to deliver them
The nature of high-performance businesses
How to attract & retain customers Improving customer profitability Total quality management
Are loyal longer Buy more (new products & upgrades) Spread favorable word-of-mouth Are more brand loyal (less price
sensitive) Offer feedback Reduce transaction costs
Introduction to Marketing (市场营销入门)(英文版)1 definition

( e.g. a person may need food, but perhaps in a curry rather than Chinese style咖喱而不是中国 的)
Demand需求: a requirement for a specific
item plus an ability to purchase that ite.
• Service服务: any activities or benefits
that one party can offer to another that are essentially intangible本质上是无形的 and do not result in the ownership of anything结果是拥有任何东西.
市场营销是计划和执行概念,定价,推 广和分销创意,货物和服务而创造出交 易来满足个人和组织的目标的过程
Need需要: a basic requirement基本的要求
( e.g. food食物, shelter避难所 and self esteem)
Want想要: a particular way of satisfying a
1.3 Definition of marketing
Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirement profitably.市场营销是管理的过程,负 责的是识别,预期和有利益地满足顾 客的要求
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organisational objectives.

市场营销英语讲义Unit 1 First Contact WORD CHECK (I)marketing Manager person in charge of the marketing departmentcomputer Manager person in charge of the computer departmentto be over to be here on a visit fromanother countryhost person who invites or receivesgueststhesepartsthis area1.L ISTENING (I)You are going to hear a number of people introducing themselves. Some of the introductions involve two people, some involve three. As you listen, number these conversations in the order you hear them.A Hello, I’m……Nice to meet you, My name’s…….B Hello, let me introduce myself. My name’s…….Pleased to meet you, I’m……..C I don’t know anyone here. You’ll have to introduce me.Of course. Roger, this is…….Nice to meet you.D How do you do? My name’s……Nice to meet you. Mine’s…….E I haven’t met your Managing director yet.Oh, I’m sorry. Doctor Mannheim, this is……Very nice to meet you.F Let me introduce you two. Maxine, this is Francis.Nice to meet you.G Could you introduce me to the Marketing Manager?Of course, Philip, Let me introduce you to …….Nice to meet you2. R EAD AND LEARNWORD CHECK (II) Plc Public Limited Company. Acompany whose shares you canbuy on the Stock Exchangeannualevery year, yearly softwareprograms for a computer system development planning new products Personnel department section of a company whichdeals with staff welfare, records,trainingand recruitmentcolleaguefellow worker in a company or profession Accounts Department section of a company whichdeals with money paid orreceivedmarketresearchexamination of the possible demand for a product before it is put on the market PersonalAssistant secretary who provides special help to a manager or directorFinance section of a company whichcontrols a company’s moneyProduction Department section of a company which deals with the making of the company’s productsfashion designer person who plans new styles in clothes1.L ISTENING(II)Manders Plc are having their annual party. Listen to the dialogues overheard at the party. Match up the people’s names with their type of work. The first one has been done for you.2.R EAD AND LEARN3. P RESENTATIONWe use a variety of prepositions to indicate work relationships.e.g. I work for Manders(they are my employers)I work at Manders (the place)I work with Manders (a sense of collaboration)I ’m in computers (general type of work) NamesType of work 1. P eter2. J ohn3. S usan4. M ike5. S arah6. M r fields7. M artin8. J ean9. J ean ’s husband a. P roduction b. P ersonal Assistant c. S oftware development d. M arket research e. F ashion design f. P ersonnel g. A ccountsh. S alesi. F inanceI’m on the market research side (general type of work)I’m in the Sales Department (specific place of work)4.P RACTICEGroup work1.I ntroduce yourself to the others.2.I ntroduce the other two to each other.3.A sk to be introduced.4.T ell your job and place of work.Unit 2 Company Organization-----Presenting the Company WORD CHECK (I)organizational showing the way a companyis organizedstructure organizationManaging Director Director who is in charge of a whole companyexecutives People who put decisionsinto actionpersonnel stafftraining teaching employees how todo something rationalisation making more efficient region part of a country / an area to split to dividematrix (basis) organized according to twosets of criteria, e.g.geographical andfunctionalsection part of a company subsidiary company which is owned by aparent companyaffiliate company wholly or partlyowned by another company 1.L ISTENING (I)Listen to the presentation about Rossomon Plc., complete the organization chart below.2.R EAD AND LEARN3.P RESENTATIONThis section demonstrates some of the language used to describe an organization interms of:● Hierarchy● Responsibilities/functions● Titles● Affiliates● StructureHierarchyThe company is headed by the MD.The Sales Director reports to the MD.The Sales Director is under the MD.The sales Director is accountable to the MD. The Sales Director is supported by a sales team.The Sales Director is assisted by an Assistant Sales Manager.Responsibilities/functionsThe finance Department is responsible for accounting.The R&D (Research and Development) Department takes care of new productdevelopment.The Administration Manager is in charge of personnel.TitlesBelow are the main managerial titles with the US equivalents in brackets:Chairman (President)Managing Director (chief Executive Officer/Senior Vice- President)Finance Director (Vice-President-Finance) Sales Manager (Sales Director)Note: The Directors and Chairman of a company usually sit on the Board of Directors (Executive Board)AffiliatesX is the Parent company.A, B and C are subsidiaries (more than 50% owned by the parent)StructureThe Car Division consists of the Production Department and the Sales Department.The Production Department comprises the Methods Section and the Maintenance Section.The Sales Department is made up of the Advertising Section and the After-sales Section.4. P RACTICEPair work:Describe the typical management structure of a British company.Presenting Information ----Structuring IdeasChai Mana Fina Mark ProduPerson nel Chief Accou Sale s Publi c Adver tisin Works / Purch asingFocus: A Personnel director giving an informal presentation on the structure and organization of the department.WORD CHECK (II)to head be at the top of, be in chargeofact officially fortorepresentbring togethertoco-ordinateselection choicemanpower number of workers neededto handle look after (a task)pension amount of money paid regularlyafter a person stops work,either because of old age orillnesspost jobthe press newspapers in generalpolicy fixed planrecession period of little economicactivityto deal with organize, look after (a task) to take care oforganize, look after (a task) 1. L ISTENING(II)Listen to the Personnel director of Rossomon plc explaining the structure and organization of the department to a newmember of her team. As you listen, complete the organization chart.2. R EAD AND LEARN3. P RESENTATIONA presentation is a talk given by a speaker to one or more listeners. To be effective, the speaker ’s message must pass to the listeners, i.e. it must be heard and correctly understood. The elements of anPERSONNEL & & & & Main looks forhandles in charge deals witheffective presentation are:1. t he effective organization of theinformation2. t he effective delivery of the information3. t he effective use of language.Below, the skills and techniques needed to organize information effectively are identified.Organization of information--Transparency of structure:have a clear beginning, middle and end. --Organization of content:Identify clearly the main points and the supporting points.In the listening extract, the speaker followed a number of steps:4. PRACTICEgreetintroduc introduc conclude invite summarizeoutline Present main part, divided into: Point 1 Point 2 Point 3Pair workFollow the presentation flowchart above, to give a short talk (maximum 5 minutes) to a new member of your company, department or sports/social club. Decide before hand what your and your partner’s roles are.Your presentation should:--- include the relevant information--- have a clear structure--- make that structure clear by using appropriate languageUnit 3 Telephone EtiquetteTelephoning 1 -----Making arrangements WORD CHECK (I)installation the process of putting newmachines into an office or afactorycomplicated difficulttechnician skilled technical workerto sort out to put rightto fix to arrangeto manage to be able to do something,e.g. meet on Tuesdayto suit to be suitable or convenient1.LISTENING (I)Listen to the three telephone calls. As you listen, complete the table below.Call Name ofpersoncalled Name ofcallerReasonforcallResultof call1 232.READ AND LEARN3.PRESENTATIONThe telephone conversations you heard in the dialogues included a number of steps, in particular:⏹Identifying yourself/your company⏹Asking the caller to identifyhimself/herself⏹Asking for a connection⏹Taking/leaving a message⏹Explaining the reason for the call⏹Making appointments⏹Signing offNow look at the language used in these steps.1.Identifying yourself/your company Krondike Electronics. Can I help you?(a typical switchboard)John Bird speakingThis is Pete EdwardsJohn here2. Asking the caller to identify himself/herselfWho’s calling please?3. Asking for a connectionI’d like to speak to _______________________, please.Could you put me through to _______________, please.I’d like to speak to someone about deliveries, please.4. Taking/leaving a messageI’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?Can you ask him to call me back?5. Explaining the reason for the callThe reason I called is _____________________.I am (just) phoning to ____________________.6. Making appointmentsCould you manage Tuesday?What about Friday?Shall we say two o’clock?Just a moment, I’ll get my diary.I’m sorry, I’m out all day.Friday would be fine.That suits me.7. Signing offI look forward to seeing you.Thanks for calling.Goodbye.Bye.4.PRACTICEPair workStudent A:1)Y ou are a Peterson. Telephone Student B and ask to speak to B Rogers(you can use the title Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms or their first name). You want to speak to him/her about an order. Your telephone number is (0732) 4355012)B Rogers calls you back. You want to order some shoes. Before you order you wouldlike to know the price for 10 pairs of model A293. confirm the price and tell him/her you will fax the order right away.3)Y ou are A Taylor. Telephones Student B(B Dunn) to arrange a meeting to discuss your visit to Japan. You want to meet next week. Below is your diary for next week.Monday ThursdayMorning MorningMeeting with sales manager 10:00-12:00 Lunch with childrenLunch with Ross AfternoonAfternoon Prepare report Board Meeting 14:30-17:00Tuesday FridayMorning Morning Leave for JapanAfternoon visit Ross factory 14:00-18:00 afternoonWednesday Saturday SundayMorning 09:00 meet sales reps11:00 drive to ManchesterAfternoon Visit two clients15:00--- Mr peacock16:00---Miss DavisTelephoning 2 -----Information Handling (Late Payment)Focus: Making phone calls to chase late paymentsWORD CHECK (II)invoice billpayment money given in return for goodsor servicesto transfer move, e.g. money, from one place, e.g.a bank, to anotherto sort out(aproblem)solve….enquiry questionto credit put money into an accountroundfigurenumber ending in 0, e.g. 3,500a charge money that must be paid for aserviceto convert change from one currency toanother1. LISTENING (II)Listen to a series of three phone calls about late payment of invoices. As you listen, complete the table below.Call 1Name of caller: Person called: Date of invoice:Action-- What: -- When: Call 2Bank account details:Number: --Bank name: Action-- What: -- When: Call 3Company name: Credit-- Actual amount: -- Expected amount: -- Day:2. READ AND LEARN3. PRESENTATIONIn the phone calls, the parties used the following techniques for handling problems: Asking for repetition⏹Asking for clarification⏹Asking for verification⏹Asking for spelling⏹Correcting informationBelow are some sentences that you can use: 1)A sking for repetitionYou may need to ask for repetition in two situations: if you didn’t hear what was said, or if you didn’t understand what was said,A: if you didn’t hear, you can use one of these phrases:Sorry?(with a rising intonation)Pardon? (with a rising intonation) Pardon me? (with a rising intonation)(US)Excuse me? (with a rising intonation)(US)Another strategy is to state your problem and then make a request.Stating your problem:(I’m) sorry. I didn’t hear what yousaid.I didn’t quite catch what you said.I didn’t quite catch that.Making your request:Could you repeat what you said, please?Could you repeat that /say that again, please?B: If you didn’t understand, you can state your problem and then make a request: Stating your problem:(I’m) sorry. I don’t quite follow you.I don’t understand what you’ve just said.Making your request:Could you go over that again, please?2)A sking for clarificationI you feel the speaker is being vague or imprecise; you can use one of the following expressions to ask for more precise Information:What do you mean, exactly?What exactly do you mean by ‘incorrect bank details’?Could you explain what you mean, please?3)A sking for verificationIf you want to check that you have understood what the speaker has said, you can use one of the following expressions: Did you say the Bank of Scotland?(stressed, to check that it is the correct word)Let me just check. The account number is 40211686. Is that right?4)A sking for spellingCan/Could you spell that, please?5)C orrecting informationIt is quite common ot soften a correction by using a polite formula before making the correction:(Excuse me.) Not the 30th. The 13th. (Sorry, that’s not quite right.)It should be the 13th, rather than the 30th. (Sorry, I think you’ve made a mistake.)The 13th rather than the 30th.4. PRACTICEPair work4.1 Student A: You are the Marketing Manager of Vitaco, a major supplier of pharmaceutical products. Next month you are spending two days in the Republic of Surnamia to try and boost business there. At present you work through a small agency, surimport. Your agent there has agreed to arrange a number of visits to prospective customers. However, you are not convinced that your agent is really looking after Vitaco’s interests and are keen to show him/her that this visit is important for the future relationship between your two organizations.Call your agent and ask for details of the visits. The visits need to be fitted into andwritten into the timetable below.Day1 Day208:00 08:0009:00 09:0010:00 10:00 Address toAnglo-surnamia 11:00 11:00 friendshipClub12:00 12:0013:0013:00 Lunch withChamber ofCommerce14:00 till 14:30 14:0015:00 15:0016:00 16:0017:00 17:00 flight toMansuria18:00 18:0019:00 19:0020:0020:00 Dinner WithCommissioner21:00 21:004.2 Student A: You are the agent for Student B’s company (Komestico) in the Republic ofMansuria. Your agency, Mansimport, represents a number of domestic appliance companies. However, you have been able to negotiate better discounts with domestico’s competitors and therefore are better able to sell their products. You have met Domestico’s Marketing Manager(Student B)before and you did not like his/her aggressive manner. Nevertheless, you would like to continue to represent Domestico as they have one good product which you can sell quite easily.Domestico’s Marketing Manager has informed you that he/she intends to visit Mansuria for two days next month and has asked you to set up a number of visits to prospective customers. You don’t really want him/her to come. At the last minute you have contacted a few prospective customers. Below are your notes. Student B is going to call you to ask you for the details.Before Student B calls you, write int thenames of the companies and contacts for the visits. Use your imagination to invent some suitable names for the phone conversation. Company:________________________Contact:_______________________Visit: Day 1 10.30 Company:________________________Contact:_______________________Visit: Day 2 12.30 Company:________________________Contact:_______________________Visit: Day 1 14.30 Company:________________________Contact:_______________________Visit: Day 2 12.30 Company:________________________Contact:_______________________Visit: Day 1 11.30 Company:________________________Contact:_______________________Visit: Day 2 16.30Unit 4 Sales ReviewWORD CHECKtarget level, e.g. of sales, to aim for performance how good or bad the results are product thing which is made ormanufacturedto launch to put a new product on themarketpeak highest pointunit single productsteadily in a regular or continuous way to settle to stay at the same level rapidly quicklyslightly not very much, a little results outcome of the year’s trading 1.L ISTENINGListen to the sales review. As you listen, match the model number of the product to the graph.Models: A1456, B2456, C3456Graph 1 Sales performance:Model__________________________Sales 000sGraph 2 Salesperformance:Model__________________________12345100 200 300 400 500 year6600Sales 000sGraph 3 Sales performance:Model__________________________Sales 000s2. R EAD AND LEARN123 4 5100 200 300 400 500 year12345100 200 300 400 500 year66006600Unit5 Project ReportingFocus: Two colleagues discussing the progress of a marketing campaignWORD CHECKoriginal(plan) first, initial preliminary(test) before starting the mainstage,initial(small-scale)…to run (rest) do…..encouraging showing positive results to scale up increase to greatervolumetooling machines needed forproductionpromotion literature leaflets, posters. etc., used topublicize/advertisemedia coverage reports, publicity innewspapers, on TV, etc.1.L ISTENINGListen to the dialogue in which twocolleagues discuss the progress of a marketing campaign. As you listen, complete the key for the project planner belowPROJECT PLANNINGSept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April(now)MayKeya.b.c.d.e.2.R EAD AND LEARN3.W ORD STUDYMatch the words on the left with their closest equivalents (synonyms) on the right 1.P reliminary a.t o prepare…2.t o run (a test) b.i n limited quantities3.t o reach (atarget)c.t o have…4.t o scale up (production)d.…informed5.T o work on (something)e.a stage6.a phase f.i nitial7.o n a small scale g.t o increase…8.(keep me) upon dateh.T o carry out9.t o hold (apressconference )i.t o achieve10.(tell me) where we stand j.…what the position is4.P RACTICEPair workDiscuss the timing of a project involving the launch of a new product.Student A: Use the project planner below to answer your partner’s questions about project timing. The present date is August 15th.PROJECT PLANNERLast year This year(now)Next yearJ F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N DKey=productdevelopment=prototype =present test results=prepare national launchUnit 6 Performance AnalysisFocus: A telephone call between two colleagues discussing quarterly results WORD CHECKquarterly every 3 monthsto clear(sales)reach…to pick up(an order)get, win…stock level amount of stock (goods) in storesto recon thinkrecession economic decline in anarea/countryto bottomoutreach the lowest pointboom fast economic growth1. LISTENINGListen to the telephone call between a European Sales Manager and her French area salesman. They are discussing quarterlyresults. As you listen, complete the figures below.Product Forecast Actual (lastquarter) Zellon RangeArtemis 650,000HedonAftershaveMinosFace-cream2. READING AND LEARN3. WORD STUDYComplete the expressions by matching the verbs on the left with an appropriate phrase on the right. Note that, in a few cases, more than one phrase may be appropriate.11.to clear k.a big order12.to fix l.f or a meeting13.to pick up m.w ith a new product14.to cut n.£200,000worth of sales 15.to appealtoo.y our problem16.to pull out of p.a n optimistic target17.to get together q.y oung consumers18.toappreciater.a n opportunity19.to miss s.t he recession20.to besuccessfult.s tock levels4. PRACTICEExchange information about Xion’s performance over the last 18 months. Student A: Complete the information chart below by asking your partner questions. Your partner will ask you about the information you have.XION COMPANY RESULTSLast year (previous year’s results in brackets) This year: (first six months)Turnover: 250,000(280,000)$Profits:$ ($ )$ Share price: $6.70 ($7.80) $6.90XION STRATEGIC OBJECTIVESLast year This year1.J oint venture in Japan: deal signed October 1.I ntroduction of franchises: first two introduced in May2.R estructuring ofmanufacturing: 2.N ew profit-sharingscheme: 3.S ale ofloss-makingagriculturebusiness:Unit 7 Arranging a ConferenceFocus: Three colleagues trying to arrange a sales conferenceWORD CHECKissue discussion topicfacilities rooms, equipment, etc.,conference…,leisure…to settle for agree to (often involving some compromise)delegate participant, representative(e.g. at a conference)to sort out arrange1.L ISTENING1.1Information transferListen to the extract from a meeting called to arrange a European Sales Conference. As you listen, complete the secretary’s notes below.1.2CommunicationAssess the manner of the three participants in the meeting in terms of assertiveness and submissiveness. √not very √√quite √√√veryAssertive Submissive SheilaRonTracy2.R EAD AND LEARN3.W ORD STUDYFind the word or expression in the box which is closest in meaning to the words in italics in the expressions below.a.t ravelb.f ixc.I s that allinclusive?d.I temse.l ocationf.a gree tog.a rrangeh.o pinion i.t akingplace j.c annot be considere d1.T here are three issues we need to discuss…2.… have to settle for September…3.… a trade fair coming up at the end of…4.A ugust is out…5.H ardly time to get over to London…6.C an’t we make it the second weekend…?7.I’ve found the ideal spot…8.D oes that include everything?9.… to sort out the details…10.What’s your view, Ron?4.P RACTICEPair workMake an arrangement for a meeting to discuss some new policy questions.Student A: You want to arrange a meeting with Student B. Use the diary to fix a suitable time and place for a meeting next week.Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri9:00 Flight toMunich Meeting inHead OfficeTrade Fair inDerbyGolf with Ron11:00 Dentist13:00 Lunch withKate15:00 Write Report Weekend inWales 17:00 Flight back19:00Unit 8 Competitive AdvantageFocus: A senior Director talking about the competitive position of his company. WORD CHECKSWOT Strengths, Weaknesses,Opportunities, Threatsto perceive see, feeluser-friendly easy for users to operate value formoneyquality in relation to price help-desk aftersales telephone supportfield maintenance repairs carried out at customer premisespenetration percentage market share profile reputation and awareness inpublic eyedirect mail selling by sending promotionmaterial through the post toprospective customers customer base number of customersto capitalize take advantage of1.L ISTENINGListen to a presentation given by a Directorof NETCOUNT Software Ltd, a supplier of accounts software to small business users. He outlines the competitive position of the company. As you listen, complete the table below.Strengths 1.Opportunities 1.2. 2. Weakness 1.Threat 1.2.R EAD AND LEARN3.W ORD STUDYThe following exercise focuses on building vocabulary to describe products, companies and services. Complete the table. The first one has been done for you.Quality Positiveadjective Negative adjectivefriendliness friendly unfriendly speed (ofservice)qualificationsof staffefficiencystrengtheffectivenessextendsecuritysophistication4.P RACTICEPair workCompare and contrast two companies. Student A: You should focus on Saffron Inc and make comparisons with Zuchini SA. Student B: You should focus on Zuchini SA and make comparisons with Saffron Inc.Saffron Inc Zuchini SA﹡﹡﹡﹡﹡ProductqualityAverage3 weeks4 weeks delivery timeAfter-sale 24 hours 12 hoursresponsePrices (indexfigure)$45.00 $22.00 Turnover $22m $25m Headcount 1,450 850Location San Francisco+ 2 Plants inUK Milan+ 1 plant in Portugal。

• Loyalty status divides buyers into groups according to their degree of loyalty.
products for maximum competitive advantage.
Chapter Concepts:
1. Market Segmentation 2. Marketing Target 3. Differentiation and Positioning 4. Positioning for Competitive
market into different geographical units such as nations, regions, states, counties, or cities.
Geographic Segmentation - by nations
Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation
Requirements for Effective Segmentation
• Measurable: Examples include the size, purchasing power, and profiles of the segments
• Accessible: Refers to the fact that the market can be effectively reached and served
market into affluent or low-income consumers.

Marketing市场营销(英文版)Marketing is a critical aspect of any business. It involves promoting and selling products or services to customers through various strategies and channels. In today's competitive market, effective marketing techniques are essential to differentiate a company from its competitors and maximize its potential for success.One of the primary goals of marketing is to understand customer needs and wants. By conducting market research and gathering data, companies can identify their target audience and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly. This customer-centric approach allows businesses to create products or services that meet customer demands and exceed their expectations.Marketing involves developing an effective marketing mix, which includes the product, price, promotion, and place. The product refers to the goods or services being offered and must meet customer needs and preferences. Setting the right price is crucial to ensure the product's affordability and value. Promotion involves the various strategies used to communicate with potential customers and create awareness about the product or service. Lastly, ensuring the product is available at the right place and time is essential to enable customers to access and purchase it conveniently.Digital marketing has become an integral part of successful marketing campaigns. With the widespread use of the internet and social media, companies need to embrace online marketing techniques to reach a broader audience. Digital marketingstrategies include search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media advertising, email marketing, and influencer marketing. These methods help businesses connect with potential customers, increase brand visibility, and generate leads.Another critical aspect of marketing is building and maintaining strong customer relationships. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a strategy that helps companies track and analyze customer interactions to improve their overall experience. By understanding customer preferences, addressing their concerns, and providing excellent customer service, companies can build loyalty and retain customers in the long run.In today's fast-paced and highly competitive market, companies need to stay ahead of their competitors by continuously enhancing their marketing strategies. This requires staying updated with the latest marketing trends and technologies, monitoring competitor activities, and adapting accordingly. Additionally, companies must be flexible and willing to adjust their marketing efforts as market conditions and customer preferences change.In conclusion, marketing plays a vital role in the success of any business. By understanding customer needs, developing an effective marketing mix, embracing digital marketing techniques, and building strong customer relationships, companies can maximize their potential and stay ahead of the competition. It is crucial for businesses to continuously improve their marketing strategies to remain relevant and meet the evolving demands of their target audience.继续发展相关主题-内容营销:内容营销是当下营销领域的一个重要策略。

Welcome to the world of marketing! In this presentation, we will explore the exciting realm of marketing, its goals, strategies, tools, implementation, evaluation, and the secrets behind its success.
3 创造独特的价值
4 团队合作
通过差异高效的团队合作和沟通机制,共同追 求市场营销目标,并分享成功和经验。
根据消费者的需求、偏好和行为特征, 将市场划分为不同的细分市场,以便 更好地定位和满足目标客户。
利用各种推广手段和媒体渠道,向潜 在客户传递产品或服务的价值和特点, 以激发购买欲望并建立品牌认知。
通过监测和分析销售数据、市场份额、客户满意度、品牌认知和营销活动的 投资回报,评估市场营销的绩效,并进行必要的调整和改进。
1 创新和不断学习
2 客户导向
持续关注市场趋势,推陈出新,不断学习 和适应变化是取得市场营销成功的关键。
深入了解客户需求,提供个性化和有价值 的解决方案,建立和维护良好的客户关系。
市场营销是通过市场研究和分析,以及推广和销售产品或服务的一系列活动, 旨在满足客户需求、实现组织的目标,并与竞争对手保持竞争优势。
市场营销的目标是以盈利为导向,通过塑造品牌形象、增加销量和市场份额、 改善客户满意度,并实现长期的经济增长和组织的可持续发展。

一、市场营销策略1.1 目标市场(Target Market)目标市场是企业选择的最有利于开拓的市场,通过对目标市场的研究和分析,企业可以确定适合的产品定位和营销策略。
1.2 定位(Positioning)定位是企业在目标市场中找到自己在消费者心目中的位置,通过定位可以明确产品的特点和所针对的消费群体,以便更好地满足消费者的需求。
1.3 市场细分(Market Segmentation)市场细分是将整个市场分割为多个子市场,并在这些子市场中开展定制的营销策略,以更好地满足不同的消费者需求。
1.4 品牌定位(Brand Positioning)品牌定位是通过市场调研和分析,确定品牌在消费者心目中的独特位置,以便让消费者对品牌有清晰的认知和印象。
1.5 营销渠道(Channel Marketing)营销渠道是指产品销售和配送的途径,包括直销、零售店、电子商务等多种形式,企业需要选择合适的渠道来进行产品销售。
1.6 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)客户关系管理是企业与客户之间建立长期稳定的合作关系,通过定制化的服务和沟通,提升客户满意度,提高客户忠诚度。
二、广告2.1 广告媒体选择(Media Selection)广告媒体选择是企业根据产品特点和目标市场,选择适合的广告媒体进行宣传,包括电视、广播、报纸、杂志、互联网等多种形式。
2.2 广告创意(Advertising Creative)广告创意是广告内容的设计和制作,包括文字、图片、音频、视频等元素的搭配和编排,以吸引消费者的注意力和刺激消费欲望。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
市场营销基础知识[英文 版]
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
▪ Understand the new economy. ▪ Learn the tasks of marketing. ▪ Become familiar with the major
To accompany A Framework nd Edition
Marketing Defined
▪ The AMA managerial definition:
“Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.”
▪ Learn how companies and marketers are responding to new challenges.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
The New Economy
▪ Consumer benefits from the digital revolution include:
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
What Can Be Marketed?
▪ Goods ▪ Services ▪ Experiences ▪ Events ▪ Persons
▪ Places ▪ Properties ▪ Organizations ▪ Information ▪ Ideas
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Core Marketing Concepts
▪ Target markets and market segmentation
▪ Marketplace, marketspace, metamarkets
▪ Marketers & prospects
▪ Needs, wants, demands
▪ Product offering and brand
▪ Value and satisfaction
▪ Exchange and transactions
▪ Relationship and networks
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Marketing Defined
▪ Kotler’s social definition:
“Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others.”
– Increased buying power. – Greater variety of goods and services. – Increased information. – Enhanced shopping convenience. – Greater opportunities to compare product
concepts and tools of marketing. ▪ Understand the orientations
exhibited by companies.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
– New promotional medium. – Access to richer research data. – Enhanced employee and customer
communication. – Ability to customize promotions.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
information with others.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
The New Economy
▪ Firm benefits from the digital revolution include:
▪ Marketing channels ▪ Supply chain ▪ Competition ▪ Marketing environment ▪ Marketing program
Marketing Tasks
▪ Marketing practices may pass through three stages:
– Entrepreneurial marketing – Formulated marketing – Intrepreneurial marketing
▪ As marketing becomes more formulated, creativity is inhibited.