
47uF/16V 85 5*7 SD1C476M05007PC
47uF/25V 85 5*11 SD1E476M05011PC
47uF/35V 85 5*11 SD1V476M05011PC
47uF/50V 85 6.3*11 SG1H476M6L011PC
16*25 RD2G476M16025BB
10*16 RD1C108M10016PA
1000uF/25V 85 10*20 SD1E108M10020PA
脚距 P=
Samwh PA 直脚
脚距 P=
Samwh PA 直脚
500PCS/ 盒*5/箱
脚距 P=
Samwh HA 硬脚
3300uF/25V 85 16*25 SD1E338M16025PA
3300uF/35V 85
3300uF/35V 85
脚距 P=
Samwh PA 直脚
脚距 P=
2200uF/35V 85 16*25 SD1V228M16025PA
2200uF/50V 85
2200uF/63V 85

各种电解电容规格⼤全(直插)1relationship betwee n Government a nd busine ss. T he "two se ssi ons", General Se cretary of "Pro", "cle ar" the wor d succi nctly sum marized t he new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relati onship specified i n the directi on. District le aders i n ha ndling politi cal and busi ness relati ons, engage i n tradi ng power for money, a nd finally stumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that "Pro", "cl ean" pra ctici ng "Pro", "clear". "Pr o" is to open a sincere e ngagement wit h private enter prise t o hel p solve pra ctical difficulties; " Clear "is to clarify the Division of pow er, exerci sed i n accor dance wit h, private e ntrepre neurs with i nnoce nt purit y, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to e ngage in tra ding power for money. Thir d, in order t o maintain fairness a nd justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeli ne of the r ule of la w , is t he be st devel opme nt environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enf or cement a nd t he judici al se ctor in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la w enforceme nt de partments a nd i ndivi dual window units power for persona l gains and bri bes, thi ck friends, relati ons, human cases, money cases i n whi ch seri ously infringe on t he legitimate rig hts and i nterests of e nterpri ses a nd pe ople. Especially some law e nforcement and inspe ction for pr ofit purpose s, deliberately l ooki ng for cor porate loophol es, found dire ctly under the ti cket does not give busine ss impr ovement opportunities. We re cruit a com pany doesn't easily, cultivati ng a busi ness more difficult, never for personal gai n, systemati c harassment, card, last che cked to check t o ge t the enter prise coll apse d. o g uarantee t he legitimate rig hts a nd i nterests. Al ways pr ocee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment of servi ces, f ully consider t he chara cteristics of pr oduction a nd ma nagement i n non -publi c e nterprises a nd social benefits, a n a ccurate grasp of legal limits, prote ct the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practiti oner s in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To pr omote stri ct enforceme nt. Strengt heni ng law enfor cement procedures, impr ove law enfor cement performance evaluati on, strengthe ning t he supervi sion of law e nforcement, ex plorati on a nd pra ctice of risk control me cha nism of law e nforceme nt to further sta ndardize t he social security, urba n management , r oad traffic admi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law -enfor cement a nd lax enfor cement of law enforcement and ot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice i s the last li ne of Defe nse to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice , to unequivocall y support the courts and pr ocuratorates independently exerci se level ... Judi cial a ctivities were rampa nt, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money, must not be all owe d to knowingly vi olate the miscarriage, vi olations of the l egitimate rights and interest s of t he masses must not be allowe d to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases i n e quity and justice. Four to dee pen grass-r oots governance a ccording t o lawchain do l ong, a nd put scale big. To serve the devel opment of enterpri ses. Duocuo simulta neously impr oving service efficie ncy, build better publi c servi ces platform, e nha nce work efficie ncy, initiative to help busine sses solve the project pr oce dure s, financing l oans, issues such as land-use a ppr oval, reduce operati ng costs, busi ness travel light a nd e nha nce the confi dence to over come all ki nds of difficultie s and the Foundation, real entre prene urial pa ssi on play entrepre ne urshi p, e nha nce t he inter nal vitality and creativity. SI XING an construction, pr omoting the rule of law, trie s to make the transformation of forest development XI Ge neral Secretary stressed, to reinvigorate Northeast China, optimize d devel opme nt environment is very important. E nvironme nt of rule of law most gather M oss, the most conducive to development. Improvi ng the lea ding ca dres ' usi ng the method of thought and the r ule of law Admi nistration work, probl em -solving , the ability to pr omot the devel opme nt, is t he key to promoti ng the rule of law. The law may affect the efficiency of out of the path of deve lopme nt will be m ore smooth, won devel opme nt gains will be sustained, a nd end with greater efficiency. Lea ding cadres at all level s shoul d take the lead in re spe ct of law la w, a bide by, and actively foster Socialist culture , actively promoti ng the field of multi-level governa nce accor ding t o law, gui de the masses and consciously abide by t he la w, failing t o find law, solve the problem by la w , i n accor dance wit h the law preva il. XXX admi nistration by law of leadi ng ca dres do not exist on t he rul e of la w , law enforceme nt, ca sual , and vow not t o invest ors, t he new scores and other turmoil. T hese im portant ex positions on my distri ct create g ood development e nvironme nt with highly targeted and gui dance, especially t he General Se cretary pointe d out that t he chaos in my area al so exist s to varying degree s, some eve n quite seri ous. Leadi ng ca dres at all l evels must improve t he development envir onme nt of rule of law as a fundamental task, a dhere t o the pr oblem oriente d, sol id and solve the probl ems in the constr uction of rule of law, to r ule the new effect for devel opme nt environment impr ovements. To hold "key minority". Leaders of this gr oup, although few i n num ber, but the effect is critical. If a local lea ders take the lead right a ccordi ng to law, i n accor dance with t he law, the local CPPCC fresh, pragmatic and efficient development e nvironme nt. Converse ly, if a local leaders of ignoring the la w , impunit y, not only t he political e nvironment will be destr oyed, will have seri ous implicati ons for the dev elopment envir onment. Now , some leadi ng ca dres la ck of awarene ss on the importance of lear ning, t hat learn or not does not matter. T hink efficie ncy is t oo low too m uch, act a ccor ding to t he pr oce dure, t han a n executive order getting al ong wit h. In deali ng with complex issues, often speak of "settling" and "done"; on the i ssue of handli ng letters and visits, like to spe nd money and buy stop a nd stable, but di sregard the law admi nistration, in accor dance wit h the la w, the r ulechain do l ong, a nd put scale big. To serve the devel opm ent of enterprises. Duocuo simulta neously impr oving se rvice efficie ncy, build better publi c servi ces platform, e nha nce w ork efficiency, initiative to hel p businesse s solve t he pr oject procedures, fina nci ng loa ns, issue s such a s land-use a pproval, re duce operating costs, busine ss travel light and enha nce the confide nce t o overcome all kinds of difficulties a nd the Foundati on, real e ntrepre neuri al passion play entre preneurship, e nhance the internal vitality and creativity. SI XING an construction, prom oting the r ule of la w , tries to make the transformation of forest development XI Ge neral Secretary stre sse d, to reinvig orate Nort heast China, optimize d devel opme nt environment is very im portant. E nvironment of rule of law most gather Moss, the most conducive t o devel opme nt. Improvi ng the lea ding cadres ' usi ng the method ofthoug ht and the rule of law Admini stration w ork, pr oblem -solving, t he ability to pr omote the devel opment, i s the key to promoti ng the r ule of law. T he law may affect the efficie ncy of out of the pat h of devel opme nt will be more sm ooth, won devel opme nt gains will be sustaine d, and end wit h greater efficie ncy. Lea ding cadres at a ll levels should take t he lea d in respe ct of law la w, abi de by, a nd a ctively foster Socialist culture , actively promoti ng the fiel d of multi-l evel gover nance accor ding to la w, g uide t he masse s and consci ously abide by the law, faili ng to find law, solve t he pr obl em by law, in a ccordance with t he law prevail. XXX admi nistration by law of lea ding cadres do not exist on t he rule of law , la w enfor cement, casual, and vow not to i nvestors, the new score s and other turmoil. The se important expositions on my distri ct create g ood devel opme nt environment wit h hig hly targeted a nd gui dance, e spe cially the Ge neral Secretary poi nted out that the chaos in my area also exists to varyi ng degre es, some eve n quite seri ous. Lea ding cadre s at all level s must impr ove the devel opment environment of rule of law a s a fundame ntal task, a dhere t o the problem ori ented, soli d and solve the problems i n the construction of rul e of la w, to r ule the new effect for devel opment e nvironment impr ovements. To hold "key minority". Lea ders of this group, although few in numbe r, but the effect is criti cal. If a l ocal l eaders take the lea d right a ccordi ng to la w , in a ccorda nce with t he la w , the l oca l CPPCC fresh, pragmatic a nd efficie nt devel opme nt envir onment. Conversel y, if a local lea ders of ignori ng the law, impunity, not only t he political environment w ill be destroye d, w ill have serious impl ications for t he development envir onme nt. Now, some l eadi ng ca dres la ck of aware ness on t he importance of lear ning, that lear n or not does not matter. Thi nk efficiency is too l ow too much, a ct according to t he pr oce dure, t han an executive order getting al ong with. In dealing with complex i ssue s, ofte n speak of "settling" and "done"; on the i ssue of handli ng letters and visits, like to spe nd money and buy stop and stable, but disregard the law administration, i n accor dance with t he law, the rul rass-r oots g overna nce accordi ng to law i s an importa nt foundation for pr omoting t he constr ucti on of rule of la w, but also the m ost ba sic devel opment e nvironment. De spite my good social or der in General, but there are law-a bidi ng consci ousness, social order i s not standard, regar dless of faith, Twining vi sit visit and ot her outstanding problems. We want t o actively promote t he field of multi-level governa nce accor ding to la w, promote t he conti nuous im provement of the socia l environment. o promote univer sal complia nce. Actively foster t he rul e of law culture , carry out law publicit y and e ducation on honesty a nd tr ustwort hine ss, guide t he masse s and consci ously abi de by t he law, failing to fi nd method, problem-solvi ng method, method of gradually cha nging t he worl d, he is not l ooki ng for but some one "unspoke n rule s", formed all law law abide by t he good atmosphere. T o stre ngthe n the com prehe nsive ma nagement of public security. Deepeni ng pea ce xinga n constr ucti on, strongly against viole nce crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to prote ct the legitimate rights a nd intere sts of citize ns, legal persons, carry out criminal pol icy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulati ng social vitality, and e arnestly safeguard socia l harmony and stabilit y. To resolve social confli cts by law. To further sm ooth cha nnels of reporting soci al conditi ons and public opi nion, improvi ng regulati on, ar bitration, as well a s dispute resoluti on me cha nisms, im plement fully the petitioners ' ca ses "thir d-party" hearings a nd supervisi ng system of letters and calls, and t o resolve t he involved law law suit int o the or bit of rule of law , vexatious, Twini ng visit visit, distur bing soci al order and other mali cious extortion, resolutely crack dow n. Five, impr oving ca dres V itale, pr ovide str ong pr otecti on for forest devel opme nt XI General Se cretary stresse d that the com prehe nsive revitaliza tion in Northeast China, needs a hig h quality, solid style, ca dres of the dare to play. Ca dre ca dres is a pledge , shoul d want to do work a nd a ble to do good, e nthusiasm i s paramount. Treat party ca dres, it is necessary to Stri ct management, and warm care, e nable t he br oad masses of ca dres w ork har d work, this is tw o parallel principle s. In strict accor dance wit h the sta ndards of good ca dres selecti on a nd a ppoint ment, the real officer s, dare officers, those w ho wa nt to pla y, good a s excelle nt cadre s at all levels of lea dership i n the pa st. At prese nt, some l eadi ng cadre s work i nitiative is not hig h, bey ond politi cal, i dle, lazy g overna nce g overna nce , not a s, slow , messy and a phenomenon still exist t o v arying de grees, affected and restricte d economic and social development. We must mobilize t he ent husiasm of ca dres as a n urgent task , adhere to combi nation of incentive s and constraints, and adhere to the strict manag ement and warm care, practi cal sol utio n "for the officers not to" pr oblem, m otivate cadres a nd better lead the masses t o an undertaking, t he ca dres and create t he ne w achievement i n a dare to play, good at show s as new. To i dentify the probl em, accurate pulse of law to visit and contribute to make visits to t he vexatious visits arroga nce. On t hese i ssues, we need to have a pr oper understanding, shoul d take the lead t o establi sh a se nse of fear of the law, stre ngthe n the application of the rule of law and the r ule of law work of thinki ng and take up responsi bility for the construction of the rule of law. Put lear ning first. Premise is ignorant of the la w , abi de by t he law. Lea ding cadres at all leve ls should take the lea d in st udyi ng the Constit ution and laws a nd regulati ons cl osely relate d to wor k assumed by, a n accurate grasp of the ba sic positi on of our party to a ddre ss the i ssue of the rul e of law , k now n for the scale to do thi ngs, figure out how to use it right, w hat thing s do, what not to do, it ca n never "legal literacy". To enhance the awarene ss of the r ule of law. Firmly establi sh the supremacy of constit utional law , l egal equality before the, right by the law makes the right to statutor y, as well a s the rule of law, devel op habit s of rule of law , t o di scard t he rul e and ca nnot, must not get overri dden by authority, at t he right pressure. Shoul d take the l ead to abi de by. Fulfil its ma ndate i n strict a ccorda nce with stat utory aut hority a nd procedures, no matter what y ou wa nt to a dhere t o the la w, thought of rule by la w and the r ule of law to tackle hot i ssues, effective statut ory duty must be, without a uthorization, is not avail able. Such as construction areas, some cadres are be cause there is no pr oce dure i s followe d by t he rul es, paid a heavy pri ce, we shoul d lear n from them, in strict a ccor dance with t he law on bidding a nd im plementati on ... Pr omised t o give preferential poli cies for enterpri ses, hesita nt to ca sh or cash not at all. Ma sse s feel strongly about the se issues, it is nece ssary to be solved. T o accelerate de ce ntralization. Spe cificati on list li st list of powers, re sponsibil ities and negative, clearance, rev ocation does not a dapt to t he current situati on of t he devel opme nt of policy docume nts, espe cially the rig ht to admi nistrative examination a nd a pproval , the cancellation must be ca nceled, t he delegation must be de ce ntralized to achieve zero-wait, one-st op, seamless, improve administrative efficie ncy a nd service levels. In particular, t he del egation of powers must be caught properly, never abl e to loft is no answ er, no one cares, cause ba ckfire, people work harde r. To carry out t he campaign. Crack dow n on law e nforceme nt regulations, uncivil a nd not as, as undermining economi c deve lopme nt, such as e nvironme ntal pr oblems, pay cl ose attention to the gra ss-r oots l evel we aknesse s, stri ctly investigate and deal with t he grass -roots level corruption and denial of Justice against t he interest s of the masses, such as corr upti on a nd corr uption, rut hless pe opl e around "flies", further optimization of the development e nvironment. In parti cula r, strengt heni ng the constructi on of Governme nt cre dit, and trustw orthy pra ctice for companie s and invest ors, and must not break faith with t he people, pr omises a nd t he pr omise to the society. To buil d a newof law to visit a nd contribute to make visits to t he vexatious visits arroga nce. On these i ssues, we nee d to have a proper understa ndi ng, should take the lea d to esta blish a se nse of fear of the law, stre ngthe n the a ppli cation of the rul e of law and t he rule of law work of thinki ng and take up responsi bility for the construction of the rul e of law. Put le arni ng first. Premise is ig nora nt of the la w , abi de by the law. Lea ding cadres at all lev els should take the le ad in studyi ng the Constituti on a nd law s and regulations closely related to work assumed by, an accurate grasp of the ba sic positi on of our party t o addre ss the i ssue of the r ule of law, known for the scal e to do thing s, figure out how to use it right, w hat thing s do, what not to do, it ca n never "legal litera cy". T o e nha nce the aware ness of the rul e of law. Firmly establi sh the suprema cy of constit utional law , l egal equality before t he, right by t he law makes the right to statut ory, a s well a s the rule of law , develop ha bits of rule of law, to discard the rule a nd cannot, must not get overri dden by a uthority, at the right pre ssure. Should take t he lead t o abi de by. Fulfil its ma ndate i n strict a ccor dance wit h statutory a uthority and procedures, no matter what you want t o adhere to the law, thoug ht of rule by la w and the r ule of law to ta ckle hot iss ues, effective stat utory duty must be , without a uthori zation, is not availabl e. Such a s construction areas, some cadres are because there is no procedure is foll owed by the rul es, paid a heavy price, we should le arn from them, i n strict a ccordance with the law on bi ddi ng and impleme ntation ... Pr omised t o give preferential poli cies for e nterprise s, he sitant to cash or ca sh not at all. Ma sses feel str ongly a bout these i ssues, it is necessary to be solved. T o a ccelerate de centralizati on. Spe cification list list list of power s, responsibilities a nd negative, clearance, revocation does not ada pt to the curre nt situati on of the devel opme nt of policy documents, espe cially the rig ht to admi nistrative examination a nd a pproval , the cancellation must be ca nceled, t he delegation must be de ce ntralized to achieve zero-wait, one-st op, seamless, improve a dministrative efficie ncy a nd service levels. In particular, t he del egation of powers must be caught properly, never abl e to loft is no answ er, no one cares, cause ba ckfire, people work harde r. To carry out t he campaign. Crack dow n on law e nforceme nt regulations, uncivil a nd not as, as undermining economi c deve lopme nt, such as e nvironme ntal pr oblems, pay cl ose attention to the gra ss-r oots l evel we aknesse s, stri ctly investigate and deal with t he grass-roots level corruption and denial of Justice against t he interest s of the masses, such as corr upti on a nd corr uption, rut hless pe opl e around "flies", further optimization of the development e nvironment. In parti cula r, strengt heni ng the constructi on of Governme nt cre dit, and trustw orthy pra ctice for companie s and invest ors, and must not break faith with t he people, pr omises a nd the promi se to the society. To buil d a new 5ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS SPECIFICATION FOR APPOV AL 铝电解电容器规格承认书表1:承认项⽬ Type DimensionsCustomer客户Vendor供应商 Heng Xin Da Electronic Co.Ltd恒新达电⼦有限公司Used Spec通⽤规格 3300UF/50VProduct Name 品名Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor铝电解电容器 Size φD ×L(mm) 外型尺⼨18*34 Operating Temperature Rage使⽤温度-40~+105℃ Rated V oltages Range(V) 额定电压50VCapacitance Tolerance(20℃,120Hz)容量范围±20% 下限: 2640UF 上限: 3960UFβαLead Spacing and Wine Diameter(mm)型状及尺⼨d ±0.005ΦD ±β(电容直径)18mm ±0.5 L ±a(电容⾼度)34mm ±2.0P ±0.5(脚距)10mm ±0.5Φd (引线直径) 0.8 mm ±0.05表2:额定值与特性 TABLE1 RATING&CHARACTERISTIC.1 泄漏电流 I施加额定电压1分钟I=0.01CV 或+3uA 即0.01×容量×电压的读数之内为合格品2损耗⾓正切〥(120Hz)U R/V 6.3V 10V 16V25V35V50V100V 200V 400V 450Vtgδ0. 耐久性(105°C)试验时间3000h (施加额定标称纹波电流电压)1:漏电流, 不超过序号1规定值,(施加额定⼯作电压60秒读数)2:电容量变化率, U R ≤6.3V; ΔC/C ≤+20%~30% 6.3V测试频率:120Hz额定⼯作电压(V)6.3 10 16 25 50 200 400 450 阻抗⽐ZT/Z20max)Z-25℃/Z+20℃ 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 8 Z-40℃/Z+20℃444333495 ⾼温负荷特性在105℃环境中施加额定⼯作电压1000⼩时后, 电容器的特性符合右表的要求.静电容量变化率初始值的±20%之内损耗⾓正切不⼤于初始值的200% 漏电流不⼤于初始值6 ⾼温储存特性在105℃环境中⽆负荷放置2000⼩时后,电容器的特性符合序号5中所列规定值. 7耐焊接热特性经过回流焊并冷却⾄室温后, 电容器的特性符合右表的要求.静电容量变化率初始值的±10%之内损耗⾓正切不⼤于初始值漏电流不⼤于初始值⽣产⼚商签章: 客户承认签章:relationship betwee n Government a nd busine ss. T he "two se ssi ons", General Se cretary of "Pro", "cle ar" the wor d succi nctly sum marized t he new relationship betwee n Gov ernment a nd business, as pure politi cs, resha ping the political relati onship specified i n the directi on. District le aders i n ha ndling politi cal and busi ness relati ons, engage i n tradi ng power for money, a nd finally stumbl ed, we a lesson, always kee p in mind that "Pro", "cl ean" pra ctici ng "Pro", "clear". "Pr o" is to open a sincere e ngagement wit h private enter prise t o hel p solve pra ctical difficulties; " Clear "is to clarify the Division of pow er, exerci sed i n accor dance wit h, private e ntrepre neurs with i nnoce nt purit y, not abusi ng power for per sonal gain, not to e ngage in tra ding power for money. Thir d, in order t o maintain fairness a nd justice. Fairness and justice i s the lifeli ne of the r ule of la w , is t he be st devel opme nt environme nt. Currentl y, lax law enfor cement a nd t he judici al se ctor in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees, la w enforceme nt de partments a nd i ndivi dual window units power for persona l gains and bri bes, thi ck friends, relati ons, human cases, money cases i n whi ch seri ously infringe on t he legitimate rig hts and i nterests of e nterpri ses a nd pe ople. Especially some law e nforcement and inspe ction for pr ofit purpose s, deliberately l ooki ng for cor porate loophol es, found dire ctly under the ti cket does not give busine ss impr ovement opportunities. We re cruit a com pany doesn't easily, cultivati ng a busi ness more difficult, never for personal gai n, systemati c harassment, card, last che cked to check t o ge t the enter prise coll apse d. o g uarantee t he legitimate rig hts a nd i nterests. Al ways pr ocee d from the overall situati on of reform and devel opment of servi ces, f ully consider t he chara cteristics of pr oduction a nd ma nagement i n non -publi c e nterprises a nd social benefits, a n a ccurate grasp of legal limits,prote ct the enthusia sm of entre preneurs a nd practiti oner s in innovation and e ntrepre neurship, enhancing expectations a nd confi dence. To pr omote stri ct enforceme nt. Strengt heni ng law enfor cement procedures, impr ove law enfor cement performance evaluati on, strengthe ning t he supervi sion of law e nforcement, ex plorati on a nd pra ctice of risk control me cha nism of law e nforceme nt to further sta ndardize t he social security, urba n management , road traffic admi nistrative law enfor cement, effectively free, extensive law -enfor cement a nd lax enfor cement of law enforcement and ot her issues. o uphol d justi ce. Justice i s the last li ne of Defe nse to safeguard fairne ss a nd justice , to unequivocall y support the courts and pr ocuratorates independently exerci se level ... Judi cial a ctivities were rampa nt, must not be allowe d to run, favors, money, must not be all owe d to knowingly vi olate the miscarriage, vi olations of the l egitimate rights and interest s of the masses must not be allowe d to a buse of power, to make forest mass ca n be felt in every judicial cases i n e quity and justice. Four to dee pen gras s-r oots governance a ccording t o lawchain do l ong, a nd put scale big. To serve the devel opment of enterpri ses. Duocuo simulta neously impr oving service efficie ncy, build better publi c servi ces platform, e nha nce work efficie ncy, initiative to help busine sses solve the project pr oce dure s, financing l oans, issues such as land-use a ppr oval, reduce operati ng costs, busi ness travel light a nd e nha nce the confi dence to over come all ki nds of difficultie s and the Foundation, real entre prene urial pa ssi on play entrepre ne urshi p, e nha nce t he inter nal vitality and creativity. SI XING an construction, pr omoting the rule of law , trie s to make the transformation of forest development XI Ge neral Secretary stressed, to reinvigorate Northeast China, optimize d devel opme nt environment is very important. E nvironme nt of rule of law most gather M oss, the most conducive to development. Improvi ng the lea ding ca dres ' usi ng the method of thought and the r ule of law Admi nistration work, probl em-solving , the ability to pr omot the devel opme nt, is t he key to promoti ng the rule of law. The law may affect the efficiency of out of the path of deve lopme nt will be m ore smooth, won devel opme nt gains will be sustained, a nd end with greater efficiency. Lea ding cadres at all level s shoul d take the lead in re spe ct of law la w, a bide by, and actively foster Socialist culture , actively promoti ng the field of multi-level governa nce accor ding t o law, gui de the masses and consciously abide by t he la w, failing t o find law, solve the problem by la w, i n accor dance wit h the law preva il. XXX admi nistration by law of leadi ng ca dres do not exist on t he rul e of la w , law enforceme nt, ca sual , and vow not t o invest ors, t he new scores and other turmoil. T hese im portant ex positions on my distri ct create g ood development e nvironme nt with highly targeted and gui dance, especially t he General Se cretary pointe d out that t he chaos in my area al so exist s to v arying degree s, some eve n quite seri ous. Leadi ng ca dres at all l evels must improve t he development envir onme nt of rule of law as a fundamental task, a dhere t o the pr oblem oriente d, sol id and solve the probl ems in the constr uction of rule of law, to r ule the new effect for devel opme nt environment impr ovements. To hold "key minority". Leaders of this gr oup, although few i n num ber, but the effect is critical. If a local lea ders take the lead right a ccordi ng to law, i n accor dance with t he law, the local CPPCC f resh, pragmatic and efficient development e nvironme nt. Converse ly, if a local leaders of ignoring the la w , impunit y, not only he political e nvironment will be destr oyed, will have seri ous implicati ons for the dev elopment envir onment. Now , some leadi ng ca dres la ck of awarene ss on the importance of lear ning, t hat learn or not does not matter. T hink efficie ncy is t oo low too m uch, act a ccor ding to t he pr oce dure, t han a n executive order getting al ong wit h. In deali ng with complex issues, often speak of "settling" and "done"; on the i ssue of handli ng letters and visits, like to spe nd money and buy stop a nd stable, but di sregard the law admi nistration, in accor dance wit h the la w, the r ulechain do l ong, a nd put scale big. To serve the devel opment of enterprises. D uocuo simulta neously impr oving se rvice efficie ncy, build better publi c servi ces platform, e nha nce w ork efficiency, initiative to hel p businesse s solve t he pr oject procedures, fina nci ng loa ns, issue s such a s land-use a pproval, re duce operating costs, busine ss travel light and enha nce the confide nce t o overcome all kinds of difficulties a nd the Foundati on, real e ntrepre neuri al passion play entre preneurship, e nhance the internal vitality and creativity. SI XING an construction, prom oting the r ule of la w , tries to make the transformation of forest development XI Ge neral Secretary stre sse d, to reinvig orate Nort heast China, optimize d devel opme nt environment is very im portant. E nvironment of rule of law most gather Moss, the most conducive t o devel opme nt. Improvi ng the lea ding cadres ' usi ng the method of thoug ht and the rule of law Admini stration w ork, pr oblem -solving, t he ability to pr omote the devel opment, i s the key to promoti ng the r ule of law. T he law may affect the efficie ncy of out of the pat h of devel opme nt will be more sm ooth, won devel opme nt gains will be sustaine d, and end wit h greater efficie ncy. Lea ding cadres at a ll levels should take t he lea d in respe ct of law la w, abi de by, a nd a ctively foster Socialist culture , actively promoti ng the fiel d of multi-l evel gover nance accor ding to la w, g uide t he masse s and consci ously abide by the law, faili ng to find law, solve t he pr obl em by law, in a ccordance with t he law prevail. XXX admi nistration by law of lea ding cadres do not exist on t he rule of law , la w enfor cement, casual, and vow not to i nvestors, the new score s and other turmoil. The se important expositions on my distri ct create g ood devel opme nt environment wit h hig hly targeted a nd gui dance, e spe cially the Ge neral Secretary poi nted out that the chaos in my area also exists to varyi ng degre es, some eve n quite seri ous. Lea ding cadre s at all level s must impr ove the devel opment environment of rule of law a s a fundame ntal task, a dhere t o the problem ori ented, soli d and solve the problems i n the construction of rul e of la w, to r ule the new effect for devel opment e nvironment impr ovements. To hold "key minority". Lea ders of this group, alt hough few in numbe r, but the effect is criti cal. If a l ocal l eaders take the lea d right a ccordi ng to la w, in a ccorda nce with t he la w, the l oca l CPPCC fresh, pragmatic a nd efficie nt devel opme nt envir onment. Conversel y, if a local lea ders of ignori ng the law, impunity, not only t he political environment w ill be destroye d, w ill have serious impl ications for t he development envir onme nt. N ow, some l eadi ng ca dres la ck of aware ness on t he importance of lear ning, that lear n or not does not matter. Thi nk efficiency is too l ow too much, a ct according to t he pr oce dure, t han an executive order getting al ong with. In dealing with complex i ssue s, ofte n speak of "settling" and "done"; on the i ssue of handli ng letters and visits, like to spe nd money and buy stop and stable, but d isregard the law administration, i n accor dance with t he law, the rul rass-r oots g overna nce accordi ng to law i s an importa nt foundation for。

5ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS SPECIFICATION FOR APPOV AL铝电解电容器规格承认书表1:承认项目Type DimensionsTABLE1 RATING&CHARACTERISTIC.CONTENTS 产品系列表SERIES■NOTE:以上所提供的设计及特性参数谨供参考作用,任何修改不作预先通知.如果在使用上有疑问,请在采购前与我们联络, 以便提供技术上的协助!LEAD FREE TYPE REFLOW SOLDERING CONDITION无 铅 焊 料 产 品 的 回 流 焊 条 件● Recommended Conditions for Reflow Soldering 无铅焊料产品遵循的回流焊条件 (1) Preheat shall be made at 100℃~200℃ and for maximum 180 seconds. 100℃~200℃的预热时间不得超过180秒钟。
(2) Period that temperature at top of capacitor becomes more than 200℃and 230℃shall notexceed t and t1 seconds, respectively.电容器顶部温度高于200℃和230℃的时间,分别不得超过t 和t1所限定的时间。
(3) Temperature at top of capacitor shall not exceed T(℃).在回流焊接时,电容器顶部的最高温度不得超过T (℃)所限定的温度。
● Temperature/Time profile 回流焊温度与时间曲线图● Allowable Range of Peak Temperature 不同壳号的焊接温度及时间● Recommended Land Size 各种壳号的安装尺寸(m m)ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS 'LIFE关于铝电解电容器的寿命T e m p e r a t u r e a t C a p a c i t o r s t o p (℃)Peak temperatureTime (second)Preheat 180sec Maxt sec Maxt1 sec MaxThe life of non-solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors is mainly dependent on environmental conditions (e.g. ambient temperature, humidity etc.) and electrical factors(e.g. operating voltage, ripple current etc.).Generally, the wear-out mechanism of non-solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors is based on evaporation of electrolyte through the rubber seal. Consequently, the factor of temperature (ambient temperature and internal heating due to ripple current) is the most critical to electrolytic capacitor life. The effect of voltage on capacitor life is negligible, especially for low voltage electrolytic capacitors. The lifetime of non-solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors can be expressed as following equations:非固体铝电解电容器的寿命主要依赖于使用环境条件(如环境温度,湿度等)和电负荷情况(如工作电压,纹波电流等)。

本文主要介绍两种常用的电解电容系列:ELNA RE3系列和Nichicon HE系列。
1. ELNA RE3系列
ELNA RE3系列是一种高性能的电解电容系列,具有低阻抗、高耐压、长寿命等特点。
RE3系列的电容容量范围从1000pF到10000uF,电压范围从16V 到100V。
2. Nichicon HE系列
Nichicon HE系列是一种具有高可靠性和长寿命的电解电容系列,广泛应用于各种电子设备中。
ELNA RE3系列和Nichicon HE系列都是电子工程中常用的电解电容系列。

400V3300UFYDK电解电容器 400V 3300UFYDK电解电容器 64*115mm 105元/只
400V3900UFYDK电解电容器 400V 3900UFYDK电解电容器 64*130mm 132元/只
450V1000UFYDK电解电容器 450V 1000UFYDK电解电容器 51*80mm 54元/只
450V2200UFYDK电解电容器 450V 2200UFYDK电解电容器 64*115mm 105元/只
450V3300UFYDK电解电容器 450V 3300UFYDK电解电容器 64*130mm 145元/只
400V470UFYDK电解电容器 400V470UFYDK电解电容器 35*40mm 12.5元/只(变频器用)
450V470UFYDK电解电容器 450V470UFYDK电解电容器 35*50mm 14元/只(变频器用)
以上牛角电容报价 以上牛角电容报价 ,以下螺栓电容
100V10000UFYDK电解电容器 100V 10000UFYDK电解电容器 51*80mm 43元/只
400V2200UFYDK电解电容器 400V 2200UFYDK电解电容器 51*105mm 55元/只(意大利KENDEIL K01系列 12000H寿命 库存3000只)
400V2200UFYDK电解电容器 400V 2200UFYDK电解电容器 51*130mm 93.6元/只(日本黑金刚RWE系列库存120只)
400V12000UFYDK电解电容器 400V 12000UFYDK电解电容器 90*180mm 355元/只

5*11 10 5*11 12 5*11 12 6.3*1112 8*11 12 8*11 12 8*12 12
5*11 15 5*11 16 5*11 16 6.3*1116 8*11 16 8*11 16 8*12 16
5*11 23 6.3*1213 6.3*1213 6.3*1223 8*11 23 8*12 24 8*14 24
5*11 30 8*11 34 8*11 34 8*14 34 10*1324 10*1424 10*1442
TN Extremely low impedancer 1~15000 eliabililt高可靠低阻抗品
Sna-in Terminal
SM Snap-in terminal stadard series 33~47000 焊针型标准品
Special Type 特别型号
SK Snap-in terminal temperature range 耐高温焊针品
Used Spec 通用规格
Product Name 品名
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
φD×L(mm) 外型尺寸
Operating Temperature Rage
Rated Voltages Range(V)

电压规格10V16V25V35V1UF4*75*114*75*114*75*114*75*112.2UF4*75*114*75*114*75*114*75*113.3UF4*75*114*75*114*75*114*75*114.7UF4*75*114*75*114*75*114*75*1110UF4*75*114*75*114*75*114*75*1122UF4*75*114*75*114*75*115*75*1133UF4*75*114*75*115*75*116*75*1147UF4*75*114,5*75*115*75*116*76*1168UF100UF 4,5*75*115,6*75*116*7 6.3*128*76*11,12150UF220UF6*75*126,8*76.3*128*98*128*12330UF8*7 6.3*116,8*128*1210*13,16 470UF6*76*128*98*128*12,1410*151000UF8*1210*13,16,1710*17,2013*202200UF10*1710*2013*20,2516*25 3300UF13*2013*2013*2516*30 4700UF13*2113*2516*2518*32电压规格? 50V63V100V160V250V400V1UF4*75*115*115*116*116*116*122.2UF4*75*115*115*116*128*128*123.3UF4*75*115*115*116*128*128*124.7UF4*75*115*115*118*128*128*12 10UF5*75*115*116*118*1210*1310*15 22UF6*75*115*118*1210*1310*2013*2033UF6*7 6.3*126*1110*1310*2013*2013*25 47UF8*7 6.3*126*1110*1713*2013*2016*25 68UF18*26 100UF8*128*1410*2013*2016*2518*32 150UF16*25220UF10*1310*2013*2516*3022*30330UF10*2012*2016*2518*35470UF10*2013*2016*2522*351000UF13*2516*2522*302200UF16*3018*353300UF19*3622*404700UF21*4225*45CD110系列电容器|6.3V/22000uF引线式电容器\85℃普通品电容器6.3V/220uF小体积电容Φ5*116.3V/330uF小体积电容Φ6.3*116.3V/470uF小体积电容Φ6.3*116.3V/1000uF小体积电容Φ8*11.56.3V/2200uF小体积电容Φ10*206.3V/3300uF小体积电容Φ10*206.3V/4700uF小体积电容Φ12.5*206.3V/6800uF小体积电容Φ12.5*256.3V/10000uF小体积电容Φ16*256.3V/15000uF小体积电容Φ16*35.56.3V/22000uF小体积电容Φ18*4010V/47uF小体积电容Φ5*1110V/100uF小体积电容Φ5*1110V/220uF小体积电容Φ6.3*1110V/330uF小体积电容Φ6.3*1110V/470uF小体积电容Φ8*11.510V/1000uF小体积电容Φ10*12.510V/2200uF小体积电容Φ10*2010V/3300uF小体积电容Φ12.5*2010V/4700uF小体积电容Φ12.5*2510V/6800uF小体积电容Φ16*2510V/10000uF小体积电容Φ16*35.510V/15000uF小体积电容Φ18*35.516V/10uF小体积电容Φ5*1116V/22uF小体积电容Φ5*1116V/33uF小体积电容Φ5*1116V/47uF小体积电容Φ5*1116V/100uF小体积电容Φ5*1116V/330uF小体积电容Φ8*11.516V/470uF小体积电容Φ8*11.516V/1000uF小体积电容Φ10*1616V/2200uF小体积电容Φ12.5*20 16V/3300uF小体积电容Φ12.5*25 16V/4700uF小体积电容Φ16*2516V/6800uF小体积电容Φ16*35.5 16V/10000uF小体积电容Φ18*35.525V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ5*1125V/10uF小体积电容Φ5*1125V/22uF小体积电容Φ5*1125V/33uF小体积电容Φ5*1125V/47uF小体积电容Φ5*1125V/100uF小体积电容Φ6.3*1125V/220uF小体积电容Φ8*11.525V/330uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 25V/470uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 25V/1000uF小体积电容Φ10*2025V/2200uF小体积电容Φ12.5*25 25V/3300uF小体积电容Φ16*2525V/4700uF小体积电容Φ16*31.5 25V/6800uF小体积电容Φ18*35.535V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ5*1135V/10uF小体积电容Φ5*1135V/22uF小体积电容Φ5*1135V/33uF小体积电容Φ5*1135V/47uF小体积电容Φ5*1135V/100uF小体积电容Φ6.3*1135V/220uF小体积电容Φ8*11.535V/330uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 35V/470uF小体积电容Φ10*1635V/1000uF小体积电容Φ12.5*20 35V/2200uF小体积电容Φ16*3035V/3300uF小体积电容Φ16*35.5 35V/4700uF小体积电容Φ18*35.550V/0.1uF小体积电容Φ5*1150V/0.22uF小体积电容Φ5*1150V/0.33uF小体积电容Φ5*1150V/0.47uF小体积电容Φ5*1150V/1uF小体积电容Φ5*1150V/3.3uF小体积电容Φ5*1150V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ5*1150V/10uF小体积电容Φ5*1150V/22uF小体积电容Φ5*1150V/33uF小体积电容Φ5*1150V/47uF小体积电容Φ6.3*1150V/100uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 50V/220uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 50V/330uF小体积电容Φ10*1650V/470uF小体积电容Φ12.5*20 50V/1000uF小体积电容Φ16*25 50V/2200uF小体积电容Φ16*35.5 50V/3300uF小体积电容Φ18*35.563V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ5*1163V/10uF小体积电容Φ5*1163V/22uF小体积电容Φ5*1163V/33uF小体积电容Φ6.3*1163V/47uF小体积电容Φ6.3*1163V/100uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 63V/220uF小体积电容Φ10*1663V/330uF小体积电容Φ10*2063V/470uF小体积电容Φ12.5*20 63V/1000uF小体积电容Φ16*25100V/0.1uF小体积电容Φ5*11 100V/0.22uF小体积电容Φ5*11 100V/0.33uF小体积电容Φ5*11 100V/0.47uF小体积电容Φ5*11 100V/1uF小体积电容Φ5*11100V/2.2uF小体积电容Φ5*11 100V/3.3uF小体积电容Φ5*11 100V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ5*11 100V/10uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 100V/22uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 100V/33uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 100V/47uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 100V/100uF小体积电容Φ10*20 100V/220uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 100V/330uF小体积电容Φ16*25 100V/470uF小体积电容Φ16*25 100V/1000uF小体积电容Φ18*40160V/0.47uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 160V/1uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 160V/2.2uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 160V/3.3uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 160V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 160V/10uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 160V/22uF小体积电容Φ10*16 160V/33uF小体积电容Φ10*20 160V/47uF小体积电容Φ12.5*25 160V/100uF小体积电容Φ16*25 160V/220uF小体积电容Φ16*35.5 160V/330uF小体积电容Φ18*31.5200V/0.47uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 200V/1uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 200V/2.2uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 200V/3.3uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 200V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 200V/10uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 200V/22uF小体积电容Φ10*20 200V/33uF小体积电容Φ12.5*20 200V/47uF小体积电容Φ12.5*20 200V/100uF小体积电容Φ16*25 200V/220uF小体积电容Φ18*35.5250V/0.47uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 250V/1uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 250V/2.2uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 250V/3.3uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 250V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 250V/10uF小体积电容Φ10*16 250V/22uF小体积电容Φ10*20 250V/33uF小体积电容Φ12.5*25 250V/47uF小体积电容Φ12.5*25 250V/100uF小体积电容Φ16*31.5315V/0.47uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 315V/1uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 315V/2.2uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 315V/3.3uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 315V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 315V/10uF小体积电容Φ10*20 315V/22uF小体积电容Φ12.5*20 315V/33uF小体积电容Φ10*25315V/47uF小体积电容Φ16*25 315V/100uF小体积电容Φ18*31.5350V/0.47uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 350V/1uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 350V/2.2uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 350V/3.3uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 350V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 350V/10uF小体积电容Φ10*20 350V/22uF小体积电容Φ12.5*25 350V/33uF小体积电容Φ10*25 350V/47uF小体积电容Φ16*25 350V/100uF小体积电容Φ18*31.5400V/0.47uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 400V/1uF小体积电容Φ6.3*11 400V/2.2uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 400V/3.3uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 400V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 400V/10uF小体积电容Φ10*20 400V/22uF小体积电容Φ12.5*25 400V/33uF小体积电容Φ10*25 400V/47uF小体积电容Φ16*31.5450V/0.47uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 450V/1uF小体积电容Φ8*11.5 450V/2.2uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 450V/3.3uF小体积电容Φ10*12.5 450V/4.7uF小体积电容Φ10*20 450V/10uF小体积电容Φ12.5*25 450V/22uF小体积电容Φ10*25 450V/33uF小体积电容Φ16*31.5 450V/47uF小体积电容Φ16*35.5。

一、电解电容的常用参数电解电容的常用参数可以分为以下几个方面:1. 额定电压(Rated Voltage):电解电容的额定电压是指在标准工作温度下,电容器可连续承受的最高电压。
2. 容量(Capacitance):电解电容的容量是指它存储电荷的能力,单位为法拉(F)。
3. 耐久时间(Endurance):电解电容的耐久时间是指它在额定温度和额定电压下,能够正常工作的时间。
4. 串联电阻(Equivalent Series Resistance,ESR):电解电容的串联电阻是指电容器模型等效电路中的电阻部分。
5. 百分比容差(Percentage of Capacitance Tolerance):百分比容差表示电解电容的实际容量与额定容量之间的允许误差范围。
6. 工作温度范围(Operating Temperature Range):工作温度范围是指电解电容能够正常工作的温度范围。

0.15 2000
0.15 2000
0.20 2000
0.20 2000
0.20 2000
0.24 2000
0.26 2000
10 3300 12.5
0.28 2000
4700 12.5
0.30 2000
0.34 2000
10000 16
0.42 2000
15000 18
0.52 2000

康富松电解电容全系列封装规格:产品名称:康富松电解电容ME系列型式:导针型特性:耐高温,标准品,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃(6.3 ~ 400V) -25 ~ +105℃(450V)额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.03CV or 4μA寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容RC系列型式:导针型特性:耐高温,低阻抗,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-55 ~ +105℃(6.3 ~ 100V) -40 ~ +105℃(160 ~ 400V) -25 ~ +105℃(450V)额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.03CV or 4μA寿命(H):3000~5000产品名称:康富松电解电容RD系列型式:导针型特性:耐高温,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-55 ~ +105℃(6.3 ~ 100V) -40 ~ +105℃(160 ~ 400V) -25 ~ +105℃(450V)额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.03CV or 4μA寿命(H):2000~8000产品名称:康富松电解电容RG系列型式:导针型特性:耐高温,低阻抗,长寿命,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~ 50V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.01CV or 3μA寿命(H):4000~10000产品名称:康富松电解电容KM系列型式:牛角型特性:普通品,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃(6.3 ~ 100V) -25 ~ +105℃(160 ~ 450V) 额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.02CV or 3mA寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容BP系列型式:导针型特性:普通品,高纹波,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +85℃额定工作电压范围:25 ~ 50V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:100μA寿命(H):1000产品名称:康富松电解电容BQ系列型式:导针型特性:高纹波,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-25 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:200 ~400V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:100μA寿命(H):1000产品名称:康富松电解电容ES系列型式:导针型特性:普通品,高纹波,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +85℃额定工作电压范围:25 ~ 50V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:3√CV寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容HD系列型式:导针型特性:耐高温,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃(160 ~ 400V) -25 ~ +105℃(450V)额定工作电压范围:160 ~450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:CV≦1000 I=0.1CV+40 CV>1000 I=0.04CV+100寿命(H):8000~10000产品名称:康富松电解电容HE系列型式:导针型特性:耐高温,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +125℃(10 ~ 250V) -25 ~ +125℃(350~450V) 额定工作电压范围:10 ~450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.03CV or 4μA寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容HW系列型式:导针型特性:长寿命,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃(160 ~ 400V) -25 ~ +105℃(420~450V) 额定工作电压范围:160 ~450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.03CV寿命(H):10000~12000产品名称:康富松电解电容HY系列型式:导针型特性:高纹波,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +130℃(160 ~ 400V) -25 ~ +130℃(450V)额定工作电压范围:160 ~450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.02CV寿命(H):3000~15000产品名称:康富松电解电容JE系列型式:导针型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +130℃(160 ~ 450V)额定工作电压范围:160 ~450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.02CV寿命(H):4000~20000产品名称:康富松电解电容Ke系列型式:导针型特性:普通品,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +85℃(6.3 ~ 400V) -25 ~ +85℃(450V) 额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.03CV寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容LL/LM系列型式:导针型特性:高纹波,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:LL:-40~+85 LM:-40~+105额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~100V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.002CV or 0.4μA寿命(H):1000产品名称:康富松电解电容mp系列型式:导针型特性:小型号,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +85℃额定工作电压范围:4 ~50V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.01CV or 3uA寿命(H):1000产品名称:康富松电解电容mq系列型式:导针型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-55 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:6.3~50V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.01CV or 3uA寿命(H):1000产品名称:康富松电解电容NP系列型式:导针型特性:普通品,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +85℃额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~100V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz) 漏电流:0.06CV or 10μA.寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容NQ系列型式:导针型特性:普通品,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +85℃额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~100V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz) 漏电流:0.06CV or 10μA.寿命(H):1000产品名称:康富松电解电容PH系列型式:导针型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-20~ +55℃额定工作电压范围:300 &330V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz) 漏电流:1×C.寿命(H):产品名称:康富松电解电容RF系列型式:导针型特性:高频低阻,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-55 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~63V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz) 漏电流:0.01CV or 3μA.寿命(H):2000~8000产品名称:康富松电解电容RT系列型式:导针型特性:低阻,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~100V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz) 漏电流:0.01CV or 3μA.寿命(H):2000~5000产品名称:康富松电解电容RU系列型式:导针型特性:低ESR,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~16V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz) 漏电流:0.03CV or10μA.寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容SL系列型式:导针型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +85℃额定工作电压范围:4 ~63V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz) 漏电流:0.02CV or 3uA,.寿命(H):1000产品名称:康富松电解电容SN系列型式:导针型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +85℃额定工作电压范围:6.3~50V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz) 漏电流:0.05CV or 10uA,.寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容SS系列型式:导针型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +85℃额定工作电压范围:4 ~63V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.01CV or 3uA,.寿命(H):1000产品名称:康富松电解电容SU系列型式:导针型特性:低阻抗,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-55 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~35V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.01CV or 3uA,.寿命(H):1000产品名称:康富松电解电容SV系列型式:导针型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~50V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.01CV or 3uA,.寿命(H):5000产品名称:康富松电解电容TB系列型式:导针型特性:低成本,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃(160 ~ 400V)额定工作电压范围:160 ~400V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.02CV,.寿命(H):3000产品名称:康富松电解电容TC系列型式:导针型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃(160 ~ 400V) -25 ~ +105℃(450V) 额定工作电压范围:160~450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.02CV.寿命(H):5000型式:导针型特性:长寿命,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +130℃(160 ~ 400V) -25 ~ +130℃(160 ~ 450V)额定工作电压范围:160~450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.02CV.寿命(H):2000~8000产品名称:康富松电解电容pm系列型式:焊片型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-20℃~ +55℃额定工作电压范围:330V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:1×C (uA) after 5 minutes.寿命(H):5000产品名称:康富松电解电容wg系列型式:焊片型特性:高纹波,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-20℃~ +85℃额定工作电压范围:400 ~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.01CV or 5mA寿命(H):5000产品名称:康富松电解电容wm系列型式:焊片型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-25℃~ +70℃额定工作电压范围:315V,475V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.06 CV or 3mA寿命(H):40℃时以充电0.8秒,放电0.2秒为一周期,经过1000,000个周期后型式:牛角型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-25 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:200 ~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:I ≦3√CV寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容kn系列型式:牛角型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-25 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:160 ~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:I ≦3√CV寿命(H):5000产品名称:康富松电解电容kp系列型式:牛角型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-25 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:160 ~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:I ≦3√CV寿命(H):7000产品名称:康富松电解电容kq系列型式:牛角型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-25 ~ +105℃额定工作电压范围:160 ~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:I ≦3√CV寿命(H):7000~10000产品名称:康富松电解电容LS系列型式:牛角型特性:嵌入式,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +85℃(6.3 ~ 100V) -25 ~ +85℃(160 ~ 450V)额定工作电压范围:6.3 ~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.02CV or 3mA,寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容WE系列型式:螺栓型特性:通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-40 ~ +105℃(10 ~ 100V) -25 ~ +105℃(160 ~ 400V) 额定工作电压范围:10~ 400V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.02CV or 5mA,,寿命(H):2000产品名称:康富松电解电容WF系列型式:螺栓型特性:高纹波,通过无铅认证使用温度范围:-25 ~ +85℃额定工作电压范围:350~ 450V电容量允许偏差:±20%(M) (at 20℃,120Hz)漏电流:0.02CV or 5mA,,寿命(H):5000。
