霍格沃兹魔法学校录取通知书WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY (霍格沃兹入学通知)HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRYHeadmaster: Albus Dumbledore(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards) Dear LIN,We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on 1 September (or when you happen to register). We await your owl after registration.UniformFirst year students will require:Three sets of plain work robes (black)One plain pointed hat (black) for day wearOne pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)Please not that all pupils' clothes should carry name tagsSet BooksAll students should have a copy of each of the following:The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda GoshawkA History of Magic by Bathilda BagshotMagical Theory by Adalbert WafflingA Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric SwitchOne Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius JiggerFantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt ScamanderThe Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin TrimbleOther Equipment1 wand1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)1 set Glass Protective Film or crystal phials1 telescope1 set brass scalesStudents may also bring an owl, cat or toadPARENTS ARE REMINDED THAT FIRST YEARS ARE NOT ALLOWED THEIR OWN BROOMSTICKSYours sincerely,Minerva McGonagall,Deputy HeadmistressHOGWARTS SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRYHeadmaster: ALBUS DUMBLEDORE(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards) Dear Mr. Potter,We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yourssincerely,Minerva McGonagall,HOGWARTS SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRYHeadmaster: ALBUS DUMBLEDORE(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)Dear Mr. Potter,We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yours sincerely,Minerva McGonagall,Deputy Headmistress霍格沃茨魔法学校校长:阿不思.邓布利多(国际魔法联合会会长、巫师协会会长、梅林爵士团一级魔法师)亲爱的杨凌同学:我们愉快地通知您,您已获准在霍格沃茨魔法学校就读。
witchcraft and wizardry (霍格沃兹入学通知) hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry headmaster: albus dumbledore (order of merlin, first class, grand sorc., chf. warlock, supreme mugwump,international confed. of wizards) dear lin, wizardry. please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. term begins on 1 september (or when you happen to register). we await your owlafter registration. uniformfirst year students will require: three sets of plain work robes (black) one plain pointed hat (black) for day wear one pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar) one winter cloak (black, silver fastenings) please not that all pupils clothes should carry name tags set booksall students should have a copy of each of the following: the standard book of spells (grade 1) by miranda goshawk a history of magic by bathilda bagshot magical theory by adalbert waffling a beginners guide to transfiguration by emeric switch one thousand magical herbs and fungi by phyllida spore magical drafts and potions by arsenius jigger fantastic beasts and where to find them by newt scamander the dark forces: a guide to self-protection by quentin trimble other equipment 1 wand1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) 1 set 1 telescope1 set brass scales students may also bring an owl, cat or toad parents are reminded that first years are not allowed their own broomsticks yours sincerely, minerva mcgonagall, deputy headmistresshogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry headmaster: albus dumbledore (order of merlin, first class, grand sorc., chf. warlock, supreme mugwump, international confed. of wizards) dear mr. potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at hogwarts school ofwitchcraft and wizardry. please find enclosed a list of all necessary books andequipment.term begins on september 1. we await your owl by no later than july 31. yours sincerely, minerva mcgonagall,hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry headmaster: albus dumbledore (order of merlin, first class, grand sorc., chf. warlock, supreme mugwump, international confed. of wizards) dear mr. potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at hogwarts school ofwitchcraft and wizardry. please find enclosed a list of all necessary books andequipment. term begins on september 1. we await your owl by no later than july 31. yourssincerely, minerva mcgonagall, deputy headmistress 霍格沃茨魔法学校校长:阿不思.邓布利多(国际魔法联合会会长、巫师协会会长、梅林爵士团一级魔法师)亲爱的杨凌同学:我们愉快地通知您,您已获准在霍格沃茨魔法学校就读。
wewillsendyouanotificationofanofferlateron.inaddition,wewil larrangeatimetosigntheemploymentcontractwithyou.ifyouhaveanyquestio ns,pleasedonot洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。
洛基英篇二:《录取通知书》英文影评《录取通知书》英文影评thelovelystorytakesplaceinaboycalledbartleby,ahighschoolgraduateswhocanma kefalsepapers.buthisprettytricksdidn’thelphimtogetanadmission.andinordertohavehisfathersapproval,heestablishesafakecollegecalledsouthharmoni nstituteoftechnologyinanabandonedmentalhospitalwiththehelpofrory,hand sandglen,allofwhomwerenotacceptedbycolleges.however,becauseo fsomemisses,nearly300studentsareacceptedbys.h.i.t.bartlebyknowsthefeelingsofthesestudents,sohemakesthembelievethisisarealc ollegeandmanagetohavesomeclassesinharmoncollege.then,heasksthestuden tstowritedowntheiridealcoursesandtheyhavetheirclassestaughtbytheirow n.everyoneins.h.i.tishappyandenjoyable.thisisreallyarelaxingfilm.noroughranger,novicissitudes.allisaboutarethe “ridiculous”thoughtsofsomeordinarystudents.andwhatturlyimpressedmeisthe wordsbartlebysaysintheendofthefilm:"soyoucangoahead,signyourforms,rejectusandshootusdown,anddowhateveryougottado.itdoesn’treallymatteratthispoint.becausewe’llneverstoplearning,stopgrowing,andwe’llneverforgettheidealsthatwereinstilledinusatourplace."itmakesmethinkabouttheideathatwhethergoingtocollegeisthepremiseofourfutur esuccess.now,beingacceptedhaslostitsrealvalueforpeopleandbecameamech anicalbehaviorinstead.wetrytobelievethatpeoplegraduatefromcollegearemorec reativeandmorecogitative.butwhatisimportantinthefilmisthatstudentsins .h.i.tcandecidetheirclass,theirgradesandtheirroadsoftheirlives.rathe rthanpursuingblindly,theyletthecollegelifefittheirneeds.篇三:录取通知书翻译模版guangdongxxxxuniversity2011letterofadmissionprintcode:44professionalscience07_xxxxcandidateno.11440515xxxxxxletterofadmissiondearxxx:idcardno.4405xxxxxxxx224xxxspecialsealforhouseholdregistration,shantousecuritybureausep04,2011篇四:怎么学英语拿到国外录取通知书雅思7.5经验inanabandonedmentalhospitalwiththehelpofrory,handsandglen,a llofwhomwerenotacceptedbycolleges.however,becauseofsomemiss es,nearly300studentsareacceptedbys.h.i.t.bartlebyknowsthefeelingsofthesestudents,sohemakesthembeliev ethisisarealcollegeandmanagetohavesomeclassesinharmoncollege.then,heasksthestudentstowritedowntheiridealcoursesandthey havetheirclassestaughtbytheirown.everyoneins.h.i.tishappyan denjoyable.thisisreallyarelaxingfilm.noroughranger,novicissitudes.alli saboutarethe“ridiculous”thoughtsofsomeordinarystudents.andwhatturlyimpressedmeisthe wordsbartlebysaysintheendofthefilm:"soyoucangoahead,signyourforms,rejectusandshootusdown,anddow hateveryougottado.itdoesn’treallymatteratthispoint.becausewe’llneverstoplearning,stopgrowing,andwe’llneverforgettheidealsthatwereinstilledinusatourplace."itmakesmethinkabouttheideathatwhethergoingtocollegeisthepremiseofourfuturesuccess.now,beingacceptedhaslostitsrealvalue forpeopleandbecameamechanicalbehaviorinstead.wetrytobelieve thatpeoplegraduatefromcollegearemorecreativeandmorecogitati ve.butwhatisimportantinthefilmisthatstudentsins.h.i.tcandec idetheirclass,theirgradesandtheirroadsoftheirlives.ratherth anpursuingblindly,theyletthecollegelifefittheirneeds.篇三:霍格沃兹魔法学校录取通知书witchcraftandwizardrydearlin,wizardry.pleasefindenclosedalistofallnecessarybooksandequip ment.termbeginson1septemberoneplainpointedhatdearmr.potter,wearepleasedtoinformyouthatyouhavebeenacceptedathogwartssch oolofwitchcraftandwizardry.pleasefindenclosedalistofallnece ssarybooksandequipment.termbeginsonseptember1.weawaityourowlbynolaterthanjuly31.yo urssincerely,minervamcgonagall,hogwartsschoolofwitchcraftandwizardryheadmaster:albusdumbledoredearmr.potter,wearepleasedtoinformyouthatyouhavebeenacceptedathogwartssch oolofwitchcraftandwizardry.pleasefindenclosedalistofallnecessarybooksandequipment.termbeginsonseptember1.weawaityourowlbynolaterthanjuly31.yo urssincerely,minervamcgonagall,deputyheadmistress校长:阿不思.邓布利多(国际魔法联合会会长、巫师协会会长、梅林爵士团一级魔法师)亲爱的杨凌同学:我们愉快地通知您,您已获准在霍格沃茨魔法学校就读。
霍格沃茨入学指南英文Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a place where dreams come true and magic is taught. This guide aims to provide you with essential information for your journey to Hogwarts and help you navigate the school's unique environment.**1. Receiving Your Hogwarts Letter**The journey to Hogwarts begins with the arrival of an owl carrying your acceptance letter. Once you receive it, excitement and anticipation will likely fill your heart. The letter contains important details about your Hogwarts experience, including the date of your arrival and instructions on how to get to the school.**2. Preparing for Your Journey**Packing for Hogwarts is an adventure in itself. Be sure to include your wand, robes, and other magical essentials. Don't forget your school supplies either, as Hogwarts students need quills, ink, and parchment for their studies. Also, remember to pack comfortable shoes, as you'll be walking a lot around the castle and its grounds.**3. Arriving at Hogwarts**Your journey to Hogwarts will be filled with wonder and surprise. You'll likely arrive at the platform hidden behind the barrier at King's Cross Station, from where the Hogwarts Express departs. Once on the train, you'll meet your future classmates and perhaps even make some new friends.**4. Exploring Hogwarts Castle**Upon arriving at Hogwarts, you'll be greeted by the staff and shown to your dormitory. Hogwarts Castle is a maze of secret passageways and hidden rooms, so take your time to explore and discover its secrets. Don't forget to visit the Great Hall for meals and the library for quiet study sessions.**5. Attending Classes and Learning Magic**The core subjects at Hogwarts include Herbology, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and more. Each class offers a unique learning experience, so be prepared to immerse yourself in the world of magic. Remember,practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to experiment and push your boundaries.**6. Participating in Extracurricular Activities**Hogwarts offers a range of extracurricular activities to enrich your school life. Whether you're interested in Quidditch, the wizarding sport, or prefer the quieter pursuits of the Dueling Club, there's something for everyone. These activities are a great way to make new friends and develop new skills.**7. Following the Rules and Respecting the Tradition** As a Hogwarts student, it's important to follow the school's rules and respect its traditions. This includes adhering to the schedule, respecting your teachers and peers, and participating in school events. By doing so,you'll contribute to the Hogwarts community and create lasting memories.In conclusion, attending Hogwarts is an incredible journey that will transform your life. With this guide as your companion, you'll be well-prepared to embark on thismagical adventure. Enjoy your time at Hogwarts and cherish the memories you'll make here.**霍格沃茨入学指南**欢迎来到霍格沃茨魔法学校,这里是梦想成真的地方,是教授魔法的圣地。
霍格沃兹的录取通知书英文作文English: Hogwarts Admissions LetterDear [Student's Name],We are truly delighted to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, I extend my warmest congratulations on your exceptional magical abilities and potential. Your acceptance into Hogwarts is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and exceptional talents in the magical arts.As a student at Hogwarts, you will embark on a transformative journey that will shape your magical abilities and knowledge. The professors at Hogwarts are renowned experts in their respective fields and are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to mentor and guide you. From Professor McGonagall's strict yet inspiring Transfiguration lessons to Professor Snape's nuanced teachings in Potions, you will have the privilege of learning from the very best.The magical curriculum at Hogwarts offers a wide range of subjects designed to nurture and develop your magical skills. From Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts to Herbology and Astronomy, you will have the opportunity to explore various branches of magic and discover your own strengths and passions. Remember, it is through dedication, practice, and an open mind that you will unlock the true potential of your magical abilities.In addition to academic pursuits, Hogwarts offers a vibrant and welcoming community of fellow witches and wizards. Your housemates will become your lifelong friends and allies. Whether you are sorted into Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin, each house has a rich history and unique qualities that will undoubtedly enrich your experience at Hogwarts.We eagerly anticipate your arrival on September 1st, when the Hogwarts Express will be ready to transport you to our beloved school. Please find enclosed your supply list, necessary books, and a ticket for the Hogwarts Express. Your parents or guardians are welcome to accompany you to Diagon Alley to procure the required supplies.Once again, congratulations on your acceptance into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We are confident that you will thrive in our esteemed institution. May your journey at Hogwarts be filled with remarkable adventures, lifelong friendships, and opportunities to discover the true magic within yourself.Yours sincerely,Minerva McGonagallDeputy HeadmistressHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry中文翻译:亲爱的[学生名字],我们非常高兴地通知您,您已被霍格沃兹魔法学校录取。
《哈利波特与魔法⽯》推荐《哈利波特与魔法⽯》推荐1 这⼀天的午时,我读完了这本《哈利波特与魔法⽯》,使我的知识更加充沛。
然后,我告诉教师这件事,教师就对我说:“徐浩越,做得好!” ⾃从这件事之后,我就更喜欢看《哈⾥波特》系列了。
《哈利波特与魔法⽯》推荐2 相信⼤家对那个戴着眼镜,骑着扫把瘦瘦弱弱的⼩男孩——哈利·波特印象很深吧。
哈利波特翻译对照哈利波特翻译对照2010/06/30 11:50 A.M.翻译对照⒈人物名称("又译"部分为中文繁体版的译名)波特家族哈利·詹姆·波特(又译哈利·詹姆斯·波特)Harry James Potter詹姆·波特(哈利波特之父)James Potter莉莉·伊万丝·波特(又译莉莉·埃文斯·波特)Lily Evans Potter金妮·韦斯莱(又译金妮·卫斯理)Ginny Weasley婚后为金妮·波特Ginny Potter韦斯莱家族亚瑟·韦斯莱比尔·韦斯莱(又译比尔·卫斯理)Bill Weasley芙蓉·德拉库尔(又称花儿·戴洛古)Fleur Delacour婚后为芙蓉·韦斯莱Fleur Weasley查理·韦斯莱(又译查理·卫斯理)Charlie Weasley弗雷德·韦斯莱(又译弗雷·卫斯理)Fred Weasley乔治·韦斯莱(又译乔治·卫斯理)George Weasley罗恩·韦斯莱(又译荣恩·卫斯理)Ron Billius Weasley赫敏·简·格兰杰(又译妙丽·简·格兰杰)Hermione Jane Granger婚后为赫敏·简·韦斯莱Hermione Jane Weasley金妮·韦斯莱(又译金妮·卫斯理)(全名:金妮芙拉·莫丽·韦斯莱Ginnevera Molly Weasley)Ginny Weasley(婚后为金妮·波特)珀西·韦斯莱(又译派西·卫斯理)Percy Weasley亚瑟·韦斯莱(又译亚瑟·卫斯理)Aurthor Weasley莫丽·韦斯莱(又译莫里·卫斯理)Molly Weasley马尔福家族德拉科·马尔福(又译拽哥·马份)Draco Malfoy卢修斯·马尔福(又译鲁休思·马份)Lucius Malfoy纳西莎·马尔福(又译水仙·马份)Narcissa Malfoy阿斯托利亚·格林格拉斯Astoria Greengrass(婚后为阿斯托利亚·马尔福Astoria Malfoy)斯科皮·马尔福Scorpio Malfoy哈利的朋友赫敏·简·格兰杰(又译妙丽·简·格兰杰)Hermione Jane Granger比尔·韦斯莱(又译比尔·卫斯理)Bill Weasl ey(婚礼时称威廉姆·亚瑟)芙蓉·德拉库尔(又称花儿·戴洛古)Fleur Delacour(婚礼时称芙蓉·伊萨贝尔)查理·韦斯莱(又译查理·卫斯理)Charlie Weasley弗雷德·韦斯莱(又译弗雷·卫斯理)Fred Weasley乔治·韦斯莱(又译乔治·卫斯理)george Weasley罗恩·韦斯莱(又译荣恩·卫斯理)Ron Billius Weasley金妮·韦斯莱(又译金妮·卫斯理)Ginny Weasley鲁伯·海格(又译鲁霸·海格)Rubeus Hagrid小天狼星·布莱克(又译天狼星·布莱克、西里斯)Sirius Black塞德里克·迪戈里(又译西追·迪哥里)Cedric Diggory卢娜·洛夫古德(又称露娜·卢古德)Luna Lovegood秋·张(又称张秋)Cho Chang奥利弗·伍德(又译奥利弗·木透)Oliver Wood李·乔丹Lee Jordan西莫·斐尼甘Seamus Finnigan迪安·托马斯(又议迪恩·托马斯)Dean Thomas纳威·隆巴顿(又译奈威·隆巴顿)Neville Longbottom厄尼·麦克米兰Ernie Mcmillan尼法朵拉·唐克斯(又称小仙女·东施)Nymphadora Tonks霍格沃茨教授阿不思·邓布利多Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore(阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多)吉德罗·洛哈特Gilderoy Lockhart米勒娃·麦格Minerva Mcgonagall西弗勒斯·斯内普(又称姓氏为石内卜)Severus Snape莱姆斯·卢平Remus John Lupin斯普劳特Professor Sprout霍琦夫人Madam Hooch西比尔·特里劳妮Sibyll Trelawney疯眼汉穆迪Mad-eye Moody(阿拉斯托.穆迪)Alastor Moody)费伦泽Firenze宾斯教授Professor Binn多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇(Dolores Jane Umbridge)哈利的敌人奇洛Professor Quir rel伏地魔Voldemort小矮星·彼得Peter Pettigrew贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇Bellatrix Lestrange汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔(童年时期的伏地魔)Tom Marvolo Riddle 其他角色多比Dobby闪闪Winky汤姆·里德尔(又译汤姆·瑞斗)Tom Marvolo Riddle雷古勒斯·布莱克Regulus Arcturus Black弗立维Professor Flitwick多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇(又译桃乐丝·恩不居里)Dolores Umbridge 威克多尔·克鲁姆(又译维克多·克浪)Viktor Krum费尔奇(又译飞七)Filch加布丽·德拉库尔(又称嘉儿·戴洛古)Gabrielle Delacour巴蒂·克劳奇(又译巴蹄.克罗奇)Barty Crouch卢多·巴格曼Ludo Bagman鲁弗斯·斯克林杰Rufus Scrimgeour康奈利·福吉(又译康尼留斯·夫子)Cornelius Fudge拉文德·布朗(又称文妲·布朗)Lavender Brown帕瓦蒂·佩蒂尔(又称巴蒂·佩蒂尔)Parvati Patil帕德玛·佩蒂尔(又译帕玛·佩蒂尔)Padma Patil伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫(又译依果·卡卡夫)Igor Karkaroff马克西姆夫人(又译美心夫人)Madam Maxime波皮·庞弗雷(又译庞瑞夫人)bupi Pomfrey安吉利娜·约翰逊Angelina Johnson科林·克里维Colin Creevey丹尼斯·克里维Dennis Creevey凯蒂·贝尔Katie Bell佩内洛·克里瓦特Penelop Clearwater艾丽娅·斯平内特Alicia Spinnet平斯夫人Madam Pince奥利凡德Mr Ollivander摩金夫人Madam Malkin尼可·勒梅(又译尼乐·勒梅)Nicolas Flamel皮皮鬼Peeves胖修士Fat Friar哭泣的桃金娘(又称爱哭鬼默尔特又译爱哭鬼麦垛)Moaning Murtle血人巴罗(斯莱特林的幽灵)Blood yBaron差点没头的尼克(格兰芬多的幽灵)Nearly Headless Nick(原名:敏西-波平顿的尼古拉斯爵士)格雷夫人(拉文克劳的幽灵)Grey Lady(海莲娜拉文克劳Helena Ravenclaw)丽塔·斯基特(又译丽塔·史基)Rita Skeeter辛尼斯塔教授Professor Sinistra格拉普兰教授Professor Grubbly plank潘西·帕金森Pansy Parkinson伯莎·乔金斯Bertha Jorkins罗杰·戴维斯Roger Davis戈德里克·格兰芬多(又译高锥克·葛来分多)Godric Gryffindor赫尔加·赫奇帕奇(又译赫夫帕夫)Helga Hufflepuff罗伊纳·拉文克劳(又译雷文克劳)Rowena Ravenclaw 萨拉查·斯莱特林(又译史莱哲林)Salazar Slytherin 月亮脸(又译月影)(莱姆斯卢平)Moony尖头叉子(又译鹿角)(詹姆波特)Prongs大脚板(又译兽足\兽脚)(小天狼星布莱克)Padfoot虫尾巴(又译虫尾、温太尔)(小矮星彼得)Wormtail巴克比克(又译巴嘴)Buckbeak牙牙Fang诺伯(又译罗伯)Norbert路威(又译毛毛)Fluffy阿拉戈克(又译阿辣哥)Aragog克鲁克山(又译歪腿)Crookshanks朱薇琼Pigwidgeon斑斑(小矮星彼得)Scabbers海德薇(又译嘿美)Hedwig汉娜·艾博Hannah Abbott米里森·伯斯德Millicent Bulstrode贾斯廷·芬列里Justin Finch-Fletchley福克斯(又译佛客使)Fawkes拉环Griphook马库斯·弗林特Markus Flint罗南Ronan贝恩Bane卡多根爵士Sir Cadogan阿莫斯·迪戈里Amos Diggory鲁弗斯·斯克林杰Rufus Scrimgeour 巴蒂·克劳奇Baty Crouch格雷戈里·高尔Gregory Goyle文森特·克拉布Vincent Crabbe。
霍格沃兹的录取通知书英文作文The parchment was crisp and yellowed with age, yet itheld a magic that was unmistakably fresh. "You are hereby invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," it began.My heart pounded like a drum, each beat echoing the words that danced before my eyes. The room spun as I read the listof required books and supplies, each item a step closer to a world beyond my wildest dreams."But first," the letter continued, "you must choose your wand." The thought of selecting a wand, of wielding magic,was both thrilling and terrifying. I could almost feel the wood in my hand, the power coursing through my veins."Your journey to Hogwarts will begin on September 1st,"the letter went on. The date was etched in my mind, a countdown to a life I could hardly imagine. Friends, teachers, and the castle itself awaited me."Remember," the final paragraph admonished, "the sorting hat will place you in your house." The idea of being sorted into Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin was daunting. But it was also a promise of belonging, of finding my place in this new world.I clutched the letter to my chest, the weight of itswords settling in my heart. It was an invitation not just to a school, but to a life of adventure, friendship, and the pursuit of knowledge.As I reread the letter, the reality of my acceptance began to sink in. I was no longer just a child with a secret;I was a wizard, destined for greatness. The world was at my fingertips, and I was ready to grasp it.With each line of the letter, my resolve strengthened. I would not let the expectations of others define me. I would forge my own path, make my own name, and live up to the legacy of those who came before me.In the end, the letter was more than just an invitation. It was a beacon, a call to arms, and a promise of a future that was mine to claim. Hogwarts was not just a school; it was my destiny.。
哈利波特通知书篇一:哈利波特de入学通知书HogwartsSchoolofwitchcraftandwizardryHeadmaster:albusdumbledore(orderofmerlin,Firstclass,GrandSorc.,chf.warlock,Suprememugwump,internationalconfed.ofwizards dearms.Luxi.kate wearepleasedtoinformyouthatyouhaveaplaceatHogwartsSchoolofwitchcra ftandwizardry.Pleasefindenclosedalistofallnecessarybooksandequipment. Termbeginson1September.weawaityourowlbynolaterthan31July.Yourssinc erelyminervamcGonagalldeputyHeadmistress篇二:哈利波特书评《哈利波特》之书评从1997到20XX,罗琳用文字为我们,也为世界编织了一个童话。
英文录取通知书模板【篇一:录用通知书(中英文)】员工录用通知书(offer letter)dear mr xx很高兴通知您,您已被xxxx公司录用。
在此对您加盟xxxx表示欢迎,并请您2008年x.月x日来公司报到,公司需要您在来公司报到时提供以下文件:we are pleased to inform you that we’ve decided to employ you as one member of our team.we here extend to you our warm welcome to join us and hope you could be upon arrival at x/x/2008 (m /d) to register for our company, and to fill in a copy of employee’s register format. you are requested to provide the following documents to company on the registration date:1)原单位离职证明,由原单位盖章(入职当天请提交);quitjob certificate with your former employer’s seal;2)养老金、失业转移单或缴纳证明;transfer paper of pension or certificate of pension payment;3)身份证原件及复印件四张a card of identification card;4)学历证明、职称证书原件及复印件两张certificate of diploma or title;5)4张身份证照片(1寸蓝底)photo(one inch)6)近期体检报告physical examination report预祝您在新的工作岗位上愉快、进步!wish you happiness and progress in our company !salary: rmb1000.- (gross)/month in probationposition: xxxx(公司全称/company)department of hr2008年x月x日【篇二:录用通知书 offer 录取通知书模板】录用通知书尊敬的xxx先生/小姐:我代表xxxx公司xx分公司很高兴地通知您,您已经通过了公司的笔试/面试考核,公司拟录用您为正式员工并拟与您签订正式劳动合同。
Management is a serious love.简单易用轻享办公(页眉可删)《哈利波特与魔法石》读后感(15篇)《哈利波特与魔法石》读后感1自从读了《哈利·波特与魔法石》这本畅销世界的书之后,里面的细节时常浮现在我的脑海里,让我记忆犹新。
哈利波特第二章翻译Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsChapter 2: Dobby's WarningHarry's summer holidays with the Dursleys had been anything but pleasant. He had been locked in his room for most of the time, as his aunt and uncle were angry with him for the events that had taken place at the end of the last school year. Harry's only source of escape had been his correspondence with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, who had sent him letters about their summer adventures.As Harry eagerly anticipated the start of his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, strange things began happening. Harry noticed weird creatures following him around, and mysterious letters warning him not to return to Hogwarts.One night, Harry's bedroom is suddenly invaded by an eccentric house-elf named Dobby. Dobby warns Harry that if he goes back to Hogwarts, he will be in great danger. The house-elf desperately tries to convince Harry not to return to school by any means necessary, including causing various accidents and mishaps.Despite Dobby's warnings, Harry is determined to return to Hogwarts and his friends. He refuses to be frightened away. As a result, Dobby becomes increasingly frustrated and upset.The next day, Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione receive a surprise visit from Ron's older brothers, Fred and George Weasley.The Weasley twins are there to take Harry to Diagon Alley, the wizarding shopping district, to buy his school supplies. Harry is thrilled by the unexpected visit, grateful for a break from the Dursleys' constant mistreatment.As Harry and the Weasley twins make their way through Diagon Alley, they pass a crowd gathered around a store called Flourish and Blotts. Curious, Harry stops to see what is happening and discovers that the famous author Gilderoy Lockhart is there, signing autographs for his new book. Harry and the Weasley twins decide to go in and see what the fuss is about.In the packed bookstore, Harry catches Lockhart's attention accidentally, and to everyone's surprise, Lockhart takes Harry aside and starts boasting about his celebrity status. Harry is unimpressed with Lockhart's arrogance but tries to keep up a polite conversation. Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione browse through the bookstore, picking out their school books and supplies.As they leave Flourish and Blotts, Harry notices a familiar face in the crowd: Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy's father and a known supporter of the Dark Arts. Harry feels a sense of unease at the sight of the Malfoys, but he cannot fathom why Lucius would be in Diagon Alley.Back at the Burrow, the Weasley family's home, Harry is welcomed heartily by Ron's parents and brothers. It feels like a second home to Harry, where he is treated with kindness and acceptance. The annual Back-to-School feast with the Weasleys is filled with laughter and delicious food, a stark contrast to theDursleys' cold and restrictive environment.As Harry reflects on his eventful day, he can't help but wonder about Dobby's warning and the presence of Lucius Malfoy. He knows that this school year might hold some unexpected challenges, but he is determined to face them head-on.。
哈利波特通知书篇一:哈利波特de入学通知书HogwartsSchoolofwitchcraftandwizardryHeadmaster:albusdumbledore(orderofmerlin,Firstclass,GrandSorc.,chf.warlock,Suprememugwump,internationalconfed.ofwizards dearms.Luxi.kate wearepleasedtoinformyouthatyouhaveaplaceatHogwartsSchoolofwitchcra ftandwizardry.Pleasefindenclosedalistofallnecessarybooksandequipment. Termbeginson1September.weawaityourowlbynolaterthan31July.Yourssinc erelyminervamcGonagalldeputyHeadmistress篇二:哈利波特书评《哈利波特》之书评从1997到20XX,罗琳用文字为我们,也为世界编织了一个童话。
英文对照表哈利?波特与魔法石1. 大难不死的男孩2. 悄悄消失的玻璃3. 猫头鹰传书4. 钥匙保管员5. 对角巷6. 从9又3/4站台开始的旅程7. 分院帽8. 魔药课老师9. 午夜决斗10. 万圣节前夜11. 魁地奇比赛12. 厄里斯魔镜13. 尼可?勒梅14. 挪威脊背龙——诺伯15. 禁林16. 穿越活板门17. 双面人哈利?波特与密室1. 最糟糕的生日2. 多比的警告3. 陋居4. 在丽痕书店5. 打人柳6. 吉德罗?洛哈特7. 泥巴种和细语8. 忌辰晚会9. 墙上的字10. 失控的游走球11. 决斗俱乐部12. 复方汤剂13. 绝密日记14. 康奈利?福吉15. 阿拉戈克16. 密室17. 斯莱特林的继承人18. 多比的报偿哈利?波特与阿兹卡班囚徒1. 猫头鹰传书2. 玛姬姑妈的大错误3. 骑士公共汽车4. 破釜酒吧5. 摄魂怪6. 鹰爪和茶叶7. 衣柜里的博格特8. 胖夫人逃跑9. 不祥的失败10. 活点地图11. 火弩箭12. 守护神13. 格兰芬多对拉文克劳14. 斯内普怀恨在心15. 魁地奇决赛16. 特里劳尼教授的预言17. 猫、老鼠和狗18. 月亮脸、虫尾巴、大脚板和尖头叉子19. 伏地魔的仆人20. 摄魂怪的吻21. 赫敏的秘密22. 又见猫头鹰传书哈利波特与火焰杯1. 里德尔府2. 伤疤3. 邀请4. 回到陋居5. 韦斯莱魔法把戏6. 门钥匙7. 巴格曼和克劳奇8. 魁地奇世界杯9. 黑魔标记10. 魔法部乱成一团11. 登上霍格沃茨特快列车12. 三强争霸赛13. 疯眼汉穆迪14. 不可饶恕咒15. 布斯巴顿和德姆斯特朗16. 火焰杯17. 四位勇士18. 检测魔杖19. 匈牙利树峰20. 第一个项目21. 家养小精灵解放阵线22. 意外的挑战23. 圣诞舞会哈利波特与死亡圣器1 黑魔王崛起2 回忆3 德思礼一家离开4 7个波特5 坠落的勇士6 穿睡衣的食尸鬼7 阿不思?邓布多利的遗嘱8 婚礼9 藏身之处10 克利切的故事11 贿赂12 魔法即强权13 麻瓜出身登记委员会14 小偷15 妖精的报复16 戈德里克山谷17 巴希达的秘密18 阿不思?邓布利多的生平和谎言19 银色的牝鹿波特家族哈利?詹姆?波特(又译哈利?詹姆斯?波特)Harry James Potter詹姆?波特(哈利 波特之父) James Potter莉莉?伊万丝?波特(又译莉莉?埃文斯?波特)Lily Evans Potter金妮?韦斯莱(又译金妮?卫斯理)Ginny Weasley 婚后为金妮?波特 Ginny Potter詹姆?小天狼星?波特James Sirius Potter阿不思?西弗勒斯?波特 Albus Severus Potter莉莉?卢娜?波特 Lily Luna Potter韦斯莱家族亚瑟?韦斯莱比尔?韦斯莱(又译比尔?卫斯理) Bill Weasley芙蓉?德拉库尔 (又称花儿?戴洛古)Fleur Delacour 婚后为芙蓉?韦斯莱Fleur Weasley 查理?韦斯莱 Charlie Weasley弗雷德?韦斯莱 Fred Weasley乔治?韦斯莱 George Weasley罗恩?韦斯莱 Ron Billius Weasley赫敏?简?格兰杰(又译妙丽?简?格兰杰) Hermione Jane Granger 婚后为赫敏?简?韦斯莱 Hermione Jane Weasley金妮?韦斯莱(全名:金妮芙拉?莫丽?韦斯莱 Ginnevera Molly Weasley) Ginny Weasley(婚后为金妮?波特)珀西?韦斯莱 Percy Weasley亚瑟?韦斯莱 Aurthor Weasley莫丽?韦斯莱 Molly Weasley马尔福家族德拉科?马尔福(又译拽哥?马份) Draco Malfoy卢修斯?马尔福 Lucius Malfoy纳西莎?马尔福 Narcissa Malfoy阿斯托利亚?格林格拉斯 Astoria Greengrass (婚后为阿斯托利亚?马尔福 Astoria Malfoy)斯科皮?马尔福 Scorpio Malfoy哈利的朋友赫敏?简?格兰杰(又译妙丽?简?格兰杰) Hermione Jane Granger比尔?韦斯莱 Bill Weasley(婚礼时称 威廉姆?亚瑟)芙蓉?德拉库尔 Fleur Delacour (婚礼时称 芙蓉?伊萨贝尔)查理?韦斯莱 Charlie Weasley弗雷德?韦斯莱 Fred Weasley乔治?韦斯莱 george Weasley罗恩?韦斯莱 Ron Billius Weasley金妮?韦斯莱Ginny Weasley鲁伯?海格 (又译鲁霸?海格)Rubeus Hagrid小天狼星?布莱克(又译天狼星?布莱克、西里斯)Sirius Black长大的铁三角塞德里克?迪戈里 (又译西追?迪哥里)Cedric Diggory卢娜?洛夫古德 Luna Lovegood秋?张 (又称张秋)Qiu Chang奥利弗?伍德 Oliver Wood李?乔丹 Lee Jordan西莫?斐尼甘 Seamus Finnigan迪安?托马斯 Dean Thomas纳威?隆巴顿 Neville Longbottom厄尼?麦克米兰 Ernie Mcmillan尼法朵拉?唐克斯 Nymphadora Tonks霍格沃茨教授阿不思?邓布利多 Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore(阿不思?珀西瓦尔?伍尔弗里克?布赖恩?邓布利多)吉德罗?洛哈特 Gilderoy Lockhart米勒娃?麦格 Minerva Mcgonagall西弗勒斯?斯内普 (又称姓氏为 石内卜 )Severus Snape莱姆斯?卢平 Remus John Lupin菲利乌斯?弗利维 Filius Flitwick斯普劳特 Professor Sprout霍琦夫人 Madam Hooch西比尔?特里劳妮 Sibyll Trelawney疯眼汉穆迪 Mad-eye Moody(阿拉斯托.穆迪)Alastor Moody)费伦泽 Firenze宾斯教授 Professor Binn哈利的敌人奇洛 Professor Quirrel伏地魔 Voldemort小矮星?彼得 Peter Pettigrew贝拉特里克斯?莱斯特兰奇 Bellatrix Lestrange汤姆?马沃罗?里德尔 (童年时期的伏地魔)Tom Marvolo Riddle多洛雷斯?乌姆里奇(Dolores Umbridge)其他角色多比 Dobby闪闪 Winky汤姆?里德尔 Tom Marvolo Riddle雷古勒斯?布莱克 Regulus Arcturus Black多洛雷斯?乌姆里奇Dolores Umbridge威克多尔?克鲁姆 Viktor Krum费尔奇Filch加布丽?德拉库尔 Gabrielle Delacour巴蒂?克劳奇 Barty Crouch卢多?巴格曼 Ludo Bagman鲁弗斯?斯克林杰 Rufus Scrimgeour康奈利?福吉 Cornelius Fudge拉文德?布朗 Lavender Brown帕瓦蒂?佩蒂尔 Parvati Patil伊戈尔?卡卡洛夫 Igor Karkaroff马克西姆夫人 Madam Maxime波皮?庞弗雷 bupi Pomfrey安吉利娜?约翰逊 Angelina Johnson科林?克里维 Colin Creevey丹尼斯?克里维 Dennis Creevey凯蒂?贝尔 Katie Bell佩内洛?克里瓦特 Penelop Clearwater艾丽娅?斯平内特 Alicia Spinnet伊尔玛?平斯 Madam Pince奥利凡德 Mr Ollivander摩金夫人 Madam Malkin尼可?勒梅 Nicolas Flamel皮皮鬼 Peeves胖修士 Fat Friar哭泣的桃金娘(又称爱哭鬼默尔特 又译爱哭鬼麦垛) Moaning Murtle血人巴罗 (斯莱特林的幽灵)Bloody Baron差点没头的尼克 (格兰芬多的幽灵)Nearly Headless Nick(原名:敏西-波平顿的尼古拉斯爵士)格雷夫人 (拉文克劳的幽灵)Grey Lady(海莲娜 拉文克劳 Helena Ravenclaw)丽塔?斯基特 Rita Skeeter辛尼斯塔教授 Professor Sinistra格拉普兰教授 Professor Grubbly plank潘西?帕金森 Pansy Parkinson伯莎?乔金斯 Bertha Jorkins罗杰?戴维斯 Roger Davis戈德里克?格兰芬多 Godric Gryffindor赫尔加?赫奇帕奇 Helga Hufflepuff罗伊纳?拉文克劳 Rowena Ravenclaw萨拉查?斯莱特林 Salazar Slytherin月亮脸 (又译月影)(莱姆斯 卢平) Moony尖头叉子 (又译鹿角)(詹姆 波特)Prongs大脚板 (又译兽足\兽脚)(小天狼星布莱克) Padfoot 虫尾巴 (又译虫尾、温太尔)(小矮星彼得) Wormtail 巴克比克 Buckbeak牙牙 Fang诺伯 Norbert路威 Fluffy阿拉戈克 Aragog克鲁克山 Crookshanks小猪朱薇琼 Pigwidgeon斑斑 (小矮星彼得) Scabbers海德薇 Hedwig汉娜?艾博 Hannah Abbott米里森?伯斯德 Millicent Bulstrode贾斯廷?芬列里 Justin Finch-Fletchley福克斯 Fawkes拉环 Griphook马库斯?弗林特 Markus Flint罗南 Ronan贝恩 Bane卡多根爵士 Sir Cadogan阿莫斯?迪戈里 Amos Diggory鲁弗斯?斯克林杰 Rufus Scrimgeour巴蒂?克劳奇 Baty Crouch格雷戈里?高尔 Gregory Goyle文森特?克拉布 Vincent CrabbeDilluminator:熄灯器Curse/spell/charm :魔咒Magic Wands:魔杖Elder Wand:接骨木魔杖:(死亡圣器之一)invisible cloak:隐形衣(死亡圣器之一)波特家传Resurrection Stone:复活石(死亡圣器之一)冈多戒指的宝石,伏地魔魂器之一Horcrux:魂器Philosopher’s Stone or Sorcerer's Stone:魔法石the Mirror of Erised:厄里斯魔镜Marauder's Map:活点地图,尖头叉子,月亮脸,大脚板,虫尾巴制作Time Turner:时间转换器,Sorting hat:分院帽Cloak/cape :斗篷、披风Parchment:羊皮纸Quill:羽毛笔Pensieve:冥想盆Robe: 长袍Howler:吼叫信马上打开否则更吵更激烈Broomstick:扫帚Silver Arrow:银箭,早些款式的飞天扫帚Cleansweep 7:横扫7星,学校配备的慢型号的扫帚Nimbus 2000:光轮2000,较新款的飞天扫帚Nimbus 2001:光轮2001,较新款的飞天扫帚Firebolt:火弩箭,最新款,最好的扫帚Daily Prophet:预言家日报,魔法世界的报纸the Quibbler:唱唱反调,卢娜父亲编辑的杂志,消息可笑,在哈利逃亡时曾为哈利声援过Hogwarts Express:霍格沃茨特快列车,用神秘物质作燃料,会喷出紫色火焰Knight Bus:骑士公共汽车——你最不想坐的公共汽车,因为它很颠簸,罗恩曾因此而大吐特吐Portkey:门钥匙大部分的是不起眼的东西Floo Powder:飞路粉,用来在壁炉迅速旅行需要准确、清晰地说出目的地才能到:Vanishing Cabinet:消失柜,有一对一摸一样的,把人或东西从一个地方传送到另一个地方the Hand of Glory:光荣之手 西方的一种古老巫术,取被绞刑处死的犯人的手用曼德拉草浸泡而成,可发光。
2. Translations of children's literature:
《绿山墙的安妮》露西· 蒙哥马利著(加拿大文学名著),文联出版公司1987年出版 《花季的安妮》露西· 蒙哥马利著(加拿大文学名著),中国国际广播出版社1997年出版 《古堡里的月亮公主》 (原名《小白马》)(英)伊丽莎白· 古吉著,人民文学出版社2003年出版 《对女巫低语》(英)戴尔著,人民文学出版社2006年出版
《阿巴拉岛》(美)克里夫· 巴克著,接力出版社2004年出版
《汤姆的午夜花园》(英)菲莉帕·皮尔斯著,人民文学出版社2005年出版 《白茉莉的催眠奇幻术》(英)乔治娅· 宾著,中国少儿出版社2005年版 《白茉莉冻结全世界》(英)乔治娅· 宾著,中国少儿出版社2005年版 《玉女神驹》(英)伊妮德· 拜格诺德著,人民文学出版社2004年版
《哈利· 波特与凤凰社》(英)J.K.罗琳著(与马爱新合译),人民文学出版社2003年出版
《哈利· 波特与“混血王子”》(英)J.K.罗琳著(与马爱新合译),人民文学出版社2005年出版 《哈利· 波特的魔法世界》(美)戴维· 柯尔伯特,人民文学出版社2002年出版 《达伦· 山传奇· 怪诞马戏团》(英)达伦· 山著,人民文学出版社2002年出版 《达伦· 山传奇· 死亡测试》(英)达伦· 山著,人民文学出版社2002年出版 《地海传奇· 巫师》(美)厄休拉· 勒奎恩,人民文学出版社2003年出版
马爱农 马爱新
Two Chinese Translators
The most well-known translation wrok of these two sisters' :
Ma Ainong—— ( 1964-) She is from Nanjing, Jiangsu; graduated from Nanjing University and got a Bachelor degree. After that, she got a Master degree from Beijing Foreign Studies University. After graduation, she had been working for translating over 20 years and accomplished about 20 books'translations. Some of them are for adults and some for children and teenagers. She worked as an editor in the People's Literature Publishing House since 1993. During this period, she and her sister translated a series of novels Harry Potter and their version was deeply loved by most young people of China.
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guangdong xxxx university2011letter of admissionprintcode:44 professional science 07_xxxxcandidate no.11440515xxxxxxletter of admissiondear xxx:id card no.4405xxxxxxxx224xxxspecial seal for household registration,shantou public security bureausep 04, 2011篇二:《录取通知书》英文影评《录取通知书》英文影评the lovely story takes place in a boy called bartleby, a highschool graduates who can make false papers. but his pretty tricks didn’t help him to get an admission. and in order to have his fathers approval, he establishes a fake college called south harmon institute of technology (s.h.i.t) in an abandoned mental hospital with the help of rory, hands and glen, all of whom were not accepted by colleges. however, because of some misses, nearly 300 students are accepted by s.h.i.t.bartleby knows the feelings of these students, so he makes them believe this is a real college and manage to have some classes in harmon college. then, he asks the students to write down their ideal courses and they have their classes taught by their own. every one in s.h.i.t is happy and enjoyable.this is really a relaxing film. no rough ranger, no vicissitudes. all is about are the “ridiculous” thoughts of some ordinary students. and what turly impressed me is the words bartleby says in the end of the film:"so you can go ahead, sign your forms, reject us and shoot us down, and do whatever you gotta do. it doesn’t really matter at this point. because we’ll never stop learning, stop growing, and we’ll never forget the ideals that were instilled in us at our place."it makes me think about the idea that whether going to college is the premise of our future success. now, being accepted has lost its real value for people and became a mechanical behavior instead. we try to believe that people graduate from college are more creative and more cogitative. but what is important in the film is that students in s.h.i.t can decide their class, their grades and their roads of their lives. rather than pursuing blindly, they let the college life fit their needs.篇三:霍格沃兹魔法学校录取通知书witchcraft and wizardry (霍格沃兹入学通知)hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardryheadmaster: albus dumbledore(order of merlin, first class, grand sorc., chf. warlock, supreme mugwump, international confed. of wizards)dear lin,wizardry. please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. term begins on 1 september (or when you happen to register). we await your owl after registration.uniformfirst year students will require:three sets of plain work robes (black)one plain pointed hat (black) for day wearone pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)one winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)please not that all pupils clothes should carry name tagsset booksall students should have a copy of each of the following:the standard book of spells (grade 1) by miranda goshawka history of magic by bathilda bagshotmagical theory by adalbert wafflinga beginners guide to transfiguration by emeric switchone thousand magical herbs and fungi by phyllida sporemagical drafts and potions by arsenius jiggerfantastic beasts and where to find them by newt scamanderthe dark forces: a guide to self-protection by quentin trimbleother equipment1 wand1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)1 set 1 telescope1 set brass scalesstudents may also bring an owl, cat or toadparents are reminded that first years are not allowed their own broomsticks yours sincerely,minerva mcgonagall,deputy headmistresshogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardryheadmaster: albus dumbledore(order of merlin, first class, grand sorc., chf. warlock, supreme mugwump, international confed. of wizards)dear mr. potter,we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.term begins on september 1. we await your owl by no later than july 31. yours sincerely,minerva mcgonagall,hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardryheadmaster: albus dumbledore(order of merlin, first class, grand sorc., chf. warlock, supreme mugwump, international confed. of wizards)dear mr. potter,we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at hogwarts school ofwitchcraft and wizardry. please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.term begins on september 1. we await your owl by no later than july 31. yours sincerely,minerva mcgonagall,deputy headmistress校长:阿不思.邓布利多(国际魔法联合会会长、巫师协会会长、梅林爵士团一级魔法师)亲爱的杨凌同学:我们愉快地通知您,您已获准在霍格沃茨魔法学校就读。