





1997年12月8日,总部位于巴塞尔的瑞士银行公司(Swiss Bank Corporation)与总部位于苏黎世的瑞士联合银行(Union Bank of Switzerland)宣布合并,成立瑞银集团。











(1)市场选择1998 年瑞士联合银行集团成立伊始,不过是一家在瑞士有绝对市场份额、在欧洲有一定影响的金融机构,虽然客户遍及全球,但业务范围主要局限在瑞士国内,在国际金融市场并没有太大的影响力和发言权。





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特色业务——保密制度 保密制度 特色业务 瑞士银行之所以能够久盛不衰,主要原因在于— 瑞士银行之所以能够久盛不衰,主要原因在于 —在瑞士银行客户享有经济活动隐私的合法保护。 在瑞士银行客户享有经济活动隐私的合法保护。 银行保密制度旨在防止银行擅自透露其客户的信 更准确地说,这是一个银行-- --客户保密机 息。更准确地说,这是一个银行--客户保密机 制的问题。 制的问题。 客户资料绝对保密。 客户资料绝对保密。这并不代表瑞士银行不需知 道客户的个人资料,相反的, 道客户的个人资料,相反的,每一名开设户头的 客户,都必须交代其个人的详细资料,但这关系 客户,都必须交代其个人的详细资料, 只存在于银行与客户之间, 只存在于银行与客户之间,客户的个人资料的确 不得外泄,而这‘保密制度’获得瑞士法令保障。 不得外泄,而这‘保密制度’获得瑞士法令保障。
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遵守银行-客户 遵守银行 客户 保密制度
同等 重要
法律界定的 例外披露义务
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1964年,瑞银在香港开设了办事处。1985年,开始在 年 瑞银在香港开设了办事处。 年 内地开展企业融资业务。 内地开展企业融资业务。 2003年,瑞银获中国证监会批准,取得了合格境外机构 年 瑞银获中国证监会批准,取得了合格境外机构 投资者(QFII)资格。 资格。 投资者 资格 2004年8月,瑞银在内地的第一家分行 年 月 瑞银在内地的第一家分行——北京分行开 北京分行开 2005年2月 业。2005年2月,瑞银北京分行获准经营衍生产品交易 业务。 业务。 2011年9月,瑞士银行 准备进入备受期待的国际 年 月 瑞士银行(UBS)准备进入备受期待的国际 准备进入备受期待的 板,目前正在等待中国政府的最终批准 国际板——中国正推进境外企业在 股发行上市。这些企 中国正推进境外企业在A股发行上市 国际板 中国正推进境外企业在 股发行上市。 业在A股上市后因其 境外”性质被划分为“国际板” 股上市后因其“ 业在 股上市后因其“境外”性质被划分为“国际板”。

金融学 瑞士银行

金融学 瑞士银行

• 除了包庇洗钱和逃税,在911事件之后,美国政府还指出瑞士银 行的金融系统存在包庇黑社会和恐怖组织的行为。美国政府称一 些非法组织可以通过瑞士银行的账户进行军火和毒品交易,还可 以进行管道分赃
• 检方指控瑞银集团员工在招待会、高尔夫球或网球赛、音乐会 等场所接近法国富商或体育明星,说服他们在瑞士隐匿资产,然 后借助“阴阳账本”帮客户躲过法国税务部门监管。一旦定罪, 瑞银集团可能将面临高达50亿欧元(约合398亿元人民币)的罚 款——针对洗钱罪名,法国刑事法院一般允许法官判处最高相当 于洗钱认定金额一半的罚款。
• 客户资料的绝对保护。这并不代表 瑞士银行不需要知道客户的个人资 料,相反的,每一名开设户头的客 户,都不必须交代其个人的详细资 料,但这关系只存在于银行和客户 之间,客户的个人资料的确不得外 泄,而这“保密制度”获得瑞士法 令保障。
各国政府要员对瑞士银行又爱又恨。恨的是瑞士银行保护了很多富豪得 以避税,政府少了一大笔收入;爱的是瑞士银行也可以保护自己的利益,毕 竟,哪个国家的政治经济底下是没有秘密的呢?
• 上亿的财富存在瑞士银行,可以完 美地避开本国政府的征税。瑞士也 因此有了避税天堂的“美誉”。
• 瑞士银行之所以经久不衰,主要原 因在于—在瑞士银行客户享有经济 活动隐私的合法保护。银行保密制 度旨在防止银行擅自透露其他客户 的信息。更准确的说,这是一个银 行—客户保密机制的问题。
保护客户资金的安全。 • 第三个原因,讲究效率和品质保证的银行服务 • 第四个原因,特色业务——保密制度
全世界一共有七个永久中立国,瑞士是其中之一, 并且是首个中立国。早在1815年的维也纳会议上, 欧洲列强们签定的《巴黎条约》就已经一致承认了 瑞士的永久中立国地位。






















银行体系包括州立银行(Kantonal banks)、大银行(Big banks)、地方和储蓄银行(Regionalbanks&saves banks)、信用合作银行(Raiffeisen banks)以及包括外资银行在内的其它银行(Other banks)。


10.4 9.9 10.9.1 2,847
19.7 19.9 2.75 5.81 6.62
1.29 82.3 1.60 1.05 6.29
1.25 78.0 1.56 1.00 6.35
1.20 85.0 1.56 1.00 6.35
美国经济:四季度面临短暂调整 (i)
房地产:限购令和二套房贷政策不变,但政策会继续微调。 未来几个季度房地产活动可望继续 环比企稳回暖。2013年商品房销售和新开工面积预计将增长5-10%。
政策: 基调保持温和放松、中央换届不会带来重大改变。2013年财政继续实施小规模赤字(占 GDP的2%),信贷不会大规模放松(M2增长13~14%、新增贷款8.5万亿左右)。
银行信贷增速(%) 20
-15 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
* 西班牙(2月):欧委会对西班牙财政目标调整。新的赤字目标将更符合现实、 减轻西班牙全面求援的阻力,但可能造成主权评级进一步下调。



三、中间业务(又称表外业务,其收入不列入资产负债表) 1.转账结算和汇兑业务 2.承兑与信用证业务(指商业银行为企业的商业票据进行担保,承诺到期一定付款的业务 活动 ) 3.代收业务 (代替客户根据各种凭证收取款项的业务 ) 4.同业往来(指银行之间在办理各种业务时建立的往来关系 ) 5.银行卡业务 6.信托业务(按信托方式划分:投资信托、融资信托、公益信托、职工福利信托。) 7.租赁业务 8.咨询业务 四、国际业务
4.其他负债(是指商业银行利用除存款负债和借款负债以外的其他方式形成的资金来源。) 主要包括:代理行的同业存款负债、金融债券负债、大额可转让定期存单负债、买卖有价证 券、占用客户资金、境外负债等。 在商业银行的负债业务中,自有资金是基础,标志着商业银行的资金实力; 存款负债是其主要业务,标志着商业银行的经营实力; 借款负债和其他负债是商业银行资金的重要调剂和补充,体现商业银行的经营活力。
金融知识分享-银行篇幻灯 片PPT
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银 行 业 机 构 类 型
银 行 业 务 分 类
银行机构基本数据: 政策性银行3家(国开行、进出口、农行分别于1994年3、4、11月成立), 国有商业银行5家, 股份制商业银行12家, 城市商业银行134家,ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้农商行150家左右, 农合行20家, 农信社70家, 村镇银行480家, 外资银行47家。 数据来源:中国银监会官网( /)

瑞士银行 简介About UBS

瑞士银行 简介About UBS

About UBS's AnalysisPart 1:IntroductionUBS is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world. Headquartered in Zurich and Basel, Switzerland, UBS has offices in more than 50 countries, including all major financial centers, and employs approximately 64,000 people. The operational structure of the Group comprises the Corporate Center and four business divisions: Wealth Management & Swiss Bank, Wealth Management Americas, Global Asset Management and the Investment Bank.Part 2 :Main business1. Wealth Management & Swiss BankThe Wealth Management business unit provides clients in over 40 countries, including Switzerland, with financial advice, products and tools to fit the individual needs. The Retail & Corporate business unit has a leading position across its client segments in Switzerland.2.Wealth Management AmericasWealth Management Americas provides advice-based relationships through financial advisors who deliver a fully integrated set of products and services specifically designed to address the needs of ultra high net worth, high net worth and core affluent individuals and families.3.Global Asset ManagementThe global Asset Management is a large-scale asset manager with businesses diversified across regions, capabilities and distribution channels. It offers investment capabilities and investment styles across all major traditional and alternative asset classes. These include equities, fixed income, currency, hedge fund, real estate, infrastructure and private equity investment capabilities .4.the Investment BankThe Investment Bank provides securities and other financial products and research in equities, fixed income, rates, foreign exchange and precious metals. It also provides advisory services and access to the world's capital markets for corporate and institutional clients, governments, financial intermediaries and alternative asset managers and private investors.Part 3 :The corporate culture1.Diversity is key to UBS’s success.UBS is unwaveringly committed to, and actively works to foster, an inclusive corporate culture. Diversity is an important ingredient to being able to reach out to the clients in a meaningful way. Diversity through the eyes of our executives,employees and communities.2.Leting the differences make a differenceThe diversity of UBS's culture encourages partnership and supports the employees professional and personal ambitions. Open-mindedness, teamwork, honesty and respect are the cornerstones of how everyone work together. It is through this collaboration of differences that are able to help UBS to become more successful.3.Diversity is what moves the business forwardIn short, while diversity is global, the UBS are committed to regional coordination, local adaptation and implementation. The collective success depends on the unique involvement of every UBS employee in every UBS office across the globe. It will further define UBS’s culture, becoming part of everyone’s personal value set.Part 4 :The strategyThe joint efforts of UBS are focused on wealthy investors, institutional and corporate clients, and the domestic Swiss business. Geographically, They aim to be a top tier bank in every growth region.Puting the clients at the center of everything they can do. Treating reputation and people as their most valuable assets. Ensuring discipline and implement best-in-class governance processes. Enhancing structures & processes for further cost and capital efficiency. Building a strong performance-oriented culture. Retaining, developing and hiring the best talent at all levels.Part 5: Conclusion and suggestionAs a one of top investment banking,it should be able to meet the rapidly changing needs of clients and developing new services in capital market . Collectively, they can improved from three aspects:1.BusinessesTransforming the Investment Bank into an integrated and client-focused business. Enhancing Asset Management by focusing on investment performance and overall efficiency.2.GeographiesReinforcing commitment to the leading position in Switzerland. Capture the full value from growth in Asia Pacific and other emerging markets.3.ClientsFurther strengthen the Ultra High Net Worth franchise and increase market share.BY Jason pai(白兵)Ting lee(李婷)Zhengjiang lee(李峥江)November 4 ,2010。


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Vault Guide UBS 瑞士银行

Vault Guide UBS 瑞士银行

BY THESTAFFOFVAULT © 2004 Vault Inc.VAULT EMPLOYER PROFILE:UBS INVESTMENT BANKCopyright © 2004 by Vault Inc. All rights reserved.All information in this book is subject to change without notice. Vault makes no claims as to the accuracy and reliability of the information contained within and disclaims all warranties. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Vault Inc.Vault, the Vault logo, and “the most trusted name in career information” are trademarks of Vault Inc.For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, contact Vault Inc., 150 W 22nd Street, New York, New York 10011, (212) 366–4212.Library of Congress CIP Data is available.ISBN 1–58131–336–5Printed in the United States of America.INTRODUCTION 1Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1UBS Investment Bank at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2THE SCOOP 3History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10ORGANIZATION 13CEO’s Bio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Major Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Key Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16VAULT NEWSWIRE 19Select Recent Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25OUR SURVEY SAYS 31GETTING HIRED 37The Hiring Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37Questions to Expect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38Questions to Ask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41To Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42Table of Contents UBS Investment BankVisit the Vault Finance Career Channel at /finance — withinsider firm profiles, message boards, the Finance Job Board and more.iiiON THE JOB45Job Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45A Day in the Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 FINAL ANALYSIS53 RECOMMENDED READING55iv© 2003 Vault Inc.UBS Investment Bank, formerly known as UBS Warburg, represents the investment banking operations of UBS AG, the global financial services giant with more than 65,000 employees worldwide. Like other huge banks, UBS offers a full suite of financial products and services. In addition to UBS Investment Bank, its business groups include UBS Wealth Management USA, UBS Wealth Management & Business Banking and UBS Global Asset Management.In May 2000, UBS AG listed its shares on the New York Stock Exchange, underscoring the plans it had for expansion and acquisitions in the U.S. (At the time, UBS CEO Marcel Ospel told CNBC that the NYSE listing would enable the company to “act in the United States on the acquisition front.") The firm didn't disappoint: Soon after, UBS acquired PaineWebber for $10.8 billion and, since, the firm has been making a huge push to become a major force in U.S. Now three years old, the deal has proven successful: UBS has mostly avoided the layoffs that have plagued many of the largest American financial firms in recent years and, already a star in Europe, the firm is banging on the door of the bulge bracket in the States. The firm was named “Bank of the Year” in February 2003 by Investment Dealers' Digest. In July 2003, Euromoney named UBS the world's best bank, and in August 2003, The Wall Street Journal called UBS Investment Bank the “golden boy of banking”for gaining market share in the U.S. and making key personnel acquisitions during a tough market environment.UBS Investment BankVisit the Vault Finance Career Channel at /finance— with insider firm profiles, message boards, the Finance Job Board and more.1IntroductionUBS Investment Bank at a Glance © 2004 Vault Inc.2HistoryMulti–merger historyThe company's story begins in 1872 with the founding of the Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC). SBC grew internationally (the London office, the bank's first outside Switzerland, opened in 1898) and, by the 1990s, had established alliances or subsidiaries in the world's major financial centers. Over the following decade, the firm became a major player in the investment banking world by purchasing the securities business of S.G. Warburg Group, a firm started in London in the 1930s by Siegmund Warburg, a German fleeing Nazi persecution. The investment banking division of the new firm was dubbed SBC Warburg, which expanded into the U.S. with its September 1997 acquisition of Dillon, Read & Co., a New York I–bank founded in 1832. The investment banking division was then named SBC Warburg Dillon Read. In June 1998, SBC merged with UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), taking the name UBS AG. UBS had been formed in 1912 by the merger of two regional Swiss banks, the Bank of Winterthur and Toggenbirger Bank.Early analysis of the UBS/SBC/Warburg combination wasn't favorable, and much of the criticism was directed at the integration of SBC Warburg into UBS. Profits for 1999 were lacking and critics were vocal, most notably The Economist, which called UBS “a directionless and unhappy institution."Things picked up in 2000 when UBS reported profits of $4.8 billion, an increase of $600 million over the previous year.New millennium, new orderIn February 2000, UBS restructured into its current format, and it was then that the bank renamed its investment banking operations UBS Warburg. In May 2000, UBS began trading on the New York Stock Exchange (the first financial services firm based outside the United States to trade on the Big Board). UBS CEO Marcel Ospel told CNBC that the NYSE listing would enable the company to “act in the United States on the acquisition front."Additionally, Ospel emphatically denied the possibility of the firm retreating from investment banking. “These rumors have absolutely no substance; to the contrary, investment banking is very important for our group, we are determined to grow it with a focus to here – North America."UBS Investment BankVisit the Vault Finance Career Channel at /finance— with insider firm profiles, message boards, the Finance Job Board and more.3The ScoopUBS Investment BankThe ScoopThank you, PaineWebberThe initial focus of UBS Warburg's expansion plans turned out to bePaineWebber. In July 2000, UBS announced it was acquiring the121–year–old investment bank for $10.8 billion in cash and stock. Thepurchase connected PaineWebber's considerable U.S. retail presence (the firmwas the nation's fourth–largest broker at the time of the deal) with UBSWarburg's growing banking practice. Acquiring PaineWebber added morethan 8,000 brokers and 2.7 million clients to the UBS portfolio. “Thecombination of UBS' international reach and product range, withPaineWebber's leading position in the U.S. market for affluent andhigh–net–worth individuals, will create a premier global investment servicesfirm," Ospel said in the release announcing the coupling.Initial reaction to the deal was mostly positive, though there was someconcern that despite adding millions of retail clients, the firm hadn't donemuch to improve its position in investment banking. (UBS reportedly haddesigns on a deal that was more investment banking–focused; according toBloomberg, the firm held merger talks with Lehman Brothers in early 2000.)Optimists predicted the larger retail base would naturally lead to growth in theinvestment banking business.New BMOC, from CSFBIn November 2000, UBS Warburg announced the arrival of a new big hitter.Ken Moelis, the former co–head of investment banking in the Americas forCredit Suisse First Boston, agreed to join UBS Warburg as co–head of itsAmerican I–banking unit. “Ken Moelis brings outstanding leadership andwill be a key driver of UBS Warburg's investment banking initiative in theAmericas," John Costas, then UBS Warburg's chief operating officer, saidupon the announcement. “It is our intent to build aggressively upon ourcurrent investment banking platform and continue to accelerate our growth.Simply stated, our goal is to be among the top investment banks in the UnitedStates."Moelis' agreement with UBS came just a few weeks after CSFB completedits acquisition of Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette, whose Los Angelesinvestment–banking group Moelis oversaw. Moelis had worked at DLJ since1990 and, before that, at Drexel Burnham Lambert as a junk bond specialist.Moelis, who became one of Southern California's most powerful bankersduring his tenure at DLJ, officially began working at UBS Warburg inFebruary 2001, after fulfilling contractual obligations to CSFB. He is basedout of Los Angeles.4© 2004 Vault Inc.UBS Investment BankThe ScoopPaineWebber payoffThat optimism was well founded. In 2001 the firm became Europe's top investment bank, based on revenues generated from investment banking activities. According to The Wall Street Journal, the firm reported a 7.5 percent European market share in investment banking revenues in 2001, up from 4.5 percent in 2000. In the U.S., the firm broke into the Top 10 in overall investment banking revenues. UBS Investment Bank nearly doubled its U.S. market share in 2001 to 3.2 percent, good enough for ninth place in total investment banking revenues. UBS Warburg also broke into the U.S. top10 list of equity underwriters. The firm reports that U.S. investment bankingoperations now represent about 40 percent of total revenues, compared with less than 15 percent previously.At the beginning of 2001, UBS announced that it would turn PaineWebber's private client business into an independent unit called UBS PaineWebber.(PaineWebber's institutional clients remained with UBS Warburg.) The move, which restored some independence to the house of Paine, reflected UBS' desire to increase its reach into the growing wealth management industry. UBS said it had planned for some time to separate the private client operations. “What we thought was that we have some pretty fantastic people running our wealth management in the U.S. and it would make sense to link that with our private client business in Europe," UBS Investment Bank CEO John Costas told The Wall Street Journal. He also said the separation would not impact any of the benefits already produced by the combination of UBS Investment Bank and UBS PaineWebber.Hiring, not firingWhile most of the Street pulled out the axe in 2001, cutting hundreds of bankers, UBS Investment Bank did just the opposite: From March 2001 to June 2002, the firm increased its U.S. investment banking staff by 10 percent, according to The Wall Street Journal. UBS Investment Bank's hiring frenzy began just after Ken Moelis joined the firm in February 2001 as co–head of investment banking. Moelis helped recruit senior bankers in sectors such as real estate, technology and industrials and even poached the financial services team of Credit Suisse First Boston, the firm he left to join UBS. By mid–2002, however, the hiring stopped – or at least slowed. In June 2002, Moelis told the Journal that although UBS Investment Bank was still looking to add middle–rank bankers, the widespread hiring was finished. Moelis also said, given the slow market, he didn't mind that the firm's investment banking division was 40 percent to 50 percent smaller than most of its competitors.Visit the Vault Finance Career Channel at /finance— withinsider firm profiles, message boards, the Finance Job Board and more.5UBS Investment BankThe ScoopPicking up a pieceIn February 2002, UBS Investment Bank acquired the North Americanenergy trading operations and systems of Enron, the Houston–based, formerenergy giant. Included in the deal was Enron's online trading platform, whichaccounted for more than $1 trillion of business since it debuted in November1999. After Enron collapsed, setting the record for the largest corporatebankruptcy in U.S. history, it auctioned off its main trading business. UBSInvestment Bank beat out Citigroup in the bidding and renamed the operationUBS Warburg Energy, which provides real–time bid and offer prices forNorth American natural gas and power products via its web site. For what used to be the source of most of Enron's income(including 90 percent of Enron's $100 billion in 2001 revenues), UBSInvestment Bank paid no cash up front, agreeing to give Enron at least 33percent of the new organization's profits for up to 10 years. Not long after thepickup, UBS gave the boot to nearly half of the unit's 600 employees. InAugust 2002, UBS Investment Bank said it would cut 130 jobs in its morethan 600–person energy–trading unit as a result of a decrease in natural gasand electricity trading volume. Four months later, in December 2002, UBSagain made major cuts: UBS Warburg Energy told most of its 380Houston–based employees that they would be laid off as the company closedthe office and moved the trading business to its U.S. headquarters inStamford, CT.Musical chairsIn an unexpected move, UBS Investment Bank chairman Marcus Granziolresigned in May 2002. John Costas, UBS Investment Bank's CEO, wasnamed Granziol's successor and officially took over the chairman post inSeptember 2002, marking the second time in less than a year that Costasstepped into Granziol's shoes. In December 2001, Costas took over as CEOwhen Granziol was removed from that post and made chairman. Followingthat change, according to the Financial Times, “Granziol's role and thedivision of responsibilities with his successor, John Costas, were never clear."The paper also reported that Granziol was “said to have become detachedfrom much of the day–to–day decision making at the investment bank."Granziol's departure ended a 15–year relationship with the firm; Granzioljoined UBS predecessor Swiss Bank Corporation in November 1987.6© 2004 Vault Inc.UBS Investment BankThe ScoopMovin' on up, on the sell–sideUBS Investment Bank jumped to the No. 6 spot from the No. 9 spot in Thomson Financial's worldwide M&A league tables for the six months ending June 30, 2002. UBS Investment Bank's advisory business grew 90 percent compared to the same period during the previous year. Ken Moelis, head of investment banking in the Americas, attributed the gains, the largest among the top 10 advisors, to the firm's recent recruiting efforts. “We've attempted to hire leading bankers in their fields, and you would expect that companies would seek out the best possible advice in exceptionally dangerous markets, and that might explain why we're doing well," Moelis said in a press release. In the second half of 2002, though, UBS Investment Bank couldn't keep up the pace: For the 2002 year–end M&A tables, the firm came in at the No. 8 spot, the same ranking it held in 2001.To be sure, UBS Investment Bank's big deals of 2002 didn't go unnoticed.The $23 billion restructuring of European cable giant NTL was named “Deal of the Year” by Institutional Investor and “Overall Deal of the Year” by Investment Dealers' Digest. In addition, Kingfisher's $4.3 billion acquisition of Castorama's outstanding stock and Hispanic Broadcasting's $3.5 billion stock merger with Univision also won “Deal of the Year” awards from IDD.Other notable M&A deals for the year included advising El Paso Energy Partners on its $782 million acquisition of certain assets of El Paso Corporation, co–advising Shell Resources on its $6.2 billion purchase of Enterprise Oil, and co–advising Network Rail on its $11.5 billion acquisition of Railtrack, the company that owns and maintains all aspects of Britain's rail system.Honor rollIn June 2002, picking up another honor, UBS Investment Bank was named the world's best investment bank in Euromoney's annual awards for excellence. Euromoney noted the bank's “strength across the board, its strong momentum in the key U.S. market, and a management discipline that has helped it avoid the credit losses and reputational hits other investment banks have suffered." The magazine also awarded UBS Investment Bank CEO John Costas its annual PricewaterhouseCoopers' lifetime achievement award for his “leading role in driving UBS Investment Bank from being a second–tier global player into this year's best investment bank." Also in June 2002, UBS Investment Bank was the top award winner in The Wall Street Journal's annual “Best on the Street” equity research review. The firm picked up 15 awards, besting all other firms on the Street.Visit the Vault Finance Career Channel at /finance— withinsider firm profiles, message boards, the Finance Job Board and more.7UBS Investment BankThe ScoopMore recently, in February 2003, UBS Investment Bank was honored as“Bank of the Year” by Investment Dealers' Digest. In a cover story, IDDobserved how the environment on Wall Street had shifted in the firm's favor.“Today UBS’bulge bracket rivals are busy defending their turf and trying tostanch their losses, while UBS is an up–and–comer. That makes it a placewhere bankers can help build a business and contributes to that intangibleknown as culture."A few months before being named the bank of the year, UBS announced thePaine Webber and Warburg names would be officially retired by mid–2003,at which time UBS Warburg became known as UBS Investment Bank. Themove to a single brand name reflects UBS' goal of presenting an integrated“one firm” global business model.Unhealthy newsIn May 2003, federal investigators began looking into connections betweenUBS and a $2.5 billion accounting scandal at health care companyHealthSouth. The U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee wanted toknow if UBS had any knowledge of the accounting scandal before it wasmade public. From 2001 to 2003, UBS advised on $2 billion worth of dealsand, leading up to the public announcement of the accounting discrepancies,UBS' health care analyst was bullish on HealthSouth's stock. Additionally,UBS advised HealthSouth on a breakup plan that might have helped the firmavoid disclosure of the scandal. And a UBS banker gave HealthSouth founderRichard Scrushy tax advice.Amid the investigations into possible ties between UBS and HealthSouth'saccounting fraud, in July 2003, UBS health care stock analyst Howard Capekresigned. Capek announced his resignation after UBS accused him ofcommenting on HealthSouth's stock while engaged in an investment bankingadvisory assignment for the company. In September 1999, Capek reportedlysent an e–mail to an institutional investor saying he “wouldn't own a share”of HealthSouth stock. But from 2000 to 2002, when UBS was earning hugeinvestment banking fees for its advisory work for HealthSouth, Capek issueda “strong buy” for HealthSouth stock.Cutting down abroad, but still hiring in theStatesIn July 2003, UBS announced it would be laying off 500 employees,representing 3 percent of its global workforce, as a result of the poor equity8© 2004 Vault Inc.UBS Investment BankThe Scoopmarkets and a decrease in merger and acquisition activity. Previously, UBS had avoided the sweeping layoffs other big banks had made in the midst of the lagging market. This was largely due to its parent's strong balance sheet and its success in areas outside of investment banking. The cuts, which are much less than rival CSFB has made as of late, will mainly affect the firm's European staff. Despite the layoffs, UBS plans to continue to selectively hire in the U.S.Fortune tellersAlthough predicting the future is hardly an easy feat, UBS' chief U.S.economist Maury Harris and his colleagues, James O'Sullivan and Susan Hering, were cited as being the most accurate market sage team in November 2003. Harris' team was the most accurate of 30 forecasters who contribute to the CBS MarketWatch weekly consensus forecasts of key economic data.Separately, Bloomberg Markets magazine, in its November issue, cited the team as being the second most accurate among 62 economists in forecasting real inflation–adjusted U.S. Gross Domestic Product for the 12–month period ending August 2003.Climbing the ladderPerhaps one signal – albeit a negative one – that cements UBS Investment Bank's position as a top–level I–bank: The firm was one of the banks included in the record $1.6 billion settlement of conflict–of–interest allegations involving Wall Street's top players. UBS was fined $50 million and ordered to pony up an additional $30 million to provide independent research and education for investors.Nonetheless, UBS Investment Bank made headlines in 2003 in ways that are much more positive. In the prestigious worldwide M&A league tables, UBS moved up to the No. 7 slot from its No. 10 position in 2002, completing 226 transactions valued at $128.7 billion. In addition, UBS retained the top spot for the third consecutive year in the booming U.S. mortgage–backed securities market, with $104.1 billion in proceeds from 98 issues. According to data released by Thomson Financial in late December 2003, the growth in the mortgage market was due to low interest rates spurring extensive home loan refinancing.UBS picked up other accolades in 2003, too. In International Financing Review's2003 review, UBS received awards for its Global Emerging Market Bond House, Financial Bond House (Subordinated Debt), Swiss Franc Bond Visit the Vault Finance Career Channel at /finance— withinsider firm profiles, message boards, the Finance Job Board and more.9UBS Investment BankThe ScoopHouse, Asia Bond House and Asia–Pacific Equity House, according to aDecember 2003 company press release. Additionally, Institutional Investorcited UBS as having the best overall global equity research in its 2003 survey.UBS placed in 23 out of 29 research categories and took first place inaerospace, household products and personal care, mining, oil and gas, paper,tech software, telecom services, utilities and asset allocation. In a pressrelease, Alan Hodson, UBS' global equities chief, credited the firm's successto the breadth and depth of its global research teams. CompensationAnalysts• First–year analyst, trading: $55,000 base salary + $5,000 bonus• First–year trader, trading: $70,000 base salary + $30,000 bonus• First–year analyst, corporate finance: $55,000 base salary + $20,000 bonus• First–year analyst, corporate finance: $55,000 base salary + $25,000 bonus• First–year analyst, corporate finance: $60,000 base salary + $30,000 bonus• First–year analyst, corporate finance: $60,000 base salary + $40,000 bonus• Second–year analyst, corporate finance: $65,000 base salary + $40,000bonus• Second–year analyst, corporate finance: $65,000 base salary + $45,000bonus• Second–year analyst, corporate finance: $60,000 base salary + $50,000bonus• Third–year analyst, corporate finance: $65,000 base salary + $60,000 bonusAssociates• First–year associate, corporate finance: $90,000 base salary + 75,000 bonus• First–year associate, corporate finance: $90,000 base salary + $80,000bonus• First–year associate, corporate finance: $90,000 base salary + $110,000bonus• Second–year associate, corporate finance: $95,000 base salary + $120,000bonus• Second–year associate, corporate finance: $95,000 base salary + $125,000bonus10© 2004 Vault Inc.UBS Investment BankThe Scoop• Second–year associate, risk management: $95,000 base salary + $150,000bonus• Second–year associate, corporate finance: $95,000 base salary + $130,000+ bonus• Third–year associate, corporate finance: $100,000 base salary + $150,000bonus• Third–year associate, corporate finance: $100,000 base salary + $170,000bonus• Third–year associate, corporate finance: $100,000 base salary + $200,000bonus• Senior associate/junior VP, corporate finance: $110,000 base salary +$300,000 bonusDirectors• First–year director, corporate finance: $110,000 base salary + $400,000 bonus• First–year director, corporate finance: $110,000 base salary + $190,000 bonus• Second–year director, corporate finance: $100,000 base salary + $250,000 bonus• Third–year director, corporate finance: $110,000 base salary + $400,000 bonus• Executive director, corporate finance: $115,000 base salary + $500,000 bonusPerks• $25 a night meal allowance (if working late)• $30 a day meal allowance on weekends (if working)• Car service after 9 p.m. (if working late)• Car service on weekends (if working)• BlackBerrys and cell phones• Kitchen with snacks and drinks• 401(k) plan with company contributions (matching up to 4 percent of basepay)• Stock purchase plan• Private equity fund investingVisit the Vault Finance Career Channel at /finance— withinsider firm profiles, message boards, the Finance Job Board and more.11• Employee referral fee• Discounts at local gyms • Free admission to museums, discounts on cultural eventsDecrease your T/NJ Ratio (Time to New Job)Vault Finance Job BoardThe most comprehensive and convenient job board for financeprofessionals. Target your search by area of finance, function,and experience level, and find the job openings that you want.No surfing required.VaultMatch Resume DatabaseVault takes match–making to the next level: post your resumeand customize your search by area of finance, experience andmore. We’ll match job listings with your interests and criteriaand e–mail them directly to your inbox.Use the Internet’s most targetedjob search tools for finance professionals.CEO's BioThe house that John builtIn 1996, John Costas left a top position in the fixed income division of heavyweight Credit Suisse First Boston to see if he could grow the bond unit at the middleweight UBS. Not without a struggle, which included bobbing and weaving through the SBC and Dillon Read mergers, Costas succeeded.As a result, he was named chief operating officer and global head of fixed income for UBS Investment Bank (then called UBS Warburg) and again he thrived, using what might be his greatest weapon: attracting talent.Costas is largely responsible for targeting PaineWebber as the perfect takeover candidate to boost UBS into the bulge bracket. (As early as the 1996 third quarter Costas recommended that UBS buy the house of Paine). In addition to spearheading the monumental and highly successful PaineWebber merger in 2000, Costas also picked off some of the Street's most skilled individuals. He started with Ken Moelis, then the co–head of investment banking at CSFB, and leveraged him to recruit more top bankers, including Morgan Stanley's global co–head of media and communications banking, and Salomon Smith Barney's industrial group head.Costas' recruiting abilities paid off – and didn't go unnoticed. At the beginning of 2001, Costas was appointed president of UBS Investment Bank and, at the close of the year, was named CEO. In June 2002, he picked up Euromoney's annual PriceWaterhouseCooper's lifetime achievement award for his role in moving UBS Warburg “from a second–tier player into the year's best investment bank." Just a few months after accepting the award, Costas, at the age of 45, became the new UBS Investment Bank chairman as result of Marcus Gronziol's unexpected resignation.Business UnitsTypically, undergraduates, MBAs and interns join one of the following units:Investment BankingThe investment banking division advises leading companies and governments worldwide on mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity capital raisings, takeovers and defenses, disposals, private placements, restructurings,UBS Investment BankVisit the Vault Finance Career Channel at /finance— with insider firm profiles, message boards, the Finance Job Board and more.13Organization。








⼀、案例分析:瑞⼠银⾏1.1 瑞⼠银⾏,⽤经营协同推动集团发展现代UBS是在1998年6⽉经由瑞⼠联合银⾏与瑞⼠银⾏公司合并⽽成的,由于合并前瑞⼠银⾏公司已经收购了纽约的Dillon Read和伦敦的华宝公司,建⽴了全球投资银⾏业务框架,因此,合并后的瑞⼠联合银⾏⾃然也就⼤举进军了投资银⾏业务领域,此后公司⼜在2000年收购了潘恩韦伯公司,成为全球最⼤的私⼈银⾏。


在最近⼏年中,这⼏个部门在⾦融创新的推动下,不断相互渗透,逐渐形成了今天“你中有我、我中有你”的业务格局,⽽在不断的并购融合中,集团提出了“One Firm”的理念,即,使多业务的⾦融集团象⼀个公司那样运做,在“One Firm”理念下,客户将可以在不同业务间⾃由转换产品和服务,⽽集团内部各部门间也可以共享知识资本。






简介瑞士联合银行(Union Bank of Switzerland---UBS)瑞银集团于1998年由瑞士联合银行及瑞士银行集团合并而成。











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12 9 6 3 0 -3
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Gyorgy Kovac
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