
本题共有 20 小题,每小题 1 分共 20 分)1.下列中外作家按生活年代早晚排序,哪一组存在错误()A.屈原、巴尔扎克、鲁迅、莫言B.贾谊、司马迁、歌德、朱自清C.蒲松龄、莎土比亚、龚自珍、卢梭D.柏拉图、陶渊明、塞万提斯、矛盾2.下列四组中外作家与作品,对应存在错误的是( )A.韩愈一《昌黎先生文集》B.吴敬梓一《儒林外史》C.薄伽丘一《十日谈》D.肖洛霍夫一《日瓦戈医生》3.下列中国古代作家的字、号,对应正确的是( )A.曹霑、梦阮、雪芹B.陆游、水叔、放翁C.李白、大白、石湖居士D.白居易、乐天、易安居士4.关于“元曲四大家”的正确说法是下列哪一种( )A.关汉卿、马致远、郑光祖、白朴B.关汉卿、乔吉、李好古、高明C.关汉卿、王实甫、张可久、睢景臣D.关汉卿、王和卿、王实甫、马致远5.鲁迅的短篇小说集《呐喊》是现代文学史上的丰碑,下列哪篇作品未收入《呐喊》( )A.《故乡》B.《伤逝》C.《阿 Q 正传》D.《狂人日记》6.下列成语中,哪一个没有错別字( )A.眼观六陆B.门亭若市C.弥天大谎D.蓬壁生辉7.成语“一暴十寒”中的“暴”,又可通假为( )A.曝B.瀑C.爆D.禄8.下面每一组词汇与诗句中,均各有两个带黑点的字,它们中的哪个选项意思是相同的()A.为人师表山河表里潼关路B.义薄云天夫婿轻薄儿,新人美如玉C.不辞而别朝辞白帝彩云间D.后会有期长风破浪会有时9.下列带有“为”字的词汇,哪一个“为”字的意思和其他三个不一样()A.为非作歹B.为人处世C.为人耻笑D.为所欲为10.汉字有大量多音字,不同的读音有时对应着不同的词性。
“一打铅笔“鸡飞蛋打”的“打”依次是( )A.量词;名词B.量词;动词C.副词;动词D.副词;名词11.下列对助词“的”、“地”、“得”的使用,哪一个是错读的( )A.我们必须实事求是地看待和处理问题B.无缘无故的,你为什么发这么大火C.没关系,我拿得动D.他一下子跑了好几里路,跑的喘不气来12.下列词语中,哪一个体现了古汉语的使动现象( )A.流金铄石B.眼花缭乱C.事出有因D.一目十行13.下列语句中,没有宾语前置现象的是( )A.姜氏何厌之有B.不义不昵,厚将崩C.皇天无亲,惟德是辅D.我无尔诈,尔无我虞14.汉乐府《饮马长城窟行》中的“长城何连连,连连三千里”,使用了哪种修辞手段( )A.比喻B.顶针C.拟人D.对偶15.用典是古往今来很多作品的常见修辞手段,下面哪个语句没有使用典故()A.此中有真意,欲辩已忘言B.休说鲈鱼堪脍,尽西风、季鹰归未C.采菊东篱下,悠然见南山D.周公吐哺,天下归心16.浙江的某两所高校用来联系商洽工作的适用公务文书是()A.通知B.通报C.函D.请示17.启事与声明主要的区别是()A.要否求助B.是否公文C.格式不同D.内容不同18.公文若按照行文方向来划分共有几种( )A.4 种B.3 种C.2 种D.1 种19.国务院向各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的发文属于( )A.逐级行文B.越级行文C.多级行文D.联合行文20.“悉”、“收悉”等专用语在公文写作中被称为( )A.过渡用语B.经办用语C.结尾用语D.引述用语非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。


1.下列文献中,属于国别体杂史的是【】A.《春秋》 B.《战国策》 C.《史记》 D.《汉书》2.下列关于孔子的描述,错误的是【】A.倡导“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”的民本思想B.主张治国以礼、为政以德C.提倡“有教无类”的教育思想要D.晚年整理“六经”3.巴金的“激流三部曲”是指【】A.《春蚕》《秋收》《残冬》B.《雾》《雨》《电》答C.《家》《春》《秋》D.《毁灭》《踪迹》《背影》4.《张中丞传后叙》讲述了“睢阳保卫战”的故事,同属文中英雄人物的是【】A.张巡、许远、贺兰进明B.张巡、许远、张籍题C.许远、南霁云、张籍D.张巡、许远、南霁云5.下列诗歌在体裁上属于七言律诗的是【】A.《山居秋暝》B.《关山月·和戎诏下十五年》C.<蜀相>D<白雪歌送武判官归京>6.《五代史伶官传序》一文的中心论点是【】A.盛衰之理,虽日天命,岂非人事哉?B.满招损,谦得益C.忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身D.祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺7.被列宁称为“中国11世纪的改革家”的是【】A.曹操B.王安石C.韩愈D.辛弃疾8.《边城》《故都的秋》《论快乐》的作者依次是【】A.钱钟书、郁达夫、沈从文 B.沈从文、钱钟书、郁达夫C.钱钟书、沈从文、郁达夫 D.沈从文、郁达夫、钱钟书9.《李将军列传》引用的“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从”出自【】A.《论语》B.《孟子》C.《礼记》D.《韩非子》10.下列文学常识表述完全正确的是【】A.茅盾《子夜》、鲁迅《狂人日记》、老舍《骆驼祥子》都是优秀的长篇小说B.郁达夫、冰心、朱自清都是文学研究会的代表作家C.闻一多、徐志摩、梁实秋都是新月派的重要成员D.郭沫若《炉中煤》、戴望舒《雨巷》、艾青《我爱这土地》都是抗战时期的诗歌11.下列作家中,作品具有“含泪的微笑”这一独特风格的是【】A.契诃夫 B.欧·亨利C.屠格涅夫 D.莫泊桑12.下列作品中,记述了人物一生遭际的是【】A.《张中丞传后叙》 B.《马伶传》C.《冯谖客孟尝君》 D.《李将军列传》13.《郑伯克段于鄢》中,姜氏所偏爱的人是【】A.共叔段 B.郑庄公C.公子吕 D.颍考叔14.成语“狡兔三窟”出自【】A.《答司马谏议书》 B.《谏逐客书》C.《秋水》 D.《冯谖客孟尝君》15.李清照《声声慢·寻寻觅觅》一词最突出的语言技巧是【】A.比喻 B.夸张C.叠字 D.拟人16.下列句子中,“而”字可译作“却”“但是”的是【】A.危而不持,颠而不扶,则将焉用彼相矣B.盛以锦囊,负而前驱,及凯旋而纳之C.辞日:“责毕收,以何市而反?”D.度不中不发,发即应弦而倒17.下列各组句子中,加点的字意思相同的一组是【】A.前未到匈奴陈二里所不如早为之所,无使滋蔓B.与尔三矢,尔其无忘乃父之王无罪岁,斯天下之民至焉C.然虏卒犯为卒三年D.大道之行也,天下为公及庄公即位,为之请制18.下列句子中,不是被动句的是【】A.故远人不服,则修文德以来之B.蔓草犹不可除,况君之宠弟乎?C.吾长见笑于大方之家D.而身死国灭,为天下笑19.下列各句中,带点的字解释错误的是【】A.争知我、倚栏杆处,正恁凝愁恁:如此B.倩何人,唤取红巾翠袖,搵英雄泪搵:擦C.操吴戈兮被犀甲,车错毂兮短兵接被:表被动D.尔卜尔筮,体无咎言尔:你19.下列句子中,划线部分翻译错误的是【】A.哀吾生之须臾,羡长江之无穷哀吾生之须臾:悲叹人生不过是短暂的片刻B.而随俗雅化、佳冶窈窕赵女不立于侧也随俗雅化:随着时尚打扮得很漂亮C.以千百就尽之卒,战百万日滋之师日滋之师:一天比一天增加的军队D.臣以供养无主,辞不赴命供养无主:没有主人可以供养第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共110分)二、文言文阅读:21~29小题,共30分。

语文一、语言文字运用(共20分)1. 下列各句中,没有错别字且加点字的注音全都正确的一项是A. 从懵.(měng)懂的幼儿到朝气蓬勃的少年,从踌躇满志的青年到成熟的中年,最后步入两鬓.(bìng)斑白的老年:有序变化是生命亘古不变的主题。
B. 虽然语言系统有自我净化能力,随着时间的推移,会分层过滤,淘尽渣滓.(zǐ),淬.(cuì)炼真金,但是当下网络语言带来的一些负面影响仍不容小觑。
C. 江上一个个漩涡,似乎在仰首倾听清晨雁鸣;那些雉堞.(dié)、战车,均已废驰;鸟鸣声穿过山风烟霭,落满了山峦;遍野麦浪,渐成燎.(liáo)原之势。
D. 对于那些枉顾道德与法律铤而走险的电商平台,有关部门必须给予相应的惩.(chěng)罚,否则难以制止种种薅.(hāo)顾客羊毛的恶劣行为。


[判断题] *对(正确答案)错2、在寒冷的极区,人们举目瞭望夜空,常常见到()(),各种各样的极光。
[单选题] *五光十色千姿百态(正确答案)五彩缤纷形状怪异千姿百态五光十色形状怪异五彩缤纷3、1“锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂”一句与原文不一致。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错4、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音不正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、爱而不见(xiàn)B、搔首踟蹰(zhī)(正确答案)C、静女其娈(luán)D、彤管有炜(wěi)5、含情脉脉中的脉读作()[单选题] *māimǎimǒmò(正确答案)6、1自我介绍关系到能否给人一个良好的“第一印象”,因此在自我介绍时可以适当夸大自己取得的成绩。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)7、关于《故都的秋》理解错误的一项是()[单选题] *文章标题“故都的秋”,暗含着自然景观与人文景观相融合的一种境界“北国的秋,却特别的来得清,来得静,来得悲凉”,点明了故都之秋的特点,也是贯穿全文的线索本文在描绘故都的自然景物是,流露出忧郁、孤独的心境,表现了悲秋的主题(正确答案)课文多出采用对比的手法,烘托出故都的秋与众不同的特色,也表现出作者对北国之秋的向往和赞美8、下列词语中,加着重号字的注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、埋怨(mái)错勘(kān)前合后偃(yǎn)B、嗟怨(jiē)提防(dī)刽子手(guì)(正确答案)C、罪愆(qiān)亢旱(hàng)哥哥行(háng)D、阡陌(mò)煞尾(shà)湛湛青天(zhàn)9、1“羽扇纶巾,谈笑间”的下一句是“一时多少豪杰”。

每小题1 分,共20 分。
1.下列加点词语解释不正确的一项是()A.数罟不入洿池,鱼鳖不可胜.食也胜:尽、完B.臣以险.衅,夙遭闵凶险:命运坎坷C.自我徂.尔,三岁食贫徂:往D.岂吾相.不当侯邪相:看、发现2. 下列加点词语解释不正确的一项是()A.十家租税九家毕,虚受吾君蠲.免恩蠲:免除B.纷纷暮雪下辕门,风掣红旗冻不翻.翻:飘动C.对酒当.歌,人生几何当:应当D.汉兵死者过半,汉矢且.尽且:将要3.下列句中,“树”的意义用法与“五亩之宅,树之以桑”句中的“树”相近的是()A.后稷教民稼穑。
树艺五谷B.所食之粟,伯夷之所树与?C.虽然,犹有未树也D.树之臻粟4.下列句子中没有名词活用为动词用法的一项是()A.秦蚕食韩氏之地B.无衣者亦衣C.上不臣于王D.转视积薪后,一狼洞其中5.下列各字,按照“六书”的原则分析,属于象形字的是()A.松B.衣C.末D.尖6.下列成语中没有错别字的是()A.蜂涌而上B.轻歌慢舞C.融汇贯通D.委曲求全7.常用“特此函复”结尾的文种是()A.复函B.函C.批示D.请示8.下列通报标题中,合乎规范的一项是()A.关于进一步开展师德师风评议的通报B.浙江省政府关于申报第十八届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖的通报C.关于做好来年各项工作的通报D.XX 县人民政府关于表彰XXX 同志见义勇为事迹的通报9.下列关于汉字数字用法的表述,不正确...的一项是()A.阿拉伯数字和汉字数字不能再同一个记数形式中同时使用B.两个汉字数字连用表概述时,两数之间一般不用顿号隔开C.法律文书和财务票据上,一般采用汉字数字行书记数D.阿拉伯数字“0”的对应汉字数字是“零”和“O”两个10.《前赤壁赋》中引起“舞幽壑之潜蛟,泣孤舟之嫠妇”的是()A.“月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间”B.“诵明月之诗,歌窈窕之章”C.“有吹洞箫者,倚歌而和”D.“饮酒乐甚,扣舷而歌”11.下列关于《季氏将伐颛臾》一文的说法,不正确...的一项是()A.孔子用“周任有言曰‘陈力就列,不能者止’“”来驳斥冉有推卸责任的行为,运用看演绎论证的方法。

2018年专升本大学语文试题及答案- 卷面总分:100分答题时间:80分钟试卷题量:45题一、单选题(共35题,共70分)1.“惟陈言之务去”出自()。

Part I Reading Comprehension(60marks,60minutes)Section A(50marks:2marks for each item)Format IDirections:There are4passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet1.Passage OneQuestion1to5are based on the following passage:A U.N.report says water is in demand around the world as temperatures on Earth’s surface rise and demand grows along with populations.The report was released this week at the World Water Forum in Brasilia.The conference has been described as the world’s largest water-related event.Federal District Governor Rodrigo Rollemberg spoke at a panel discussion on Tuesday at the forum.He described water shortages as a worldwide problem.The public water supply has less water because of low rainfall as well as fast and disorderly growth in Brasilia,which is part of the Federal District,Rollemberg said.In January2016,after three years of little rain,district officials began limiting how much water people could use.The governments of the Federal District and the nearby state of Goias also gave$166million to develop water infrastructure(基础设施).Demand around the world is expected to increase by nearly one-third by2050.By then,5billion people could be left with poor access to water,the U.N.warned in its2018World Water Development Report.To avoid such a crisis,U.N.officials called for“nature-based solutions”that use or copy natural processes that should be used to increase water availability.They said solutions could include changing farming methods so fields keep more moisture and nutrients, collecting rainwater,and protecting wetlands.The officials also proposed reestablishing floodplains and said that plants could be grown on housetops.Such proposals will become more important as water industries grow.1.Who talked about water shortages in Brasilia at a panel discussion?A.A journalist.B.A U.N.official.C.A Federal District official.D.An official from the state of Goias.2.What is among the reasons for less public water supply in Brasilia?A.Waste of rainwater.B.Insufficient rainfall.C.Growing plants on the roofs.D.Development in infrastructure.3.What did the Federal District government do to deal with water shortages?A.They controlled population.B.They limited water consumption.C.They invested in artificial rainmaking.D.They suggested“nature-based solutions”.4.What is NOT a“nature-based solution”?A.Gathering rainwater.B.Preserving wetlands.C.Sustaining water in soil.D.Building houses on floodplains.5.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Brasilia is facing the problem of water shortages.B.The world has found a solution to water shortages.C.The world is facing the problem of water shortages.D.A report was released at the World Water Forum in Brasilia.Passage TwoQuestions6to10are based on the following passage:The Queen has only given one interview while a sovereign(君主).Her true personality remains elusive to the public.However,one thing is clear:Queen Elizabeth is an introvert. Introverts prefer quiet environments and feel energized from spending time alone or with people they know well.They aren’t necessarily shy,but they do tend to be more reserved and guarded with strangers.Fellow introverts will appreciate how draining an average day for Her Majesty must be.Fortunately,the Queen has some tricks to make public engagements easier.Just like uscommoners rely on friends to save us from awkward situations or boring conversations,she subtly signals to her staff when she wants an intervention.If she places her handbag on the table,it indicates that she wants the event to end in the next five minutes.For more urgent situations, putting her bag on the floor shows that she wants her lady-in-waiting to rescue her immediately.Most comfortable in the countryside,the Queen has a well-known passion for horses and dogs.There is a scene in the hit Netflix show The Crown which reveals a fascinating side of the monarch.While giving Jackie Kennedy a personal tour of Buckingham Palace,the two women find themselves bonding over their respective positions as introverted women who have found themselves in the limelight.Surrounded by the Queen’s beloved corgis,both women admit they are happiest around animals and that their extroverted sisters would have been much better suited to their public roles.6.The underlined word“draining”(paragraph1)is the closest in meaning to“”.A.frustratingB.exhaustingC.demandingD.aspiring7.To be rescued immediately in a public engagement,the Queen would.A.end the event within five minutesB.place he handbag on the tableC.wave to her lady-in-waitingD.put her bag on the floor8.In the last paragraph,the underlined expression“the two women find themselves bonding over their respective positions”means that the two ladies.A.admire each otherB.help each other in publicC.grow closer to each otherD.show respect for each other9.Queen Elizabeth and Jackie Kennedy share the following traits or facts EXCEPT that.A.both have sistersB.both love animalsC.both enjoy being in publicD.both are introverted women10.The author’s attitude can be described as.A.neutralB.criticalC.pessimisticD.subjective Passage ThreeQuestions11to15are based on the following passage:Back when Disney products were to be watched,not experienced,Walt Disney had a vision: a theme park that felt like stepping into a magical new place.Now,we can finally witness Walt’s first dream.Before construction could start,Walt needed funding.He and his friend Herb Ryman put their heads together and mapped out their dream for the Disneyland that was still just a figment of their imaginations.In just one frenzied1953weekend,their idea came to life on paper—and you’ll notice both subtle differences from and remarkable similarities to the modern Anaheim, California,park.Like today,visitors would have entered the park into a Main Street USA-type area.The tunnels aren't as wide as they were imagined more than60years ago,but park-goers are still greeted with a train passing overhead as they make their way toward the magic.(Even with a modern Disneyland map,it's tough to find these secret Disney park spots you never knew existed.) Walt always hoped for a castle as a focal point of the park,but its real-life iteration changed from his initial dream.The first palace was a sprawling fortress,hiding a massive carousel(旋转木马)beyond its walls.Now,Sleeping Beauty Castle has more intricate spires,and King Arthur Carrousel takes its spins in Fantasyland,behind the palace.Walt’s vision for the Mark Twain steamboat circling around Tom Sawyer Island and its Pirate’s Lair(巢穴)hasn’t changed much,though at that point it was called Frontier Country instead of Frontierland.That wasn't the only name change,though.World of Tomorrow turned into Tomorrowland—and eventually lost its rocket.Astronauts walked on the moon14years after the park was built,making the Rocket to the Moon seem out-of-date.Meanwhile,True-Life Adventureland lost its first word,while most of the areas took on totally different themes.11.What was Walt Disney’s first dream?A.To build a theme parkB.To draw a map on paper.C.To travel in a magical place.D.To design a series of products.12.Before construction started,Walt Disney did the following things EXCEPT.A.getting fundingB.planning the parkC.drawing the park on paperD.daydreaming with a friend13.Which of the following park spots has not changed much since Walt’s vision came to life on paper?A.A Main Street area.B.World of Tomorrow.C.Sleeping Beauty Castle.D.True-Life Adventureland.14.How many name changes have been mentioned in this passage?A.One.B.TwoC.Three.D.Four.15.What is the theme of this passage?A.A tour in Disneyland.B.Walt Disney’s life story.C.The future of Disneyland.D.Walt Disney’s first dream.Passage ThreeQuestions16to20are based on the following passage:You’ve made it.You managed to navigate your way through the world’s largest airport without robot assistance;you breezed through security because you didn’t pack any items that get you flagged by the TSA;and you successfully boarded the plane.Now you’re comfortable in your seat in the(kind of incredibly germ-ridden)cabin,and there’s even a little bit of elbow room,asthe flight isn’t fully booked for once.With the hassle behind you,you settle in with your neck pillow,pop some Kenny G on your iPod,and get ready to spend quality time sleeping on a plane. And you’re about to make a huge mistake that will put your health at risk,as reported by Travel+ Leisure.It’s not because of the Kenny G.It’s the shuteye part.According to MedlinePlus,falling asleep during landing or takeoff could cause serious damage to your ears.It all has to do with the rapid changes in air pressure in the cabin.If you’re awake,a natural response to alleviate pressure on your eardrums during takeoff and landing is to'pop'them,to maintain a pressure equilibrium.If you’re sleeping on a plane,you can’t actively work to relax those muscles and release the tension,so you can become susceptible to dizziness,ear infections,eardrum damage,hearing loss and nose bleeds.‘A quick change in altitude affects the air pressure in the ear,’says Angel Chalmers,a British pharmacist,via Express.'This leads to a vacuum in the Eustachian tubes(咽鼓管)which makes the ears feel blocked and sound dull.'Keep those Eustachian tubes clear and keep those eyes open for at least another few minutes. Crack open that book you just bought in the terminal.After all,there are some major perks to buying your reading material at the airport.16.The underlined sentence“You’ve made it.”(Paragraph1)means that you have managed.A.to board the planeB.to get a bit of elbow roomC.to get ready to sleep after boardingD.to make yourself comfortable after boarding17.What would damage your health when the plane takes off or lands?ing a neck pillow.B.Shutting your eyes.C.Listening to music.D.Falling asleep.18.The underlined word“alleviate”(Paragraph2)is the closest in meaning to“”.A.increaseB.reduceC.maintainD.escape19.Having a vacuum in the Eustachian tubes during takeoff and landing could cause unpleasant symptoms to the following body parts EXCEPT.A.the throatB.the noseC.the earsD.the head20.The author suggests that you read a book during the plane taking off and landing.A.to amuse yourselfB.to stay awakeC.to keep your ears clearD.to make yourself comfortableFormat IIDirections:In the following passage,some sentences have been removed.For questions21to25, choose the most suitable sentence from choices A to G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices,which do not fit into and of the blanks.You should decide on the bestchoice and blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet.(10points)Whether it’s a hotel stay,shopping or dining ont,a vacation to Paris can be a pricey proposition.But there are plenty of ways to stretch your dollar in the City of Lights and have a high-end getaway.Barkley Hickcox,a Paris specialist and an owner of Local Foreigner,a travel consultancy, has a few tips to help travelers make the most of their Parisian getaway.21..The ideal time to visit Paris is between November and April,when hotel prices are at their lowest.Some high-end properties offer even further discounts if you a stay several months in advance.22..Families traveling to Paris should consider staying in a high-end apartment instead of a hotel, Ms.Hickcox said.“An apartment is less expensive than booking multiple rooms at a five-star hotel,and since you have a kitchen,you can save on food costs by eating in occasionally,“she said.23..Paris is known for fine cuisine,but rather than dining at one of the city’s renowned restaurants at dinnertime,go for lunch,when the tab will be much lower and the cuisine just as good.“You’ll find lots of great eateries where you can have dinner with wine for35to50euros a person,”she said.24..Ms.Hickcox’s favorite way to explore Paris is on foot.“You can fully appreciate the city’s beauty by walking,and it’s designed for walkers because there are walking paths and sidewalks everywhere,”she said.For longer distances,she suggested using the city’s bike share system,Velib.A weeklong pass costs15euros,and there are stations everywhere.There is another choice if you are not so much fond of biking.25.,Paris’subway system.It’s convenient,and you can buy daily and weekly passes.A.Dine outB.Eat smartC.Try the MetroD.Stay in a hotelE.Ditch taxis and carsF.Travel at the right timeG.Choose the right accommodationsSection B Banked Cloze(每小题1分,共10分)Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Please blacken the corresponding letter for each choice on The Answer Sheet.You may not use any of the words in the word bank more than once. (10points)I knew this woman who was afraid to tell people what she wanted.She didn’t know__26__ to say no.Instead,she got herself tangled in a web of obligations,anxiety,and white lies.She was __27__.__28__recently,I decided I’d had enough.As an experiment,I began__29__up for myself, even at the risk of alienating(疏远)everyone and having__30__entire life come crashing down around me.That didn’t happen.Here’s what did:I stopped making petty excuses.Saying“no”is so much easier.If someone asks me to do something I have zero interest __31__,I’m polite but honest.The phrase.”I’m sorry,I don’t think that’s really__32__me,“slips out my mouth faster than some lame excuse.My friends and family didn’t mind.__33__I stopped people-pleasing,no one cared.A good friend asked me to go for coffee at5PM.I was__34__to hit the gym.I said,“Sorry,I’ve got things I want to do tonight.”She said,“That’s fine.Maybe another time.”Learning how to say“no”has added several extra hours to my days,days__35__my weeks, and what feels like months to my years.Saying“no”has set me free.A.facingB.toC.herD.inE.forF.whatG.standingH.AndI.myJ.ButK.meL.WhenM.onN.planningO.howPart II Integrated Testing(30points,30minutes)Section A Cloze(每小题1分,共20分)Directions:There are20blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet.(20points)Brazilian Zarela Mosquera moved to the United States as a teenager.The adjustment to a new place was__36__.Mosquera says she became a bratty(顽皮的)teenager,as a result.But it was not just the__37__that affected her behavior.Mosquera says there was another major stress in herlife at that time:She was the only member of her__38__who spoke English.“Being in a country with my family that doesn’t speak Spanish and my parents don’t really speak__39__,my parents were trying to give me all these responsibilities.”Along with Spanish and English,Mosquera also speaks Portuguese.But there was another universal language she learned to love as a child:art.Zarela Mosquera connected with drawing and painting while in school.__40__she mostly dismissed art as a path to a career.She says her Dad__41__always say,“Think about the __42__.”Mosquera did not think he would support the study of__43__once she went to college.But,to her__44__,it was her parents who suggested just that.They urged her to__45__ to technical and liberal arts schools.“One of them was Rhode Island School of Design,which was like my__46__choice.”RISD,as it is called,__47__Mosquera as well.She enrolled in industrial design.“It’s basically to design__48__and services.I could be doing something technical or something more__49__to problem solving.Whether it’s__50__out a better way to filter water or developing a type of specific shelter__51__refugees for example.”Mosquera says the course of study was__52__including metal working,woodworking and model making.She says in one class she just drew cubes for an entire month,which led her to a__53__:“Wow!Do I really want to do this?”But,she says,she__54__the cube study.And, then she began__55__on more interesting projects.Mosquera is now a design strategist for Marshall Moya Design,an architecture and interior design company in Washington,D.C.36.A.successful B.important C.necessary D.difficult37.A.age B.growth C.adjustment cation38.A.family B.peers C.friends D.class39.A.Spanish B.English C.Portuguese D.French40.A.So B.Moreover C.And D.But41.A.could B.should C.would D.might42.A.time B.past C.present D.futurenguage B.art C.technology D.design44.A.disappointment B.surprise C.annoyance D.dissatisfaction45.A.apply B.cater C.adapt D.move46.A.top B.moral C.natural D.popular47.A.failed B.rejected C.chose D.urged48.A.machines B.shelters C.filters D.products49.A.adjusted B.related C.affiliated D.exposed50.A.figuring B.wiping C.filling D.ruling51.A.with B.for C.on D.in52.A.easy B.pleasant C.tough D.smooth53.A.question B.problem C.door D.road54.A.undertook B.funded C.started D.survived55.A.putting B.relying C.working D.counting非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。

Part I Reading Comprehension(60marks,60minutes)Section A(50marks:2marks for each item)Format IDirections:There are4passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet1.Passage OneQuestion1to5are based on the following passage:A U.N.report says water is in demand around the world as temperatures on Earth’s surface rise and demand grows along with populations.The report was released this week at the World Water Forum in Brasilia.The conference has been described as the world’s largest water-related event.Federal District Governor Rodrigo Rollemberg spoke at a panel discussion on Tuesday at the forum.He described water shortages as a worldwide problem.The public water supply has less water because of low rainfall as well as fast and disorderly growth in Brasilia,which is part of the Federal District,Rollemberg said.In January2016,after three years of little rain,district officials began limiting how much water people could use.The governments of the Federal District and the nearby state of Goias also gave$166million to develop water infrastructure(基础设施).Demand around the world is expected to increase by nearly one-third by2050.By then,5billion people could be left with poor access to water,the U.N.warned in its2018World Water Development Report.To avoid such a crisis,U.N.officials called for“nature-based solutions”that use or copy natural processes that should be used to increase water availability.They said solutions could include changing farming methods so fields keep more moisture and nutrients, collecting rainwater,and protecting wetlands.The officials also proposed reestablishing floodplains and said that plants could be grown on housetops.Such proposals will become more important as water industries grow.1.Who talked about water shortages in Brasilia at a panel discussion?A.A journalist.B.A U.N.official.C.A Federal District official.D.An official from the state of Goias.2.What is among the reasons for less public water supply in Brasilia?A.Waste of rainwater.B.Insufficient rainfall.C.Growing plants on the roofs.D.Development in infrastructure.3.What did the Federal District government do to deal with water shortages?A.They controlled population.B.They limited water consumption.C.They invested in artificial rainmaking.D.They suggested“nature-based solutions”.4.What is NOT a“nature-based solution”?A.Gathering rainwater.B.Preserving wetlands.C.Sustaining water in soil.D.Building houses on floodplains.5.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Brasilia is facing the problem of water shortages.B.The world has found a solution to water shortages.C.The world is facing the problem of water shortages.D.A report was released at the World Water Forum in Brasilia.Passage TwoQuestions6to10are based on the following passage:The Queen has only given one interview while a sovereign(君主).Her true personality remains elusive to the public.However,one thing is clear:Queen Elizabeth is an introvert. Introverts prefer quiet environments and feel energized from spending time alone or with people they know well.They aren’t necessarily shy,but they do tend to be more reserved and guarded with strangers.Fellow introverts will appreciate how draining an average day for Her Majesty must be.Fortunately,the Queen has some tricks to make public engagements easier.Just like uscommoners rely on friends to save us from awkward situations or boring conversations,she subtly signals to her staff when she wants an intervention.If she places her handbag on the table,it indicates that she wants the event to end in the next five minutes.For more urgent situations, putting her bag on the floor shows that she wants her lady-in-waiting to rescue her immediately.Most comfortable in the countryside,the Queen has a well-known passion for horses and dogs.There is a scene in the hit Netflix show The Crown which reveals a fascinating side of the monarch.While giving Jackie Kennedy a personal tour of Buckingham Palace,the two women find themselves bonding over their respective positions as introverted women who have found themselves in the limelight.Surrounded by the Queen’s beloved corgis,both women admit they are happiest around animals and that their extroverted sisters would have been much better suited to their public roles.6.The underlined word“draining”(paragraph1)is the closest in meaning to“”.A.frustratingB.exhaustingC.demandingD.aspiring7.To be rescued immediately in a public engagement,the Queen would.A.end the event within five minutesB.place he handbag on the tableC.wave to her lady-in-waitingD.put her bag on the floor8.In the last paragraph,the underlined expression“the two women find themselves bonding over their respective positions”means that the two ladies.A.admire each otherB.help each other in publicC.grow closer to each otherD.show respect for each other9.Queen Elizabeth and Jackie Kennedy share the following traits or facts EXCEPT that.A.both have sistersB.both love animalsC.both enjoy being in publicD.both are introverted women10.The author’s attitude can be described as.A.neutralB.criticalC.pessimisticD.subjective Passage ThreeQuestions11to15are based on the following passage:Back when Disney products were to be watched,not experienced,Walt Disney had a vision: a theme park that felt like stepping into a magical new place.Now,we can finally witness Walt’s first dream.Before construction could start,Walt needed funding.He and his friend Herb Ryman put their heads together and mapped out their dream for the Disneyland that was still just a figment of their imaginations.In just one frenzied1953weekend,their idea came to life on paper—and you’ll notice both subtle differences from and remarkable similarities to the modern Anaheim, California,park.Like today,visitors would have entered the park into a Main Street USA-type area.The tunnels aren't as wide as they were imagined more than60years ago,but park-goers are still greeted with a train passing overhead as they make their way toward the magic.(Even with a modern Disneyland map,it's tough to find these secret Disney park spots you never knew existed.) Walt always hoped for a castle as a focal point of the park,but its real-life iteration changed from his initial dream.The first palace was a sprawling fortress,hiding a massive carousel(旋转木马)beyond its walls.Now,Sleeping Beauty Castle has more intricate spires,and King Arthur Carrousel takes its spins in Fantasyland,behind the palace.Walt’s vision for the Mark Twain steamboat circling around Tom Sawyer Island and its Pirate’s Lair(巢穴)hasn’t changed much,though at that point it was called Frontier Country instead of Frontierland.That wasn't the only name change,though.World of Tomorrow turned into Tomorrowland—and eventually lost its rocket.Astronauts walked on the moon14years after the park was built,making the Rocket to the Moon seem out-of-date.Meanwhile,True-Life Adventureland lost its first word,while most of the areas took on totally different themes.11.What was Walt Disney’s first dream?A.To build a theme parkB.To draw a map on paper.C.To travel in a magical place.D.To design a series of products.12.Before construction started,Walt Disney did the following things EXCEPT.A.getting fundingB.planning the parkC.drawing the park on paperD.daydreaming with a friend13.Which of the following park spots has not changed much since Walt’s vision came to life on paper?A.A Main Street area.B.World of Tomorrow.C.Sleeping Beauty Castle.D.True-Life Adventureland.14.How many name changes have been mentioned in this passage?A.One.B.TwoC.Three.D.Four.15.What is the theme of this passage?A.A tour in Disneyland.B.Walt Disney’s life story.C.The future of Disneyland.D.Walt Disney’s first dream.Passage ThreeQuestions16to20are based on the following passage:You’ve made it.You managed to navigate your way through the world’s largest airport without robot assistance;you breezed through security because you didn’t pack any items that get you flagged by the TSA;and you successfully boarded the plane.Now you’re comfortable in your seat in the(kind of incredibly germ-ridden)cabin,and there’s even a little bit of elbow room,asthe flight isn’t fully booked for once.With the hassle behind you,you settle in with your neck pillow,pop some Kenny G on your iPod,and get ready to spend quality time sleeping on a plane. And you’re about to make a huge mistake that will put your health at risk,as reported by Travel+ Leisure.It’s not because of the Kenny G.It’s the shuteye part.According to MedlinePlus,falling asleep during landing or takeoff could cause serious damage to your ears.It all has to do with the rapid changes in air pressure in the cabin.If you’re awake,a natural response to alleviate pressure on your eardrums during takeoff and landing is to'pop'them,to maintain a pressure equilibrium.If you’re sleeping on a plane,you can’t actively work to relax those muscles and release the tension,so you can become susceptible to dizziness,ear infections,eardrum damage,hearing loss and nose bleeds.‘A quick change in altitude affects the air pressure in the ear,’says Angel Chalmers,a British pharmacist,via Express.'This leads to a vacuum in the Eustachian tubes(咽鼓管)which makes the ears feel blocked and sound dull.'Keep those Eustachian tubes clear and keep those eyes open for at least another few minutes. Crack open that book you just bought in the terminal.After all,there are some major perks to buying your reading material at the airport.16.The underlined sentence“You’ve made it.”(Paragraph1)means that you have managed.A.to board the planeB.to get a bit of elbow roomC.to get ready to sleep after boardingD.to make yourself comfortable after boarding17.What would damage your health when the plane takes off or lands?ing a neck pillow.B.Shutting your eyes.C.Listening to music.D.Falling asleep.18.The underlined word“alleviate”(Paragraph2)is the closest in meaning to“”.A.increaseB.reduceC.maintainD.escape19.Having a vacuum in the Eustachian tubes during takeoff and landing could cause unpleasant symptoms to the following body parts EXCEPT.A.the throatB.the noseC.the earsD.the head20.The author suggests that you read a book during the plane taking off and landing.A.to amuse yourselfB.to stay awakeC.to keep your ears clearD.to make yourself comfortableFormat IIDirections:In the following passage,some sentences have been removed.For questions21to25, choose the most suitable sentence from choices A to G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices,which do not fit into and of the blanks.You should decide on the bestchoice and blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet.(10points)Whether it’s a hotel stay,shopping or dining ont,a vacation to Paris can be a pricey proposition.But there are plenty of ways to stretch your dollar in the City of Lights and have a high-end getaway.Barkley Hickcox,a Paris specialist and an owner of Local Foreigner,a travel consultancy, has a few tips to help travelers make the most of their Parisian getaway.21..The ideal time to visit Paris is between November and April,when hotel prices are at their lowest.Some high-end properties offer even further discounts if you a stay several months in advance.22..Families traveling to Paris should consider staying in a high-end apartment instead of a hotel, Ms.Hickcox said.“An apartment is less expensive than booking multiple rooms at a five-star hotel,and since you have a kitchen,you can save on food costs by eating in occasionally,“she said.23..Paris is known for fine cuisine,but rather than dining at one of the city’s renowned restaurants at dinnertime,go for lunch,when the tab will be much lower and the cuisine just as good.“You’ll find lots of great eateries where you can have dinner with wine for35to50euros a person,”she said.24..Ms.Hickcox’s favorite way to explore Paris is on foot.“You can fully appreciate the city’s beauty by walking,and it’s designed for walkers because there are walking paths and sidewalks everywhere,”she said.For longer distances,she suggested using the city’s bike share system,Velib.A weeklong pass costs15euros,and there are stations everywhere.There is another choice if you are not so much fond of biking.25.,Paris’subway system.It’s convenient,and you can buy daily and weekly passes.A.Dine outB.Eat smartC.Try the MetroD.Stay in a hotelE.Ditch taxis and carsF.Travel at the right timeG.Choose the right accommodationsSection B Banked Cloze(每小题1分,共10分)Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Please blacken the corresponding letter for each choice on The Answer Sheet.You may not use any of the words in the word bank more than once. (10points)I knew this woman who was afraid to tell people what she wanted.She didn’t know__26__ to say no.Instead,she got herself tangled in a web of obligations,anxiety,and white lies.She was __27__.__28__recently,I decided I’d had enough.As an experiment,I began__29__up for myself, even at the risk of alienating(疏远)everyone and having__30__entire life come crashing down around me.That didn’t happen.Here’s what did:I stopped making petty excuses.Saying“no”is so much easier.If someone asks me to do something I have zero interest __31__,I’m polite but honest.The phrase.”I’m sorry,I don’t think that’s really__32__me,“slips out my mouth faster than some lame excuse.My friends and family didn’t mind.__33__I stopped people-pleasing,no one cared.A good friend asked me to go for coffee at5PM.I was__34__to hit the gym.I said,“Sorry,I’ve got things I want to do tonight.”She said,“That’s fine.Maybe another time.”Learning how to say“no”has added several extra hours to my days,days__35__my weeks, and what feels like months to my years.Saying“no”has set me free.A.facingB.toC.herD.inE.forF.whatG.standingH.AndI.myJ.ButK.meL.WhenM.onN.planningO.howPart II Integrated Testing(30points,30minutes)Section A Cloze(每小题1分,共20分)Directions:There are20blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet.(20points)Brazilian Zarela Mosquera moved to the United States as a teenager.The adjustment to a new place was__36__.Mosquera says she became a bratty(顽皮的)teenager,as a result.But it was not just the__37__that affected her behavior.Mosquera says there was another major stress in herlife at that time:She was the only member of her__38__who spoke English.“Being in a country with my family that doesn’t speak Spanish and my parents don’t really speak__39__,my parents were trying to give me all these responsibilities.”Along with Spanish and English,Mosquera also speaks Portuguese.But there was another universal language she learned to love as a child:art.Zarela Mosquera connected with drawing and painting while in school.__40__she mostly dismissed art as a path to a career.She says her Dad__41__always say,“Think about the __42__.”Mosquera did not think he would support the study of__43__once she went to college.But,to her__44__,it was her parents who suggested just that.They urged her to__45__ to technical and liberal arts schools.“One of them was Rhode Island School of Design,which was like my__46__choice.”RISD,as it is called,__47__Mosquera as well.She enrolled in industrial design.“It’s basically to design__48__and services.I could be doing something technical or something more__49__to problem solving.Whether it’s__50__out a better way to filter water or developing a type of specific shelter__51__refugees for example.”Mosquera says the course of study was__52__including metal working,woodworking and model making.She says in one class she just drew cubes for an entire month,which led her to a__53__:“Wow!Do I really want to do this?”But,she says,she__54__the cube study.And, then she began__55__on more interesting projects.Mosquera is now a design strategist for Marshall Moya Design,an architecture and interior design company in Washington,D.C.36.A.successful B.important C.necessary D.difficult37.A.age B.growth C.adjustment cation38.A.family B.peers C.friends D.class39.A.Spanish B.English C.Portuguese D.French40.A.So B.Moreover C.And D.But41.A.could B.should C.would D.might42.A.time B.past C.present D.futurenguage B.art C.technology D.design44.A.disappointment B.surprise C.annoyance D.dissatisfaction45.A.apply B.cater C.adapt D.move46.A.top B.moral C.natural D.popular47.A.failed B.rejected C.chose D.urged48.A.machines B.shelters C.filters D.products49.A.adjusted B.related C.affiliated D.exposed50.A.figuring B.wiping C.filling D.ruling51.A.with B.for C.on D.in52.A.easy B.pleasant C.tough D.smooth53.A.question B.problem C.door D.road54.A.undertook B.funded C.started D.survived55.A.putting B.relying C.working D.counting非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。

2.文段中的加点词,运用不正确的一项是(3分)A.络绎不绝 B.跃然纸上C.关于 D.观照3.文段中画线的甲、乙、丙句,标点有误的一项是(2分)A.甲 B.乙C.丙4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(3分)A.出版社除了将本身的品牌作为吸引受众的内容进行推广,利用直播、短视频等形式传播外,图书营销还有在社交平台做线上活动这个必选项。


2018浙江专升本语文真题答案1、《望岳》的作者是()[单选题] *李白杜甫(正确答案)李贺李商隐2、1“寒舍”一般用于对自己住处的谦称。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错3、下面所列《红楼梦》中的信息,对应正确的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.林黛玉潇湘妃子《葬花吟》脖子上有金锁共读《西厢记》B.薛宝钗薛蟠之妹丰年好大雪金玉良缘魁夺菊花诗C.王熙凤贾琏之妻弄权铁槛寺凡鸟偏从末世来协理宁国府(正确答案)D.晴雯宝玉的丫鬟病补雀金裘拒绝给贾赦做妾撕扇子4、下列对有关名著的说明,不正确的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.宝玉神志不清,贾府决定给宝玉娶亲冲喜。
5、49. 下列句子中没有语病的一项是()[单选题] *A.两岸的豆麦和河底的水草,夹杂在水气中扑面的吹来。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)7、月光如流水一般,静静地()在这一片叶子和花上[单选题] *泻(正确答案)照浮8、下列选项中加着重号字注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、郯子tán 六艺经传zuàn 贻yíB、句读dòu 苌弘cháng 老聃ránC、阿谀yú授之书sòu 李蟠fánD、或不焉fǒu 谄媚chǎn 嗟乎jiē(正确答案)9、1叶子底下是()的流水,遮住了,不能见一些颜色。

1.《季氏将伐颛臾》所运用的论据中,属于历史材料的是( ) [单选题] *A.且在邦域之中矣B.先王以为东蒙主(正确答案)C.是社稷之臣也D.虎兕出于柙2.孟子用“五十步笑百步”说理的论证方法属于( ) [单选题] *A.由个别到一般B.由一般到个别C.在某些方面相反或对立的不同事物之间的比较D.在某些方面相同或相近的不同事物之间的比较(正确答案)3.欧阳修的《五代史伶官传序》是一篇( ) [单选题] *A.史论(正确答案)B.奏疏C.小说D.辞赋4.《左传》是一部( ) [单选题] *A.编年体的历史著作(正确答案)B.国别体的历史著作C.纪传体的历史著作D.纪传体的断代史著作5.《李将军列传》中李广将兵的特点是( ) [单选题] * A.行军无部伍行阵(正确答案)B.正部曲行伍营阵C.士吏治军簿至明D.谨于法度6.《种树郭橐驼传》采用的主要写作手法是( ) [单选题] * A.类比方法(正确答案)B.夸张手法C.讽刺手法D.拟人手法7.《氓》是一首( ) [单选题] *A.抒情诗B.叙事诗(正确答案)C.哲理诗D.寓言诗8.白居易的文学主张是( ) [单选题] *A.惟陈言之务去B.文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作(正确答案) C.文以载道D.以适用为本9.我国诗歌史上被称为“诗圣”的是( ) [单选题] * A.李白B.王维C.杜甫(正确答案)D.陶渊明10.下列诗人生活在盛唐的是( ) [单选题] * A.李白(正确答案)B.自居易C.李商隐D.陈子昂11.下列哪句诗运用了对比的手法( ) [单选题] * A.春花秋月何时了,往事知多少B.小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中C.雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改(正确答案) D.问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流12.苏轼、辛弃疾同为( ) [单选题] *A.婉约派词人B.豪放派词人(正确答案)C.风雅派词人D.北宋词人13.孔子认为他所生活的对代是( ) [单选题] *A.大同时代B.三代之英的时代C.小康时代D.礼崩乐坏的时代(正确答案)14.下列人物属于战国四公子之一的是( ) [单选题] * A.冯谖B.孟子C.庄子D.孟尝君(正确答案)15.闻一多提出的新格律诗的“三美”主张是( ) [单选题] * A.理想美、思想美、形式美B.色彩美、意境美、绘画美C.音乐美、绘画美、建筑美(正确答案)D.节奏美、音乐美、形式美16.下列句中加点字翻译有误的是( ) [单选题] *A.原庄宗之所以得天下原:推究本源B.冀君实或见恕也。




(2)A.不小气___________B.不束缚___________二、根据课内外阅读填空:(10分)1、我们快乐你――()吹奏的古曲,()唱出的新歌中,新歌的含义就是___________ 。
2、孔子之所以说水是真君子,是因为水___________ 、___________ 、___________ 、___________ 。
3、在清水田里,时常存有 ______________________ ,整个的田便变成了_____________________ 。
田的大小好象就是 ______________________ 。
4、本学期中我们认识了___________ 的海伦??凯勒,还从一些名言警句中懂得了一些道理,如从 ___________ 中懂得了______________________ 。
三、根据提供更多的情景核对(6分后)1、小华很不珍惜时间学习,可用___________ 这句谚语劝他。
2、我们即将毕业,直面朝夕相处六年的同学,心中非常合影留念,想要对他们说道___________ ,___________(填上一句诗)3、学校最近开展了创建文明校园的活动,少先队大队部向全校同学征集这方面的宣传标语,你的应征标语是: ___________ 。
谢天谢地,皮埃尔自言自语,克勒吉,现在你可以帕提亚了……1、这段课文中的`他是指___________ ,你是指___________ ;你就是他的 ___________ 。
帕提亚的意思就是___________ 。