电子信息工程 专业英语

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1.Translate the following phrases into English.

电子技术:Electronic Technology音频信号:Audio signal

真空二极管:vacuum diode 半导体材料: semiconductor material

分立元件:discrete component 大规模集成电路:large -scale integration circuit 电气触电:electrical contact 非线性特征: nonlinear characteristic

运算放大器:operational amplifier 稳压器: voltage regulator

反馈电路:feedback circuit 同相输入:non-inverting input 模拟计算机:analog computer 双列直插:dual-in-line

正弦波振荡器:sinusoidal oscillator 张弛振荡器:relaxation oscillator

数模转换: digital-to-analog converter信号处理:signal processing

实时处理系统:real time processing system

仿真器:emulator 存储单元:storage location

数字滤波器:digital filter 传感器:transducer

2.Translate the following phrases into Chinese.

Electromotive force电动势; nonlinear resistor非线性电阻器; magnetic field磁场; dielectric constant介电常数; electric charge电荷;

Information source信息来源; communication channel通信信道; message destination消息目的地; sensing element敏感元件;

Natural frequency自然频率; reversible effect可逆效应; mutual inductance互感; address generator地址发生器; optical fiber光纤;

Noise source噪声来源; Asynchronous transfer mode异步传输模式; negative feedback消极的反馈; alternating voltage交流电压;

Sensitive measuring circuit敏感的测量电路; variable resistor可变电阻器; induced emf感应电动势

3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

①Electronics is a field of engineering and applied physics dealing with the design and

application of devices, usually electronic circuits, the operation of which depends on the flow of electrons for the generation, transmission, reception, and storage of information.


②Incorporating an arrangement of semiconductor materials and electrical contacts, the

transistor provides the same functions as the vacuum tube but at reduced cost, weight, and power consumption and with higher reliability.


③The resistors are made from carbon mixtures, metal films, or resistance wire and have two

connecting wires attached. V ariable resistors, with an adjustable sliding contact arm, are often

used to control volume on radios and television sets.


④The ability of a capacitor to store electrical energy is termed capacitance. The capacitance is directly proportional to the dielectric constant of the material and to the area of the plates and inversely to the distance of the plates. It is measured in farads.


⑤Inductors consist of a conducting wire wound into the form of a coil. When a current passes through the coil, a magnetic field is set up around it that tends to oppose rapid changes in current intensity. ALL coils have inductance.


⑥The operational amplifier is the most important basic building block of all linear circuits. It has a wide range of applications in such fields as audio power amplifiers, timer, voltage regulators, sensitive measuring circuits, etc.


⑦The early operational amplifiers employed discrete components, but it is now much more convenient to employ an integrated circuits (IC). The circuit designers are not generally interested in the internal components of an integrated circuit, but only in the performance of the unit as a hole.


⑧The operational amplifier can be employed to generate square waves and can be made to perform a variety of mathematical operations by designing the feedback circuitry in such a way that the voltages at various parts of the circuit are proportional to the variables of interest. 答案:运算放大器可以用来产生方波,也可用是电路中各点的电压与感兴趣的变量成比例这样的方式设计负反馈电路,从而可用运算放大器来完成各种数学运算。

⑨A modern communications system is first concerned with the collation, processing and storage of information before its transmission. The accrual transmission then follows, with further processing and the combating of noise.


⑩A digital signal is a numerical representation of the analog signal. It may be easier and more cost effective to process these signals in the digital world. In the real world, we can convert these signals into digital signals through the analog-to-digital converter to process the signals.


十一With respect to DSP, the factor that distinguishes it from traditional computer analysis of data is its speed and efficiency in performing sophisticated digital processing functions such as filtering, FFT analysis, and data compression in real time.
